University News Spring Enrollment Sets Records
With it s second-highest spring enrollment in history, Concordia University, St. Paul has solidified itself as the second-largest private universit y in Minnesota. CSP enrollment continues to reach new heights with all-time spring semester h i g h s i n g r a d u a te, t r a d i t i o n a l undergraduate, and international student enrollment. Graduate programs (master’s level and doc torate) saw an increase from 1,950 students in spring 2021 to 2,091 students in spring 2022. Traditional undergraduate programs leapt from 1,513 students to 1,538 students in that same time period. International student enrollment also surpassed projec tions this spring, with 204 total international s tudent s c alling C SP home, including 119 new enrollees. Increased enrollment is the continued fulfillment of the university’s commitment to being a Christ-centered, nationally prominent Lutheran university known for excellence and innovation that fosters success
for all students. A key factor in the higher enrollment numbers was CSP’s expansion to its Por tland campus which helped diversify and strengthen the nursing program. “We are so grateful to continue to be in a position of growth,” Vice President of Enrollment Management Dr. Kim Craig said. “It has been a challenging time for many, especially in higher education. Like we’ve said time and time again, Concordia’s growth is a testament to the flexibility, focus, and adaptability of our faculty, staff, and especially our students.”
Fine Arts
Photo by Matt Kiminski
Christus Chorus Pivots Spring Performances As a group, Concordia’s Christus Chorus decided to cancel their planned tour to Italy, Slovenia, and Austria in May in view of pandemic restrictions and the war in Ukraine. This shift opened up the possibility of a mini-tour in Minnesota. As one of the choir students said, "It doesn't matter where we are going, just who we are going with!"
Christus Chorus performed across Minnesota in Lutheran churches and schools as well as public schools. The choir also participated in the opening service of the Minnesota North District Convention, held in Brainerd, Minn.
Theatre Productions Highlight Student, Alumni, and Faculty Talent This past season brought numerous high quality student productions this past season, most notably Eurydice, direc ted by Sabrina Wiekeraad, with all technical elements (scenery, costumes, lighting, sound) designed by students, under the guidance and mentorship of Technical Director Justin Hooper and Costume Director Anna Hill. S p r i n g I n to D a n c e, p r o d u c e d and directed by Prof. Jan Puffer, celebrated its 10th anniversar y, featuring choreography from s tudent s and alumni. T his ha s become a much-anticipated part of CSP’s theatre season. Three original plays by Prof. Mark Rosenwinkel were premiered in workshops: Dobchinsky Goes to Town, music by Raymond Berg; A Short Play About Golf, featuring noted Guthrie actor Nat Fuller; and Some Gifts, featuring Ryan Skille, BA ‘22 in fulfillment of his Senior Capstone Project.