Prayer Diary JULY–OCTOBER 2015
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Welcome to your latest issue of the Prayer Diary! Welcome to another issue of the Prayer Diary! I’m hugely encouraged once more by your faithful and prayerful support. Every day I’m reminded that we’re nothing without prayer. That includes the prayers we pray as staff at the start of each day, and the prayers lifted up daily by you, our wonderful supporters. As you read once again about situations around the world which may seem incredibly difficult, or perhaps even hopeless, be encouraged that with God, nothing is impossible. In fact, everything is possible – even the overturning of oppressive governments, even dictators coming to faith, even a whole nation delivered from slavery into freedom. We just need to remain faithful in prayer, and as we do he will be faithful in answering! May God pour out his richest blessings on you. Thank you for all you do!
19-25 July
Sudan One year on from the campaign to Save Meriam, the situation for Christians in Sudan is still very difficult. As we go to print we’re working on the case of two pastors who have been arrested and are facing serious criminal charges – including two which could carry the death penalty if the pastors are convicted. Reverend Yat Michael was arrested after speaking at a church which has been embroiled in a land dispute with government-backed investors. Reverend Peter Reith was arrested a month later, after writing a letter asking where and why Reverend Yat was being detained. In the months they’ve been in prison, the pastors have spent time in chains, been subjected to solitary confinement, and have been denied access to their legal team and their families.
“I was on death row in Sudan last year because I am a Christian. I am free now because you prayed and protested for my release.”
This week please:
Please Pray
• Pray that God would draw close to Rev Yat and Rev Peter during this difficult time; • Ask God to comfort, strengthen and provide for their families; • Ask God to grant favour to the church as they deal with the dispute; • Pray that their lawyers would be granted full access to the pastors throughout the trial; • Pray that the legal team would be allowed to carry out their work without further interference after the head of the team was arrested; • Ask God to grant wisdom to people and organisations outside Sudan who are seeking to assist the pastors; • Pray that the judge would acquit the pastors on all charges and release them unconditionally.
Prayer Coordinator
Ead the latest and take action for the pastors R on trial at
Photo: Chin a
26 July-1 August
It’s now twelve months since that bright August afternoon in 2014 when we heard the news of the release of Gao Zhisheng, a Christian human rights lawyer who’s been detained multiple times and tortured. But Gao’s situation now is far from easy. His release was subject to another year of restrictions: this means that although he’s out of prison , he hasn’t been able to leave his hometown for the last year. As a result he hasn’t been able to get the medical treatment he urgently needs after his years in prison. As we go to print we don’t know whether the authorities will lift the restrictions on 7 August, one year after his release. But we’ve heard that he’s in very good spirits, and is able to talk to his wife, Geng He, who has asylum in the United S tates.
Please Pray
• Pray for the women who were arrested, that they would not face any further harassment or arrests; • Pray that the charges against them would be dismissed, and that they would be released unconditionally; • Thank God for the incredible, inspiring faith shown by Christians under fire in Sudan, including Meriam, who last year refused to renounce her faith even to save her life; • Pray that God would speak to and encourage those who are facing harassment, arrest or worse because of their faith; • Thank God for the past successes we’ve seen as a result of prayer, campaigning and advocacy – such as Meriam being released from death row; • Thank God that he has a plan for Sudan’s future, and that CSW supporters and staff all have the privilege of being part of that plan; • Pray that advocacy, campaigning and prayer would result in a Sudan where all its citizens are recognised as equal before the law, and everyone is free to hold and practise their beliefs.
2–8 August
China (Gao Zhisheng)
The pastors you prayed for last week aren’t an isolated case, sadly. This is all part of a pattern of ongoing repression of religious minorities – President al-Bashir has vowed to create a Sudan which is ‘100% Islamic’. At the end of June, a group of 12 women leaving a church service were arrested on public indecency charges. The women, who were wearing skirts and trousers, were taken to a police station and forced to remove their clothes, which were submitted as evidence to the prosecutor. As we go to print the women have been released on bail and are awaiting trial.
This week please:
This week please:
Please Pray
• Thank God that campaigning and prayer last year resulted in Gao’s release from prison; • Ask God to move the hearts of the Chinese authorities to mercy, so they’ll allow him to access the medical treatment he needs so badly; • Ask God to continue to heal him mentally, emotionally and spiritually after his ordeal; • Pray for his relationship with his wife and children, who are still in the United States; • Thank God for Gao’s inspirational faith as he stood strong despite horrific torture; • Pray that, if he feels led, he would one day be able to continue his vital work defending victims of human rights violations, including many Christians; • Pray that his example would inspire Christians in China who are facing increasing oppression from the government.
Pakistan Pakistan is a country in turmoil. The spread of religious extremism has led to almost daily acts of terror – many of them targeting Christians and other religious minorities. The UN’s Refugee Agency says that ‘The Christian minority in Pakistan is subject to recurrent discrimination and harassment, as well as acts of religiously motivated violence, at the hands of militant groups and fundamentalist elements…’ On 11 August, Pakistan marks its National Minorities Day. Last year Pakistan’s Supreme Court ruled that President Nawaz Sharif’s government should set up a framework to protect religious minorities. Yet the government hasn’t been able to do this yet, with the result that Pakistan’s Christians continue to suffer daily. We’re working with our partners in Pakistan to tackle this problem at the root – including campaigning for the use of unbiased textbooks in schools, instead of the current ones which promote discrimination and tolerance toward hate minorities. And our Retune campaign, challenging voices of religious hatred, is gaining momentum!
This week, please:
16-22 AUGUST
• Thank God for CSW’s partners in Pakistan, who face daily danger themselves while bravely fighting for a fairer future;
• Pray that the project to provide unbiased textbooks to school would grow quickly, and that any opposition would not be successful;
As we go to print we’ve heard that Farshid Fathi has been told he will be released from prison in December this year, two years earlier than expected. This is wonderful news – Farshid is a convert from Islam, and a church leader, who was imprisoned on false security-related charges. During his time in prison he’s been mistreated and beaten, and has spent over 100 days in solitary confinement.
• Praise God for the recognition by the Supreme Court that religious minorities need official protection – this could be a vital s tep;
Iran is known for its lack of tolerance of religious and ethnic minorities. Since the 1979 Revolution they’ve been viewed with suspicion and treated as a threat to the government, and converts to Christianity from Islam are especially at risk. Over the years many have been harassed, intimidated, arrested – and some have been in prison for years on trumped-up charges.
• Pray that the government would comply with the ruling, and would take concrete steps to put a protection mechanism in place; • Thank God for the thousands of people who are already supporting the Retune campaign; • Pray for the Holy Spirit to guide and be at the heart of government discussions as they review the blasphemy laws; • Ask God to comfort the families of victims of violence.
oin our Retune campaign to challenge hate J speech! Sign up at
Please Pray
This week please:
Please Pray
• Thank God for the wonderful news about Farshid, after years of prayer and campaigning on his case; • Pray that the Iranian government would stick to its promise to release him in December; • Pray that God would comfort, strengthen, encourage and protect other Christians in prison, such as Behnam Irani and Saeed Abedini, and secure their release; • Ask God to provide for the wives and families of the prisoners, physically, emotionally and spiritually; • Pray that President Rouhani would be moved to protect the rights of religious and ethnic minorities, as he promised when he was elected in 2013; • Pray that government officials would stop their hate speech, which often aims to incite violence against Christians and others; • Thank God for the courage shown by Iranians who speak out against injustice, despite the risk, and pray for their continued protection.
23-29 August
INDIA Despite India’s long history of tolerance, attacks on religious minorities usually go unpunished – and since Prime Minister Modi took office last May, we’ve seen a 55% spike in attacks on Christians. Churches have been demolished, missionaries detained and beaten, nuns attacked – including one incident of gang rape. Yet the Prime Minister says, “We cannot accept violence against any religion on any pretext and I strongly condemn such violence. My government will act strongly in this regard.” Sadly, we and the Christians of India are still waiting for the promised strong action. This Friday, 28 August, marks seven years since the Christian community of Kandhamal was devastated in a brutal attack which left 90 dead and forced over 54,000 to flee their homes. Although some people were detained in connection with this incident, more and more have been acquitted and released.
This week, please:
Please Pray
• Thank God for India’s history of tolerance, with different religious communities living peacefully side by side; • Pray that even now, seven years after attacks on the Christians of Kandhamal, justice would be done for them; • Pray that judges would have the courage to make decisions which may be unpopular, in order to bring justice; • Pray for physical, mental and emotional healing for the victims of recent attacks, including the nun who was raped; • Pray that CSW’s advocacy will bear fruit and that Prime Minister Modi will keep his promise to act strongly against religious violence; • Pray that the violent attacks against Christians and other religious minorities would stop; • Pray that the authorities would take strong action to make it clear that religiously-motivated violence will not be tolerated, and that peace and tolerance are India’s priorities.
30 August- 5 September
Enforced disappearanCE Today, 30 August, is the International day for the Victims of Enforced Disappearance. Today people around the world will be remembering people who have been ‘disappeared’ – often by their governments – as a result of their defence of human rights, or because they spoke up against injustice. Gao Zhisheng (see Week 3) is a Chinese Christian human rights lawyer, who has been disappeared multiple times because he refused to stay quiet about human rights violations against Christians and other minorities. In Colombia a number of people have been disappeared, and in Laos a Christian man named Mr B oontheong has been missing since 2004, after being harassed for his faith on many occasions.
This week please:
Please Pray
• Thank God that the UN has decided to mark the tragedy of enforced disappearances; • Pray that people around the world would become more aware of the problem of enforced disappearances, and would protest against them; • Pray for Mr Boontheong’s swift and safe return, along with his wife and young son who were also disappeared; • Ask God to comfort the families of those who are disappeared, as they face uncertainty on the day to day level, and a doubtful future; • Ask God to give them the gift of hope, in a situation that the world may see as hopeless; • Pray that NGOs such as CSW would be able to campaign for victims of enforced disappearance in a way that doesn’t endanger the victims; • Pray for oppressive regimes around the world to stop their all too common practice of disappearing people who criticise them.
6-12 September
13-19 September
North Korea
North Korea is a byword for brutality. The East Asian nation, run by an incredibly repressive regime, is known as one of the worst places in the world to be a Christian. In a country run as a personality cult, any deviation from expected norms - such as following a religious faith - is punishable by anything up to execution by firing squad. Owning a Bible is enough to get you killed.
Egypt’s turmoil over the past few years since the so-called Arab Spring has made conditions extremely difficult for Christians and other religious minorities. We’ve found that many Christians have almost come to accept that their fundamental freedoms are violated – that they can be regularly arrested and detained, for example – in the case of fighting terrorism.
But the world is finally sitting up and taking notice. The UN set up an investigation into human rights in North Korea, and the Commission of Inquiry published a damning report last year, which echoed CSW’s findings over the years. The report compared the present day situation to the Holocaust, and urged the world to take strong action for the millions of North Koreans who are suffering right now.
This week please:
Please Pray
• Thank God for the groundbreaking report by the UN Commission of Inquiry; • Pray that the strongly-worded report would be read widely, by politicians and other decision makers all over the world, and its recommendations implemented; • Pray that God would use the UN’s and CSW’s reports to break through into this tragic situation; • Ask God to protect and heal North Koreans who have managed to flee the horrors of their homeland; • Pray that China would stop forcing North Korean refugees to return to North Korea, and would allow them safe passage to a third country; • Pray that North Korea would be referred to the International Criminal Court so that the regime can be brought to justice; • Pray that one day the walls would come down and the people of North Korea would be declared free.
A Christian convert from Islam, Bishoy Armia Boulous (formerly known as Mohammed Hegazy), was arrested in July 2014 on charges of ‘inciting sectarian strife’, after filming a demonstration for a Christian TV channel. But his solicitor claims the charges are really a result of Bishoy’s attempts in 2007 to change his religion on his ID card to ‘Christian’ – an attempt which has so far been unsuccessful. He’s been held in solitary confinement, abused verbally because of his faith, and made to walk barefoot to hearings.
This week please:
Please Pray
• Praise God for the strong history of Christianity in Egypt; • Ask God to change the hearts of the prison officials so that they stop mistreating Bishoy; • Pray that his case would be reviewed, and he would be acquitted and released; • Ask God to bless and encourage Christians who have grown to accept as normal the regular intimidation and kidnappings; • Pray for CSW’s human rights training sessions in Egypt, raising awareness of human rights and how to fight for them; • Pray that a long term, effective solution would be found to the political issues in Egypt, that affect so much of everyday life; • Pray that Egypt would become a place of tolerance and respect for different religions.
20-26 September
27 september-3 October
latin america
This week we’re asking you to lift up to God our work in Latin America! We work mainly in Colombia, Cuba and Mexico. These are countries where Christians often have their rights systematically violated, but it’s not a situation that’s widely known about. So for us, one of the main challenges is to raise awareness internationally of what’s happening there.
North-eastern Nigeria has been torn apart by relentless terrorist attacks in recent years. The horrifying death toll from religious and ethnic violence has shocked the world and made international headlines. As we go to print, a surge in attacks has claimed over 700 lives. Boko Haram has been terrorising Nigeria since 2009. The Islamist terror group doesn’t hesitate to kill anyone who disagrees with its ideology – Muslims as well as Christians, and they have been known to use young children as suicide bombers. Tens of thousands of lives have been lost over the years. In addition, attacks by armed Fulani herders on non-Muslim communities in central Nigeria claimed over 200 lives in a month-long period in the summer.
In Mexico last year, more Roman Catholic priests were murdered or disappeared than in any other country in the world. Protestants have been evicted from their villages after refusing to renounce their faith, and have received death threats. Others have had their water supply cut off, and their children have been barred from attending school – all because of their faith.
This week, please:
Please Pray
• Pray that when victims in Mexico appeal their eviction, court processes would be conducted in a fair and transparent manner; • Pray for Protestants who often find themselves the religious minority, and are pressured to take part in religious celebrations with the majority; • Pray that local authorities would uphold religious freedom so that each community can celebrate its own religious festivals, and no one is forced to take part against their will;
This week please:
Please Pray
• Ask God to comfort and strengthen the families of victims, overwhelmed by their individual losses and the chaos around them; • Pray for open doors and blessing and favour for our advocacy team, as they meet decision makers who have the power to bring change; • Thank God for the amazing work done by CSW-Nigeria to support victims and build peace between communities;
• Ask God to move the hearts of authorities in Cuba, where Christians are often arrested on the way to church;
• Pray that God would protect the staff of CSW-Nigeria as they carry out this work, often as great personal risk;
• Thank God for the courage of human rights and religious freedom defenders such as Mario Felix, who put themselves in danger to document human rights violations;
• Pray for effective action to end attacks by Fulani herders and bring justice to victims;
• Ask God to protect church leaders in Colombia who have received death threats because of their pastoral care for victims of human rights violations;
• Ask God to inspire the Nigerian security forces with new strategies so that they can regain the ground against the Boko Haram terrorists; • Pray that kidnapped victims of Boko Haram would be returned safely, including the Chibok girls, most of whom are still missing.
• Thank God for the progress we have seen, such as when courts upheld the right of a Christian man to conscientiously object.
12 4-10 October
11-17 october
CSW (South Asia)
CSW (Events)
The South Asia team at CSW has had a complete change of staff in the last couple of years! We’ve said goodbye to some fantastic people, and welcomed even more on board. Patrick and April are now in charge of CSW’s religious freedom advocacy for the whole of the South Asia region – concentrating mainly on India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and B angladesh.
We had another busy summer of events! We were at Big Church Day out, New Wine, Momentum, the UCCF Forum and others, all skilfully and efficiently managed by Heather, our Events Coordinator. We were thrilled, as always, to meet our long term supporters and many new ones too. If you came over to say hello to us at an event – thank you! We really appreciate all you do and your faithful support.
They don’t have a chance to get bored. Sadly, these countries are seeing increasing incidence of hate speech against Christians and other religious minorities – this often takes the form of religious leaders trying to stir up their followers to hatred and violence. The team is working especially on Pakistan at the moment with our Retune campaign, challenging voices of religious hatred and aiming to cut off hate speech at the source.
This week please: • Praise God for the extraordinarily talented and skilled people God continues to bring to CSW; • Pray that the team would be blessed with inspiration for what we call ‘Holy Spirit strategies’ for South Asia; • Pray for strong working relationships and friendships within the team and with their contacts on the ground; • Pray that as they continue their work, especially on Retune, that doors would open and they would find favour; • Ask God to protect Patrick and April as they travel regularly to the region to meet victims and collect first hand evidence of religious freedom v iolations; • Ask God to use Patrick and April to bring comfort and hope to the victims they meet; • Pray that God would move mightily through the South Asia team to make religious freedom a reality in that region.
Please Pray
Heather’s got a lot on her plate, with everything that goes on throughout the year – but fortunately for us, she’s blessed with a talent for organisation and time management. She’s also looking into new events we could hold so we can reach new audiences who have never heard of CSW. It’s a challenging task, to say the least.
Throughout this week, please:
Please Pray
• Praise God for bringing Heather to CSW, and for all the skill she brings to the job; • Thank God for the committed volunteers who helped out at the events this summer; • Pray for all the people we met - that what they heard would stay with them, and they’d be inspired to take up the cause of religious freedom; • Pray that Heather would be blessed with ‘Holy Spirit strategies’ as she considers ways to bring CSW’s work to new audiences; • Pray that the rest of the CSW team would be able to support her in this important part of our work; • Pray that Heather would be able to rest and relax towards the end of the year, and prepare for another busy twelve months in 2016; • Pray that thousands more people across the UK would be inspired to speak up for religious freedom.
JUSTICE PRAY persecuted for the
Come to a Pray Justice event near you! Register youR free PLACE at
Monday 9 November St George’s Church, Ashtead, Surrey
Friday 13 November St George’s Tron Church, Glasgow
Tuesday 10 November St Mary’s Church, Guildford, Surrey (students and young adults)
Saturday 14 November Perth Baptist Church, Perth
Wednesday 11 November Elim Church Selly Oak, Birmingham
Sunday 15 November Edinburgh (tbc)
Order your Pray Justice pack to get your church pRaying for the persecuted Church this November! About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken.
Acts 16:25-26
Find out more, register or order a pack at Christian Solidarity Worldwide is an organisation working for religious freedom through advocacy and human rights, in the pursuit of justice. PO Box 99, New Malden, Surrey, KT3 3YF, United Kingdom T: +44 (0)845 456 5464 F: +44 (0)20 8942 8821 E: @csw_uk Registered Charity No. 281836