CSN - January Issue

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Working To Be Our Brother’s Keeper

Christian Star Issue 1

January 2009

Christian Star News Christians Helping All People

Love Thy Neighbor Owner : Monica Soileau

as Thy Self

Welcome to the Christian Star Blessings to all in 2009! Welcome to the new and innovative Christian Star paper with its new concept of helping the community. The Christian Star’s goal is to bring help to the Community during these uncertain economic times. Christians are called to help; we are called to help the poor, the struggling, the hardly hanging on and any and everyone within our reach in need of help. We at Christian Star are following through with our responsibility as Christians to reach out and help as many people as possible. Christian Star extends a genuine concern for the mind, body, and spirit of our readers and will work tirelessly to ensure that we bring to you information and advertisers that adhere to the same. Christian Star is about Christians helping People! At Christian Star we feel the pains of our community during this time of recession, high unemployment rates, and economic struggles. Though we have seen a decrease in the cost of fuel, the rises where groceries are concerned have certainly remained and are steadily increasing. Therefore, we are working with companies to bring you the discounts and coupons you need in one place for necessary items that you consume or utilize everyday. Time is even more of a precious commodity these days, our ultimate goal is to save you time from fumbling through various newspapers clipping coupons, and opening several envelopes to get only a small savings. This paper is convenient and simple and allows you to have all the savings you need in one location, in your car or your purse or wherever you’d like as you need them. This

is why we are reaching out to you during

hard economic times. Thanks for taking the time to be you brother’s keeper and ensuring that they too get the same savings as I am offering you. God bless you and may the seeds you sow reap 1000fold in the same year, in Jesus name we pray, Amen!

Special points of interest:

Inside This Issue : Natural Remedies

pg. 3 • Financial Advisor

“Bent But Not Broken”

• Political Commentator

pg. 4-6

• Gardening The Season of Preparation

pg. 7

Building a Sound Financial Foundation pg. 7

• Herbs For You Bringing YOU $$$ savings every month in one place at one time!

• Building Better Health Naturally • Bible Trivia Page 1

Christian Star Issue 1

General Information Contact Numbers:

January 2009

Just in case you are looking for a home church... United Christian Fellowship Ministry


Westlake Church Of Nazarene


Saint Margaret Church


(337) 257-8972

First Presbyterian Church


(832) 563-1575

First Baptist Church


Eternity Full Gospel Fellowship



Throne Grace Fellowship Church



Westwood Baptist Church


Westlake United Methodist Church


Christian Baptist Church



Mount Pilgrim Baptist Church


Monica Soileau

Zion Tabernacle Baptist Church


St Henrys Catholic Church


First Pentecostal Church Of Westlake


Immaculate Conception Cathedral


Immaculate Heart Of Mary Church


New Sunlight Baptist Church



Lake Area Worship Center


Sales and Marketing

St John Bosco Church


Derrick Singleton

Word Of Hope Family Worship Center


Monica Soileau

Sacred Heart Catholic Church


United Methodist Churches District Office


Diocese Of Lake Charles


First United Methodist Church



Episcopal Church Of The Good Sheppard


Primary: Sasha McDaniel

First Baptist Church Of Westlake


Monica Soileau

Wesley Foundation at McNeese


Sale Street Baptist Church


Living Way Pentecostal



First Christian Church


Sasha McDaniel

Our Lady Queen Of Heaven Church


University United Methodist Church


Eastwood Pentecostal Church


Messiah Missionary Baptist Church


Chief Editors: Pam Thibodeaux

Nolan Melonson

Contributors: Nolan Melonson

Beth Messiah Messianic Congregation


Tim Andreas

Greater St. Mary Baptist Church


Monica Soileau

Gateway Church Of God


Rolland Soileau

First Baptist Church of Sulphur


Derrick Singleton

Trinity Baptist


Immaculate Conception Church


Trinity Baptist Church


Distribution Managers:

First Baptist Church Of Gillis


Derrick Singleton, Louisiana

First Baptist Church Of Moss Bluff


Nolan Melonson, Texas

Saint Theodore Catholic Church


Christian World Ministries



Mossville Truth Tabernacle Church


The entire contents of the paper are copyrighted January 2009 by Christian Star News Paper. All rights reserved. Material in this publication may not be reproduced in any form without the expressed written consent of the publisher.

Glad Tidings Church


Open Arms Baptist Church


Power Church International


Christian Star News Paper is not responsible for any claims made by advertisers. The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the publisher.

Open Arms Baptist Church & Pastor Carlos D. Ross, Sr. welcomes you to “Experience the Change” as they are “Building Faith, Families, & Futures”. They are located at 315 N. Goos Blvd., Lake Charles, LA 70601.

Page 2

Christian Star Issue 1

Praise & Worship Dancer: Heather Soileau

January 2009

Monthly Scripture 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 NIV: Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.

KJV: What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.

Bible Trivia 1. Who was David's dad? 2. Who was Goliath with that went to make war with Israel? 3. About how tall was Goliath? 4. How many days did Goliath challenge Israel to send a man to fight him? 5. In what book of the Bible is the story of David and Goliath? 6. Who did David not take into battle? 7. What did David use to kill Goliath? Answers in next months issue.

Memory Verse I can do everything through him who gives me strength. The photos are compliments of Chris Lognion of Christian World Ministries. Heather performs a Solo during the Christmas Shorts play; in which, Julie Giordano constructed the choreography and Annie Bourque of Dance Arts Studio helped to perfect the routine. Heather is using her gifts to bring God all of the Glory and Honor.

Natural Remedies

Philippians 4:13 (NIV) Bring in this ad to: Neko's

Hair Studio

203 W. College st. Lake Charles, La 70605 (337)(337)-499499-8922 and get 1 FREE Deep conditioner with the purchase of 1 cut and style.

BODY: For centuries Native American Indians, Amish, Mormons, Chinese just to name a few cultures, have been utilizing natural herbs for healing and to cure everyday ailments. Today’s chemically formulated medicines have so many side effects that it does not hurt trying it the natural way first. This month’s featured remedy is for COUGH, COLD, AND FLU. CH.E.-B --- Bronchitis, laryngitis, asthma, irritating cough and chest discomfort, colds, flu and lung congestion. BEE PROPOLIS --- Cough, colds, flu, fever, and also a natural antibiotic. F. & F --- Flu and fever, mucus, decongestant and pain associated with fever. WILD CHERRY BARK SPECIAL --- Cough, colds, sore throat, dissolves mucus and also a source of Vitamin C. OLIVE LEAF --- Natural antibiotic, colds, flu, normalize blood pressure; virus, bacteria and fungal parasite problems. The list above are 100% pure herbs combined together to help eliminate the ailments listed the natural way. To place your order call (337) 257-8972: Delivery will take up to 10 business days, unless you request UPS express delivery. Disclaimer: Above information is obtained from the Center for Building Better Health Naturally and has not been reviewed or approved by the Food & Drug Administration. For more information on these products, please visit www.pureherbs.com.

Pastors Only: Please respond back to ChristianStarNewsPaper@yahoo.com. What does Jesus mean when in Matthew 19:30 He says "But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first." In the email subject line, put Pastor's Response and your response may be published next month. This helps to promote your church. Thanks

Page 3

MIND & SOUL: I thought that I was the only person that had gone through a traumatic childhood. My father shot my mother and turned the gun to himself and took his own life, leaving me feeling abandoned, rejected and with low selfesteem. I thought my life was so unique and no one else would be able to relate to my experience or understand me. It was not until after I decided to stop being embarrassed of my past experiences and when I decided to begin to open up to others, that I realized a large majority of people had come from childhoods that had left them broken. The more I opened up, the more I began discovering that even the most successful everyday people had gone through hardships as children, but they had found some source that had given them strength that enabled them to turn their negative experiences into their strengths. Talking to those successful people inspired me and motivated me. As I prayed, God showed me that I needed to collect the stories that others had entrusted me with. God showed me that I needed to share these stories with the world so that others too could find something in someone else’s story that could inspire them so that they too could get into their “Next Level”. Each person’s “Next Level”, is unique to that person. It does not matter what the next level is, just as long as it is going forward. The “Next Level” may be any and all of the following: •

Gaining a better understanding of where we have been and what we have been through, that has forced us to be certain type of people.

Gaining a better understanding of who we are now and where we are now.

• • •

we can make a difference in our genetic successors to come.

Enabling oneself to trust in others again.

Enabling oneself to fall in love again.

Enabling oneself to pursue their dreams.

Realizing that no one is perfect so that we are enlighten enough to see that we need to quit depending on fallible people to tell us who we are and what we are worth.

Gaining the strength to make our own decision on who we are and what we are worth.

Our life here on Earth is short and everyone deserves a second chance. Everyone deserves to have the opportunity to pursue happiness and a functional satisfactory life. No one deserves to be held hostage of the past. In particular, no one deserves to live in misery and pain from their past childhood experiences that were imposed upon them when they had no choice with their circumstances. Jesus Christ died on the cross so that no man or women should have to be held in condemnation by anyone, affording us all the opportunity to seek salvation, forgiveness of our sins and eternal life. However, my purpose is not that we only seek forgiveness, but that we find the strength to forgive so that we are empowered with our circumstances to move forward. As long as we do not forgive, someone else still has control over us! We need to take over and get in the driver’s seat and choose our own destination. Without us forgiving others, we will not be forgiven. Step up and stop any and everyone from deciding what your final journey is going to be. It’s up to you, you make the choice, shout for joy, because they had their time, but it is over!! Their control stops here.

The point is this: “We are alive, We are still here, We are still standing and We are still on our Combining the knowledge of the past and present to determine where we can go and course! Some may have tried to break us; some may have tried to get us down; some may have who we can be in the future. tried to discourage us; some may have tried to get Letting go of the past. us off track. They may have BENT ME, BUT I’M NOT BROKEN!” They have only help me to be Forgiving others and oneself. molded into a STRONGER, DETERMINED, MOTIPursuing Emotional, Mental and Spiritual VATED, NON-STOPPING, UNRELENTLESS, RADIHealing. ANT, BRILLANT, BEAUTIFULLY BENT DOWN ON MY KNEES PRAISING THE LORD! For it is the things Gaining an awareness of the power we of the past that has contributed to who I am; have to make decisions to change our cirtherefore, I thank God that I have had the cumstances as adults. strength to utilize those experiences as my footGaining the knowledge that we can break stool to get to “The Next Level!©”. the family curses that have been past from one generation to the next, knowing that

In each edition, I will share a different real life story with you. This month’s story is about Sam.

Sam was 9-months in his mother’s womb when she received the call to go to the hospital to identify her husband’s body, as it had been eaten by acid in a local refinery tank explosion. Sam’s mother went into shock and to this day do not remember seeing his body; however, Sam was affected in the womb. Sam was born with a nervous, anxious stomach and it still bothers him to this day as God is working to heal him to completion. As Sam would describe his condition, each day he feels like he has an adrenaline rush, uptight, on edge and cannot relax. Sam’s tragedy was only about to begin. At age 2, Sam’s mother remarried. His mother married a man who had Huntington’s disease, which caused him to be very emotionally and physically violent towards Sam and his mother. Sam witnessed his step-father taking out a gun and pointing it at his mother. Sam was fearful of this man, due to the multiple beatings that he endured, that he would literally wet his pants when the man spoke to him. This man was extremely cruel to Sam. He knew that Sam was afraid of the dark, but he would still send Sam outside in the dark only to come around the house to scare the life out of Sam and once again Sam would wet his pants and suffer the beating. Sam and his mother was eventually rescued by a concerned family acquaintance from this house of physical bondage by the time Sam was 9 years old; however, that 7 years of abuse traumatized Sam and left life long scars that only God would be able to heal. Sam suffered from fear, insecurity, low self-esteem, nervousness, anger, anxiousness, etc… Cont. pg. 6

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Christian Star Issue 1

January 2009

Christian Star Owner and Personnel would like to personally thank Christian World Ministries, Pastors Jerry and Hope Snider, for continually inspiring us to pursue our ministries that God has called us to and created us for. Thank you for sticking to THE WORD OF GOD and reminding us that we are all called to serve HIM and that we all have a purpose. If you are looking for a great multicultural non-denominational church to attend, Christian World Ministries is located on 2001 East Gauthier Road, Lake Charles, Louisiana 70607 (337) 475- 0157. DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed by the writers or publishers of Christian Star does not necessarily reflect the beliefs or opinions of Christian World Ministries, just as Christian World Ministries does not necessarily reflect all of the beliefs or opinions of the Christian Star News Paper. Page 5

Christian Star Issue 1

January 2009

Continued from page 4


Sam’s mother attempted to overcompensate for what Sam had suffered. She would baby him through his teen years by getting him out of trouble all of the time. Sam had 11 car wrecks in one year. After the second or third wreck, most parents would take away all driving privileges, but Sam’s mother excused his behavior and allowed him to continue to drive. Eventually Sam would drive himself into deeper trouble with the law, taking and making drugs as a career. The speed Sam was taking, made Sam feel normal or not so tense, which was an indication that Sam was ADD. Sam used the drugs to selfmedicate himself, but he would eventually end up in jail over 3 times. All of Sam’s behaviors rooted from him trying to drown his emotions from his childhood abuse. Sam was also trying to fill his void of being fatherless. Sam realized he needed help, especially after several failed marriages. Sam was contemplating suicide when he ran into an old high school buddy at a convenient store who was so excited because he had found Jesus. The guy committed to talk to Sam the next day, which this prevented Sam from committing suicide under his mother’s bed that night, due to his anticipation to see what this guy had to say. The guy did not show up the next day, but he did the following day. Sam was told about Jesus and His redemption plan; Sam asked a lot of questions and was saved. Sam was on his third marriage that was also saved. Sam was on the right track, attending church, giving his testimony and working, when he was arrested again, this time he was jeopardizing his wife being arrested too. Sam began to recognize some important key things that were occurring. Every time Sam would get closer to God, he would be attacked. Either an old drug dealer would try to entice Sam or bad feelings from the past would surface. Joshua 1:8 says that “Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.” This is the Armour of the Lord that keeps us and protects us from the Devil’s Strategy to seek, kill, and destroy us. Today, not only has Sam learned this principle, but he has taught others this principle by sharing his testimony. Sam starts off his day with daily prayer to shake the devil off and keep the devil from attempting to take dominion over his family. Sam realizes that God is his true daddy that he can rely on. Sam realizes that he must put God first, in all things and that includes tithing. Sam is just like all of us, he has been hurt or let down, made mistakes, but he has pulled himself back together with the help of God through the precious blood of Jesus that gave Sam a second chance to be born again. Sam realizes that everyday belongs to God and is a gift from God that we should not take lightly.

Monica Soileau



We are made up of three parts: The Mind/Soul, Body, and Spirit. If any of our 3 components are off balance, just as a car losing one tire, the whole person is affected. Savings Advice Proverbs 11: 2 “When pride cometh, then cometh shame: but with the lowly [humility] is wisdom.” KJV Losing your job can be a very difficult thing; however, this is your time to be like Job in order to survive this short season. Don’t wait until things get out of control; immediately turn off all non-essential things such as cell phones, cable, internet service, etc… Start your family a garden immediately, to help reduce your grocery costs. Begin clipping coupons again. These things are wise. Shake the pride off and get back to the basics for survival. Monica Soileau Looking for a Christian Home Builder? Call Curtis Rougeau at (337)-485-2460 and mention Christian Star Newspaper.

Considering relocating your business? Perhaps you should consult with MiCal before making that move. MiCal was established to assist the area with economic development by providing grant assistance to area parishes and towns with infrastructure improvement. They are a census data affiliate and they provide census data and surveys for data collection and research. See Randy Miller, the Statistician for MiCal by calling (337) 433-1771. You can also access information by visiting their website at www.mical.org. Page 6

Christian Star Issue 1

January 2009

Building a Sound Financial Foundation “The Season of Preparation” Preparation” Written by: Tim Andreas

have between now and when you

How can you create a sound financial

need to reach your financial goals.


Some investments that may

Create a plan of attack. Every plan begins with specific investment goals. Know what you want your money to do for you. Decide whether you need current income today or long term growth for the future. Once you know where you're going, you can start putting the building blocks in place.

Establish the right mindset.

Written By: Derrick Singleton

Because our world seems to be slipping into hard times and the dollar is worth less it’s a appear attractive may be good idea to begin relying on one of God’s inappropriate because of your time gift to man Fruit of the seed by the sweat of horizon. If you're investing for a mans Brow. You would be surprised as to how much you could save a year just by long--term goal, you may want growing instead of buying items like: oninvestments designed to produce ions, tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers and attractive gains over the long that’s just to name a few; they don’t take haul. If you require regular much space or attention to reap a plentiful monthly income, you may need harvest in due season. Unless you have a green house, now isn’t the time to plant investments that can generate a these seeds but below I have prepared a list steady flow of income today. of tasks to prepare your garden for spring. Make your investments. You can

Determine the amount you can

select from innumerable

afford to invest comfortably on a

investments to meet your financial

regular basis.

needs. Which combination is right

How do you decide the amount

for you? That depends on your

to set aside?

specific needs. What may be right

Ask yourself, "How much do I

for a friend or neighbor may not

feel comfortable putting away

be right for you.

Now is a good time to turn your soil as it will expose insects to the winter weather and feed hungry birds and the cold weather will help break clods of dirt.

Start deciding on what plants you wish to grow this year and weather you will start with a seed or a small already prepared plant.

If you really want to get a head start you can pick up some top soil and potting soil as well as some pots. But if saving every dollar as possible is really important then the soil in your back yard may be good enough but it is very important that you began working this soil as early as possible.

regularly -- in good times and bad?" When you determine that amount, plan on sticking with it over time. •

Rely on a professional financial advisor to help you choose the best investments for your financial needs.

Take inventory of your personal

He or she should also be willing to


discuss at length the many investment

Identify your risk tolerance.

alternatives available to you.

Every investment moves up and

Wachovia Securities is not a legal or

down in price. Generally, invest-

tax advisor. However, we as Financial •

ments with above average profit

Advisors will be glad to work with

potential go up and down in price

your chosen legal and tax profession-

more than those with less profit

als to help you achieve your financial



There's no such thing as avoiding risk; •

your only choice is which risks to take. If you choose an overly conservative investment that entails little risk, you can lose purchasing power and even erode your standard of living if your returns fail to keep pace with inflation. Knowing your tolerance for risk also narrows down the many investment opportunities available to you -- from savings vehicles and fixed-income investments to stocks and mutual funds. •

Determine your time horizon. Figure out how much time you

This article was written by Wachovia Securities and provided courtesy of Tim Andreas First Vice President – Investment Officer, One Lakeshore Dr. Suite 1500, Lake Charles, LA 70629 Toll Free 1-800-256-5800

With any spare time it would be wise to sharpen, oil, and tune up all of your garden and landscaping tools but do so with caution because this is one task that can turn into a safety incident quick. Although spring is approaching quickly, don’t overdo yourself with tasks and schedule them wisely and like yourself don’t over whelm your garden it can handle only so much.

Just as our spiritual life is constantly going through spiritual seasons our gardens do as Wachovia Securities is the trade name well and right now we are in the season of used by two separate, registered Preparation. Without preparation we will broker-dealers and nonbank affiliates not sow in the right time and if we don’t of Wachovia Corporation providing sow in the right time we will not reap a certain retail securities brokerage harvest. We would lose out twice, our seed services: Wachovia Securities, LLC Member, NYSE/SIPC, and Wachovia will be worthless, and we would lose the potential harvest. Securities Financial Network, LLC (WSFN), Member FINRA/SIPC.

Page 7

Christian Star Issue 1

January 2009

The Forgotten Victims is a real story of one family’s struggle with the legacy of domestic abuse and suicide. Monica Soileau father’s abuse led him to shoot her mother and him committing suicide. Monica speaks to today’s victims and survivors of abuse or suicide from her unique perspective. She speaks frankly of how faith helped her family cope; brought about through her mother’s miraculous recovery from grievous emotional and physical wounds, and eventually resulting in her own mature understanding and empathy for everyone caught in a vicious cycle of abuse. The author embraces her mother’s compelling memories, as well as includes her younger brother’s experience, along with her own provocative and inspirational journey through the stages of coping, understanding, and overcoming their dark, shared legacy. As a final point, this hopeful book will help guide any reader in their discerning of how abuse affects the children who encounter it. Through retrospect the reader is brought full circle to their own childhood expectations to the actuality that life can certainly be painful and full of difficult decisions. Anyone who has experienced any of the following as a victim, as an offender, as a parent, as a child, as a counselor or healthcare worker should read this book: • Domestic Violence. • Domestic Homicide. • Suicide of a Parent. • Children Self-Esteem Devel-

opment. • Suppression of emotions and mourning. • Children assuming responsibility and guilt for parent’s abusive behavior. • Dysfunctional Relationships. • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Order can be placed on the internet by searching for book title or by Author name Monica Marie Singleton Soileau or by calling 24/7 1-866-909-2665 for your copy of the book. If you wish to schedule the Author for a speaking engagement for your organization, please submit a request to: ChristianStarNewsPaper@yahoo.com . WE WILL BE FEATURING A PASTOR'S CORNER. DO NOT BE SURPRISED IF YOU ARE CONTACTED & REQUESTED TO BE FEATURED IN THE CHRISTIAN STAR NEWS PAPER. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN PARTICIPATING IN THE PASTOR'S CORNER, PLEASE CONTACT US BY EMAIL AT CHRISTIANSTARNEWSPAPER@YAHOO.COM . IN THE SUBJECT LINE OF THE EMAIL, JUST NOTE PASTOR'S CORNER. FOR MORE INFORMATION, YOU CAN CONTACT MONICA SOILEAU AT (337) 257-8972.

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