Report on Giving 2014

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Convent of the Sacred Heart 1177 King Street Greenwich, CT 06831 203.531.6500

BoARd oF tRUSteeS 2014–2015

Head of School: Pamela Juan Hayes ’64

Neil A. Augustine James T. Bretzke, S.J. Dreux Dubin Claiden ’77 Lisa Burke Fallon ’89 Lorena Ferrara Charles A. Fishkin Paula S. Gruner, RSCJ Pamela Juan Hayes ’64, Head of School Frances de La Chapelle, RSCJ Janine Larkin, Parents’ Assn. President Dolly Mayer Douglas M. Mellert Mandy Dawson Murphy ’85 Bernadette Prato Shannon O’Leary Pujadas ’87, Alumnae President Barbara Quinn, RSCJ Christopher R. Ryan Joseph A. Tranfo Cynthia van Eck Patreece Williams Creegan ’84

Assistant Head of School and Director of Advancement: Michael F. Baber Director of Public Relations and Communications: Kathleen S. Failla Director of Advancement Services: Irene J. Colford Director of Annual Giving: Deborah Doornick Director of Alumnae Relations: Meghan Mara Ryan ’01 Manager of Special Events: Elyse Schultz

Paula Tennyson, Chair Kimberly J. Huchro, Vice Chair William D. Hirshorn, Treasurer Joseph N. Walsh, III, Secretary

Advancement Office: Laura Kelly Designer: Good Design LLC Printer: Service Press

If you have any questions or address changes, please contact: Kathleen S. Failla Sacred Heart, Greenwich is pleased to publish this Report on Giving. Gifts listed in this report were recorded from July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014. Should you find any discrepancy, please accept our heartfelt apology and notify the Advancement Office at 203.532.3160 so we can correct our records. This report is based on information prior to the annual audit which will be conducted in November.

AdvAncement committee Kimberly J. Huchro, Chair Dolly Mayer, Vice Chair

Susan Carroll Dreux Dubin Claiden ’77 Steven Dean Lisa Burke Fallon ’89 Lorena Ferrara William D. Hirshorn Lucia Jansen Sarah Jorquera ’79 E. A. Kratzman III Teresa Kratzman Janine Larkin Margo Murray Shannon O’Leary Pujadas ’87 Cynthia van Eck

miSSion StAtement

Convent of the Sacred Heart, Greenwich, founded in 1848, is an independent Catholic, college preparatory school for young women from kindergarten through grade 12, with a coed preschool and prekindergarten. Sacred Heart, steeped in a solid academic tradition, educates women to have independence of judgment, personal freedom, and strength of character so that they can become leaders with broad intellectual and spiritual horizons. The school welcomes students of all races, socioeconomic backgrounds, and religious beliefs. True to its international heritage, the school provides students with experiences of diversity. Cultivating prophetic leaders is a compelling commitment of our education, and the entire school community, as a member of the Sacred Heart Network of Schools, is dedicated to the Goals and Criteria: › A personal and active faith in God › A deep respect for intellectual values › A social awareness which impels to action › The building of community as a Christian value › Personal growth in an atmosphere of wise freedom. (Approved by the Board of Trustees, September 29, 2014)

inSide | Report on Giving 2013–14 2 Message from the Head of School 3 Message from the Board Chair 5 Commencement 2014 9 Capital Campaign 14 Annual Giving: 16 St. Madeleine Sophie Barat Society 20 Senior Class Gift 21 Parents by Class 27 Parents of Alumnae & Past Parents 29 Grandparents 31 Faculty & Staff 33 Past Faculty, Past Staff, Past Grandparents & Friends 34 Trustee & Past Trustee Giving 35 Alumnae Giving 45 Parents’ Association 49 Come Home for Christmas 52 Fathers’ League Golf Outing 54 Endowment Fund 60 Outreach Gifts 61 Special Gifts 62 The Aloysia Hardey, RSCJ Society 63 Corporations & Foundations

From the Head of School Dear Sacred Heart Community: We closed our 165th year with Prize Day celebrations and graduation. Our love, joy and best hopes for the future go with the Class of 2014, who remain in our hearts as they head to college. Reflecting on the 2013–2014 year’s theme of “inspiration,” I am inspired by your children and all they have achieved as they endeavor to become the compassionate and entrepreneurial leaders our world needs. Our dedicated faculty, guided by our mission, have instilled in them a love of learning and cultivated deep scholarship, character and the 21st century skills they will need for success—creative and critical thinking, collaboration and communication. Our students have learned to become risk takers, inspired by Janet Erskine Stuart, RSCJ, whose centenary we celebrated. We saw your children challenging themselves, engaging and adapting to change, finding new confidence as they achieve in heart, mind and community. We celebrated their achievements and awards: Siemens Science Competition National finalists, DNA Barcoding Competition, national and regional broadcast journalism awards, eighth-grade Making History, and Future Problem Solving, among many others. Ours is a global approach. Through strong curriculum and multicultural experiences that include our international exchange program, students are being prepared for leadership



and responsible citizenship in the 21st century. United States Senator Richard Blumenthal called Sacred Heart a “national treasure” at a student assembly in May to celebrate our Charity Champion grand prize for commitment to education in Uganda/Kenya. The senator added that Sacred Heart is an inspiration to all Americans “to change the world.” What speaks to me so convincingly and clearly is the generosity and commitment of many families who support the mission of a Sacred Heart educational experience. They know that all great schools require great giving. Your participation is an investment in our students and their future. I want to thank you for your gifts. You have helped to make us that great school. We are excited about all the possibilities as we “imagine” what lies before us. With gratitude,

Pamela Juan Hayes ’64 Head of School

From the Board Chair Dear Convent of the Sacred Heart Family, Throughout the year, the Board of Trustees has had so many opportunities to meet with students, alumnae, faculty, staff, current parents and past parents. The one thing that has been universal is what a special place Convent of the Sacred Heart is and how happy they are to be part of this wonderful school. They also understand that it takes the dedication and generosity of many to keep Convent of the Sacred Heart the outstanding academic institution it is today. So many people are working hard to raise the funds that allow us to send our faculty to workshops in their fields, travel in the “Footsteps of St. Madeleine Sophie,” and meet with their Network counterparts to strengthen the academic and spiritual life of our students. The students appreciate the tools that they are given through your generosity in the classroom, athletic venues and service opportunities. Your generosity to Annual Giving, chaired by Chris Ryan, Lucia Jansen and E.A. Kratzman, in addition to “Come Home for Christmas” and our biennial auction make all these opportunities possible. We are so grateful for the support our parents give, as well as our alumnae, whose love of school continues well after graduation. Last year’s inaugural “Come Home for Christmas” demonstrated the spirit that makes Convent of the Sacred Heart such a special place. The Board of Trustees, the alumnae association board and the Parents’ Association board collaborated to make this Christmas event a roaring success, with well over 1,000 people attending. We hope this celebration will become a new Sacred Heart Christmas tradition. On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I thank you for your continued generosity to Convent of the Sacred Heart. As our foundress, St. Madeleine Sophie Barat, said, “The union that the Spirit of charity maintains in the family of God’s Heart is the well-spring of the good it does, and the source of its strength.”

Warmest regards,

Paula Tennyson Chair, Board of Trustees

“The union that the spirit of charity maintains in the family of God’s Heart is the well-spring of the good it does, and the source of its strength.” —St. Madeleine Sophie Barat

Sacred Heart, Greenwich


Gifts JUly 1, 2013–JUne 30, 2014 Framing Our Future Capital Campaign ......................... ..................... $13,891,675 Annual Giving. . . . . . . . . . . . .............................................. ...................... $1,809,209 Unrestricted . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ $1,705,865 Current Use Financial Aid .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... $103,344









Outreach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............................................. .......................... $98,135 Golf Outing . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............$91,000 Other Gifts . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. $7,135



Other Gifts to Endowment ......................................... ......................... $187,111 Come Home for Christmas .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............$97,680 Other Gifts . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............$89,431



Senior Class Gift . . . . . . . . . .......................................................................$150,900 To Endowment . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... $120,900 Restricted . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............$30,000

AnnUAl GivinG 2009–2014

$1,000,000 $750,000

Other Restricted . . . . . . . . . ............................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $24,795 Parents' Association. . . . . ............................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $108,000

Total . ...................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . $16,269,825

$500,000 $250,000 $0 2009–2010





6% 6%

expenditUReS Faculty/Staff Salaries & Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64% Financial Aid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12% Plant Operations & Maintenance .. . . . . . . . . . 11% Academic Programs . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6% General Institutional . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6% Technology & Other Capital. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1% TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................... 100%




RevenUeS 64%

11% 12%


Tuition & Fees ....................... . . . . . . . . . . . . 90% Gifts ................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6% Investments ......................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% Other ................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1%



TOTAL ............................... . . . . . . . . . . 100%


2014 Sacred Heart, Greenwich


The Class of 2014 accepts its mission to “Change the World”


n June 6, the 60 members of the Class of 2014 proudly received their diplomas from Board Chair Paula Tennyson and Head of School Pamela Juan Hayes ’64 in a ceremony on the front lawn. “Today, we gather as a proud community to celebrate the graduation at Convent of the Sacred Heart, Greenwich of the Class of 2014, and to give thanks for their families and for their time with us,” said Mrs. Hayes. “My hope for them is that they will continue to find, within themselves, that strength, sense of integrity, spirit and pride to make things happen, to conceive of their direction, and to follow it.” “Remember girls that we have great faith in you because you have become our daughters, and wherever you go, whatever path you follow, you will be known by this and have a home with us. May God bless you and your families with His special grace, now and always. The world is waiting for you to give the gift only you can give,” Mrs. Hayes said. The ceremony began at 2 p.m. with a Baccalaureate Mass celebrated by The Most Reverend Frank J. Caggiano, Bishop of the Diocese of Bridgeport. The commencement speaker, Reverend George Winzenburg, S.J., president of Red Cloud Indian School on the Pine Ridge Reservation, in South Dakota, concelebrated the Mass. Fr. Winzenburg is no stranger to Convent of the Sacred Heart, having visited our campus twice and spoken at our senior seminar about the Red Cloud School. Over the last few years, Sacred Heart and Red Cloud School have built an institutional relationship. In particular, Sacred Heart students and faculty have volunteered in the Red Cloud Summer Program as part of Sacred Heart’s Summer Enrichment Program. Bishop Caggiano congratulated the graduates, saying “God has great things in store for you.” Then, he asked the graduates to go out and “change the world.” Following the liturgy, the 60 seniors, dressed in floor-length white gowns, proceeded one by one from the School’s historic Salisbury Hall through a reception line of second graders who presented each graduate with a bouquet of roses, symbolizing the School’s loving send-off from some of its youngest members.



In his commencement address, Fr. Winzenburg added his own remarks to the call for action on the part of the graduating class. “Graduates, you are each a beloved child of God,” said Fr. Winzenburg. “We see your beauty. We value your individuality. You have gained a voice at Sacred Heart, Greenwich. Use it. Speak boldly, prophetically, tenderly. Communicate truth, mercy and love in all you say and do. Yours is a voice the world needs to hear.” Speeches were delivered by the valedictorians, Tara Hammonds and Christina Huchro, and the salutatorian, Margaret Ellison. Tara is a freshman this fall at Cornell University. Christina is attending Stanford University and Margaret is at the University of Pennsylvania. “The Class of 2014 is leaving Sacred Heart, and with the transition come inevitable challenges,” said valedictorian Tara Hammond. “However, while we will certainly miss coming to school every day at this wonderful place, we have created a plethora of memories these past four years that we will cherish for a lifetime, and we are more than capable of diving head first into life’s new adventures.”

GRAdUAtion SpeecheS on oUR WeBSite To view more graduation fun and excitement, visit our website,, where you will find pictures of the big day and videos of the speakers in our “Photo and Video Gallery.”

Commencement 2014

Sacred Heart, Greenwich


CommenCemenT 2014

clASS oF 2014 colleGe mAtRicUlAtion

the one hUndRed And Sixty-FiFth commencement FRidAy, JUne 6, 2014: pReSentinG the clASS oF 2014 Alexandria Marie Becker Allison Bornstein Nicolette Michelle Brusco Yamilex Mireylis Bueno Alondra Cabrera Kendall Elizabeth Calcano Phoebe Rose Cavise Bianca Jessica Maria Chiappelloni Janice Abigail Comer Amanda Marie Crowell Catherine Archer Cunningham Emily Anne Curley Catherine Sydney DeVoe Mary Carolyn Dunn Margaret Elizabeth Ellison Regina E. Ferrara D’Nea Alycia Galbraith Jane Elizabeth Gerstner Tara Kathleen Hammonds Shelby Eden Holland



Christina Leigh Huchro Angela Patricia Jaramillo Charlotte Meehan Jeffrey Isabelle Scott Jeffrey Angela Samantha Jorge Kathryn Anna Regina Kugler Amy Rebecca Lafleur Kaitlin Rose Riordan Larkin Maureen Rose Leitner Marissa Elizabeth Licursi Shannon Elizabeth Longworth Katie Marie Martinez Sharice Elizabeth Maxwell Margot Lynn McCloskey Sarah Katherine McDonald Katherine Margaret McPartlan Stephanie Anne Mellert Jane Ryan Mikus Christina Helene Monaco Elizabeth Bayley Moran

Audrey Odette Moukattaf Jessica Mary Newman Colleen Marie O’Neill Christina Dorothy Paolicelli Brooke Parker Peeler Molly Eileen Phelan Corrine Alyse Race Sophie Cecilia Radtke Bridget Marks Scaturro Madison Rose Sirabella Abigail Rose Smith Lindsay Erin Sprague Jacqueline Marie Thomas Niame Traore Stephanie Annette Velasquez Isabella Maria Luisa von Habsburg Sydney Blair Walker Paige Francis Wilkens Megan Kathryn Winkhaus Helen Rose Ziminsky

Babson College Barnard College Bates College Boston College (5) Boston University Columbia University University of Connecticut (2) Cornell University (2) Dartmouth College (2) Drexel University Duke University Elon University (4) Fordham University (4) Georgetown University (3) Gettysburg College (2) Hobart and William Smith Colleges Hunter College, CUNY Johns Hopkins University (2) Loyola University, Maryland (2) Loyola University, New Orleans University of Michigan University of New Hampshire University of Notre Dame (3) Ohio Wesleyan University University of Pennsylvania (2) Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute University of San Francisco Savannah College of Art and Design Southern Methodist University (2) Stanford University Syracuse University Tufts University Villanova University (2) University of Virginia (2) Wake Forest University Washington and Lee University

framing our

Today, Tomorrow and Forever C apital C ampaign

Sacred Heart, Greenwich


Success Depends of each of Us!


onvent of the Sacred Heart broke ground on May 15 for a new Athletic Complex, Dining Room and Outdoor Commons Area at a festive blessing of the site. The groundbreaking followed a ceremony to rededicate the administration building to former headmistress Nancy Salisbury, RSCJ. For the groundbreaking, students, faculty and invited guests donned replica hard hats in green, while the Capital Campaign Committee wore the real thing. The committee dug their shovels into a section of the landscape at the back of the school, which will become the new Outdoor Commons Area. The Rev. Frank Allen Winn, pastor of St. Paul’s Church, in Greenwich, blessed the site. The ceremony closed with all joining in to sing “Coeur de Jesus.” Construction is moving along with the foundation, retaining walls and beams in place for our new Athletic Complex. “We hope to have the building enclosed by December, so the trades can get inside and do the finishing work,” Head of School Pamela Juan Hayes ’64 told the “Greenwich Time” in an interview at the start of the 2014–15 school year. The new Athletic Complex and Dining Room are scheduled to be completed by the fall of 2015. In addition, the project will make the campus greener. Gone is the road that bisected the back of the campus. In its place, Sacred Heart is creating a large Outdoor Commons Area. It will include an amphitheater for classroom use, new playgrounds, an outdoor dining terrace and an alumnae walk lined by benches. Covering 35,600 square feet, the new Athletic Complex will include two basketball courts, six squash courts, a fitness room, a dance studio, a trainer’s suite, locker rooms and offices. It will be in use for all-school liturgies, assemblies and special events, such as the Father-Daughter Dinner Dance and Mother-Daughter Liturgy. The School is also building a new student dining room, which will expand the dining space by more than 60 percent and include a student lounge. The campaign was launched publicly on January 23, 2014, with $13.9 million already committed by our generous donors toward a goal of $25.5 million. The alumnae effort, “A Gift for Every Girl,” began in April 2014 with a special liturgy and reception for alumnae in the school chapel. Over the next few months, through the efforts of the hardworking campaign committee and its parent and alumnae divisions, the campaign has increased thanks to the generosity of our school community. For an up-to-date gift total, please visit our campaign page on the school website at Look for the gift thermometer under “Goals” on the page. Once on the page, you will find other new information, such as the time-lapse video of construction. For more information about our Framing Our Future campaign and Sacred Heart’s plans for the future, please contact Michael Baber, assistant head of school and advancement director, at 203.532.3155 or



CapiTal Campaign

Framing Our Future Campaign Sacred Heart, Greenwich is deeply grateful to the individuals listed in this report for their campaign leadership and for their major donor gifts and pledges as of June 30, 2014. We thank them for their commitment to our mission. Anonymous (8) Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Abate, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest R. Albert Mr. and Mrs. Martin Alderson-Smith Mrs. Victoria Taylor Allen Ms. Amanda Allman ’07 Ms. Gabriella Almeida ’07 Mr. and Mrs. Caesar A. Arredondo The Asprinio Family The Family of Neil and Kim Augustine Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Ball Bank of America Corporation Mr. Miguel A. Barbosa and Ms. Veronica de los Rios Mr. and Mrs. Quint Barker Mr. Arthur E. Bass and Ms. Jeanne M. Mininall Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Batal III Mr. and Mrs. Kyle F. Bensen The Bingle Family Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Black Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan G. Blum The Borrelli Family Mr. and Mrs. David Braun Rev. James T. Bretzke, S.J. The Broll Family Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O. Brusco Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Brusco Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Burke, Sr. Ms. Mary E. Burlingame

Ms. Diane Busby ’77 Mr. and Mrs. David M. Butler Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence V. Calcano The Family of Robert M. Callagy (Lynn Rhatigan ’57) Dr. Neil J. Capolongo and Dr. Gina Lodolini Mrs. Marion Dawson Carr Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Carroll III Miss Sabrina Carotenuto ’17 Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Caruso and Family Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan J. Centurino Ms. Bianca Chiappelloni ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Chiappelloni Ms. Maryanne Ciminello ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Ciminello Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Claiden (Dreux Dubin ’77) The Family of Debbie-Ann Clarke-Johnson Class of 2014 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Clear CME Group Community Mr. and Mrs. Brad D. Cohen Conatus Capital Management LP Mr. and Mrs. James J. Coster Mrs. Cynara Boit Crandall ’50 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Creegan (Patreece Williams ’84)

Mr. and Mrs. William H. Curley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Dahnke Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Dailey Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Davies Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Davis, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William L. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Dean The DeConcini Family Mr. and Mrs. John de Csepel Sr. Frances de La Chapelle, RSCJ Deutsche Bank Americas Mr. and Mrs. John L. DeVita Mrs. JoAnn DiDonato Ms. Kathleen M. DiGiovanna Mr. and Mrs. Luke Doherty (Shannon Fallon ’02) Sr. Kathleen Dolan, RSCJ ’56 Mr. and Mrs. Donn C. Dolce (Nora Finnegan ’70) Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan J. Doyle Mr. and Mrs. Chris Drury Mr. and Mrs. J. Alastair Duncan Ms. Jean Dunn ’10 Ms. Margaret Dunn ’11 Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Dym Mr. and Mrs. William A. Eagan III Mr. and Mrs. James M. Esposito Mr. and Mrs. John P. Esposito Mr. and Mrs. William C. Fallon (Lisa Burke ’89)

Mr. and Mrs. James M. Farrell Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Fenniman Mr. and Mrs. Juan F. Ferrara Mrs. Patricia Finneran Mr. William B. Finneran Mr. Charles A. Fishkin and Ms. Suzanne Tinley Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan J. Fouts The Friel, Mannix and Ziminsky Families Gabelli Foundation Inc. Mr. and Mrs. David E. Geithner General Electric Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William Georgas Ms. Jane Gerstner ’14 The Giannetti Family Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Gilbert Mr. and Mrs. John Gizzi Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Gonzalez-Molina Mr. and Mrs. Sidney E. Goodfriend Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Grace (Bonnie Joyce ’63) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Gravinese Dr. Nancy Grey Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Griffin Mr. and Mrs. William Griffin Ms. Jacqueline Grose ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Madison F. Grose Mr. Robert R. Grusky and Ms. Hope H. Eiseman Mr. and Mrs. Philip Guido

Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Hagan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Gregory B. Hartch Mr. Steven R. Hash and Ms. Betsy Smith Ms. Taeko Hattori Mrs. Pamela Juan Hayes ’64 Ms. Grace Hedges ’10 Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Hedges Mr. and Mrs. John P. Heffernan (June Dolce ’59) Mr. and Mrs. Larry L. Henry Mr. Michael C. Henry and Ms. Brigid T. Brennan Mr. and Mrs. John S. Herman Mr. and Mrs. Carlos M. Hernandez Ms. Carolina Hernandez ’10 Ms. Sofia Hernandez Mr. and Mrs. John D. Hervey Mr. William D. Hirshorn and Dr. Hope Houston Hirshorn ’82 Mr. and Mrs. John D. Hobbins (Kathryn Grainger ’76) Ms. Devon Hoffman ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Sean Hoover Mr. and Mrs. E. James Hughes, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Iannaccone, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John N. Irwin III Mr. and Mrs. Erik W. Jansen Mr. Gary E. Jenkins and Ms. Brenda G. Ames Sacred Heart, Greenwich


JJJ Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Julian (Mary Raho ’78) Mr. and Mrs. Kris Kablack Mr. and Mrs. Brian S. Kelleher Mr. and Mrs. Patrick E. Kennon (Josephine Solzbacher ’50) The Kenny Family (Lauren Clark ’82) Ms. Alessandra Knight ’09 Ms. India Knight ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin A. Knight The Kraninger Family Mr. David J. Kulowiec and Ms. Sarah Jorquera ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Nicolaos D. Kyriakides Ms. Olympia Kyriakides ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Larkin Mr. and Mrs. Iain D. Leigh Mr. and Mrs. Terry P. Livingston Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. MacDonald Mr. and Mrs. William J. Mangan The Mara Family Mr. Damien Marshall and Ms. Irene Ricci Mr. and Mrs. Andreas Matthiesen Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Mayer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McCloskey (Susan Callagy ’84) Mr. Thomas A. McGrath and Ms. Christine L. Baker Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. McKenney, Jr.



Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. McLane, Sr. (Colleen Mara ’91) Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Mellert Mr. and Mrs. Mark G. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Millerchip Mr. Nathan Moore and Ms. Aysha Ramseur Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm C. Moran (Elissa Forstmann ’66) The Family of Pat Morano Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Morgner, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Morton Mr. and Mrs. Carrol A. Muccia, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Muccia Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Murphy, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Timothy H. Murphy (Mandy Dawson ’85) Mr. and Mrs. Shepherd P. Murray Mr. and Mrs. Americo Nardis Mr. and Mrs. Brian O. Newman New York Life Insurance Company Oak Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Francis G. O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Kevin O’Connor (Kathleen Plunkett ’89) Mr. Andreas Papadatos and Ms. Brenda Thickett Ms. Jane B. Parker Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Pastore Pfizer Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Pipher Miss Isabelle Pipher ’21

Mr. and Mrs. John C. Plaster Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Pope Mr. and Mrs. James Powell Mr. and Mrs. Bernardo E. Prata Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Prato The Pujadas Family (Shannon O’Leary ’87) Mr. and Mrs. H. Walter Pye III Mr. and Mrs. Christopher L. Quinson Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Race Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rafferty Nicholas and Christina Raho Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Fady A. Rizk Mrs. Eileen M. Rooney Ms. Eileen Rooney ’09 Ms. Lizzie Rooney ’11 Mr. Franklin J. Rudd and Ms. Cindy Weirman Mr. and Mrs. David Russekoff Mr. and Mrs. Richard Russo Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Santangelo Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Sapio Mr. and Mrs. David Savard Mr. John W. Scannell and Ms. Lori L. Bell The Schroeder Family Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Schwabe, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Schwarz Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Shafer The Shannon Family Mr. and Mrs. John M. Sheehan

Sr. Rosemary Sheehan, RSCJ Col. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Sheppard, USMCR, Ret. Mr. Andrew M. Sieg and Ms. Heliane M. Steden Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Sirabella Mr. and Mrs. Stephan Skinner Mr. and Mrs. John J. Snopkowski Dr. Kirk E. Sperber and Dr. Cristina M. Brusco Mr. and Mrs. Adam Stanislavsky Mr. and Mrs. Craig Stanley Mr. and Mrs. Macy Steers (Jaime Straub ’04) Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Steidl (Susan Sheppard ’91) Mr. and Mrs. Riley Stuebe (Sarah Quick ’04) Mr. and Mrs. Liam C. Sullivan Mr. Kabir Syed and Ms. Clare A. Hart Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Tennyson Mr. and Mrs. James J. Thomas Peter Toal and Family Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Tocco, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Tock (Mary Ann Bankowski ’72) The Tranfo Family UBS Investment Bank United Technologies Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Urbinati, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jan F. van Eck Van Eck Associates Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. H. Vollmer

Ms. Elizabeth von Klemperer ’10 Mr. and Mrs. James A. von Klemperer Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Walsh III Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Ward Wells Fargo & Company Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Werdiger, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Sean J. Whelan Dr. and Mrs. Christian J. Whitney The Wilson Family Mr. and Mrs. John T. Winkhaus III Ms. Megan Winkhaus ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Eric Wise Mr. and Mrs. J. Eric Wise, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen N. Wolanske Mr. and Mrs. Victor D. Ziminsky III Goldman Sachs Gives: Mr. and Mrs. Torrey J. Browder Mr. Thomas G. Connolly Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Huchro Mr. and Mrs. Gregg R. Lemkau

CapiTal Campaign

cAmpAiGn SteeRinG committee Co-Chairs: Neil A. Augustine Douglas M. Mellert

Committee Members: Michael F. Baber Dolly Mayer Frank Carroll Mandy Dawson Tim and Johna Clear Murphy ’85 Lisa Burke Fallon ’89 Paula Tennyson Tom Hamilton Jim Thomas Pamela Juan Hayes ’64 Cynthia van Eck Kimberly J. Huchro

AlUmnAe cAmpAiGn committee Honorary Chair: Ann T. Mara Co-Chairs: Mandy Dawson Murphy ’85 Lisa Burke Fallon ’89

Board of Trustees and Administration: Paula Tennyson Michael F. Baber Pamela Juan Hayes ’64 Meghan Mara Ryan ’01

Committee Members: Cathleen Mendelson Daly ’85 Beth Coakley Dolce ’62 Margaret Feeney ’00 Lauren Clark Kenny ’82 Susan Mara McDonnell ’73 Elissa Forstmann Moran ’66 Mary Vouté Sutherland ’85 Maggie Heffernan Trimble ’83

Sacred Heart, Greenwich


Annual Giving Volunteers Chris Ryan, Co-Chair Lucia Jansen, Co-Chair E. A. Kratzman III, Vice Chair

SenioR pARent committee: Roberta Chiappelloni Paul Huchro Barbara Mikus Jeff Wilkens Victor Ziminsky

11th GRAde: Gina Lodolini and Neil Capolongo Erinn Laragh ’85 and John Denson Jayne and Neil Isford

10th GRAde: Leigh and Martin Alderson-Smith John Lilly Debra McLaughlin Michael Monahan Michael Morriss Judith Passannante Kathy and Howie Sio

9th GRAde: James Farrell Katy James Kim Massello Rick Yu

8th GRAde:

3Rd GRAde:


Sandra Caruso Laura Geffs Claire LaBrunerie Deana McGlasson McCabe ’89 Michael Monahan Michael O’Brien

Han Choi Kate Madigan Frank O’Connor

Holly Centurino

7th GRAde: Rose Rinaldi Heather Wise Kim Wise

6th GRAde: Anne Birchenough Karyn Calcano Jackie de Alessandrini Florencia Grether Pam Kettles Keller ’88

2nd GRAde: Martha Ciminello Sandra El-Masry Alice Ruf

1St GRAde: Johna and Tim Clear Camille Mordaunt

KindeRGARten: Lynne Newman

FAcUlty And StAFF: Bob Allison Bob Cushman Suzanne Pavese Festa ’80 Amy Greer Patti Harris Sarah Hill Michelle Smith Mike Stanitski

GRAndpARentS: Virginia Gilbert Michael Pavese

pRe-K: Mairead Finn

5th GRAde: Janine Braun Loretta Dahnke Sean O’Connor Irene Ricci

4th GRAde: Charlie Broll Maria Cunningham Heliane Steden

Sacred Heart, Greenwich


The St. Madeleine Sophie Barat Society



We honor and celebrate our philanthropic leaders, those who have given $2,500 and more to Annual Giving and the Senior Class Gift. We are especially grateful for their generosity. In 2013–2014, we celebrated the 281 members of the St. Madeleine Sophie Barat Society at special events. In October 2013, we hosted a wonderful evening at Blue Hill at Stone Barns for our Archangels, Angels and Benefactors, who contributed gifts of $10,000 and more. In addition, we invited all members of the St. Madeleine Sophie Barat Society to a thank you reception in May 2014 at the Fairview Country Club. A heartfelt thank you goes out to all for their commitment to our mission. Thank you for collaborating with us to ensure the strength of our school community.

Andrew and Cathy Burch, Pamela Juan Hayes ’64, and James and Anissa Shannon at Fairview Country Club

< Keith Hammonds and Jacqueline Dyer at Fairview Country Club

ARchAnGelS ($25,000+) Anonymous (1) Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Carroll III Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan J. Doyle Mr. and Mrs. William C. Fallon (Lisa Burke ’89) Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Huchro Mr. and Mrs. Gregg R. Lemkau Mr. and Mrs. Blake W. Mather Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Mayer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Ryan

AnGelS ($15,000–$24,999) Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence V. Calcano Mr. and Mrs. John E. Eckerson Mr. and Mrs. Philip Guido

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Hamilton The Huisking Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Iannaccone, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John N. Irwin III Jewish Communal Fund Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Mellert Mr. and Mrs. Timothy H. Murphy (Mandy Dawson ’85) Mr. and Mrs. Brian O. Newman Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Roome (Anne Haigney ’62) Mr. and Mrs. David Russekoff Dr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Wilson

Sacred Heart, Greenwich


BeneFActoRS ($10,000–$14,999) Mr. and Mrs. Neil A. Augustine Mr. and Mrs. John Birkelund (Constance Smiles ’53) Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan G. Blum Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Brusco Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Burch Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Claiden (Dreux Dubin ’77) Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Clear Mr. and Mrs. Maurice J. Cunniffe (Carolyn Dursi ’58) Mr. and Mrs. John de Csepel Mr. and Mrs. Brian Doherty Mr. Mark L. Finerman and Ms. Lisa Torell Mr. Donald E. Foley and Ms. Barbara A. Long Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Foley (Megan Cassidy ’85) Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Franco Mr. and Mrs. George J. Gillespie III (Eileen Dealy ’49) Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Golden Ms. Taeko Hattori Mr. and Mrs. Sunil G. Hirani Mr. and Mrs. Keith R. Hummel JJJ Foundation Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Kratzman Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Moulton Mr. and Mrs. Shepherd P. Murray Mr. and Mrs. Raj K. Nooyi



Mr. and Mrs. Juan A. Pujadas (Shannon O’Leary ’87) Mr. Andrew Rosenburgh and Ms. Lorraine Fontanes Mr. and Mrs. Peter K. Scaturro Mr. and Mrs. R. Harold Schroeder, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Schwabe, Jr. Mr. Andrew M. Sieg and Ms. Heliane M. Steden Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Q. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey T. Sprague Mr. and Mrs. Adam Stanislavsky Mr. and Mrs. James J. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Argyris N. Vassiliou Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Ward Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Werdiger, Sr.

pAtRonS ($5,000–$9,999) Dr. and Mrs. Glendon Archer Mr. Arthur E. Bass and Ms. Jeanne M. Mininall Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Batal III Mr. and Mrs. John P. Beshoory Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Bingle Mr. and Mrs. David Braun Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas E. Brusco Mr. and Mrs. David M. Butler Dr. Neil J. Capolongo and Dr. Gina Lodolini Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Caruso Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan J. Centurino Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Chiappelloni Mr. and Mrs. Christopher G. Church

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Connolly Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Dahnke Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Dalton Mr. and Mrs. William F. Dawson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Dean Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. DeConcini Mr. and Mrs. David F. DeVoe, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Sherif S. El-Masry Mr. and Mrs. John P. Esposito Mrs. Patricia Joyce Figge ’58 Mr. and Mrs. Gustavo J. Gabaldon Mr. and Mrs. William Georgas Mr. and Mrs. Sidney E. Goodfriend Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Grace (Bonnie Joyce ’63) Mr. Francisco Grether and Ms. Florencia M. Lorefice Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Griffin Mr. Steven R. Hash Mr. and Mrs. John P. Heffernan (June Dolce ’59) Mr. and Mrs. William Heinzerling, Jr. Mr. Michael C. Henry and Ms. Brigid T. Brennan Mr. and Mrs. John D. Hervey Hilda & Preston Davis Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hill Mr. William D. Hirshorn and Dr. Hope Houston Hirshorn ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Sean Hoover Mr. and Mrs. Erik W. Jansen Mr. Gary E. Jenkins and Ms. Brenda G. Ames

Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Brian S. Kelleher Mr. and Mrs. Jason Kollander Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Lamando, Sr. Mr. and Ms. Jean-Pierre Latrille Mr. and Mrs. Iain D. Leigh Mr. and Mrs. Marc R. Lisker Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence F. Lunt, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Declan A. Maguire Mr. and Mrs. William J. Mangan Mrs. Wellington T. Mara Mr. Damien Marshall and Ms. Irene Ricci Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Massello Mr. and Mrs. Andreas Matthiesen Mr. and Mrs. Mark G. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Miller III Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Millerchip Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Monahan Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Morgner, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Muccia Mr. and Mrs. David A. Nemec Mr. and Mrs. Francis G. O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey M. Parkinson The Perry Family Mr. and Mrs. Craig S. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. John C. Plaster Mrs. Marian Poling Mr. and Mrs. Bernardo E. Prata Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Prato Mr. and Mrs. H. Walter Pye III Mr. and Mrs. Abelardo Riera Mr. and Mrs. Ellis F. Rinaldi

Mr. and Mrs. William G. Roche Mr. Franklin J. Rudd and Ms. Cindy Weirman Mr. Ravi Sachdev and Ms. Megan Heanue ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Scala, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Schick, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Sciacca Mr. Francis J. Serbaroli and Ms. Bernadette M. Mosellie Mr. and Mrs. James J. Shannon, Sr. Ms. Elizabeth B. Smith Dr. Kirk E. Sperber and Dr. Cristina M. Brusco Mr. Kabir Syed and Ms. Clare A. Hart Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Teklits Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Tranfo Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey T. Veber Mr. and Mrs. James E. Walker III Mr. and Mrs. John R. Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Walsh III Mr. Brian J. Wiele and Ms. Clare M. Conlin Mr. and Mrs. J. Eric Wise, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Yeager Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Young Mr. and Mrs. Abbas F. Zuaiter

The ST. maDeleine Sophie BaraT SoCieTy

FRiendS ($2,500–$4,999) Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. Martin Alderson-Smith Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Allman Dr. David Asprinio and Dr. Kimberly Flood Mr. and Mrs. Martin D. Ayre Mr. and Mrs. Quint Barker Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Barry (Patricia Ryan ’63) Mr. and Mrs. Don A. Birchenough Mrs. Elise Benedict Browne ’58 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O. Brusco Mr. and Mrs. Bradford C. Burkett Mr. and Mrs. Jose F. Cabrera, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Cahill Mr. and Mrs. John P. Callaway (Julienne Morriss ’83) Dr. and Mrs. Marco Caruso Dr. Han Choi and Ms. Jian Ham Mr. Stan Choy and Ms. Angela Hwang Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Ciminello Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Clark Mr. David Cobb and Ms. Lauri Scoran Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Coles Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Cunniffe Mr. and Mrs. Ronan P. Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. William H. Curley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Dailey Mr. and Mrs. Marvin H. Davidson (Mary O’Neal ’66) Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Davis, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paolo M. de Alessandrini

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony A. DeMartino Mr. and Mrs. John M. Denson, Jr. (Erinn Laragh ’85) Mr. and Mrs. Julio DiBiase Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Driscoll Mr. and Mrs. J. Alastair Duncan Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Dym Mr. and Mrs. William A. Eagan III Mr. and Mrs. James M. Farrell Mr. and Mrs. William A. Featherston, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Juan F. Ferrara Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Foley Mr. and Mrs. Tolman F. Geffs, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Gerli III Mr. Mark Goldberg and Ms. Karen M. Morstad Dr. Nancy Grey Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Gschwind Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Hagan Mr. Keith H. Hammonds and Ms. Jacqueline M. Dyer Mrs. Pamela Juan Hayes ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Larry L. Henry Mr. and Mrs. John S. Herman Mrs. Kathrene Blish Houlihan ’37 Mr. and Mrs. E. James Hughes, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Neil E. Isford Mr. and Mrs. Philip V. Jackmauh Dr. Robert B. Jackson and Dr. Lavanya Shah Drs. Dimitri and Elizabeth Kassapidis (Elizabeth Tahmincioglu ’81)

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Kraninger, Jr. Mr. David J. Kulowiec and Ms. Sarah V. Jorquera ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Laine Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Larkin Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Larkin Mr. and Mrs. Patrick L. Lauria Mr. and Mrs. George N. Longworth Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Madigan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Maher Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. McCabe, Sr. (Deana McGlasson ’89) Mr. Thomas A. McGrath and Mrs. Christine L. Baker Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. McLane, Sr. (Colleen Mara ’91) Mr. Daniel J. McNulty and Ms. Melanie A. Bloom Mr. and Mrs. Timothy I. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Americo Nardis Mr. and Mrs. John J. Normile, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew O’Brien (Robin Fallon ’84) Janet and Joe O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Finbarr T. O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. O’Meara Mr. and Mrs. Sean O’Shea Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. O’Sullivan Mr. Andreas Papadatos and Ms. Brenda Thickett Mr. and Mrs. James Pardo Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey M. Parkinson, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Pipher

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Poling Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Pope Mr. and Mrs. James Powell Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Pucel Mr. and Mrs. George F. Pyne IV Mr. Jeffrey Radtke Drs. Keith and Elsa Raskin Richard Davoud Donchian Foundation Mr. Horacio M. Robredo and Ms. Natalia Garcia Lopez Mr. and Mrs. David A. Ruf Mr. and Mrs. Julio Salazar Jr. Mr. R. Peter Sanchez Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Santangelo Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Santorelli Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Sapio

Mr. and Mrs. Lars Schonander, Jr. Mrs. Suzanne Marechal Scully ’56 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Sheehan Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Sheehan Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Shively Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Shouvlin Mr. Jonathan Stone and Ms. Karen O’Neil Mr. and Mrs. Andre H. Suaid Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Talgo Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Tennyson Mr. and Mrs. Jan F. van Eck Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. H. Vollmer Mr. and Mrs. Sean J. Whelan Mr. and Mrs. Eric Wise Mr. George M. Yeager Mr. and Mrs. Victor D. Ziminsky III

Thank you! Sacred Heart, Greenwich


Senior Class Gift We are grateful to the parents of the Class of 2014 who contributed more than $150,000 to the Senior Class Gift, a major portion of which will support the School’s Endowment, with a restricted gift for financial aid. This gift was a memorable way for the parents to say “thank you” to the School and to honor their daughters, as they embark on their future. Sacred Heart extends a very special thank you to the co-chairs of the 2014 campaign, Roberta Chiappelloni, Paul Huchro, Barbara Mikus, Jeffrey Wilkens, and Victor Ziminsky. Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. Ernest R. Albert Mr. and Mrs. Anthony T. Becker, Sr. Ms. Arlene M. Bornstein Mr. David T. Bornstein Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O. Brusco Mr. and Mrs. Jose F. Cabrera, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence V. Calcano Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Cavise Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Chiappelloni Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Crowell Mr. and Mrs. John J. Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. William H. Curley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David F. DeVoe, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Dunn, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Eric D. Ellison Mr. and Mrs. Juan F. Ferrara Mr. Keith H. Hammonds and Ms. Jacqueline M. Dyer Ms. Alisa J. Holland



Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Huchro Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Jaramillo Ms. Laurie Jeffrey Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Jeffrey, Jr. Mr. Francisco S. Jorge and Ms. Angela E. Picardo Mr. and Mrs. Jean R. LaFleur Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Larkin Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Licursi Mr. and Mrs. George N. Longworth Mr. and Mrs. Horace A. Maxwell Mr. and Mrs. M. Patrick McCloskey (Susan Callagy ’84) Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. McDonald Mr. and Mrs. James McPartlan, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Mellert Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mikus, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Monaco Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Moran, Jr. Mr. Nabil J. Moukattaf

Ms. Rosemary Mouakad Moukattaf ’78 Mr. and Mrs. John J. O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Paolicelli Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Race Mr. Jeffrey Radtke Ms. Carolyn A. Reers Mr. and Mrs. Peter K. Scaturro Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Sirabella Mr. and Mrs. James G. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey T. Sprague Mr. and Mrs. James J. Thomas Mr. Grame Traore and Ms. Niakale Danthioko Mr. Arturo J. Velasquez and Ms. Margarita L. Torres Dr. and Mrs. Géza von Habsburg Mr. and Mrs. James E. Walker III Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Wilkens Mr. and Mrs. John T. Winkhaus III Mr. and Mrs. Victor D. Ziminsky III

Parents by Class We are very grateful to all the parents who contributed to Annual Giving for the 2013–2014 school year. We would like to especially thank the parent volunteers for their time and energy, and for their tremendous accomplishment. The parent community reached 85% participation. Thank you!

clASS oF 2015 elevenTh graDe 90% parTiCipaTion Class Captains: Gina Lodolini and Neil Capolongo Erinn and John Denson (Erinn Laragh ’85) Jayne and Neil Isford Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Alzate Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Askew Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A. Banker, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Blessing Mr. William Bolanos and Ms. Flor Bejar Mr. and Mrs. Eric W. Bostrup Mr. Bradley B. Browne Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas E. Brusco Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Burch Mr. and Mrs. Bradford C. Burkett Dr. Neil J. Capolongo and Dr. Gina Lodolini Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Caponiti Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Carroll III Mr. and Mrs. Christopher G. Church Mr. and Mrs. Brad D. Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Cunniffe

Ms. Kathy S. Davenport Mr. and Mrs. John M. Denson, Jr. (Erinn Laragh ’85) Mrs. Michelle A. D’Urso Mr. and Mrs. James M. Esposito Mr. and Mrs. David S. Falk Mr. Burt M. Fealing and Dr. Kaye H. Fealing Mr. Mark L. Finerman and Ms. Lisa Torell Mr. Thomas A. Foley and Mrs. Colleen M. Micciulli-Foley Mr. and Mrs. Gustavo J. Gabaldon Ms. Ethel Z. Geisinger Mr. and Mrs. John E. Gerli III Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Giacomo Mr. and Mrs. Rudolf Granser Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Hay, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Healy Ms. Martha G. Hennig Mr. and Mrs. Larry L. Henry Mr. and Mrs. James M. Hesburgh, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hill Mr. William D. Hirshorn and Dr. Hope Houston Hirshorn ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Keith R. Hummel Mr. and Mrs. Neil E. Isford Sacred Heart, Greenwich


Mr. and Mrs. Philip V. Jackmauh Ms. Sandra L. Johnson Ms. Patricia S. Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Lamando, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Iain D. Leigh Mr. Thomas J. Libassi and Ms. Loredana C. Grandis Mr. and Mrs. Horace A. Maxwell Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Millerchip Mr. John P. Moran Ms. Marye E. Moran Ms. Valerie Morel Mr. and Mrs. John J. Normile, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Steven S. Novick Mr. and Mrs. John J. O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. Brendan P. O’Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey M. Parkinson, Jr. The Perry Family Mr. and Mrs. Craig S. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Pillari Mr. and Mrs. Rodolfo O. Ponce Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Powers Dr. and Mrs. Anibal O. Puente Drs. Keith and Elsa Raskin Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reilly Mr. and Mrs. Abelardo Riera Ms. Mayra J. Rivas Mr. and Mrs. Vincent A. Sabia Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Sapio Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Schwabe, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Q. Smith Dr. Rafael P. Squitieri and Dr. Kelly A. Harkins-Squitieri



Ms. Dawn C. Stuttig Mr. and Mrs. James E. Walker III Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Werdiger, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Wilson

clASS oF 2016 TenTh graDe 78% parTiCipaTion Class Captains: Leigh and Martin Alderson-Smith John Lilly Debra McLaughlin Michael Monahan Michael Morriss Judith Passannante Kathy and Howie Sio Mr. and Mrs. Garth Adamini Mr. and Mrs. Martin Alderson-Smith Mr. Daniel V. Almeida Mr. and Mrs. Anthony T. Becker, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Cahill Mr. Maurice A. Campbell and Mrs. Janet M. Vasquez-Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Caponiti Mr. and Mrs. Humberto J. Carrasquero Mr. and Mrs. Neil M. Collins Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Considine Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. DeConcini Mr. and Mrs. John L. DeVita Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan J. Doyle Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Driscoll

Mr. and Mrs. William A. Eagan III Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Finnegan, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Francisco Flores Dr. and Mrs. William T. Flynn Mr. and Mrs. David E. Geithner Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Golden, Jr. Ms. Ofelia Gonzalez Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Gonzalez-Molina Ms. Ann Marie Greirson Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Hagan Mr. and Mrs. William Heinzerling, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Henrie Mr. and Mrs. John S. Herman Ms. Desiree P. Johns Ms. Dion Joyles Ms. Stacey Karas Mr. and Mrs. Kieron T. Keating Mr. Barry J. Klarberg and Ms. Sara Herbert-Galloway Ms. Tara P. Kupersmith Mr. and Mrs. John R. Lilly, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Declan A. Maguire Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Miles Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Monahan Mr. Michael J. Morriss, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Nail Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Nocco Ms. Leslie A. Okinaka Mr. C. Jefferson Parker, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William G. Passannante Mr. and Mrs. Charles Paternina Ms. Janet R. Ranzilla

Mr. and Mrs. Jay D. Remsen Mr. and Mrs. William G. Roche Mr. and Mrs. Bernardo Rodriguez Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Ryan Mr. Andrew Sammel and Ms. Mary Danahy Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Schick, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lars Schonander, Jr. Ms. Patricia Siciliano Mr. and Mrs. Howard O. Sio Mr. and Mrs. James G. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Squire Mr. and Mrs. James J. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Halit B. Uygur Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Wilkens

clASS oF 2017 ninTh graDe 89% parTiCipaTion Class Captains: James Farrell Katy McGill-James Kim Massello Rick Yu Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Adison Mr. and Mrs. Ernest R. Albert Ms. Jacqueline Anom Mr. and Mrs. John P. Beshoory Mr. and Mrs. Christiaan Brakman Mr. and Mrs. David M. Butler Mr. and Mrs. John A. Cahill

Dr. Neil J. Capolongo and Dr. Gina Lodolini Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Carroll III Ms. Maryanne Ciminello ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Clark Mr. and Mrs. Brian W. Cleary Mr. and Mrs. Brad D. Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Eric V. Coppola Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Davis, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William L. Davis Ms. Marie D. Domond Mr. Wendell D. Dowrich and Ms. Verna P. Holder Dr. G.N. Dushyanth and Dr. Anu Vatsan Mr. and Mrs. James M. Farrell Mr. Thomas A. Foley and Mrs. Colleen M. Micciulli-Foley Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan J. Fouts Mr. Mark Goldberg and Ms. Karen M. Morstad Mr. Thomas J. Grady Mr. Jeffrey Pipes Guice Mr. Keith H. Hammonds and Ms. Jacqueline M. Dyer Mr. and Mrs. Brian R. Hogan, Jr. (Nancy Tostanoski ’82) Mr. and Mrs. Anthony G. Horn Mr. and Mrs. E. James Hughes, Jr. Ms. Aedhmar Hynes-McGovern Mr. Michael C. James and Mrs. Kathleen M. McGill-James Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Johnson

parenTS By ClaSS

Mr. and Mrs. Scott C. Johnston Mr. Lawrence P. Jordan, Jr. and Mrs. Beth A. Wilson-Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Kris Kablack Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Keeney Mr. and Mrs. Andriy Kharevska Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Kirven III Mr. David J. Kulowiec and Ms. Sarah V. Jorquera ’79 Ms. Tara P. Kupersmith Mr. and Mrs. George P. Lencyk Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan A. Lieberman Mr. Michael J. Lippolis and Ms. Rosa Rita-Lippolis Mr. and Mrs. Terry P. Livingston Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Massello Mr. and Mrs. Blake W. Mather Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. McLane, Sr. (Colleen Mara ’91) Mr. Justin P. Meagher and Mrs. Ellen D. Shea-Meagher Mr. and Mrs. Mark G. Miller Mr. John F. Mortell and Ms. Laura Nowatka Mr. and Mrs. Timothy H. Murphy (Mandy Dawson ’85) Mr. and Mrs. Brian O. Newman Janet and Joe O’Brien Dr. David L. Pogge and Dr. Beth A. Raines Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Pucel Mr. and Mrs. George F. Pyne IV Mr. Alvin A. Rolle

Mr. Andrew Sammel and Ms. Mary Danahy Ms. Dolly Sepulveda Mr. and Mrs. John M. Sheehan Mr. and Mrs. John J. Snopkowski Ms. Carol M. Soltau Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Ventura Mr. and Mrs. Sean J. Whelan Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Yu Mr. and Mrs. Abbas F. Zuaiter

clASS oF 2018 eighTh graDe 81% parTiCipaTion Class Captains: Sandra Caruso Laura Geffs Claire LaBrunerie Deana McGlasson McCabe '89 Michael Monahan Michael O'Brien Anonymous (1) Mr. Miguel A. Barbosa and Ms. Veronica de los Rios Mr. and Mrs. David Barth Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bernal Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Black Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Brusco Mr. and Mrs. Terence J. P. Burd Mr. Edward J. Burke, Jr. and Ms. Katina L. Georgopulo

Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Caruso Mr. Antonio D. Castro and Ms. Rose C. Palermo Mr. and Mrs. Willliam C. Connell, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. James J. Coster Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Dailey Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Davies Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. DeConcini Mr. and Mrs. Brian Doherty Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan J. Doyle Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Dym Mr. and Mrs. Tolman F. Geffs, Jr. Mr. Victor M. Gil and Ms. Carmen Peñaranda Mr. and Mrs. Sidney E. Goodfriend Mr. Michael C. Henry and Ms. Brigid T. Brennan Mr. and Mrs. John D. Hervey Mr. and Mrs. John M. Holl Ms. Alisa J. Holland Dr. Robert B. Jackson and Dr. Lavanya Shah Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Jones Mr. Lawrence P. Jordan, Jr. and Mrs. Beth A. Wilson-Jordan Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Kratzman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Larkin Mr. and Mrs. Gregg R. Lemkau Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence F. Lunt, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. McCabe, Sr. (Deana McGlasson ’89) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McKiver

Mr. Daniel J. McNulty and Ms. Melanie A. Bloom Ms. Maria Merizio Mr. and Mrs. John M. Merrill Dr. and Mrs. Benedict R. Miraglia, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Monahan Mr. Nathan Moore and Ms. Aysha Ramseur Mr. Pasquale Morano and Mrs. Elizabeth A. Morano-Riofrio Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Muccia Mr. and Mrs. Timothy I. Murphy Mrs. Kathleen O’Brien Mr. Michael J. O’Brien Ms. Maria J. Piriz Mr. Richard Piriz Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Poling Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Pope Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Prato Mr. Jeffrey Radtke Mr. and Mrs. Levy Rene Mr. Anthony S. Ruberti and Ms. Mari-Lou Nania Mr. and Mrs. David Russekoff Mr. and Mrs. James J. Shannon, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Sheehan Mr. and Mrs. Huxley J. Somerville Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Squire Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Tranfo Mr. Brian J. Wiele and Ms. Clare M. Conlin Mr. and Mrs. Stephen N. Wolanske

clASS oF 2019 SevenTh graDe 81% parTiCipaTion Class Captains: Rose Rinaldi Heather Wise Kim Wise Dr. and Mrs. Glendon Archer Dr. David Asprinio and Dr. Kimberly Flood Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Batal III Mr. and Mrs. John P. Beshoory Mr. and Mrs. Torrey J. Browder Mr. and Mrs. David M. Butler Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cadman Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Coles Mr. and Mrs. John J. Collins, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Cooney, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Dailey Mr. and Mrs. William F. Dawson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony A. DeMartino Mr. and Mrs. Carlos O. Deschapelles Mr. and Mrs. David F. DeVoe, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Eckerson Mr. and Mrs. William A. Featherston, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Fenniman Mr. Thomas A. Foley and Mrs. Colleen M. Micciulli-Foley Mr. and Mrs. John E. Gerli III Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. John D. Hicks Sacred Heart, Greenwich


Mr. and Mrs. Sunil G. Hirani Mr. and Mrs. John M. Holl Mr. and Mrs. Sean Hoover Mr. Gary E. Jenkins and Ms. Brenda G. Ames Drs. Dimitri and Elizabeth Kassapidis (Elizabeth Tahmincioglu ’81) Ms. Felitia O. Lee Mr. and Mrs. George N. Longworth Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Maher Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Manriquez Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Massello Mr. and Mrs. Andreas Matthiesen Mr. Justin P. Meagher and Mrs. Ellen D. Shea-Meagher Mr. and Mrs. Tido V. Meyerhoff Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Miller III Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Morgner, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Morton Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Muccia Mr. and Mrs. Francis G. O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. James Powell Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Quigley III Mr. and Mrs. Levy Rene Mr. and Mrs. Ellis F. Rinaldi Mr. and Mrs. Julio Salazar Jr. Mr. R. Peter Sanchez Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Sanko Mr. and Mrs. J. Facundo Santucci Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Steinthal (Nicole Russo ’88) Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Talgo



Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Teklits Mr. Gerard Tighe and Ms. Stephanie Rogen Mr. Peter J. Toal Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Turner Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ulmer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Argyris N. Vassiliou Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey T. Veber Mr. and Mrs. John R. Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Ward Mr. and Mrs. Eric Wise Mr. and Mrs. J. Eric Wise, Sr.

clASS oF 2020 SixTh graDe 92% parTiCipaTion Class Captains: Anne Birchenough Karyn Calcano Jackie de Alessandrini Florencia Lorefice Pam Kettles Keller '88 Anonymous (2) Mr. Luis Alfaro and Ms. Maria Heredia Mr. and Mrs. Ian Ali Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Amoruso Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Badagliacca, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Quint Barker Mr. and Mrs. Don A. Birchenough Mr. and Mrs. William Bonner

Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Breheney Dr. Noel C. Brown and Dr. Deborah S. Hunter-Brown Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence V. Calcano Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Caruso Mr. Stan Choy and Ms. Angela Hwang Mr. David Cobb and Ms. Lauri Scoran Mr. and Mrs. Michael Curto Mr. and Mrs. Paolo M. de Alessandrini Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. DeConcini Mr. and Mrs. Julio DiBiase Mr. Wendell D. Dowrich and Ms. Verna P. Holder Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Drago Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Falcon Mr. and Mrs. James M. Farrell Mr. and Mrs. William Georgas Mr. Francisco Grether and Ms. Florencia M. Lorefice Dr. Nancy Grey Mr. and Mrs. Philip Guido Mr. and Mrs. John J. Guza Mr. and Mrs. Fredson W. Hamlet Mr. Steven R. Hash Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hisler, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Iannaccone, Sr. Drs. Dimitri and Elizabeth Kassapidis (Elizabeth Tahmincioglu ’81) Mr. and Mrs. Kieron T. Keating Mr. and Mrs. D. Peter Keller, Jr. (Pamela Kettles ’88)

Mr. and Mrs. Andreas Matthiesen Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Mellert Mr. and Mrs. David A. Nemec Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. O’Meara Mr. and Mrs. James Pardo Mr. and Mrs. John C. Plaster Mr. and Mrs. Bernardo E. Prata Mr. and Mrs. Zachariah C. Pratt Mr. and Mrs. Christopher L. Quinson Mr. Andrew Rosenburgh and Ms. Lorraine Fontanes Mr. and Mrs. Karl Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Schwarz Mr. and Mrs. John M. Sheehan

Ms. Elizabeth B. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Marco A. Soto Dr. Kirk E. Sperber and Dr. Cristina M. Brusco Mr. and Mrs. Craig Stanley Mr. and Mrs. Andre H. Suaid Mr. and Mrs. Joel Tapia Mr. Peter G. Tocco, Jr. and Mrs. Sandra Giorno-Tocco Mr. and Mrs. Rafael Trevino Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ulmer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Halit B. Uygur Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey T. Veber Dr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Wilson

parenTS By ClaSS

clASS oF 2021 FiFTh graDe 84% parTiCipaTion Class Captains: Janine Braun Loretta Dahnke Sean O'Connor Irene Ricci Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Amoruso Mr. Arthur E. Bass and Ms. Jeanne M. Mininall Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Batal III Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan G. Blum Mr. and Mrs. David Braun Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Broll, Jr. Mrs. Debbie-Ann E. Clarke-Johnson Mr. and Mrs. J. Howard Coale Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Dahnke Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Dailey Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Dalton Mr. and Mrs. Vikram Desai Mr. and Mrs. Howard P. Duncan Mr. and Mrs. J. Alastair Duncan Mr. and Mrs. James M. Farrell Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Gilbert Mr. and Mrs. John J. Guza Mr. and Mrs. Gregory B. Hartch Mr. and Mrs. John D. Hervey Mr. Fernando Jara and Ms. Yenny P. Betancur

Mr. and Mrs. Sergey Kalinichenko Mr. and Mrs. Jan Kärst Mr. Damien Marshall and Ms. Irene Ricci Mr. Pasquale Morano and Mrs. Elizabeth A. Morano-Riofrio Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Moulton Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Muccia Mr. and Mrs. Brian O. Newman Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Newton Mr. Todd W. Noonan and Ms. Stacy E. Albanese Mr. and Mrs. Dominic M. Novak, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Finbarr T. O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Sean O’Shea Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Pipher Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Pope Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Prato Mr. and Mrs. H. Walter Pye III Mr. and Mrs. Juan C. Rivera Mr. and Mrs. Ricky Rivera (Jennifer Bentley ’94 ) Mr. and Mrs. Fady A. Rizk Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Santangelo Mr. and Mrs. David Savard Mr. and Mrs. Karl Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. H. Vollmer Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Wilkens Mr. and Mrs. J. Eric Wise, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Yeager

clASS oF 2022 FoUrTh graDe 97% parTiCipaTion Class Captains: Charlie Broll Maria Cunningham Heliane Steden Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Neil A. Augustine Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Bingle Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan G. Blum Mr. and Mrs. David Braun Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Broll, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cadman Mr. and Mrs. Ronan P. Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Devine Mr. and Mrs. Brian Doherty Mr. and Mrs. Chris Drury Mr. and Mrs. John E. Eckerson Mr. and Mrs. William C. Fallon (Elizabeth Burke ’89) Mr. and Mrs. David R. Finn Ms. Kristen Flynn Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Foley Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Greco Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Griffin Mr. and Mrs. Frederick R. Hahn Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hisler, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Iannaccone, Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Erik W. Jansen Mr. and Mrs. Patrick L. Lauria Mr. and Mrs. Gregg R. Lemkau Ms. Narine Malcolm Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Marvin Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Mayer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Pastore Mr. and Mrs. George F. Pyne IV Mr. Jeffrey Radtke Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Sciacca Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Shively Mr. Andrew M. Sieg and Ms. Heliane M. Steden Mr. and Mrs. Adam Stanislavsky Mr. Jonathan Stone and Ms. Karen O’Neil Ms. Allison M. Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Ward

clASS oF 2023 ThirD graDe 92% parTiCipaTion Class Captains: Han Choi Kate Madigan Frank O'Connor Dr. and Mrs. Glendon Archer Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Ball Mr. and Mrs. Matthew V. Besgen (Ashling Ahern ’95) Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Biase

Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Caponiti Dr. and Mrs. Marco Caruso Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Caruso Dr. Han Choi and Ms. Jian Ham Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Connolly Dr. G.N. Dushyanth and Dr. Anu Vatsan Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Foley Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Franco Mr. and Mrs. Leonardo Gazal Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Golden Mr. and Mrs. Qimat Goyal Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Haggenmiller Mr. and Mrs. Timothy T. Hasselbeck Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Kraninger, Jr. Mr. and Ms. Jean-Pierre Latrille Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Madigan Mr. and Mrs. William J. Mangan Mr. and Mrs. Timothy H. Murphy (Mandy Dawson ’85) Mr. and Mrs. Shepherd P. Murray Mr. Todd W. Noonan and Ms. Stacy E. Albanese Mr. and Mrs. Dominic M. Novak, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Finbarr T. O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Francis G. O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. O’Sullivan Mr. Andreas Papadatos and Ms. Brenda Thickett Mr. and Mrs. H. Walter Pye III Mr. and Mrs. Jay D. Remsen Mr. Francis J. Serbaroli and Ms. Bernadette M. Mosellie Sacred Heart, Greenwich


parenTS By ClaSS

Mr. and Mrs. Liam C. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. John L. Wellenius

clASS oF 2024 SeConD graDe 90% parTiCipaTion Class Captains: Martha Ciminello Sandra El-Masry Alice Ruf Anonymous (1) Mr. and Mrs. Hugo B. Alva Mr. and Mrs. Matthew V. Besgen (Ashling Ahern ’95) Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Ciminello Mr. and Mrs. Ryan P. Donovan Dr. and Mrs. Sherif S. El-Masry Mr. and Mrs. John P. Esposito Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan J. Fouts Mr. and Mrs. Alexandre M. Gaudelet Mr. and Mrs. Philip Guido Mr. and Mrs. Gregory B. Hartch Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan C. Keller Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Marvin Mr. Nathan Moore and Ms. Aysha Ramseur Mr. and Mrs. Americo Nardis Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. O’Meara Mr. and Mrs. Juan A. Pujadas (Shannon O’Leary ’87)



Mr. Horacio M. Robredo and Ms. Natalia Garcia Lopez Mr. and Mrs. David A. Ruf Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Sedgwick Mr. and Mrs. Fowad M. Sheikh Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Shively Mr. and Mrs. Glen L. Tobias Mr. and Mrs. Avni Ukperaj Mr. and Mrs. Alex Waddell Mr. and Mrs. Jon Walker Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Wilkens

clASS oF 2025 FirST graDe 88% parTiCipaTion Class Captains: Johna and Tim Clear Camille Mordaunt Anonymous (1) Mr. and Mrs. David W. Abrahams Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Ball Ms. Erika Cabrera Dr. and Mrs. Marco Caruso Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan J. Centurino Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Clear Mr. and Mrs. Eric V. Coppola Ms. Kristen Flynn Dr. Michael T. Gapen Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Girardi

Ms. Amy T. Greer Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Gschwind Mr. and Mrs. John T. Lamendola Mr. and Ms. Jean-Pierre Latrille Mr. and Mrs. Gregg R. Lemkau Mr. Thomas A. McGrath and Mrs. Christine L. Baker Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Mordaunt Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. O’Meara, Jr. Ms. Mayra J. Rivas Mr. Gerver R. Rivera Mr. Horacio M. Robredo and Ms. Natalia Garcia Lopez Mr. Franklin J. Rudd and Ms. Cindy Weirman Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Stanitski Mr. and Mrs. John R. Walsh Mr. and Mrs. J. Eric Wise, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Young

Ms. Keysha N. McGeachey Mr. Andres A. Mezgravis and Mrs. Elizabeth M. Miani Mr. and Mrs. Brian O. Newman Ms. Maria J. Piriz Mr. Richard Piriz Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ruiz Mr. and Mrs. R. Harold Schroeder, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Shively Mr. Joseph J. Bonomo and Ms. Ellyn R. Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Jan F. van Eck Mr. Dave A. Wallace and Mrs. Megan Costa-Wallace ’97 Dr. and Mrs. Christian J. Whitney

clASS oF 2026 KinDergarTen 100% parTiCipaTion

Class Captain: Mairead Finn

Class Captain: Lynne Newman Mr. and Mrs. Martin D. Ayre Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Dean Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Gilligan Mr. and Mrs. Steindor V. Gislason Mr. and Mrs. Sergey Kalinichenko

clASS oF 2027 preKinDergarTen 88% parTiCipaTion

Mr. and Mrs. David R. Finn Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Franco Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Hamilton Ms. Julie Laine Mr. Damien Marshall and Ms. Irene Ricci Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Sedgwick Mr. Kabir Syed and Ms. Clare A. Hart

clASS oF 2028 preSChool 88% parTiCipaTion Class Captains: Holly Centurino Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan J. Centurino Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Clear Mr. and Mrs. Brian S. Kelleher Mr. and Mrs. Craig Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. David J. Olson Mr. David C. Castagna and Ms. Kimbery Raisbeck Castagna Mr. and Mrs. Peter Walmsley

Parents of Alumnae & Past Parents Anonymous (1) Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Abate, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Fris A. Abejero Mr. John K. Adams and Ms. Elizabeth Fernandez Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Ahern Mr. and Mrs. James D. Alban-Davies Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Allman Dr. and Mrs. David M. Alpeter, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Baxter Mr. and Mrs. Kyle F. Bensen Ms. Nerida J. Bogdanovic Ms. Erica S. Bogin Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Burke, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John Joel G. Cameron (Sheila Hickey ’62) Dr. and Mrs. Frank P. Cammisa, Jr. Ms. Valerie Charles Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Claiden (Dreux Dubin ’77) Mrs. Nancy T. Coleman Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Colford Mr. and Mrs. Anthony E. Costa Mrs. Virginia Beach Coudert ’48 Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Curry Mr. and Mrs. Martin F. Davey Ms. Kathleen M. DiGiovanna Mr. and Mrs. James P. Donegan Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Douglas III Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Duffin Mrs. Kathleen Williams Dunn ’73 Mrs. Louise Meiere Dunn ’48

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Egan (Cathleen Joyce ’68) Mr. and Mrs. John J. Faley, Jr. Mrs. Pamela A. Farr Mr. and Mrs. James L. Farrell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Fernandez Dr. and Mrs. Anthony T. Festa (Suzanne Pavese ’80) Mr. Thomas P. Finn Mr. and Mrs. John G. Finnegan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred A. Finnegan III Mr. Charles A. Fishkin and Ms. Suzanne Tinley Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Flannery Mr. Donald E. Foley and Ms. Barbara A. Long Mr. R. Power Fraser, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gildersleeve (Kathleen Kerrigan ’63 ) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Grace (Bonnie Joyce ’63) Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Griffin Mr. and Mrs. John J. Grogan Mr. and Mrs. Madison F. Grose Mr. Joseph P. Hadley and Ms. Anne Marie Reilly Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hannigan Mr. and Mrs. Maurice H. Hartigan II Mr. and Mrs. John P. Heanue Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Hedges Mr. and Mrs. John P. Heffernan (June Dolce ’59)

Sacred Heart, Greenwich


parenTS oF alUmnae & paST parenTS

Mr. Brian J. Hegarty and Ms. Madeleine R. Polemeni Mr. and Mrs. Dale Henry Mr. and Mrs. David B. Henry, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Jay F. Higgins Mrs. Christina Lammers Hirschhorn ’46 Mrs. Kathrene Blish Houlihan ’37 Mr. and Mrs. John N. Irwin III Dr. and Mrs. Yukio Ishizuka Mrs. John C. Johansen Ms. Tania E. Johnson Mr. Christian Jussel Mr. and Mrs. William R. Kager Mr. and Mrs. James M. Kalashian Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Keiter Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Kimball Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Kretschmann Mr. and Mrs. Brian G. Laragh Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Larson Mrs. John R. Lilly, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Mario F. Maffei Mr. and Mrs. Marc Maier Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Malloy (Jeryl Tardio ’79) Mrs. Wellington T. Mara Mr. and Mrs. Donat C. Marchand Mr. Michael J. McCabe Mr. Joseph H. McCann and Ms. Jane L. Olenchuk Mrs. Mary Catherine Joyce McCooey ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. McDevitt



Mr. and Mrs. John R. McDonnell, Sr. (Susan Mara ’73) Mrs. Thomas F. McGarry Mrs. Dolores McGlasson Mr. and Mrs. James M. McGuire Mr. Edwin J. McLaughlin and Dr. Barbara B. McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. John A. Mendelson (Joan Egan ’59) Mr. Michael Misisco and Ms. Kathryn Carey Strom ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Kristian P. Moor Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. John P. Murtha Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Nix (Catherine Finnegan ’71) Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Nobs Mr. and Mrs. Raj K. Nooyi Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Paletta Mr. Michael A. Pavese Mrs. Ann H. Pereira Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Perna Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M. Perry Mr. and Mrs. William J. Phelan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Nick G. Rassias Ms. Dawn M. Recchia Mr. and Mrs. John J. Regan Mr. and Mrs. Philip R. Ruppel Mrs. Ruthanne Ruzika Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Scala, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Shafer

Col. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Sheppard, USMCR, Ret. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Shouvlin Mr. and Mrs. James C. Spring Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Straub Mr. and Mrs. Joel E. Strauch Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin J. Sullivan, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Sweeny Mr. and Mrs. Ronald B. Szczypkowski Mr. and Mrs. Neil Tardio, Sr. Mrs. Millicent Thomas Mrs. Ellen F. Tirelli Ms. Pamela J. Toner Mrs. Marianna Tostanoski + Ms. Alexandra Van Beuren Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Varbaro Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Verrochi (Patricia Davis ’79) Mr. and Mrs. James A. von Klemperer Mr. and Mrs. Sean R. Wallace (Lisa Pollack ’83 ) Mr. and Mrs. John J. Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Walsh III Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey T. Welch Mr. and Mrs. George A. Whipple III Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Merle E. Yoder

+ deceased

Grandparents We are grateful to all the grandparents who so generously supported the Annual Giving campaign. A special thank you to our grandparent chairs, Michael Pavese and Virginia Gilbert, who inspired other grandparents to participate this year. We look forward to the upcoming Grandparents’ Day on Tuesday, November 25. Look for photos from this special day on our website after the event. Anonymous (1) Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Ahern Annabelle Besgen ’23 Madeline Besgen ’24 Ms. Barbara W. Albanese Jennifer Schwabe ’12 Lauren Schwabe ’15 Dr. Gail Alexander Saylor Murray ’23 Mrs. Marie B. Badagliacca Caroline Badagliacca ’20 Ms. Patricia Baker Meghan McGrath ’25 Mr. Jerome Bernard Nephthalie Rene ’18 Ludnie Rene ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Gary E. Blum Brinkley Blum ’21 Mary Kate Blum ’22

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Borrelli Maryn Borrelli ’28 Mr. and Mrs. George W. Braun, Jr. Molly Braun ’21 Mary Braun ’22 Mr. and Mrs. Francis Brennan Madeleine Jenkins ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Broll Isabelle Broll ’21 Sophie Broll ’22 Mrs. Elise Benedict Browne '58 Stephanie Browne ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Burke, Sr. Charlotte Fallon ’22 Mr. and Mrs. William F. Byrne Ella Grace Birchenough ’20

Mrs. Elizabeth G. Calise Emma Veber ’16 Julia Veber ’19 Anna Veber ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Capodici Alana Maguire ’16 Mr. and Mrs. David Carey Megan Maher ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. Clark Charlotte Clark ’17 Mr. and Mrs. Victor J. Colaio Delaney Colaio-Coppola ’17 Piera Coppola ’25 Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Concannon Clare Geithner ’13 Caroline Geithner ’16 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony E. Costa Madison Costa-Wallace ’26 Mrs. Rita B. DeMajistre Madeleine Hay ’13 Francesca Hay ’15 Lily Hay ’21 Mr. and Mrs. William De Mucci Sofia Esposito ’24

Mrs. Marlene M. DeMartino Emma DeMartino ’19

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Gravinese Jillian Larkin ’18

Mr. and Mrs. James R. Dietz Zoe Haggenmiller ’23

Mr. and Mrs. William Griffin Liesl Hennig ’15

Mr. and Mrs. James Doherty Megan Doherty ’18 Ava Doherty ’22

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Hartch Annabelle Hartch ’21 Caroline Hartch ’24

Dr. Richard L. Doyle Elizabeth Yeager ’21

Ms. Taeko Hattori Ava Clear ’25 Angelina Clear ’28

Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Drury Margaret Foley ’22 Lillian Foley ’23 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dushas Emily O’Sullivan ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Esposito, Jr. Sofia Esposito ’24 Mrs. Rosemary E. Gaughan Colleen O’Neill ’14 Claire O’Neill ’15 Mrs. Virginia Gilbert Piper Gilbert ’21 Mr. Henry J. Gioia Georgina Cahill ’16 Fiona Cahill ’17

Mrs. Mary Heafey Eloise Moulton ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hisler, Sr. Elizabeth Hisler ’20 Caroline Hisler ’22 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Stoddard Horn Haley Horn ’17 Mr. and Mrs. Jay Jarrell Sarah McDonald ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Jeffrey Charlotte Jeffrey ’14 Isabelle Jeffrey ’14 Mr. and Mrs. John T. Keller Rory Keller ’24 Sacred Heart, Greenwich



Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Kennedy, Sr. Elizabeth Hesburgh ’04 Claren Hesburgh ’15 Mr. and Mrs. George V. Kirchmann Jacqueline Franco ’23 Olivia Franco ’27

Mr. Brian C. Meagher, Sr. Abigail Shea ’17 Margaret Shea ’19

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Koechlin Caroline Kelly ’19

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Murphy, Jr. Marion Murphy ’17 Robin Jean Murphy ’23

Ms. Geraldine Kunstadter Isabella von Habsburg ’14

Mrs. Rose Nardis Isabella Nardis ’24

Mrs. Carol Laport Gabrielle Giacomo ’15

Mr. and Mrs. John Owens Isabelle Wise ’19 Ursula Wise ’21 Annika Wise ’25

Mr. and Mrs. Brian G. Laragh Elizabeth Denson ’15 Mrs. John R. Lilly, Sr. Marcella Dresdale ’06 Alexandra Lilly ’16 Mrs. Wellington T. Mara Meghan Mara Ryan ’01 Annie Mara Whitman ’02 Cassidy Mara ’08 Mary Catherine McDonnell ’09 Bridget Mara ’11 Kelsey Mara ’11 Madeline McLane ’17


Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McMahon Olivia Teklits ’19


Mr. and Mrs. John G. Pappajohn Alexandra Vassiliou ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey M. Parkinson Kirsten Parkinson ’15 Mrs. Peggie Parrott Christina DeConcini ’18 Lillian DeConcini ’20

Mrs. Margaret Peasback Paige Wilkens ’14 Brooke Wilkens ’16 Morgan Wilkens ’21 Kelsey Wilkens ’24 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Perrotta Jacqueline Beshoory ’17 Stephanie Beshoory ’19 Mrs. Marian Poling Sarah Poling ’16 Amelia Poling ’18 Mrs. Arlene Rapchik Isabella Ruiz ’26 Mrs. Linda Rapchik Isabella Ruiz ’26

Mrs. Helen Schulz Jennifer Davis ’10 Allison Davis ’13 Kristen Davis ’17 Mrs. Patricia Schutter Isabelle Pipher ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Quentin I. Smith, Jr. Kimberly Smith ’15 Mrs. Gloria Sperber Grace Sperber ’20

Mrs. Marianna Tostanoski + Maeve Hogan ’17 Mr. and Mrs. Lee Turner Katherine Turner ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Vassiliou Alexandra Vassiliou ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Walmsley Ryan Walmsley ’28 Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Weirman Bray Rudd ’25

Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Steinthal, Jr. (Jane Gillespie ’55) Daisy Steinthal ’19

Mr. George M. Yeager Elizabeth D. Yeager ’21

Mr. and Mrs. Bradley P. Sweeny Morgan Kärst ’21

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Yu Alexandra Yu ’17

Mr. and Mrs. Felix E. Riofrio Gianna Morano ’18 Giastina Morano ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Carleton F. Rosenburgh Pamela Rosenburgh ’20 Mrs. Frances J. Russo Elizabeth Sabia ’11 Emily Sabia ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Santorelli Lana Breheney ’20 + deceased

Faculty & Staff Our faculty and staff not only give 100% of their time and commitment to the students of Sacred Heart, but they also support the School financially. We salute our faculty and staff for once again attaining 100% participation in Annual Giving. A special thank you to our faculty and staff volunteers who helped inspire all to participate—Robert Allison, Robert Cushman, Suzanne Pavese Festa ’80, Amy Greer, Patricia Harris, Sarah Hill, Michelle Smith, and Michael Stanitski. Ms. Julieta Agrelo Mrs. Victoria Taylor Allen Mr. Robert Allison Mrs. Lindsay Ann Amondi Mrs. Elizabeth A. Angiolillo Dr. Kristina Gremski Ardito Mr. Dana Paul Ashton, Jr. Mr. Michael F. Baber Mr. Vincent J. Badagliacca, Jr. Mrs. Kerry H. Bader Ms. Veronique Baloup-Kovalenko Dr. Cristina J. Baptista Dr. Rosemary Barbato Mr. Lorgio A. Barreto Mrs. Kimberly Becker Mr. Walter J. Bendik Mrs. Jennifer P. Bensen Mrs. Priscilla Bercovici Mrs. Ashling Ahern Besgen ’95 Mrs. Ridgely Biddle Ms. Erica S. Bogin Ms. Karen Boshka Mrs. Rachel N. Boyer Mr. Rocco J. Bria, Jr. Mrs. Kelly M. Bridges

Dr. Jerome F. Brodlie Mrs. Catherine Butler Mr. Israel Caballero Mrs. Janice A. Calcagni Mrs. Marian S. Campana Mrs. Elizabeth M. Carlucci Mrs. Kiki Carozza Mrs. Eva S. Carrasquero Mrs. Gail Casey Mrs. Cheryl Cavalea Sr. Kaye Cherry ’53, RSCJ Mrs. Irene J. Colford Mrs. Jayne A. Collins Mr. Logan Condon Mrs. Kathryn P. Cooley Mr. Anthony E. Costa Mrs. Megan Costa-Wallace ’97 Mrs. Jill C. Costello Mrs. Maureen Crowley Mrs. Catherine M. Cullinane Mr. Robert A. Cushman Mrs. Sandra Dauk Mrs. Kristen D’Alessandro Dee Ms. Nancy A. DePalma Mrs. Courtney C. DePeter Sacred Heart, Greenwich



Mrs. Anne K. De Sutter Mrs. Amy B. Dillane Ms. Deborah August Doornick Mrs. Ellen K. Douglas Mrs. Dianne Doyle Mrs. Kathleen Williams Dunn ’73 Ms. Annette Etheridge Mrs. Kathleen Failla Mr. Dan Favata Ms. Elizabeth Fernandez Mr. Silvio Ferraro Mrs. Suzanne Pavese Festa ’80 Ms. Kev A. Filmore Mrs. Brideen Finegan Ms. Faye Galopin Mrs. Robin L. Gironda Ms. Michaela Gorman ’05 Ms. Amy T. Greer



Mr. Paul Grisanti Ms. Sarah Grogan ’97 Mr. Karl Haeseler Mrs. Kate Hanna Mrs. Elizabeth Hannigan Mrs. Marilyn S. Harbage Mrs. Patricia Harris Mrs. Joanne Havemeyer Mrs. Pamela Juan Hayes ’64 Ms. Brigitte Henry Ms. Sarah A. Hill Ms. Alexandra L. Holowach Mrs. Melanie Howard Mrs. Stephanie Jeffrey Ms. Tania E. Johnson Dr. Marcia W. Josephson Ms. Kelsey Joyce Ms. Hui Tzu Kan

Ms. Aleta Keeler Ms. Laura Kelly Mrs. Pamela E. Kerstein Mrs. Marion Kieltyka Mrs. Margaret Finn King ’93 Ms. Maureen Kitson ’06 Mr. Bryan Knight Mrs. Donna Koval Dr. Victoria K. Landry Ms. Matilde Larson Mrs. Karen Grace Lawrence Mr. Wilson Lopez Ms. Arlisha L. Lyons-Young Ms. Dawn Macri Mr. Lorenzo Macua Mr. Marc Maier Mrs. Linda H. Maldonado Mrs. Souad Malih Ms. Nancy E. Maloy Ms. Cynthia A. Mansfield Dr. Ann Marr Mr. John P. Martone Mrs. Holly Marvin Mrs. Samantha M. McCoy Ms. Marian McLeod Mr. Benje Medley Mrs. Mimi Melkonian-Aibel Mrs. Donna M. Minafra Ms. Jurate I. Mohen Mrs. Elaine Monaco Ms. Megan Monaghan Mrs. Kerri Moore Ms. Vivian Mosellie

Dr. William Mottolese Ms. Patricia Mullins Mrs. Carolyn Vouté Murphy ’84 Mrs. Mary T. Musolino Mrs. Ana Maria Neuman Ms. Maura O’Grady Mr. David J. Olson Mr. Joel Padilla Mrs. Heather Palladino Ms. Karen Panarella Mrs. Randall F. Parker Mrs. Maureen Patrillo Mrs. Geraldine Pelliccio Mrs. Judene B. Pendergast Mr. Daniel Penner Dr. Tracy Pennoyer Mrs. Ann H. Pereira Ms. Jennifer Perlroth Mrs. Madeleine Peron Mr. Charles Petersen Mrs. Phyllis J. Pregiato Mrs. Kimberly Raisbeck Castagna Ms. Erin Ramirez Mrs. Ruth V. Ramirez Mrs. Jennifer Rathkopf Ms. Joyce Reed Ms. Renee Rodriguez Mr. Salvatore J. Rotondo Mrs. Leslie Ruiz Mrs. Meghan Mara Ryan ’01 Mrs. Diane Sanderson Mrs. Breamond Scala Ms. Elyse N. Schultz

Sr. Rosemary Sheehan, RSCJ Ms. Stefania A. Sicilia Ms. Graziella Olga Sidoli Ms. Pamela T. Simpson Mrs. Margaret F. Slattery Mrs. Michelle M. Smith Mr. Michael Carl Stanitski Ms. Sandra M. Stephens Ms. Ellyn R. Stewart Ms. Kelly Stone Mrs. Cassandra W. Sweeney Ms. Lindsay M. Thompson Mrs. Jeannine Tocco Mrs. Anne Uglum Ms. Alexandra Van Beuren Mrs. Linda M. Vasu Mrs. Carol Vergilis Mr. Miguel Villatoro Mrs. Kristen Walmsley Ms. Mary B. Walsh Dr. Shuefung Wang Mrs. Lisa Weinman Ms. Wendy L. Wenz Mrs. Paula A. Westcott Mrs. Lori J. Wilson Mrs. Heather C. Wund-Matos Mr. Moises Zhagui Mr. John R. Zwack

Past Faculty, Past Staff, Past Grandparents & Friends Sr. Jean E. Bautz, RSCJ Ms. Judith S. Becker Dr. Meredith Behr Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brennan (Meghan Mara ’89) Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Brown (Maureen Mara ’82) Mr. and Mrs. James K. Buck Mr. and Mrs. John Joel G. Cameron (Sheila Hickey ’62) Mr. and Mrs. James M. Conway Mr. and Mrs. John de Csepel Sr. Kathleen Dolan ’56, RSCJ Ms. Virginia B. Downer Mrs. Louise Meiere Dunn ’48 Mr. and Mrs. Morton Foelak Ms. Ethel Z. Geisinger Mr. and Mrs. John P. Heffernan (June Dolce ’59)

Mrs. Kathrene Blish Houlihan ’37 Mr. and Mrs. Jason Kollander Ms. Tara P. Kupersmith Mr. and Mrs. Marc R. Lisker Sr. Marie Lufkin, RSCJ Sr. Mary B. Lyman ’57, RSCJ Sr. Joan A. Magnetti, RSCJ Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. McDonald Ms. Vivian Mosellie Mr. Michael A. Pavese Mr. and Mrs. William J. Phelan, Jr. Mr. William Powers Mr. Gerard L. Saraceni Mr. David Scotton Mr. and Mrs. Neil Tardio, Sr. Dr. Colleen Van Hoven Mrs. Andrea G. Whitton

Sacred Heart, Greenwich


Trustee & Past Trustee Donors We thank our generous Trustees and Past Trustees who donate of their time and resources. As leaders, our Trustees guide the School, inspiring us, as they help Sacred Heart build on its outstanding legacy. Thank you to all our Trustees listed here for gifts to Annual Giving, Endowment, and other funds. Mr. James Alban-Davies Mr. Neil A. Augustine Sr. Jean E. Bautz, RSCJ Mrs. Patricia S. Baxter Sr. Angela Bayo ’44, RSCJ Rev. James T. Bretzke, S.J. Mrs. Regina Burke Mr. Richard F. Burke, Sr. Dr. Frank Cammisa, Jr. Mrs. Marion Dawson Carr Mrs. Dreux Dubin Claiden ’77 Mrs. Nancy T. Coleman Mrs. Patreece Williams Creegan ’84 Mrs. Lenore de Csepel Sr. Frances de La Chapelle, RSCJ Sr. Imma De Stefanis, RSCJ Ms. Kathleen M. DiGiovanna Mrs. Beatrice S. Dinger Sr. Kathleen Dolan ’56, RSCJ Mrs. Nora Finnegan Dolce ’70 Mrs. Louise Meiere Dunn ’48 Mrs. Lisa Burke Fallon ’89 Mrs. Pamela A. Farr Mrs. Cyrille Farrell Mrs. Lorena Ferrara Mr. Wilfred A. Finnegan III Mr. Charles A. Fishkin



Mr. Donald E. Foley Mrs. Melissa Dinger Gibbons ’88 Mrs. Eileen Dealy Gillespie ’49 Mr. George J. Gillespie III Ms. Marion Glennon ’54 Mrs. Bonnie Joyce Grace ’63 Ms. Anne Marie Reilly Mr. Maurice H. Hartigan II Mrs. Pamela Juan Hayes ’64 Mrs. Patricia J. Heanue Mr. John P. Heffernan Ms. Karen Hendricks ’72 Mr. Jay Higgins Mr. William D. Hirshorn Mrs. Kristina Sekor Hooper ’88 Mrs. Kathrene Blish Houlihan ’37 Mrs. Kimberly J. Huchro Mrs. Jeanet Irwin Mr. John N. Irwin III Mrs. Jayne Isford Mrs. Mary Raho Julian ’78 Mr. Robert E. Keiter Mr. Paul G. Kimball Mr. Brian G. Laragh Mrs. Janine R. Larkin Mrs. Elizabeth Betts Leckie ’65 Sr. Marie Lufkin, RSCJ

Mr. Lawrence F. Lunt, Jr. Mrs. Helen C. Lynch Sr. Joan Magnetti, RSCJ Mrs. Sheilah Lane Malafronte ’55 Mr. Donat C. Marchand Mr. Joseph H. McCann III Mr. Douglas M. Mellert Mrs. Joan Egan Mendelson ’59 Mr. John A. Mendelson Mrs. Mandy Dawson Murphy ’85 Mr. Thomas F. Murphy Mrs. Indra Nooyi Mr. William J. Phelan, Jr. Mrs. Caryl D. Plunkett Mr. William F. Plunkett, Jr. Mrs. Bernadette M. Prato Mrs. Shannon O’Leary Pujadas ’87 Mrs. Ann B. Quick Sr. Barbara Quinn, RSCJ Mr. John J. Regan Mr. Christopher R. Ryan Mrs. Justine Ryan Mr. Anthony J. Scala, Jr. Mrs. Ellen S. Shafer Mr. Robert L. Shafer Sr. Rosemary Sheehan, RSCJ Dr. Stephen J. Sweeny Mrs. Paula G. Tennyson Mr. Joseph A. Tranfo Mr. Joseph N. Walsh III Mrs. Nina H. Yoder

Alumnae Giving Convent of the Sacred Heart, Greenwich extends deepest thanks to our alumnae who have made gifts to the “Framing Our Future” capital campaign, Annual Giving, Endowment, and other funds in 2013–2014. Like at every school, our dedicated alumnae are an example to our students. We thank you for continuing to inspire them and we appreciate your generosity of spirit, time, talent and treasure.



($25,000+) Lynn Rhatigan Callagy ’57 Nora Finnegan Dolce ’70 Lisa Burke Fallon ’89 Bonnie Joyce Grace ’63 June Dolce Heffernan ’59 Carolina Hernandez ’10 Mary Raho Julian ’78 Lauren Clark Kenny ’82 Colleen Mara McLane ’91 Mandy Dawson Murphy ’85 Shannon O’Leary Pujadas ’87

($5,000–$9,999) Maryanne Ciminello ’88 Mary O’Neal Davidson ’66 Patricia Joyce Figge ’58 Megan Heanue ’97 Hope Houston Hirshorn ’82 Susan Callagy McCloskey ’84

angelS ($15,000–$24,999) Anne Haigney Roome ’62

BeneFaCTorS ($10,000–$14,999) Constance Smiles Birkelund ’53 Dreux Dubin Claiden ’77 Carolyn Dursi Cunniffe ’58 Megan Cassidy Foley ’85 Eileen Dealy Gillespie ’49 Sarah Jorquera ’79 Christine Jorquera Vickery ’75

GReenWich-mAplehURSt AlUmnAe ASSociAtion BoARd 2013–2014 President: Shannon O’Leary Pujadas ’87 Vice President: Susie Callagy McCloskey ’84 Treasurer: Sarah Jorquera ’79 Secretary: Katie Phelan Contino ’95

Board Members: Alyssa Keleshian Bonomo ’86 Dreux Dubin Claiden ’77 Lucy Coudert Conrod ’89 Erinn Laragh Denson ’85 Sarah Grogan ’97 Hope Houston Hirshorn ’82 Rita Houlihan ’66 Kristen Joyce Kevorkian ’97 Magee Finn King ’93 Barbara Linsenmeyer Malone ’85 Colleen Mara McLane ’91 Clare Heffernan Mulcahy ’97

Ondrea Levitt Schiciano ’86 Nicole Seagriff ’03 Sarah Quick Stuebe ’04 Ex Officio Members: Pamela Juan Hayes ’64 Head of School Michael F. Baber Assistant Head of School and Director of Advancement Meghan Mara Ryan ’01 Director of Alumnae Relations , 203.532.3545

FrienDS ($2,500–$4,999) Patricia Ryan Barry ’63 Elise Benedict Browne ’58 Julienne Morriss Callaway ’83 Patreece Williams Creegan ’84 Erinn Laragh Denson ’85 Pamela Juan Hayes ’64 Kathrene Blish Houlihan ’37 Elizabeth Tahmincioglu Kassapidis ’81 Pamela Kettles Keller ’88 Deana McGlasson McCabe ’89 Robin Fallon O’Brien ’84 Kathleen Plunkett O’Connor ’89 Suzanne Marechal Scully ’56

FoUnDerS ($1,848–$2,499) Sarah Quick Stuebe ’04

DUCheSne SoCieTy ($1,000–$1,847) Anonymous (1) Margaret Dealy Ackerman ’55 Amanda Allman ’07 Gabriella Almeida ’07 Christine Bloom ’12 Nicole Bloom ’12 Meghan Mara Brennan ’89 Maureen Mara Brown ’82 Alice Burlinson ’73

Sheila Hickey Cameron ’62 Bianca Chiappelloni ’14 Lucy Coudert Conrod ’89 Kathleen Kayser Dixon ’63 Shannon Fallon Doherty ’02 Anne Kinney Duffy ’59 Donna D’Urso ’80 Lisa D’Urso ’82 Cathleen Joyce Egan ’68 Jane Gerstner ’14 Jacqueline Grose ’13 Denise McCarthy Hattler ’53 Karen Hendricks ’72 Devon Hoffman ’13 Jeryl Tardio Malloy ’79

Sally O’Neal Maloney ’61 Lauren Dinger McCauley ’58 Mary Catherine Joyce McCooey ’60 Leslie Benziger Meledandri ’74 Rosemary Mouakad Moukattaf ’78 Donna Pacicca ’83 Eileen Rooney ’09 Elizabeth Rooney ’11 Carole Antolini Scherer ’58 Suzanne Marechal Scully ’56 Melissa Egbert Sheehan ’93 Kathleen Johansen Stagg ’80 Jaime Straub Steers ’04 Nicole Russo Steinthal ’88 Jacqueline Thomas ’14 Sacred Heart, Greenwich


Elizabeth von Klemperer ’10 Lisa Pollack Wallace ’83 Megan Winkhaus ’14

TrÈS Bien SoCieTy ($500–$999) Lauren Major Baber ’79 Adelaide Shafer Barrett ’91 Janice Major Battle ’75 Ashling Ahern Besgen ’95 Bridget Burns Bucknall ’74 Markey Pullen Burke ’56 Mary McKeon Cosnard des Closets ’56 Kristin Darr ’98 Marina Forstmann Day ’61 Natalia Delgado ’72 Mary Catherine McCooey Dodman ’88 Anne Muccia Droesch ’88 Elizabeth Trumpbour Finnerty ’44 Grace Hedges ’10 Kristina Sekor Hooper ’88 Rita Houlihan ’66 Aubrey Kalashian ’11 Mary Louise Curran Kingsbery ’75 Deborah Sanford Knight ’68 Anne Coleman Laffoon ’66 Katherine Lavin ’98 Barbara Linsenmeyer Malone ’85 Elizabeth McCormack ’40 Susan Mara McDonnell ’73 Mary McGarry ’75 Carin Kemper Moeder ’93 Clare Heffernan Mulcahy ’97



Louise Parent ’68 Katharine Haynes Pepe ’87 Virginia Becker Rhodes ’79 Caitlin Ruzika ’13 Alice Lamm Ryan ’50 Lillian Rodriguez Schneider ’69 Jennifer Schwabe ’12 Suzanne Taylor Seitz ’58 Joan Markey Steele ’45 Kathryn Carey Strom ’71 Jean Tostanoski ’80 Aimee Lynch Tusa ’94 Marirose O’Rourke Ungerman ’82

Congé SoCieTy ($250–$499) Anonymous (1) Kaitlin Abate ’05 Ruth Valdes Adsuar ’63 Dolores Cox Agnew ’59 Deirdre Barry ’84 Mary Beth McAnaney Barth ’55 Elizabeth Bohan Becker ’79 Ursina Beerli ’05 Helen Whamond Boucher ’82 Patrice Marchand Bradbury ’77 Roxana Maffei Burciago ’99 Delia Mannix Burke ’59 Kathrene Houlihan Clark ’64 Catherine Phelan Contino ’95 Cynara Boit Crandall ’50 Angela Durand Dealy ’58 Deborah Deland ’73

Christine Donovan ’62 Mary Ziminsky Dowdle ’77 Jill Hyland Frankenhoff ’50 Malkia Gedeon ’12 Danielle Gennaro ’05 Melissa Dinger Gibbons ’88 Marion Glennon ’54 Hannah Godvin ’13 Patricia Steller Grace ’72 Margaret Diefenbach Gray ’78 Kyla Harrington ’09 Kathleen Heffernan ’99 Elizabeth Guarini Herguth ’69 Nancy Tostanoski Hogan ’82 Martha McQueeny Hosp ’63 Jennifer O’Gorman Kennedy ’82 Margaret Finn King ’93 Elizabeth Betts Leckie ’65 Sheilah Lane Malafronte ’55 Helen Sperry Mannix ’50 Jane Reiss McAniff ’54 Madeleine Sexton McCarthy ’53 Ann Dinger McKenna ’55 Joan Egan Mendelson ’59 Sophia Mitchell ’99 Alexis Maffei Montemaggiore ’96 Elissa Forstmann Moran ’66 Ashley McCourtney Murphy ’87 Kerry Noll Muzyka ’71 Prudence O’Connor Neubert ’61 Erin Plunkett Niehaus ’87 Emilie Murphy Nimocks ’75 Catherine Finnegan Nix ’71

Catherine Nix ’06 Casey Mahoney Parrish ’02 Stephanie Beaudouin Piper ’65 Sandra Steinthal Powell ’62 Judith MacGuire Reinicke ’60 Meghan Mara Ryan ’01 Ondrea Levitt Schiciano ’86 Barbara Banks Schwam ’69 Molly Nix Scioli ’97 Kathleen Sheehan ’66 Margaret O’Neal Shepard ’69 Jane Gillespie Steinthal ’55 Elizabeth Curran Stockton ’87 Margot Dolce Sturz ’99 DeeDee Tostanoski ’71 Dina Cortese Urso ’95 Barbara Carey Vermylen ’79 Cathleen Moran Vermylen ’67 Mary Wallace ’63 Elizabeth Walsh ’09 Joanna Bertsch Yaukey ’58

green yearS ($100–$249) Anonymous (1) Pamela Thomas Alexander ’89 Karen D’Elia Alofs ’62 Ann Ahlgren Babcock ’74 Natalie Hernandez Bell ’01 Dana Bertrand Bennett ’84 Elizabeth Sweeny Block ’97 Amy Tardio Blumberg ’77 Alyssa Keleshian Bonomo ’86

Andrea Tscholl Boren ’85 Jeanne Boutelle ’77 Maria Brusco ’10 Diane Brown Buck ’74 Christen Bucknall ’04 Diane Busby ’77 Katherine Ferguson Bushey ’63 Elise Byrnes ’06 Kathleen Rogers Cain ’91 Kerry Cassidy ’04 Christine Cating ’63 Tamyra Childs ’81 Cathleen Maloney Claflin ’69 Caroline Coleman ’72 Katherine Shafer Coleman ’92 Sheila Flaherty Comerford ’57 Erinmaura Condon ’70 Christine Murtha Coogan ’92 Virginia Beach Coudert ’48 Barbara Barrett Coughlin ’49 Mary Kirchner Crawford ’67 Cynthia Crump Crimmins ’55 Eileen Igoe Day ’83 Michele Jones Delmhorst ’67 Virginia Donahue Donohue ’64 Kirsten Duncan ’94 Kathleen Williams Dunn ’73 Jean Thomas Dwyer, DC ’54 Dale Richardson Egee ’51 Pamela Esposito ’92 Joan McAnaney Fay ’69 Christine Fernandez ’10 Suzanne Pavese Festa ’80

almUnae giving

Laura Fox ’76 Mary Earl Fox ’59 Isabella Gabaldon ’13 Christine Rogers Gefaell ’94 Mary Jane Geffs ’13 Marie Gerli ’69 Noël Ausserlechner Gilbert ’00 Kathleen Kerrigan Gildersleeve ’63 Bonnie Murphy Gilrane ’82 Jane Watson Glassmeyer ’90 Elizabeth Eigo Golden ’58 Rebekah Goodhue ’96 Margaret Brown Gregory ’56 Maura Barry Grinalds ’81 Joanna Groden ’74 Sarah Grogan ’97 Elizabeth MacKinnon Haak ’98 Allison Hagan ’09 Jenna Hascher ’13 Irene Lamm Haskell ’52 Stephanie Sava Hearey ’77 Sharon Heller ’81 Lacey Henry ’11 Shannan Henry ’06 Emily Voge Hester ’04 Jennifer Heid Himel ’87 Jeanne de La Chapelle Howley ’63 Joanne O’Connor Hynek ’55 Barbara Barsa Jamison ’74 Janet Morris Jones ’81 Joanne Kaufmann ’75 Virginia McColough Keeshan ’74 Josephine Solzbacher Kennon ’50

Kristen Joyce Kevorkian ’97 Mary Ann Brennan Keyes ’58 Mary Hawthorn Kmetz ’91 Samantha Knox ’12 Olympia Kyriakides ’06 Kate Kretschmann Lederer ’01 Marny Lundy ’83 Anne Harris Majic ’62 Margaret Malloy ’06 Tara O’Leary Malloy ’91 Elizabeth Power Maloney ’63 Toni Palazzo Maloney ’77 Elisabeth Angelone Masterson ’49 Alexandra McCabe ’10 Christiane McCabe ’12 Cathleen Cloney McGoldrick ’50 Anne Kilcoyne McGrath ’63 Cristin McGuinn ’01 Leslie Hoyt McKellar ’76 Celeste Pinto McLain ’67 Frances McLaughlin ’13 Elizabeth Cowan Moran ’50 Judith Mountain Morton ’58 Morgan Barry Morton ’69 Carolyn Vouté Murphy ’84 Margaret Conway Murphy ’62 Margot Kearney Navins ’02 Jenna Nobs ’11 Nicole Palmer ’98 Janice Paynter ’70 Mary Jane Keck Proctor ’57 Mary Rassias ’10 Pamela Raymond ’61

Mary Jo D’Agostino Razook ’74 Caroline Riley ’73 Rose Rinaldi ’12 Judith Bertsch Ritter ’58 Nicole Rogers ’12 Regina Solzbacher Rouse ’54 Aileen Mannix Schaefer ’52 Dorothy Hochschwender Shannon ’56 Margaret Corroon Sheridan ’70 Marina Dachie Shrady ’73 Madison Sirabella ’14 Dorothy Houlihan Soklaski ’67 Kathleen Spillane ’11 Cathleen Sullivan Stack ’74 Elizabeth Bayliss Stahl ’04 Susan Sheppard Steidl ’91 Charlotte Zelenkov Storti ’63 Jacqueline Strauch ’06 Marguerite Mitchell Sullivan ’91 Anne Bratton Sutherland ’65

Kristin Uhmeyer ’05 Patricia Davis Verrochi ’79 Virginia Condon Viscusi ’59 Elizabeth Waldrup ’77 Alexandra Hines Watters ’04 Katherine Welch ’12 Kelly Whipple ’06 Elizabeth Wieber ’99

SUpporTerS (up to $99) Anonymous (1) Koraima Alzate ’12 Brianna Aoyama ’08 Hilary Steidl Appell ’81 Sarah Aspinwall ’06 Sara Bayer ’99 Angela Bayo, RSCJ ’44 Mary Phelan Beaudry ’94 Alexandria Becker ’14

Victoria Bensen ’10 Allison Bornstein ’14 Nicolette Brusco ’14 Yamilex Bueno ’14 Gillian Burkett ’10 Alice Doclot Burns ’37 Alondra Cabrera ’14 Kendall Calcano ’14 Phoebe Cavise ’14 Monica Dursi Cimina ’71 Frances Sydney Claiden ’13 Maire Brunson Clark ’04 Catherine Colford ’12 Janice Comer ’14 Catherine Considine ’13 Megan Costa-Wallace ’97 Laura Treanor Coury ’90 Amanda Crowell ’14 Catherine Cunningham ’14 Emily Curley ’14 Sacred Heart, Greenwich


almUnae giving

Katherine Daley ’02 Megan Harris Davis ’63 Cynthia Hickey DeCarlo ’64 Joan DeGennaro ’09 Martha Eidenbach Delhagen ’54 Katherine Chaplin Dervin ’51 Catherine DeVoe ’14 Rozanne Herbert Dibble ’51 Heather Parrott Diver ’87 Sarah Assheton Dodd ’59 Cristina Dolan ’79 Kathleen Dolan, RSCJ ’56 Laura Douglas ’07 Caitin Duffin ’11 Grace Duffin ’08 Jean Dunn ’10 Louise Meiere Dunn ’48 Margaret Dunn ’11 Mary Dunn ’14 Jennifer Einersen ’03 Margaret Ellison ’14 Kathleen Feeney ’98 Margaret Feeney ’00 Regina Ferrara ’14 Margaret O’Conor Finucane ’62 D’Nea Galbraith ’14 Johanna Golden ’10 Julie Goodfriend ’13 Michaela Gorman ’05 Millicent Green ’09 Megan Sanford Greenawalt ’81 Lucy Hadley ’12 Paula Halloran ’89



Tara Hammonds ’14 Julen Harris ’04 Lindsey Hascher ’11 Emily Hatton ’11 Mary Anne Leverty Heine ’75 Elizabeth Henry ’08 Karen Crimmins Herrera ’77 Christina Lammers Hirschhorn ’46 Grace Hirshorn ’11 Kathryn Grainger Hobbins ’76 Mirsada Pasalic Hoffmann ’94 Shelby Holland ’14 Martha Murphy Holmes ’67 Katherine Horner ’03 Christina Huchro ’14 Angela Jaramillo ’14 Charlotte Jeffrey ’14 Isabelle Jeffrey ’14 Angela Jorge ’14 Kelsey Joyce ’06 Sarah Julian ’08 Christine Kager ’13 Teresa Donahue Keister ’67 Joan Murphy Kelly ’59 Jacqueline Paterno Kirby ’62 Maureen Kitson ’06 Patricia Lamborn Kolbe ’44 Mary Martin Koleski ’46 Kathryn Kugler ’14 Elizabeth LaBossiere ’10 Amy LaFleur ’14 Charlotte d’Orchimont Lamb ’03 Kaitlin Larkin ’14

Christine van Eyck Lattin ’70 Maureen Leitner ’14 Jill Pellett Levine ’82 Marissa Licursi ’14 Jane Chapman Lodge ’04 Iris Longo ’09 Shannon Longworth ’14 Mary Lyman, RSCJ ’57 Patricia White Maloney ’73 Sheila Mannix ’54 Catherine Pereira Marino ’02 Katie Martinez ’14 Sharice Maxwell ’14 Madeline Mayer ’04 Margot McCloskey ’14 Anne McDevitt ’12 Sarah McDonald ’14 Barbara McKenna ’73 Katherine McPartlan ’14 Stephanie Mellert ’14 Jane Mikus ’14 Krystyna Miles ’12 Christina Monaco ’14 Elizabeth Moran ’14 Erin Morelli ’06 Audrey Moukattaf ’14 Dorothy Murray, RSCJ ’41 Erin Myers ’12 Madeleine Price Naylor ’50 Jessica Newman ’14 Jessica McGurty Nye ’99 Nancy Oakes ’75 Sheila Curry Oakes ’79

Karen O’Brien ’78 Lindsay O’Callaghan ’12 Kathleen O’Hare ’06 Colleen O’Neill ’14 Molly McQueeny O’Neill ’83 Mary Ellen Tirelli Pais ’77 Christina Paolicelli ’14 Brooke Peeler ’14 Nicole Peluso ’86 Charlotte Perry ’07 Jennifer McGurty Perry ’98 Florence Lamborn Peters ’45 Molly Phelan ’14 Jennifer Pittman ’03 Katharine Garrity Potter ’63 Priscilla Campo Press ’70 Teresa Principe ’98 Corrine Race ’14 Sophie Radtke ’14 Julie Randolph ’13 Katherine Randolph ’10 Jennifer Raymond ’02 Kaitlin Rayner ’05 Kathy Keogh Reed ’63 Irma Patricia Reiss, RSCJ ’53 Jane Riley ’83 Jennifer Bentley Rivera ’94 Elizabeth Rosato ’08 Marie Megaw Rubino ’73 Elizabeth Sabia ’11 Emily Sauerhoff ’07 Bridget Scaturro ’14 Catherine Power Schibli ’58

Kelsey Schmidt ’13 Sally Richie Scotton ’51 + Suzanne Scully ’65 Nicole Seagriff ’03 Abigail Smith ’14 Molly Smith ’13 Shannon Snopkowski ’13 Michelle Spera ’11 Lindsay Sprague ’14 Andrea Hawkins Stuart ’75 Samantha Tarde ’12 Mary Ann Bankowski Tock ’72 Allison Toner ’12 Carolyn Toner ’10 Sarah Tranfo ’11 Niame Traore ’14 Stephanie Velasquez ’14 Isabella von Habsburg ’14 Sydney Walker ’14 Sara Wallace ’01 Mary Egan Wey ’58 Alison Whelan ’08 Elizabeth White ’67 Kathleen Molloy Whiteman ’99 Paige Wilkens ’14 Keller Wilson ’08 Patricia Powers Woodlock ’65 Elyse Yoder ’10 Kathryn Henry Zentko ’01 Helen Ziminsky ’14 Edyta Zych ’94 + deceased

Alumnae Giving By Class 1937



100% Participation Alice Doclot Burns Kathrene Blish Houlihan

25% Participation Barbara Barrett Coughlin Eileen Dealy Gillespie Elisabeth Angelone Masterson

24% Participation Constance Smiles Birkelund Denise McCarthy Hattler Madeleine Sexton McCarthy Irma Patricia Reiss, RSCJ

1940 25% Participation Elizabeth McCormack

1941 33% Participation Dorothy Murray, RSCJ

1944 33% Participation Angela Bayo, RSCJ Elizabeth Trumpbour Finnerty Patricia Lamborn Kolbe

1950 67% Participation Cynara Boit Crandall Jill Hyland Frankenhoff Josephine Solzbacher Kennon Helen Sperry Mannix Cathleen Cloney McGoldrick Elizabeth Cowan Moran Madeleine Price Naylor Alice Lamm Ryan



54% Participation Margaret Dealy Ackerman Mary Beth McAnaney Barth Cynthia Crump Crimmins Joanne O’Connor Hynek Sheilah Lane Malafronte Ann Dinger McKenna Jane Gillespie Steinthal

33% Participation Florence Lamborn Peters Joan Markey Steele

29% Participation Katherine Chaplin Dervin Rozanne Herbert Dibble Dale Richardson Egee Sally Richie Scotton +



50% Participation Christina Lammers Hirschhorn Mary Martin Koleski

17% Participation Irene Lamm Haskell Aileen Mannix Schaefer


1948 22% Participation Virginia Beach Coudert Louise Meiere Dunn

43% Participation Martha Eidenbach Delhagen Jean Thomas Dwyer, DC Marion Glennon Sheila Mannix Jane Reiss McAniff Regina Solzbacher Rouse


1956 35% Participation Markey Pullen Burke Mary McKeon Cosnard des Closets Kathleen Dolan, RSCJ Margaret Brown Gregory Suzanne Marechal Scully Dorothy Hochschwender Shannon

+ deceased Sacred Heart, Greenwich


1957 17% Participation Lynn Rhatigan Callagy Sheila Flaherty Comerford Mary Lyman, RSCJ Mary Jane Keck Proctor

1958 54% Participation Anonymous (1) Elise Benedict Browne Carolyn Dursi Cunniffe Angela Durand Dealy Patricia Joyce Figge Elizabeth Eigo Golden Mary Ann Brennan Keyes Lauren Dinger McCauley Judith Mountain Morton Judith Bertsch Ritter Carole Antolini Scherer Catherine Power Schibli Suzanne Taylor Seitz Mary Egan Wey Joanna Bertsch Yaukey

1959 25% Participation Dolores Cox Agnew Delia Mannix Burke Sarah Assheton Dodd Anne Kinney Duffy Mary Earl Fox June Dolce Heffernan



Joan Murphy Kelly Joan Egan Mendelson Virginia Condon Viscusi

1960 10% Participation Mary Catherine Joyce McCooey Judith MacGuire Reinicke

1961 20% Participation Marina Forstmann Day Sally O’Neal Maloney Prudence O’Connor Neubert Pamela Raymond

1962 33% Participation Karen D’Elia Alofs Sheila Hickey Cameron Christine Donovan Margaret O’Conor Finucane Jacqueline Paterno Kirby Anne Harris Majic Margaret Conway Murphy Sandra Steinthal Powell Anne Haigney Roome

1963 53% Participation Ruth Valdes Adsuar Patricia Ryan Barry Katherine Ferguson Bushey

Christine Cating Megan Harris Davis Kathleen Kayser Dixon Kathleen Kerrigan Gildersleeve Bonnie Joyce Grace Martha McQueeny Hosp Jeanne de La Chapelle Howley Elizabeth Power Maloney Anne Kilcoyne McGrath Katharine Garrity Potter Kathy Keogh Reed Charlotte Zelenkov Storti Mary Wallace

1964 21% Participation Kathrene Houlihan Clark Cynthia Hickey DeCarlo Virginia Donahue Donohue Pamela Juan Hayes

1965 25% Participation Elizabeth Betts Leckie Stephanie Beaudouin Piper Suzanne Scully Anne Bratton Sutherland Patricia Powers Woodlock

1966 17% Participation Mary O’Neal Davidson Rita Houlihan

Anne Coleman Laffoon Elissa Forstmann Moran Kathleen Sheehan

1967 31% Participation Anonymous (1) Mary Kirchner Crawford Michele Jones Delmhorst Martha Murphy Holmes Teresa Donahue Keister Celeste Pinto McLain Dorothy Houlihan Soklaski Cathleen Moran Vermylen Elizabeth White

1968 12% Participation Cathleen Joyce Egan Deborah Sanford Knight Louise Parent

1969 28% Participation Cathleen Maloney Claflin Joan McAnaney Fay Marie Gerli Elizabeth Guarini Herguth Morgan Barry Morton Lillian Rodriguez Schneider Barbara Banks Schwam Margaret O’Neal Shepard

1970 23% Participation Erinmaura Condon Nora Finnegan Dolce Christine van Eyck Lattin Janice Paynter Priscilla Campo Press Margaret Corroon Sheridan

1971 17% Participation Monica Dursi Cimina Kerry Noll Muzyka Catherine Finnegan Nix Kathryn Carey Strom DeeDee Tostanoski

1972 20% Participation Caroline Coleman Natalia Delgado Patricia Steller Grace Karen Hendricks Mary Ann Bankowski Tock

1973 26% Participation Alice Burlinson Deborah Deland Kathleen Williams Dunn Patricia White Maloney Susan Mara McDonnell Barbara McKenna

almUnae giving By ClaSS

Caroline Riley Marie Megaw Rubino Marina Dachie Shrady

1974 30% Participation Ann Ahlgren Babcock Diane Brown Buck Bridget Burns Bucknall Joanna Groden Barbara Barsa Jamison Virginia McColough Keeshan Leslie Benziger Meledandri Mary Jo D’Agostino Razook Cathleen Sullivan Stack

1975 17% Participation Janice Major Battle Mary Anne Leverty Heine Joanne Kaufmann Mary Louise Curran Kingsbery Mary McGarry Emilie Murphy Nimocks Nancy Oakes Andrea Hawkins Stuart Christine Jorquera Vickery

1976 12% Participation Laura Fox Kathryn Grainger Hobbins Leslie Hoyt McKellar





27% Participation Amy Tardio Blumberg Jeanne Boutelle Patrice Marchand Bradbury Diane Busby Dreux Dubin Claiden Mary Ziminsky Dowdle Stephanie Sava Hearey Karen Crimmins Herrera Toni Palazzo Maloney Mary Ellen Tirelli Pais Elizabeth Waldrup

11% Participation Donna D’Urso Suzanne Pavese Festa Kathleen Johansen Stagg Jean Tostanoski

19% Participation Julienne Morriss Callaway Eileen Igoe Day Marny Lundy Molly McQueeny O’Neill Donna Pacicca Jane Riley Lisa Pollack Wallace

21% Participation Heather Parrott Diver Jennifer Heid Himel Ashley McCourtney Murphy Erin Plunkett Niehaus Katharine Haynes Pepe Shannon O’Leary Pujadas Elizabeth Curran Stockton



19% Participation Deirdre Barry Dana Bertrand Bennett Patreece Williams Creegan Susan Callagy McCloskey Carolyn Vouté Murphy Robin Fallon O’Brien

19% Participation Maryanne Ciminello Mary Catherine McCooey Dodman Anne Muccia Droesch Melissa Dinger Gibbons Kristina Sekor Hooper Pamela Kettles Keller Nicole Russo Steinthal

1978 16% Participation Margaret Diefenbach Gray Mary Raho Julian Rosemary Mouakad Moukattaf Karen O’Brien

1979 26% Participation Anonymous (1) Lauren Major Baber Elizabeth Bohan Becker Cristina Dolan Sarah Jorquera Jeryl Tardio Malloy Sheila Curry Oakes Virginia Becker Rhodes Barbara Carey Vermylen Patricia Davis Verrochi

1981 20% Participation Hilary Steidl Appell Tamyra Childs Megan Sanford Greenawalt Maura Barry Grinalds Sharon Heller Janet Morris Jones Elizabeth Tahmincioglu Kassapidis

1982 25% Participation Helen Whamond Boucher Maureen Mara Brown Lisa D’Urso Bonnie Murphy Gilrane Hope Houston Hirshorn Nancy Tostanoski Hogan Jennifer O’Gorman Kennedy Lauren Clark Kenny Jill Pellett Levine Marirose O’Rourke Ungerman

1985 19% Participation Andrea Tscholl Boren Erinn Laragh Denson Megan Cassidy Foley Barbara Linsenmeyer Malone Mandy Dawson Murphy

1986 11% Participation Alyssa Keleshian Bonomo Nicole Peluso Ondrea Levitt Schiciano

1989 20% Participation Pamela Thomas Alexander Meghan Mara Brennan Lucy Coudert Conrod Lisa Burke Fallon Paula Halloran Deana McGlasson McCabe Kathleen Plunkett O’Connor

Sacred Heart, Greenwich


1990 9% Participation Laura Treanor Coury Jane Watson Glassmeyer

1991 24% Participation Adelaide Shafer Barrett Kathleen Rogers Cain Mary Hawthorn Kmetz Tara O’Leary Malloy Colleen Mara McLane Susan Sheppard Steidl Marguerite Mitchell Sullivan

1992 10% Participation Katherine Shafer Coleman Christine Murtha Coogan Pamela Esposito

1993 15% Participation Margaret Finn King Carin Kemper Moeder Melissa Egbert Sheehan

1994 41% Participation Mary Phelan Beaudry Kirsten Duncan Christine Rogers Gefaell Mirsada Pasalic Hoffmann



Jennifer Bentley Rivera Aimee Lynch Tusa Edyta Zych

1995 17% Participation Ashling Ahern Besgen Catherine Phelan Contino Dina Cortese Urso

1996 15% Participation Rebekah Goodhue Alexis Maffei Montemaggiore

1997 44% Participation Elizabeth Sweeny Block Megan Costa-Wallace Sarah Grogan Megan Heanue Kristen Joyce Kevorkian Clare Heffernan Mulcahy Molly Nix Scioli

1998 35% Participation Kristin Darr Kathleen Feeney Elizabeth MacKinnon Haak Katherine Lavin Nicole Palmer Jennifer McGurty Perry Teresa Principe




29% Participation Sara Bayer Roxana Maffei Burciago Kathleen Heffernan Sophia Mitchell Jessica McGurty Nye Margot Dolce Sturz Kathleen Molloy Whiteman Elizabeth Wieber

17% Participation Jennifer Einersen Katherine Horner Charlotte d’Orchimont Lamb Jennifer Pittman Nicole Seagriff

28% Participation Sarah Aspinwall Elise Byrnes Shannan Henry Kelsey Joyce Maureen Kitson Olympia Kyriakides Margaret Malloy Erin Morelli Catherine Nix Kathleen O’Hare Jacqueline Strauch Kelly Whipple

2000 7% Participation Margaret Feeney Noël Ausserlechner Gilbert

2001 16% Participation Natalie Hernandez Bell Kate Kretschmann Lederer Cristin McGuinn Hayes Meghan Mara Ryan Sara Wallace Kathryn Henry Zentko

2002 16% Participation Katherine Daley Shannon Fallon Doherty Catherine Pereira Marino Margot Kearney Navins Casey Mahoney Parrish Jennifer Raymond

2004 22% Participation Christen Bucknall Kerry Cassidy Maire Brunson Clark Julen Harris Emily Voge Hester Jane Chapman Lodge Madeline Mayer Elizabeth Bayliss Stahl Jaime Straub Steers Sarah Quick Stuebe Alexandra Hines Watters

2005 15% Participation Anonymous (1) Kaitlin Abate Ursina Beerli Danielle Gennaro Michaela Gorman Kaitlin Rayner Kristin Uhmeyer

2007 9% Participation Amanda Allman Gabriella Almeida Laura Douglas Charlotte Perry Emily Sauerhoff

2008 13% Participation Brianna Aoyama Grace Duffin Elizabeth Henry Sarah Julian Elizabeth Rosato Alison Whelan Keller Wilson

almUnae giving By ClaSS

Congratulations to the Class of 2014 for reaching 100% participation! 2009


11% Participation Joan DeGennaro Millicent Green Allison Hagan Kyla Harrington Iris Longo Eileen Rooney Elizabeth Walsh

17% Participation Caitin Duffin Margaret Dunn Lindsey Hascher Emily Hatton Lacey Henry Grace Hirshorn Aubrey Kalashian Jenna Nobs Elizabeth Rooney Elizabeth Sabia Michelle Spera Kathleen Spillane Sarah Tranfo

2010 22% Participation Victoria Bensen Maria Brusco Gillian Burkett Jean Dunn Christine Fernandez Johanna Golden Grace Hedges Carolina Hernandez Elizabeth LaBossiere Alexandra McCabe Katherine Randolph Mary Rassias Carolyn Toner Elizabeth von Klemperer Elyse Yoder

2012 29% Participation Koraima Alzate Christine Bloom Nicole Bloom Catherine Colford Malkia Gedeon Lucy Hadley Samantha Knox Christiane McCabe Anne McDevitt Krystyna Miles Erin Myers Lindsay O’Callaghan Rose Rinaldi Nicole Rogers Jennifer Schwabe

Samantha Tarde Allison Toner Katherine Welch

2013 20% Participation Frances Sydney Claiden Catherine Considine Isabella Gabaldon Mary Jane Geffs Hannah Godvin Julie Goodfriend Jacqueline Grose Jenna Hascher Devon Hoffman Christine Kager Frances McLaughlin Julie Randolph Caitlin Ruzika Kelsey Schmidt Molly Smith Shannon Snopkowski

2014 100% Participation Alexandria Becker Allison Bornstein Nicolette Brusco Yamilex Bueno Alondra Cabrera Kendall Calcano Phoebe Cavise Bianca Chiappelloni Janice Comer Amanda Crowell Catherine Cunningham Emily Curley Catherine DeVoe Mary Dunn Margaret Ellison Regina Ferrara D’Nea Galbraith Jane Gerstner Tara Hammonds Shelby Holland Christina Huchro Angela Jaramillo Charlotte Jeffrey Isabelle Jeffrey Angela Jorge Kathryn Kugler Amy LaFleur Kaitlin Larkin Maureen Leitner

Marissa Licursi Shannon Longworth Katie Martinez Sharice Maxwell Margot McCloskey Sarah McDonald Katherine McPartlan Stephanie Mellert Jane Mikus Christina Monaco Elizabeth Moran Audrey Moukattaf Jessica Newman Colleen O’Neill Christina Paolicelli Brooke Peeler Molly Phelan Corrine Race Sophie Radtke Bridget Scaturro Madison Sirabella Abigail Smith Lindsay Sprague Jacqueline Thomas Niame Traore Stephanie Velasquez Isabella von Habsburg Sydney Walker Paige Wilkens Megan Winkhaus Helen Ziminsky

Sacred Heart, Greenwich


Associate Alumnae Donors Victoria Taylor Allen ....................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Manhattanville College Cecilia DeVoto Ayre ........................................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Institute of the Sacred Heart, Florence Rachel McNamara Boyer................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Convent of the Sacred Heart, 91st Street Regina Callagy Burke ....................................... . . . . . . . . . Convent of the Sacred Heart, Noroton; Manhattanville College Johna McCoy Clear .......................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Convent of the Sacred Heart, 91st Street Clare Conlin ................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Convent of the Sacred Heart, 91st Street Catherine Machir Cullinane .............................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Woodlands Academy of the Sacred Heart, Lake Forest Lenore Coniglio de Csepel ................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Convent of the Sacred Heart, 91st Street Newton College of the Sacred Heart; Manhattanville College Therese Giacomo ............................................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sacred Heart Schools, Sheridan Road, Chicago Rebecca Halleron ............................................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Villa Duchesne, St. Louis Clare Hart ...................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Convent of the Sacred Heart, 91st Street Taeko Hattori ................................................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Seishin Joshi Gakuin: San Kocho, Tokyo Mary Mahaney Heafey ..................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Schools of the Sacred Heart, San Francisco Gabrielle Kelleher ........................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Convent of the Sacred Heart, 91st Street Patricia Sherwood Kennedy ................................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Duchesne Academy of the Sacred Heart, Houston Marcella Seymour Lilly .................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Academy of the Sacred Heart, Grosse Pointe Helen Lynch .................................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stone Ridge School of the Sacred Heart, Bethesda Katharine Gleason Madigan............................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Schools of the Sacred Heart, San Francisco Joan A. Magnetti, RSCJ ..................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Manhattanville College April Pena Monaco ........................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Convent of the Sacred Heart, 91st Street Margaret Dineen Muccia.................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Newton Country Day School of the Sacred Heart Carmen Peñaranda ........................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sagrado Corazón-Chamartín, Madrid Yvette Gonzalez Quinson.................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart, Miami Mary Lee Rafferty ............................................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Manhattanville College Teruko Sakata ................................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . International School of the Sacred Heart, Tokyo Ellen Schlafly Shafer ........................................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Villa Duchesne, St. Louis; Manhattanville College Rosemary E. Sheehan, RSCJ ............................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Manhattanville College Charlotte Sullivan ............................................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Convent of the Sacred Heart, 91st Street Paula G. Tennyson ........................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Newton College of the Sacred Heart Brenda Thickett ............................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Forest Ridge School of the Sacred Heart, Seattle Suzanne Tinley ............................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Duchesne Academy of the Sacred Heart, Omaha Joan Shlora Whipple ......................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L’école Sacré-Coeur de Montréal



EVENTS Sacred Heart, Greenwich


Parents’ Association Board 2013–2014


Nominating Chair:

Enrichment Chair:

Janine Larkin

Doreen Griffin

Lucia Jansen

Vice President:

Community Building Chair:

Mary Beth Duncan

Kathy Georgas

Lower School Representative: Preschool–1st grade Yolanda Willmore



Special Events Chair:

Virginia Blum

Susan Carroll

Lower School Representative: 2nd–4th grades


Formation to Mission Chair:

Jessica Adams

Melissa Santangelo

Kate Madigan


Middle School Representative: 5th & 6th grades

Upper School Representative: 9th & 10th grades

MaryAnne Farrell

Maureen Considine

Middle School Representative: 7th & 8th grades

Upper School Representative: 11th & 12th grades

Katharine Muccia

Diane Sirabella

parenTS’ aSSoCiaTion

Très Bien to Our Parents’ Association We are very grateful to our Parents’ Association, which presented generous gifts to the School at their annual Très Bien Prayer Service and Breakfast on May 20. Parent volunteers were celebrated and thanked at the prayer service. Head of School Pamela Juan Hayes ’64 reflected on the active participation of parents in living out and modeling for their children the Goals and Criteria of a Sacred Heart education. The outgoing board members were recognized and thanked for their service. They included MaryAnne Farrell, Kate Madigan, Katharine Muccia, Diane Sirabella, and Yolanda Willmore. These contributions will go directly to support Sacred Heart’s professional development for faculty and staff, library-media center and outreach programs providing educational opportunities for underserved children to help them expand their horizons. The Parents' Association presented the following gifts to the School: > Faculty Development Fund—$4,000 from the Spirit Fundraiser > Library-Media Center—$11,000 from the Book Fair > Tuesday and Saturday Outreach—$3,000 from the Spirit Fundraiser > Summer Outreach—$91,000 from the Fathers’ League Golf Outing The Parents’ Association actively contributes to the life of the School throughout the year with such events as the Spirit Fundraiser, Fathers’ League, Parent Cocktail Parties, Father-Daughter Dinner Dances, Fall Festival, Lower School Game Night, Book Fair, Faculty and Staff Appreciation Luncheon and FatherDaughter Games. In December 2013, the Parents’ Association joined with the Board of Trustees and the GreenwichMaplehurst Alumnae Association to sponsor a new event, “Come Home for Christmas,” which raised funds to support our endowment and professional development for faculty and staff. In May 2014, the Fathers’ League hosted a golf outing at Quaker Ridge Golf Club to support Sacred Heart’s Summer Outreach Program, which provides an exciting summer experience for 270 deserving children. In spring 2014, the Parents’ Association board presented a gift of $90,000 to Mrs. Hayes for academic initiatives. The gift supported improvements such as the Backbone Media Table in the Library, an equipment upgrade for Broadcast Journalism, and an opportunity for students to participate in the Cold Spring Harbor DNA Learning Center.

Sacred Heart, Greenwich




parenTS’ aSSoCiaTion

Come Home for Christmas come home FoR chRiStmAS committee Co-Chairs: Pamela Juan Hayes ’64 Head of School Kimberly J. Huchro Paula Tennyson Committee: Sandra Caruso Martha Ciminello Dreux Dubin Claiden ’77 Katie Phelan Contino ’95 Kathy Georgas Lorena Ferrara Julie Keller Teresa Kratzman Janine Larkin Susie Callagy McCloskey ’84 Debra McLaughlin Camille Mordaunt Carolyn Vouté Murphy ’84 Paulette Pipher Bernadette Prato Shannon O’Leary Pujadas ’87 Mary Ellen Vouté Sutherland ’85 Nichelle Waddell Ex Officio: Michael F. Baber Assistant Head of School and Director of Advancement

2013 chRiStmAS donoRS Mr. and Mrs. David W. Abrahams Mr. and Mrs. Martin Alderson-Smith Mr. Luis Alfaro and Ms. Maria Heredia Mrs. Victoria Taylor Allen Mr. and Mrs. Neil A. Augustine Mr. Miguel A. Barbosa and Ms. Veronica de los Rios Mr. and Mrs. Quint Barker Mr. and Mrs. Anthony T. Becker, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Don A. Birchenough Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan G. Blum Mr. and Mrs. Louis Borrelli Mr. and Mrs. Eric W. Bostrup Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Breheney Ms. Mary Bresnan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O. Brusco Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas E. Brusco Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Burke, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Bradford C. Burkett Mrs. Lillian A. Burns Mr. and Mrs. John A. Cahill Mrs. Marian Campana Dr. Neil J. Capolongo and Dr. Gina Lodolini Dr. and Mrs. Marco Caruso Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Caruso Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Casper Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan J. Centurino Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Chiappelloni Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Ciminello Ms. Maryanne Ciminello ’88

Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Ciminello Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Claiden (Dreux Dubin ’77) Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Clark Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Clear Mr. and Mrs. Brian W. Cleary Mr. David Cobb and Ms. Lauri Scoran Mr. and Mrs. John J. Collins, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas F. Conrod (Lucy Coudert ’89) Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Considine Mr. and Mrs. Michael Contino, Sr. (Catherine Phelan ’95) Mr. and Mrs. James J. Coster Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Creegan (Patreece Williams ’84) Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Dailey Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Davies Mr. and Mrs. Paolo M. de Alessandrini Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Dean Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. DeConcini Mr. and Mrs. John M. Denson, Jr. (Erinn Laragh ’85) Mr. and Mrs. Vikram K. Desai Mr. and Mrs. Carlos O. Deschapelles Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan J. Doyle Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Driscoll Mr. and Mrs. J. Alastair Duncan Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Dunn, Jr. Ms. Donna M. D’Urso ’80 Sacred Heart, Greenwich


Mrs. Michelle A. D’Urso Mr. and Mrs. William A. Eagan III Mr. and Mrs. Eric D. Ellison Mr. and Mrs. James M. Esposito Mr. and Mrs. John P. Esposito Mr. and Mrs. David S. Falk Mr. and Mrs. William C. Fallon (Lisa Burke ’89) Mr. and Mrs. James L. Farrell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James M. Farrell Mr. and Mrs. John J. Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Juan F. Ferrara Mr. and Mrs. David R. Finn Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Finnegan, Sr. Mr. Donald E. Foley and Ms. Barbara A. Long Mr. Thomas A. Foley and Mrs. Colleen M. Micciulli-Foley Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan J. Fouts Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Franco Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Gacek Mr. and Mrs. Alexandre M. Gaudelet Mr. and Mrs. William Georgas Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Giacomo Ms. Pamela Gibney Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Gilbert Mr. Mark Goldberg and Ms. Karen M. Morstad Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Golden Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Griffin Mr. and Mrs. John J. Grogan Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Gschwind Mr. and Mrs. Philip Guido



Mr. and Mrs. Glenn D. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Hamilton Mr. Keith H. Hammonds and Ms. Jacqueline M. Dyer Mr. Roger M. Harris and Dr. Claudia S. Harris Mr. and Mrs. Gregory B. Hartch Mr. and Mrs. Glenn H. Hascher Mr. and Mrs. Marshall H. Heaven Mr. and Mrs. William A. Hecht Mr. Brian J. Hegarty and Ms. Madeleine R. Polemeni Ms. Martha G. Hennig Mr. and Mrs. Larry L. Henry Mr. Michael C. Henry and Ms. Brigid T. Brennan Mr. and Mrs. John S. Herman Mr. Rollie Hermoso and Ms. Maria E. Salas Mr. and Mrs. James M. Hesburgh, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Sunil G. Hirani Mr. William D. Hirshorn and Dr. Hope Houston Hirshorn ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hisler, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Brian R. Hogan, Jr. (Nancy Tostanoski ’82) Ms. Alisa J. Holland Ms. Rita L. Houlihan ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Huchro Mr. and Mrs. E. James Hughes, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John N. Irwin III Mr. and Mrs. Philip V. Jackmauh Mr. and Mrs. Erik W. Jansen

Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Kris Kablack Mr. and Mrs. Kieron T. Keating Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Keeney Mr. and Mrs. Brian S. Kelleher Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan C. Keller Mr. and Mrs. D. Peter Keller, Jr. (Pamela Kettles ’88) Ms. Katharine H. Kernan Mr. Barry J. Klarberg and Ms. Sara Herbert-Galloway Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Kraninger, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Kratzman III Mr. David J. Kulowiec and Ms. Sarah V. Jorquera ’79 Ms. Julie Laine Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Lamando, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Larkin Mr. and Mrs. Iain D. Leigh Mr. and Mrs. Gregg R. Lemkau Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Licursi Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Madigan Mr. and Mrs. Declan A. Maguire Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Maher Ms. Kristina Marantz ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Massello Mr. and Mrs. Andreas Matthiesen Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Mayer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. McCabe, Sr. (Deana McGlasson ’89) Mr. Michael J. McCabe Mr. and Mrs. M. Patrick McCloskey (Susan Callagy ’84)

Mr. Thomas A. McGrath and Mrs. Christine L. Baker Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. McKenney, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. McLaughlin Mrs. Kirsten R. Meberg Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Mellert Mr. and Mrs. John Mendenhall Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mikus, Jr. Ms. Olga Milanos Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Miller III Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Monaco Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Moran, Jr. Mr. Pasquale Morano and Mrs. Elizabeth A. Morano-Riofrio Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. Morley Mr. John F. Mortell and Ms. Laura Nowatka Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Morton Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Moulton Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Muccia Mr. and Mrs. Timothy H. Murphy (Mandy Dawson ’85) Mr. and Mrs. Americo Nardis Mr. and Mrs. Brian O. Newman Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Newton Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Nocco Mr. and Mrs. John J. Normile, Sr. Janet and Joe O’Brien Mr. John J. O’Connell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Finbarr T. O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Francis G. O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Sean M. O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. O’Meara

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. O’Meara, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James Pardo Ms. Jane B. Parker Mr. and Mrs. William G. Passannante Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Pastore Mrs. Elizabeth Perry Mr. and Mrs. William J. Phelan, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Pipher Mr. and Mrs. John C. Plaster Mr. and Mrs. Bernardo E. Prata Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Prato Dr. and Mrs. Anibal O. Puente Mr. and Mrs. Juan A. Pujadas (Shannon O’Leary ’87) Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Quigley III Mr. and Mrs. Rich Radonis Drs. Keith and Elsa Raskin Ms. Carolyn A. Reers Ms. Ivelis Reyes Mr. and Mrs. Fady A. Rizk Mr. and Mrs. William G. Roche Mr. Andrew Rosenburgh and Ms. Lorraine Fontanes Mr. Franklin J. Rudd and Ms. Cindy Weirman Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Hiro Sakata Mr. and Mrs. Julio Salazar Jr. Mr. Andrew Sammel and Ms. Mary Danahy Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Santangelo Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Sapio Mr. and Mrs. David Savard

parenTS’ aSSoCiaTion

Mr. and Mrs. Peter K. Scaturro Mr. and Mrs. Jason Schiciano (Ondrea Levitt ’86) Mr. and Mrs. Karl Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. R. Harold Schroeder, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Schwarz Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Sedgwick Ms. Margaret A. Seligman Col. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Sheppard, USMCR, Ret. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Shively Ms. Kelly A. Sigro Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Sirabella Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Q. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey T. Sprague Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Squire Mr. and Mrs. Craig Stanley Mr. Jonathan Stone and Ms. Karen O’Neil Mr. and Mrs. Riley Stuebe (Sarah Quick ’04) Mr. Kabir Syed and Ms. Clare A. Hart Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Tennyson Ms. Megan Tennyson Mr. and Mrs. James J. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Tranfo Mr. and Mrs. Avni Ukperaj Mrs. Patricia Vander Vennet Mr. and Mrs. Jan F. van Eck Mr. and Mrs. Argyris N. Vassiliou Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. H. Vollmer Mr. and Mrs. Alex Waddell Mr. and Mrs. Jon Walker

Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Werdiger, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Sean J. Whelan Dr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Eric Wise Mr. and Mrs. J. Eric Wise, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Victor D. Ziminsky III

Sacred Heart, Greenwich


Fathers’ League Golf Outing 2014 GolF donoRS Anonymous (1) Mr. and Mrs. Edward Arredondo Mr. Miguel A. Barbosa and Ms. Veronica de los Rios Mr. F. Harlan Batrus Mr. and Mrs. Matthew V. Besgen (Ashling Ahern ’95) Rev. James T. Bretzke, S.J. Dr. Neil J. Capolongo and Dr. Gina Lodolini Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Carroll III Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Clear Mr. and Mrs. David Daigle Mr. and Mrs. John M. Denson, Jr. (Erinn Laragh ’85) Mr. and Mrs. J. Alastair Duncan Dr. G.N. Dushyanth and Dr. Anu Vatsan



Mr. John Ferguson Mrs. Elizabeth Trumpbour Finnerty ’44 Mr. Timothy Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Garvey Mr. and Mrs. Alexandre M. Gaudelet Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Gschwind Mr. and Mrs. John J. Halleron III Ms. Taeko Hattori Mr. and Mrs. Larry L. Henry Mr. Andrew Herzig and Ms. Laura Livaccari Mr. and Mrs. John D. Hicks Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hisler, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Huston Invest Hospitality Mr. and Mrs. Philip V. Jackmauh James G. Rogers, Architects Mr. and Mrs. D. Peter Keller, Jr. (Pamela Kettles ’88)

parenTS’ aSSoCiaTion

Mr. Thomas P. Koletas and Ms. Allison L. Bellini Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Larkin Mr. and Mrs. William J. Mangan Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. McCabe, Sr. (Deana McGlasson ’89) Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Mellert Montauk Student Transport, LLC Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Moulton Mr. and Mrs. Carrol A. Muccia, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Muccia Mr. Kevin J. Murray Mr. and Mrs. Shepherd P. Murray Mr. Jean-Marie Painvin Mr. Andreas Papadatos and Ms. Brenda Thickett Park Plus Parking Inc. Mr. Robert B. Perlman

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Poling Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Prato Mr. and Mrs. Rich Radonis Redniss & Mead Ryan Printing Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Schwarz Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sciarretta, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent A. Sciarretta

Mr. and Mrs. James J. Shannon, Sr. Spark Group Mrs. Melissa Ricci Stewart ’67 Vineyard Vines VVA, LLC Werner E. Tietjen P.E. Tranfo Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Yu

FAtheRS’ leAGUe GolF oUtinG committee Chair: Joseph A. Tranfo Parents’ Association President: Janine Larkin Parents’ Association Special Events Chair: Susan Carroll Committee: Neil A. Augustine Neil Capolongo Frank Carroll Charles A. Fishkin William D. Hirshorn Kevin Knight

Tom Koletas Tom Larkin Douglas M. Mellert Tim Muccia Finbarr O’Connor Sean O’Connor Greg Prato Mike Stanitski Rick Yu Joseph N. Walsh III Ex-Officio: Pamela Juan Hayes ’64 Head of School Michael F. Baber Assistant Head of School and Director of Advancement

Sacred Heart, Greenwich


The Endowment Fund for Sacred Heart, Greenwich was valued at $34,413,754 at the end of the 2013-2014 fiscal year, June 30, 2014. Sacred Heart seeks gifts to Endowment to strengthen our academic, athletic, arts, community service and theology programs and to position our School as an outstanding independent, Catholic day school for girls. We are very grateful to our generous donors who support our educational mission. The Sacred Heart Board of Trustees Investment Committee (see page 59) is responsible for oversight of our Endowment. The Endowment is managed with a longterm orientation, consistent with the School’s mission. We are grateful to the committee for its investment expertise and knowledge. Sacred Heart welcomes new funds and gifts to Endowment to support the School. Individuals and families may establish a named Endowment for a specific purpose, such as those listed on the following pages. In addition, donors supplement funds with gifts of any amount. We salute all our donors for their commitment to our School’s success through their gifts to Endowment during fiscal 2013–2014.



We seek to raise Endowment funds for several essential endeavors The Taylor allen enDoWmenT FUnD

The BaraT FoUnDaTion enDoWmenT

The BerTranD/glennon Chapel enDoWmenT FUnD

The ClaSS oF 1958 enDoWmenT For FinanCial aiD

Established in 1999 to support the teaching of English in the Upper School. Established by Victoria Taylor Allen in honor of Eileen O’Gorman, RSCJ, professor emerita, Manhattanville College. The Fund’s fair market value (FMV) as of 6/30/14 was $12,004 vs. $10,839 in 2013.

Established in 2004 to form the studentrun foundation to expand student education on philanthropy, community service and money management. FMV as of 6/30/14: $189,189 vs. $170,419 in 2013.

Established in 2003 to provide funds to support the chapel. Established by the proceeds from the Seventh Trustees’ Dinner honoring eight women from the Bertrand and Glennon families. FMV as of 6/30/14: $360,703 vs. $325,690 in 2013.

Established in memory of Mother Elizabeth McCaffrey, RSCJ to provide tuition assistance to students needing financial aid to begin or continue their Sacred Heart education. FMV as of 6/30/14: $15,583 vs. $14,070 in 2013.

The angeleS T. arreDonDo FoUnDaTion enDoWmenT FUnD For SUmmer oUTreaCh

The hannah anD ryan Barry enDoWmenT For loWer SChool arT

The helen o’malley BroWn FUnD For FinanCial aiD

The ClaSS oF 1959 alUmnae Family SCholarShipS

Established in 2011 to provide funds for Sacred Heart’s Summer Outreach by the Angeles T. Arredondo Foundation, which helped create the program in 1991. FMV as of 6/30/14: $161,437 vs. $145,766 in 2013.

Established in 2007 by Patricia Ryan Barry ’63 and Thomas Barry in memory of their children, Hannah and Ryan. FMV as of 6/30/14: $24,022 vs. $21,690 in 2013.

Established in 2013 by Christine Jorquera Vickery ’75 in memory of her aunt, Helen O’Malley Brown. This fund will provide tuition assistance to future alumnae who otherwise would not be able to attend Sacred Heart. FMV as of 6/30/14: $12,386 vs. $11,184 in 2013.

Established in 2009 to support tuition assistance for relatives of Maplehurst and Convent of the Sacred Heart, Greenwich alumnae who demonstrate financial need. FMV as of 6/30/14: $38,107 vs. $34,408 in 2013.

The BUrKe/Callagy FUnD For FoUr generaTionS

Established in 1995 to support the School’s Community Outreach Program by the proceeds from the Fourth Trustees’ Dinner honoring past chairs of the Board of Trustees, headmistresses of Convent of the Sacred Heart and the School’s 50 years in Greenwich. FMV as of 6/30/14: $122,867 vs. $110,940 in 2013.

The ST. maDeleine Sophie BaraT enDoWmenT FUnD Established in 2000 to provide unrestricted funds in support of the School’s programs. Established by the proceeds of the Fifth Trustees’ Dinner honoring the Dolce, Heffernan, Finnegan and Coakley families. FMV as of 6/30/14: $192,835 vs. $174,117 in 2013.

Ms. Laura C. Douglas ’07

The Sheila Bolger BeCKer enDoWmenT For FaCUlTy DevelopmenT Established in 2001 to endow professional development opportunities for faculty. Established by John T. Becker in memory of his wife. FMV as of 6/30/14: $11,706 vs. $11,706 in 2013.

Established in 1992 to provide tuition assistance to relatives of Sacred Heart alumnae who otherwise would be unable to begin or continue a Sacred Heart education. Established by the proceeds from the Second Trustees’ Dinner honoring Regina and Richard Burke, Mollie and John Callagy, Lynn and Robert Callagy and their families. FMV as of 6/30/14: $174,699 vs. $157,741 in 2013.

The enDoWmenT For CommUniTy oUTreaCh

Sacred Heart, Greenwich


The CommUniTy ServiCe/peaCe anD JUSTiCe enDoWmenT FUnD Established in 1990 to support a variety of community service and outreach programs by past parents Thomas and Norma McGarry. As a member of the faculty of Convent of the Sacred Heart, Norma directed the community service program for 20 years. FMV as of 6/30/14: $40,781 vs. $36,822 in 2013.

The marCia T. Dealy ’48 enDoWmenT For BooKS, SCienCe anD TeChnology Established in 1994 by Mr. and Mrs. George J. Gillespie, III (Eileen Dealy ’49) in memory of Eileen’s sister, Marcia. Subsequent proceeds from the Sixth Trustees’ Dinner honoring Mr. and Mrs. Gillespie are included. FMV as of 6/30/14: $614,562 vs. $554,906 in 2013.

The mary CaTherine o’malley De JorqUera FUnD For FaCUlTy proFeSSional groWTh anD DevelopmenT anD BroaDCaST JoUrnaliSm Established in 2014 to endow funds for faculty professional growth and development and broadcast journalism. Established by her daughter, Christine Jorquera Vickery ’75, in her loving memory. FMV as of 6/30/14: $10,317. Mr. and Mrs. Alan B. Vickery (Christine Jorquera ’75)

The elena De laSa, rSCJ enDoWmenT For FinanCial aiD Established in 2006 by Elena Delgado ’73 in memory of her aunt, Elena de Lasa, RSCJ. FMV as of 6/30/14: $55,911 vs. $50,484 in 2013.

The ComTeSSe naThalie D’eSTerno enDoWmenT For exCellenCe in FrenCh Established in 2003 with a gift in her memory for the La Comtesse Nathalie d’Esterno Prix d’Excellence, presented annually to a senior who demonstrates high proficiency in French, and gives evidence of a love of the French language and culture beyond the classroom. FMV as of 6/30/14: $37,958 vs. $34,273 in 2013.



The Kara Digiovanna SCholarShip FUnD Established in 1983 to support a scholarship awarded each year to a Middle School student who displays a gift for creative writing, along with an ability to reach out to others, and who demonstrates financial need. Established by Kathleen DiGiovanna and Charles DiGiovanna in memory of their daughter, Kara, who was a Sacred Heart student. FMV as of 6/30/14: $367,062 vs. $330,500 in 2013.

The eDWarD e. ForD FUnD For gloBal eDUCaTion anD inTerFaiTh DialogUe Established in 2007 with funds raised by double matching the foundation’s challenge grant of $50,000. The endowment supports global education opportunities and interfaith learning activities. FMV as of 6/30/14: $106,246 vs. $95,933 in 2013.

The eDWarD e. ForD TeChnology enDoWmenT FUnD

The nora FalK enDoWmenT

Established in 1999 to support the use of technology to enhance the curriculum in all grades. FMV as of 6/30/14: $241,695 vs. $218,234 in 2013.

Established in 2007 in memory of Nora Falk, who was a Sacred Heart Middle School student. FMV as of 6/30/14: $40,874 vs. $35,151 in 2013.

The hUChro Family enDoWmenT FUnD For FinanCial aiD

Dr. and Mrs. Victor J. W. Lawrence Mrs. Ann H. Pereira Pfizer

Established in 2011 to provide tuition assistance and to support the Class of 2011 Senior Class Gift. FMV as of 6/30/14: $57,793 vs. $52,183 in 2013.

The eDWarD e. ForD FUnD For FaCUlTy DevelopmenT

The irWin Family SCholarShip FUnD

Established in 1983 to endow professional development activities for faculty. Established by a matching grant from The Edward E. Ford Foundation and a subsequent matching grant in 1993. FMV as of 6/30/14: $326,337 vs. $294,660 in 2013.

Established in 2005 to provide scholarship funds. FMV as of 6/30/14: $1,508,615 vs. $1,359,642 in 2013.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. DiGiovanna

Mr. and Mrs. John N. Irwin III


A strong Endowment enables us to continue to retain our outstanding faculty and attract experienced new faculty The John n. irWin iii enDoWmenT FUnD For mUSiC anD The viSUal arTS Established in 2006 honoring John Irwin’s service as chair of the Board of Trustees (2000–2006). FMV as of 6/30/14: $17,182 vs. $15,514 in 2013.

The CaTherine JoyCe enDoWmenT Established to support the ongoing education of Sacred Heart faculty, alumnae and students in the spirituality and educational philosophy of St. Madeleine Sophie Barat. FMV as of 6/30/14: $100,566 vs. $90,803 in 2013.

The Diane elizaBeTh hall JUan ’72 enDoWmenT FUnD Established in 2000 to provide scholarship funds for a Lower School student by the friends and family of Diane Elizabeth Hall Juan ’72 in her memory. FMV as of 6/30/14: $182,228 vs. $161,395 in 2013. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Ball Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Benjamin Mr. and Mrs. Anton J. Bestebreurtje Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Burke Ms. Caroline Coleman Mrs. Marion Donahue Ms. Virginia B. Downer Mr. and Mrs. Scott Gelbard Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hall III

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon B. Hall, Jr. Ms. Kathleen A. Hall Mrs. Pamela Juan Hayes ’64 Mrs. Kerry Hall Jacobs Mrs. Joan Markey Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. McGee Mr. and Mrs. Brian V. S. McKenna Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mendez Mr. and Mrs. Toby S. Myerson Network of Sacred Heart Schools Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Shafer Mr. Michael Misisco and Ms. Kathryn Carey Strom ’71 Mrs. Sarah Vorder Bruegge

oUr laDy’S enDoWmenT FUnD

The evelyn Kane, rSCJ enDoWeD Chair in SCienCe

The heaDmiSTreSS Joan magneTTi, rSCJ FinanCial aiD enDoWmenT FUnD

Established in 1992 to support the science program throughout the School. Established by Dr. Jasper Kane in honor of his sister, Evelyn Kane, RSCJ, on the 50th anniversary of her entrance into the Society of the Sacred Heart. FMV as of 6/30/14: $1,105,736 vs. $998,216 in 2013. General Electric Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Stagg (Kathleen Johansen ’80)

Established in 2013 by the estate of Marguerite Pasley and executor Hugh A. Markey in support of charitable purposes and the student pilgrimage to Lourdes, France. FMV as of 6/30/14: $465,583 vs. $420,389 in 2013.

The anDreW p. anD elizaBeTh h. laWrenCe enDoWmenT FUnD Established in 2007 to assist qualified students with financial needs and an inability to pay tuition in attending the School. FMV as of 6/30/14: $144,281 vs. $130,276 in 2013.

Established in 2005 in honor of Sr. Magnetti’s 15 years of service as headmistress of Convent of the Sacred Heart. FMV as of 6/30/14: $725,733 vs. $655,193 in 2013.

The reverenD DonalD magneTTi enDoWmenT For FinanCial aiD Established in 2008 in memory of The Reverend Donald Magnetti to support financial aid. FMV as of 6/30/14: $20,291 vs. $18,326 in 2013.

The mahoney Family SCholarShip FUnD Established in 2010 for scholarship and support of students demonstrating financial need and excellence in both academic and extracurricular activities. FMV as of 6/30/14: $115,588 vs. $104,368 in 2013.

The mara Family enDoWmenT For Women’S aThleTiCS Established in 1991 to benefit the School’s athletic activities. Established by the proceeds from the First Trustees’ Dinner honoring Ann and Wellington T. Mara and their family. FMV as of 6/30/14: $257,984 vs. $232,942 in 2013.

Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Duffin

The margareT maher magneTTi memorial enDoWmenT Established in 2003 in memory of Margaret Maher Magnetti to support the happiness of the children. FMV as of 6/30/14: $24,854 vs. $22,432 in 2013. Mrs. Ann H. Pereira Sacred Heart, Greenwich



The Cora e. mClaUghlin ’29, rSCJ Chapel enDoWmenT FUnD

The nooyi Family enDoWmenT FUnD

The mary anD Jim o’neal SCholarShip FUnD

The vivian pomex SaBBaTiCal enDoWmenT FUnD

Established in 2001 in honor of Sr. McLaughlin’s 35 years of dedicated service to Convent of the Sacred Heart. FMV as of 6/30/14: $20,496 vs. $18,320 in 2013.

Established in 2011 to provide tuition assistance to one or two deserving Middle School student(s) to begin or continue her/ their Sacred Heart education. FMV as of 6/30/14: $215,249 vs. $194,355 in 2013.

Established in 2010 by Mary O’Neal Davidson ’66, the Marvin H. Davidson Foundation, and many loved ones to support community service at Convent of the Sacred Heart. FMV as of 6/30/14: $37,200 vs. $30,282 in 2013.

Established in 1997 to support sabbatical leave for senior faculty. Established in memory of Vivian Pomex, an art teacher for 30 years at Convent of the Sacred Heart. FMV as of 6/30/14: $3,888 vs. $3,501 in 2013.

General Electric Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Stagg (Kathleen Johansen ’80)

The mUCCia Family FUnD For religion Established in 1990 to support the teaching of religion (for example, through student retreats, speakers and workshops). Established by Margo and Carrol Muccia, Jr. FMV as of 6/30/14: $109,727 vs. $84,613 in 2013. Mr. and Mrs. Carrol A. Muccia, Jr.

Established in 2003 to provide unrestricted funds in support of the School’s programs. Established by Russ O’Haver in honor of his mother, Mary O’Haver, in recognition of her many years of unselfish work and devotion to the school and church of St. Columbia parish in Oxon Hill, Maryland, and her love for her granddaughters, Kirsten and Briana. FMV as of 6/30/14: $11,305 vs. $10,208 in 2013.

The John C. neWTon enDoWmenT FUnD For mUSiC

The mary CaTherine olenChUK enDoWmenT FUnD

Established in 2010 by Robert and Lisa Miller in memory of Lisa’s grandfather, John F. Newton, to support the music program at Convent of the Sacred Heart. FMV as of 6/30/14: $37,198 vs. $33,438 in 2013.

Established in 1996 to provide tuition assistance for Sacred Heart students who face unexpected financial hardship. Established by the Olenchuk family in memory of Mary Catherine Olenchuk. FMV as of 6/30/14: $149,531 vs. $135,016 in 2013.

Mr. and Mrs. Enzo Viscusi (Virginia Condon ’59)


The mary o’haver enDoWmenT FUnD


Mrs. Ann H. Pereira Mr. and Mrs. Marvin H. Davidson (Mary O’Neal ’66) Mr. and Mrs. Scott E. Davidson Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Maloney, Jr. Ms. Laura T. Scobee

The plUnKeTT Family enDoWmenT For aCaDemiC exCellenCe Established in 1993 to support academic programs. Established by the proceeds from the Third Trustees’ Dinner honoring Caryl and William Plunkett, Jr. and their family. FMV as of 6/30/14: : $144,460 vs. $130,205 in 2013. Mr. and Mrs. William F. Plunkett, Jr.

The rUziKa Family enDoWmenT FUnD Established in 2010 to provide tuition assistance to deserving students needing financial aid to begin or continue their Sacred Heart education. FMV as of 6/30/14: $216,779 vs. $195,736 in 2013.

The SaDlier-Dinger enDoWmenT FUnD Established in 2007 to benefit religious education at Convent of the Sacred Heart. Established by the proceeds from the Ninth Trustees’ Dinner honoring the SadlierDinger family. FMV as of 6/30/14: $170,061 vs. $148,732 in 2013. Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Dinger, Jr.


The nanCy SaliSBUry, rSCJ enDoWmenT FUnD For FinanCial aiD

The roSemary Sheehan, rSCJ enDoWmenT For SUmmer oUTreaCh

Established in 2004 in memory of former Sacred Heart Headmistress Nancy Salisbury, RSCJ. FMV as of 6/30/14: $12,568 vs. $11,348 in 2013.

Established in 2006, the endowment honors Sr. Sheehan’s 50 years of dedicated service to Convent of the Sacred Heart. FMV as of 6/30/14: $154,117 vs. $139,157 in 2013.

The anneTTe SaraCeni langUage arTS enDoWmenT

The BarBara BoggS SigmUnD enDoWmenT For FinanCial aiD

Established in 2007 to support the language arts program. Established by family and friends in memory of Annette Saraceni, a faculty member for 25 years at Convent of the Sacred Heart. FMV as of 6/30/14: $17,105 vs. $14,390 in 2013.

Established in 2005 to provide tuition assistance to minority students in need of financial aid. Established by the proceeds from the Eighth Trustees’ Dinner, which honored Cokie Roberts, sister of Mrs. Sigmund. FMV as of 6/30/14: $203,674 vs. $183,903 in 2013.

Mr. Daniel Burciago and Dr. Roxana Maffei Burciago ’99 Mrs. Ann H. Pereira Ms. Janice Stanton

The Senior ClaSS parenTS’ giFT To enDoWmenT Established in 1998 to strengthen the School’s unrestricted endowment by the parents of the Class of 1998 and continued by parents in subsequent classes. The 2014 Senior Class Gift to Endowment totaled $120,900.

The elizaBeTh r. TrUmpBoUr SCholarShip enDoWmenT FUnD Established in 2001 to provide tuition assistance for students needing financial aid to begin or continue their Sacred Heart education. Established by Elizabeth Trumpbour Finnerty ’44 in memory of her mother. FMV as of 6/30/14: $128,395 vs. $115,932 in 2013.

2014–2015 BoARd oF tRUSteeS inveStment committee Chair: Neil A. Augustine Executive Vice Chairman, Rothschild Inc. Vice Chair: Joseph N. Walsh III President, Amherst Securities Group LP

William J. Mangan Managing Director, Citigroup Helen Yeager Managing Director, E-Commerce Sales, GFI Group

Committee Members: John E. Eckerson Partner, Claren Road Asset Management

Abbas F. (“Eddy”) Zuaiter Managing Member, Zuaiter Capital Holdings, LLC

Charles A. Fishkin Adjunct Professor, Bernard M. Baruch College of The City University of New York

Ex-Officio: Pamela Juan Hayes ’64 Head of School

Kate Lavin ’98 Principal, Hall Capital Partners LLC

Paula Tennyson Chair of the Board of Trustees

Sacred Heart, Greenwich


Outreach Gifts SUmmeR oUtReAch pRoGRAm Anonymous (1) Mr. Miguel A. Barbosa and Ms. Veronica de los Rios Mr. and Mrs. Matthew V. Besgen (Ashling Ahern ’95) Mr. and Mrs. George S. Bucknall (Bridget Burns ’74) Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Carroll III Mr. and Mrs. John M. Denson, Jr. (Erinn Laragh ’85) Ms. Virginia B. Downer Mr. John Ferguson Mr. Donald E. Foley and Ms. Barbara A. Long Mr. Timothy Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Garvey Mr. and Mrs. Alexandre M. Gaudelet Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Girardi Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Griffin Ms. Sarah Grogan ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Gschwind Mr. and Mrs. John J. Halleron III Ms. Taeko Hattori Mr. and Mrs. Larry L. Henry Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hester (Emily Voge ’04) Mr. and Mrs. John D. Hicks Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hisler, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Julian (Mary Raho ’78) Mr. and Mrs. D. Peter Keller, Jr. (Pamela Kettles ’88)



Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Larkin Ms. Iris Longo ’09 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Mangan Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Mellert Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Monahan Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm C. Moran (Elissa Forstmann ’66) Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. Morley Mr. Kevin J. Murray Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Newton Mr. Robert B. Perlman Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Prato Mr. and Mrs. Rich Radonis Nicholas and Christina Raho Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Schwarz Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sciarretta, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent A. Sciarretta Mr. and Mrs. James J. Shannon, Sr. Ms. Margaret A. Seligman Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Tranfo

tUeSdAy heAd StARt pRoGRAm Parents’ Association

SAtURdAyS At SAcRed heARt Parents’ Association

oUtReAch—UGAndA Dr. Nancy Grey Pfizer

Special Gifts deSiGnAted GiFtS Anonymous (1) Mr. and Mrs. Richard Barth (Mary Beth McAnaney ’55) Billy Rose Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Connolly Ms. Danielle Gennaro ’05 Dr. Nancy Grey The Huisking Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Huchro Mr. and Mrs. Gregg R. Lemkau Mr. and Mrs. Blake W. Mather Ms. Sophia Mitchell ’99 New York Life Insurance Company Pfizer Mrs. Anne Haigney Roome ’62 Mr. Francis J. Serbaroli and Ms. Bernadette M. Mosellie

GiFtS in Kind Mr. and Mrs. John J. Flynn, Jr. Dr. Nancy Grey

tRiBUteS In Memory of Evelyn Adams Mr. and Mrs. James M. Conway In Memory of Lloyd C. Ahlgren Mr. and Mrs. John G. Babcock (Ann Ahlgren ’74) David Bloom Memorial Fund Miss Ava Bloom ’18 Ms. Christine Bloom ’12

Ms. Melanie A. Bloom Ms. Nicole Bloom ’12 Mrs. Ann H. Pereira In Memory of Nancy T. Cassidy Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Claiden (Dreux Dubin ’77) Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Defino Mr. and Mrs. James A. Dormer Mr. and Mrs. Christopher H. Heyn Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. John W. Ryan Mr. Robert Santangelo Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Shannon Mr. Thomas Welling Westchester County Solid Waste Commission In Memory of Mary Catherine O’Malley de Jorquera Mr. and Mrs. Alan B. Vickery (Christine Jorquera ’75) In Honor of Natalia Delgado ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Morton Foelak In Memory of Kara DiGiovanna Ms. Kathleen M. DiGiovanna In Memory of Mary Virginia Seitz Gallagher ’52 Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Seitz (Suzanne Taylor ’58)

Katie Cassidy Higgins ’96 Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Baber (Lauren Major ’79) Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brennan, Sr. (Meghan Mara ’89) Ms. Kerry E. Cassidy ’04 Mrs. Catherine Castelli Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Claiden (Dreux Dubin ’77) Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Clark Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. DeConcini Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Defino Ms. Deborah August Doornick Mr. and Mrs. James A. Dormer Ms. Kathleen Feeney ’98 Mrs. Kathleen C. Feeney Ms. Margaret Feeney ’00 Mrs. Abbey Flink Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Foley (Megan Cassidy ’85) Mr. Anthony G. George Mrs. Pamela Juan Hayes ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher H. Heyn Mrs. Carolee C. Jones Ms. Laura Kelly Mrs. Molly Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Stephen V. Mara, Sr. Mr. Ed McGuinn Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Messer Mr. Bill Mulhall Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Mullen, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. O’Callaghan, Jr.

Pinkberry Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher C. Quick Mr. and Mrs. John W. Ryan Mr. Robert Santangelo Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Shannon Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Tennyson Mr. Thomas Welling Westchester County Solid Waste Commission In Memory of Peter D. Juan Mr. and Mrs. John S. Ball Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Burke Ms. Caroline Coleman ’72 Mrs. Marion Donahue Ms. Virginia B. Downer Mr. and Mrs. Scott Gelbard Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hall III

Mrs. Joan Markey Mr. and Mrs. Brian V. S. McKenna Network of Sacred Heart Schools Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Shafer Mrs. Sarah Vorder Bruegge In Memory of Mary and Jim O’Neal Mr. and Mrs. Marvin H. Davidson (Mary O’Neal ’66) Ms. Laura T. Scobee In Memory of Nancy Salisbury, RSCJ Ms. Deborah C. Deland ’73 In Honor of the Tranfo Family Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. Morley

Sacred Heart, Greenwich


The Aloysia Hardey, RSCJ Society This bequest Society is named for Mother Aloysia Hardey, RSCJ, foundress of Convent of the Sacred Heart, Greenwich. The Society honors the generous members of our Sacred Heart community who have made deferred or planned gifts, such as a bequest. We invite you to find out more about how you can build on your legacy of giving and invest in a Sacred Heart education. Please contact Michael Baber, assistant head of school and director of advancement, at 203.532.3155 or Anonymous (13) Mrs. Victoria Taylor Allen Ms. Judith S. Becker Mr. and Mrs. John B. Burke (Delia Mannix ’59) Mr. and Mrs. John Joel G. Cameron (Sheila Hickey ’62) Mr. John Casaly and Ms. Louise Parent ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Conrad Mrs. Virginia Beach Coudert ’48 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Creegan (Patreece Williams ’84) Ms. Judith de Brazay Mr. and Mrs. John de Csepel Mr. and Mrs. Edwin T. Dibble (Rozanne Herbert ’51) Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. DiGiovanna Mr. and Mrs. John P. Duffy (Anne Kinney ’59) Sr. Jean Thomas Dwyer, DC ’54 Mr. Joseph A. Fanone and Ms. Joyce J. Gorman Mrs. Michele Rees Finn ’65 Ms. Mary Sue Flanagan ’57



Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Guennewig (Victoria Brosokas ’68) Dr. Charlotte Hagan Mr. and Mrs. John P. Heffernan (June Dolce ’59) Mr. and Mrs. Christopher C. Hooper (Kristina Sekor ’88) Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Keiter Mr. and Mrs. Murray S. Kessler Mrs. Patricia C. Kolbe Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Koleski (Mary Martin ’46) Mr. and Mrs. Timothy H. Murphy (Mandy Dawson ’85) Mr. Kelsey I. Nix and Ms. Claire LaBrunerie Mr. John J. O’Connell, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Steinthal (Nicole Russo ’88) Mr. and Mrs. William E. Welsh (Madeleine Morgan ’48) Ms. Elizabeth White ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Williams Mrs. Thomas A. Wise

Corporations & Foundations Abbott Fund Aetna Foundation, Inc. AllianceBernstein American Express Foundation Bank of America Corporation Bank of New York Company Mellon Corporation Barclays Capital, Inc. Benjamin Moore & Company Billy Rose Foundation, Inc. Brookfield Properties Corporation CB Richard Ellis Group, Inc. Citizens Financial Group, Inc. CME Group Community Conatus Capital Management LP Deutsche Bank Americas Ecolab, Inc. Gabelli Foundation Inc. General Electric Foundation General Reinsurance Corporation Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. Hilda & Preston Davis Foundation The Huisking Foundation IBM Corporation Matching Grants Program ING Invest Hospitality The Investment Fund for Foundations Ironshore Management Inc. James G. Rogers, Architects Jewish Communal Fund JJJ Foundation MBIA, Inc. McGraw-Hill, Education LLC

Menasha Corporation Foundation Montauk Student Transport, LLC New York Life Insurance Company Nicholas and Christina Raho Foundation Oak Foundation Park Plus Parking Inc. PepsiCo, Inc. Pfizer PIMCO Foundation Pinkberry Inc. Prudential Foundation Random House Raytheon Company Redniss & Mead Richard Davoud Donchian Foundation Ryan Printing Inc. Soros Fund Management LLC Spark Group ThinkLogical, LLC Thomson Reuters UBS Investment Bank Van Eck Associates Corporation Verizon Communications, Inc. Vineyard Vines VVA, LLC Wells Fargo & Company Werner E. Tietjen P.E. Westchester County Solid Waste Commission

Sacred Heart, Greenwich


Discover the Benefits of Giving Wisely did yoU KnoW… > That giving appreciated securities delivers more tax benefits to you than giving cash? > That you can donate your house to Sacred Heart, take a deduction and still live there the rest of your life? > That you can turn surplus life insurance coverage into a gift for Sacred Heart—or use a new policy to create an endowment from your income rather than from principal? > That you can increase your lifetime income from stocks that currently pay a low dividend without severe capital gains repercussions? > That you can partner with the School to deliver years of income to Sacred Heart and increase your estate for your children? > Visit Sacred Heart’s interactive website to learn how gifts like this could work for you. We hope you will use this book as a resource as you manage your assets, develop your estate plan, and consider the role you want to play in building Sacred Heart’s future. Find out more at by clicking “Giving” or contact Michael Baber, assistant head of school and director of advancement, at or 203.532.3155.



1177 King Street, Greenwich, CT 06831 203.531.6500 •

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