@CSGovts Thanks for the shoutout. I'm honored to serve as the first #Latina Rep from Boulder County. Much work to do around #healthcareaccess especially now during #COVID but first let's #VOTE #HispanicHeritageMonth
Carmelo Ríos @CarmeloRios • Nov 13
At a meeting of the advisory committee of @CSGovts discussing the achievements made this year and projects that we will launch during 2021.#TrabajandoPorTi #Experiencia #Liderato #Compromiso
Sen. Steiner-Hayward @ESHforOregon • Oct 27
During @CSGovts elections seminar, @StefWKight points out Gen Z much less likely to believe online disinformation since they’re much more familiar with social media algorithms, etc.
Rep. Donna Bullock@RepDonnaBullock • Nov 27
#BlackWomenLead #BlackWomenVote thank you @ CSGovts for highlighting the contributions of women in electoral politics.
Matt Wilhelm @WilhelmForNY • Nov 13
Congrats to the inaugural Council of State Governments' 20 Under 40 Leadership Awards!
Barb Byrum @BarbByrum • Oct 24
Thank you @CSGovts and @CSGovts_OVI for the PPE! #COVID19 #Vote
Bo Watson @SenBoWatson • Nov 23
Opened up “Capitol Ideas” from @CSGovts and...BOOM! My good friend and colleague @ElectPatsy featured. Awesome! @ TNGOP @hcgoptn @tnhousegop @robints @estherhelton5 @Todd_ Gardenhire @HakeemForHouse @RepMikeCarter @TNECD