SUN SHINE Shining a Light on Service
August Edition Issue 3
CIRCLE K INTERNATIONAL TENETS SERVICE The heart of this organization is service; we serve our communities out of the goodness of our hearts and expect nothing in return. By doing service we are improving ourselves and the world one step at a time.
LEADERSHIP With the opportunities provided by CKI, you can build on your leadership skills by hosting an event, joining committees and appointed board. Not only will you improve yourself, but you will make an impact on the club and the community.
FELLOWSHIP By completing service events, socials, and just by working together you will be able to build bonds with your fellow members. The friendships you make in your time in CKI can last a lifetime.
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PRESIDENTIAL MESSAGE Hello everyone! Can you believe that summer is almost over!? We have done so much for summer break, and I am so proud of all of you who have gone out to serve our community, build fellowship with other members and become leaders! I want all of you to continue your fine work. We still have more events for all of you, including our new take-home tabletop. I hope you are all preparing for back to school "festivities"---I know it's a bummer that we have to go back. Remember, our meetings have changed days, they will now be on Tuesday's from 4:30pm to 6:30pm and will take place in the Flintridge Room in the USU. Get ready to recruit, show of your CSUN CKI spirit, serve our campus community, recruit, build more friendships, become better leaders than ever before, and---what else?---Oh yeah, recruit! We will need all of you to help spread what we call KURCLE K DISEASE!!! Just kidding! Although we do need your help. Our first meeting to discuss the new happening of this club will be on August 25 (of the first week of school), same time and location as stated before. I can't wait to see all of your wonderful smiling faces when we have our first Olde Members meeting. Get ready for some August Magic! Warm Wishes,
Clare Smith President
S M T W T F S Special Olympics Cheering
2 Children’s Festival of the Arts
General Meeting
District Summer Service Social
10 11 12 13 14 15 SMF: Guardians of the Galaxy
General Meeting
First Meeting Juan Ibanez’s Birthday
SMF: 22 Jump Street
Heal the Bay
LA Lymphoma Walk Pajama Jam Tabling
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 August DCM
Fall Semester Begins
30 31
30th Annual Children’s Festival of the Arts Virginia Hernandez Hi everyone, have you heard of the 30th Annual Children’s Festival? It is hosted by The Hollywood Arts Council, and is a free one day event at Paramount Pictures lot. It is also a service event that we have coming up really soon, I hope you have signed up for it already or are going to. We have the opportunity to volunteer and be a part of it on Sunday, August 9th. This event will include live performances, workshops for children and parents, celebrities, costume face painting, and more. The shift we are working is from starts at 12:45pm and ends at 5:00pm. Jobs we may be assigned to include: welcoming visitors, handing out balloons and schedules, helping with workshops, helping performers with set-up and take-downs, managing the face-painting area, helping with other on-site activities and more. Volunteers will receive free parking, lunch, water, and a T-shirt, this event sounds like it will be a lot of fun and I really hope that you can be make it!
Heal the Bay Cindy Rojas Hello everyone! We will be having a Heal the Bay Beach Clean-Up day on August 15th from 10am-12pm at Venice Beach. Come and make a better place for the sea animals and our community. Please sign up on the goggle sheet if you'd like to come. ***Also I will need a chair member for that day because unfortunately it is the same weekend as board retreat. Please msg me ASAP if you would like to be chair member for that event and I'll give you all the information you need. Have a great summer.
Los Angeles Lymphoma Walk Virginia Hernandez Hello Everyone. Hope your summer is going well and the heat has not gotten to you yet. Have you heard the news about an event coming up soon that you can volunteer for? Have you ever heard of Lymphoma? Lymphoma is a a blood cancer of the lymph system every day, approximately 220 Americans are diagnosed with a type of lymphoma. That means that every 7 minutes someone is diagnosed with lymphoma. You can be a part of giving awareness about this disease to help save future lives. Have you guessed which event I am talking about? It’s the 2015 Los Angeles Lymphoma Walk. We have the opportunity to volunteer for this event and become part of the team to raise money for lymphoma research. This event will take place on Saturday August 22, 2015 from 8 am to 12pm at Griffith Park- Crystal Springs Picnic Area 4730 Crystal Springs Drive Los Angeles, 90027. Be a part of giving awareness, sign up today on the google doc!
At-Home Table Top Service Clare Smith Hello everyone! Happy August!! I would like to introduce you all to our Take-Home Tabletop Project! You may recognize the Patient Playbooks from Spring Semester Tabletops, and we want YOU to make more of them. For each Playbook that you make in the month of August, with your own materials at home, you will receive 1 hour of service! And so we know what great work you have done and how many, you will need to bring them into our first general meeting on Tuesday, August 25th (4:30PM-6:30PM @ the Flintridge Room). If you cannot make the meeting, you can contact either our VP of Service, Jerry, or one of our lovely Service Chairs, Virginia or Cindy and they will collect.
2nd District Totally-Not-Bored Meeting Clare Smith
FELLOWSHIP BON BONDING TIME Stephanie Munson I rarely get a chance to go up into the valley over summer so this day with two socials really got me excited. I got to the Bon Bon fundraiser pretty early along with Emily and it took a while for other members to get there. We ordered our boba drinks and made sure we mentioned Circle K and in the meantime we played this really fun and stressful game that had to do with matching pictures. Later on we had a few other members join us and we played the matching games with them as well. I really enjoyed our boba social because the games make us freak out and we end up making weird loud sounds that probably weird other customers out. But that’s what you get with Circle K. After we got tired of that game, Uno took over and nobody ended up winning because we had to leave for the Jurassic Park social. Even though only a few members joined us at Bon Bon we still managed to have a blast and it continued through the night.
JURASSIC FUN Daisy Tran After a long day of spending time with my family from Canada, it was really nice to end the day by going to CSUN Summer Fest watching Jurassic Park with my CKI friends along with my cousins. I love watching old movies especially Jurassic Park. It is one of the greatest movies that one would never get tired of watching. It has been been since I have seen my CKI friends and I am glad I got the chance to watch Jurassic Park with them. I am also glad that I got a chance to take my cousins out before they go back to Canada. To be honest, in the beginning one of my cousins thought we were watching Jurassic World. Later on he saw on the screen it was Jurassic Park and he was a little disappointed but he still had fun especially getting Bon Bon after the movie. Go Bon Bon!!! So I had a lot of fun and I can't wait to watch Toy Story on July 30. I hope to see all of you guys there. You know I will be there.
CIRCLE K’S HEROS Virginia Hernandez On July 16th I was able to attend Summer Movie Fest at CSUN, the movie playing was Big Hero 6. I could not wait to see Baymax in action and get to hang out with my Circle K family at the same time. My friends Cindy and Kevin were the two that I showed up with. When we got to the event we met up with Clare, Alex, Isaac, and Megan; they were already there and had saved space for us and other members who would show up later on. The food trucks caught my eye, especially the food truck Me So Hungry, BURGERS.!! Yes! I sat down with everyone to eat my burgers, then I asked the rest of the group if they were interested in playing Cards Against Humanity, and they agreed on playing. Eric and Juan eventually joined in before we ended the game. The raffles took place, then we all got up to get any last minute food items, Eric went for food, and Cindy and I went to get some shaved ice. When we got back to where we were sitting, the movie had already started, and we sat down quickly. In the middle of the movie I looked over at everyone paying attention, they looked so into the movie it was too funny. The movie ended and we started to pack up our things, fold our blankets, and throw away any trash around us. Alex showed us a new cheer he had made up, it took us some time but we caught onto the words and we practiced it a few times out loud, Then we started to talk about Circle K and the event coming up, beach clean up, DCM, and even the next Summer Movie Fest Social. We all got excited and said some ideas on what to do in the semester to come. We then realized that we were the only big group still there, we decided to leave and walked together to where we were parked. It was a great social, I’m really glad I got the chance to go and talk to everyone, can't wait to see them again for the next Summer Movie Social.
Story Time Clare Smith & Stephanie Munson This Movie Fest was amazing! I was actually planning on not going. I was set on not going. But after I convinced Stephanie to join me in my Insanity workout, it only seemed fair to accept her invitation. Even then, I was absolutely set on only staying for half of the movie. When we got there, I was instantly happy that I went. There, within all of the awesome food trucks, was a Cupcake Wars Food Truck with gluten FREE Cupcakes!!! OH my goodness, I was in heaven. But because I was broke, I could not buy one of those amazing $5 GF cupcakes. I did promise myself that I would do so one day. After perusing through the food trucks we went and tried to surprise the few members that attended, Daisy and Jason, and took a seat next to them. Then AS announced that Gotta Dance Studio would be performing. I was extremely excited because I am a former student of theirs. As we watched the incredibly limber tiny dancers, there was a little girl walking around giving out Menchies Coupons. Yay! Deciding that we were hungry and wanted a snack we went back to the food trucks and contemplated grilled cheese and what we wanted on it since we would share. After some lengthy conversations and running into Virginia we decided on Mac N Cheese, applewood bacon, and avocados. It was one of the best grilled cheese sandwiches I’ve ever had. Coupons, GF cupcakes, performances, grilled cheese, what could be next? My ride home cancelled on me!!! This made us look up how long the movie actually was and found out it was super short, and since I only really liked the second half of the movie (after Buzz gets thrown out the window... Oops too-late-Spoiler-Alert), I decided to stay for the whole thing. This whole experience was full of bittersweet moments, like for the raffle they were giving out two Disney Hopper Passes, and we had both meant to bring items to donate (because that's how you get raffle tickets), but we both forgot and therefore lost our chances at winning. We’re both glad that we went after all and look forward to future ones, like Jaws and Guardians of the Galaxy.
QUESTION OF THE MONTH If you could have any SUPERPOWER what would it be?
Clare Smith President
Time Travel or Telekinetic powers (so that I can communicate to my bffs through our minds)
Connie Ng MD&E Chair
Daisy Tran General Member
Virginia Hernandez Service Chair
The ability to go back in time. (like in the movie "In Time"). Or to shape shift into people. Or to be Superman... because he is the BEST.! <3 Yea I can't choose.
Cindy Rojas Co-Service Chair
Jose Estrada General Member
Super Speed
Megan Baldado Secretary
Kris Pantanilla July 5
Valery Aquino July 22
Eric Ramirez July 22
Meeting Changes Tuesdays 4:30 PM Flintridge Room
Clare Smith
Kevin Zhang
VP of Administration
Jerry Mendez
VP of Service
Megan Baldado
Erika Cervantes
Alex Nguyen
Connie Ng
MD&E Chair
Stephanie Munson
Publications Editor
Virginia Hernandez
Service Chair
Cindy Rojas
Co-Service Chair
Eric Ramirez
Technology Chair
www.facebook.com/groups/csuncki @csuncki csuncirclek.weebly.com
I pledge to uphold the objects of Circle K International, To foster compassion and goodwill toward others through service and leadership, To develop my abilities and the abilities of all people, And to dedicate myself to the realization of mankindâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s potential!