Voices 2018

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VOICES 12 Andy Bella, Drawing



Teaken Haggerty, Digital Photography


Sacred Heart Greenwich 1177 King Street Greenwich, CT 06831 Phone: (203) 531-6500 Fax: (203) 531-5206 voices@cshct.org www.cshgreenwich.org


VOICES Volume 12 May 2018 STATEMENT OF PHILOSOPHY The education of each student at Sacred Heart Greenwich is founded on the commitment to the Goals and Criteria of the Network of Sacred Heart Schools. One such principle encourages students to be "active and informed" in today's global world. Voices, a multilingual art and literary magazine, encourages each young woman to express her creative energy. It highlights student perspectives through prose and poetry in six different languages and multi-media artwork. This magazine is created by a dedicated group of students who give a louder voice to these languages by selecting writing and artwork from their student body. Translation is an essential creative element of the magazine, and each foreign language piece faces an English version to broaden the understanding of the written works.


Editorial Board Editors-In-Chief Magdalena Dutkowska Sofia Piriz Rachel Bellissimo Staff Kaitlin Edwardson Elisabeth Hall Samantha Clark Natalia Pazos Adriana Arias Katherine Santoro Malika Amoruso Caroline Badagliacca Grace Nemec Faculty Advisors Montserrat García Renée Rodríguez


Special Thanks World Languages Department Arts Department Recognitions: Columbia Scholastic Press Association Gold Medalist 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016 Columbia Scholastic Press Association Silver Medalist 2014, 2017

Emma DeMartino, ContĂŠ Crayon


Natty Pazos, Mixed Media



Table of Contents

Cover Teaken Haggerty, Acrylic Title Page Andy Bella, Drawing

Teaken Hagerty, Digital Photography Information Statement of Philosophy Editorial Board Emma DeMartino, ContĂŠ Crayon Natty Pazos, Mixed Media Table of Contents

3. 4. 5. 6 7. 9. 13.


Emma DeMartino, Acrylic


The Color of Water, Adonis Bridget Murphy, Watercolor



English Translation, Gabriella Petrizzo & Erin O'Connor Fran Iraloa, Watercolor


Caroline Featherston, Acrylic



Four Seasons, Shay Newman & Sasha Rivera English Translation, Shay Newman & Sasha Rivera 22. Valentina Grether, Pastel 23. Caroline Featherson, Mixed Media Drinking Tea, Lily Santangelo & Morgan Wilkens English Translation, Lily Santangelo & Morgan Wilkens The Coolest, Elizabeth Yeager & Grace Coale English Translation, Elizabeth Yeager & Grace Coale Daisy Steinthal, Mixed Media



26. 27.



Caroline Kelly, Acrylic


Wake Up, Kaitlin Edwarson Isabella Meyerhoff, Mixed Media

30. 31.

French Version, Sofia Piriz Nina Rosenblum, Linoleum Print


The Flow of Time, Kathy Santoro French Version, Adriana Arias Andy Bella, Mixed Media


35. 37.

Emma Butler, Acrylic


Step by Step, Kaitlin Edwardson Spanish Version, Caroline Badagliacca Kaitlin Edwardson, Digital Photography

40. 41. 43.

The Trapped Voice, Katie Miller Eliza Stanley, Acrylic Molly Cadman, Watercolor and Pen

45. 47.

Fugitive Stars, Malika Amoruso Kaitlin Edwardson, Digital Photgraphy Sydney O'Connor, Watercolor

49. 50.


The Decision, Natty Pazos Caroline Kelly, Acrylic

52. 53.

Kate Ruberti, Mixed Media English Version, Grace Nemec

54. 55.


Molly Cadman, Acrylic


Portuguese Emma Butler, Watercolor Portrait, Cecília Meireles

58. 59.

Portugese Version, Laura Rodrigues Emma Belmont, Acrylic

60. 61.

Polish Letter, Józefa Bąkowska Madison Day, Acrylic

62. 63.

Bridget Murphy, Mixed Media English Version, Magdalena Dutkowska

64. 65.

Kaitlin Edwardson, Digital Photography Editorial Policy

66. 67.

Teaken Hagerty, Mixed Media

69. 13



Emma DeMartino, Acrylic 15

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‫‪Bridget Murphy, Watercolor‬‬ ‫‪17‬‬

The color of water Gabriella Petrizzo & Erin O'Connor Your color is the color of water O body of words When the water is Yeast or lightning or fire And the water lit up and became lightning and became Yeast and fire, Lotus Asks about my pillow Sleeps... O river of words Travel with me two days, two fridays in the yeast of secrets Let us collect the seas, or explore the oysters We rain sapphire and ebony Travel with me and show up here ... and vanish here ... And ask with me, you river of words For the seashells that die to become A red cloud raining, About an island Moving or flying, And ask with me, River of words


About a star captive Between the nets of water Carrying under her chest My last days. And ask with me, you river of words About stones from which water springs About a wave from which rocks are born About the animal of musk, about a dove of light And descend with me to the darkest net At the bottom, Where is the broken time Let be the words A poem wearing the face of the sea.

Fran Iraloa, Watercolor


Chinese Caroline Featherston, Acrylic



四季 Shay Newman & Sasha Rivera 我喜欢在起床的时候 看天空的太阳。 我喜欢秋季,冬季,春季和夏季 我喜欢听⾳乐,喜欢跟家⼈跳舞 我爱我的朋友,我的家! When I wake up in the morning I like to watch the sun in the sky I like fall, winter, spring, and summer I like listening to music, I like dancing with my family I love my friends, I love my family.


Valentina Grether, Pastel



Caroline Featherston, Mixed Media

喝茶 Lily Santangelo & Morgan Wilkens 请朋友喝茶, 红茶,绿茶,乌龙茶, 热茶,冷茶,三杯茶, 三个朋友, 聊天, 喝茶,笑, 茶真好,朋友真好, 都喝茶。 Invite a friend to drink tea, Red tea, green tea, Wu Long tea Hot tea, iced tea, three cups of tea, Three friends, Chatting, drinking, laughing, Tea is nice, friends are nice All drinking tea.



Elizabeth Yeager & Grace Coale 夏天 春天 秋天 冬天 都喜欢 热 冷 ⾼兴和不⾼兴 冬天⽣病 秋天开始上学 春天带来夏天 酷不酷? 朋友 考试 ⽼师 运动 秋天最好因为可以穿短裤


Summer Spring Fall Winter I love them all Hot Cold Happy and unhappy Winter I get sick Fall begins school Spring brings summer Isn't it cool? Friends Tests Teachers Sports Fall is the best because I can wear shorts

Daisy Steinthal, Mixed Media


Caroline Kelly, Acrylic




Wake Up Kaitlin Edwardson


An experience like no other, The days all start the same. Wake up, eat breakfast, start walking. The afternoon brings more moving, Maybe stopping for a snack. You have to reach your bed by sundown, Louder music makes time go faster. Wake up, eat breakfast, start walking. Laughing and smiling with others, Meeting people you never thought you would meet. People walking, biking, running, All trying to reach the final destination. Wake up, eat breakfast, more walking. Spain is not only Madrid and Barcelona, There is so much more. Wake up, eat breakfast, start walking. This day is a little harder, Some people are falling behind. Sometimes the group is together, Sometimes we all find our own speed. Wake up, eat breakfast, more walking. We walk into the city together, All standing in front of the church. Wake up, eat breakfast, no walking. We have made it, We are here. Santiago de Compostela. El Camino de Santiago.

Isabella Meyerhoff, Mixed Media


Reveille-toi French Version by Sofia Piriz Un experience pas comme les autres Les jours commence le même. Réveillez-vous, prenez le petit déjeuner, commencez à marcher. L'après-midi apporte plus de mouvement, Peut-être s'arrêter pour une collation. Vous devez atteindre votre lit au coucher du soleil, Une musique plus forte rend le temps plus rapide. Réveillez-vous, prenez le petit déjeuner, commencez à marcher. Rire et sourire avec les autres, Rencontrer des gens que vous n'auriez jamais pensé rencontrer. Les gens qui marchent, faire du vélo, courir, Tous essayant d'atteindre la destination finale. Réveillez-vous, prenez le petit déjeuner, marchez plus. L'Espagne n'est pas seulement Madrid et Barcelone, Il y a beaucoup plus. Réveillez-vous, prenez le petit déjeuner, commencez à marcher. Ce jour est un peu plus difficile, Certaines personnes sont en retard. Parfois, le groupe est ensemble, Parfois, nous trouvons tous notre propre vitesse. Réveillez-vous, prenez le petit déjeuner, marchez plus. Nous marchons dans la ville ensemble, Tous debout devant l'église. 32

RĂŠveillez-vous, prenez le petit dĂŠjeuner, pas de marche. Nous l'avons fait, Nous sommes ici. Saint Jacques de Compostelle. El Camino de Santiago.

Nina Rosenblum, Linoleum Print


The Flow of Time Katherine Santoro You may not believe it, but some are caught in the net of time, unable to flow through the waters of its stream. Days arrive, one after the other, like rushing water. Current traveling, fast and slow. And yet, each day comes to a close. The next day always appears-- watch it flow by. Some may be caught in the net of time, snagged and stuck, unmoving. Resist being caught up in its current, fighting to make it upstream. Choose to drift along its waters, serenely, floating through the days.


Choose to swim with it, downstream, and you shall be carried. Resist, and you shall drown. Choose to remain in the everflowing present. Drifting, serenely, downstream. Days drift into months, months drift into years, years drift into a lifetime. In the blink of an eye, time has impossibly flown by. Its rushing waters, calm currents-never standing still. Choose to swim with it, downstream, and you shall be carried. Resist, and you shall drown. Choose to remain in the everflowing present. Drifting, serenely, downstream.


Le Courant du Temps French Version by Adriana Arias Vous ne pouvez pas le croire, mais quelques sont peut-être attrapés dans la toile de temps, incapables de couler dans les eaux de son ruisseau. Les jours arrivent, l’un après l’autre, comme l’eau pressé. Courant voyageant lentement, vite et lent. Cependant, chaque jour se termine. Le lendemain apparaît toujours -regardez-le s'évanouir. Quelques sont peut-être attrapés dans la toile de temps, accrochés et coincés, immobiles. Résistent à être pris dans son courant, se battant de monter le ruisseau. Choisissez de dériver, sereinement, coulant à travers les jours.


Les jours dérivent dans les mois, les mois dérivent dans les années, les années dérivent dans une vie. Dans un clin d'œil, le temps a impossiblement coulé. Ses eaux pressées, Ses courants calmes -jamais debout.

Choisissez de nager avec eux, en allant vers l’aval, et vous serez portés. Résistez, et vous vous noierez. Choisissez de rester dans le présent éternel. Dérivant, sereinement, en allant vers l’aval.

Andy Bella, Mixed Media




Emma Butler, Acrylic 39

Step by Step Katilin Edwardson Curious. Waiting. Anxious. Flights overseas to new locations. Time. Distance. Speed. Walking longer and faster every day. New food. New faces. New language. "Culture shock" is a real thing. Rain. Giving up. Keep moving. The only thing you can do is think. And walk. Cloudy. Miles. Shoes. Feet have never hurt like this, but music makes it easier. Sound. Sight. Smell. Your senses are confused, every town completely different. Positivity. Hope. Light. A new day means a new experience. Love. Friendship. Self-reflection. El Camino de Santiago.


Paso a Paso Spanish Version by Caroline Badagliacca Curiosa. Esperanod. Ansiosa. Vuelos sobre mares a lugares nuevos. Tiempo. Distancia. Rapidez. Caminar más y más rápida cada día. Nueva comida. Nuevas caras. Nueva idioma. "Choque cultural" es una cosa real. Lluvia. Renunciar. Sigue moviéndote. Lo único cosa que puedes hacer es pensar. Y caminar. Nublado. Millas. Zapatos. Los pies nunca han dolido así, pero la música lo hace más fácil. Sonido. Vista. Olor. Tus sentidos está confundidos, cada pueblo es completamente diferente. Positividad. Espero. Luz. Un nuevo día signfica una nueva experiencia. Amor. Amistad. Autorreflexión. El Camino de Santiago.



Kaitlin Edwardson, Digital Photography


La voz atrapada Katie Miller En mi mente escuché la voz de siempre, De mis responsabilidades para otra personas, Pero nadie escucha esta voz, solo yo. Fuera de mi mente está el silencio, porque nadie quiere escuchar mi voz. La frustración de siempre, la incapacidad de quitar la voz de mi mente. Lo que es más frustrante es que yo no quiero escuchar mi voz. Mi vida es hacer cosas para otras personas. Escuchar la voz de otras personas. Pensar siempre en todas las responsabilidades que tengo yo. Pero nunca puedo elegir qué quiero yo. Yo admiro a Manuel, por su vida buena, por sus manos fuertes, su habilidad de usar su voz. Pero el aspecto más impresionante es que otras personas quieren escuchar su voz. Mi sangre interna se espesa de celos. Mi sangre es consciente de las adversidades de mi vida. Mi sangre sabe que yo no tengo control de nada.


Mi sangre entiende lo que está diciendo la voz en mi mente. Mi sangre está de acuerdo con la voz en mi mente. La voz en mi mente está conectando con mi cuerpo. Todo dentro de mi se está moviendo, mi corazón palpita con pasión. Finalmente, la voz en mi mente se salió de las esposas. No es posible detenerme, nunca más. La voz no quiere ser interna nunca más. Mis manos no quieren ser inútiles nunca más. Yo quiero ser amado. Yo quiero ser independiente, Yo quiero escuchar mi voz fuera de mi cabeza. Yo quiero tener control de mi vida. Yo quiero ser yo.

Eliza Stanley, Acyrlic


The trapped voice Katie Miller In my mind I hear the same voice, Hearing about my responsibilities for other people, But nobody hears this voice, only me. Outside of my mind is silence, because no one wants to hear my voice. The constant frustration to take away the voice inside my mind. But the most frustrating part is that I don't want to hear my voice. My life is about doing things for other people. I listen to the voices of everyone ekse. I constantly think about all of my responsibilities. But I can never decide what I want. I admire Manuel, for his great life, for his strong hands, and his ability to use his voice. But the most impressive thing about him is that other people want to hear his voice. My blood thickens with jealousy. My blood is conscious of the adversities in my life. My blood knows I don't have control over anything. My blood understands what the voice in my mind is saying. My blood is agreeing with the voice in my head. The voice is connecting with my entire body. Everything inside of me is moving, my heart beats with passion. Finally, my voice frees itself from the handcuffs. 46

It's not possible to detain me anymore. The voice doesn't want to stay inside anymore. My hands don't want to be useless anymore. I want to be loved. I want to be independent. I want to hear my voice outside of my mind. I want to have control of my life. I want to be me.

Molly Cadman, Watercolor and Pen


Las estrellas fugitivas Malika Amoruso Los astros son ladrones quienes roban mi voz, cruzando por las calles de mi alma dejándome la soledad completa. Cada vez que intento hablarte mis palabras se transforman en volutas de viento que se esconden fuera de mi mente. En mis sueños, estás conmigo y me siento vivo. Grito tu nombre al cielo, como un desafío para los dioses, pero los astros son ladrones y dejan un hueco que tiene tu forma en mi corazón cada mañana cuando me despierto.


Las nubes son mis héroes. Con su vuelo elegante me ayudan a olvidarte. Pero cada noche oscura los recuerdos vibrantes de nuestros crepúsculos aparecen en mi mente como el compás de una nana como las que la mamá cantaba a los niños. Como las que tú me cantabas. En estas noches desesperadas, mi oído ha olvidado, el timbre de tu voz. El silencio es mi compañero, mi penitencia también, por el pecado de dolerte. Quiero tus disculpas, pero aunque puedo encontrar mi voz, cuando te veo en las calles, prometo que nunca volveré al mundo

Kaitlin Edwardson, Digital Photography 49

Fugitive Stars Malika Amoruso The stars are thieves who have stolen my voice, they cruise the streets of my soul leaving me complete loneliness. Each time I try to talk to you my words transform into wisps of wind that hide outside my mind. In my dreams, you are with me and I feel alive. I shout your name to the sky, like a challenge to the gods, but the stars are thieves and they leave a hole with your shape on my heart each morning when I wake. Sydney O'Connor, Watercolor


The clouds are my heroes. With their graceful flight they help me to forget you. But each dark night, the brilliant memories of our twilights appear in my mind like the beat of a lullaby like the ones a mother would sing to her children. Like the ones you would sing to me. In these desperate nights, I have forgotten, the timbre of your voice. The silence is my companion, and also my punishment, for the sin of hurting you. I want your forgiveness, but even though I could find my voice, when I see you on the streets, I promise that I will never return to the world of sound and love. I will remain in the company, of the fugitive stars.


La decisión Natty Pazos Frustrado, celoso, enojado; a punto de romperse. Un animal atrapado – añoranza de ser libre como las olas del océano: indómito, poderoso. Pero, no. El cigarrillo, su futuro, aplastó en la palma de su mano, como un insecto: débil, insignificante. Rojo, todo rojo. Un animal atrapado – por fin libre, pero aprisionado otra vez. Cuando finalmente vio un rayo de luz, fue arrebatado de él. Negro y oscuro. Su vida desapareció tan rápido como un chasquido, como el aleteo de las alas de un pájaro. Un animal atrapado – para siempre confinado. Caminó inconscientemente hacia una jaula de lamento y melancolía. 52

Caroline Kelly, Acrylic 53


Kate Ruberti, Mixed Media

The Decision English Translation by Grace Nemec Frustrated, jealous, angry; the point of breaking. An animal trapped longing to be free like the oceans waves: indomitable, powerful. But, no. The cigarette, its future, crushed in the palm of your hand, like an insect: weak , insignificant. Red, all red. An animal trapped - finally free, but imprisoned again. When he finally saw a ray of light, it was snatched from him. Black and dark. His life disappeared so fast like a snap, like the flapping wings of a bird. An animal trapped- forever confined. He walked unconsciously towards the cage regret and melody.




Molly Cadman, Acrylic 57

Emma Butler, Watercolor


Retrato Cecília Meireles Eu não tinha este rosto de hoje, Assim calmo, assim triste, assim magro, Nem estes olhos tão vazios,

Nem o lábio amargo. Eu não tinha estas mãos sem força, Tão paradas e frias e mortas; Eu não tinha este coração Que nem se mostra.

Eu não dei por esta mudança, Tão simples, tão certa, tão fácil: - Em que espelho ficou perdida a minha face?


Portrait Translation by Laura Rodrigues I did not have this face today, So calm, so sad, so thin, Neither these eyes so empty,

Nor the bitter lip. I did not have these hands without strength, So still and cold and dead; I did not have this heart that does not even show.

I did not give for this change, So simple, so sure, so easy: - In what mirror was my face lost ?


Emma Belmont, Acrylic


List Józefa Bąkowska Chciałam list pisać do ciebie Na listku róży, Lecz listek mógłby zaginąć W chaosie burzy; Chciałam na skrzydłach motyla Złoconym wzorem Pisać do ciebie, lecz motyl Ginie wieczorem. Chciałam list oddać zdrojowi W górach szumnemu, Ale zdrój mógłby list odnieść Komu innemu; Więc chciałam list rzucić z gwiazdą W dół spadającą, Lecz duszę by twą paliła I tak gorącą! Chciałam znów list mój zaczepić O błysk na niebie, Ale się bałam, by piorun Nie zabił ciebie! I tak nie zjawia się poseł Dosyć bezpieczny, A list mój leży do ciebie Taki serdeczny.


Madison Day, Acrylic 63


Bridget Murphy, Mixed Media

Letter Translation by Magdalena Dutkowska I wanted to write a letter to you On the petals of a rose, Yet the petal could perish In the chaos of a storm; I wanted to on the wings of a butterfly With gold print Write to you, yet the butterfly Disappears at night. I wanted to give the letter away to the stream In the gloomy mountains, But the stream could give away the letter To someone else. So I wanted to throw the letter to a star plunging downward, But it would burn your soul For how hot it is! I wanted to again attach my letter To a flash in the sky, But I was afraid of a lightning That did not kill you! And yet an envoy does not appear Fairly safe, But my letter lays for you Oh, how heartfeltly.



Kaitlin Edwardson, Digital Photography

Editorial Policy Voices is published annually by a group of high school students at Sacred Heart Greenwich, Connecticut. The magazine receives many submissions of student's writing, which the Editorial Board then compiles, edits, and then pairs with student artwork and photography. Led by two faculty advisors, a group of dedicated students meets during and after school and collaborates with the writers and foreign language teachers to select as many pieces as possible that demonstrate the range of creative talents of the student body. Once finished, 140 copies are printed and distributed to the school community at the end of the academic year. Since 2015, we have launched the production of digital copies. Students format the layout and artwork using Blurb BookWright on Mac OS X computers. The typeface is set in Times New Roman font size 12.



Teaken Haggerty, Mixed Media


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