University times advertising rates 2016 17

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Print Advertising Effecive July 1,

Full Page 5 col.x I6in. 80 col. inches

Quarter Page 5 col.x4in. or 2.5 col. x 8 in. 20 col. inches

Eighth Page 5 col.x2in. or 2 col. x 5 in. IO col. inches

SI24.oo Half Page 5 col. x 8 in. or 4 col.x IO in. 40 col.inches


eludesfull color





Frequency Discounts 2-4 issues: 50/0 5-9 issues: 20% IO+ issues: 25%


Print Advertising Position Premiums There is a 20% position premium on advertisements which request place­ ment on any guaranteed specific page of the University Times.

Advertising ork A PDF file of the advertisement to run in the paper, along with an insertion order, PO or contract number should be emailed to the University Times. Please send all ad materials to JMunson2@calstatela .edu

Color All color ads should be in CMYK format. $125 for I color $200 for 2 color $300 for full color Regardless of the ad size.

Liability The liability of the publisher or failure to publish an advertisement for any reason in the specified issue shall be limited to publishing the ad in a subsequent issue, paid for by the advertising client. Submission of an advertisement to the University Times does not constitute a commitment by the Uni­ versity Times to publish the advertisement.


Print Advertising Pre-Printed Inserts Inserts can be accommodated into the University Times based on the following pricing & guidelines: --We can only place inserts into the full run circulation of the University Times. You will need to provide the full run quantity of 3,000 copies of the insert plus 10% for spoilage. --The insert ad materials must be approved in writing by the Advertising Representative of the University Times prior to insertion. --The inserts must be received at the printer, (do not send them to the UT office), no later than two working days before the publication date of the paper. The printer contact information is below.

Insert Rates

Single Sheet (Not larger than 8.5" x u")

$6;.oo per 1,000

Multiple Pages

(Finalfoldedpiece not larger than 8.5"X II.5'? 4-8 pages $75.00 per 1,000 10-16 pages $85.00 per 1,000 20+ pages $95.00 per 1,000

Fan-Folded Sticky Notes $75.00 per 1,000

For Insert Orders, please deliver materials to: Gardena Valley News 15005 S. Vermont Ave. Gardena, CA 90247


Gregory Buur Phone: (310) 329-6351 Ext. 229 Fax: (310) 329-7501


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15 words or less: $15.00 per issue. 16-25 words: $20.00 per issue. 25-50 words: $30.00 per issue 50-75 words: $45.00 per issue. Frequency discounts apply to all multiple in­ sertion advertisements. All classified ads must be paid in advance by check or money order. We cannot accept credit cards or cash. Make checks payable to the University Times

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