Cub Chronicles, November 11, 2010

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Volume 1 Issue 1 2010-11 Lower School

Building Community

Newspaper Staff

Cub Chronicles

Mikhaila Archer Adriana Arias Emma Butler Emma Cooney Caroline Featherston Patricia Gerli Maggie Hall Catherine Hamilton Isabella Hamilton Riley Hicks Camila Hirani Brooke Lange Clare Maleeny Sara Micciulli Margo Muccia Grace Mullen Emma O’Connor Anna O’Malley Lorraine Rinaldi Georgia Ryan Natalie Sanchez Katherine Santoro Isabella Santucci

First Issue of Mater Feast by Brooke Lange Cub Chronicles The Mater Feast is a special day for students of the Sacred Heart each year on October 20th. Young girls at Convent of by Emma Butler celebrated the Sacred Heart and alumnae around the world celebrate Mary in Dear Lower School Students and Parents

Dr. Ann Marr

Inside this issue: First Issue of Cubs Chronicle

Pg. 1

Mater Feast

Pg. 1

The Chile Miners

Pg. 1

Did you know the school has a new Librarian?

Pg. 2

4th Grade eco-columns

Pg. 2

What were you for Halloween?

Pg. 2

Ban Bullying!!!

Pg. 3

After-school activities

Pg. 3

Interview w/ Fifth Grader

Pg. 3

Halloween Parade

Pg. 4

Interview w/ 12th Grader

Pg. 4

Fall Festival 2010

Pg. 4

These pages of paper you're holding in your hands comprise the first ever Lower School newspaper, “Cub Chronicles.” We hope you enjoy reading these articles that 4th graders wrote, edited, revised; we even chose which articles to write! You'll see the Lower School newspaper or, if you are a parent reading this, your daughter will come home with this a number of times during the year. We thank you for reading. I hope that at least one of our articles catches your eye or even becomes a favorite in your family! Once again, we hope you enjoy “Cub Chronicles.”

all of her glory on this day each year. In Rome, Pauline Perdrau painted Mary as a young woman in a pink dress, which was the color of Pauline’s favorite party dress. This was very important to Pauline, as she became a Nun who could no longer wear her favorite pink party dress as she wore the traditional habit. The most popular event in celebration of Mater at Sacred Heart is at lunch when pink frosted donuts are served to our community. In honor of Mater, we are allowed to wear a splash of “Pink” with our uniforms. We also have a beautiful liturgy in our chapel. As a first year CSH student, I was honored to participate in the liturgy. To our community, Mary in this depiction is very important as our faith leads us to believe that Mary is always with us as a true mother watching over her children. To CSH students, this is a lovely thought to start and end each of our days.

The Chile Miners by Caroline Featherston San Jose Gold and Copper miners in northern Chile were trapped on August 5, 2010. In the beginning, they had a two day supply of food. They had to survive on that food for the next fourteen days. During that time, nobody knew if they were even alive. Later on, the men received food and they also received a video link. One miner, Ariel Ticona, saw his daughter being born on the video link. The men spent a total of 69 days trapped in the mine. With help from the Americans, Chile's Navy built a capsule. The capsule was similar to an elevator. It traveled 622 meters into the rock. All over the world, millions of people watched all 33 miners rescued. It took less that 24 hours to rescue the miners. It was an emotional day for everyone, especially for the families of the miners.

Did you know the school has a new librarian? by Lorraine Rinaldi and Clare Maleeny Did you know the school has a new librarian? Her name is Ms. Schmidt. We had the opportunity to interview her. We found out many interesting facts. The following is the interview we had with her. Clare: Why did you want to become a library teacher? Ms. Schmidt: I love children’s books, and it’s great fun sharing them with my students. Lorraine: Where did you work before? Ms. Schmidt: I worked at Bellows School in the Rye school district. Clare: Why did you move to CSH? Ms. Schmidt : I really like the atmosphere here and the school’s philosophy about books.

4TH GRADE ECO-COLUMNS, By Catherine Hamilton and Sara Micciulli The 4th grade is studying an interesting project in science. They are all proud of their work, so they’d like to share some information about it with you.Their project is called Eco-columns. An eco-column is a habitat that is separated into two parts. We used original flavored seltzer bottles and connected them by a screen.I have observed their eco-columns and saw crickets, pill bugs (rolly-pollys),fish and snails. Mrs.Kieltyka told me that the little snails can eat the fish and the fish are not regular fish...they are mosquito fish. The eco-column has two parts. The aquatic ecosystem and the terrestrial ecosystem. I saw that on the terrestrial ecosystem the 4th grade planted seeds and leaf matter. Then they put the pill bugs and crickets. When I was there one team almost dropped their crickets! Did I forget to tell you how they worked together? Not everyone gets their own Eco-column. They have to work in pairs/teams.They have to work together and I’m sure that’s not hard considering the eco-column has many steps. Lately the eco-columns are looking good. When I observed them Mrs.Kieltyka told me that the ecosystems work in a cycle called a food chain. A food chain is when the sun hits the producer ( for example: grass). Then the consumer ( for example: a cricket) eats the producer and the decomposer ( for example: bacteria) eats the leftovers. Thank you for reading our report.

What Were You for Halloween? By Georgia Ryan and Anna O’Malley

We asked three teachers and three students in the lower school what they were for Halloween and why. We asked one fourth grader, one second grader, and one first grader. The fourth grader’s name is Julia Dawson; she was Twister Girl because she likes the costume and thinks it’s cute. We also asked Alexia Barr who is in second grade and was a vampire! Alexia was a vampire because she’s been thinking about it all year, and it was the only thing she could find. On the down side, she dislikes blood. The last child we asked is Rachel Pyne who was a cowgirl. Rachel was a cowgirl because she thought the costume was cool! For grownups, we asked Mrs. Moore the 4A teacher, Mrs. Parker the dance teacher, and Madame the French teacher. Mrs. Moore was a football player because it’s easy; she wore her son’s jersey. Madame was a witch because she likes witches. Mrs. Parker was a pumpkin because it is easy to dance in a pumpkin costume.

Ban Bullying!!! by Margo Muccia

After School Activities By Emma Butler

Bullying is a very bad thing that can happen to friends, family, and maybe sometimes pets. If you try to ignore it, it can get worse. If it is at school, you should tell a teacher (or tell a friend and your friend will tell the teacher). And you should always be able to tell your parents.

If you’re free on one of your days during the school week after school, an after-school activity is a great idea. All of the choices have something for all students. There are tons of choices and one may even be a hobby of yours! Didn’t sign up for the season? Try next one! There’s a bunch of selections that For example, a little kid at school might you get to choose from! So sign up if you agree with me – maybe even some of your be picked on by a bigger kid. Or, a big sister or brother can bully a little sister or friends might be in the same activity! brother. Even your pets can bully each other! Dogs can bully cats, and cats can bully fish.

Interview with the Fifth Graders

The definition of the word “bully” is: “A bully is a person who uses strength or By Natalie Sanchez and Camila Hirani power to harm or intimidate those who are weaker.” We talked about bullying in We were wondering how it’s going in fifth grade? our classes here at school. It can happen We thought this would be an interesting subject. So to anyone. It can happen anywhere! It is we spoke with Maya Rajan who is a fifth grader and wrong. asked some questions. Our first question was “Is There is another type of bullying that we fifth grade harder than fourth grade, and why?” Maya answered, “Yes because there is a lot more are learning about in our computer classes. It is called cyber-bullying. It is tests and homework.” Then we asked “Are you havthe same thing as bullying but in a differ- ing fun in fifth grade, and how?” Maya said, “Yes, ent form. Cyber-bullying is when some- because you have a lot more freedom.” Next we one uses electronic forms of communica- asked, “Do you like switching classrooms or is it tion to hurt or bully someone. more fun staying in one classroom?” Maya anThe best way to stop a bully or a cyber- swered, “It’s more fun switching classrooms, because you get to explore new environments.” After bully is to tell an adult right away (but make sure it’s not a stranger). Bullying that we asked, “Do you think fourth grade prepared is harmful, and no one should wait to get you for fifth grade and why?” Maya said, “Of help. Never be afraid to tell on a bully! course it did because fourth grade teachers really showed us how to take quizzes in fifth grade and how much homework we would have.”

Halloween Parade By Katherine Santoro and Maggie Hall On October 29, 2010 the whole Lower School gathered in the theater; we filed in one by one in our brand new costumes. Grade by grade, we each went up on the stage, did a little spin, and exited to the right. It was so exciting to see everyone’s costumes. After the parade was over, we watched a movie filled with witches and warlocks. The movie was called Halloween Town. When the movie was over, we gathered in our classrooms and had fantastic Halloween parties.

Interview with Molly Trimble 12thgrade By Isabelle Santucci, Riley Hicks, and Emma Cooney Q1) What is your favorite subject? A1) History Q2) How long have you been at CSH? A2) 4 years Q3)Are you taking a year off before college? A3) No Q4) What’s your favorite thing about CSH? A4) Sports Q5) What’s your fondest memory? A5) Conge Q6) If you could relive one of your years at CSH which one would it be? A6) Junior year

The Fall Festival 2010 By Emma O’Connor Everyone got so excited when they saw the sheets of paper in their mailboxes that said FALL FESTIVAL 2010 SATURDAY 1-4pm. Everyone started jumping up and down. The next day, we woke up to a beautiful autumn Saturday. Finally, it was time for the Fall Festival. Tons and tons of people came to have some fun. At the Fall Festival there were bouncy castles, which were the favorite of the younger kids, and the haunted house, which was made by the middle school girls. This year there was also a karaoke booth, which the younger students also liked, and the bake sale, which of course everyone loved. The 7-and 8-year- old girls loved the nail boutique. Last but not least, the fun games and cool prizes were a big hit. Wow, that was a lot of fun stuff! I hope you had a roarin’ time and hope to see you all next year.

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