Cub Chronicles, November, 2011

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Strengthening The Mind & Deepening The Spirit

Volume II Issue II 2011 Lower School Newspaper Staff

Cub Chronicles

Alice Adams Caroline Badagliacca Cameron Calcano Alexa Choy Caroline Collins Alexandra Dally Clay Garrett Bridget Hamlet Elizabeth Hisler Eva Iannaccone Elodie Nix Jacqueline Prata Isabella Quinson Mariana Soto Grace Sperber Carolina Suaid Arielle Uygur

Dear readers, Thank you for reading Cub Chronicles! We are so happy to see all our articles come together. Immense editing has been required. It has been a great joy for the new fourth graders to experience the way to put together a newspaper! We can’t wait to put together our next piece! We hope that the third graders will find Cub Chronicles so interesting that maybe they would like to do it! We would like to give special thanks to Dr. Marr for helping us to create this!. Love, Elodie Nix and Grace Sperber Steven P. Jobs

Dr. Ann Marr

By: Elizabeth Hisler and Arielle Uygur

Inside this issue:

Steven Paul Jobs also known as Steve Jobs was an American inventor and business man. He was also a pioneer of the personal computer. Jobs became a member of the Board of Directors of the Walt Disney Company in 2006 following the acquisition of Pixar by Disney. Steven was born in San Francisco and was adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs. When Steven was 5 years old his parents adopted Patti Jobs. Clara Jobs had been a payroll clerk for Varian. Asked in a 1955 interview with what he wanted to pass on to his children, Jobs replied “Just try to be as good a father as my father was to me. “I think about that every day of my life.”

The Wolf Conservation Center By: Isabella Quinson On October 20th, the 4th grade classes went to the Wolf Conservation Center in South Salem. We learned all about the wolves in North America. We even got to meet a few. The first wolves we got to meet were Alawa and Zephyr. They are brother and sister. They are both ambassador wolves. They were raised at the Wolf Conservation center. They started their lives with people so they are not afraid. The next wolf we met was Atka. Atka is an artic gray wolf. He was taken to the conservation center when he was only 8 days old. He is the oldest ambassador wolf. Those three were the only ones we could see up close. We also got to see Mexican gray wolves and red wolves. They were trying to hide behind the trees. It was the best field trip I ever went on. I wish you could have gone too.

Dear Readers


Steven P. Jobs

Pg. 1

The Wolf Conservation Center

Pg. 1

October Snow Storm

Pg. 1

Halloween Night

Pg. 2

Interview with Mrs. Pelliccio

Pg. 2

Letters & Literature

Pg. 2

J.K. Rowling, Author of Harry Potter

Pg. 2

Smart Boards

Pg. 3


Pg. 3

Bullying and Teasing


The Flood in Thailand

Pg. 3

Interview w/ Miss Kitson

Pg. 3

The Rescued Puppy Tale

Pg. 4

power, breaking the previous record set during the recent Hurricane Irene. Making the storm’s

Muammar Gaddafi


impact worse were trees with leaves still on them. These gave the snow something to stick to, cre-

Stone Harbor

Pg. 4

ating tremendous weight on the branches. It is the fourth time since the Civil War that snow has

Interview with Clay Garrett






October Snow Storm By Clay Garrett

An unseasonably early snowstorm left more than 3 million people without power from Maryland to Maine. The storm smashed record snowfall totals for October. In Connecticut 750,000 people lost

fallen in this area during October. Three deaths were blamed on the weather. One of the deaths was in Connecticut where a person in Colchester died in a car accident because of slippery conditions. Luckily conditions were back to normal for Halloween and trick-or-treating.

Halloween Night By: Cameron Calcano and Clay Garrett Do you know the true meaning of Halloween? Because it’s not just about dressing up in costumes and getting candy. We’re going to tell you how Halloween really started. The jack-o-lanterns started with a man named Jack who went around on Halloween night tricking everyone by setting their pumpkins on fire. Then people started to carve faces on their pumpkins. They also put lights in the pumpkins so Jack couldn’t burn them down. The costumes started when people would dress up to scare away the bad spirits. Over the years it generated into people dressing up in costumes of scary, funny, and cute things. People started to like their costumes so much that they started to give people treats like candy. We hope you enjoyed your Halloween!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Interview with Mrs. Pelliccio By: Caroline Badagliacca Mrs. Pelliccio is our Lower School Reading and Writing Specialist. This is the interview I did with her. Question: How many years have you been teaching at Sacred Heart? Answer: I have been teaching at Sacred Heart for four years and this is the fifth. Question: What is your favorite thing about Sacred Heart? Answer: My favorite thing about Sacred Heart is the heart in the Community. Question: What is it like teaching reading and writing? Answer: I enjoy teaching reading and writing because they are the gateway to all learning .

Letters about Literature By: Grace Sperber “Books have wings, you may not see them but they are there..” The readers are transported to the setting of their book. Some will only bring you to a place four blocks away, but some will bring you to lands of talking mountains, and peppermint buildings. Some books touch you so deeply that they affect you your whole life. Letters about literature is a competition sponsored by the Library of Congress allowing fourth graders to write to their favorite Authors, telling them why and how their books affected us in meaningful ways.

J.K. Rowling, the Author of Harry Potter By: Jacqueline Prata J.K. Rowling is an author best known for the series of Harry Potter

books. There are seven books in the series, and movies have been made as well. Her life story taught me to shoot for the moon and you may land among the stars. J.K. Rowling was a quiet child and loved English in school. After graduation she moved to London. While being delayed on a train trip she started writing a story about a boy named Harry Potter who attended a wizard school. Some of the main characters in her stories are based on real people. Hermione is very logical, and is based on herself when she was 11 years old. Ron Weasley is similar to her best friend Sean Harris, and Luna Lovegood, one of her favorite new characters, is the opposite of Hermione. The next project will be an encyclopedia of Harry Potter’s wizard world but she said it may take 10 years to complete. That would make me 19 years old! I can’t wait!!!!


Smart Boards By: Arielle Uygur

By Mariana Soto

The Smart Board is an interactive white board that was introduced in 1991 by Smart Technologies. And not only is the Smart Board used in classrooms, it’s also used in businesses. Almost all classrooms in the Lower School have Smart Board. Smart Boards function with a computer, a projector, and a white board. We are very thankful to have Smart Boards.

Bullying makes people sad and sometimes scared. It causes bad behavior and can lead to fights. Bullying hurts the victim and the bully, too! If you see bullying, tell the closest teacher.

Bullying and Teasing By Bridget Hamlet Bullying is often found in schools. In our 4th grade, we had a chat about bullying. We also read the book “One.” The book “One” is about the color blue and all of his friends. Red bullies blue, and none of his friends stands up to red. So the number 1 comes to help and all the colors turn into numbers. Blue turns into 6. Red feels really bad, so he becomes 7. A really cute story! In New York, there was a law passed about bullying. Somebody bullies at school, they call the police. We are Sacred Heart girls and we promise to be reverant like St. Rose Phillipine Dushesne and Madeline Sophie Barat. We always promise to follow in their footsteps. So as Sacred Heart girls, let us all strive to be kind and caring to one another. Thank you!!!

The Flood in Thailand By: Alexa Choy

Interview with Miss Kitson By Caroline Collins

Thailand has suffered severely from flooding and

1. Miss Kitson’s birthday is February 9.

mudslides. Prime Minister Vingluck Shinawatra

2. Miss Kitson’s favorite color is pink. 3. She lives in Stamford, Connecticut. 4. She went to Providence College. 5. Miss Kitson is a lifer at CSH because she went to school here for 12 years, and now she teaches here! 6. When Miss Kitson went to school at CSH it was smaller. 7. Miss Kitson taught Preschool and now she teaches Kindergarten. 8. She says the difference is that the kindergarten girls don’t need her as much and they are more independent. 9. When Miss Kitson went to school at CSH, nuns taught her and they were nice. 10. Miss Kitson is a great person and teacher!

urged citizens to let the water flow slowly back to sea. The flood started in July and over 300 people were killed. Thailand is experiencing the worst flooding in 50 years, with damages as high as six billion U.S. dollars. The flooding shut down all airports in Thailand. Over 90 elephants were hurt by floods that have devastated the country. Some villages were so deep in water, the only transportation was by boat. These horrible crises may last until December 2011.

The Rescued Puppy Tale By: Carolina Suaid One day in late October, the golden colored leaves were falling off the trees. My babysitter’s husband was taking his family’s trash bags to the dumpster to throw them away. He started to look into the dumpster when he saw a crying, abandoned, frightened puppy. It had bleeding cuts and looked weak. It was a pitbull breed. A pitbull is never welcomed by anyone because people think it will attack them. Would you have the courage to adopt the puppy? Or would you leave the puppy alone and bleeding? You probably would not adopt it, because it’s not cute and doesn’t look friendly either. This brave, kind man had the courage to put the dog in the car and went straight to the vet. The vet took care of this needy dog, and little by little the dog started to feel better.

Muammar Gaddafi By Alice Adams Muammar Gaddafi had been the dictator of Libya for fortytwo years at the time of his death on October 20, 2011. The rebels had been trying to find him for eight months. Because Gaddafi believed in terrorism and because Libya was responsible for the loss of an American airplane over Lockerbie, Scotland, the US and NATO forces allied against him and supported the rebels. From the White House, President Obama was happy to report, “One of the world’s longest serving dictators is no more.” Gaddafi ruled over 6.5 million people in a country that was very poor but had a lot of oil. He was 69 when he fell from power.

Stone Harbor By: Eva Iannaccone Over the summer I go to this place called Stone Harbor. It is in New Jersey. It has big oceans and it has big waves crashing on the sand. I have been going for practically my whole life. I love it there so much!!!

Interview with Clay Garrett By: Arielle Uygur Arielle: What’s your favorite subject in School? Clay: P.E. and reading Arielle: How many years have you been at CSH Clay: I’ve been at CSH for two years now Arielle: I think that Clay Garrett is very kind and friendly

IPADS By: Elizabeth Hisler As you know the Lower School can now use IPADS for educational purposes. The fourth graders can now take learning to a whole new level. We love learning with the IPADS but with the privilege comes responsibility. What do you think about the new IPADS?

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