Dec. 7, 2015
C A L I F O R N I A S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y, L O S A N G E L E S
Issue 210.11
San Bernardino mass shooting, too close to home Syel Rizwan Farook, a former CSU student, killed almost a dozen in worst mass shooting since Sandy Hook. Hannah Jacobsen Staff Reporter
Every Angelino’s heart sank last Wednesday, Dec. 2nd, as news media alerted the world that, once again, a mass shooting had taken place. As BBC put it, it was “just another day in the United States of America,” an accurate statement when, in 2015, we’ve had more mass shootings than days. However, Wednesday’s mass shooting at San Bernardino’s Inland Regional Center—a facility which provides services to developmentally disabled people—was less than 60 miles away from our own campus. According to Cal State LA records, a man named Syed Rizwan Farook was admitted as an undergraduate for Fall 2007, but never attended. He was even accepted into the electrical engineering graduate program at Cal State LA for Fall 2012, and again did not end up attending. Syed Rizwan Farook, 28, and his wife Tashfeen Malik entered a holiday party at the Inland Regional Center that Farook had earlier stormed out of after some kind of dispute. They were dressed in dark tactical gear and holding legally purchased rifles and semi-automatic handguns. The air was soon filled full of bullets, killing 14 and injuring 21. It was the worst mass shoot-
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Vigil held for victims lost in San Bernardino shooting | Photo Courtesy | LATimes.com
ing since Sandy Hook in 2012, where a 20-year old gunman fatally shot 20 children and 6 adult staff members after killing his own mother. The site of the shooting could have been an even greater tragedy. The couple had amassed an armory of weapons and explosives in their home that showed they were equipped and could have been planning another attack before they were killed in a standoff with law enforcement officials. This shooting, and the pain that it has caused for loved ones and the community, has once again incited a debate on gun legislation and terrorism by top government officials after the discovery that the guns had been legally purchased. “We’re going to have to, I think, search ourselves as a society to make sure that we can take basic steps that would make it harder, not impossible, but harder for individuals to get access to weapons,” President Obama said Thursday, Dec. 3rd. Following the shooting, Democrats called for nationally tightened gun restrictions while Re-
publicans argued that the country was under attack by religious extremists that the U.S. was not prepared to deal with. “The horrific murder underscores that we are at a time of war, whether or not the current administration realizes it,” Texas Senator Ted Cruz said. “We need a president who will call the enemy by its name: radical Islamic terrorism.” President Obama has maintained that “we do not yet know why this terrible event occurred,” saying that we need to keep our facts straight while focusing on closing the loopholes in our nation’s gun laws. This was further complicated by the discovery that Tashfeen Malik pledged allegiance to an Islamic State leader through Facebook. The Islamic State (ISIS) is a violent jihadist apocalyptic group with social media strategies that have the ability to influence “lone wolf” terrorist attacks in the United States. Islam itself, which has vastly different beliefs from violent jihadists, should not be seen as the cause of terrorism; this is supported by the fact that Farook
stopped attending his mosque two years ago, after two years of regular attendance. He stopped attending soon after he came back from a trip to Saudi Arabia with a new wife, Malik. President Covino expressed his concern over potential threats to Muslim students at Cal State LA as a result of this horrible event, and sent out a campus wide email asking for respect and unity in the campus community. “Cal State LA is a diverse community, bonded by respect for all people. In trying times, it’s important to remember what unites us: our push for excellence; our belief in the power of education; our commitment to mutual respect, openness and diversity,” President Covino wrote in a campus wide email. “What unites us is far greater than any differences between us. We must reject any attempt to blame the Muslim community for the heinous acts of a few people. This is not who we are as a University.” The question currently uniting Los Angeles and the world is: what was the meaning behind this attack? A federal law enforcement of-
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ficial said Friday that Farook had contact with people from at least two terrorist organizations overseas, including Al Qaeda-affiliated Nusra Front in Syria and the radical Shabab group in Somalia. In addition, Malik had pledged allegiance to an Islamic State leader in a Facebook posting. This has led the FBI to formally investigate Wednesday’s tragic event as an act of terrorism, though there is no clear evidence that they were a part of a larger terrorist network. Currently, the theory is that this couple was self-radicalized. “We are spending a tremendous amount of time, as you might imagine, over the last 48 hours trying to understand the motives of these killers and trying to understand every detail of their lives,” FBI Director Comey said. The confusion over the “soft target” that was attacked and the meaning behind it makes us wonder: how easily could it have been us? If Farook had accepted a position at Cal State LA’s graduate program in 2012, if he’d decided to attend Cal State LA as an undergraduate rather than choosing San Bernardino… how close did we come to the new, tragic game of “Duck, Duck, Shooting”?
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University Times
Dec. 7, 2015
Chanting your way through finals Relaxation techniques, straight from Meditation As Medicine: Activate the Power of Your Natural Healing Force, to keep you healthy during finals week. Hannah Jacobsen Staff Reporter
Finals week is horrible for our minds and our bodies. We fill ourselves with caffeine and whatever junk food we can grab from the vending machine while racing from one test to another and trying to cram an overload of information into our heads. It’s no wonder why so many college students find themselves having a panic attack at three in the morning, surrounded by piles of books and study guides that look like a foreign language. While there is a lot of general advice out there for reducing stress during finals week, Cameron Stauth, M.D. Khalsa Dharma Singh, and Joan Borysenko write out a specific daily practice for stress relief and health maintenance, called Sādhanā, in their book Meditation as Medicine: Activate the Power of Your Natural Healing Force. Sādhanā is a general form of a branch of alternative medicine called medical meditation. Medical meditation combines specific breathing patterns, positions, mental focus, and mantra chanting to balance the body’s hormonal production and emotional balance. Chanting, a more vocal form of meditation, has often been
Photo Courtesy |piecesofthere.com
laughed off as a silly practice. However, the vibrations produced by certain sounds, such as those placed in chants, have been shown to have an influence on the pituitary gland and the endocrine system in general, restoring healthy hormone production in the body. The bodies of most college students, full of high levels of the stress hormone cortisol, are in dire need of the restorative treatment. Sādhanā begins with pre-preparation at night, with a light and early meal and a reasonable bed hour (This is difficult with late night studying, so do your best). The practice itself begins in the pre-dawn morning. Usually between 4 A.M. to 7 A.M. give yourself a light massage with oil, preferably almond oil, before hopping into a cool or lukewarm shower to stimulate inner organs and the nervous system. Then, put on stretchy clothing and go sit on a comfortable but sturdy surface where you won’t be disturbed. The session begins with the Sanskrit chant “Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo,” meaning, “I bow before my highest self.”
“Press your palms together, with your fingers pointed up. Inhale deeply, and focus your attention on your third-eye point. As you exhale, chant the mantra in one breath. The sound Dev is chanted at a slightly higher tone than the other sounds,” the authors write. “The Ong Namo mantra works. It made people feel more like themselves—their true selves, their highest selves.” The vibrations that this mantra makes vibrate the pituitary gland, the master gland of the endocrine system. This influences the production and regulation of hormones and has its best effect when chanted at least three times. After this mantra set has been completed, take a few moments to organize your thoughts and goals for the day. This can be as general as wanting to be a happier and a better person or as specific as needing to make flash cards for a test or buy milk. Just give yourself a few moments to take a deep breath and organize the day. After you’ve done this, say a short phrase to your religion, philosophy, or wished for mindset. Next, it’s stretching time, a vital daily practice that most people
Demands for a master’s program in Pan-African Studies meeting on Nov. 23rd.
BSU holds second meeting with President Covino.
Nico Triunfante Copy Editor
On Tuesday, Dec. 1st, the Black Student Union (BSU) met with President Covino at the Cross Cultural Center for a second meeting in order to discuss the list of demands regarding the African-American students on campus. As mentioned by BSU President Sesley Lewis, President Covino did not compose a written response to their demands from their previous
This meeting had a numerous amount of BSU members, and attendees that showed their support for the organization. “It’s important for us to stand in solidarity with one another,” BSU President Lewis said. “This is not a fight that we are fighting alone; this is a fight that we are fighting nationally, internationally, across the world. It’s not just us, we’re a small portion of what is going on across the country, so it’s just as important for us to stand up for our rights, what we believe in, and what we are owed from this campus.” The following topics were discussed: a Cal State LA anti-discrimination policy, a $3 million
endowment to raise scholarships and initiatives for Black students, implementing a master’s program and hiring tenured Black professors, the recruitment and outreach program of Black high school and transfer students, making Pan-African Studies a required diversity course, and increase the amount of support given by President Covino for these discussed topics. In regards to the implementation of a master’s program for Pan-African Studies, President Covino discussed the fact that the idea must go through the Pan-African Studies department before he can give a stamp of approval.
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fail to do. While it is advised to do 10-30 minutes of stretching, at least take a minute or so to stretch out your legs, arms, back, and neck if you don’t have much time. Then, lie down for 2-5 minutes and concentrate on taking deep breaths. These breaths can vary depending on your needs for the day. “Breathing through the left nostril subtly stimulates activity in the right hemisphere of the brain’s cortex, and can improve the functions of the brain that are most associated with that hemisphere, such as spatial reasoning. Breathing through the left nostril also produces a profound state of relaxation,” Stauth, Singh, and Borysenko write as an example. This session can then be finished off by a morning call. “Take a deep breath and chant 'Ek Ong Kar' (the Ek being very short, the Ong and Kar being long and equal in length). Take another deep breath and chant 'Sat Nam Siri' (Sat is short, Nam is very long, and Siri just escapes your tongue with the last bit of breath). Take a short breath and chant 'Wa-hey Huru' (Wahe and
Gu are short, -ru is long), the authors write. “This is a very powerful mantra for awakening kundalini and suspending the mind in bliss.” Do this cycle of breath and chanting for about seven minutes, then end by deeply inhaling through the nose, holding for 10 seconds, and exhaling through the nose. For a more in-depth look into medical meditation and chanting your way through finals, readers can read Meditation as Medicine: Activate the Power of Your Natural Healing Force.
University Times
Dec. 7, 2015
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Para La Onda: Jefa de Redacción:
Xanni Valentin Chavira
Editores: Graciela López Martha J. Orellana Jessica Magaña Gerente de publicidad: Martha J. Orellana Consejero de la Facultad:
Pablo Baler
Continued from page 2 In an interview with the University Times, the Pan-African Department Chair, Dr. Melina Abdullah expressed that it was the lack of university support that prevents the department from making moves toward a master’s program. “With the lack of university and institutional support behind Pan-African Studies our concern is that by having a master’s program, we would actually be harming ourselves,” Dr. Abdullah said. “What could happen is that the number of students enrolled in the master’s program will be averaged together with the undergraduate numbers, and then it would make our undergraduate numbers look not as good as they are.” According to Dr. Abdullah, the implementation of a master’s program in Pan-African Studies is asked to her on a weekly basis. “The way in which programs are measured is generally around enrollment numbers and numbers of major,” Dr. Abdullah said. “With
Photo by Timmy Truong
graduate programs there are a fewer number of students in the classes, so our concern is especially with the tiny population size of Black students in Cal State LA with the lack of resources to do outreach and recruitment.” President Covino is willing to work with the Black Student Union in order to attract more African-American students to the campus, starting with the outreach program. “We would like to work with the folks in this room, the members of the Black Student Union to help
us reach out to African-American students, and to their families,” President Covino said. “Every staff member in our admissions Outreach and Recruitment area is involved in this effort. We would like to make it stronger, and we’d like to have your help to do it as we move forward.” The BSU is demanding a written response by President Covino by no later than 5 P.M. on Dec. 5th. An update will be published on the UT website as soon as it becomes available.
OP-ED: New parking lot, did it really help? Parking and Transportation offers half off of Winter quarter permits. Pablo De La Hoya Web Editor
Has off-site parking helped much of the pandemic created here on campus? Many students continue to struggle to find parking on campus. If you have visited the off-site lot, you will see that it is very empty. There are plenty of spaces to go around, and yet the struggle persists. In an attempt to persuade students to occupy those spaces Parking and Transportation has been offering students the possibility to win a twenty-dollar gift certificate for The University Club. Now, they are offering students half off on their parking permits for the winter quarter for the new lot, only. With that in mind, there is a still an overwhelming issue with finding parking on campus. “I found it’s super hard to find parking, especially on Thursday or Wednesday night at 8 P.M. in lot 7,” said Dennis Leung, third year mechanical engineer. Lot 7 is one of the biggest lots on campus, and Dennis further expressed how it tends to be full by 11:30 A.M. everyday. Anthony Arellano, a Television, Film and Media Studies third year student who works for
Parking and Transportation says that the off-site lot is underused. “A general amount per day is 30-50 students at most using the new lot,” Arellano said. “Hopefully that changes with the new discounted price for parking permits being offered.” The new discounted offer was sent out in an email to all students. For some students using the off-site parking lot it is simply an inconvenience. “It takes too long for shuttles and I have to get back to work quick so that doesn’t work out for me,” said Noel Orozco, Computer Information Systems third year student. He takes approximately 15-20 minutes to arrive on campus once the shuttle departs the off-site lot. The shuttle does wait a moment before departing so you may find yourself sitting in the shuttle waiting to leave. According to the University Times, it found that it can take up to 30-45 minutes to get onto campus from the moment you park. “That’s simply too much time, and I can find parking in 15-20 minutes on campus,” Orozco said. I have used the off-site lot and for me it has been a great experience. The shuttle is very comfortable, and the drivers are always very friendly. Parking and Transportation is always on site to assist students with the validation stamp. If you have the time to use the lot I strongly recommend it. I used to struggle finding parking at 11 A.M., which seems to be
the busiest time on campus. Often times even being late to class because of the lack of parking, but now it is very calming knowing that I won’t have to struggle to find a spot. Granted, it would make it a lot easier for students and more accessible if it was open till at least 10:30 P.M. for those that have class until 10 P.M. That doesn’t change the fact that many students can’t use the off-site lot. As Noel expressed, he has to leave campus in a hurry in order to get to work. The extra 30 minutes it takes to get back to his car doesn’t make it worth using. Which begs the question, was the solution really a solution? The truth is, it’s only a solution if it applies to you. The off-site lot is not used enough to alleviate the parking lot struggles completely, but it has helped. For the times I have not used the shuttle I have noticed that finding parking isn’t as difficult. This can also be because it’s later in the quarter and there are now less students. This seems to be a trend throughout the quarter as students drop classes. Although parking is now easier, the original problem arose this year with the higher enrollment rate. Parking permits were sold out this quarter for the first time in the history of Cal State LA that prompted the push to find a solution by both Chief of Police Rick Wall, and Parking Director Carmen Gachupin. The new parking lot was announced two weeks after the parking permits were sold out, but fall parking permits did not resume sales for the rest of the quarter.
University Times
Dec. 7, 2015
Arts & Entertainment
Female Marvel superhero lands on Netflix Jessica Jones brings grit into Marvel universe, preps for The Defenders.
Andres Cruz Contributor
New Netflix series Jessica Jones turns down a dark alley in Marvel’s PG-13 universe and develops the forthcoming Defenders release. Jessica Jones, starring Krysten Ritter of Breaking Bad, adds
noir detective flavor to Marvel’s continuity. The series dives into the dark corners of New York with Jessica, a former superhero turned detective cracking cases. Following its release on Nov. 20th, the series has received almost universal positive reviews. Jessica Jones ties in with the Daredevil series and expands greatly on its mature tone. Beyond the welcome addition of sex and graphic violence, the series doesn’t hesitate to address adult themes, which previous Marvel installments could only hint at. Jones handles subjects like rape, addiction, and murder with the
grim resolve of a noir classic, while believably coexisting in the same environment that houses the Incredible Hulk. Following the precedent it set with the Avengers, Marvel intends to continue releasing content until they feel they’ve sufficiently developed the characters to be used in a comic adapted crossover. The Defenders, another Marvel crossover comic series, originally featured a large amount of the Marvel pantheon at one point or another. However, the new series plans to start with only the Daredevil, Jessica, Luke Cage, and the Iron Fist. With Net-
Photo Courtesy | screenrant.com
flix’s announcement of a Luke Cage series release in 2016 and the success enjoyed by the two previous series, it can only be a matter of time before The Defenders arrives. A second season of Jessica Jones has already entered discussion, but The Defenders produc-
Dr. Abdullah teaches on significance of Kwanzaa Pan-African Studies hosts Kwanzaa informational session. Nailah Phelps Contributor
Last Tuesday, Dec. 1st, Dr. Melina Abdullah, a professor and the Chair of the Pan-African Studies department, held a Kwanzaa informational seminar and celebration. Abdullah went through the different principles of Kwanzaa, and emphasized how it can be celebrated with any culture or ethnicity, and it is not a religion. “I honestly thought that Kwanzaa was a religious ceremony or a religious practice, but as I learned today anyone can practice it, but it really fascinated me,” said Natalie Gutierrez, 19, Mathematics major. “I really love the idea of how the principals pretty much all falls back on everyone working together and about unity, and be thankful for each other.” Some of the students who were in attendance were surprised to hear that they too could be accepted in a primarily African-American tradition, and still apply the meanings of Kwanzaa to their daily lives. “It was really interesting how everyone was so friendly and they really represented unity,” said Stacey Cano, 19, an undeclared sophomore. “I related to Imani, which is the Kwanzaa word for faith and Nia, which means purpose, the most.”
During the event many of the African-American students were one floor down from the Los Angeles room in the University-Student Union, which is where the Kwanzaa celebration was being held. Instead they were uniting to fight against some of the unjust issues that happen towards the African-American population on campus. “I didn’t know anything about Kwanzaa before this event, but I wanted to come learn about the African-American culture,” said Lucia Martinez, 19, an undeclared sophomore. “There was not a lot of people there but they had food out, a new dish I never tried called, jambalaya.” While Abdullah broke down the meaning of Kwanzaa, the seven principals, and one of those principles, Umoja, meaning unity, the Black student population gathered and practiced what is taught in the African-American tradition. The African-American students held an emergency meeting with President William Covino in which they set a list of demands that needed to be addressed, to create some equality, and support towards the African-American students, Black Student Union, and the Pan African Studies department. Although the representation of the black student community lacked at the event, they were clearly in spirited as Abdullah referred to them, and how everything they were practicing in the meeting collated with the Kwanzaa celebration, a far as, coming together and helping one another.
At the end of the event a lot of students who attended the meeting with the President, reassem-
bled at the Kwanzaa celebration. Even though they did not put an end to the battle against the President, they were still able to
tion may interfere. Series creator Melissa Rosenberg expressed her skepticism in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter. “The first question is whether or not we will even get a second season. The second question is, if so, when? Will it be before The Defenders or after?”
celebrate the unity amongst each other, and showed appreciation towards the Kwanzaa traditions.
University Times
Dec. 7, 2015
The must have video games of 2015 New options for gaming consoles have arrived in time for the holidays. Mohammad Maidin Contributor
Off the heels of the hectic Black Friday comes the holidays. Those who have managed to snag a shiny new game console are probably wondering what games to play. Here’s what’s new! Star Wars Battlefront (PS4, Xbox One, PC) Adding more fuel to the Star Wars holiday hype is a new Star Wars game and it is everything a die-hard fan would want. It features playable Empire and Rebel characters to relive classic Star Wars battles and moments. It is also one of the few games being released with local multiplayers so those looking for a game to
play with friends and family on the couch should look no further. Xenoblade Chronicles X (Wii U) One of the few standout Wii U exclusives features aliens and giant robots for scifi fans looking for a new experience. It’s a gorgeous game about humanity seeking refuge on a remote alien planet with a mix of on foot and robotic combat and exploration. The game features an expansive world with secrets to discover on your own or online. Gamers will sink countless hours into this grand adventure guaranteed. Rise of the Tomb Raider (Xbox 360, Xbox One) Lara Croft is back for more adventures and tomb raiding. Continuing off of the highly successful 2013 Tomb Raider reboot, the sequel brings back all the great things players loved about the original, while maintaining and enhancing it as well.
Photo Courtesy | bensbargains.com
Rise of the Tomb Raider truly encapsulates what it means to be an explorer. It is a treacherous adventure filled with whiteknuckle action and intense gameplay that will keep people on edge the whole way through. Fallout 4 (PS4, Xbox One, PC) Possibly one of the most hyped games of the year, Fallout 4 puts you in the place of a customized character braving through lands ravaged by radiation. The game features huge open-world exploration and introduces many new and interesting characters that players can befriend. Those who were fans of previous entries in the series will not be disappointed, and those
who are new can comfortably ease their way in. With its massive scope and size, Fallout 4 can eat up hours of anybody’s winter break. Guitar Hero Live (all systems) Yes, you read that right, a new Guitar Hero game. The series has remained dormant after years of dominance in living rooms and parties and now it is coming back in style. This new reboot abandons the familiar colorful buttons of past games for a more authentic looking guitar controller. Designed to bring in newcomers as well as veterans, Guitar Hero is sure to create new memories with family and friends during Christmas parties.
Social media blues Study shows links to social media use and depression. Alyssa Belton Contributor
From Instagram to Facebook, billions of people participate in social media and are familiar with the effects of careful cropping and a perfect filter. But looking past the likes and comments there are people who fall prey to the psychological effects of these social media giants. A study conducted by Humboldt University tested a theory of Instagram use and symptoms of depression via negative social comparison, and connection to the amount of strangers a person follows. This study found that the size of people’s social networks have tripled over the last decade and now include friends of friends, acquaintances and strangers. This particular tactic was found to reinforce existing negative feeling of inadequacy and triggers negative social comparisons. Lauren Jorgensen, 22, senior Public Health major and Mental Health Coach on campus, says social media isn’t bad, but people should watch their use. “It’s not that we want people to stop using social media because it can be really useful,” Jorgensen said. “But if you’re constantly comparing your life to people based on what you see in social media then that can be really toxic.” Jorgensen continued by saying, “It is
crazy what lengths people go to just to create what you see online. Don’t compare yourself to peoples highlight reels. Do the people inspire you or are they making you envious? Identify that feeling and know when to take a step back from social media when it’s bumming you out.” Monica Manibusan, Psychology major agrees.
“You only put one side of yourself on Facebook, only the side that you want people to see,” Manibusan said. “So you’re only seeing the parts of people’s lives that they want to show. Not when they’re sad, when they’re boyfriend cheats on them, when they feel fat that day. When you take Facebook for face value then it seems that everyone’s life is better than yours.” John Thomas, 32, junior Television, Film, and Media major is no longer a social media participant and hasn’t looked back since. “I got to a point where I didn’t feel like it was adding any value to my life,” Thomas said. “It was just taking away time. Social media is weird; it’s a new kind of phenomenon that we are still trying to wrap our heads around. I think us as humans haven’t had time to comprehend and reflect on it.” “We have a problem controlling and moderating our usage if you take a look at people on the street they are always on their phone and they are not present in real life and it’s kind of sad,” said Thomas, “These social media sites are marketed to connect with people but it makes us isolate ourselves even more. It makes it easier to be alone and we are social animals and aren’t meant to be this way.”
University Times
Dec. 7, 2015
Pemex abre su primera gasolinera en Houston
Mucho petróleo y poca comida problema. Dicho conflicto Venezolanos temen grave tiene a los ciudadanos al borde de la locura y privados de los que empeore la alimentos básicos para subsistir. crisis del país Por Martha J. Orellana Venezuela sufre una de las peores crisis de violencia, hambre y asesinatos. La desesperación de los venezolanos por la falta de alimentos básicos los ha llevado a protestar debido a su enojo hacia el presidente Nicolás Maduro El restablecimiento del orden parece ser una posibilidad que se aleja cada día más de esta nación petrolera. Un 68 por ciento de los venezolanos que simpatizaban con el Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela han perdido la confianza en el mandatario. Esto podría tener graves consecuencias para este grupo político en las próximas elecciones del 6 de diciembre. El Centro de Investigaciones Pew publicó el pasado jueves, 3 de diciembre, que un 92 por ciento del pueblo venezolano coincide en que la inflación es un
Muchos profesionales y educadores están abandonando el país. A causa de esto, el pueblo entero está manifestando una gran preocupación por la baja calidad educativa impartida en algunas escuelas de gobierno. Adicionalmente, la población esta intranquila debido a la pobreza en el sistema de salud y la falta de higiene en lugares públicos en general. Los habitantes temen que la insalubridad pueda ocasionar un brote de enfermedades y por ende se agrave la situación. Muchos de los venezolanos que simpatizan con el Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela parecen mostrar optimismo a la desesperada situación que sufre la república. Solo un 46 por ciento de los ciudadanos consideran que el problema es ocasionado por las políticas económicas del gobierno. Mientras tanto, un 43 porciento declara que se debe a la caída del precio del petróleo.
Tabla de precios con que se inauguró Pemex en Estados Unidos Fotografía | Crédito: www.viveusa.mx
Arranca con los precios más bajos del país Por Graciela López La compañía petrolera mexicana más importante, Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex), abrió la primera gasolinera fuera del país azteca el jueves, 3 de diciembre en Houston, Texas. Los precios de $1.54 y $1.58 por galón de gasolina atrajeron a una gran cantidad de consumidores que asistieron a la celebración de la histórica inauguración.
Maestros boicotean la evaluación educativa
La SEP retirará a más de 70 maestros de sus puestos Por Xanni Valentín Chavira El pasado jueves, 3 de diciembre, la Secretaría de Educación Pública (SEP) comunicó que penalizará a 70 maestros involucrados en el sabotaje de la evaluación de desempeño en el estado de Guerrero, México. El titular de la SEP, Aurelio Nuño Mayer, aseguró que los participantes en dicho boicoteo han sido identificados. Asimismo, amenazó con desplazarlos de sus puestos como maestros. “A los que intentaron sabotear la evaluación, los tenemos identificados y vamos a proceder jurídicamente en contra de ellos, tanto administrativa como penalmente, por los temas de sabotaje…la demanda que vamos a hacer es retirarlos del servicio, ya
que incumplieron un conjunto de normas”, declaró el funcionario.
De acuerdo con la revista Proceso, Mayer narró lo sucedido ante los medios de comunicación. Él dijo que alrededor de 2,573 profesores asistieron al Centro de Convenciones Fórum Mundo Imperial para ser evaluados. Según el titular, algunos de los instructores que se inscribieron a la evaluación fueron los causantes de dicho sabotaje. Éste relata que los docentes comenzaron a desconectar computadoras y a gritar que suspendieran la evaluación. Dicho acontecimiento ocasionó que se tuviera un receso. Después del descanso, solamente 1,960 maestros regresaron a terminar el examen. Sin duda, esta fue una estrategia astuta por parte de los docentes para poder infiltrarse sin que la policía sospechara. De esta manera, maestros lograron mostrar su inconformidad contra estas nuevas reformas educativas en el país.
La gasolinera está ubicada en una zona de residentes hispanos con el propósito de que sean los principales consumidores. Esta estación de gasolina cuenta con una tienda de productos comestibles y un restaurante de comida rápida, Taco Shack. Este es el primer paso que
la compañía da para expandir el nombre de Pemex en el extranjero. “En la primera etapa de este proyecto, se abrirán cinco estaciones de servicio en la ciudad de Houston”, explicó José Manuel Carrera Panizzo, director corporativo de Alianzas y Nuevos Negocios de Pemex. Carrera asistió al evento de apertura junto con el director de Comercialización de Pemex Transformación Industrial, Marcelo Parizot. Un grupo de mariachis acompañó a la multitud presente para darle un toque mexicano a tan importante acontecimiento.
TECNOLOGÍA Robo de red inalámbrica Métodos para evitar que invadan nuestra privacidad Por Jessica Magaña
Protesta en Venezuela contra el gobierno del presidente Nicolás Maduro Fotografía | Crédito:mexico.cnn.com
Después de que en el 2014 el gobierno mexicano abriera las puertas para que otros países pudieran invertir en la compañía, ésta se aventuró a expandir el negocio petrolero para competir con otros surtidores en Estados Unidos.
Hoy en día, muchas personas desconocen los problemas que puede causar el robo de wifi. Las personas no hurtan las redes inalámbricas sólo por no pagarlas, sino también para invadir la privacidad de otros usuarios. Estos ladrones tienen la capacidad de descargar contenido indebido al igual que atacar por medio de Internet y tener acceso a entidades privadas. Actividades delictuosas como estas pueden ocasionarle problemas legales al dueño de la red. Es esencial protegerse de los delincuentes cibernéticos. Estos son unos de los pasos a seguir para proteger la seguridad en la red: 1. Apagar el router La institución estadounidense Federal Communications Commission (FCC por sus siglas en inglés) sugiere que se cambie el nombre de usuario de la red
inalámbrica conocido como SSID. También se recomienda que se apague el router de la red cuando las personas no se encuentren en su hogar. 2. Detectar otros equipos conectados a la red Una de las indicaciones más sencillas para saber si la red está siendo “hackeada” es la rapidez de la conexión a Internet. Para saber quién está utilizando el wifi aparte del propietario, se recomienda utilizar aplicaciones como Fing. Ésta identifica los equipos que se encuentran conectados por medio del router. 3. Elegir una contraseña compleja La compañía Google agregó en su blog oficial algunas sugerencias de cómo se puede crear una contraseña segura para la red inalámbrica. Esta empresa aconseja que se utilicen diversos elementos y que se eviten combinaciones de letras y números en mayúsculas y minúsculas. Otro consejo sería no utilizar la misma consigna que se
Ícono de wifi Fotografía | Crédito: www.convergencepartners.com
crea para otras cuentas. 4. Utilizar el hardware Existe también otro método de seguridad para aquellos que no deseen emplear configuraciones o contraseñas complejas. Éste es el uso de un aparato que protege la red inalámbrica e indica los dispositivos conectados no conocidos y también señala si hay algún otro problema. Dicho instrumento ha sido presentado por la firma israelí Dojo Labs que detecta dispositivos desconocidos usando el wifi. Asimismo, se encarga de reportar acontecimientos extraños por medio de una app.
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Dec. 7, 2015
University Times
Racket season approaches Getting courtside views with the Cal State LA Tennis team. Fernando Hernandez Contributor Offseason doesn’t always mean rest, and being complacent is not what the Golden Eagles tennis team is about. “We have been practicing for about 15 hours a week, and we are now getting more into the fine tuning, where we try to work with each player individually,” says Cal State LA Women’s tennis Coach Sandy Kriezel. “Tennis is an individual sport when you’re out on the court, but really it’s about creating a team atmosphere because you’re only as good as your team. The format that we use is the best of nine points, so the first team to win five matches gets the victory, so therefore our number one player counts just as much as our number six, they’re all worth one point,” said Coach Kriezel. Along with the coaches, the captain is a vital part in forming
leadership, especially when it comes to leading by example. “It’s all about winning as a team and losing as a team. When you’re out there you want to win for the team’s sake,” says Junior Captain Iris Raileanu, Psychology major. “We have a little chant that we say when we are playing, that goes like ‘let’s go LA’ and that travels from court to court and just that little thing gives us so much strength.”
With no seniors this year, this team has some serious potential, especially considering the fact that they were ranked in the top 25 in the nation last year. “We ended the season ranked 17th in the nation last year and we’re hoping to break into the top 10. Obviously, we’d love to win a national championship but I think a start for us would be to enter the top 10 first and I think we have the talent to do it,” Coach
Kriezel said. The Cal State LA tennis team has seen its share of talented individuals. Arguably the best women’s tennis player of all time, Billie Jean King is an alumna of Cal State LA. King still has an interest in Cal State LA tennis. On Oct. 24th, King partnered with the Boys and Girls Club of East Los Angeles and held a Youth Clinic at Cal State LA. Thanks to the event the women’s
Photo by Emilio Flores
team got a chance to meet King and Rosemary Casals, who is a former American professional tennis player. “It was the most awesome experience of my life. Basically we got to sit down in a room with her and Rosie Casals. We got a lot of pointers about how to deal with things on and off the court. It was just amazing,” says team captain Raileanu. “She is very down to earth and humble.”
University Times
Dec. 7, 2015
D-Stress Day 1 6:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. Salazar Hall Quad Area CCC Finals Week, Study Hours, and Study Assistance
(All day) Cross Cultural Centers, 2nd Floor, U-SU Final Exams (All day)
D-Stress Day 3 6:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. Main Walkway by the Eagle Statue
EPIC’s Annual Toy and Food Drive 8:00 a.m. Campus Wide
EPIC’s Annual Toy and Food Drive 8:00 a.m. Campus Wide
D-Stress Day 2
D-Stress 2016
6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. King Hall Stage Area
6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. King Hall Stage Area
Final Exams (All day)
Final Exams (All day)
THURSDAY 10th Calstatelaut EPIC’s Annual Toy and Food Drive 8:00 a.m. Campus Wide Final Exams (All day)
KURIOS: Cabinet of Curiosities 2:30 p.m. Los Angeles, CA Final Exams (All day)
Victor Frankenstein is a monstrosity “Isn’t that rather obvious?” Everything you need to know about Frankenstein. Alex Phuong Contributor
Victor Frankenstein, loosely based on the classic novel by Mary Shelley, brings new life to the monster that has haunted moviegoers ever since Boris Karloff originally played the character back in 1931. The film features many of the hottest young male talents that Britain has to offer with a cast that includes Daniel Radcliffe, James McAvoy, and Andrew Scott. In spite of the interesting approach to this particular film adaptation, in which the director attempts to tell the story from Igor’s perspective, the film overall is a horrifying mixture of awkward acting and poor screenwriting in a film that almost insults the original source material. People who love the original novel would not find comfort with this new film adaptation. First of all, the script had many immature qualities to it. For example, when the monster actually does come to life for the first time, Igor says, “It’s alive.” Right after that,
Victor Frankenstein responds by saying, “Isn’t that rather obvious?” It is sad to say that much of the film’s dialogue has inappropriate moments such as the example described. It is almost as if Max Landis, the screenwriter, attempted to simplify the original story so much to the point that it just gets really annoying. It is also unfortunate that, like many film adaptations of the Frankenstein novel, this movie simply makes a “Hollywood version” of the famous tale, and that basic formula is made even worse in this new modern-day adaptation. The film does have a few redeeming qualities, though. The production design is very stylish and does its best to recapture Victorian Era England. There is a chance that the film might receive a few Academy Award nominations in artistic categories, like Production Design and Costume Design, since the Academy tends to nominate period pieces. The overall look of this film is similar to Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, which actually won the Production Design Oscar back in 2008. Another positive quality is the overall look of the monster itself because its depiction in this film is probably the closest to Mary Shelley’s original description of the character in the novel. Other than that, it is sad to say that this film has style, but no class.
The film has style because the overall look is visually appealing, but it has no class since the actors deliver embarrassing performances. James McAvoy
tended to be over-the-top with his portrayal of the eponymous Victor Frankenstein, and Daniel Radcliffe is still having difficulty finding a role that suits him postHarry Potter fame. Therefore, for
people who might be interested in the Frankenstein story, it would be best to either revisit the classic films rather than sit through this bland reimagining of a classic nineteenth-century literary work.