CSN - February Issue

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Christian Star News

Christian Star Issue 2

Surviving A Depression

Working To Be Our Brother’s Keeper

February 2009

Wesley Foundation’s Mission Trip To India

By Derrick J. Singleton When the stock market crashed on October 27, 1929, “Black Thursday,” many were optimistic in thinking that this would only last for a short while. Economists and leaders thought this was a mild bump, perhaps merely a correction of the market or a small recession, but as history has proven, they were wrong. Unemployment rose from 8 to 15 million in 1933. Factories cut back or closed doors. World trade decreased and import tariffs increased. The cost to heat and feed a family was overwhelming and suicide rates increased from 14 to 17 per 100,000. All of these effects were similar around the world. Doesn’t this sound all too familiar? So how did people survive? Many lived on small family farms while others used what they had on small city lots to turn them into food producing gardens. Although we are not in an official depression, the possibility of one is great. As Christians we are held accountable to being prepared so this month we have prepared a depression garden guide. First you should sit down and make a list of vegetables and fruits that you would include in your garden. I recommend potatoes, onions, tomatoes, lettuce and turnips. Don’t forget fruits like strawberries and watermelons which make great treats for kids. The second step would be purchasing your seeds or maybe a friend or a family member may have some seeds to spare.Whichever way you go about getting your seeds: remember as your garden produces, save the seeds for the next year so you don’t have to purchase them every year. Step three: plant seeds in flats indoors to get a jump start on the growing season.This especially applies to tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and herbs, which can be seeded in late winter. A few weeks later, begin to seed broccoli, cantaloupe, spinach and lettuce. Peas, corn and potatoes will do best planted directly in the ground after a last frost. Step four brings sweat and muscle aches but it must be done. Gather your garden tools and turn the soil over adding compost and manure in small quantities if you have access to it. Remember the healthier the ground the better your results will be. Remove debris, weeds, and rocks. Step five, plant some of your garden in pots or raised beds if you have poor soil conditions or not enough land to fit everything on. An herb container garden in pots by the kitchen door is convenient, and tomatoes grow exceptionally well in large pots with plenty of sunlight. Enjoyment in step 6: this is where you eat. Be sure to preserve your harvest throughout the summer and early fall. Waste nothing. Can and store extras, make jellies, and store potatoes in cool dry and dark places. Don’t forget about the elderly and physically challenged in your family and neighborhood; give what you can spare to help them out. When conducting these steps be sure to involve the whole family to maximize your garden efforts. Even children can help plant seedlings and help water the garden. This quality time together can be used to instill morals and values. Although tough times may surround us God always leaves a way out for his children and like the 20’s and 30’s the economy seems to be slipping into a slump but we don’t have to just sit back waiting to see what the outcome will be. Begin your depression garden now and remember those less fortunate around you.

Owner: Monica Soileau

Explorer from Louisiana Searches for Bible Treasures

Louisiana Volunteers in Mission Team Members: Rev. Angela Cooley Bulhof (leader), Jonathan Abraham, David Barbay, Andrew Connell,Victoria Courville, Katherine Cox, Amber Ellington, Rodolfo Falconi, Carl Hay, David Mire, Katherine Mire, Rev. Larry By Dan Allen Norman, Elisa Simancas, Dr. Carlos Welsh, Saroj Welsh, Marvin Williams, Michael WilBob Cornuke returned to his home state of Louisiana this January liams, Rev. Dawn Young, and Victoria Young This Photo is an aerial view of McNeese and SOWELA students leading VBS at the to make a special presentation as the guest speaker for the Profit and Warne Baby Fold. Loss Association’s monthly meeting in Lake Charles. Bob is the PresiFor more details continue to page 3 dent of the Bible Archaeology, Search & Exploration (BASE) Institute; an organization dedicated to helping validate to the world that the Bible is true. A former police investigator, Bob Cornuke now travels the world Just as many other commuas a Biblical investigator searching for some of the lost locations and objects described in the Bible. Dr. Cornuke has a Masters and Ph.D. nities have a Christian Busifrom Louisiana Baptist University, and is the Author of several books. ness Owner Directory, we He has shared some of his findings on American Family Radio, and the Trinity Broadcasting Network. Bob has also appeared on secular at Christian Star News are media outlets such as, NBC’s Dateline, National Geographic Channel, adding a new section to beand the History Channel. gin building a list to identify Investigations conducted by the Base Institute include: Noah’s Ark, the Ark of the Covenant, and Paul’s shipwreck. Recently, their research Lake Charles, LA - What is Biblical these businesses in SWLA. team located stone anchors at a probable site for a shipwreck the education? It is a constant diligent If you would like to enter Apostle Paul survived off the coast of Malta (Acts 27). Bob said that search of what God has to say on his first journey to conduct Biblical research was with a man that your business name, locaevery subject. It is the heart beat of walked on the moon. The famous Astronaut, Jim Irwin recruited CorGod. Biblical education is a heavenly tion and phone number, also nuke to help in the search for education that changes lives forever. the owner’s name, if desired; Noah’s Ark. It converts prostitutes to women After sharing some of his personal testimony along with general of virtue; pimps to men of honor. It please contact Sasha McDaninformation about the BASE Institute, Bob Cornuke’s presentation sobers up drunkards, delivers iel with your information in Lake Charles was focused on his findings related to a mysterious drug attics from addictions, heals at sashamcdaniel@Chrismountain in Saudi Arabia that may be the Mount Sinai of the Bible. Acbroken hearts and mends marriages. It is the only education that produces tianStarNewsPaper.com. The cording to information from the BASE Institutes’ website: Today, most people are unaware that not one piece of hard evidence has been provictorious living. cost will be $120 for the duced to verify that what is traditionally designated at “Mount Sinai” Why is it so important? It is imporin the south central Sinai Peninsula is indeed the famed mountain of tant because it is the right inforremainder of the year: $12 Moses and the Exodus… Even more telling Exodus 3:1 plainly identimation that produces righteous per month for 10 months. fies Mount Horeb (Sinai) as being in Midian: “Now Moses was tending thoughts, which produces right acthe flock of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian. And he led tions, that brings about the right kind the flock to the back of the desert and came to Horeb, the mountain of harvest. Obtaining a Biblical educa___Inside This Issue___ of God.” …the region of “Midian” referred to here is undeniably the tion is obtaining the mind of God. We same as present–day Saudi Arabia. must know how He thinks so that we Church Directory pg. 2 Bob Cornuke makes a convincing case that the mountain he has can align our thinking accordingly. Bible Trivia pg. 2 studied first hand in Saudi Arabia could be the Mount Sinai of the We must learn His ways so that we A poem By Chris Sarver pg. 2 Bible. One example of physical evidence obtained from the mountain can walk in agreement with Him and Savings Advice pg. 2 is an ancient piece of scorched granite; the sample has been tested therefore walk in His favor, having the Books of the Month pg. 2 and its burns were not caused by volcanic activity. Could the blackblessing on our lives. Wesley Foundation Mission pg. 3 ened top of this mysterious mountain be the same place where God Biblical education produces an all Bent But Not Broken pg. 4 gave Moses the Ten Commandments? Consider that question in light around successful life. Without it, life of Exodus 19:18, “Now Mount Sinai was completely in smoke, because “You and your Money” pg. 6 is unfruitful, empty, and void. We have the Lord descended upon it in fire…” to be like the Psalmist that said this in Christian Business Directory pg. 7 It seemed to this reporter that everyone attending the meeting in Psalm 119:97, “O how I love Your law! Upcoming Events pg. 7 Lake Charles with Bob Cornuke found the Biblical investigations and It is my meditation all the day.” adventures he shared both fascinating and inspiring. It’s not surprisWe must endlessly continue to ing that Bob says there is a secular production company with interest receive Biblical training because the more training we receive and apply, Love Thy Neighbor as Thy Self in making a movie based around how he and his friend explored a remote mountain in Saudi Arabia that is fenced off and has a guard the more we become like Him. Biblipost near its base. The movie producers are especially interested in cal education is an awesome thing; the harrowing ordeal the two men experienced as they were trying to it has no ending. The knowledge, unmaneuver their way back. A small group of Arab nomads threatened derstanding, and wisdom of God are their lives and held them as captives until they were able to make an infinite. Therefore, we must continue amazing escape. to search and search until we utter our last breath. For more information about the BASE Institute and Bob Cornuke on For more information concerning the Internet go to: receiving a quality Biblical education www.baseinstitute.org call (337) 853-9755 or visit the web at: www.ovalbiblecollege.com

The Importance of Biblical Education

New! New! New!

CONTACT: Dr. Timmy H. Tezeno 337-853-9755 ovalbiblecollege@suddenlinkmail.com

Christians Helping All People

Bob Cornuke, President of the BASE Institute

Christian Star Issue 2 General Information Contact numbers: (337) 257-8972 (832) 563-1575 news@christianstarnewspaper.com

Publishers: Monica Soileau monicasoileau@christianstarnewspaper.com

Chief Editors: Pamela S. Thibodeaux Advertising: Sales & Marketing Derrick Singleton derricksingleton@christianstarnewspaper.com (337) 853-5172

Monica Soileau monicasoileau@christianstarnewspaper.com (337) 257-8972

Dan Allen danlallen@christianstarnewspaper.com (337) 540-4997

Nolan Melonson nolanlmelonson@christianstarnewspaper.com (832) 563-1575

Designers: Primary - Sasha McDaniel sashamcdaniel@christianstarnewspaper.com (337) 853-9883

Contributors: Nolan Melonson Tim Andreas Monica Soileau Rolland Soileau Derrick Singleton Dan Allen Shively Lampson Chris Sarver Distribution Managers: Derrick Singleton, Louisiana Nolan Melonson, Texas


The entire contents of this paper are copyrighted February 2009 by Christian Star Newspaper. All rights reserved. Material in this publication may not be reproduced in any form without the expressed written consent of the publisher. Christian Star Newspaper is not responsible for any claims made by advertisers. The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the publisher.

February 2009

Just in case you are looking for a home church.... Greater St. Mary Missionary Baptist Church 337-433-0122 St. Memorial Church of God in Christ 337-439-8680 Zion Tabernacle Baptist Church 337-436-6627 Open Arms Baptist Church 337-436-4737 Mount Calvary Baptist Church 337-439-4603 New Emmanuel Baptist Church 337-437-4042 The Church of Lake Charles Teaching Center 337-439-0746 Christian Baptist Church 337-436-6530 Mt. Pilgrim Baptist Church 337-436-0882 St. Paul African Methodist Episcopal Church 337-433-2415 Eastwood United Pentecostal Church 337-439-3425 United Christian Fellowship 337-433-1517 Throne of Grace Fellowship 337-433-9007 True Light Baptist Church 337-433-7214 Refuge Temple 337-491-9367 The Church of New Beginning of Lake Charles Inc. 337-430-0177 First Pentecostal Church Cathedral of Praise 337-436-2297 Church of The King 337-477-8890 Shiloh Baptist Church 337-562-2220 Livingway Pentecostal Church 337-478-2412 Christian World Ministries 337-475-0157 Power Church International 337-515-4433 Trinity Baptist Church 337-480-1555 St. Luke-Simpson United Methodist Church 337-478-0728 Lake Charles Seventh Day Adventist Church 337-478-8353 St. John Lutheran Church 337-478-5666 Westlake Church of Nazerene 337-439-8551 Eternity Full Gospel Fellowship 337-433-4138 University of Methodist Church 337-477-2003 First Baptist Church of Gillis 337-855-9414 St. Margaret Catholic Church 337-439-4585 First Presbyterian Church 337-433-4667 Westwood Baptist Church 337-433-8677 Westlake United Methodist Church 337-433-8424 St. Henry’s Catholic Church 337-436-7223 First Pentecostal Church of Westlake 337-436-6053 Immaculate Conception Cathedral 337-436-7251 Immaculate Heart of Mary Church 337-436-8093 New Sunlight Baptist Church 337-436-8965 Lake Area Worship Center 337-436-6083 St. John Bosco Church 337-433-2467 Word of Hope Family Worship Center 337-439-7788 Sacred Heart Catholic Church 337-439-9923 United Methodist Churches District Office 337-439-2982 Diocese of Lake Charles 337-439-7426 First United Methodist Church 337-436-6656 Episcopal Church of The Good Shephard 337-433-5244 Wesley Foundation at McNeese University 337-477-2191 Sale st. Baptist Church 337-477-3463 Our Lady Queen of Heaven Church 337-474-6814 Glad Tidings Church 337-477-7774 Messiah Missionary Baptist Church 337-491-0644 Beth Messiah Messianic Congregation 337-477-8463 Gateway Church of God 337-855-2964 First Baptist Church of Sulphur 337-527-5231 First Baptist Church of Moss Bluff 337-855-9067 Saint Theodore Catholic Church 337-855-6662 Mossville Truth Tabernacle Church 337-882-1563

Recommended Christian Books of the Month Support your local Christian Authors as they work to bring you quality reading material. Romantic Fiction: “Inspirational with an Edge!” ™ Pamela S Thibodeaux, Author Available @ Amazon.com & Website: http://pamelathibodeaux.com Tempered Hearts Tempered Dreams Tempered Fire Tempered Joy The Inheritance Non-Fiction Biblically-based Inspirational, Self-Help: Domestic Violence:The Forgotten Victims Monica Marie Singleton Soileau: Available by calling 1-866-909-2665, by internet search or by calling (337) 257-8972. Motivational, Self-Help, Success for Life & Religious-Life: I Motivate Me:The Secret Strategy to Fulfilling YOUR Destiny by Angela H. Tezeno, M.Ed., CCLC. www.publishyourchristianbook.com or by searching online. Power-Filled Words That Change Lives by James P. Brougham and can be ordered on www.mommysheart.com . In Search of Focus and the video Overcoming Rejection by Nick Eno and can be ordered at his website along with other material at www. nickeno.com He’s Not Autistic, But... by Tenna Merchent, M.H., N.D. and you can order this at 1-800247-6553 or order@bookmasters.com, www.HesNotAutisticBut.com

Monthly Scripture NIV: Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

KJV: And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. Galatians 6:9

Memory Verse Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Romans 13:1 (NIV)

Bible Trivia 1. What did Jesus say has enough trouble on it’s own? 2. Armour of God includes the____ of truth? 3. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another ___. 4. Who besides Jesus walked on water? 5. Love the LORD your God with all your...? 6. What is the last word in the bible as stated in the book of Revelation? Answers from January’s issue: (1) Jesse, (2) Jesse, (3) 13 ft., (4) 40, (5) I Samuel 17:1-58, (6) A helmet, (7) a stone

Savings Advice

To save time and money, have all of your tax information collected and organized in one place before visiting a Tax Preparer. Remember, you can deduct Tithes paid into your church and any donations made to non-profit organizations, such as the Women’s Shelter. Don’t give your extra money away from your refunds by signing up for the express refund checks. They charge you for this extra feature, as if it is a loan, with finance charges. Be patient and wait for your return in due season. This could save you up to $600. When shopping for a product, search the web first before riding around town from place to place. This will help you narrow down on the place of business that you will make your purchase and save you gas. Remember to support our local businesses, especially the Christian Owned Businesses. The consumers determine what businesses will thrive and what businesses will be sent overseas. We have power to help keep jobs in the United States. Refuse to buy foreign products that do not abide by our standards and regulations. Be safe!!!! Monica Soileau

It wasn’t hard by Chris Sarver

I started with my heart and mind and soul set on Your will Departed and embarked on down a road I knew was right A part of me was reaching, but a part of me stood still It wasn’t hard to find myself so far out from Your light But I kept pushing forward and kept dwelling on the good I let the truth of Your word build a well inside my soul From day to night to day I spread Your glory where I could But waiting deep inside there was an evil still unknown On and on I went proclaiming truth and peace and hope My house was strong. No wind or storm could weaken what I made The one thing I neglected was the ‘humble’ cornerstone Pride had insurrected and there is no house today My flesh and faith played chess and by the end my King was down I left Him there in check because I knew not how to fight But, here, now, I can say that it was what I let around. A wise man said a peaceful man is one who needs no pride I wish I listened… NEW!! NEW!! NEW!!

Preparing The Way Ministries

Central School Auditorium 2nd floor on Sundays at 10 AM Central School Auditorium 1st floor on Thursdays at 7 PM Pastor Doyle & Gena Evans has a genuine love for God and His people; they invite you, your family and friends to come out and experience His love. Please Call (337) 474-5673

pg. 2

Christian Star Issue 2

Welcome to Christian Star News By Owner Monica Soileau

I would like to thank all of the churches and businesses for their support in helping Christian Star News accomplish the larger vision that God has for Southwest Louisiana and beyond. When Jesus came down to be amongst us, He preached to the masses and in foreign lands. We, at Christian Star, do not own a church [we attend a church] and do not intend on recruiting for any set church or denomination; however, we do want to be a part of the harvest of souls for God. We seek to place this Christian paper right next to the secular papers in businesses. We pray and desire that the articles submitted from the different churches will attract the unsaved souls to seek salvation in a Christ believing, Bible-based Church. We desire to highlight Christian-Owned Businesses, so as Christians, we can make a choice in who we decide to conduct business with. We want to promote Christian family oriented activities that are being held in SWLA by posting the upcoming events of local churches that are open to the public as a free service. We invite all Christian Pastors to submit articles that feed the spirit, as experts educate us on our finances, health and gardening. We are working with big businesses to bring discounts to our Christian Community; however, like Christ, we will help all! Our initial goals remain constant. • Provide news and information of special interest for those within the local Christian communities that we serve. Furthermore, the Christian Star will offer hope and truth to those that have not yet made a decision to follow Christ, through secular distribution points. • Help promote businesses and professionals that want to reach potential customers/clients from their local Christian community. Advertisers are encouraged to offer discounts and other special incentives to readers of the Christian Star News each month. • Help educate people about how to live well and to be good stewards as we face challenging economic and social conditions. Examples include: gardening and nutritional tips, clipping coupons, as well as advice from experts on subjects such as finances and interpersonal relationships. • Develop a “Listing of all Christian-Owned Businesses. Note for Pastors: The Christian Star News is Non-Denominational, and we have no intentions of attempting to persuade those who are currently attending a church that preaches Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord to move to some other church. We are not church hoppers ourselves: we are rooted. The Christian Star offers each local church the opportunity to submit articles that are strictly bible-based (pref. KJV/NKJV) for the publisher to consider for use in a future publication. We also offer local Christian Churches the opportunity to purchase Ads (of any size available) in the Christian Star News, and these ads may be designed to encourage un-churched readers to visit their place of worship. At the end of the day, we just want to be obedient to the Holy Spirit and serve God! Christian Star News paper is new and innovative with its new concept of helping the community. The Christian Star’s goal is to bring help to the Community during these uncertain economic times. Christians are called to help; we are called to help the poor, the struggling, those barely hanging on, and any and everyone within our reach in need of help. We at Christian Star News are following through with our responsibility as Christians to reach out and help as many people as possible. Christian Star News extends a genuine concern for the mind, body, and spirit of our readers and will work tirelessly to ensure that we bring to you information and advertisers that adhere to the same. Christian Star News is about Christians Helping People! At Christian Star News we feel the pains of our community during this time of recession, high unemployment rates, and economic struggles. Though we have seen a decrease in the cost of fuel, the rise where groceries are concerned has certainly remained and is steadily increasing. Therefore, we are working with companies to bring you the discounts and coupons you need in one place for necessary items that you consume or utilize everyday. Time is even more of a precious commodity these days, our ultimate goal is to save you time from fumbling through various newspapers clipping coupons, and opening several envelopes to get only a small savings. This paper is convenient and simple and allows you to have all the savings you need in one location, in your car or your purse or wherever you’d like as you need them. We are here to add to, build and assist the churches with their vision to serve God and prepare souls for the harvest. I offer my radio ministry Bent but Not Broken to the different ministries as they wish to share their vision, testimony and to announce upcoming events as a free service. This is my offering to God. I wish to give to the Body of Christ. I am blessed to be a blessing! Thanks for taking the time to be your brother’s keeper and ensuring that they too get the same savings as I am offering you. God bless you and may the seeds you sow reap 1000-fold in the same year in Jesus name we pray. Amen!


If your organization would like to have your upcoming events listed in our new news paper “Christian Star News” please send your information in an Adobe .pdf file or Microsoft Word document. The announcement should not be more than 75 words, no logos; otherwise a charge would apply.

Christian Star Issue 2

Wesley Foundation Mission Trip to India continued

Wesley Foundation team with the residents and staff of the Warne Baby Fold in Bareilly, India

Louisiana VIM Team and the India Methodist Youth delegates at the Sat Tal Ashram Chapel

We Are The Now

On December 26, 2008, Christmas “visions of sugarplums” were exchanged for boarding passes for fourteen college-age young people and three “older” adult leaders who departed from Houston for a Louisiana Volunteers in Mission project in India. The young people, the majority from McNeese State University’s Wesley Foundation, were joined by those from other educational institutions in South Louisiana, and lead by Rev. Angela Bulhof, director of the McNeese Wesley Foundation. The group was international in its intent and in its makeup. Members were from the U.S., Jamaica, Ecuador, and Peru. These students had committed to spending the majority of their winter break on the subcontinent of India involved in two mission venues and extensive cultural enrichment and exchange. Upon arrival at Delhi, these seventeen were joined by Carlos and Saroj Welch, former United Methodist missionaries to India, and together these nineteen embarked on this journey. The team spent the first half day in Delhi, and then boarded a train to Bareilly where they spent five days at the Indian Methodist Warne Baby Fold. The Baby Fold ministry was begun by the Women’s Division of the Methodist Church in 1919 as a division of Clara Swain Hospital. Today it continues to “provide a Christian home” and education and training for orphans, semi-orphans and hardship cases as well as to offer pre-natal and child care classes to young mothers. LAVIM began its relationship with Clara Swain and the Baby Fold over five years ago and this vital ministry continues to draw volunteers and develop new passions for mission each year. While there, the team led daily Vacation Bible School for the children in residence, in addition to working on construction projects for the improvement of the Baby Fold and the construction of the Chapel. The Baby Fold Chapel is a major emphasis of LAVIM for 2008 and 2009. Over $25,000 has been raised to provide this structure, the only portion of the Baby Fold not completed in a 1995 rebuilding by the Women’s Division. Another $25,000 is being raised in 2009 to complete the construction which includes a stained glass window dedicated to the children in residence. Each day of the mission began with worship in the Clara Swain hospital with nursing students. Work and VBS periods dotted the day’s activities. Both the VBS and the construction assignments were designed and directed by student leaders from the Wesley Foundation. From there the team traveled by bus to the foothills of the Himalayas to Nainital and the Sat Tal Christian Ashram, one of the first established by

Wesley Foundation team standing amidst the construction of the future Chapel at the Warne Baby Fold E. Stanley Jones. At Sat Tal the young people performed many maintenance and development chores, including painting water towers and planting trees and flowers. But the mission was not only about working, but establishing a better understanding of culture and how Methodism is practiced in other parts of the world. At the Baby Fold, the young people and their leaders attended a Christian wedding and reception of one of the former residents. The young people introduced the newlyweds to the tradition of a “pounding” by hosting a shower at the Baby Fold, where the couple was given household goods and staple foods from members of the Louisiana team. The athletically able enjoyed many competitive games of soccer and “hacky sack” with the children on almost a daily basis. Once the team arrived in Sat Tal, they were joined by a team of 6 Indian college age young people and their leaders (On the international level of the Methodist Church, members are considered “youth” through the age of 30.) For the next four days the Louisiana/ Indian team worked and worshiped together. They exchanged sweets from their countries, and learned cultural dances from Latin American and India and amidst the abundance of Indian foods there was to be found a night of red beans and rice prepared by the LAVIM team. A highlight of the cultural exchange for all, obviously a US contribution, was probably the building of a bonfire and introducing “smores” to new Indian friends. Throughout the day the young people responded to various thought provoking theological questions originating in student led groups, and in the evening engaged in theological discussion with one another. These questions pushed the young adults to think about how they perceived God and explore what God may have in store for them as leaders of the church. One of the Indian leaders drafted a poem regarding the interaction between the groups and three of the young people (Indian, Jamaican and Peruvian) wrote music to accompany it. This became the watchword for the time these leaders of the church, from around the world, spent together.

We are here, we are now Emanuel God is with us We are few but we are strong And we can change the world Our hope is in the one who chose humanity In Christ we are the now

Celebrate Who is this Christ and why is He so special? The Bible says He is Jesus, the Son of the living God. His birth was so powerful that we now date time from it. The new millennium is a milestone - a celebration that makes us even more mindful of the impact of Jesus upon our world. Jesus Christ can give you direction and peace in your life.You can experience forgiveness and eternal life in heaven and also a full meaningful life here on earth. Millions of people have had their lives changed by His love. And you can meet this living Savior in a life changing encounter today! Celebrate Jesus with us by receiving Him into your life!!

First Baptist Church (337) 439-5547

109 North Jakes st. Lake Charles, La 70601 Sunday School @ 10AM Morning Service @ 11AM

Prayer Meeting & Bible Class Wednesday @ 7PM

pg. 3

By Angela Tezeno, M. Ed, CCLC

side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.”

Tune in on Saturday and Sunday afternoons at 8 PM to 9 PM on American Family Radio as the following websites or radio stations: Saturday 91.5 FM or www.kban.afr.net Sunday 90.3 FM or www.kylc.afr.net Coming soon on the upcoming shows will be soon very famous people with familiar names; this will include the Mr. Dill over the Teen Challenge Program which is a biblical based drug and alcohol rehabilitation program. We will also be interviewing the Ministry and founder of “Cripped to Christ” as he has turned gang members into Christians. Bent, but Not Broken Ministry is where real people, sharing real testimonies, help to encourage and inspire others to the cross of Jesus Christ, so that they too, can live a functional life. This program is about bringing hope, healing and restoration to the readers and listeners of the radio program. There will always be a guest that someone can relate too on the show. This is brought to you by Monica Soileau. This program was inspired by 2nd Corinthians Chapter 4:8-9 which says that “We are hard pressed on every

Often people underestimate the trials and tribulations that preteens and teenagers go through; however, this is a very vulnerable time for them. During these years, the devil is hard at work, trying to take captive these preteens and teenagers anyway that he can. These young kids can have praying parents, encouraging parents and involved parents; however, the devil is working in their heads with his lies as he did with Eve in the garden. As parents, we must continue to reinforce the word of God, the truth in which God has claimed about our children over and over again until they get it. They may get tired of hearing us, but it is better than us losing them to drugs, alcohol, sex, low self-esteem, suicide, failure in school, etc… Here are some scriptures to continually remind your children daily so that they too can receive the Holy Spirit as Angela did at the age of sixteen. These scriptures serve as a good reminder as to who we are in Christ. Psalm 139:13-14

For You formed my inward parts;You covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your  works, And that my soul knows very well.

Psalm 17:8

Keep me as the apple of the eye, hide me under the​ shadow of thy wing

Psalm 27:10

When my father and my mother forsake me, Then the LORD will take care of me.

Luke 12:7

But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.

Joshua 1:5 No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life; as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you nor forsake you.

What’s your Motivation? My story is not that different from most people. I have experienced my share of pain, hurt, and trials in my life; but every one of them turned into victories. I don’t declare them victories because I breezed through without wounds or scars. I declare them victories because after the damages were repaired, I moved forward. I didn’t let the faults, inconsistencies, and failures in my life stop me from launching into my destiny. I skyrocketed because I had no quit in me. I refused to abort my mission because I finally realized that I entered this world—this life of mine to accomplish a specific assignment. Fulfill Angela’s purpose was my assignment and ultimately became my mission. So I decided that I would fulfill into my destiny and live a purpose driven life. My mother and father were always there for me. They raised me to have Christian values. I was taught to be God fearing, hard working, and passionate about what I believed in. My childhood started out very typical. I was a happy child growing up. But then at a tender age of between eleven and twelve I was attacked. Not by a physical person or an animal. This was a rare kind of attack. The scars were not obvious to the natural eye. This was a rather unique attack on the me no one could see. I began to face the typical low self esteem issues that most vulnerable, pre-teens face—thinking I was ugly, untalented, and unwanted; as if no good would ever come to me. Even though my parents affirmed me continually, always shielding me the best they knew how, I still felt an arresting yoke of bondage like a yoke trying to stifle the inner me.

I knew I was under attack but didn’t quite know how to fight. This time of fear and frustration lasted for what seemed a lifetime until something amazingly powerful happened to me. An awesome experience occurred in my life that changed my life forever. At the age of sixteen, I received Jesus Christ as Lord over my life and was filled with the Holy Spirit. That day I learned how to fight and win in combat. The attack of the enemy was an attempt to capture my identity and keep me bound in chains. But Jesus covered me with His love and replaced the low self-esteem and shame with confidence, honor, and dignity. I held on to Christ from that day on and continued to fall in Love with him more and more. It was then and continues to be a love fest; a love festival that celebrates the power of God in my life. As I finished my teen years and graduated from high school, I went on to college, earned my degree (by the pure grace of God), and then another kind of love found me--The love of my dear husband. During that wonderful period of time in my life, I was so blessed to be a wife, then later a mother with a career and an awesome ministry. I still had to confront my old enemy quite often, you see, I won previous battles, but my enemy continued in warfare. I fought for the victories in my life. I fought for the safe arrival of my babies through my difficult pregnancies. I fought for my sanity when I realized that my son could not walk or talk at seemingly an appropriate age. Throughout my life there have been constant battles. But the victory was won every time. I hold dear to me everything I fought for because everything worth having is worth the fight. The enemy tried to take my children; their health and their destiny, but my son that couldn’t talk at one time is a banner roll student who loves to run, jump, and play, and is very talkative. All my children are healthy, vibrant, brilliant young souls. In every fight big or small, I realized an amazing

fact that altered my perspective on my live forever. I realized that everything that happened in my life was for a specific purpose. My assignment was to use every event in my life to bring Glory to my champion rescuer, My God. As I write this now I am here at another place in my life getting ready to embark on new era (battle). I will tell you about the outcome in my next book. I’m still fighting this one. One thing I know for sure is that just as God was with me before, He is with me right now. I often look back at my journey and realize how God confirmed so many things for me as He gave me reassurance through prayer, a word from Him through a friend, a scripture reference, or His quiet still voice. In any case God consistently reassured me. Because of God’s amazing grace, my life is my motivation…..Motivation to win every battle and live victoriously! The reason I was able to get to this very moment in my life; to the point in my life where I am confident about leading others to fulfill their own destiny is due to the fact that I surrendered to my purpose. Empowering and inspiring others is what I know I was born to do. I motivate you to be able to live the life you are destined for. Not only to fulfill your purpose in life, but also to impact others along the way by using the gifts and talents God has given you. This whole process is not just to satisfy your craving for meaning in your life (although that will be accomplished). The ultimate exchange will entail you living a life of purpose and God being glorified in the earth. I soon realized in my own journey that my ultimate purpose is to bring Glory to God. I realized that God will be glorified through me. I cannot accomplish anything on my own; it is in Christ that I live, I move, and I have my being. My qualification process is that alone. God qualifies me. My motivation is my love for people. My credential is my life. What’s your motivation?

138 W Prien Lake Road Class "Natural Tools for Focus & Immune Support" Lake Charles, LA 70601 Dr Eric Snow, DC will be giving a talk on "Natural Tools for Focus & Immune

Support" on Thursday, February 26th from 12pm to 1pm. This class will address issues like ADD, ADHD, upper respiratory issues, and other problems associated with a weakened immune system. There is no charge for this class. Please Mon 10:00am to 5:00pm call 905-7873 or come by the store to register. (337) 905-PURE (337) 477-4416 (fax) STORE HOURS

Tue 10:00am to 5:00pm Wed 10:00am to 5:00pm Thu 10:00am to 5:00pm Fri 10:00am to 5:00pm Sat closed www.purefoodsandhealth.com Sun closed

Candida Class We will be hosting a class on "Candida", Thursday, February 19th from 12pm to 1pm. The class will be taught by Deanna Shuff, from Inner Bliss in Lake Charles, who will be explaining candida, what signs to look for, and how to address the problem. There will be a Q & A time for attendees. There will be no charge. Please call 905-7873 or come by to sign up. Please Mention Christian Star Newspaper.

Warming Mexican Beans and Rice Nutrition Facts Diet Type: Low Fat Cooking Time: Under 15 minutes

Serving size: 1 Servings per recipe: 2

Ingredient: 2 cups cooked pinto or aduki beans 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon oregano 1 teaspoon chili powder 1/2 teaspoon Cumin 1-2 cloves garlic, minced 2 tomatoes, chopped 3 cups cooked, warm brown rice Garnish with chopped scallion, chopped parsley, bell pepper strips and avocado 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil (optional)

Amount per serving Calories 570 Calories from Fat 47

Servings: 2

%Daily Value* Total Fat 5g 0% Saturated Fat 1g 5% Mono Fat 2g Sodium 1315mg 55% Total Carbe 113g 38% Dietary Fiber 18g 74% Protein 20g Calcium 16% Iron 43% Vitamin B-6 40% Vitamin A 13% Vitamin E 14% Vitamin C 30% Thiamin 40% Riboflavin 18% Niacin 28% Pantothenic acid 18% Folate 45% Magnesium 53% Phosphorus 49% Potassium 33% Zinc 25% Copper 35% Manganese 200% Selenium 33%

Author: Polly Pitchford, Full Spectrum Health

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 Calorie diet.Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.

Directions: In a large skillet, mix together beans with spices and cook over medium heat for 7-8 minutes. Add chopped tomatoes and cook until heated through. Stir in olive oil (optional, not included in nutrition analysis.) Place warmed rice on individual serving plates and spoon beans on top. Garnish and serve.

Leek and Potato Soup Serves 8-10

You can make and serve this classic French soup in many different ways. Leave the vegetables whole and cook them in water alone for the most rustic version. For a richer more elegant variation, puree the soup in a food mil, food processor or blender, then stir in about 1 cup of rice milk and gently rewarm. Chill that creamy soup and you have a classic vichyssoise. 2 tablespoons unsalted organic butter or olive oil 2 lb leeks, white portions only, trimmed, carefully washed and thinly sliced 6 cups vegetable stock or water 2 lb baking potatoes, peeled, quartered lengthwise and thinly sliced sea salt and white pepper 2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh chives In a large saucepan, melt the butter over medium heat. Add the leeks and saute’ just until they begin to soften, 3-5 minutes. Add the stock and potatoes, bring to a boil, reduce the heat to low, cover and simmer until the potatoes are very tender, about 20 minutes. Season to taste with sea salt and white pepper. Ladle into warmed bowls and garnish with the chives.

Nutritional Tip: •

Potatoes are a powerhouse of complex carbohydrates. A 6 oz. potato provides almost twice as much potassium as a banana and about half the daily requirement of vitamin C. They should be stored in the dark to avoid developing green spots and excessive sprouting. They should not be stored with onions because of the gases they both give off.

If you usually peel your potatoes, you may be losing most of the potassium. 60% of the potassium that is found in a potato is under the skin. Potassium helps to neutralize acids in the body. To make a rich potassium broth, simmer the peelings from 2 potatoes in a pint of water for 20 minutes. Strain off the peelings, and drink the broth. Do this only with organically grown potapg. 4 toes and wash them well.

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Curtis Rougeau (337) 485-2460 Healing Hands Massages offered by Kathy Cookson Valentines Specials! Massages starting as low as $35 Gift Certificates can be purchased for your loved one for any occasion. Please call Kathy at (337) 477-2161 to make your appointment or to purchase your Gift Certificate.

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Gina Cleans Cleaning Service Provider for Businesses Only Please contact Regina at (337) 433-3050

Free Services to Christian & All Business Owners Provided by the Louisiana Small Business Development Center Includes the following: • Business Plans • Financial Projections • Marketing Plans • Loan Packages • Finding Capital • Business Training • Specialized Services (ie: international trade, technology) Located at McNeese State University Please contact Deborah W. King at (337) 475-5553 for an appointment.

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In Westlake, at 909 Mulberry St, from 6AM to 2PM come enjoy a delicious Daily Homemade Affordable Lunch Special for only $5.99 served by a friendly staff. (337) 491-0960 The Coffee Cup Diner offers a Christian Atmosphere, with their friendly staff.

Christian Star Issue 2

February 2009

“You and Your Money”

By Tim Andreas

In a bull market, most investors love their advisors. For the most part, investments are going up, and all is hunky-dory with the world. Investment performance is taken for granted and takes a back seat to intangibles-things like “personality” or “service.” But when a bear market rolls in like a blast of winter air, opinions may change sharply. All of a sudden, performance means everything. Successfully selecting an advisor isn’t an exact science. It’s about finding somebody with the demeanor, responsiveness, and results to match your own personality and investment needs. Only you know the right mix. But it isn’t always as easy as it sounds to find the right person. While there’s no precise formula, there are issues to consider when choosing a new advisor or deciding whether or not to stick with a current advisor: Integrity The first issue is whether you trust your financial advisor. If you don’t, the decision’s easy – get a new one. Without trust, nothing else matters. If you don’t trust your financial advisor, you can’t be sure you’re getting objective advice. Do you believe what your advisor tells you? Or do you feel that crucial information is being withheld and potential investment recommendations overstated, or that you’re being deceived? If so, move on. Does your advisor seem to have your best interests at heart? Of course, advisors can’t afford to ignore their own interests, but you should feel secure that you’re working with someone genuinely dedicated to your success. Here’s another test: has your advisor ever tried to talk you out of a trade instead of taking the easy commission? How your financial advisor handles bad news is important, too. For example, when an investment loses money, does your advisor call you about it? You need a guide who will give you an honest assessment of the situation. Most financial advisors make mistakes. Good financial advisors own up to them. Chemistry Another necessity for your advisor-client relationship is a good rapport. Otherwise, the relationship is bound to be short. Why deal with someone you don’t like? Do you hesitate to call when you need advice? If you’re comfortable, confident, and at ease – if you enjoy doing business with your advisor – you’re on the right track.You don’t even have to know exactly what it is you like about your financial advisor, only that you like the person. Likewise, is your advisor happy to hear from you when you call? Do you feel a sense of camaraderie, a sense that “we’re in this together?” If so, congratulations. Responsiveness When you ask your advisor for material or information, do you receive it? Are your calls returned? When you have money to invest, does your advisor call with ideas and suggestions? When there is important news about your investments, do you hear about it from your advisor before you read it in the paper? Is your advisor there when you call? Does your advisor call you to advise that you should sell? When trades are executed, does your advisor call to tell you the selling price? Does your advisor take personal responsibility for seeing that your questions are answered and your problems solved? And don’t forget the annual review: does your advisor review your investments with you every year? Do you receive research when it’s appropriate? All of these areas and more add up to good service – the kind of service you deserve.

Understanding Does your advisor listen? Does he or she take the time to determine your needs? Does your advisor ask good questions? Listen to your needs and respond accordingly? Take the time to find out what your objectives are, and your tolerance for risk? A good advisor shouldn’t make a recommendation without first determining your objectives. Since most clients aren’t adept at expressing needs, it takes listening and interviewing skills to get the right information. An attentive, conscientious advisor can be a great asset. Knowledge and Results Last but certainly not least, you should have an advisor with demonstrated knowledge and familiarity with various types of investments, and a track record of performance. If your main interest is stocks, you want an advisor who watches the day-to-day movements of the market. But you also want someone who can give you advice on where the market is headed for the long term. Similarly, if you’re interested in bonds, you want an advisor who deals in them regularly and can explain the ins and outs of the bond market. When you pay a full-service advisor a fee or commission, you expect quality advice. If you find that you’re doing most of the research yourself, and your advisor is having a difficult time answering your questions about a specific area of investing, perhaps you should look elsewhere. When following an advisor’s recommendations, examine how the investments have done overall. How much money has your advisor made for you? Would you have done better with the money in the bank? Hopefully not – or it may be time to get another advisor. Potentially the most important of all questions measuring an advisor’s performance takes your whole investment strategy into account: Are you achieving your investment objectives? Be fair. If your stated objective is to earn 8 percent in tax-free income, and you have, you should be pleased – even if you might have made more money by assuming greater risk. If the market is down and your stocks are down with it, it’s not necessarily your advisor’s fault. But if your stocks are down consistently, you may need new advice. All of these considerations, taken together, should help you select a first-class investment advisor. There’s no magic to it – just common sense.

Economic Stimulus – Why? By Rolland Soileau Moody’s Investors Services predicts that the default rate on corporate bonds – which foretells bankruptcies – will be three times higher in 2009 than in 2008, and 15 times higher than in 2007. What’s that mean? You could be looking at 25 business bankruptcies per month this year. Those businesses with limited cash, a lot of debt, and large interest payments due over the next year will be in trouble. Normally in a good economic climate, these businesses could just refinance loans, or get new ones, to keep the cash coming. But because of the enormous credit crunch that’s also affecting businesses, the lenders are not in a hurry to loan money to anyone – especially companies with dwindling sales as people sweat out whether they will have a job or not in the near future. I’ll get back to that.

Once a company defaults on its debt, or fails to make a payment, the next step is usually a Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing. Some companies will continue to operate, but they shed their debt and restructure. They become healthier than before and if they weather the storm, they become a much better outfit. Think K-Mart a few years back. They filed a Chapter 11 bankruptcy, emerged without any debt, and promptly built up their cash reserves by selling off several store locations. Then they merged with Sears, who was probably eyeballing that fresh stack of cash, and they’ve become a much stronger company since then. Well, they survived and that’s the name of the game, Wachovia Securities is the trade name used especially now. This is a perfect by two separate, registered broker-dealers recovery plan unless you happen to and nonbank affiliates of Wachovia Corporation providing certain retail securities be a common shareholder of the brokerage services: Wachovia Securities, LLC about-to-become-bankrupt comand Wachovia Securities Financial Network, pany. Did I mention that common LLC, Members SIPC. shareholders are the last in line This article was written by Wachovia Securi- for payment during a “restructurties and provided courtesy of Tim Andreas, ing?” The company will typically a First Vice President – Investment Officer issue new shares, usually a lot less with Wachovia Securities in Lake Charles, than before, and the existing shares LA. For more information, please call Tim Andreas at 337-439-9081 or toll free 1-800- become worthless. This is the way 256-5800. The accuracy and completeness of it plays out most times. Of course this article are not guaranteed. The opinions you can ask that your stock certifiexpressed are those of the author(s) and are cates be mailed to you and maybe not necessarily those of Wachovia Securities auction them off on EBAY as nosor its affiliates. The material is distributed talgic memorabilia, but other than solely for information purposes and is not a solicitation or an offer to buy any security or that you basically get ZIP!! When instrument or to participate in any trading they say unsecured creditor, that’s strategy. Wachovia Securities, LLC, Member exactly where you fall. You are last SIPC, is a registered broker-dealer and a in line after everyone else has had separate nonbank affiliate of Wachovia Cortheir run at what remains of the poration. ©2008 Wachovia Securities, LLC. company’s carcass.

There’s also another outcome of a Chapter 11 filing and that’s liquidation of the company outright. Think Circuit City here. The company shuts down its doors and ceases to exist. In restructuring you can expect some employees to be let go, but in a liquidation all employees are terminated. Remember the earlier comment on the worry over jobs being one of the reasons that people aren’t buying? Now you see the circle begin, or end, or just continue on around. Which companies out there seem to be at risk today? Rite Aid, Claire’s, Six Flags, Blockbuster, Krispy Kreme, and Chrysler are just a few. Each of these companies employ thousands of workers, but they all have huge debt payments, dwindling sales, and falling cash reserves. Unless something changes fast, I’d say these companies will either merge with others (unlikely for most), sell of parts of their business before their name fades away (maybe Chrysler), or simply shut their doors forever. Many store chains are having to also shut down many of their stores in cities across the country. The Christmas shopping season was a pretty good leading indicator on just how bad the retail business really was. What’s it going to take to turn this all around? That’s the $64, 000 question. Right now there’s a big credit crunch as the banks refuse to lend money. They got their bailout money, but don’t ask what they’ve done with it. Without liquidity in the markets, nothing happens. Now the government is trying to bring on another stimulus package that will probably top $800 billion. That’s a lot of money. But if that’s what it takes to get the country rolling again, put people back to work, and allow people to keep their homes, then it’s a nobrainer. The only question is, will all this money be used in the right way to make a difference FAST ENOUGH? Everyone’s got their opinions on this and no matter which side you take you don’t have to look far to see just how bad things have really gotten. This area is blessed so far. Look at the rest of the country and you’ll see that we are not going through anything close to what some communities are going through. Not yet. Check out the mall this summer and see who survives.

FACT: According to the Gallup Organization, 58% of the people in Louisiana attend church or a synagogue at least once a week and according to IMCAL, church attendance increases by 3% during hard times, such as this recession.

pg. 6

Christian Star Issue 2

February 2009

Upcoming Events:

Christian Business Owner Directory ATTORNEYS

Free Concert Open to the Public: On Wednesday, February 25th at 7PM, Christian World will host the African Children’s Choir. If you have never experienced the power of worship through singing, testimonies and dance, this choir is going to be such a blessing to you. These children are from Uganda. They are a Grammy Award – winning choir and this is their only scheduled event in our area. We 337-478-0269 are honored to host them and want you to join us in the one-of-a-kind worship celebration.

Christian Attorneys Needed


520 W McNeese St Lk Charles


1100 1st Avenue Lk Charles


1601 N Prater St Lk Charles


203 W. College St Lk Charles


716 E Prien Lk Rd. Lk Charles


BARBERS Collins Service Center

BEAUTY SALONS Neko’s Hair Studio

BEDS-RETAIL Mattress & Waterbed Gallery


Curtis Rougeau


Deb King



Kathy Cookson


Inside Prien Lake Mall


909 Mulberry St Wstlk

May 7th Just For Jesus Men After Christ will be performing at the Lake Charles Civic Center The Men After Christ are in need of Band Members. If you can play an instrument and would like to join a group that is on fire for Christ let us know at the contacts listed below. We also are in need of Sponsors, if you or your company would like to become a Sponsor of the Men After Christ please give us a call at the contacts listed below. MAC Malcolm Alfred MAC Jeremiah Guillory Men After Christ-- 1-337-540-2106 Email Us At macmenafterchrist@yahoo.com

What is a Man After Christ? The Definition of A M~A~C Men After Christ/M~A~C- A Man After Christ is a person 337-485-2460 trying to make a difference in the world, helping more and more people get committed to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. A Man After Christ is a young man that has a Vision and a Dream, given by the one and only Jesus Christ. Jesus & SVCE. died for us, so let’s show Him it was worth it and don’t let the devil get you; be strong! We also want to get the young community involved in church, going and wanting to help 337-475-5000 in praise and ministry; but most of all, a Man After Christ is a man for Christ that will stand for anything that Jesus says. They are all for change to help people get a better understanding of Jesus Christ. M~A~C’s want to let everyone 337-433-3050 know you can do anything with Jesus Christ by your side. Brotha & Sista Program is in need of volunteers, locations to hold workshops, equipment (such as a PA system), funds to provide snacks for the children, etc… Brotha & Sista is 337-477-2161 a program that will be teaching children, along with their parents how to become a young man and lady of Christ, how to dress appropriately, how to fill out a job application, self esteem 337-478-3600 awareness, abstinence, etiquette, key factors to becoming a productive citizen, etc… through weekly workshops. Please contact Lona Cross to determine how you can help our group be successful at (337) 564-0843 or (337) 499-6623. Overcomers Free to the public. Every Thursday night at 6:30 PM, Judge Quirk, Rev. Ray Highfield and Beverly Lacy provides a 12-week course to recovery for overcoming almost any situation. Contact (337) 475-0157 and mention Christian 337-491-0960 Star Newspaper to get more information. The location is at Business 2001 East Gauthier Road, Lake Charles, La 70607.

Christian Star News presenting the new Christian Owner Directory for the low cost of $12 month or $144 year to remain in the directory all year long.

Christian Star News Net Retail Advertisement Rate Sheet Here at Christian Star News, we have nothing to hide from the Christian Business Owners or Christian Consumers. We are working to keep costs low, while still printing the maximum amount of papers to get the advertisers maximum exposure. We are willing to work with you, as we know that times are hard, we just request that you are fair with us at the same time and realize that once the economy turns around we will expect to be paid competitive rates. Thank you for your support and God bless you and your business. FULL PAGE COLOR





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pg. 7

The Forgotten Victims is a real story of one family’s struggle with the legacy of domestic abuse and suicide. Monica Soileau father’s abuse led him to shoot her mother and him committing suicide. Monica speaks to today’s victims and survivors of abuse or suicide from her unique perspective. She speaks frankly of how faith helped her family cope; brought about through her mother’s miraculous recovery from grievous emotional and physical wounds, and eventually resulting in her own mature understanding and empathy for everyone caught in a vicious cycle of abuse. The author embraces her mother’s compelling memories, as well as includes her younger brother’s experience, along with her own provocative and inspirational journey through the stages of coping, understanding, and overcoming their dark, shared legacy. As a final point, this hopeful book will help guide any reader in their discerning of how abuse affects the children who encounter it. Through retrospect the reader is brought full circle to their own childhood expectations to the actuality that life can certainly be painful and full of difficult decisions. Anyone who has experienced any of the following as a victim, as an offender, as a parent, as a child, as a counselor or health care worker should read this book: • Domestic Violence. • Domestic Homicide. • Suicide of a Parent. • Children Self-Esteem Development. • Suppression of emotions and mourning. • Children assuming responsibility and guilt for parent’s abusive behavior. • Dysfunctional Relationships. • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Order can be placed on the internet by searching for book title or by Author name Monica Marie Singleton Soileau or by calling 24/7 1-866-9092665 for your copy of the book. If you wish to schedule the Author for a speaking engagement for your organization, please submit a request to: ChristianStarNewsPaper@yahoo.com

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