Your daily prayer guide
prayer diary April-July 2020
‘Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves’ Proverbs 31:8
As I write this I’m very aware that we are living in unprecedented times, and none of us knows what will happen day by day. Many of us are in a state of uncertainty and perhaps fear. Yet we at CSW continue our work, underpinned as it always has been by your prayers.
organisations focusing on the Uyghur crisis are secular and so wouldn’t ask their supporters to pray. Which means that you are some of the few who will give yourselves to prayer for them – the over one million people torn from their families and forced to live in ‘re-education’ camps.
When I meet people around the world enduring trials because of their faith, it’s wonderful to be able to tell them that you are praying for them. As our campaign focus moves onto China, we know that Chinese people of all faiths need our prayers in the most profound way.
We’re unlikely ever to meet those we pray for. We may never know in this life what impact our prayers have, but it’s a privilege to partner with God in prayer, and we trust that he will take our prayers and use them to change lives.
As Christians, we must speak out against the injustice against Muslims from the Uyghur ethnic group (see week 9). A thought struck me as I was writing this: that although this crisis has received a lot of international attention, most of the 2 All images by CSW unless otherwise stated.
I pray God’s peace and protection over you and your loved ones. Thank you for your continued faithfulness in prayer, even in the midst of the current crisis. Dave Head of Campaigns
Your prayers are needed during Easter. Week 1: 12-18 April This Easter, as we celebrate our Lord’s resurrection, join us in praying for all Christians who are unable to freely profess and practise their faith in safety. May the promise of the resurrection fill them afresh with hope, peace, comfort, strength, joy, faith and boldness, despite the difficult circumstances they face. May they be reminded that, whatever trials they’re forced to endure in this world, we are an Easter people destined for another life. Sunday 12 April
Wednesday 15 April
‘Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen!’ (Luke 24:5-6) Pray that Christ’s resurrection will offer hope to all Christians facing harassment, discrimination or violence on account of their faith, and reassure them that the sorrow and suffering of this world will ultimately pass away.
‘Receive the Holy Spirit.’ (John 20:22) Pray that all those suffering because of their faith in Christ will be strengthened by the Holy Spirit and given the grace to persevere, regardless of the trials they may endure.
Monday 13 April ‘Peace be with you.’ (Luke 24:36) Pray for all families longing for news of their loved ones who have been detained, imprisoned, forcibly disappeared or abducted because of their faith; that they might know the peace Christ offers to each and every one of us this Easter.
Thursday 16 April ‘The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord.’ (John 20:20) Today, pray that all Christians facing injustice on account of their faith will be reminded that the disciples’ joy on seeing the risen Lord will one day be theirs too. Friday 17 April ‘Though the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them.’ (John 20:26)
At the resurrection, the unimaginable became reality. May those who can’t envisage any possible way out of their present sufferings be filled anew with an unshakable faith and remember that God’s ways defy earthly reason. Saturday 18 April ‘My Lord and my God!’ (John 20:28) Lord Jesus Christ, may all those who face harassment, intimidation and abuse for believing in you, despite never having seen you in the flesh, be filled with courage today. In the face of intimidation, may they profess faith in you as boldly as Thomas did on touching your wounded yet risen body. Amen.
Tuesday 14 April ‘Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.’ (Matthew 28:20) Pray for all Christians imprisoned, forcibly disappeared or abducted because of their religious belief; that they will be comforted today by the knowledge that the risen Christ will never abandon them.
This week please pray for Sudan. Week 2: 19-25 April Just over a year ago, President Omar al Bashir was removed from office and placed under arrest. He was deposed following nationwide protests that began in December 2018. Sudanese citizens of all faiths came together to call for systemic reforms, and a change of government. Following months of negotiations between the military and civilians, a transitional government was formed in September 2019. It’s crucial that the country’s new leaders, who have also committed to upholding freedom of religion or belief, stay true to their word and attempt to bring an end to ongoing conflicts within the country. Find out more about Sudan at Sunday 19 April After months of negotiations between the Transitional Military Council and the Forces for Freedom and Change, a transitional government was established. Thank God that, after 30 years of oppressive rule, there is a window of opportunity for the creation of an inclusive, democratic state where the rights of all citizens are respected.
protestors. Ask God to bless the new leaders with courage, wisdom and integrity. Tuesday 21 April The transitional government has made positive progressive statements and affirmed the right to religious freedom. Today, praise God for this encouraging news and pray that ministers will be able to follow up these statements with concrete action.
Monday 20 April
Wednesday 22 April
The transitional government needs to draft a new constitution, repeal laws which violate religious freedom, establish peace in war-torn regions, rebuild the economy, and support the independent inquiry into the attacks on
In December 2019 the US State Department removed Sudan from its list of Countries of Particular Concern. (The list names states deemed guilty of particularly severe religious freedom violations.) However, human rights defenders are concerned that this assessment was made prematurely. Pray that the
international community would continue to monitor Sudan closely and speak out about ongoing rights abuses. Thursday 23 April Within the space of three weeks in December 2019 and January 2020, three churches in Blue Nile State were burned down twice. After the initial attacks, the Christian communities rebuilt the churches from local materials; but weeks later, the buildings were burned down again. Pray for protection and resilience for all affected by the attacks. Friday 24 April Although the churches reported each attack, no investigations were carried out. Ask God to move in the hearts of the local authorities and law enforcers, that they would take concrete action to ensure justice for the Christian communities. Saturday 25 April God of all nations, we lift Sudan to you today. We thank you for placing new leaders in power. As they seek to bring about reform, may they be guided by justice and ensure that the freedoms of all citizens, whatever their faith, are respected. Amen.
Sudan’s Head of Transitional Military Council, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah AlBurhan, and Sudan’s opposition alliance coalition’s leader Ahmad al-Rabiah, celebrate the signing of the power sharing deal. REUTERS/Mohamed Nureldin Abdallah
Your prayers are needed for Sri Lanka.
Week 3: 26 April-2 May Parliamentary elections took place in Sri Lanka yesterday (25 April). Religious minorities in Sri Lanka were already concerned following the election of Gotabaya Rajapaksa in the 2019 presidential election, given the war crime allegations he faces, and his brother’s treatment of minorities during his two terms as president. If his party, the Sinhalese-Buddhist Nationalist Party, secures a majority, then Gotabaya will have carte blanche to pursue pro-Sinhalese Buddhist policies at the expense of religious minorities. On Easter Sunday 2019 a terror group carried out a series of bombings on churches and hotels across Sri Lanka, claiming hundreds of lives. The tragedy was followed by a spate of anti-Muslim attacks on mosques and Muslim homes and businesses. Alongside this, there is a growing atmosphere of religious nationalism where hate, intimidation, harassment and attacks carried out against religious minorities are a daily occurrence. Find out more about Sri Lanka at Sunday 26 April
Tuesday 28 April
Pray that the aftermath of yesterday’s parliamentary elections is peaceful, and that the new parliament will respect the rights of religious minorities.
Praise God for the inspiring courage shown by many in the Christian and Muslim communities, who continue to practise their faith despite the dangers.
Monday 27 April
Wednesday 29 April
In June it will be five years since anti-Muslim attacks in Aluthgama and Beruwala, in the south-west of the country, resulted in at least four deaths and the displacement of tens of thousands. Ask God to comfort and provide for everyone who was affected.
By circulating hate content, social media can encourage attacks on religious minorities. For that reason, in the aftermath of the Easter Sunday attacks, the government announced a social media shutdown. Yet social media can also spread useful information which could protect communities at risk. Pray that individuals will use this tool wisely.
A view of the damage at St. Sebastian Catholic Church, after bomb blasts ripped through churches and luxury hotels on Easter, in Negombo, Sri Lanka April 22, 2019. REUTERS/Athit Perawongmetha
Thursday 30 April Pray for God’s comfort for those who lost loved ones, livelihood and homes in the Easter Sunday bombings and the reprisal attacks last year. Ask God to provide everything they need emotionally, spiritually and materially. Friday 1 May ‘Deceit is in the hearts of those who plot evil, but those who promote peace have joy.’ (Proverbs 12:20) Pray this verse over Sri Lanka today. Saturday 2 May Father God, thank You for Your love which extends throughout all generations and to all people of the world. As Sri Lanka faces a critical time in its history, we ask that you will pour out Your Spirit of peace on the nation and transform it into a place where everyone is free to practise their beliefs peacefully. 5
Pray for Coronavirus victims. Week 4: 3-9 May Join us in praying the Lord’s Prayer every day over religious minority communities at greater risk during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, On earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins As we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation But deliver us from evil For the kingdom, the power and the glory are Yours, now and forever. Amen.
Your prayers are needed for Nepal. Week 5: 10-16 May The introduction of anti-conversion provisions in the constitution and the penal code, which criminalise the propagation of faith, place Christians in the vulnerable position of potentially being prosecuted for proselytising. Anyone can be accused of violating the law, even for peacefully sharing their faith or belief. Charitable organisations owned by Christians are also at risk of being targeted for prosecution even if they are not involved in proselytising. Find out more about Nepal at Chinimaya Blon and Pastor Tamang Chinimaya Blon is a Christian social worker who has run an orphanage in Dhankuta district since 2011. In 2016 the government refused to renew her licence. With consent from the children’s parents, she moved the 14 children under her care to Kathmandu and placed them under the care of Pastor Hari Tamang who provided a shelter within his church compound. They were both arrested, imprisoned for a week and charged with child trafficking and attempted conversion. Police and social services then raided the compound and took custody of the children. Their case has been ongoing since 2016. Sunday 10 May Pray that the charges against Chinimaya and Pastor Tamang would be dropped, and that the Supreme Court would rule in their favour. Monday 11 May Ask God to strengthen Chinimaya and Pastor
Tamang after the years of the ongoing legal case. At a hearing on 5 February the court requested further documents. Pray that the case will not be prolonged as it has already caused many hardships to the accused. Tuesday 12 May As you pray today, use the words of Amos 5:24 to inspire and guide your prayers for Chinimaya and Pastor Tamang. ‘But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!’ Pastor Dilli Ram Paudel, General Secretary of the Nepal Christian Society Last April Pastor Dilli Ram Paudel, a church leader named Kausang Tamang and two other people were arrested at their hotel, while attending a conference for pastors. Pastor Dilli Ram was arrested on false charges of religious conversion and was detained for a week before being released on bail. During that time he wasn’t allowed visits from friends or relatives and wasn’t given the meals he needed as a diabetic.
Wednesday 13 May Pray that the false charges against Pastor Dilli Ram and the others would be dropped, and that he would be free to continue his ministry without fear of further prosecution. Thursday 14 May Ask God to strengthen church leaders in Nepal as they show their support, and pray that his case would not strike fear into their hearts. Friday 15 May Use Jeremiah 7:17 as you pray for Pastor Dilli Ram and Kausang today: ‘But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him.’ Saturday 16 May God of justice, rise up to defend the cause of the oppressed in Nepal and bring justice to all those who are falsely accused of illegal conversion. As they wait patiently for you Lord, may you hear their cry and move quickly to help them. Amen.
Pray for Iran. Week 6: 17-23 May Pastor Victor Bet-Tamraz and his family are being treated like criminals. Like many Iranians from minority faith communities, they have received excessive sentences on unfounded charges relating to national security as part of an ongoing crackdown on religious minorities. Pastor Victor and his family have been charged with national security crimes for what many would consider normal church activities. Pastor Victor faces a ten-year prison sentence for ‘conducting evangelism’ and ‘illegal house church activities’. His wife, Shamiram, was sentenced to five years’ imprisonment for ‘membership of a group with the purpose of disrupting national security’ and an additional five years for ‘gathering and colluding to commit crimes against national security’. Their final appeal hearing was due to take place at the end of February, but was postponed because a summons for one of their co-accused, Hadi Asgari, had not been issued. Their son, Ramiel, was released early from Tehran’s Evin prison because of the coronavirus outbreak. He was serving a five-year sentence, after being arrested while on a picnic with four other Christians. Read more about Iran at Sunday 17 May
Wednesday 20 May
Saturday 23 May
Pray that God would deliver justice for Pastor Victor, his wife Shamiram and their coaccused, granting a positive outcome at their final appeal hearing, despite the strong likelihood their sentences won’t be dropped.
Pray for Ramiel’s wife, Ninebra, who had to endure being separated from her husband and seeing him imprisoned. Ask God to give her fresh strength and courage to face each day.
Monday 18 May
Pray for Dabrina Bet-Tamraz, Pastor Victor’s daughter, as she campaigns for her family. Ask God to give her wisdom in all she does, and to show her where to go and what to say.
Lord God, be a refuge and strength to Pastor Victor, Shamiram, Ramiel, Dabrina, Ninebra and the Church in Iran today. Encourage them and deliver them, for they trust in your name. Command your angels concerning all their ways, protect them from all harm and show them your salvation. Amen.
Ask God to bless Pastor Victor and Shamiram today, using Psalm 30:1-2 to inspire your prayers: ‘I will exalt you, Lord, for you lifted me out of the depths and did not let my enemies gloat over me. Lord my God, I called to you for help, and you healed me.’ Tuesday 19 May Give thanks for the gift of joy God has granted to Ramiel Bet-Tamraz, which has sustained him during his prison sentence. Ask God to increase this gift in his life.
Thursday 21 May
Friday 22 May Use the opening verses of Psalm 37 to pray for the whole family today: ‘Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this: He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn, your vindication like the noonday sun.’
Dabrina Bet-Tamraz giving evidence at the UN
This week please pray for Nigeria. Week 7: 24-30 May Nigeria is experiencing an increase in violence on several fronts: the upsurge in attacks by terrorist factions in the northeast; attacks by Fulani militia throughout the country; armed banditry in the north-west that is possibly terrorism-related; and kidnapping for ransom by armed groups. Yet we continue to be inspired by the courage and faith of the Christian communities, who hold fast to the truth that God will answer their prayers and bring forth justice. As we pray for the nation this week, we’re using the words of Psalm 138 (NLT) to lead our prayers. Find out more about Nigeria at Sunday 24 May
Tuesday 26 May
As soon as I pray, you answer me; you encourage me by giving strength. (Psalm 138:3)
Though the Lord is great, he cares for the humble. (Psalm 138:6)
Ask God to strengthen those who’ve lost loved ones. Especially remember Mrs Mary Andimi, whose husband Rev Lawan Andimi (Chairman of the Christian Association of Nigeria in Adamawa state) was abducted and beheaded in January by a Boko Haram faction.
Ask God to protect Professor and Mrs Tarfa after their orphanages were raided and closed down in December 2019; the children were moved to a government-run children’s home, where they are experiencing assault, abuse and pressure to convert. The professor was charged with ‘criminal abduction of minors’. Pray for his freedom and for the children to be returned to the only homes they’ve ever known.
Monday 25 May I will give you thanks O Lord with all my heart; I will sing your praises before the gods. (Psalm 138:1) Give thanks for the life and testimony of Rev Andimi. Thank God for Mrs Andimi’s faith. In the aftermath of her husband’s death she declared, ‘Our faith is now ever stronger than at any other husband was ready to go and be with the Lord. He knew where he was going and he was prepared for it.’
Wednesday 27 May I bow before your holy Temple as I worship. I praise your name for your unfailing love and faithfulness. (Psalm 138:2a) Ask God to comfort the families and friends of 18-year-old Catholic student Michael Nandi, and mother of three Mrs Bola Ataga, who were murdered by their abductors in Kaduna state.
Thursday 28 May The Lord will work out his plans for my life - for your faithful love, O Lord, endures forever. Don’t abandon me, for you made me. Psalm 138:8 It’s over two years since 17-year-old Leah Sharibu was abducted from her school in north-eastern Nigeria by a Boko Haram faction. She’s been in captivity ever since for refusing to convert in exchange for her freedom. Ask God for her miraculous and safe release. Friday 29 May Though I am surrounded by troubles, you will protect me from the anger of my enemies. Psalm 138:7 Pray for protection for communities under siege from armed groups. Remember those in Kaduna state, where kidnapping for ransom and militia attacks are rife and Christians are particularly targeted. Pray also for Plateau state, where 32 people died in a series of attacks on Bokkos LGA, and for the communities in Borno and Adamawa state under constant attack by Boko Haram factions. Saturday 30 May Lord, may you strengthen your people in Nigeria with your glorious power, so that they will have all the endurance, faith and patience they need. We ask you to hear our prayers for the peace and healing of the land. Amen.
Your prayers are needed for Indonesia. Giulio Paletta/CSW
Week 8: 31 May - 6 June Indonesia is the world’s largest Muslimmajority nation and is home to around 13% of the world’s Muslim population. The country has a long tradition of pluralism, but over the past decade it’s seen a considerable rise in religious intolerance. President Joko Widodo, who was re-elected last April, must now ensure that religious freedom is protected and seek to bring an end to intolerance. Find out more about Indonesia at
Sunday 31 May Pray this verse over President Joko Widodo today: ‘Be sure you know the condition of your flocks, give careful attention to your herds; for riches do not endure forever and a crown is not secure for all generations.’ (Proverbs 27:23-24) Monday 1 June Today Indonesia marks Pancasila Day, when the country remembers the declaration of its founding principles in 1945. Pluralism was among them, and Pancasila has historically ensured that the country’s religious groups can coexist peacefully. Pray that Indonesia would return to a truly pluralistic society. Tuesday 2 June Thank God for national initiatives aimed at countering extremism and religious intolerance. Shortly before last year’s election, leaders from various faiths 10
including Islam, Christianity and Buddhism came together for a conference in Jakarta, to promote peaceful coexistence. CSW was also privileged to attend. Wednesday 3 June Give thanks for Father Felix Supranto, a Catholic priest who works to build inter-faith relations between Muslim and Christian leaders. CSW attended one of his inter-faith meetings and was told by a Muslim cleric: ‘We have to be together with other religions and ethnicities, to build Indonesia together.’ Thursday 4 June Despite these encouraging signs, blasphemy laws continue to be used. The Constitutional Court has rejected calls to challenge these laws and is considering introducing a Religious Rights Protection Bill, which would further impact the right to convert to another faith. Pray that this new law would not pass and
that Indonesians would be allowed to choose and change their religion freely. Friday 5 June On 13 May 2018 three churches in Surabaya were attacked by a family of suicide bombers. One of the churches, Santa Maria Tak Bercela, welcomed around 5,000 worshippers at Easter 2019, with 76 people being baptised. Thank God that, despite the trauma of 2018, the community has been blessed with resilience and an unshakable faith. Saturday 6 June Heavenly Father, we bring before you the people of Indonesia. Grant wisdom to the country’s leaders, that they may rule justly and protect the rights of all their citizens, whatever their faith. Bless and multiply the work of those trying to bring about inter-religious harmony, so that Indonesia might return to the peaceful, multi-religious country it once was. Amen.
Your prayers are needed for China. Week 9: 7-13 June As we switch our campaign focus for 2020 to China (page 2, Response), we know that so many need our prayers: Pastor Wang Yi who boldly spoke out and now faces a nine-year sentence; Muslim families from the Uyghur ethnic group placed in ‘re-education’ camps in Xinjiang; Christian children banned from church or school. As you pray, be inspired by the perseverance of Pastor Wang Yi, who wrote, ‘Separate me from my wife and children, ruin my reputation, destroy my life.... However, no one in this world can force me to renounce my faith.’ Find out more about China at Sunday 7 June Thank God for the courage of Pastor Wang Yi, sentenced to nine years following a trial on Boxing Day 2019. Lift up him and his family today, praying that they’d know God’s presence and comfort. Monday 8 June Members of Pastor Wang Yi’s Early Rain Church, and Living Stone Church in Guizhou, are under severe pressure, including ongoing harassment from police. Thank God for their faith and ask that they’ll be able to continue to meet together in some way. Tuesday 9 June
targeted because of their ethnicity and religion (they are predominantly Muslim). Pray that this huge injustice would end and these people would be set free. Thursday 11 June ‘I am happy for you, you are safe there… Please stop calling me.’ These are the words of one Uyghur mother to her daughter living in Australia. She hasn’t heard from her family since that day. Pray for peace for all those living overseas with family in Xinjiang, and that they would receive word from their loved ones.
Friday 12 June Our new China campaign is initially focusing on the UK Parliament. Please pray that so many people contact their MP, and request and share campaign cards, that it becomes a critical mass that MPs can’t ignore. Saturday 13 June God of all comfort, we thank you for the extraordinary bravery of pastors, human rights defenders, and many more in China. We pray for all those suffering this stranglehold on religious groups, that they would see justice and you would release them from oppression. Amen.
We have heard of several cases of parents who have been told they cannot take their children to church. Pray today that this will be reversed, so that children everywhere may attend church with their parents. Wednesday 10 June Over one million Uyghur people have been placed into ‘re-education camps’ in China without charge or trial, 11
Your prayers are needed for Cuba. Wednesday 17 June
Week 10: 14-20 June
The government of Cuba continues to abuse freedom of religion or belief, intimidating church leaders, expropriating church buildings, arresting religious freedom defenders, and harassing the children of religious leaders. Yet those under fire are displaying immense courage, refusing to be intimidated into giving up their faith. ‘They want me to stop being a pastor,’ says Pastor Alain Toledano Valiente. But he has no intention of stopping. Find out more about Cuba at
Thursday 18 June
Sunday 14 June
Friday 19 June
Thank God for the immense courage displayed by Pastor Alain Toledano Valiente and his family. His church and home have been destroyed, he’s been charged with the crime of ‘disobedience’ for holding church events, and he’s been banned indefinitely from leaving the country. He and his wife and children are continuing to stand firm in their faith despite everything they face. Monday 15 June Liusdan is a 12-year-old Jewish boy from Camagüey province. He and his younger brother, Daniel Moises, have been forbidden from entering their school while wearing the kippah (skullcap). Liusdan has also been beaten regularly since he started at his new 12
Giulio Paletta/CSW
Pastor Toledano Valiente’s wife Marilin Alayo Correa, has recorded a moving and powerful video testimony about the intense harassment her family has endured, and their determination to keep going. Pray that she will not experience any retaliation for her courage in speaking out.
school. Pray that Liusdan and Daniel Moises will be able to resume their education free of intimidation. Tuesday 16 June When no one is watching, governments can get away with anything. But the international community is starting to acknowledge the situation - the United States recently added Cuba to its Special Watch List for countries that have ‘engaged in or tolerated severe violations of religious freedom.’ This sends a warning to the government, and Cuban religious leaders have been calling for this for years, so we’re very pleased that their voices have finally been heard. Thank God for this development.
‘This is what the Lord says to you: “Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s.”’ (2 Chronicles 20:15b) Pray this verse over Cuba today.
Activist Caridad Caballero once told us, ‘Just because we hold different beliefs to those who govern our country, they try to stop us from worshipping at our church. We hold fast to our faith and we will continue to fight.’ Praise God for Caridad’s steadfast faith. Saturday 20 June Heavenly Father, today we give you thanks for the courage of religious leaders and activists in Cuba. Protect them from the government’s plans to intimidate and harass them, and give them a new measure of peace. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
Pray for Colombia. Week 11: 21-27 June This Tuesday marks three years since the Colombian government signed a peace agreement with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-Army of the People (FARC-EP), ending the decades-long civil war; yet there has been little progress on the promises made in the agreement and the peace agreement still hasn’t been fully implemented. Colombia is far from peaceful, with violations of freedom of religion or belief continuing, and even worsening in some areas. Find out more about Colombia at Sunday 21 June In 2013 a group of Christians from the Department of Cauca were forced to leave their indigenous reservations. As of November 2019, there were 60 families - a total of 317 people, including children - living on two hectares of land. Pray for their health and wellbeing and that they will be granted a safe place to live. Monday 22 June Pray that the Colombian government would recognise religious minorities living on indigenous lands as deserving of the same rights as the rest of the population, and put in place legislation that will protect freedom of religion or belief for those living in these areas. Tuesday 23 June On the third anniversary of the ceasefire between the Colombian government and the FARC-EP, pray that the government would fully
implement the peace agreement, and guarantee the safety and rights of all of its citizens. Wednesday 24 June
Friday 26 June
Pray this verse over the leaders of all illegal armed groups in Colombia. ‘And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.’ (Ezekiel 36:26)
Today on the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, pray for every person who has been tortured at the hands of guerrilla groups in Colombia. Pray for restoration and peace in their lives, and thank God for the courage and strength of those who speak out against such violations.
Thursday 25 June In some areas, illegal armed groups are forcibly living with religious leaders and other community leaders. Pray for the safety and security of the religious leaders and community leaders, that God’s hand of protection would be on each one of them.
Saturday 27 June Heavenly Father, we ask you to work in the hearts of all those who are involved in the implementation of the peace process, that this will be done quickly; and for a peace that surpasses all understanding to fall on Colombia. Amen.
This week please pray for the Central African Republic. Week 12: 28 June-4 July In February 2019 the government of CAR signed a peace agreement with the 14 main armed groups operating in the country. The agreement was the sixth signed between the government and armed groups since the Seleka rebel alliance overran the capital in a coup in March 2013. The last six years have been marked by recurrent fighting between fragmented armed groups, with civilians paying the highest price. Prior to the outbreak of violence, conflict in the country rarely occurred along religious lines. However, since 2013 armed groups have largely manipulated ethnic and religious divisions to realise their aims. The latest peace agreement is supported by the African Union and the United Nations as the best means of bringing peace in the country; however incidents of violence against civilians and UN peacekeeping missions in the country continue to be reported. Find out more about CAR at Sunday 28 June
Wednesday 1 July
Presidential elections are set for the end of this year. Pray that security and state authority would be restored throughout the country to ensure a peaceful democratic voting process.
Pray for a definitive end to violence, and that the international community would continue to raise concerns about ongoing attacks and support the government to hold perpetrators to account.
Monday 29 June In February 2019 a peace agreement was signed, which has held for longer than previous arrangements. Pray that all armed groups will uphold it in its entirety. Tuesday 30 June The peace agreement is not without its faults. It provides little clarity on what justice mechanisms should be used to hold members of armed groups who stand accused of rights abuses to account. To complicate matters further, many of these groups are now part of the government. Pray that all those responsible for atrocity crimes and other human rights violations would be held to account.
communities as they rebuild their businesses and homes. Friday 3 July Pray the following verse over the CAR today: ‘But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a neverfailing stream!’ (Amos 5:24)
Thursday 2 July
Saturday 4 July
Last December at least 30 people were killed as a result of fighting in Bangui, and shops and houses were burned down. Pray for comfort and peace for the victims’ families, and for the
Holy Spirit, pour your peace and justice on the CAR today. May any remaining warring factions relent and allow for the establishment of true peace and freedom for every citizen. Amen.
A member of the Anti-Balaka armed militia poses as he displays his weapon. REUTERS/Baz Ratner
This week please pray for Mexico. Week 13: 5-11 July Although the Mexican constitution guarantees the right to freedom of religion or belief, minority faith communities continue to be targeted. Government officials – both at the state and local level – often display a general lack of interest in religious freedom, meaning that the right is regularly violated and those who cause the violations are rarely held to account. The impact of organised crime also has a serious effect on freedom of religion. In 2018 Mexico was ranked the world’s most dangerous country for Catholic priests for the tenth year in a row. Find out more about Mexico at Sunday 5 July Authorities cut off water and sewage services to two Protestant Christian families in La Mesa Limantitla, Hidalgo State in January 2019. They are no longer recognised as members of the community and now must walk a kilometre to access water. With the current outbreak of COVID-19 (coronavirus), the families have become even more vulnerable. Pray God’s protection over them, and that their water supply would be reinstated. Monday 6 July Religious leaders running shelters and protecting the rights of migrants are increasingly vulnerable to attacks, kidnap, enforced disappearance and murder. Pray for the safety of these religious leaders and for a thorough investigation into all attacks against them.
his family paid the ransom demanded by his captors, he was found on the side of a highway two days later with four gunshot wounds. Pray that he would be healed, both of his physical wounds and any psychological trauma.
Thursday 9 July Sadly other children from minority faith groups are still being prevented from receiving fair access to education. CSW is currently aware of at least 38 children out of school because of their beliefs. Pray that like Kevin, they too would be able to return to school. Friday 10 July ‘Finally, all of you, be likeminded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble.’ (1 Peter 3:8) Pray this verse over the people of Mexico.
Wednesday 8 July
Saturday 11 July
Praise God for Kevin’s return to school. Hundreds of you emailed the governor of Chiapas to campaign for him after his schooling was interrupted when members of his faith community were driven out of their homes in 2018. Thanks to your support, he’s now able to continue working towards his dream of becoming a doctor.
Loving heavenly Father, we lift to you the nation of Mexico. Give strength to all faith communities suffering for their beliefs and soften the hearts of all those seeking to do them harm. Grant protection, peace and freedom to people of all faiths. Amen.
Tuesday 7 July On 4 January 2020 Father Roly Candelario Piña Camacho was kidnapped. Although Kevin returns to school
Our manifesto #13
We believe in the power of prayer to bring change.
CSW is a human rights organisation advocating for freedom of religion or belief. As Christians we stand with everyone facing injustice because of their religion or belief. T +44 (0)20 8329 0010 @CSW_UK /CSWUK Registered Charity No. 281836
PO Box 99 New Malden Surrey, KT3 3YF United Kingdom