CSU Magazine - The Road to the Presidency

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LEADING C H A R L E S TO N S O U T H E R N U N I V E R S I T Y Fall 2018, vol.28 no.3

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Follow senior Hannah Silvia’s path to victory over eating disorders President Dondi Costin takes unusual route to the university presidency


Chapel organ finds new life through efforts of a staff member and two students


On the Road: Houston – Alumni tell what it’s like to live and work in Houston

Jake Brown, assistant director of graduate admissions, captured the sunrise over the Reflection Pond on a cloudy morning in September.

On the cover: Vickey and Dondi Costin greet new students at the BBQ Bash on Move In Day. Photo by Richard Esposito

MISSION Promoting Academic Excellence in a Christian Environment VISION To be a Christian university nationally recognized for integrating faith in learning, leading and serving FOUNDING PRINCIPLE Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. - Matthew 28:19-20

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE “Why stop at better when God wants best?”



’m not afraid of failure; I’m afraid of succeeding at things that don’t matter.” This gut punch from missionary William Carey erects healthy guardrails for wise travelers on the winding road between infancy and eternity. Yet in my experience with air-breathers all over the planet, too many road warriors mistake activity for accomplishment and equate busy-ness with productivity in the business for which they have been created. On some days I am in that number. Maybe you are, too. Thankfully, the secret to winning in this life and the next is really no secret at all. As a songwriter friend has written so well,

the main thing in life is keeping the main thing the main thing. It’s saying yes to some opportunities and no to others. It’s keeping your priorities straight. It’s understanding the monumental difference between settling for success and striving for significance. It’s pushing by intention rather than being pulled by distraction. It’s moving with purpose because meandering through life is detrimental to meaning in life. In short, it’s ditching the tyranny of the urgent so you can do the important instead. To play on my mother’s recurring pleas to mind my manners, the not-so-secret is choosing to live well by minding your matters—putting

Dr. Dondi Costin leads the service at Prayer First, the annual gathering to kick off the year with prayer. Photo by Richard Esposito

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your mind to what matters most. After trying every other pathway to purpose, Solomon’s parting shot in Ecclesiastes 12:13 broadsides the bullseye. “Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.” The prophet Micah’s plaque-worthy quote echoes that theme: “And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6:8). Which is just an appetizer before the entrée Jesus serves: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. And love your neighbor as yourself” (Mark 12:30-31). Life on this side of the other side is short. Time flies. So why settle for the good life when you can live better? Why stop at better when God wants best? Let’s face it. That last question is the heart of the matter. They say you can do anything you put your mind to. Perhaps. But only if you have the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16). Why not put your mind to living for what really matters? Why not claim God’s calling and Christ’s character as your most valuable credentials? Answering these questions is what a Charleston Southern education is about. Integrating faith in learning, leading and serving is much more than a cliché. It’s who we are. It’s what we do. It’s how we live. Because when all is said and done, how we live—and for whom we live—is all that matters. If you succeed at things that don’t really matter, you fail when it matters for real. So make up your mind to do what matters. In a manner of speaking, mind your matters. Don’t mind if I do. What about you?

Fall 2018, vol.28 no.3



volume 28 number 3 Fall 2018

EDITORIAL STAFF: Jan Joslin ’82, Editor, Director of Publications Richard Esposito, Director of Integrated Marketing


Jenna Johnson, Assistant Director of Integrated Marketing


David Britt ’07

Seth Montgomery ’15

Kevin O’Rourke ’16 Julia Terwilliger


4 6 7 8 10 10 11

Beauty in the Breaking Online Teaching Traditional Teaching Computer Science Interns Share Experiences Study Abroad Trip First Responders Offered Tuition Discount Holly Slice Impacting Others

Athletic Media Relations Sol Basconcillo Sydney Garling Molly Lawson/E Bea Photography National Association of Teachers of Singing Ellen Young/Veni Vedi Cepi Photography

CSU Magazine is published three times a year by the office of marketing and communication for alumni and friends of Charleston Southern University. Contact CSU Magazine: magazine@csuniv.edu


18 Senior Takes 2nd in Nation 19 Fleming at FISU/Pan Am Games 20 Athletic Update


22 Summer Mission Snapshots 23 SLU Interns

Address changes: csudevelopment@csuniv.edu



26 Class Notes 28 In Memory 29 Stackpole-Hall Foundation Grant 29 Alumni at Move-In 32 Baby Bucs


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© 2018 Charleston Southern University

Fall 2018, vol.28 no.3

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annah Silvia became a runner in middle school when her Dad invited her to join him. By her freshman year in high school she had let health take over her life in an unhealthy way. Her distorted body image came from obsessing over everything she had learned. “I was scared about breaking under the pressure,” said Silvia. “I could control how much I ate and worked out, and I set out to try to control my body composition.” That confusing time in her life led to anorexia and an unhealthy lifestyle. It’s hard to imagine the poised, articulate young woman she is today as a hurting, broken teen fighting her way out of an eating disorder. Looking back, Silvia has learned that breaking under pressure can lead to something beneficial. She frequently shares a story she heard from friends several years ago comparing her heart to a clay vase. “If I put a candle in the vase, the light would shine out the top,” said Silvia. “But if I took a hammer and crushed the vase, the pieces all over the floor would be useless. If I magically put the pieces back together and put the candle back in – the light would shine through the cracks. I learned that there is beauty in the breaking.” Public health professor and Silvia’s research sponsor, Dr. Kate Thomas, said, “Hannah’s beauty in the breaking theme resonates with many of us because we have all had moments where we made mistakes or suffered hardship. What we learn from

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those moments and how we use them for benefiting our own growth and in service of others can be really beautiful.” Now a Charleston Southern senior, Silvia is majoring in public health and has researched eating disorders. She interned at Verizon Wireless’s Health and Wellness Center over the summer and is studying abroad in England during fall semester. Journey to Health Silvia’s journey back to health was a drawn out process with periods of relapse into other eating disorders such as bulimia and binge eating. Anorexia is considered the number one eating disorder. Silvia said 32 percent of college students struggle with eating disorders, a statistic in the National Eating Disorders Association brochure, “Eating Disorders on the College Campus.” In addition, she shared an article in the Harvard Political Review that estimates 4550 percent of college students struggle with body image issues. Silvia said people suffering from eating disorders share some commonalities, such as distorted ideas of health, perfectionistic personalities, a need for control and low self-esteem. “It is as much a mental disorder as a physical one; it is a type of anxiety disorder,” she said. “Many focus on prevention or treatment instead of pursuing wellness after disorder.” These days, Silvia says, “It’s a dark place I can stand on the other side of.” She is seeking to make a difference through her

public health major. Thomas finds Silvia’s experience is a common one. “Many public health students are drawn to the field because they are passionate about helping others,” said Thomas. “I find that there is often a story behind this passion, and we encourage students to share that story as being core to their why. When our clients, program participants, and patients understand how much we care, it makes a difference to their success.” Silvia’s road to recovery included finding a blog called Setting Captives Free. It was an online resource offering mentoring, prayer, guidance and follow up. “Becoming honest and open with a person I didn’t know made it easier to open up to people I know,” said Silvia. “It’s ok to be selfish during recovery. You have to take care of yourself and love yourself so you can better love others.” She adds, “I pushed my parents away in high school. Since coming to college they are some of my biggest help.” Pursuing Wellness Silvia had to learn to manage herself. “I was tired of feeling the way I was,” she said. “My immune system was horrible; my hair was falling out. I wanted to take control. I wanted to be healthy.” She said, “It’s not just about a diet change – that’s a temporary fix. Get honest with yourself, deal with triggers, anxiety and the need to be in control. Behavior change is a part of it.” Silvia recommends becoming self-aware, including being aware of what triggers your stress and anxiety and how you cope with it.

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She also stresses pursuing wellness as opposed to focusing on just prevention and treatment. “Pursuing wellness identifies the underlying problem rather than a quick fix and easy treatment. By identifying the root issues and bringing them out of the dark, it can definitely help with wellness long-term,” she said. Thomas agrees. “I think public health, and Hannah, truly value behavioral medicine, meaning the work we as individuals can put into our own well-being. While conventional medical care is of course vital, there is so much we can do to promote our own health,” said Thomas. In addition to her parents, Silvia credits the community of believers in her youth group and church with helping with her recovery by reminding her of her worth. “If my faith taught me anything through this experience, it was the reminder that I did not have to be perfect to lead and love others,” she said. At the end of high school and through her college years, she worked at SummerSalt, a South Carolina Baptist Convention camp for youth groups. “I learned to be vulnerable and transparent with my campers, which helped improve my outlook on recovery,” she said. Silvia said, “Esther 4:14 has been my anthem for a few years as it reminds me that perhaps I was created for such a time as this: to praise God through the brokenness and use my experiences to help others who may also be struggling. This helped tremendously with doing away with the faulty standards of recovery that one has to be completely healed in order to make an impact.” She said, “Shifting my way of thinking from a mindset of shame and constant state of anxiety was the first step. God has reminded me that my experience with an eating disorder can help others. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 is such a great verse when looking at shifting thoughts in saying that God ‘comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.’ Paul continues in Chapter 4 that our affliction is momentary and produces an eternal weight of glory (4:16-18). With this mindset, I am reminded that my pain does not have to be wasted but adds to my testimony so that I can help others.” Silvia is grateful for the CSU professors and friends who continued to push her

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Hannah Silvia

toward Christ. She realizes in retrospect that she was rejecting the life God had given her. “When I was hurting myself it was almost a slap in the face of God,” she said. Currently, Silvia is looking forward to integrating faith in a healthcare setting and

looking toward graduate school. She would ultimately like to become a college professor. Silvia says her journey has been painful, but sharing her experience brings good out of the suffering. She is a vibrant example of beauty shining through the cracks.

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TEACHING IN THE ONLINE CLASSROOM David Britt, Assistant Professor of Business Management

What is the role of the online professor? I have always thought of my role as an online professor as a connector. I develop, find, and present information in multiple delivery mechanisms like an on ground professor. However, my role is not complete unless I can connect the information to an action or activity that is meaningful to the student. This is particularly important to working adult students that are our primary audience in the College of Adult and Professional Studies. When I can establish this connection, students can value the time, energy, and effort placed into the activity. When we develop any online core course in CAPS, we have this goal in mind, “Learn it today – Use it tomorrow.” How do you know you are connecting with your online students? Our online classes have discussion forums each week. In the forums, the professor will pose a question, and the students will provide a response to the question and to each other. I tell online students this is the online version of put your desks in a circle and talk about this topic. When I monitor these discussions, the students are not only connecting with the topic, but with each other. The Aha moments are exciting when I can see a vibrant learning community sharing experiences and ideas that all connect to the question I posed. One additional key point here is that a student cannot hide in an online class. They cannot sit on the back row and never raise their hand. They must respond and participate in discussions. What do you like best about teaching online? I love the flexibility I have by using different learning assets in an online course. I utilize textbooks, professional books, publications, magazines, newspapers, videos, and other multimedia methods. All of these assets can be (and usually are) digital. A quick shout out to the CSU Online Library. All of our students and faculty are given access to this great source to find

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David Britt talks with students attending an appreciation night for online students.

academic and professional peer-reviewed articles that support our learning objectives without leaving their home. I also love the flexibility that professors and students have with the library and classroom being on their telephone, tablet, or laptop. While I love the breadth and depth of these assets, the challenge may be to sometimes tame the technology. By that, I mean that I must be careful not to overwhelm the students with too much information. If I have too much information, my connection points may become overloaded. What are your favorite online teaching methods? I am an avid, some may say rabid, traveler. My classroom is my computer. The activities of life provide teachable moments all the time. For every class, I provide a weekly video preview for the learning objectives. I take my students with me wherever I happen to be in the world that week. I try to connect the lesson themes that week with activities in my location. For

example, in the marketing class I teach, one of the discussion forums talks about what Starbucks Coffee needs to do when they expand to an international location. For the discussion that week, I shot the preview video from a Starbucks coffee shop in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam. The students were able to see firsthand, what I was talking about. I was asked recently to share the strangest place I ever connected with a student online. This one was simple. I reviewed the online platform with a new student while I was using a satellite Internet connection from a hut in Ethiopia. I use this story often to share with students that if I can do that, you really have no excuse related to course access. I have nearly 400 videos on my YouTube channel from many different countries in the world. Students have told me that there are two main things they like about the videos. The first is that they really enjoy the “Where’s Waldo?” component. The most frequent comment, however, is “I really feel I get to know you better by watching your videos.” That is the most meaningful connection in my mind.

Fall 2018, vol.28 no.3


TEACHING IN A TRADITIONAL CLASSROOM Andrea Glover, Assistant Professor of Graphic Design

What are your favorite classroom teaching methods? I am good friends with colleagues from Savannah College of Art and Design and I frequently ask them, what are you looking for in a designer? I also ask friends at large companies for tips. I tell my students, here are the trends professionals are seeing and incorporate those things into lectures. I also show students my own work and discuss real life situations where I exhibit my work. I work to keep information modern. I go to conferences and learn what professors around the country are doing. Graphic design is changing all the time, so I have to keep up with what colors are trending and what consumers are buying. I also design my presentations with relevant pictures and fonts and try to use my creativity in the classroom.

Andrea Glover teaches art in addition to graphic design.

Q. What is the role of the classroom professor? Once students get to the college classroom, we want to focus on more critical thinking, what employers are looking for and assignments that prepare students for real world experiences and competitive internships. Some of the things I try to bring to class are incorporating technology, social media and anything companies are using in branding and connecting with target audiences. I try to stress professionalism and excellence and not just getting something done to get the grade.

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Q. What do you like best about teaching face-to-face? I love seeing students go from not knowing anything about the technical programs we use such as Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator, to watching them grow and come out of a class with specific skills. It’s great when they start applying those skills to freelance work or to a project at their church, especially after just one class. It really makes me happy and proud. I had a veteran in my class a few years ago, and one project we did sparked an interest that he has since turned into a company making leather goods. Graphic Design students create a portfolio and have a lot of work to show. Many of our graduates have jobs lined up or find jobs very soon after graduation. Our graphic design department is doing something right. We complement each other and work as a team. Students are able to see a good example of Christians working together and using their talents to do what God has called them to do.

How do you know you are connecting with your students? I have noticed that students connect really well when I tell stories and give illustrations, for example of two people that I went to school with who now work at Nike and Banana Republic, my experiences with a handbag company, and stories that relate to graphic design.

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aitlyn M. Vinson, a senior majoring in computer science with an art minor, interned at Savannah River Nuclear Solutions in Aiken in the Process Control and Automation Engineering group helping to develop a web application using Javascript, HTML and C#. Rebecca L. Jackson, a senior majoring in mathematics with an applied computer: computer programming minor, was part of a Research Experience for Undergraduates program, funded by the National Science Foundation and held at Hobart and William Smith Colleges in New York. Jackson was paid a stipend to perform research, working on mathematical research in Graph Theory. Carla N. Contreras, a senior majoring in computer science with minors in applied computing: cybersecurity and Spanish, was at SPAWAR Systems Center Atlantic in North Charleston and was part of the software integration team for Tacmobile, a Navy project.

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Peter Kaufman, a junior with majors in computer science and Spanish and a minor in math, interned at ACS Technologies in Florence where he had the opportunity to work with a team which created a heatmap that displays live events and allows for playback data for specified periods of time. Sydney Garling, a senior with a computer science major and a minor in applied computing: cybersecurity, interned at Blackbaud in Charleston with the Cyber Security Engineering team and learned about the different aspects security takes in companies and how much of a necessity it is. Phillip “PJ” Neidlinger, a senior majoring in computer science, was an Information Technology intern for The Boeing Company in St. Louis, Missouri, as a Programmer/ Analyst. He said, “Hard work is allowing me to have the opportunity to work part-time for Boeing throughout my final semester, and I will begin working full-time for Boeing in January 2019 in Charleston.

Q. What surprised you during your internship? Vinson: I was surprised at how advanced you could make pages with just adding a little Javascript to HTML code. Jackson: I was surprised by the caliber of mathematics I was able to produce. Mathematical research is unlike anything that is done in a mathematics class. Mostly, I was just surprised at my own abilities when compared to other math nerds, as I am not frequently surrounded by other mathematics students. Contreras: The DoD, Department of Defense, loves acronyms. It took me a while to learn what everything meant; I’m actually still picking new ones up. Garling: The level of respect the interns were given was the same as a regular employee, and the employees were very welcoming towards us. They really made us feel like part of the team and company.

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Neidlinger: One surprise that I encountered was about the magnitude of The Boeing Company. I was shocked about how large the campus was specifically in St. Louis, but also how large it is worldwide and how many products and services they provide. Q. What is the biggest thing you learned? Vinson: I learned how to use code that will help me develop my own senior project and learned how to work as a part of a development team. Jackson: As strange as this sounds, I learned how to fail. Research is all about trying something and seeing if it works. More often than not it doesn’t. Sometimes you end up being stuck on one idea until someone else comes in and suggests a much simpler idea which automatically works. Other times, you think you have the perfect proof written up only for someone else to look at it and immediately find a counterexample. You have to learn how to handle failure, or you will end up frustrated and unable to continue. Contreras: You should not be hard on yourself or be scared to ask questions. Most of the tools that I worked with this summer were things that I had not heard of or had experience with from school. It was a great learning experience, and I have gathered a lot of knowledge from hands-on work which is very valuable to me. Kaufman: I learned that training others, while it may not be the most enjoyable action, is something that should be done and can save time in the long run. Garling: The biggest thing I learned was how many people can’t recognize a phishing email. Neidlinger: How to write code as an individual, while contributing to a team. So I would be assigned something by the team, and then I would go write the code, and then submit the code into the repository where others were contributing their own code. It was a great learning experience to get an understanding of real world environments like that.

Q. What is a favorite memory? Vinson: I enjoyed finding new ways to solve code bugs with the help of my coworkers. Jackson: As a group, we attended MathFest in Denver, Colo. In addition to presenting at the conference, we also got to attend sessions by other undergraduate mathematics researchers along with others in the mathematics profession. Contreras: My favorite memory at SPAWAR was getting to ride in a LAV (light armored vehicle) on a rainy day. It was fun because it was easy to get over flooded areas and move people out of the road. Kaufman: I really enjoyed when the team met in the mornings and talked about what needed to be done and joked about the code that we were working on. Garling: All the game nights and fun things they held for us over the summer. Neidlinger: Going to 26 St. Louis Cardinals games while I lived in St. Louis. The atmosphere in St. Louis completely revolved around the Cardinals, and I loved being immersed in the culture there. Q. What advice would you give a student considering an internship? Vinson: Ask questions when you need help, most coworkers will be more than happy to help you. Jackson: Make connections and form relationships with anyone and everyone you meet. These are the people who can motivate you and that you may be working with in the future. As we move on in life, these connections can help you get jobs and help you endure and find solidarity in times where you are struggling. Contreras: DO IT! You learn so much and get to meet great mentors. Kaufman: It gives real-world experience that better prepares computer scientists for the field because they learn so much in such a small period of time. Garling: You need to be sure it is in something you are interested in. If it is, go for it. Nothing quite prepares you for the real world than actual experience.

Neidlinger: The advice that I would give would be to be prepared to work hard. Transitioning from part-time jobs that have no application to the degree I’m pursuing, to a Monday through Friday, 40 hour per week job that is directly what I want to do for my career was a lot to grasp. I embraced the opportunity, and I would encourage anyone else looking to do an internship to be ready to work hard and go above and beyond what’s asked of you. Q. What’s your favorite thing about CSU? Vinson: I love how much the teachers try to help you develop your skills. Jackson: The relationships that I have with my professors. If it hadn’t been for them, I would never have known to apply to an REU and thus wouldn’t have had this experience. They are also the ones who wrote my letters of recommendation which were a big factor in why I was chosen. I love that I can go to my professors with basically anything. I was so excited to come back to campus and tell them all about what I did this summer. What made it even better was that they were excited to hear about it. I don’t think I would be the person I am now without them pushing me to be a better mathematician. Contreras: I love the small class sizes. Kaufman: The community that is there for me if and when I need them. Garling: I love how the teachers are honestly wanting the best for you and constantly make class enjoyable. They want you to do the best you can and learn all you can while you are here. They are very interested in where your future is going and care about each student individually. Neidlinger: My favorite thing about CSU is the relationship I have with my teachers and my friends. I have major-specific Computer Science classes with usually 10 to 15 students, and I am able to develop a great relationship with my teachers. I have appreciated the environment and feel that CSU gives, and I’ve made some great friends and formed some great relationships with my professors.

Photo: PJ Neidlinger, Peter Kaufman, Rebecca Jackson, Kaitlyn Vinson and Sydney Garling. Not pictured is Carla Contreras. Photo by Sydney Garling

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ver the course of 18 days in July, students and professors made their way through Switzerland, Austria and Germany to explore new cultures and apply insights to their craft through a study abroad program. Horton School of Music students visited and performed at sites associated with the Reformation, a religious movement of the 16th century, more than 500 years after it began. They performed at Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany; Grossmünster in Zürich, Switzerland; St. Pierre Cathedral in Geneva, Switzerland; and Thomaskirche in Leipzig, Germany. They also performed at the Mid-Europe International Band Festival in Schladming, Austria. Dr. Marshall Forrester, professor of music and director of bands, said the students also played music from Germanic lands that they studied during the past academic year from composers such as Johann Sebastian Bach, Felix Mendelssohn, Martin Luther, Arnold Schoenberg, Kurt Weill and others. “The visits and performances offered a synthesis of so many academic subjects

Walking through and around Dachstein Glacier towering high above Schladming, Austria. Photo by Ellen Young, Veni Vidi Cepi Photography

including music, photography, history, Christian studies, geography, sociology, foreign language and many more,” said Forrester. “It’s this type of immersion that connects the dots and reinforces formal instruction in the classroom.” Photography students, led by Edward Speyers, associate professor of graphic design, worked on-site in historic and natural locations, including the Berlin Wall. Ellen Young, a junior pursuing graphic design with an interest in photography, said that her favorite aspect of the trip was

learning about the culture each country possesses. “The diversity God created in this world astounds me, and traveling through different cultures and countries opens my eyes further to the creativity, glory and love of Jesus Christ,” said Young. “As a graphic designer, understanding different cultures of the diverse countries in this world is huge as I design and advertise to various audiences around the world and even in the U.S. with all of its diversity,” said Young. “Understanding your audience is crucial to being a good designer.”



SU announced the launch of its fully online undergraduate criminal justice program in August. The bachelor of science in criminal justice online program will be offered in seven-week semesters beginning January 2019 and is designed for the working professional. The master’s program is already available fully online. In addition, the university is offering a 20 percent tuition discount for any first responder/public safety officer who enrolls in the online criminal justice program. “As a 30-year veteran of law enforcement, I know the sacrifice these men and women make,” said Dr. Gary Metts, department

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chair of criminal justice/psychology/ sociology. “We added the undergrad online program to assist first responders with their schedules.” “I cannot think of a more tangible way to serve the community than to train our public servants,” CSU President Dondi Costin said. Personnel from Charleston Police Department, Summerville Police Department, Goose Creek Police Department, Hanahan Police Department, North Charleston Police Department, Berkeley County Sheriff’s Office, Pawley’s Island Police Department and North

Charleston Fire Department were present at the announcement. For more information on the program, go to charlestonsouthern.edu/criminaljustice.

First Responders attended the announcement of a 20 percent discount for the online criminal justice program.

Fall 2018, vol.28 no.3


MUSIC ALLOWS SLICE TO IMPACT LIVES By Jan Joslin / Photos by Molly Lawson of E Bea Photography


olly Slice deliberated between pursuing music or medicine until she discovered the field of music therapy. An entrepreneur, Slice owns Lowcountry Pianist & Company LLC, is an adjunct professor in CSU’s music therapy department, owns With My Song LLC, a music therapy services business, and is a music instructor. She said, “I’m grateful that my education at CSU provided the training to be both a professional musician and a licensed therapist.” Born into a musical family, Slice began taking piano lessons at 4. “When I was 6 years old, I performed piano in front of my first audience and shortly after I began to share piano music on a monthly basis with residents at an assisted living facility,” she said. “This became my first paid position as one of the residents would faithfully give me a quarter each visit!” She said, “From my earliest moments music has been a significant part of every day.” She even met her husband during choir at CSU. Slice said, “Music is how I express my faith, how I cope with stress, how I release creativity, how I am able to earn a living, and so much more.” After graduating from CSU in 2014, Slice was a full-time music therapist in inpatient psychiatric care for two years. As her schedule permitted, she accepted performance opportunities. In 2016, she left her full-time position and began Lowcountry Pianist & Company LLC and pursued parttime positions in music therapy, education and worship. “Business ownership has always fascinated me due to the potential for continued growth, the opportunity to continually learn and pursue new challenges and the ability to handpick team members,” said Slice. Lowcountry Pianist & Company is comprised of 20 musicians, some she met through CSU. The company offers piano, guitar, vocal, harp, cello and violin services and accompanists at professional performances from weddings to corporate events and more. Lowcountry Pianist & Co was honored this year as the solo and ensemble company in South Carolina

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Holly Slice

chosen for The Knot Best of Weddings. Slice said, “Our clients especially love our new portable baby grand that can be used at any indoor or outdoor event.” As an adjunct music therapy professor, she provides clinical supervision within special education and medical settings. Another recent venture is the creation of Taste of Crowfield, which provides Goose Creek area residents a fine dining experience

close to home with music provided by Lowcountry Pianist & Co. Keeping up such a pace would exhaust most people, but Slice finds it energizing because each outlet is rewarding. She shares that her faith, her husband, family, friends, a big dog, a planner and pot of coffee help her remain balanced. Despite the hectic schedule, Slice said she wouldn’t trade it because she has such amazing opportunities and memories. She said: • “I’ve had the privilege to provide music therapy services in the ICU with a church choir director who directed me in the hymn ‘Majesty’ as I stood at the foot of his bed. Although he was unable to speak, he had the opportunity to actively engage in music and express his faith just hours before he entered into heaven.” • “Private lessons allow me to train the next generation of pianists, and it is incredibly rewarding to see a student progress from learning one note to playing advanced selections with all 10 fingers.” • “Performances are humbling as I have the privilege to be present for the big moments in life: weddings, birthdays, funerals, ribbon cuttings, engagements, and more.” • “Finally, every Sunday I have the opportunity to lead the body of Christ in worship, giving opportunities ‘to praise the Lord through song with a rejoicing heart, giving thanks to Him,’” (Psalm 28:7).

Lowcountry Pianist & Company musicians /lowcountrypianist.com

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he typical route to the college presidency is through the ranks of academia. Charleston Southern University’s third president didn’t take the typical route. Growing up in a working-class family marked by plenty of love and laughter, going to college was just never a topic of conversation in Dr. Dondi E. Costin’s home. For first-generation college students, that is often the case. While attending North Carolina Boys’ State between his junior and senior years of high school, he encountered a cadet from the Air Force Academy who was there to mentor and recruit. The notion of attending college started with the thought that he could go to college for free and serve his country. That, and the insistence of his guidance counselor at E.A. Laney High School in Wilmington, N.C., that the valedictorian of the Class of 1982 should probably think about college. In the days before computers, applying to the Air Force Academy was a painful process

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that took several months of filling out a large stack of papers and completing multiple medical and fitness tests. He was accepted to several schools in North Carolina, but he and his mom decided he should at least give the Air Force Academy a try after all the hard work to get there. What he didn’t know was once you get to the Air Force Academy, it’s almost impossible to leave. “You get sucked into the culture,” said Costin. “And suffering alongside your buddies makes you want to stick it out with them.” Cadets finished the Academy in four years, no exceptions, and received a threeweek leave each summer to visit family. He found he loved serving alongside his fellow airmen, and his five-year commitment after graduation turned into more than 32 commissioned years in the Air Force. Tracing the unconventional path that Costin took to the college presidency starts in the home of a typical Southern Baptist boy. His eyes fill with tears when he talks about his deceased parents and the things he

and his sister learned around their kitchen table. His father, Sandy, was a deacon who owned a floor covering company. His father loved the Lord, his family and his employees. He modeled what a Christian businessman looks like. Costin’s mother was the center of gravity—a driven leader who loved the Lord and wanted others to do the same. As a Sunday School teacher, “She was the most dedicated teacher of any kind I’ve ever seen,” said Costin. “She wrote out page after page of notes every week; like everything else she did, she would have been a wonderful professor.” Costin said he was probably called to the ministry in high school, but since he never intended to stand in front of people and talk, he politely declined the Lord. Instead he studied operations research, the military’s version of industrial engineering, where he learned to analyze data and make processes better. “God said, I will let you be mildly disobedient on this issue, but I’m patient and will find you later,” said Costin. The

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Dondi and Vickey Costin join Orientation Team Leaders in welcoming new students on Move-In day.

Lord used the Boys’ State experience to get Costin to the Air Force Academy where he quickly had to learn how to make presentations and to be as persuasive as possible. He grew more confident as a result. After graduation, Costin received his first choice assignment, Eglin Air Force Base in Florida, picked solely for its proximity to Fort Walton Beach. The young man from near Wrightsville Beach, N.C., has never gotten the sand out of his system. While stationed at Eglin, Costin likes to say he met Mrs. Right at Wright Baptist Church. Vickey was a public school teacher. Her dad was a Southern Baptist deacon, and her mom was a pillar of the church. “Looking back, what made me who I am is my family of origin, the church, and being blessed to meet someone who was raised in a nearly identical Christian family,” said Costin. “Vickey has been a supportive, loving, model wife, and we have been married now more than 29 years. I cannot imagine life without her.”

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Becoming a Chaplain When Costin was a 2nd lieutenant, he was running and praying, a daily habit. He had been meditating on Exodus Chapters 3 and 4, where Moses makes the excuse to God that he can’t speak. As God told Moses, He told Costin; you’re going to talk, and I will help you. “I still have stage fright, but you learn to control it because you believe in the message,” he said. Costin felt called to be an Air Force chaplain from the very beginning. He earned two master’s degrees and was collecting credits in counseling that would help him on the path to becoming a chaplain. The typical path involved leaving the Air Force, attending seminary and returning to the Air Force down the road. Everybody said that’s the way you do it. But Costin said, “Is there another path?” He and Vickey set a fleece before the Lord: if he was stationed close to a seminary where he could complete the required master of divinity degree, they would stay

in the Air Force. If he wasn’t stationed close to a seminary, they would assume he had to get out. He applied to 16 different schools for a position as an AFROTC professor. He was awarded his first choice, Texas Christian University, 10 minutes away from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. The Southern Baptist Convention also told him he would need church experience before they would endorse him as a chaplain. He became a mission service corps volunteer and served as an assistant pastor in Newark, Texas, working alongside a pastor who was also an American Airlines mechanic. He was able to transfer in some credits, so it took him two years to obtain his degree. “At first, I didn’t let on that I was going to school before and after work because I wanted everyone to know I was 100 percent committed to my job,” said Costin. “I didn’t want my coworkers to say I was cheating the job, so I gave my all and then some.”

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Dr. Costin presents Maysia Miles with the doctorate he earned on her behalf as an illustration of the Gospel.

Armed with his seminary degree and experience, he went back to the Southern Baptist Convention. They told him others had been waiting longer than he had so he needed to get in line. “You and God need to get on the same page because that’s not what He is telling me,” said Costin. In the end, Liberty Baptist Fellowship endorsed him as a chaplain. Ten years to the month after he was commissioned, Costin became an Air Force Chaplain. Character Reference The Air Force took the Costins all over the world, but it all began as a 17-yearold two weeks out of high school. Retired Chaplain, Major General Charlie Baldwin met Dondi Costin in 1982. Baldwin was the new, young chaplain at the Air Force Academy, and Costin was a freshman in need of a mentor. “He’s one of those guys who is unforgettable,” said Baldwin. Baldwin describes him as a man of great integrity and humility. “He won an award in 1999, the U.S. Jaycees Ten Outstanding Young Americans Award. He never told the Air Force guys, never boasted,” said Baldwin. Baldwin, who now lives in Charleston, recently attended Costin’s Air Force retirement. “It was remarkable, the Chief of Staff of the Air Force, a 4-star general, officiated his retirement ceremony. The general awarded Costin the Distinguished Service Medal, the highest noncombat honor given. And, I bet Dondi didn’t come back and tell anyone at CSU that,” he said. Baldwin also has high praise for Vickey Costin. “In his journey, she sacrificed a lot,” he said. “When he deployed, she would be alone.” He laughs as he says, “One time I thought Dr. Costin had gotten a cat, but I found out

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he didn’t. So, he went back to perfect in my book.” The Climb to Higher Ed While Costin continued to rise through the Air Force ranks, he earned a total of five master’s degrees and two doctorates. Prior to arriving at CSU, Major General Costin was Chief of Chaplains for the Air Force and was stationed at The Pentagon. He also served as Armed Forces Chaplains Board Chairman, providing advice to the Secretary of Defense and Congress on issues related to the health and well-being of military members and their families. The Carter Baldwin Executive Search team assisted the CSU Board of Trustees in locating CSU’s third president. In their report to the Trustees, they reported: “The average tenure of a Chief of Chaplains is three to four years. It is impossible to do everything, and so as a leader, Dondi assessed where he could make a transformative impact. In 2004-2005, there was a movement to extricate religion from the Air Force. Airmen must be fit physically, mentally, and socially. Spiritual fitness was systematically being ignored. As spirituality and faith were continuously dumbed down, it was having a negative impact on airmen conditioning. Dondi launched the FaithWorks initiative and set out to demonstrate the connection between spiritual health and overall fitness. Utilizing existing research, he made the case that religion and spirituality are the center pole of the tent supporting all other manners of fitness. After making this case to his superiors, they rolled out FaithWorks through nine regions led by colonels around the globe that directly report to Dondi. Utilizing the academic literature and

the wisdom of the world to make the case and rejoin spiritual health to Air Force fitness will be the legacy he leaves upon his retirement.” Two experiences along his Air Force path shaped Costin’s future in higher education. The four years he spent as an ROTC professor gave him daily contact with students. Through that experience, he realized the seeds you plant with students pay off for generations to come. And his time as campus pastor for 60,000 college-aged students at Air Force Basic Military Training at Lackland Air Force Base in Texas, was his favorite job in the military. As he pondered what he would do after his Air Force career was over, he knew he wanted to stay in the “life change” business. “I wanted something that would allow Vickey and me the opportunity to impact students for God’s glory and their good,” said Costin. “The one place in the universe that turned out to be the best fit was CSU. We see it as the hand of God allowing us to invest ourselves here among some of the finest people on the planet.” The Costins were drawn to CSU because they saw that the university’s founding principle, the Great Commission based on Matthew 28:19-20, is the thread running through the institution from 1964 until today. The First Day of School On Monday, July 2, his first day on the CSU job, Costin requested a prayer service. He told the gathered crowd, “Vickey and I want to thank you for joining us on my first day of school.” He said becoming president of CSU joined a long list of jobs for which he has been completely inadequate, hence, his request for a prayer service. “There is no way it can happen unless God’s hand is in it and in us,” he said. Campus personnel quickly learned that Costin has a quick wit and an uncanny ability to remember names. He is remarkably humble. The two-star general, who most recently rubbed shoulders with some of the most powerful people in the country, introduces himself simply as Dondi. He spent his first few weeks as president meeting with campus departments. He dedicated himself to being a cultural anthropologist, learning a new environment, new culture and new lingo. He has learned that CSU has the same challenges every organization has. To describe his leadership

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style, he says, “if you take care of the people, they will take care of the mission.” Costin sees the time spent with campus departments as a good way for the new guy to hear from as many constituencies as possible. Coincidentally, the university’s strategic plan was at its natural end, so the campus administration is in the strategic planning process. “It’s a good time to look at the plan, see if it needs to be modified, examine our operations, look at ourselves as intensely as possible, make sure we are not resting on our laurels, and make sure we’ve not learned to tolerate pockets of mediocrity,” he said. He sees faculty, staff and coaches as critically important because they are the vehicle God most uses to embody His truth in a way students can see lived out in the classroom and beyond. “We are all on the same team developing leaders of character who will go into the world and change their spheres of influence for the glory of God,” said Costin. Costin said, “We already have mountains of data. We are sifting through it and building from where we are. This process allows us to hear from people, analyze the data, and develop actionable themes. From there we’ll prioritize our wish list, improve every day, and accomplish things that will make the biggest impact.”

Dr. Costin speaks at CSU’s Board of Visitors Network Breakfast.

A Sweet Team As an Air Force Chaplain, Colonel Greg Woodbury ’87 has worked with Dondi Costin for 24 years. He and his wife, Kathy Smith Woodbury ’85, are thrilled that their friends Dondi and Vickey are now serving at

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THE COSTIN FILE • His name really is Dondi. His parents named him for a movie based on a comic strip character, a war orphan named Dondi. • He was the Parade Grand Marshall for the North Carolina Azalea Festival in 2017 in his hometown of Wilmington.

Dr. Costin talks with students at CSU Night at the RiverDogs after he threw out the first pitch.

their alma mater. Greg said, “Dondi Costin is a courageous believer who is not afraid to proclaim Christ. Dr. Costin is incredibly intelligent. He is also a visionary. He is humble almost to a fault. But what really stands out about Dr. Dondi Costin is his unprecedented compassion and care for the well-being of others. “When I served as the Air Force Command Chaplain for the Middle East, Chaplain Costin came to visit our troops,” said Greg. “As I brought him to multiple locations, I watched people flock to him just to say hello. I saw Chaplain Costin approach people that he had not seen in 20 years and call them by their first name and ask about their families – all by name! It didn’t matter whether the person was the lowest or highest ranking Airman, Chaplain Costin modeled Christ-like love for them. I have no doubt that 20 years from now Dondi Costin will remember the names of those who attended Charleston Southern, and person after person will come forward to share a wonderful story of how Dondi and Vickey have touched their lives. They are not posers. They are authentic and genuine reflections of the love and grace of our Lord!” Kathy Woodbury said, “When I think of Dondi and Vickey, I think of real people who genuinely care for people and want to serve. They are a sweet team! Even with all they have accomplished they are just regular folks who enjoy fellowship and relationships!” The Costins may be regular folks, but there is nothing typical about the way they came to CSU or the impact they are already having on the university. As Dr. Costin likes to say, “Lord willing, the best is yet to come.”

• He carried the Olympic Torch in 1996 after winning the Dallas/Fort Worth Community Hero honors. • He has run 4 of the 6 major world marathons: Boston, Chicago, New York and Tokyo. • He says his claim to fame is he went to high school with Michael Jordan. • Tries to make it a habit to read through the Bible each year. He said, “Every time you read the Bible, even a passage you’ve read 100 times, there is always something new – not because the words have changed, but because you have changed. God is speaking to you through the same words that have been there for millennia.” • He reads one book at a time and rotates through history, biography and theology. And he says he has to finish a book he starts, even if he isn’t crazy about it. • He thinks the first sentence of Rick Warren’s book The Purpose Driven Life should be memorized by everyone as a good start to a philosophy of life: “It’s not about you.” • His favorite place he has lived is Hawaii, and he has an aloha shirt collection. • He calls his academic regalia Medieval Modern. • His favorite Scripture verse is Philippians 4:13. He said, “Though often misconstrued to make us think the Lord will help us do anything we put our mind to, the verse actually speaks to our contentment in Christ regardless of our circumstances.”

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3rd Presidential Inauguration, October 29, 2018 President Dondi E. Costin, PhD

What Only God Can Do

“I stand here today as a nobody who knows a Somebody who has taught all of us to serve everybody.� -Dr. Dondi Costin

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Family members of Dondi and Vickey Costin attended the Inauguration. Fall 2018, vol.28 no.3

“We hold the standard high to instill in our students – you really can be somebody different if you’ll just trust in the Lord – who wouldn’t want to do that for a living?” -Dr. Dondi Costin

“There is no more important charge, not only for the president but for all of us – don’t just say we believe, but walk out the fullness of our convictions, and love our brothers as ourselves.” -Senator Tim Scott ’88

“In a society becoming increasingly secular, it’s even more necessary for a Christian university to stand strong. Don’t settle for mediocrity.” -Dr. Dondi Costin Fall 2018, vol.28 no.3

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Winners of the Upper College Music Theater Men competition: Corbin Eakes, Jalen Smith, Jairus McClanahan and Luke Holt. Picture courtesy of NATS.


y the time Jairus McClanahan captured second place in the nation at the National Association of Teachers of Singing Conference in Las Vegas in late June, he had won at the state level, regional level, made it through the video submission round and through the live semifinal round. If that isn’t impressive enough, singers must compete with a repertoire of four songs in different styles. At each level, judges tell the students what to perfect and improve. McClanahan is the first Charleston Southern student to advance to the final round at the NATS competition. McClanahan sang “Wait for It” from the musical “Hamilton,” in the final round of competition. McClanahan said, “I’ve been competing for three years, but this was my first time getting this far. My goal was to make it through the semifinal round.” Finishing second and receiving a cash prize were just a bonus. McClanahan is a senior majoring in music

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performance. When the Greenville native arrived at CSU, he was planning to major in biochemistry. A hard year in biochemistry led him to do some soul searching. “I felt like God called me to do music,” he said, “and as soon as I changed majors, doors started opening.” McClanahan studies voice with Dr. Jennifer Luiken, professor of music, and is a regular performer at CSU and in the Charleston region. “The thing that stands out about Jairus’s voice is its versatility in a variety of styles,” said Luiken. “He has been gifted with many vocal colors, and he is learning how to best utilize them to his advantage. He also tends to be fearless about expression in performance and is focused on telling the story of the songs he performs. I’ve rarely seen him perform when he hasn’t displayed something new or more expressive than the time before. He’s just fun to watch!” He is a member of the CSU Concert Singers and Singing Buccaneers choral

ensembles and has been featured in Lyric Theatre productions on campus. He is slated to play the role of Pepper in “Mamma Mia” and will also be in “Beauty and the Beast” with Charleston Stage this year. On July 4th, he sang with the North Charleston Pops at Riverfront Park in front of 18,000 people. He also sings at weddings with the Emerald Empire Band. McClanahan’s goal is to make it to Broadway. “The NATS competition gives me exposure and something good to put on my resume,” he said. McClanahan credits the Horton School of Music with his success. “I always tell people I can sing anything if you give me the sheet music – all because of the Horton School of Music and Dr. Luiken.” He is considering attending graduate school in New York City. “I thank God for the opportunity to share my gift with the world,” said McClanahan. “I hope I can continue to pursue what I believe He’s called me to do,” he said.

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hlandrous Fleming can now count a gold medal among his accomplishments in a burgeoning basketball career. Fleming scored 10 points and added three steals to help Team USA defeat Argentina, 78-69, in the July 28 gold medal game of the 2018 International University Sports Federation (FISU) Pan Am Games in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Fleming, a sophomore marketing major from Athens, Ga., and the Athletes in Action squad downed Mexico and Brazil to advance to the championship game, and controlled the action to cap a memorable trip on the most memorable of notes. “I’ve had a lot of great accolades and experiences in my career, and I believe this is definitely one of the most memorable,” Fleming said. “This was just a great learning experience along with being a grand time. “I had so much fun meeting lots of different people and playing with new guys while also praising God through it all,” Fleming added. “God blessed me

tremendously with this opportunity, and I will never forget it - never.” Led by veteran AIA coach Morris Michalski, the AIA team also conducted a compassionate aid event serving the poor of Sao Paolo, washing feet and outfitting children with new shoes. Clinics and camps were also offered to the local community. CSU head coach Barclay Radebaugh knows Fleming’s experience was a special one that he will remember fondly in the future. “We are so thankful for the incredible experience Phlan has had with Coach Mo and AIA,” Radebaugh said. “To be able to represent the United States of America playing basketball is a unique opportunity not many athletes get. We are so thankful and happy for Phlan to have such a fantastic experience.” Fleming is part of a young returning nucleus for the Bucs’ 2018-19 squad. He earned a spot on the All-Big South Freshman Team last year while powering CSU to eight wins in its final 11 games.

“I’ve had a lot of great accolades and experiences in my career, and I believe this is definitely one of the most memorable.” – Phlandrous Fleming

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By CSU Athletics Media Relations

Volleyball team celebrates a win.

Volleyball honored six consecutive years Charleston Southern was one of 163 NCAA Division I institutions honored with the American Volleyball Coaches Association Team Academic Award for the 201718 season. The award honors volleyball teams who have maintained at least a 3.30 cumulative grade point average. The Buccaneers were honored for the sixth consecutive year as CSU’s players combined for a cumulative 3.49 GPA, including a 3.52 mark in the spring semester.

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Cody Smith

Anca Dumitrescu named new head women’s tennis coach Anca Dumitrescu has been named the new head women’s tennis coach. She has a strong coaching resume after leading championship teams at Miami University of Ohio, as well as Georgia Tech, East Tennessee State and Florida State. Athletic Director Jeff Barber said, “From her experience as both a player and a coach, she has proven herself to be a champion. After talking with some top college coaches around the country, it became very clear that she is the right person and coach to lead our program.”

Dumitrescu said, “College coaching has been my passion for many years now, and I am excited to continue the tradition of excellence of the Buccaneer women’s tennis team.” A Romanian native, Dumitrescu graduated from Florida State with bachelor’s degrees in communication and multinational business and a master of arts in communication. Cody Smith drafted by Pittsburgh Pirates Cody Smith, the recently graduated righthanded pitcher, has been drafted by major league baseball.

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Art Griffin

Dylan Patscot

Javis Howard

“I had been checking Twitter and seeing updates as to who was getting picked,” Smith said while coaching a Dixie team. “It was getting kind of late, and I put my phone away to start focusing more on the game, and then my phone rang. It was the Pittsburgh Pirates scout and he asked what I was doing. After that, he said, ‘Well son, we just drafted you in the 39th round. Congratulations, you’re going to be a Pirate.’”

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Howard signs with Plymouth Raiders of British Basketball League Javis Howard ’18 signed a contract with the Plymouth Raiders of the British Basketball League and reported to the team in late August. The 6-8 forward was a four-year contributor for the Bucs and now joins former teammates Saah Nimley, Cedrick Bowen and Will Saunders, among others, competing overseas. “It hasn’t even fully hit me yet, but it’s a big relief to know I’m going to get to play pro basketball,” Howard said.

Pair of golfers receive honors Art Griffin, senior, and Dylan Patscot ’18 have been named Srixon/Cleveland Golf AllAmerica Scholars. Just 266 Division I golfers earned the distinction, which honors those that have competed for at least three years, play in 50 percent of their team’s competitive rounds, hold a stroke-average below 76.0 and maintain a career GPA of at least 3.2. CSU was one of only three Big South Conference programs with multiple honorees. Griffin is returning to the Bucs this fall as a student assistant while he completes his undergraduate degree. He also earned a spot in the United States Amateur for the third consecutive year, held at the Pebble Beach Golf Links in August. “It’s great to see Art and Dylan recognized for their work on the course and in the classroom,” said head coach Jason Payne.

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HIGHLIGHTING SUMMER MISSIONS “I had the opportunity to be a kounselor to 12 and 13 year old girls and share the love of Christ with them as we did lake activities, ziplining, ropes courses, and a variety of sports. Serving the Lord this summer was so fulfilling and helped me realize how much satisfaction following the will of God can bring into your life.” Ciara Wallace, a music therapy major, served at Kanakuk K-7 Kamp

“One of the stops was in Puerto Rico where I was able to meet with a friend that I know from a previous trip (CSU’s spring break trip 2018). The highlight was the fact that I was able to spend some dear time with a very close friend (Nate Bramsen, right) all week in the conference as well as have the chance to spend the day with Pastor Ivan (middle) to talk and encourage each other in our lives!” “We evangelized in extremely remote fishermen villages and held outdoor revivals for the villagers. Most of my favorite memories were dancing in worship with the people for hours on end until the dust made it impossible to see anything but the Milky Way when you looked up. I realized in those moments that we are really all more similar than we are different, and that we are all following the same good God.”

David Dyer, a Christian studies with emphasis in biblical languages Greek/Hebrew major, served in the Caribbean

Sarah Parris, a communication major, served in Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe

“Being part of a team who went out and were the first to share truth with people mouth to ear who so desperately need that truth was both humbling and convicting and encouraging. Watching the power of the Holy Spirit as he gave us words when we didn’t have them and opened doors that we couldn’t was one of the best parts of the experience.” Moriah, a Christian studies and communication studies major, served in North Africa Photos provided

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wo Charleston Southern students served at Student Leadership University as interns this summer. Eric Addison, a Christian studies major and health promotion minor from Moncks Corner, was a media coordinator. Jonathan Lyons, SLU 101 & YPS program coordinator, said, “I was impressed by his problem solving skills and servant’s heart.”

Morgan Pheffer, a communication studies major and political science minor from Inman, was a registration and logistics coordinator. “Morgan impressed us with her balance of people skills, needed in registration, and detail management, needed in logistics,” said Lyons. Student Leadership University in Orlando, Florida, is a faith-based experiential leadership-training program

that empowers, enables and equips students to rise to the call of leadership and awaken their potential. SLU offers unforgettable experiences that equip students to change the way they think, dream and lead, both today and for the rest of their lives. SLU was founded by Dr. Jay Strack ’75 and is in partnership with CSU to produce Christian leaders. SLU is a member of the CSU Board of Visitors Scholarship Program at the Presidential Council level.

Eric Addison and Morgan Pheffer. Photo provided by SLU


STAFF AND STUDENTS RESTORE CHAPEL ORGAN By Jan Joslin/Photos by Jenna Johnson and Jan Joslin

Matthew Swingle tunes pipes with the assistance of Jacob Turner at the keyboard.

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hen the first notes from the organ in Lightsey Chapel sounded at the Combined Choral and Wind Ensemble Concert September 28, it was the first time the organ had been fully functional since it was damaged during Hurricane Hugo 29 years and 1 week earlier. As the years progressed since Hurricane Hugo, the Moller organ would face growing challenges with portions of the organ no longer playing, increasing damage to a large percentage of the pipes, troubles with the motor that provides the air to the organ, inconsistent tuning and some mechanical issues with the organ keyboard console itself. There aren’t many organ technicians around these days, so the approximate $100,000 cost to totally restore the Moller organ was prohibitive for the Horton School of Music. Matthew Swingle, adjunct faculty and staff member in the Horton School of Music, and students Jacob Turner and Cameron Buskirk spent around 50 hours repairing the organ – for free. Swingle, who is also director of music and organist at Advent Lutheran Church and maintains an organ maintenance and service business throughout the Lowcountry, felt driven to tackle the CSU organ renovation. He approached the HSM leadership to ask for a chance to finally revive the organ after almost 30 years. Turner, a music education major, describes himself as a big organ fan; he has been playing organ since he was 12 and wanted to play the Lightsey Chapel organ. He jumped at the chance to help Swingle restore it. In order to fully diagnose

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More about the Lightsey Chapel organ: • Pipe organs are divided into divisions – collections of pipes providing various choirs of sounds and colors • The pipes that are visible in the Chapel represent two divisions. There are five divisions total – three divisions are not visible. • The ideal environment for a pipe organ is a consistent temperature setting. Heat and cold affect the pipes, so the environment around the pipes stays around 72 degrees at all times, which is a very optimal temperature consistency for the organ.

the challenges of the renovation Swingle, Buskirk and Turner first had to crawl through the ranks and divisions of pipes and support systems, high in the side walls of Lightsey Chapel to determine what needed to be done. One of the main challenges they found was the pipes were not fully supported when the organ was first installed; therefore, many pipes had caved in under their own weight, prohibiting them from creating a full sound. They also uncovered minor mechanical issues with the pneumonic valves which provide air to the pipes to create a sound but nothing that would determine the organ unplayable. With enough time and patience, Swingle, Buskirk and Turner knew the organ could return to its previous glory and splendor. Swingle’s main objective in beginning the organ repair was recruiting students who are interested in traditional church music and the study of the organ. CSU already offers a contemporary-focused Music and Worship Leadership degree, but he believes this extra breadth in offering will attract even more students to study music at CSU. “Instruments and hymns are not going anywhere,” said Swingle. “We can put traditional instruments alongside or within a contemporary setting, and they can survive together.” Swingle said hundreds of organist jobs throughout the country go unfilled because there are not enough trained organists. “With a working organ, we will be able to recruit students who wish to learn traditional church music,” he said.

• The pipes that are visible can be tuned by standing on a tall ladder. Those which are hidden behind the mesh have to be accessed by climbing a backstage ladder and crawling through the catwalk across the ceiling of the Chapel. • To tune an organ, technicians must go through each pipe of every stop on the organ. • It takes at least two people to tune the organ: one at the keyboard and one or more working on each pipe. • The larger pipes can produce such a loud sound that the tuner must wear earplugs while working. • Organs should be tuned between two and four times a year. Swingle estimates that once the organ is fully functional it will take about 10-12 hours for each tuning. • An organ has two different types of pipes: flue pipes and reed pipes. By using different stops, the organist can create different combinations of sounds, timbres and tone experiences. • An accomplished organist can emulate a large ensemble through the single instrument. Swingle said, “That’s why the organ is referred to as the king of instruments.”

above: Matthew Swingle shows a small flue pipe. left: Matthew Swingle plays the organ.

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Class notes 1969

John “Giddy Up” Bunch, a fishing guide, received the Navy Distinguished Public Service Award for his work with Operation Open Arms, a nonprofit he founded in 2005. Operation Open Arms operates in Florida and Maryland and provides military personnel with fishing trips and other services. Bunch is a Marine veteran. He previously received the Army Outstanding Civilian Service Medal.


Wendy Strickland was named Colleton County School District’s Teacher of the Year. She teaches fourth grade at Forest Hills Elementary School.



Mark King has joined the Greater Greer Chamber of Commerce as interim president/CEO. He is the owner of King Consulting and is certified in QuickBooks software.

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Leslie Whitten, an attorney with YCRLAW, has earned the International Association of Privacy Professionals’ Certified Information Privacy Professional/U.S. credential. Her practice is mainly within the Workers’ Compensation group. She also speaks to groups about information privacy and cybersecurity and is a member of Toastmasters.



Susan Coggin Miller has joined her son Nic Spalviero ’12 as a Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage sales agent. They serve the tri-county area out of the new Greater Summerville/Nexton office. Susan recently completed her first career as a Charleston County middle school counselor.


Kirt Caton, M.D., has been named Chief Medical Officer by Select Health of South Carolina. He is responsible for market-based clinical leadership and execution of all health care affordability and clinical quality initiatives designed to achieve Select Health’s business goals. “It is exciting for me to take on this new challenge at Select Health,” said Dr. Caton. “I‘ve enjoyed my time here and look forward to new ways that I can contribute to our mission of helping people get care, stay well and build healthy communities, especially those in need.” He has been with Select Health since 2013 as medical director for Utilization Management. Prior to that he was a private practice physician with Palmetto Primary Care Physicians and has been an adjunct professor of family medicine at Medical University of South Carolina.

Ryan S. Sacko completed his PhD in Physical Education, Motor Behavior from the University of South Carolina in May and joined the Department of Health and Human Performance at The Citadel in August as an Assistant Professor.


Dr. Nina Davis MSCJ, assistant dean of students for the Career Center at CSU, has graduated from Leadership Discovery 2018, a leadership development program of the Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce.


Rodney Moore MEd has been named principal of Jane Edwards Elementary School in Charleston County School District. He most recently was CCSD’s Science Curriculum Coordinator. He has been awarded the CCSD Star Principal Award, the CCSD


Innovating School Award, the S.C. Department of Education Palmetto Gold and Silver School Award and Drayton Hall Middle School’s Teacher of the Year Award. Rebecca Lasley Shirer and Justin Daniel Gooding were married June 23 in Charleston. He works for Tabor Mortgage Group as a mortgage loan originator and is also a graduate of BB&T University’s Leadership Development Program. They live in Charleston. Irene Rose Smith and Zachary Joseph Yereb were married May 19 in Summerville. Irene is the owner of Once Upon a Party, and the couple lives in Summerville.


Jessica Bair-Epps and her husband, Matthew Epps, who graduated from NYU in 2007, announced the birth of a son, Warren Edward Epps born Oct. 10, 2017. Joy Fenton, and her husband, Jason, announce the birth of a son, Maxwell Roman Fenton, born Jan. 3. He was welcomed home by big brother, Noah, 8, and big sister, Evelyn, 6. Dr. Jermaine Whirl MBA has been selected to the 40 Under 40 Class of 2018 by Georgia Southern University’s Alumni Association. Whirl is vice president for learning and workforce development at Greenville Technical College. Prior to working at GTC, Whirl was dean of the School of Business and the School of Art & Design at

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Gwinnett Technical College and a visiting instructor of management and a special assistant to the chair at Georgia Southern University.



Eric Hanson and his wife, Kelslie, announce the birth of a daughter, Kaia Ellery Hanson, born March 31, 2017.

John Paglia III recently was named to Ocala Magazine’s 40 Under 40 list. Paglia is owner and general manager for Florida Express Environmental and United American Recycling Services in Ocala, Florida. He and his wife, Kimberly, have two sons: John IV and Rocco. Prior to joining his family’s company, Christin Donnelly Rogers was Paglia played arena football for named assistant principal of the San Jose SaberCats. He was a College Park Elementary School in member of the CSU football team. Ladson in January 2018. Kimberlee Clark has joined Carolina One Real Estate’s new Launch Program in the Orleans Road office in Charleston. She previously worked in customer service for GEICO Insurance Company and was a job trainer with Goodwill Industries.

Renee Linyard-Gary MBA was named to the Charleston Regional Business Journal’s 40 Under 40 list. She is director of access health tri-county network for Roper St. Francis Healthcare.


Jim Coman MBA is the new Vice President of Finance for Linden Construction in Charleston. Previously he was Senior Vice President for Healthcare Trust of America Inc. M.G. Mitchum has been named Vice President for Information Technology for Trident Technical College. He has worked at Trident since 1994 and is responsible for the college’s information infrastructure and the online learning platform. Robbie Nichols has been named Retail Area Manager of Ameris Bank for the South Carolina market. He previously was a business banker and branch manager for the West Ashley and Summerville branches of Ameris Bank.

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Clayton Davenport MBA - Finance has joined CresCom Bank as Assistant Vice President and Greenville Branch Manager. Clayton previously served as Branch Manager at Allsouth Federal Credit Union. Arlon Harper has been named an assistant coach with the CSU Men’s Basketball team. Harper played for the Bucs from 20112015 and is CSU’s fifth all-time leading scorer and also ranks top-10 in steals (2nd), made field goals (T-6th) and made threepointers (6th). Harper is one of only four players in league history with over 1,500 points, 450 rebounds, 250 assists and 225 steals. For the last two years, he has been an assistant coach at his high school alma mater, Woodward Academy. “We are really thrilled to add Arlon to our staff, and he has prepared himself well for this opportunity,” head coach Barclay Radebaugh said. “Arlon was a coach on the floor and played with amazing toughness and a great basketball IQ. He flat out knows how to play the game and is going to be able to impart that to our players.”

STAY CONNECTED! Send us news about family additions, job changes, etc. To include a photo, email a high resolution jpg. (If you send a professional photograph, please include permission to print from the photographer.)

Class Notes: Email your news to magazine@csuniv.edu Address change: Email csudevelopment@csuniv.edu Name change: Email register@csuniv.edu Follow the Alumni Association on Social Media:



Marvel Carreon Monzon announces the birth of a son, Daniel Alejandro Monzon Jr., born March 4.


Jeremy Severn is featured in the summer 2018 issue of Azalea Magazine for his business, Severn Made Supply Company, a leather goods company. He taught himself to work with leather when he created a journal as a project for his graphic design minor at CSU. You can learn more about his products at severnmade.com.


Shelby A. Ivery is the owner and founder of Ivery Solutions. They are a local family owned and operated moving and cleaning company. She lives in Charleston. Chris Johnson, also known as Kolpeace, recently created his art for a documentary show which turned out to be “Undercover Boss,” with Jewel. He joined her Handmade Holiday Tour last year. He is planning to attend graduate school at Savannah College of Art and Design.

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in memory James Ronald Carter ’04, age 60, died Jan. 4 in Ritter. He worked for Boeing. George Calvin Conoly ’72, age 72, died June 17 in Richland. He was retired from the state of South Carolina, had been a real estate agent and was a U.S. Army veteran. He was a member of the CSU Board of Visitors. Jay Paul Frickman ’11 MBA, age 57, died May 10 in Charleston. He worked for AT&T and was a published author. Myra Ann Jinks, age 80, died Aug. 2 in Charleston. She was an assistant in the CSU Library for 31 years.

Margaret Shirley Isaacs Mead, age 95, died Aug. 18 in Charleston. She and her late husband, Percy Orian Mead Jr., were cofounders of the university. Memorials may be made to the P.O. Mead Jr. & Margaret I. Mead Endowed Scholarship at CSU.

Gary David Swanger ’70, age 70, died Sept. 15 in Moore. He worked for J.M. Tull Metals Company and was a founder and co-owner of Carolina Metal Supply. He had been a member of the CSU Alumni Association board.

Dr. Stanley Nabors Parker, age 66, died Sept. 26 in Tennessee. He was a counselor at Branches Christian Counseling. He was formerly the dean of students and dean of the Evening College at Charleston Southern. He was also a U.S. Army veteran.

Rev. Stephen D. Vassar ’74, age 68, died June 5 in Columbia. He had been pastor of North Columbia Baptist Church for 38 years.

Herbert McRoy Skipper Jr. ’71, age 74, died Aug. 29 in North Carolina. He was an accountant with WebsterRogers and was chairman of the Tidelands Health Board of Trustees. He served a term on the CSU Board of Trustees and was a member of the CSU Board of Visitors.

Stanley Welch ’74, age 66, died Aug. 18 in Sumter. He and his wife owned Stanley Welch Clothiers.



he university family mourned the passing of friend and former Trustee, W. Floyd Whitfield, who died July 28. Longtime supporters of Charleston Southern, Whitfield and his wife, Shirley, have continuously provided strong leadership and generous financial support for the university. Whitfield, president of The Whitfield Company, was a member of the Board of Trustees search committee which selected Dr. Jairy C. Hunter Jr. as CSU’s second president. The university granted Floyd Whitfield an honorary doctor of humanities degree in 1991. Hunter, president emeritus, said, “Dr. Whitfield has been a driving force behind CSU’s success in providing academic excellence in a Christian environment. Floyd

served on the Board of Trustees for 20 years. He and his family have always been very special friends to the university.” The Whitfield’s financial support to the university includes: the Whitfield Stadium Center, the Whitfield Center for Christian Leadership, the Singleton Baseball Complex and the Health Science Building. The Whitfields are also members of the Legacy Society and are President’s Gold Club Lifetime members. President, Dr. Dondi Costin, said, “The W. Floyd Whitfield Endowed Scholarship will continue to provide scholarship support in perpetuity for countless CSU students. The impact of the Whitfield family’s investment in educating future generations of leaders will only be fully known in eternity.”

W. Floyd and Shirley Whitfield at the dedication of the Whitfield Center for Christian Leadership in 2013

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he Stackpole-Hall Foundation granted CSU’s Physician Assistant program $25,000. The Foundation supports organizations and institutions in areas of education, health care, cultural, youth development, social welfare, environmental and community development needs. John Saalfield Jr. of Mount Pleasant is a trustee for the foundation. He noted CSU’s diversity numbers ranking higher than many other institutions in the state as well as “an enriched academic environment with a unique Christian base.” President Dondi Costin said, “The money goes right into the hand of the student. We are grateful for that.”

Pictured are: Karan Sorensen, director of academic technology and grants; Scott Wade, director of didactic education; Dr. Dondi Costin, president; John Saalfield Jr., Stackpole-Hall Foundation, and Gabby Poole, director of the physician assistant program. Photo by Jenna Johnson



lumni, who were either helping with move-in on Aug. 17 or were moving in their children, attended the BBQ Bash in the dining hall. Pictured are: Togor Gado ’16, Brittani Watkins ’16, Alicia Doyle ’14, Richie Fowler ’12, Andrea Krigbaum ’10 and her daughter, Madeline Krigbaum, Bucky, Michael Logsdon ’17, Walter Brigman ’11, Mark Roberts ’83 and his daughter, Mackenzie Roberts, and Lindsey Walke ’10. Photo by Sol Basconcillo

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On the Road HOUSTON

Meet some Charleston Southern alumni living and working in Houston. CSU Magazine asked alumni to tell us their favorite places to visit and eat in the Houston area and some favorite things about their neighborhoods. Read on to discover things to do when you take a trip to Houston. The next city we are visiting on our road trip is Dallas. If you are a BCC/CSU alumnus living and working in the Dallas area, let us know at magazine@csuniv.edu.

Andrew Copeland ’03 I work as a mechanic for AJ Foyt Racing who competes in the IndyCar Series. Houston is a huge place, but I live near downtown with my wife, Leslie, and two little girls, Isabel and Aviva!


Best Place for Dessert:

Children’s Museum of Houston and The Houston Museum of Fine Arts

The Chocolate Bar

Best Place for a Meal: Too many!:). Houston has it all! From TexMex to burger joints, Vietnamese to pizza, etc. I would say check out Brasil, an old Houston staple that’s been around for many years. Great place for brunch, coffee, to chill and hang out.

Favorite Free Activity: Miller Outdoor Theater, Buffalo Bayou park and trails. Favorite Thing about My Neighborhood: Close to work and daycare Favorite Landmark/Tourist Attraction: Discovery Green Park in downtown.

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Ashley Foster ’03 I’m excited that CSU Magazine is featuring Houston because this is where I grew up! After I graduated from CSU in 2003, I moved back to Texas and earned my master’s degree in education from Texas A&M. Then I worked for several years as a fourth grade teacher. In 2014, my husband, Chris, and I welcomed our first daughter, and I quit my teaching job to be a stay-at-home mom. Now I stay home with our two girls Lydia, 4, and Clara, 2


Favorite Museum:

Best Place for Dessert:

Because it is unique to Houston, I recommend Space Center Houston (in front of Johnson Space Center). A bit of advice, if you take one of the tram tours, (they offer two) take the long one. You get to see the original mission control room!

For cake I would say Dessert Gallery Bakery and Café. They have cakes by the slice as well as other yummy goodies. If you prefer pie, House of Pies is a well-known Houston destination. They are a 24-hour diner style restaurant.

Best Place for a Meal:

Favorite Free Activity:

This is a tough one to answer because, like Charleston, Houston is actually a great food city. Obviously, there’s wonderful Tex-Mex options, (We love the chains Papasitos or Lupe Tortillas. They have the best fajitas!) but when we want something with good food and a relaxing atmosphere, we like to go to Backstreet Café. They serve American bistro style food, and their Sunday brunch features live jazz music!

Miller Outdoor Theatre. Located in Houston’s Hermann Park, it features topnotch concerts and plays. We’ve enjoyed seeing the Houston Symphony perform. Favorite Thing about My Neighborhood: I live in the Southeast region of Houston, and I love the NASA influence on our area. We have people from all over the world who live here, and it’s not uncommon for an astronaut to be your neighbor. Favorite Landmark/Tourist Attraction: Definitely the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo (HLSR). It’s the largest livestock show and rodeo in the world, and the whole city gets excited about it. It has everything: bull riding, calf roping, a carnival, and great concerts (not just country music!). It happens during the end of February to the middle of March.

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Baby Bucs 1


TO SUBMIT YOUR BABY BUCS PHOTO: Email a picture of your Baby Buc wearing the shirt to alumni@csuniv.edu. Pictures should be 1MB in size or larger, in jpg format.




7 9


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Daniel Alejandro Monzon Jr., son of Marvel Carreon Monzon ’15 Jackson John Montgomery, son of Lauren Montgomery and Seth Montgomery ’15 MBA Emma Dawn Miller, daughter of Amanda Miller and Benjamin Miller ’16 Adelynn Mae McNeill, daughter of Ashley Shoemaker McNeill ’14 and Zachary McNeill ’15 Bodie Zayne Kingry, son of Alexis Davis Kingry ’07 and Matthew Kingry Kaia Ellery Hanson, daughter of Kelslie Hanson and Eric Hanson ’11 Lyla Raine Dorfeuille, daughter of Ann DuPre Dorfeuille ’14 and Charles Dorfeuille Maxwell Roman Fenton, son of Joy Fenton ’08 and Jason Fenton Warren Edward Epps, son of Jessica Bair-Epps ’08 and Matthew Epps

32 CSU magazine


TO ORDER A SHIRT CSU graduates, if you have a child under the age of 2, let us know at alumni@csuniv.edu, and we will send a CSU onesie for your Baby Buc. The shirt is free; all we ask in return is a photo of your Baby Buc for the magazine.

Fall 2018, vol.28 no.3


Honor Roll of Donors We are grateful for the many alumni, friends, businesses and churches Your generosity is the seed that transforms lives. Our students are who donated so generously during the 2017-2018 fiscal year. Your gifts grateful recipients of your gifts, large and small. truly made a difference in the lives of CSU students and the campus community. If you have any questions, please contact the Development team at csudevelopment@csuniv.edu or call 843-863-7513. Thank you!



Members of the Board of Trustees are elected by the South Carolina Baptist Convention for a term of five years. The board oversees the formulation of policy necessary and appropriate to accomplish the university’s mission and vision. Ryan Ashley ’06, ’09 Danny R. Blackwell Ronald E. Brantley Charles W. Carpenter ’84, Vice Chair W. Russell Drake Larry T. Driggers Randy E. Eller Wendell R. Estep Kenneth M. Evans Beau Ganas Troy W. Herndon ’69 Julia Martin Christopher T. Niebuhr

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Denetria Norman Thomas L. Rhodes ’75 Brice R. Richardson Chad Rickenbaker ‘96 Timothy J. Spurling Johnny E. Ward Jane Warren Kathy W. Weiss Timothy W. Whitfield Jerry M. Williams, Chair R. Scott Woods Fred A. Yohe

Established in 1982, the Alumni Board assists graduates in staying in touch with the university and investing in the future of their alma mater. Mahaliah B. Campbell ’82 Daniel W. Cross ’90 Amanda E. Davis ’97 Denise J. Deveaux ’96 Andre M. Dukes ’01, ’06 Brian F. Hyder ’98, ’17 Ronald S. Jaicks ’93, Vice President

Nicholas N. Kemper ‘11,’13 Lecius L. Moorer ’00 Shannon M. Phillips ’95 David R. Weiss ’03, President Esther L. Wilkins ’91 Lauren L. Young ’11, ’17

WOMEN’S COUNCIL Through fundraising projects, the Women’s Council provides scholarships to worthy students. Amy Bryant Patti A. Childress Holly R. Cross ’92, ’02 Phyllis J. Evans Linda Fick Nancy Gunter Roni Haskell Sissy Hunter ’88 Jean B. Inabinet ’77 Susan R. Johnson ’70 Elaine Ling ’73 Denver Malcom Key Cynthia T. Masters ’73 Claudette L. McCall ’73 Morgan D. McCall ’12 Linda Mock

Amy Niebuhr Kathy Raynor Anne Russell ’71 Christina Sineath Peggy G. Sineath Karan J. Sorensen ’86 Willie Dell Taylor Joyce Tyler Sandra B. Ward Joan Wheeler Alina Whitfield Shirley D. Whitfield Debra B. Williamson Kaye P. Wren Susan Yohe

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Honor Roll of Donors BOARD OF VISITORS SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM The Board of Visitors Scholarship Program enables donors to participate personally with the university and its students. It is a channel for the involvement and networking of distinguished citizens and leaders who are interested in furthering the university’s mission and providing assistance in the areas of scholarships, planning, promoting and resource development. Four levels of giving opportunities are available.



Each member serves a two-year term and contributes a minimum of $10,000 annually. Member benefits: title sponsorship for BOV scheduled activities, meet and discuss key issues with members of the Board of Trustees, the president and senior cabinet members and private social gatherings.

Each member serves a three-year term and contributes a minimum of $5,000 annually. Member benefits: advise and support a particular college or school; have the opportunity to interact with faculty in member’s area of interest, and if appropriate, speak to students or serve on discussion panels, and an invitation to attend selected social gatherings with dean and faculty.

Kenneth M. Betsch, Betsch and Associates, Inc. Jesse F. Bullard, BB&T Todd Bulwinkle, Trident Construction Co., Inc. Manuel L. Cohen, Cohen Family Foundation Trust Thomas Collins, Allied Universal Protection Services Dondi & Vickey Costin Kenneth M. Evans, Lord & Evans Group Peter Friessle, Polydeck Screen Corp. Michael R. Harmon ’70, Southend Reclaimed Vintage Wood & Brick Wilbur E. Johnson, Young Clement Rivers, LLP Mike LeFever, S.C. Independent Colleges & Universities Robert A. Maginn, Jenzabar Foundation Ernest ’72 & Cynthia ’73 Masters Nathan McCarthy, Baptist Foundation of S.C. Robert F. Motley, IOA Thomas “Dusty” Rhodes ’75 Wendy Rolader, Pepsi Bottling Group Ron G. Smith, McMillan, Pazdan, Smith, LLC Timothy & Susan Spurling Brian Stark, Barnes & Noble College Booksellers Jay H. Strack ’75, Student Leadership University Shirley Whitfield, Whitfield Family Charitable Trust Jeffrey Wildes, Wildes Financial Strategies R. Scott Woods, S.C. Federal Credit Union

Guy Artigues, Pleasant Places Chip Crane, Hill Construction James A. Davis W. Russell Drake Herbert L. Drayton, Vertical Holdings Randy E. Eller Maria Elliott, Knight Printing & Graphics Richard W. Furman, Watuga Surgical Group, PA Todd Gallati, Trident Health System Jose Gonzalez Johney L. Haralson ’69 Richard & Elizabeth Hogue Carolyn D. Hunter, C&A Unlimited, Inc. Stephanie Mangini, Volvo Cars Stewart Mixson, Charleston Men’s Chorus Scott Peters, Healthcare Trust of America Byron A. Reid ’72 Boyce L. Smith Mark Steiner, WFF Facility Services Kevin B. Welch Jeff C. Whittington Mary F. Williams ’81 Robert J. Williams S. Craig Young, Truss Link, Inc.

BOV - LEADERSHIP COUNCIL Each member serves a four-year term and contributes a minimum of $2,500 annually. Member benefits: access to selected outstanding seniors who possess potential as future employees. Harold H. Adams ’69 Michael K. Alford ’95, Beyond Wealth, LLC Don Balderson, Bank of America Kenneth Battle, S.C. Commission for Minority Affairs William P. Brantley ’68 Jason H. Brittain Dave Bruner, East Cooper Baptist Church Philip L. Byrd ’76 R. Jason Caskey Cary Chastain, Moe’s SW Grill George C. Conoly ’72 Jeff Cook, Jeff Cook Real Estate F. Rudolph Cullum, Cullum Services Inc.

34 CSU magazine

Larry & Sally Driggers Stephen ’79 & Jana Edgington Anthony G. Fountain ’85 Chris Fuller Beau & Lindsey Ganas, Chatterbox SLP Nicholas B. Gavalas, Gavalas-Kolanko Foundation Angel M. Gonzalez ’16 Dennis L. Gore ’78, ’14 James & Jeanne Griffin Keith A. Hewitt ’71 John A. Hodges, Low Country Painting, LLC David Morrow, CresCom Bank Erica L. Nanke ’08, Deloitte Foundation

William H. Neely, M.B. Kahn Construction Co., Inc. Christopher & Amy Niebuhr D. W. Palmer Bert Pooser, IMIC Hotels Sandra Rabon, Sandra Rabon Allstate Agency David W. Ramey, LS3P Associates, LTD. Burton N. Reese ’02, Carolina Business Supply, Inc. Neil C. Robinson, Nexsen Pruet, LLC Deborah V. Spencer ’02 David & Amy Stasiukaitis, Lowcountry Case & Millwork, Inc. Brent J. Tatum, Mosquito Squad of Greater Chas.

Fall 2018, vol.28 no.3

BOARD OF VISITORS Each member serves a four-year term and contributes a minimum of $1,000 annually. Board meetings are scheduled in March and October with spouse outings available in conjunction with the meetings. Member benefits: Invitation to the President’s Club Dinner, the spring Scholarship Luncheon, a quarterly networking breakfast and additional university events. Michael L. Able Sr. Tessa S. Adams ’90 Manda W. Ala ’13 Lester M. Anderson Derrick V. Apple ’06 Ted P. Armstrong ’15 Barry S. Armstrong ’68 Craig Ascue W. Stanley Ashburne William T. Ashby Ryan Ashley ’06, ’09 William D. Ashley Billie F. Attaway Jr. David Baggs Charles R. Bailey Jr. Charles C. Baldwin John N. Ballenger ’04 Reid Banks Linda L. Barnett Martin J. Barrier Paul B. & Diane Barton Donald E. Baus Jr. John W. Beasley ’71 John E. Black ’72 Robert L. Blackmon B. Scott Blackmon Franklin C. Blanton William A. Blanton John G. & Barbara Boatwright Tony A. Boatwright Paul S. Bolen Thomas R. Bolt Josephine B. Bonnette A. Kennerley Bonnette Jim Brantley Gary D. Brantley Ronald E. Brantley Diana Braunbeck Tim J. Breckenridge ’10 Richard B. Brewer ’77, ’96 Robert J. Brinson David Brinson David C. Britt ’07 Patrick ’96 & Caroline ’95 Brown David G. Brown Henry E. Brown Marcus D. Bryant ’14 Michael L. Bryant ’95 James G. & Jean Burgess Chad C. Burn ’02 Edwin C. Burrell ’68 Shiloe N. Burzinski ’96 Joseph N. Byron ’73 Barbara H. Caldwell Robert A. Caldwell Mahaliah B. Campbell ’82 Daniel M. Campbell Lalla Lee Campsen Timothy Cardwell Richard K. Carlisle Eric Carlson Paige Carlton Charles W. Carpenter ’84 Daniel C. Carter ’87 Brent A. Case William E. Cashion II ’71

Fall 2018, vol.28 no.3

Wade T. Caughman Enid R. Causey ’73 Kay C. Cauthen Scott Cave Kevin R. Chafin Converse A. Chellis Reginald Chesson Patti A. Childress Paul S. Coker ’92 Larry Collett William C. Collins Henry G. Condon Jack M. Condrey Jr. Brian Cook Sarah Corbin Erik B. Corcoran ’15 Brett A. Corder Gene M. Corvino ’04 Scott J. Corvino ’90 Mary E. Cosby Daniel W. & Holly Cross William C. & Rilla Crothers Terry Cunningham William B. Daniel ’71 Richard B. Daniel ’92 Kevin & Susan ’13 Danko Brad Davis Jonathan D. Davis John E. Day Jr. Rick Day Bryan & Gail Derreberry Denise J. Deveaux ’96 E. Robinson Dewey Ronald E. DeWitt ’70 Daniel R. Dickerson Troy ’02 & Laurie Diel Rex M. Divine ’85 Robert L. Dougherty ’71 James & Heather Downs Trenton G. Drafts ’05, ’10 Roseann W. Drew Dennis E. Drew Brian Driver James M. Drolet ’89 Carol J. Drowota Andre M. Dukes ’02, ’06 Ralph A. Dunn ’82 Dave Eckert Harriett P. Edwards ’72 R. Malcolm Edwards Shawn Edwards Thomas W. Edwards ’75 Aaron M. Eller Rebecca J. Engelman Carol S. Etheridge ’79 Terry ’81 & Belinda Ezell B. Keith Faulkner ’98 Stephanie Feals Jason T. Fick ’14, ’16 Timothy H. Fick Thomas Fimian Gerald M. Finkel Jacqueline T. Fish Stephen W. Fitchett ’79 Fleetwood L. Fleming Jr. ’81

Gerald Footman Kimberly C. Ford ’10, ’17 Sandra L. Ford ’16 Daniel C. Forsberg Kenneth Foster Marion E. Freeman Jr. ’78 Bill Frehse Michael J. Frost ’69 Thomas M. Fulmer ’71 Daniel D. Fultz James C. Furman Faythe R. Furman Jasmine T. Gamble ’18 Stephanie L. Ganaway-Pasley ’06 Samuel E. Gandy ’76 Daniel Garard Patrick M. Garner Preston E. Garrett ’75 Robert V. Gerber Anthony G. Giuliani Henry Givens Ronnie M. Givens Walter A. Glenn ’82 Stephanie Godfrey Emily A. Goodman Bill Goodwin Jr. Kevin Goral Timothy N. Grant Bernard A. Grant ’68 Richard L. Gritzuk Stephen L. Gritzuk ’04 Larry K. Grooms Dent Guarino Terry J. Gunn Michael Gunther William A. Haigler ’71 Joseph M. Hall ’81 John L. Hall Tony E. Hall Troy B. Hall ’11 Patricia Hambrick Robert E. Hammel Randolph H. Harley Denise B. Harmon ’98 William C. Haselden Sr. Dowm L. Hawley Samuel W. Hayes Kristopher P. Head ’05 David G. Hearne Paul J. Heinauer Troy W. Herndon ’69 Joseph A. Hinske ’92 Van D. Hipp Jr. Michael & Tiffiny Hladczuk Rosemary M. Hodges Dale Hoelz Andrew J. Hogue ’70 James E. Hoisington Patricia L. Hollon ’81 Paul K. Hooker Jackie Horton John F. Hostetler ’96 Francis R. Howard Robert ’74 & Susan ’76 Huckaby Charles Hudgens

Jairy C. Hunter Jr. Jairy & Christine Hunter III Douglas L. Hunter Randall A. Hurt ’11 Leonard Hutchison Wilson V. Inabinet ’72 Randy N. Jackson Ronald S. Jaicks ’93 Michael Janaskie James K. Jarrett Alfred Jenkins Frances D. Johnson John Johnson Kirby L. Johnson ’09 Neil H. Johnson ’71 Tony Johnson William W. Johnson Keith J. Jones ’03 C. David & Paula Jones Ruthie M. Jordan ’81 Mary Joseph Jason S. Jurkowski ’99 Jessie B. Kapaldo ’07 Teri L. Karges ’14 Lane S. Kelley Thomas M. King ’14 Bryan Kingrey Jeremy A. Kirtley ’15 Judith C. Kneece Hetz Luther C. Knight ’73 Laura E. Knotts Carl D. Kolts Michael J. Kreft Tara Kutzli Amy D. Langton ’02 Ryan Laquiere Marian M. Larisey Kim G. Leazer Tom Leonard Jared K. Lethco ’09 Kenneth & Stephanie LeVan Michael E. Leverette ’78 Elaine L. Ling ’73 John Ling Linwood L. Ling Dinos Liollio Michael Lisle Michael A. Logsdon Tanya F. Lott ’99 Jennifer L. Luiken C. Dale Lusk Carrie L. Lutes ’06 Rob Roy MacGregor ’08 Elizabeth S. Mahaffey ’02 Emory & Lisa Main William R. Malley James Mallory Robert L. Marchant Julia & Steve Martin James T. Martin Jr. Franklin G. Mason Paula J. Matthews ’82 Stewart D. Maurice ’68 Vanessa T. Maybank Claudette L. McCall ’73 Nicholette L. McCall ’07

CSU magazine 35

Honor Roll of Donors BOARD OF VISITORS Shawn McCarthy Jack N. McCathern Sr. Steve McCullough James H. McDaniel Robert L. McDaniel Douglas G. McElveen Michael N. McGinty Forrest H. McIntyre Wesley P. McKenna George McLeod Troy A. McLeod Elizabeth L. McMaster Louise R. Meade ’94 Jean Meeks-Koch Andreea T. Meier Gary A. Metts James R. Metts George W. Metz Kylon Middleton Karen Miller Kip D. Miller Samuel J. Miller ’73 Richard W. Mills ’71 Cecil Mills Janet I. Mims ’82, ‘99 Bryan Mise John Mitchell Joyce P. Mixson Frank Mobley Victoria A. Montgomery ’04, ’09 Michael Moody Brooks P. Moore ’70 Jason C. Moore Lecius L. Moorer ’00 Kyra Morris Lynn Myers ’87 Mary E. Myers ’08 James B. Myers Robert J. Nagy Rodney R. Neal ’76 Susan S. Nichols ’79 William D. Nicholson II ’84 Christopher W. Nickels Wendell L. Nolan ’81 J. Edward Nolan Brian Roney & Amy L. Nolan-Roney ’94 Denetria Norman Fred K. Norris III Gregory A. Norton Robert H. Nuttall Jr. Tamara M. Odom ’03, ’08 Robin S. Olds ’12

Robert W. Orr ’70 John D. Osborne ’02 Bobby F. Ott Dana P. Painter ’84 Bennett Parks Jim Pascutti Margaret L. Payne David K. Perry Melissa B. Peterson Shannon ’95 & Amberle ’11, ’18 Phillips Kathleen H. Plummer ’08 Jean-Pierré ’10 & Rebecca ’09 Poisson Gabrielle L. Poole Tony Pope Cecelia E. Poplin ’98 Richard W. Porter ’76 Karrie S. Powell ’01 John H. Pratt ’70 Robert L. Pratt David Price Mary V. Propes Albertine Radding Todd Rampley John C. Ramsey ’73 Robert S. Randall Charles Reed Douglas A. Reeves William Renfrow Robin Rhea Jeanine G. Rhodes Charles F. Rhodes Sr. Allison Rhyne N. Kelley Richardson Russell W. Richardson ’08 David Richmond Chad Rickenbaker ‘96 Mark W. Rieman Robert D. Robbins Christopher S. Roberts ’94 Michael & Kimberly Roberts Malcolm N. Robinson W. William Rogan Arthur J. Rooney Jr. ’74 James P. Rooney Sr. ’72 Rotary Club SummervilleLunch & Evening Margaret H. Rush Anne M. Russell ’71 Claudia W. Sanders Linda A. Sartori-McCallister ’00

Vito A. Scarafile Michael Schmidt Kurt Seguer Douglas M. Senter Ellen T. Senter ’68 David Severt Elizabeth T. Shealy Alex Shi David & Christina Sineath Peggy G. Sineath Donald Smith Lawton R. Smith Mark M. Smith Raymond C. Smith Jr. Walter W. Smith ’82 Whit Smith Shellie W. Snider ’86 Euclides Solivan McKenzie Solomons Shawn D. Sommerkamp Karan J. Sorensen ’86 James D. Southern Edward J. Speyers Annis A. Staley Walter C. Stanton III ’82 Mark W. Stanton Michael E. Stavrinakis ’86 Jim Stelling Susan M. Stevens ’16 Gregg Stewart Philip A. Stiles ’92, ’94 Jeremy M. Stipkala Alexander D. Stone John G. Strubel Jr. ’11, ’14 Jonathan Sullivan Brent W. Suttles ’08 Gary D. Swanger ’70 Joseph F. Tallon ’69 John P. Tankersley III ’88 Ann S. Taylor Shirlie Taylor ’81 Gerald Tekac David E. Thiem ’05 Dannielle D. Thomas ’06 Anthony B. Thompson Denny V. Thompson ’91 Oscar L. Thompson III ’71 Kevin Townsend Chuck Troiani Geneva A. Turner ’85, ’89 J. Floyd Tyler

James D. Varn James & Elizabeth Walker Harold H. Wall Weldon E. Wall J. Frank & Kay Ward Johnny E. Ward Jane Warren Bill Watts Josh Watts Roderick L. Weader ’71 William A. Weathersbee David R. Weiss ’03 Gregory T. Welch ’03 Hubert H. Welch Jr. Hubert H. Welch III ’03 J. Scott Wells Frank Wells Stephen Wenger Cady N. West ’15 Lamar West Brunson M. Westbury Barry Whalen William A. Whatley Jermaine Whirl ’08 William G. White Sr. Stuart Whiteside John L. Wiggins III ’75 Stacy E. Wiggins ’93, ’98 Charles A. Williams Henry Williams Jerry M. Williams Margaret R. Williams Michael G. Williams Michael & Mevelyn Williams R. Greg Willis Darren Wilson James C. Wilson John ’90 & Mary Wilson Mark Wise W. Stovall Witte Jr. Patrick Wolf Steve Wray Joe R. Wren C. Ray Wrenn Mela Wyeth John W. Wyndham James F. Yanney Fred A. Yohe Joe Young Lauren L. Young ’11, ’17

BUC CLUB BOARD OF DIRECTORS Each member assists university athletics through planning, promoting and securing resources for the athletic program. Members serve a four-year term and may serve additional terms without interruption. Members contribute a minimum of $1,000 per year. BOD PRESIDENTIAL $10,000+ Dondi & Vickey Costin Sam Kelly Roger ’74 & Joyce Nielsen, Abbey Color, Inc. Todd Tononi, Atlantic Bedding Group

36 CSU magazine

BOD EXECUTIVE $5,000+ Juan Acevedo, Acevedo Restaurants Kristine Crevani Robert Feldbauer Jr. ’95, ’97 Mark Hood, Hood Construction Co. Inc. John M. Kammeyer ’74 Levoy K. McCray ’89

BOD CHAMPION $2,500+ M. Kevin Alford ’95 Gage M. Blue Danny Croghan ’15 Brent A. Dennison ’09 Larry T. Driggers Archie Franchini ’73 Judith C. Kneece Hetz

Robert Hetz Chris Kuhn Thomas Mourehaimis John Paglia Gordon & Jennifer Ray Gene & Kathy Schwarting Gerald Tekac

Fall 2018, vol.28 no.3

BOD COACH $1,000+ Tonya A. Brannon L. Mac Anderson Ryan M. Ard ’09, ’11 David Baggs Nathan C. Ball ’06 Jeff Barber Thaddeus J. Bell Luke Blackmon Margaret & Ann Bostwick William M. Bostwick Jr. Chuck Bowers Darrell Bragg J. Alex Bragg ’09 Michael L. Bryant ’95 Douglas D. Bullard Joseph J. Calandra Douglas R. Cargill ’69 D. Clark Carter ’87 Laurence A. Clair ’69 Clayton W. Coffman ’09, ’10 George H. Croft ’69

Daniel W. Cross ’90 Jay L. Davis Tyler ’11 & Corie Davis Charles C. Davis ’70 Jamie & Heather Downs Trenton G. Drafts ’05, ’10 Kent M. Eddy ’96 Marc P. Embler ’79 Steven F. Essig ’86 Dee & Michelle Evans Marsha L. Evans ’11, ’16 Jacqueline T. Fish Kevin W. Futrell ’89 Brian & Patti Graves Dent Guarino William D. Hardee ’87 Troy W. Herndon ’69 William R. Hiers ’69 C.J. Hirschman John T. Hulvey, Jr., M.D. Jimmy & Brenda Hunter Jairy & Sissy ’88 Hunter Jr.

John R. Inabinet ’71 Ronald S. Jaicks ’93 Harry W. Jenner Darrell L. Johnson Wilbur E. Johnson Christopher M. Lanoue ’05 Todd Lawton Michael E. McCann ’07, ’11 Jim ’04 & Marcie McElheny Janet I. Mims ’82, ’99 Travis M. Moore Anthony D. Moore ’07 Brooks P. Moore ’70 Scott P. Mullen ’08 J.W. ’09 & Beth Myers ’08 Byron & Sue NeSmith Jose’ A. Noy M. Jeanette Osoki ’83 Jerry & Gail Owens Betty Palmer Jason C. Payne Rachel Potts

Barclay & Hope Radebaugh Stonewall Randolph ’09 Ryan L. Robertson ’07 Kurt S. Seguer Ned & Nancy Shows Rachel C. Simpson ’07 Kevin Slack Antwan M. Smalls ’02 Kevin Smoak Edward Spiecha Chuck Stark RJ Swindle ’04 Soyini A. Thompson Robert E. Tisdale ’70 Mark & Wendy Tucker William L. Ward ’90 William A. Weathersbee Cady Nell West ’15 Justin D. Witzmann ’09 James L. Wyrosdick ’70

LEGACY SOCIETY Each member of The Legacy Society has remembered the university through a bequest intention, charitable trust, life income plan, life insurance, or other estate planning technique. Membership is activated when the donor notifies the university that he or she has made the commitment. Anonymous* Beth (Worthy) Adamczyk ’88 Harold H. Adams Jr. ’69 Robert W. Ashby* Florence S. Atkinson* Durwood J. Barton* John E. ’72 Black and Linda Alford-Black David Baggs Dr. Tony ’69* and Mrs. Susan Blanton Dr. and Mrs. Ken Bonnette David G. and Lynda M. Brown Dr. Joseph N. ’73 Byron Jr. and Mrs. Catherine C. Byron Barbara Horton Caldwell Daphne B. Capps Bill ’71 and Kathy Cashion Patti A. Childress George C. Conoly ’72* Mary “Mayna” Cosby Dondi and Vickey Costin Dr. Daniel W. Cross IV ’90 and Mrs. Holly R. Cross ’92, ’02 W. Russell and Vicki Drake Roseann Drew

Dr. Carol J. Drowota R. Aaron Dunn ’82 Dr. Kenneth M. and Mrs. Phyllis J. Evans Dr. Terry H. ’71 and Mrs. Belinda Ezell Robert C. ’69 and Marian G. ’69 Gallager Thomas C. Garrett Wayne D. Goodwin ’70* Bernie Grant ’68 Patricia A. Haile Mr. Troy B. ’11 and Mrs. Vickie Hall Dr. Greg ’00 and Mrs. Lili Gresham ’02 Hiser Dr.*and Mrs. John A. Hamrick Mr. and Mrs. James E. Hoisington Jackie and Earlene Horton Dr. Jairy C. and Mrs. Sissy ‘88 Hunter Jr. Jairy C. Hunter III, MD and Christine L. Hunter, MD Daniel J. Inabinet ’84* Mr.* and Mrs. Harold Johnson Ruth M. Jones* L. Celestina Lang ’98

Dr. Marian M. Larisey Elaine L. Ling ’73 Dr. and Mrs. James T. Martin Jr. Dr. Franklin G. Mason Mr. and Mrs. Kip Miller Brooks P. Moore ’70 Mr. Julian C. Moore* Lecius L. Moorer ’00 Berlin G. Myers* William D. ’84 and Debra K. ’86 Nicholson Fred K. Norris, Jr.* Steve and Micki Ogburn Gene* and Freda* Ott Mr.* and Mrs. C. Ronald Payne Marjorie E. Peale* Rob ’85 and Nancy ’85 Pierce John ’73 and Jane Ramsey Byron A. Reid ’72 Dr. John B. Rhodes* Dr. Johnny G. Rumbough ’81 and Mrs. Valerie English Rumbough L.H. Rowell* Robert H.* and Nina* Ritter Harry ’75* and Nan* Schickling

Dr. Lloyd E.* and Peggy G. Sineath Bill* and Alice* Southern Jim and Pat Southern Porter* and Elona C. Stevens Jeremy M. and Codey Stipkala Mr. and Mrs. James H. Stovall Dr.* and Mrs.* Otto M. Strock Lt. Col. Joseph F. ’69 and Mrs. Martha Tallon Dr. Gloria Thiem and Mr. David Thiem ’05 Dr. Geneva Anne Turner ’85 ’89 Dr. Johnny E. and Mrs. Sandra B. Ward Ann H. Way Dr. and Mrs. Bert Welch Dr. Brunson M. Westbury Mrs. Debra Williamson William G. White Sr. Floyd* and Shirley Whitfield Timothy W. Whitfield Fred L. and Susan R. Worthy Ernestene P. Youmans* Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Zeigler Sr. *deceased

ESTABLISHED S CHOLARSHIP FUNDS The following scholarships were established in the 2017-2018 fiscal year to assist students in achieving their dream of a top-quality education. The Jemima M. Backman Funded Scholarship The Thomas C. Garrett Endowed Scholarship

Fall 2018, vol.28 no.3

The Rob and Nancy Pierce Family Endowed Scholarship The William G. White Sr. Endowed Scholarship

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Honor Roll of Donors LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP OF PRESIDENT’S CLUB The President’s Club program recognizes the lifetime giving of individual donors who have contributed $25,000+ and ensures that we remember those who through their generosity have been so vital to the university’s success. President’s Gold Club Life Members $1,000,000+ Barbara H. Caldwell W. Floyd & Shirley D. Whitfield President’s Silver Club Life Members $250,000-$999,999 Harold H. ’69 & Cookie Adams T. Walter Brashier Patricia Brewer Wayland & Marion Cato Kenneth M. & Phyllis Evans Michael J. Frost ’69 Jairy C. & Sissy ’88 Hunter Jr. Franklin G. Mason Judy McAlhany Joyce P. Mixson David E. ’05 and Gloria J. Thiem Johnny E. & Sandra Ward Joan Wheeler Jeff C. Whittington President’s Bronze Club Life Members $100,000-$249,999 Bob Condra Sarah Corbin Jairy & Christine Hunter III Carolyn D. Hunter Robert A. & Ling Maginn James R. & Carol Metts J. Edward Nolan Margaret L. Payne David W. Schimpf ’81 Peggy G. Sineath Timothy J. & Susan Spurling Lucile Sullivan Geneva M. Walters William A. & Bonnie Weathersbee President’s Club Life Members $25,000-$99,999 M. Kevin ’95 & Beth Alford W. Boyd Altman Jean Ashby John D. & Jane Atchison Alfred Atkinson

Charles R. & Belle Bailey Ronald S. Banks Paul & Diane Barton Timothy Bennett Kenneth M. & Kay Betsch G. David & Mary Ann Bishop John E. ’72 & Linda Black Linda Blackmon Danny R. Blackwell William A. & Lily Blanton A. Kennerley & Josephine Bonnette William P. & Carol Bowers Ronald E. & Marcia Brantley Kenton C. & Donna ’97 Brasher Richard B. ’77, ’96 & Catherine ’89 Brewer Henry E. & Billye Brown James M. Brownlee ’92 Rusty E. & Sandra Bruns Bobby R. & Susan Bryant E Carl ’68 & Nancy Burrell A. A. Burris Marion P. Busch ’71 Joseph N. ’73 & Cathy Byron C. E. Bourne & Co., Inc. Joseph J. Calandra Richard & Kay Carlisle R. Jason Caskey Celek & Celek Construction Manuel L. & Eleanor Cohen William T. Cone Iris Conoly Mary E. Cosby Dondi & Vickey Costin William B. ’71 & Susan Daniel Richard B. ’92 & Elizabeth Daniel Diamond Hill Plywood Co. W. Russell & Vicki Drake Dennis E. & Lynn Drew Roseann W. Drew Larry T. & Sallie Driggers Carol J. Drowota Thomas W. ’75 & Linda Edwards R. Malcolm & Sandra Edwards Randy E. & Ruth Eller George E. ’94 & Judith Epps

Steven F. Essig ’86 Archie Franchini ’73 Peter Freissle James C. & Dolores Furman Richard W. & Harriett Furman Thomas C. & Wanda Garrett Frank Garvin Sue Geesey-Jean Ronnie M. Givens Emily Goodman Paul N. Gordon Dennis L. ’78 & Elizabeth Gore John L. & Nancy Hall Jane Hamrick F. William & Rhonda Hargrove Michael R. ’70 & Cindy Harmon Troy W. ’69 & Linda Herndon Frances F. Holliday Francis Humphries Shawn A. ’95 & Jocelyn Jenkins JM Smith Foundation Jeryl W. & Diane Johnson Vera F. Johnson John M. ’74 & Vicky Kammeyer Richard C. ’69 & Brenda Kay Leland & Lane Kelley M. Tucker & Helen Laffitte Hugh C. Lane Marian M. Larisey M. B. Kahn Construction Co. Inc. G. Dwaine & Becky Malphrus Larry S. Malphrus O. Dale & Effie Malphrus Ernest L. ’72 & Cynthia Masters Joe L. Mayes Elizabeth H. McConnell Levoy ’89 and Carla ’91 McCray Douglas G. & Jennifer McElveen John F. McGee Charles D. McKittrick ’75 Kip D. & Kim Miller Richard W. ’71 & Mary ’70 Mills Brooks P. Moore ’70 Pamela C. Moore Richard & Polly Moore Herbert Murray

Marlena Myers Thomas W. & Anne Myers Joseph T. Newton III Edna C. Nichols Roger S. & Joyce Nielsen John Norris Bobby F. & Glenda Ott James L. & Barbara ’91 Parker Bert & Jodye Pooser Hugh W. Preacher Mary V. Propes John ’73 & Jane Ramsey James R. Ray ’80 Byron A. ’72 & Sandra Reid Paul G. & Marcia Reitzer Thomas L. Rhodes ’75 Jeanine Rhodes Charles F. & Joey Rhodes James E. & Marlene Roberts Malcolm N. & Joanne Robinson Mary E. Ruppert Anne M. Russell ’71 Tom & Mildred Salisbury Claudia W. Sanders Thomas Schimpf Walter W. ’82 & Rene ’81 Smith Boyce L. & Barbara Smith James D. & Patricia Southern James H. & Gloria Stovall Ann S. Taylor Oscar L. ’71 & Toni Thompson Betsy Thrash Robert E. ’70 & Elizabeth Tisdale Geneva A. Turner ’85, ‘89 William L. ’90 & Darlene Ward Kevin B. Welch Brunson M. Westbury Mary F. Williams ’81 Robert J. Williams Charles A. ‘77 & Vicki Williams Franklin H. ’71 & Debra Williamson W. Stovall & Jan Witte Mela Wyeth Fred A. & Susan Yohe Benjamin Yoo Melvin K. Younts Sr. Anita G. Zucker

IN HONOR OF/IN MEMORY OF The university receives gifts from individuals and companies who wish to honor or remember a friend or family member. In Honor of… Beyond Wealth, LLC Michael K. Alford ’95 CB & Peggy Blackwell Paul B. Barton Bobbie H. Caldwell & Horton Family Barbara H. Caldwell Mary Glenn Calhoun & Ann Edwards Alford Michael K. Alford ’95

38 CSU magazine

The Collins Family Amy Elizabeth J. Collins Dr. Patricia Hambrick James W. Ross Keegan, Rhett & Daisy Hiser Liliane B. Hiser ’02 Sandra Hughes Retirement Martha F. Barkley

Dr. and Mrs. Jairy C. Hunter Jr. George E. Atkins ’80 Maureen E. Atkinson Oluleye H. Babatunde David Baggs Susan F. Ball Danny R. Blackwell Andrew J. Blauch Katherine E. Braeuer Julia Bullard Daphne B. Capps Robert R. Carbonaro ’92 Timothy Cardwell

Daniel C. Carter ’87 Kevin Coriolan Christian C. Cox ’13 Amanda L. Croft ’98 Sarah M. Croft ’08 Thomas Deso Larry T. Driggers Carol J. Drowota Rena L. Finley ’68 Jacqueline T. Fish Archie Franchini ’73 Richard W. Furman Brittany E. Gordon

Fall 2018, vol.28 no.3

Edward D. Gravely Justin A. Grieves Rebecca K. Hanckel Hope S. Harrison ’88 David E. Hart Sean T. Hayes ’08 Julie M. Henderson Reginald W. Hicks ’78 Robert E. Holman ’73 Susan Y. Huckaby ’76 Stephen D. Hudson Michele A. Jones Jason S. Jurkowski ’99 Robert J. King ’79 Kenneth Lyerly ’72

Drew C. Meadows Stephen J. Mulware Dana P. Painter ’84 Pamela J. Poelker Gabrielle L. Poole James M. Rhoton Brice R. Richardson Sharon D. Richmond Julia A. Simms ’77 Carlyle Singletary ’74 Joanna Slider Karan J. Sorensen ’86 Dale W. Stier Dannielle D. Thomas Thomas E. Thornhill

Lynn E. Thorsell ’02 J. F. Tyler Elizabeth Valentine Wilma L. Walke ’10 Melinda A. Walker ’81 William L. Ward ’90 Brittani J. Watkins ’16 Alexandria R. Watson Donna Weldon Cady N. West ’15 Sandra West Fred L. Worthy Scott D. Yarbrough

In Memory of….

Dr. Vladimir Dostal Office 136 Richard L. Gritzuk

Edward A. Gadson Michael E. McCann ‘07, ’11

Dr. Charles Starkey Fay A. Smith

Betty J. Hall John L. Hall

Rev. Clyde McCants Joseph H. McNeill ’77

Barbara Goldson Danielle M. Stallings ’03

Bob & Nancy Barton Paul B. Barton

Deanna Y. Avant Freddie Hill

Billy Mobbs Viriginia A. Mobbs

Dr. Charles Starkey Johan W. Van Der Jagt

William P. Boyd Jr. Josephine B. Bonnette

Victor Lawson & David Cuttino Rebecca A. Hogan ’76

Lewis E. McCormick Mullins First Baptist Church

W. Edward Corbin Katie Ward

Freda T. Ott Ethel L. Croft

Freda T. Ott Carolyn K. Hunter ’88

Dr. Charles Starkey Darlene Perner

W. Edward Corbin Harrison Ward

Esther Touchberry Ethel L. Croft

Esther Touchberry Wilburn Hutto

Dr. Charles Starkey Stacey L. Potora

Emily L. Westbury Brunson M. Westbury

Dr. Robert H. Edwards Ethel L. Croft

Sharonda Singleton Maurice A. Johnson

Dr. Charles Starkey Betty W. Ragan

Dr. Charles Starkey R. B. Whitney

Sharonda Singleton James E. Dickerson

Frances F. Jurkowski Jason S. Jurkowski ’99

Dr. Charles Starkey D. C. Roberts

Sharonda Singleton Michael Wildt

Harper Drolet - the Hugs for Harper Fund James M. Drolet ’89

Esther Touchberry Henry Kuznik

Harold L. Johnson CBA Society of Singers

Douglas R. Queen Michelle Williamson

Dr. Charles Starkey Richard D. Lollis

Daniel Lukacs 2014 Jonathan L. Sircy

Dr. Thomas Marion Calhoun & Mr. J.P. Edwards M. Kevin Alford ’95

Christopher N. Singleton James E. Dickerson Bruce Smith #53 Class of ’97 Bruce L. Smith J. Scott Wells Robert J. Williams Bill White Deborah W. Ewers Blake Wilson-Football ’15-’16 Big South Champs Blake A. Wilson ’17

Glenn Rogers, Love, Sonia Sonia Errthum

DONORS – JUNE 1, 2017-MAY 31, 2018 Society of 1964, $1,000,000+ South Carolina Baptist Convention

Trident Construction Co., Inc. Young Clement & Rivers LLP

The Elms Society, $250,000+ Estate of Freda T. Ott

Clif Jones Club $10,000+ Allied Universal Protection Services Atlantic Bedding Group Ayco Charitable Foundation BB&T BB&T Item Processing Center Kenneth M. Betsch T. W. Brashier Manuel L. Cohen Kenneth & Phyllis Evans Michael R. Harmon ’70 Troy W. Herndon ’69 Jairy C. & Sissy ’88 Hunter Jr. Jenzabar Foundation JM Smith Foundation Robert F. Motley Network Integration Corp. Palmetto Tile Distributors, Inc. Pepsi Bottling Group Thomas L. Rhodes ’75 SC Federal Credit Union

John A. Hamrick Club, $100,000+ Shirley D. Whitfield, Whitfield Family Charitable Trust Lettie Pate Whitehead Fnd., Inc. Jairy C. Hunter Jr. Club $25,000+ Baptist Foundation of SC Barnes & Noble College Booksellers Wayland & Marion Cato Celek & Celek Construction Coastal Community Foundation of SC CSU Women’s Council Carolyn D. Hunter Metro Electric Co., Inc. Roger S. Nielsen ’74 Roper St. Francis Healthcare SC Christian Foundation Oscar L. Thompson ’71

Fall 2018, vol.28 no.3

SC Independent Colleges & Universities Derek L. Smith ’11 State Farm Comp. Foundation Ann S. Taylor Roy A. & Wendy Tetreault Trojan Labor Wando Redimix LLC Brunson M. Westbury Robert J. Williams Founder’s Club $5,000+ Michael K. Alford ’95 Darrell Bragg Ronald E. Brantley Charleston Men’s Chorus Kristine Crevani Dorchester School District Two W. Russell Drake Herbert L. Drayton Carol J. Drowota Randy E. Eller Maria Elliott Steven F. Essig ’86 Robert J. Feldbauer ’95

Funding for Teams, LLC Richard W. Furman Gavalas-Kolanko Foundation Patricia A. Haile John L. Haralson Ins. Agency Inc. Healthcare Trust of America Hill Construction Services Charles J. Hirschman Richard & Elizabeth Hogue Hood Construction Co. Inc. Maurice A. Johnson Norris L. Laffitte Christopher M. Lanoue ’05 Franklin G. Mason Stewart D. Maurice ’68 Milliken & Company Pleasant Places Publix Super Markets Charities Byron A. Reid ’72 RIL Administrators, Ltd. Neil C. Robinson Rockley Family Foundation Ron G. Smith Trident Medical Center LLC

CSU magazine 39

Honor Roll of Donors DONORS – JUNE 1, 2017-MAY 31, 2018 Truss Link, Inc. William A. Weathersbee Kevin B. Welch WFF Facility Services Jeff C. Whittington Mary F. Williams ’81 President’s Club $1,000+ Michael L. Able Acevedo Restaurants, Inc. Harold H. Adams ’69 Manda W. Ala ’13 Allstate Foundation L. Mac Anderson Aramark Barry S. Armstrong ’68 Arthur J. Gallagher Foundation W. Stan Ashburne Ryan Ashley William D. Ashley David Baggs Bank of America Banks Construction Company Nancy R. Barendse Martin J. Barrier Paul B. Barton Kenneth Battle Donald E. Baus Robert Behringer Aubrey J. Bell Berlin G. Myers Lumber Corporation B. Scott Blackmon Robert L. Blackmon Franklin C. Blanton Gage M. Blue Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Ribbon Vending Tony A. Boatwright Paul S. Bolen A. Kennerley & Josephine Bonnette Justin A. Bragg ’09 Tonya A. Brannon Marcia Brantley William P. Brantley ’68 Brantley Construction LLC Tim J. Breckenridge ’10 Richard B. Brewer ’77 Robert J. Brinson Jason H. Brittain Roddy Broadnax David G. Brown Michael L. Bryant ’95 James G. Burgess ’72 Chad C. Burn ’02 Edwin C. Burrell ’68 Philip L. Byrd ’76 Joseph N. Byron ’73 CAE Healthcare Joseph J. Calandra Barbara H. Caldwell Robert A. Caldwell Daniel M. Campbell Timothy Cardwell Douglas R. Cargill ’69 Richard K. Carlisle Eric Carlson Paige Carlton Carolina Chillers, Inc. Carolina One Real Estate Charles W. Carpenter ’84 Daniel C. Carter ’87 William E. Cashion ’71 R. Jason Caskey

40 CSU magazine

Enid R. Causey ’73 Scott Cave CEMS Engineering Inc Charleston Baptist Association Charleston Southern University Cary Chastain Chastain Construction, Inc. Chick-fil-A - Rivers Avenue Patti A. Childress City of North Charleston Frances Clark Paul S. Coker ’92 Gary Collins Henry G. Condon Jack M. Condrey George C. Conoly ’72 Daniel Constantakos Brian Cook Jeff Cook Sarah Corbin Brett A. Corder Mary E. Cosby Dondi and Vickey Costin George H. Croft ’69 Daniel L. Croghan ’15 Daniel W. Cross ’90 William C. Crothers Cullum Services, Inc. D. L. Scurry Foundation Richard B. Daniel ’92 William B. Daniel ’71 Brad Davis Charles C. Davis ’70 James A. Davis Tyler H. Davis Dawley Surveying Company LLC John E. Day Deloitte Foundation Bryan S. & Gail Derreberry E. Robinson & Kathy Dewey Ronald E. DeWitt ’70 Daniel R. Dickerson James E. Dickerson Dorchester County Medical Society James C. Downs Trenton G. Drafts ’05 Dennis E. Drew Roseann W. Drew Larry T. & Sallie Driggers Brian Driver James M. Drolet ’89 East Cooper Baptist Church East Cooper Outboard Motor Club Dave Eckert Kent M. Eddy ’96 Stephen G. Edgington ’79 Edward L. Edwards ’72 R. Malcolm Edwards Thomas W. Edwards ’75 Enterprise Holdings Foundation Esdacy, Inc. Carol S. Etheridge ’79 Dee Evans Terry H. Ezell ’81 B. Keith Faulkner ’98 Thomas Fimian Jacqueline Fish Fleetwood L. Fleming ’81 Kimberly C. Ford ’10 Sandra L. Ford ’16 Forms & Supply, Inc. Daniel C. Forsberg Kenneth Foster

Anthony G. Fountain ’85 Archie Franchini ’73 Marion E. Freeman Bill Frehse Friends of Bonnie Doone Daniel D. Fultz James C. Furman Kevin W. Futrell ’89 Beau Ganas Samuel E. Gandy ’76 Patrick M. Garner Preston E. Garrett ’75 Gerald’s Tires Robert V. Gerber Melanie M. Glenn Walter A. Glenn ’82 Angel M. Gonzalez ’16 Jose Gonzalez Emily A. Goodman Kevin Goral Dennis L. Gore ’78 Bernard A. Grant ’68 Timothy N. Grant Brian E. Graves James H. Griffin Richard L. Gritzuk Stephen L. Gritzuk ’04 Dent Guarino Mark Guhne Zachary T. Hagaman ’15 John L. Hall Joseph M. Hall ’81 Troy B. Hall Robert E. Hammel Jane Hamrick Johney L. Haralson ’69 Randolph H. Harley Dowm L. Hawley Samuel W. Hayes David G. Hearne Paul J. Heinauer Heritage Trust Federal Credit Hendrick Automotive Robert Hetz Keith A. Hewitt ’71 William R. Hiers ’69 Joseph A. Hinske ’92 Van D. Hipp James Hobbs John A. Hodges Rosemary M. Hodges Dale Hoelz Diomede F. Hollingsworth Patricia L. Hollon Paul K. Hooker Jackie Horton Charles Hudgens Sandra H. Hughes ’89 John T. Hulvey Jimmy Hunter Wilson V. Inabinet ’72 Randy N. Jackson James F. Pedersen Co., Inc. James K. Jarrett Alfred Jenkins Darrell L. Johnson Frances D. Johnson Neil H. Johnson ’71 Wilbur E. Johnson William W. Johnson Bradford L. Jones ’02 C. David Jones Jason S. Jurkowski ’99

John M. Kammeyer ’74 Teri L. Karges ’14 Joanne J. Kassis James Kelson Judith C. Kneece Hetz Richard C. Knight ’79 Laura E. Knotts Michael J. Kreft Seth P. Kupferman Amy D. Langton ’02 Todd Lawton Kim G. Leazer Tom Leonard Kenneth B. LeVan Michael E. Leverette ’78 Limehouse Produce Company John Ling Michael A. Logsdon Tanya F. Lott ’99 Lowcountry Case & Millwork, Inc. LS3P Associates C. Dale Lusk Carrie L. Lutes ’06 Rob Roy MacGregor ’08 Emory S. Main James Mallory Robert L. Marchant James T. Martin Julia Martin Ernest L. Masters ’72 McAlister-Smith Funeral Home Claudette L. McCall ’73 Shawn McCarthy Jack N. McCathern Levoy K. McCray ’89 Steve McCullough Robert L. McDaniel Douglas G. McElveen Forrest H. McIntyre Wesley P. McKenna Troy A. McLeod Elizabeth L. McMaster McMillan, Pazdan, Smith LLC Barbara Mead Meeks Construction Co., Inc. Gary A. Metts James R. Metts George W. Metz Cecil Mills Richard W. Mills ’71 Janet I. Mims ’82, ’99 Joyce P. Mixson Virginia A. Mobbs Victoria A. Montgomery ’04 Michael Moody Brooks P. Moore ’70 Jason C. Moore Travis M. Moore Morgan Stanley Kyra Morris David L. Morrow Paula S. Mullen Mary E. Myers ’08 Lynn Myers ’87 Robert J. Nagy Erica L. Nanke ’08 National Christian Foundation Georgia National Christian Foundation Alabama Rodney R. Neal ’76 Susan S. Nichols Christopher W. Nickels Christopher & Amy Niebuhr J. Edward Nolan

Fall 2018, vol.28 no.3

Amy L. Nolan-Roney ’94 & Mr. Brian Roney Denetria Norman Fred K. Norris North Charleston Baseball Gregory A. Norton Robert H. Nuttall Ochlocknee Ventures, LLC Tamara M. Odom ’03 Bobby F. Ott Jerry E. Owens Dana P. Painter ’84 Palmetto Primary Care Physicians Palmetto Roost Chapter of the AOC Margaret L. Payne David E. Perkins ’06 David K. Perry Shannon M. Phillips ’95 Kathleen H. Plummer ’08 Jean-Pierré G. Poisson ’10 Gabrielle L. Poole Bert Pooser Tony Pope Cecelia E. Poplin ’98 Richard W. Porter Post & Courier Foundation Karrie S. Powell ’01 Robert L. Pratt Progressive Waste Solutions of SC, Inc. Mary V. Propes Albertine Radding Radebaugh Hoops Inc. Todd Rampley John C. Ramsey ’73 Gordon Ray Charles Reed Burton N. Reese ’02 Douglas A. Reeves Daniel K. Rhame Jeanine G. Rhodes N. Kelley Richardson James E. Roberts Malcolm N. Robinson W. William Rogan Rotary Club of Summerville-Evening Brian J. Ruff Anne M. Russell ’71 Claudia W. Sanders Linda A. Sartori-McCallister ’00 Ravi Sastry Sauldam Baptist Church SC Baseball Club SC Sports Medicine & Orthopedic Center Gene Scharting Michael Schmidt Garris M. Schwarting Kurt Seguer Select Health of South Carolina Douglas & Ellen ’68 Senter Kurt Seuger David Severt Alex Shi Showa Denko Carbon, Inc. Ned Shows Peggy G. Sineath Kevin Slack Antwan M. Smalls ’02 Boyce L. Smith Raymond C. Smith Walter W. Smith ’82 Kevin Smoak Euclides Solivan

Fall 2018, vol.28 no.3

Shawn D. Sommerkamp James D. Southern Southern Mutual Church Insurance Southern Nuclear Operating Co. Spectrum Paint Edward J. Speyers Edward Spiecha Spirit Communications Timothy J. Spurling Walter C. Stanton ’82 Charles E. Stark David M. Stasiukaitis Philip A. Stiles ’92 Jeremy M. Stipkala Alexander D. Stone Summerville Baptist Church Sunrise Consultant Co. Inc. Heyward B. Sutherland Joseph F. Tallon ’69 Brent J. Tatum Shirlie Taylor ’81 TD Bank Gerald Tekac David & Gloria Thiem Anthony B. Thompson Denny V. Thompson ’91 Ross M. Thomson ’14 Robert E. Tisdale ’70 Mark K. Tucker Geneva A. Turner ’85 J. Floyd Tyler James D. Varn W. W. Grainger, Inc. Elizabeth D. Walker Johnny E. Ward Sandra B. Ward William L. Ward ’90 Jane Warren Wateree Dreams Foundation Hubert H. Welch Frank Wells J. Scott Wells Cady N. West ’15 Lamar West WestRock-Forestry William A. Whatley Joan Wheeler William G. White Alina Whitfield John L. Wiggins ’75 Stacy E. Wiggins ’93 Jeffrey Wildes Charles A. Williams Jerry M. Williams Michael G. Williams Michael & Mevelyn Williams R. Greg Willis John E. Wilson ’90 Wilson Sporting Goods Co. Wingate by Wyndham Mark Wise W. Stovall Witte Wolfe Funeral Home, Inc. Fred L. Worthy Steve Wray Joe R. Wren C. Ray Wrenn Mela Wyeth John W. Wyndham James L. Wyrosdick ’70 James F. Yanney Fred & Susan Yohe

Donors up to $999 4 Elliots, Inc. Richard W. Abbott Betty S. Abdon W. Martin Adams Helen D. Adrian Advanced Drainage Systems Inc. Kathleen Agnew Michael D. Akers ’77 Donna K. Alexander ’89 Jamaica E. Alston Rashaad D. Alston Kathryn T. Alverson Anonymous Derrick V. Apple ’06 Jim B. Apple Fred C. Applin Ryan M. Ard ’09 Amy L. Arroyo ’12 Lindsey E. Asarch Craig Ascue William T. Ashby Sara F. Astin ’84 George E. Atkins ’80 Loretta M. Atkins ’78 Maureen E. Atkinson Atlantic Tent/Pest Mgmt. Billie F. Attaway Christopher A. Aumen Andres A. Ayuso ’05 Oluleye H. Babatunde Jemima M. Backman Harold J. Bailey ’86 Lauren R. Baker Susan F. Ball Karen Ballard Pamela C. Banas Sandra P. Baney ’97 Richard A. Banis Charles Barbaccia Paula E. Barber Martha F. Barkley Edward C. Barnes ’84 Lisa C. Barrineau ’85 Craig Barto Lindsey C. Barwick Ernie F. Battle Gail M. Baxley ’99 Letricia M. Baxley John W. Beasley ’71 Gene C. Belk ’73 Benevity Community Impact Fund Harriett M. Bennett ’97 Berkeley Electric Cooperative Fox Beyer Lora Bibbee Clayton L. Birdwell Patricia B. Bishop ’86 Bailey E. Blackburn Henry J. Blackford Danny R. Blackwell Adam Blake Albert A. Blake ’82 Zachary J. Blake Timothy O. Blakely ’85 William A. Blanton Andrew J. Blauch Janis K. Blocker ’74 Boeing Company Gift Match/ BPA Robert V. Bogart ’07 Tim Bokelman Casey R. Bolduc ’12 Dorothy C. Bonnette

Merry S. Boone ’86 Danielle Botbyl Dwayne G. Boulden ’03, ’18 Rachelle M. Bouronich ’99 Charles D. Bowers Curtis P. Boyd ’87 Dianne C. Boykin John W. Bradham ’87 James J. Bradley Katherine E. Braeuer William M. Brailsford ’83 Donna F. Brasher ’97 Kelli E. Brasher Courtney Bravo Grady G. Brazzell ’73 Crystal L. Bright Cheryl B. Brokaw ’90 Misty Bronson Caroline L. Brown ‘95 Henry E. Brown Miriam J. Brown ’72 Patricia W. Brown Kevin D. Brownlee ’94 Christina P. Bruno ’95 Laurie S. Bryan ’80 Williams M. Bryan ’69 Sandra Bryant Jim Bucenell Joseph A. Buckheister ’73 Mary Buckner ’69 Bonnie M. Bull ’90 Douglas D. Bullard Julia Bullard Jennifer C. Bullock Jennifer M. Bunch ’95 G. Stephen Burdette Ryan M. Burnette Steven Burzinski Woodrow E. Busch ’69 Cathy Buskirk Gloria D. Butler ’12 Thomas A. Butters Elizabeth Byrd Stephen W. Cadwallader ’83 Walter E. Cain Antonia H. Callahan ’96 Charles L. Callaway ’71 Lydia A. Callaway Michael P. Cameron ’75 Katherine H. Campbell ’82 Mahaliah B. Campbell ’82 Lalla Lee Campsen Nancy B. Canavera Laurie A. Canepa ’98 John L. Cannon William J. Capers ’78 Daphne B. Capps Robert R. Carbonaro ’92 Gaylord B. Carder Gaylord S. Carder ’79 Clyde H. Cargill ’75 Dewey H. Carpenter ’96 Angela B. Carter ’86 George D. Carter ’84 Richard D. Carter ’93 Cathedral of Praise Patty J. Causey Causey’s Barber Shop Clyde N. Cauthen ’92 CBA Society of Singers Bradley Chandler Victoria E. Channell Chapin Baptist Church

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Honor Roll of Donors DONORS – JUNE 1, 2017-MAY 31, 2018 Charleston VIP Services LLC Converse A. Chellis Reginald Chesson Bradley D. Childers Chipotle Sharon Chodnicki Naomi V. Cills ’14 Robert M. Ciofani Laurence A. Clair ’69 Aaron G. Clark ’68 Edward G. Clarke Audrey Clay Letty J. Clay James R. Clayton ’72 Donald Clerico Breanne Cleveland Coastal Crane Service Clayton W. Coffman ’09 Alleyn D. Cole Larry Collett Alyson B. Collins ’00 Amy Elizabeth J. Collins Ashley M. Collins Columbia First Baptist Church Darryl M. Cook ’73 Kayla B. Cook Norris Cook ’74 Rosaleen Cook ’01 Thomas Cook Kevin Coriolan Christian C. Cox ’13 Gina V. Cox ’16 Mark F. Craig ’94 Tim O. Craig Matthew G. Cram-Smith CRC Industries Amanda L. Croft ’98 Ethel L. Croft Sarah M. Croft ’08 Daniel L. Croghan Kathleen M. Crona ’07 Kenneth W. Crosby ’08 CSU Alumni Association Darlene A. Cummings Jackson H. Daniel Edward A. Daniels ’82 Kevin Danko Susan K. Danko ’13 Darlington First Baptist Church Amanda E. Davis ’97 Dewitt E. Davis Jonathon Davis Nina On’terra M. Davis ’04 Marvin A. Dawson ’70 Rick Day Alexis E. De La Cruz Carolyn H. Deal ’77 Heidi L. Dean ’13 Shakailla A. Deloach Henry L. Deneen Brent A. Dennison ’09 Thomas Deso Michael V. Deterlizzi ’13, ’14 Denise J. Deveaux ’96 Carolyn F. Dews ’69 Andrew J. Diana Laurie L. Diel James Dille ’87 Kimberly Dillon Rebecca L. Dingle Rex M. Divine ’85 Jacqueline J. Doffin ’75 Mario Doria ’95

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Robert L. Dougherty ’71 Lynn W. Douglas Gary L. Douty ’75 Chelsea L. Downing Laura J. Downing Mark R. Drummond Mary Z. Dubose Thomas E. Dudley Duke Energy Foundation Andre M. Dukes ’02, ’06 Richard Duncan Ralph A. Dunn ’82 Kim Dyer Cynthia Dyson Roxanne Eadie East Bay Deli Elizabeth H. Echols Keena S. Edwards Henry S. Eldridge ’72 Elgin Baptist Church Marc P. Embler ’79 Michael J. Engel Rhonda H. Erichsen ’08 Sonia L. Errthum Merle H. Ervin ’80 Cheryl L. Etheridge David L. Evans Marsha L. Evans ’11, ‘12 Event Partners LLC Delaney A. Evering Deborah W. Ewers Family Vison Care Michael G. Fanning ’81 Alice L. Fee ’92 Lauren A. Ferris Linda Fick Gerald M. Finkel Finkel Law Firm, LLC Billy D. Finley ’74 Rena L. Finley ’68 Jordan J. Fish L. Scott Fitzsimmons Rachel Flowers Nancy C. Flynt Joseph P. Fontanetta Foothills Community Foundation Forensx LLC Traci W. Fort ’09 Michael E. Fowler ’90 Kenya Franklin Melvin L. Freeman ’90 Mitchell E. Freeman ’78 Teresa M. Friar ’85 Ami L. Frierson ’09 Bobbie M. Fulmer Thomas M. Fulmer Jerrell F. Furtick James E. Futrell ’87 Jimmy R. Futrell Sarah L. Gadol ’04 Latosha E. Gaines ’03 Jasmine T. Gamble ’18 Iris C. Gary Keshonda T. Gaskin Kinney M. Gause ’71 Darin L. Gerdes Daniel German Thomas Gilbert Jody H. Gilden ’89 Doris B. Gladden Ashley M. Glenn ’18 Global Impact Elizabeth A. Glover ’84

Stephen T. Goldring Brittany E. Gordon Kenneth S. Gordon ’75 James B. Gowdy ’88 Gordon E. Graham ’71 Ann C. Grant ’81 Lisa M. Grant ’17 Edward D. Gravely Imani N. Gray Alexis S. Green Kelley A. Green Justin A. Grieves Robert D. Griffin ’08 Sharron R. Griffin Haley C. Griffith Shorace L. Guider Kevin Gustafson Richard S. Gwinn ’71 H. L. Ravenel, Inc. Haddrell’s Point Tackle and Supply Louis S. Hall ’93 Patricia Hambrick Julia Hamilton Katherine Hammonds Hampton Soil & Water Conservation District Rebecca K. Hanckel Charles E. Hancock ’80 Samantha A. Hanna William D. Hardee ’87 Denise B. Harmon ’98 Hannah Harp Nancy A. Harrell ’93 Kenneth J. Harris Kyle M. Harris Hope S. Harrison ’88 David E. Hart David Harvey ’05 Roni Haskell James Hawley Sean T. Hayes ’08 Cherryl A. Heath ’70 Eugenia Heath David T. Heldreth Richard C. Hellman David W. Hellmig ’18 Harley T. Henderson ‘74 Julie M. Henderson Gordon E. Hendrich Mary C. Henry ’77 Danielle L. Hensley Heritage Trust James P. Hicks ’16 Reginald W. Hicks ’78 Brenda M. Hiers ’75 Kelly L. Hiers ’08 Debra C. Hill ’89 Freddie Hill J. Ronny Hill ’71 Joan G. Hiller David L. Hinson ’81 Robert L. Hinson Michael J. Hiott ’04 Gregory M. Hiser ’00 Liliane B. Hiser ’02 Rebecca A. Hogan ’76 Andrew J. Hogue ’70 John B. Holloway Daniel Hollstegge Robert E. Holman ’73 Angela D. Holmes Tymarri K. Holmes Patricia A. Holt

Robert E. Hoover Dana E. Hopkins ’98 David H. Hopkins ’71 Heather S. Horton ’96 Nancy Horvath John F. Hostetler ’96 Wanda B. Housand Columbus L. Howell ’72 Susan Y. Huckaby ’76 Colin R. Huckins ’97 Matthew T. Hudson ’03 Stephen D. Hudson Britny L. Hughes James D. Hughes ’74 Peter N. Hughes Thomas C. Hulsey ’74 Cary M. Humphries ’08 Caitlin M. Hunt Courtney J. Hunter Randall A. Hurt Keith E. Hustedt ’09 Wilburn Hutto Brian F. Hyder ’98, ’17 Frances M. Hylton ’87 Aaron J. Iaun Interstate Management and Investment Corp. Malcolm X. Jackson ’16 Ronald B. Jackson ’70 Robin Jacobs Michael Janaskie Andrea Jeffcoat ’00 Jeannie C. Jefferson Caroline D. Jenkins ’18 Laurence L. Jenkins ’69 Kathryn A. Jennings ’83 Jay D. Jester ’94 Alexis C. Jewell Jenna D. Johnson Kirby L. Johnson Legare M. Johnson ’74 Mary A. Johnson Mary H. Johnson Dolores Jones Michele A. Jones Tyonia D. Jones ’98 LaVella E. Joplin Mary Joseph Janet W. Joslin ’82 Chris Kaderli Erin P. Keith ’18 Matthew A. Kemp ’93 Austin Kenny Rhonda H. Kilgore ’94 Jessica M. Kim ’08 Robert J. King ’79 Bryan Kingrey Jeremy A. Kirtley ’15 Taylor G. Kitchens Kylie M. Klein ’18 Vera G. Kling Wendy E. Kokkonis ’97 Eltiprise T. Kosobud-Sossamon ’92 Katie Kramps Henry Kuznik Brian M. Laemers ’18 Lucius Laffitte Paulette M. Lander Shannon M. Larson Erin Latham Tabitha F. Latham Toni Laurenson Ledfords Pest Control, Inc.

Fall 2018, vol.28 no.3

Clarence A. Lee Walter C. Lee ’97 William M. Lee ’96 Jeff Legan John D. Lesemann ’68 Allison K. Lewis ’14 Edward T. Lewis ’72 Lyn Lichty Orenthal J. Linney ’01 Michael Lisle Richard D. Lollis Low Country Painting, LLC Jennifer L. Luiken Kenneth Lyerly ’72 M. B. Kahn Construction Co. Inc. Lenna MacDonald Michelle Madge Elizabeth A. Magee ’03 Ellen S. Maggard ’99 Brenda M. Major William R. Malley James Malloch Daniel F. Marotto ’75 Leroy A. Mars ’01 Jean Marsh David W. Marshall ’70 Steven S. Marshall Cynthia T. Masters ’73 James M. Mathes ’18 Shelley A. Matthews ’99 Michelle Maxberry Sarah Mazanec Bernett W. Mazyck ’81 Pamela Mazyck Virginia E. McBride ’99 Michael E. McCann ’07 Patricia I. McConnell ’83 Ka ‘Bria A. McCrary Marcella McCray Lester C. McCurry ’74 Steven R. McDaniel ’87 Donna S. McDonald ’80 James E. McElheny Michael N. McGinty Stephanie L. McGrew Destiney F. McKnight William G. McMaster William R. McMeans ’95 Wiley N. McMillan ’71 Joseph H. McNeill ’77 Tyler A. McSwain ’09, ’17 Louise R. Meade ’94 Drew C. Meadows Erika E. Meeks Jean Meeks-Koch Andreea T. Meier Patricia A. Menges Frank L. Metzger ’85 Chris J. Michalski Melicent M. Middlebrook Bernadette Miller Johnnie D. Miller ’72 Ashley L. Milner ’89 Michele C. Minor ’98 Doris A. Mitchell ’79 Mary N. Mitchell ’76 Mary R. Mitchell Sylvia G. Mitchum Linda Mock Lauren E. Moe ’02 Ben M. Moise Chandler A. Mole ’18 James Mole

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Janice T. Moniz Christine R. Mooberry Molly K. Moore ’01 Lecius L. Moorer ’00 Abraham Morrall ’78 Tyler B. Morris Wiley B. Morris William C. Morris ’70 Reginald V. Mosley ’00 Motel 6 Mt. Pleasant Chamber of Commerce Scott P. Mullen ’08 G. Brian Mullinax Mullins First Baptist Church Claudia Mullner Jordan Mullner Justin Mullner Stephen J. Mulware Cecil W. Murdaugh ’75 W Dean Murphy James W. Myers Tina M. Myrick ’93 Brittany N. Nassef National Bank of SC Mae D. Nesbit Network for Good New Mount Zion AME Church New York Yankee Foundation Amanda F. Newberry ’12 Norma G. Newton Ray M. Nix ’80 Dana Nolan Wendell L. Nolan ’81 Jane B. Norris ’85 Richard H. Norris ’73 Robert J. Norris ’74 Norris, Inc. North Myrtle Beach First Baptist Church James R. Norton ’95 Alia K. Nour ’15 Ireneanne M. Novell Debra K. Nyvall Gary L. Olson On Campus Marketing Lisa M. Orozco John C. Ott ’79 Christine D. Overshiner ’04 Sally J. Oyer ’76 David W. Palmer Elizabeth B. Palmer Molly B. Pancurak ’82 Donnie R. Parker Michael W. Parker ’81 Bennett Parks Lauren Parr Garland C. Parsley ’79 Kathryn E. Parsons ’74 Jim Pascutti Mitesh H. Patel ’07 Robert J. Patrick ’82 Jason C. Payne John F. Peek ’82 Pamela A. Peek Ollie C. Peine ’86 Darlene Perner Gloria E. Peters ’09 Thomas C. Peters Robert E. Petersen Contessa W. Peterson Annette B. Pettyjohn Alyssa M. Petzel Thuy Pham Michael J. Pierce ’71

Timothy K. Pierce ’81 Dena E. Piper ’10 Pleasant Valley Baptist Church Donald L. Plumley ’82 Pamela J. Poelker Carol A. Poole ’70 John A. Poston ’95 Stacey L. Potora Nathaniel K. Prater ’15 Joseph T. Prather ’73 Robert Price Shelby M. Price Chaka T. Prior ’05 Claudius H. Pritchard Cynthia M. Putman ’76 Wayne Putman Stephen J. Quinn ’74 Sandra Rabon Betty W. Ragan C. Rodney Raines Wayne D. Ravenell ’18 Red Bank Baptist Church Dissinger Reed Scott A. Reighard James M. Rhoton Paul M. Ricciardi ’76 Kristin S. Rice Richards Family Foundation Brice R. Richardson Brittany T. Richardson David Richmond Russell W. Richardson ’08 Sharon D. Richmond Chad Rickenbaker John D. Ridgeway Mark W. Rieman Grace Rienzo Kelsey E. Riggs ’11 Janice S. Ritter ’91 Sherron D. Rivers ’88 Robert D. Robbins Merry H. Roberson ’72 Christopher S. Roberts ’94 D. Cherie Roberts Robert H. Roberts ’79 Ryan D. Robidoux Joel E. Rogers ’01 Julie C. Rogers Cynthia M. Rollins ’06 Donna Rollins James P. Rooney John E. Rosol James W. Ross William D. Ross ’97 Christina L. Rostin ’01 Thomas Rostin Michael S. Rounds ’95 Amber L. Roundtree Mildred E. Rowell Robert E. Rowland ’97 Royall Ace Hardware, Inc. Sandra K. Rudd ’88 Melanie J. Ruff ’84 Margaret H. Rush John I. Saalfield Fred L. Salley ’81 Justin W. Sams ’07 Sanders Brothers Construction Julie Y. Santos ’93 Margaret E. Savage Carol A. Savory ’84 Kristine M. Schaffer ’10 Douglas P. Schutz

ServisFirst Bank Shady Grove Baptist Church George Shaw ’07 Hamilton R. Sherard ’70 Michael F. Shipe James W. Shirley ’90 Joseph D. Shuford Darren S. Sidney Melissa M. Siemers ’01 Stephen Silver Belinda A. Simmons Lethea Simmons-Scott Julia A. Simms ’77 Anthony Simpson Rachel C. Simpson ’07, ’14 Rosemary S. Singletary ’97 Carlyle Singletary ’74 William R. Singletary Shawn T. Singleton Christi L. Sinnett ’97 Jonathan L. Sircy Joanna Slider Henry N. Small Earl S. Smalley ’91 Smalley Trucking Co. Inc. Brenna L. Smith ’18 Bruce L. Smith Bruce L. Smith ‘97 Fay A. Smith James D. Smith ’74 Jene C. Smith ’79 Jesse C. Smith ’81 Jessica C. Smith ’06 Michael A. Smith Ryan C. Smith ’01 Will E. Smith Jeff C. Smoak ’84 Shellie W. Snider ’86 Kathy L. Snyder ’77 Michelle C. Snyder-Wells ’91 Carl E. Sohl ’70 Iona Soodoo Jennifer L. Soranno ’99 Karan J. Sorensen ’86 South Carolina DMV South Carolina Federal Credit Union Southern Mutal Church Insur. Susan P. Spangler Michelle Sparks Deborah V. Spencer ’02 Timothy B. Spivey Spring Valley Baptist Church Cynthia T. Stall Danielle M. Stallings ’03 Jacky R. Stamps ’69 Robert F. Stancik Justin R. Stanley ’17 Mark W. Stanton Matthew E. Stanton ’15 Michael J. Stanton State Farm Companies Fnd. Rochelle Stewart Willard E. Stewart ’79 Dale W. Stier Gerald B. Stinson ’90 James M. Stintzi John G. Strubel ’11 Donald P. Strunk ’13 Brent W. Suttles ’08 Lori W. Swan Gary D. Swanger ’70

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Honor Roll of Donors DONORS – JUNE 1, 2017-MAY 31, 2018 Stephen G. Sweet ’80 Angelina C. Synoski Sheree J. Tallent ’98 Haley L. Tanguay Keith A. Tapscott ’69 Chakeris Tarplin Linda L. Taylor ’71 Willie Dell Taylor Natthakan Teeratrakul ’18 Sheena C. Tenney ’07 Cynthia L. Tennyson ’74 Eric C. Terrill The Henderman Group LLC Amy Thirkettle Dannielle D. Thomas Ayana S. Thomas Katherine H. Thomas Jones T. Thomas ’95 Sharon C. Thomas ’99 Soyini A. Thompson Thomas E. Thornhill Lynn E. Thorsell ’02 Robert J. Tilidetzke Susan E. Toler John W. Tomasovich Thomas N. Tomkewitz ’83 Richard A. Tool ’73 Robert W. Trenor Emily L. Trevisan ’90 Trident Pain Center PA Trident United Way Wendy Tucker Sandra Turner ’84 Sandra C. Turner ’69 Libby C. Turnnidge ’82 W. Russell Tyler ’75 United Way of the Midlands Randal L. Unterbrink ’08 Elizabeth Valentine Johan W. Van Der Jagt John E. Varnadore ’02 Teresa L. Vasas Joel E. Waddell ’70 Marvin S. Wade Corliss M. Waites Wilma L. Walke ’10 Earl Walker ’81 Melinda A. Walker ’81 Stanley F. Wall ’84 Weldon E. Wall Kristen H. Waltz Dennis M. Ward Harrison Ward J. Frank Ward Katie Ward William A. Ward Claudia Ware Willie N. Waring ’78 Brittani J. Watkins ’16 Alexandria R. Watson Emily K. Watson Gerald Watson ’88 Jonathan D. Watson

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Pamela Watson Josh Watts Robert L. Watts ’82 Roderick L. Weader ’71 Clyde R. Weaver ’73 David R. Weiss ’03 Kathy W. Weiss Barbara A. Welch ’93 Jennifer L. Welch Donna Weldon Wells Fargo Foundation Marcie L. Wessinger ’02 Sandra West Lauren S. Weston Barbara H. Whetzel Jermaine Whirl Cynthia D. White David C. White Ernest M. White ’81 Timothy W. Whitfield Neil G. Whitman R. Blair Whitney Faye L. Whittemore ’92 John R. Whitten ’69 Julie S. Wiand ’03 Traci L. Wiggins ’94 Michael Wildt Esther L. Wilkins ’91 David Willard Isaac Williams Johnette C. Williams ’72 Margaret R. Williams Rebecca R. Williams Franklin H. Williamson ’71 Michelle Williamson Viola L. Willis Blake A. Wilson ’17 Timothy W. Wilson ’01 Stancil O. Wise ’74 Justin D. Witzmann ’09 C. Faye Wood Donald V. Wood ’89 Robert E. Wood Robert L. Wood ’89 Chentell T. Wren Sandra P. Wrenn Kayla K. Wright Tori T. Wright ’14 Scott D. Yarbrough Regina H. Yost Katelyn Youmans Erin S. Young Fritz E. Young ’72 Hester Young Lauren L. Young ’11 Steven L. Young ’81 YourCause, LLC

Fall 2018, vol.28 no.3


Allied Universal

Barnes & Noble

Allied Universal is the premiere Barnes & Noble Education is one security service provider in the Coastal of the largest contract operators of area and is Charleston Southern bookstores on college and university University’s service provider. campuses across the nation, acting as a strategic partner to drive Allied Universal services: student success. Like the academic • Integrated Systems & Technology communities we serve, Barnes & • Remote Video Monitoring Noble has committed to learning more • Real Time Tracking & Reporting about the way students think, their • Fire Life Safety Training & behaviors, and their expectations. Consulting Research will always be at our core. • Autonomous Data Machines Barnes & Noble Education has • Manned Guarding always been, and continues to be, a company serving all who work to Visit aus.com for more information. elevate their lives through education. While the higher education market continues to evolve rapidly, we are transforming our business to deliver long-term growth and provide our customers with what they are demanding: affordable and highquality educational products, content and services. The acquisition of MBS Baptist Foundation of South Carolina wholesale books, Loud Cloud, Student Brands, and Digital Student Solutions For more than six decades, the (DSS) has allowed us to aggressively Baptist Foundation of South Carolina expand our ecosystem to provide a has been serving as a ministry complete hub of products designed to partner with individuals, churches, improve student success. associations and institutions of the We are proud of our nearly 20 year South Carolina Baptist Convention relationship with Charleston Southern and Southern Baptist Convention. University and look forward to what Over the years, our services have we can build together for the future. grown and expanded. Our passion is to see individuals and churches become faithful stewards of God’s resources.

BB&T BB&T is one of the largest financial services holding companies in the U.S. with $225 billion in assets and market capitalization of $40 billion, as of Sept. 24, 2018. Based in Winston-Salem, N.C., the company operates 2,100 financial centers in 15 states and Washington, D.C.,

Fall 2018, vol.28 no.3

and offers a full range of consumer and commercial banking, securities brokerage, asset management, mortgage and insurance products and services. A Fortune 500 company, BB&T is consistently recognized for outstanding client satisfaction by J.D. Power and Associates, the U.S. Small Business Administration, Greenwich Associates and others. BB&T has also been named one of the world’s strongest banks by Bloomberg Markets Magazine, one of the top three in the U.S. and in the top 15 globally. BB&T has been a proud contributor and supporter of Charleston Southern University for many years. Our university branch, which is very close to the Charleston Southern University campus, services the needs of many students and faculty.

Betsch Associates Inc. BetschAssociates Inc. is a full service design firm created to provide its clients with traditional architectural services, as well as complete predesign services, including strategic planning, land planning, financial feasibility, and market analysis. This firm was founded by Ken Betsch, AIA, with over 40 years of experience in the planning and design of major projects throughout the United States. The firm’s areas of expertise include corporate headquarters for nationally known corporations, commercial office buildings, mixeduse urban centers, hotels, civic and cultural centers, athletic facilities, public assembly facilities, college and university facilities, campus planning, laboratory buildings, and aviation facilities. During his career, Betsch has repeatedly delivered high image solutions for high profile projects that have received public recognition from

their respective communities. BetschAssociates, Inc. was established on two major tenets. First, the client’s desire for a more intimate design firm which provides full-time involvement of a principal with national experience, a unique client analysis approach to the design process, and a strong business emphasis to its services. Second, an agile firm which provides nontraditional services required in meeting the business, planning, and market feasibility needs of its clients.

Elinor and Manuel Cohen Charleston Southern University equips students to speak, write and produce messages. We are very impressed with CSU alumni giving back to their alma mater. We are not alumni, but we realize what CSU does for our area. With a degree from CSU, you have an opportunity to spend your life doing what you love to do. Remain optimistic and always try to serve others. Set your goals for freedom, peace and justice. It is our pleasure to walk on the campus. We appreciate what CSU does to repair the world.

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IOA Since 2009, I’ve had the opportunity to handle Charleston Southern University’s insurance and risk management program. While getting to know CSU, I learned that its vision is integrating faith in learning, leading and serving. Much like the university’s vision, IOA also places a high value on faith in the marketplace. IOA was founded on three key elements—faith, family, and fun. We’re very careful to let everyone know that they are valued no matter what their beliefs are while at the same time demonstrating that faith is an important part of who we are and the values we represent. Like CSU, it’s woven into the very fabric of our organization, and I have the opportunity every day to serve my clients and colleagues integrating my faith into the marketplace. It’s exciting and a privilege to play a financial role in the future of CSU students as they learn and go forth to serve in their communities and businesses. IOA is the 10th largest privately held commercial agency in the U.S. serving the insurance and risk management needs of its clients with over 1,000 dedicated associates in over 50 offices in the U.S. and London. Rob can be reached at 803-260-3696.

Jenzabar Created out of a passion for education and a vision for technology, Jenzabar offers disruptive, innovative software solutions and services that empower student success and help higher education institutions meet the demands of the modern student. Over 1,350 higher educational

46 CSU magazine

campuses harness Jenzabar solutions for improved performance across campus and a more personalized and connected experience for the student. The company’s cloud-based solution for higher education, Jenzabar One, digitally transforms organizations to support the new student. Jenzabar One gives the competitive edge institutions need to meet enrollment and retention goals. It streamlines operations and allows institutions to be agile and responsive to competitive pressures. Because it is cloud-based, institutions are mobile ready and equipped to leverage new and innovative technology. For further information, please visit jenzabar.com, twitter @Jenzabar or LinkedIn.

Lord & Evans Capital Lord & Evans Capital assists buyers and sellers across a broad array of businesses and industries. The firm is particularly successful in identifying and facilitating strategic acquisitions and divestures for both strategic and financial clients, as well as assisting privately held client companies prepare for and successfully negotiate a sale of the company. The firm has strong relationships within the private equity universe, high-level corporate contacts and a personal connection with many small business owners. Areas of specialization are healthcare products, consumer and industrial products, and employeeowned companies. Ken Evans, president, founded the firm in Charleston in 1997. The Evans family are long-term, enthusiastic supporters of Charleston Southern through active service and the establishment of four endowed student scholarships.

McMillan Pazdan Smith McMillan Pazdan Smith is a regional, studio-based architecture, planning and interior design firm whose mission is to help clients create environments that embody their personalities, enrich their lives and enhance the quality of their community. One of six offices, our team of 45 located in the heart of downtown Charleston serves a Southeastern coastal clientele and was selected by the Charleston Contractor’s Association as the 2016 Architectural Firm of the Year. Over the past three years, the firm has consistently earned national and state-wide recognition through awards like Zweig Group’s Hot Firms and Best Firms to Work For awards, PSMJ’s Circle of Excellence award, the Chamber of Commerce’s Best Places to Work in SC award, and Grant-Thornton’s SC Business Top 100 listing. The firm provides vision and expertise to private investors and creative, cost effective solutions for educational, healthcare and civic needs. We believe deeply that functional, beautiful and well-designed buildings that contribute to the success of our clients and community should also represent good fiscal stewardship.

PepsiCo PepsiCo products are enjoyed by consumers one billion times a day in more than 200 countries and territories around the world. PepsiCo offers a food and beverage portfolio

that includes Frito-Lay, Gatorade, Pepsi-Cola, Quaker and Tropicana. PepsiCo’s product portfolio includes 22 brands that generate more than $1 billion each in estimated annual retail sales. In the foodservice channel, PepsiCo is a premier partner that leverages insights-driven food, beverage and equipment innovations and solutions, and breakthrough experiential marketing programs to delight consumers and bring a competitive advantage to customers. At the heart of PepsiCo is Performance with Purpose – our goal is to deliver top-tier financial performance while creating sustainable growth and shareholder value. Performance with Purpose means providing a wide range of foods and beverages; finding innovative ways to minimize our impact on the environment; providing a safe and inclusive workplace; and investing in the local communities where we operate. For more information, visit pepsico.com.

Polydeck Screen Corporation Polydeck Screen Corporation is an industry-leading supplier of screen media to the global aggregate, coal and mining industries. Our screen panels, frame systems and accessories help producer companies save time, increase production output and improve worker safety. Polydeck has maintained its focus on quality materials, best manufacturing processes, new product development, continuous process and systems improvement and outstanding customer service and support. Our reputation for innovative problem-solving has led to developments like the Maxi screen panel design, the versatile PipeTop II™ frame system, and more than 1,000 polyurethane and rubber screen panel design configurations. State-

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of-the-art manufacturing processes, complete in-house tool and die and frame fabrication facilities and a corporate culture dedicated to superior customer service and support make Polydeck the best resource for South Carolina Independent Colleges dependable, cost-effective screen and Universities media solutions. info@polydeckscreen. com South Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities supports and promotes the values of independent higher education in South Carolina. SCICU seeks to advance higher education through fundraising, scholarships, and research, as well as by facilitating collaborative activities South Carolina Federal Credit Union among the member institutions. SCICU also enhances a positive public South Carolina Federal Credit image and encourages government Union, founded in 1936, offers a full policies that support independent range of financial services including higher education. savings and investments, checking, insurance, credit cards and loans. The member-owned cooperative operates 20 offices in Charleston, Columbia, Georgetown and Florence, serving more than 155,000 people across South Carolina. The credit union is a not-for-profit entity and exists for the financial benefit of its membership. That Tim and Susan Spurling means that every dollar invested in South Carolina Federal is reinvested Forty years ago when learning back into the membership and our to share my faith in Christ, with community. The credit union invests Evangelism Explosion founder James over $400,000 annually through Kennedy, it was told to me that only community involvement. South those who had not forgotten being lost Carolina Federal has been voted a Best and remembered what it was like to Place to Work in South Carolina six feel guilty had the burning desire to times and was just named a best credit share the message of forgiveness. union to work for in the country. Max Lucado said it as well in Six Scott Woods, president and CEO, Hours One Friday, “A man is never the has served South Carolina Federal same after he simultaneously sees his since 2004. He received his bachelor’s utter despair and Christ’s unbending degree from the College of Charleston grace.” and his MBA from Auburn. Woods is Thank you Lord for a wife that has proud to serve on the board of trustees shared that message in Romania these for Charleston Southern University, on last two decades. the Credit Union National Association board and as chairman of the VIZO 2 Timothy 2:8 Financial Services board. For more Remember Jesus Christ, raised from information about the credit union, the dead, descended from David. This visit scfederal.org. is my gospel …

Fall 2018, vol.28 no.3

Student Leadership University Student Leadership University is a faith-based, experiential leadershiptraining program that empowers, enables and equips students to rise to the call of leadership and awaken their potential. SLU offers unforgettable experiences that equip students to change the way they think, dream and lead, both today and for the rest of their lives. SLU offers four progressive, cumulative experiences designed to grow students’ faith, teach them to lead and gain a vision for the future through a Christian worldview. Whether they go behind-the-scenes at Sea World, explore our Nation’s Capital, immerse themselves in history in Europe or walk where Jesus walked in Israel, at SLU, young people learn to think bigger, ignite their calling, impact their world and lead like Jesus. Dr. Jay Strack, a 1975 CSU alumnus, founded Student Leadership University.

Trident Construction Trident Construction has teamed with Charleston Southern University for over 25 years, delivering many exciting projects including the Science Building, Athletic Center, Softball Press Box, the Health Science Building and renovations to the Library, Dining Hall, Art Building, Academic Buildings and Residence Halls. We are currently working with CSU on the new Residence Hall and on the upcoming Science Building and Health Science Building expansions. Founded in 1981 by Robert D. Fairey, Trident Construction has grown to become the region’s most recognized leader for providing value-

added construction services to teamoriented clients, known throughout our market as Trident Construction’s TEAM BUILD process. Today, we complete over $100,000,000 annually using our TEAM BUILD process for projects ranging from small tenant upfits to fast-track $40,000,000 facilities. Our staff of more than 85 construction professionals works closely with our clients and design team members to provide a wide array of services including project planning; site selection; preconstruction coordination and budgeting; and construction management. With a 92 percent repeat client base, our collaborative TEAM BUILD services continue to provide exceptional value and project success.

Whitfield Family Foundation Dr. and Mrs. W. Floyd Whitfield have been great admirers of the special calling that God has placed on our beloved Charleston Southern University. For decades, the Whitfields have offered their time, effort and financial resources to CSU knowing that their dedication to God’s work at the school will result in much needed fruit in this lost and dying world. Dr. Whitfield has served in many capacities involving the growth of CSU and was one of the members of the feasibility committee that entertained the thought of having a Christ based learning institution in its current location. Shirley Whitfield has dedicated her life to the betterment of the university for over 40 years all to the glory of God. Combined, they formed a godly dynamic duo and will continue to do so as the years move forward. With their undying faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and his call on their lives to help nurture, educate and equip generations of young people for years to come, CSU will be the vessel God uses to shape the faith, education and ideas of those that walk through

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Honor Roll of Donors PRESIDENTIAL COUNCIL MEMBER PROFILES the doors of the school. Dr. Whitfield passed away July 28, 2018, but his legacy will continue to shine through his dedicated wife, Shirley. All praise, honor and glory to God!

Wildes Financial Strategies Since 1999, Wildes Financial Strategies has delivered exceptional financial services to clients who trust us for advice and counsel due to our commitment to placing their interests first. As an independent practice, we have the flexibility and advantage of searching the marketplace for investment products and services that are best suited to help each of our clients reach their goals. We work with our clients and their other trusted advisors to assist in developing sound strategies that allow them to nurture and educate their children, navigate new careers, start and grow businesses, prepare for retirement, and leave a lasting legacy with their hard-earned resources. All along the way, our mission is to advise and support them in a way that allows them to realize their ambitions and goals. As a Christian practice, we place a high value on helping others and giving back to our community. Members of our team serve as active volunteers in professional and civic organizations, local churches, and other groups. As part of the Presidential Council, Wildes Financial Strategies is pleased to support Charleston Southern University in its mission to promote academic excellence in a Christian environment.

YCRLAW YCRLAW is built on a proud heritage of Charleston legal professionals dating back to the 1960s. The firm’s high standards for quality client service include providing efficient case management, a depth of legal experience, and state-of-the-art technology to meet clients’ needs for solid legal counsel at a reasonable cost. The firm celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2015. In Charleston, we are privileged to enjoy a strong and vital community where our citizens have the opportunity to reach their highest potential. Strong, postsecondary educational institutions, including Charleston Southern University, are important to the continued prosperity of the entire community. YCRLAW is proud to be a charter member of ALFA International, which is an exclusive, global association of law firms dedicated to improving the quality and depth of legal services provided to its clients. ALFA firms represent domestic and foreign clients in service, manufacturing, financial, and professional enterprises throughout the world. YCRLAW is pleased to offer a wide variety of services, with practice groups in many areas of civil litigation, administrative law, and real estate transactions. ycrlaw.com YCRLAW joins the Charleston Southern University family in welcoming Dr. Dondi E. Costin as president of the university.

1 John 4:19 “We love because he first loved us.”

48 CSU magazine

Fall 2018, vol.28 no.3


CSU Comes to You!

CSU Parents Program Begins

Come meet CSU’s new President, Dr. Dondi Costin, as he tours the state of S.C., to meet alumni, CSU parents and prospective students. These events will be held in different locations during the spring semester. Columbia Greenville Rock Hill Florence Please follow our social pages and check the website at charlestonsouthern.edu/ csucomestoyou for upcoming dates and event locations!

AmazonSmile Donates to CSU Student Scholarships! With each eligible purchase on smile. amazon.com, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price back to CSU student scholarships! All you have to do is select Charleston Southern University as your charitable organization. Go to http:// bit.ly/CSUsmile to get started.

In an effort to keep parents informed and connected, CSU has started a parents program. Brittani Watkins, director of alumni and parent engagement, said there are numerous ways for parents to get involved: • Sign up for the monthly newsletter • Join the closed Facebook Group: CSU Parents • Join the CSU Parents Council - Nominations are being accepted online • Participate in Homecoming weekend • Volunteer at events • Donate to the Parents Fund to support student scholarships • Obtain resources such as How High School and College Differ, What to Expect, Ways to Help Your Student Succeed and more To learn more, email parents@csuniv. edu. Additional information and links to resources are available at charlestonsouthern. edu/parents.

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Did you know that you can purchase a CSU specialty license plate in the state of South Carolina? Purchasing a CSU car tag supports student scholarships at CSU! To purchase your car tag today, go to scdmvonline.com/ vehicle-owners/license-plates/plate-gallery and search for Charleston Southern University.

Confidentiality laws prevent the SCDMV from releasing the names of car tag owners. Please contact Brittani Watkins at 843-863-7517 or bwatkins@csuniv.edu if you have purchased or renewed your CSU car tag this year. Thank you for supporting CSU!

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