SUN SHINE Shining a Light on Service
California State University Northridge CIRCLE K INTERNATIONAL
July Edition Issue 2
LEADERSHIP With the opportunities provided by CKI, you can build on your leadership by hosting an event, joining committees and appointed board. Not only will you improve yourself, but you will help make an impact on the club and the community.
FELLOWSHIP By completing service events, socials, and just by working together you will be able to build bonds between your fellow members. The friendships that you make in CKI can last a lifetime.
SERVICE The heart of this organization is service; we serve our communities out of the goodness of our hearts and expect nothing in return. By doing service, we are improving ourselves and the world one small step at a time.
Dear Readers, Thank you for reading the first edition of our new newsletter, which now has a name, the CSUN Shine! I hope you’ve enjoyed and will continue enjoying this newsletter throughout the term. I will bring you the news of upcoming events and experience of past events. Maybe introduce new and cool segments of the newsletter as well, but I will always try to improve on this the best I can. Thank you for reading and contributing! Keep submitting articles and reading!
Editor’s Note
Stephanie Munson Publications Editor
Hello everyone!
I am so excited that the CSUN Shine Newsletter has had a successful first release! I am so proud of our members who have participated in events thus far. I encourage all of you to attend the service projects that we have planned for you, and then to show us your experiences by writing about them for our next newsletter. We have a lot of events coming up so keep your eye out. I would also like to thank the members who are helping to make online summer general meetings happen! This is a big step forward for our club during the summer term, and my board and I are very glad for the success it has had. You members have been the pride and joy of our Circle K Club for so long, so I hope you are having an amazing summer break. Remember, if you are bored, but don't live within the boundaries of Metro Division, you CAN still go to service events and socials of the Division within which you live. We want you to have the most fun you can have during summer break, and relax! Now that it is summer break, try not to stress yourself out so much--rest as much as you can. If you are taking summer classes, I applaud you for your dedication, but I do hope you are also having fun on the side. I hope you are enjoying the summer heat and can't wait to see you all at future events!
Clare Smith President
President’s Blurb 3
6PM: Service Committee Meeting
Kris Pantanilla’s Birthday
ALL DAY: Bon Bon Fundraiser 7PM: Movie Social – Jurassic Park
6:30PM: CSUN General Meeting
7PM: Movie Social – Big Hero 6
12PM: District Board Meeting
6:30PM: CSUN General Meeting *SPECIAL OLYMPICS*
Valery Aquino’s Birthday Eric Ramirez’s Birthday *SPECIAL OLYMPICS*
7PM: Movie Social – Mary Poppins *SPECIAL OLYMPICS*
7PM: Movie Social – Toy Story
10AM: Heal the Bay
FELLOWSHIP Valery Aquino, General Member “I have no hubbies” Clare Smith, President “Reading” Jose Estrada, General Member “Traveling to places” Megan Baldado, Secretary
This month the question was: What is your
“Painting” Daisy Tran, General Member “Hanging out with friends” Juan Ibanez, General Member
“Working out” Alex Nguyen, Historian “Playing video games Cindy Rojas, Co-Service Chair “Going out with friends and having a good time outdoors” Virginia Hernandez, Service Chair “Watching movies (not so much the scary type)” 5
LEADERSHIP On June 13th, CSUN Circle K International attended a Divisional Council Meeting consisting of all the Circle K clubs in Metro Division. A Divisional Council Meeting, or DCM for short, consists of all the Circle K clubs within the Metro Division meeting up to discuss each clubs’ past events and upcoming events. Also, the Metro Lieutenant Governor (LTG), who is in charge of running the Metro Division and running the DCMS, gives us updates about the division and the California-Nevada-Hawaii District.
JUNE DCM Jose Estrada
The DCM took place in the Ken Nakoaka Community Center and was hosted by the Circle K Club of Cal State Dominguez Hills (CSUDH). It started off with an icebreaker ran by the president of CSUDH Circle K, which had to do with learning people’s names. For some it was a bit difficult because it was a lot of names to remember but for some like me who have been in Circle K for a while pretty much knew everyone’s name and was not difficult. After the icebreaker, our LTG began the DCM and each club in attendance got to talk about their past and upcoming events. Then our Metro Division LTG discussed about upcoming events for our division and gave us updates regarding the district, which involved people in Metro being appointed into District Committees. My experience at the DCM was a great one because it was nice to see everyone in Metro once again and the icebreakers were quite energetic. It was also great because it took place outdoors of the Ken Nakaoka Community Center and the weather was excellent on that day. My best friend who will be attending CSUN this upcoming this fall was there in attendance with me and I am glad that she got to experience being at a Metro Division DCM. I have attended many DCMs in my time at CSUN Circle K and I can say that this was one that was informative and fun at the same time.
Above the Accolades This banquet was so entertaining. There was a lot going on, like performances and shady comments from Brandon. So you know it’s going to be a good time! Firstly, let me just say that the food was delicious. I don’t know what kind of food it was, probably Thai, but it was that kind of taste that leaves you wide-eyed and speechless. Secondly, the speeches were engaging. Normally, CKI banquet speeches are something to be feared because they always go over time. They still did, but at least they were fun to hear! There are also the awards that were distributed at banquet. Something distinct about this division is that you can tell that no one does for the accolades; they do it because of a genuine concern with bettering the world. That attitude gets people a long way, because, above the accolades, you find genuine people with genuine concern and genuine intentions. Those are the types of people with whom I choose and have chosen to surround myself. Of course I’m still proud of everyone that won something, particularly Dennis Tran. Dennis did so much beyond his call of duty to the point that he made his own awards to distribute at DCON, that’s how much he cares for others and this club. I’m so proud that he received in recognition for that because he truly worked this year with no intention of receiving an award for it. Congrats to you, Erika, Clare, to CSUN CKI as a whole. I’m proud of you guys! Toro, toro! Olé, olé! MATADORS ARE HERE TO STAY!
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SERVICE 1ST SERVICE COMMITTEE MEETING 7/2/15 VP of Service, Jerry Mendez What goes on behind the putting on the Service in our club? On July 2nd, the first online summer online committee meeting will be hosted on google hangouts at 6 PM Sharp! We will be discussing about ways of finding new service projects, possible inter-club opportunities, new ways of making our service available to all members of our club and division, and how to increase member development. We will be speaking about past difficulties that were dealt in the service aspect of the club and how we can grow from them and build a stronger foundation. It will be a great opportunity for all members to have the voices be heard and be able to execute their ideas into the area of our club that is the foundation of all, #Service.
HEAL THE BAY 7/18/15 & 8/15/15 Service Chair, Cindy Rojas Hello Everyone! On July 18th we will be having a Heal the Bay Beach Clean- Up at Playa Del Ray, from 10 a.m.- 12p.m. Come spend time at the beach while making our community a better place for the sea animals and the people to live on. After the clean-up, we will also be having a social, probably go out to eat or explore the area. Can’t make it to the first Beach Clean Up? No Worries! We will be having another Heal the Bay Beach Clean Up on August 15th at Venice beach from 10a.m.-12p.m. You’ll be able to make your beach a safer place for the sea animals to live on and also for your family and friends. Afterwards, we will be having a social. There are a lot of places and activities to do around Venice that we can do. It is also close to Santa Monica Pier. Please sign in on the goggle sheet if you would like to go. If you do go, I do advice you guys to bring a bottle of water and wear sun block because it will get really hot during that time. Thank you, hope to see all of you there.
Los Angeles Lymphoma Walk 8/22/15 Service Chair, Virginia Hernandez Hello Everyone! Hope your summer is going well and the heat has not gotten to you yet. Have you heard the news about an event coming up soon that you can volunteer for? Have you ever heard of lymphoma? Lymphoma is a blood cancer of the lymph system. Every day approximately 220 Americans will be diagnosed with a type of lymphoma. That means every seven minutes someone is diagnosed with lymphoma. Have you guessed which event I am talking about? It’s the 2015 Los Angeles Lymphoma Walk. We have the opportunity to volunteer for this event and become a part of a team to raise money for lymphoma research. You can be a part of giving awareness about this disease to help save future lives. This event will take place on Saturday Aug 22, 2015 from 8AM-12PM at Griffith Park. Be a part of giving awareness, sign up today on the Google Doc!
Sign up for events here: http://tinyurl.com/CSUNCKIJuneEvents
DISTRICT SUMMER SERVICE SOCIAL (DSSS) 8/13-15/15 Publications Editor, Stephanie Munson Need a vacation from your vacation? What a better way to get away than DSSS! DSSS is an annual event within the Cal-Nev-Ha District that occurs across three days full of socials and service. As a past attendant, I can guarantee this is one of those amazing events where you get to meet people from across the district and not only do service but just have a lot of fun with them! This year we are the Stars of Service and will excel at doing great things for our community. Road trip it up to the Sacramento Hyatt Regency with your fellow members for some summer fun. All forms must be submitted to the President by July 12. Let’s end the summer with a blast!
Executive Board Clare Smith
Kevin Zhang
Vice President of Administration
Jerry Mendez
Vice President of Service
Megan Baldado
Erika Cervantes
Appointed Board Alex Nguyen
Connie Ng
Membership Development & Education Chair
Stephanie Munson
Publications Editor
Virginia Hernandez
Service Chair
Cindy Rojas
Co-Service Chair
Eric Ramirez
Technology Chair
I pledge to uphold the objects of Circle K International,
To foster compassion and goodwill toward others through service and leadership, To develop my abilities and the abilities of all people, And to dedicate myself to the realization of mankind’s potential!