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Competitions and Markets Authority (CMA) - Race Network Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) - National Black Crown Prosecution Association11

Competitions and Markets Authority (CMA) - Race Network

The Race Network is open to everyone at the CMA who is interested in supporting our ethnic minority colleagues in their personal and professional development and to increase the ethnic diversity of the CMA’s senior leadership. We are committed to supporting the CMA in becoming an inclusive and diverse workforce where everyone can shine. We organise events, invite speakers to talk to CMA colleagues about race and support the CMA in becoming more ethnically diverse (e.g. mutual mentoring, sponsorship, diverse recruitment panels).


You can contact the CMA Race Network by emailing dipesh.shah@cma.gov.uk.

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Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) National Black Crown Prosecution Association

The National Black Crown Prosecution Association (NBCPA) is a staff network of the Crown Prosecution Service established in 2001. The aim of the NBCPA is to work with the Crown Prosecution Service to improve the working environment of members of the NBCPA employed in the CPS or other prosecuting civil service departments, and to assist in the delivery of a fair and equitable service to all sections of the community.

The NBCPA works in partnership with the CPS to achieve our objectives. The main objective of the NBCPA is to work towards equality of opportunity, establish a level playing field for all staff to achieve their potential, and give BAME staff a voice that is listened to and backed from the very top.

We are working in parallel with the Crown Prosecution Service to make progress against each of our four strategic priorities: high quality casework, the success of our people, public confidence and continuously improving.

To find out more about the NBCPA, please visit their website and contact them at nbcpa@cps.gov.uk.

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