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Christian Star News U.S.A

Christian Star Issue 9

Don't Take the Bait! “By Joel Osteen Copyright © 2009 by Joel Osteen

For more information on this and other resources, please log onto www.joelosteen. com.”

Award winning author releases first documentary International award winning author, Dr. Alfred Adams, inked a worldwide DVD distribution agreement with Celebrity Video Distribution to push the 5 part religious documentary “God’s Promise…Satan’s Deception”. Dr. Adams is best known for his books related to the last days, Nearing Midnight & Nearing Midnight II. The DVD series explores the differences between public perception of several subjects including the End Times, Heaven and Hell, and Miracles, versus those of several clergymen. The provocative, controversial, and informative biblical series ”Are We Living In The End Times” will be the first installment of the series. Scheduled for a September 29, 2009 release date, “End Times” includes man on the street interviews posing questions to the public related to the RFID chip, The North American Union, and the prospect of living in a cashless society. Purposely filmed during the Mardi Gras celebrations, the makers of the documentary hit the streets of New Orleans to find out what tourists and citizens alike knew about these contemporary issues and their

relation to Biblical Prophecies. The entire series was written, directed, and produced by Dr. Alfred Adams. He has sold over 600,000 copies of his books and travels throughout the United States delivering sermons on the topics of the DVD’s. Adams has also received an Honorary Louisiana State Senator and Honorary Louisiana State Representative awards for his work as an evangelist. The narration for the DVD was done by Charles Butler and the music score was performed by Matt Miles. The documentary contains some of the top faith base groups involved, such as, Baptist, Full Gospel and Non-denominational. Pastor Irvin Blouin, Sr. of Do Right Full Gospel Baptist Church and Pastor Donald Gathreaux, Sr. of Word Of Faith Outreach Ministries are featured as the Biblical insight. For interviews, photos of artwork, credentials and further press information contact: Dr. Alfred Adams (985) 287 1393 E-mail:

A while back, my son, Jonathan and I were in a department store. We wanted to buy some sporting goods, and I kept trying to get someone to help us. There were three or four employees over to the side talking, laughing, and having a good time. So, I just went over there and very politely asked if one of them could assist us. Well, none of them would give us the time of day! They totally ignored us and just kept talking. The longer it went on, the more I could feel myself wanting to get upset. I could feel that offense trying to take root. I had to dig my heels in and say, “No. I am not going to lose my joy. I am not going to let their rude attitudes ruin the rest of my day.” I didn’t want to give the enemy any satisfaction by getting offended. In the scripture, the word “offense” comes from a Greek word that means “bait.” It’s used in reference to how people trap animals. It was actually the bait that lured the

September 2009

animal into the trap. When you’re temped to be offended, when somebody is rude to you, inconsiderate, or they ignore you, recognize that’s the enemy offering you his bait. He’s saying, “Come on. Get upset. Get angry. Argue. Let it sour your day.” Many people don’t know any better, so they swallow that bait…hook, line, and sinker. Then they go around day after day upset, bitter, and offended. But we need to be aware of what’s happening. The next time you have the opportunity to be offended, instead of falling into that same trap, just say, “No, thanks. I’m not going to take the bait. I’m smarter than that. I’m going to live my life free. I’m going to enjoy this day.” Choose freedom today by resisting the bait of offense. Choose to walk in love which covers a multitude of offense. As you do, you’ll experience more of God’s peace and joy as you move forward into the life of freedom and victory He has in store for you!

Fundraising Opportunity for Non-Profit Organizations or Churches See pg. 7

Ribbon cutting ceremony for GLOW full Spa & Salon services. New location, new name, but same professionals from Nailz. From left to right: Alecia Edwards, Ashley DeVillier, Jill Hebert , Brittney Tyler, and Kim Hamolka

For more info SEE pg. 13

“How should conflict in the church be handled?” SEE Pg. 6

Why Does God Allow Evil? Rick Warren is the founding pastor of Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, Calif., one of America's largest and best-known churches. In addition, Rick is author of the New York Times best seller The Purpose Driven Life and The Purpose Driven Church, which was named one of the 100 Christian books that changed the 20th century. He is also founder of, a global Internet community for ministers.

Copyright © 2009 Rick Warren


From left to right: Timothy Rogers: from Chicago, IL, Christian Siado: from Houston, TX, Seth Stephans: from Houston, TX More about CSN Helping the Homeless SEE Page 15

Helping the Homeless Evangelize the Nation !

Christian Star Issue 9

General Information Contact numbers: (337) 257-8972 (713) 413-2305 Publishers: Monica Soileau

Chief Editors: Rolland Soileau

Advertising: Sales & Marketing Derrick Singleton; SWLA (337) 853-5172

WfJ, Inc (337) 478-9005

R. Jane Guillory (713) 413-2305

Nolan Melonson; Houston, TX (832) 563-1575

Martel Marketing martelmarketing@aol.ocm (337) 513-5661

Designers: Chief - Sasha Singleton (337) 853-9883

Contributors: Agnes O. Amos Dr. Alfred Adams Chauncy Latigue Chris Harvey Derrick Singleton Dianne Roofner Jacob Israel Jill Hebert Michele Abshire Monica Soileau Pastor Leona Clements Benoit Rafael Bastien-Herrera Pamela Thibodeaux Rice Smile Ministry Rick Warren Robin Blue Rolland Soileau Rev. E.J. Kemper III Wycliffe Associates St. Paul Companion Care, LLC

Distribution Managers: Derrick Singleton: Louisiana Nolan Melonson: Houston, Texas


September 2009

About CSN I would like to thank all of the churches and businesses for their support in helping Christian Star News accomplish the larger vision that God has for the United States. We thank you for continuing to stand with us, as we work to improve the paper to perfection. We desire to be a part of the harvest of souls for God. We seek to place this Christian paper right next to the secular papers in businesses. We pray and desire that the articles submitted from the different churches will encourage the unsaved souls to seek salvation in a Christ believing, Biblebased Church. Purpose & Goals: • Provide encouraging good news and information of special interest for those within the local Christian communities that we serve • Help promote businesses and professionals that want to reach potential customers/clients from their local Christian community. • Provide an outlet for pastors to reach people beyond their own congregations for the purposes of educating & communicating special events. • Help educate people about how to live well and to be good stewards as we face challenging economic and social conditions. Examples include: gardening and nutritional tips, clipping coupons, as well as advice from experts on subjects such as finances and interpersonal relationships. • Develop a “Listing” of all Christian-Owned Businesses. • “Counselor’s Corner” will provide Christian-based advice from a Licensed Professional Counselor. • Promote local positive Christian-based family activities. • Draw attention to special individual community needs in an effort to galvanize community support. Note for Pastors: The Christian Star News is Non-Denominational, and we have no intentions of attempting to persuade those who are currently attending a church that preaches Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord to move to another church. We are not church hoppers ourselves: we are rooted. • The CSN offers each local church in the areas we serve the following opportunities: • Submit articles that are strictly bible-based (pref. KJV/ NKJV) for the publisher to consider for use in a future publication. • Submit upcoming events that are open to the public to be listed. • Church Directory Listing. • Free distribution of the publication. • We also offer local Christian Churches the opportunity to purchase Ads (of any size available) in the Christian Star News, and these ads may be designed to encourage unchurched readers to visit their place of worship. At the end of the day, we just want to be obedient to the Holy Spirit and serve God! CSN paper is new and innovative with its new concept of helping the community. Christians are called to help; we are called to help the poor, the struggling and everyone within our reach in need of help. We offer this paper FREE to the public and FREE to the churches to utilize this as a tool to reach out to those who may be seeking to learn more about God and His goodness. We at CSN extend a genuine concern for the mind, body, and spirit of our readers and will work tirelessly to ensure that we bring to you information and advertisers that adhere to the same. CSN is about Christians Helping All People! We seek to Be our Brother’s Keeper and Loving our Neighbors as Thy Self.

The entire content of this paper is copyrighted © September 2009 by Christian Star News. All rights reserved. Material in this publication may not be reproduced in any form without the expressed written consent of the publisher.

Therefore, we are working with companies to bring you the discounts and coupons you need in one place for necessary items that you consume or utilize every day. It requires companies that are willing to offer savings to their loyal consumers, as well as the participation of the community to utilize their saving offers. CSN offers advertisement that is affordable to small Christian businesses, in addition to large corporations. Stand with us in supporting the companies that advertise with CSN as they seek to serve you.

Christian Star News is not responsible for any claims made by advertisers. The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the publisher.

We are here to add to, build and assist the churches with their vision to serve God and prepare souls for the harvest. I offer my TV ministry “Bent, but Not Broken” to the different ministries as they wish to share their vision, their testimony and to announce upcoming events as an additional service. I am blessed to be a blessing! Thanks for taking the time to be your brother’s keeper and ensuring that they too get the same savings as I am offering you. God bless you and may the seeds you sow reap 1000-fold in the same year in Jesus name we pray. Amen!

Organizational Development, Communications, Media/ Public Relations Consulting

Jane Guillory (Founder & Consultant) 832.588.8440

CSN Scripture for the Month 2 Corinthians 5:7 (New International Version) "We live by faith, not by sight."

Everything to Me By Pamela S Thibodeaux © 2005 Psalm 22:3; God inhabits the praises of His people How do I praise You, Lord when words seem so inadequate? Yet, words are all that I have. Here is my praise to You…..You are everything to me, Jesus You are my light and my salvation, my rock and my fortress; You are everything to me, Jesus. You are my life, my sweetness and my hope; You are everything to me, Jesus. You are my strength, my shield and my stronghold; You are everything to me, Jesus. You are my delight and the lover of my soul; I love You more than words can express, more than doctrine can dictate; My one desire is to seek Your face and to know You more intimately; to do Your will; to be used by You and to be a blessing to others; You are everything to me, Jesus. Pamela S Thibodeaux is the Co-Founder of Bayou Writers Group in Lake Charles, Louisiana. Multi-published in romantic fiction and creative nonfiction, her writing has been tagged as “Inspirational with an Edge!” ™ Visit Pam’s Website: and/or Blog: http:// ~Blessings~ Pamela S. Thibodeaux "Inspirational with an Edge!" (TM) Member White Roses in Bloom Authors CoFounder/Member Bayou Writers Group Want Great Promotion @ a Great Price! Check out Pertinent Promotions

1401 D West Prien Lake Road Lake Charles, LA 70601 337.478.9005 Office

WfJ, Inc - Your Number One Stop for Marketing and Media Solutions

Christian Star Issue 9

September 2009

St. Paul Companion Care: Does someone you love need help at home? St. Paul Companion Care, L.L.C. provides loving caregivers for the elderly and disabled, in the home and assisted living facilities, to help with cleaning, cooking, bathing, hygiene, and to help maintain their independence and dignity. Our faith based business is striving to lead the industry by example in quality, care and love. Visit us at, or call us at 337433-1403.

People Caught...Helping other People (Massachusetts, USA) The knowledge of God. Hosea 4:6 What kind of knowledge do you need? To some that means to minister to others, to serve others, and to help others. To some that means to sit down, doing nothing. The Lord says my people will be cut off from me because of a lack of knowledge. It is not that you don’t have knowledge but, you are not PRODUCING. You are running away from the calling of God. You are pushing away his calling. You are resisting the calling of God in your life. Because you are rejecting His knowledge and His truth, the word of God is not in you. The Lord says: If you despise my law, I will despise you. If you reject this knowledge, then you are a confused fountain, giving both sweet and salty water. Eph 1:18 Apostle Paul says I will pray for you that your eyes may be opened < your heart>. Pastor Pierre worked in the mission field his entire life with missionaries not knowing that he was in a training camp. He is a boy with a calling to a man with a vision - the founder and missionary of the church of Jesus Christ bible center in Tomgateau, Haiti. His life has not been easy, growing up as a boy from 3 different orphanages run by American mis-

sionaries who had heard the knowledge and answered to the calling of God. He never dreamed of being called to the mission field himself. When he turned 21 yrs old he had a scholar-

to Haiti after a terrible hurricane devastated the Island. The call came at midnight loud and clear while he was watching television. The Lord said, “Go and feed them”, but he resisted like most people would have done.

ship to attend Pine Crest Bible Training center seminary in N.Y., where he later graduated with an associate degree. He was frequently invited by different churches in the U.S.A to preach the Gospel. He later settled in Dorchester, Massachusetts, as a family man with two children. In 1995 he received the call of God to return

He asked God for a sign if he wants him to go. The next day God sent him the answer with a refund check for $ 300.00 from the real estate tax collector’s office. He gave birth to the mission Rice Smile Ministry. He sent the money to Haiti to buy rice and beans to help the Haitian children. He periodically started traveling to Haiti to distribute

rice, beans, and salmon soaked in tomato sauce. He also does mobile clinics and evangelizes the Gospel to them, and builds churches in the remote mountain villages. His ministry grew with the help of the Lord. He is searching for financial support to open an elementary school to teach 60 children basic reading and writing. He would like to also give them a hot meal daily because you can’t teach a kid on an empty stomach. He has to hire 3 teachers also to teach them. He has 3 sewing machines that were donated to him by Interfaith church. He would like to open a vocational school for the mothers to learn how to earn a living by making clothes. Pray for me sow a seed in good soil, expecting to reap a good harvest. He is looking for compassionate, loving people to be connected with; those that are connected with Jesus Christ; those who are willing to be beacons of shining light so that others can find their way through them. If you are one, please let me know. The Lord will bless you. Please write to us. We are also a tax deductible organization. Rice Smile Ministry P.O box 255557 Uphams corner, MA.02125-5557 Phone:617-721-9070

First Federal Bank Supports Family & Youth Festival Julio Galan, Executive Director of Family & Youth accepts a $5,000 contribution from Maria Alcantara Faul, Director of Marketing of First Federal Bank for the Family & Youth Festival 2009 that was held on August 22, 2009. Family & Youth Festival was a fun event promoting family life and family values in a safe and exciting environment. It was a day of appreciation to the people of Southwest Louisiana , as well as a United Way Community Impact Day.

FYCA, a United Way agency, has been serving the community since 1970. Family & Youth Festival 2009 is a thank you to the community for their support and a United Way Impact Day. Family & Youth’s mission is to provide professional and affordable support to children and families through programs and services that are dedicated to advocacy, counseling, and education. Family & Youth 220 Louie Street, Lake Charles , LA 337-436-9533 CONTACT: Julio Galan, 436-9533

PG. 5

Christian Star Issue 9

September 2009

CSN & the Homeless Evangelizing our Nation! Psalm 37:25 I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging for bread. Houston, Texas--- CSN partnership with the homeless ministries has proven to be very powerful and successful. According to the Senior Pastor of Sonrise Commu-

nity Church, the homeless individuals that are distributing the Christian Star News have developed a renewal of self-esteem, a sense of purpose and they realize that they are soldiers for Christ. The homeless in Houston, Texas are evangelizing their city. CSN has provided a way for the homeless ministry to generate funds for their

operations, as well as assist in generating income for the homeless individuals. For more information on how you can become involved with the distribution of the CSN paper, please contact (832) 563-1575.

2500 square foot Large Art Project Windsor, Ont. ARTSOME STUDIO would like to inform you that the second stage of the iconography in “St. Nicholas” Macedonian Church is completed "Icons are in colors what the Scripture are in words: witnesses to the Incarnation, the fact that God has come among us as a person whom we can see, touch and hear, to offer us the new life and begin the new creation." 7th Ecumenical Council, Nicea, 787AD

Windsor based art studio ARTSOME would like to inform you that the work on the second stage of the iconography in “St. Nicholas” Macedonian Church which took place in the last two and a half years has finished. The iconography of the “St. Nicholas” church is a very ambitious project and is one of the most authentic between orthodox churches. Not even completed, this project is one of the biggest art commissions made in Windsor and Essex area. The work in these stages includes 63 large format icons, with over 390 figures,

from which 52 are life-size figures of saints. Each one of them is completed with wood carved and hand gilded aureoles, with relief of angelsseraphim and with hand made and gilded 3D letters. The iconography is spaced on more than 2500 square feet of wall area. Special service of the Consecration of the new Icons, led by His Eminence Metodij, Metropolitan of the American Canadian Diocese, will be held in St. Nicholas Macedonian Church (5225 Howard Ave., LaSalle) on Sunday, September 13, 2009,

beginning after the Divine Liturgy (11:30am). Contact: Marie Stefanov 519-974-6028 or 519-984- 6028 E-mail: Web site: For viewing the art work after September, 13th, 2009, please call the church at 519-966-6257 or Artsome at 519-984-6028

Being a Leader with Integrity Leadership Tips By Rolland Soileau We should only speak words that edify one another; according to Romans 14:19 which says “Therefore let us pursue the things which make for peace and the things by which one may edify another”. The Bible gives us instructions to encourage or build up one another, not tear down each other. A leader is a person

who exhibits high standards of work ethics by demonstrated example. A great leader knows that they should continually and openly reward positive behavior in the workplace. By openly rewarding positive behavior, this not only encourages the individual to continue to repeat his/her positive behavior, but it encourages others in the same working environment. We know that we will be held accountable for the words that we speak over those that we have authority over;

therefore, we should carefully and thoughtfully select the words that we convey to those that we lead. Proverbs 29:2 says that “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; But when a wicked man rules, the people groan.” We should be encouragers, not discouragers. Chastising or using methods of intimidation will not produce genuine, independent, motivated employees. Strong, effective leaders realize the value of strong workers. They are not threatened or intimidated by knowledge-

able workers. They understand the true value of independent thinkers, are not threatened by employees who ask “why” or “why not”, and they treasure a work force that asks genuine questions about the day-to-day routine as well as the longterm strategies of their business. Any entity, be it an army or a multi-national company, is only as strong as its weakest link. It’s an old saying, but it has never been truer than it is today.

CSN supports Christian-owned businesses, while Christian-owned businesses supports CSN.

Houston, tx

Greater St. Mary Missionary Baptist Church St. Memorial Church of God in Christ Zion Tabernacle Baptist Church Open Arms Baptist Church Mount Calvary Baptist Church New Emmanuel Baptist Church The Church of Lake Charles Teaching Center Christian Baptist Church Mt. Pilgrim Baptist Church Eastwood United Pentecostal Church United Christian Fellowship Throne of Grace Fellowship True Light Baptist Church Refuge Temple The Church of New Beginning of Lake Charles Inc. First Pentecostal Church Cathedral of Praise Shiloh Baptist Church Livingway Pentecostal Church Christian World Ministries Grace Community Church Trinity Baptist Church Lake Charles Seventh Day Adventist Church St. John Lutheran Church Westlake Church of Nazerene Eternity Full Gospel Fellowship First Baptist Church of Gillis St. Margaret Catholic Church First Presbyterian Church Westwood Baptist Church St. Henry’s Catholic Church First Pentecostal Church of Westlake Immaculate Conception Cathedral Immaculate Heart of Mary Church New Sunlight Baptist Church Lake Area Worship Center St. John Bosco Church Word of Hope Family Worship Center Sacred Heart Catholic Church Diocese of Lake Charles Episcopal Church of The Good Shephard Wesley Foundation at McNeese University Sale st. Baptist Church Our Lady Queen of Heaven Church Glad Tidings Church

337-433-0122 337-439-8680 337-436-6627 337-436-4737 337-439-4603 337-437-4042 337-439-0746 337-436-6530 337-436-0882 337-439-3425 337-433-1517 337-433-9007 337-433-7214 337-491-9367 337-430-0177 337-436-2297 337-562-2220 337-478-2412 337-475-0157 337-436-0534 337-480-1555 337-478-8353 337-478-5666 337-439-8551 337-433-4138 337-855-9414 337-439-4585 337-433-4667 337-433-8677 337-436-7223 337-436-6053 337-436-7251 337-436-8093 337-436-8965 337-436-6083 337-433-2467 337-439-7788 337-439-9923 337-439-7426 337-433-5244 337-477-2191 337-477-3463 337-477-1236 337-477-7774

Church Directory

South west, la

Aldine Christian Church South Aldine Baptist Church First Baptist Church North Houston First Baptist Church Betania Baptist Church New MT Olive Baptist Church Bethel Community Church Grace Restoration Church MT Canaan Baptist Church Advent Presbyterian Church South Main Baptist Church of Houston St Marys Episcopal Church Center of Life Baptist Church Full Gospel Holy Temple Church Love United Methodist Church Houston Restoration Church Church of the Living God El Monte Calvario Church Monument of Faith Church-God Westminster Church St Luke’s Lutheran Church Sonrise Community Church First Baptist Church Kinwood Harmony Baptist Church MT Houston Baptist Church Houston Faith Church Pine Grove Baptist Church Berea Missionary Baptist Church First Church of the Nazarene New Covenant Missionary Baptist Church First Unity Baptist Church True Worship Baptist Church First Unity Baptist Church Church of God Pentecostal Gospel Truth Church Glad Tiding Holiness Church Parkwood Baptist Church Church of Christ Evening Star Church Bread of Life Baptist Church Fontaine First Baptist Church Little York Church of God St Gregory the Great Church Ebenezer Church

Nashville, tn Cathedral of the Incarnation Rivergate Church Of Christ Mt Zion Baptist Church World Outreach Church Agape Fellowship Church First Baptist Church Of Mt Juliet ClearView Baptist Church South Haven Baptist Church And Christian School Franklin Road Baptist Church First Baptist Church Fellowship Bible Church Donelson Fellowship Metro Baptist Church First United Methodist Church Franklin Christ Church East Main Street Church Of Christ Lighthouse Baptist Church First Church Of The Nazarene The Carpenter’s House New Vision Baptist Church Word and Spirit Church First Church Unity Family Worship Center Bluegrass Baptist Church College Heights Baptist Church Fourth Avenue Church of Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church & Academy First Baptist Church of Nashville Fellowship Bible Church Central Church Of Christ Bethel Murfreesboro Trinity United Methodist Church Lighthouse Christian School & Preschool Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints St Patrick’s Anglican Church Brook Hollow Baptist Church West End Church Of Christ Catholic Community Community Church Of Hendersonville Family Worship Center Faith Christian Reformed Church St Marks United Methodist Church Joy Church International Bible Baptist Church Of Hendersonville Station Camp Church Of Christ Gallatin Church Of Christ

615-327-2330 615-865-2842 615-254-7296 615-896-4515 615-553-0007 615-754-2525 615-794-5488 615-384-5073 615-890-0820 615-444-8444 615-893-6652 615-871-4769 615-859-1184 615-794-2734 615-332-5968 615-953-6180 615-953-1357 615-255-1289 615-890-1420 615-895-7167 615-867-0033 615-332-1323 615-953-0968 615-824-0001 615-452-4952 615-794-6626 615-833-1500 615-664-6000 615-893-6652 615-256-0789 615-896-2348 615-896-0413 615-331-6286 615-355-9268 615-534-2589 615-352-1295 615-383-7450 615-758-2424 615-826-0042 615-232-8950 615-833-5977 615-893-3455 615-773-5252 615-824-0042 615-452-5734 615-452-0271

281-442-9751 281-442-3124 281-449-7201 281-449-7201 281-442-4258 281-227-6885 281-449-1473 281-449-5996 713-633-3312 281-821-2533 713-529-4167 281-370-8000 281-442-5433 713-692-6570 281-590-9294 281-227-6260 281-219-3853 281-987-1174 281-442-2002 713-442-7210 281-442-2180 281-449-0994 281-442-3823 281-442-3444 281-442-1726 281-870-1010 281-449-2325 281-449-1859 281-897-0300 281-987-7170 281-219-7145 281-987-3267 281-219-7145 713-692-3502 713-686-7689 281-449-7706 281-442-5359 281-442-2298 713-631-4060 713-631-8600 713-633-2657 713-633-1284 713-631-3681 713-695-3390

Dallas, tx

Fruitful Hill Mission Church Apostolic Assembly At the Feet of Christ Fellowship Baptist Crossover Missionary Believers Missionary Baptist Church Bethany Baptist Church Bethel Hill Assembly of God Church Bruton Road Christian Church Bruton Terrace Church of The Nazarene Cathedral of Faith Church Church of Christ of Rylie Church of Christ on Pemberton Hill Road Church of Living God Covenant Outreach Cross of Christ Baptist Church Dallas Pentecostal Church Day Spring Pentecostal Church Emmanuel Fellowship Baptist Church Faith Baptist Church Fireside Drive Baptist Church First Baptist Church of Meadowview First Evangelist Church of God In Christ God’s Word Mbc Fellowship Hall God’s Word Missionary Baptist Church Good Shepherd Baptist Church Goodwill Baptist Church Gospel Tabernacle Church Grace & Truth Apostolic Church Greater House Of Faith Church The Greater Macedonia Primitive Baptist Church Harvest Baptist Church Hawn Freeway Church of Christ Healing Church Judao Heritage Family Church Kingdom Harvest Church of God In Christ Liberty Baptist Church Lifeline Community Church of The Living God Little Bethel Assembly of God Living Gospel Church Miracle Deliverance Pentecostal Church Miracle Deliverance Pentecostal Fellowship Hall Miracle Outreach Full Gospel Church Mount Pisgah Baptist Church Mount Sinai New Covenant Missionary Baptist Church New Creations Church

469-774-7483 214-398-5610 972-557-7773 214-391-4720 214-391-6331 214-398-8403 972-286-1844 972-285-2305 214-381-6193 214-398-7553 972-286-1408 214-398-4777 972-286-6548 214-391-7781 214-398-4330 214-398-7659 214-391-7552 214-398-1119 214-398-4437 214-398-5822 214-391-7176 972-557-7300 214-309-1995 214-381-4463 214-391-5865 214-391-2907 972-557-4905 214-391-0017 972-913-8011 214-275-7560 972-286-2536 214-391-4175 972-286-7900 214-391-6573 972-557-8383 972-288-4459 972-557-7733 972-286-3434 214-398-0123 214-391-5755 214-391-1743 972-286-9729 214-398-6774 214-398-4061 214-398-4515 972-216-2100

Christian Star Issue 9

The Selma Enterprise California,USA

Q: "How should conflict in the church be handled?" A: There are many areas of a church where conflict can develop. However, most of them tend to fall under one of three categories: 1. Conflict due to blatant sin among believers. 2. Conflict with leadership. 3. Conflict between believers. I must admit that many issues can cross over and actually involve two or more of these categories. Believers who blatantly sin pose a conflict for the church as described in 1 Corinthians 5. The church that does not deal with sin among the members will open the door to more problems. The church is not called to be judgmental of unbelievers, but the church is expected to confront and restore believers who are unrepentant of sins such as those listed in 1 Corinthians 5:11, " . . . anyone who calls himself a brother but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or a slanderer, a drunkard or a swindler." Such individuals are to not be accepted by the church until they are willing to repent. Matthew 18:15-17 provides a concise procedure for the confrontation and restoration of a believer. Con-

Lexington, KY by Agnes Amos Part Four In Romans 8:28, the Bible says, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Lord, I am sending out résumés but not hearing anything from employers. My level of frustration is building, but I give You the praise that I am in a job while searching for another one. Thank You for the provision of my current job; thank You that I am alive. It is so easy to focus on everything else going on in my life, but help me remember Your goodness. I am reminded in Psalm 103:1–5 of the importance of this: “Praise the Lord, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the Lord, O my

frontation should be done carefully, meekly, and with the goal of restoration (Galatians 6:1). Churches that lovingly discipline sinning individuals will hinder a great deal of conflict in the church. At times believers might not be content with the direction or actions of church leaders. This was the case early in the history of the church (Acts 6:1-7). Complaints about the lack of care of a certain group in the church were taken up with the leaders. This was remedied, and the church grew (Acts 6:7). The early church used a conflict to improve the ministry. However, when churches do not have a clear process for dealing with such concerns, people tend to create their own platforms which in turn create problems. Individuals may begin polling others in the church, get involved in gossip, or even develop a bloc of "concerned people." Leadership can help avoid this by leading as selfless, loving shepherds that are examples of servants rather than ones that lord over others (1 Peter 5:1-3)…(I am currently writing a book on spiritual abuse in the church). This is a real problem in many churches. Those who are frustrated should respect the leaders (Hebrews 13:7, 17), be slow to accuse them (1 Timothy 5:19), and speak the truth lovingly to them, not to others about them (Ephesians 4:15). On those occasions when it appears the leader is not responding to the concern, an

individual should follow the pattern set down in Matthew 18:15-17 to ensure that there is no confusion as to where each stands. The Bible warns that people in church may have difficulties with conflict. Some conflict is due to pride and selfishness (James 4:1-10). Some conflicts come about because of offenses that have not been forgiven (Matthew 18:15-35). God has told us to press toward peace (Romans 12:18; Colossians 3:12-15). It is the responsibility of each believer to seek to resolve a conflict. Some basic steps toward resolution include the following:

soul, and forget not all his benefits— who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.” Lord, how true are Your words! Give me a grateful heart.

a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor.” Recall the things in your current situation that have made you glad and those things that have not. With the following declaration, call joy into being in your life.

Let Us Reason Together Praising God in time of crisis may be the hardest thing you ever do, yet it can also be one of the most rewarding. How does allowing your emotions to rule over your situation cause you to be angry with God? How does praising Him get you back on track?

I invite you to journey with me now into my own personal crisis of a protracted job search. Perhaps you’ll recognize yourself within the pages of my journal, and perhaps you’ll come to discover—like I did—the God who waits to deliver you! Buy the book and discover how to: • Conquer your emotions and fears as you face life’s trials. • You will learn to position and anchor yourself in the hand of God to keep you strong, bold, and moving forward. • You will develop the ability to praise God in the midst of your storms, even when you don’t feel

Drink from the Fountain Isaiah 61:3 says, “Provide for those who grieve in Zion—to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness,

1. Develop the proper heart attitude - Meek (Galatians 6:1); Humble (James 4:10); Forgiving (Ephesians 4:31,32); Patient (James 1:19,20). 2. Evaluate your part in the conflict - Matthew 7:1-5 (removing the log from your own eye first is necessary before helping others). 3. Go to the individual (not to others) to voice your concern, Matthew 18:15. This is best done in love (Ephesians 4:15) and not to just get something off your chest. Accusing the person tends to encourage a defensiveness. Therefore, attack the problem rather than the person. This

Affirmation I am anointed with the oil of gladness.

gives the person a better opportunity to clarify the situation or to seek forgiveness for the offense. If the first attempt does not accomplish the needed results, continue with another person or persons that can help with mediation (Matthew 18:16). Remember that your goal is not to win an argument; it is to win your fellow believer to reconciliation. Therefore, choose people who can help you resolve the conflict. Conflict is best handled when individuals prayerfully and humbly focus on loving others, with the intent of restoring relationships. Most issues of conflict should be manageable if the above biblical principles are followed. Rafael Bastien-Herrera, B.A (Th.), M.A. (Pastoral Ministry/Theology) Please send questions to rbherrera@

like it. • You will discover that God walks with you through every trial you face. You will see that He is truly the guide and makes the path straight and the hills flat for those who trust in His wisdom and mercy. • You will take away a word or a thought to help you in your despair and you will learn to hold on to the Word of God to maintain hope. To order The Journey of a Christian Job Seeker: Conquering Your Emotions and Your Fears Through Life’s Trials ($14.99, paperback, 978-1-60791-339-9) please visit the following Web sites now at - - - - www.journeyofachristianjobseeker. com - or call 1-866-909-2665

Christian Star Issue 9

September 2009

A Touch of Grace • The Missing Link • Created in God’s Image • Creation Therapy

Fundraising Opportunity for Non-Profit Organizations or Churches It has been CSN goal and desire to bring all Christians together in one place at one time: print media. We are offering your church or non-profit organization an outlet to allow your voice to be heard nationally, as well as in your community. We are offering your organization an opportunity to generate funds for various programs, such as your Youth Ministry, Missions or Food Pantry, by allowing you to gain sponsorship or sale ads on your 11” X 17” page. Consider combining your material with CSN! We already have distribution within churches and several businesses. Your cost would only be $300 for a Black & White page and $380 for a colored page. This is very cheap based on the printing cost and the process has already been established. You really would not be coming out of your pocket for your page; your ads and sponsorship would cover your cost. You could gain corporate sponsorship

up to $3,000 per page per month or ads totaling up to $3,000 per page per month. For a second page, the price would drop to $200 for a B&W page and $280 for a full color page. After the first 6 color or B & W pages have been sold, the price will increase to $380 for a Black & White page and $460 Color. It would be up to your church or organization on how many pages they would want to prepare; however, we would have to know up front, as our designer would have to format our layout to accommodate this material. If you do not have the software or designer, we could pull your information together and format the page for $100 each page to pay the designer. If you design your own page, then you would be responsible for gathering, editing and formatting your own pages and submitting to our designer in a timely fashion. Your pages would have a banner showing that your organization’s name as the sponsor of

Lawyers You Can Trust in Lake Charles, Louisiana. When you are dealing with a sensitive legal problem, it is important to be represented by a lawyer you can trust. At Doucet Lorio, we offer honest and ethical legal counsel to people throughout Louisiana. Our skill and experience allow us to seek the most favorable legal results for people like you. Contact us today online or by phone at 337-433-0100 to speak with an experienced Louisiana attorney.

those pages. Your writers would get credit for their material. It is a Win/Win deal.

Louisiana was only our test market and we have since spread rapidly across the world.

CSN would still manage the distribution, except in the new distribution points you would establish. We could be a powerful force. We would not be taking anything from you and you would not be taking anything from CSN. Our whole goal is to help close the gap with the Christian community, not cause more division. This is where the power comes from, Uniting Christians for one purpose, one goal: The harvest of souls for God. Our goal is to spread the "Good News" across all nations. Our paper is being viewed in India, the UK, Australia, Canada, Sweden, etc...

Your staff would be responsible for any mailing, promoting, editing and sales of ads for your page/pages. We would format it only if you reach an agreement to pay our designer $100 for each page, in addition to your cost for each page. You will find that the printing costs are extremely high and this will not make CSN any profits, only help with the printing costs.

We have a strong street distribution going in Houston, Texas and preparing for Atlanta, GA. We are working with the Homeless to help them generate funds to run their facilities, while providing an income for the homeless distributor. Southwest

Your sales staff would work directly with you and you would set your own price for your ads/sponsorship, this would not be any of our business. Your newspaper designer would be working directly with Sasha McDaniel Singleton, our designer. Any other questions or issues can be worked directly with Ronotta Guillory at (832) 5888440. Thank You-Christian Star News

Sunday Special

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Christian Star Issue 9

September 2009

The Lord’s Outreach International Ministries of Hope (Founded in Aug. 2009), Community Home, & *Accredited* Lord’s Outreach School of Thelogy, (Founded Aug. 1999).

Pastor Leona Clements Benoit Founder of The Lord’s Outreach International Ministries since 1984 beginning in Los Angeles, California and moved to Lake Charles, La in 1987. The Ministry includes: The Potter’s House (Founded in Oct. 1989), A Shelter for Homeless Women & Women with Children, The Lord’s Place (Founded in Sept. 1991), A Shelter for Homeless Men, Haven

Sea Glass

Scanning the beach for sea glass looking beyond the debris searching for flecks of color made smooth by the sand and the sea I am reminded of my own life at first glance so tainted by sin but You find the flecks of color and smooth my character from within The glass on the beach starts with bottles broken and discarded by man beginning as trash, just an eyesore a detriment to bare feet in the sand But as time goes by things change slowly those sharp edges become rounded with frost the rubbing of the sand starts to mold it waves pounding it to and fro tossed You take me and round my rough edges things that otherwise might do harm taking years to find the beauty but not leaving me alone in the storm Finally the day will come, Lord You will look around the mistakes I have made I’ll be a glistening jewel on the shoreline because in Your will I have stayed © 2009 michelestaggwoods

Beach season is on the horizon for me! Summer is behind us and the weather will be cooler soon. At least that is what I choose to believe. Southwest Louisiana can hold on to the summer for a ridiculous amount of time. Maybe that is what makes fall so precious. On the Gulf of Mexico, on a cool autumn day, I had found a place of worship. This poem, Sea Glass, is a product of that time with the Lord. I thrill in finding pieces of sea glass on the beach. Jewels of the Sea. Usually though, to find those nuggets of color, you must be on the section of the coast that

has been disregarded and left as unworthy in a way. A place the gulf chooses to spew the waste from its depths. The hunt is more interesting there because the treasures must be truly sought after to be found. The tools I usually take with me are mosquito spray, sunscreen, tennis shoes and a knack for looking beyond the obvious. I find myself walking on the sand looking and realize that I am walking on the sand… being sought after. I am sought out by a Holy God who sees me as a precious jewel. This world taints us. Our sin

Pastor Leona C. and husband, Dr. Russell J. Benoit has been pastoring 21 years. They have ministered nationally and internationally (Haiti, Africa, St. Lucia, Mexico, and Honduras). They are Soul winners for Jesus and together they are called to meet the needs of Gods people spiritually and educationally. For more information contact: The Lord’s Outreach International Ministries P.O. Box 16423 Lake Charles, La 70616 Sr. Pastor Russell J. Benoit (337) 249-3144 Pastor Leona C. Benoit (337) 249-7395 Email: Website:

The Signature of God The Star of David in a flower stem, that can’t be seen by the naked eye The majestic view of the snow capped mountains or the constellations in the nighttime sky The crystal waters from ocean to ocean that encompass the world around Or the letter Shin, seen from an airplane written in Hebrew on God’s Holy ground The countless pedals in a field full of daisies or the flying eagle in the wide open skies The rising moon and the golden sunsets that continue each day right before our eyes The desert sands that are white as paper or the trees of the rainforest so hunter green And every sunrise we have a chance to witness Is the most beautiful one we’ve ever seen The dolphin, the whale, the shark, the sea lion, The shrimp, the crab, the electric eel The king of beasts in the mighty jungle, Who could imagine that God is not real For every time we see life around us And for every journey in this life that we trod We can’t help but see the awesome beauty Of the Holy signature of the “One True God “ Dianne Roofner nature shines forth and leaves us dejected and alone. We are like the nasty refuse waiting to be picked through and left as worthless and unlovely. But GOD! In our unlovely mess He finds us and creates in us a new creature. He sees the beauty some how. We are hand picked. You are hand picked by the Lover of your soul. Your troubles do not disappear at that moment, but now they do not overtake you. Your character is not suddenly flawless but you have the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the mirror of the Word to refine you. You may continue

to be knocked around and bruised. Stay in the battle and realize that, just as the rough edges of the glass become smooth in the tossing of the ocean, you become a one-ofa-kind jewel that is found to be precious by The Creator. Malachi 3:17 “And they shall be mine, saith the Lord of hosts, in the day when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him.

Christian Star Issue 9

September 2009

Divine Prescriptions With E.J. Kemper III


he Problem: The Blame Game

We’ve all heard of the game in fact we’ve all played the game. The blame game. To blame is to appropriate fault, often incorrectly, on someone other than our selves. So often, we neglect the personal responsibility that each of us have in our own lives and lay blame at the feet of someone else. The perfect example of the blame game is seen in the story of Adam and Eve. After all the commandments that God had given Adam, he found himself doing exactly what God said not to do. When confronted with HIS sins, Adam responded “the woman that you gave me…..” Let’s examine this. (1) Rather than accepting the responsibility of our actions many times we blame our actions on the actions or behavior of others. “The woman…. gave to me and I did eat.” We all know the consequences of the environments in which we are raised. We know that young men who were raised in families where their fathers were absent have a harder time adjusting to the rules and discipline in life. Furthermore we know that girls who were abused by a dominant male in their life often grow up to be women who lead a cycle of dysfunctional relationships. I do not deny the reality that our environment plays a major role in our lives. But at some point these realities must collide with the reality of personal responsibility. We cannot live a life that is based solely upon the actions of others. You cannot stand before a judge and say “My father was absent” Likewise, you cannot stand in the court of life and blame your failure on the actions of someone else. Ultimately you and I must face the same reality that Adam faced: the consequences of our own actions. We cannot be responsible for what mom and dad did or did not do. Nor can we make them responsible for what we do or do not do. (2) Adam said “the woman that YOU gave me….” He next laid blame at the feet of God. In so many words he was saying “if you wouldn’t have given her to me she wouldn’t have given the forbidden fruit and I wouldn’t have eaten it. So you see God you are the one to blame” Often we try to blame God for the actions we take. We believe that because God is sovereign and all-knowing that He should step in and rescue us from making bad and potentially harmful decisions. We believe that God should divinely intervene before we do something that can alter our life negatively. But if this were the case the whole fact of our creation would be uprooted. For God created you and I rational beings which means he has given us the ability to make choices that will not only determine today but will potentially affect the next day, week, month or year. To put it plainly, God does not want to see any of us die before our time, but if we are so confused as to make a decision to take our own life, God will not step in to stop you. The power that He has given to all of us is to change the

entire course of our lives with a single decision. We have the responsibility to make a decision about our careers, neighborhoods, spouses, schools, etc. No wonder the Bible says, “so as a man/woman thinks in their heart so are they” This is the epitome of what God has given to you and I. God encourages us all to live holy and perfect lives. He sometimes allows obstacles to get in our way to deter us from a path of wickedness and destruction but the ultimate decision as to continue in or refrain from that wickedness lies with you and me. So then, if we do not heed the encouragement of God we cannot blame God for the consequences. (3) Eve, when asked by God why she gave the forbidden fruit to her husband replied, “The serpent beguiled me…” What a stereotypical response. I know you’ve heard the now infamous colloquialism; The devil made me do it. How often we blame the devil for actions and missteps. Now the devil plays a great role in our missteps and misbehavior but he cannot make us do anything. It is his ploy to beguile us with voluptuous fruit and serenade our curiosity with the possibility of discovering the forbidden and unknown. However, the choice is ours to bite or to not bite. For this reason the Bible says “resist the devil and he will flee from you”


he Prescription: Personal Responsibility

So Adam finished his statement of blame with a conclusion that we all must eventually come to: “the woman that you gave, gave to me and I DID EAT” Likewise Eve said: “the serpent beguiled me and I DID EAT” ultimately, my dears, after all the blame has been passed around it finds its’ lasting resting place with the decisions that you and I have made. Despite the actions of others we have a personal responsibility to take charge (whether good or bad) of our own actions. Now turn to your neighbor and say “If it’s to be then it’s up to me” Get the new book by E.J. Kemper III, The Proper Purpose of Pain, by visiting him online at

It may stink on the ark, but you’re saved from the flood!

By Chauncy Latigue

Genesis 7: 1-5 as it is written “Then the Lord said to Noah, “Enter the ark, you and all your household, for I have seen that you alone are righteous before Me in this generation. You are to take with you seven pairs, a male and its female, of all the clean animals, and two of the animals that are not clean, a male and its female, and seven pairs male and female, of the birds of the sky—in order to keep offspring alive on the face of the whole earth. Seven days from now I will make it rain on the earth 40 days and 40 nights, and I will wipe off the face of the earth every living thing I have made.” And Noah did everything that the Lord commanded him. Genesis 7:21 as it is written “ All flesh perished---creatures that crawl on the earth, birds, livestock, wildlife, and all creatures that swarm on the earth as well as mankind. Everything with the breath of the spirit of life in its nostrils, everything on dry land died. When you are able to I recommend that you read the seventh chapter of Genesis and see for yourself what that Bible says about God’s way of wiping out sin for good when he is fed up with the way things are going. I was reared up and taught that “ Noah built the ark, brother Noah built the ark, in come the animals 2 by 2 and so on….. Listening to what someone was preaching and not reading for myself I never knew that God said take 7 of every clean animal and 2 of every unclean animal. We tend to make ourselves look clean on the outside and want people to know that we are good swimmers per say, all the while on the inside we are unclean and actually deserve to be killed with everything that died that was on dry land. When you are dry and God can no longer do anything with you, you are on the verge of death. Galatians 5:16 reads “I say then, walk by the Spirit and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh. For the flesh desires what is against the Spirit, and the Spirit desires what is against the flesh; these are opposed to each other, so that you don’t do what you want. (It goes on to talk about the works of the flesh from 19-21) Take a look at Chapter 7 of the book of Romans between verses 13-25. You will see that the great Paul of the Bible over 2/3’s owner of the new testament had a problem with the flesh, I am not condemning anyone by any form of the matter, I am not throwing stones, I am not judging, What I am charged to do with this gift is to edify the brethren. I want to assure you that if “ANY ONE” be in Christ he is a new creature. As it is written “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation; old things have passed away and look, new things have come. Now everything is from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that is in Christ, God was reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them and he has committed the message of reconciliation to us. That was 2 Corinthians 5:17-19. Now in John 3:16 God is telling us that, “he loves the world and that he gave his only son (Jesus) so that the world through (Jesus) might be saved. He says whoever believes on him (Jesus) might be saved and have ever lasting life without condemnation. Now he says if you don’t believe in him, you are already condemned. I am quite sure that Old Noah and his 600 year old self got plenty of condemnation from everyone around him, although he believed what God said and adhered to the command to build an Ark, Now let’s create a picture. Here you have seven of every kind that is clean a male and female, two of every kind that is unclean male and female and seven of every fowl of the air and so on so that the world can be

replenished and not to mention a whole lot of shaking going on in the house if you know what I mean. I just wonder if it got a little uncomfortable at about 30 minutes past the hour once the doors closed on the big Ark. Both inside and outside of the Ark, you have all these people wondering what are you doing Noah; we have not ever seen rain, then on the inside you got all the animals and your family just all living among each other, think about it… skunks, turtles, giraffes, elephants, ducks, sap- suckers ( That is a yellow bellied woodpecker) for all you non-bird watcher type, horses, cows, dogs, cats, iguanas, scorpions, snakes, rats, apes, monkeys, pigs, I guess you get the picture all these animals including your family have to excrete waste somewhere at sometime in a 40 day and 40 night period. Nevertheless, I would rather be in the church where it may stink sometimes than out in the world where everyone is dying without hope. We complain about this sermon, that couple, this couple, Pastor hurt my feelings, choir songs were not good, communion was stale, pews are to hard, blacks sit here, whites sit here, Spanish go here, Pentecostals go here, Baptist go here, Methodist go here, Episcopalians go here, Mormons go here, full gospel go here, Africans go here, this was loud, that was wrong, babies should be set there, no running, no clapping, can’t do this can’t do that and this my friend is all in the church or on the Ark if you must. Not even realizing that you are saved from the flood and God has spared you for just merely “believing on His son Jesus” not to mention all the steps that come with salvation according to man’s version of what it takes to be saved, I have found in the Bible that it tells me in John (To Believe), In Romans (To Confess) in Acts (to repent and be Baptized in Jesus’ name for the forgiveness of your sins and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit) hopefully allowing spiritual gifts to accompany the fact that new life is truly abounding in you. Check for yourself here goes the scriptures John 3:15, Romans 10:10-13, Acts 2:38-40, 1 Corinthians 12 & 14. Read Ephesians 4:17-27 ( You will need a Bible), 1 Timothy 1:3-11, Understand that difficult times are ahead of us and are here as you read and study this teaching. ( 2 Timothy 3:1-9), You don’t have time to murmur and complain about such things that are not edifying a hurting and dying people that are searching for hope, begging for love from someone. At all cost try to live at peace with all men and preach whenever you are given the opportunity to share God’s love to someone, I know it may stink sometime while being in the house or on the Ark, however consider the ladder part of the two, would you rather be on this side of the door or on the outside knocking for someone to open it and get you out of this flood that we are in right now. Lord, help us not to be so selfish that we tend not to see the person next to us that is drowning and cannot swim in this flood of life. As it is now on earth, Sin is rampant and it is like it was in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah, Lord I repent of my sins and ask for forgiveness. Give me a clean heart and I will live my life as it were 40 days and nights of flooding that being at peace with my fellow man and showing that Jesus is the way and he is not just for me but his Spirit is for all who will receive him into their heart, for I know Revelation 3:20 states this “Listen! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and have dinner with him, and he with me. Lord as crazy as it may sound…….. I thank you for the stink that keeps me on the ARK!

Christian Star Issue 9


September 2009


As mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, friends, neighbors and coworkers begin to share their stories of the horror, this tragedy will become even more personal. As it becomes more personal, it will become more painful, and as our pain deepens, so will the questions. Why does God allow evil to happen? If God is so great and so good, why does he allow human beings to hurt each other?

The answer lies in both our greatest blessing and our worst curse: our capacity to make choices. God has given us a free will. Made in God's image, he has given us the freedom to decide how we will act and the ability to make moral choices. This is one asset that sets us apart from animals, but it also is the

source of so much pain in our world. People, and that includes all of us, often make selfish, self-centered and evil choices. Whenever that happens, people get hurt. Sin is ultimately selfishness. I want to do what I want, not what God tells me to do. Unfortunately, sin always hurts others, not just ourselves. God could have eliminated all evil from our world by simply removing our ability to choose it. He could have made us puppets, or marionettes on strings that he pulls. By taking away our ability to choose it, evil would vanish. But God doesn't want us to be puppets. He wants to be loved and obeyed by creatures who voluntarily choose to do so. Love is not genuine if there is no other option. Yes, God could have kept the terrorists from completing their suicidal missions by removing their ability to choose their own will instead of his. But to be fair, God also would have to do that to all of

I was inspired to write these inspirational books, because I see a lot of women, men, and children that are afraid. I seen myself in them, and I know what they are going through not knowing what to do. I have been through a lot of damaging situations in a lifetime. Until I got enough courage to seek help for myself, I was just like everyone else lost in the house. Some people get help others don''t know how, and this is where I come in to help them. Just letting people know what I have been through, and how God delivered me. I know this will help a lot of woman in

us. You and I are not terrorists, but we do harm and hurt others with our own selfish decisions and actions.

interested in pleasing God" (John 3:19, Message Translation). We're far more interested in pleasing ourselves.

You may hear misguided minds say, "This must have been God's will." Nonsense!

There are many other questions that race through our minds during dark days. But the answers will not come from pollsters, pundits or politicians. We must look to God and his Word. We must humble ourselves and admit that each of us often choose to ignore what God wants us to do.

In a world of free choices, God's will is rarely done! Doing our own will is much more common. Don't blame God for this tragedy. Blame people who ignored what God has told us to do: "Love your neighbor as yourself." In heaven, God's will is done perfectly. That's why there is no sorrow, pain or evil there. But this is earth, a fallen, imperfect place. We must choose to do God's will everyday. It isn't automatic. This is why Jesus told us to pray, "Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven." The Bible explains the root of evil: "This is the crisis we're in: God's light streamed into the world, but men and women everywhere ran for the darkness ... because they were not really

their time of needing someone to be there for them. It''s not easy to admit that you need help, but once you do, everything begins to go in the right direction for you. I know some situation need more care than others do. Philippians 4:13 states; I can do all things through Christ which strengthened me. God gave me the strength to overcome my past, and he can help you overcome yours also. By Lorner Jones

“Lorna’s Motto is: Forgive in order to Live”

You can purchase these great books at

No doubt houses of worship across America will be packed in the coming days. In a crisis we cry out for a connection with our Creator. This is a deepseated, universal urge. The first words uttered by millions on Sept. 11 were "Oh God!" We were made for a relationship with God, but he waits for us to choose him. He is ready to comfort, guide and direct us through our grief. But it's your choice.

Zion Tabernacle Baptist Church will be hosting its 4th Annual Magnifying Our Vision Through Evangelism Workshop on September 19, 2009 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The registration fee for the workshop is $5.00 and lunch will be provided. Please R.S.V.P. by September 15, 2009 with the number of participants that will be attending from your church. Please contact Rev. Edward Jordan at 337-436-6627 or the church office with any questions or concerns.

Things we should pray for daily • Protection: May God charge His angels of protection to surround our family, friends and ourselves. • Presence: May God be in our midst to guide and direct our steps. May the Holy Spirit dwell in us and fill all void places that we have endured from the loss of loved ones. • Peace: Jesus Christ said on the cross “My peace I leave you”; therefore, it is there for us to freely accept. With peace, there is no worry or stress, and all of the ailments caused by the lack of peace shall diminish. • Provision: May God supply for all that we may need or ask for, that we will use for the Glory of the Lord. May God supply provisions for our Godly visions to serve Him. Christian Star News

Christian Star Issue 9

Robin Blue… From the streets of Compton, California, drug dealer, user and gang member turns “From Crime to Christ”. She is the President and Founder of Spirit Song Ministries International and Robin Blue Ministries with a Headquarters in Phoenix, Arizona and also Mbale, Uganda East Africa. In 1973, Robin Blue decided it was time to give God a real chance in her life. A preacher’s daughter turns everything that was wrong in her life around for the good. Knowing and understanding what her purpose is, she took “The Good News of the Gospel” back to the streets. She has been in ministry for more than 30 years. She ministers as Key Note Speaker, Teacher, Preacher, Motivational Speaker, Community Activist, Author, Mission-

September 2009 ary, Psalmist, and Recording Artist. She speaks in Conferences, Workshops, Seminars, Gang Treaties, and Concert Halls. She has been graced by God to Preach in Conferences with Internationally Renowned Speakers such as Dr. Iverna Tompkins and the late Dr. Fuchsia Pickett. In many conferences worldwide, Robin Blue has been nominated by thousands of conference attendees as "The Most Recommended and Anointed Speakers.” The anointing upon her life for gospel music and her teaching of the Word of God causes those who are lost, broken and hurting to receive healing, restoration, comfort and hope. Her gift has made room for her as a recording artist music and teaching to minister and perform with Dr. Helen Baylor, Tramaine Hawkins , The Tripp Family, Bob Carlyle, Pastor Andrae Crouch, Phil & Brenda Nicholas' , Bob Fitts, Ron Kenoly , Dr. Margaret Pleasant

Douroux, Minister Eddie James, 1999 Stellar Award winner Kenny Smith and the Late Rev. James Cleveland just to name a few. When in Africa, Robin ministers to crowds of nearly25, 000 packing out churches and stadiums. In June 2002 Robin and her husband Herbert were featured the Uganda national newspaper The New Vision. Read her testimony! (Newspaper interview article in Uganda -"After Two Homosexual Men, I Found a Real Man") New Vision. Once again in Africa, February 23, 2005 the New Vision Newspaper captured her story "I Lost 100kgs”. Challenging readers to take off those pounds. Hundreds now have testimonies they have made their goal. She has been a beloved guest of TBN and other Christian Broadcast around the world.

While in the USA Robin and her husband Herbert are under the leadership of Word of Abundant Life Christian Center in Phoenix, AZ where B. Derone and First Lady Brenda Robinson are Senior Pastor who are under the covering of Dr. Myles Monroe of Bahamas Faith Ministries International. Robin is the Administrative Pastor, Director of Music and Dean of Academics at Word of Abundant Life Christian Center. She is Ordained Full-Time in the 5-Fold Ministry Office. Her ministry is in HIGH demand around the world, as she is called upon by Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers in nations. If you would like a complimentary CD of one of Robin’s messages, please write to or call: Robin Blue Ministries Spirit Song Ministries International P.O. Box 14394 Phoenix, AZ 850634394 USA (623) 217-9060 or (623) 979-0933 Fax: (623) 846-2522 Email: or

Will government use RFID chips to track your every move? By Dr. Alfred Adams (LaPlace, Louisiana) Invented in 1969, RFIDs, or Radio Frequency Identification Chips are, in simplest terms, micro chips. They might be compared to the ubiquitous BAR Codes that are printed on just about every product you buy. Simply pass the BAR Code over a scanner and the product description and price are sent to a computer. But unlike BAR Codes, RFID chips reportedly can be made smaller than a grain of sand. Unlike a BAR Code which is limited to 20 characters, a RFID can hold 512 bits of information. And while the BAR code on a particular product like 16-ounce cans of Campbell's Tomato Soup is the same, a RFID chip embedded in your driver's license would contain information unique to you. Another important difference is that a BAR code is inert and must be scanned to obtain information, while a RFID is actually a transmitter, which when prompted emits a signal. But at what distance can that signal be read? Good question. If you ever used an EZ Pass at a toll booth, you have used an RFID. That, you say, isn't very far. True, but con-

sider a July 11 Associated Press story reported on Fox which reported a self-described "ethical hacker" in San Francisco, who spent $190 on e-Bay to purchase what he described as a Matrics antenna and a Motorola reader. Hooking the reader to his laptop computer, he cruised around Fisherman's Wharf. According to the story, it didn't take long to strike pay dirt and obtain unique serial numbers from two passersby who were carrying electronic or e-passports - and they were just 20 feet away. In 2006, a student at the University of Cambridge reportedly demonstrated that a transmission between a passport embedded with an RFID chip and a legitimate reader could be intercepted from as far away as 160 feet. RFIDs in passports, maybe driver's licenses - what's next? On April 20, VeriChip Corporation of Delray Beach, Fla., issued a press release to announce that it has developed the "VeriMed Health Link System." According to VeriChip, "This system uses the first humanimplantable passive RFID microchip cleared for medical use in 2004 by the United States Food and Drug Administration."

In 2006, CNN's Daniel Steinberg interviewed Bruce Schneier, a security expert with Counterpane Internet Security, Inc. "The dark side of RFID," said Schneier, "is surreptitious access." The following year, Neville Pattinson, a vice-president for government affairs at Gemalto, Inc., penned an article in Privacy Advisor in which he was critical of using RFIDs in driver's licenses and passports, pointing out that it would leave the holder vulnerable "to attacks from hackers, identity thieves, and possibly terrorists." Just last month, AP National Writer Todd Lewan reported that Homeland Security has been promoting the use of RFIDs in spite of its own advisory committee's warning for potential "widespread surveillance of individuals" without their knowledge. Ominously, Lee Tien, a surveillance expert with Electronic Frontier Foundation has warned that it won't take a massive government project to build RFID reader networks. "They will grow organically, for commercial purposes, from convention centers to shopping malls, sports stadiums to college campuses."

As I see it, Congress needs to scrutinize this new technology and pass laws to protect individual privacy. John R. Stoeffler, a Ballwin resident, is the president and co-founder of the Madison Forum, a constitutional think tank, dedicated to upholding the principles of the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. (Rev: 13 15-16) Dr. Adams is an author/filmmaker of the new documentary “Are We Living In The End Times?” For commits or questions:

Christian Star Issue 9

September 2009

Wycliffe Associates to Construct Translation Center in the Heart of War-torn DRC ( Orlando , Florida , USA )—Wycliffe Associates, an international organization that mobilizes volunteers and resources in support of Bible translation efforts, has announced plans to help construct a Bible translation center in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), a war-ravaged Central African nation that has been described as “the site of one of the world’s worst ongoing humanitarian crises” by the Belgium-based Crisis Group.

in the city of Bunia , located in the northeastern part of DRC. “The violence has quieted in the Ituri region of the DRC and Bunia in particular,” says Bruce Smith, president and CEO of Wycliffe Associates. “There’s a window of peace, of security. If we move quickly, we can establish a permanent translation center. The Christians of the Democratic Republic of Congo are begging for this opportunity not to be missed.”

The conflict in the DRC has resulted in the loss of some three million lives over the past five years. And according to the Crisis Group, as many as 1,200 people are dying each day in the DRC “from conflict-related causes” that include disease and malnutrition. The United Nations estimates life expectancy rates at age 45 for men and age 48 for women.

The new translation center, located at Shalom University , will facilitate the translation of the Bible into five new languages, making it accessible to an estimated 1.6 million people for the first time in history. And the translation center will provide national translators access to certain language groups in areas that are inaccessible to expatriates because of security concerns.

Amidst the continuing violence, Wycliffe Associates is seizing what is believed to be a narrow window of opportunity to establish a permanent language translation center

Wycliffe Associates believes that making the Scriptures accessible to a larger segment of the population can also help stem the tide of violence in the DRC. “Missionaries tell us again

Water Hoses Tangles & Kinks

Recently, during our worship service I was noticing the tangled cords for the microphones and thought that often our lives are like those tangled cords. However, the tangles were not yet affecting the sound. This led my thoughts to drift in another direction. I thought of water hoses which when tangled often will make a difference in whether they function as they were intended. I would like to share with you some things that I gleaned as I contemplated water hoses, tangles and kinks. When you first buy a water hose it is neatly coiled and all pretty in its nice new box. The first thing that you must do is un-box it and hook it up to the source. Unless a hose is hooked up to its source it is useless. Once the water hose is hooked up it must be turned on to be useful. When you first get that hose it works pretty good as it is intended but with time it begins to tangle and develop kinks that affect the water hoses efficiency. The shorter the hose, the better the water flow and the less chance of kinks developing. I don’t know about you but I have spent countless times working with a hose to untangle it; to get the kinks out so that I can get the water to flow again. It can be a chore to say the least! A water hose is a tool to bring life giving nourishment and refreshing. Our lives are like that water hose. When we are new (babies) life hasn’t really touched us yet but over time our lives become tangled and kinked by the circumstances and things that affect our lives. The tangles and kinks cause us to not function as God intended. Just as that water hose most be hooked up to the water source, we too must be hooked up to “The Source,” God through Jesus Christ to function as God intended. We all need a personal relationship with “The Source” because

He is the source of life and hope for everyone. Just as the hose is hooked up and must be turned on; once we are hooked up with Him we must also be “turned on” to allow that life giving flow to begin to flow through our lives. We must open ourselves up to His word and obedience to Him so that His life will flow through us. That we might begin to walk in the fruit of His Spirit and begin to know Him more and more so that we might be His conduit for reaching a world that desperately needs the love of God. As we walk with Him and allow ourselves to be “turned on” to His flow in our lives then His life giving flow begins to flow through our lives and out to those around to us. As I said, life has already in someway left us with tangles and kinks that have affected us and often has stopped the flow of God in our lives. Those kinks can be anything such as anger, bitterness, unforgiveness, inadequacies, and failures. The list goes on and on but the result is always the same: the flow of God’s life through us has either been hindered and is just trickling out or completely stopped. I thought of this in several different ways. First, my struggles with real life water hoses and trying to get the tangles and kinks out, there were times I have thought “this is not worth it,” I gave up, threw the hose away and bought a new hose, but not God. No, we are all so very important to Him and not one will he throw away. He tells us that as long as there is breath there is hope. His mercy and kindness endures forever. I thought about how much God desires to work the tangles and kinks out in our lives. How he lovingly takes a life and begins to untangle and un-kink those tangled and kinked places. Then I thought about our responsibility in allowing God to

and again that conflict subsides when people begin to absorb the Bible in their own heart language,” says Smith. Efforts are underway to raise $100,000 for the construction of the facility, while Wycliffe Associates has provided 50 percent of the funding for the library at the translation center. In addition, DRC nationals have made and donated 50,000 bricks to the project and assembled a labor force to begin construction. A team of Wycliffe Associates volunteers has also traveled to Bunia to do construction work on the center. “With a lull in the violence in a major region of the country, workers are available right now, and the price of building materials has dropped dramatically,” says Smith. “The work can go for-

work those things out in our lives. We too, have a part to play and we must yield ourselves to His loving hands and workings in our lives. We must begin accept His word in our hearts and bow our knees in obedience to that word; we must pray and seek God’s guidance about areas which need some changes so that those hindering tangles and kinks can be worked out. Then we can let the Spirit of God completely flow through our lives and out to others. Next I thought about the length of a hose; short hoses usually have less tangling and less kinks, I likened this to how close we are to God. The closer we are to God, the closer we are to our life giving source and therefore the less likely of falling away or into areas that draw us away from God, the less likely there will be tangles and kinks. The closer we are to our “Source” the better the flow of His life from us. And in the reverse, the farther we are from God the more likely we are to have tangles and kinks (problems) that hinder His flow through us. Sometimes we need more than one hose to reach a given destination and we must couple two or three hoses together to accomplish the task at hand. This represented to me that we always need each other. We are all His body and must work together for a common good. At times there must be a joining together to reach certain goals for God. This also represents discipleship and/or the fivefold ministry. A strong Christian (also Pastors, Evangelist, etc…) vitally connected to God, who walks according to His ways, will through their lives, disciple people that have just given their hearts and lives to God. Those strong Christians are being a strong influence to help someone until they lead others to that place of strength. Sometimes all that we need to do is hold the hand

ward faster than it ever could have before if we can provide the funding for construction.” During 2008, some 4,124 Wycliffe Associates volunteers served in 49 countries as part of the worldwide Bible translation team. Wycliffe Associates plans to mobilize more than 4,800 volunteers to serve in 41 different countries this year to build and renovate facilities, construct roads and airstrips, teach Vacation Bible School, help with language development and office work, oversee projects, use their computer skills, and much more. For more information, visit or call 1-800-THE WORD (1-800-8439673).

of someone and encourage them and let God’s love flow from our life to theirs. Of course, the ultimate goal of a water hose is to bring water wherever it is needed. Water, of course, is a source of life. Without water life cannot survive nor flourish. Everything will die without water and we too are “dead in our trespasses and sins” without God’s life within in us. God is “Life.” He is our source. He brings forth nourishment and strength. We are to be vitally connected to Him and to let His life flow within us and out from us. Water is also for refreshing. On a hot day there is nothing more refreshing than a soft rain to cool the day or a splash of water to a warm face. As I write this I can see children splashing and laughing as they frolic and run through the spray of a water hose. When we are connected and turned on to God His joy and peace will flow through our lives and flow out to bring blessings to others; others will see the joy in our lives just as we see the joy on the faces of the frolicking children as they play in the water spray. One of Paul’s greatest desires was to know God. To know God we must be “hooked up” through Jesus Christ and “turned on” to His word. We must be as close as we can be to Him so that He can flow through our lives and out to others. May you allow Him to work out the “kinks” in your life and be flowing “water hoses” for God. He loves you and desires to flow in and through your life. Love in Christ, Michele LeDoux Abshire ©August 2009

Christian Star Issue 9

September 2009

The Hoops I.Q. Session with Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

GLOW Full Service Spa & Salon

Makeup application with Youngblood Mineral Makeup

Manicure by Jill Hebert (owner)

Jill Hebert, owner of Glow Salon, has been a nail technician/premium acrylic specialist for over 15 years. She has owned Glow Salon, formerly known as Nailz, for 5 years. Soon, she will be moving to a new, bigger location in order to have a full service wellness salon, which has been her dream for many years. “I have worked in other salons & have had many great experiences through the years. I love my job I enjoy every minute I am at the Salon. God began to show me it was more than just doing nails. He revealed my gift to me. I not only do nails I minister, listen and encourage each client. Little did I know I have done that all along. I began to pray for God to show me his vision for my life and my buisness. He began to open doors. I purchased my own Salon on Hodges formerly known as Nailz. I was at that location for five years. There my buisness prospered and I learned what it was to own my own salon. In those five years God showed me what a perfect opportunity we had to love people to christ.” At Glow Salon, customers can receive a variety of services including manicures, pedicures, acrylic & gel nails, massages, facials, foot detox, body detox wraps. “We have a new skincare line called Cosmedix. It’s all natural and result oriented.” They also carry Youngblood Mineral Makeup and Fake bake self-tanning products. At Glow Salon, they guarantee number one customer service. “We want our clients to feel welcomed and pampered every time they visit. Whenever they leave they feel fully rejuvenated. That’s our mission, they should leave “glowing” Jill explains. The biggest reason their customers come back over and over again is the friendly atmosphere and the excellent customer service. “I love my job! I love what I do and enjoy every minute that I’m at the Salon, explains Jill. This passion is what makes Glow Salon and Wellness Spa what it is today. Jill knows that if it wasn’t for her wonderful clients she would not be where she is today. “Thank you all, she says, “You are all great customers”. For more information on Glow Salon and services, feel free to come by and visit or call 4772888 for your appointment today!

Our Elegant Spa Pedicure Room

GLOW Hair Salon

Christian Star Issue 9

September 2009

Sean Ardoin Season the World Tour @ Christian World 2001 East Gauthier Rd., Lake Charles, La


ilable a v A m u Alb


Seen here is Pastor Jerry & Hope Snider of Christian World

We Love Christian World, because it is the most diverse church in town. At Christian World, you will find Pastors & Leaders who truly care about people!

Christian Star Issue 9

September 2009

Youth Group Activity Page

Christian Star Issue 9

September 2009

Recommended Christian Reading of the Month “Thomas James shall be his name,” the Angel says mysteriously. “The world shall change because of him. Dark days lie ahead for the chosen child.” In the small town of Bethel, in a time not unlike our own, a child with a great purpose is born. Years later, alienated by those around him and picked on by his peers, the awkward twelve-year-old struggles to exist after the loss of his family. A terrifying vision of a dark world to come haunts him. He sees and hears things he cannot understand. The world quickly changes before his

In 1980, twenty-year-old Chris Harvey paused from studying to talk to his roommate. Gunshots interrupted their conversation as a drunken young man randomly fired a high-powered hunting rifle from the hillside across the street. One bullet penetrated the side of Chris's house, struck him in the temple, and severed his optic nervesinstantly blinding him. Chris lost his sight, but he was determined not to lose God's vision for his life. Until My Blindfold Comes Off is a story of faith and courage. Live the events of that fateful evening and learn how Chris chose a positive attitude amid adversity. Follow his path as God teaches him to forgive, and see how he refuses to let go of his dreams. Look back with him as he recognizes God's hand in every step of his life. Rejoice with him as he claims God's promise

eyes. Visited by strange messengers and surrounded by mysterious and miraculous events, Thomas fights to comprehend what is real and what is not, while trying to escape the sinister powers that be. After countless horrors, the starling revelation of who Thomas James truly is will change the lives of those around him, setting off a chain of events that could destroy, or save, them all. Inside these pages hides a treasure, just waiting to be discovered. If you ever wonder if there is more to life and want to know why it is we suffer, then this book will not only

astonish you—it may just open your eyes to a truth that could set you free. Find out what it is in us all that makes us heed The Calling. Please Visit: Also available at major online bookstore retailers.

of eternal life-a life in heaven with restored sight, where he will look upon the face of Jesus. Chris Harvey is a First VicePresident and Financial Advisor with Smith Barney. He holds the Bachelor's in Business Administration from Shepherd College. He was the first blind person to earn the Master's in Economics from the University of Virginia, and he pioneered talking computers in the brokerage industry. In addition to his brokerage career, he taught continuing education classes in investments and financial planning at Georgetown University for fourteen years. Chris is an ordained deacon and has served on several church councils. He was a founding board member of Dominion Academy, a private Christian school.

He is the president of Vision Without Sight, LLC, a corporate and Christian motivational speaking service. Chris and his wife, Stephanie, work and live in Leesburg,Virginia with their three teenagers Chad, Blake, and Tori. Visit Chris's website at visionwithoutsight.

CARS, CARS, and More CARS! By Rolland Soileau Cars rules! In this case, CARS stands for the wildly popular Car Allowance Rebate System that was put in place in late July to help stimulate automobile sales while also advancing the sales of more fuel efficient vehicles at the same time. Judging by the increased sales that dealers are seeing, this is one case where the government really got it right. The original budget for this program was $1 billion, which was predicted to last until November. Before July was over though, another $2 billion had to be added to this program. If ever there was a time for consumers to

take advantage of market conditions, this would be it. The CARS program offers rebates of $3500 and $4500 on vehicles which meet the criteria, mainly mileage improvements over the vehicles which are traded in. A lot of dealers are also kicking in their own markdowns, which are putting new vehicle prices down to levels not seen in several years. What happens to the clunkers which are turned in? They’re stripped of usable parts, the engine’s disabled, and the car is reduced to scrape metal. Not much is wasted – recycling 101. Inventories of new cars on dealers’ lots are finally dwindling, and they’re falling really fast. Ford Motor an-

nounced recently that they are increasing their production by 26% for the last half of 2009. GM has also announced that they will be increasing their production this year, and will like be working some plants on shifts with overtime for their employees. How long ago was it that they were giving their workers extra weeks of “unpaid vacation?” We’re helping the environment, aiding workers, benefiting consumers, and helping to turn the economy back up. Sales of big ticket items are very critical to boosting our national economy. Cars and trucks – yep, sooner or later, you need them. What better time to go bargain hunting?

So just out of curiosity, what has been the top selling vehicle under the CARS program so far? The FORD FOCUS, followed by the Toyota Corolla, and the Honda Civic. Smaller, more fuel efficient cars are leading the way. But that was supposed to be plan, wasn’t it? Personally, I know several co-workers who have jumped on the CARS program and they smile every time they talk about it. The $3 billion that this program cost is definitely money well spent. Maybe it’ll make it to November, but then again, maybe it won’t. But one thing’s for sure - it sure feels good to hear some positive news coming from the Big 3 again.

GOD shall supply for all of our needs. We live by Faith! God is our provider.

Christian Star Issue 9

September 2009

Christian Star Issue 9

September 2009

Christian Star Issue 9

September 2009

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