Prayer Diary: July - October 2021

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Your daily prayer guide

prayer diary

CSW Dave Mance

July–October 2021


Your prayers are needed for China. Week 1: 11-17 July The courage of individuals to stand against injustices perpetrated by the Chinese Communist Party – whether pastors, journalists, human rights lawyers, or family members of those taken – is hugely inspiring. Their willingness to place themselves in danger by speaking out encourages us to stand alongside them in prayer and solidarity; and to cry out to God that their calls for justice will finally be heard. Find out more at

After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. Revelation 7:9

Thursday 15 July

Lift up Zhang Zhan, the Christian citizen journalist imprisoned following her investigations of the COVID-19 outbreak. Thank God for her determination to make the truth known, fuelled by her faith, and ask God to keep her strong, despite her partial hunger strike.

We thank God for the success we’ve seen so far in our campaign as part of the Coalition to End Forced Labour in the Uyghur Region. Marks & Spencer signed the brand commitment; pray that others would follow them and commit to ensuring they don’t use forced labour.

Add your voice to our forced labour campaign at

crying out to God in loud voices.

Monday 12 July Thank God for the courage displayed by ‘house’ church members who continue to meet in small groups, despite the risk. Pray for wisdom for the leaders who are still free, as they consider how to keep their congregations safe, while also exercising their right to worship freely.

There are days when the stream of heartbreaking, unjust and tragic news can feel relentless.

As we joined as one Church in many homes across the UK and around the world, praying for breakthrough, freedom and justice, we were that great multitude from every tribe and nation standing before the throne of God. When I next have a day that seems to bring an endless flow of bad news, I will remember that moment when thousands of us stood together before the throne of God to pray for justice. I know it will renew my strength and I’ll thank God for giving me a precious glimpse of heaven.

Tuesday 13 July

I’m privileged to have had a number of those ‘glimpses of heaven’ while I’ve worked at CSW. One of those was on 14 May when we hosted our biggest ever prayer event - five online prayer events across five continents spanning a 24-hour period. As I joined the first events in our prayer relay, I was reminded of the image given to John in Revelation 7. A picture of a great multitude from different nations, tribes, and languages standing before the throne of God, all holding palm branches and


Sunday 11 July

So often in the course of our work we see the very worst that people do to each other: governments enacting campaigns of violence and terror against innocent citizens; religious hatred taught in schools; children abducted and held in captivity because of their religious beliefs.

But every now and then, God gives us the most beautiful glimpse of heaven, and it renews our strength to keep fighting for justice and freedom.

Thank you so much for praying with us.

Emma Communications Team P.S. If you weren’t able to join us for the Heroes of Faith prayer events in May, you can catch up with the recordings at

Unless otherwise stated, Scripture quotations taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version® NIV® Copyright © 1973 1978 1984 2011 by Biblica, Inc. TM. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Zhang Zhan

Pray for Pastor Wang Yi, who was sentenced in 2019 to nine years in prison because he spoke out for churches and Christians in China. Ask God to protect and strengthen his family, giving them everything they need to continue to stand strong.

Wednesday 14 July Our hearts break when we hear about the horrific abuses experienced by the predominantly Muslim Uyghur ethnic group, and other violations against Muslims in China. Uyghur families are torn apart, as parents are sent to ‘re-education’ camps and children are taken away to state orphanages. We thank God that there is growing awareness in the international community about this crisis, and pray for strong, effective international action to bring an end to this tragedy.

Friday 16 July ‘How long, O Lord? Will you forget me forever?’ This is David’s cry in Psalm 13. As we pray for China this week, let’s keep crying out to God for all those who feel their pain won’t end, that their enemy would never say ‘I have prevailed over him,’ but instead that justice would break forth.

Saturday 17 July In Acts 16 Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and then the prison doors opened and the chains of every prisoner fell off. Not all those prisoners were Christians, yet they were all freed by God’s power. Father, we ask that you will do the same miracle today in China – that as your people pray and praise, you will bring freedom not only to them but to all who are currently detained unjustly.


Pray for Justice.

This week please pray for Cuba. Week 3: 25-31 July

Yoe Suárez, Cuban human rights defender

Week 2: 18-24 July

Seeking justice is at the very core of our work. It’s the mission Christ gave to his Church when he taught his disciples to pray for God’s kingdom to come on earth, and it’s the reason why we advocate for freedom of religion or belief for all. This week let’s pray with renewed hope for a just world – one where everyone is free to choose and practise their faith freely and in safety – on earth as it is in heaven.

Sunday 18 July

Thursday 22 July

‘Speak the truth to each other and render true and sound judgment in your courts.’ (Zechariah 8:16) Pray that all those who are unfairly facing trial because of their beliefs would be met with just judges who seek the truth above all else.

‘We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned...’

Monday 19 July ‘At once all the prison doors flew open, and everyone’s chains came loose.’ (Acts 16:26b) Today, ask God to free all those currently imprisoned or detained on account of their beliefs.

Tuesday 20 July ‘Defend the rights of the poor and needy.’ (Proverbs 31:9b) Remember all those impoverished – those prevented from having access to water, electricity and other essential services, or barred from applying for certain jobs – because they belong to a minority faith group.

Wednesday 21 July ‘So God created mankind in his own image.’ (Genesis 1:27a) Pray today for all children around the world who are denied fair access to education on account of their faith; that their communities and governments would recognise that they are of equal value and grant them the rights they deserve.


(2 Corinthians 4:8-9) Pray for strength and renewed hope for all those who are waiting for justice; those forced to flee their homes or who have had their property destroyed; those who suffer daily harassment because of their faith.

Friday 23 July

‘Being different is considered a crime and something to be crushed.’ That’s what Maryam1 told us, reflecting on her experiences as a Muslim in Cuba. She’s a talented artist who has experienced significant pressure from the government because of her faith - including illegal searches of her home, being forced out of her job, and being humiliated when she was giving birth in hospital. Read her story in her own words on p.[16] of Response magazine. Across this Caribbean island, the authorities use all kinds of tactics to harass and discriminate against people of all faiths and beliefs. All religious groups are targeted to varying degrees, usually tied to levels of perceived lack of support of or cooperation with the government. Find out more at

Sunday 25 July Maryam said, ‘I am afraid that if I wear a head covering, I will just continue to be humiliated and I do not have the strength.’ Pray that she will be strengthened for the daily struggles she endures.

Thursday 29 July ‘Then a despised Samaritan came along, and when he saw the man, he felt compassion for him.’ (Luke 10:33 NLT) Thank God for all those who have compassion on and work for justice for people of other faiths.

Friday 30 July As the COVID-19 pandemic forced churches across Cuba to shut their doors, the government took advantage of the situation and there have since been two confirmed cases of churches being demolished. Pray that these congregations would soon be able to find a new building, so that they can gather again when it’s safe to do so.

Saturday 31 July Heavenly Father, thank you for the privilege of hearing Maryam’s story and learning more about the reality of life for Cuba’s religious minorities. We ask you to protect her and her husband and daughters from any further intimidation and harassment, so that they are free to live their lives in peace. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

‘Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.’ (Matthew 5:10) Today pray for the human rights defenders, activists, journalists and NGO workers who devote their lives to seeking justice, often risking their own safety to defend the rights of others.

Monday 26 July

The new neighbourhood

Pray that the harassment of Maryam and her family will cease completely, so that she and her husband no longer have to worry about their daughters’ safety.

Saturday 24 July

Today, spend some time thanking God for the extraordinary courage of human rights defenders and journalists like Yoel ‘Yoe’ Suárez.

Jesus told the story of the Good Samaritan to answer someone who asked, ‘Who is my neighbour?’ Jesus had just told him to ‘Love your neighbour as yourself’. The man was told that his neighbour is anyone who needs his help – and that really wasn’t what he was expecting to hear. Especially since the person in the story who needed help, was someone he would have considered his enemy.

Loving heavenly Father, we lift up to you all those facing injustice because of their faith around the world. May they be comforted, strengthened, filled with hope, and trust that in time justice will ‘roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!’ (Amos 5:24) Amen.

Tuesday 27 July

So what does this mean for us now? Some Christians have pointed out that if Jesus was telling the story of the Good Samaritan today, he might have told it about the Good Muslim.

Wednesday 28 July In 2020, Yoe was taken blindfolded in an unmarked car to an unknown location, and interrogated by State Security agents. Ask God to protect him from any future attempts to intimidate him into giving up his work reporting on human rights issues.

At CSW we work for religious freedom for all. That means that everyone is entitled to choose and change their religion. We believe God calls us to speak up for the rights of people of all faiths and none. Name changed to protect the author.



Pray for the United Nations.

Your prayers are needed for Pakistan. Qaiser Maqsood

Week 4: 1-7 August

Week 5: 8-14 August

‘Through verified, credible reporting, the Special Rapporteurs call out truth to power.’ Claire Denman, CSW’s Deputy Team Leader for Public Affairs.

‘They had informed my family that I am badly injured and would not survive, but God gave me a new life.’ - Qaiser. On Easter Sunday 2016, a suicide bomb attack targeting the Christian community in Pakistan killed over 72 people and injured hundreds. Five years on, the survivors are still waiting for justice. Sadly, Pakistan’s minority faith communities continue to experience harassment, threats and even violence. Christians and Ahmadi Muslims are at particular risk. Find out more at

It would be very difficult to secure justice for victims of human rights violations without partnering with UN Special Rapporteurs, who work with NGOs like CSW to promote and uphold the right of every individual to freedom of religion or belief. These unpaid experts raise cases of concern to UN Member States, calling them to take action based on the accurate research provided by our advocates. Find out more at

Sunday 1 August

Thursday 5 August

Pray for wisdom and discernment as our Deputy Team Leader for Public Affairs, Claire Denman, prepares for the upcoming session of the Human Rights Council in September. We thank God for this important opportunity to raise cases of concern directly with policy makers from across the world.

Last year, 50 UN experts signed a joint statement, urging the UN to take action regarding human rights violations in China. Pray that their collective voice leads more people in power to speak out against the human rights abuses perpetrated by the Chinese authorities, putting pressure on them to change.

Monday 2 August Building good relationships with UN staff, Special Rapporteurs and country representatives is essential for our work with the UN. Pray that these connections will continue to grow and be strengthened, despite the pandemic having prevented inperson meetings and networking for over a year.

Tuesday 3 August Give thanks today for technology that not only allowed UN conferences to take place remotely during the pandemic, but also enabled expert witnesses and human rights defenders to participate directly in online meetings, enabling people who may have been previously unable to travel to Geneva in person due to financial or security reasons to have their voices heard.

Wednesday 4 August We are grateful for the consistent reporting of Dr Ahmed Shaheed, Special Rapporteur for freedom of religion or belief, who ensures that the voices of religious minorities are heard at the UN. Ask God to protect and sustain him as he exposes human rights violations and calls governments to action. 6

Friday 6 August As the UN’s experts continue raising cases of concern, we pray for momentum to build so that perpetrators are held to account and justice rolls on like a river (Amos 5:24).

Saturday 7 August Father God, we pray that our partners at the UN will not grow tired of doing good, but will continue to be a voice for the vulnerable at the Human Rights Council. May their work lead to real change from world leaders and policy makers. Amen. Claire Denman at the UN

Sunday 8 August ‘My life has been put at serious risk with this false allegation, and I don’t know how I’ll be able to resume work at the hospital.’ Ask God to protect Sakina Mehtab, a Christian nurse who went into hiding in May after receiving death threats over a false allegation of blasphemy.

Monday 9 August For faith communities who are at continual risk, the danger is not just physical. They also suffer the mental torment of being always on edge, worrying whenever a loved one comes home late. Pray for peace, comfort and healing from trauma for all these individuals.

Tuesday 10 August Criminalised, killed and cursed: this is the reality for the Ahmadiyya community, a Muslim sect who are the most persecuted religious group in the country. Radical Muslims have long encouraged violence against Ahmadis, resulting in hundreds of murders in recent decades. Pray that this hate speech would cease completely.

Wednesday 11 August In February Abdul Qadir, a 65-year-old Ahmadi homeopathic doctor, was shot dead outside his clinic in Peshawar in north-western Pakistan. His killing marked the latest in a concerning uptick in religiously motivated attacks on Ahmadis, particularly in Peshawar. Today as Pakistan observes National Minorities Day, pray for comfort for his family as they grieve his loss.

Thursday 12 August ‘Lord my God, I take refuge in you; save and deliver me from all who pursue me.’ (Psalm 7:1) Ask God to save and deliver all Pakistan’s faith communities who are at risk.

Friday 13 August Human rights lawyers are frequently at risk, and judges have been physically attacked and threatened with torture, even during court hearings. Many are afraid to hear prominent minority cases for fear of reprisals, resulting in slow progress in these cases. Ask God to bring a halt to these threats and attacks, so that justice can be served.

Saturday 14 August ‘Everyone who saw it said, “Such a horrible crime has not been committed in all the time since Israel left Egypt. Think about it! What are we going to do? Who’s going to speak up?”’ (Judges 19:30 NLT) The book of Judges tells the story of a time when the people of Israel saw an injustice so horrific that they could not stay silent. Today on the 74th anniversary of the independence of Pakistan, spend some time thanking God for Pakistan’s human rights defenders, who risk their lives to speak up against injustice.


Your prayers are needed for Indonesia.

Your prayers are needed for Colombia. The Catholic Cathedral of Jakarta during the Sunday Mass.

Week 6: 15-21 August

Week 7: 22-28 August

‘I call on everyone to fight against terror and radicalism, which go against religious values.’ President Joko Widodo made this declaration following an attack on a Catholic church in Makassar on Palm Sunday this year.

‘We recognise that the road to peace is long, tedious and dangerous, albeit encouraging.’ Pablo Moreno, Director of the Colombian Council of Evangelical Churches Peace Commission

Indonesia is the world’s largest Muslim-majority nation, and it has long been considered a champion of pluralism and freedom of religion or belief. However, there’s been a rise in religious intolerance in recent years and minority faith groups are becoming more vulnerable. Join us this week in praying for protection for them and that the country’s leaders would do their utmost to ensure everyone can practise their faith freely and in safety. Find out more at

Sunday 15 August Christians, Ahmadiyyas, Shi’as and other religious minorities are often targeted by radical Sunni Muslim militants. Churches are closed down or attacked, Ahmadiyya mosques and homes are burned, Shi’as are displaced. Pray for all religious communities today, that they would be protected from such attacks and that those responsible would be held to account.

Monday 16 August Today, pray for protection for the Church in Indonesia. On Palm Sunday this year, suicide bombers attacked a Catholic church in Makassar, leaving at least 20 people injured. The attackers are believed to have been Jemaah Anshorut Daulah (JAD), an armed group associated with Islamic State (IS). JAD were also responsible for the bombing of three churches in Surabaya in May 2018.

Tuesday 17 August On 30 November 2020, Islamic militants linked to IS attacked a Salvation Army outpost in a village in Central Sulawesi province. Four people were killed during the attack, one of 8

This week marks five years since the Colombian government announced a peace agreement with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia – People’s Army (FARC-EP). Despite this deal bringing an end to more than 50 years of conflict, the progress of peace has been slow and remains very fragile. Colombia continues to experience violence from illegal armed groups - violence which threatens to return the country to open conflict. These groups are also largely responsible for attacks on church leaders and human rights defenders.

whom was beheaded. Pray for comfort for those who lost loved ones in the attack, and for mental and emotional healing for those who witnessed it.

Find out more at

Wednesday 18 August The country’s blasphemy laws cause much division and injustice. They’re often misused for political reasons or to silence criticism, debate or dissent. In 2019 proposals were made to expand the existing blasphemy laws, and these are likely to resurface once the worst of the pandemic is over. Pray that they would not pass and for the laws to be repealed altogether.

Thursday 19 August

Sunday 22 August

Thursday 26 August

Ask God to protect members of indigenous communities, who are being attacked, detained or forcibly displaced for converting away from traditional beliefs. Pray for swift government action to change discriminatory laws and protect freedom of religion or belief for every citizen, including indigenous Colombians.

In some areas, members of illegal armed groups threaten and pressure church leaders and their families to actively cooperate with them in different ways. Pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit on these Christian households so that peace reigns instead of fear.

Monday 23 August

The Ahmadiyya community has experienced serious violations of freedom of religion or belief since 2005. In 2013 the governor of West Java claimed that the ‘problem’ – that is, the attacks on the community – ‘will disappear if the belief disappears’. Pray today for protection for Ahmadiyyas and that they would be treated with fairness and respect.

Pray today for religious minority children in indigenous areas, who are being discriminated against in the classroom or face difficulties enrolling in school at all. May they be able to enjoy their right to an education, alongside their right to follow a religion or belief of their choice.

Tuesday 24 August

Friday 20 August

Five years ago today, the Colombian Congress announced their peace agreement with the FARC-EP. Although the country is far from peaceful, we thank God that this deal brought an end to the 52-year armed conflict and prevented thousands more lives from being lost.

‘Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves.’ (Philippians 2:3) Pray this verse over the nation of Indonesia today.

Saturday 21 August

Friday 27 August Pray today for a miraculous change of heart within the leaders of illegal armed groups. We call for transformation that leads them to cease their violent attacks on civilians immediately.

Saturday 28 August Lord of peace, we urgently pray for an end to the violence and violations in Colombia. Comfort and protect every citizen as they wait for the promises of the peace agreement to become reality. Amen.

Posters call for peace in Bogotá, Colombia

Wednesday 25 August

Loving heavenly Father, pour out your peace on Indonesia today. Where there are minds set on division and destruction, fill them with understanding, love and justice, we pray. May all citizens be treated as equals and be free to practise their faith without fear. Amen.

In light of ongoing violence from illegal armed groups, pray that the Colombian government will work with increased urgency to fully implement the 2016 peace deal. May they fulfil their promise of peace by voting for policies that uphold the agreement, rather than undermining it. 9


This week please pray for the Missing.

Your prayers are needed for India. Week 9: 5-11 September The Bharatiya Janata Party came to power in 2014 and since then it's been trying to make India a fully Hindu nation. A number of states have introduced anti-conversion laws in recent years, and minority faith groups have come under increased pressure. At the same time, ghar wapsi (homecoming) ceremonies have become increasingly popular. Hindu nationalist groups use these ceremonies as a means of humiliating Christians and Muslims and pressuring them to convert to Hinduism, though they claim they are simply helping people return to their original faith. Find out more at

Sunday 5 September

Pastor Raymond Koh and his family

Week 8: 29 August-4 September At any one time there may be thousands of people worldwide, like Pastor Raymond Koh in Malaysia (see p.2 of Response magazine), who have been ‘disappeared’ for their beliefs or because of the actions their faith inspires them to take. Use the prayer below to pray for Pastor Koh, his family and the many other people around the world who have been ‘disappeared’ in connection with their faith. Find out more at Almighty and all-knowing God, we bring before you all those who have been abducted or forced to disappear against their will. Their whereabouts may be unknown to us Lord, but they are not hidden from you. Lord, may your right hand hold them fast. You know each of them intimately: you know when they sit and when they rise, and you have counted every hair on their head. We ask that you would extend your protection around them today and command your angels to guard them in all their ways. Lord, may your right hand hold them fast.

Send your Holy Spirit, the Comforter, to the families of those who have been abducted. Grant them peace in the uncertainty, and strength in the waiting. As they seek audiences with those who can give them answers, may you deliver justice and truth. Lord, may your right hand hold them fast. Sovereign God, we plead the case of all who have been abducted or forcibly disappeared and are still missing. Stand on the side of the righteous, Lord, and come quickly to bring deliverance we pray. Lord, may your right hand hold them fast. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


Pray for four Christians who were arrested in Uttar Pradesh on 19 December. Ms Mickyung Lee, Ms Seema, Ms Shandhya and Mr Umesh had visited a friend at home to pray for her but were accused of carrying out conversions - illegal in that state. Ms Seema and Ms Shandyha were granted bail in March, but Ms Lee and Mr Umesh's bail applications were unsuccessful.

Monday 6 September Ms Seema and Ms Shandhya decided to remain in prison to care for Ms Lee who suffers from ill health. Thank God for the compassion of these women, pray for healing for Ms Lee, and that all charges against her and Mr Umesh would be dropped immediately.

Tuesday 7 September Despite the extremely rapid spread of COVID-19, the government has downplayed the risk, and allowed state election rallies and the Hindu festival of the Kumbh Mela in Haridwar to continue as normal. Pray for those who have lost loved ones, those currently suffering from the disease, and that those in authority would govern with wisdom and mercy.

Wednesday 8 September Pray for complete healing for Pastor Ram Niwas and his wife Pinky who were severely injured during an attack on 22 April. Pastor Niwas’s four brothers and another villager, supporters of a militant Hindu nationalist organisation, broke into the couple's home while they were praying and beat them with sticks.

Father Stan Swamy

Thursday 9 September Today, pray for the immediate release of Father Stan Swamy, an 83-year-old Jesuit priest who’s been detained since 9 October 2020. He stands accused of terrorism, although in reality he’s being targeted for his human rights activism.

Friday 10 September On 8 March a mob of about 70 people interrupted a private prayer meeting in Chhattisgarh state, where 30 Christians had gathered to pray. The mob verbally abused and assaulted the Christians and burned their Bibles. Pray for mental and emotional healing for those who attended the meeting.

Saturday 11 September Lord Jesus Christ, bring healing to the nation of India today; healing from the deadly coronavirus, and healing from the division and hatred which causes some to target those who don’t share their beliefs. Fill the land with peace and harmony today, we pray. Amen. 11

Pray for Myanmar/Burma.

Pray for Ethiopia & Tigray.

Week 10: 12-18 September

Week 11: 19-25 September

In March this year we saw the first military airstrikes in Karen State, Myanmar/Burma, for 20 years; and the results were tragic. Two-year-old Saw Ta Eh Ka Lu Moo Taw was sitting on his father’s lap that night when three pieces of shrapnel hit him in the head. While he and his mother survived, the bomb killed his father instantly.

‘If you identify a family member amidst the line of corpses and you cry, they kill you. You can’t shed one tear – mourning is a crime.’

These airstrikes are enabled by countries such as China and Russia, which supply the Myanmar military with sophisticated weaponry and training. That’s why we’re calling for a global arms embargo. Find out more at

Sunday 12 September

Wednesday 15 September

Pray for complete physical, mental and emotional healing for Saw Ta Eh Ka Lu Moo Taw and his mother. Pray that his father’s memory would be a blessing, and that as he grows up he would not suffer any lasting trauma from this tragedy.

Sanctions can make it harder for the individuals and companies targeted to carry out their actions, for example by preventing their ability to travel freely. It’s also hoped that the threat of sanctions will act as a deterrent, encouraging potential perpetrators to reconsider. Pray that the sanctions will be effective in achieving these aims.

Monday 13 September ‘Fear, gunshots, blood, threats, tears, death, etc are the citizens' daily lives.’ - Kachin Baptist Convention. Since February’s military coup, repression in Myanmar has increased, including violations of freedom of religion or belief. Pray that our call for a global arms embargo will be successful, and that the military’s attacks on innocent civilians will stop.

Tuesday 14 September Thank God for answering our prayers for targeted sanctions. In April the EU announced further sanctions on individuals and companies over the military coup and ensuing repression - something which we and others had been calling for.

Thursday 16 September ‘In that day the people will proclaim, “This is our God! We trusted in him, and he saved us! This is the Lord, in whom we trusted. Let us rejoice in the salvation he brings!”’ (Isaiah 25:9 NLT) Pray that very soon, the people of Myanmar will be able to celebrate their freedom.

Friday 17 September When the military took power in the February coup they placed Aung San Suu Kyi, the democratically elected leader of Myanmar, under house arrest along with other civilian leaders. Pray for renewed courage to fill their hearts, and for their swift release.

Saturday 18 September Saw Ta Eh Ka Lu Moo Taw and his mother


An Ethiopian woman who says she was gangraped by armed men. REUTERS/Baz Ratner

Sovereign Lord, we declare today that you are the one who reigns supreme over Myanmar. Violence will not have the last word; neither will terror, nor misery, nor any of the plans of the enemy. We cry out to you on behalf of all Myanmar’s people: Send your victory soon, Lord! Amen.

Assefa fled his home in northern Ethiopia in fear of the killings. His words underscore the brutality of the situation in the country, where a battle for control of the Tigray region has claimed over 50,000 lives and forced millions of people to flee since hostilities began last November. Most of the horrific crimes - including sexual violence, bombings, killings, extensive looting and the suspected use of white phosphorous bombs - have been perpetrated by soldiers from neighbouring Eritrea. Find out more at

Sunday 19 September

Thursday 23 September

Thank God for the courage of Assefa, is one of many Tigrayans who are courageously sharing their experiences and the horrors they have witnessed or suffered during recent months, because they realise how vital it is to inform the world about what is really happening.

Pray for strength and safety for Patriarch Mathias, leader of the Ethiopian Tewahedo Orthodox Church and an ethnic Tigrayan. He was placed under house arrest in May following the release of a video in which he called for international intervention to end the violence in Tigray: ‘They want to destroy the people of Tigray. What is happening in Tigray is of the highest brutality and cruelty.’

Monday 20 September Clergy and worshippers have died in their hundreds during attacks on churches and monasteries. These attacks appear to be timed to coincide with religious festivals, possibly to inflict maximum casualties. Over 300 priests are thought to have been killed so far. Ask God to protect Tigray’s religious leaders and communities of faith.

Tuesday 21 September Starvation is increasingly being used as a weapon of war, amid regular reports of aid delivery being blocked and/or looted by Eritrean troops. The UN estimates 80% of the region’s population is in need of assistance. In February children in the town of Adwa were already dying in their sleep. On the International Day of Peace, pray for an end to the violence, and that humanitarian aid will be allowed to reach those who so desperately need it.

Wednesday 22 September ‘May the Lord answer you when you are in distress; may the name of the God of Jacob protect you.’ Psalm 20:1. Pray this verse over the civilians of Tigray, who are bearing the brunt of the conflict.

Friday 24 September Mass rape is being used not only as a weapon of war but possibly as an element of genocide. Some assailants reportedly speak of attackers speaking of ‘cleansing the bloodline’ of their victims, or of attempting to infect them with HIV. Pray against stigma, that the victims of these crimes will be able to access the treatment and support they need, and for their physical, mental and emotional healing.

Saturday 25 September Pray ‘Lord, have mercy’ over Tigray today. This ancient, simple prayer (Kyrie, eleison in Greek) is part of the litany of many church traditions, including the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, the largest denomination in Ethiopia. The prayer is a cry for help as well as an expression of confidence in God’s love.


This week please pray for Nigeria. Country.

Your prayers are needed for thePray CSWfor. staff Country team.

Week 12: 26 September-2 October

Rebecca Sharibu holds a photo of her daughter Leah

Nigeria is being torn apart by a shocking crisis of violence which has claimed hundreds of lives over the past few months. Abductions are also rising sharply, especially targeting schoolchildren. Distraught parents are begging the government for help, as the kidnappers have killed some students after their excessive ransom demands were not met.

We are so blessed and encouraged knowing that you are covering our work and our staff team in prayer. There are days when the work we do weighs heavy on the hearts of our staff team, and in those moments we are reliant on your prayers. Thank you for praying for us so faithfully; we really appreciate you!

Kaduna state has become an epicentre for abductions by armed militia of Fulani ethnicity, despite being the headquarters of 11 military installations. Find out more at On 5 May 29 students abducted from the Federal College of Forestry Mechanisation on the outskirts of the state capital were finally released, after their parents held a protest in the capital city, Abuja. Ten others had been released in April. Leah Sharibu is one of the highest profile abduction cases in recent years. The Christian schoolgirl was among 110 students abducted in February 2018 from their school in Dapchi, Yobe State, by an offshoot of Boko Haram, and was the only one not to return following government negotiations. She had refused to renounce her faith in exchange for freedom. 112 girls abducted by the original faction of the terrorist group from their school in Chibok in 2014 also remain in captivity. Elsewhere, in Nigeria’s shari’a states, underage Christian schoolgirls are regularly abducted by local men and forced to convert and marry without parental consent. Muslim traditional leaders or institutions are often complicit, and law enforcement agencies are generally reluctant to help, either due to complicity or fear. At the time of writing 15-year-old Aisha Mani from Katsina state is one of several girls who remain in the hands of their abductors, and who have been forcibly converted and ‘married’ without parental consent.


Week 13: 3-9 October

Throughout this week, use the prayer points below and ask the Holy Spirit to guide your prayers for Nigeria. • Pray for the immediate and safe release of all who have been abducted for ransom, especially students, that they would be able to return to their families and resume their education. • Lift up Leah Sharibu, Alice Ngaddah, Grace Taku, the remaining Chibok girls and all who have been abducted by terrorist factions to God in prayer, petitioning for their release. • Pray that the government of Nigeria would take swift and decisive action to bring an end to every source of violence and terror. Pray that the authorities would also implement the Safe Schools Initiative which aims to protect the right to an education, including by protecting students throughout the country from the threat of abduction. • Pray that those who have been relying on violence and abductions for an income would find other ways to provide for themselves and their families.

We’ve provided a scripture for you to pray over our staff team each day this week.

Some of the CSW team

Sunday 3 October

Friday 8 October

For the Lord grants wisdom! From his mouth come knowledge and understanding. (Proverbs 2:6 NLT)

‘This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.’ (Joshua 1:9 NLT)

Monday 4 October God arms me with strength, and he makes my way perfect. He makes me as surefooted as a deer, enabling me to stand on mountain heights. (Psalm 18:32-33 NLT)

Tuesday 5 October Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. (Galatians 6:9)

Saturday 9 October Then Jesus said, ‘Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.’ (Matthew 11:28-30 NLT)

Wednesday 6 October For God is not unjust. He will not forget how hard you have worked for him and how you have shown your love to him by caring for other believers, as you still do. (Hebrews 6:10 NLT)

Thursday 7 October The Lord is my strength and shield. I trust him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving. (Psalm 28:7 NLT)

• Pray for an end to the abductions of nonMuslim women and girls in Shari’a states, that all would be returned to their families, and perpetrators would face justice.


Our manifesto #13

We believe your voice holds unimaginable power and can save lives.

CSW is a human rights organisation advocating for freedom of religion or belief. As Christians we stand with everyone facing injustice because of their religion or belief. T +44 (0)20 8329 0010 @CSW_UK /CSWUK Registered Charity No. 281836

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