Horizons: Summer, 2010

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Summer 2010

Haiti Tragedy International Exchange Journey in Africa

Summer 2010

Convent of the Sacred Heart 1177 King Street Greenwich, CT 06831 Tel: (203) 531-6500 www.cshgreenwich.org H ea d o f S c h o o l Pamela Juan Hayes ’64 E d it o r Kathleen S. Failla Contributors Victoria Taylor Allen, Erin Aoyama ’11, Michael Baber, Kerry Bader, Judy Becker, Rachel Boyer, Marian Sofia Campana, Beth Carlucci, Jayne Collins, Virginia Downer, Kathleen A. Feeney ’98, Kev Filmore, Karl Haeseler, Pamela Juan Hayes ’64, Lacey Henry ’11, Highpoint Pictures, Claire Lorentzen ’06, Mandy Dawson Murphy ’85, Len Rubenstein, Michelle Smith, Kelly Stone, Mary Ellen Vouté Sutherland ’85, Paula Tennyson, Lori Wilson Desi g n e r Good Design LLC P r i n ti n g Original Impressions

B o a r d o f T r u stees Paula G. Tennyson, Chair Stephen J. Sweeny, Vice Chair Donald E. Foley, Treasurer Imma De Stefanis, rscj, Secretary Bridget Bearss, rscj James T. Bretzke, S.J. Joseph J. Ciancaglini

Patricia E. Molloy Deborah Brown Murdock Mandy Dawson Murphy ’85, Alumnae President Justine Ryan, Parents’ Assn. President Anthony J. Scala Jr. Mary Ellen Vouté Sutherland ’85 Joseph N. Walsh III Patreece Williams-Creegan ’84

Missi o n S tate m e n t Convent of the Sacred Heart, Greenwich, founded in 1848, is an independent, Catholic, college preparatory school for young women, from preschool through grade 12. True to its international heritage, the School provides students with experiences of diversity and welcomes students of all races, socioeconomic backgrounds and religious beliefs. Convent of the Sacred Heart, steeped in a solid academic tradition, educates women to have independence of judgment, personal freedom and strength of character so that they can become leaders with broad intellectual and spiritual horizons. Service to others is a compelling commitment of our education, and the entire School community, as a member of the Network of Sacred Heart Schools, is dedicated to the Goals and Criteria.

E n v i r o n m e n ta l sa v i n g s f o r this iss u e : 19 Trees preserved for the future

Mail letters to the editor: Kathleen S. Failla faillak@cshgreenwich.org Send address changes: Virginia Downer downerg@cshgreenwich.org Send alumnae news: To class representatives or Kathleen A. Feeney ’98 feeneyk@cshgreenwich.org

2010–2011 Lenore de Csepel Kathleen Dolan, rscj Lorena Ferrara Wilfred A. Finnegan Kevin J. Grehan Pamela Juan Hayes ’64, Head of School Kimberly J. Huchro Jeanet H. Irwin Kevin A. Knight Robert G. Leary

54 lbs. Waterborne waste not created

4,861 lbs. Air emissions not generated

7,884 Gallons wastewater flow saved

5 Barrels fuel oil unused

872 lbs. Solid waste not generated 1,718 lbs. Net greenhouse gases prevented

S a v i n g s f r o m the u se o f e m issi o n - f r ee , wi n d - g e n e r ate d e l e c t r i c it y :

13,146,525 BTUs energy not consumed

In other words the savings from the use of wind-generated electricity are equivalent to: Not driving 4,811 miles OR Planting 331 trees

This issue of Convent of the Sacred Heart’s Horizons was printed on 50% recycled paper. Mohawk Fine Papers is a national leader in the support of renewable energy projects and 100% of the electricity used by Mohawk is matched with Green-e certified Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) from windpower projects. The environmental calculations provided here are supplied courtesy of the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

CON T E N T S 2 Message from the Board of Trustees


3 Letter from the Head of School 4 International Exchange Program

By Victoria Taylor Allen, Michael Baber and Kerry Bader

8 Journey in Africa: “Hearts that Hold Nothing Back” By Claire Lorentzen ’06

12 CSH Responds to Tragedy in Haiti


By Kathleen S. Failla

14 Lower School Sows Seeds in Uganda By Beth Carlucci

16 CSH Installs Computers in Uganda By Karl Haeseler

18 Graduation 2010: Our 161st Commencement


By Kathleen S. Failla

26 “Honor and Glory to God Alone”—Celebrating Prize Days By Kathleen S. Failla

29 Retreats Inspire Personal Faith By Lori Wilson

30 A Crew Awakening


Photos by Len Rubenstein, Text by Kathleen S. Failla

32 Around Campus 38 Sports Round-Up By Kelly Stone

43 Celebration of the Arts 46 Faculty Reflection


By Marian Sofia Campana

47 Alumnae News

By Mandy Dawson Murphy ’84, Jayne Collins and Kathleen S. Failla

53 Alumnae Profiles 54 Remembering Cora McLaughlin ’29, rscj


56 Class Notes & Milestones

Message from the Board of Trustees On behalf of the Board of Trustees of Convent of the Sacred Heart, the Committee on Trustees is pleased to announce that Paula G. Tennyson has been elected Chair of the Board. Her term commenced on July 1. Mrs. Tennyson’s long-standing experience in Sacred Heart governance and board leadership is wide-ranging and includes the following: Mrs. Tennyson has been a trustee of Sacred Heart since July 2007. She was made chair of the Head Search Committee, which oversaw and executed the search for and hiring of Head of School Pamela Juan Hayes ’64. Paula has also chaired the Audit Committee and is a current member on the Strategic Planning Committee. Mrs. Tennyson is a well-known and well-respected person within the Network of Sacred Heart Schools. She was recently elected to the Network board and has served on their Membership Committee. Mrs. Tennyson represents the Board of Trustees on the CSH Steering Committee for the Sacred Heart Commission on Goals (SHCOG) self-study. She participated in SHCOG visiting teams for the Academy of the Sacred Heart, in New Orleans, and Princeton Academy of the Sacred Heart, in New Jersey, as part of their SHCOG accreditation process.


Mrs. Tennyson is a past Board Chair of the Academy of the Sacred Heart, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, where she was a trustee for nine years and served seven of those years as Chair of the Board. The Committee on Trustees recommended Mrs. Tennyson to the full Board of Trustees at our annual meeting on May 24. Her election was unanimous and Mrs. Tennyson was appointed Chair, along with a slate of officers that includes Stephen J. Sweeny, vice chair, Donald E. Foley, treasurer and Imma De Stefanis, rscj, secretary. Mrs. Tennyson is an associate alumna, having graduated from Newton College of the Sacred Heart, now part of Boston College, with a Bachelor of Arts degree. She is also a Sacred Heart parent; her daughter, Megan, graduated from Bloomfield Hills in 2000. In 2006, Mrs. Tennyson and her husband moved back to this area, where they both grew up. In selecting the new Chair, the Board gave thoughtful consideration to what is essential in ensuring the success of the School and the Sacred Heart mission. Stewardship of the Goals and Criteria calls for the following characteristics in the Chair: • An understanding of and support for the mission of the School and Sacred Heart education

Paula G. Tennyson

• The capacity to lead the Board in its responsibility to hold this mission in trust • A commitment to ongoing formation to the mission in his or her role as leader. Paula firmly embodies these three pillars of stewardship and the Board of Trustees looks forward to continue to embrace and reaffirm this mission within the Sacred Heart community under her leadership. Respectfully submitted on behalf of the Board of Trustees by the Committee on Trustees, Mary Ellen Vouté Sutherland ’85, Parent ’16 Committee Chair, Imma De Stefanis, rscj Pamela Juan Hayes ’64 Kristina Sekor Hooper ’88 Kimberly J. Huchro, Parent ’12, ’14 Patricia E. Molloy, Parent ’99, ’14 Mandy Dawson Murphy ’85, Parent ’17, ’23 Thomas F. Murphy, Parent ’07, ’08, ’10, Stephen J. Sweeny, Parent ’97

let ter from the editor


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Dear Readers, We are very excited about this Horizons. With it, Convent of the Sacred Heart confirms its strong commitment to environmental sustainability, as outlined in Goal 3 of the Goals and Criteria. The magazine was printed on recycled paper and published in such a way that both the paper manufacturer and the printer used 100% certified renewable electricity. These changes in Horizons represent an opportunity to reduce the impact of carbon dioxide and other pollutants, while preserving the environment, for example, with the planting of 331 new trees and the saving of 17 trees from destruction for paper. For the full environmental savings produced by this issue, please consult the chart inside the front cover.

Sacred Heart becomes one of the first organizations in the U.S. to use a new printing supply chain that uses 100% certified renewable energy, in addition to recycled paper. This enables Horizons to carry a nationally recognized logo from Green-e Marketplace. The Green-e logo is the nation’s leading symbol of renewable energy excellence and distinguishes Sacred Heart as an environmental leader. Green-e is a program of the Center for Resource Solutions, a nonprofit that develops policy and market solutions to advance sustainable energy. This is a continuation of Sacred Heart’s efforts in educating the next generation of leaders on the importance of being accountable for the environment. Through the transformative approach of a Sacred Heart education, our students are studying ways to create a brighter future.

We live in a complex world that will benefit from the Society of the Sacred Heart’s mission. Internationality is the theme of this issue, and it is reflected in a variety of articles on the Sacred Heart community. The cover article on the exchange program looks at how Upper School students gain a new perspective on the world—and themselves. Between the two issues of Horizons published each year, I invite you to stay informed on Sacred Heart news and events by visiting the school website, www.cshgreenwich.org. Warmest Wishes, Kathleen S. Failla Director, Public Relations & Communications faillak@cshgreenwich.org

Dear Members of the Sacred Heart Community: As we come to an end of our 161st year, there are no adequate words to articulate my gratitude to you for the outpouring of support that I have received from you over the past year, my first year of service as Head of School. Above all else, I want to thank you for the energy and commitment you have given to strengthen and advance our School. I know that whatever success Convent of the Sacred Heart has had in achieving its educational mission is due to the cooperation and enthusiasm of all of you who have given your time to this service. Together, we have celebrated the meaning of community, and every event has reflected in its presentation and lived-experience the vision of Saint Madeleine Sophie Barat, as she would want it to be. Together, we remembered our history in the various events that brought together alumnae, trustees, faculty, staff, students, parents, Religious of the Sacred Heart and so many friends. Together, we prayed for strength in our sorrow, for joy in our daily life, and for the gifts that are most important to all of us: for courageous vision so that we may live and work creatively to make this world a better place, a vision about completing God’s work of love in the here and now. I am ending this year feeling confident that the future of Convent of the Sacred Heart will remain vibrant and strong because we are a community rooted in the unshakable Sacred Heart vision and mission. Today, we can look back with pride on all that we have accomplished this year, as we began to build the foundation of our incredible future. All of our administering, all of our teaching, all of our planning, all of our investment in the Sacred Heart Commission on Goals (SHCOG), and all of our daily work done in whatever role we play, have advanced our mission and enhanced the lives of our students. Over and over again, students demonstrate a love for their School because you

have made it a place to call home. We have worked hard at fostering Sacred Heart connections and deepening our roots. We have achieved so much because of your unified commitment to the Goals and Criteria. One of my major goals in coming to Greenwich was to serve the community by assisting in a smooth transition from religious to lay leadership. It was important for me to get to know the community, listen to their ideas and to keep my communication open, clear and transparent. Working with the Board and the Administrative Team has been so rewarding and has led, I think, to great progress for the future. Highlights of other goals include: • Increasing participation in our Annual Fund and friend-raising events, including interaction with alumnae. • Analyzing the budget and organization structure of the School to provide substantial cost efficiencies.

C onvent of the S acred H eart

Letter from the head of school

God’s love for all would be known. It is from Him that we receive our commission and from Him the strength to carry it forward. My prayer for each of you is a prayer of gratitude. God has blessed me by your presence in my life. May the communities you go off to this summer continue to be touched by your faith and generosity. Sincerely,

• Working with the Strategic Planning Committee to streamline and revise our current plan. • Keeping a strong focus on our Formation to Mission Program and introducing a monthly archival report to the community. • Serving on the SHCOG Planning Committee. I am very grateful to our outgoing trustees for their service and dedication to the Goals and Criteria of Sacred Heart education. Many thanks to Kristina Sekor Hooper ’88, chair; Anne Dyer, rscj; Joan C. Kirby, rscj ’43; Donna Hascher and Thomas F. Murphy. We welcome Paula G. Tennyson as the new board chair. Let us not forget that all we do is inspired by the challenge of faith and trust in God. It is Saint Madeleine Sophie’s vision through education that

Pamela Juan Hayes ’64

Goals and Criteria

As a member of the Network of Sacred Heart Schools, the entire School community is dedicated to the following Goals and Criteria:

Goal One A personal and active faith in God

Goal Two A deep respect for intellectual values

Goal Three A social awareness which impels to action

Goal Four The building of community as a Christian value

Goal Five Personal growth in an atmosphere of wise freedom.


can use u o Y . le c ti r a ogram r exchange pr or in boxes.

Wells, e g id r b n u T in rt School a e H d e r c a S d mpse li g k ic u q a s ience wa r e p x e y m m o nique u ed fr is h ic h w , e as my ag w o h w e n o e mersed ugh som im s s le m a d n family a y m h it w d le e e trav Sacred e h T . ip tr e g n my excha n o n e h w s a Iw emorable m t s o m y M . t y differen r e v s a w d n la g around n w o h s g in e b ndon and o L in e m ti g ally not ndin m r o n ld u o w es that I c la p e it r o v a f to their y. Overall, il m a f y m h it tourist w a s a g n li e v a at I th as tr e c n ie r e p x e d unique n a n u f a s a “As 2 ’1 s ogram w m a d A y try.” Luc to s t n e d u t s H ry to the a u d other CS n a J m o r f e exchang e th in d te a ip ttended a d n I partic a , in a p S aragoza, Z to t n e w I I liked “ . s u s e J ary, 2010. e d n o Corazo d a r g a S l E , e r e places th d n eart school the a t e m people I e th e c n ie tic. “ s ta n a f d n out the exper a t ly differen te le p m o c s a w g dents. It u t s t r a e o -- everythin H d e r other Sac to m a r g o r p y single r e v e in t commend this a th taught me e c n ie r e p x e is ust like I j e f li ir explain, but th e th g ho is livin w e n o e m o s is excitement r o s s e n e world there d a s or with y o j h it w s e v re li nwich, e e r G in l eone somewhe o o h c y own s m t a l e e f I t a if I s a lt e f I , t n cal emotions th e lly differ a e r s a w e f li ugh ith so o w th s y n e a v d E y “ m . t u g tic y spendin b e b to d te n a w nse of who I H OR I Z ON S

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Approach to Education

C onvent of the S acred H eart


By Victoria Taylor Allen, school historian

An important part of Sacred Heart education has always been its internationality in both outreach and academics, and the events of World War II in the 1940s gave students and faculty even greater opportunities for outreach to those affected by the war. In March of 1943, the House Journal records that the students “…had sacrificed enough money to buy a chaplain’s kit…over two hundred dollars sacrifice money bought missals and New Testaments for soldiers.” For many years, Sacred Heart graduates have received a “Sacred Heart Passport” that entitles them to visit, and sometimes, stay at other Sacred Heart Schools around the world. At our School, members of the senior class receive the passport at the Senior Alumnae Induction Luncheon. The easiest way to find out about Sacred Heart Schools around the world (in 27 countries besides the U.S.) is to go to the website, www.sofie.org. By clicking on the link “International Schools,” you will find information about schools as diverse as the Lycée in Amiens, France, Mt. Anville in Dublin, Kinkoppal-Rose Bay in Australia, Sophia College in Mumbai, India, and Sankocho in Tokyo, the school attended by the present Empress of Japan, as well as schools such as Sagrado Corazon in Bogotá, Colombia. Because our School is a part of a network of schools around the United States and the world, it is possible for students to participate in the Sacred

Heart Network Exchange Program which promotes student exchanges between countries around the world. Interested students in the Upper School can stay with Sacred Heart families and attend a Sacred Heart School in places like England, Scotland, Ireland, France, and Australia. In return, families in our School can serve as hosts to students visiting from abroad. Students do not need to be fluent in the host country language; however, we don’t send students to non-English-speaking countries unless they are in at least a level three language program. This year, we have sent students to Sydney, Australia; Beechwood, England; Nantes, France; Barcelona, Madrid and Zaragoza, Spain. We have received students from these schools and also from Austria; Mexico City and San Luis Potosí, Mexico; and Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. In addition, we have hosted students from American sister schools in New Orleans and Omaha.



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“I visited the Beechwood Sacred Heart School in Tunbridge Wells, England. What I gained from my experience was a quick glimpse at another culture through someone who was my age, which is unique because usually I have traveled with my family and am less immersed in the culture than I was when on my exchange trip. The Sacred Heart school in England was very different. My most memorable experience was spending time in London and being shown around by my host family to their favorite places that I would normally not have seen if I was traveling as a tourist with my family.”

This highly successful program has been a part of Sacred Heart education for many years and is one of the many advantages to being at Sacred Heart! The community service program offers many international opportunities. For many years, our students have participated in a program in Lourdes, aiding the sick as a part of a group sponsored by Ampleforth, a Benedictine school in England. Students have the opportunity to do “behind the scenes” work in helping and welcoming pilgrims to the Shrine. There are those who may wish to work closer to home, however. Joan C. Kirby, rscj ’43 sponsors a group of high school students who work closely with her at the United Nations, learning how the U.N. deals with world issues such as justice, international problems, food distribution and maintaining world peace.

Part of the great richness of a Sacred Heart education lies in the opportunity to share with others, as well as to learn from others from all backgrounds and nationalities. An interesting, but littleknown fact is that the original statement made by St. Madeleine Sophie Barat about founding the Society of the Sacred Heart “for the sake of a single child” was inspired by a student from Mexico who attended the school at the HÔtel Biron in Paris in the first half of the 19th century! Students at Greenwich learn from the beginning of their education that sharing and helping come from the heart. It takes many hands to do God’s work, and the minds and hearts of Sacred Heart students are always ready to learn new ideas at home, or in other countries around the world.

–Lucy Adams ’12

French students (top) with Mrs. Hayes, and girls on exchange from Australia, Europe and Latin America.

C onvent of the S acred H eart

“As a tenth-grader, I participated in the exchange from January to the middle of February 2010. I went to Zaragoza, Spain, and attended the Sacred Heart school there, El Sagrado Corazon de Jesus. I liked everything about the experience—the people I met and the places I traveled to—everything was completely different and fantastic. I would recommend this program to other Sacred Heart students. It is hard to explain, but this experience taught me that in every single inch of the world there is someone who is living their life just like I am. Someone somewhere lives with joy or with sadness or excitement— identical emotions that I feel at my own school in Greenwich, Connecticut. Even though life was really different, I felt as if I gained a sense of who I wanted to be by spending my days with so many wonderful people.”

One World, One Heart

By Michael Baber, assistant head of school, & Kerry Bader, director of community service One of the most outstanding features of Sacred Heart education is its exchange program with other Sacred Heart Schools throughout the world. In an era of branding and marketing, an organization needs to have a clear sense of its market niche. Unequivocally, the Goals and Criteria give us that idea, not only in their content, but in the manner in which they are the very fiber of the School’s culture, and of the principles that inspire our daily living. Other religiously affiliated schools have adopted values similar to ours. We might ask, “What do we offer that is special?” Of course, the exchange program comes to mind because it has been a reality since our earliest days. St. Madeleine Sophie worked tirelessly to visit as many of her convents and schools as possible. Additionally, she so valued the relationships with the many foundations she had established that she wrote more than 18,000 letters in her lifetime to the schools that she founded. St. Madeleine Sophie was efficient at multitasking, quickly writing letters between greeting people in the parlor, or her office. It was a routine that even followed her to the coach that carried her from place to place on her visits. It was the connection among the various schools and convents that gave birth to

what we call today the exchange program. Our national and international exchanges set us apart from many other schools. The experience of an exchange can be transformative. Time and time again, we hear that visiting other Sacred Heart Schools is like “coming home” because of some of the familiar elements common to all Sacred Heart Schools: mission, Mater, chapel, congé and goûter. Each year, our students travel to places as far as Sydney, Barcelona and Nantes to schools as close as Newton, Massachusetts, Bethesda, Maryland, Omaha, Nebraska, and Chicago, Illinois. Adding to the experience is the reciprocity in the exchange process; our students travel to a different place, enroll in a local Sacred Heart School, and live as a family member with a host family. Afterwards, Greenwich students host incoming students from other schools. The program accomplishes several objectives, among which are the development of cultural awareness, new friendships abroad and the experience of language immersion. Students who participate gain self-confidence, while building leadership and communications skills that benefit the entire Sacred Heart community.

–India Knight ’13


Heart By Claire Lorentzen ’06


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In the summer of my college sophomore year, I was fortunate enough to receive a Stanford University grant to photograph the work of the Society of the Sacred Heart in Uganda and Kenya. I lived in 11 different religious communities of which four were at schools, and the others were serving missions in HIV/AIDS, pastoral work, prisons, peacemaking and health care. Whether the sisters I met lived in the densely populated slums of Nairobi, or in the arid deserts of northern Uganda, they had one thing in common—they were dedicated to serving the most desperate members of their region. When I asked these Ugandan, Kenyan, Congolese and Chadian sisters when and how they had been “called” to become religious women, they all told me different variations of the same story. The sisters explained how, as young women, they had studied their mothers, and seen what their lives would be like in 10 or 20 years. Their days would have been spent washing clothes, cooking and taking care of their eight, ten, or twelve children, while living in the same village they grew up in. This is not what they wanted their lives to be like. Instead, they wanted to take their future into their own hands, and to become educated, independent women, who were dedicated to serving God. Today, their hearts hold nothing back, as they empower the most vulnerable members of their communities in the hope of making society more just, healthy and peaceful. The accompanying photographs provide a small glimpse into their lives, surroundings and circumstances. These sisters are some of the most progressive and forward-thinking members of their communities. I couldn’t agree more with New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof, who, in a recent editorial, wrote: “Nuns are some of the coolest people in the world.” For the Sacred Heart sisters, their decision to be religious women, rooted in a spiritual and Christian faith, has enabled them to stand up against the injustices of their communities. They have become catalysts in a radical movement of social change, where women can be free and independent to choose what they want to do with their lives. Now, they challenge me; they challenge us to find our own ways to move our status quo in a direction of greater social good, and to also have hearts that hold nothing back. Editors Note: Claire Lorentzen graduated from Stanford University in June, 2010. In the fall, she will begin work in Washington, D.C. at Sojourners Magazine, which provides progressive, Christian commentary on faith, politics and culture.

C onvent of the S acred H eart


A student at the Sacred Heart Primary School. On my first day, I approached a few third graders walking around. I introduced myself to them. They first asked me, “How are you?” Before I had a chance to answer another asked, “Where are you from?” and before I could even answer that question, a third asked, “Do you have both your parents?” —Sacred Heart Primary School, Kyamusansala, Uganda

After an eight hour bus ride, mostly up the muddy dirt road shown in this photograph, I arrived in Moroto, Uganda, which is in the northeastern part of the country. RSCJs have been living and working here since 1972, where they engage with women and peacemaking, forms of pastoral work, HIV/AIDS patients and administer and teach at a secondary school. —Moroto, Uganda


Women in Eldoret, Kenya wait outside of the HIV/AIDS Education for Life office hoping to meet with Sr. Helen. Many walk for more than an hour, wait in line for five, six, seven hours and still are not able to meet with her. They come back the next week, hoping that this time it will be their turn.


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—Eldoret, Kenya

Students take a break on their excursion through Kibera, a slum inside Nairobi, to show the school social worker their homes. She meets with the parents or guardians of children who are having a particularly hard time contributing school fees. More than one million people live within the one square mile that makes up Kibera.

—Laini Saba Primary School, Kibera slum, Nairobi, Kenya

C onvent of the S acred H eart

Women during a regular weekly meeting. After reading a passage from the Bible together, they continued sewing skirts that they hoped to sell in the local markets. When Sr. Paulina travels to the city of Kampala (which sometimes means spending a night on a bus stuck in mud), she tries to bring them less expensive fabric.—Moroto, Uganda


Students wash their school uniforms while preparing for a field trip.

Almost every afternoon, the girls would fill their buckets with water from the school water tanks, carry them up the hill, scrub their uniforms, set them out to dry and fold them so that they are perfectly clean for the coming school day. —Sacred Heart Primary School, Kyamusansala, Uganda

Haiti Relief Efforts

at Convent of the Sacred Heart By Kathleen S. Failla


Through the generosity of our students, faculty, staff, parents and alumnae, the School was able to send 450 boxes (7,500 lbs.) of clothing to Haiti. Transportation was provided by a very generous anonymous donor, who chartered a plane to fly the supplies to Port-au-Prince on Feb. 24. “This was so exciting! Our community is amazing!” said Mrs. Hayes, after working with staff to load a truck bound for Florida to meet the private plane that would carry the shipment to Haiti. “We have so much teamwork and generosity to be proud of!” The School also gave donated funds to the Society of the Sacred Heart to rebuild their mission, and to members of the School community to help their relatives. Funds for Haiti continued to be collected through the spring by students who held fundraisers at School and in their

ithin days of the devastating earthquake in Haiti, Convent of the Sacred Heart had responded, launching a drive for clothing and cash donations to help ease the suffering of the Haitian people. On Ash Wednesday, Head of School Pamela Juan Hayes ’64 presented checks to Haitian families in our School community so they could reach out to family members in need. During the Ash Wednesday liturgy, Mrs. Hayes shared her pride and elation in the generous spirit of our School community in responding to her call for donations. This is what she said: “Today is Ash Wednesday which begins the great season of Lent. We reflect on the core values of our Christian faith, and the rhythm of death and new life. Ashes indicate there once was fire and that things have changed.”


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hometowns. The outpouring of relief by this grassroots effort was inspiring. Many students helped out with a range of creative ways to raise funds, including cash from birthday gifts, bake sales, after-school activities and a talent show. Donations from parents, students, faculty and staff totaled $31,000. The hard work goes on in Haiti, with the Religious of the Sacred Heart providing updates on their website, www.rscj.org. In July, Middle School Head David Olson and Lori Wilson, director of campus ministry and community service, visited Haiti on a volunteer project organized by the international Network of Sacred Heart Schools. They worked with the Religious of the Sacred Heart in ministering to the needs of children in the village of Kazal, 90 minutes north of the Haitian capital.




C onvent of the S acred H eart

Sacred Heart’s response did not go unnoticed. Campus security guard Rony Leger sent the following email to the School: “As the world is getting smaller with all the advance technologies, our heart is getting stronger in loving and sharing; above all, our God is greater than every situation we may encounter. Recently, Haiti has been hit by a terrible earthquake that occasioned

many deaths. In this very difficult time in the Haitian history, the Convent of the Sacred Heart has shown love and support to this poor nation. “As a Haitian-American, I take the opportunity to say thank you to each and every one, who has donated to the cause of Haiti. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. May God continue to bless you and keep you all in His grace. Amen.”

1. The Rene Family: Ludnie ’18 and Nephthalie ’19 2. Staff who loaded donated clothing 3. Ann Conroy, RSCJ accepts gift for Society’s Haiti mission 4. Janice ’14, Ludnie, and Stephanie ’17 Comer 5. Some of the Lower School girls who raised funds for Haiti with Felix Marcelin 6. Bedina Sommerville and Donna Hascher packing clothing


“For the people of Haiti things have certainly changed, but out of the destruction, new things will come to life. Out of the cold embers, our community wants to help bring our brothers and sisters in Haiti new life.” —Mrs. Hayes




Sowing Seeds By Beth Carlucci, third-grade teacher


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Beth Carlucci at Sacred Heart Primary School, Uganda

Giono about one man’s successful reforestation of a desolate valley. It inspired students to collect spare change and drop it into a jug that had been set up in the Lower School hallway. At the end of the school year, students had raised $317.34, which was sent to Irene Cullen, rscj, to plant trees at our sister school in Uganda. Those seeds were sown on African soil during my trip to Uganda this summer with faculty and Upper School students, who were on a mission to upgrade technology. (See page 16) On my visit to the Sacred Heart Primary School in Uganda, I helped plant a tree they purchased with funds from the Lower School. It was a privilege to see how those Lower School “seeds” of love were being nurtured in Africa.

C onvent of the S acred H eart

ower School faculty incorporated our theme of “Planting Seeds” into the learning activities provided by our annual celebration of Africa Week in March. This symbolism represented an opportunity for each student, faculty and staff member to be empowered and encouraged to share their gifts of love, hope, peace, kindness and all good things, which the seeds represented. Students learned about tree-planting efforts underway in Kenya and Uganda, and a plan was developed to raise funds to donate a tree to our sister school in Uganda. This important gesture represented a gift of love for the students of our sister school, as well as our care and concern for their local environment. The Lower School read The Man Who Planted Trees by Jean

This important gesture represented a gift of love for the students of our sister school.


May 20, 2010

Students, Dear Ms. Marr and generous support and h for your continued nda. It Thank you so muc RSCJ Sisters in Uga cational work of the We so s. interest in the edu n was a big succes ual jump rope a tho your in looks like your ann w that you keep us tnership and to kno is t por appreciate your par t your gift and sup s. Please know tha n tio thoughts and prayer tui r gift toward the e. We will direct you very be l making a differenc wil year. Her parents for the next school at y sta needs of a student ld will be able to ed to know their chi t, for we grateful and reliev to the water projec ect ainder we will dir nwater. our school. The rem rai ch God’s gift of e water tanks to cat students need to purchase mor the ck is finished and ool’s education blo dormi The primary sch the the congestion in 16 which will lessen er emb Nov moved in last week for classrooms. In s also being used are o wh tory block which wa ls up of about 60 gir ted its second gro that school gradua tistically sta for s ces suc . This is no small e have now in high school rt high school. Som lage girls even sta vil stered ini only about 40% of t the RSCJ have adm h school nearby tha the for gone on to the hig s pleased about thi We are particularly pared pre l for over 25 years. wel spirit and are bring a wonderful Kyamusansala girls ool adventure. for their high sch


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With gratitude,

Irene Cullen, RSCJ tor n Support Coordina Uganda-Kenya Missio

“In November that

school graduated its second group of about 60 girls who are now in high school. This is no small success for statistically only about 40% of village girls even start high school.”

for Uganda

By Karl Haeseler, director of educational technology


small group of sophomores and juniors participated in “Computers for Uganda,” a global service project that addresses illiteracy in one of the world’s most impoverished countries. Five students traveled with faculty in June to spend 10 days installing computers at several rural schools in Uganda. Several years ago, the Honorable John Nsambu of the Ugandan Parliament expressed his country’s desire to develop and improve technology education. This is the ninth year that Computers for Uganda has worked alongside Mr. Nsambu to deliver technology and training to rural schoolchildren in Uganda. Each school receives a desktop computer lab with an education software bundle, and a color printer. The program started at Forest Ridge School of the Sacred Heart in Bellevue, Washington. For the last three years, Greenwich has been actively involved and took the lead in 2010. The five students included sophomores Samantha Tarde, Clare Verrochi, Marian Ziminsky and juniors Kristie Manzueta

and Maria Rincon. Beth Carlucci, a third-grade teacher, and I accompanied them from Convent of the Sacred Heart. We were joined by educators from Convent of the Sacred Heart at 91st Street in New York City and Duchesne Academy in Houston, Texas. Our students prepared for their service during the 2009–10 year by working with computer hardware and software. They raised funds for their travel. Then, this summer, they traveled to Uganda to install hardware and software in eligible rural schools, including the secondary, all girls’ school run by the Society of the Sacred Heart. This school in Kalungu Town, called Kalungu Girls Training Center, enrolls many of the Sacred Heart Primary School graduates and hosted our group while in-country. Also on our agenda were visits to Sacred Heart’s nearby Primary School, where we celebrated their annual day of Congé.

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class of


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Convent of the Sacred Heart graduates 68 in

One by one, the 68 members of the Class of 2010 stepped out onto the historic main building’s front portico, as they proceeded to commencement. They were greeted by second-graders with bouquets of red roses— symbolizing love—a parting gift from the youngest to the oldest. 19

Before a crowd of nearly 800 family members, friends, teachers and administrators, the Class of 2010 received their diplomas, which were conferred by Dr. Stephen J. Sweeny, vice chair of the Board of Trustees, and Pamela Juan Hayes ’64, head of school. Earlier, they had attended the Baccalaureate Mass, celebrated by the Most Reverend William E. Lori, Bishop of the Diocese of Bridgeport. The commencement speaker was Imma De Stefanis rscj, vice president of Manhattanville College, and a trustee of Convent of the Sacred Heart. Sr. De Stefanis advised the graduates to focus their talents on making a difference in the world. “Don’t strive to be merely successful; strive to be significant,” said Sr. De Stefanis. (The complete address is reprinted in this issue.) The salutatorian was Elizabeth LaBossiere, who will attend Yale University in the fall. After attending the School for 13 years, Ms. LaBossiere urged her classmates to remember the foundation Sacred Heart provided for them. “Do not underestimate what this School is, what you are capable of,” she said. “Take a moment to try to wrap your head around the paradox of a Sacred Heart education: we are taught simplicity and purity so that we can be thrown into the real, complicated, messy world and leave our mark wherever we go. “The task of raising hundreds of little Madeleines,” she said, referring to a beloved children’s book, “into the accomplished young women we are, as we walk down the Deidre Miller

steps of the mansion building is vast and daunting. Yet here we are, ready to take the spirit of the Class of 2010 into 68 corners of the world, 68 different life paths. Honestly, the world must be pretty thrilled right now to be receiving a group of such talent and character!” Following the presentation of diplomas, the valedictorian, Katherine Randolph, who will attend Dartmouth College, spoke. Her speech used the analogy of driving a car, and she likened Sacred Heart to her car’s GPS, adding that without it she is lost. “I am probably the only student that has attended school in Greenwich for nine years, but still gets lost going to Greenwich Avenue,” she joked. She encouraged her classmates to think for themselves, accept challenges and seek opportunities to grow. Failure should not be looked upon as a reason to give up,” she explained. “Let’s be honest, we all fail," said Ms. Randolph. “However, what we call ‘failure’ is relative. When we put things into perspective, it is hard to cry over a missed goal or a failed test when there are children starving in Haiti, or innocent people being massacred in Darfur. In fact, almost every time we fail, something good emerges from the situation. Instead of seeing each failure as a wrong turn or a dead end, look at it as a slight detour.” Ms. Randolph urged the Class of 2010 to depend on their inner strength, and to realize that they alone are responsible for the quality of their journey in life.

2010 Commencement Address Imma De Stefanis, rscj


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Ms. Hayes, fellow Trustees, Bishop Lori, faculty, families and, most especially, graduates of the Class of 2010. What a glorious day this is for all of you and for the Convent of the Sacred Heart community. It is my distinct honor and great pleasure to share in this day with you, both as a Trustee and a Religious of the Sacred Heart. I know you are probably filled with many different thoughts and emotions today, but I say to everyone here, especially the graduates—stop and savor this day. Enjoy it! Today is special. It can never be repeated, relived or recreated. At this moment, we see in one place, at one time, our mission fully realized as the Class of 2010 embarks on a new journey. We have educated you according to the Goals and Criteria and the vision of St. Madeleine Sophie. Her educational philosophy was and is fundamentally rooted in the message borne by the Heart of Jesus, a message of love, redemption and generosity. Now, I am not sure how experienced you all are in listening to graduation speeches. I have sat through many. Some of my favorites begin with the brilliant, enthusiastic command to “go forth!”

Where else can you go? You cannot stay here. Your time here has come to an end. Actually, I find that many speakers are not entirely truthful when imparting words of inspiration, sedation or advice to graduates. Some speakers will hover over the past, helping you to recall the memories of a life lived and perhaps tell you these are the best years of your life. Not true. If these are the best years of your life then something is really very wrong. Worse yet, we have failed you. Each day is gift, each day is an

Carolyn Toner and Caroline Kitchener

Sr. De Stefanis

spiritual and social values. It is worthy of reverence and transmission. But you are not merely the recipients of a fine education; you are participants, each leaving her own indelible mark on the educational tradition that is Sacred Heart. You are integral to the handing down of a tradition that remains alive and relevant in a constantly changing world, a world that sometimes seems unable to keep pace with itself. Other speakers will poke and prod at the future, with statements such as “the future is what you make of it” or “the future is

Each day is gift, each day is an opportunity to push the limits of our own accomplishments, however great or small.

Each day carries the possibility of a new best.

opportunity to push the limits of our own accomplishments, however great or small. Each day carries the possibility of a new best. Yes, you share in a rich educational tradition that has been uncompromising in its commitment to intellectual,

yours for the taking.” Not true. The future is not just about you or about what you want or what you take from it. The future is also what other people make it, how other people participate in it and affect your experience of it. The future is about a world desperately in need of faith, social Christine Fernandez

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The Class of 2010 Juliana Anduckia + Victoria Moloney Bensen Amanda Lynn Benza Maria Angela Brusco + Michaela Anne Bogin Bryce Cassandre Ann Burke Gillian Eleanore Burkett Christine Faye Cahaney *+ Adaire Suzanne Carey + Antonia Marie Cecio Shanique M. Clarke Amy Colombo + Emily Davey Jeanie Dunn Julianna Beatrice Ertl + Christine Ann Fernandez Kate Massie Garcia Chelsea Ann Georgio *++ Jillian Lucille Georgio Johanna Golden *+ Corinne Ann Grady *++ Heather Jamie Grehan *+ Emily Jeanne Hagan * Cum Laude Society

Elizabeth Gerrity Hecht Grace Gibney Hedges Carolina Theresa Hernandez + Katherine Lena Bess Hurewitz Elaine Margaret James Megan Elizabeth Jarchow Alexa Seleen Johnson Ashleigh Caroline Jones Madelyn Gerard Joyce Caroline Anne Kitchener *++ Elizabeth LaBossiere *++ Kaitlyn Maureen MacCarrick Chloe Jeanne Mackell Alison Lauren Mango Madeleine Shields May Alexandra Claude McCabe *+ Maggie Elizabeth McLaughlin Alexandra Kayla Colette McNulty Deidre Johannah Miller *++ Marye E. Moran *++ Ann Whitney Murdock Meaghan Grace Murphy Victoria Theresa Niche +

++ Graduating with High Honor

+ Graduating with Honor

Anastasia Pierron Alexandra Moreau Poch *+ Mara Victoria Porter + Hayley Elizabeth Purse Tammy Louise Quintano Katherine Ann Randolph *++ Mary Konstantina Rassias Elizabeth Blake Renck Courtney Ashley Reynolds *+ Afiya Chadene Roberts Courtney Lara Schmidt Kimberly Anne Sebastian Tayler Jane Sirabella Grace Sorrentino Strmecki *++ Paige Elizabeth Terry Natasha Marie Thomas-Allen Carolyn Laura Toner Jennifer Marie Traver + Andrea Trevino Anne Virginia Verrochi Elizabeth Macdonald von Klemperer Elyse Anne Yoder

Valedictorian: Katherine Randolph Salutatorian: Elizabeth LaBossiere National Merit Finalists: Ashleigh Jones Elizabeth LaBossiere Marye Moran National Merit Commended Students: Victoria Bensen Johanna Golden Corinne Grady Heather Grehan Caroline Kitchener

Deidre Miller Alexandra Poch Mara Porter Katherine Randolph National Hispanic Scholar: Christine Fernandez Mater Society: Victoria Bensen Cassandre Burke Amy Colombo Jeanie Dunn Christine Fernandez Carolina Hernandez Ashleigh Jones Elizabeth LaBossiere Alison Mango

Award & Honors


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Alexandra Poch Kimberly Sebastian Alumnae Community Service Award: Katherine Randolph Lucie White Award: Christine Cahaney Kaitlyn MacCarrick Philippine Duchesne Award: Alexandra McCabe Class Spirit Award: Alexandra McNulty Greenwich Award: Katherine Randolph

action, intellectual and intelligent values, and perhaps most importantly a renewed sense of community. In other words, a world in need of you! You are … National Merit Scholarship finalists, National Merit Commended Students and a National Hispanic Scholar. You are … the newspaper editors instrumental in producing the King Street Chronicle, a Columbia University Scholastic Press gold award-winning publication, the recipients of many awards in the fine arts and photography at both regional and national level competitions. You are … the founding members of the Bishop Lori Angel Board, Eucharistic Ministers and members of the “God Squad.” You are … captains and co-captains of successful teams in nearly all sports and the recipients of numerous individual athletic awards, including five recruited athletes who will play varsity sports in college. You are the class that has completed a total of 6,500 community service hours during your high school career. As individuals and as a class you are clearly committed to making our world a better place. Community service has taken you to Port Chester, DC, the Bronx, Lourdes and beyond. You continued the tradition of fundraising for the Sacred Heart school in Uganda, as well as the scholarship fund for the Bridgeport Catholic schools.

Katherine Randolph

I could certainly go on and on. You are successful in academics, athletics and social action. You will surely be successful as you go from Sacred Heart and pursue your respective paths. I’ll say a little something more about success in a few minutes. You are also the dream yet to be fulfilled. You are the scientist, the poet, the engineer, the teacher, the doctor, the social worker, the lawyer.

Afiya Roberts

beauty of balanced design of buildings. He admired the splendid beauty of the university because it was a place where those who hate ignorance may strive to know, where those who pursue truth may strive to help others to see. I am inclined to agree. The beauty of mind and spirit with free license to explore and soar, this is an unrivaled beauty. And so as you leave Sacred Heart, what do you take with you from this

Wherever the spirit may lead you, your Sacred Heart education has prepared you for whatever life may bring.

You are the giver, the doer, the dreamer, the listener and the prayer. And we are all very proud of you. Wherever the spirit may lead you, your Sacred Heart education has prepared you for whatever life may bring. Sacred Heart has given you a hunger to continue your learning and a thirst for social justice. It has given you a sense of purpose and direction. You feel the power and potential that come from community. For all of this I also take a moment to thank the faculty and staff whose many hours of labor and love have brought you to this day. The English poet John Masefield said, “There are few earthly things more beautiful than a university.” He was not speaking of the spires of the bell tower, the lush green campus, the architectural

Juliana Anduckia, Antonia Cecio, Chloe Mackell, Tammy Quintano, Marye Moran, and Alexandra McNulty

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Jillian Georgio

place? A story, a formula or a poem, maybe an embrace, the unexpected conquest either on the playing field or in the classroom, or the mending of a relationship tattered by a silly misunderstanding. And after a while the old memories are pushed aside a little bit to make room for new ones. And what will remain? Far more than you can imagine because when two persons meet, even if for a little while and go their separate ways, a mystery is born in the encounter. As you go your way I would like to leave you with a few little principles that I myself try to live by. The first and last are especially important to me. Integrity and character above all things. In the final analysis, this really is the stuff of greatness. No matter the price. I promise.


Act in justice and love, and be generous to a fault, especially with gratitude to God and toward others. Much is the result of your own hard work. Much, however, comes from the opportunity others give you to shine or the second chance when the first time did not go so well. Discover your particular gifts and develop your unique potential. Do not rest on your laurels. You may feel great in your own mind, but you will surely be less than anything God intended for you. Seek joy, not only happiness. Happiness is an emotional state that comes and goes, and is often tied to our own self-satisfaction. Joy is a deeper, more constant state of being derived from rootedness in a relationship with Christ. It is what Galatians calls one of “the fruits of the spirit.” Find and pursue your passion. They say 45 percent of people in the workforce are not happy, not doing what they really want to be doing. In psychology there is something called the “flow experience.” Flow is a state of being in which a person is so completely immersed in what they are doing that they are virtually one with the activity. They have an energized focus and feel fully alive. It is a feeling of great fulfillment, skill, enjoyment and absorption. They feel in the groove, in the zone. So, find your groove and stick with it.



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Heather Grehan, Emily Davey, Cassandre Burke, and Grace Hedges

Don’t strive to be merely successful; strive to be significant. You will find that your greatest sense of success is derived when that achievement holds meaning for someone or something more than yourself. Think of someone who has really made a difference in your life: Is it a teacher? Your mother? Grandfather? Very special friend? Be that person for someone else. Be and make that difference in society. In closing, I would like to draw from Life at the Sacred Heart. Remember the heritage that is yours today as you join more than 50,000 Sacred Heart alums in North America. That heritage is an education that is strong in its studies, serious in its principles and rich in the spirit of life and of love. As you leave today, carry Sacred Heart with you wherever you go. Or as your retreat experience taught you: Extend it, don’t end it! Your Sacred Heart education is more than the knowledge you acquired and the experiences you accrued; it is a way of life. Your relationships will endure and transcend all confines of time and space because they are founded on faith, hope and love. And above all else, you will always be, well into your old age, a child of the Sacred Heart and in the Sacred Heart you will always have a home. May God grant you faith, purpose

Julianne Ertl

and courage. May God keep you safe in the journey and help you to grow in knowledge, wisdom and understanding. So today, we applaud you and the world awaits you. Congratulations and best of luck!

Don’t strive to be merely successful; strive to be significant. You will find that your greatest sense of success is derived when that achievement holds meaning for someone or something more than yourself. (top) Kate Garcia, Alexa Johnson, Shanique Clarke, and Natasha Thomas-Allen (bottom) Chloe Mackell, Mara Porter, and Cassandre Burke

Alexandra Poch and Victoria Bensen

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College Matriculations The following is a list of colleges and universities the Class of 2010 will attend. Please note that the numbers in parenthesis indicate the total of students enrolled. Bard College Binghamton University Boston College (5) Boston University (2) Colgate University College of Charleston Dartmouth College Davidson College Elon University (3) Emory University Fairfield University George Washington University (3) Georgetown University (2) Gettysburg College High Point University Hobart and William Smith Colleges Johns Hopkins University (3) Lehigh University Loyola University, Maryland (3) University of Maryland McGill University Miami University, Oxford Middlebury College (2) New York University Pace University Princeton University Quinnipiac University Saint Joseph’s University Scripps College University of Colorado, Boulder University of Maryland University of Notre Dame University of Pennsylvania (2) University of Richmond University of Southern California University of Virginia SUNY–Albany Stony Brook University Trinity College (4) Tufts University Vanderbilt University Villanova University (7) Wellesley College Yale University



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Prize Days CSH celebrates Prize Days


By Kathleen S. Failla


radition holds forth at the end of each school year with Prize Day celebrations for the Lower, Middle and Upper Schools. This is a time when the students are recognized for completion of the academic year in good standing. It is also a time to recognize the student achievement in the areas of leadership, perfect attendance, campus ministry, scholarship, arts, athletics, sportsmanship, school spirit and community service. The head of school opens each Prize Day with these traditional words, “Honor and glory to God alone.” Pamela Juan Hayes ’64, recalling her own Prize Days as a student at Greenwich, commended the students on their achievements and asked them to remember their precious days at Sacred Heart, a place they can always call “home.” Prize Days are part of our students’ educational heritage as members of the international Sacred Heart family. It is a day for celebration and gratitude, a day to mark transitions. “St. Madeline Sophie Barat, the foundress of the Society of the Sacred Heart, knew that the one certain thing in life was change and that in order to grow, one had to embrace it and not fear it,” Mrs. Hayes told the Upper School at Prize Day. “Each one of you will be moving to a new grade, and for the senior class, you will be going off to college. Each of you has been changed this year through your experiences, attitudes, learning, commitment and interaction with others. That growth is what we ultimately celebrate with you today.”


The Lower School held two Prize Day ceremonies on June 1, beginning in the chapel with students in the Early Childhood program (preschool and prekindergarten), followed by an outdoor ceremony for kindergarten through fourth grade. In anticipation of graduation on June 4, Prize Days took place under the same outdoor tent on the front lawn. Two major awards were presented at the Lower School Prize Day, the Philippine Duchesne award to Chelsea Beckford and The Hannah and Ryan Barry Memorial Art Award to Elise Jackson. At Middle School Prize Day on June 2, Mrs. Hayes presented the following awards: • Philippine Duchesne Award to Christina Huchro • Janet Erskine Stuart Award to Maggie Ellison

• Headmistress Leadership Award to Jacqueline Thomas • Kara DiGiovanna Award to Jordan Cohen • School Spirit Awards to Alexandra Massello, Kendall Fitzgerald, Claren Hesburgh, Margot McCloskey • Pamela Juan Hayes ’64 Spirit Award to Madison Sirabella. Maggie O’Neill, president of the Student Council, spoke about the experience of attending the Middle School. “There is a saying which, in my view, can easily be adapted to describe a Sacred Heart experience. ‘You can take the girl out of Sacred Heart, but you can’t take Sacred Heart out of the girl.’ Whether you are a student here for one year or for fifteen, Sacred Heart becomes a part of you. I think it is fair to

say that Sacred Heart is not just a school, but a way of life,” she said. The Upper School Prize Day was filled with many, many awards, including recognition of the National Merit finalists, National Merit Commended Students, National Hispanic Scholar, Mater Society members, as well as community and public service awards, including the Class Spirit Award to student body president, Alexandra McNulty. In her closing remarks, Mrs. Hayes told the Upper School, “My wish for you as you leave this year is that you do so with the realization that this will always be your family and your home, that the world is waiting for you, your energy, your compassion and your wisdom, for that gift that one else can give the world—except you.”

‘You can take the girl out of Sacred Heart, but you can’t take Sacred Heart out of the girl.’


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faith in God

By Lori Wilson, director of campus ministry and community service

A personal and active faith in God is at the heart of our retreat program at Convent of the Sacred Heart. At Sacred Heart, the campus ministry program offers a series of retreats for students that are age-appropriate, beginning in Middle School with one-day retreats on to the more intense, spiritual awakenings of Kairos in the eleventh-grade and Emmaus in twelfth-grade. In addition, special programs were offered this year to faculty and staff. Our retreats are varied and begin in the Middle School with one-day retreats that are based on a theme, such as our call to live a life for others, to reflect on what it means to be a Sacred Heart student. In the Upper School, one day is set aside for the freshmen, who are encouraged to look within and explore how God is present in their everyday lives. Sophomores discover God through the beautiful environment at Sprout Creek Farm, a 200-acre working farm in Dutchess County, New York, that

Sophomores at Sprout Creek Farm

provides educational and spiritual programs for young people and adults. The story of Sprout Creek Farm began at Sacred Heart, when, in 1982, three Upper Schools teachers sought a means beyond the classroom to teach about social responsibility. The farm program used the old barns and fields that had been part of our early campus. The farm closed in 1990, and moved to New York, where it continues as a mission of the Society of the Sacred Heart. For more on Sprout Creek Farm, go to their website, www. sproutcreekfarm.org. Juniors attend Kairos, which runs for several days and offers a deeper level of personal reflection on the love God has for everyone. In the 2010–11 school year, the seniors will have the option of attending an Emmaus retreat, a community service retreat, or a “Busy Student’s Retreat.” This past year, the faculty and staff were invited to participate in the first “Busy Person’s Retreat.” The weeklong Lenten program began with morning prayer and

offered a daily meeting with a spiritual director. The spiritual directors included Lisa Buscher, rscj, Ann Conroy, rscj, Mary Lyman, rscj, and Kathy McGrath, rscj. In addition, adults and students were invited to a Lenten evening retreat, “Truly Our Sisters,” which explored historical women of faith and their contemporary messages. Speakers included Rev. Vicki Flippin, pastor of Diamond Hill United Methodist Church in Cos Cob; Ann Malloy, director of the New York Catholic Bible School, and Mary Lyman, rscj ’57, a former faculty member. The amazing thing about our retreat program is that students are involved at all levels, from brainstorming to planning, to leadership. Students are trained in how to lead retreats and take their roles seriously, giving up class time in order to help others develop a more intimate relationship with God.

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a personal and active


A Crew

Awakening By Kathleen S. Failla Photos by Len Rubenstein



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t is 6 a.m. in early May, and a cold mist rises off the Mianus River as Convent of the Sacred Heart’s crew team practices. Oar blades catch the quiet water as the coxswain’s shouts cut through the air. The long, narrow shells are filled with Sacred Heart girls in team colors, their lungs inhaling the cool air, as their backs stretch and their arms pull oars to their chest, propelling the boats forward with their energy. It is early in the crew season and little did the team know of the recognition yet to come. On May 22, Sacred Heart had two boats qualify for the New England Interscholastic Rowing Association (NEIRA), where the varsity team, seated 12 out of 18, came in second in the petite finals. The team added to its powerhouse this year, with new recruits and boats, christening three boats this spring. Paige Terry ’10, the team’s captain, received the Joan Magnetti, rscj Leadership Award for Athletics at the Upper School Prize Day on June 3. Paige, who led the championship team, will attend the University of Virginia this fall, where she will row for their nationally recognized team.

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latest news from Greenwich Fifteen Students Are Inducted by Cum Laude Society


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Convent of the Sacred Heart inducted 15 students into the School’s chapter of the Cum Laude Society at its annual ceremony, which was held in the Lennie and John de Csepel Theater. Head of School Pamela Juan Hayes ’64 and Upper School Head Jayne Collins presented the students with certificates and pins. Seniors who were honored for their scholastic achievement included Christine Cahaney, Johanna Golden, Heather Grehan, Alexandra McCabe, Deidre Miller, Alexandra Poch, and Courtney Reynolds. Members of the Class of 2011 inducted were Erin Aoyama, Kerri Brown, Lacey Henry, Grace Hirshorn, Aubrey Kalashian, Kathleen Mahoney, Elizabeth Mahoney, and Kathleen Spillane. The ceremony acknowledged the following seven members of the Class of 2010 who were inducted as juniors last year. They were Chelsea Georgio, Corinne Grady, Caroline Kitchener, Elizabeth LaBossiere, Marye Moran, Katherine Randolph and Grace Strmecki. Cum Laude is a national honorary society that recognizes and encourages superior academic achievement in the nation’s secondary schools. In addition to their academic standing, these girls have excelled in many other areas of school life, including leadership, athletics, broadcast journalism, community service and the arts. The keynote speaker at the Cum Laude Society induction was Julen Harris ’04. Ms. Harris graduated from Brown University in 2008 and is working on a master’s degree in public health, which she will receive from Columbia University in 2011. At Columbia, she received the Community Scholars Program Scholarship. At Brown, she was a research assistant in community health and public policy. Her leadership experience at Brown and at Sacred Heart made her an outstanding speaker for the Cum Laude Society’s induction. She spoke about her evolving interest in public health, and

how the seeds were first sown while she was a student at Sacred Heart, where the focus was on the Goals and Criteria. Goal Three, “a social awareness which impels to action,” inspired her to pursue social justice through public health. The following is an excerpt from her speech: “Public health is the science of protecting and improving the health of populations through education, research and the promotion of healthy lifestyles that prevent disease and injury. But, it is more than a science; public hea’th aims to promote justice, health and dignity, especially for vulnerable and disadvantaged populations. This work aligns so closely with the impetus for social justice and service that Sacred Heart instills in us as a Christian value. “Through countless community service hours, projects and fund-raisers, you have already done so much to touch the lives of people less fortunate than ourselves. Although you may not always be able to volunteer the same level of commitment to service as you fulfill today, you will surprisingly find ways to weave service into your jobs, talents or hobbies, whether through writing funding grants for nonprofit organizations or translating foreign languages for patients in a health clinic. “For my upcoming summer internship, I will be traveling to Nigeria with Columbia University’s International Center for AIDS Care and Treatment Program to improve the implementation and sustainability of food

banks in two regions there and to analyze the resulting health improvements in the orphans and vulnerable children served. I am looking forward to doing this work and to adding to the type of work that a countless number of Sacred Heart religious, students and alumnae have done and continue to do for impoverished populations. “Last year, I worked with HealthCorps as a health educator, mentor and activist at a high school in the South Bronx. And trust me, I never thought I would find myself as a teacher, but that’s what happened, so remember students: be kind to the teachers, because you never know when you could end up on the other side of things, and it could come back to haunt you. I learned a great deal from my experience there—working through the intricacies of planning lessons and activities, and striving to be a mentor to students who have endured heart-rending obstacles more difficult than any I have ever had to overcome. And in addition, I gained a renewed appreciation for the strong and supportive community of parents, faculty and students that Sacred Heart encompasses.”

Keynote speaker Julen Harris ’04, center, at Cum Laude reception with Heather Grehan, Alexandra Poch, Johanna Golden, Christine Cahaney

Upper School Head Jayne Collins, center, and Gail Casey, assistant Upper School head of academic life, right, with the Cum Laude Society

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Network Service Award winners pictured in the chapel included, left to right, in the first row: Brideen Finegan, Maura Foster, Sandra Dauk, Michael Baber, Phyllis Pregiato, Kathryn Cooley, and Suzanne Pavese Festa ’80; second row: Paul Grisanti, Thomas Dooley, Pamela Simpson, Marcello Viscogliosi, Andrew Byrne, and Kate Hanna. Missing from the photo were Megan Costa-Wallace ’97 and Kev Filmore.

Sacred Heart Network Honors Faculty and Staff for Long Service The Network of Sacred Heart Schools recognized 14 members of Convent of the Sacred Heart’s faculty and staff for their outstanding dedication and length of service by presenting Network Service Awards. At the School’s Ascension Thursday liturgy, Head of School Pamela Juan Hayes ’64 presented a 25-year service award to Kathryn Cooley, a teacher of World Languages in the Upper School.

Ten-year service awards were presented to Assistant Head of School Michael Baber, Dean of Faculty Andrew Byrne, prekindergarten and homeroom teacher Sandra Dauk, Middle School World Languages teacher Thomas Dooley and grade-two homeroom teacher Suzanne Pavese Festa ’80. Also, receiving 10-year awards were Upper School photography teacher Kev Filmore, Middle School history teacher

Brideen Finegan, Upper School Assistant Dean of Students Maura Foster, and Upper School history teacher Paul Grisanti. In addition, 10-year awards were received by library/media assistant Kate Hanna, Upper School theology teacher Phyllis Pregiato, Upper School English teacher Pamela Simpson, maintenance staff member Marcello Viscogliosi, and assistant to the business manager Megan Costa-Wallace ’97.

Memorial Tournament Celebrates Katie Cassidy Higgins ’96 The eighth annual Katie Cassidy Higgins ’96 Memorial Lacrosse Tournament was held on Saturday, May 22, with 24 girls’ teams from Connecticut and New York competing. Proceeds helped fund a four-year scholarship for a student-athlete to the Upper School. Freshman Kayla Souza is the third recipient. Megan Cassidy Foley ’85, Katie’s aunt, who established the tournament in 2002 with Sarah Hill, former athletic director and current physical education teacher, said the event gets bigger every year. “We have never had a rain date for this tournament, and amazingly never needed one! I like to think it is Katie bringing out the sun every year to make the day even better! All the extra things we did this year, like the bake sale, Chinese silent auction, clowns, face painting, and DJ, have really brought out even more spectators, making the tournament an even bigger success!” Ms. Higgins attended Sacred Heart from kindergarten through her graduation, where she played varsity basketball, field hockey and lacrosse. She went on to play lacrosse at St. Lawrence University, where her life was cut short in her sophomore year, when she was fatally injured while crossing the street. The tournament honors Katie’s “incredible work ethic and love of athletics.” It is also a special time for the Higgins family and for those who knew and coached her while she was at Sacred Heart. “When I am here I picture Katie on these fields with her hair in a braid and a big smile,” said Tricia Higgins O’Callaghan, Katie’s

mother. “She loved lacrosse and she loved Sacred Heart, which was such a big part of her life. It was her home away from home.” Head of School Pamela Juan Hayes ’64, who taught Katie in Middle School, attended the tournament for the first time this year as new head. “It is a great way to celebrate Katie’s memory, especially for me because I taught her and was close to her when she was young,” said Mrs. Hayes. The next event will be held on Sunday, May 15.

Katie Higgins ’96, center, as she is remembered





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Trustees’ Dinner Honors Five and Funds Endowment The Trustees’ Dinner for the Endowment on April 17 was a tremendous success. We were able to add several hundred thousand unrestricted dollars to the Endowment Fund, which is so important to the financial health of the School. The dinner committee was headed by co-chairs Larry and Terrie Henry, who gave their undivided attention to an event that drew 335 people to the Hilton Rye Town for a cocktail reception, dinner and dancing to the beat of the BearCats. In 1991, the first Trustees’ Dinner was held and it honored the Wellington T. Mara family. Over the years, the School has gathered to pay tribute to those who exemplify a Sacred Heart education and to raise funds for programs that benefit our School. The evening was special for a multitude of reasons. The BearCats provided just the right background music for so many parents and alumnae to mix and mingle. The guests included numerous former trustees: Ambassador and Mrs. Robert Shafer

(both former trustees), James Alban-Davies, Xanthe Alban-Davies, Marion Carr, Nora Dolce, Louise Dunn, Don Marchand, Valerie O’Keeffe, Ann Marie Reilly, Thomas Salice, Rosemary Sheehan, rscj, and a 2007 dinner honoree, Bea Dinger. “Their continued commitment to Sacred Heart is a moving tribute,” said co-chair Mrs. Henry. We were delighted to have several families who are joining Sacred Heart this fall shared their first Sacred Heart experience with us. Our current families, whose daughters are in preschool through twelfth grade, came out in force. We had three tables of alumnae return to celebrate, as well as families whose children have been gone many years. “The evening truly reflected the generational and multinational connection each child is blessed with upon entering our doors,” said Mrs. Henry. The reason for the gathering was to pay tribute to the honorees: Ann Conroy, RSCJ, Lennie and John de Csepel, and Jeanet and John N. Irwin III. We also were fortunate to have 12 religious attend and so appreciate the U.S. Provincial of the Society of the Sacred Heart, Paula Toner, RSCJ, joining us from St. Louis to give an inspiring invocation.

The Inaugural Convent of the Sacred Heart Golf and Tennis Outing was held on Monday, May 17, at Quaker Ridge Golf Club in Scarsdale, N.Y. More than 135 golfers and tennis players participated in the event to benefit Sacred Heart’s annual Summer Outreach Program. The outing was a huge success with more than $130,000 (net) raised for the program. Convent of the Sacred Heart is grateful to all who supported the event, especially the co-chairs, Sacred Heart fathers Jerry Tarde and Doug Poling.

Many thanks to their committee, event sponsors and participants. Sacred Heart’s Summer Outreach Program provides a five-week enrichment program for more than 250 girls and boys from low-income families in Fairfield and Westchester counties. After a full day of play, live and silent auctions were held during the cocktail reception and dinner buffet. With Sacred Heart parent Dan Hicks as master of ceremonies and auctioneer, the bidding was fun and furious, as the auction items


included an array of noteworthy sports items and special golf packages. Rosemary Sheehan, rscj, who started the Summer Outreach Program 20 years ago, thanked everyone and extended an invitation to visit the program. 1. Dan Hicks (second from left), with his golf foursome. 2. Golf outing co-chairs Jerry Tarde, left, and Doug Poling, right, with Beth Tarde at the post-game dinner and auction

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First Golf and Tennis Outing Is a Major Success



2 3 4

1. Ann Conroy, RSCJ 2. Lennie and John de Csepel 3. Co-chairs Larry and Terrie Henry with Mrs. Hayes 4. John and Jeanet Irwin

Ring Day Brings Joy to Juniors

Mary Grace Henry

Student Raises Money for Uganda


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From a very early age, Sacred Heart students are learning to support the causes of those in need beyond the boundaries of home, school and community. Whether it is the second-grade’s annual Wax Museum, which this year raised nearly $2,000 for our sister school in Uganda, or individual efforts by students throughout all grades, students are raising awareness, as well as money. One example is of Mary Grace Henry, a rising eighth-grader, who last year came up with a successful home business that raised $1,650 for Uganda through the sale of handmade headbands. In a letter to Irene Cullen, rscj, who directs the Society’s development program for its missions in Africa, Ms. Henry wrote: “My goal was to pay the tuition for one girl to go to school. Sacred Heart helped me on my way by buying the headbands from me and selling them at school (in the bookstore and at the Book Fair). I am sending you a check to pay for three girls to go to St. Charles Lwanga Secondary School.” Ms. Henry has a new goal: to use her sewing machine to produce enough headbands to fund these girls for four years of high school. Looking to the future, she knows how international borders are shrinking, as technology, travel and education link the developing world with ours. It may be possible, she wrote Sr. Cullen, that someday she will be in college with these girls.

On Friday, March 26, the junior class gathered in the school chapel for one of the biggest events of their school year— Ring Day. The day was made all the more special by their older sisters, the seniors, who presented the juniors with their rings. It was a bittersweet moment for the seniors because they knew their time at Sacred Heart was coming to a close. It was a time for the seniors to share words of encouragement and experience, which they did through their designated spokesperson, Jennifer Traver ’10, who gave the senior sendoff to the junior class. Here is Ms. Traver’s speech:

“All you need is love. “I remember standing in front of all of the Upper School last year on my own Ring Day, singing the words of this Beatles song, ‘There’s nothing you can do that can’t be done and nothing you can sing that can’t be sung. All you need is love. There’s nothing you can know that isn’t known and nothing you see that isn’t shown. All you need is love.’ “This is truly what Sacred Heart gives us—love. A love for helping others, a love for learning, a love for the less fortunate, and a love for spreading God’s message. Think about it. What makes our school


2 1. Juniors serenade the seniors at Ring Day 2. Two sisters at Ring Day: (left) Magee ’11 and Jean Dunn ’10 3. & 4. Juniors receive rings from seniors in chapel

5. Seniors read notes to them from juniors 6. School ring with the pierced hearts of Jesus and Mary

“This ring represents all the diligence that has been in the hard work of all previous and current Sacred Heart girls. We wear this ring as a remembrance of Madeleine Sophie’s vision. The vision of one woman that has shaped many lives in uncountable ways. “There is a tradition some of you may know; others, listen up! We are supposed to keep the crowned heart of the ring turned in while we are at Sacred Heart. When we graduate, however, we are supposed to turn the ring to face out, face the world we are joining. To some this tradition may not mean much, but to me it symbolizes

how we are to share our light with the world after graduation. All throughout our time at CSH we are working on our values and learning how to live our lives, filling our hearts with love and community. Then we turn our ring out and share our hearts with the world. “Take today to think about all Sacred Heart has given you, all you have become. Because each one of you is beautiful and will share so much with the world wherever you go.”

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more like a family? What causes us to say ‘welcome home,’ instead of just ‘welcome back.’ What makes us partly want to come back to school after two weeks of break to see all our friends and teachers? It is this love that surrounds us within the walls of Sacred Heart and bonds us with all our classmates. “Today, you will all receive a ring as a symbol of this everlasting love we all share. No matter where the tides take you after Sacred Heart, you will always be able to look down at your hand and see the glimmering shine in this ring, reminding you that you will always have the love of everyone at CSH and the love of God.






By Kelly Stone, director of athletics

Participation continues to rise as does the number of championship banners that will hang in the gym celebrating the athletics accomplishments of 2009–10.

Volleyball The fall began with preparation, Prep Week followed by preseason, and ended with a milestone, a New England Championship in volleyball. Introduced as a junior varsity sport in 2006 and elevated to varsity status in 2008, the two-year-old varsity program captured the 2009 New England Preparatory School Athletic Council (NEPSAC) Class B Championship. Seeded seventh in its first New England Tournament appearance, the Tigers beat No. 2 Pomfret 3–0 in the quarterfinals, swept No. 3 Berkshire 3–0 in the semifinals at Suffield Academy on Saturday, Nov. 21, and later the same afternoon, claimed the title with a 3–1 victory over No. 4 Suffield. The week prior to New Englands, CSH was crowned co-champions of the Fairchester Athletic Association (FAA) League and won the FAA Tournament with a 3–0 win over Greens Farms Academy in the championship game. In its year-end review of local sports, the Greenwich Citizen selected five sporting milestones as “The Best of 2009.” Sacred Heart’s New England Championship in volleyball was one of the five.


Fall Crew

Cross country The cross country team was led by swift freshman Natalie Tanner ’13, who in 13 races finished first seven times, second four times (including the FAA Championship) and fourth twice at the New England Division II Championships at Roxbury Latin School and at the Canterbury Invitation. Based on her championship race performances, Natalie earned FAA All-League and a spot on the 2009 All-New England Cross Country Team. In March, Natalie finished 15th (out of 31) in the freshman mile with a time of 5:39.0 at the 27th annual National Scholastic Indoor Championships at the New Balance Track & Field Center in New York City. Two months later, in May, Natalie won the 14- and 15-year-old division, finishing fifth in the female category and 25th overall with a time of 33:59.2 (her time in 2009 was 35:34) at the 22nd annual Rye Derby, a five-mile U.S. Track & Field sanctioned race.

Field hockey Four seniors on the varsity field hockey team, Chelsea Georgio, Jillian Georgio, Heather Grehan and Deidre Miller, were named to the 2009 Gladiator by SGI High School National Academic Squad. Honorees must have achieved a cumulative, unweighted GPA of 3.5 out of 4.0 through the first quarter of the 2009–10 school year and be on the varsity roster.


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The fall crew program, sponsoring the largest number of participants since its inception in the spring of 2003, competed in the Head of the Charles for the fourth consecutive year. Battling both the elements and an international field of 77, the Varsity 4+ (the four fastest rowers) finished thirteenth with a time of 20:33.634.

Braveheart, the Varsity 8+, navigated the three-mile course through bridges and around boats and buoys to sixty-sixth place (out of 77 crews). In other Head Races, the Varsity 4+ won gold at the Head of the Connecticut, silver at the Head of the Riverfront, and eighth out of 40 crews at the Head of the Schuylkill in Philadelphia.

2009 New England FAA Championship Volleyball Team

Natalie Tanner ’13 in FAA meet

Victoria Bensen ’10, Lacrosse Emily Stotesbery ’12, Diving

2009–10 WESTERN NEW ENGLAND PREP SCHOOL ALL-STARS soccer Varsity soccer outscored their first eight opponents 19–9 with wins over Chase Collegiate, Hamden Hall, Canterbury and Greens Farms Academy and draws against King, Holy Child and Hackley. Mid-season, the momentum changed and less offensive production flipped the goals for/goals against ratio to 8–18. CSH completed the 2009 season with a hard-fought battle (1–1 tie) against traditionally strong St. Luke’s.

honors & Awards By early December 2009, five members of the Class of 2010 made commitments and/or signed National Letters of Intent to continue their athletic careers in college. Victoria Bensen (University of Pennsylvania: lacrosse) and Paige Terry (University of Virginia: crew) will compete at the Division I level while Gillian Burkett (Trinity College: lacrosse), Megan Jarchow (Middlebury College: volleyball) and Deidre Miller (Middlebury College: field hockey and lacrosse) will play Division III athletics in the New England Small College Athletic Conference (NESCAC). In its end of the year issue, the Greenwich Citizen named four local athletes (two females and two males) as athletes-of-the-year. For her superior skills and athleticism, outstanding performances against the competition and significant contributions which elevated the level of play of the CSH field hockey and lacrosse programs, Victoria Bensen was chosen. Tory scored her 100th lacrosse goal during her junior season and received her first of two honors as a U.S. Lacrosse First Team All-American. During the 2009 field hockey campaign, Tory was the leading goal scorer with 11.

Emily Hatton ’11 & Alli Sciarretta ’12, Field Hockey Kaitlyn MacCarrick ’10 & Katherine Randolph ’10, Soccer Victoria Bensen ’10 & Heather Grehan ’10, Lacrosse Elaine James ’10, Softball

NATIONAL LETTER OF INTENT RECIPIENTS Morgan Forester ’09, Crew (Boston College) Megan Grehan ’07, Golf (Vanderbilt University) Jennifer Holland ’06, Field Hockey (Providence College) Megan Jarchow ’10, Volleyball (Middlebury College) Paige Terry ’10, Crew (University of Virginia)

2009 New England and FAA Championship Volleyball Team Erin Aoyama ’11 Christine Cahaney ’10 Johanna Golden ’10 Elaine James ’10 Megan Jarchow ’10 Elizabeth LaBossiere ’10

Mary Liguori ’11 Amanda Molinelli ’11 Michelle Peng ’11 Kathleen Spillane ’11 Coach Kim Lippmann Coach Patti Harris

2010 US LACROSSE ACADEMIC ALL-AMERICANS (Cumulative grade point average of 3.6 out of a 4.0 academic scale from freshman year through May 15, 2010.) Heather Grehan ’10, Goaltender Emily Hatton ’11, Midfield Deidre Miller ’10, Attack

SWIMMING & DIVING RECORDS ESTABLISHED IN 2009–10 Amanda Molinelli ’11 & Emily Stotesbery ’12 (2 Hopkins pool records in diving: 11-dive event) Emily Stotesbery ’12 (CSH record in diving: 6-dive event) Emily Stotesbery ’12 (CSH record in diving: 11-dive event) Lauren Church ’12, Sveva Marcangeli ’11, Jillian Carter ’11, Nicole Rogers ’12 (Hopkins pool record in swimming: 200 medley relay) Lauren Church ’12 (CSH pool record in swimming: 100 freestyle) Nicole Rogers ’12, Christine McGuire ’11, Aubrey Kalashian ’11, Paige Terry ’10 (CSH pool record in swimming: 200 freestyle relay) Lauren Church ’12 (CSH school record in swimming: 50 backstroke, 100 backstroke, 100 freestyle) Jillian Carter ’11 (CSH school record in swimming: 100 butterfly) Nicole Rogers ’12, Christine McGuire ’11, Aubrey Kalashian ’11, Paige Terry ’10 (CSH school record in swimming, 200 freestyle relay)

Lindsey Hascher ’11 defending soccer goal

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2009–10 MAJOR ATHLETIC AWARDS Four-Year Three-Sport Award: Heather Grehan ’10 & Paige Terry ’10 This award is presented to members of the Senior Class who have participated on twelve interscholastic teams during their four-year career in the Upper School.

Riley Athletic Award: Taylor Ryan ’13 Donated in 1983, the Riley Athletic Award, voted by the varsity coaches, is presented to a member of the freshman or sophomore class who has contributed the most to Sacred Heart athletics through her ability, enthusiasm, dedication and sportsmanship.

Upper School Athletic Award: Victoria Bensen ’10 Established in 1976, this award, voted by the varsity coaches, is presented to a member of the junior or senior class who has made the greatest contribution to the success of Sacred Heart athletics through her ability, enthusiasm, dedication and sportsmanship. 40

Margaret Melford Cup: Victoria Bensen ’10 Established in 1978, this award is given to the student who has made the greatest contribution to the Committee of Games and the Green & White Teams.


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Sportsmanship Award: Heather Grehan ’10 This award, voted by the varsity coaches, recognizes the senior who defines sportsmanship, practice or competition, this student-athlete is fair and honorable, conducts herself with integrity and humility, demonstrates patience and teamwork and treats her teammates, coaches and opponents with respect.

Joan Magnetti, rscj Leadership Award: Paige Terry ’10 This award, voted by the varsity coaches, is presented annually to a senior athlete whose actions best exemplify the qualities of a Profile in Leadership.

2009–10 Fairchester Athletic Association All-League and Honorable Mention Honors Cross Country Natalie Tanner ’13 Kate Benjamin ’11 * Field Hockey Victoria Bensen ’10 Heather Grehan ’10 Deidre Miller ’10 Alli Sciarretta ’12 Tayler Sirabella ’10 * Soccer Kaitlyn MacCarrick ’10 * Katherine Randolph ’10 * Kim Sebastian ’10 * Volleyball Erin Aoyama ’11 * Christine Cahaney ’10 Megan Jarchow ’10 Beth LaBossiere ’10 Kathleen Spillane ’11 Basketball Johanna Golden ’10 Tayler Sirabella ’10 Kathleen Spillane ’11 * Squash Cassandre Burke ’10 * Ally Huchro ’11 Kayley Leonard ’14

Golf Christie Huchro ’14 Michelle Peng ’11 Faith Morley ’11 * Lacrosse Victoria Bensen ’10 Megan Cincotta ’11 Heather Grehan ’10 * Emily Hatton ’11 Deidre Miller ’10 Alli Sciarretta ’12 Softball Elaine James ’10 Francesca Recchia ’11 * Tennis Krystyna Miles ’12 Maggie McLaughlin ’10 * Michele Urbinati ’13 Alexandra McNulty ’10 * Kathleen Spillane ’11 Katherine Randolph ’10 * 30 Student-Athletes Received 38 Honors The number of FAA selections is based on CSHs placement in the final league standings. * Honorable Mention

csh ALUMS compete in NATIONAL COLLEGIATE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION (NCAA) IN 2009–10 Kate Foley ’09, Union College, Division III, Crew Morgan Forester ’09, Boston College, Division I, Crew Kyla Harrington ’09, Brown University, Division I, Squash Antonia Libassi ’09, Brown University, Division I, Squash Elise Mazurak ’09, University of Vermont, Division I, Lacrosse Amanda Weber ’09, Williams College, Division III, Lacrosse Kelly Donlin ’08, Georgetown University, Division I, Swimming Emily Leitner ’08, University of Pennsylvania, Division I, Lacrosse Megan Grehan ’07, Vanderbilt University, Division I, Golf Kerry Morrison ’07, Columbia University, Division I, Sailing Club Caroline Henry ’06, Williams College, Division III, Squash Mary McGuire ’06, Georgetown University, Division I, Swimming Katie Mullen ’06, Hobart & William Smith College, Division III, Squash Kelly Whipple ’06, Hamilton College, Division III, Squash

basketball Through hard work and preparation, the varsity basketball team improved its record and final standings in the FAA from the previous season (from ninth to fifth), beat Holy Child for the first time since 2005 and advanced to the FAA Tournament for the first time since 2007. Erin Aoyama ’11 was the leading point scorer.

swimming Undefeated in dual meets (8–0), swimming and diving finished sixth in a field of 22 at the 2010 New England Prep School Swimming Association Championships behind Phillips Exeter, Phillips Andover, Deerfield, Choate Rosemary Hall, and Loomis Chaffee and third at the 2010 Bud Erich Invitational at Hopkins with Hopkins and Deerfield at No. 1 and 2, respectively. At the New England Diving Championships, Amanda Molinelli ’11 (396 points) took second and Emily Stotesbery ’12 (365.05 points) finished sixth. A week earlier at the Bud Erich Invitational, the diving duo went one (Stotesbery, 435.15 points) and two (Molinelli, 412.50 points) in the 11-dive event breaking the Hopkins pool record. With their championship performances, both became eligible for All-American consideration. The National Interscholastic Swimming Coaches Association of America selected sophomore Emily Stotesbery as a 2010 Diving All-American.

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Squash The 2009–10 Middle School squash team won the U.S. Squash Middle School National Team Championships at Yale University for the second time in the event’s two-year history. CSH beat Greenwich Academy 4-1 in the championship match to repeat as national champions. The varsity squash team finished second in the FAA behind Greenwich Academy and sixth at the New England Interscholastic Squash Association Championships at Deerfield Academy behind GA (No. 1), Taft (No. 2), Deerfield (No. 3), St. George’s (No. 4) and Nobles (No. 5). Eighth-grader Kayley Leonard, playing in the second flight, took third place at New Englands and co-captain Cassandre Burke ’10 (flight 3) and Jenne Ingrassia ’11 (flight 5) both finished in fifth. Placing seventh out of 16 competitors were Caroline Antonacci ’12 (flight 6) and Courtney Fischer ’11 (flight 7). CSH’s top player, Ally Huchro ’11, completed the tournament in ninth while Krystyna Miles ’12 competing in the fourth flight came in eleventh.


2009–10 FAA All-League & Honorable Mention honorees at FAA awards dinner

2009–10 U.S. Squash Middle School National Championship Team



Through the generous support of the crew parents, the crew program christened and named three new additions to the fleet, an eight (“Heart Coeur”) and two fours (“Soul Sisters” for Joan Magnetti, rscj and “Meely’s Motor” for former head coach, Amelia Clark). Racing in the new fours, the varsity and junior varsity boats beat Choate in dual competition and “Heart Coeur” led CSH to its best finish to date at the New England Interscholastic Rowing Association Championships.

At the close of the softball season, Sacred Heart bid farewell to four-year starter Elaine James ’10, who shouldered the pitching responsibilities throughout her career.

Golf Finding its groove, the golf team recorded four losses and one tie in the first five matches, then turned on fire, winning seven of the last eight outings including two 3–2, victories over previously undefeated Greenwich Academy. Eighth-grader Christie Huchro set the pace with a stellar individual record of 11-1-1, coming up short, only, in the first match of the season against her Taft opponent. For the second year in a row, captain Michelle Peng ’11 shot the second lowest score in the FAA Tournament.

Lacrosse The lacrosse program, which sponsored three Upper School teams and provided opportunities for all who wanted to play, boasted the most successful season in recent memory. Collectively, the top two teams (varsity 13–5 and jv 9–2) beat their opponents 76 percent of the time. In addition to being in the hunt for the FAA crown, the varsity celebrated two individual milestones. On April 27, against Greens Farms Academy, co-captain Victoria Bensen scored her 200th career point (153 goals and 47 assists). Six days later in a win over Holy Child, co-captain Deidre Miller scored her 100th career goal.

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Tennis Also, worthy of banner recognition is the rise of the tennis program. Four years ago, the varsity and jv teams were stronger than 65 percent of their opponents. In 2010, the program defeated 90 percent of its competition including a first-ever varsity victory over Taft. In tight FAA match-ups, Sacred Heart rallied to overcome St. Luke’s and Greens Farms Academy and fell to Greenwich Academy 3–4 in the league championship.

From season-to-season and sport-to-sport, 2009–10 was a banner year for CSH Athletics.


2010 varsity tennis team compiled a 9-1 record

Two-time, first-team All-American lacrosse player Victoria Bensen takes the draw

Crew seniors and juniors joined former head coach, Amelia Clark, to christen a new four named in her honor

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Lower School: The Wizard of Oz




1. Isabelle Johnson 2. Angelique Starke 3. Julia Sutherland, Alice Adams, Maggie Hall, Camila Hirani 4. Caroline Hughes, Sophia Brusco, Nina Weiss with second-graders in background




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Middle School: Celebration of the Arts


An Education of the Heart: Visiting Joigny


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I visited Joigny, the birthplace of St. Madeleine Sophie Barat, on my trip to Europe during spring break. Joigny is situated in the Burgundy region of France, on the banks of the Yonne River, a little over an hour from Paris. Since joining Convent of the Sacred Heart last September as the Lower School campus minister and theology teacher, I’ve wanted to see firsthand the environment that cultivated the spirit of Sophie that echoes in the hallways where I teach. How did a young Burgundian girl from this little town of Joigny cultivate an education of the heart that would have such a profound effect on countless women? I wandered through the home where Sophie was born and nurtured on Rue Davier, and I listened as the community of RSCJs highlighted the events that formed her special spirit. I hoped that by visiting her roots I would move closer to the role Sophie would have me take as an educator in one of her schools. I was moved by the picture of the Sacred Heart of Jesus that hung in her family’s kitchen and by the vision of her spending countless hours learning her lessons in her bedroom at the top of the stairs. How transforming those experiences were for her. While Sophie was a young girl, her family’s devotion and daily prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary fostered the flourishing spiritual life she would grow to depend on. In turn, the educational preparation given to her by her brother, Louis, facilitated Sophie’s leadership role of the Society of the Sacred Heart. These experiences provided her with the ability to meet a deep need in society.

By Marian Sofia Campana Lower School campus minister and theology teacher

Guided by the spirit of Jesus, Sophie trusted the impulses of her heart; it was her source of strength and energy. She did more than open her heart to the spirit, she welcomed it in so that her intellect would be shaped by it, and her actions would become a reflection of Jesus. It became quite clear to me that Sophie wanted to offer young women an education of the heart that would be transformative for them as well. She hoped to inspire girls to open their souls to the inspiration of the spirit and to grow in ways that were natural to them, by exposing them to an education that would enable them to renew a society crippled by the French Revolution. That renewal would not be a reflection of the work she proposed to them, but an expression of the spirit working with them and through them. She hoped that each of her students and each of us would enjoy this kind of intimate relationship. On returning to Greenwich, I found St. Madeleine Sophie echoing that wisdom, calling me to place before my students, colleagues and myself experiences that would open our hearts and minds so that we could be instruments of renewal in a world that is in need of transformation. Visiting Joigny was an education of my heart and an inspiration to educate minds and souls and, then, to get out of the way and let Jesus do the rest. Happily, I am reminded of that call each day, as I drive onto campus and read the banner on the driveway that says: “Sacred Heart Education: Fostering Hope for the Future.” It’s comforting to know that Sophie’s dictum is alive and well in Greenwich!

Marian Sofia Campana walks through the old town of Joigny, near St. Thibault Church, where St. Madeleine Sophie Barat was baptized, celebrated her First Communion, and attended Mass.

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catching up with our graduates

M e s s ag e f r o m t h e A lu m n a e p r e s i d e n t Dear Fellow Alumnae and Members of the Sacred Heart Family, The end of the school year is an ideal time for us to reflect on the journey of this past year and what we have accomplished together. And what a successful year it has been! In September, we celebrated fellow alumna Pamela Juan Hayes ’64 becoming our new head of school, and in October we welcomed a record number of us back-to-campus— upwards of 300—for Reunion. We have had countless other events, including receptions up and down the East Coast, which brought Pam Hayes face-to-face with more than 200 of her fellow alumnae, as well as at gatherings that brought our valued alumnae back to the School. These include February’s “Très Bien” reception in the new library for early alumnae donors to the Annual Fund, and our annual tea in April, which we expanded to include alumnae students and any member of their family, who attended any Sacred Heart School. The tea saw the largest number of

attendees (upwards of 100) ever! Check out the latter two happenings in the following pages to see familiar faces and places. We also launched a new partnership for the alumnae board with the introduction of Future Alumnae. This exciting student group aims to promote alumnae stewardship and leadership with students while they are still on campus. Future Alumnae offers select Upper School students the unique opportunity to participate in board meetings and to work directly with us in shaping activities and events. For more information, see the feature on Future Alumnae on page 50. The end of the academic year also sets the mind to new adventures that wait beyond the School. And so, we especially want to salute the seniors, who, as they end their journey as Sacred Heart students, embark on their life-long journey as Sacred Heart alumnae. We are so proud to have you aboard! Going out to meet the world, with an open heart, keen mind and the Christian

values that compel us to make a positive impact on others—be it near or far—is the outstanding legacy of our Sacred Heart education. And it is the hallmark of what it is to be “a child of the Sacred Heart.” We wish all the newly minted alumnae good luck as you head off to college. We want you to know that as alumnae, no matter where your journey takes you, Sacred Heart will always welcome you home! With warmest regards and congratulations,

Mandy Dawson Murphy ’85 President, Greenwich-Maplehurst Alumnae Association

2010–2011 Greenwich-Maplehurst A l u m n a e A s s o c i at i o n B o a r d President: Mandy Dawson Murphy ’85 Vice President: Patreece Williams-Creegan ’84 Treasurer: Shannon O’Leary Pujadas ’87, nominee Secretary: Magee Finn King ’93

Board Members: Xanthe Alban-Davies ’92 Vanessa Arredondo ’87 Alyssa Keleshian Bonomo ’86 Dreux Noel Claiden ’77, nominee Lucy Coudert Conrod ’89 Katie Phelan Contino ’95 Kristen Darr ’98 Lisa Burke Fallon ’89 Ellen Feeney ’02, nominee Carli Garcia ’01 Sarah K. Grogan ’97 Hope Houston Hirshorn ’82 Barbara Linsenmeyer Malone ’85, nominee Susan Callagy McCloskey ’84

Colleen Mara McLane ’91 Katie Molloy ’99, nominee Catherine Finnegan Nix ’71 Nicole Seagriff ’03 Laura Treanor ’90 Elizabeth H. White ’67 Ex Officio Members: Head of School Pamela Juan Hayes ’64 Director of Development John Kahl Director of Alumnae Relations Kathleen A. Feeney ’98


A l u m n a e s pa n t h e g e n e r at i o n s at a n n u a l t e a By Mandy Dawson Murphy ’85, president, Greenwich-Maplehurst Alumnae Association On a brilliant day in early April, approximately 100 Sacred Heart, Greenwich alumnae, associate alumnae, alumnae-students and prospective alumnae-students gathered to celebrate their common heritage with a beautiful high tea in the Cora E. McLaughlin, rscj ’29 Art Gallery. Formerly called the Mother-Daughter Tea, this year the event was renamed the Generations Tea and expanded to include grandmothers, aunts, cousins and sisters, in addition to mothers and daughters, who attended any school in the Network of Sacred Heart Schools. All members and ages of our wonderful alumnae family were included, and judging by the energy and turnout for this event it is a large, growing and joyful group indeed! Head of School Pamela Juan Hayes ’64 welcomed everyone and recognized the many schools represented by alumnae from Canada, Mexico and throughout the United States. Mandy Dawson Murphy ’85, president of the Greenwich-Maplehurst Alumnae Association, echoed Mrs. Hayes’ warm welcome and invited the alumnae to connect and enjoy their Sacred Heart family ties. Ann Conroy, rscj, former director of Schools of the Sacred Heart at San Francisco and current director of the First Friday program at Greenwich, read the opening prayer which reminded


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the students and alumnae of how blessed each one is to be a child of the Sacred Heart. Sr. Conroy’s prayer: Do not think about the future, leave that to the Heart of Jesus; use the present moment to love, to act, to follow. / The times in which we live call for fervor, fidelity and generosity. / The heart’s best security is to trust in God alone. / St. Madeleine Sophie, help each of us to remember the unwavering love of Jesus for us, and to trust in God’s loving care. And it was a day full of fidelity and generosity of spirit. Kate Gleason Madigan, a graduate of Schools of the Sacred Heart in San Francisco, whose daughter, Elisabeth attends our Lower School, was delighted to spend the afternoon with Sr. Conroy. “It was such a treat to see Sr. Conroy,” said Mrs. Madigan. “She was director of schools when I was a student in San Francisco and memories of many Prize Days still make me want to sink into a curtsy when I see her. We had a great chat while my youngest, Tommy, dribbled food on her and Elisabeth ’23 whirled around the party.”

F lo r i d a receptions f o r a lu m n a e Two Sacred Heart receptions were held in Florida this past March. Alumna DeDe Burke ’59 and her husband, Jack, hosted a reception on March 10 at their home on John’s Island. The more than 40 guests included alumnae, past parents, grandparents and past faculty and staff residing or vacationing in the Vero Beach area. A warm, sunny day during an unusual period of cold and rain greeted the guests, who enjoyed visiting and reminiscing on the Burke’s patio.

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On March 12, past parent Carol Crowley hosted more than 30 members of the Sacred Heart family at a luncheon at the Bath and Tennis Club in Palm Beach. Among the guests were alumnae, current and past parents, grandparents, past faculty and staff and two current students. The rainy day could not dampen the spirits and conviviality of the group, where friendships were renewed and new friendships formed. At both receptions, Head of School Pamela Juan Hayes ’64 warmly greeted everyone and said how pleased she was to return “home” to Greenwich. She thanked the guests for their support and continuing commitment to the School.

1. Michaela D’Urso ’15 with her aunts, Lisa ’82 and Donna D’Urso ’80 2. Kate Gleason Madigan and son with Sr. Conroy and Elizabeth ’23 3. Elizabeth Hawthorne ’87 and Patricia Verrochi ’79 4. Audrey Finnegan ’11, Anne Verrochi ’10 and Elizabeth Labossiere ’10

I n t r o d u c i n g … F u t u r e A lu m n a e We are thrilled to present Future Alumnae—an exciting new association which gives Upper School students the opportunity to collaborate directly with members of the Greenwich-Maplehurst Alumnae Board on all things alumnae-related. Taking inspiration from some of our sister Sacred Heart Schools that have similar opportunities, Future Alumnae is a way to promote alumnae stewardship in our students, while they are still on campus and to groom the future leaders of our association. Future Alumnae will provide a leadership platform to bring the voices and ideas of soon-to-be alumnae into our community via participation in our board meetings and activities including events, outreach strategy, community service and media. One example of the latter is the following article, brought to you by one of our founding Future Alumnae members, Erin Aoyama ’11.

F u t u r e A lu m n a e F o u n d i n g M e mb e r s Alexandra McNulty ’10 Maya Albert ’11 Erin Aoyama ’11 Alex Badioli ’11 Kerri Brown ’11 Megan Cincotta ’11 Lauren DeGennaro ’11 Lacey Henry ’11 Ally Huchro ’11 Anastassia Lindo ’11 Samantha Moor ’11

Jenna Nobs ’11 Tara Nooyi ’11 Nayara Sousa ’11 Michelle Spera ’11 Lauren Webb ’11 Lucy Adams ’12 Kerianne Doran ’12 Shamel Guzman ’12 Francesca Libassi ’12 Krystyna Miles ’12 Lindsay O’Callaghan ’12

T h e G o a l s a n d C r i t e r i a co n n e c t students around the world By Erin Aoyama ’11


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Since the beginning of my years at Convent of the Sacred Heart, the Goals and Criteria have been an integral part of my experience. Although I knew of the Network of Sacred Heart Schools around the world, I took for granted how special the national and international connections truly are. The summer after freshman year, I traveled to Woodlands Academy in Lake Forest, Illinois, with two other students and a teacher to participate in a Network leadership conference. Woodlands is an all girls’ school for grades nine through twelve. Going into the conference, I was confident that it would be a wonderful experience. What I didn’t anticipate was finding a broader and deeper meaning to the concept of “sister schools.” For

students, accompanied only by three slightly-familiar faces. However, after receiving a red T-shirt that identified me as a Sacred Heart student-leader, I realized that I was not really all that far from home. Within minutes of arriving, I spotted a huge banner of the Goals and Criteria. I was overcome with relief. Although I had seen the Goals displayed at my school, I had not really considered what they stood for, until I confronted them in an unfamiliar school. Being in a place far from home, and yet surrounded by the same values that I cherish at Convent of the Sacred Heart, Greenwich made me marvel at the community that exists between all Sacred Heart Schools. Suddenly, the hugeness of the Sacred Heart network and the internationality of

Within minutes of arriving, I spot ted a huge banner of the Goals and Criteria. I wa s o v e r c o m e w i t h r e l i e f. example, not only girls, but also boys are enrolled in the 21 Sacred Heart Schools in the United States, and in the schools in 28 countries. We all share the same values and guiding principles. I was nervous about traveling hundreds of miles to a meeting of 100

St. Madeleine Sophie Barat’s mission became a lot smaller for me. My time at Woodlands gave me a healthy respect for the woman who had started it all, St. Madeleine Sophie Barat, who had a dream and persevered to accomplish it. I believe this resolve is the

Erin Aoyama ’11

foundation of our Sacred Heart network. She valued the education of young women at a time when it was unpopular. As past, present and future children of Sacred Heart, our mission is to live out our beliefs and Goals, even in the face of adversity and discouragement. This is international. There is a certain steadfastness, mixed with a gentle calm that is present within all who are involved with Sacred Heart Schools. Although my beloved five Goals are not displayed prominently in European sister schools, the same spirit is present. In visiting our two schools in Austria, in Bregenz and Vienna, I was surrounded by the exceptional principles that govern the Society of the Sacred Heart. For example,

towards “the building of community as a Christian value,” Goal Four. While we are taught during our time at Sacred Heart to react to the needs of our global community, our “personal growth in an atmosphere of wise freedom,” Goal Five, encourages us to continue effecting positive change throughout the world. There are few things in the world that are truly international. A smile offers the same welcome everywhere. However, something as simple as a handshake can convey different messages. While the universality of our values as a School and as a community provides a second-home for children of the Sacred Heart around the globe, it also spreads hope to the destitute and the lonely. If seeds of love can be sown and grown throughout the world, simply through the education of children, there is no limit to what we can accomplish. As a very wise woman once told me, we are students of the Sacred “Heart,” not students of the Sacred “head.” With the five Goals as our guide, the international community of Sacred Heart Schools will continue in its mission of educating children and spreading the love of God throughout the world.

Whether it’s a n e a r t h q ua k e in Haiti or a political uprising i n K e n ya , t h e r e is never any h e s i tat i o n i n responding when someone cries o u t f o r h e l p. G o a l T h r e e , “a s o c i a l awa r e n e s s which compels to action, ” e n c o m pa s s e s t h i s va l u e .

HOSPITALIT Y WITH A HEART By Victoria Taylor Allen

Sacred Heart Passport

Did you know that every Sacred Heart alumna receives a “passport” for international travel at the end of her senior year? In 1949, one of our alumnae, Hildreth Meière 1911, who at that time was chair of the Associate Mondiale des Anciennes et Anciens du Sacré Coeur (AMASC) International Relations Committee, created the international passport for Sacred Heart alumnae to use on their travels in every country in the world where Sacred Heart Schools and convents are located. The passport is administered by the International Hospitality Network of AMASC and links Sacred Heart alumnae/i throughout the world. The goal of the Hospitality Network is to give former students opportunities to meet other alumnae/i in different countries and to share ideas and experiences, as well as similarities and common values. The International Network helps to facilitate visits to schools and convents, or with fellow alumnae/i in each country where Sacred Heart has a presence. AMASC invites Sacred Heart graduates to join the Young AMASC Group on Facebook. Currently, there are more than 300 members of Young AMASC, and it continues to grow steadily around the world. Because young alumnae travel widely, often working and living abroad, Facebook is an exciting reference source for them. The AMASC board member responsible for these connections is Claudia Nicolaije and may be contacted at nicolaijeclaudia@hotmail.com. Happy travels!

C onvent of the S acred H eart

the importance of Goal One, “a personal and active faith in God,” was evidenced at Bregenz in its gorgeous Gothic-style chapel, and also at Woodlands in the chapel service I participated on the closing day of the conference. As students of the Sacred Heart, our commitment is a natural part of our lives. Our commitment and “deep respect for intellectual values,” Goal Two, is a further example of our commitment to God. By studying hard for long hours, we show respect for the talents that God has blessed each of us with. Intelligence and education are valued at each and every Sacred Heart School—all of us are familiar with the rewards and the strenuous nature of working hard in school. At Convent of the Sacred Heart, Greenwich there is a constant awareness of the world around us. Whether it’s an earthquake in Haiti or a political uprising in Kenya, there is never any hesitation in responding when someone cries out for help. Goal Three, “a social awareness which compels to action,” encompasses this value. Our internationality, as a community, is exhibited by our willingness to come to the aid of others. Through our readiness to alleviate the pain of others, we work


S e n i o r s s e t SAIL


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The Class of 2010 was welcomed into the alumnae association at the annual Senior Alumnae Induction Luncheon (SAIL) on Thursday, May 20. Mandy Dawson Murphy ’85, president of the Greenwich-Maplehurst Alumnae Association, joined with Head of School Pamela Juan Hayes ’64 and Upper School Head Jayne Collins in recognizing the students as the newest alumnae. As Mrs. Collins read each girl’s name, Mrs. Hayes presented the senior with a packet of information that included her Sacred Heart “passport.” The passport has been a tradition for almost a century, and identifies its bearer to any Sacred Heart School around the world. (See related article on page 51.) Mrs. Collins presented the class to the alumnae association saying, “I am delighted to present to you the Class of 2010—68 very special, very gifted and very giving young women who are ready to journey into a broader community bringing with them their faith, their values and their strong ideals. “Throughout this year, I have been continually amazed at the goodness and generosity of this class. “Our graduates have excelled in our rigorous academic program and have received recognition in many fields. In addition, they have been star athletes in every sport! They are exceptionally articulate on global issues and avid followers of domestic and international news. They have continued the tradition of fund-raising for our Sacred Heart School in Uganda and various local charities and medical research groups. “Our senior class has completed over 6,500 community service hours during their high school career. “We are very proud of each and every one of these uniquely talented young women who will be carrying the Goals and Criteria of the Network of Sacred Heart Schools to the global community.”

T r è s B i e n a lu m n a e r e c e p t i o n a s u cc e s s Our first “Très Bien” reception for alumnae produced a wonderful evening of memories and connections. It was held in the beautiful new Stuart Library and Media Center, a location selected because many of the invited guests had not seen the new building. Alumnae who had given gifts to the Annual Fund by early January were invited to the February reception. Alumnae had fun catching up with friends, and visiting with those who had not been back to Sacred Heart since graduation. There was even a birthday surprise for Lisa Burke Fallon ’89. “What a wonderful night this was! Just warm and lively and welcoming—perfect Sacred Heart,” said Mandy Dawson Murphy ’85, president of the Greenwich-Maplehurst Alumnae Association. “It was wonderful to see so many alumnae faces—both those that have been back at the School more recently and, very meaningfully, a bunch for whom this was the first time back in a while. That says it all. This is an event which will gain a lot of momentum in the years to come; this was a perfect kick-off to a new tradition!” The event committee included Sarah K. Grogan ’97, Cathy Finegan Nix ’71, Katie Phelan Contino ’95, Shannon O’Leary Pujadas ’87, Colleen Mara McLane ’91, and Lisa Burke Fallon ’89.

Kathleen A. Feeney ’98, left, with Pamela Juan Hayes ’64 and her sister, Ellen Feeney ’02

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M cG u r t y S i s t e r s R e t u r n f o r Ta l k By Jayne Collins, Upper School Head On Friday, Jan. 27, a special assembly was held on Internet safety for grades seven through twelve. Two graduates, who are now FBI special agents, Jennifer McGurty Perry ’98 and Jessica McGurty Nye ’99, gave a riveting presentation on cyber crime and the dangers young people face on the Internet. The young alumnae related their personal encounters working on cyber crime investigations. Their no-nonsense approach made a strong and positive impression on the students. In addition, their sister, U.S. Navy 1st Lt. Katie McGurty ’01, returned for her first visit since graduating from the University of Notre Dame’s ROTC program, followed by flight school training. The students were delighted with the picture of her helicopter flight school class in which she was the only female graduate and first in the class. Katie displayed footage of her landing a helicopter on an aircraft carrier and a smaller Navy boat. At the end, Katie pulled out a grayish pink ribbon with her Mater medal on it; the one she had received as a sophomore. She told the girls that it has been in her pocket for every flight and mission she has flown. Jennifer and Jessica also related how their Mater medals go with them on every investigation. What a powerful testimony to their Sacred Heart education!

The McGurty sisters and their parents are pictured in the theater with Upper School Head Jayne Collins, third from left. The family (left to right) includes their mother, Kathleen, Katie ’01, Jennifer ’98, Jessica ’99, and their father, U.S. Navy Capt. John McGurty.


At the Climate Summit, Sr. Kirby ’43 (right) is pictured with her assistant, Lily Schwabe (left) and her friend, the Nobel Peace Prize winner Dr. Wangari Maathai.

S r . J o a n K i r by ’ 4 3 i s s t r i v i n g f o r “ c l i m at e j u s t i c e ” Mention “Copenhagen” to Joan Kirby, rscj ’43 and more than the Danish capital comes to her mind. As a representative to the United Nations from the Temple of Understanding, she attended the Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen and speaks out for what she calls “climate justice.” “I came back from the conference convinced that we cannot waste time; we need to act for the sake of humanity,” said Sr. Kirby. The conference in Dec. 2009 was attended by 1,000 participants from 130 countries, including nearly 100 environmental affairs ministers. The environment has been a priority for the Temple of Understanding, which sent a three-person delegation that included Sr. Kirby. Sr. Kirby acknowledged that the reports that came out of the summit were varied— some positive and hopeful, while others were negative. She urged a positive view, noting that each individual has a responsibility to mitigate the “climate crisis.” With this in mind, she has written an article, “Time for Climate Justice,” for Heart magazine (spring 2010), and spoken out, urging voters “to call on Congress and the Administration to respect human rights and to take action to reduce risks to vulnerable populations.” It is essential, she said, that Congress not defer discussion of environment legislation crucial to the U.S. acceptance of responsibility for climate change. She added that climate change has had a devastating impact on people in developing countries. The Temple of Understanding is a non-governmental organization that has been leading the way in interfaith education and advocacy for 50 years. Sr. Kirby is a member of the board of directors and served for six years as executive director. As an alumna of Sacred Heart, she has spoken to the Upper School at Career Day.

C S H m o u r n s t he pa ss i n g o f


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Cora McLaughlin, rscj, an innovative educator, beloved alumna and friend to generations of Sacred Heart women, died on May 22, at Teresian House, in Albany, N.Y. After graduation from Convent of the Sacred Heart, Maplehurst, Sr. McLaughlin entered the Society of the Sacred Heart in 1929 at Kenwood, in Albany, N.Y. She made her final vows in 1938 in Rome. She received a Bachelor of Arts degree in English in 1965 and a Master of Arts degree in education in 1970, both from the University of Detroit. She was the oldest member of the Greenwich-Maplehurst Alumnae Association. She was a well-traveled educator whose teaching career spanned more than 50 years and began at Eden Hall, a Sacred Heart School in Philadelphia, in 1932. She also taught at Overbrook, Noroton and Kenwood. Sr. McLaughlin’s love of people and of art was exemplified by her innovative teaching skills and the many tours of Europe she conducted for her students over the years. From 1971 to 1984, she taught at Greenwich. After retiring from teaching, she directed the First Friday program and served as school historian. The Cora E. McLaughlin, rscj ’29 Art Gallery was named in her honor at the time of her retirement from the School in June 2001. Her love of teaching continued long after her retirement from the classroom. Art history, the Bible and films were among her special interests, and from 1988 to 1992, she lectured around the country on those subjects, as well as on “Great Women in the Society of the Sacred Heart.” Her warmth and presence as a loving and vibrant member of our School community will be missed by the alumnae, faculty and staff who knew her.

E u lo g y

by Ann Conroy, RSCJ The following are excerpts from the eulogy delivered at the memorial Mass for Cora E. McLaughlin, rscj ’29 on June 2 in the chapel at Convent of the Sacred Heart, Greenwich. “Each one here this evening, and the many Cora admirers spread across this country and around the world, has her and his own memories of Cora—the Cora stories. Just this morning, I received an email from our former superior general, Sr. Helen McLaughlin, who over the last 10 years has had a monthly phone conversation with Cora. Helen noted how much she is going to miss those calls. “Sr. McLaughlin spent most of her life in the classroom. She loved her students, even the middle schoolers, and they loved her. She was a creative, fascinating teacher whose love of learning inspired many of her students. At Greenwich, in addition to teaching scripture and theology, which she never stopped studying herself, she introduced art history, which led to taking students to museums in New York and abroad to see the treasures they had studied. “She also organized an annual student community service trip to Lourdes to spend a week in service to the handicapped. This opportunity continues annually. In addition, Cora led several groups on ‘In the Footsteps of St. Madeleine Sophie’ trips to France, Italy and England. “A vocation to the Society of the Sacred Heart is a call to be both wholly apostolic and wholly contemplative—a tall order to be sure, but, I dare say that, Cora met this challenge fully. Her seemingly inexhaustible energy, fed by a very creative mind, meant that Cora was always ready to lend a hand or an ear. She was kindness itself. Yet, somehow, the contemplative side was not neglected. Prayer and the silence necessary to hear what God was saying were very important to Cora. “Sr. McLaughlin had tapped the love God had for her. She wanted all she met to realize how overwhelmingly God loves them. Our mission, as Religious of the Sacred Heart, is to discover God’s love and to announce to all we meet: ‘You are the beloved of God.’ “Thank you, Cora McLaughlin, rscj for showing us the way by your life.”

“In 1948, I had Cora as my English and art teacher when I was in eighth grade. She managed to make me a decent writer by dint of assigning short exercises put into marble exercise books every night, which she duly corrected every day. “Once, when I wrote a book report on a novel I had not read, or at least had not finished, my mother reported my sleight-ofhand, when she saw that Cora had given me a good grade. I was amazed, as was my mother, when Cora came to my defense! She told my mother that I might not have read the whole book, but I had written an excellent exercise—better than many who had probably read their books.” —Kaye Cherry, rscj Upper School English teacher

“Soon after I arrived as the new teacher on the block, I was co-coordinating the Lincoln Center program for the arts and in charge of bringing artists in dance, music, drama and the visual arts to the School. I was very proud of my position. One day at lunch, Cora decided to have some fun. She began speaking about Georgia O’Keeffe as if she were alive, and I nodded and agreed with all that she said, only to discover somewhat later that Georgia O’Keeffe had been dead for some time. Needless to say, I was mortified and have since brushed up on Georgia O’Keeffe!” —Mimi Rafferty English Department co-chair

“When I first met Cora, I was highly impressed by her energy, vigor and enthusiasm, as she would give slide presentations and lectures from time to time at chapel services on the history of the RSCJs in this country. “But, I was quite surprised one afternoon when she saw me relaxing on a couch in the teachers’ old mail room, and decided to sit next to me. She told me that she knew I was new at Sacred Heart and that she wanted to get to know me better. Like a true historian, she managed to draw out of me my whole life’s story, and the stories of almost everyone in my family in a short period of time!”

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T r i b u t es t o C o r a McL a u g h l i n , r s c j ’ 2 9

—Kathryn Cooley Upper School World Languages teacher “I traveled with Cora, chaperoning students on art history trips to Crete, England, Ireland, France, Greece, Italy and Spain. My trips with Cora were magical. It was a real awakening for me; I had never been anywhere before, and traveling with Cora and the Upper School students was very special. Cora was smart and fun, and quickly filled in the facts, whenever a guide missed anything. She was very well-read and knew everything. After she retired, I continued to see her, visiting her at Kenwood and Teresian House. I shall miss her and I am grateful for her friendship.” —Ban White retired faculty (1971–1993) and mother of alumnae board member Elizabeth White ’67


To submit information, please contact Kathleen A. Feeney ’98, director of alumnae relations, at feeneyk@cshgreenwich.org.


Louisa D. Kirchner (301) 774-7411 louisakirchner@comcast.net



Ann B. Gilkes (610) 645-8806



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Alice Burns (508) 385-2812


Ann Brickfield (240) 361-3135

1940 70th Alice Jane Maloy (516) 625-0819


Eileen F. Brennan (516) 627-6185 brennaneileenbr@aol.com

1945 65th

1950 60th Madeleine Naylor (212) 864-0989


Florence Peters (609) 921-6222

Sally R. Scotton (301) 268-0041 srscotton@aol.com




Our condolences to Aileen Mannix Schaefer on the death of her sister, Francie Mannix Ziminsky ’49. Aileen and Dick expected their tenth grandchild in May, having welcomed number nine in December! These were two grandsons, Ignatius, born Dec. 19, 2009, to her daughter, Delia, and her husband, Justin Fulweiler; and Michael, born on May 25 to her daughter, Sheila, and her husband, Mike Schilling.

Mary Englert (845) 634-7836

Virginia B. Coudert (203) 869-6437 vcoudert@optonline.net Mimi Morgan Welsh was married in December 2009 to Bill Welsh and will spend the summer in Westhampton Beach, N.Y.

Mary V. Gallagher (631) 653-5209 Eddieg3@optonline.net

Mary Finn Doherty is living in New Hampshire near some of her nine children, 13 grandchildren and two greatgrandchildren. She volunteers in many ways, including making sleeping bags for the homeless. Sissy Lamm Haskell and Mary V. Gallagher had a lovely phone visit and discovered that they both have children living in Truckee, Calif. Sissy has 15 grandchildren and is living in Hilton Head, S.C. Rachel Vuono Jensen has children living in various locations, far and near. Her daughter, Cathleen, is living in Brazil with her husband and children, and plans to return to Connecticut this summer. One of Rachel’s sons lives quite close and the other at a distance. A new grandchild is due this summer. Mary had the most delightful evening at a party with Barbara Hunter Latu and Jack in Wayne, Pa. Barbara’s two sisters, Betty and Jean, both Religious of the Sacred Heart, also attended. It was a wonderful Sacred Heart reunion. Mary and Ed are doing well, keeping busy with their 13 grandchildren around the country. They visit them during the winter and host them during the summer.


Henriette de Bellegarde (516) 627-5804 HenriF96@aol.com


Susan Herold (212) 988-1114




Suzanne Marechal Scully and her husband, John, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on a cruise with their five children to Nantucket last summer.

Cynthia Crimmins (203) 655-2035 cynthiacrimm@optonline.net Meg and Bob Ackerman enjoyed hosting 35 Boston-area alumnae in February. For many it was their first opportunity to meet Head of School Pamela Juan Hayes ’64. Meg and Bob celebrated Christmas in Rome, where they stayed in a small, wonderfully located hotel, recommended by Mary Beth and Dick Barth. From their hotel, they walked throughout the city. Highlights included: a Christmas Eve Mass in French at the Church of Trinità Dei Monti; Christmas Day in St. Peter’s Square as the pontiff greeted the cheering throngs in many languages and eating lots of pasta! The Ackermans are looking forward to a family vacation in July with their children and grandchildren. Penny Fishel Carr writes that they spent the entire winter in cold Florida. They saw a lot of Jane and Jack Steinthal, who have a place near them. They headed north in May, and hope to attend our class reunion at CSH on Oct. 2. Judith Ollinger Depontes writes that her 19th grandchild, Abigail, was born on March 18! She hopes to make our reunion this year. Sue Sughrue Carrington and her husband are expecting their first grandchild’s birth this summer, and are looking forward to helping out with the new addition to the family. Cynthia Crump Crimmins is the new class agent for our class and is looking forward to our reunion. This summer she and her husband, Arvid, plan to sail their Concordia sailboat to Maine for three weeks in August.

Joan Gormley MacLean writes, “I have five children, ages 50, 49, 47, 46 and 44, plus 15 grandchildren and two greatgrandchildren. One granddaughter is at the University of Miami on a full scholarship in music therapy, and two others will head to college next year. When Rupert retired, we sold the house, bought a catamaran and went cruising for five years down the East Coast, to the Bahamas, Abacos, Exumas, and Florida. We had a ball. The boat was outfitted with everything you would have in a house. Came home in 2002 and bought a house in Annapolis close to four of the five kids (the youngest is in Frisco, Texas, just north of Dallas). We see them a couple of times a year. In 2006, we boarded the Queen Elizabeth II in New York and spent the next 109 days going around the world. It was the most fun we have ever had!! We came home from England on the Queen Mary II, our second trip on her. Love to all!” Carol McQuade writes, “My kids are pushing 50 and my three grandkids range in age from 18 to 21. My daughter, Linda, is an RN in a suburb of Seattle, working in the ICU and the emergency room. My son’s daughter is in her second year of nursing at the University of Washington (Seattle) on a full scholarship! I keep busy in my off-hours raising and training Australian shepherds. Life here in Montana suits me, only coming back East for annual visits with my dear friend, Barbara Deller.” Pat Maguire Murray writes, “Carrie, Basil and little Kyle have moved from sunny San Diego to cold and snowy Chatham. It is so nice to have them so close. Parker and I are doing well. We are both on chemotherapy and tolerating it. I’m playing a lot of bridge and really enjoying it.”

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Jeanne McNamara Eckrich recently spoke to the student body at Greenwich on her work as a family therapist.


Kathleen Dolan, rscj hopes to attend a retreat with other Religious of the Sacred Heart in France this summer. She welcomed a new grandniece in January and writes, “The first girl in the Dolan family since me!”


Mary Ann Skelly Tragesser is working in aftercare for a local funeral home, visiting and speaking with people a couple of weeks after the services. She has met some wonderful people and really enjoys doing this. She is still involved in her parish and always has time to play with her grandchildren!


Margi Brown Gregory “just purchased a home that I love, big enough to hold the whole family at the holidays, with 12 grandchildren, ranging in age from almost 20 to a year-and-a-half. The four oldest children live in the Pittsburgh area, two in our small town, and our youngest lives in Gaithersburg, Md., with her toddlers, Jake and Josh. I am an eight-year breast cancer survivor, very early detection and just radiation with no side effects. I managed to get a master’s degree in formative spirituality and Jim and I are still involved in marriage ministry, working with engaged couples and marriage enrichment in our parish. I am painting again and love to play golf.”

Carole Scherer (516) 365-7325 castretch@optonline.net Missy Egan Wey was elected to membership in NLAPW, the National League of American Pen Women in 2009. One of her poems, “Portrait of a Child on Her Fifth Birthday,” appeared in the spring issue of The Westchester Review.


Dolores Cox Agnew (772) 336-3277 readca47@hotmail.com The Reunion spirit continues here in Florida. DeDe Mannix Burke and Jack hosted a cocktail reception at their home in Vero Beach on March 10 to introduce Pamela Juan Hayes ’64, our new head of school, to alumnae in the area. Classmates who were able to make it included Mary Thompson, who rents in Hobe Sound in the winter; June Dolce Heffernan and her husband, Jack, who were at their place


Kate Nugent West wrote that she had hoped to get down for DeDe’s gathering but that her real estate business was keeping her too busy to get away. Yvonne de Brazay sent a postcard from Australia saying she enjoyed seeing the photos of everyone who attended Reunion in Greenwich last October, and still finds it hard to believe that it’s been 50 years! She is thoroughly enjoying her life in retirement and wishes all a happy 2010. Patti McCarthy is the coordinator of campus ministry and a family mentor at Goretti House at Blessed Trinity Catholic High School in Georgia. She is chaperoning students on a trip to Lourdes this summer and is looking forward to being with Sacred Heart Greenwich students and others from the Malta Teen Summer Pilgrimage to Lourdes…Small world!

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Suzanne Van Vechten (610) 388-1576 s.vanvechten@comcast.net

in Jupiter for a couple of weeks; Dolores Cox Agnew and her husband, Rick, who spend seven to eight months at their Harbour Ridge home in Palm City; Liz Byrnes Watt and her husband, Tony, who were returning home to Ponte Vedra after spending a few days with the Agnews; Neepie deCastro Bourne and her husband, Bill, who stay at the Moorings in Vero for a couple of months in the winter; and Margie Naughton, who was visiting DeDe for a few days. A few days later, Joani Egan Mendelson and her husband, John, arrived at their place in Vero so we had another get-together, this time at the Agnews in Harbour Ridge. DeDe and Jack, Mary, June and Jack, and Joani came for lunch and after lunch Jack Burke, Rick, and Jack Heffernan played golf at the River Ridge course with Mike Carr as their fourth. Mike, who also lives at Harbour Ridge, is a classmate of Hilly Carr Jones’ brother. The girls had fun catching up with Joani and her daughter, Meghan, who came by later.

Class of 1959 members who gathered in Florida included, (left to right) Mary Thompson, DeDe Mannix Burke, Dolores Cox Agnew, Liz Byrnes Watt, June Dolce Heffernan, and Margie Naughton (seated).

June Dolce Heffernan, Joani Egan Mendelson and Ginny Condon got together for lunch in January and had great fun catching up.

Sally Assheton Dodd writes of her upcoming three-week adventure to Bhutan, Nepal and the Himalayas. Sally will trek through foothills, float down a river with Class II and III rapids through untouched forests, explore the lush subtropical jungle atop an elephant’s back, and meet local people while learning more about their culture. She looks forward to experiencing two deeply spiritual countries and their religions: the Buddhist kingdom of Bhutan, in addition to Nepal, the only Hindu kingdom in the world, and of course, a trip to Mount Everest. Patsy Hayden Blake writes that she enjoyed Reunion day so much and thinks often about the really lovely women her classmates have become. She has traveled a lot since October (to Mexico, Hawaii, Palm Springs and San Francisco), had family staying with her at Christmas and has taken up bridge. At the Santa Barbara Film Festival, she saw 42 movies in 10 days and is counting the days until her niece produces the first and, maybe only, baby for her to spoil. Maureen Winter welcomed her eleventh grandchild, Kerry Elizabeth Sullivan, and continues to manage charity auctions for schools and other nonprofits. She enjoys seeing the wonderful outpouring of giving in these difficult economic times. Her line of children’s clothes, MoesMonkeys continues to expand with trunk shows and boutiques throughout Fairfield and Westchester counties. Neepie deCastro Bourne writes that she loved seeing everyone at Reunion and at DeDe Burke’s house. She has been exchanging letters with Kitty Coyle and has received a wonderful note from Anne Kinney in Arizona.

Saturday, March 13, brought a devastating nor’easter to Connecticut. Greenwich in particular was hit hard. Kathie Wall Healy said they lost power for five days, and she and her husband, Tom, had to go stay in Fairfield at the home of their daughter, Tara, until power was restored. However, it took longer for other services to be restored. They did not have cable, a phone land line, or computer access until March 27!

1960 50th Karan D. Whamond (914) 967-7693 bamakaran@aol.com Although 50 years have gone by since many of us have been back to Greenwich, thanks to modern technology (email, Google searches, Facebook) the 21 remaining members of our class have been found! Our class is spread out across the U.S. from the New York metropolitan area to Washington, D.C., and North Carolina on the East Coast to Florida, Texas, and California, among other states. Chris Kast Bjorner lives in Stockholm, Sweden. The reunion weekend in Oct. 2, 2010, presents us with a unique opportunity to get together to renew old friendships and share memories of our years at Sacred Heart, while getting caught up on our lives today and our dreams for the future. Hope to see you all there. Enid is my first grandchild, the daughter of my son, Justin Lahart, and his wonderful wife, Elizabeth. She was born on June 25, 2009, at 2:02 a.m., weighing in at 6 pounds, 14 ounces. She was 19 inches long. Everyone in Enid’s immediate and extended family was ecstatic about her arrival. Riley, the dog, is perhaps more resigned than ecstatic, having realized that Enid’s permanent presence in his pack means that he gets fewer pats. I saw Enid, who lives in Brooklyn, in July 2009 last July when she was threeweeks-old, and again for her baptism in early October. By now, she’ll have applied to Harvard and will be doing cartwheels. In the meantime, I have to settle for a photographic chronicle of her development.


Pamela Raymond (631) 244-6060 RSKEYWEST@yahoo.com This spring brought a mini-reunion for the Class of 1961 in Sayville, when Diane Rice Davis, Mary Jones and Marie Harris Weeks visited Pamela Raymond.


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Our condolences to Rita Murphy Cleary on the passing of her husband, Jim. She spent three weeks in Colorado last January and then traveled to Zurich, Switzerland, to visit the newlyweds, Sharon and Michael. She is learning German—a bit necessary to get around Zurich.

Pamela Wall Madden (212) 734-1828 topamad2@yahoo.com Most of us who gathered in New York City at Capsouto Frères last summer had not seen Christina Norris Diskint in 40 years, and we all agreed that we look wonderful and have barely aged at all! It was a lovely, leisurely afternoon and we went to the High Line afterwards to admire the views and see the new park, which is on an old elevated train track. The rain had stopped and it was delightful! Marita O’Hare suggested it, but could not join us as she had to get upstate for a dinner. She is still working very hard at Greenwich Hospital in the development area and Sheila Hickey Cameron works with her. Sheila is hoping to go back to Cuba this year if she can work out the details. Elizabeth King is enjoying her summer and keeping up with art and fashion. Anne Haigney Roome is writing lyrics for a friend’s music and really hoping to get a break in the industry. Sandra Steinthal Powell and her husband, Rob, are happy to be settled in Florida and she enjoys her trips to New York City to visit her daughter and family. Jackie Paterno Kirby is still working in Connecticut as a pediatrician and takes care of her husband, Frank, who has been ill. She has a darling grandson whom all adore and who is a great distraction for her. Christina came with photos of her family; a son who writes music and performs, and her daughter, who recently graduated from Kenyon College. She and her husband have a lovely life in San Anselmo, where she paints and he is a lawyer. She provided each of us with a handmade card that was


so special. I am, gratefully, still working at Pfizer for the regional medical research specialist in primary care. My husband is in early stage Parkinson’s, which is very frustrating for him. My son is still looking for a job, but working in real estate when he can, and my daughter and her husband spent some time in Greece last year attending a friend’s wedding. We think that Anne Harris Majic will be in New York City for Thanksgiving and are hoping to do another gathering at Anne’s on that Sunday, so pencil it in.


Ursula J. Smith (508) 583-2449 ursie@comcast.net


Rita L. Houlihan writes, “I am enjoying life in retirement! One of my top interests is the history of early women leaders of the Church. It is a fascinating topic!”

Lisa L. Dotson (931) 494-0260 lisadotson@live.com


Mary Francina Golden (212) 410-3805 maryfgolden@aol.com


Teresa Donahue Keister recently retired after 22 years as the director of the Tiny Tim Center, a program for children with special needs. She is looking forward to being a grandmother and playing lots of golf.

Stephanie Piper (865) 588-3251 spiper@utk.edu


1965 60

PJ, and his wife, Bethany, were the godparents. My daughter, Zandy, is a retired lawyer and full-time mother in Massachusetts. PJ is chair of the math department at a high school near Albany. My husband, Paul, is happily retired from teaching. I will be teaching kindergarten for one more year and then joining Paul in retirement.”

Vicky Tweddle de Barros ’66 writes, “On Sunday, April 11, Eleanor Victoria McBeth was christened at St. Elizabeth’s Episcopal Church in Ridgewood, N.J. I now have three beautiful McBeth grandchildren: Fraser, 4, Henry, 2, and Eleanor, 1. My son,

Cathleen Egan (914) 967-0642 cashie@optonline.net


Marion M. O’Grady (212) 744-9063 ogrady.marion@gmail.com

Nora F. Dolce (914) 967-5543 Norad145@gmail.com

Joyce J. Gorman (703) 360-8454 jgormanesq@gmail.com Nora Finnegan Dolce welcomed her first grandchild in May! Susannah Baker Bell, who was an art major at Briarcliff College and an art history major at New York University, adores the work of artist Georgia O’Keeffe. Susannah has been painting oils and watercolors full time since 2002, primarily large-scale Georgia O’Keeffe style flowers and fruits. In February, she visited Santa Fe, where O’Keeffe lived and worked. She and her husband have a home in Scarborough, Maine, where she will be in July and August this summer, when she plans to participate in the Prout’s Neck, Maine, art show. She would love to hear from anyone traveling through Maine this summer! Although she lives in Philadelphia during the rest of the year, she welcomed an excuse to visit Washington, D.C., this winter to attend an alumnae gathering, where she enjoyed

Lillian Schneider (936) 321-3828 rodolphon@aol.com

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The children and grandchildren of Vicky Tweddle de Barros ’66

Teresa Cassone ’70, with her husband, Joe, and son, Pete, last summer in Positano, Italy

Lisa Gowdey Dotson ’70 and her granddaughter

Meg Corroon Sheridan is alive and well in New York City writing grants for nonprofit organizations. Meg and her husband, Tom, will soon be empty-nesters—their oldest son works in Boston and their youngest, who are twins, are off to college in September. Meg attended a luncheon last fall hosted by Frannie Kelly Burns. She frequently gets together with Carla Hall, and she is the proud owner of a necklace designed by classmate Erinmaura Condon. Meg is looking forward to crashing on Heather Hirson Long’s couch in Charlotte, N.C., when she visits her son at college. Lisa Gowdey Dotson had a double knee replacement to correct her osteoarthritis and says she now feels 30 years younger! She sells cars and does a lot of walking and it has given her a new lease on life. She still sews and designs clothes on the side; that’s her passion. Lisa’s 15-year-old granddaughter, who sings and dances, appeared in High School Musical 2 at a regional theater this spring, her first foray into the world of live theater. She followed in the footsteps of her proud grandma who performed in theater 25 years ago for about 10 years. Lisa can’t wait to see everyone in October!

Susannah Baker Bell ’70 in New Mexico

Tina Jones Will and her family have lived in Fredericksburg, Va., for 15 years. Their oldest son, Ian, 26, lives on Capitol Hill and works for the Naval Research Lab in computer science. He is also a photographer and a rock climbing enthusiast. Their daughter, Ruth, 23, lives in Chicago, is vegetarian, a runner, and is planning to move to Philadelphia this summer to pursue a degree in physical therapy. Their youngest son, Matthew, 21, loves everything outdoors, including the mountains, hiking and snowboarding. He has hiked 1,500 miles of the Appalachian Trail and hopes to spend some time in Montana working for the Conservation Corps this year. Tina’s husband, Brian, is retiring this summer from a 34-year career as a mechanical engineer with the Naval Surface Warfare Center and is hoping to start a second career as a teacher. They may relocate to Germany for a few years to teach in a mission school. Tina has been happy as a wife and mom, but now that young children are gone she does not like being idle. For several years, she worked part time at the Huntington Learning Center. As a volunteer, she uses her skills as a master gardener and recruits speakers for master gardeners’ program. Also, she volunteers at a homeless shelter.

Mary-Therese Braun would like to tell everyone that she is living on her yacht in the south of France with Franco, but she’s really living in New Hampshire with her little maltipoo dog, Jazzy, working at Dartmouth College as an administrator in the Studio Art Department. She loves New Hampshire’s mountains, farms and open fields. Priscilla Campo Press is pleased to announce the wedding of her son, Michael, to Lindsey Wilkins of Philadelphia on June 19. Michael and Lindsey live in New York, where they work in finance. They met at Harvard, playing varsity squash—Lindsey at the top of the ladder and Michael at the bottom, as Priscilla says he readily admits! Priscilla’s daughter, Dodie, works for Goldman Sachs in New York. Liz Luders O’Donnell lives in Indiana with her husband, Jimmy, whom she began dating as a sophomore at CSH. Jimmy is a college professor. Their three boys live in Utah and New York, and their youngest will start medical school this summer. Liz and Jimmy are grandparents of Zoe, now almost 3. Liz is 15 years out of treatment for advanced breast cancer, and she has had nearly 14 years of life and health with a heart transplant. In 1996, her donor was just 21-years-old. Liz spends time working with cancer and organ donation agencies, and volunteers with hospice and the Stephen Ministry.

Tina Jones Will ’70 and her family enjoying Christmas 2009 at Timberline Resort, W. V.

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reconnecting with Joyce Gorman and Gina Riley ’69. She is very much looking forward to our 40th reunion in October.


She also likes to garden. Life, she says, is good, busy, complicated, always surprising and precious. Missy McHugh, who was an art history major at Vassar College, works at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. She reports that she is totally boring and has nothing “new” to report. Several of us plan to check that out in person before the next issue! Beth Collins Forbes and her husband, John, live north of Boston, where Beth is the communications director for St. John’s Preparatory School, a high school for boys. They have a mostly empty nest with four kids at various stages of adulthood. Colin, 29, is a lawyer in Washington, D.C., and he and his wife, Quynh Vo, were married in her hometown of Houston two years ago. Margaret, 26, moved to Denver about a year ago; she skis as much as humanly possible and works as a clinical research associate at Rocky Mountain Poison and Drug Center. Elizabeth, 20, is a sophomore at Vassar, where she majors in biology and runs cross-country and track. Tim, also 20 (twins!), is a freshman at Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts after a post high-school gap year.


Robin J. Clark (203) 966-1211 robincrjc@hotmail.com Catherine Finnegan Nix (914) 939-7330 cnix@ryeprinting.com Harriette Shiland McDonough’s daughter, Ali, graduated from Harvard in May 2009. Her son, Francis, attends Georgetown University’s business school and plays lacrosse. Kathryn Carey Strom is enjoying “grandmotherhood” with the arrival of her second grandchild in January.


Patricia S. Grace (609) 924-4452 theirgrace@msn.com


Eileen C. Holtvedt (650) 327-1076 eholtvedt@msn.com


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Joyce Gorman changed law firms a year ago, and now is a partner at Ashurst, LLC, a London-based international firm, where she specializes in financial products for Wall Street and international financial institution clients. Her son, Peter, is a junior at Georgetown Prep in Bethesda, Md., and Joyce, her husband, Joe Fanone, and Pete are beginning the college search in earnest to find someplace that can accommodate an aspiring actor and singer who is also interested in political science, languages and study abroad­—a tall order! (Liz O’Donnell has been a great resource with this project!) Joyce assumes that Pete’s talents must be inherited from his dad’s Italian genes! Stepdaughter Kathleen will graduate in August with a master’s degree in social work from Smith College, and stepson Michael, a DC police detective, was married in June. Joyce and Joe would love to hear from anyone who would like to visit them in Alexandria, Va., where they live in a house they designed 20 years ago that has been a work in progress, but was designed to accommodate millions of Gorman siblings and their families, so it offers plenty of room—and a lap pool! In addition, Joyce often travels to New York on business and would love to connect with classmates in the NY area.

A gathering of the Class of 1974 that Mary Jo D’Agostino Razook hosted at her home in Rye, N.Y. Left to right are: Brigid Burns Bucknall, Maria Sullivan, Cathleen Sullivan Stack, Mary Kay Campo Cobb, Chris Rodda McKay, and Mary Jo.

35th Kerry M. Maloney (203) 327-1996 Kmm2@optonline.net


Kathryn G. Hobbins (914) 967-5813 kghobbins@verizon.net Anne Luders Dayton generously participated in the recent Sacred Heart clothing drive for Haiti.


Toni L. Maloney (914) 967-2448 palazzosister@aol.com


Class rep needed. Interested? Contact Director of Alumnae Relations Kathleen A. Feeney ’98 at feeneyk@cshgreenwich.org.


Carolyn Clark-Tenney (914) 234-2273 caroleenaom@aol.com Carolyn Clark-Tenney writes that there were 14 of us at dinner that night, Betsy Bohan Becker, Lisa Fox Cleary, Claire Kerrigan, Leila Whalen Longo, Mary Luders Norris, Sarah Jorquera, Barbara Carey Vermyln, Fran Rooney Cifrino, Sheila Mara Durkin, Tricia Davis Verrochi, Susan Zekala, Jeryl Tardio Malloy, Lauren Major Baber, and Sheila Curry Oakes. It had been 30 years since we graced the halls of Sacred Heart and to look around the table we could have just come from sports with Mrs. Melford, or burst out of class with Mrs. Megaw, Mrs. Thormann, Sr. McLaughlin, Mrs. Carey or any of the number of teachers that we, by turn, exasperated or made proud by our “energy” as one of us called it. Collectively, we had experienced a lot since we graduated from high school—college, grad school, jobs gained and lost, personal and professional success, marriage, birth, divorce, illness, and death. There were multiple stories told that night about one or another of us who had helped someone else through a rough time, as only friends who have known you for many, many years can do. One who was lost to us far too young, Didi Ryan, was represented by a photo

The Class of 1979 enjoyed dinner and memories at 30-year mini-reunion.

brought to the table and placed in the center. Others who couldn’t be there were remembered as we paged through our yearbook and were able to fill in the blanks on when a classmate was last seen and what she was up to. Mostly we laughed. “Do you remember…” began many a great story that had us laughing until we cried. We all had stories to tell and stories told about us. The bonds of friendship that came together on King Street remained unbroken. Like links in a chain, we were once again reunited as the beautiful, bright and funny girls of Sacred Heart.

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Kumi Akizawa Ikeba is living in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, and is still amazed by the exotic scenes of the country!

1980 30th Sara A. Walsh (203) 854-4948 sarwalsh@optonline.net Kathleen Marie Johansen-Stagg graduated May 15 from the John F. Welch College of Business at Sacred Heart University in Fairfield, Conn. She received a master’s degree in business administration; her concentration was in marketing. She also received two graduate certificates:


International Business, and Leadership and Ethics. She is a member of Beta Gamma Sigma, an international honor society. To complete the International Business program, Kathleen will study abroad in Rome, focusing on the emerging economies and legal systems of the evolving European Union. She is president of the Graduate Student Council, and is ready to return to her career in integrated marketing. Lorna Neligan Colarusso has been living in France, in a hamlet outside Paris, called Thiverval-Grignon.


Sharon Heller (973) 248-1299 Smokeybear13@excite.com Meghan W. Hess dmhsehess@aol.com Maria Autera-Sheperd writes, “My son, Richard Joseph Sheperd, will be attending Berkeley in the fall as a mechanical engineering major. My daughter, Mia, is a member of an all girls’ robotics team, Einstein’s Daughters, and they won the first World Robotics Generations award. As for me, I am reevaluating life and choosing a different path to follow for the next few years. Rob, my husband, has started a solar company with a friend. When in San Diego, come visit us.”


Nora C. Holmes (914) 261-5652 norasheeran@aol.com

25th Kathleen M. Flynn (703) 893-0289

Lauren Kenny (914) 921-5359 Lckenny4@aol.com Cricket Telesco Burns has two daughters in the fifth and seventh grades at Convent of the Sacred Heart at 91st Street.



Alyssa Keleshian Bonomo (917) 847-6282 Alyssa@kinvestmentsinc.com

Jane Riley (914) 274-5786 jwriley@optonline.net Maggie Heffernan Trimble (914) 937-8171 Magtrimble776@hotmail.com


Megan M. Foley (203) 259-7631 Meganf920@gmail.com

Jillian M. Payne (203) 618-0345 jillianpayne@yahoo.com

Nicole Peluso (323) 595-4006 nicolepeluso@gmail.com Abby Flynn Daily lives in Darien, Conn., with her husband, Chris, and their five sons, Jack, 13, Brooks, 11, Chase, 10, Tad, 8, and Christopher Challinor (Buck), born in December. Ellen Keiter lives in Goldens Bridge, N.Y., with her husband, Jordan, and their two children, Malina, 9, and Eli, 4. She is the curator of Contemporary Art at the Katonah Museum of Art, where she has worked for the past eight years.


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Kathleen Johansen-Stagg ’80, with the president of Sacred Heart University, Dr. Anthony Cernera, receiving her MBA at graduation in May, 2010.

Clark, Ben and Madeleine, the children of Kristina Sekor Hooper ’88


Nicole Peluso is living in Los Angeles with her three children. The oldest will be off to college in the fall!

Lucy Coudert Conrod (203) 869-3688 lconrod@optonline.net

Kristina Sekor Hooper (203) 249-6873 Kristina.hooper@gmail.com


Alyssa Keleshian Bonomo lives in Greenwich, Conn. with her husband, Tom, and their two sons, Harry, 5, and Thomas, 2. She retired from her career in magazine marketing and works for her father in commercial real estate investing.

Angela B. Dinger (212) 734-7440 angela_dinger@yahoo.com



Elizabeth A. Hawthorn (914) 384-4409 Lizzylizzyny123@yahoo.com

Megan Lahey Sibley (914) 937-7788 megsibley@yahoo.com

Shannon O’Leary Pujadas writes, “My little girl is attending preschool at Sacred Heart, Greenwich, and she loves it! She wants to rebuild the dorm so she can sleep there!”

Amy Elliott and Elizabeth Donius recently completed their feature documentary, World’s Largest, about towns across the country that claim to have the “world’s largest” of something. The film had its world première in March at the South By Southwest Film Festival in Austin, Texas.



Molly Donius Boscarino (412) 406-7386 mollyboscarino@yahoo.com Shannon Nelson cschnelson@mac.com Victoria Wells Arms and her husband, Martin, welcomed their newest child, Frances Wells Arms, on Jan. 27. Her big sisters, Ellie and Zoe, are thrilled. Tory also reports that her sister, Meg Wells ’95, had her first baby, Phoebe Snow Wells, on Dec. 23, 2009 Carolyn Ebbitt had a very exciting summer of 2009. She was married to Rob Russo of Bridgeport, and published her first novel, The Extraordinary Princess, a book for ages 8–12. The paperback edition will be out this summer. Classmate Victoria Wells was the editor, which Carolyn writes, “was a great treat.” Shannon Fitzgerald Nelson reports that she and her family moved to Jakarta, Indonesia, from Hong Kong, China, in January and are settling in nicely. She also writes, “both of our children, Connor, 8, and Haley, 6, are active in sports and are soaking up the local culture. We continue to summer at our place at the Jersey Shore (Mantoloking). The kids sail and play lots of tennis and we get to enjoy our family and friends for a solid two months, then back to Indonesia. If anyone is heading to Indonesia, please do drop me a line.” Heather Flanagan Brennan and her husband, Paul, welcomed their fourth child and third daughter, Caitlin Mary, on May 27, 2009. The baby joins brother Ryan and sisters, Annabela and Jane. Katie Rogers Cain lives in Chandler, Ariz., with her husband and two children, Emma, 5, and Sean, 3. Katie is the coordinator of victim services for the Chandler Police Department.

CSH classmates celebrated Leeann Mitchell Leahy’s ’88 fortieth birthday. From top left: Michelle Vittoria ’88 (but did not graduate), Donna Simonelli ’89, Melissa Dinger Gibbons ’88, Kelley Well Biondi ’88, Mary Catherine McCooey Dodman ’88, Kristina Sekor Hooper ’88, Nicole Russo Steinthal ’88, Leeann, Katie Haynes Pepe ’87. In the past few months, Nicole, Kelley and Melissa celebrated their fortieth birthdays.

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Pamela Lankow Witherell reports that everything is great in Westwood, Mass. Her two daughters will be in the fourth and sixth grades this fall and are coached in ice hockey by their father. Her family is enjoying the new addition to their home. Pamela is busy with her children, friends and family.

Colleen Mara McLane’s daughter, Madeline, joined the fifth grade at Sacred Heart, Greenwich, last fall.


Marty and Molly Donius Boscarino are enjoying Pittsburgh. They welcomed their second child, Anne Elizabeth Boscarino, on June 11, 2009. Her big brother John, 6, was thrilled. Molly is also proud to share that her sister, Elizabeth Donius ’90, and film partner and fellow CSH alumna, Amy Elliott ’90, had their documentary, World’s Largest première at the South By Southwest Film Festival. Elizabeth and her husband, Ken McGill, welcomed a second child, William Francis McGill, in July 2009. William joins big sister Alice who is three.



Aimee Lynch Tusa (203) 594-1733 amlynch@hotmail.com


Mirsada Pasalic Hoffman (202) 299-1208 mapasalic@aol.com

Aimee Lynch Tusa has two daughters, Blakely, 5, and Morgan, 1.

1995 15th

Katherine M. Coleman (202) 248-8005 Ksc96@alumni.princeton.edu



Dina Cortese Urso dinacortese@hotmail.com

Christine Murtha Coogan (718) 622-2594 Christine.coogan@morganstanley.com

Dina Cortese Urso and her husband, Lindy, welcomed a son, Luke Michael Urso, born March 10.

Christine Murtha Coogan and her husband, Matthew, welcomed a new daughter, Isabel Charlotte Coogan, on Nov. 6, 2009. The baby joins big sister Molly.

Katy Grogan married Christian Garry in April in Bermuda.


Katie Phelan Contino welcomed a daughter, Caroline Phelan Contino, in Aug., 2009.

Samantha Geary samantha.geary@baml.com

Katherine Lavin Phillips (914) 589-1686 katherine.lavin@gmail.com Caitlin Fay Fink and her husband, Evan, were married in the chapel at Convent of the Sacred Heart in Sept. 2008. They welcomed their first daughter, Lillian Thackeray Fink, on Dec. 21, 2009. Caitlin and Evan live in Natick, Mass., where she is associate director of the Jimmy Fund at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Tara Vabaro traveled to Taiwan and China for NBA preseason games with the Denver Nuggets and the Indiana Pacers. Margaret Brennan is an anchor at Bloomberg News with a show that airs daily from 10 a.m. to noon called “In Business with Margaret Brennan.” Kathleen Feeney recently accepted the position of director of alumnae relations at Convent of the Sacred Heart, Greenwich.


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Margaret E. King (914) 939-0006 Magee.king@gmail.com

Diana Webber Giorlando ’93 and her husband, Charlie, had a baby girl, Hayden Christine Giorlando, on July 30, 2009.

Mirsada Pasalic ’94 married Louis Hoffman on Sept. 6, 2009.

Christina Domecq ’94 married Simon Temple.

Kitty Lane Michelotti ’97 welcomed her second son in Feb.

Kathleen Molloy (203) 536-1461 molloy.katie@gmail.com

2000 10th Margaret Mary Feeney (203) 520-2167 margaretmaryfeeney@gmail.com


Megan Hokanson (781) 536-8337 Jennifer G. Raymond (857) 891-7694 Jennifer.raymond@post.harvard.edu


Jennifer Einersen (914) 715-6900 einersenj@yahoo.com

Lindsay Smith (203) 339-2340 lsmith1211@hotmail.com

Nicole Seagriff (203) 770-1688 Nicole.seagriff@gmail.com

Charelle Anderson is getting married at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, in New York City in July!

Jen Aloisi writes, “I will be graduating from my master’s program in counseling and guidance, with a 4.0 GPA, from New York University. In addition, I was chosen to be the valedictory student speaker at graduation, in which I will deliver my speech at Radio City Music Hall for my fellow classmates, faculty, family and friends. Lastly, I am in the process of co-authoring a chapter entitled ‘Theory and Research for AsianAmerican Women’ in the Oxford Handbook for Multicultural Counseling and Feminist Psychology, to be published in 2012.”


Kate W. Kretschmann (203) 249-4740 kkretschmann@gmail.com Cynthia Bouvet Heraty and her husband, Ryan, live in Massachusetts and welcomed their first baby in May. He was born at Newton Wellesley Hospital.

For more on Megan McGrath, check out Megan’s blog, “Toasted on One Side” at toastedononeside.blogspot.com.


Natalie Cruz (914) 934-0448 18cruz@cua.edu Fiona Finlay-Hunt writes, “I was sworn in to the New York Bar on March 24!” Congratulations, Fiona! Ali Hines is working with Autism Speaks. Christen Bucknall is teaching in Costa Rica. Jenna Marx is competing in triathlons. M. Katherine Brunson recently returned to CSH to address the Upper School students and share her experiences as a legal counsel to immigrants and refugees, who have suffered human rights abuses, and to talk about her recent trip to Rwanda.

2005 5th Katherine Gojkovich (203) 259-1954 kgojkovich@gmail.com Marianne Palacios is at Tufts University working towards her MAT in English.


Elise M. Byrnes (914) 967-3090 Byrnem6@wfu.edu Erin L. McInerney (203) 329-6595 Elm304@nyu.edu Zoe Paris Zellers and Danielle Prescod were featured in “Under the Arch,” a new web series TV show/hipster site, based on the lives of New York University students.

Caitlin Fay Fink ’98 and her daughter, Lillian.

Lillian Thackeray Fink

C onvent of the S acred H eart




Gabriella J. Almeida (914) 273-4506 Almegj7@wfu.edu Kristina M. Benza (914) 923-1315 kbenza@gmail.com Melissa M. Fraioli (914) 666-8865 Melissa.mary.fraioli@drexel.edu Gabriella Almeida studied in London in spring semester as a junior at Wake Forest College. While in Europe, she visited with five of her classmates, Kaitlyn and Leigh Colihan, Jackie Nesi, Claire Ferrara and Sara Leitner.



Katharine J. Eisenberg (914) 234-3088 Kje232@nyu.edu Sylvia Khoury (914) 694-1084 Sylviak90@gmail.com Maria Zoulis (914) 793-3742 Zoulism@gmail.com

Lillian Thackeray, born to Caitlin Fay Fink ’98 on Dec. 21, 2009

Alejandra Ferrara (203) 861-1635 ale.ferrara@duke.edu Antonia V. Libassi (203) 629-2888 Antonia_libassi@brown.edu Lauren A. Manning (203) 968-9262 Laurenmanning2013@u.northwestern.edu Mary McDonnell, now at College of the Holy Cross, attended a presentation by author Greg Mortensen who spoke at her college. As a “Sacred Heart girl,” she was touched by his message of “one heart and one mind at a time.”

Phoebe Snow, born to Meg Wells ’95 on Dec. 23, 2009 Frances Wells, born to Victoria Wells Arms ’91 on Jan. 27

Rita Guarini, mother of Elizabeth Guarini Herguth ’69

Caitlin Mary, born to Heather Flanagan Brennan ’91 on May 27, 2009

Luke Michael, born to Dina Cortese Urso ’95 on March 10

Barbara Linsenmeyer, mother of Barbara Linsenmeyer Malone ’85

Anne Elizabeth, born to Molly Donius Boscarino ’91 on June 11, 2009

In Memoriam:

Mary Tierney O’Neal, mother of Sally O’Neal Maloney ’61, Ellen O’Neal Walsh’63, Kathleen O’Neal Wasilko ’66, Mary O’Neal Davidson ’66, Margaret O’Neal Shepard ’69 and Nancy O’Neal Shepard ’73


S UMM E R 2 0 1 0



Dorothy Gillespie Duffy ’53, sister of past trustee George J. Gillespie III, Jane Gillespie Steinthal ’55, Helen Gillespie Plaia ’59 and Barbara Gillespie Childs ’66; and sister-inlaw Eileen Dealy Gillespie ’49

Mimi Morgan ’48 to William Welsh Carolyn Ebbitt ’91 to Rob Russo Christina Domecq ’94 to Simon Temple Mirsada Pasalic ’94 to Louis Hoffman Katy Grogan ’95 to Christian Garry Caitlin Fay ’98 to Evan Fink


Grace McCarrick performed in the off-Broadway production of Briar Rose, The Tale of Sleeping Beauty Jan. 19–23. Grace is very excited to continue her love of the performing arts.

William Francis, born to Elizabeth Donius ’90 in July 2009 Hayden Christine, born to Diana Webber Giorlando ’93 on July 30, 2009 Caroline Phelan, born to Katie Phelan Contino ’95 in Aug. 2009 Isabel Charlotte, born to Christine Murtha Coogan ’92 on Nov. 6, 2009 Christopher Challinor, born to Abby Flynn Daily ’86 in Dec. 2009

Cora E. McLaughlin, rscj ’29 Alice Meadows Buetwo ’45 Marie Coudert Curry ’47 Frances Mannix Ziminsky ’49 Dorothy Gillespie Duffy ’53 Sigourney Wood Cheek ’63 Mary James Fraser ’79

I n L o v i n g Sym pat h y : Victor Coudert, husband of Virginia Beach Coudert ’49 and father of Lucy Coudert Conrod ’89 Marie Coudert Curry ’47, mother of Sheila Curry Oakes ’79 Constantine Dadakis, father of Margaret Dadakis ’71

Frances Mannix Ziminisky ’49, mother of Mary Margaret Ziminsky Cooke ’73, Mary Evelyn Ziminsky Dowdle ’77, Mary Frances Ziminsky Bovers Schereschewsky ’78 and Kathryn Ann Ziminsky Field ’88; sister of Mary Margaret Mannix Hughes ’50, Aileen Mannix Schaefer ’52, Sheila Mannix ’54 and Delia Mannix Burke ’59; and grandmother of Kathleen ’07, Joan ’09 and Helen ’14 Ziminsky.

Making a Difference in the Future:

A graduate of Manhattanville, retired teacher of Upper School English at Convent of the Sacred Heart at 91st Street, and currently the school historian at Convent of the Sacred Heart, Victoria Taylor Allen has more than 30 years of service with Sacred Heart schools. Her dedication and commitment to the School are inspiring; she truly embodies the mission of Sacred Heart. When asked why she decided to include Sacred Heart, Greenwich, in her estate plans, Vicky said, “ …to help bring to the lives of a future generation of students something of what I’ve received from Sacred Heart. I found that Sacred Heart combines high intellectual and ethical standards with compassion and supportiveness; it is like being a member of a family. Many of the people I have worked with have been fine examples of intellectual spiritually. By leaving a bequest to the School, it is like leaving a bequest to family.” To learn more about the benefits of planned giving opportunities, please visit our website, www.cshgreenwich.planyourlegacy.org or contact John Kahl, director of development at (203) 532-3326 or kahlj@cshgreenwich.org.

Fall 2010 Calendar School Opens—Tuesday, September 7 All-School Prayer Service—Wednesday, September 8 College Information Night for Seniors—Tuesday, September 14 MS Back-to-School Parents’ Night—Thursday, September 16 LS Back-to-School Parents’ Night—Thursday, September 23 Mass of the Holy Spirit—Friday, September 24 US Back-to-School Parents’ Night—Thursday, September 30 Alumnae Reunion—Saturday, October 2 MS Mother-Daughter Liturgy—Thursday, October 7 Parents’ Assoc. General Meeting—Wednesday, October 13 featuring Daniel R. Heischman, author of Good Influence: Teaching the Wisdom of Adulthood US Mother-Daughter Liturgy—Friday, October 15 Fall Festival—Saturday, October 23 MS Father-Daughter Dinner Dance—Thursday, November 11 US Father-Daughter Dance—Friday, November 12 Thanksgiving—Thursday, November 25 College Information Night for Juniors—Thursday, December 2 Parents’ Assoc. Fall Speaker Luncheon—Monday, December 6

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Alumnae Reunion Day Convent of the Sacred Heart—Greenwich Saturday, October 2, 2010

1:00 p.m.

Luncheon for Class of 1960 and earlier classes

2:00 p.m.

School tours

3:00 p.m.

Liturgy and recognition of the 50th and 25th reunion classes Presentation of the Outstanding and Honorary Alumna Awards

4:30 p.m.

Cocktail Reception All class years are welcome | Invitation to follow RSVP: Kathleen A. Feeney, Director of Alumnae Relations, feeneyk@cshgreenwich.org or (203) 532-3545

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