girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
Dear Friends, As the 2012-2013 Girl Scout membership year begins, we are completing our historic 100th anniversary year as an organization and 50th year as a council. We are entering the next century with the same dedication to developing girls of courage, confidence and character we have had for our entire history. This year, we focus on how ToGetHerThere -- a multifaceted campaign to increase opportunities for girls’ leadership.
Program Highlights
The 2012-2013 GSCB Council Program Guide offers a significant increase in program opportunities for Girl Scouts of all ages up and down the Delmarva Peninsula. We have partnered with organizations such as Delaware State Parks, nature centers, museums, arts institutions and many others to develop new and unique programming that coordinates with the badge programs available in the Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting.
Grade Levels & Sections
Girl Scout Daisies, Grades K-1........................24 Girl Scout Brownies, Grades 2-3...................28 Girl Scout Juniors, Grades 4-5..................... 34 Girl Scout Cadettes, Grades 6-8..................42 Girl Scout Seniors, Grades 9-10................... 50 Girl Scout Ambassadors, Grades 11-12.......56 Adult & Volunteer Programs...........................62
Council Information
Yours in Girl Scouting,
Anne T. Hogan Chief Executive Officer
Lynne S. Shand Board Chair
girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
Older Girl Awards...............................................33 Leadership Application.................................... 61 Camp Information............................................ 66 Outdoor Equipment Rental Form................67
GS Cookie Program/ GS Fall Product Sales Program........................ 8 The Bay Shop...................................................... 68 Programs for all Girl Scout levels are listed in the individual grade level sections.
Newark, Delaware Newark Resource Center (NRC)
501 S. College Ave., Newark, DE 19713-1301 T: 302-456-7150 · F: 302-456-7188 Toll Free: 800-341-4007
Salisbury, Maryland Peninsula Resource Center (PRC)
1346 Belmont Ave., Ste. 601, Salisbury, MD 21804 T: 410-742-5107 · F: 410-742-9506 Toll Free: 800-374-9811
We continue our shift to “green” distribution, with the Council Program Guide available online, as well as the launch of the Family Connections eNews in fall 2012. Please take a moment to look through the exciting programs and plan for this new program year. We look forward to seeing Girl Scouts learning and growing at events all year long!
Many of the successful special events and programming from previous years will be back – including Engineering Your Tomorrow, Passport to Nursing, the Third Annual Thin Mint Run, the Women of Distinction programs and On My Honor: A Celebration of Achievement, which was launched in spring 2012 to recognize Girl Scout Gold, Silver and Bronze award recipients.
Office/Bay Shop Hours & Locations............. 2 General Information/Personify....................... 3 Registration Information................................... 4 Registration Form................................................. 5 Calendar Pages............................................... 7-23
Wilmington, Delaware Community Service Building (CSB) 100 W. 10th St., Ste. 610, Wilm., DE 19801-1632 T: 302-778-0293 · F: 302-778-0297 Office Hours (Labor Day-Memorial Day) NRC, CSB.......... M-F 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. PRC..................... M-F 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. All offices and Bay Shops close at 12 p.m., each Friday throughout the summer.
NRC Bay Shop
501 S. College Ave., Newark, DE 19713-1301 T: 302-456-7176 · F: 302-456-7188 Toll Free: 800-341-4007 Shop Hours:....... M, T, Th, F: 9:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. ............................... W: 9:30 a.m. – 7 p.m., Sat: 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
PRC Bay Shop
1346 Belmont Avenue, Ste. 601, Salisbury, MD 21804 T: 410-742-5107 · F: 410-742-9506 Toll Free: 800-374-9811 Shop Hours:....... M, T, Th, F: 10 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. ............................... W: 10 a.m. – 7 p.m., Sat.: 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. The Bay Shop also observes summer hours. The last Wednesday late closing will be May 22, 2013. The last Saturday opening will be May 18, 2013.
Joining Girl Scouts is simple!
Visit our website at and click on “Join the Girl Scouts” or contact us for more information on local area troops or opportunities by calling 800-341-4007.
Welcome to Personify is our online registration system for GSUSA membership registration and coming soon; program events, camp and adult learning courses.
All girls are invited to attend any of the awesome events listed in the Council Program Guide. If the girl is not a registered Girl Scout, we simply ask that you go online to, fill out a membership form and pay the $12 membership fee in addition to the event cost. You may attend with your troop, bring a friend or just come join the fun with your fellow Girl Scout sisters!
Get Involved: Volunteer
Become a part of Girl Scouts and you can discover the fun, friendship and power of girls. Whether you’re a girl, college student, parent or adult (male or female) looking to make a difference in a girl’s life, there is something for you in Girl Scouts.
Features for Troop Leaders
Patch Programs
As a troop leader, you can use “Troop Management” to: • Manage your troop members’ contact information. • Communicate with troop members using e-mail from within the system. • Print membership cards for troop members. • Create and print a troop roster. • Re-register your troop. • Register troop members for program events (coming soon).
Religious Recognitions
Features for Individuals
Who Can Go to an Event?
GSCB has a variety of patch programs to enrich and supplement the group experience with fun opportunities to discover, connect and take action. See our website,, for specific information about these patches.
Religious recognitions are developed and administered by each of the major religious groups. Through Girl Scouting, each girl is encouraged to become a stronger member of her own religion. Girls who choose to participate in one of these programs do so outside the regular troop meetings with a group of girls guided by a spiritual counselor or with their own families. For more information, please visit or call 800-933-7729.
As an individual, you can: • Keep your contact information up-to-date. • Register online for program events, resident camp and adult learning courses (coming soon). • Pay your annual membership dues and print your membership card. • Make a donation to Girl Scouts of the Chesapeake Bay.
Adult/Girl Ratios
Features for Parents/Guardians
Siblings and Friends
As a parent/guardian, you can: • Keep your daughter’s contact information up-to-date. • Register her online for program events and resident camp (coming soon). • Pay her annual membership dues and print her membership card. • Make a donation to Girl Scouts of the Chesapeake Bay.
A minimum of two registered adults (unrelated) must accompany every troop to an event, unless otherwise noted in the event description. Please consult Volunteer Essentials for exact ratio information. Individually registered girls must be accompanied by one adult. When a program specifies that adult attendance is not required, a medical release form and parent permission slips must be provided to the program leader. Our primary goal is to provide quality programming to girls. As a result, there may not be space available above the adult-to-girl ratios. Female siblings and friends are welcome to join us if they meet the grade level requirements of the program. If they are not registered Girl Scouts, they will simply need to pay a $12 membership fee, in addition to the event cost, and complete the online membership form at Please do not bring children who are not within the grade level requirement unless noted in the event description. Boys are welcome to attend events only if specifically noted.
Help Desk
If you need help getting started in Personify or have a problem with one of the functions, please contact our help desk staff. Available Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. 800-341-4007 x 7161 302-456-7161 girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
To register for programs, please use the Event Registration Form found on page 5 or at Registrations can also be accepted over the phone with payment by credit card. When filling out your registration form, please be sure to include the name of the event for which you are registering.
Send Registrations to: Girl Scouts of the Chesapeake Bay 501 S. College Ave., Newark, DE 19713-1301 For questions, call: T: 302-456-7182 or 800-341-4007 ext. 7182 F: 302-456-7188
Include full payment with all registrations. You may pay with a troop debit card, a Visa/ MasterCard/Discover/American Express credit card, check or cash. Checks need to be written in blue or black ink. Please make checks payable to GSCB and include phone number and driver’s license number on the front of check. Please do not send cash through the mail. Payments will be processed as they arrive at the GSCB Resource Center in Newark.
Cancellations and Refunds
Please list all participants, including girls and adults, by the name used on their Membership Form. Please do not use nicknames and be sure to spell their names correctly. If you are planning to bring girls who are not yet registered members, you need to register them for the event with Event Registration Form. Please include a Membership Registration Form and $12 Girl Scout membership fee. (Membership Registration Form may be completed online at If the participant is not yet in Kindergarten, you must still pay the fee for the program. No additional Girl Scout registration fee is required.
Events are held rain or shine unless inclement weather would adversely affect the program. In those cases, participants will be notified of cancellation and/or rescheduling of programs. If GSCB cancels an event for any reason or cannot place participants in the event of their choice, GSCB will issue a complete refund of the registration fee. If the minimum number of participants is not registered 14 days prior to the program date, the program will be cancelled. Once the minimum number is met, registration will remain open until the maximum number is reached. Cancellation and refund requests must be made in writing. Thirty days written notice is required to receive 50 percent of registration fees of $7.50 or more per individual.No refunds will be issued if less than 30 days written notice is given, unless for medical reasons. Refunds for medical reasons will only be processed if notification is made before the event or within one week following the event, accompanied by a doctor’s note. No refunds will be issued for individuals who do not show for their scheduled event. If applicable, the $12 Girl Scout membership fee is also non-refundable.
Financial Assistance
List All Participants
Girl Scouts of the Chesapeake Bay is grateful to the many individuals, service clubs and businesses for their support of the Financial Assistance program. GSCB also receives funding for financial assistance from the Wilmington Flower Market, the Christmas Shop, the United Fund of Talbot County and the United Ways of Delaware, the Lower Eastern Shore of MD, the Virginia Eastern Shore and Cecil and Kent counties. Financial Assistance is available for all Girl Scout events unless otherwise noted. The Financial Assistance Form can be found on the bottom right of the Event Registration Form on page 5. Please complete and mail to the Newark Resource Center. For more information, contact GSCB at 800-341-4007. girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
Once we receive your registration, you will be sent a receipt via email (troop leaders will receive confirmation for troop registrations). This lets you know you have been registered for the event or you are on the waiting list. If a program is not filled by the closing date, it may be cancelled and you will be notified by email.
girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
September 2012
This Month in GS History...
September 1943
The first official Girl Scout calendar, dated 1944, is produced by the national organization for council and troop fundraising in place of cookies, which most bakers were unable to supply due to war-time rationing of ingredients.
Monday 26
Highlights this month...
5 - Volunteer Essentials............................................................................. pg 64 15 - Make the World a Better Place & Use Resources 25 15 - Miraculous Monarchs..................................................................pgs 29, 35 15 - Rock Climbing Adventurer............................................pgs 35, 43, 51, 57 16 - Rock Climbing Adventurer...........................................pgs 35, 43, 51, 57 19 - GS Silver Award 43 19 - GS Gold Award Education..........................................................pgs 51, 57 19 - GS Gold Award Reviews..............................................................pgs 51, 57 19 - Volunteer Essentials............................................................................ pg 64 22 - Farm & Food Adventure............................................................pgs 35, 43 22 - Outdoor 35 22 - Archery 43 22 - GSCB Archery Certification 63 23 - GSCB Essentials to River 63 26 - GS Silver Award 43 26 - GS Gold Award Education.........................................................pgs 51, 57 26 - Volunteer Essentials........................................................................... pg 64 29 - What’s Bugging You? 29 29 - Habitat 35 29-30 - Outdoor Education, Camping 65
Offices and Bay Shops Closed
Volunteer Essentials Bay Shop begins Wednesday night hours.
Bay Shop begins Saturday hours.
Make the World a Better Place & Use Resources Wisely
Miraculous Monarchs Rock Climbing Adventurer
Rock Climbing Adventurer
GS Silver Award Ed.
Farm & Food Adventure
Outdoor Adventurers
GS Gold Award Ed. GS Gold Award Reviews
Archery Adventures GSCB Archery Cert. Training
Volunteer Essentials
Back To Troop Open House at the Bay Shops
GSCB Essentials to River Kayaking
September Bay Shop Specials
All month - 15 percent off all Chesapeake Bay logo items. Spend $60, receive $5 in Bay Shop Bucks. Blockbuster sale: Wednesday, September 26.
GS Silver Award Ed.
What’s Bugging You?
GS Gold Award Ed.
Habitat Homes
Volunteer Essentials
Camping Basics
The Bay Shops Blockbuster
Camping Basics
Every girl has greatness inside her. Yet she faces barriers she can’t withstand alone: a lack of role models, unhealthy images of beauty, peer pressure to not stand out, and a mean-girl culture. Girl Scouts can help. Visit for more information. girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
2013 Girl Scout Cookie Program What can a Girl do? A World of Good! Create a world of good!
With your guidance and the power of Girl Scout cookies, girls can make positive changes in the world around them. Girls can speak for those less fortunate, foster changes where they are needed and have a true impact both close to home and on the other side of the world. This year’s cookie program encourages girls to set high goals and use some cookie money to make the world a better place. They will grow in ways you never dreamed possible.
Girl Scout cookies do a World of Good
The Girl Scout Cookie Program is lots of fun. But it’s also the largest girl-led business in the country and helps girls develop five key business and leadership skills that last a lifetime: 1. Goal Setting–as she sets cookie sales goals and makes a plan to reach them. 2. Decision-Making-as she helps decides how her team will spend their cookie money. 3. Money Management–as she takes cookie orders and handles customer’s money. 4. People Skills–as she learns how to talk to and listen to all kinds of people while selling cookies. 5. Business Ethics–as she is honest and responsible at every step of the way.
2013 is the 10th Anniversary of Operation: Taste of Home, Making a World of Difference...One Cookie Package at a Time
For a decade, Girl Scouts have brought a touch of home to military troops around the world by sending cookies to U.S. military troops around the world or to those in need of a treat on the Delmarva Peninsula by collecting cookie donations for Operation Taste of Home. Invite customers to participate in this project by purchasing one or more boxes of cookies to be sent to troops far away from home, or given to those in need locally. With Operation: Taste of Home, customers can give to others while supporting Girl Scouting at the same time.
2012 Fall Product Sales Program Every fall, GSCB conducts a Fall Product Sales Program. This is a family and friends program, where Girl Scouts take orders for nuts/ candy and magazines directly from family members and friends. The combined QSP/Nut Program provides Girl Scout troops with funds for more activities and trips during the first half of the year.
Ordering and/or Renewing your family and friends’ favorite magazines.
Girl Scouts contact family and friends asking them to renew or subscribe to their favorite magazines. They can contact family and friends via email through QSP’s online magazine ordering system and will earn troop proceeds and incentives for each subscription purchased.
Friendly Referrals using Address Adventure
Girl Scouts can ask out-of-town family and friends to help support Girl Scouts by completing the special referral coupons in the mail-out booklets. QSP will mail information twice about purchasing their favorite publications at the same low prices.
Great Tasting Nuts and Candy
The nut and candy portion of the program offers family and friends the option to support Girl Scouts by purchasing high-quality, delicious nuts and candy. The nuts and candies are attractively packaged, will be delivered before the winter holidays and make thoughtful gifts.
Girl Fun!
Girls can log on to to check out the new and interactive website. Girls can engage in fun and educational games that challenge and entertain them as they run the day to day operations of the “Nut Factory”. Additional resources like goal posters, goal setting and goal certificates will also be available on the website.
Troops can earn both patches!
Two patches, one activity: GSCB Goal Setting Patch Program. Look for complete details with the Fall Product Sales Program materials. To receive Goal Setting Patches for the girls in the troop:
1. The girls in the troop must discuss and set goals for the 2012/2013 Girl Scout program year. 2. Complete the Goal Setting Patch Program Worksheet and Patch Order Form. To earn both patches, turn form into your service unit with your FPSP paperwork. To earn just the Goal Getter patch, turn form into the service unit by January 15. 3. Participate in the 2012 Fall Product Sales Program with at least $50 in sales. 4. Participate in the 2013 Cookie Program. girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
This Month in GS History...
October 2012
October 1919
The first nationwide celebrations of Girl Scout Week takes place. It includes October 31, Juliette Low’s birthday.
Monday 30
Fall Product Sales Program begins.
Tuesday 1
Volunteer Essentials
Wednesday 3
Robot Fun! Fun with Robotics! Healthy Mind! Healthy Body! Bugs
Highlights this month...
1 - Fall Product Sales Program 8 2 - Volunteer Essentials............................................................................ pg 64 6 - Robot Fun! 35 6 - Fun With Robotics!.............................................................................. pg 44 6 - Healthy Mind! Healthy Body! 25 6 - Bugs.......................................................................................................... pg 29 13 - Poetry of Hip Hop...................................................................... pgs 35, 43 13 - Woodworker Badge-Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum... pg 43 13 - Jumpstart - Creating Your Own Screenplay or Novel....pgs 43, 52 14 - Rock Climbing Adventurer.........................................pgs 35, 43, 51, 57 17 - GS Gold Award Reviews.............................................................pgs 51, 57 19-21 - 100th Centennial Jamboree......... pgs 25, 29, 35, 44, 52, 57, 63 20 - Animal Habitats.................................................................................. pg 36 20 - Teamwork Technology - Geocaching Fun!............................... pg 36 20 - Geocaching Techno Girls............................................................... pg 44 20 - Trees, Trees, Trees............................................................................ pg 44 24 - Volunteer Essentials......................................................................... pg 64 26 - Sudden Opportunities due....................... pgs 25, 29, 36, 44, 52, 58 27 - Fall Harvest at the Mill.................................. pgs 25, 29, 36, 44, 52, 58 27 - Bugs in the Museum.......................................................................... pg 29 27 - The In’s and Out’s of Gardening................................................... pg 36 28 - Dancer Badge - Delaware Dance Company............................ pg 29
13 Woodworker Badge at CBMM Jumpstart - Creating Your Own Screenplay or Novel Poetry of Hip Hop
14 Rock Climbing Adventurer
Bay Shop Annual Sale through October 27
100th Anniversary Centennial Jamboree
19 100th Anniversary Centennial Jamboree
GS Gold Award Review
26 Sudden Opportunities Applications Due
Volunteer Essentials
20 100th Anniversary Centennial Jamboree Animal Habitats Teamwork Technology Trees, Trees, Trees Geocaching Technogirls Newark Bay Shop closed.
27 Fall Harvest at the Mill Bugs in the Museum The In’s and Out’s of Gardening
October Bay Shop Specials
Annual sale, October 15-27. All fun patches: 10 percent off.
With your help, she’s one step closer to breaking through those barriers and blossoming into her full potential. Your time as a mentor will give her the environment she needs to pursue the interests, causes, and leadership roles that are most important to her. She’ll learn from you that being a scientist, a CEO, or a stay-at-home mom are all paths she can take to change the world.
Dancer Badge with Delaware Dance Company
Juliette Low’s Birthday
Follow us on Twitter! @gschesapeakebay girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
This Month in GS History...
November 2012
November 1992
GSUSA, in collaboration with the National Institute of Justice, begins Girl Scouts Beyond Bars, a program that offers Girl Scout activities to girls whose mothers are incarcerated. GSCB currently has a Girl Scouts Beyond Bars program at the Baylor Correctional Institute.
Highlights this month...
2 - Critter 25 2 - Bugs and Critters That 29 2 - Crime Scene 37 2-4 - In-Spa-Ration............................................................... pgs 36, 44, 52, 58 3 - Hiker - Ward Museum............................................................ pgs 29, 36, 45 3 - The Spice Box.......................................................................................... pg 30 3 - GS Silver Award 43 3 - GS Gold Award Education............................................................pgs 51, 57 3 - Healthy Mind! Healthy Body!.............................................................. pg 44 3 - 45 3 - Raucous Robots.............................................................................pgs 52, 58 3 - Volunteer Essentials............................................................................. pg 64 7 - Volunteer Essentials.............................................................................. pg 64 9 - Staying Fit With 37 9-11 - Girls’ Night Out - Camp Todd................................................pgs 30, 37 10 - Passport to Nursing.....................................................................pgs 30, 37 10 - Painting Badge - Biggs Museum...................................................... pg 30 10 - 37 10 - Night Owl - Salisbury 45 10 - Travel Opportunities Learning 45 10 - Volunteer Essentials........................................................................... pg 64 11 - Not Just a Picture - Taking and Editing the 37 14 - GS Gold Award Reviews..............................................................pgs 51, 57 16 - People to People - Costa Rica...........................................pgs 30, 37, 45 17 - Travel Opportunities Learning 45 17 - Samplers, Sketchbooks, and 37 17 - Photos for Art and 45 17 - Hiker Girls................................................................................................. pg 30 17-18 - Troop Camp 65 18 - On My Honor.............................................................pgs 33, 38, 45, 52, 58 30-Dec 1 - Sights and Sounds - Night Skies and Photography..... pg 46
November Bay Shop Specials
All Christmas items: 15 percent off.
Monday 28
Wednesday 31
Thursday 1
Like us on Facebook!
Critter Clues Bugs and Critters That Crawl Crime Scene Sleuth
Volunteer Essentials
Staying Fit With Yoga
In-Spa-Ration Hiker - Ward Museum The Spice Box GS Silver Award Ed. GS Gold Award Ed. Healthy Mind! Healthy Body! Netiquette Raucous Robots Volunteer Essentials
Passport to Nursing Girls’ Night Out
Girls’ Night Out
Painting Badge at the Biggs Museum Geocacher Night Owl at the Salisbury Zoo Travel Opportunities Volunteer Essentials
Girls’ Night Out
GS Gold Award Reviews
Not Just a Picture
People to People Costa Rica
Travel Opportunities
Samplers, Sketchbooks, and Secrets Troop Camp Training Hiker Girls Photos for Art and Memories
Troop Camp Training
Offices and Bay Shops Closed
On My Honor
Offices and Bay Shops Closed
Sights and Sounds
Bay Shops Closed
Bay Shop Rebate Program receipts and rebate form due
In Girl Scouting, a girl uses her unique talents to become the kind of leader she wants to be. Girl Scouts practice being leaders in their daily lives so they can become the future leaders the world needs. girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
This Month in GS History...
December 2012
December 1995
Dedication ceremony held in December for new lodge at Camp Todd, called Lakeview Lodge.
Monday 25
Saturday 30
Program Aide Ed. GS Silver/Gold Award Ed. Sights and Sounds Sounds and Sights Painting Healthy Mind! Healthy Body!
Highlights this month...
Nov 30-Dec 1 - Sights and Sounds - Night Skies and 46 1 - Program Aide Education - Core......................................................... pg 46 1 - Program Aide Education - Specialty, Troop Basics..................... pg 46 1 - Painting.......................................................................................pgs 30, 38, 46 1-2 - Sounds and Sights - Night Skies and 38 1 - GS Silver Award 43 1 - GS Gold Award Education.............................................................pgs 51, 57 1 - Healthy Mind! Healthy Body!............................................................... pg 44 8 - Program Aide Education - Core........................................................ pg 46 8 - Program Aide Education - Specialty, Troop Basics.................... pg 46 8 - Owls and Stars at White Clay Creek State Park.................. pgs 46, 53 15 - Bugs........................................................................................................... pg 30 15 - Child and Babysitting Safety 47 15- Volunteer-in-Training . .................................................................pgs 53, 57 19 - GS Gold Award Reviews..............................................................pgs 51, 57
Sounds and Sights
“Me and My Gal” holiday shopping night at Bay Shops
Program Aide Ed.
Owls and Star at White Clay Creek State Park
“Me and My Gal” holiday shopping night at Bay Shops
Child and Babysitting Safety Course Volunteer-in-Training
GS Gold Award Reviews
December Bay Shop Specials
Purchase a gift card for $25 or more and receive $5 Bay Shop Bucks to redeem instantly.
Let’s Talk: Women make up only 6.5 percent of the science advisory board members at U.S. high-tech firms. Yet 74 percent of teen girls say they’re interested in STEM subjects and fields. (Source: Overcoming the Gender Gap: Women Entrepreneurs as Economic Drivers, Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, 2011. Generation STEM: What Girls Say about Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math, Girl Scout Research Institute, 2012.)
Christmas Eve
Offices and Bay Shops Closed
New Year’s Eve
Offices and Bay Shops Closed
Offices and Bay Shops Closed
Offices and Bay Shops Closed
Offices and Bay Shops Closed
Offices and Bay Shops Closed
Offices and Bay Shops Closed
girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
This Month in GS History...
January 2013
January 2003
First year of GSCB’s Operation Taste of Home – more than 8,900 boxes of cookies were sent to U.S. Armed Forces overseas.
Monday 30
Tuesday 31
Wednesday 1
New Year’s Day Offices and Bay Shops Closed
Bay Shops Closed
Thursday Bay Shops Closed
Bay Shops Closed
Saturday 4
Healthy Mind! Healthy Body! Girl Scout Cookie Program begins Bay Shops Closed
Highlights this month...
5 - Healthy Mind! Healthy Body!............................................................... pg 44 5 - Girl Scout Cookie Program begins........................................................ pg 8 11-13 - Winter Camp - Camp Grove Point..........pgs 26, 30, 38, 47, 53, 59 11 - Teen Member Board of Directors Applications due..........pgs 53, 59 11 - GSCB Committees and Task Groups Applications due...pgs 53, 59 12 - Winter Camp - Grove Point, day...................pgs 26, 30, 38, 47, 53, 59 12 - Explore the Magic of Motion............................................... pgs 47, 53, 59 16 - GS Gold Award Reviews...............................................................pgs 51, 57 19 - Celebrating Community..................................................................... pg 30 19 - Winter Camp - Camp Todd................................................ pgs 26, 30, 38 19 - Winter Trees at Chestnut Hill 47 19 - Volunteer Essentials............................................................................. pg 64 21 - Winter Camp - Camp Sandy Pines.................................. pgs 26, 30, 38 26 - 31 26 - Raucous Robots............................................................................pgs 52, 58 26 - 45 26 - Volunteer Essentials............................................................................ pg 64 26-27 - Camping 65 26 - GS Silver Award 43 26 - GS Gold Award Education..........................................................pgs 51, 57
Winter Camp, Camp Grove Point
Bay Shops Closed
15 Watch for our 2013 Summer Camp Guide!
GS Gold Award Reviews
Winter Camp, Camp Grove Point
Winter Camp, Camp Grove Point
Teen Member Board of Directors Applications due.
Winter Camp, Camp Grove Point, day program
GSCB Committees and Task Groups Applications due.
Explore the Magic of Motion
Celebrating Community Winter Camp, Camp Todd Winter Trees at Chestnut Hill Farm Volunteer Essentials
Winter Camp, Camp Sandy Pines
Camping Basics Raucous Robots
Offices and Bay Shops Closed
January Bay Shop Specials
Netiquette Volunteer Essentials
Additional 20 percent off all clearance items.
GS Gold Award Ed. GS Silver Award Ed.
Amazingly, women account for less than 20 percent of the bachelor’s degrees in engineering, computer science and physics. Yet when today’s girls graduate from college, the U.S. will need 3 million more scientists and engineers. (Source: Why So Few? Women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, AAUW, 2010. U.S. Department of Labor, 2003.)
27 Camping Basics
31 Good Turn for 1 Goodwill
Good Turn for Goodwill encourages Girl Scouts to donate to Goodwill. Girls can earn patches and the troop who has the best per girl average will win a mystery party. See our website, www. in January 2013 for more information. The program runs through February.
girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
Third Annual Thin Mint 5K Run/Walk Sunday, April 14, 2013 Wilmington Riverfront See Grade Level Sections for more information.
girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
This Month in GS History...
February 2013
February 1989
DuPont hosts the First Annual Engineering Your Tomorrow Event, now in its 24th year.
Monday 27
Tuesday 28
2 Pockets to Petticoats Sounds and Sights
Sounds and Sights
8 Girl Scout Cookie Booth Sales begin
Not Just a Picture
Highlights this month...
Maryland Legislative Day (date TBA)...................................... pgs 47, 53, 59 2 - Pockets to 38 2-3 - Sounds and Sights - Night Skies and Photography......... pgs 38, 46 8 - Girl Scout Cookie Booth Sales begin................................................... pg 8 9 - Not Just a Picture - Taking and Editing the 37 15 - Night 53 16 - Home 31 16 - Tubing Around!.................................................................pgs 38, 47, 54, 59 20 - GS Gold Award Reviews..............................................................pgs 51, 57 23 - Engineering Your 47 23 - Powerful First Impression...................................................pgs 47, 54, 59 23 - Night Owl.................................................................................................. pg 48
15 Night Sky
16 Home Scientist Tubing Around!
February Bay Shop Specials
GS Gold Award Reviews
World Thinking Day
23 Engineering Your Tomorrow Powerful First Impression
All cookie-themed items: 10 percent off. Bag bonanza: 20 percent off all Girl Scout bags.
Night Owl
Girl Scout volunteers are part of a movement of nearly one million other volunteers helping girls make a lasting impact on the world. Your interests and life experiences make you the perfect person to be a new kind of role model for girls, someone who creates a safe environment where girls work together and every girl feels free to work toward her highest aspirations.
girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
Family Partnership Campaign 2013
Family involvement in Girl Scouting, both personal and financial, is essential to support troops and the council. A financial contribution to the Family Partnership Campaign will help in the continued growth and development of a quality programs, provide safe facilities, and provide a wide variety of opportunities for girls and adult volunteers. Every donation makes a difference in the lives of girls today and tomorrow as we pave the way for future generations of female leaders. For more information please contact the Fund Development Department at 410-742-5107/800-374-9811 or visit our website, Please consider investing in the future of Girl Scouts.
girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
March 2013
Highlights this month...
2 - Healthy Mind, Healthy 25 2 - Robot Fun! 35 3 - Photos For Art and Memories - Taking Pictures and Editing.. pg 45 9 - Bugs in the 29 9 - Girls on the American Home Front......................................... pgs 31, 39 9 - The Spice Box........................................................................................ pg 30 9 - Samplers, Sketchbooks, and 37 9 - Fun With Robotics!............................................................................... pg 44 9 - Volunteer-In-Training...................................................................pgs 53, 58 9 - Program Aide Education - Core....................................................... pg 46 9 - Program Aide Education - Specialty, Outdoor Skills................. pg 46 12 - Northern Women of Distinction Celebration............pgs 48, 54, 59 16 - Dancer Badge - Delaware Dance 29 16 - Teamwork Technology - Geocaching Fun! 36 16 - Drawing Badge - Biggs 39 16 - Creative Writing in the 39 16 - Playing the 39 16 - 39 16 - Geocaching Techno Girls................................................................. pg 44 16 - Program Aide Education - Core..................................................... pg 46 16 - Program Aide Education - Specialty, Outdoor Skills............... pg 46 16-17 - Camping 65 20 - GS Gold Award Proposal Reviews.........................................pgs 51, 57 22 - Critter 25 22 - Bugs and Critters That 29 22 - Crime Scene 37 23 - Wonders of the Night Sky............................pgs 26, 31, 39, 48, 54, 60 23 - Bugs: Our Small Animal 31 23 - GS Silver Award Education.............................................................. pg 43 23 - GS Gold Award Education........................................................pgs 51, 57 23 - Netiquette............................................................................................. pg 45 23 - Raucous Robots..........................................................................pgs 52, 58 23 - Digital Photography - Ward Museum...........................pgs 48, 54, 60 23 - Child and Babysitting Safety 47 23 - Sky............................................................................................................ pg 54
Monday 24
Thursday 28
Saturday 1
Robot Fun! Healthy Mind, Healthy Body
Photos for Art and Memories
Camping Basics
Bay Shops: Annual March Sale all week
Girl Scout Birthday
Northern Women of Distinction Celebration
Bay Shops: Blockbuster Wednesday
GS Gold Award Reviews
Critter Clues
Bugs and Critters That Crawl Crime Scene Sleuth
Offices and Bay Shops Closed
Girls on the American Home Front Bugs in the Museum The Spice Box Samplers, Sketchbooks and Secrets Fun with Robotics! Volunteer In Training Program Aide Ed.
Dancer Badge Geocaching Gardener Playing the Past Teamwork Technology Drawing Badge Creative Writing Program Aide Ed. Camping Basics
Netiquette Raucous Robots Wonders of the Night Sky Bugs... GS Silver Award Ed. GS Gold Award Ed. Digital Photography Child and Babysitting Safety Course Sky - Iron Hill
30 Bay Shops Closed
March Bay Shop Specials
Bridging Kits available. Blockbuster Wednesday: March 13, 2013.
By enrolling a girl in Girl Scouts, you are preparing her to be part of a world where gender-balanced leadership is the norm, and where women and men play an equal role in making decisions that change our world.
This Month in GS History...
March 1999
First Annual Women of Distinction event held at the Hotel du Pont
girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
April 2013
Highlights this month...
4 - Alapocas After Dark................................................................pgs 31, 39, 48 5 - Critter Clues.............................................................................................. pg 25 5 - Crime Scene Sleuth................................................................................ pg 37 5 - Bugs and Critters That Crawl.............................................................. pg 29 6 - Letterboxing/Geocaching on the Wilmington Riverfront....pgs 31, 39 6 - Nature’s Wonders in Watercolor........................................................ pg 31 6 - Drawing 40 6 - GS Silver Award Education.................................................................. pg 43 6 - GS Gold Award Education............................................................ pgs 51, 57 6 - Netiquette................................................................................................. pg 45 6 - Raucous Robots............................................................................. pgs 52, 58 6-7 - Troop Camp Training......................................................................... pg 65 12 - People to People - Italy........................................................ pgs 31, 40, 48 12 - Lower Shore Women of Distinction Luncheon......... pgs 48, 55, 60 13 - Hiker Habits.....................................................................................pgs 26, 31 13 - Buds and 40 13 - Bark, Buds and 48 13-14 - Outdoor Education, Camping Basics....................................... pg 65 14 - Thin Mint 5K Run/Walk............................. pgs 26, 31, 40, 48, 55, 60, 63 17 - GS Gold Award Reviews............................................................... pgs 51, 57 19-21 - Earth Day - Camp Todd............................pgs 27, 32, 40, 49, 55, 60 20 - Earth Day - Camp Todd, day........................pgs 27, 32, 40, 49, 55, 60 20 - Water Power!.......................................................................................... pg 32 20 - The Zen of 40 20 - Animal 40 20 - Volunteer-In-Training................................................................. pgs 53, 58 24 - Annual Meeting...................................................................................... pg 63 26 - Mid-Shore WOD Luncheon.............................................. pgs 49, 55, 60 27 - Miss Spider’s Tea Party . .............................................................pgs 27, 32 28 - Women in 49
April Bay Shop Specials
Monday 31
Tuesday 1
Wednesday 2
Thursday Alapocas After Dark
Saturday 5
Critter Clues Crime Scene Sleuth
Letterboxing and Geocaching Nature’s Wonders. Drawing Nature
Bugs and Critters That Crawl
GS Silver Award Ed. GS Gold Award Ed. Netiquette Raucous Robots Troop Camp Training
Troop Camp Training
People to People - Italy
Hiker Habits
Lower Shore Women of Distinction Luncheon
Buds and Blooms Bark, Buds and Blooms Camping Basics
Outdoor Education Camping Basics
GS Gold Award Reviews
Earth Day, Camp Todd
Earth Day, Camp Todd Water Power!
3rd Annual Thin Mint 5K Run/Walk
The Zen of Gardening Animal Habitats Volunteer in Training
21 Earth Day, Camp Todd
Selected girl and adult recognition gifts: 10 percent off. Spring fun patches: 10 percent off.
26 Mid-Shore Women of Distinction Luncheon
Annual Meeting at the Modern Maturity Center
Girl Scout Leader’s Day
27 Miss Spider’s Tea Party
Did you know only one in five girls believes she has the key qualities required to be a good leader? Yet the public believes that women – even more than men – have what it takes to be leaders in today’s world. (Source: Change It Up! What Girls Say About Redefining Leadership, Girl Scout Research Institute, 2008. Men or Women: Who’s the Better Leader? Pew Research Center, 2008.)
Women in Aviation
2 This Month 3 in
GS History... April 2009
The Science and Technology Lodge, later named after Lynn W. Williams, opens on Earth Day at Camp Country Center
girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
This Month in GS History...
May 2013
May 2003
Women in Aviation event developed, a partnership between GSCB and the Delaware 99s, a local chapter of an international group of women pilots, to expose girls to the world of aviation.
Monday 28
Thursday 2
Saturday 3
Taste of Girl Scout Camp - Camp Todd
GSCB Archery Certification Training
Camp Todd Open House
Critter Clues
Netiquette Animal Habitats
Bugs and Critters That Crawl
Camp Grove Point Open House
Taste of Girl Scout Camp - Camp Grove Point
Taste of Girl Scout Camp - Camp Grove Point GS Silver Award Ed. GS Gold Award Ed. Crime Scene Sleuth Raucous Robots
GSCB Essentials to River Kayaking
Program Aide Education
GS Gold Award Reviews
Rockin’ and Raftin’ Weekend
Flowers Rockin’ and Raftin’
Home Sweet Home GSCB Archery Certification GSCB Zipline Certification Nocturnal Nature Tree-Mendous Trees Bay Shops last Saturday opening until September
Rockin’ and Raftin’
Camp Country Center Open House
Bay Shops last Wednesday evening opening until September
Camp Sandy Pines Open House GSCB Canoe and Kayak Certification Training
May Bay Shop Specials
Scrapbook and sticker items: 10 percent off. Spend $60, receive $5 in Bay Shop Bucks.
Pockets to Petticoats
Highlights This Month…
4 - Taste of Camp - Camp Todd..........................pgs 27, 32, 41, 49, 55, 60 4 - Pockets to Petticoats........................................................................... pg 38 4 - GSCB Archery Certification 63 5 - Camp Todd Open House.................................pgs 27, 32, 41, 49, 55, 60 5 - Camp Grove Point Open House...................pgs 27, 32, 41, 49, 55, 60 5 - GSCB Essentials to River Kayaking................................................... pg 63 10 - Critter Clues........................................................................................... pg 25 10 - Bugs and Critters That Crawl........................................................... pg 29 10 - Crime Scene Sleuth............................................................................. pg 37 10-11 - Taste of Camp - Camp Grove Point......pgs 27, 32, 41, 49, 55, 60 11 - Taste of Camp - Camp Grove Point day....pgs 27, 32, 41, 49, 55, 60 11 - Animal Habitats-Ward Museum....................................................... pg 32 11 - GS Silver Award 43 11 - GS Gold Award Education.......................................................... pgs 51, 57 11 - 45 11 - Raucous Robots............................................................................ pgs 52, 58 11 - Program Aide Education - 46 11 - Program Aide Education - Specialty, Outdoor 46 15 - GS Gold Award Reviews............................................................. pgs 51, 57 17-19 - Rockin’ and Raftin’ Weekend................................ pgs 41, 49, 55, 61 18 - 41 18 - Home Sweet 41 18 - GSCB Archery Certification 63 18 - GSCB Zipline Certification 63 18 - Nocturnal Nature – Killens Pond State 49 18 - Tree-Mendous Trees – Killens Pond State 49 19 - Camp Country Center Open House..........pgs 27, 32, 41, 49, 55, 60 19 - Camp Sandy Pines Open House.................pgs 27, 32, 41, 49, 55, 60 19 - GSCB Canoe and Kayak Certification Training - Flat Water.. pg 63
girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
Memorial Day Offices and Bay Shops Closed
June 2013 Sunday
Monday 26
Tuesday 27
Wednesday 28
July 2013 Friday
Thursday 30
Saturday 31
It’s time for camp! Resident and Day Camps begin in June.
Sunday 1
Program Aide Education
Wednesday 2
See beginning in February 2013 for a full listing of camps for ALL girls! 2
GS Silver Award Ed. GS Gold Award Ed.
GS Silver Award Ed.
21 Geocache Adventure
GS Gold Award Reviews
GS Gold Award Ed.
GS Gold Award Reviews
Canoeing Basics Program Aide Education
July Bay Shop Specials 20 percent off clearance items.
Highlights This Summer…
Girl Scout History...
June Bay Shop Specials 10 percent off camp fun patches and items.
June 1965
The Juliette Gordon Low National Center is designated as a National Historical Landmark by the National Park Service. It is the first building in Savannah to receive landmark status.
July 1975
Camp Grove Point’s pool was dedicated.
August 2013 Sunday
Monday 28
Tuesday 29
Wednesday 31
August Bay Shop Specials 20 percent off girl and adult t-shirts. Starter kits available. 4
Bay Shops rebate program begins.
August 2011
Presales begin for the new Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting.
June 1, 22 - Program Aide Education-Core.......................................... pg 46 June 1, 22 - Program Aide Education-Specialty, Outdoor Skills.... pg 46 June 5 - GS Silver Award 43 June 5 - GS Gold Award Education..................................................pgs 51, 57 June 12 - GS Silver Award 43 June 12 - GS Gold Award Education................................................pgs 51, 57 June 15 - 32 June 19 - GS Gold Award Reviews.....................................................pgs 51, 57 June 22 - Geocache Adventure - Salisbury Zoo.................................. pg 41 June 22 - Canoeing 61 July 17 - GS Gold Award Reviews.......................................................pgs 51, 57 August 21 - GS Gold Award Proposal Reviews..............................pgs 51, 57
GS Gold Award Reviews
girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
Girl Scout Daisy Tunic & Vest
Grades K-1
If the minimum number of participants is not registered 14 days prior to the program date, the program will be cancelled. Once minimum numbers are met, registration will remain open until maximum number is reached. Adult/girl ratio must be followed, unless otherwise noted.
girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
Girl Scout Daisies (Grades K–1) This is a double petal program. Make the World a Better Place and Use Resources Wisely offers girls ways to help incorporate the natural world around them to promote recycling of natural resources, and keeping the grounds clean while enjoying a nature hike at the museum. WHEN: September 15, 2012, 1 p.m. – 3 p.m. WHERE: 1355 Old Baltimore Pike, Newark, DE 19702 COST: $8 per girl includes activities and petal NOTE: No charge for 2 chaperones/leaders. Additional non-participants are $2 each. Have each girl bring a recyclable item. Min 10/Max 20
Girl Scout Daisies (Grades K–1) Karate isn’t about beating people up. Karate is fun and has a purpose. It teaches self discipline, focus, control, pride, courage and self defense while laying the foundation for an active and healthy lifestyle. Join us as we learn about the basics of karate, test our heart rates when we’re in motion and when we’re resting, and what kinds of things that we use in everyday life might make it hard for us to breathe and exercise. WHEN: October 6, 2012, 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. March 2, 2013, 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. WHERE: 35 Liberty Plaza, Newark, DE, 19711 COST: $12 per girl includes activities and patch.
NOTE: Min 6/ Max 25
Come experience history in the making and celebrate the 100th Year of Girl Scouting by discovering and learning new skills, connecting with friends and making new friendships that last a lifetime and taking action by learning about our world and making the world a better place. Visit the Jamboree’s website for more information, WHEN: October 19-21, 2012 WHERE: Delaware State Fairgrounds, Harrington, DE 19952
All Girl Scout Levels We are looking for Girl Scouts who would be available on short notice to make a public appearance representing Girl Scouts of the Chesapeake Bay at meetings, award presentations, funding events, etc. within the community. WHEN: Applications are due by October 26, 2012. WHERE: Applications to be submitted to Program Department, Newark Resource Center, 501 S. College Ave., Newark, DE 19713. NOTE: Participants need to wear khaki pants/skirt, white shirt, membership pins and tunic or vest. Application on page 61.
All Girl Scout Levels We are looking for Girl Scouts who would be available on short notice for unexpected photo opportunities for publications and articles about Girl Scouting. WHEN: Applications are due by October 26, 2012. WHERE: Applications to be submitted to Program Department, Newark Resource Center, 501 S. College Ave., Newark, DE 19713. NOTE: Participants need to wear khaki pants/skirt, white shirt, membership pins and tunic or vest. Application on page 61.
All Girl Scout Levels Celebrate 100 years of Girl Scouting as you use old–fashioned techniques to create a familiar treat – buttered popcorn! Remove corn from cob by hand, pop over a fire, and make your own butter to top it off – just like your sister Girl Scouts did a century ago. Tour Cooch–Dayett Mills and discover this 18th century treasure and it’s modern updates. WHEN: October 27, 2012, 3 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. WHERE: 904 Old Baltimore Pike, Newark, DE 19702 COST: $8 per girl, includes a fun patch. NOTE: This is an outdoor program, please dress for the weather. Activities fulfill requirements for Girl Scouts of the Chesapeake Bay Hats Off to Girl Scouting Patch. Min 8/Max 25
Girl Scout Daisies (Grades K–1) Investigate how animals stay safe, how and what they eat and where they might live. Find out what clues their feet, beaks, teeth and bones give us about how and where they might spend their lives. Hands–on explorations, games and make-it treasure to take home.
November 2, 2012
4 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
First United Methodist, Chestertown, MD
March 22, 2013
4 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Camp Todd, Denton, MD
April 5, 2013
4 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Salisbury, MD
May 10, 2013
4 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Dover, DE
COST: $8.50 per girl, includes fun patch and take-home treasure. NOTE: Min 10/Max 25 girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
WINTER CAMP - Camp Grove Point
Girl Scout Daisies (Grades K–1) Experience the fun of summer camp in the winter! We will hike, do arts and crafts and enjoy other great winter activities. In the evening, we will join each other around the campfire for stories and songs. Tell all your summer camp friends to come out and join you this winter at the coolest camp ever. WHEN: January 11–13, 2013, weekend program 7 p.m. – 11 a.m.; day program (January 12) 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. WHERE: 2930 Grove Neck Road, Earleville, MD 21919 COST: $14 day program per girl; $38 weekend program per participant (girl or adult) NOTE: Day program includes fun patch and snack. Day participants please pack your lunch. Weekend program includes fun patch, sleeping accommodations and four meals. Min 15/Max 100
Girl Scout Daisies (Grades K–1) Explore the wonders of winter at camp with us. Hike around, make a fun winter craft and snack. Enjoy the best camp songs and meet some of the best camp staff ever! WHEN: January 19, 2013, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. WHERE: 25012 Beauchamp Branch Road, Denton, MD 21629 COST: $14 per girl NOTE: Includes fun patch and one snack. Please dress for the weather and bring your own morning snack and lunch. Min 15/ Max 65
WINTER CAMP - Camp Sandy Pines
Girl Scout Daisies (Grades K–1) Explore the wonders of winter at camp with us. Hike around, make a fun winter craft and snack. Enjoy the best camp songs and meet some of the best camp staff ever! WHEN: January 21, 2013, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. WHERE: 27157 Riverside Drive Extension, Fruitland, MD 21826 COST: $14 per girl NOTE: Includes fun patch and one snack. Please dress for the weather and bring your own morning snack and lunch. Min 15/Max 50
girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
WONDERS OF THE NIGHT SKY - Ashland Nature Center
Girl Scout Daisies (Grades K–1) Discover the secret of the North Star and what constellations are visible year– round. Use telescopes, binoculars and the naked eye to observe harbingers of spring like Leo and Arcturus, echoes of winter like Gemini and Sirius, as well as brilliant Jupiter, the Orion Nebula, and other deep–sky wonders. WHEN: March 23, 2013, 7:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. WHERE: 3511 Barley Mill Road, Hockessin, DE 19707 COST: $8 per girl, includes patch. NOTE: This is an evening program, dress warmly. If cloudy or raining, program will be rescheduled. Program fulfills a requirement for Girl Scouts of the Chesapeake Bay Hats Off to Girl Scouting Patch. Min 8/Max 25
HIKER HABITS - Camp Country Center
Girl Scout Daisies (Grades K–1) Girls will enjoy learning how to read a map, pack for a camping trip and make a yummy hiking snack, all while making new friends in Girl Scouts. WHEN: April 13, 2013, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. WHERE: 1051 Sharpless Road, Hockessin, DE 19707 COST: $14 per girl NOTE: Includes fun patch and one snack. Dress for the weather. Bring your own morning snack and lunch. Min 15/Max 65
All Girl Scout Levels The Thin Mint 5K Run/Walk is for all ages and is an event for the entire family. The course has been professionally designed and will be officially timed. A Fun Run for kids under 8 will take place prior to the 5k run/walk. Participants will receive a t-shirt, and a box of Thin Mints. Daisy through Ambassador Girl Scout participants will receive a Thin Mint Run/Walk patch. Pre-register by March 15, 2013, to receive a shirt on race day. WHEN: April 14, 2013 Registration start time: 9 a.m., Kiddie Fun Run start time: 9:50 a.m. 5K Run/Walk time: 10 a.m. WHERE: Dravo Plaza, Wilmington Riverfront, Wilmington, DE
EARTH DAY - Camp Todd
Girl Scout Daisies (Grades K–1) Earth Day is about more than just appreciating our earth, it’s about learning how to live in harmony with our environment! Hiking, the team challenge course and more await us in the great outdoors. We’ll be focused on learning about making environmentally responsible choices so our world and our bodies can work well together. WHEN: April 19–21, 2013 weekend program 7 p.m. – 11 a.m.; day program (April 20) 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. WHERE: 25012 Beauchamp Branch Road Denton, MD 21629 COST: $14 day program per girl; $38 weekend program per participant (girl or adult). NOTE: Day program includes fun patch and snack. Day participants, please pack lunch. Weekend program includes fun patch, sleeping accommodations, snacks and four meals. Min 15/Max 200
All Girl Scout Levels Join us for a fun afternoon and have all your camp questions answered. Learn more about the programs you are interested in. Take a tour of the property, talk with the director and make a fun camp activity.
WHEN/WHERE: May 5, 2013
1 p.m.
Camp Todd, Denton, MD
May 5, 2013
1 p.m.
Camp Grove Point, Earleville, MD
May 19, 2013
1 p.m.
Camp Country Center, Hockessin, DE
May 19, 2013
1 p.m.
Camp Sandy Pines, Fruitland, MD
COST: Free. Registration is required. NOTE: More information will follow closer to the date. Min 5/Max 100
Girl Scout Daisies (Grades K–1) Girls will love to learn the real secrets about spiders’ lives, make spider snacks, sing spider songs, and create a spider craft. WHEN: April 27, 2013, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. WHERE: 27157 Riverside Drive Extension Fruitland, MD 21826 COST: $14 per girl. NOTE: Includes fun patch and one snack. Please dress for the weather and bring your own morning snack and lunch. Min 15/Max 65
All Girl Scout Levels Have you wanted to come to camp with your daughter and see what kind of fun she has prior to registering her for summer camp? Join us at the waterfront, at the archery range, the arts and craft station and even try some of our great camp food. By attending this camp, you and your daughter will be entered into a drawing for a free week of day camp at Camp Todd. WHEN: May 4, 2013, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. WHERE: 25012 Beauchamp Branch Road Denton, MD 21629 COST: $14 per girl, includes fun patch and snack. NOTE: Day participants, please pack lunch. Min 15/Max 100
All Girl Scout Levels Have you wanted to come to camp with your daughter and see what kind of fun she has prior to registering her for summer camp? Join us at the waterfront, at the archery range, the arts and craft station and even try some of our great camp food. By attending this camp, you and your daughter will be entered into a drawing for a free week of resident camp at Camp Grove Point. WHEN: May 10–11, 2013, weekend program 7 p.m. – 7 p.m.; day program (May 11) 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. WHERE: 2930 Grove Neck Road, Earleville, MD 21919 COST: $14 day program; $38 weekend program; per participant (girl or adult). NOTE: Day program includes fun patch and snack. Day participants, please pack your lunch and an afternoon snack. Weekend program includes fun patch, sleeping accommodations and three meals. Min 15/Max 100
girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
Girl Scout Brownie Vest & Sash
Grades 2-3
If the minimum number of participants is not registered 14 days prior to the program date, the program will be cancelled. Once minimum numbers are met, registration will remain open until maximum number is reached. Adult/girl ratio must be followed, unless otherwise noted.
girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
Girl Scout Brownies (Grades 2–3) Become a “Citizen Scientist”! Contribute to the Monarch Watch program as you capture, tag and release Monarch butterflies in Ashland Nature Center’s meadows. Visit Ashland’s Butterfly House to witness other late–season butterflies in every life– stage and learn their diverse strategies for coping with winter. WHEN: September 15, 2012, 1 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. WHERE: 3511 Barley Mill Road, Hockessin, DE 19707 COST: $8 per girl, includes badge. NOTE: Dress for the weather, wear comfortable hiking shoes. Activities meet requirements for Brownie Bugs Badge. Min 8/Max 25
WHAT’S BUGGING YOU? Killens Pond State Park
Girl Scout Brownies (Grades 2–3) Spend the afternoon catching and observing insects in the pond and in the fields with nets. We will build our own “bug” to take home and learn all about insects through Killens Pond’s insect collections. WHEN: September 29, 2012, 1 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. WHERE: Nature Center 5025 Killens Pond Road, Felton, DE 19943 COST: $6 per girl, includes fun patch. NOTE: Min 15/Max 30
BUGS - Bellevue State Park
Girl Scout Brownies (Grades 2–3) Join us on a bug hunt at Bellevue State Park! We will also make a bug craft to take home, explore bug homes and see bugs in action. WHEN: October 6, 2012, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. WHERE: Arts Center, 800 Carr Road, Wilmington, DE 19809 COST: $6 per girl, includes patch. Park entrance fee in effect. ($3 per Delaware vehicle/$6 Out–of–State or season pass). NOTE: Bring a water bottle. Min 15/Max 60
All Girl Scout Levels We are looking for Girl Scouts who would be available on short notice to make a public appearance representing Girl Scouts of the Chesapeake Bay at meetings, award presentations, funding events, etc. within the community. WHEN: Applications are due by October 26, 2012 WHERE: Applications to be submitted to Program Department, Newark Resource Center, 501 S. College Ave., Newark, DE 19713. NOTE: Participants need to wear khaki pants/skirt, white shirt, membership pins and sash or vest. Application is on page 61.
Come experience history in the making and celebrate the 100th Year of Girl Scouting by discovering and learning new skills, connecting with friends and making new friendships that last a lifetime and taking action by learning about our world and making the world a better place. Visit the Jamboree’s website for more information, WHEN: October 19-21, 2012 WHERE: Delaware State Fairgrounds, Harrington, DE 19952
All Girl Scout Levels We are looking for Girl Scouts who would be available on short notice for unexpected photo opportunities for publications and articles about Girl Scouting. WHEN: Applications are due by October 26, 2012 WHERE: Applications to be submitted to Program Department, Newark Resource Center, 501 S. College Ave., Newark, DE 19713. NOTE: Participants need to wear khaki pants/skirt, white shirt, membership pins and sash or vest. Application is on page 61.
BUGS IN THE MUSEUM - Winterthur Museum
Girl Scout Brownies (Grades 2–3) Earn your Brownie Bugs badge at Winterthur Museum. See how amazing (and destructive) bugs can be through hands–on activities and crafts. Take a bug walk through the Garden and explore the museum’s objects decorated and made from bugs.
October 27, 2012
9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Arrive by 9 a.m.
March 9, 2013
9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Arrive by 9 a.m.
DANCER BADGE - Delaware Dance Company Girl Scout Brownies (Grades 2–3) Earn your Brownie Dancer badge with Delaware Dance Company! Watch the pros demonstrate different dance styles and answer all your burning questions about dance. Then try some moves of your own, learn a dance routine and perform together for friends and family.
October 28, 2012
1 p.m. – 4 p.m.
March 16, 2013
2 p.m. – 5 p.m.
WHERE: 168 Elkton Road, Newark, DE 19711 COST: $8 per girl, includes badge NOTE: Please wear comfortable dance attire and bring a water
bottle. Min 8/Max 30
HIKER – Ward Museum
Girl Scout Brownies (Grades 2–3) Join the Ward Museum in a fun and instructional hike with expert naturalists to learn about local parks and trails, how to read a map and trail signs, how to pack for a hike, and how to make great hiking snacks. After discussing their route and packing for the hike, the girls will explore Pemberton Park, which includes a historic house (Pemberton Hall) and an extensive trail system that will challenge the girls to use their newly learned hiking skills. WHEN: November 3, 2012, 1 p.m. – 3 p.m. WHERE: 909 S. Schumaker Dr., Salisbury MD 21804 COST: $15 per girl, includes patch. NOTE: Bring a water bottle. Min 12/Max 30
COST: $10 per girl, includes badge and admission for the
day. Additional parents and siblings who would like to visit the museum must pay group rate admission. WHERE: 5105 Kennett Pike, Wilmington, DE 19807 NOTE: Park in the Visitor Lot and then walk down the path to the Visitor Center to meet for the program. Min 10/Max 20 All Girl Scout Levels Celebrate 100 years of Girl Scouting as you use old–fashioned techniques to create a familiar treat – buttered popcorn! Remove corn from cob by hand, pop over a fire, and make your own butter to top it off – just like your sister Girl Scouts did a century ago. Tour Cooch–Dayett Mills and discover this 18th century treasure and its modern updates. WHEN: October 27, 2012, 3 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. WHERE: 904 Old Baltimore Pike, Newark, DE 19702 COST: $8 per girl, includes patch. NOTE: Please dress for the weather. Activities fulfill requirements for Girl Scouts of the Chesapeake Bay Hats Off to Girl Scouting patch. Min 8/Max 25
Girl Scout Brownies (Grades 2–3) We’ll play Critter Bingo and learn all about how to identify flies, bees, spiders, true bugs, centipedes and more. Examine specimens in our collection (none alive) and some not–so–real examples to see if you can guess what they might eat or where they could live. Take home a notebook that will help you identify the critters you find in your travels. November 2, 2012
6:30 p.m. – 8 p.m. First United Methodist, Chestertown, MD
March 22, 2013
6:30 p.m. – 8 p.m. Camp Todd, Denton, MD
April 5, 2013
6:30 p.m. – 8 p.m. Salisbury, MD
May 10, 2013
6:30 p.m. – 8 p.m. Dover, DE
COST: $10 per girl, includes fun patch and notebook. NOTE: Min 10/Max 25
girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
THE SPICE BOX - Zwaanendael Museum
Girl Scout Brownies (Grades 2–3) Earn your Brownie Senses badge at the Zwaanendael Museum! Come experience life in the 1700s through spices — smelling and touching your way around the world. You will also learn about different materials of the past and how they were traded.
November 3, 2012
10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
March 9, 2013 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. WHERE: 102 Kings Highway, Lewes, DE 19958. COST: $8 per girl, includes Senses badge. Min 10/Max 15
Girl Scout Brownies (Grades 2–3) Join us for a fun Friday Night Dance Party in the newly renovated Todd Hall at Camp Todd. In the morning we will wake for breakfast and a day at your leisure. You will have the chance to hike, use the zipline, go orienteering, visit our adventure trail with letterboxes, and more. We will end the evening with a campfire and s’mores. WHEN: November 9 – 11, 2012, 7 p.m. – 11 a.m. WHERE: 25012 Beauchamp Branch Road, Denton, MD 21629 COST: $38 per participant (girl or adult), includes fun patch, four meals and snacks. NOTE: Components of the Brownie Letterboxing badge will be completed. Min 15/Max 100
Girl Scout Brownies (Grades 2–3) Did you know our council has its own Girl Scout Brownie Nursing badge? Wesley College Student Nurses Association and Tau Beta Chapter Nursing Honor Society Team, along with GSCB, bring you this fantastic fun–filled day to learn about the challenges and delights of working in the field of nursing. WHEN: November 10, 2012, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. WHERE: Dover, DE COST: $10 per girl, includes Nursing badge. NOTE: Please bring a donation for a Community Service Project, such as paper products, toothpaste, etc. Specific location and directions will be included in confirmation. Min 50/Max 100
Girl Scout Brownies (Grades 2–3) Discover the artists featured in the Biggs Museum and learn why, what and how they paint. Bring out the artist in you and earn your Brownie Painting badge by creating original art! WHEN: November 10, 2012, 1:30 p.m.- 4:30 p.m. WHERE: 406 Federal Street, Dover DE 19901 COST: $8 per girl, includes Brownie Painting badge. NOTE: Please wear clothing that can get messy. Min 5/Max 18
Girl Scout Brownies (Grades 2–3) Go on a fantastic journey to Costa Rica. Experience the culture, food, craft, dance, language and more of this country. WHEN: November 16, 2012, 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. WHERE: 501 S. College Ave., Newark, DE 19713 COST: $5 per participant (girl or adult), includes a fun patch. NOTE: Min 12/Max 50
HIKER GIRLS - Iron Hill Museum
Girl Scout Brownies (Grades 2–3) Learn what it takes to have a successful and safe hike. Girls will learn how to navigate trails, choose the correct hiking gear and what types of foods are good for hiking trips. The girls will then use their new found knowledge and take a hike on the grounds. WHEN: Saturday, November 17, 2012, 1 p.m. – 3 p.m. WHERE: 1355 Old Baltimore Pike, Newark, DE 19702 COST: $8. No charge for 2 chaperones/leaders. Additional non-participants are $2 each. NOTE: Min 10/Max 15
PAINTING - Ward Museum
Girl Scout Brownies (Grades 2–3) Girl Scouts will learn firsthand that the Ward Museum is a great place for art and painting. Scouts will tour the galleries and see how artists were able to create a lifelike 3D illusion of weightless feathers out of wood and paint. Once they are inspired, the scouts will be able to try their hand at a variety of painting styles including real life, abstract and other unique paintings on their own. The day will end with everyone pitching in to complete a mural. WHEN: December 1, 2012, 1 p.m. – 3 p.m. WHERE: 909 S. Schumaker Dr., Salisbury, MD 21804 COST: $12 per girl, including patch. NOTE: Min 12/Max 30
BUGS - Iron Hill Museum
Girl Scout Brownies (Grades 2–3) Explore the world of insects through this interactive program while talking to an insect specialist. Make your own insect, insect cocoon, and even an insect habitat. Explore the museum’s insect collection and meet real live Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches. Have each girl bring an empty shoebox and a toilet paper tube. WHEN: Saturday, December 15, 2012, 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. WHERE: 1355 Old Baltimore Pike, Newark, DE 19702 COST: $8 per girl includes patch. No charge for 2 chaperones/ leaders. Additional non-participants are $2 each. NOTE: Min 10/Max 15
girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
WINTER CAMP - Camp Grove Point
Girl Scout Brownies (Grades 2–3) Experience the fun of summer camp in the winter! We will hike, do arts and crafts and enjoy other great winter activities. In the evening we will come around the campfire for stories and songs. Tell all your summer camp friends to join you this winter at the coolest camp ever. WHEN: January 11–13, 2013, weekend program 7 p.m. – 11 a.m.; day program (January 12), 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. WHERE: 2930 Grove Neck Road, Earleville, MD 21919 COST: $14 day program per girl; $38 weekend program; per participant (girl or adult) NOTE: Day program includes fun patch and snack. Day participants, pack lunch. Weekend program includes fun patch, sleeping accommodations and four meals. Min 15/Max 100
CELEBRATING COMMUNITY - Iron Hill Museum Girl Scout Brownies (Grades 2–3) Learn about symbols that represent Delaware. Learn to march just as if you were in a marching band! Visit an historic battleground and make your own ceremony with three songs of your choosing! Enjoy a program set back in time at our museum. WHEN: Saturday, January 19, 2013, 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. WHERE: 1355 Old Baltimore Pike, Newark, DE 19702 COST: $8 per girl, includes patch No charge for 2 chaperones/ leaders. Additional non-participants are $2 each. NOTE: Min 10/Max 15
Girl Scout Brownies (Grades 2–3) Explore the wonders of winter at camp with us. Hike around, make a fun winter craft and snack. Enjoy the best camp songs and meet some of the best camp staff ever! WHEN: January 19, 2013, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. WHERE: 25012 Beauchamp Branch Road, Denton, MD 21629 COST: $14 per girl, Includes fun patch and one snack. NOTE: Please dress for the weather and bring your own morning snack and lunch. Min 15/ Max 65
WINTER CAMP - Camp Sandy Pines
Girl Scout Brownies (Grades 2–3) Explore the wonders of winter at camp with us. Hike around, make a fun winter craft and snack. Enjoy the best camp songs and meet some of the best camp staff ever! WHEN: January 21, 2013, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. WHERE: 27157 Riverside Drive Extension, Fruitland, MD 21826 COST: $14 per girl, includes fun patch and one snack. NOTE: Please dress for the weather and bring your own morning snack and lunch. Min 15/Max 50
HIKER - Brandywine Creek State Park
Girl Scout Brownies (Grades 2–3) Join us to learn about the best places to hike in Delaware State Parks. Learn Leave No Trace skills and put them into practice on the trail. We will learn different trail signs and then go on a scavenger hunt on the trail. WHEN: January 26, 2013, 1 p.m. – 3 p.m. WHERE: Nature Center, 41 Adams Dam Road, Wilmington, DE 19807 COST: $6 per girl, includes fun patch. NOTE: Bring a water bottle. Meet at the Nature Center. No park entrance fee. Min 15/Max 30
HOME SCIENTIST - Iron Hill Museum
Girl Scout Brownies (Grades 2–3) Learn about crystals while growing your own rock candy. See how electricity works and moves. Learn about rocks that float and blow up a balloon without using your mouth! Discover the power of air and make goo with your own hands! Discover how amazing science can be at the museum. WHEN: Saturday, February 16, 2013, 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. WHERE: 1355 Old Baltimore Pike, Newark, DE 19702 COST: $9 per girl includes patch. NOTE: No charge for 2 chaperones/leaders. Additional non-participants are $2 each. Min 10/Max 15
Girl Scout Brownies (Grades 2–3) Learn what it means to “Use it Up, Wear it Out, Make it Do or Do Without” as you have some old–fashioned fun and get a look into life on the American home front during the 1940s. Activities include baking, rationing, scrapbooking and more! WHEN: March 9, 2013, 12 p.m. – 4 p.m. WHERE: Judge Morris Estate 76 Polly Drummond Hill Rd., Newark, DE 19711 COST: $22 per participant (girl or adult), includes fun patch and snack. Two adults per troop are at no cost. NOTE: Bring a bag lunch. Park entrance fee in effect ($3 per DE vehicle/$6 out–of–state or season pass). Min 10/Max 40
Girl Scout Brownies (Grades 2–3) Girls will learn all about bugs, their homes and how important they are to our world through a variety of fun and creative activities. WHEN: March 23, 2013, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. WHERE: 755 S. Park Dr., Salisbury, MD 21802 COST: $7 per girl, includes Brownie Bugs badge. NOTE: Min 10/Max 25
WONDERS OF THE NIGHT SKY Ashland Nature Center
Girl Scout Brownies (Grades 2–3) Discover the secret of the North Star and what constellations are visible year–round. Use telescopes, binoculars and the naked eye to observe harbingers of spring like Leo and Arcturus, and echoes of winter like Gemini and Sirius, as well as brilliant Jupiter, the Orion Nebula, and other deep–sky wonders. WHEN: March 23, 2013, 7:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. WHERE: 3511 Barley Mill Road, Hockessin, DE 19707 COST: $8 per girl, includes patch NOTE: This is an evening program, dress warmly. If cloudy or raining, program will be rescheduled. Program fulfills a requirement for Girl Scouts of the Chesapeake Bay Hats Off to Girl Scouting Patch. Min 8/Max 25
Girl Scout Brownies (Grades 2–3) Alapocas After Dark offers girls the opportunity to experience our park at night. During this night time hike, scouts will discover what nocturnal animals reside in our parks and how they use their senses to survive in the dark. Through hands-on activities and night vision tools, Girl Scouts will explore our nighttime world. WHEN: April 4, 2013, 7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. WHERE: Blue Ball Barn Alapocas Run State Park, Wilmington, DE. Driving directions will be sent with confirmation. COST: $7 per girl, includes fun patch. NOTE: Dress for nighttime hike. Min 10/Max 25
Girl Scout Brownies (Grades 2–3) Letterboxing is a unique combination of a treasure hunt, navigation, artistic expression and outdoor exploration. Carve out your own personal stamp and explore the exciting world of letterboxing. Then try your navigation skills to find a series of letterboxes hidden at the DuPont Environmental Education Center (DEEC). Experience a more technical treasure hunt with geocaching. Practice using a GPS and search the DEEC garden for hidden treats. WHEN: April 6, 2013, 1 p.m. – 4 p.m. WHERE: DuPont Environmental Education Center 1400 Delmarva Lane, Wilmington, DE 19801 COST: $6 per girl. NOTE: Wear shoes that can get muddy and bring rain gear if appropriate. Min 8/Max 25
Girl Scout Brownies (Grades 2–3) Earn your Painting badge and paint the natural world in this exciting “plein air” (outside) watercolor class. Techniques to draw, compose, and paint nature scenes, landscapes, water scenes, wildlife and birds will be presented along with many professional watercolor techniques. WHEN: April 6, 2013, 3 p.m. – 5 p.m. WHERE: 25012 Beauchamp Road, Denton, MD 21629 COST: $12 per girl, Includes materials and Painting badge. NOTE: Please dress appropriately for painting outdoors. Min 15/Max 22
PEOPLE TO PEOPLE: ITALY Newark Resource Center
Girl Scout Brownies (Grades 2–3) Go on a fantastic journey to Italy. Experience the culture, food, craft, dance, language and more of this country. WHEN: April 12, 2013, 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. WHERE: 501 S. College Avenue, Newark, DE 19713 COST: $5 per participant (girl or adult), includes fun patch. NOTE: Min 12/Max 50
HIKER HABITS - Camp Country Center
Girl Scout Brownies (Grades 2–3) Girls will enjoy learning how to read a map, pack for a camping trip and make a yummy hiking snack, all while making new friends WHEN: April 13, 2013, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. WHERE: 1051 Sharpless Road, Hockessin, DE 19707 COST: $14 per girl, includes Brownie Hiker badge and one snack. NOTE: Dress for the weather. Bring your own morning snack and lunch. Min 15/Max 65
All Girl Scout Levels The Thin Mint 5K Run/Walk is for all ages and is an event for the entire family. The course has been professionally designed and will be officially timed. A Fun Run for kids under 8 will take place prior to the 5k run/walk. Participants will receive a t-shirt, and a box of Thin Mints. Daisy through Ambassador Girl Scout participants will receive a Thin Mint Run/Walk patch. Pre-register by March 15, 2013, to receive a shirt on race day. WHEN: April 14, 2013 Registration start time: 9 a.m., Kiddie Fun Run start time: 9:50 a.m. 5K Run/Walk time: 10 a.m. WHERE: Dravo Plaza, Wilmington Riverfront, Wilmington, DE
girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
EARTH DAY – Camp Todd
All Girl Scout Levels Earth Day is about more than just appreciating our earth, it’s about learning how to live in harmony with our environment! Hiking, archery, the team’s challenge course and possibly even kayaking (weather permitting) await us in the great outdoors. We’ll be focused on learning about making environmentally responsible choices so our world and our bodies can work well together. WHEN: April 19–21, 2013 weekend program 7 p.m. – 11 a.m.; day program (April 20) 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. WHERE: 25012 Beauchamp Road, Denton, MD 21629 COST: $14 day program per girl; $38 weekend program; per participant (girl or adult). NOTE: Day program includes fun patch and snack. Day participants should pack lunch. Weekend program includes fun patch, sleeping accommodations, snacks and four meals. Min 15/Max 200
WATER POWER! – Cooch-Dayett Mills
Girl Scout Brownies (Grades 2–3) Visit a historic mill and discover how water generated energy for all its machines. Explore the surrounding wetlands and the Christina River to experience another kind of water power – its capacity to support life. Try your hand at capturing some of the amazingly diverse plants and animals that call water their home. WHEN: April 20, 2013, 1 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. WHERE: Cooch–Dayett Mills 904 Old Baltimore Pike, Newark, DE 19702 COST: $8 per girl, includes patch. NOTE: Wear clothes and shoes that can get muddy and wet. Program aligns with Brownie Wonders of Water Journey. Min 8/Max 25
MISS SPIDER’S TEA PARTY – Camp Sandy Pines Girl Scout Brownies (Grades 2–3) Girls will love to learn the real secrets about spiders’ lives, make spider snacks, sing spider songs, and create a spider craft. WHEN: April 27, 2013, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. WHERE: 27157 Riverside Drive Ext., Fruitland, MD 21826 COST: $14 per girl, includes badge. NOTE: Includes one snack. Please dress for the weather and bring your own morning snack and lunch. Min 15/Max 65
Girl Scout Brownies (Grades 2–3) Have you wanted to come to camp with your daughter and see what kind of fun she has prior to registering her for summer camp? Join us at the waterfront, ziplining and the arts and craft station. By attending this camp you and your daughter will be entered into a drawing for a free week of day camp at Camp Todd. WHEN: May 4, 2013, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. WHERE: 25012 Beauchamp Road, Denton, MD 21629 COST: $14 per girl. NOTE: Includes fun patch and snack. Please pack your own lunch. Components of the Brownie Hiker badge will be completed. Min 15/Max 100
All Girl Scout Levels Join us for a fun afternoon and have all your camp questions answered. Learn more about the programs you are interested in. Take a tour of the property, talk with the director and make a fun camp craft/snack.
WHEN/WHERE: May 5, 2013
1 p.m.
Camp Todd, Denton, MD
May 5, 2013
1 p.m.
Camp Grove Point, Earleville, MD
May 19, 2013
1 p.m.
Camp Country Center, Hockessin, DE
May 19, 2013
1 p.m.
Camp Sandy Pines, Fruitland, MD
COST: Free, registration required. NOTE: More information will follow closer to the date.
Min 5/Max 100
Girl Scout Brownies (Grades 2–3) Have you wanted to come to camp with your daughter and see what kind of fun she has prior to registering her for summer camp? Join us at the waterfront, at the challenge course and the arts and craft station. By attending this camp, you and your daughter will be entered into a drawing for a free week of resident camp at Camp Grove Point. WHEN: May 10–11, 2013, weekend program 7 p.m.–7 p.m.; day program (May 11) 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. WHERE: 2930 Grove Neck Road, Earleville, MD 21919 COST: $14 day program per girl; $38 weekend program; per participant (girl or adult). NOTE: Day program includes fun patch and snack. Day participants please pack lunch. Weekend program includes fun patch, sleeping accommodations and three meals. Components of the Brownie Hiker badge will be completed. Min 15/Max 100
girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
Girl Scout Brownies (Grades 2–3) Girl Scouts will discover the wonder of wild birds from real scientists and have the opportunity to investigate an endangered habitat at The Nature Conservancy’s Nassawango Creek Nature Preserve. Girl Scouts will see wild birds being captured and banded for scientific research, learn how to become citizen scientists and build bluebird nesting boxes with a local bluebird expert that will be used to extend an existing bluebird nest box trail. WHEN: May 11, 2013, 1 p.m. – 3 p.m. WHERE: 909 S. Schumaker Dr., Salisbury, MD 21804 COST: $12 per girl, includes badge. NOTE: Bring a water bottle. Min 12/Max 30
BUGS - Iron Hill Museum
Girl Scout Brownies (Grades 2–3) Explore the world of insects through this interactive program while talking to an insect specialist. Make your own insect as well as an insect cocoon. Explore outside the museum and watch insects up close. Meet real live Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches! Have each girl bring a toilet paper tube. WHEN: Saturday, June 15, 2013, 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. WHERE: 1355 Old Baltimore Pike, Newark, DE 19702 COST: $ 8 per girl includes patch. No charge for 2 chaperones/ leaders. Additional non-participants are $2 each. NOTE: Min 10/Max 15
Older Girl Scouts Awards
Don’t Stop Here! The sky’s the limit for your growth and leadership development with Girl Scouts! Girl Scout Bronze Award
The Girl Scout Bronze Award is the highest award a Girl Scout Junior can earn. Follow the below requirements for the Girl Scout Bronze Award: • Submit Notice of Intent • Review and use the Girl Scout Bronze Award Guidelines as a reference • Complete and earn the awards from one grade level Journey. • Select a Take Action project that addresses a need in the community, provides service to either Girl Scouts or their local community, and is not something you worked on previously. • Take Action projects must be a minimum of 20 hours, including girls’ individual tasks. • Work with your troop members on this award. • Complete our council’s Final Report once the project is completed. • Final Reports should be completed by individual girls based on their own experience through the project. • Be sure to take pictures of the progress of your Take Action Project. • Project completion and Final Reports must be in the council office by September 30, 2012 to be included in the On My Honor Celebration to be held on November 18, 2012. *Should you not be able to attend the On My Honor Ceremony, award pins and certificates will be available the next business day after the ceremony. Girls completing their projects after the September 30, 2012 deadline will not be eligible to participate in the On My Honor Ceremony nor receive their recognition until the following year.
Girl Scout Silver Award
The Girl Scout Silver Award is the highest award a Girl Scout Cadette can earn. Follow the below requirements for the Girl Scout Silver Award: • Submit Notice of Intent • Register and attend mandatory education workshop, once you have started working on grade level Journey. • Complete and earn the awards from one grade level Journey. • Review and use the Girl Scout Silver Award Guidelines as a reference. • Select a Take Action project that addresses a need in the community, provides service to non-Girl Scouts, and is not something you worked on previously. • Complete our council’s Final Report once the project is completed. • Final Reports should be completed by individual girls based on their own experience through the project. • Project completion and Final Reports must be in the council office by September 30, 2012 to be included in the On My Honor Celebration to be held on November 18, 2012. *Should you not be able to attend the On My Honor Ceremony, award pins and certificates will be mailed after the ceremony. Girls completing their projects after the September 30, 2012 deadline will not be eligible to participate in the On My Honor Ceremony nor receive their recognition until the following year.
Girl Scout Gold Award
The Girl Scout Gold Award is the highest award a Girl Scout Senior or Ambassador can earn. Follow the below requirements for the Girl Scout Gold Award: • Submit Notice of Intent • Register and attend mandatory education workshop, once you have started working on grade level Journey. • Complete and earn the awards from two grade level Journey’s or if you earned the Girl Scout Silver Award then complete one grade level Journey and earn the awards. • Select a Take Action project that addresses a need in the community, provides service to non-Girl Scouts, and is not something you worked on previously. • Submit a proposal to the review committee by the first of any month. • Meet with Girl Scout Gold Award Review Committee for project approval. • Once your Take Action Project is completed submit our council’s Final Report. • Project completion and Final Reports must be in the council office by September 30, 2012 to be included in the On My Honor Celebration to be held on November 18, 2012. *Should you not be able to attend the On My Honor Ceremony, award pins and certificates will be mailed after the ceremony. Girls completing their projects after the September 30, 2012 deadline will not be eligible to participate in the On My Honor Ceremony nor receive their recognition until the following year.
On My Honor Ceremony November 18, 2012
To achieve the Girl Scout Gold, Silver and Bronze Award takes dedication, organization and determination. These awards are not easily achieved and the girls who do earn them are to be commended. This special Girl Ceremony will honor the Girl Scouts who have achieved their highest grade level awards. We will also acknowledge the commitment of the girls who have been a Girl Scout for 10 and 13 years. Information about the Take Action projects will be on display. Attendance by honorees, families, friends and the Girl Scout community is encouraged. Girls must complete and submit final paperwork to the council by the deadline of September 30, 2012 in order to be recognized for their accomplishments. Submissions of final reports after the deadline will not be eligible for recognition at this year’s ceremony though they will be honored in the following year. Registration form to attend is on our website, Registration deadline to attend is three weeks prior to ceremony.
COST: $2 per person. Girls being honored will have no cost to attend.
girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
Girl Scout Junior Vest & Sash
Grades 4-5
If the minimum number of participants is not registered 14 days prior to the program date, the program will be cancelled. Once minimum numbers are met, registration will remain open until maximum number is reached. Adult/girl ratio must be followed, unless otherwise noted.
girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
MIRACULOUS MONARCHS – Ashland Nature Center
Girl Scout Juniors (Grades 4–5) Become a “Citizen Scientist”! Contribute to the Monarch Watch program as you capture, tag and release Monarch butterflies in Ashland Nature Center’s meadows. Visit Ashland’s Butterfly House to witness other late–season butterflies in every life– stage and learn their diverse strategies for coping with winter. Activities meet requirements for Junior Get Moving Journey. WHEN: September 15, 2012, 1 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. WHERE: 3511 Barley Mill Road, Hockessin, DE 19707 COST: $8 per girl, includes patch. NOTE: Dress for the weather, wear comfortable hiking shoes. Min 8/Max 25
Girl Scout Juniors (Age 11 and older) Join our climbing team for some top rope rock climbing. Topics covered include equipment, safety, and discussion of physical and mental preparedness. Get harnessed up and climb on our natural rock wall. Safety equipment, ropes and belayers provided.
September 15, 2012
10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
September 16, 2012
10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
October 14, 2012
12 p.m. – 2 p.m.
WHERE: Rock Climbing Wall, Wilmington, DE.
Driving directions will be sent with confirmation COST: $24 per climber (girl or adult). NOTE: Registration closes 21 days prior to event. Wear comfortable clothing. You must be 11 years of age or older to participate. Min 10/Max 20
OUTDOOR ADVENTURERS – Abbott’s Mill Nature Center
Girl Scout Juniors (Grades 4–5) Learn to become an outdoor adventurer. Discover the basics of land navigation, orienteering, and map reading. Use a compass to follow a short orienteering course. WHEN: September 22, 2012, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. WHERE: 15411 Abbott’s Pond Road, Milford, DE 19963 COST: $9 each program includes fun patch. NOTE: Dress for the weather. Pack a bag lunch and bring a water bottle. Min 12/Max 40
FARM & FOOD ADVENTURE – Coverdale Farm
Girl Scout Juniors (Grades 4–5) Travel around Coverdale Farm to discover tastes from around the world! Dig into the organic vegetable and herb garden, then harvest ingredients to take to the kitchen. Cook up an amazing meal with simply prepared dishes spanning the globe. Discover how to make delicious, healthy food choices for fit and fantastic YOU! Join us for a day that takes you from field to table with international flair! WHEN: September 22, 2012, 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. WHERE: 543 Way Road, Greenville, DE 19807 COST: $17 per girl, includes lunch. NOTE: Bring water bottle. Lunch is part of the class! Dress for the weather, wear comfortable hiking shoes. Activities fulfill requirements toward the Junior Gardener & Simple Meals badges. Min 6/Max 20
HABITAT HOMES – Killens Pond State Park
Girl Scout Juniors (Grades 4–5) Explore the forest and pond habitats and meet live animals who live there! We will build a bird or butterfly house to take home with us to make a great habitat for our backyard animals. WHEN: September 29, 2012, 3:30 p.m. – 5 p.m. WHERE: Nature Center, 5025 Killens Pond Road, Felton, DE 19943 COST: $14 per girl. NOTE: Includes bird or butterfly house. Min 15 /Max 30
ROBOT FUN! – Newark Resource Center
THE POETRY OF HIP HOP Newark Resource Center
Girl Scout Juniors (Grades 4–5) Girls will quickly learn the basics of programming robots on laptops, then it’s up to them how effective they are at performing the tasks to complete the missions. Girls will work together in small groups, problem solve and gain confidence along the way. Robotics is the technology of so many careers of the future: medicine, engineering, banking, crime investigation, they’re everywhere. Let’s get started with the basics.
October 6, 2012
10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
March 2, 2013
10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
WHERE: 1051 Sharpless Road, Hockessin, DE 19707 COST: $ 10 per girl, includes instruction, equipment, and patches.
Girl Scout Juniors (Grades 4–5) Come learn about hip hop music in a day of positive, inspirational beats and lyrics. See a performance by young Washington, D.C. artist, AG, and learn to write and perform your own hip hop hit! WHEN: October 13, 2012, 1 p.m. – 4 p.m. WHERE: Newark Resource Center 501 S. College Avenue, Newark, DE 19713 COST: $10 per girl, includes fun patch. NOTE: Min 15/Max 40
Come experience history in the making and celebrate the 100th Year of Girl Scouting by discovering and learning new skills, connecting with friends and making new friendships that last a lifetime and taking action by learning about our world and making the world a better place. Visit the Jamboree’s website for more information. WHEN: October 19-21, 2012 WHERE: Delaware State Fairgrounds, Harrington, DE 19952
NOTE: Min 8/Max 24 girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
ANIMAL HABITATS – Russell W. Peterson Wildlife Refuge
Girl Scout Juniors (Grades 4–5) Complete the Animals Habitats badge! Study the biodiversity of a freshwater tidal marsh. Explore the similarities and differences in marsh animals and help keep the Russell W. Peterson Wildlife Refuge clean. Experiment with insulation while learning about animals in winter and research endangered species in a far away wetland. WHEN: October 20, 2012, 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. WHERE: DuPont Environmental Education Center 1400 Delmarva Lane, Wilmington, DE 19801 COST: $8 per girl, includes patch. NOTE: Wear shoes that can get muddy and bring rain gear if appropriate. Min 8/Max 25
All Girl Scout Levels We are looking for Girl Scouts who would be available on short notice for unexpected photo opportunities for publications and articles about Girl Scouting. WHEN: Applications are due by October 26, 2012. WHERE: Applications to be submitted to Program Department, Newark Resource Center, 501 S. College Ave., Newark, DE 19713 NOTE: Participants need to wear khaki pants/skirts, white shirt, membership pins and sash or vest. Application on page 61.
October 20, 2012
10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
March 16, 2013
2 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
WHERE: 1051 Sharpless Road, Hockessin, DE 19707 COST: $10 per girl, includes patch and use of
geocaching equipment. NOTE: Dress for outdoor programming and wear sturdy shoes. Min 6/Max 18
All Girl Scout Levels We are looking for Girl Scouts who would be available on short notice to make a public appearance representing Girl Scouts of the Chesapeake Bay at meetings, award presentations, funding events, etc. within the community. WHEN: Applications are due by October 26, 2012. WHERE: Applications to be submitted to Program Department, Newark Resource Center, 501 S. College Ave., Newark, DE 19713. NOTE: Participants need to wear khaki pants/skirts, white shirt, membership pins and sash or vest. Application on page 61.
All Girl Scout Levels Celebrate 100 years of Girl Scouting as you use old–fashioned techniques to create a familiar treat – buttered popcorn! Remove corn from cob by hand, pop over a fire, and make your own butter to top it off – just like your sister Girl Scouts did a century ago. Tour Cooch–Dayett Mills and discover this 18th century treasure and its modern updates. WHEN: October 27, 2012, 3 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. WHERE: 904 Old Baltimore Pike, Newark, DE 19702 COST: $8 per girl, includes a fun patch. NOTE: This is an outdoor program, please dress for the weather. Activities fulfill requirements for Girl Scouts of the Chesapeake Bay Hats Off to Girl Scouting Patch. Min 8/Max 25
IN–SPA–RATION – Camp Grove Point
Girl Scout Juniors (Grades 4–5) Learn the basics of how satellites send signals to earth and how people use GPS devices, in our cars, some phones and for real fun, in our hands, to find out where to go. There are lots of cool websites showing locations locally and all over the world to find caches (hidden items). We’ll gain skills to use hand–held GPS devices to hide and seek some items of our own. This program fills quickly, so sign up today! Spaces are limited.
Girl Scout Juniors (Grades 4–5) Explore the gardens at Winterthur and learn about the plants, planning, and care used to create this beautiful and rare public garden. Earn your Junior Gardener badge as you see how plants grow from bulb, seed, and roots. Dig and divide a green and white–striped hosta plant for your home garden. WHEN: October 27, 2012, 9:30 a.m. – 12p.m. Arrive at 9 a.m. WHERE: Visitor Center, 5105 Kennett Pike, Wilmington, DE 19807 COST: $10 per girl, includes Gardener badge and admission for the day. Additional parents and siblings who would like to visit the museum must pay group rate admission. WHERE: 5105 Kennett Pike, Wilmington, DE 19807 NOTE: Winterthur is located off Route 52 (Kennett Pike) 6 miles north of Wilmington and 6 miles south of Route 1 in Pennsylvania. Park in the Visitor Lot and then walk down the path to the Visitor Center to meet for the program. Min 8/Max 24
girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
Girl Scout Juniors (Grades 4–5) Pamper yourself while learning nature’s greatest secrets at Camp Grove Point. Make a salt or sugar scrub from everyday products, study and practice relaxation and meditation techniques you can apply to your everyday life. Take some time out for yourself, you deserve it. WHEN: November 2–4, 2012, 7 p.m. – 11 a.m. WHERE: 2930 Grove Neck Road, Earleville, MD 21919 COST: $38 per participant (girl or adult), includes fun patch, four meals and snacks. NOTE: Components of Staying Fit badge will be completed. Min 15/Max 100
HIKER – Ward Museum
Girl Scout Juniors (Grades 4–5) Join the Ward Museum in a fun and instructional hike with expert naturalists to learn about local parks and trails, how to read a map and trail signs, how to pack for a hike, and how to make great hiking snacks. After discussing their route and packing for the hike, the girls will explore Pemberton Park, which includes a historic house (Pemberton Hall) and an extensive trail system that will challenge the girls to use their newly learned hiking skills. WHEN: November 3, 2012, 1 p.m. – 3 p.m. WHERE: 909 S. Schumaker Dr., Salisbury, MD 21804 COST: $15 per girl, includes patch. NOTE: Bring a water bottle. Min 12/Max 30
Girl Scout Juniors (Grades 4–5) Stories, movies, and television are full of amazing detectives solving mysteries and bringing criminals to justice. Their jobs are important, exciting, and take serious skills—skills you can try as you and your new crime investigative team dive into the science of decoding a crime scene.
November 2, 2012
6:30 p.m. – 8 p.m.
First United Methodist, Chestertown, MD
March 22, 2013
6:30 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Camp Todd, Denton, MD
April 5, 2013
6:30 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Salisbury, MD
May 10, 2013
6:30 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Dover, DE
Girl Scout Juniors (Grades 4–5) Did you know our council has its own Junior Nursing badge? Wesley College Student Nurses Association and Tau Beta Chapter Nursing Honor Society Team, along with GSCB, bring you this fantastic fun–filled day to learn about the challenges and delights of working in the field of nursing. WHEN: November 10, 2012, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. WHERE: Dover, DE COST: $10 per girl, includes Nursing badge. NOTE: Please bring a donation for a Community Service Project, such as paper products, toothpaste, etc. Specifics will be included in confirmation, with directions and location on campus. Min 50/Max 100
COST: $10 per girl, includes patch. NOTE: Min 10/Max 25
STAYING FIT WITH YOGA – Camp Country Center
Girl Scout Juniors (Grades 4–5) Stretch it out! Relax! Pose! Breathe! Try yoga and explore the ways to have a healthy body and mind with professional yoga instructors from Yoga Underground. WHEN: November 9, 2012, 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. WHERE: 1051 Sharpless Road, Hockessin, DE 19707 COST: $ 10 per girl, includes use of a yoga mat, and patch $15 for adults who wish to experience an introduction to yoga practice, a separate space will be available in the Troop House. NOTE: Dress comfortably, bring a towel and water bottle. Min 10/Max 25 for girls. Min 5/Max 15 for adults in the Troop House.
Girl Scout Juniors (Grades 4–5) Join us for a fun Friday Night Dance Party in the newly renovated Todd Hall at Camp Todd. In the morning, we will wake for breakfast and a day at your leisure. You will have the chance to hike, use the zipline, geocache, visit our adventure trail with letterboxes and much more. We will end the evening with a fun campfire and s’mores. Hope to see you there! WHEN: November 9–11, 2012, 7 p.m. – 11 a.m. WHERE: 25012 Beauchamp Road, Denton, MD 21629 COST: $38 per participant (girl or adult), includes fun patch, four meals and snacks. NOTE: Components of Junior Geocacher badge will be completed. Min 15/Max 100
Girl Scout Juniors (Grades 4–5) Earn your Junior Playing the Past badge while experiencing the life of a girl living in Wilmington, Delaware in the late 1700s. Go behind–the–scenes at this amazing museum to see old clothing, diaries, cookbooks, and drawings that girls created, and try playing some of their favorite games and pastimes!
November 17, 2012
9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., arrive at 9 a.m.
March 9, 2013 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., arrive at 9 a.m. WHERE: Visitor Center, 5105 Kennett Pike, Wilmington, DE 19807. COST: $10 per girl, includes Playing the Past badge and admission for the day. Additional parents and siblings who would like to visit the museum must pay group rate admission. WHERE: 5105 Kennett Pike, Wilmington, DE 19807 NOTE: Winterthur is located off Route 52 (Kennett Pike) 6 miles north of Wilmington and 6 miles south of Route 1 in Pennsylvania. Park in the Visitor Lot and then walk down the path to the Visitor Center to meet for the program. Min 8/Max 15
NOT JUST A PICTURE: TAKING AND EDITING THE IMAGE – Camp Country Center GEOCACHER – Brandywine Creek State Park
Girl Scout Juniors (Grades 4–5) Learn what this popular pastime is. We will learn to take coordinates, hide an item for a friend to find with the GPS and test our skills by going on a multi–cache adventure at the park. WHEN: November 10, 2012, 2 p.m. – 4 p.m. WHERE: Nature Center, 41 Adams Dam Road, Wilmington, DE 19807 COST: $6 per girl, includes fun patch. NOTE: GPS units and instruction provided. Park entrance fee in effect ($3 per Delaware vehicle/$6 Out–of–State or season pass). Min 15/Max 45
PEOPLE TO PEOPLE: COSTA RICA – Newark Resource Center
Girl Scout Juniors (Grades 4–5) Using digital cameras, girls will learn the basics of composing a photo, explore their talents taking photos of cool angles, people and places at camp, and gain skills to edit the pictures with a free photo editing program they can use at home.
November 11, 2012
2 p.m. - 4 p.m.
February 9, 2013
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
WHERE: 1051 Sharpless Road, Hockessin, DE 19707 COST: $10 per girl, includes patch. NOTES: Includes equipment and instruction. Dress for the
outdoors. Event will happen rain or shine, we’ll move indoors in inclement weather. Min 8/Max 20
Girl Scout Juniors (Grades 4–5) Go on a fantastic journey to Costa Rica. Experience the culture, food, craft, dance, language and more of this country. WHEN: November 16, 2012, 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. WHERE: 501 S. College Avenue, Newark, DE 19713 COST: $5 per participant (girl or adult), includes fun patch. NOTE: Min 12/Max 50 girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
Girl Scout Juniors (Grades 4–5) To achieve the Girl Scout Bronze Award takes dedication, organization and determination. This award is not easily achieved and the girls who earn them are to be commended. This special Girl Ceremony will honor the Girl Scouts who have achieved their highest grade level awards. We will also acknowledge the commitment of the girls who have been a Girl Scout for 10 and 13 years. Information about the Take Action projects will be on display. Attendance by honorees, families, friends and the Girl Scout community is encouraged. Girls must complete and submit final paperwork to the Council by the deadline of September 30, 2012 in order to be recognized for their accomplishments. Submissions of final reports after the deadline will not be eligible for recognition at this year’s ceremony though they will be honored in the following year. WHEN: November 18, 2012, 2:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. WHERE: Wyoming United Methodist Church, Wyoming, DE COST: $2 per person. There is no cost for girls being honored. NOTE: Registration form to attend is on our website. Registration deadline to attend is three weeks prior to ceremony. If a girl is not able to attend the ceremony, her award pins will be available the next business day after the ceremony.
Girl Scout Juniors (Grades 4–5) Girls will enjoy using all of their senses as they explore the beauty of the night skies, try indoor photography using lights and angles and microscopes to investigate the tiny objects you can discover in the winter woods. We will hear the ancient tales of the constellations and make up our own star stories. We’ll investigate some famous winter paintings and images of snowflakes. If we’re lucky, it will snow a bit and we’ll look for animal tracks. “The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But we have promises to keep, and miles to go before we sleep…” Robert Frost.
December 1–2, 2012
3 p.m. Saturday – 11 a.m. Sunday Camp Todd, Denton, MD
February 2–3, 2013
3 p.m. Saturday – 11 a.m. Sunday Camp Country Center, Hockessin, DE
COST: $30 per participant (girl or adult), includes patch for girls. NOTE: Includes hearty dinner on Saturday evening and breakfast on Sunday morning. Dress for the weather; bring extra shoes or boots for the outdoors. Min 15 /Max 45
PAINTING – Ward Museum
WINTER CAMP - Camp Sandy Pines
Girl Scout Juniors (Grades 4–5) Girl Scouts will learn firsthand that the Ward Museum is a great place for art and painting. Scouts will tour the galleries and see how artists were able to create a lifelike 3D illusion of weightless feathers out of wood and paint. Once they are inspired, the scouts will be able to try their hand at a variety of painting styles including real life, abstract and other unique paintings on their own. The day will end with everyone pitching in to complete a mural. WHEN: December 1, 2012, 1 p.m. – 3 p.m. WHERE: 909 S. Schumaker Dr., Salisbury, MD 21804 COST: $12 per girl, includes patch. NOTE: Min 12/Max 30
Girl Scout Juniors (Grades 4–5) Explore the wonders of winter at camp with us. Hike around, make a fun winter craft and snack. Enjoy the best camp songs and meet some of the best camp staff ever! WHEN: January 21, 2013, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. WHERE: 27157 Riverside Drive Extension, Fruitland, MD 21826 COST: $14 per girl. NOTE: Includes patch and one snack. Please dress for the weather and bring your own morning snack and lunch. Min 15/Max 50
WINTER CAMP - Camp Grove Point
Girl Scout Juniors (Grades 4–5) What is a pocket? What is a petticoat? The answers may surprise you! Earn your Junior Playing the Past badge at the Zwaanendael Museum by becoming a country woman or shopkeeper in the 1700s. Learn what each wore and why, and then design your own 18th century outfit!
Girl Scout Juniors (Grades 4–5) Experience the fun of summer camp in the winter! We will hike, use the challenge course and enjoy other great summer/ winter activities. In the evening, we will join each other around the campfire for stories and songs. Tell all your summer camp friends to come out and join you this winter at the coolest camp ever. WHEN: January 11–13, 2013, weekend program 7 p.m. – 11 a.m.; day program (January 12) 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. WHERE: 2930 Grove Neck Road, Earleville, MD 21919 COST: $14 day program, per girl; $38 weekend program; per participant (girl or adult) NOTE: Day program includes fun patch and snack. Day participants please pack lunch. Weekend program includes fun patch, sleeping accommodations and four meals. Min 15/Max 100
Girl Scout Juniors (Grades 4–5) Explore the wonders of winter at camp with us. Hike around, make a fun winter craft and snack. Enjoy the best camp songs and meet some of the best camp staff ever! WHEN: January 19, 2013, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. WHERE: 25012 Beauchamp Branch Road, Denton, MD 21629 COST: $14 per girl NOTE: Includes fun patch and one snack. Please dress for the weather and bring your own morning snack and lunch. Min 15/ Max 65
girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
February 2, 2013
10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
May 4, 2013 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. WHERE: 102 Kings Highway, Lewes, DE 19958. COST: $8 per girl, includes Playing the Past badge. NOTE: Min 10/Max 15
Girl Scout Juniors (Grades 4–5) Join us for a fun day on the snow at Liberty Mountain. We will ride together on a coach bus for a fantastic afternoon on the tubes. Once we get there hit the tubes then break for lunch. WHEN: February 16, 2013, 6 a.m. – 7 p.m. WHERE: Camp Country Center, 1051 Sharpless Road, Hockessin, DE 19707 COST: $75 per participant (girl or adult), includes fun patch. NOTE: Includes admission and transportation to Liberty Mountain and lunch. Additional activities and/or meals are not included. More information will follow closer to the date. Girls coming from a distance may stay Friday and/or Saturday night at Camp Country Center for an additional $5 per participant (girl or adult), per night. Min 45/Max 70
Girl Scout Juniors (Grades 4–5) Learn what it means to “Use it Up, Wear it Out, Make it Do or Do Without” as you have some old–fashioned fun and get a look into life on the American home front during the 1940s. Activities include baking, rationing, scrapbooking and more! WHEN: March 9, 2013, 12 p.m. – 4 p.m. WHERE: Judge Morris Estate 76 Polly Drummond Hill Rd., Newark, DE 19711 COST: $22 per participant (girl or adult), includes fun patch and snack. Two adults per troop are at no cost. NOTE: Bring a bag lunch. Park entrance fee in effect ($3 per Delaware vehicle/$6 Out–of–State or season pass). Min 10/Max 40
Girl Scout Juniors (Grades 4–5) Step back in time and come to learn about the Lenni Lenape and how they lived on this land since 3000 B.C.E. Draw your own outfit, play games, and have a local meeting just as if you were Lenni Lenape. WHEN: Saturday, March 16, 2013, 1 p.m.–3 p.m. WHERE: 1355 Old Baltimore Pike, Newark, DE 19702 COST: $8 per girl includes Playing the Past badge. NOTE: No charge for 2 chaperones/leaders. Additional non– participants are $2 each. Min 10/Max 15
NOTE: Min 5/Max 18
Girl Scout Juniors (Grades 4–5) Walk with us to visit several gardens at Bellevue State Park; we will talk about their different designs for different uses. We will learn how the soil, sunlight, and water all play a factor in how we decide what to plant in each garden. We will also have a chance to start our own seed to plant in a garden at home. WHEN: March 16, 2013, 1 p.m. – 3 p.m. WHERE: Arts Center, 800 Carr Road, Wilmington, DE 19809 COST: $8 per girl, includes fun patch. NOTE: Wear clothing that can get dirty. Park entrance fee in effect ($3 per Delaware vehicle/$6 Out–of–State or season pass). Min 15/Max 30
WONDERS OF THE NIGHT SKY Ashland Nature Center
Girl Scout Juniors (Grades 4–5) Drawing is something everyone can do! Earn your Junior Drawing badge and learn about different materials and drawing techniques. You will also learn about perspective, graphic art and create your own masterpiece! WHEN: March 16, 2013, 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. WHERE: 406 Federal Street, Dover DE, 19901 COST: $8 per girl, includes Junior Drawing badge.
Girl Scout Juniors (Grades 4–5) Girls will fulfill the requirements for the Scribe badge at this fun afternoon of creative writing facilitated by a professional writer. Girls will explore examples from classic and contemporary writers and learn how to add spice to their own writing. From poetry to fiction to article writing, they will give it all a try today. Sara Rowe, our facilitator, is a freelance writer and creative writing instructor who has been published in multiple magazines, including Boys’ Life, Kiki and Susie, and two Chicken Soup for the Soul books. She has a Bachelor’s of Arts in English Writing and History and a Master’s of Arts in Children’s Literature. WHEN: March 16, 2013, 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. WHERE: 501 S. College Avenue, Newark, DE 19713 COST: $14 per girl, includes Scribe badge. NOTE: Bring a notebook and pencil or pen. Min 10/Max 20
Girl Scout Juniors (Grades 4–5) Alapocas After Dark offers girls the opportunity to experience our park at night. During this nighttime hike, scouts will discover what nocturnal animals reside in our parks and how they use their senses to survive in the dark. Through hands on activities and night vision tools, Girl Scouts will explore our nighttime world. WHEN: April 4, 2013, 7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. WHERE: Blue Ball Barn, Wilmington, DE. Driving directions will be sent with confirmation. COST: $7 per girl, includes fun patch. NOTE: Dress for nighttime hike. Min 10/Max 25
GARDENER Bellevue State Park
Girl Scout Juniors (Grades 4–5) Discover the secret of the North Star and constellations visible year–round. Use telescopes, binoculars and the naked eye to observe harbingers of spring like Leo and Arcturus, and echoes of winter like Gemini and Sirius, as well as brilliant Jupiter, the Orion Nebula, and other deep–sky wonders. WHEN: March 23, 2013, 7:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. WHERE: 3511 Barley Mill Road, Hockessin, DE 19707 COST: $8 per girl, includes patch. NOTE: This is an evening program, dress warmly. If cloudy or raining, program will be rescheduled. Program aligns with Junior Get Moving Journey and fulfills a requirement for Girl Scouts of the Chesapeake Bay Hats Off to Girl Scouting Patch. Min 8/Max 25
Girl Scout Juniors (Grades 4–5) Letterboxing is a unique combination of a treasure hunt, navigation, artistic expression and outdoor exploration. Carve out your own personal stamp and explore the exciting world of letterboxing. Then try your navigation skills to find a series of letterboxes hidden at the DuPont Environmental Education Center (DEEC). Experience a more technical treasure hunt with geocaching. Practice using a GPS and search the DEEC garden for hidden treats. WHEN: April 6, 2013, 1 p.m.–4 p.m. WHERE: DuPont Environmental Education Center 1400 Delmarva Lane, Wilmington, DE 19801 COST: $6 per girl NOTE: Wear shoes that can get muddy and bring rain gear if appropriate. Min 8/Max 25
girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
DRAWING NATURE Camp Todd Program Center
Girl Scout Juniors (Grades 4–5) Learn how to sketch trees, plants, birds and other wildlife to earn your Drawing badge! See the tricks that artists use to capture shapes, textures and shadows to make nature come to life. We will use a variety of shading pencils to compose a drawing like a professional artist. WHEN: April 6, 2013, 12:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. WHERE: 25012 Beauchamp Road, Denton, MD 21629 COST: $12 per girl, includes Junior Drawing badge. NOTE: Includes materials. Min 15/Max 22
All Girl Scout Levels The Thin Mint 5K Run/Walk is for all ages and is an event for the entire family. The course has been professionally designed and will be officially timed. A Fun Run for kids under 8 will take place prior to the 5k run/walk. Participants will receive a t–shirt, and a box of Thin Mints. Daisy through Ambassador Girl Scout participants will receive a Thin Mint Run/Walk patch. Pre–register by March 15, 2013, to receive a shirt on race day. WHEN: April 14, 2013. Registration start time: 9 a.m. Kiddie Fun Run start time: 9:50 a.m. 5K Run/Walk time: 10 a.m. WHERE: Dravo Plaza, Wilmington Riverfront, Wilmington, DE.
EARTH DAY - Camp Todd
PEOPLE TO PEOPLE: ITALY - Newark Resource Center
Girl Scout Juniors (Grades 4–5) Go on fantastic journey to Italy. Experience the culture, food, craft, dance, language and more of this country. WHEN: April 12, 2013, 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. WHERE: 501 S. College Avenue, Newark, DE, 19713 COST: $5 per participant (girl or adult), includes fun patch. NOTE: Min 12/Max 50
BUDS AND BLOOMS - Abbott’s Mill NatureCenter
Girl Scout Juniors (Grades 4–5) Spend the morning at Abbott’s Mill Nature Center working on your Flowers badge. Learn about the different parts of a plant and why they are important to humans and wild animals. WHEN: April 13, 2013, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. WHERE: 15411 Abbott’s Pond Road, Milford, DE 19963 COST: $9 per program includes patch NOTE: Dress for the weather. Pack a bag lunch and bring a water bottle if you plan to attend both programs. Program will fulfill some badge requirements. Min 10/Max 25
All Girl Scout Levels Earth Day is about more than just appreciating our earth, it’s about learning how to live in harmony with our environment! Hiking, archery, the team’s challenge course and possibly even kayaking (weather permitting) await us in the great outdoors. We’ll be focused on learning about making environmentally responsible choices so our world and our bodies can work well together. WHEN: April 19–21, 2013 weekend program 7 p.m. – 11 a.m.; day program (April 20) 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. WHERE: 25012 Beauchamp Road, Denton, MD 21629 COST: $14 day program per girl; $38 weekend program; per participant (girl or adult). NOTE: Day program includes fun patch and snack. Day participants, please pack lunch. Weekend program includes fun patch, sleeping accommodations, snacks and four meals. Min 15/Max 200
ANIMAL HABITATS - Iron Hill Museum
Girl Scout Juniors (Grades 4–5) Where is the ideal place for an animal to live? Learn all about the animals found in our area. Take a nature walk to find as many animal homes as possible while helping to clean up the forest for the animals. WHEN: Saturday April 20, 2013, 1 p.m.–3 p.m. WHERE: 1355 Old Baltimore Pike, Newark, DE 19702 COST: $8 per girl, includes patch. No charge for 2 chaperones/ leaders. Additional non–participants are $2 each. NOTE: Min 10/Max 15
girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
THE ZEN OF GARDENING - Winterthur Museum
Girl Scout Juniors (Grades 4–5) Not just a pretty face! With the Winterthur Garden as a laboratory, earn the Junior Flowers badge while finding out how flowers function and recording your experience in a garden journal. Make a dried flower sachet and learn how to create a flower arrangement from plants that grow in Delaware. WHEN: Saturday, April 20, 2013, 1 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Please arrive by 12:30 p.m. WHERE: 5105 Kennett Pike Wilmington, DE 19807
COST: $10 per girl, includes Flowers badge and admission for
the day. Additional parents and siblings who would like to visit the museum must pay group rate admission. NOTE: Winterthur is located off Route 52 (Kennett Pike) 6 miles north of Wilmington and 6 miles south of Route 1 in Pennsylvania. Park in the Visitor Lot and then walk down the path to the Visitor Center to meet for the program. Min 8/Max 24
Girl Scout Juniors (Grades 4–5) Have you wanted to come to camp with your daughter and see what kind of fun she has prior to registering her for summer camp? Join us at the waterfront, at the archery range, the arts and craft station and even try some of our great camp food. By attending this camp, you and your daughter will be entered into a drawing for a free week of day camp at Camp Todd. WHEN: May 4, 2013, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. WHERE: 25012 Beauchamp Road, Denton, MD 21629 COST: $14 per girl, includes fun patch and snack. NOTE: Please pack a lunch. Components of the Junior Camper badge will be completed. Min 15/Max 100
All Girl Scout Levels Join us for a fun afternoon and have all your camp questions answered. Learn more about the programs you are interested in. Take a tour of the property, talk with the Director and make a fun camp craft/snack.
Girl Scout Juniors (Grades 4–5) Have you wanted to come to camp with your daughter and see what kind of fun she has prior to registering her for summer camp? Join us at the waterfront, at the archery range, the arts and craft station and even try some of our great camp food. By attending this camp, you and your daughter will be entered into a drawing for a free week of resident camp at Camp Grove Point. WHEN: May 10–11, 2013, weekend program 7 p.m. – 7 p.m.; day program (May 11) 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. WHERE: Camp Grove Point Earleville, MD COST: $14 day program per girl; $38 weekend program; per participant (girl or adult). NOTE: Day program includes fun patch and snack. Day participants please pack lunch. Weekend program includes fun patch, sleeping accommodations and three meals. Components of the Junior Camper badge will be completed. Min 15/Max 100
WHEN/WHERE: May 5, 2013
1 p.m.
Camp Todd, Denton, MD
May 5, 2013
1 p.m.
Camp Grove Point, Earleville, MD
May 19, 2013
1 p.m.
Camp Country Center, Hockessin, DE
May 19, 2013
1 p.m.
Camp Sandy Pines, Fruitland, MD
COST: Free, registration required. NOTE: More information will follow. Min 5/Max 100
Girl Scout Juniors (Grades 4–5) Join us on Friday for a starlit night hike; wake up with us for an amazing morning on the Camp Todd zipline. Then travel with us to Tuckahoe State Park for an afternoon of high ropes activities and Canoe Wars. As the evening approaches we will take a small boat ride along the water’s edge and close with a campfire and s’mores. We hope to see you there! WHEN: May 17–19, 2013, 7 p.m. – 11 a.m. WHERE: 25012 Beauchamp Road, Denton, MD 21629 COST: $75 per participant (girl or adult). NOTE: Includes fun patch, admission and transportation to Tuckahoe State Park, four meals and snacks. Min 15/Max 75
FLOWERS - Iron Hill Museum
Girl Scout Juniors (Grades 4–5) Learn all about flowers while enjoying a nature walk. Have fun by making your own bouquet! WHEN: Saturday May 18, 2013, 1 p.m. – 3 p.m. WHERE: 1355 Old Baltimore Pike, Newark, DE 19702 COST: $8 per girl, includes patch. NOTE: No charge for 2 chaperones/leaders. Additional non– participants are $2 each. Min 10/Max 15
HOME SWEET HOME - Salisbury Zoo
Girl Scout Juniors (Grades 4–5) Through a variety of activities girls will learn and explore various animal habitats. WHEN: May 18, 2013, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. WHERE: 755 S. Park Dr., Salisbury, MD 21802 COST: $9 per girl, includes Junior Animal Habitats badge. NOTE: Min 10/Max 25
Girl Scout Juniors (Grades 4–5) Through their detective skills, girls will complete the Geocacher badge while exploring the zoo. Using a provided GPS receiver, girls will find hidden treasures around the zoo and then create a treasure hunt of their own. WHEN: June 22, 2013, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. WHERE: 755 S. Park Dr., Salisbury, MD 21802 COST: $9 per girl, includes Junior Geocacher badge. NOTE: Min 10/Max 25
The choices she makes start with you. Take the pledge today: girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
Girl Scout Cadette Vest & Sash
Grades 6-8
If the minimum number of participants is not registered 14 days prior to the program date, the program will be cancelled. Once minimum numbers are met, registration will remain open until maximum number is reached. Adult/ girl ratio must be followed, unless otherwise noted.
girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
Girl Scout Cadettes (Grades 7–8 only) Career Dine Arounds give girls the opportunity to explore careers and meet with professional women in a wide variety of industries. These sessions are held at various businesses and corporations. Dine Arounds in the fields of art, interior design, medicine and construction are being scheduled throughout the year. A light dinner and activity is provided. First come, first served. WHEN: Confirmed Career Dine Arounds will be put on our website,, so please check regularly. WHERE: Various locations throughout the council. COST: Free, registration required. NOTE: These are girl–only events. Adults are asked to drop girls off and then pick them up at assigned time. A confirmation will be sent upon acceptance into the event.
Girl Scout Cadettes (Grades 6–8) Join our climbing team for some top rope rock climbing. Topics covered include equipment, safety, discussion of physical and mental preparedness. Get harnessed up and climb on our natural rock wall. Safety equipment, ropes and belayers provided.
September 15, 2012
10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
September 16, 2012
10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
October 14, 2012 12 p.m. – 2 p.m. WHERE: Rock Climbing Wall, Alapocas Run State Park. Driving directions will be sent with confirmation. COST: $24 per climber (girl or adult). NOTE: Registration closes 21 days prior to event. Wear comfortable clothing. Min 10/Max 20
FARM & FOOD ADVENTURE - Coverdale Farms
Girl Scout Cadettes (Grades 6–8) Travel around Coverdale Farm to discover tastes from around the world! Dig into the organic vegetable and herb garden then harvest ingredients to take to the kitchen. Cook up an amazing meal with simply prepared dishes spanning the globe. Discover how to make delicious, healthy food choices for fit and fantastic YOU! Join us for a day that takes you from field to table with international flair! WHEN: September 22, 2012, 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. WHERE: 543 Way Road, Greenville, DE 19807 COST: $17 per girl, includes lunch. NOTE: Bring water bottle. Dress for the weather, wear comfortable hiking shoes. Activities fulfill requirements toward Eating for Beauty and New Cuisines badges. Min 6/Max 20
GIRL SCOUT SILVER AWARD EDUCATION Girl Scout Cadettes (Grades 6–8) When a Girl Scout Cadette has almost completed a Cadette Journey (ME in Media!, Amaze! or Breathe) she must attend this mandatory workshop. This workshop will walk the girl and her mentor through the steps of achieving her Girl Scout Silver Award. Questions about the award and its requirements will be answered.
WHEN/WHERE: September 19, 2012
6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Peninsula Resource Center - Salisbury, MD
September 26, 2012
6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Newark Resource Center, Newark, DE
November 3, 2012
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. First United Methodist, Chestertown, MD
December 1, 2012
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Newark Resource Center, Newark, DE
January 26, 2013 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. St. Jude the Apostle Church, Lewes, DE March 23, 2013
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Camp Todd, Denton, MD
April 6, 2013
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Salisbury, MD
May 11, 2013
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Dover, DE
June 5, 2013
6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Newark Resource Center, Newark, DE
June 12, 2013
6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Peninsula Resource Center, Salisbury, MD
COST: $10 per girl. NOTE: Includes workbook. Adult mentors should also attend this session. Min 12/Max 24
ARCHERY ADVENTURES Abbott’s Mill Nature Center
Girl Scout Cadettes (Grades 6–8) Learn to become an outdoor adventurer. Try your hand at the bow and arrow on our targets and roving archery course. WHEN: September 22, 2012, 1 p.m. – 3 p.m. WHERE: 15411 Abbott’s Pond Road, Milford, DE 19963 COST: $9 each program includes patch. NOTE: Dress for the weather. Bring hair bands to tie hair back for safety. Min 8/Max 15
WOODWORKING BADGE Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum
Girl Scout Cadettes (Grades 6–8) Join the lady ship carpenters for a day of working with wood. Learn about Chesapeake ships called “skipjacks” and “bugeyes” through the fun skills, exciting tools and real–life boats at the museum, and make your own Bay Boat to take home! WHEN: October 13, 2012, 1 p.m. – 4 p.m. WHERE: 213 N. Talbot St., St. Michaels, MD 21663 COST: $12 per girl, includes fun patch. NOTE: Some requirements for the Woodworker badge will be fulfilled. Min 10/Max 30
THE POETRY OF HIP HOP Newark Resource Center
Girl Scout Cadettes (Grade 6 only) Come learn about hip hop music in a day of positive, inspirational beats and lyrics. See a performance by young Washington, D.C. artist, AG, and learn to write and perform your own hip hop hit! WHEN: October 13, 2012, 1 p.m. – 4 p.m. WHERE: 501 S. College Avenue, Newark, DE, 19713 COST: $10 per girl, includes fun patch NOTE: Min 15/Max 40
Girl Scout Cadettes (Grades 6–8) Teens with a desire to complete the Screenwriter or Novel badge or who have an interest in creative writing will learn tips and tricks for fiction writing in this program facilitated by a professional writer. Topics will include idea generation, character, setting, plot, and writing beginnings. Sara Rowe, our facilitator, is a freelance writer and creative writing instructor who has been published in multiple magazines, including Boys’ Life, Kiki and Susie, and two Chicken Soup for the Soul books. She has a Bachelor’s of Arts in English Writing and History and a Master’s of Arts in Children’s Literature. WHEN: October 13, 2012, 1 p.m. – 4 p.m. WHERE: 501 S. College Ave., Newark, DE 19713 COST: $14 per girl, includes patch. NOTE: Bring a notebook and pencil or pen. Min 10/Max 20
girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
FUN WITH ROBOTICS! Newark Resource Center
Girl Scout Cadettes (Grades 6–8) Girls will quickly learn the basics of programming robots on laptops, then it’s up to them how effective they are at performing the tasks to complete the missions. Girls work together in small groups, problem solve and gain confidence along the way. Robotics is the technology of the careers of the future: medicine, engineering, banking and crime investigation, it’s everywhere. Let’s get started with the basics.
October 6, 2012
2 p.m. – 4 p.m.
March 9, 2013
2 p.m. – 4 p.m.
WHERE: 1051 Sharpless Road, Hockessin, DE 19707 COST: $ 10 per girl, includes instruction, equipment and patches.
NOTE: Min 8/Max 24
Come experience history in the making and celebrate the 100th Year of Girl Scouting by discovering and learning new skills, connecting with friends and make new friendships that last a lifetime and taking action by learning about our world and making the world a better place. Visit the Jamboree’s website for more information. WHEN: October 19-21, 2012 WHERE: Delaware State Fairgrounds, Harrington, DE 19952
TREES, TREES, TREES - Iron Hill Museum
Girl Scout Cadettes (Grades 6–8) Design a tree house and share favorite recipes! Identify local trees while taking a nature walk through the forest. Make your own tree art to take home. Talk about deforestation and how you can adopt a tree from our area. WHEN: October 20, 2012, 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. WHERE: 1355 Old Baltimore Pike, Newark, DE 19702 COST: $ 8 per girl, includes a fun patch NOTE: No charge for 2 chaperones/leaders. Additional nonparticipants are $2 each. Have each girl bring in her favorite recipe using an item from a tree. Min 10/Max 15
All Girl Scout Levels We are looking for Girl Scouts who would be available on short notice to make a public appearance representing Girl Scouts of the Chesapeake Bay at meetings, award presentations, funding events, etc. within the community. WHEN: Applications are due by October 26, 2012. WHERE: Applications to be submitted to Program Department, Newark Resource Center, 501 S. College Ave., Newark, DE 19713 NOTE: Participants need to wear khaki pants/skirt, white shirt, membership pins and sash or vest. Application on page 61.
Girl Scout Cadettes (Grades 6–8) Learn the basics of how satellites send signals to earth and how people use GPS devices, in our cars, some phones and for real fun, in our hands, to find out where to go. There are lots of cool websites showing locations locally and all over the world to find caches (hidden items). We’ll gain skills to use hand–held GPS devices to hide and seek some items of our own. This program fills quickly, so sign up today! Spaces are limited.
October 20, 2012
2 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
March 16, 2013 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. WHERE: 1051 Sharpless Road, Hockessin, DE 19707
COST: $ 10 per girl, includes equipment and fun patch. . NOTE: Dress for outdoor programming and wear sturdy shoes.
Min 6/Max 18
All Girl Scout Levels Celebrate 100 years of Girl Scouting as you use old–fashioned techniques to create a familiar treat – buttered popcorn! Remove corn from cob by hand, pop over a fire, and make your own butter to top it off – just like your sister Girl Scouts did a century ago. Tour Cooch–Dayett Mills and discover this 18th century treasure and its modern updates. WHEN: October 27, 2012, 3 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. WHERE: 904 Old Baltimore Pike, Newark, DE 19702 COST: $8 per girl, includes fun patch. NOTE: This is an outdoor program, please dress for the weather. Activities fulfill requirements for Girl Scouts of the Chesapeake Bay Hats Off to Girl Scouting Patch. Min 8/Max 25
IN–SPA–RATION - Camp Grove Point
Girl Scout Cadettes (Grades 6–8) Pamper yourself while learning nature’s greatest secrets at Camp Grove Point. Make a salt or sugar scrub from everyday products, study and practice relaxation and meditation techniques you can apply to your everyday life. Take some time out for yourself, you deserve it. WHEN: November 2–4, 2012, 7 p.m. – 11 a.m. WHERE: 2930 Grove Neck Road, Earleville, MD, 21919 COST: $38 per participant (girl or adult) NOTE: Includes fun patch, four meals and snacks. Components of Cadette Eating for Beauty badge will be completed. Min 15/Max 100
All Girl Scout Levels We are looking for Girl Scouts who would be available on short notice for unexpected photo opportunities for publications and articles about Girl Scouting. WHEN: Applications are due by October 26, 2012. WHERE: Applications to be submitted to Program Department, Newark Resource Center, 501 S. College Ave., Newark, DE 19713. NOTE: Participants need to wear khaki pants/skirt, white shirt, membership pins and sash or vest. Application on page 61.
girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
Girl Scout Cadettes (Grades 6–8) Karate isn’t about fighting ! It is fun and has a purpose. It teaches self discipline, focus, control, pride, courage and self defense while laying the foundation for an active and healthy lifestyle. Join us as we learn about the basics of karate, test our heart rates when we’re in motion and when we’re resting, and what kinds of foods give us the most energy and stamina.
November 3, 2012
11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
December 1, 2012
11 a.m. – 1 p.m
January 5, 2013
11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
WHERE: 35 Liberty Plaza, Newark, DE 19711 COST: $15 per girl includes activities and fun patch. NOTE: Min 6/ Max 25
Girl Scout Cadettes (Grades 6–8) Our digital world makes it easy to stay in touch and share memories and ideas. But we’ve all heard embarrassing stories about people who wish they’d never hit “send.” Come join us to solve some of your own Netiquette dilemmas and to make positive choices in the online world.
November 3, 2012
1 p.m. – 3 p.m.
First United Methodist, Chestertown, MD
January 26, 2013
1 p.m. – 3 p.m.
St. Jude the Apostle Church, Lewes, DE
March 23, 2013
1 p.m. – 3 p.m.
Camp Todd, Denton MD
April 6, 2013
1 p.m. – 3 p.m.
Salisbury, MD
May 11, 2013
1 p.m. – 3 p.m.
Dover, DE
COST: $10 per girl, includes Netiquette badge. NOTE: Min 10/Max 25
HIKER – Ward Museum
Girl Scout Cadettes (Grades 6–8) Join the Ward Museum in a fun and instructional hike with expert naturalists to learn about local parks and trails, how to read a map and trail signs, how to pack for a hike, and how to make great hiking snacks. After discussing their route and packing for the hike, the girls will explore Pemberton Park, which includes a historic house (Pemberton Hall) and an extensive trail system that will challenge the girls to use their newly learned hiking skills. WHEN: November 3, 2012, 1 p.m. – 3 p.m. WHERE: 909 S. Schumaker Dr., Salisbury, MD 21804 COST: $15 per girl, includes patch. NOTE: Bring a water bottle. Min 12/Max 30
NIGHT OWL – Salisbury Zoo
Girl Scout Cadettes (Grades 6–8) Girls will complete the Cadette Night Owl badge while exploring a variety of areas that deal with the jobs and the nocturnal animals in and around the zoo. Girls need to bring a bagged dinner. WHEN: November 10, 2012, 5 p.m. – 8 p.m. WHERE: Salisbury Zoo, 755 S. Park Dr., Salisbury, MD 21802 COST: $7 per girl, includes Night Owl badge. NOTE: Min 12/Max 25
TRAVEL OPPORTUNITIES FOR 2016 From London to Lucerne (and Rome!)
Girl Scout Cadettes (Grades 7-8 only) Have you always wanted a European Vacation? Would you like to visit two of the WAGGGS centers in the process? Then this journey is for you. Join Girl Scouts of the Chesapeake Bay on a once in a lifetime adventure! Three European cities. Two WAGGGS Centers. One amazing tour. Girl Scouts will experience the best of both worlds as incredible adventures take them through the bustling streets of London, Paris, high up into the Swiss Alps, and travel continues into Italy and the eternal city of Rome. At Pax Lodge and Our Chalet, we’ll arrange for girls to have special pinning ceremonies - making their visits forever memorable and meaningful. Interested girls and their parents should attend an informational meeting to hear about our trip that is currently being planned for June-July 2016. We are doing some long-range planning to allow girls the opportunity to have several years to plan money earning activities and cookie sales with this very big goal in mind.
WHEN/WHERE: November 10, 2012
10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Newark Resource Center, Newark, DE
November 17, 2012
10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Peninsula Resource Center, Salisbury, MD
COST: Free, registration required. NOTE: There is no commitment required to attend. Come and
hear our plans then make your decision. The tour will be open for interested girls to register on December 1, 2012. It is a once in a lifetime opportunity to travel with your friends and fellow Girl Scouts. So come hear how you can begin your journey to Europe in 2016!
Girl Scout Cadettes (Grades 6–8) Go on a fantastic journey to Costa Rica. Experience the culture, food, craft, dance, language and more of this country. WHEN: November 16, 2012, 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. WHERE: 501 S. College Avenue, Newark, DE 19713 COST: $5 per participant (girl or adult), includes fun patch. NOTE: Min 12/Max 50
Girl Scout Cadettes (Grades 6–8) Using digital cameras, girls will learn the basics of composing a photo, explore their talents taking photos of cool angles, people and places at camp, and gain skills to edit the pictures with a free photo editing program they can use at home.
November 10, 2012
1 p.m. – 3 p.m.
March 3, 2013
1 p.m. – 3 p.m.
WHERE: 1051 Sharpless Road, Hockessin, DE 19707 COST: $ 10 per girl NOTE: Includes equipment, instruction and patches. Dress for
the outdoors. Event will happen rain or shine, we’ll move indoors in inclement weather. Min 8/Max 20
Girl Scout Cadettes (Grades 6–8) To achieve the Girl Scout Silver Award takes dedication, organization and determination. This award is not easily achieved and the girls who do earn them are to be commended. This special Girl Ceremony will honor the Girl Scouts who have achieved their highest grade level awards. We will also acknowledge the commitment of the girls who have been a Girl Scout for 10 and 13 years. Information about the Take Action projects will be on display. Attendance by honorees, families, friends and the Girl Scout community is encouraged. Girls must complete and submit final paperwork to Council by the deadline of September 30, 2012 in order to be recognized for their accomplishments. Submissions of final reports after the deadline will not be eligible for recognition at this year’s ceremony though they will be honored in the following year. WHEN: November 18, 2012. WHERE: Wyoming United Methodist Church, Wyoming, DE COST: $2 per person. There is no cost for girls being honored. NOTE: Registration form to attend is on our website. Registration deadline to attend is three weeks prior to ceremony. If a girl is not able to attend the ceremony, her award pins will be available the next business day after the ceremony.
girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
Girl Scout Cadettes (Grades 6–8) Girls will enjoy using all of their senses as they explore the constellations of the night skies. Try indoor photography using lights and angles. Microscopes will be used to investigate the tiny objects you can discover in the winter woods. We’ll investigate some famous winter paintings and images of snow flakes. Maybe it will snow a bit and we can look for animal tracks. “The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But we have promises to keep, and miles to go before we sleep…” Robert Frost.
November 30– December 1, 2012 7 p.m. Friday – 12 p.m. Saturday
Camp Todd, Denton, MD
February 1–2, 2013 7 p.m. Friday – 12 p.m. Saturday
Camp Country Center , Hockessin, DE
COST: $25 per participant (girl or adult), includes fun patch. NOTE: Includes healthy snack on Friday evening and hearty breakfast on Saturday morning.
Dress for the weather; bring extra shoes or boots for the outdoors. Min 15/Max 45
PAINTING – Ward Museum
Girl Scout Cadettes (Grades 6–8) Girl Scouts will learn firsthand that the Ward Museum is a great place for art and painting. Scouts will tour the galleries and see how artists were able to create a lifelike 3D illusion of weightless feathers out of wood and paint. Once they are inspired, the scouts will be able to try their hand at a variety of painting styles including real life, abstract and other unique paintings on their own. The day will end with everyone pitching in to complete a mural. WHEN: December 1, 2012, 1 p.m. – 3 p.m. WHERE: 909 S. Schumaker Dr., Salisbury, MD 21804 COST: $12 per girl, includes fun patch. NOTE: Min 12/Max 30
OWLS AND STARS – White Clay Creek State Park
Girl Scout Cadettes (Grades 6–8) Explore nature after dark during this enchanting evening program at the park. Girls will get to meet a real owl up close and hear stories about the night sky while looking for constellations and sipping hot chocolate. In case of inclement weather, we will hold this program indoors and concentrate on star stories and nocturnal animals. WHEN: December 8, 2012, 7 p.m. – 9 p.m. WHERE: Nature Center, 1473 Creek Road, Newark, DE 19711 COST: $17 per participant (girl or adult), includes fun patch. Two adults per troop are at no cost. NOTE: Dress warmly for a nighttime hike. No park entrance fee in December. Min 15/Max 35
Girl Scout Cadettes (Grades 7–8) The Program Aide Award is part of the Teen Mentoring Awards. Girls in seventh and eighth grade need to do the following to earn their Program Aide Award. 1.) Earn one LiA Award. The Leadership in Action award guidelines can be found in the adult guide book for Girl Scout Brownies or Girl Scout Cadettes for each Journey. This must be done prior to attending the Program Aide Education. 2.) Complete a council–designed Program Aide Core Education. 3.) Complete a council–designed Specialty Education in either Troop Basics or Outdoor Skills. 4.) Work directly with younger girls over six activity sessions. This might be assisting girls on journey activities (in addition to what she did for her LiA), badge activities, or other sessions. She might work with a group at their meetings, day camp, or during a special council event.
PROGRAM AIDE EDUCATION – Core December 1, 2012
9 a.m.–2 p.m.
Newark Resource Center, Newark, DE
December 8, 2012
9 a.m.–2 p.m.
Peninsula Resource Center, Salisbury, MD
March 9, 2013
9 a.m.–2 p.m.
Camp Grove Point, Earleville, MD
March 16, 2013
9 a.m.–2 p.m.
Camp Todd, Denton, MD
May 11, 2013
9 a.m.–2 p.m.
Camp Todd, Denton, MD
June 1, 2013
9 a.m.–2 p.m.
Camp Country Center, Hockessin, DE
June 22, 2013
9 a.m.–2 p.m
Camp Sandy Pines, Fruitland, MD
PROGRAM AIDE EDUCATION – Specialty - Troop Basics December 1, 2012
3 p.m.–5 p.m..
Newark Resource Center, Newark, DE
December 8, 2012
3 p.m.–5 p.m..
Peninsula Resource Center, Salisbury, MD
PROGRAM AIDE EDUCATION – Specialty - Outdoor Skills March 9, 2013
3 p.m.–5 p.m.
Camp Grove Point, Earleville, MD
March 16, 2013
3 p.m.–5 p.m.
Camp Todd, Denton, MD
May 11, 2013
3 p.m.–5 p.m.
Camp Todd, Denton, MD
June 1, 2013
3 p.m.–5 p.m.
Camp Country Center, Hockessin, DE
June 22, 2013
3 p.m.–5 p.m.
Camp Sandy Pines, Fruitland, MD
COST: $15 per girl, includes education materials and Program Aide pin when hours are achieved and paperwork submitted to council.
NOTE: Please bring a bagged lunch if you are attending both sessions. Min 12/Max 24
girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
Girl Scout Cadettes (Grades 6–8) To familiarize and provide young adults with basic skills and information that is necessary in caring for infants and children, such as, emergency action steps, personal safety, fire safety, infant care, basic first aid, and choking management. Presentation by the Delaware Safety Council.
WINTER TREES - Chestnut Hill Farm at White Clay Creek State Park
lunch. Min 7/Max 12
Girl Scout Cadettes (Grades 6–8) Join us at the Judge Morris Estate, historically called Chestnut Hill Farm, for a lovely afternoon stroll under some towering treasures. We will practice winter tree identification, make a take–home craft out of tree materials and learn the story of the American Chestnut, a once abundant tree in this area. WHEN: January 19, 2013, 1 p.m. – 3 p.m. WHERE: Judge Morris Estate, 76 Polly Drummond Hill Road, Newark, DE 19711 COST: $12 per participant (girl or adult), includes fun patch. Two adults per troop are at no cost. NOTE: No park entrance fee in January. Min 10/Max 40
WINTER CAMP - Camp Grove Point
NIGHT SKY - Brandywine Creek State Park
December 15, 2012, 9 a.m.-2 p.m.
Newark Resource Center
March 23, 2013, 9 a.m.-2 p.m.
Scout Hut - Millsboro, DE
COST: $45 per girl, includes a Certificate of Achievement to be earned at course completion.
NOTE: Girls are asked to bring a baby doll as well as a bagged
Girl Scout Cadettes (Grades 6–8) Experience the fun of summer camp in the winter! We will hike, use the challenge course and enjoy other great summer/ winter activities. In the evening we will join each other around the campfire for stories and songs. Tell all your summer camp friends to come out and join you this winter at the coolest camp ever. WHEN: January 11–13, 2013, weekend program 7 p.m. – 11 a.m.; day program (January 12) 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. WHERE: 2930 Grove Neck Road, Earleville, MD 21919 COST: $14 day program per girl; $38 weekend program; per participant (girl or adult) NOTE: Day program includes fun patch and snack. Day participants should pack lunch. Weekend program includes fun patch, sleeping accommodations and four meals. Min 15/Max 100
EXPLORE THE MAGIC OF MOTION - University of Delaware
Girl Scout Cadettes (Grades 6–8) Have you ever heard the sound of blood rushing through your veins or air moving through your lungs? Have you ever held a real human bone or used equipment that can move a part of your body for you? Work with current UD students to learn skills that can make you a healthier person and discover how physical activity helps the body heal. Get hands on experience finding muscles in your body, checking blood pressure and more! Step into the life of a Physical Therapy student and earn a new badge as you explore the exciting world of Physical Therapy at the University of Delaware. WHEN: January 12, 2013, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. WHERE: 333 McKinly Lab, Newark, DE 19713 COST: $ 10 per girl, includes badge and snack. NOTE: Please bring a bag lunch. Min 20/Max 40
Girl Scout Cadettes (Grades 6–8) We will start indoors with an introduction to the night sky, label a map of the sky, and learn about stars and light pollution. We will then head outside to observe the night sky and the nocturnal animals that inhabit the park. WHEN: February 15, 2013, 5:30 p.m. – 8 p.m. WHERE: Nature Center 41 Adams Dam Road, Wilmington, DE 19807 COST: $7 per girl, includes fun patch. NOTE: Dress warmly for a nighttime hike. No park entrance fee. Min 15/Max 55
Girl Scout Cadettes (Grades 6–8) Join us for a fun day on the snow at Liberty Mountain. We will ride together on a coach bus for a fantastic afternoon on the tubes. Once we get there hit the tubes then break for lunch. WHEN: February 16, 2013, 6 a.m. – 7 p.m. WHERE: Camp Country Center 1051 Sharpless Road, Hockessin, DE 19707 COST: $75 per participant (girl or adult). NOTE: Includes fun patch, admission and transportation to Liberty Mountain, and lunch on Saturday. Additional activities and/or meals are not included. More information will follow the closer the date. Girls coming from a distance may stay Friday and/or Saturday night at Camp Country Center for an additional $5 per participant (girl or adult), per night. Min 45/Max 70
Girl Scout Cadettes (Grades 6–8) Engineering Your Tomorrow offers girls a wonderful opportunities to explore science, chemistry and engineering. Working with women who are currently engaged in several fields of science, girls will test scientific theories with hands–on activities as well as discover the many career opportunities for women. Additional informational sessions are provided for leaders and parents to help guide girls in making academic choices, preparing for higher education and considering career options in science. This will be the 24th year of this favorite event, please sign up early. WHEN: February 23, 2013, 9:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. WHERE: DuPont facility, New Castle County, DE COST: $8 per girl. NOTE: Includes fun patch and lunch. Girls coming from a distance may stay overnight at Camp Country Center for an additional $7 per girl (includes breakfast). Min 25/Max 80
Girl Scout Cadettes (Grades 6–8) Make connections with Maryland legislators, experience what it is like to be a lawmaker and see your government in action! This day in Annapolis will help you learn how to advocate for Girl Scouts and how a bill becomes a law. This is also a great opportunity to meet Girl Scouts from other councils. WHEN: February 2013 WHERE: Legislative Services, Annapolis, MD COST: $20 per participant (girl or adult). NOTE: Registration is through Girl Scouts of Central Maryland, Registration closes January 31, 2013.
Girl Scout Cadettes (Grades 6–8) Throughout our lives, we meet thousands of people. The ability to create a positive first impression is one you can expand on to build a solid relationship. Learn how you can take control of the way others perceive you.
WHEN/WHERE: February 23, 2013 10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Dover, DE
February 23, 2013 2 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Newark Resource Center
COST: Free, registration required. NOTE: Snow date: March 2, 2013. This workshop is mandatory
for all Girl Scouts who are attending the Women of Distinction Celebration on March 12, 2013. Min 12/Max 75
girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
NIGHT OWL - Iron Hill Museum
Girl Scout Cadettes (Grades 6–8) Learn about Owls and how they navigate the night sky. Explore our trails after dark. Learn about constellations and try to make your own. Program does not include step 3. WHEN: February 23, 2013, 7:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m. WHERE: 1355 Old Baltimore Pike, Newark, DE 19702 COST: $ 9 per girl includes patch NOTE: No charge for 2 chaperones/leaders. Additional nonparticipants are $2 each. Min 10/Max 15
Girl Scout Cadettes (Grade 8 only) Mix, mingle and make connections with Delaware’s elite businesswomen and government officials at this signature event. You will participate in a pre–program that includes personal time with our honoree. As a guest, you will also serve in leadership positions that will make this event successful – the evening’s Mistress of Ceremonies, vocalist, flag presenters and greeters are all Girl Scouts. This is the highest profile event of the year for Girl Scouts of the Chesapeake Bay; you won’t want to miss it. WHEN: March 12, 2013, 3 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. WHERE: Hotel DuPont, Wilmington, DE COST: Free, application required. NOTE: Complete and submit the Teen Leadership Application by December 14, 2012 (page 61) to Program Department, Newark Resource Center, 501 S. College Ave., Newark, DE 19713. All Girl Scouts participating in the event must register for the Powerful First Impression Workshop, February 23, 2013 (snow date: March 2, 2013). Max 75
Girl Scout Cadettes (Grades 6–8) Girl Scouts that come to the Ward Museum for their Digital Photography badge will have the opportunity to learn about photography techniques and methods from an expert professional photographer. The girls will go on a photo excursion and take pictures of wildlife and natural scenes around scenic Schumaker Pond, then get a chance to edit them and create a digital photo project. WHEN: March 23, 2013, 1 p.m. – 3 p.m. WHERE: 909 S. Schumaker Dr., Salisbury, MD 21804 COST: $2 per girl, Digital Photography badge included. NOTE: All equipment is included. Min 12/Max 30
WONDERS OF THE NIGHT SKY – Ashland Nature Center
Girl Scout Cadettes (Grades 6–8) Discover the secret of the North Star and constellations visible year–round. Use telescopes, binoculars and the naked eye to observe harbingers of spring like Leo and Arcturus, and echoes of winter like Gemini and Sirius, as well as brilliant Jupiter, the Orion Nebula, and other deep–sky wonders. WHEN: March 23, 2013, 7:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. WHERE: 3511 Barley Mill Road, Hockessin, DE 19707 COST: $8 per girl. NOTE: This is an evening program, dress warmly. If cloudy or raining, program will be rescheduled. Program fulfills a requirement for Girl Scouts of the Chesapeake Bay Hats Off to Girl Scouting Patch. Min 8/Max 25
Girl Scout Cadettes (Grades 6–8) Alapocas After Dark offers girls the opportunity to experience our park at night. During this nighttime hike, scouts will discover what nocturnal animals reside in our parks and how they use their senses to survive in the dark. Through hands-on activities and night vision tools, Girl Scouts will explore our nighttime world. WHEN: April 4, 2013, 7 p.m.-8:30 p.m. WHERE: Blue Ball Barn, Alapocas Run State Park, Wilmington, DE. Driving directions will be sent with confirmation. COST: $7 per girl, includes fun patch. NOTE: Dress for nighttime hike. Min 10/Max 25
Girl Scout Cadettes (Grade 8 only) The Lower Shore Women of Distinction luncheon honors local women that have made a positive difference in their community and serve as role models for girls and women. As a participant, you will serve in leadership positions and represent Girl Scouts to the community. Teen Girl Scouts are needed as greeters, flag presenters, and for speaking parts. No training is required to participate in the luncheon but you are also welcome to attend the Powerful First Impression Workshop. WHEN: April 12, 2013, 12 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. WHERE: Salisbury, MD COST: Free. Contact Director of Fund Development, 410–742–5107 for more information or to register. NOTE: Participants need to wear khaki pants/skirt, white shirt, membership pins and sash or vest. Max 12
girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
PEOPLE TO PEOPLE: ITALY Newark Resource Center
Girl Scout Cadettes (Grades 6–8) Go on fantastic journey to Italy. Experience the culture, food, craft, dance, language and more of this country. WHEN: April 12, 2013, 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. WHERE: 501 S. College Avenue, Newark, DE, 19713 COST: $5 per participant (girl or adult), includes fun patch. NOTE: Includes fun patch. Min 12/Max 50.
BARK, BUDS and BLOOMS Abbott’s Mill Nature Center
Girl Scout Cadettes (Grades 6–8) Spend the afternoon at Abbott’s Mill Nature Center working on your Trees badge. Learn about the different parts of a plant and why they are important to humans and wild animals. WHEN: April 13, 2013, 1 p.m.-3 p.m. WHERE: Abbott’s Mill Nature Center 15411 Abbott’s Pond Road, Milford, DE 19963 COST: $9 per program NOTE: Dress for the weather. Pack a bag lunch and bring a water bottle if you plan to attend both programs. Program will fulfill some badge requirements.Min 10/Max 25
All Girl Scout Levels The Thin Mint 5K Run/Walk is for all ages and is an event for the entire family. The course has been professionally designed and will be officially timed. A Fun Run for kids under 8 will take place prior to the 5k run/walk. Participants will receive a t–shirt, and a box of Thin Mints. Daisy through Ambassador Girl Scout participants will receive a Thin Mint Run/Walk patch. Pre–register by March 15, 2013, to receive a shirt on race day. WHEN: April 14, 2013. Registration start time: 9 a.m. Kiddie Fun Run start time: 9:50 a.m. 5K Run/Walk time: 10 a.m. WHERE: Dravo Plaza, Wilmington Riverfront, Wilmington, DE
EARTH DAY - Camp Todd
All Girl Scout Levels Earth Day is about more than just appreciating our earth, it’s about learning how to live in harmony with our environment! Hiking, archery, the team’s challenge course and possibly even kayaking (weather permitting) await us in the great outdoors. We’ll be focused on learning about making environmentally responsible choices so our world and our bodies can work well together. WHEN: April 19–21, 2013 weekend program 7 p.m. – 11 a.m.; day program (April 20) 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. WHERE: 25012 Beauchamp Branch Road, Denton, MD 21629 COST: $14 day program per girl; $38 weekend program per participant (girl or adult). NOTE: Day program includes fun patch and snack. Day participants please pack lunch. Weekend program includes fun patch, sleeping accommodations, snacks and four meals. Min 15/Max 200
Girl Scout Cadettes (Grade 8 only) The Mid–Shore Women of Distinction luncheon honors local women that have made a positive difference in their community and serve as role models for girls and women. As a participant, you will serve in leadership positions and represent Girl Scouts to the community. Teen Girl Scouts are needed as greeters, flag presenters, and for speaking parts. No training is required to participate in the luncheon but you are also welcomed to attend the Powerful First Impression Workshop. WHEN: April 26, 2013, 12 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. WHERE: Easton, MD COST: Free NOTE: Participants need to wear khaki pants/skirt, white shirt, membership pins and sash or vest. Contact Director of Fund Development, 410–742–5107 for more information or to register. Max 12
Girl Scout Cadettes (Grades 6–8) Join the Delaware 99s (an international organization of women pilots) who graciously host this very popular event. You will learn the steps to become a pilot, explore emergency procedures, create rockets and design your own plane. WHEN: April 28, 2013, 12:45 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. WHERE: New Castle County Airport, New Castle, DE COST: $12 per girl, includes fun patch. NOTE: This very popular event fills up quickly, sign up early. Please eat prior to arrival. Min 25/Max 60
Girl Scout Cadettes (Grades 6–8) Have you wanted to come to camp with your daughter and see what kind of fun she has prior to registering her for summer camp? Join us at the waterfront, at the archery range, the arts and craft station and even try some of our great camp food. By attending this camp, you and your daughter will be entered into a drawing for a free week of day camp at Camp Todd. WHEN: May 4, 2013, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. WHERE: 25012 Beauchamp Branch Road, Denton, MD 21629 COST: $14 per girl, includes fun patch and snack. NOTE: Components of the Cadette Trailblazing badge will be completed. Please pack lunch. Min 15/Max 100
All Girl Scout Levels Join us for a fun afternoon and have all your camp questions answered. Learn more about the programs you are interested in. Take a tour of the property, talk with the director and make a fun camp craft/snack.
WHEN/WHERE: May 5, 2013
1 p.m.
Camp Todd, Denton, MD
May 5, 2013
1 p.m.
Camp Grove Point, Earleville, MD
May 19, 2013
1 p.m.
Camp Country Center, Hockessin, DE
May 19, 2013
1 p.m.
Camp Sandy Pines, Fruitland, MD
COST: Free, registration required. NOTE: More information will follow closer to the date. Min 5/Max 100
Girl Scout Cadettes (Grades 6–8) Join us on Friday for a starlit night hike; wake up with us for an amazing morning on the Camp Todd zipline. Then travel with us to Tuckahoe State Park for an afternoon of high ropes activities and canoe wars. As the evening approaches, we will take a small boat ride along the waters edge, and close with a campfire and s’mores. We hope to see you there! WHEN: May 17–19, 2013, 7 p.m. – 11 a.m. WHERE: 25012 Beauchamp Branch Road, Denton, MD 21629 COST: $75 per participant (girl or adult), includes fun patch, admission and transportation to Tuckahoe State Park, four meals and snacks. NOTE: Min 15/Max 75
NOCTURNAL NATURE – Killens Pond State Park
Girl Scout Cadettes (Grades 6–8) Who’s around in the night? Come find out on this awesome night hike! We will explore the evening looking and listening for the animals that come out at night. Owls, bats, fireflies, fox and so many more! WHEN: May 18, 2013, 8:30 p.m. – 10 p.m. WHERE: Nature Center 5025 Killens Pond Road, Felton, DE 19943 COST: $6 per girl, includes fun patch and activities. NOTE: Min 15/Max 30
TREE–MENDOUS TREES – Killens Pond State Park
Girl Scout Cadettes (Grades 6–8) Have you wanted to come to camp with your daughter and see what kind of fun she has before registering her for summer camp? Join us at the waterfront, at the archery range, the arts and craft station and even try some of our great camp food. You and your daughter will be entered into a drawing for a free week of resident camp at Camp Grove Point. WHEN: May 10–11, 2013, weekend program 7 p.m. – 7 p.m.; day program (May 11) 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. WHERE: 2930 Grove Neck Road, Earleville, MD 21919 COST: $14 day program per girl; $30 weekend program per participant (girl or adult). NOTE: Day program includes fun patch and snack. Day participants please pack lunch. Weekend program includes fun patch, sleeping accommodations and three meals. Components of the Cadette Trailblazing badge will be completed. Min 15/Max 100
Girl Scout Cadettes (Grades 6–8) We will have a blast making paper, identifying local tree species, and planting a tree seed to take home with us. Come dressed for the weather since we will go on a short hike. WHEN: May 18, 2013, 6 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. WHERE: Nature Center 5025 Killens Pond Road, Felton, DE 19943 COST: $7 per girl, includes fun patch and activities. NOTE: Min 15/Max 30
girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
Girl Scout Senior Vest & Sash
Grades 9-10
If the minimum number of participants is not registered 14 days prior to the program date, the program will be cancelled. Once minimum numbers are met, registration will remain open until maximum number is reached. Adult/ girl ratio must be followed, unless otherwise noted.
girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
GIRL SCOUT GOLD AWARD GIRL SCOUT GOLD AWARD EDUCATION WORKSHOPS Girl Scout Seniors (Grades 9–10) When a Girl Scout Senior has almost completed the pre– requisites for starting the Girl Scout Gold Award, she must attend this mandatory workshop. This workshop will walk the girl through the steps of earning her Girl Scout Gold Award. Questions about the award and its requirements will be answered.
September 19, 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Peninsula Resource 2012 Center, Salisbury, MD
Girl Scout Seniors (Grades 9–10) All Girl Scout Seniors who submit a Girl Scout Gold Award proposal must go before the Girl Scout Gold Award Committee to obtain project approval. Proposals must be submitted by the first business day of the month in order to be reviewed on the third Wednesday of the month.
September 19, 2012
March 20, 2013
October 17, 2012
April 17, 2013
*November 14, 2012
May 15, 2013
December 19, 2012
June 19, 2013
January 16, 2013
July 17, 2013
Girl Scout Seniors (Grades 9–10) Join our climbing team for some top rope rock climbing. Topics covered include equipment, safety, discussion of physical and mental preparedness. Get harnessed up and climb on our natural rock wall. Safety equipment, ropes and belayers provided.
September 26, 2012
6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Newark Resource Center, Newark, DE
November 3, 2012
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. First United Methodist, Chestertown, MD
February 20, 2013 August 21, 2013 * Second Wednesday due to the Thanksgiving holiday.
December 1, 2012
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Newark Resource Center, Newark, DE
January 26, 2013
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. St. Jude the Apostle Church, Lewes, DE
WHERE: Pending population of proposals submitted. NOTE: The first four proposals submitted will be seen starting
March 23, 2013
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Camp Todd, Denton, MD
April 6, 2013
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Salisbury, MD
May 11, 2013
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Dover, DE
June 5, 2013
6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Newark Resource Center, Newark, DE
June 12, 2013
6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Peninsula Resource Center, Salisbury, MD
COST: $10 per girl. NOTE: Includes workbook. Adult mentors should also attend
this session.
PRE–REQUISITES: Complete two grade level Journeys or achieve the Girl Scout Silver Award and complete one Senior or Ambassador Journey. Min 12/Max 24
Girl Scout Seniors (Grades 9–10) Career Dine Arounds give girls the opportunity to explore careers and meet with professional women in a wide variety of industries. These sessions are held at various businesses and corporations. Dine Arounds in the fields of art, medicine and construction are being scheduled through out the year. A light dinner and activity is provided. First come, first served. WHEN: Confirmed Career Dine Arounds will be put on our website,, so please check regularly. WHERE: Various locations throughout the council. COST: Free, registration required. NOTE: These are girl–only events. Adults are asked to drop girls off and then pick them up at assigned time. A confirmation will be sent upon acceptance into the event.
at 6:30 p.m. If you cannot make the scheduled review, please put on your proposal what day would work and we will try to accommodate you.
September 15, 2012
10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
September 16, 2012
10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
October 14, 2012 12 p.m. – 2 p.m. WHERE: Rock Climbing Wall, Alapocas Run State Park. Driving directions will be sent with confirmation.
COST: $24 per climber (girl or adult). NOTE: Wear comfortable clothing. Registration closes
21 days prior to event. Min 10/Max 20
Ninth Graders GSCB is offering a special travel opportunity for girls in 2016. Take a peek on page 45 for TRAVEL OPPORTUNITIES FOR 2016 From London to Lucerne (and Rome!)
girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
Girl Scout Seniors (Grades 9–10) Teens with a desire to complete the Screenplay or Novel badge or who have an interest in creative writing will learn tips and tricks for fiction writing in this program facilitated by a professional writer. Topics will include idea generation, character, setting, plot, and writing beginnings. Sara Rowe, our facilitator, is a freelance writer and creative writing instructor who has been published in multiple magazines, including Boys’ Life, Kiki and Susie, and two Chicken Soup for the Soul books. She has a BA in English Writing and History and a MA in Children’s Literature. WHEN: October 13, 2012, 1 p.m. – 4 p.m. WHERE: 501 S. College Ave., Newark, DE 19713 COST: $14 per girl, includes patch. NOTE: Bring a notebook and pencil or pen. Min 10/Max 20
Come experience history in the making and celebrate the 100th Year of Girl Scouting by discovering and learning new skills, connecting with friends and make new friendships that last a lifetime and taking action by learning about our world and making the world a better place. Visit the Jamboree’s website for more information. WHEN: October 19-21, 2012. WHERE: Delaware State Fairgrounds, Harrington, DE 19952
All Girl Scout Levels We are looking for Girl Scouts who would be available on short notice to make a public appearance representing Girl Scouts of the Chesapeake Bay at meetings, award presentations, funding events, etc within the community. Often includes interviews or presentations that require speaking before an audience. WHEN: Applications are due by October 26, 2012. WHERE: Applications to be submitted to Program Department, Newark Resource Center, 501 S. College Ave., Newark, DE 19713. NOTE: Participants will need to wear khaki pants/skirt, white shirt, membership pins and sash or vest. Application is on page 61.
All Girl Scout Levels Celebrate 100 years of Girl Scouting as you use old–fashioned techniques to create a familiar treat – buttered popcorn! Remove corn from cob by hand, pop over a fire, and make your own butter to top it off – just like your sister Girl Scouts did a century ago. Tour Cooch–Dayett Mills and discover this 18th century treasure and its modern updates. WHEN: October 27, 2012, 3 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. WHERE: 904 Old Baltimore Pike, Newark, DE 19702. COST: $8 per girl. NOTE: This is an outdoor program, please dress for the weather. Activities fulfill requirements for Girl Scouts of the Chesapeake Bay Hats Off to Girl Scouting Patch. Min 8/Max 25
IN–SPA–RATION – Camp Grove Point
All Girl Scout Levels We are looking for Girl Scouts who would be available on short notice for unexpected photo opportunities for publications and articles about Girl Scouting. WHEN: Applications are due by October 26, 2012. WHERE: Applications to be submitted to Program Department, Newark Resource Center, 501 S. College Ave., Newark, DE 19713. NOTE: Participants will need to wear khaki pants/skirt, white shirt, membership pins and sash or vest. Application is on page 61.
Girl Scout Seniors (Grades 9–10) Pamper yourself while learning nature’s greatest secrets at Camp Grove Point. Make a salt or sugar scrub from everyday products, study and practice relaxation and meditation techniques you can apply to your everyday life. Take some time out for yourself, you deserve it. WHEN: November 2–4, 2012, 7 p.m. – 11 a.m. WHERE: 2930 Grove Neck Road, Earleville, MD 21919 COST: $38 per participant (girl or adult.) NOTE: Includes fun patch, four meals and snacks. Components of Senior Women’s Health badge will be completed. Min 15/Max 100
girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
Girl Scout Seniors (Grades 9–10) You will have fun learning the basics of using a computer to program a robot. There are such awesome things being done with robotics, including artificial arms, legs, eyes, building cars, surgery, exploring outer space and the bottom of the sea. The future is here and we will try it out on land.
WHEN/WHERE: November 3, 2012
1 p.m. – 3 p.m.
First United Methodist, Chestertown, MD
January 26, 2013
1 p.m. – 3 p.m.
St. Jude the Apostle Church, Lewes, DE
March 23, 2013
1 p.m. – 3 p.m.
Camp Todd, Denton, MD
April 6, 2013
1 p.m. – 3 p.m.
Salisbury, MD
May 11, 2013
1 p.m. – 3 p.m.
Dover, DE
COST: $10 per girl, includes patch. NOTE: Min 8/Max 18
Girl Scout Seniors (Grades 9–10) To achieve the Girl Scout Gold Award takes dedication, organization and determination. This award is not easily achieved and the girls who do earn them are to be commended. This special Girl Ceremony will honor the Girl Scouts who have achieved their highest grade level awards. We will also acknowledge the commitment of the girls who have been a Girl Scout for 10 and 13 years. Information about the Take Action projects will be on display. Attendance by honorees, families, friends and the Girl Scout community is encouraged. Girls must complete and submit final paperwork to the council by the deadline of September 30, 2012 in order to be recognized for their accomplishments. Submissions of final reports after the deadline will not be eligible for recognition at this year’s ceremony though they will be honored in the following year. WHEN: November 18, 2012, 2:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. WHERE: Wyoming United Methodist Church, Wyoming, DE COST: $2 per person. Girls being honored will have no cost to attend. NOTE: Registration form to attend is on our website. Registration deadline to attend is three weeks prior to ceremony. If a girl is not able to attend the ceremony, her award pins will be available the next business day after the ceremony.
Girl Scout Seniors (Grade 10 only) The Volunteer–In–Training (VIT) Award is an opportunity for girls who would like to mentor a Girl Scout Daisy, Brownie, Junior or Cadette troop outside of the camp experience. If a girl has completed ninth grade, she is eligible to earn this award. A VIT project needs to span a 3–6 month period. The requirements for the VIT Award are: 1) Find an adult volunteer mentor who is currently the volunteer for a group of girls at the grade level you would to work with. This volunteer will guide you through training and the internship and you will help the volunteer with their group of girls for a span of 3–6 month period. 2) Complete a Council–designed Volunteer–In–Training leadership course. 3) Create and implement a thoughtful Journey project that lasts over 4 or more sessions. VIT is responsible for designing, planning, and evaluating the activities.
WHEN/WHERE: December 15, 2012
9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Newark Resource Center, Newark, DE
March 9, 2013
9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Peninsula Resource Center, Salisbury, MD
April 20, 2013
9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Newark Resource Center, Newark, DE
COST: $25 per girl, includes materials used for education and VIT pin once hours are achieved and paperwork is submitted.
NOTE: Please bring a bag lunch. Min 12/Max 24
OWLS AND STARS – White Clay Creek State Park
Girl Scout Seniors (Grades 9–10) Explore nature after dark during this enchanting evening program at the park. Girls will get to meet a real owl up close and hear stories about the night sky while looking for constellations and sipping hot chocolate. In case of inclement weather, we will hold this program indoors and concentrate on star stories and nocturnal animals. WHEN: December 8, 2012, 7 p.m. – 9 p.m. WHERE: Nature Center, 1475 Creek Road, Newark, DE 19711 COST: $17 per participant (girl or adult), includes fun patch. Two adults per troop are at no cost. No park entrance fee in December. NOTE: Dress warmly for a nighttime hike. Min 15/Max 35
Girl Scout Seniors (Grades 9–10) Provide insight and consultation to committees or task groups from a girl’s point of view. Have a voice in deciding which strategies or action steps should be taken to help shape the future of GSCB. Choose from: Diversity Task Group, Finance Committee or Property Committee. Attend meetings in person or by conference call. WHEN: Applications due January 11, 2013. WHERE: Applications to be submitted to Program Department, Newark Resource Center, 501 S. College Ave., Newark, DE 19713. NOTE: For further details on what committees are currently operating, contact Program Department at 800–341–4007. Application is on page 61.
Girl Scout Seniors (Grade 10 only) Don’t miss this great opportunity for Girl Scouts from across the council to showcase their leadership skills! Each year, two Girl Scout Seniors or Ambassadors are selected through an interview process to represent the GIRLS in Girl Scouting by serving a one–year term as a non–voting member on the GSCB Board of Directors. Working with the members of the Board is an honor and will open your eyes to the hundreds of decisions the Board makes every year to keep our Council strong and growing. WHEN: Applications are due by January 11, 2013 WHERE: Submit application to Program Department, Newark Resource Center, 501 S. College Ave., Newark, DE 19713 NOTE: Application is on page 61. You will need to submit a biography with your application. You will be notified by mid– February 2013 regarding the interview.
WINTER CAMP – Camp Grove Point
Girl Scout Seniors (Grades 9–10) Experience the fun of summer in the winter! We will hike, use the challenge course, go geocaching, and enjoy other great winter activities. In the evening we will join each other around the campfire for stories and song. Tell all your summer camp friends to come out and join you this winter at the coolest camp ever. WHEN: January 11–13, 2013, weekend program 7 p.m. – 11 a.m.; day program (January 12) 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. WHERE: 2930 Grove Neck Road, Earleville, MD 21919. COST: $14 day program per girl; $38 weekend program per participant (girl or adult). NOTE: Day program includes fun patch and snack. Day participants please pack lunch. Weekend program includes fun patch, sleeping accommodations and four meals. Components of Senior Adventurer badge will be completed. Min 15/Max 100
EXPLORE THE MAGIC OF MOTION – University of Delaware
Girl Scout Seniors (Grades 9–10) Have you ever heard the sound of blood rushing through your veins or air moving through your lungs? Have you ever held a real human bone or used equipment that can move a part of your body for you? Work with current UD students to learn skills that can make you a healthier person and discover how physical activity helps the body heal. Get hands on experience finding muscles in your body, checking blood pressure and more! Step into the life of a Physical Therapy student and earn a new badge as you explore the exciting world of Physical Therapy at the University of Delaware. WHEN: January 12, 2013, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. WHERE: University of Delaware Physical Therapy Department 333 McKinly Lab, Newark, DE COST: $ 10 per girl, includes badge and snack. NOTE: Please bring a bag lunch. Min 20/Max 40
Girl Scout Seniors (Grades 9–10) Make connections with Maryland legislators, experience what it is like to be a lawmaker and see your government in action! This day in Annapolis will help you learn how to advocate for Girl Scouts and how a bill becomes a law. This is also a great opportunity to meet Girl Scouts from other councils. WHEN: February 2013. Exact date to be determined. WHERE: Legislative Services, Annapolis, MD. COST: $20 per participant (girl or adult). NOTE: Registration is through Girl Scouts of Central Maryland, Registration closes January 31, 2013.
NIGHT SKY – Brandywine Creek State Park
Girl Scout Seniors (Grades 9–10) We will start indoors with an introduction to the night sky, label a map of the sky, and learn about stars and light pollution. We will then head outside to observe the night sky and the nocturnal animals that inhabit the park. WHEN: February 15, 2013, 5:30 p.m. – 8 p.m. WHERE: Nature Center, 41 Adams Dam Road, Wilmington, DE 19807. COST: $7 per girl, includes fun patch. No park entrance fee. NOTE: Dress warmly for a nighttime hike. Min 15/Max 55
girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
Girl Scout Seniors (Grades 9–10) Join us for a fun day on the snow at Liberty Mountain. We will ride together on a coach bus for a fantastic afternoon on the tubes. Once we get there hit the tubes then break for lunch. WHEN: February 16, 2013, 6 a.m. – 7 p.m. WHERE: Camp Country Center, 1051 Sharpless Road, Hockessin, DE, 19707 COST: $75 per person (girl or adult), includes fun patch, admission/transportation to Liberty Mountain and lunch. NOTE: Additional activities and/or meals are not included. More information will follow closer to the date. Girls coming from a distance may stay Friday and/or Saturday night at Camp Country Center for an additional $5 per participant (girl or adult), per night. Min 45/Max 70
Girl Scout Seniors (Grades 9–10) Throughout our lives, we meet thousands of people. The ability to create a positive first impression is one you can expand on to build a solid relationship. Learn how you can take control of the way others perceive you.
WHEN/WHERE: February 23, 2013 10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Dover, DE
February 23, 2013 2 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Newark Resource Center
COST: Free, registration required. NOTE: Snow date: March 2, 2013. This workshop is
mandatory for all Girl Scouts who are attending the Women of Distinction Celebration on March 12, 2013. Min 12/Max 75
Girl Scout Seniors (Grades 9–10) Mingle and make connections with Delaware’s elite businesswomen and government officials at this high profile event. You will participate in a pre–program that includes personal time with our honoree and serve in leadership positions that make this event successful–the evening’s Mistress of Ceremonies, vocalist, flag presenters and greeters are Girl Scouts. WHEN: March 12, 2013, 3 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. WHERE: Hotel DuPont, Wilmington, DE COST: Free, application required. NOTE: Complete and submit the Teen Leadership Application on page 61 by December 14, 2012 to Program Department, Newark Resource Center, 501 S. College Ave., Newark, DE 19713. All participating Girl Scouts must register for the Powerful First Impression Workshop. Max 75 girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
Girl Scout Seniors (Grades 9–10) Girl Scouts that come to the Ward Museum will have the opportunity to learn about photography techniques and methods from an expert professional photographer. The girls will go on a photo excursion and take pictures of wildlife and natural scenes around scenic Schumaker Pond, then get a chance to edit them and create a digital photo project. WHEN: March 23, 2013, 1 p.m. – 3 p.m. WHERE: 909 S. Schumaker Dr., Salisbury, MD 21804 COST: $12 per girl, includes patch. NOTE: All equipment is included. Min 12/Max 30
WONDERS OF THE NIGHT SKY – Ashland Nature Center
Girl Scout Seniors (Grades 9–10) Discover the secret of the North Star and constellations visible year–round. Use telescopes, binoculars and the naked eye to observe harbingers of spring like Leo and Arcturus, and echoes of winter like Gemini and Sirius, as well as brilliant Jupiter, the Orion Nebula, and other deep–sky wonders. WHEN: March 23, 2013, 7:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. WHERE: 3511 Barley Mill Road, Hockessin, DE 19707 COST: $8 per girl, includes patch. NOTE: This is an evening program, dress warmly. If cloudy or raining, program will be rescheduled. Program fulfills a requirement for Girl Scouts of the Chesapeake Bay Hats Off to Girl Scouting Patch. Min 8/Max 25
SKY – Iron Hill Museum
Girl Scout Seniors (Grades 9–10) Ever wondered what is really in the sky? Explore the night sky and enjoy a story. Please bring your own model rocket kit to build. WHEN: March 23, 2013, 7:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. WHERE: 1355 Old Baltimore Pike, Newark, DE 19702 COST: $9 per girl, includes patch. NOTE: No charge for 2 chaperones/leaders. Additional non–participants are $2 each. Min 10/Max 15
Girl Scout Seniors (Grades 9–10) The Lower Shore Women of Distinction luncheon honors local women that have made a positive difference in their community and serve as role models for girls and women. As a participant, you will serve in leadership positions and represent Girl Scouts to the community. Teen Girl Scouts are needed as greeters, flag presenters, and for speaking parts. No training is required to participate in the luncheon but you are welcome to attend the Powerful First Impression Workshop. WHEN: April 12, 2013, 12 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. WHERE: Salisbury, MD COST: Free. NOTE: Participants need to wear khaki pants/skirt, white shirt, membership pins and sash or vest. Contact Director of Fund Development, 410–742–5107, for more information or to register. Max 12
Girl Scout Seniors (Grades 9–10) The Mid–Shore Women of Distinction luncheon honors local women that have made a positive difference in their community and serve as role models for girls and women. As a participant, you will serve in leadership positions and represent Girl Scouts to the community. Teen Girl Scouts are needed as greeters, flag presenters, and for speaking parts. No training is required to participate in the luncheon but you are welcome to attend the Powerful First Impression Workshop. WHEN: April 26, 2013, 12 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. WHERE: Easton, MD COST: Free. NOTE: Participants will need to wear khaki pants/skirt, white shirt, membership pins and sash or vest. Contact Director of Fund Development 410-742–5107, for more information or to register. Max 12
All Girl Scout Levels The Thin Mint 5K Run/Walk is for all ages and is an event for the entire family. The course has been professionally designed and will be officially timed. A Fun Run for kids under 8 will take place prior to the 5k run/walk. Participants will receive a T–Shirt, and a box of Thin Mints. Daisy through Ambassador Girl Scout participants will receive a Thin Mint Run/Walk patch. Pre–register by March 15, 2013, to receive a shirt on race day. WHEN: April 14, 2013. Registration start time: 9 a.m. Kiddie Fun Run start time: 9:50 a.m. 5K Run/Walk time: 10 a.m. WHERE: Dravo Plaza, Wilmington Riverfront, Wilmington, DE
Girl Scout Seniors (Grades 9–10) Have you wanted to come to camp with your daughter and see what kind of fun she has prior to registering her for summer camp? Join us at the waterfront, at the archery range, the arts and craft station and even try some of our great camp food. By attending this camp, you and your daughter will be entered into a drawing for a free week of day camp at Camp Todd. WHEN: May 4, 2013, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. WHERE: 25012 Beauchamp Branch Road, Denton, MD 21629 COST: $14 per girl, includes fun patch and snack. NOTE: Components of the Senior Adventurer badge will be completed. Please pack lunch. Min 15/Max 100
EARTH DAY – Camp Todd
All Girl Scout Levels Earth Day is about more than just appreciating our earth, it’s about learning how to live in harmony with our environment! Hiking, archery, the team’s challenge course and possibly even kayaking (weather permitting) await us in the great outdoors. We’ll learn about making environmentally responsible choices so our world and our bodies can work well together. WHEN: April 19–21, 2013 weekend program 7 p.m. – 11 a.m.; day program (April 20) 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. WHERE: 25012 Beauchamp Branch Road, Denton, MD 21629 COST: $14 day program per girl; $38 weekend program per participant (girl or adult). NOTE: Day program includes fun patch and snack. Day participants please pack lunch. Weekend program includes fun patch, sleeping accommodations, snacks and four meals. Min 15/Max 200
All Girl Scout Levels Join us for a fun afternoon and have all your camp questions answered. Learn more about the programs you are interested in. Take a tour of the property, talk with the director and make a fun camp craft/snack.
Girl Scout Seniors (Grades 9–10) Have you wanted to come to camp with your daughter and see what kind of fun she has prior to registering her for summer camp? Join us at the waterfront, at the archery range, the arts and craft station and even try some of our great Camp Food. By attending this camp you and your daughter will be entered into a drawing for a free week of resident camp at Camp Grove Point. WHEN: May 10–11, 2013, weekend program 7 p.m. – 7 p.m.; day program (May 11) 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. WHERE: 2930 Grove Neck Road, Earleville, MD 21919 COST: $14 day program per girl; $38 weekend program per participant (girl or adult). NOTE: Day program includes fun patch and snack. Day participants please pack lunch. Weekend program includes fun patch, sleeping accommodations and three meals. Components of the Senior Adventurer badge will be completed. Min 15/Max 100
Girl Scout Seniors (Grades 9–10) Join us on Friday for a starlit night hike; wake up with us for an amazing morning on the Camp Todd zipline. Then travel with us to Tuckahoe State Park for an afternoon of high ropes activities and canoe wars. As the evening approaches, we will take a small boat ride along the waters edge, and close with a campfire and s’mores. We hope to see you there! WHEN: May 17–19, 2013, 7 p.m. – 11 a.m. WHERE: 25012 Beauchamp Branch Road, Denton, MD 21629 COST: $75 per participant (girl or adult). NOTE: Includes fun patch, admission and transportation to Tuckahoe State Park, patch, four meals and snacks. Min 15/Max 75
WHEN/WHERE: May 5, 2013
1 p.m.
Camp Todd, Denton, MD
May 5, 2013
1 p.m.
Camp Grove Point, Earleville, MD
May 19, 2013
1 p.m.
Camp Country Center, Hockessin, DE
May 19, 2013
1 p.m.
Camp Sandy Pines, Fruitland, MD
COST: Free, registration required. NOTE: More information will follow closer to the date.
Min 5/Max 100
girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
Girl Scout Ambassador Vest & Sash
Grades 11-12 If the minimum number of participants is not registered 14 days prior to the program date, the program will be cancelled. Once minimum numbers are met, registration will remain open until maximum number is reached. Adult/girl ratio must be followed, unless otherwise noted.
girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
GIRL SCOUT GOLD AWARD GIRL SCOUT GOLD AWARD EDUCATION WORKSHOPS Girl Scout Ambassadors (Grades 11–12) When a Girl Scout Senior has almost completed the pre– requisites for starting the Girl Scout Gold Award, she must attend this mandatory workshop. This workshop will walk the girl through the steps of earning her Girl Scout Gold Award. Questions about the award and its requirements will be answered.
WHEN/WHERE: September 19, 2012
6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Peninsula Resource Center, Salisbury, MD Newark Resource Center, Newark, DE
Girl Scout Ambassadors (Grades 11–12) All Girl Scout Seniors who submit a Girl Scout Gold Award proposal must go before the Girl Scout Gold Award Committee to obtain project approval. Proposals must be submitted by the first business day of the month in order to be reviewed on the third Wednesday of the month.
WHEN/WHERE: September 19, 2012
March 20, 2013
October 17, 2012
April 17, 2013
*November 14, 2012
May 15, 2013
December 19, 2012
June 19, 2013
January 16, 2013
July 17, 2013
February 20, 2013
August 21, 2013
September 26, 2012
6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
November 3, 2012
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. First United Methodist, Chestertown, MD
*Second Tuesday due to the Thanksgiving Holiday.
December 1, 2012
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Newark Resource Center, Newark, DE
WHERE: Pending population of proposals submitted. NOTE: The first four proposals submitted will be seen starting
January 26, 2013
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. St. Jude the Apostle Church, Lewes, DE
March 23, 2013
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Camp Todd, Denton, MD
April 6, 2013
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Salisbury, MD
May 11, 2013
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Dover, DE
June 5, 2013
6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Newark Resource Center, Newark, DE
June 12, 2013
6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Peninsula Resource Center, Salisbury, MD
COST: $10 per girl. NOTE: Includes workbook. Adult mentors should also attend
this session.
PRE–REQUISITES: Complete two grade level Journeys or achieve the Girl Scout Silver Award and complete one Senior or Ambassador Journey. Min 12/Max 24
Girl Scout Ambassadors (Grades 11–12) Career Dine Arounds give girls the opportunity to explore careers and meet with professional women in a wide variety of industries. These sessions are held at various businesses and corporations. Dine Arounds in the fields of art, medicine and construction are being scheduled through out the year. A light dinner and activity is provided. First come, first served. WHEN: Confirmed Career Dine Arounds will be put on our website,, so please check regularly. WHERE: Various locations throughout the council. COST: Free, registration required. NOTE: These are girl–only events. Adults are asked to drop girls off and then pick them up at assigned time. A confirmation will be sent upon acceptance into the event.
at 6:30 p.m. If you cannot make the scheduled review, please put on your proposal what day would work and we will try to accommodate you.
Girl Scout Ambassadors (Grades 11–12) Join our climbing team for some top rope rock climbing. Topics covered include equipment, safety, discussion of physical and mental preparedness. Get harnessed up and climb on our natural rock wall. Safety equipment, ropes and belayers provided.
September 15, 2012
10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
September 16, 2012
10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
October 14, 2012 12 p.m. – 2 p.m. WHERE: Rock Climbing Wall, Alapocas Run State Park. Driving directions will be sent with confirmation. COST: $24 per climber (girl or adult). NOTE: Wear comfortable clothing. Registration closes 21 days prior to event. Min 10/Max 20
Come experience history in the making and celebrate the 100th Year of Girl Scouting by discovering and learning new skills, connecting with friends and make new friendships that last a lifetime and taking action by learning about our world and making the world a better place. Visit the Jamboree’s website for more information. WHEN: October 19-21, 2012 WHERE: Delaware State Fairgrounds, Harrington, DE 19952
girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
All Girl Scout Levels Celebrate 100 years of Girl Scouting as you use old–fashioned techniques to create a familiar treat – buttered popcorn! Remove corn from cob by hand, pop over a fire, and make your own butter to top it off – just like your sister Girl Scouts did a century ago. Tour Cooch–Dayett Mills and discover this 18th century treasure and its modern updates. WHEN: October 27, 2012, 3 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. WHERE: 904 Old Baltimore Pike, Newark, DE 19702. COST: $8 per girl, includes fun patch. NOTE: This is an outdoor program, please dress for the weather. Activities fulfill requirements for Girl Scouts of the Chesapeake Bay Hats Off to Girl Scouting Patch. Min 8/Max 25
All Girl Scout Levels We are looking for Girl Scouts who would be available on short notice for unexpected photo opportunities for publications and articles about Girl Scouting. WHEN: Applications are due by October 26, 2012. WHERE: Applications to be submitted to Program Department, Newark Resource Center, 501 S. College Ave., Newark, DE 19713. NOTE: Participants will need to wear khaki pants/skirt, white shirt, membership pins and sash or vest. Application is on page 61.
All Girl Scout Levels We are looking for Girl Scouts who would be available on short notice to respond to a call to make a public appearance representing Girls Scouts of the Chesapeake Bay Council at meetings, award presentations, funding events, etc out in the community. May often include interviews or presentations that require speaking before an audience. WHEN: Applications are due by October 26, 2012. WHERE: Applications to be submitted to Program Department, Newark Resource Center, 501 S. College Ave., Newark, DE 19713. NOTE: Participants will need to wear khaki pants/skirt, white shirt, membership pins and sash or vest. Application is on page 61.
IN–SPA–RATION - Camp Grove Point
Girl Scout Ambassadors (Grades 11–12) Pamper yourself while learning nature’s greatest secrets at Camp Grove Point. Make a salt or sugar scrub from everyday products, study and practice relaxation and meditation techniques you can apply to your everyday life. Take some time out for yourself, you deserve it. WHEN: November 2–4, 2012, 7 p.m. – 11 a.m. WHERE: 2930 Grove Neck Road, Earleville, MD 21919 COST: $38 per participant (girl or adult), includes patch, four meals and snacks. NOTE: Min 15/Max 100
Girl Scout Ambassadors (Grades 11–12) To achieve the Girl Scout Gold Award takes dedication, organization and determination. This award is not easily achieved and the girls who do earn them are to be commended. This special Girl Ceremony will honor the Girl Scouts who have achieved their highest grade level awards. We will also acknowledge the commitment of the girls who have been a Girl Scout for 10 and 13 years. Information about the Take Action projects will be on display. Attendance by honorees, families, friends and the Girl Scout community is encouraged. Girls must complete and submit final paperwork to the council by the deadline of September 30, 2012 in order to be recognized for their accomplishments. Submissions of final reports after the deadline will not be eligible for recognition at this year’s ceremony though they will be honored in the following year. WHEN: November 18, 2012, 2:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. WHERE: Wyoming United Methodist Church, Wyoming, DE COST: $2 per person. Girls being honored will have no cost to attend. NOTE: Registration form to attend is on our website. Registration deadline to attend is three weeks prior to ceremony. If a girl is not able to attend the ceremony, her award pins will be available the next business day after the ceremony.
Girl Scout Ambassadors (Grades 11–12) You will have so much fun as you learn the basics of using a computer to program a robot. There are such awesome things being done with robotics. Artificial arms, legs, eyes, building cars, surgery, exploring planets in space and on the bottom of the sea. The future is here and we will try it out on land.
WHEN/WHERE: November 3, 2012
1 p.m. – 3 p.m.
First United Methodist, Chestertown, MD
January 26, 2013
1 p.m. – 3 p.m.
St. Jude the Apostle Church, Lewes, DE
March 23, 2013
1 p.m. – 3 p.m.
Camp Todd, Denton, MD
April 6, 2013
1 p.m. – 3 p.m.
Salisbury, MD
May 11, 2013 1 p.m. – 3 p.m. Dover, DE COST: $10 per girl, includes fun patch.
NOTE: Min 8/Max 18
Girl Scout Ambassadors (Grades 11–12) The Volunteer–In–Training (VIT) Award is an opportunity for girls who would like to mentor a Girl Scout Daisy, Brownie, Junior, or Cadette troop outside of the camp experience. If a girl has completed ninth grade, she is eligible to earn this award. A VIT project needs to span a 3–6 month period. The requirements for the VIT Award are: 1) Find an adult volunteer mentor who is currently the volunteer for a group of girls at the grade level you would work with. This volunteer will guide you through training and the internship, and you will help the volunteer with their group of girls for a span of 3–6 month period. 2) Complete a council–designed Volunteer–In–Training leadership course. 3) Create and implement a thoughtful Journey project that lasts over 4 or more sessions. VIT is responsible for designing, planning, and evaluating the activities.
WHEN/WHERE: December 15, 2012
9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Newark Resource Center, Newark, DE
March 9, 2013
9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Peninsula Resource Center, Salisbury, MD
April 20, 2013
9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Newark Resource Center, Newark, DE
COST: $25 per girl, includes materials used for education and VIT pin once hours are achieved and paperwork is submitted.
NOTE: Please bring a bag lunch. Min 12/Max 24
girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
Girl Scout Ambassadors (Grade 11 only) What an opportunity for Girl Scouts from across the council to showcase their leadership skills! Each year, two Girl Scout Seniors or Ambassadors are selected through an interview process to represent the GIRLS in Girl Scouting by serving a one–year term as a non–voting member on the GSCB Board of Directors. Working with the members of the Board is an honor and will open your eyes to the hundreds of decisions the Board makes every year to keep our Council strong and growing. WHEN: Applications are due by January 11, 2013. WHERE: Submit applications to Program Department, Newark Resource Center, 501 S. College Ave., Newark, DE 19713. NOTE: Application can be found on page 61. You will need to submit a biography with your application. You will be notified by mid–February 2013 regarding the interview. Registration closes January 11, 2013.
Girl Scout Ambassadors (Grade 11) Provide insight and consultation to committees or task groups from a girl’s point of view. Have a voice in deciding which strategies or action steps should be taken to help shape the future of GSCB. Choose from: Diversity Task Group, Finance Committee or Property Committee. Attend meetings in person or by conference call. WHEN: Applications due January 11, 2013. WHERE: Applications to be submitted to Program Department, Newark Resource Center, 501 S. College Ave., Newark, DE 19713. NOTE: For further details on what committees are currently operating, contact Program Department at 800–341–4007. Application is on page 61.
WINTER CAMP – Camp Grove Point
Girl Scout Ambassadors (Grades 11–12) Experience the fun of summer in the winter! We will hike, use the challenge course, go geocaching, and enjoy other great winter activities. In the evening we will join each other around the campfire for stories and song. Tell all your summer camp friends to come out and join you this winter at the coolest camp ever. WHEN: January 11–13, 2013, weekend program 7 p.m. – 11 a.m.; day program (January 12) 10 a.m. –3 p.m. WHERE: 2930 Grove Neck Road, Earleville, MD 21919 COST: $14 day program per girl; $38 weekend program per participant (girl or adult). NOTE: Day program includes patch and snack. Day participants please pack lunch. Weekend program includes patch, sleeping accommodations and four meals. Min 15/Max 100
Girl Scout Ambassadors (Grades 11–12) Have you ever heard the sound of blood rushing through your veins or air moving through your lungs? Have you ever held a real human bone or used equipment that can move a part of your body for you? Work with current UD students to learn skills that can make you a healthier person and discover how physical activity helps the body heal. Get hands on experience finding muscles in your body, checking blood pressure and more! Step into the life of a Physical Therapy student and earn a new badge as you explore the exciting world of Physical Therapy at the University of Delaware. WHEN: January 12, 2013, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. WHERE: University of Delaware Physical Therapy Department 333 McKinly Lab, Newark, DE COST: $ 10 per girl, includes badge and snack. NOTE: Please bring a bag lunch. Min 20/Max 40
Girl Scout Ambassadors (Grades 11–12) Join us for a fun day on the snow at Liberty Mountain. We will ride together on a coach bus for a fantastic afternoon on the tubes. Once we get there hit the tubes then break for lunch. WHEN: February 16, 2013, 6 a.m. – 7 p.m. WHERE: Camp Country Center 1051 Sharpless Road, Hockessin, DE, 19707 COST: $75 per participant (girl or adult). NOTE: Includes fun patch, admission and transportation to Liberty Mountain, and lunch on Saturday. Additional activities and/or meals are not included. More information will follow the closer the date. Girls coming from a distance may stay Friday and/or Saturday night at Camp Country Center for an additional $5 per participant (girl or adult), per night. Min 45/Max 70
Girl Scout Ambassadors (Grades 11–12) Career Dine Arounds give girls the opportunity to explore careers and meet with professional women in a wide variety of industries. These sessions are held at various businesses and corporations. Dine Arounds in the fields of art, medicine and construction are being scheduled through out the year. A light dinner and activity is provided. First come, first served. WHEN: Confirmed Career Dine Arounds will be posted on our website, www. Please check regularly. WHERE: Various locations throughout council. COST: Free, registration required. NOTE: These are girl–only events. A confirmation will be sent upon acceptance into the event.
Girl Scout Ambassadors (Grades 11–12) Throughout our lives, we meet thousands of people. The ability to create a positive first impression is one you can expand on to build a solid relationship. Learn how you can take control of the way others perceive you.
WHEN/WHERE: February 23, 2013 10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Dover, DE
February 23, 2013 2 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Newark Resource Center
COST: Free, registration required. NOTE: Snow date: March 2, 2013. This workshop is mandatory
for all Girl Scouts who are attending the Women of Distinction Celebration on March 12, 2013. Min 12/Max 75
Girl Scout Ambassadors (Grades 11–12) Make connections with Maryland legislators, experience what it is like to be a lawmaker and see your government in action! This day in Annapolis will help you learn how to advocate for Girl Scouts and how a bill becomes a law. This is also a great opportunity to meet Girl Scouts from other councils. WHEN: February 2013 WHERE: Legislative Services Annapolis, MD COST: $20 per participant (girl or adult). NOTE: Registration is through Girl Scouts of Central Maryland, Registration closes January 31, 2013.
Girl Scout Ambassadors (Grades 11–12) Mix, mingle and make connections with Delaware’s elite businesswomen and government officials at this signature event. You will participate in a pre–program that includes personal time with our honoree. As a guest, you will also serve in leadership positions that will make this event successful–the evening’s Mistress of Ceremonies, vocalist, flag presenters and greeters are all Girl Scouts. This is the highest profile event of the year for Girl Scouts of the Chesapeake Bay; you won’t want to miss it. WHEN: March 12, 2013, 3 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. WHERE: Hotel DuPont, Wilmington, DE. COST: Free, registration required. NOTE: Complete and submit the Teen Leadership Application by December 14, 2012 (page 61). All Girl Scouts participating in the event must register for the Powerful First Impression Workshop, February 23, 2013 (snow date: March 2, 2013). Max 75
girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
WONDERS OF THE NIGHT SKY – Ashland Nature Center
Girl Scout Ambassadors (Grades 11–12) Discover the secret of the North Star and constellations visible year–round. Use telescopes, binoculars and the naked eye to observe harbingers of spring like Leo and Arcturus, and echoes of winter like Gemini and Sirius, as well as brilliant Jupiter, the Orion Nebula, and other deep–sky wonders. WHEN: March 23, 2013, 7:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. WHERE: 3511 Barley Mill Road, Hockessin, DE 19707. COST: $8 per girl, includes patch. NOTE: This is an evening program, dress warmly. If cloudy or raining, program will be rescheduled. Program fulfills a requirement for Girl Scouts of the Chesapeake Bay Hats Off to Girl Scouting Patch. Min 8/Max 25
Girl Scout Ambassadors (Grades 11–12) Girl Scouts that come to the Ward Museum for their Digital Photography badge will have the opportunity to learn about photography techniques and methods from an expert professional photographer. The girls will go on a photo excursion and take pictures of wildlife and natural scenes around scenic Schumaker Pond, then get a chance to edit them and create a digital photo project. WHEN: March 23, 2013, 1 p.m. – 3 p.m. WHERE: 909 S. Schumaker Dr., Salisbury, MD 21804 COST: $12 per girl, includes Digital Photography badge. NOTE: All equipment is included. Min 12/Max 30
Girl Scout Ambassadors (Grades 11–12) The Lower Shore Women of Distinction luncheon honors local women that have made a positive difference in their community and serve as role models for girls and women. As a participant, you will serve in leadership positions and represent Girl Scouts to the community. Teen Girl Scouts are needed as greeters, flag presenters, and for speaking parts. No training is required to participate in the luncheon but you are welcome to attend the Powerful First Impression Workshop. WHEN: April 12, 2013, 12 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. WHERE: Salisbury, MD COST: Free NOTE: Participants need to wear khaki pants/skirt, white shirt, membership pins and sash or vest. Contact Director of Fund Development, 410–742–5107, for more information or to register. Max 12
EARTH DAY – Camp Todd
All Girl Scout Levels The Thin Mint 5K Run/Walk is for all ages and is an event for the entire family. The course has been professionally designed and will be officially timed. Participants will receive a t–shirt and a box of Thin Mints. Daisy through Ambassador Girl Scout participants will receive a Thin Mint Run/Walk patch. Pre–register by March 15, 2013, to receive a shirt on race day. WHEN: April 14, 2013. Registration start time: 9 a.m. Kiddie Fun Run start time: 9:50 a.m. 5K Run/Walk time: 10 a.m. WHERE: Dravo Plaza, Wilmington Riverfront, Wilmington, DE All Girl Scout Levels Earth Day is about more than just appreciating our earth, it’s about learning how to live in harmony with our environment! Hiking, archery, the team’s challenge course and possibly even kayaking (weather permitting) await us in the great outdoors. We’ll learn about making environmentally responsible choices so our world and our bodies can work well together. WHEN: April 19–21, 2013 weekend program 7 p.m. – 11 a.m.; day program (April 20) 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. WHERE: 25012 Beauchamp Branch Road, Denton, MD 21629 COST: $14 day program per girl; $38 weekend program per participant (girl or adult). NOTE: Day program includes fun patch and snack. Day participants please bring lunch. Weekend program includes fun patch, sleeping accommodations, snacks and four meals. Min 15/Max 200
Girl Scout Ambassadors (Grades 11–12) The Mid–Shore Women of Distinction luncheon honors local women that have made a positive difference in their community and serve as role models for girls and women. As a participant, you will serve in leadership positions and represent Girl Scouts to the community. Teen Girl Scouts are needed as greeters, flag presenters, and for speaking parts. No training is required, but you may attend the Powerful First Impression Workshop. WHEN: April 26, 2013, 12 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. WHERE: Easton, MD COST: Free. NOTE: Participants need to wear khaki pants/skirt, white shirt, membership pins and sash or vest. Contact Director of Fund Development, 410–742–5107, for more information or to register. Max 12
girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
Girl Scout Ambassadors (Grades 11–12) Have you wanted to come to camp with your daughter and see what kind of fun she has prior to registering her for summer camp? Join us at the waterfront, at the archery range, the arts and craft station and even try some of our great camp food. By attending this camp, you and your daughter will be entered into a drawing for a free week of Day Camp at Camp Todd. WHEN: May 4, 2013, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. WHERE: 25012 Beauchamp Branch Road, Denton, MD 21629 COST: $14 per girl. Includes patch and snack. NOTE: Please pack lunch. Min 15/Max 100
All Girl Scout Levels Join us for a fun afternoon and have all your camp questions answered. Learn more about the programs you are interested in. Take a tour of the property, talk with the director and make a fun camp craft/snack. May 5, 2013
1 p.m.
Camp Todd, Denton, MD
May 5, 2013
1 p.m.
Camp Grove Point, Earleville, MD
May 19, 2013
1 p.m.
Camp Country Center, Hockessin, DE
May 19, 2013
1 p.m.
Camp Sandy Pines, Fruitland, MD
COST: Free, registration required. NOTE: More information will follow closer to the date. Min 5/Max 100
Girl Scout Ambassadors (Grades 11–12) Have you wanted to come to camp with your daughter and see what kind of fun she has prior to registering her for summer camp? Join us at the waterfront, at the archery range, the arts and craft station and even try some of our great camp food. By attending this camp, you and your daughter will be entered into a drawing for a free week of resident camp at Camp Grove Point. WHEN: May 10–11, 2013, weekend program 7 p.m. – 7 p.m.; day program (May 11) 10 a.m.–3 p.m. WHERE: 2930 Grove Neck Road, Earleville, MD 21919 COST: $14 day program per girl; $38 weekend program per participant (girl or adult). NOTE: Day program includes fun patch and snack. Day participants please pack lunch. Weekend program includes fun patch, sleeping accommodations and three meals. Min 15/Max 100
Girl Scout Ambassadors (Grades 11–12) Join us on Friday for a starlit night hike; wake up with us for an amazing morning on the Camp Todd Zip Line. Then travel with us to Tuckahoe State Park for an afternoon of high ropes activities and Canoe Wars. As the evening approaches we will take a small boat ride along the waters edge, and close with a campfire and s’mores. We hope to see you there! WHEN: May 17–19, 2013, 7 p.m. – 11 a.m. WHERE: 25012 Beauchamp Branch Road, Denton, MD 21629 COST: $75 per participant (girl or adult) NOTE: Includes fun patch, admission and transportation to Tuckahoe State Park, four meals and snacks. Min 15/Max 75
CANOEING BASICS – Abbott’s Mill Nature Center
Girl Scout Ambassadors (Grades 11–12) Navigate your way through Step #1 in your “Water” badge by learning how to canoe. Discover the different parts of a canoe. Demonstrate canoe and water safety. Practice different canoeing strokes and learn how to help other paddlers that run into trouble. WHEN: June 22, 2013, 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. WHERE: 15411 Abbott’s Pond Road, Milford, DE 19963 COST: $13 per Girl Scout, includes patch NOTE: Wear clothes and shoes that can get wet. Bring a towel and a water bottle. Min 8/ Max 18
Please check all that apply. Selection for position will be determined by applicable committee and criteria.
r Teen Board of Director Women of Distinction – March 12, 2013 (due by January 11, 2013) r Women of Distinction – Mistress of Ceremonies r Council Committee – Task Group (due by December 14, 2012 along with bio) Committee name: r Women of Distinction - Invocation (due by January 11, 2013) (due by December 14, 2012) r Sudden Leadership Opportunities r Women of Distinction - Vocalist (due by October 26, 2012) (due by December 14, 2012) r Sudden Photo Opportunities r Women of Distinction – Flag Ceremony (due by October 26, 2012) (due by December 14, 2012) r Women of Distinction – General (due by December 14, 2012) If applying for Women of Distinction, I will need a bus from: r Dover (1:30 p.m.) r Newark (2:30 p.m.)
r No transportation required
Applicant Information: Name: Address: Age:
Grade in School:
Phone #:
Leader Name: Optional - Racial Background: (Please circle one) Indian or Alaskan Native
Leader Phone #:
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Troop #:
Hispanic or Latino
Two or more races
Please submit completed application to: Program Department, Leadership Pathway Specialist Girl Scouts of the Chesapeake Bay 501 S. College Ave., Newark, DE 19713 For additional information, call 302-456-7150 or email girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
Girl Scout Adult or Volunteer Insignia
The following are a mixture of volunteer and non-volunteer programs.
Girl Scout Adults and Volunteers If the minimum number of participants is not registered 14 days prior to the program date, the program will be cancelled. Once minimum numbers are met, registration will remain open until maximum number is reached. Adult/girl ratio must be followed, unless otherwise noted.
girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
Adults, 18 years or older This course is designed to teach the basics of how to educate others in a deeper understanding of archery. You’ll learn how to set up and operate a safe, short program, maintain equipment and create fun games for archers. No previous archery experience is required. Successful completion of the course will result in a GSCB archery certification card. September 22, 8:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. 2012
Camp Grove Point, Earleville, MD
May 4, 2013
8:30 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Camp Grove Point, Earleville, MD
May 18, 2013
8:30 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Camp Todd, Denton, MD
COST: $30 per participant. NOTE: Includes folder and certification card. Participation in
the program does not guarantee certification card. Pre–class assignments may be required. Min 5/Max 15
Adults, 18 years or older This course is designed as a short program emphasizing entry level paddling skills and rescue techniques for individuals desiring an opportunity to take a group out on river water. You will learn kayak strokes to effectively navigate on the water. Plus, you will learn and practice rescue techniques that will help you feel confident in an emergency situation. No previous kayak experience is required. September 23, 2012
8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Camp Todd, Denton, MD
May 5, 2013
8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Camp Grove Point, Earleville, MD
COST: $30 per participant. NOTE: Includes folder and certification card. Participation in the program does not guarantee certification card. Pre–class assignments may be required. Min 5/Max 10
Come experience history in the making and celebrate the 100th Year of Girl Scouting by discovering and learning new skills, connecting with friends and make new friendships that last a lifetime and taking action by learning about our world and making the world a better place. Visit the Jamboree’s website for more information. WHEN: October 19-21, 2012 WHERE: Delaware State Fairgrounds, Harrington, DE
Learn about the various religious awards Girl Scouts can earn. This session is for adults. WHEN: October 24, 2012, 7 p.m.-9 p.m. WHERE: Newark Resource Center COST: None
All Girl Scout Levels The Thin Mint 5K Run/Walk is for all ages and is an event for the entire family. The course has been professionally designed and will be officially timed. A Fun Run for kids under 8 will take place prior to the 5k run/walk. Participants will receive a t–shirt, and a box of Thin Mints. Daisy through Ambassador Girl Scout participants will receive a Thin Mint Run/Walk patch. Pre–register by March 15, 2013, to receive a shirt on race day. WHEN: April 14, 2013. Registration start time: 9 a.m. Kiddie Fun Run start time: 9:50 a.m. 5K Run/Walk time: 10 a.m. WHERE: Dravo Plaza, Wilmington Riverfront, Wilmington, DE
Adults, 18 years or older (Girls ages 14-18 may also attend) The Annual Meeting is your opportunity to meet the Board of Directors, hear the State of the Council address and honor our volunteers. WHEN: April 24, 2013, 5:30 p.m. – 9 p.m. WHERE: Modern Maturity Center, Dover, DE COST: $30 per participant . NOTE: Information will be posted on
Adults, 18 years or older This course is designed to assist adults in learning how to use the zipline at Camp Todd. You will receive the basics on the equipment and how to use it. Plus you will receive training in rescue and safety techniques used when zipping participants. This class will also include a “how to” on teaching a fun zipline program, including debriefing and team building techniques. WHEN: May 18, 2013, 3:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. WHERE: Camp Todd, Denton, MD COST: $5 per participant. NOTE: Includes folder and certification card. Participation in the program does not guarantee certification card. Pre–class assignments may be required. Min 5/Max 15
Adults, 18 years or older This course is designed as a short program emphasizing entry level paddling skills and rescue techniques for individuals desiring an opportunity to take a group out on flat water. You will learn canoe and kayak strokes to effectively navigate on the water. Plus, you will learn and practice rescue techniques that will help you feel confident in an emergency situation. No previous kayak or canoe experience is required. WHEN: May 19, 2013, 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. WHERE: Camp Todd, Denton, MD COST: $30 per participant, includes certification card. NOTE: Participation in the program does not guarantee certification card. Pre–class assignments may be required. Min 5/Max 10
Adults above the age of 21 Set your calendar for a wonderful afternoon of fun and merriment at camp! Join us for an afternoon of crabs, burgers and hot dogs. The council’s assistant rangers will receive a special VIP invitation. WHEN: September 28, 2013, 1 p.m. – 4 p.m. WHERE: Camp Todd, Denton, MD COST: $38 per adult, includes dinner and beverages. NOTE: Min 15/Max 75
girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
Adult volunteers are essential to unlocking the keys of leadership for our girls in the Girl Scout Program. The Girl Scouts of the Chesapeake Bay is committed to fully preparing and supporting the women and men who volunteer their time to help girls become the best leaders they can be. The Volunteer Services section of the Council Program Guide contains course descriptions for the following programs: Service Unit Basics Volunteer Essentials Journey Basics Facilitating Adult Learning Outdoor Education GS101 Volunteering for Girl Scouts Series and Events First Aid & CPR Teen girls ages 14 and older are welcome to attend all education courses. Teens may take First Aid/CPR and Camping Basics, but cannot serve as the first–aider or camp–trained person for a troop until registered as an adult.
(3 hours) Volunteer Essentials will help prepare volunteers to effectively facilitate the Girl Scout Leadership Experience (GSLE). You will learn about the GSLE and how to use the resources that support the GSLE, including Journeys and The Girls Guide to Girl Scouting. Attendance for the entire session is important. August 25, 2012
9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Peninsula Resource Center, Salisbury, MD
September 19, 6 p.m. – 9 p.m. 2012
North Wilmington, DE
September 19, 6 p.m. – 9 p.m. 2012
Holly Center, Salisbury, MD
September 26, 2012
6 p.m. – 9 p.m.
Dover, DE
October 2, 2012
6 p.m. – 9 p.m.
North Wilmington, DE
October 24, 2012
9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Newark Resource Center
November 3, 2012
9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Peninsula Resource Center
Service Unit Basics provides new adult volunteers the opportunity to meet with their service teams, as well as learn about forms, policies and procedures that support the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. Service Unit Basics is one of the first steps in education and is followed by further learning in Volunteer Essentials. WHEN: Schedule with your service unit. WHERE: Determined by your service unit. COST: FREE NOTE: Resources you may want to bring: paper and pen and your questions about being a Girl Scout volunteer.
November 7, 2012
6 p.m. – 9 p.m.
Dover, DE
November 10, 2012
9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Newark Resource Center
January 19, 2013
9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Newark Resource Center
January 19, 2013
9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Peninsula Resource Center
January 26, 2013
9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
St. Jude the Apostle Church, Rehoboth, DE
January 26, 2013
12 p.m. – 3 p.m.
St. Jude the Apostle Church, Rehoboth, DE
Please check our website for additional training opportunities.
COST: $3 per person. Cost includes training materials. NOTE: Please bring a pen, pencil, highlighter and paper. Optional
materials that can be purchased at The Bay Shop: Grade Level Journeys and The Girls Guide to Girl Scouting. Min 5/Max 25.
Training is also a mouse click away! Online versions of Service Unit Basics and Volunteer Essentials are also available on our website in the Volunteer Toolkit.
girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
The Journey Basics video will provide a general overview of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience, the Journey books and the Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting. It will also provide suggestions and insight on how to use these tools together. The video is available online in the Volunteer Toolkit at This training is mandatory for new volunteers.
Facilitators are wonderful mentors who give our volunteers the tools to become successful and share the joy that comes from helping girls develop their leadership skills and be the successful leaders of tomorrow. Facilitating Adult Learning is a course focusing on how to deliver a learning session to a group of adult volunteers. Once you have completed the course, you will be required to apprentice for at least three sessions in the course you want to facilitate. If you have an interest in joining us in this venture and become part of this dynamic and committed core of facilitators, please contact GSCB’s Manager of Volunteerism at 302–456–7171 or 800–341–4007.
Cabin Camping is a home study course that will help guide you through the processes needed to plan, experience and evaluate a simple overnight experience for your girls in either a lodge, cabin or hotel location. This course will not prepare you to build fires or cook over anything other than a range, stove or microwave. For camping that involves fire building and other cooking methods, you will need to take Camping Basics or Troop Camp Training.
Troop Camp Training provides adult volunteers and Girl Scout Brownies and Juniors the opportunity to learn camp skills as a troop. Adult volunteers receive the same education as Camping Basics. Brownies and Juniors will earn the Eight Basic Skills patch. Additional adults not taking camp training will be required for girl/adult ratio. Troops will be broken into patrols and required to provide all equipment and food for the overnight session. You must attend all hours scheduled for the course or you will not receive credit for taking the course. Directions to the sites will be sent with your confirmation. As with Camping Basics, this course requires the adult volunteers being certified to complete two pre–sessions, as well as the overnight. Troop Camp Training is designed to better prepare you for the experience of camping with your girls. Weekend Dates
Pre–Session 2 Webinar
Troop Camp Training Location
November 1718, 2012
6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. October 17, 2012
Camp Country Center, Troop House and STEM Lodge
April 6-7, 2013
6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. March 6, 2013
Camp Todd Tall Timbers, Shady Cove and Program Center
COST: $10 per adult and girl. Cost includes training materials.
Participants will provide all equipment and food for the weekend (pre–sessions will cover this in more detail). All activities take place rain, snow or shine. Please come prepared for outdoor activities. You will need ponchos for rain, and heavy coats, gloves, and boots for winter courses. Courses in winter will have indoor heated accommodations for sleeping.
Camping Basics enables you to experience first-hand the skills you will need to take your girls on an outdoor trip including: planning, packing, cooking, fire building, care of camp site and equipment, and outdoor program ideas. You will be split into patrols and required to provide all equipment and food for the overnight session. You must attend all hours scheduled for the course or you will not receive credit for taking the course. Camping Basics Weekend Dates
Pre–Session 2 Webinar
Camping Basics Weekend Location
September 29–30, 2012
August 28, 2012 Camp Country 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Center, STEM Lodge
January 26–27, 2013
January 2, 2013 Camp Country 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Center, STEM Lodge
March 16–17, 2013
February 12, 2013 Camp Country 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Center, STEM Lodge
April 13–14, 2013
March 13, 2013 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m..
Camp Todd, Canvasback
August 17-18, 2013
Webinar date TBD
Camp Todd, Tall Timbers, Shady Cove
COST: $10 per adult. Cost includes training materials.
Participants will need to provide all equipment and food. (pre–sessions will cover this in more detail). All activities take place rain, snow or shine. Please come prepared for outdoor activities. You will need ponchos for rain, and heavy coats, gloves, and boots for winter courses. Courses in winter will have indoor heated accommodations for sleeping.
NOTE FOR BOTH TROOP CAMP TRAINING AND CAMPING BASICS: There are two mandatory pre–sessions for
Camping Basics. Pre–session 1 is a self–paced tutorial followed by a quiz. After quiz is reviewed, participants receive instructions for the pre–session 2 webinar instructions. Pre–session 1 is 2 hours, pre–session 2 is 1 hour and requires a phone and internet access. To become adult camping certified, adults must attend both mandatory pre–sessions and the overnight session.
GS 101 and Volunteering for Girl Scouts Series and Events are online courses offered by GSUSA. GS 101 is a 45 minute, self– paced online orientation to Girl Scouting. This course’s intended audience is volunteers who are new to the organization, whether they work directly with girls or behind the scenes. While GS 101 applies to all volunteers, Volunteering for Girl Scout Series and Events is a streamlined version of GS 101 created specifically for those who commit to short–term volunteering (such as series and events). Topics covered include: About Girl Scouts, Ways to Participate, What Girl Scouts Do, the Mission, Promise, and Law, Girl Scout Cookies, Staying Safe, Ages and Stages: What Girl Scouts Are Like, and What’s Next. Sessions can be found at this website address: The site requires a password. Please contact Volunteer Services for the password.
Safety Wise defines a first–aider as an adult volunteer who has taken Girl Scout–approved first aid and CPR training that includes specific instructions for child CPR. The American Red Cross, National Safety Council, EMP America, and the American Heart Association offer such courses. Safety Activity Checkpoints notes when a first–aider needs to be present based on specific programs. Providers can be reached at the addresses below: (Note: First Aid/CPR classes must contain a face-to-face session.) The American Red Cross Toll Free: 800–777–6620 Email: American Heart Association Safety Council of Delaware 2 Read’s Way, Suite 205 New Castle, DE 19720 Phone: 302-276-0660/ Toll Free (out-state): 800-342-2287 Fax: 302-276-0655 Safety Council of Maryland Rutherford Business Center 17 Governor’s Court Baltimore, Maryland 21244 Phone: 410–298–4770/Toll Free: 800–875–4770
girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
Camp is one of the healthiest places to be. Research shows that exercise and just being outside help to lower anxiety. Our camp sites offer opportunities to build new skills, gain a greater sense of community, and develop a deep appreciation for nature. Whether for a day, a week or longer, Girl Scout camping gives girls an opportunity to grow, explore, and have fun. Every girl should have a chance to camp! Take a trip to every camp! Girl Scouts of the Chesapeake Bay has four beautiful camps with a wide variety of amenities and fun program opportunities. We have these sites so all members can learn more about themselves, each other and about nature. Come and visit…take a walk, have a picnic, or come for a fun program. Once you see the camp we hope you will come back to stay. If you are interested in reserving a building or site it’s easy and financially reasonable! Where else can you sleep 25 of your coolest friends away from home for the same price as a one night stay in an average hotel room? For more information please check out the camp section of our webpage at or contact the registrar at 800-341-4007.
Camp Todd
Camp Todd is one of our largest and most unique camp properties. Located in Denton, MD, it’s a place to get away from the rush of every day life. It has a picturesque lake, nice hiking trails, and cozy lodges, tents, screened-in adirondacks and the spacious, newly-renovated Todd Memorial Hall program center and pavilion. The camp offers fun programs like swimming, archery, canoeing, kayaking, orienteering, zipline and much more. Each site sleeps between 16 and 36 guests. The cost varies, but if you are a member of our council, the average cost per site per night is approximately $36. Please visit our website,, for prices and availability. For information about Camp Todd, contact 281-844-6854.
Camp Grove Point
Camp Grove Point is our largest camp located where the Sassafras River and the Chesapeake Bay meet. Located in Earleville, MD, it has the greatest environmental diversity of any of our sites. On-site there are wide-open meadows, wooded trails, a beautiful river front, and amazing bay cliffs. Its buildings are just as diverse as its land. You will find adirondacks, platform tents, cozy air conditioned cabins, and a large multi-use program center. There are many fun program opportunities as well, including tennis, swimming, sailing, kayaking, volleyball, archery, low-ropes course adventures and much more. It is a great place for troops, youth groups and family retreats. Each site sleeps between 12 and 36 guest and the average cost is between $29 to $37 for our guests. Please visit our website,, for prices and availability. For more information about Grove Point, contact 410-200-2808.
Camp Sandy Pines
Camp Sandy Pines is a retreat from the hectic city and just a small jump from the beach. It is conveniently located, just minutes away from Salisbury, MD in Fruitland. Camp Sandy Pines has a newly-built cabin unit, a tent unit, a spacious winterized building and a fun tree house unit. Camp Sandy Pines offers great outdoor skill programming areas as well as themed events. Plus come out to use the fun self-led challenge course, request archery equipment and even hike the quiet trails. Each site sleeps between 24 and 32 guests and the average cost is between $24 and $49. Please visit our website,, for prices and availability. For more information about Sandy Pines, contact 281-844-6854.
girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
Camp Country Center
Camp Country Center is located on a beautiful hillside in Hockessin, DE. In 2009, the Lynn W. Williams Science & Technology Lodge, the first LEED Platinum certified building in the state of Delaware, was built. The lodge offers specialized science programming for girls as well as being available for rentals to outside organizations for special events and retreats. Troops and other visitors to Camp Country Center can sleep over at the lodge, in the platform tents, adirondack units or the rustic troop house. Camp Country Center is a great place to explore and investigate the world around you. Sign up for fun programs relating to science, nature and archery. Each site sleeps between 16 and 30 guests and the average cost is approximately $17 for GSCB members. Please visit our website,, for prices and availability. For more information about Country Center, please call 302-234-6619.
Ranger Assistants Needed!
Do you love to be outside and work with your hands? If so consider being an assistant to the camp rangers and be a part of a team that is making a difference. Please contact the ranger at each camp site to let them know that you are interested. Occasionally we need services like; tent setup, tent take down, cleaning, carpentry work, electrical work, plumbing and landscaping. If you have skills in any of these areas please contact the ranger at the site you would like to assist. For one day of skilled labor you will be offered property benefits and a VIP invitation to the Annual Property Celebration. The rangers need all kinds of help throughout the year. Just one day of service can make a difference. Please contact each camp ranger directly to learn more about properties needs.
Outdoor Program Equipment Rentals
In addition to scheduled programs, you can rent outdoor program equipment on site and customize your program to your girls’ needs. Equipment is reserved on a first come, first serve basis and provided upon availability. Fill out the enclosed equipment reservation form and send it to the Council registrars at the address printed on the form. You must ensure that your group has the appropriate certification and training needed to use the equipment as is stated in Girl Scouts Safety Activity Checkpoints. If you do not have the required education to teach the program, contact the registrars for the list of certified instructors that may be able to help you with your program. We are here to help you and your girls enjoy our camps! Please see the following page to reserve program equipment using our rental form.
Outdoor Program Equipment Rental Form
girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
The Bay Shop is the one stop shop for all of your Girl Scout needs. In addition to a complete inventory of uniforms, badges, insignia and program materials, we carry gifts, recognitions, scrapbooking items, apparel and more for girls and adults. Shop online at, in person at the Newark or Peninsula Resource Centers, or by phone or fax. Orders with payment may be mailed to the Newark Bay Shop only. Bay Shop Express is at many GSCB and Service Unit events. All proceeds support leadership development programs and services.
Newark Bay Shop
The Newark Bay Shop 501 S. College Ave. Newark, DE 19713 302-456-7176 · FAX: 302-456-7188 The Salisbury Bay Shop 1346 Belmont Ave., Ste. 601 Salisbury, MD 21804 410-742-5107 ext. 22 · FAX: 410-742-9506 HOURS Closed on holidays when GSCB offices are closed. Closed 12/24/12-1/7/13 for winter holidays and inventory. Girl Scout Starter Kit – Available August 1, 2012 The Girl Scout Starter Kits include vest or tunic, basic official insignia and Journey or Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting book bundled in a free GSCB Girl Scouts drawstring totebag.
Salisbury Bay Shop
girl scouts of the chesapeake bay 2012-2013 council program guide
Bridging Kits – Available March 1, 2013 Bridging kits include grade-level appropriate recognitions for bridging. Add the girls’ names to the sheets provided, and you are ready to present these items at your ceremony!
Back to Troop Open House – Saturday, September 22, 2012, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Celebrate the start of the 2012-2013 season and the relaunch of the Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting. This fun event includes refreshments, games, crafts, prizes and in-shop promotions. Free open house patch for all girls attending. Families can attend, too! Please call 302-456-7176 (Newark) or 410-742-5107 (Salisbury) to book your reservation. Holiday Shopping Nights The Second annual “Me and My Gal” Holiday shopping nights will be Wednesday, December 5 and 12 from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Girls receive a goody bag, fill out a wish list and head to the craft room; her “Gal” can then shop from the wish list. Refreshments will be provided. Troops can get a patch and council tour. Bay Shop Rebate Program Get a Bay Shop Certificate by collecting Bay Shop receipts from troop purchases made by leaders, parents and guardians. Only purchases between August 1 and October 31, 2012 are eligible, including online and phone order receipts. Submit receipts and a completed rebate form before November 30, 2012. Your rebate will arrive by mail in mid-January and is valid until April 30, 2013. You must use your rebate all at one time and it must be used for troop purchases only. Troop shopping and council tours Available any Wednesday night from September to May. Council tour patches are included for each girl in the troop who participates. Reservations are required one week in advance. Call the Bay Shop for more information or to make reservations.