CSN - March Issue

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Christian Star News

Christian Star Issue 3

Busy, Busy March by Derrick Singleton March is the month when many of the beautiful spring flowering perennials begin to flower. Aubrietia, Candytuft, Rock Cress, Bergenia, Snowdrops, Witchhazel and many others will be brightening your days. With Spring just around the corner, it is time to get serious and get the garden ready! The fickle weather of March makes it impossible to set dates and schedules for planting, so proceed with caution! Late March and early April is a good time to transplant shrubs and trees but make sure to do so before buds have swelled or broken open and if you haven’t done so in February now you should fertilize shrubs and trees. Use an acid type rhododendron fertilizer to feed the following: evergreens, conifers, broad leaf evergreens, rhododendrons, azaleas and camellias. Use an allpurpose fertilizer to feed roses and other deciduous trees and shrubs. Remember if you use granular type fertilizers, be sure to water it in thoroughly. Also this month pruning of fruit trees should be completed before the buds swell. Seeing plants come to life and the signs of spring approaching can tempt you into treating you garden as if it were spring but WAIT it is still winter slowly convert your garden so you don’t cause damage to your garden. Take a little time to prepare the vegetable garden soil for planting. The addition of well-rotted manure, processed manure, peat moss or compost are good additives for building compost humus in the soil. Peas and sweet peas may be planted right now as well as perennial vegetables like Asparagus, Rhubarb, Horseradish and artichokes. Eggplant, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, celery, leeks, onions, early potatoes, and radish seeds may be planted in the garden about mid month. Spinach, Chard, Cabbage, Cauliflower, and other hardy vegetables can be seeded or set out late in the month. Plant Strawberries, Blueberries, Currants, Loganberries, Boysenberries, Grapes and fruit trees. Add some steer manure around your Rhubarb. Time to start tomatoes, lettuce, and many other vegetables from seed. Check under tall evergreens to see that they have sufficient moisture. Once you have completed all of these muscle straining and sweat pouring tasks you will be ready to sit under the tree with a tall glass of lemon aid and enjoy the season of life; spring.

Christians Helping All People

The Ultimate Sacrifice

The Power is in the Blood Covenant

March 2009 www.christianstarnewspaper.com

As a mother, can you imagine your firstborn son in his thirties informing you that he was about to offer his life as a sacrifice for all of mankind’s sins, so that they could have the option to eternal life? First of all, I’m a mother before all things and mankind is somewhere down on my list; therefore, I might have a very selfish response to my son’s passion about his mission. My next thought would be to talk him out of doing anything foolish, such as turning himself over to his enemies – that might not be a good idea. However, as my son continues to explain the depth of his mission, along with my knowledge of what the angel told me upon conceiving my firstborn son, fear and denial would be settling upon my bones as they tremble in fear. The thoughts of such a great loss as my child – my first child – tears and grief would overwhelm me. In the Old Testament, people made a sacrifice to repent for their sins. God required that blood must be shed for our sins. The blood must be without blemish; an innocent animal must die for the sins of the guilty. The blood sacrifice in the Old Testament is what Owner: Monica Soileau gave the Jewish people the history and understanding of the importance of Jesus Christ dying on the cross as the “Sacrificial Lamb of God”. In John 1:36, Jesus is identified as “the Lamb of God”. The first innocent animal sacrifice was made for Adam and Eve’s sin in the Old Testament. Leviticus 17:11 (NIV) “For the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar; it is the blood that makes atonement for one’s life.” At this point, as a mother, I would come to realize that my son, yes - my son, was going to be the Sacrificial Lamb of God! This was God’s plan from the beginning when He chose me to carry Him in my womb. But yet, my carnal mind and my flesh as His mother would still feel torn with emotions of grief, hate, denial, pain and a need to protect Him. I would ask God to choose someone else, because I am human and I am selfish. I want my son. The world does not even know His worth yet; they deny His acts of miracles and power. They do not deserve Him or eternal life. The Bible says that in order to atone for our sins and be at one with God, a sacrifice must be offered equal in value to the degree of the sin. A system was developed to establish a scale to determine what value a sacrifice must be for the named sin - it was the Levitical system. Before Adam and Eve committed sin, they did not need to make any sacrifices, because they always lived in the Glory of God; but after their sins were committed, man has always fallen short of bringing God all of the glory and living up to His standards. Therefore, we need the blood of “the Lamb” to cover us and cleanse us of our sins to be in the presence of God. Adam and Eve tried to cover up their sins with fig leaves, but despite their attempts to cover up their sins, their sins still remained filthy in the sight of God. In Exodus Chapter 12, the Lord told Moses and Aaron in Egypt to have the people from the community of Israel to take this first month of the year and make an animal sacrifice either of a lamb without defect or a goat. They were to take a lamb or goat for the size of their household on the tenth day and care for the animal until the fourteenth day. They were all to make the sacrifice at twilight, then take some of the blood and mark the door posts and the door tops where they ate the flesh of the animal. If the animal was too big for the household making the sacrifice, then they were to share the meat with their neighbor. On that night, they were to roast the meat of the animal without defect and eat only the roasted meat in haste, leaving nothing for the morning. If anything was left until the morning, they were to burn it. They also were to eat bread without yeast. The roasting of the Passover lamb with fire represents the fire of judgment, which Christ took for all. Eating of the Passover lamb provided natural and supernatural strength. The sick and diseased were healed and delivered after Passover. The blood marked on the door posts were to be the hedge of protection from the destruction God was going to bring onto Egypt and their false Gods. God was going to strike down every first born of Egypt, both men and animals. However, God was going to Passover those who had made the blood sacrifice and marked his house with the blood. The eating of the Passover lamb’s flesh was one way of symbolically partaking of Christ. In the New Testament, eating is used as one way of symbolically partaking of spiritual food. When Jesus died on the cross, this was one way of partaking the flesh of “the Lamb” as communion and His blood is the juice we drink to symbolize the fruit of the vine. Jesus said in John 6:51 “I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.” John 6:53 – 56 Jesus says, “I tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in him.” The Bible is the testament of God’s Will for His people. It is His living will and His promises for His people who seek to know Him. The word “daitheke” is a Greek work that represents a testament or a covenant, that is a binding agreement or document,” (in this case sealed in blood), “transferring property and/or privileges to legal ‘heirs’, upon the death of the testator. According to http://www.bettyelders.com/fireside1.htm. Therefore, the bible is made up of God’s purpose for our lives and rules for us to live by to receive His blessings and inheritance. The bible is comprised of the Old and the New Testament. In the Old Testament, God allowed His people to use flawless animals as blood sacrifices for their sins; however, in the New Testament, God sends His son down to earth as a sinless man to die for our sins so that we could repent of our sins and be in companionship with God again. Although, we are not able to physically cover ourselves in the blood of Christ, we can still accept the Blood of Christ. Jesus’ blood, which gives us life and His body, which bore our sins, can give us eternal salvation if we accept it. The Blood Continues on page 8

Christian Star Issue 2 General Information

March 2009

Just in case you are looking for a home church....

Greater St. Mary Missionary Baptist Church Contact numbers: St. Memorial Church of God in Christ (337) 257-8972 Zion Tabernacle Baptist Church Open Arms Baptist Church (832) 563-1575 Mount Calvary Baptist Church news@christianstarnewspaper.com New Emmanuel Baptist Church Publishers: The Church of Lake Charles Teaching Center Christian Baptist Church Monica Soileau monicasoileau@christianstarnewspaper.com Mt. Pilgrim Baptist Church St. Paul African Methodist Episcopal Church Chief Editors: Eastwood United Pentecostal Church United Christian Fellowship Rolland Soileau Throne of Grace Fellowship True Light Baptist Church Advertising: Refuge Temple Sales & Marketing The Church of New Beginning of Lake Charles Inc. First Pentecostal Church Cathedral of Praise Derrick Singleton Church of The King derricksingleton@christianstarnewspaper.com Shiloh Baptist Church (337) 853-5172 Livingway Pentecostal Church Monica Soileau Christian World Ministries monicasoileau@christianstarnewspaper.com Power Church International (337) 257-8972 Trinity Baptist Church Dan Allen St. Luke-Simpson United Methodist Church danlallen@christianstarnewspaper.com Lake Charles Seventh Day Adventist Church (337) 540-4997 St. John Lutheran Church Nolan Melonson nolanlmelonson@christianstarnewspaper.com Westlake Church of Nazerene Eternity Full Gospel Fellowship (832) 563-1575 University of Methodist Church First Baptist Church of Gillis Designers: St. Margaret Catholic Church Primary - Sasha McDaniel First Presbyterian Church sashamcdaniel@christianstarnewspaper.com (337) 853-9883 Westwood Baptist Church Westlake United Methodist Church St. Henry’s Catholic Church Contributors: First Pentecostal Church of Westlake Michele Abshire Immaculate Conception Cathedral Nolan Melonson Immaculate Heart of Mary Church Rodney Hennigan New Sunlight Baptist Church Monica Soileau Lake Area Worship Center Rolland Soileau St. John Bosco Church Derrick Singleton Word of Hope Family Worship Center Dan Allen Sacred Heart Catholic Church Deanna Shuff United Methodist Churches District Office Diocese of Lake Charles Tena Matthews First United Methodist Church Episcopal Church of The Good Shephard Distribution Managers: Wesley Foundation at McNeese University Derrick Singleton, Louisiana Sale st. Baptist Church Nolan Melonson, Texas Our Lady Queen of Heaven Church Glad Tidings Church Messiah Missionary Baptist Church Disclaimer: Beth Messiah Messianic Congregation The entire contents of this paper are copyrighted February 2009 by Christian Star Newspaper. All rights Gateway Church of God reserved. Material in this publication may not be re- First Baptist Church of Sulphur produced in any form without the expressed written First Baptist Church of Moss Bluff consent of the publisher. Saint Theodore Catholic Church Christian Star Newspaper is not responsible for any Mossville Truth Tabernacle Church claims made by advertisers. The views and opinions Cathedral of Faith Baptist Church expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the First Baptist Church of Lake Charles publisher. The Lord’s Outreach Worship Center Family Baptist Church

Recommended Christian Music of the Month Support your local Recording Artists/Musicians as they work to bring you quality Christian Music to lift your Spirit during your day. All of these Albums can be found at the Christian Book Center located on Prien Lake Road across from the Prien Lake Mall. Group/ Album Title/ Genre Big Game/Mercy/ Rap Yvonne Marie/ He Changed Me/ Urban Yvonne Marie/ I want to Live Holy/ Urban Michael Loftin/ True To You/ Urban Pastor Mitchell J. Stevens, Sr./ Experience Praise Live/ Urban Sons of Light/ Solomon’s Porch Project/ Urban Prentiss Miller/ The Dash/ Country Ron Mayo/ Seasons/ Urban Broken Vessels/ Unashamed/ Praise and Worship Mark Condon/ Obvious Kid’s Praise/ Children’s DVD

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Monthly Scripture NIV: But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

KJV: But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8

Memory Verse To the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves. In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace that he lavished on us with all wisdom and understanding. Ephesians 1:6-8

Bible Trivia 1. Why did Jesus weep over Jerusalem? 2. Who did the people demand to be released instead of Jesus? 3. Who was forced to carry Jesus’ cross? 4. Who was the last person to see Jesus? 5. Who killed Jesus? 6. What is the way to God our Father? Answers from February’s issue: (1) each day, (2) belt, (3) above yourselves, (4) Peter, (5) heart, soul, & strength, (6) amen

Savings Advice Prepare healthy meals instead of eating out. This can save a family of four at least $40 to $60 per night. Prepare a grocery list in advance of grocery shopping; this preparation will help you to prevent from buying any unnecessary items. Prepare meals that can be recycled, such as grilled chicken breast; grilled chicken breast can be used in a healthy salad on the second night. Next, don’t forget to clip coupons to reap the benefit of every possible saving. Monica Soileau

Celebrate Last month we talked about who is Jesus Christ; well, now we will continue to explore who He is to us today during the season of His Crucifixion, Death and then the Resurrection. NEW!! NEW!! NEW!!

Preparing The Way Ministries

Central School Auditorium 2nd floor on Sundays at 10 AM Central School Room 108 1st floor on Wednesdays at 7 PM Pastor Doyle & Gena Evans has a genuine love for God and His people; they invite you, your family and friends to come out and experience His love. Please Call (337) 474-5673

________Inside This Issue________ The Ultimate Sacrifice Busy, Busy March Church Directory Monthly Scripture Bible Trivia Savings Advice Welcome to Christian Star Newspaper The Broken Plate My Hero & the Shark Fasting & Detoxing during Lent I Love Him The Spirit of Assassination The Land of Opportunity How to save Money in Hard Times Christian Business Directory Upcoming Events

pg. 1 pg. 1 pg. 2 pg. 2 pg. 2 pg. 2 pg. 3 pg. 4 pg. 5 pg. 6 pg. 7 pg. 8 pg. 9 pg. 9 pg. 11 pg. 11 pg. 2

Christian Star Issue 3

March 2009

Welcome to Christian Star News I would like to thank all of the 84 PLUS churches and businesses for their support in helping Christian Star News accomplish the larger vision that God has for Southwest Louisiana and beyond. We ask that you continue to stand with us, as we have stood with you during the conception for your churches and businesses. When Jesus came down to be amongst us, He preached to the masses and in foreign lands. We, at Christian Star, do not own a church [we attend a church] and do not intend on recruiting for any set church or denomination; however, we do want to be a part of the harvest of souls for God. We seek to place this Christian paper right next to the secular papers in businesses. We pray and desire that the articles submitted from the different churches will attract the unsaved souls to seek salvation in a Christ believing, Biblebased Church. We desire to highlight Christian-Owned Businesses, so as Christians, we can make a choice in who we decide to conduct business with and what reading material we choose to select from the FREE Reading Racks. We want to promote Christian family oriented activities that are being held in SWLA by posting the upcoming events of local churches that are open to the public as a free service. We invite all Christian Pastors to submit

By Owner Monica

articles that feed the spirit, as well as advice from as experts educate us on our experts on subjects such finances, health and gardenas finances and interpering. We are working with big sonal relationships. businesses to bring discounts • Develop a “Listing of all to our Christian Community; Christian-Owned Busihowever, like Christ, we will nesses.” help all! Note for Pastors: The Christian Star News is NonOur initial goals remain Denominational, and we have constant; however, we need no intentions of attempting your support as we get to persuade those who are established. If you believe currently attending a church that Christians should have that preaches Jesus Christ as Christians newspapers, mov- Savior and Lord to move to ies and magazines, you have some other church. We are to support them in order for not church hoppers ourthem to survive. Our goals selves: we are rooted. are simple. • Provide news and inforThe Christian Star offers mation of special interest each local church the opporfor those within the local tunity to submit articles that Christian communities are strictly bible-based (pref. that we serve. FurtherKJV/NKJV) for the publisher more, the Christian Star to consider for use in a fuwill offer hope and truth ture publication. We also ofto those that have not fer local Christian Churches yet made a decision to the opportunity to purchase follow Christ, through Ads (of any size available) in secular distribution the Christian Star News, and points. these ads may be designed • Help promote businesses to encourage unchurched and professionals that readers to visit their place of want to reach potential worship. customers/clients from their local Christian At the end of the day, we just community. Advertisers want to be obedient to the are encouraged to offer Holy Spirit and serve God! discounts and other special incentives to readChristian Star News paper is ers of the Christian Star new and innovative with its News each month. new concept of helping the • Help educate people community. The Christian about how to live well Star’s goal is to bring help and to be good stewards to the Community during as we face challenging these uncertain economic economic and social con- times. Christians are called ditions. Examples include: to help; we are called to gardening and nutritional help the poor, the struggling, tips, clipping coupons, those barely hanging on, and

About Saint Patrick’s Day Saint Patrick’s Day is celebrated each year on March 17th. In Ireland, Saint Patrick’s Day is both a holy day and a national holiday. Saint Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland as he was the one who brought Christianity to the Irish. According to legend, Saint Patrick used a shamrock to explain about God. The shamrock, which looks like clover, has three leaves on each stem. Saint Patrick told the people that the shamrock was like the idea of the Trinity – that in the one God there are three divine beings: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The shamrock was sacred to the Druids, so Saint Patrick’s use of it in explaining the trinity was very wise. Although it began in Ireland, Saint Patrick’s Day is celebrated in countries around the world. People with Irish heritage remind themselves of the beautiful green countryside of Ireland by wearing green and taking part in the festivities. Shamrocks were believed to possess magical properties with its tripartite leaves, as three was a sacred number in numerology. In ancient times they were used by druids to ward off evil spirits. It was also thought that an upward direction of its leaves was a prophecy for grave weather. According to recent research, red clover has shown anti-cancer activity, and poultices of the herb have been used as alternative medicine for skin complaints such as psoriasis and eczema.

any and everyone within our reach in need of help. We offer this paper FREE to the public and FREE to the churches to utilize this as a tool to reach out to those who may be seeking to learn more about God and His goodness.

with Christian Star News until we are established and rooted. If you are a small Christian business, even a $50 business card ad will help sustain us until we can get National Support for our area. Stand for what you believe in.

We at Christian Star News are following through with our responsibility as Christians to reach out and help as many people as possible with the help and willingness of businesses to offer discounts and savings to the Body of Christ. Christian Star News extends a genuine concern for the mind, body, and spirit of our readers and will work tirelessly to ensure that we bring to you information and advertisers that adhere to the same. Christian Star News is about Christians Helping People!

Time is even more of a precious commodity these days, our ultimate goal is to save you time from fumbling through various newspapers clipping coupons, and opening several envelopes to get only a small savings. This paper is convenient and simple and allows you to have all the savings you need in one location, in your car or your purse or wherever you’d like as you need them.

We are here to add to, build and assist the churches with their vision to serve God and prepare souls for the At Christian Star News we harvest. I offer my radio minfeel the pains of our commu- istry Bent but Not Broken nity during this time of reto the different ministries cession, high unemployment as they wish to share their rates, and economic strugvision, testimony and to angles. Though we have seen a nounce upcoming events as decrease in the cost of fuel, a free service. This is my ofthe rise where groceries fering to God. I wish to give are concerned has certainly to the Body of Christ. I am remained and is steadily blessed to be a blessing! increasing. Therefore, we are Thanks for taking the time working with companies to to be your brother’s keeper bring you the discounts and and ensuring that they too coupons you need in one get the same savings as I am place for necessary items offering you. God bless you that you consume or utilize and may the seeds you sow everyday. It requires time and reap 1000-fold in the same participation of the commu- year in Jesus name we pray. nity for large corporations Amen! to offer their savings to us, so I pray that you will stand


If your organization would like to have your upcoming events listed in our new news paper “Christian Star News” please send your information in an Adobe .pdf file or Microsoft Word document. The announcement should not be more than 75 words, no logos; otherwise a charge would apply.

Family Baptist Church Dr. M. Tezeno, Sr. Pastor

(337) 439-5547

109 North Jakes st. Lake Charles, La 70601 Sunday School @ 10 AM Morning Service @ 11 AM

Prayer Meeting & Bible Class Wednesday @ 7 PM

Neko’s Hair Studio The previous Fantastic Sam’s manager of many years is now located at 203 W. College st. Lake Charles, La 70605 Bring this ad in and get 1 FREE Deep conditioner with the purchase of 1 cut and style. pg. 3

Christian Star Issue 2

The Broken Plate By Michele Abshire

Tune in on Saturday and Sunday afternoons at 8 PM to 9 PM on American Family Radio as the following websites or radio stations: Saturday 91.5 FM or Sunday 90.3 FM Archives can be listened to at www.bentbutnotbrokenradio.com Coming soon on the upcoming shows will be soon very famous people with familiar names; this will include the Mr. Dill over the Teen Challenge Program which is a biblical based drug and alcohol rehabilitation program. We will also be interviewing the Ministry and founder of “Cripped to Christ” as he has turned gang members into Christians. Bent, but Not Broken Ministry is where real people, sharing real testimonies, help to encourage and inspire others to the cross of Jesus Christ, so that they too, can live a functional life. This program is about bringing hope, healing and restoration to the readers and listeners of the radio program. There will always be a guest that someone can relate too on the show. This is brought to you by Monica Soileau. This program was inspired by 2nd Corinthians Chapter 4:8-9 which says that “We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.” If you feel lead to share your testimony which may be able to save someone else’s soul, please submit your story to: monicasoileau@christianstarnewspaper.com In subject line please put Bent But Not Broken.

New Fitness Revolution

Who: Heavenly Movement Ministries, Inc. Announces What: VIRTUAL Health, Wealth, & Wellness Ministry Live at: www.road2divinehealth.com When: Anytime: 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week Where: Cyberspace; the Internet How: By God’s Miraculous Hand we pledge to REVERSE the TREND of OBESITY NOW within the Body of Christ and www.road2divinehealth.com is one of the ways that Heavenly Movement Ministries, Inc is accomplishing our pledge. I am pleased to share with you that Heavenly Movement Ministries, Inc. Health, Wealth, & Wellness Ministry is now on the internet at www.road2divinehealth.com We are a ministry of total restoration with our mission being Psalm 51:12 “to restore unto us the joy of HIS salvation” which we believe is directly tied to our health and well being. Check us out at www.road2divinehealth.com. Join our online health and fitness community for FREE at www.road2divinehealth.com which provides you with support in planning healthy meals. I really love the feature that makes a shopping list for you to print out and take to the store with you; an online coach for encouragement. Whew! We all need that; a workout calendar and tracker that enters you in a daily drawing for cash & prizes after each workout, and more. We also provide an array of nutritional and fitness products that can be purchased in our online store all with a 30-day money back guarantee. NOTE: Product purchasing is not required to join the FREE online community. Lastly, if you are an encourager and want to help others reach their health and fitness goals and get paid for it, consider becoming an Online Coach at www.road2divinehealth.com check out the details. For more information, please contact me (Debbie Johnson-Houston) at: 1-800-516-6312 or email: roadtolonglife@gmail.com

I was thinking about an incident that happened when I was a young girl and how there was a story within the story. I guess I was about 8 or 9 and it must have been around Thanksgiving, Christmas or Easter because that was the time that for those extra special occasions mom would get out the china for dinner. Mom kept her china plates in a nice cloth like zippered container during the year and I thought I would help by putting them away in the buffet for her. The counter was high and the plates were heavy and when I pulled them down they slipped out of my hands falling to the kitchen floor with a muffled crash. I heard Mom from the other room asking what happened, I hurriedly picked them up calling back to her “Oh, its nothing!” As fast as I could I unzipped the container taking each plate out all the while hoping that they would be alright but when I got to the last plate there it lay broken in half. I took it out and put the others back in, zipped the container, grabbed the broken plate and ran outside to throw it in the trashcan. When I got to the trashcan I thought to myself “What if she decides to go through the trash?” (It was years later when I thought about the stupidity of my thought that day!) So, I decided against putting it in the trash and decided to bury the evidence. I went to the front yard where we had these two huge bushes (we often played under there) and buried the plate where it lay hidden for at least six to seven years later. When I was 14 we moved to Germany but we did not sell the house and when I was 16 we moved back to our old home in El Paso. The renters had not taken very good care of our yard and as soon as spring hit mom was out there working in the yard, cleaning, gardening and trimming overgrown bushes. In the process of this, lo and behold, what did she

find? She found the broken china plate buried where it had laid for many a year. That afternoon when we three came home from school she lined us up in the kitchen, held up the plate and asked who broke it? Well, I held my peace and would not confess. I stood there stubbornly refusing to take the blame even when my brother and sister were punished right along with me. I don’t even remember the punishment but the sad part was that they were completely innocent in the matter and I let them share in the blame.Years later after grown and with children of my own I finally told mom what had happened that fateful day and it was I who had broken her china plate. I think that there are some truths that can be gleaned out of this story. First of all if I would have just told my Mom the truth I know every thing would have been o.k. She might have been a little upset but it was an accident and I didn’t mean to break the plate, I was trying to help. Fear took place in my heart and the actions that I began to put into motion after I broke the plate were wrong and led me to do things I should never have done: I hid the incident, I tried to get rid of the evidence, I buried the evidence and finally I lied by not coming forward with the truth and let others suffer with me in punishment that only I deserved. The second thing was that my ‘thinking’ wasn’t rational. When we begin to practice deceit our thinking gets a bit distorted and warped but I think it is God’s way of letting things that are wrong eventually come to light. That is why I believe criminals often make such stupid mistakes; their thinking is not rational. Another truth in this is that God eventually brings all things to light. Our sins find us out whether here or when we stand in eternity so it is better to get things right here while

there is time for repentance. If I had put that plate in the trash my mom in all probability would never have discovered the broken plate. The truth would never have come out and I would probably had forgotten all about that day and the broken plate and my siblings and I would never have been punished and I would not have this story to tell. The third thing is the fact that when it was finally found out that I continued to not face up to my responsibility in the deed and I let others take the blame with me in their complete innocence. Sin never wants to face responsibility, it always wants to stay hid in darkness and let others take the blame. When we make wrong choices in this life it always leads to others being hurt, often bringing much harm in relationships. That day my sister and brother took the blame and were punished right along side of me. In a small way it is a story that gives sort of a picture of what Jesus did for us, the difference being that Jesus knew He was carrying our sin, He knew He was carrying our blame and He was completely innocent in the whole matter. He shed his blood and died for our sin with full knowledge that He was not guilty and He did this because of His great love for us. We have a redeemer that is well able to redeem us and clean us up and make us His own so that we can be a light in the midst of the darkness instead of adding to the darkness of this world. I was thinking about this story on another level as far as brokenness of heart. Often our hearts get broken whether by our own choices or because of the choices others make. We tend to want to hide this from everyone, to bury the brokenness in the deepest recesses of our being. Hoping against hope that it never has reason to surface again and yet all the while this brokenness Continued on pg. 7 pg. 4

MY HERO And THE SHARK By Rodney Hennigan

I was twelve years old in the summer of 1973, on the day this story begins. My dad had returned home from working all night and entered the living room, where I was watching television. He caught me by surprise when he paused and asked if I wanted to go fishing. He’s normally very tired when he gets home and goes straight to bed. Plus, he had already known he didn’t have to ask, I’ll seize any opportunity to go spend time in God’s great outdoors. I was always remaining on standby, ready to go. I loved the outdoors and still do, it is the only place I’ve ever known, where I could find spend personal time with my Creator and find total peace of mind. I jumped up to gather my gear before Dad could change his mind. He and I finished loading our gear into the trunk of his dusty old work car and took off, rattling southward on LA 27. I could tell he was bone tired; by the way he talked. We were headed to a place where a coworker, with whom he had worked with last night, had caught a lot of speckle trout the day before and told him to go. I have the best dad in the world. Only a man like he, would take me fishing as bone weary and tired as I knew him to be. An hour later, we arrived and parked on the side of a shell road. Located nearby were the banks of the Calcasieu River. Further to the south, where the river ended, the vast Gulf of Mexico took over and spread across the globe. I was awestruck finding myself located literally, at the end of the world. A strong tide was in the process of rushing outward through the river channel, escaping to its freedom in the wide-open gulf. In my short lifetime, I had never seen anything like it. From a distance, the river appeared to be a moving-living thing. I had to go over to see it, for myself. I began walking toward the nearest edge of the water to do a little investigating while Dad was preoccupied with getting his gear out of the trunk of the car. On the way over, I had to look down to see where to place my bare feet, to avoid the cutting edges of empty oyster shells lying half hidden in the sand. A strange creature darted out from under one of them. It took one quick curious look at me and quickly scampered away, to find a place to hide. A massive claw held tightly pressed against the front of its undersized body had caught my attention. The pincer looked as if it could easily take one of the toes off of my bare feet. I was briefly tempted to follow the small foot trail left behind in the sand, to find its hidden burrow and dig it up for another look. Recalling the painful looking claw convinced me not to. I continued onward, to the water line and stopped to look around. I made another great discovery. The river didn’t just look alive, it really was. Several small schools of fingersized mullet swam in the water near the bank. I noticed the little fish appeared to be skittish and nervous while vigorously battling against the outward flow of the

current. A different movement near them caught my attention and I saw the reason behind their anxiety. A blue crab was furiously paddling sideways through the water, heading toward the mullet. It was obvious by the way he held open its two sharp claws that it was attempting to sneak up on at least one, to eat for lunch. The mullet knew what the crab was up to and were having none of it. In a silvery flash, the little fish shot forward, disappearing with an impressive display of energy and speed, and got out of harm’s way. On land but near the edge of the water, another odd critter appeared. I had to look close to make sure my eyes weren’t deceiving me. They were telling my brain they saw a crawling seashell with hairy legs. Whoever heard of such a thing? I bent over for a closer inspection and came eye to eye with my first hermit crab, selfconsciously living in a borrowed home. The hairy crab with two protruding eyes stuck on the end of stalks, paused to peer out from under its borrowed entryway. It was curious to see what the land giant blocking its path, taking an interest in it, was up to. Filled with my own curiosity, I picked up the shell for a better look at the misshapen creature inside. The timid crab couldn’t stand the ugly sight filling its own vision. I caught a quick glimpse of it, as it quickly withdrew to hide in the deep hollow chamber. Disappointed and insulted, I put the shell back down and looked for something else to entertain me. My eyes wandered out toward the middle of the river and saw fish leaping out of the water, silver bodies sailing through the air, one behind the other. The shiny scales mirrored the bright rays, from the intense summer sun. I identified the fish to be adult-sized mullet and they all appeared to be having a fun time playing a game of leapfrog. The thought never entered my mind that they could be fleeing in terror, trying to escape a starving predator. A rowdy disorganized flock of seagulls with flapping wings cruised down the near shoreline. They stopped to hover right above my head and loudly announced their arrival, forcing me to look up. At least a dozen or more floated in the gentle ocean breeze, blowing in from the gulf. The sight of the birds caused a stray thought to flash past, about how they sort of reminded me, of kites dancing with the wind. The previous kind thoughts for the intruders quickly soured, after I saw a stream of dark liquid, squirt from the flock and land nearby. It barely missed hitting me, by inches. I was offended, I knew what the stinking stuff was and I suspect you do too . . . malarkey. From that moment on, the birds became more of a threat and a nuisance to be avoided. They had turned into an awful rude and raucous bunch, anyway. The original friendly calls of greeting had turned to shrill cries, demanding handouts. The moment they realized I had not brought any morsels of food to surrender, the tones of the cries changed once again, to hurl angry insults my way.

The rioting mob fussed and fought against each other, always jostling to gain a better position to either continue cussing or begging for the non-existent handouts. Fortunately, I didn’t have to suffer much longer before they became bored and recognized a new opportunity, in the form of a shrimp boat, about to pass them by. The chase was on. The boat’s deckhands were standing outside the cabin, toward the back of the moving vessel. A massive shrimp net draped downward, from the metal rigging above their heads. They were gathered around a table; working to cull the day’s catch, busy separating by hand, the valuable shrimp from the day’s unwanted by-catch. The starving birds were happy to find something being thrown out into the water to eat. I had to give the winged devils their due and admired the way in which they expertly picked up the boat’s unwanted by-catch floating on top of the water, with their sharp-pointed beaks. The pointed bow of the boat plowed through the water, cleaving it in two and created frothing ribbons of small rolling waves. I watched the waves grow larger in size as they traveled down the length of the boat and fanned out from behind the moving vessel’s transom. The ranks split in two and began to march toward opposite shores. The sight caused me to think of a marching army on the offensive, during a famous battle in the past. I marveled over how equally spaced the columns were, one following right behind the other. The first one continued to grow quite large as it neared. It rose up in a self righteous anger and crested to meet its destiny head on. It violently crashed against the unyielding shoreline and raced forward, with an angry ribbon of white frothing foam leading the way. I was caught flatfooted and couldn’t move away fast enough. The rapidly thinning water reached in to touch the exposed toes of my bare feet, sending little shocking currents of cold running up my skinny, bird-like legs. Compared to the heat of the hot summer day, the water had felt extremely cold. Even though I knew it was not, it had still created feelings of dread, with the thought of wading out to fish. I turned my back to the river and retreated, hesitant to leave with my hungry curiosity still not satisfied, but I had to go gather my fishing gear out of Dad’s dusty work car. He was standing by the open trunk and had already finished getting his out. I could sense the impatience growing, waiting for me to do the same. We had our gear in hand and stood near the water’s edge, when my father told me to remain standing on shore. He turned and cautiously entered the rushing water to test the strength of the tide. He didn’t get very far before he stopped and turned around to begin slowly working his way back. The force of the water pushed against his knees and swirled around them, leaving a trail of tiny whirlpools to spin away down river. I could tell from the look on his weather-beaten face, he had something important on his mind, to say.

I felt very fortunate; the best fisherman in the world stood before me and filled my vision. His calloused right hand, from all of the years of hard work on the Kansas City Southern Railroad, reached deep into his pants pocket and withdrew a red-vinyl fish stringer. I tilted my head back and looked up into his clear blue eyes. The steady gaze I received in return forcefully held my attention. My favorite fisherman demonstrated how to properly tie the stringer onto the belt loop of my cutoffs. With a final tightening of the knot, he issued firm orders for me not to wade very far out into the rushing water. And added that, under no circumstances at all, should I ever and he did mean ever, go deeper than ankle depth. Using nothing but words, he proceeded to paint a very clear picture in my mind. It was easy to see myself carried out to sea by the strong current and washed onto distant shores, lying on the other side of the world. He totally convinced me, I would be lost forever, if I chose not to follow his instructions to the letter. After he finished giving me my lecture for the day and succeeded in scaring me silly, he added (with a remark thrown in, on how he was a taller, heavier and more experienced adult) that he was going to wade out a much further distance from the shore, to a greater depth. With the visions of being washed out to sea still running fresh through my young mind, he left me alone and re-entered the current. I hope you can understand why I was very hesitant and held strong reservations about entering the rushing current. There’s no distant shore I really wanted to go see and besides that, I didn’t know the language spoken in India and didn’t really want to learn. With a strong sense of selfpreservation ruling my thoughts, I decided to take a much safer route, by choosing to stay rooted to dry land. With a little more pondering on the subject, I managed to convince myself, I wasn’t being timid, at all. I’m sure you’d all agree that someone had to make a sacrifice, to keep a close eye glued to my brave father’s retreating back. After all, if I could be washed out to sea, couldn’t he? The nervous anxiety increased with each of Dad’s cautious-sliding steps along the river bottom, taking him further away, into the deeper water. The angry roiling water surface crept up his long legs. Millions of gallons of water pressure pushed hard against his side, determined to knock him off of his feet. It rose higher, inching past his waist line to add more pressure, pushing against his ribs and finally stopped climbing, a foot or so below the pits of his arms. He twisted the heels of his feet to sink them into the sandy bottom, anchoring himself to the riverbed. It dawned on me, that it looked like he knew what he was doing and I was able to breathe a little easier, but not much. The red fishing rod resting on the top of his right shoulder lifted up. The tip briefly pointed skyward, behind his back and quickly whipped forward, launching the

attached bait. The small missile arched through the air, trailing a line of silver thread. A tiny splash in the distant water, on this side of a swelling wave, gave away the exact spot where the crank bait loaded with needle-sharp treble hooks, landed. A short fraction of a second later, a starving speckle trout spied the tempting white lure with a black spot on the side of its tail and couldn’t pass it up. In one gaping bite it swallowed it all . . . hooks . . . line . . . and sinker. Dad hauled back on the rod to bury the hooks into the corner of the fish’s mouth. During the ensuing tug-of-war between fish and man, the limber fiberglass rod bent over, almost double. The trout put up a good fight and lost. My dad, with a contented grin stretching across his face, avoided the needle sharp tooth located in the center of the fish’s mouth and held it high in the air, to show me and to rub a little salt into my wounded pride. A few moments later, the defeated fish was placed onto the stringer. The salt hurt, but not enough for me to enter the water. With the first fish secured for the frying pan, Dad recast the lure and just as quickly, hooked a larger trout. The fish jumped, dodged and twisted to get away, but couldn’t shake the sharp treble hooks. Grinning, Dad held it up for me to see and I watched the second fish placed onto the stringer, to join the first in the frying pan. The pain became unbearable. I couldn’t stand around any longer with idle hands, watching Dad have all the fun. All of my former, (okay, I’ll admit it) scared feelings fled, overpowered by the much stronger desire to catch fish. I quickly rushed out to my assigned ankle depth to make my first cast. Incredibly, by the time I did, Dad was already reeling in a third fish. I saw it out of the corner of my eye, hauled back the rod and threw the lure as hard and as far as I could, aiming for the center of the river. It didn’t make it that far, but it didn’t matter. In seconds, I was rewarded for the effort and in the midst of my battle, with my first fish. We began having so much fun catching fish, by reeling in one trout after the other, that we soon began ignoring one another. I can recall enjoying the special moment with my dad and wishing the perfect day would never end, thinking that this is what heaven must be like. However, the good time didn’t last much longer before it was rudely interrupted in a very surprising and totally unexpected way from the most unlikely of sources, my dad. He began by shouting out words that seared my mind. “SHARK, SON . . . SHARK . . . GET OUT OF THE WATER!” The loud words branded my brain forever and sent shivers of fear coursing through my body. Without looking, I came close to running on top of the water, in my haste to get out. Even though I didn’t run on water, I still think I managed to set a new speed record, in getting out. TO BE CONTINUED......... Please see the April Issue for the rest of this story. pg. 5

Christian Star Issue 2

March 2009

Before Size 16

May 2008

Nicole Arabie July 2008

DETOXIFICATION PROGRAM IS A GREAT TOOL DURING LENT Signs of a Toxic Body • Fatigue / lack of energy • Overweight / underweight • Digestive problems (gas, ulcers, heartburn, IBS) • Irregularity (constipation / diarrhea) • Cravings or addictions • Headaches • Mood swings, anxiety, depression, irritability • Allergies, hayfever, asthma • Low resistance to illness and infection • Skin disorders • Smoking M’lis Program Highlights • It is estimated that 95% of all degenerative disease begins in the colon. Detoxification is a way to lessen the symptoms of and prevent disease. • All organs and systems of the body are cleansed and allowed to rejuvenate. • The immune system is strengthened. • Energy and mental clarity are increased. • Dependencies on sugar, caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine are reduced. • Bad eating habits are broken • 3-8 lbs. of water and waste are lost • The body’s natural tract is restored • Detoxification is the core of the M’lis line of products and the foundation of every Lifestyle Change Program that we offer. Why Detoxify? Our bodies are Holy Temples that God has entrusted us to take care of for this short time that we have in them. It is our responsibility to do the best we can to keep it clean and free of toxins. During Lent, or for 40 days, Jesus went out into the desert and made the sacrifice of giving up food with prayers to be closer to God and to hear His voice. We too, can make a 3-day sacrifice to cleanse our bodily organs back to the way God designed us for good health. The only way that toxins are eliminated from the body is through the natural processes of detoxification, which occurs through the skin by perspiration, through the colon by evacuation, through the kidneys by urination, and through the lungs by respiration. When the body has accumulated more toxins than it can handle, the body in its amazing natural healing process attempts a healing response. It must force the toxins out or the body will disease and die. Toxins are eliminated out of body openings (eyes, ears, nose, rectum, urinary tract and skin). When you have a common cold, you observe mucus, pus, and fluids coming out of every opening of the body. This fluid contains toxic poisons, bacteria, and dead or damaged cells and tissues. The removal of toxin is not an illness or a disease, it is a biological cleansing process done naturally by the body. If toxins are suppressed by the chemical stuffing of symptoms, the body begins to store them. The toxins go deep into the cells and tissues and begin to cause degenerative damage, leading to lethargy, sickness, and eventually to life threatening disease. A person finally passes the point where the body no longer has the ability to cleanse and heal itself. Cells begin to die in body organs, glands and systems. Detoxification helps to reverse this process by enabling the body to rid itself of these toxins and other trapped waste materials. For a person in good basic health, detoxification on a regular basis will help prevent illness and degenerative disease. For those with health problems, detoxification will allow the body to heal, naturally and without continuing the cycle of chemical stuffing of symptoms. The Detoxification Process The M’lis program consists of a liquid diet, using of a mixture of fresh lemon juice, distilled water, and pure maple syrup. It is recommended that at least two quarts per day be consumed. These ingredients provide all the vitamins and minerals you’ll need for the duration of the cleanse. For this reason, you will not be experiencing a fast, but a liquid food that will help to cleanse the systems of the body. • Lemon juice is rich in water-soluble vitamins that the body cannot store. • Pure maple syrup is a balanced form of natural sugar that will not cause insulin response. It is also rich in minerals that the body needs. • Distilled water dilutes the toxins and helps to flush them from the body. Because distilled water does not contain minerals, it acts as a leech to pull impurities from the system.

After January 2009

• In addition to the juice mixture, you will be taking herbal formulations contained in a M’lis Detoxification Kit that help the cleansing process. • DETOX Body Purifier removes toxins and mucus from the major organs and helps to purify the blood stream and cleanse the lymphatic system. • CLEANSE Intestinal Cleanser is an herbal bowel tonic that cleans hard encrustation of old fecal matter. It also provides nutrients to help restore peristaltic action of colon and helps expel parasites and worms. • FIBER Wheat Bran & Psyllium restores dietary fiber to the system, cleans bowels and intestines without calories, and helps to lower the cholesterol level. Psyllium cleans debris from the system and will combat constipation. • The typical detoxification cleanse lasts three days. However, it is possible to detoxify up to ten days if that is the desire. Items to buy • A M’lis Detoxification Kit. • About 21 fresh lemons. Fresh lemons are recommended, as they taste the best and are the best for you. If they are not available, use 3 to 5 boxes of Minute Maid 100% pure lemon juice, found in a black and yellow box in the frozen juice section of your grocery store. • One pint of pure maple syrup, or two 8-ounce bottles. This is found in the pancake syrup or health food section at your local grocery store. Make sure the maple syrup is pure, without added sugar. • Several gallons of distilled water.You will use approximately two gallons for the mixture and will be drinking plenty of additional throughout each of the three days. Do not use mineral or soft water. • A 2 ½ quart pitcher or container to hold the juice mixture. Wean off any abusive substances, and drink at least 64 ounces of water per day. Instructions for a Detoxification Cleanse Preparation In order to prepare your body for M’lis Detoxification, eliminate meat from your regular diet, drink at least 2 quarts of distilled water, and begin taking M’lis SLENDER AID (2-3 capsules, ½ hour before each meal). Note: M’lis SLENDER AID is not a mandatory part of this program and is not included in the M’lis Detoxification Kit. However, it is a very useful tool in weight loss, if that is the desired outcome). Begin taking M’lis Detoxification herbs along with sensible meals. Preparation Days Morning Evening CLEANSE DETOX FIBER

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For the next three days, you will be eliminating all solid foods from your diet. Do not eat or drink anything other than the lemon juice mixture, distilled water, and your M’lis Detoxification herbs. Mix the following recipe daily: • 1 ½ cups of fresh squeezed lemon juice, or 1 to 1 ½ bottles of the Minute Maid pure frozen lemon juice. • An average woman will generally need about 1/3 cup of maple syrup, and a man will need to start with ½ cup a day. Some people need more. • Two quarts of distilled water. You will be drinking this mixture and taking the M’lis capsules slowly throughout the day. Day 1




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Day 2




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Continued on pg. 10

pg. 7

The Broke Plate continued from page 5

Christian Star Issue 2 By Tena Matthews

On my flight of agony, I prevailed because you were the pilot for me, Initially, the pain I felt, was not anything I desired to express You made me understand, this hurt would diminish if I gave it time to rest. Things done were minor in your view, but meant the world to me As a result, I would not permit this happiness as my way to be Giving my heart, guarding the majority of it, locking it away, holding the key Consequently, my life became confused, still an unsolved mystery… I want to be whole; God, I desire to be free, I just cannot allow anyone, to perceive this part of me, I am ecstatic, yet, there is one void in my life This feeling is yet to be fulfilled because I just can’t get it right. I examine myself by asking, what am I to do, to create a better life for me? I wondered; what would my creator do, who does he desire me to be? God answers and says, Love Me I say, love me, God says, Love Me. Now, understanding, my body is God’s temple, my soul is where he dwells I show through righteous actions, I genuinely Love Him more than I love myself. “I Love Him”


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affects everything we do and say, it affects all those around us. It comes in all manner of emotions expressing itself in sadness, depression, unforgiveness, bitterness, anger, etc. mostly spilling on those we love and sometimes even those we barely know in our day to day experiences. Then as we give our lives to God He comes desiring to clean and prune and he starts digging in areas we thought we had buried deep for no one to find but God knew it was there all along.Your ‘broken heart’ was never once hidden from Him. He knew and He saw every hurt, every injury, every burden and He was just waiting for that day when you would be open to letting Him heal instead of running and hiding. When He starts the work in our lives He often brings things to the light through the everyday circumstances of our lives. Pointing that finger of love on the area we don’t really want anyone to touch. He comes and begins to ‘dig’ into long hidden places because He wants to heal and He desires to mend those broken places. His quest is to make us whole in Christ and the real question is “do we let Him finish the cleaning, do we let Him remove the brokenness from our heart?” Or “do we refuse to let Him bring it to the light so that He can heal and make us whole in Christ?” When there are hidden things in our lives that are not pleasing to Christ it will always affect our relationships in every area of life. It will hinder us from being an effective light for Christ. We may love Him and want to serve Him but if we don’t let Him heal, if we don’t give Him all our brokenness when He comes seeking to heal than we will never be all that God desires us to be. He is forever in the process of conforming us to the image of His Beloved Son but we must let Him do the work to ever become totally conformed to that image of Jesus Christ. My encouragement would be to say stop running, stop hiding, let God heal in every area. Let Him freely dig in the garden of your heart to heal those past wounds. Choose to love, choose to forgive, and choose to face the truth when God shows you an area that is not quite right. Don’t deceive yourself and try to cover it up. Going through hurt and pain is not always easy but God is faithful in the midst of everything we go through. As we let Him change us, we learn to know Him in so many ways and the best thing in the world is knowing Christ and His great love for us! I have learned that it is always worth going through the painful healings to learn to know Christ and to experience wholeness and forgiveness in Him. He takes the broken pieces of our lives and makes them whole again. Remember He loves you and you are special and always in His care. He is always there to mend those broken places if we will just let Him. He wants to make us beautiful for His Kingdom. God Bless you and Keep you always...

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“The Spirit of Assassination”

Understanding and Preparing for the Enemy’s Attacks against God’s Anointed Dr.Yvonne Capehart

As I look around today at the Body of Christ worldwide, my spirit is grieved. Christian leaders, much like many average believers, are engaging in adulterous affairs and other immoral acts. They’re being caught up in the mismanagement of church funds for personal gain. They’re experiencing extreme marital problems with many ending in divorce. They’re being lured into illicit drug use. Even more alarming to me more and more believers are simply becoming weary and giving up on their faith. And this is just the short list. The complete list is much more extensive. Each day, as I’m faced with yet another scandalous downfall on the part of some Christian leader and its accompanying fallout or another fainting cry of a weary believer willing to quit rather than to hold on, I have to ask myself, “Why? Why is all of this happening? What is this all about?” I’m not pointing my finger in condemnation and judgment to others. I’m trying to figure out what’s going on. Although it’s never acceptable for believers to embrace a life of immorality, I try to understand where people are coming from. I know what it is to wrestle with demonic forces myself, and if, at any time in my Christian walk, I had chosen to ignore the battles that raged against me personally, and those forces surely would have destroyed me. Recently, as my burden to understand why the spiritual death rate in the Body of Christ has increased at such an alarming rate, I began to seek God. “Why,” I asked Him, “are such intense attacks of the enemy being released against the people of God? And why do these attacks seem to be struggles resulting in death?” I didn’t take me long to begin getting answers. I discovered that the Body of Christ has become so focused on the need for each individual to walk in his or her own destiny and to become as prosperous as possible that, as a whole, we have simply failed to prepare and equip believers to handle the enemy attacks that will inevitably come against them as a direct result of their decision to walk in their God-given destiny. I searched the Scriptures for answers, and there I noticed that during every spiritual movement of God, when a shift from the bondage of a certain people to their total deliverance and emergence as a nation was about to take place, the enemy would sense it too and would release a spirit of assassination against them in an attempt to eliminate the vessel God would use to orchestrate the entire movement. This seems to me to be an important key. What is this spirit of assassination that has been loosed against the Church? This word assassination means “to murder by a surprise or secret attack.” The obviously important word in this definition is murder, and of course, it means the same as kill. But there are other disturbing words in this phrase as well. For instance, we have this ominous phrase “surprise or secret attack.” So that’s it! This is the reason that many believers are shocked when it comes to light that a fellow Christian has become the latest target of the enemy and has, in fact, succumbed to his attacks. Long before that news ever breaks, the enemy began plotting against that individual. He carefully laid his trap and targeted his weapons against that person of anointing. What we eventually see and hear is just the final blow. The surprise and secret attack has been in process for a very long time. This book has been written to encourage every believer who has been under severe attack and hasn’t really known why or what to do about it. My purpose is to equip believers everywhere with a clear understanding of the secret plots that are even now under way to destroy our character, our ministries, our families and everything else that pertains to us. And what are we to do? Because The Spirit of Assassination has been released against the Church today, we must now take on the Spirit of Discernment. We have always needed it, but now we need it more than ever before. And (hear me now, for this is important) this is not the time to give up on the chosen people of God, just because they happen to appear on the enemy’s hit list. This is the time for us to stand in the gap, with the breastplate of righteousness on, and declare that none will be lost on our watch. What should we do when we see others slipping? At times, the Spirit of the Lord has revealed to me that some brother or sister was under attack and in danger of slipping from their position in Christ. In those moments, I often found myself fearful of confronting the individual with this God-given knowledge. Perhaps it was because of my respect for their title or position in the church and in the community. Whatever the reason, instead of taking any positive action, I simply chose to pray for them in private. Was it enough? It seems that we have both an individual and a corporate responsibility in this regard. I need to prepare myself for the challenges ahead, but I also have a responsibility toward others in the family of God. Together we must face The Spirit of Assassination. Dr.Yvonne Capehart Sister Keeper Ministry Pensacola, Florida

Curtis Rougeau (337) 485-2460

The Ultimate Sacrifice continued from page 1

of Christ is referred to as “justified, redeeming, remitting, forgiving, washing and freeing, purging, cleansing, sanctifying, reconciling, blotting, triumphing, overcoming, agreeing, communing, purchasing, sprinkling, speaking, whitening, peacemaking, incorruptible, precious, Holy, and atoning” according to Blood of Christ. Today, when we take communion, eat His flesh and drink His blood, we are accepting Christ, who takes away the sins of the world! We can call on the Blood of Jesus to cover our home and family - to put up a protective hedge so that destruction will Passover our house! In the book of Hebrews chapters 8, 9, and 10, it is explained why God had to make a new covenant with us by sending Jesus Christ down to die on the cross for our sins and our salvation. Jesus Christ was the true High Priest, who had sat down on the right hand of God in heaven, the true tabernacle. The covenant with Jesus was the perfect covenant. The old covenant that God had made with the forefathers to bring them out of Egypt needed to be made new and was perfected through Jesus Christ, in which was founded better promises. God hadfound fault with the people that He had under the old covenant. God told the people of Israel that the time had come to make a new covenant with them, because they did not remain faithful to Him under the old covenant. God was preparing a new will for His people, which included salvation and eternal life. This is one of the greatest gifts and inheritances from God! By accepting the blood of Christ, God would forgive us of our sins. Hebrews 8:13 says that “By calling this covenant “new,” he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and aging will soon disappear.” Under the old covenant, the high priest had to go through the most holy place, the tabernacle, performing all types of ceremonial acts to offer blood sacrifices; however, Christ had been through the Most Holy place, heaven, obtaining eternal redemption through His own blood. Hebrews 9:14 explains that “How much more then will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God!” The amazing grace that God has presented to us under the new covenant is the “Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, the son of God”. We must accept Jesus, the blood and the body of the Lamb of God, to gain access into heaven. God made a covenant with man by sacrificing Jesus Christ, who was without sin, on the cross so that man could repent and have eternal life. God used the blood of the Lamb of God to make the covenant with man and to seal the deal of His promises. The blood of Jesus was only used to make the covenant with man. However, there is nothing more powerful than man having the ability to use the Name of Jesus. We are instructed to use the Name of Jesus when warding off evil spirits, not pleading the blood of Jesus. Pleading the Blood of Jesus was mostly observed during the casting out of evil spirits in the classical Pentecostal environment. There is no reference in the bible of pleading the blood of Jesus. Why would we plead the blood of Jesus, when God has already covered us under the cross [sacrifice of Jesus]? The blood has already been shed for us. This practice is based on superstitious fear which II Timothy 1:7 clearly teaches is not from God. In fact, we are instructed to use the name of Jesus, rather than the blood of Jesus, when casting out demons. (Mark 16:17; Luke 10:17; Acts 16:18) We are shown how powerful the name of Jesus can be by looking at Mark 16:15-18 “He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation. 16: Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. 17: And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; 18: they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.” Again in Luke 10:1-20, Jesus gave the 72 disciples the authority to use His name to heal the sick. The seventy-two disciples were ecstatic, because they were able to cast out demons and heal the sick by using the name of Jesus. The Passover Lamb, who will take away the sins of the whole world! (John 1:29) Since God had already taught the Jewish people how to make a blood sacrifice, they would immediately know that Jesus was going to die and shed His blood for them and their sins. The amazing thing about that was He was going to shed His blood for the whole world, for the future generations and generations to come. It was a one time sacrifice for those who would believe and accept Him as their Lord and Savior. God had to have loved the humans, in order to give up the Lamb of God, for their sins. God sent the Holy Spirit as a divine agent to cause Mary to conceive Jesus in her womb. Mary had to endure a temporary set-back in her life to carry the Lamb of God, being pregnant and out of wedlock. I am sure that this must have seemed like it was the end of the world for her for a moment, to have to explain being pregnant and not married. However, her small mountain she had to climb was much gain for the world.Yet again, as she watched her son die on the cross after being beaten and spit upon, she had to endure a great loss. But once again, that sacrifice was much gain for the world. She was blessed to have carried the precious Lamb in her womb; she was blessed to be chosen to be used by God. She had a divine purpose. We all have a divine purpose, if we are willing to endure the temporary setbacks and if we have the endurance to climb that mountain until we reach the top. Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father; He is at the top of the mountain. Jesus shed His blood on the cross on that mountain, while leaving us peace that we could freely accept. Through His death, we can have life. Before His death, he offered His body as bread and His blood as wine so that He could provide a covenant for our every need. He is providing a blessing of physical healing as well as a blessing of Salvation. Author Unknown. (2004). The Blood Covenant. American Cornerstone University 2004 Copyright. www.Biblegateway.com. John. BibleGateway.com is © Copyright 1995-2007. NIV Bible. Exodus. http://eastonsbibledictionary.com/Passover. Passover. www.Biblegateway. com. Leviticus. BibleGateway.com is © Copyright 1995-2007. NIV Bible www.Biblegateway.com. John. BibleGateway.com is © Copyright 1995-2007. pg. 8

Christian Star Issue 2


Just when you thought that you had just about figured out what was going on with the economy and the world at large, you discover that someone’s busy trying to separate you from the little money that you have left. It seems like times like these seem to bring out the worse in some, although some of what I am about to talk about has been going on for quite some time. If you’ve ever been scammed or had an attempted scam pulled on you, you know just what I am talking about. Let’s talk about a few of the ingenious methods devised to relieve you of the worry of what to spend your money on. Let’s start off by talking about one of my favorites: the work-at-home scam. First let me clarify this some by saying that not all work-at-home opportunities are scams. But there are many that are. They generally offer you the chance to get rich quick by making high income, usually in your spare time. Where have those jobs been all my life and why isn’t there a line around the globe to get these jobs? Lucky me! A tip for this….don’t send money. Legitimate employers generally won’t charge to hire you or to train you up. Pick your poison: 1.) Multi-level marketing = recruiting like a pyramid scheme, get some under you, and they get some under them, and so on. You don’t want to be on the last rung of this ladder. 2.) Online business = you either pay for a kit or a guide of some sort, but generally that’s the extent of it. 3.) Processing claims = you buy the equipment and pay for the training. Well, anyway you make a sale - - for them! 4.) Envelope stuffing = hey, this one’s been around for a long time, but don’t they have machines that can do this rather cheaply now? Email scams are very prevalent now too. Victims are hired to “process payments”, “transfer funds”, or “reship products.” What the victims really are doing are receiving and cashing fraudulent checks, transferring illegally obtained funds for criminals, or receiving stolen merchandise and shipping it to the real criminals. There is also the “Mystery Shopper” scheme where the victims receive bogus checks which they are to cash and send a portion of it to the criminals to “test” a company’s services. The bogus checks are cashed and when the banks discover that it they are fake, they come looking for you to recover their funds. But alas you have already sent most of it off to LaLa Land. What complicates this one even more is that there really are some legit Mystery Shopper opportunities out there. There’s nothing like a good old Lottery scam to make you think you’ve hit it big. You’re on your way to easy street! You receive an email notification that “you have won!” a large sum of money in a lottery, but you have to send in a processing fee, of course, in order to receive your winnings. Sounds reasonable. But hold on….. When did you enter this lottery? A few things are true here: 1.) You can’t

win if you never entered – there’s no such animal as an “email draw.” 2.) It is illegal for any lottery to charge a processing fee. But it’s not much, you reason. Maybe it is worth a shot. Who knows? That’s just what they want you to think and obviously some people are sending in money or this one would quickly die a natural death. One of my favorites to talk about is the Nigerian scam. I’ll bet I get some email on this at least once a week. They seem to come in waves at certain times. You get a sob story from someone sitting on a huge pile of money. They want to send it to you because for some reason they can’t touch it. Fancy that. You are the lucky one that they picked out of millions of online people and all you need to do to get a big chunk of millions of dollars is to let them have your bank info so that they can wire the money to you so that you both can split it up later. Enough said. Of course, there are other flavors of this scam, such as the Russian/Ukrainian version. Lots of luck getting your money back from a foreign country after your account has been emptied. Look for different variations of this one as people start to catch on to this ruse. If its tax season, then there must be some tax rebate scamming going on. Actually this one can happen at anytime, and it doesn’t have to just pertain to your tax refunds. Identity thieves call unsuspecting citizens pretending to be representatives of the IRS or Social Security Administration and ask for some identifying personal info, such as your social security number or bank account number, in order to process the rebate check. They may even set up fake websites that resemble the real ones in order to further dupe you. They could contact you by email or even by phone. Always call the companies back that are soliciting this info before you even think of uttering a word of your personal info to strangers. The real phone numbers can be found in your phone books or by calling the operator. Also be wary of other attempts to get you to divulge your personal info to fake EBAY sites and the like. The culprits here claim there’s been a hacking or problem, and tell you that you need to resubmit your personal info again. Rest assured. EBAY and others will never ask this of you. Only the thieves do. Scary stuff? It can be. But it’s no reason to lock yourselves indoors. Just be wary of claims to make you rich overnight or of someone who just picked you to bless out of the countless names floating in cyberspace. These folks count on you being gullible, uniformed, naïve, and just a bit greedy. An old adage rings true: if it sounds too good to be true, it usually is. Lastly, never ever, give your personal info to anyone online or on the phone unless you know that they are legit. Some people would not think twice about taking all that you have. Let’s pray that it won’t happen to anyone reading this article. And make sure you tear up those credit card offers that come in the mail. Felons know how to fill them out, using your name and their addresses. Ouch!


If you were to run your home like a business with your family as a part of your Company, you may be surprised by the outcome of success. HOME INSURANCE Often when a new Insurance Agent takes over your policy from an outgoing Insurance agent, your payments will slightly go up. The reason for this, is because the new Agent cannot get paid for working what is called the old books without an increase in your payments. So, always be aware of the price increases and new names for your agents. You can review your Insurance policies each year for changes that you did not make and have them removed, thus saving you money. AUTO INSURANCE If your auto is (2) two years old, do you need to make insurance payments as if you were buying insurance on a new car? You should check with different auto Insurance agents to reduce your Insurance cost. Remember full coverage does not mean full replacement cost. LIGHTS Change out your old light bulbs to Florescent light bulbs. The Florescent light uses less power and produces a cooler light, which also saves money. Reducing your thermostat two degrees lower in winter and two degrees higher in summer can save a lot of money. Use ceiling fans back on the farm, we would rest in the heat of the day after lunch under a shade tree. Thank you for the good times LORD. EAT BEFORE YOU GO FOOD SHOPPING Eat a satisfying meal before you go food shopping. This will lessen some of the temptation for foods all around you and help you buy less. Planning your meals before going shopping should also help you save money.

March 2009 START A RECIPE FOR ONE DISH MEALS I use my crock-pot in the mornings for potatoes and pork or beef roast. When I return home my meal is ready. In today’s world, it is important to sit and eat with your family. This is hard when both parents are working. This would help many families at your churches. Don’t forget to take time to pray before your meals. FUND RAISERS FOR THE CHURCH Have a church cookbook to help fund projects for the church. Get everyone involved. Have an old-fashioned bake sale to distribute through an auction to be awarded out after Sunday church service. With everyone’s time so limited, a freshly baked cake prepared by someone else is an added bonus to your Sunday meal.You can receive a treat, while sowing and helping your church. START A CHURCH CLUB BUYING FOOD IN BULK Example: Buy a 100 lb bag of rice or beans and divide it among the members of the club, while including an equal portion for your Pastor. Remember: you should sow your first fruits when you have the opportunity. Some Ministers may decide to put their portion into the Food Ministry if their church has one, while other Ministers are in financial need too. Allow the Minister to pray over the bulk food while saying Thanksgiving before dividing it. When you see a need in the community, give into someone else’s ministry. Help the needy first and it shall be given back to you two-fold. The individual assigned to hand out the extra food, representing the Pastor, should pray over the food before giving it out. Invite the ones you give the food to over to your church. ( THE LORD WENT AMONG THE GENTILES ) Remember that Christmas is all about our youth. Make everyday like Christmas for them, but also for everyone that come in contact with, no matter what. The Lord loves and blesses a cheerful giver.

START A COUPON CLUB AT YOUR CHURCH I ask my wife to use coupons and I pay her in cash for what she saves. Next, I ask my wife to shop at a store that gives double coupons. I am able to pay my wife for savings and save on the coupons. In some cases we can receive items free. Example: 50 cent coupons, double coupon amount, Toothpaste for 98 cent = FREE! pg. 9

Christian Star Issue 2 Detoxification during Lent continued from pg. 6 Day 3




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Succeeding Days Morning



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In the days following a Detoxification, continue taking M’lis capsules until they are gone. During these days you will be reintroducing solid foods as outlined in your specific program. FAQ Can I detoxify for longer than 3 days? Yes. People with more severe toxicity could benefit by cleansing for longer periods. However, it is more desirable to utilize the program regularly for 3-4 days each time. Can I detoxify by just fasting with water? Yes, but the M’lis Detoxification program is much better than water fasting. It aids in the rebuilding process and cleanses without weakening. Because many people are already deficient as well as toxic, the longer they go without food, the greater the deficiency. Why is it important to use distilled water? Distilled water is pure, which means it has no chemicals or bacteria to interfere with the cleansing process. Do not use bottled mineral water since it may contain concentrations of heavy metals. Soft water is also a poor choice because of its high sodium content. Can I use other juices? Yes. Any unsweetened fruit juice may be substituted, if necessary, but it is not the most efficient method. Lemon juice contains important building aids and its astringent action makes it a superb cleansing agent. Fresh, ripe lemons are best of course, but frozen concentrate can be used if fresh are not available. Will I be hungry during detoxification? Because eating is a habit, you may have a desire to eat, but you should not feel hungry. If you do, simply drink the lemon juice mixture more often. Because this mixture is food in liquid form, it gets into the bloodstream quickly and allays hunger. What if I feel like I must eat? Most people find that detoxification can be difficult because eating has become a pastime in our society, and we have come to crave the taste of foods. The first time can be especially taxing. If you feel like you must eat, first increase the amount of maple syrup in your mixture. This will raise the blood sugar level, which increases energy. If that doesn’t work, try a short nap and additional water. As a last resort, eat an apple or banana, and then try to continue on with the program as outlined. Call your M’lis educator for further suggestions. Why is it important to use maple syrup? First, maple syrup contains many minerals and vitamins. For this reason, it will provide the body with energy. Second, pure maple syrup is a balanced, natural sweetener and can be used without causing an insulin response. Because of this, hypoglylcemics can use the program without fear of lowering or raising blood sugar levels. Can I detoxify if I have hypoglycemia? Yes. Detoxifying is especially beneficial to hypoglycemics. Be sure to use only pure maple syrup in the lemon juice mixture. Honey or other sweeteners will trigger an insulin response. M’lis SLENDER AID will also help to regulate blood sugar levels. Won’t the lemon juice mixture cause too much acid for my sensitive stomach? No. Although lemon is an acid fruit, it turns alkaline as it is digested and aids in attaining a proper pH balance. How does detoxification affect cellulite? Cellulite is waste materials trapped in connective tissues and fat cells, and is very resistant to ordinary dieting and exercise. While M’lis Detoxification will not remove cellulite, it does clean out the intestinal tract, thereby speeding up the elimination of wastes from the body. What if I have undesirable symptoms when detoxifying? Many toxins can be pulled out of the body’s tissues and put back into circulation in order to be eliminated. Some people may have feelings of illness or undesirable symptoms, and some may even experience the recurrence of ailments from years past during this process. This is called a healing crisis. It is a natural and positive event that means the program is working, and the body has begun the detoxification process. This is temporary. Drink plenty of the lemon juice mixture and water to dilute and continually flush the toxins. A warm Epsom salt bath or a nap may be helpful. Will I have energy during the cleanse? Yes, as toxins are expelled from the system, the energy level rises. If you are not as energetic as you feel you should be, simply add a little more maple syrup to the lemon juice mixture. This will raise and maintain your blood sugar level. Can anyone detoxify? You should first consult your physician if you are presently under medical care, are on prescribed medication, are over 65 years old, or have any type of serious medical condition. Pregnant and nursing mothers should not detoxify. Is detoxification safe? Yes. This type of internal cleanse has been used safely for periods of up to two months over the last 20 years. However, M’lis recommends the cleanse for 3-10 days only.

March 2009

The Forgotten Victims is a real story of one family’s struggle with the legacy of domestic abuse and suicide. Monica Soileau father’s abuse led him to shoot her mother and him committing suicide. Monica speaks to today’s victims and survivors of abuse or suicide from her unique perspective. She speaks frankly of how faith helped her family cope; brought about through her mother’s miraculous recovery from grievous emotional and physical wounds, and eventually resulting in her own mature understanding and empathy for everyone caught in a vicious cycle of abuse. The author embraces her mother’s compelling memories, as well as includes her younger brother’s experience, along with her own provocative and inspirational journey through the stages of coping, understanding, and overcoming their dark, shared legacy. As a final point, this hopeful book will help guide any reader in their discerning of how abuse affects the children who encounter it. Through retrospect the reader is brought full circle to their own childhood expectations to the actuality that life can certainly be painful and full of difficult decisions. Anyone who has experienced any of the following as a victim, as an offender, as a parent, as a child, as a counselor or health care worker should read this book: • Domestic Violence. • Domestic Homicide. • Suicide of a Parent. • Children Self-Esteem Development. • Suppression of emotions and mourning. • Children assuming responsibility and guilt for parent’s abusive behavior. • Dysfunctional Relationships. • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Order can be placed on the internet by searching for book title or by Author name Monica Marie Singleton Soileau or by calling 24/7 1-866-909-2665 for your copy of the book. If you wish to schedule the Author for a speaking engagement for your organization, please submit a request to: ChristianStarNewsPaper@yahoo.com

*****Nicole Arabie continued to lose weight beyond the 8 pounds by following the Candida diet after the 3-Day Detoxification Program. The Candida diet will be explained in the April Christian Star News issue.

License # LA4469 2806 Hodges Street Lake Charles, LA 70601 337-302-7150 Email: innerblissbydee@yahoo.com www.innerblissbydee.com

pg. 10

Christian Star Issue 2

March 2009

Upcoming Events

Christian Business Owner Directory ATTORNEYS Christian Attorneys Needed


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BARBERS Collins Service Center

BEAUTY SALONS Neko’s Hair Studio Annointed Total Hair Care

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Curtis Rougeau



Deb King





Kathy Cookson



Inside Prien Lake Mall



RESTAURANTS Coffee Cup Diner

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Take a Stand for Jesus Parade Date : May 2nd. 2009 Line Up is at 4:30 Place: Starting point at La Grange High School on College Parade starts at 5:00 Parade proceeds down College, south on Ryan ends at Albertson’s Parking lot where there will be a BBQ and music!!! For more info call Linda 337.794.7022. Donations will be accepted for the BBQ at Albertson’s to help offset the costs of the Just for Jesus event for our Christian Children and Young Adults. We are also seeking Sponsors to help pay for the food and drinks that will be served after the parade: Please call Claude Highfield at 337-661-4112. Coming in early May....watch for announcements JFJ Day. 2009 Full Figured, Fit and Fabulous Pageant Entry Fee: $85.00 which includes Photogenic and Best Fashion. Sponsors may be obtained and will be announced during your introduction. Deadline for entry is April 3, 2009. Should you have any questions or concerns, please call: Shelly Dugas, 337-377-3339/ 337-474-1290 Carolyn Fontenot, 337-842-0201/ 337-439-1742 Angela Perkins, 337-368-3344 All monies go towards assisting kids who need assistance with their school supplies, uniforms, etc. Thank you in advance for supporting this worthy cause. “Surrendering Our Selves 2 Some One Special” A Morning with Jesse Duplantis On Sunday March 29th/ AM Service 10:30 at Glad Tidings Church. 3400 Texas St. Lake Charles, La. “Praise in the Park” Glad Tiding Church will be hosting on Sunday March 29th/ PM Service 6 PM at the Civic Center.


Alvin Guillory

Monica Soileau, the owner of Christian Star News & the host of the Bent but Not Broken radio ministry will be speaking at Family Baptist Church located on 109 North Jake Street at 11 AM on Sunday, March 29th.The topic will be The Spirit of Un-forgiveness. Don’t miss out on being released from this bondage.


The cost will be $108 for the remainder of the year: $12 per month for 9 months or for $20 per month you can enter a mini-sized ad into the Christian Business Directory for $180 for the remainder of the year. Christian Star News prices has been reduced to fit into the budget of the local Christian-Owned Businesses that believe SWLA deserves to have Christian reading material next to the secular tabloid papers. We will work with those businesses, who are willing to help us get established, in accomplishing His work by spreading His word. We must bring forth the words of comfort to those who are suffering losses in all areas of their lives and remind them that God will never leave nor forsake them. People are searching for answers and with all of the churches willing to unite forces, they can address these issues one-by-one with the answers coming directly from the Bible. Christian Star News does not care about making any profits; however, Christian Star News must breakeven as in all businesses. We do appreciate your seeds that you sow into this print ministry and may you reap 100-fold from your advertisement that goes forth from Christian Star News. This paper is currently distributed for free in 60 plus locations, as requests continually come in daily. We know that God will not give us a vision without providing the provision, in Jesus Name! This paper is not like any other paper, as it is distributed in churches throughout SWLA. Advertisers have the opportunity to reach approximately 58% of SWLA population of 284,311 people. This paper is also located in secular locations, giving the churches the opportunity to reach out and minister to the other 42% of non-church going families. Christian Star News allows church leaders to submit articles that ministers to the Spirit, as well as speak on the Bent but Not Broken hour long radio ministry at no charge to them.This is the seed that I sow into each person’s ministry, as the owner of Christian Star News paper. Thanks for continuing to help us in the harvest of souls and accomplishing the work that God put us here to do! Monica Soileau, Owner

Overcomers Free to the public. Every Thursday night at 6:30 PM, Judge Quirk, Rev. Ray Highfield and Beverly Lacy provides a 12-week course to recovery for overcoming almost any situation. Contact (337) 4750157 and mention Christian Star Newspaper to get more information. The location is at 2001 East Gauthier Road, Lake Charles, La 70607. Lighthouse Ministries 8th Annual Benefit Banquet Lake Charles Civic Center - Lake Charles, LA March 12th 6:30 PM Trinity Baptist Church 3rd Annual Singles Convention Friday March 13, 2009 - Saturday March 14, 2009 - 1800 Country Club Road Lake Charles, Louisiana 70605 Journey at Christian World 8-week course Sundays 8:30 AM Are you seeking more knowledge and a firmer foundation in the word? The next session of Journey, an in depth discipleship class will begin Next Sunday, March 15. Register today by emailing your name to: info@christianworld.cc or sign up either before or after service in the lobby. We are located at: 2001 E. Gauthier Rd. Lake Charles, LA 70607

pg. 11

Sundays 10 AM

. Wednesdays 7 PM




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