Cub Chronicles, 2/20/2013

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Volume IV Issue IV 2012-13 Lower School

Insight & Innovation

Newspaper Staff Alexia Barr Molly Braun Grace Coale Cecilia Duncan Gabrielle Finn Ellie Hartman Sumner Hill Mary Clare Marshall Hadley Noonan Mairead O’Connor Isabelle Pipher Sofia Pye Lily Santangelo Claudia Schmidt Maia van Biesen Dr. Ann Marr

Inside this issue: The Presidential Inauguration

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Cub Chronicles The Presidential Inauguration By: Cecilia Duncan On January 21, 2013, President Barack Obama was sworn in for his second term as President of the United States. He will serve for four more years. He is 51 years old and is married to Michelle Obama and they have two daughters, Sasha and Malia. There will be some changes in his Cabinet as some of the members have left and new people have been sworn in to replace them. The Cabinet includes the Vice President, the Attorney General and the heads of 15 departments. The most popular member was the Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton, and she has been replaced by Senator John Kerry. Beyonce sang at the inauguration and caused a lot of controversy because she lip-synced the song and did not sing it live with the band. There were other singers there who sang live including Kelly Clarkson and James Taylor. That afternoon there was a big parade for the President and Vice President and there were many bands from all over the country. The most exciting moment in the parade was when President and Mrs. Obama got out of their car and walked down Pennsylvania Avenue and waved to the crowds. That night they went to several inaugural balls and everyone was excited to see what dress Mrs. Obama wore. Interview with Marissa Licursi, from the Publishing Hearts Club, about their book A Paw and a Flipper. By: Maia van Biesen

Interview w/ Marissa Licursi

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The Pro Bowl

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Singapore Math/Mr. Timpone

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Valentine’s Recipe

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The Olympics

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Reach for the Stars!!

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Walls Within Walls-A Book Review


Chloe—My Therapy Dog


Fourth Grade Role Models


Maia van Biesen: Tell me about your club. Marissa Licursi: We write and illustrate books and then we sell them to lots of places such as book fairs, holiday events, and on Amazon. We then give the money we earn to a children’s literacy organization called “Reach Out and Read.” MvB: How did you come up with the plot for your book? ML: We started with the characters before we came up with the plot. Then we used the characters to make the story. MvB: Was it hard to write the book as a group? ML: It was easier because ideas could come out more easily. It was harder because all of our writing styles were different. MvB: What are the lessons at the end of the story? ML: The lessons at the end of the story are acceptance of others, friendship, and including others. MvB: Who drew the beautiful illustrations? ML: Abby Smith was our illustrator. MvB: Thank you! ML: You’re welcome.

The Bro Bowl By: Grace Coale

Recently, two teams went head to head at the Super Bowl – the Baltimore Ravens and the San Francisco 49ers! For the first time in Super Bowl history two brothers had to face off as head coaches of their teams, John Harbaugh (Ravens coach) and Jim Harbaugh (49ers coach). Among the many interesting things that happened at the Super Bowl, Ray Lewis, the star linebacker for the Ravens, played his last game in the NFL and won his second Super Bowl championship. Also, during the second half of the game the Superdome lights went out, causing a 34-minute delay. The game was exciting right to the end and the Ravens won 34-31. Joe Flacco, the Ravens quarterback, was voted MVP (Most Valuable Player) and won a trip to Disney World and a new car. As a lifelong Ravens fan, I couldn’t ask for a better Super Bowl!

Singapore Math/Mr. Timpone By: Ellie Hartman

Hi, everybody, You may have noticed that about a month ago Mr. Timpone came to most of our classes. And he taught some of us some math! Mr. Timpone is a teacher who is the one who teaches teachers the new Singapore Math Curriculum. He did come into my class (4A) and he taught us some stuff. Now it was a little while back so I can’t remember everything, but I remember that the hour-long math class felt like 15 minutes because it was so much fun! Dr. Marr told me he may be coming back later in the year, but don’t quote us on that!!! I hope that if Mr. Timpone came into your class you all had fun!

Valentine’s Day Recipe By: Mairead O’Connor 3 tablespoons of love 2 tablespoons of hugs 1 tablespoon of kisses 1 tablespoon of roses 3 teaspoons of chocolate ¼ of Sweet Hearts Put all of the ingredients in one big bowl stir until a red velvet color. Pour into a heart shaped pan and bake the cake with love! When it’s done you are ready to eat.

iPads By: Mary Clare Marshall I think using the iPads helps us learn. The iPads teach you stuff in a very fun way. On the iPads you can use the internet at school and you don’t have to wait to go home. There also are a lot of apps that you can learn a lot from. Two of my favorites are Brainpop and Brainpop, jr. On these apps you type in whatever topic you want and then you can watch a short 5-minute movie about it. In school you can use the iPads in spelling, math, and science. In 4A we use the iPads for Discovery Day. I hope you will have fun using the iPads!

The Olympics By Claudia Schmidt

The Olympics is something special to see live. It feels amazing from the very moment you step into the park. It is hard to describe, but I would say it feels like the whole world is united in celebration! In Track and Field (one of the events I went to) during the hurdles they had cameras along the side; at such a speed they catch every moment of the race. It may seem slow when you are watching it on TV, but really it is going at a royal speed. At one point it started to rain! And they were about to start a race. Although they did still have the race, I do not think I would do that race. But then again if you are in the Olympics you are trained for this kind of stuff. In the Swimming Finals (the other event I went to) it was very warm in the stadium. When the swimmers come out from

the warm-up area, they go to their blocks and go straight to warming up their muscles. When I was there, there was a false alarm and a swimmer (I don’t know who) jumped into the pool!! But it was an accident. It was really cool to see Michael Phelps and all the other US team there, even though I was supporting England. In both the stadiums I went to there were cameras at the top of the stadium to capture spectators. Maybe you will go to the Winter Olympics in 2014 in Russia. Or the Summer Olympics in 2016 in Rio. I hope you all enjoyed the Olympics!!!!

Reach for the Stars!!!!

Walls Within Walls – A Book Review

By: Isabelle Pipher and Mary Clare Marshall

By Hadley Noonan

On January 14th, Lia Neal and Katie Ledecky came to CSH, Greenwich! It was so cool to see Olympic medalists who are also from Sacred Heart communities!

In Walls Within Walls by Maureen Sherry, the three older Smithfork kids are NOT happy to be moving to a Manhattan apartment from Brooklyn when their father’s Katie Ledecky is 15, the youngest swimmer ever to win a GOLD MEDAL and be on the USA video-game business takes off. They come across a Olympic team!!! Katie goes to Stone Ridge School of the Sacred Heart in Bethesda, Maryland and when swimming specializes in free style events. She won the 800 meter freestyle. hidden wall, a painting and a book of poems behind another wall in their new apartment, and they start a Katie and Lia wore their team USA jackets and displayed their Olympic medals at the assembly. great adventure trying to decipher clues from the poThey inspired us to set personal goals and reach for the stars! After the assembly we met ems that lead CJ, Brid and Patrick on an architectural Katie and Lia and asked a few questions. treasure hunt to find a secret fortune. Isabelle: What was the hardest thing you had to overcome? Katie & Lia: The Olympic trials! And all the pressure the people were giving us with the fireworks lined up along the pool and it was super dark. Mary Clare: Do you have any advice for young swimmers? Katie & Lia: Try your best! Work Hard! And have FUN!! They did have lots of fun going to London! Katie and Lia were in the “Call Me Maybe” video filmed on the plane and at the Olympics… Mary Clare: Are you preparing for the next Olympics? Katie & Lia: We are already preparing for the next Olympics with swim meets in between our training. Wow! This experience makes us want to Reach for the Stars as anything could be possible!

With the help of an older neighbor who might be the owner of this fortune, they visit different famous historic buildings in NYC to find the answers to the clues. Finding the fortune is more difficult than they thought it would be, with dangers, seen and unseen, that make their quest challenging and make the search even more difficult. I would truly recommend this book to anyone who likes a good mystery and a little architectural history!

Chloe – My Therapy Dog By: Claudia Schmidt Hi ,everyone — I am writing today to tell you all about my therapy dog…..Chloe. Okay, first things first. What is a therapy dog??? A therapy dog is a dog who goes to special homes for sick people. Or for Seniors. From what I’ve heard from my mom, “a dog makes everyone feel better.” My mom also says, “Chloe makes everyone brighten up, everyone loves her in the home.” Chloe had special training to become a therapy dog. And it may take a lot of training and work, but I know Chloe can do it. Also, I am truly proud of my dog for what she has accomplished so far – for being a therapy dog. Doing therapy dog stuff doesn’t mean that Chloe is a serious dog. I mean she can run fast outside, we play fetch, and somewhat of tug-a-war. And many, many more!!! SO DID YOU LEARN A LOT ABOUT MY THERAPY DOG…CHLOE? WELL, I HOPE YOU DID!!!!!!

Fourth Grade Role Models By: Members of the Cub Chronicles Staff

The hardest part about being a fourth grader is being a good role model. It’s super hard to remember not to talk in the hall! Here in Lower School we are the oldest, and we have to set a good example.

Grace Coale: Being in fourth grade is exciting and scary at the same time, because people are looking up to you but you have a lot of new exciting responsibilities as well! Isabelle Piper: Being a fourth grader is scary with everyone looking up to you, but it is still soooo much fun! Gabby Finn: It is fun and hard at the same time. Cecilia Duncan: It is fun but also hard because everyone looks Sumner Hill: Being a fourth grader is lots to think about when up to you. you’re a role model to the whole lower school. It’s really impor- Hadley Noonan: Being a role model is fun, hard, and scary. tant for fourth graders to show the lower school how to behave Molly Braun: Being a fourth grader is a big responsibility. You because all of us have been in first grade, second grade, third have to make sure you’re always a good role model. It’s also a grade, and now fourth, so we should know how to behave after lot of fun because you get the lead roles in the Celebration of all these years. the Arts. Ellie Hartman: Being a fourth grader is awesome! You get to do Mary Clare Marshall: I think that it’s scary to be a role model so many fun things but you also have the responsibility of being because you have a ton of little kids looking up at you. a role model.

Fourth Grade Role Models By: Members of the Cub Chronicles Staff

The hardest part about being a fourth grader is being a good role model. It’s super hard to remember not to talk in the hall! Here in Lower School we are the oldest, and we have to set a good example. Gabby Finn: It is fun and hard at the same time. Sumner Hill: Being a fourth grader is lots to think about when you’re a role model to the whole lower school. It’s really important for fourth graders to show the lower school how to behave because all of us have been in first grade, second grade, third grade, and now fourth, so we should know how to behave after all these years. Ellie Hartman: Being a fourth grader is awesome! You get to do so many fun things but you also have the responsibility of being a role model. Grace Coale: Being in fourth grade is exciting and scary at the same time, because people are looking up to you but you have a lot of new exciting responsibilities as well! Isabelle Piper: Being a fourth grader is scary with everyone looking up to you, but it is still soooo much fun! Cecilia Duncan: It is fun but also hard because everyone looks up to you. Hadley Noonan: Being a role model is fun, hard, and scary. Molly Braun: Being a fourth grader is a big responsibility. You have to make sure you’re always a good role model. It’s also a lot of fun because you get the lead roles in the Celebration of the Arts. Mary Clare Marshall: I think that it’s scary to be a role model because you have a ton of little kids looking up at you.

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