Connect & Encourage - Winter 2015

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Connect & Encourage Write to people who suffer for their beliefs

Autumn WINTER 2015

“I want to say thank you to everyone who has sent me cards. We’ve received over 200 cards from CSW supporters. I’m so touched and it was overwhelming for me.” Read more on p.10

Michelle Chaudhry, Pakistan


Connect & Encourage

How to encourage Many of the people on the following pages are victims of violence, intimidation or harassment. All of them need your encouragement. Using Connect & Encourage, you can stand in solidarity with them in a very special way – by sending cards and letters of encouragement. Receiving a personal letter reminds each person who receives them that someone, somewhere cares about their suffering. Connect & Encourage is ideal to use as a group, but we encourage you to use it wherever and however you can! Could you use it at a creative prayer night, as a youth group activity, or at a church mission event? Be as creative in your encouragement as possible!

Is it ok to include Christian greetings and scripture verses?

If you would like to order more copies of Connect & Encourage please call us on 0845 456 5464 or email us at

To download more copies, please visit

People have been putting Connect & Encourage to fantastic use! If they can do it, so can you! Be inspired by the experiences of churches and individuals using Connect & Encourage across the UK (and as far afield as Canada) throughout the booklet.



Questions Most of the people in Connect & Encourage are Christians, and we encourage you to write appropriate scripture verses and Christian greetings. Writing relevant Bible references is useful for non-English speakers so they can look up the same scripture verses in their own language. However, some are not Christians – we have indicated this next to their names. Please be sensitive to this when writing to them. What if I can’t write in the individual’s language? Even if the person receiving your card can’t read English, receiving a card can still bring them hope and encouragement by reminding them that they are not forgotten. However, if you can write in the language of the person – even if it is just a phrase or two – please do! They will appreciate your effort. Will my letters actually reach the intended person?

Tell us how you’ve used it, and we’ll let others know so they can try using it in the same way! Email us at

pray for the people you write to

Although some letters may be intercepted, most will reach their destination. Even if the letter doesn’t reach them, it can still have a powerful effect by reminding governments that their case is not going unnoticed by the rest of the world.

Get Writing! Is it safe to include my name and address on my cards? As long as you are happy to receive a reply, including your contact details isn’t a problem. In fact, a pen pal relationship with someone who is persecuted for their faith can be extremely inspiring! However, you may receive letters requesting financial help. Always contact CSW regarding these requests before you respond to them. Can I send letters to every country where CSW works? We have only included people in Connect & Encourage if we can verify they will receive your cards safely. In some of the countries where we work, sending letters and cards could further endanger the recipients. Instead, please remember these people in your prayers, asking God to grant them strength, protection and comfort.

get our weekly prayer email at WWW.CSW.ORG.UK/prayer


Connect & Encourage

Africa and the Middle East

IRAN Please write to the following men – all are Christian prisoners in Iran. If the prisoners receive a large quantity of cards it will remind the authorities that they are not forgotten.



We have asked you to write cards to Egyptians in previous editions of Connect & Encourage but at this time it’s difficult to ensure that cards will arrive in a timely manner. Please keep praying for Egypt as it undergoes further unpredictable change.

Many Eritrean Christians have been forced to flee their country due to the severe oppression they face on account of their faith. As they waited for acceptance in third countries, some of these Christians established their own worshipping communities. They are essentially refugee churches. Many of these Christians still live cautiously because the Eritrean authorities have been known to track down and harass people even outside of Eritrea. The cards you’ve sent have been an amazing encouragement to many. Please keep writing!

Dear Friends, and Encourage I use Connect th, y of each mon on the first da open I as guide me asking God to se ow ’s good to br the booklet. It se oo ages and to ch through the p that om I can send h w to ne eo m so all think of my sm to e lov I . th mon ing a lonely, hurt card reaching ld , or here in the w prisoner somew that rt icularly for a p y ra p I d n a , ring the month individual du on. ti a u re their sit trying to p ictu

Shahin Lahouti, Mehdi Ameruni, Vahid Hakkani and Surush Saraie Vahid Hakkani was released from prison on condition he doesn’t go to church or take part in any Christian activities. He is in bad health and needs specialist care, so please do keep praying for him. Please keep writing to the others.

Adel Abad Prison Shahrak-e-Shahid Motahhari Shiraz Iran

Pastor Behnam Irani AND Pastor Matthias Haghnejad We’re delighted to be able to tell you that Pastor Matthias Haghnejad was released in December 2014, and the charges against him were dropped. Thank you for your prayers and encouragement! Please keep writing to Behnam Irani.

Ghezelhesar Road – opposite Shahid Chamran barracks Penitentiary Prison in Karaj-Section 2 Hall 7 Postal code: 3187694111 Hesarek Karaj Iran

Alireza Seyyedian Ebenezer Foundational Healing Church GPO 16147-00100 Nairobi Kenya

Elaine Brown Pitlochry



Alireza was released on 27 July 2015 after serving three and a half years in prison, during which he spent time in solitary confinement, experienced ill health and had threats made against his family members. We’re thanking God that he is now free!

Farshid Fathi Rajaei-Shahr Prison Moazzen Boulevard Karaj Iran

pray for the people you write to

get our weekly prayer email at WWW.CSW.ORG.UK/prayer


Connect & Encourage

South Asia NIGERIA


The Most Rev Dr Benjamin Argak Kwashi and Mrs Gloria Kwashi The Most Rev Dr Benjamin Argak Kwashi, Anglican Archbishop of Jos, is a prominent and eloquent advocate for Christians in northern and central Nigeria. His family was subjected to two brutal attacks in recent years, but has made a full recovery. In addition to writing to the family, please pray for their safety and strength in the midst of ongoing tensions in Nigeria.

The Most Rev Dr Benjamin Argak Kwashi and Mrs Gloria Kwashi Anglican Diocese of Jos PO Box 6283 Jos Plateau State 930001 Nigeria


Pastors Augustine and Ruth Aifuobhokhan

The all india Christian council (aicc)

Please pray for Pastors Augustine and Ruth Aifuobhokhan as they rebuild their lives in a safer environment.

The aicc is a coalition of thousands of Indian denominations, organisations and lay leaders. CSW works closely with the aicc to protect and serve the Christian community, minorities and the oppressed castes in India.

CSW Nigeria Our partner organisation, CSW Nigeria, works to promote religious freedom in a difficult environment with few resources. Please pray for the safety of staff and the provision of funds. Please also write to encourage them as they go about their important work.

CSW Nigeria c/o ECWA Gospel Church Lemu Road Tudun Nupawa PO Box 619 Kaduna Nigeria

pray for the people you write to

Please keep the aicc in your prayers.

Hey CSW,

We used Conn ect and Encou rage as one of our units of study on gl ob al justice issues. We spe nt some time looking at the persecute d church an d Connect and Encoura ge was a pra ctical way for us to resp ond to what w e learnt. The students enjoyed the process it was a smal l and powerfu l way to connect with the stories of those who suffer for the ir faith and on quite a personal le vel, to get in touch with them an d initiate som e kind of relationship. It was also a good way to engage in in formed pray er too. Take care,




rdschoolofju st

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Connect & Encourage

PAKISTAN Christian Study Centre (CSC) CSC works to support churches in Pakistan gain a better understanding of the relationship between Islam and Christianity, and the particular nature of their calling as churches in a Muslim state. The centre undertakes academic research into Islam and Christianity in Pakistan and their relationship. They also promote dialogue between Christians and Muslims to foster mutual understanding, peaceful coexistence and promote cooperation in nation-building. The CSC would be enormously encouraged to get cards from you!

Christian Study Centre 126 Murree Road Rawalpindi Cantt Pakistan

National Commission for Justice and Peace (Pakistan) NCJP is one of CSW’s key partner organisations in Pakistan. Headed by Cecil S Chaudhry, they are a wellorganised institution with offices in all provinces and major cities of Pakistan. Please pray for the safety and security of the staff, especially those who travel to rural areas to conduct workshops and training. Pray for Cecil and others in leadership that they may guide the organisation and work in the right direction. Please do write to encourage the NCJP staff at the head office in Lahore. NCJP offices Rawalpindi, Gujranwala, Faisalabad, Multan, Hyderabad and Quetta will receive mail through the Lahore office.

E 64/A, Street No. 8 Officers Colony Walton Rd. Lahore Pakistan


pray for the people you write to

Peace and Development Foundation (PDF Pakistan) Romana Bashir and Arif Gill are experienced workers in interfaith harmony. Their workshops on challenging the prevailing extremist mindsets have been very successful. Pray for the safety and security of Romana, Arif and their staff. Do write to encourage the staff as their work actually changes mindsets and effects real change on the ground.

House No. 1959/1 Indus Rd. No.3, Tariqabad, Rawalpindi Cantt. 46000 Pakistan

Farrukh Saif Foundation Salvance Jacob is a highly qualified and able Christian lawyer who leads the FSF network of Christian lawyers in representing minorities – particularly Christians – who could otherwise find no legal assistance. The religious minorities are severely discriminated against in the Punjab courts. Salvance Jacob and others have been frequently threatened with violence in and out of the courtroom; still they press on and help those most in need. Please pray for protection, safety and wisdom

in their work. Please do write to encourage them as they advocate for those suffering from false accusations and the endemic prejudices in a broken justice system.

Asiya Nasir – Member of National Assembly (JUI-F) Asiya is the most outspoken and experienced of the Christian MPs currently in the federal parliament of Pakistan. Though she is the minority representative for a conservative religious party JUI-F, her charisma, skill and courage have won her much admiration across the board. Pray for Asiya’s family who manage hundreds of people contacting her daily. Pray for the family’s protection and success in the work they do. Please do write to Asiya and her team, letting her know you are praying for her.

Lodge #F-212 Parliament Lodges, Islamabad, 44000 Pakistan

get our weekly prayer email at WWW.CSW.ORG.UK/prayer


Connect & Encourage National Prayer Network of Pakistan

Cecil and Iris Chaudhry Foundation (CICF)

Emmanuel Khurshid is a passionate young man with a heart for praying over the nation of Pakistan. He leads an extensive network of prayer warriors around the country who train others in intercession and prayer. Please pray for the integrity, unity and expansion of the network. Pray for Emmanuel’s young family and extended family in their various ministries. Pray for a generation of prayer warriors to rise around the world who would intercede in prayer over Pakistan.

Michelle Chaudhry, the daughter of the late Cecil Chaudhry (Senior), is a key partner of CSW in Pakistan. In response to the growing and neglected needs of the minorities, Michelle set up a foundation in memory of her parents, who spent their lives working to improve the minority conditions in Pakistan. Pray for Michelle to have the necessary resources to run her programmes and projects, and for protection for the CICF staff. Please write to Michelle encouraging her. Michelle told us “I want to say thank you to everyone who has sent me cards. We’ve received over 200 cards from CSW supporters. I’m so touched and it was overwhelming for me.”

PO Box 682, GPO Saddar Cantt, Rawalpindi 46000 Pakistan

16C/1-A, Gulberg II, Lahore 54600 Pakistan CSW currently understands that raising the international profile of individual prisoners in Pakistan may worsen their conditions and we’ve therefore removed them from this edition. At any time there are hundreds of people in detention, without a fair trial. We urge you to pray for them and their families whenever you can.

East Asia BURMA The release of many hundreds of political prisoners over the past few years is a sign of positive progress in Burma. Thank you for the many thousands of cards you have sent to Daw Aung San Suu Kyi (Burma’s democracy leader) and other political prisoners over the long periods of their detentions. Despite recent releases, there are still many political prisoners in Burma in need of our solidarity and support, some of whom you can write to.

Dear CSW, ntly ragement I rece For your encou se er from a Chine received a lett the now living in pastor who is om fr er tt le ived a States who rece 000 2 In est imate). me in 1999 (I tter le to receive his I was thrilled ged he was encoura and hear how nd ed my letter a when he receiv is will th st u im. I tr h ed ess bl it how the rs to keep up encourage ot he writ ing. for all you do, Many thanks tings, Christian gree

Aung Ko Latt Aung Ko Latt is a 36-year-old Christian activist who works to promote human rights education by distributing leaflets and giving talks to people in Burma. He was arrested in June 2011, falsely accused of being a member of the Karen National Union and bombing Myoma Market in Naypyidaw. He was charged under the Unlawful Association Act and the Explosive Substances Act. The Burmese government uses this legislation to ban people from associating with prodemocracy groups. He was savagely tortured and forced to confess to these crimes while in detention in Insein Prison, where he was held for nearly nine months. In March 2012 he was sentenced to 11 years in prison.

Aung Ko Latt (aka Aung Min Htet) c/o the governor of Thayet Prison Thayet Prison Thayet Town Magway Region Myanmar

Rachel Green


pray for the people you write to

Bournemouth get our weekly prayer email at WWW.CSW.ORG.UK/prayer


Connect & Encourage Brang Yung and Lahpai Gam Brang Yung and Lahpai Gam are Christian farmers who lived with their families in a refugee camp, working as herdsmen outside the camp. They were arrested by the Burmese Army and falsely accused of being soldiers from the Kachin Independence Army, attending military training sessions and carrying out bombings. During interrogations they were brutally tortured, repeatedly kicked, beaten, forced to drink water mixed with fuel, burnt, and one of them had his arms pierced with needles. They were forced to make false confessions to stop the torture. They were charged with unlawful association and sentenced to two years in jail.

Kyaw Hla Aung and Dr Tun Aung


We are delighted to report that Kyaw Hla Aung was released on 10 October 2014 under a presidential amnesty, and Dr Tun Aung was released on 19 January 2015. Thank you for writing to them!


c/o the governor of Myitkyina Prison Myitkyina Prison Myitkyina Town Kachin State Myanmar

Information courtesy of China Aid Association.

Gao Zhisheng Gao Zhisheng, a Christian human rights lawyer, was given a three-year prison sentence for ‘violating the terms of his probation’. The sentence related to his 2006 probationary sentence (three years’ imprisonment and five years’ probation) for ‘subversion of state power’. In July, prison authorities told Gao’s family that he would be released on 7 August 2014. Although CSW can confirm he was released on this date, he is far from free. At the time of writing, Gao and his relatives are under round-the-clock surveillance. As a result of his time in prison, Gao has suffered from physical and psychological health problems. He has been advised to receive medical treatment in Beijing or another city because the necessary equipment is not available in Xinjiang, but is not able to travel due to the restrictions on his freedom of movement.


pray for the people you write to

It will be difficult to write to him at this time, but if you would like to encourage his wife you can do so by tweeting encouraging messages to her Twitter handle @GengHe. Please remember not to openly criticise the Chinese government when you write to her. Meanwhile you can read more about Gao at

Peng Ming Peng Ming was sentenced to life in prison by Chinese officials in October 2005 on spurious charges of engaging in terrorism activities. He has suffered beatings while in prison and has been denied medical treatment. It is also believed that he suffered a massive heart attack while detained in 2005. Close relatives living overseas have all had their visa applications rejected or have been turned back during their journey to visit him in prison. Please write to encourage him.

Peng Ming Xianning Prison Xian-an District Xianning City Hubei People’s Republic of China

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Connect & Encourage Alimujiang Yimiti

Yang Rongli

Alimujiang was working as a project manager for a British company, Jirehouse, when it was targeted in a series of closures of foreign businesses belonging to Christians in Xinjiang in September 2007.

Pastor Yang Rongli was arrested with several other church leaders on 23 September 2009 while attempting to travel to Beijing to lodge a complaint about a raid on her church in Linfen, Shaanxi. During the raid, hundreds of police destroyed property, beat church members and damaged the church building. On 10 October the Public Security Bureau offered to release most of the church leaders but retain Yang Rongli. The church leaders refused. Yang Rongli and four others had their cases rushed to trial and were sentenced on 25 November 2009. Yang was sentenced to seven years’ imprisonment for ‘illegally occupying farming land’ and ‘disturbing transportation order by gathering masses’.

Alim was detained in February 2008 and sentenced to 15 years in prison in April 2009, in a court case that did not follow due procedure under Chinese or international law. A Uyghur Christian from Xinjiang province, Alim is being detained ‘solely because of his faith’ according to the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention. Following a failed appeal, Alim was moved to a prison in Xinjiang’s provincial capital, Urumqi. In February 2011 it was announced that an appeal at the Higher People’s Court of Xinjiang had failed and his sentence was upheld. In January 2013 Alim’s wife was informed that her monthly visits to her husband would be cut to one every three months.

Alimujiang Yimiti Prison No. 3 of Xinjiang No. 1339 Dongzhan Road Urumqi city Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 830013 People’s Republic of China


She has diabetes and hepatitis and the medical facilities in the prison are severely limited. Over her time in prison, her health has steadily worsened.

Yang Rongli Jian Nei Gongying Zhan Women’s Prison of Shanxi Province Lingnan Street Yuci District Jinzhong City Shanxi Province 030600 People’s Republic of China

pray for the people you write to

Nanle County Christian Church


In November 2013 over 20 members of Nanle County Christian Church, Henan, which belongs to the state-sanctioned Three-Self Patriotic Movement, were detained after members attempted to petition a higher authority about a land dispute involving the church. Lawyers representing the detainees were repeatedly prevented from meeting their clients and foreign journalists covering the case were also intimidated and harassed. At the time of writing, most of the detainees have been released, but at least two church members remain in detention and one is still missing. Paster Zhang Shaojie has been fined 100,000 RMB (approximately £9,400) and sentenced to 12 years in prison for fraud and ‘gathering a crowd to disturb public o rder’.

Filep Karma

The church continues to suffer: it is closely watched, and sometimes prevented from holding meetings. Those visiting the church have also been harassed and some have been forced to leave.

Filep Karma, a civil servant in West Papua, was charged with treason and rebellion after raising the ‘Morning Star’ flag to commemorate West Papua’s independence. He has now served nine years of the 15-year prison sentence he was given. At the trial, the chief judge mocked him and his Christian faith, saying “Where is your God. I don’t see your God here.” Filep has been beaten several times. Except for two visits to Jakarta for surgery, he has been denied medical treatment despite suffering from infections and various other medical problems.

Filep Karma c/o Pascalis Letsoin LBH PAPUA J1 Sehat I No. 37B Kotaraja Jayapura Indonesia

Nanle County Christian Central Sanctuary (Zhong Xin Tang) Old Theater of West Street Nanle Country Puyang City Henan Province 457400 People’s Republic of China

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VIETNAM Mr Nguyen Van Dai and Ms Le Thi Cong Nhan Mr Dai and Ms Nhan are both prominent Christian human rights lawyers who have been imprisoned for ‘disseminating slanderous and libelous information against the Socialist Republic of Vietnam’. They were sentenced to five and four years respectively and were later placed under house arrest. Ms Nhan has now finished her period of house arrest. Thank you for your prayers for her and her family. Shortly after Mr Dai’s house arrest ended in March, his home was attacked and he was threatened by unidentified assailants. Since then, he and his family have been under surveillance by security officers and ‘thugs’ who have behaved aggressively towards Mr Dai and his family. Please keep writing to him. He told us, “It is excellent to receive cards from the UK. It is my grace from God!”

During near 8 years, when I was in prison or I have been under house arrest. I always received the postcards and letter from Christians in UK. These postcard and letters encouraged me to overcome the difficult situation in prison and under house arrest. Each time, I got the postcards and letter, I always feel God closely. He protect and help me. I hope to continue receive the postcards and letters from brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ in UK. Again, thank you all and God bless you. Christian Lawyer Nguyen Van Dai’

Mrs Vu Minh Khanh (wife of Mr Nguyen Van Dai) P302 Z8 Bach Khoa Hanoi Vietnam

Pastors Y Du and Y Co

Father Nguyen Van Ly

Pastors Y Du and Y Co both pastor congregations from the majorityChristian Ede ethnic group in the Central Highlands region of Vietnam. They were arrested together on 27 January 2010 and on 15 November 2010 Pastors Y Du was sentenced to six years’ imprisonment followed by three years’ house arrest for ‘undermining the state’, while Pastor Y Co was sentenced to four years’ imprisonment followed by two years’ house arrest, also for ‘undermining the state’. It is believed that the charges against pastors were spurious and that they were targeted for their Christian work.

Father Ly is a Catholic priest who was sentenced to eight years’ imprisonment for ‘disseminating slanderous and libelous information’ harmful to the state. He was rearrested by Vietnamese authorities in July 2011, ending one year and four months of temporary medical parole. Father Ly has spent over 16 years in prison for speaking out for human rights and democracy in Vietnam. He has suffered several strokes and is partially paralysed as a result, as well as having a brain tumour.

CSW has learnt that both pastors have now been released and are reunited with their families. However, please do continue to pray for them, particularly for their health, as they recover from various conditions and injuries sustained during their time in prison.

Please write to him via CSW: Father Nguyen Van Ly c/o CSW PO Box 99 New Malden Surrey KT3 3YF

‘Dear Brothers and Sisters in Jesus Christ. Firstly, I thank God because of His blood we became brothers and sisters without the border. Secondly, I would like to say thank all of brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ in United Kingdom.


pray for the people you write to

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Connect & Encourage

Latin America COLOMBIA Pastor Isaias Prasca We are very glad to announce that Pastor Isaias Prasca has transferred to another church and is no longer at risk. Thank you for the cards that you sent him over several years.

Reverend Milton Meija, Reverend Jairo Barriga, church elder Germán Zárate These men’s names were on a list of names on a death threat issued by a neo-paramilitary group in January. They have apparently been targeted because of their pastoral care for victims of human rights violations. It would be too dangerous for them to receive cards at the moment, but please keep them in your prayers.

CUBA Please don’t make any political comment in your cards to cuban people – this could endanger them


Dr Oscar Elias Biscet

Maranatha First Baptist Church of Holguin

Dr Biscet was released in early 2011 after serving eight years of a 25-year sentence following a deal brokered by the Catholic Church. He was imprisoned because of his human rights work. He is now at home with his wife, Elsa,but they feel very unsafe so rarely go out except to attend church on Sundays. He is a devout Christian and pacifist, and was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize in 2011. CSW has been supporting Dr Biscet for over ten years.

The Maranatha First Baptist Church was visited by provincial officials from the Ministry of Housing in April and informed in a highly intimidating manner that their buildings would be confiscated on a permanent basis by state authorities. The 1,000-strong church is based in the town of Holguin, in the north-east of the Caribbean island, and has a very active local ministry working with vulnerable members of the community such as the elderly and the disabled. The church has also planted many new congregations through their outreach work in the region, and runs a thriving youth ministry. Despite being registered, the church now faces confiscation threats. They told CSW that they appreciated your letters and support, and they believe it has helped to ease government pressure on them.

Dr Oscar Elias Biscet and Elsa Morejon Hernandez Acosta 464 e/ 8va y 9va Lawton Ciudad de la Habana Cuba

Father José Conrado Father Conrado is a Roman Catholic Priest who has suffered harassment and threats for speaking out against human rights violations and allowing the families of political prisoners to attend Mass at his church.

Padre José Conrado Iglesia y Convento de San Francisco de Paula, Calle Fernando Hernández esq. a Piro Guinart Trinidad, Sancti Spiritus Cuba

pray for the people you write to

Primera Iglesia Bautista Maranatha Fomento 298 e/ Martí y Luz Caballero Ciudad de Holguin, Holguin 80100 Cuba

his church’s truck. He was found unconscious in the street after the severe beating, and now struggles with his speech and with memory loss.

Pastor Reutilio Columbie Casa #27 Cabaña de rodo-Monterrey Moa, Holguin Cuba

Pastor Yogly Gonzalez Pérez Two years ago, Pastor Yogly Gonzalez Pérez, age 32, was forcibly evicted from his home by the National Revolutionary Police and the National Institute for Housing. According to the pastor, the police forced their way into the house when he opened the door in the morning, confiscated all of his belongings and put them into a truck. They forced him and his family, including his four-year-old child, to leave, sealed the house, where they had lived for 15 years and which had been handed down to Yogly by his uncle. They have been homeless ever since and have had to rely on the hospitality of others. He is currently living with his mother in Havana.

Pastor Reutilio Columbie In February 2012 Pastor Reutilio Columbie was beaten so violently that he suffered brain damage. It’s believed that this attack was a direct result of his challenge to the authorities over their arbitrary confiscation of

Pastor Yogly Gonzalez Pérez Calle Esperanza 214 Apt 12 e/ Florida Y Alanbique Habana Vieja Cuba

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Connect & Encourage Dagoberto Valdez Dagoberto Valdez is a Catholic lay leader who has been the target of threats and harassment because of his activities in independent civil society, including working on independent Christian publications.

Dagoberto Valdez Polvorín #8 e/ San Juan y Raverio Pinar del Rio CP 20100 Cuba

could use prayer and encouragement. We can’t report many details of his situation at the moment but when possible we will give you further updates in Connect & Encourage.

Pastor Onel Pardillo Garcia Calle José Miguel Gómez 112 Jatibonico Sancti Spiritus Cuba

Rev Roberto Rodríguez Pastors Mario Felix Lleonart Barroso and yoaxis Pastor Lleonart Barroso is a Baptist pastor in central Cuba. He and his wife Yoaxis have come under fire from the government because of their refusal to stop ministering to human rights and democracy activists. Government officials have put pressure on church leaders to remove him from his leadership position and have tried to isolate the pastor and his family.

Pastors Mario Felix and Yoaxis Lleonart Barroso Rivadeneira 66 Taguayabón Villa Clara 54260 Cuba

Pastor Onel Pardillo Garcia Pastor Onel Pardillo Garcia and his church have been under pressure and


In an answer to prayer Reverend Rodríguez was cleared of the charges against him. He and his family continue to live in difficult circumstances and have been unable to return to their home.

Rvdo Roberto Rodríguez y Familia Princesa No. 52 e/ Laborde y Gene Cardenas 42110 Matanzas Cuba

Pastor Omar Gude Pérez Pastor Omar Gude Pérez was sentenced to six years in prison in July 2009. In 2013 the Gude Pérez family arrived safely in the USA following their successful asylum application. Thank you for the many encouraging cards and letters sent to him in prison. Please continue to pray for the family as they adjust to a new life!

pray for the people you write to

Pastor Yiorvis Bravo Denis Pastor Yiorvis Bravo Denis is the nephew of Pastor Omar Gude Pérez, and part of the same church network – the Apostolic Movement. In autumn 2013 after trying to formalise the transfer of his church’s registration from his uncle’s name, he and his family were subjected to a campaign of harassment. Firstly abusive state-organised mobs surrounded the church building – the onlooking community of Camaguey was astonished to see scenes like it in their city. Shortly afterwards, the state orchestrated a media effort to discredit Pastor Bravo Denis and his uncle as common criminals. Watch footage of mobs surrounding Pastor Bravo Denis’s church at

Yiorvis Bravo Denis Avellande 278 Entre Esteban y San Martin Camaguey CP 70100 Cuba

Yaguajay Baptist Church As part of a dispute over the ownership of this church’s property, the local authorities claimed that the church’s land was nationalised in October 1980 and that they were planning to turn over the church property to two state-owned companies. Subsequently, the church property was confiscated and handed over to government businesses. The historic

church building belonged to the Western Baptist Convention prior to the Revolution.

Pastor Yuri Castellanos Perez Yaguajay Baptist Church Calle Quintin Banderas #15 Yaguajay Sancti Spiritus CP 65100 Cuba

Pastors Rolando and Elizabet Ortiz Bode Over the last decade, Rolando and Elizabet have been involved in leading a steadily-growing house church affiliated with the Eastern Baptist Convention. In July 2014 they started receiving anonymous death threats. This is often how persecution of church leaders in Cuba begins. Please pray for courage and strength for Rolando and Elizabet, and for their church, as they deal with this new situation.

Pastors Rolando and Elizabet Ortiz Bode Sta Ursula #54 e/ 1ra de Flores y 1ra de Villalon Reparto Asuncion Santiago de Cuba CP 90300 Cuba The following pastors have all been targets of harassment and threats and would be much encouraged by letters and cards:

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Connect & Encourage Reverend Pastor Ariandys Aguiar del Sol

Reverend Pastor Ariandys Aguiar del Sol Iglesia Bautista ‘Antioquía’ de Potrerillo Ave. de Ranchuelo No.315 Potrerillo Cruces Cienfuegos Cuba

Pastor Esmir Torreblanca Cortón Pastor Esmir’s church was destroyed in July 2014 – please write to encourage the whole church family.

Pastor Esmir Torreblanca Cortón Iglesia Estableciendo el Reino de Dios Micro 10 Distrito José Martí Santiago de Cuba Cuba

Pastor Mario Álvarez and Alexi Perez We can confirm that Pastor Mario Álvarez and Alexi Perez have now left Cuba.

Pastor Tomaza Victoria Ayala Zellero Pastor Tomaza Victoria Ayala Zellero and her family were evicted from their home on 22 May 2009. She is also part of the Apostolic Movement and pastors


an Apostolic Church in Central Elia, Las Tunas province. They were originally told that the house, which also served as the church, would be confiscated in July 2008, despite the fact that Tomaza and her husband, Jorge, had lived there for almost 30 years and were the legal owners. When they were finally evicted, the authorities gave them documents prohibiting Tomaza from holding any religious services and the police chief threatened to imprison her for ‘dangerousness’. Finally, the authorities also forcibly closed their carpentry shop, leaving the family homeless and depriving them of an income.

Pastor Tomaza Victoria Ayala Zellero Iglesia Apostolica Cooperativo Agricultural Leningrado Victoria de las Tunas Cuba

Pastors for Change Pastors for Change are an interdenominational group of church leaders in the city of Bayamo who have been subjected to arbitrary detention, beatings and threats when carrying out public ministry, for example, during open air evangelism and street cleanup initiatives.

“These letters letters mean mean so so “These much to to us. us. We We know know they they much are from from people people all all over over the the are world and and when when we we hold hold world these cards cards it it is is as as if if the the these people who who wrote wrote them them are are people here in in the the room room with with us.” us.” here Pastor Mario Mario Felix Felix Lleonart Lleonart Barroso, Barroso, Cuba Cuba Pastor

Pastores por el Cambio Calle J número 54 entre calle línea y Fernando Echenique Reparto Pedro Pompa Bayamo Cuba

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Lord, may Your armies of angels encamp around all those who face persecution because of their faith in you. may they know Your comfort, strength and protection. Arise, LORD! Lift up your hand, God. Do not forget them. In Jesus’ name. Amen. Sign up for our weekly prayer email at @csw_uk

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