Week 1 Winter Issue 208.1

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Jan. 5, 2015


C A L I F O R N I A S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y, L O S A N G E L E S

Issue 208.1

INSIDE: The University Club: The Myth and


Truth of our School Restaurant Don't let the name scare you; this club requires no membership






The University Club Restaurant, located across from the bookstore, has played victim to numerous misconceptions. With outdoor and indoor seating options, linen-covered tables, a fully staffed kitchen, and a sitdown environment, many Cal State L.A. students have labeled this restaurant as taboo. Daniel Keenan, Executive Chef for Cal State L.A., expressed “a misconception that this place is for faculty only. They look in the window, see linen on the table and believe they can’t afford it.“ In reality, this restaurant is open to the public, not only to students but to members of the surrounding community. It is priced to compete with the food options surrounding it and even offers a 10% discount to Cal State L.A. students. On top of this student discount, the University Club has catered to student needs through its affordable breakfast program, which is open in the restaurant from Monday to Thursday, 7:30am to 10:00am. According to Keenan, this program has been a long time coming, pursued in different incarnations over the last eight years. The biggest obstacle to establishing a program that operates over such a broad amount of hours was staffing. Keenan has run his operation with the intention of quality over quantity, growing organically and not pushing beyond its limits. The solution began in spring of 2013 when Rebecca Wright, an undergraduate pursuing nu-

Photo courtesy of Yelp tritional science, attended a community nutrition class. As a class assignment, they were to go out into the community and start their own project.

received go-aheads rather than denials. Due to this attitude, volunteers are able to receive this opportunity for career development in their related fields.

Wright explained that she already knew what she aspired to do: “I noticed that our University Club did not open until 11:00 am so I found the executive chef for the school, sat down with him, and said I want to serve breakfast to the students every day at 7:30am.”

With this combination of 90 volunteers, coordinated by Wright, and a hard working set of University Club employees, the kitchen opens at six in the morning to squeeze orange juice, brew coffee, roll fresh burritos, and make the fresh homemade salsa that students and staff rave over. The breakfast is entirely to-go and priced for affordability, lending the Cal State L.A. community an amazing but little-known opportunity to get a good meal in them before the day begins.

The Breakfast Club began as Wright showed up in the mornings with her friends and classmates to assist at a tent that opened outside at 8:00am. Over the following quarters it developed into a movement of students from nutrition and health disciplines who are dedicated to providing healthy and affordable food on campus. This has led to Wright’s current job under Executive Chef Daniel Keenan. She recounts her success as a reinforcement of values she’d learned from watching her father start his own business. “Two qualities he has, I think I inherited,” Wright acknowledged, “grand vision and extreme attention to detail.” She further lists the school’s own supportive atmosphere for her ability to build and market the Breakfast Club. In her Cal State L.A. experience, she has

The University Club and Wright have attempted to spread awareness of what their restaurant truly stands for. Wright even recounts one morning last spring when the marketing club made it a project to help the Breakfast Club spread awareness. They arrived at 5:30 am, blew up balloons, and wrote on the ground with chalk to draw attention. “We’ve tried and tried to market” Wright laments, “but still 90% of students don’t know where or what the University Club is and 5% think it’s a club for faculty and staff. They’re intimidated to come into the restaurant and they don’t know that it’s open for breakfast, de-

spite all my efforts.” When asked how to fix this issue, both Wright and Keenan have expressed a wish for the University Club to be better explained during orientation tours, described as a sit-down open to students with discounts rather than labeled as “the fancy restaurant.” Spreading awareness of these opportunities is a subject of great importance. Cal State L.A. is an isolated location in terms of food options. Many students commute, remaining on campus for the entire day with the choice of either buying campus food or losing their hard-won parking spot. In addition, Wright divulged that “of the incoming freshmen, 28% have a combined parental income of less than twenty thousand and we’re more impoverished than other Cal State campuses.” Students here juggle school with full time jobs, families, and a towering pile of bills on the table. They deserve access to a hot meal for five dollars or under. The University Club breakfast program, with the assistance of the Breakfast Club, provides an affordable solution for students searching through greasy, high-calorie options for meals that stretch neither their wallet nor their waistline.


University Times

Cal State L.A. names Lynn Mahoney as Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Jan. 5, 2015

L.A.'s Roommate Situation Start rounding up your friends because you'll need them in order to live in L.A. Gerardo Amezquita

Staff Reporter

Public Affairs Los Angeles--Lynn Mahoney, Interim Vice Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Studies at California State University, Long Beach, has been named Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs at Cal State L.A. Her appointment is effective February 1, 2015. “I am so excited and deeply honored to have been given this opportunity,” Mahoney said. As part of the selection process, Mahoney met earlier this month with Cal State L.A. students, faculty members, administrators and staff. She said she was impressed with what she heard in those sessions. “To a person, everyone is there for the students,” she said. “Cal State L.A. puts its students first.” Her appointment was announced Monday morning by University President William A. Covino. “As Provost, Lynn Mahoney will bring longstanding dedication to outstanding academic programs, and widely recognized success as an innovative and accomplished leader,” Covino said. As a member of Cal State Long Beach’s leadership team and with more than 20 years of teaching experience, Mahoney has been closely involved with student learning and curriculum development. She has dedicated much of her academic career to enhancing learning environments and improving retention and graduation rates. As Cal State L.A.’s provost, she will serve as chief academ-

ic officer and be responsible for administering academic programs to ensure they adhere to the University’s teaching and research mission. Mahoney will oversee Cal State L.A.’s eight colleges and the library. Mahoney will also directly oversee all academic support units, hold divisional responsibility for the allocation of resources and chair the University Resource Allocation Committee. She will serve as an ex-officio member of the Academic Senate and chair the University Strategic Planning and Coordinating Committee. Mahoney came to Cal State Long Beach in August 2008 as the Associate Vice President for Undergraduate Studies. In August 2013, she was named the university’s Interim Vice Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Studies. Her responsibilities have included overseeing enrollment planning, institutional research and initiatives to improve graduation rates. Prior to Long Beach, Mahoney was a faculty member and Associate Provost for Integrative Learning and Vice President for Student Affairs at Purchase College, State University of New York. As a social historian, she taught courses in U.S. women’s history and feminism, and race and ethnicity. Mahoney received a bachelor’s degree in American Studies from Stanford University and a Ph.D. in History from Rutgers University. She is the author of Elizabeth Stoddard and the Boundaries of Bourgeois Culture and has lectured extensively on the construction of whiteness in the U.S. and the construction of gender globally.

As a college student you are expected to live in quarters with 2 to 6 roommates, depending on the size of the apartment and the affordability of the place. However, is this destined to be your future? In this day and age, there are limited options for undergraduates and post-graduates to finding their ideal apartment where you can live alone. The momentum of independence that comes with adulthood irks us to expand our needs to include a housing plan where you do not have to tolerate your roommates’ messy habits, the bathroom always being occupied, and your food being taken. Through the ‘magic’ of statistics let us take a glimpse into your most probable fate. According to a survey conducted by Zillow, a real estate research database, in Los Angeles there are 48% of employed adults (25-65) who reside in households with roommates outside of a spouse. This is nearly half of the working class population in the county alone. The median income of these rooming adults is $27,000. Realistically, this is the starting income for individuals with only a high school diploma as recounted by the National Center for Education Statistics. However, before you shrug off that fact because you are pursuing a college credential, there is a disparaging trend occurring nationally. Zillow continues to report that since 2000 there has been a steady increase of adults “doubling up” to save on residential expenses. In 2000, the Los Angeles average was 41.2% and by 2012 it is at 47.9%. What contributes to this trend is the lack of supply that cannot sustain the demand, especially in geographically popular areas. Zillow adds, “Likewise, while employed individuals in expensive markets make more money than employed individuals in less expensive markets, the proportion of doubling is also higher in expensive markets. This suggests that higher

incomes are not enough; individuals still need to pool their earnings and double-up to afford rent in expensive markets like San Francisco, Los Angeles and New York.” What is even more daunting is that according to The Los Angeles Times, the L.A. and Orange county metropolitan areas hold the highest rate of adults living with roommates on average. To add insult to injury, Los Angeles has the most unaffordable housing market in the nation. The term roommate is not exclusive to friends or other strangers; it also includes college students living with their parents. Considering, Cal State L.A. is a commuter school it is safe to assume that a large majority of the student body still lives with at least one parent, according to Cal State L.A. Communications Director Robert Lopez. Jose Ramos, Biochemistry major proclaims, “There are financial reasons that limit me from living in [Cal State L.A.] housing because it’s too expensive. I’ve tried to find a job, but can’t seem to get hired. I look for a job that is flexible with my schedule and pays a decent amount.

Once out of curiosity, I tried to find a place to move to but found out everything was out of my range, even in East L.A.” Many students offer parallel stories and it is partly due to what the Los Angeles Housing Department highlighted in their website. They cited what was previously mentioned like “short supply of new homes and apartments,” a growing population, disparities between housing cost and wage stagnation, real estate developers high rent affordability, and “a lack of family sized apartments.” Regrettably, through quantitative investigation all directions seem to point to you rooming up with a colleague. Now if your hopes of living alone have all plummeted there are solutions that could be taken to your municipal and state leaders. For instance, L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti has taken upon himself to address the issue of a minimum wage hike and the construction of affordable housing. If you are interested, you could check on the status of Garcetti’s efforts through any major news publications within the next few months.

Comic Courtesy of http://nickandzuzu.com

Lunch Monday–Friday, 11:00am-2:00pm Breakfast 7:30am–10:00am Call (323) 343-6777 to place orders to go. Breakfast Burritos, Fresh Brewed Coffee Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice, Danish and Muffins

Visit the new University Café Located at Salazar Hall Sandwiches, Salads, Burritos, Coffee and more!

Monday–Thursday, 7:30am-7:00pm

University Times

Jan. 5, 2015


Journalism 391 Professor Josef Sawyer

Editor-in-Chief Yzzy Gonzalez

Managing Editor Timmy Truong

Distributor Carol Venegas

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Staff Reporters Gerardo Amezquita Angeline Bernabe

Web Editor Carol Venegas

Columnist Roxana Hernandez

Copy Editors Gerardo Amezquita Nihdin Patel Carol Venegas

Contributors Guillermo Cabrera Hannah Jacobsen Samir Ramirez Tony Romo

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Photographer Timmy Truong

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More Pay, Le$$ Play Amateur porn, outraged parents, millions in unauthorized spending: social media and tehnology lead the way for a more pay, less play era! Samir Ramirez

Contributor As social media continues to grow, money is becoming more mobile than ever before, giving new meaning to buying with the touch of your finger! From accidental inapp purchases, to porn stars in the making, social media and technology are changing the way you spend; for better or worse. Big time companies such as Apple, Google, and Amazon have come under fire in recent months after app users racked up millions of dollars in in-app purchases, purchases which users can buy inside of an app in order to access additional features. Often, these inapp purchases appear inside of apps that are regularly categorized as ‘Free,” something that many feel is false advertising. One of the games, and arguably this year’s most popular game on the market is Kim Kardashian: Hollywood, which immediately rose to the top of the download charts. However, with large success came drawbacks, as it soon became the center of scrutiny.

Para La Onda: Jefes de Redacción:

Xanni Valentin Chavira

Editores: Meliza Guzman Mindy Galindo Sergio Soto Gerente de publicidad:

Martha J. Orellana

Consejero de la Facultad:

Pablo Baler


was sued by the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) for making it too easy for kids to make purchases while using apps. In addition, Apple refunded over 35 million dollars to customers whose children made unauthorized purchases within apps, following a different settlement with the FTC. In lieu of the backlash, Google and Apple have also gone on to make changes to their app stores. Notably, Apple went ahead and changed its purchase descriptions from ‘Free’ to ‘Get,’ as many argued that the apps offered were not free because of these so called in-app purchases. While users may either be knowingly or unknowingly spending cash, others are now giving it away. In November, Snapchat, the social media platform that allows users to send 10-second pictures or videos, introduced Snapcash. Snapcash lets users over the age of 18 send an amount of money to another user using the app’s instant messaging feature. While the addition of Snapcash may raise eyebrows from users who may be wary of hackers, users who choose to share money may rest assured as account details will be stored with Square. Square is a different financial entity from Snapchat, one that has been generally deemed as safer than Snapchat.

The app, which allows users to create their own celebrity and rise to ‘fame’ came under fire after outraged parents took to social media to report inapp purchases by their kids of hundreds of dollars.

As Snapchat users become acquainted with the new feature, it was only a matter of time until the issue turnevd to sex. The introduction of Snapcash has lead many to wonder whether the feature will give rise to so called, ‘amateur porn stars,’ since the social media tool has already garnered the perception that it is often used to share naughty pictures.

In an interview with Matt Lauer on the “Today” show, Kardashian defended her game, cautioning parents to “be responsible” and to not “have your card linked to where your kid can just spend if they want to, or ask permission.”

Many of these aspiring Snapchatters have taken to the community networking service Reddit, to advertise their entrepreneurial talents. One 18-year-old female went as far as to claim that she was “willing to do anything, and I mean anything for Snapcash.”

While it may be in fashion to criticize Kardashian, it is not just the reality maven whose game causing a stir. In 2014, big time company Amazon

As Snapcash opens the doors to aspiring stars, for others already in the industry, it is a way to enhance their customer relationships. Porn-star

Brea Winter, who abides by the social media app on a daily basis states that, “I haven’t used it yet to meet new clients, but I think the new Snapcash feature may make that possible.” Winter adds, “I’m hoping it will make accepting tips very easy and help me expand my clientele.” Although Snapcash may raise a few eyebrows from skeptical critics, it does not go without saying, that it may also be used for good. Cal State L.A. student, Christina Gonzalez, a Communications major on campus, applauds the idea. “I think obviously it is a little strange that Snapchat came up with this, but hey, being a college student is tough, and if you can make a few extra dollars on the side by sharing some pictures or videos, then more power to you,” she says. “At least you know that the images or videos you send will presumably disappear after those ten seconds.” And as technology continues to find new ways into users pockets, social media experts predict that this is just the tip of the iceberg. Adam Megrant, a social media expert at Buzzfeed believes that the more pay, less play trend is just the first step of this new evolution for social media. “Social media is where everything is at right now,” he states. “Obviously you’re going to have people who may exploit these features, but at the end of the day, it is genius.” Megrant believes that “it can spare you a trip to the bank (Snapcash). Or save you hundreds of dollars on accidental or unauthorized app purchases.” While the future of social media continues to take new twists and turns, it is important to be aware of both the positive and negatives it can bring. Social media can become a way to bring people together, create an escape for the user, or to downright wreak havoc. As social media and technology continues to shape and change our future, by becoming aware and informed of all that it has to offer, one can make sure that they will responsibly make the most of it!


Jan. 5, 2015

University Times

Your guide to preping for the first month of 2015 Roxana Hernandez Columnist

January Mood Board the most popular models walking down the streets like jewelry displays and accessories isles. It’s like a Betsy Johnson runway every day--just make sure to follow this trend tastefully. Check which colors go well with other colors, and you are set!

low, purple, or more commonly white. If you think this vegetable just sits on the sidelines of dishes you are wrong; chefs are actually making it the star of the plate. A trending dish is the gluten free cauliflower pizza.

but now it’s all the craze. The great thing about this style is that it is easier to create than you think. Forget nail salons, have a girl’s night in and create all kinds of fabulous nails.

As we say goodbye to 2014 and its wonderful trends, it is also exciting to announce the new year with some great new ones. January 2015 has so much to offer, from the hottest of foods to the trendiest of beauty tips. Whether you are trying to have a healthy new year or stylish one, you must take a look at these 12 trends. 1. Shades of Grey No, it’s not 50 Shades of Grey I’m talking about (which by the way comes out next month), rather the many shades of grey that are likely to hit the streets this month. For many people this might sound like a very dull color trend when it comes to fashion—or anything for that matter—but frankly, it’s pretty exciting to the fashion industry. Why? Being used to so much color season after season, having a neutral color almost seems rare. Embrace the futuristic take on this trend and layer up on those winter clothes with the many shades of grey. 2. Prints for Winter If you are not feeling so hot for the neutrals of the grey, don’t fret because prints are here to stay this month. Prints are so much fun to wear, they make us feel happy and others never draw their eye away from us. Let’s make this season upbeat with colorful prints in geometric, bold, and linear forms. Take a chance and stand out from the crowds with this fashion trend. 3. Accessories, Accessories Everywhere! If you are really feeling the vibe from the stand out trend from prints, then you’ve got to try this one too: multiple accessories. You can see

gardening, and decorating your home this year. Cacti and Succulents retain their water and last through droughts, while being interestingly beautiful. Its gorgeous geometric shapes and variety of colors can really make a room a show stopper. In fact, you remember those trending vertical gardens? These would be perfect for that. Look at us combining trends together! 10. Better Bring Bright Cobalt Not the typical color for winter, but definitely a surprisingly stylish one is bright cobalt. This color brings in the funky retro feel of the season and it definitely makes itself known. Colors to pair them up with are whites, violets, pinks, and oranges. 11. New It Wear in Outerwear: Long Coats Need to find the perfect item to bring in that bright cobalt? The long coat will do the trick. It’s certainly cold outside, might as well walk out in style. Defined waistlines, buttons in bold, and bright color is what seems to be the new it wear in outerwear.

4. Vertical Garden If you want your living space to touch some ground with the trends of the new year then you have to make a vertical garden. The idea behind it is that it gives walls, indoors or outdoors, a pop of color and ultimately makes smaller spaces interesting and fun. The DIY version is what really has been popular and to help you with that, Pinterest has got you covered. 5. Cauliflower is the New Kale Last year Kale took over the health and food spirit of the time with its succulent dishes and juicing; this year cauliflower is taking the lead. Cauliflower is a quirky vegetable that comes in yel-

6. White like Snow Since we are on the topic of white, another of the trending colors for January is white. With a spectacular color for a blank canvas in an outfit, it’s only natural we want to bring in some color to it whether it be through multiple layers of clothing or simply accessorizing. Give this new white a splash of color and you are ready to look up-tothe-minute.

8. It’s all about the Full Brows January brings in none other than the full eyebrows to be the main attraction. I don’t mean uni-brow of course; fuller eyebrows are trending as the supermodel Cara Delavingne makes her way into the fashion world. This trend is really hitting the streets so hard that eyebrow extensions are becoming a hit for those women who over plucked their way through high school. If you rather opt for a more domestic way of filling up your eyebrows, gently shadow them with similar color tones as your eyebrows.

7. Moon Type Nails White garments aren’t the only blank canvas, so are nails! Nails always have a trend of its own; the latest one happens to be the moon type nails—specifically half-moon nails. Dita Von 9. Cacti and Succulents Teese owned this style even The drought has brought before it hit the runaways, a very eco-friendly way of

12. Ramen Craze Speaking of cold, ramen is the food of this January. For all those foodies out there, accept the challenge of finding, making, tasting, photographing, and writing about the best ramen in town. LA is a grand city of culture and mixed culture, that alone tells us that it’s time to try all kinds of food—all kinds of ramen. Find a restaurant you’ve never been to before, or you can always challenge yourself and try making it on your own. January’s trending list is a long one this time around, but truthfully if you look, you’ll find even more. Hoping that you found inspiration from some of these items, let’s welcome the year with a month filled with wonderful DIY’s, stylish colors, and flavorsome meals. Happy New Year!

University Times

Jan. 5, 2015

2014 Fall Sports Recap By Guillermo Cabrera and Tony Romo

Contributors A lot can be said about Cal State L.A. sports during the last fall quarter. The women’s volleyball team had an improved season, while the women’s soccer team had a record breaking season. The men’s soccer team also had a season to remember. One sport that usually flies under the radar is women’s volleyball. The Cal State L.A. volleyball team had a climactic season when qualification for NCAA Division II West Region playoffs went down to the last game. In 2012-2013 the Golden Eagle Volleyball team finished with an overall record of 1613, and a conference record of 14-8. So what was expected of the 2013-2014 season? New faces, a fresh start, and different ideas can make a dramatic change. The Golden eagles achieved an overall record of 17-8, and a conference record of 15-7 this past season. Offensively, the team did not improve statistically but the defining factor this past season was defense. The Cal State L.A. volleyball squad was able to decrease the number of errors in various categories. Errors in attack, serve, receptions, and blocking made a significant improvement. As a team they were also able to play collectively better by improving their set assists compared to that of last season. Although players did leave from the previous season, the ones that stayed were able to lead, such as the case with senior Colby Joseph and junior Iona Lofrano. Coach Randi has spaces to fill for 2015 and is taking plenty of time recruiting for the new season; with time and patience, good things can be expected. Soccer could be as much demanding mentally as it is physically. Going in to a season, a lot is on a player’s mind. Keeping your mind focused on the goal of winning, while showing a flawless physical strength and game is not

everyone’s cup of tea. This is exactly what happened in the 2014 season with Cal State L.A.’s women’s soccer team. On Saturday November 15th, the record-breaking season came to an unfortunate end. Facing conference rival, Cal Poly Pomona Broncos, in NCAA Division II playoff action, they fell 1-0 in front of the home crowd at Jesse Owens Stadium. Entering the game, the Golden Eagles were ranked No.5 in the nation. They were seeded No.2 in the region and they were facing an opponent they knew well. Despite the loss, the season was not spoiled. The Golden Eagles finished the season with an awesome 16-2-3 record. Starting conference play, they demolished the competition. They averaged 2.14 goals per game giving them a 45-goal season. The attack was led by All-Conference first-team senior forward Amalia Arvidsson, who scored 14 goals, which tied the single season record. Goals weren’t only served up by Arvidsson, but junior Joanna Espinoza and senior Heather Williams added 13 goals combined to the tally, seven and six goals each respectively. The trio also assisted on an impressive 13 goals, collectively.

place Chico State. They finished conference play with a record of nine wins, two ties, and zero losses. After a successful season, they continued their silverware hunt by dominating and winning the CCAA Championship Tournament. They accomplished the feat by beating Chico State 3-1 at Cal State Stanislaus’ Warrior Stadium. The women’s soccer team had a special season and left their mark in the record books. The 2014 coach of the year, Isabelle Harvey, can only look forward to next season and continue to raise the bar. The men’s soccer team had an excellent season that saw them on the brink of many great things. They were able to take home an NCAA West

Region title, but had a couple opportunities slip away as they played in a very competitive season. In CCAA action, the men’s team fought until the end. In their last game of the season they fell against the Cal Poly Pomona Broncos 2-1. They were on a nine game winning streak and saw it end when they fell against the team they were neck in neck with during the season. They soon went into the CCAA tournament as one of the favorites since they had won the 2013 tournament. Looking to repeat, they had their semi-final game against Stanislaus. The game ended up in penalty kicks where they lost after the Bronco’s goalkeeper stopped their last two


shots. Going in to the NCAA West Region Division II tournament, the Golden Eagles needed to end the season with a bang. Again, battling it out to 0-0 tie in regulation time against Seattle Pacific in Seattle, they went into overtime. It is then when senior Jordan Payne struck to give them the win and the West Region title. While the season had its ups and downs, they finally got one to bring home. Next season looks bright for all the fall sports teams as they all had success through the 2014 season. Keep an eye out for the upcoming winter sports and check out csulaathletics. com for more information about Golden Eagle athletics!

Scoring goals gets you the win, but defense wins championships. After a 21 game season, the Golden Eagles had only ten goals against. That is a remarkable 0.48 goals against average with 13 shut outs, a new record. The heroics of goalkeeper senior Yi Du, gave the Golden Eagles one of the best defenses in the league and the nation. All Conference defenders senior Justine Telles (first team) and senior Alicia Gutierrez (second team) also assisted Du in her 13 clean sheets and provided the Golden Eagles a defense that gave the results of a championship team. With the red-hot offense and a steel-walled defense, the team went on to take a couple of championship trophies home to Cal State L.A. Beating Cal State East Bay 4-0 in conference play allowed them to claim the CCAA title with six points ahead of second

Photo by Timmy Truong


University Times

Jan. 5, 2015


Personajes haciendo historia en el 2014


Anestésiame las carnitas Banda gástrica para bajar de peso

de los primeros cirujanos en realizar esta operación en los Estados Unidos.

Por Nancy Aguilar

El Dr. Daytyan explica que este procedimiento consiste en una banda de silicona que se introduce alrededor del estómago creando una separación. La meta es reducir el tamaño del estómago.

Con la meta de perder peso por razones de salud o estética, en este país, miles de personas con sobrepeso y obesidad buscan el mejor método para cumplir su sueño. Uno de los procedimientos más populares en Europa desde hace veinte años, fue autorizado en Estados Unidos hace una década; es el de la banda gástrica, Lap band. La reportera Norma Roque investigó en qué consisten los beneficios y posibles efectos secundarios de la cirugía. Según los resultados obtenidos por esta investigación, una de cada tres personas en este país sufre de obesidad. De acuerdo al Manual Merck, un manual de referencia médica, alguien es obeso cuando tiene más del veinte porciento de su peso ideal. Shilly Coronado lo ha sufrido por años. “Yo pesaba 294 libras... en el 2008 perdí a mi papá por diabetes y decidí no seguir esos pasos”. Él trató todo tipo de dietas y nada le dio resultado, señaló Shilly.

El doctor menciona que la cirugía toma al rededor de una hora. En esta operación se hace una incisión de dos centímetros en el estómago para luego conectar la banda al catéter de la piel del paciente. El doctor muestra que la banda lleva una sección ajustable con agua salina que se puede agrandar o reducir a la banda gástrica del paciente. Como en toda cirugía, señala el Dr. Daytyan, ésta también conlleva a riesgos por ejemplo infección y sangrado. En la junta médica de California, The Mission of the Medical Board of California, uno puede encontrar cirujanos aprobados por el estado, al igual que información detallada en el procedimiento de estas cirugías. Para más información visite: www. mbc.ca.gov

El año pasado, la doctora le recomendó a Shilly investigar sobre el procedimiento de la banda gástrica, Lap band, como una solución a su problema de peso. “Es un riesgo al que me estoy sometiendo”, nos dice Shilly. Tras dos meses de intensa investigación, Shilly optó por someterse a la operación de la banda gástrica con el Dr. David Davtyan, uno

Fotografía | Crédito: es.123rf.com

El Papa Francisco y el Presidente Barack Obama: elementos claves que apuntan a cambios positivos para la humanidad. Por Mindy Galindo Si tuviéramos que elegir a los personajes más destacados en el ámbito político internacional del 2014, sin lugar a duda serían el Presidente Barack Obama y el Papa Francisco. Por una parte, el restablecimiento de relaciones entre Cuba y los Estados Unidos, promovido por Obama después de medio siglo de haberse fracturado, es una acción que ha causado un gran impacto a nivel mundial. Otra decisión importante del Presidente Obama fue la orden ejecutiva de alivio migratorio que momentáneamente frena las deportaciones y la desintegración de millones de familias, que durante muchos años ha originado una crisis humanitaria. En cuanto al Papa Francisco, sus acciones rompen con el esquema tradicional de la iglesia Católica y por primera vez en la historia nos muestra el rostro de un Papa terrenal. La reanudación de las relaciones entre Cuba y los Estados Unidos, después de más de medio siglo de haberse roto, es quizá la decisión más audaz de Obama. Esta determinación puede considerarse audaz porque las negociaciones se llevaron a cabo en un lapso de año y medio, tanto en Brasil, Canadá y el Vaticano sin que nadie se diera cuenta. Dicha decisión se basó en encuestas realizadas entre las nuevas y viejas generaciones de cubanos en Miami. Los viejos, no todos, pero si la mayoría, estaban de acuerdo en mantener cerrada dicha relación con la Isla, en tanto que los cubanos jóvenes que buscaban un acercamiento, rebasaban el setenta por ciento.

Fotografía | Crédito: http://www.elfinanciero.com.mx

Aquí los perdedores son las organizaciones anti-Fidel, como los Hermanos al rescate y otras asociaciones que gozaban de jugosos presupuestos empresariales en la búsqueda de desestabilizar a Cuba. Igualmente perdieron sus banderas de lucha los senadores cubano-americanos, Díaz Balart, Bob Menéndez y Marco Antonio Rubio. Otra acción importante del Presidente Barack Obama fue la orden ejecutiva de alivio migratorio. Muchos argumentarán que tal hecho sólo beneficiará a la mitad de los inmigrantes mientras que el resto quedará fuera de los beneficios de esta orden, hecho que no resuelve el problema. Sin embargo, la medida de Obama presionará a los Republicanos, para que al fin se apoye una reforma migratoria integral. En cuanto al Papa Francisco, la promoción de una iglesia más cercana a los pobres y la figura de un Papa humilde, se manifiesta en las primeras medidas desde su ascensión al papado. La primera de ellas fue romper con la tradición de que el Papa debe de usar un anillo lujoso de oro puro, ya que él prefirió uno confeccionado de plata con un leve baño de oro. Otra postura de su Santidad fue la de no aceptar que le besen la mano, con lo que rompe con la tradición de considerar a los pontífices como

una figura divina. Con ello prefirió una imagen terrenal, para dar a entender que más allá de la jerarquías, hay un Papa humano. Él prefiere viajar en un auto modesto y no en las clásicas limusinas como sus antecesores. Entre otras cosas destacan sus declaraciones a los medios, como aquella que dio en respuesta a quienes le endilgaban su amistad con el dictador Argentino Videla: “Jamás he sido de derechas”. La más reciente de éstas, desnuda los estereotipos que algunos utilizan para descalificar a las personas cuando no concuerdan con sus posturas ideológicas: “Si pido trabajos, vivienda y justicia para los pobres, inmediatamente me dicen que soy comunista.” Entre otras actitudes del papa fue la de reconocer las aportaciones sociales y culturales de los homosexuales. En el 2015, ambas personalidades enfrentarán las reacciones de los sectores conservadores en sus propios ámbitos de trabajo. Obama irá en pos de la reforma migratoria integral y el rompimiento del bloqueo económico a Cuba. El Papa Francisco buscará recuperar la confianza de sus feligreses erosionada por escándalos de corrupción y pederastia.

10 pasos para superar una ruptura amorosa Por Xanni Valentín Chavira rupturas amorosas son una de las instancias más desoladoras que el ser humano puede experimentar: ¿Qué pasa cuando empieza un “No importa si se trató de una año nuevo y tú acabas de terminar relación a largo plazo, un corto con “el amor de tu vida”? ¿Cómo amorío, un amor no correspondido le haces para concentrarte en tus o un arreglo entre ‘amigos con clases, si tu ex ya anda con otra beneficios’. Si te importó y persona? La vida del estudiante sientes un vacío profundo, es puede ser abrumadora cuando como experimentar una pequeña tenemos deberes que cumplir muerte”, indicó la terapista. tanto en la escuela, como en nuestra relación sentimental. Una Estos son los pasos a mala experiencia amorosa en seguir, según Meyers, para salir la edad de los veinte nos puede del infierno de lo que es una causar alteraciones negativas en ruptura amorosa y superarla con nuestro sistema físico y mental, éxito: pero para todo hay solución. 1.- Medita: Evita el consumo Sheri Meyers, es una terapista del alcohol, drogas y cigarrillos. especializada en relaciones Estos solo te causarán más dolor y de pareja. Ella afirma que las terminarás en una gran depresión.

2.- Come sanamente: No comas de más ni tampoco de menos. Trata de seguir una dieta balanceada para que tu cuerpo funcione correctamente; “Trátate como si fueras tu propio hijo”. 3.- Duerme bastante: El dormir es una forma sencilla de cargar el cuerpo con energía. Tras una ruptura amorosa tu mente se ve invadida de recuerdos y nostalgia. El tomar una siesta ayudará a que tu mente se despoje de las malas vibras. 4.- Ejercítate. Hacer ejercicio nos hace liberar tenciones y por ende sentirnos menos estresados. “La ausencia de endorfinas luego del quiebre de una relación puede hacer que te sientas lento y miserable”.

5.- Siente tus sentimientos. No reprimas lo que sientes, “No los ignores ni los escondas. Deja que las lágrimas fluyan y expresa tu enojo”. 6.- Rodéate de sonrisas y buenas vibras. No te encierres, sal a tomar un café con tus amigos, habla con tus familiares más cercanos, realiza actividades que te hagan sentir feliz. 7.- Deja de obsesionarte: El “hubiera” no existe. Deja de cuestionarte que hubiera pasado. Esos pensamientos que te obsesionan solo harán que tu proceso de superación sea más largo. 8.- Tómate unas vacaciones de 60 segundos: Piensa en cosas que te saquen una sonrisa por un

minuto, te sorprenderás al verte más animado. 9.- Usa la gratitud como tu cable a tierra: Piensa en todas las cosas por las que estas agradecido, como seguir en la universidad, haber obtenido tu licencia de manejo o un coche nuevo. 10.- Da a los demás: Cuando estés deprimido y sientas ese peculiar vacío, piensa en las necesidades de los demás y ayúdalos. Siempre es mejor dar que recibir. Lo que importa es la enseñanza que nos dejan estas experiencias de desamor. Recuerda, como dice el dicho “no hay mal que por bien no venga”. ¡Ánimo!

University Times

Jan. 5, 2015

A Year For Entertainment What's coming to the big screen and the tube this year? Find out! Angeline Bernabe Reporter There is no doubt that many expect a lot from the beginning of a new year. Some expect to work out more, or eat healthier, but I say, let’s stash our purses with candy and popcorn and head to the movies! If it’s one thing I hope to resolve this year, it’s to watch more movies and make time to keep up with my television shows that I love so much. With some research done about TV shows and films gracing our screens this year, 2015 holds some promise for a great year in entertainment! Movies: 1. Pitch Perfect 2 – How Acca-Awesome will this year be? The Barden Bellas will be at it again in a Pitch Perfect sequel! The trailer features the Bellas hilariously battling it out in an international acappella competition. From the trailer it looks like all cast

members from the first film have returned, so my expectations for this film being Acca-Amazing are Acca-Astronomical. Film is expected to be in theaters on May 15th. 2. Disney’s Tomorrowland – I watched the trailer and read the synopsis, and this film looks so cool. Basically, this teenage girl who has to uncover some hidden secrets about a mythical place known as Tomorrowland. Of course, there are twists and turns that she encounters to discover those hidden secrets, but I think what I’m most excited for is how the film encompasses Disney’s vision of the future. This film is expected to premiere in theaters on May 22nd. 3. Jurassic World – When the trailer for this film released around finals last quarter, it felt like the world went bananas and how could it not? It’s been over a decade since Jurassic Park 3 hit theaters, and a fourth installment to the series will finally be out in theaters on June 12th! The film will follow events on Isla Nublar, the dinosaur theme park that was envisioned by character, John Hammond, in the first film with new attractions in

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the park to re-spark visitor interest. 4. Paper Towns – Looks like John Green will rule the world again this year with the film adaptation of his third book, Paper Towns. Model Cara Delevigne is expected to make her film debut in this movie alongside Nat Wolff, who starred in John Green’s film adaptation of his novel, The Fault in Our Stars. The film will follow the story of a teenage boy in his quest to search for the girl next door. If The Fault in Our Stars took 2014 by storm, I predict that this film will definitely do the same this year. Paper Towns will premiere on June 5th. 5. Cinderella – I don’t know about you, but I am a sucker for Disney films. With 2014’s, Maleficent and Into the Woods, it’s about time Disney reprised my favorite Princess story, Cinderella. Helena Bonham Carter takes on the role of the Fairy Godmother, and Cate Blanchett is the Evil Stepmother in this reenactment… what more could the world ask for? You can catch the magic in theaters on March 13.


TV Shows As we say goodbye to Glee and Mad Men this year, we make room for two new shows in the television world: American Crime and Marvel’s, Agent Carter on ABC.

American Crime I don’t know what it is about my fetish lately for shows involving mystery and solving crime. I don’t know if it has to do with my obsession with last year’s Serial podcast, but with ABC’s announcement of cutting the cord on How to Get Away With Murder, I’m glad they’re sticking to a similar theme with a new show this year. In a way, it also kind of relates to the Serial Podcast because the show will follow the events of a racially charged murder trial. American Crime will be on ABC on March 5th. Marvel’s, Agent Carter Talk about Girl Power! Set in the Marvel World, Agent Carter, will be about the Marvel Comics character, Peggy Carter, who helps the famous Howard Stark on secret missions while also figuring life out in 1940s America as a single gal. The first episode of the show is expected to premiere on January 6th.


University Times


Jan. 5, 2015

Jan. 5, 2015

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