Fall Week 4 Issue 207.4 Part 1

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Oct. 20, 2014


C A L I F O R N I A S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y, L O S A N G E L E S

Your enrollment might be in danger!













paranoia PG 10 trick or

treat PG 5

his math sub collegiate course at a community college. This can become a bigger issue for many students. “Trying to find a remedial course in a community college is the worst. They are always impacted,” said Rene who was attempting to add the course at Pasadena City College and was unsuccessful.

Guadalupe Garcia


You need to read this, especially if you are a freshman and never heard of the two words – ‘Remedial Courses’

Disenrollment not only affects students but many organizations on campus. Guillermo Cabrera, member of Gamma Zeta Alpha and a Television, Film and Media Studies Major, said their fraternity doesn’t rush freshman because some of them may not be here the following year. “When we do get the freshman interest, it also presents the same fear when they have to go through a set of classes that might jeopardize their enrollment at the university,” said the TVF major. It becomes devastating for both students and organizations when they have to see a member go and not come back the following year.

As an incoming freshman or continuing Cal State LA student, many of us have come across the term remediation. But a lot of us are blindly unaware of the fact that failure to complete any developmental courses within your first academic year can result in your disenrollment from the university. Remediation is common across all CSU campuses including ours. For instance, in Fall 2012, Cal State LA admitted 2,768 first-time freshmen, out of which, 77% needed remediation. The CSU Trustee Policy states that students must demonstrate proficiency in Math and English before they can enroll in college-level courses of the subject. The way proficiency is obtained is through your performance in the CSU Entry Level Math (ELM) exam and the CSU English Placement Test (EPT), unless you were otherwise exempt through the SAT/ACT, AP Test or your senior year experience. But how exactly can you be disenrolled? Executive order 665 is a requirement from the Chancellor’s office that states first-time freshman must complete all developmental mathematics and writing courses within their first year of enrollment or they will be stopped out the university. Basically, if you don’t finish your remedial classes by the end of spring quarter, you will no longer be able to enroll in any classes the following school year. From the incoming class

Issue 207.4

Photo Courtesy | lao.ca.gov Rescue Saga: If you are struggling with a remedial class or fear not passing, here are some suggestions: -Visit the Tutorial Center located at the South Palmer Wing of the library and request an appropriate tutor -Struggling to find a class? Contact the Math or English department and they'll notify you if a spot or a class opens

of 2012 whom needed remediation, only 12% of them became disenrolled. Rene Montelongo, a former Cal State LA student, was one of the students that fell among this group. He stated his issues were finding remedial math courses that where open

Alternatives if you don’t complete or pass your MATH 91 course the first year: -You can take the exit exam at the Testing Center. -Retake the ELM Exam. You may score higher and become exempt. -Take the equivalent class at a community college. Keep in mind you only have one academic year to complete this or you could become disenrolled.

and grasping the information he was being taught in class. He failed to complete Math 91 by the end of his first academic year but was granted a year’s extension in which he would still be a Cal State LA student but may not enroll for any courses until he completes

But there is a silver lining. The CSU system recently enacted a policy known as “Early Start” requiring incoming students who do not demonstrate college readiness to begin remediation during the summer before coming to the CSU. It aims to better prepare their students in math and English before their first semester or quarter. “ I’ve heard good news and how it’s helped many students,” said Rodolfo Mata, Early Start Program Coordinator at Cal State Los Angeles. With this we’re hoping to see a reduction in the amount of students who become disenrolled. Now that you have this information at grasp, UT hopes you take the necessary precautions to avoid any type of scenario that can place you at risk of becoming disenrolled. Because once a Golden Eagle, always a Golden Eagle.

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Fall Week 4 Issue 207.4 Part 1 by CSULA University Times - Issuu