CSW Response Newsletter and Prayer Diary Winter 2013

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Response The newsletter of Christian Solidarity Worldwide

CSW has been working for religious freedom in China for over ten years. In that time, some reports seem to indicate that persecution of some religious groups has intensified, with evidence of Christian human rights lawyers, such as Gao Zhisheng (pictured here with his son), and church leaders being imprisoned. There is also evidence of churches being raided. Meanwhile, other Christian sources celebrate that religious persecution in China is at an all-time low. In reality it’s a mixed picture. CSW’s East Asia advocacy officer reveals more details... Continued on page


See inside:

Credit: China Aid

CHINA: A MIXED PICTURE Iran: A glimmer of hope

CSW’s Indonesia assignment in pictures

Prayer poster

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back Cover




Continued from page

Country in focus



CHINA: A MIXED PICTURE Xinjiang Alim Yimiti, a Christian leader, was arrested and imprisoned in this remote region. CSW has been leading an advocacy campaign to have him released. Gao Zhisheng, a well-known Christian human rights lawyer was also transferred to prison here after being tortured. Being so far from Beijing, imprisonments in this part of China highlight the Government’s efforts to keep prisoners away from the international limelight, which in many cases gives them a degree of protection.

Shanxi There was a raid on Linfen church in Shanxi in 2009, and several of the church’s leaders are still in prison. CSW has collected information and featured this case in briefings to policymakers and the media.

Wenzhou Popularly named ‘China’s Jerusalem’, this city has a very high Christian population and is also famous for its entrepreneurial success. Restrictions on Christian activity do exist, but in general the local government takes a more lenient approach than elsewhere in China.

CSW’s East Asia advocacy officer explains more about the situation for Christians in China: ‘In terms of freedom of religion or belief, China really is a mixed picture. Christians in China are shaping their society, reaching out through social welfare programmes and charitable projects. God has opened doors for some urban churches to be able to rent meeting rooms in hotels, to buy and sell foreign and Chinese Christian resources, and even engage in low-profile evangelism. This growth of the Chinese church, under difficult conditions, is in a large part a result of prayer and the faithfulness of Chinese church ‘uncles’, such as Zhang Rongliang, whom CSW campaigned for after he was sentenced to seven and a half years in prison. ‘At the same time, however, we cannot ignore the problems. Religious minorities, including Christians, still face many restrictions on their religious freedom. Churches are raided, property confiscated, and leaders are still detained and questioned and, in some cases, imprisoned for months or years. No-one knows this better than the human rights lawyers who work so tirelessly to defend the rights of religious minorities.


I am so inspired by these lawyers’ courage, commitment and self-sacrifice – even when they are disbarred, disappeared, locked up or beaten, they remain faithful in their pursuit of justice. Many of them are Christian, and say their faith is what motivates them to “speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves” (Proverbs 31:8). They also need our prayers.’ In China’s cities there is a lot of church growth, and fewer overt cases of religious oppression. In the mainly rural provinces, there are some areas where churches are able to operate, and others that still demonstrate how respect for religious freedom has not yet permeated Chinese society. For example, in April 2012 police detained 54 Christians, including a one-year-old infant, at a Bible study class organised by a church in Dianying village, Henan Province. After a public hearing in December 2012, Ye County People’s Procuratorate charged seven of the Christians with “using a cult organization to undermine law enforcement”. By far the worst areas for religious freedom are those where Beijing’s political authority is contested – for example, in the autonomous regions of Tibet and Xinjiang.

Inner Mongolia In Inner Mongolia, a group of Protestant evangelists providing free medical care were detained in August 2012; the Chinese authorities are especially wary of evangelism in ethnic minority areas.

Beijing Migrant churches are thriving in Beijing and surrounding areas, but rural-to-urban migrants generally live a precarious life in the cities because they lack the appropriate household registration documents.

Shanghai Thaddeus Ma Daqin, auxiliary bishop of Shanghai, has been under house arrest since announcing his resignation from the Catholic Patriotic Association in July 2012. The Chinese Government and the Vatican remain divided over a number of issues, including the appointment of bishops.

CSW’s analysis is that it’s difficult to generalise about religious freedom in China. This is exactly why it’s essential for CSW to gather extensive evidence in the way that we do – it allows us to advocate accurately and effectively. We cannot afford to be complacent, and we must continue to speak truth to power, ensuring that where religious freedom is being violated in China it does not go unquestioned in the international community.

Please do pray for our work in China using the Prayer Diary with this issue of Response. We always welcome donations to our work on China too, so if you feel prompted to give, please fill in the gift form enclosed.

THE EDITORIAL by mervyn thomas chief executive Hope is at the heart of the christian message. We’ve heard it again and again. But what do we hold onto when the situation looks hopeless? For me, Romans 8:38 is one of the most hopeful verses in the Bible. It reminds us that whatever happens, absolutely nothing can ever separate any of us from God’s love, shown to us in Jesus. In your prayers, please remember people who sometimes struggle to hold onto hope, as they face harassment, torture, and imprisonment because of their faith, These people are the reason for everything we do here at CSW. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you have helped us to achieve in 2013. With your help, we’ve seen a Cuban family persecuted for years find safe refuge, the start of a groundbreaking UN inquiry into human rights in North Korea, and many high-ranking politicians informed about the realities of religious persecution. Plus, thousands of you have joined our Operation 18 campaign for the right to choose your faith. Most importantly, your prayer and generous support are giving hope to millions who suffer for their beliefs.

May you and your loved ones have a truly blessed rest of 2013.

Order your copy of Connect & Encourage and consider writing to encourage Chinese human rights lawyers over the advent season. Call us for a copy on 0845 456 5464.




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Shahin Lahouti


upholding the right to


TAKING stock



We’re almost halfway through the first year of our Operation 18 campaign and it’s time to take stock.

1 2 3

Since March, we’ve had nearly 10,000 petition signatures from you – you’ve been taking a stand online through our email campaign, and you’ve signed the petition postcard at events, festivals and church services where we’ve spoken with you! We’ve just heard that in only one weekend, over 870 of you took an Operation 18 mini-action, by emailing the Iranian president to release political prisoners like Behnam Irani and Shahin Lahouti, both of whom where imprisoned they chose to convert to Christianity. What an overwhelming response! Professor Bielefeldt, (pictured below right) the UN’s Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief - a UN expert on the issue, - has generously accepted invitations from CSW, giving empassioned public lectures in London, and engaging with religious freedom activists from CSW’s network across South Asia.

Now, we’re gearing up to hand in your first round of petitions to Baroness Warsi at the Foreign & Commonwealth Office. We know that getting thousands of petitions from you will underline to her just how important this campaign is: the right to choose your religion or belief is universal, and we’re standing up to protect it! In a response letter to Richard Snow, a CSW supporter who had written to his MP in Norfolk, Baroness Warsi made the following statement: “Since taking up my position at the Foreign and Commonwealth office I share Mr Snow’s concerns about those who are persecuted around the world because of their religion or belief […] I trust that my reply has reassured you and Mr Snow that we attach great importance to promoting and protecting freedom of religion or belief as one of the UK’s key human rights priorities.” We’re so thrilled that you are taking things a step further – like writing personally to your MPs about the issues that Operation 18 highlights. And we’re confident that Baroness Warsi, the British Government’s brief-holder for religious freedom issues worldwide, is taking your concerns seriously.

Thank you for all of your hard work in campaigning with CSW so far – and let’s keep up the momentum by gaining those 30,000 petition signatures we’re looking for! don’t forget to ask others to pray for Operation 18 on the 18th of every month. See the Prayer Diary for further details.


Giving thanks for those who make sure their faith, beliefs and passions live on Over the summer we were humbled to receive an extremely generous Legacy gift from the estate of a lady who had passed away. She had been a faithful supporter of CSW’s for many years, but we had no idea that she would make such a generous final gift. “It was a truly humbling reminder that the resources we have on earth are God’s and we are called to use them wisely” said Bill Lowe, CSW’s Head of Fundraising. “When people leave their last possessions and funds to us, it’s an incredible responsibility and a privilege. We’ll be doing all we can to ensure that this faithfully donated money is spent effectively.”

“It was a truly humbling reminder that the resources we have on earth are God’s and we are called to use them wisely”

This legacy donation will allow CSW’s unique advocacy work to develop, prolonging the presence of a discerning, loving Christian voice in the international political arenas of the world, speaking out for justice on behalf of those who suffer because of their beliefs. If you are considering leaving a gift in your will to CSW please get in touch with Bill. Call him on 0845 456 5464 or email admin@csw.org.uk to ask for a legacy information leaflet.

International The International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (IDOP) is approaching, and we’re excited because we know that waves of prayer will be unleashed on that day! We’d love you to get fully involved in prayer, so we’ve organised a number of IDOP events for you to come to. There are fourteen venues across the country where you will be informed and inspired to pray about the persecuted Church and the wider issue of religious freedom. If you haven’t already thought about it, then get hold of an IDOP pack for your church. Tell your youth worker, children’s worker and other church leaders too, because there are lots of helpful resources in the pack that could help them plan a service around praying for people who experience persecution. The pack even contains children’s activities, bible study resources and a sketch you can perform! We’ve tried to make it incredibly easy for you to engage your congregation in prayer for people who suffer because of their faith.

You don’t have to pre-register for the IDOP events, but do turn up in good time at the event to avoid disappointment

1. Northampton Fri 25 October Kingdom Life Church 2. Newcastle Sat 26 October Newcastle Evangelical 3. Surrey Sun 27 October Chessington Evangelical 4. Bristol Mon 28 October The Sanctuary, Staple Hill 5. Cardiff Tue 29 October Glenwood Church 6. Surrey Wed 30 October RCCG, Mitcham 7. London Thurs 31 October All Souls, W1B

It’s not too late to download your IDOP pack either! Download it online today at www.csw.org. uk/idop Or give us a call on 0845 456 5464 and we’ll pop one in the post to you

CSW’S INDONESIA ASSIGNMENT IN PICTURES This summer, CSW visited Indonesia in preparation for a significant report that we’re releasing early next year. Here’s what CSW’s East Asia Team Leader, Ben Rogers, found.

Palti Panjaitan (left) is a church leader that CSW has supported with visits and advocacy for several years. In 2012 we told you how his church held regular worship meetings outside their forcibly closed building. However, in response to increasing hostilities from the local community - including a mob at Palti’s home – the church decided to stop publicly worshipping in this way.

Please pray for Indonesia’s religious freedom using the Prayer Diary with this issue 6



Day of Prayer: 3 november 8. St Andrews Thurs 31 October Church of the Holy Trinity 9. Glasgow Fri 1 November Temple-Anniesland Church

8 9 2 14

11. London Sun 3 November Emmanuel North West, HA8

13 1 5


10. London Sun 3 November Emmanuel Evangelical, SW1P

12 7/10/11 3/6

12. Hertfordshire Sun 3 November Christchurch Chorleywood 13. Birmingham Wed 6 November Selly Oak Elim Church 14. Stockton Wed 6 November Stockton Baptist Tabernacle

Jill Coombe Supporter Relationship Manager

CSW Nigeria visits the UK for two weeks only: coming to a church near you! Reverend Yunusa Nmadu is a man with incredible insight and strength. For several years, he’s headed up CSW Nigeria, our sister organisation. He’s been on hundreds of visits to villages and towns where attacks have taken place. He’s comforted victims whose churches have been burnt to the ground, and he’s documented heartbreaking human rights violations on a regular basis. And on top of that his own church has been attacked ten times. Yet he still continues to pioneer reconciliation work between Muslim and Christian communities. “I look forward to sharing with the UK church how prayer has sustained me in difficult times of persecution.” Reverend Yunusa Nmadu Reverend Nmadu is coming to share his wealth of experience and faith in the midst of persecution in Nigeria on a speaking tour of churches in the UK. CSW is bringing him here this October and we really want you to be inspired by his stories, and faith, and to take back prayer needs to your churches. We want to make sure that the Church in Nigeria is not forgotten.

Don’t miss this opportunity to have your faith stimulated! Places are free, just turn up in good time to get a seat

This is Alex Aan (right), imprisoned due to his public expression of atheism. CSW’s East Asia Team Leader, Ben Rogers (left), has made several visits to Alex in prison, and ensured that his case is raised at the international level. CSW visited hundreds of displaced Shia Muslims who have been living in this sports hall for over a year. Houses were burnt down and one person died when Sunni Muslims carried out attacks against them in Madura, East Java.

Around 200 people from the persecuted Ahmadiyya community have been living in this camp in Lombok for the past seven years. As you can see, living conditions are basic. The government has made no attempt to resettle them.








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Christian Solidarity Worldwide is an organisation working for religious freedom through advocacy and human rights, in the pursuit of justice. PO Box 99, New Malden, Surrey, KT3 3YF, United Kingdom T: +44 (0)845 456 5464 F: +44 (0)20 8942 8821 E: admin@csw.org.uk www.csw.org.uk Registered Charity No. 281836



Prayer Diary AUTUMN/ WINTER 2013





“Remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.” Hebrews 13:3 These were the words that inspired Christians across the world to remember that others in the body of Christ were suffering simply because of their faith. Today CSW exists to see an end to religious freedom violations, not only for Christians, but also those of other faiths. We hope and pray that you will be inspired to continue praying for those who find themselves suffering because of their faith. Please make use of our special advent activities - you’ll see them in this Prayer Diary and in our Connect & Encourage booklet, download IT at www.csw.org.uk/ connectandencourage

Vickie Mbogo Prayer Coordinator

3-9 November International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (IDOP)



Sixteen years ago, a coalition of Christian organisations decided that the global Church could no longer be silent. They were appalled by the knowledge that more people had died for their Christian faith in the twentieth century than in all the previous centuries combined. They pledged to end “our own silence in the face of the suffering of all those persecuted for their religious faith” by holding a special day of prayer. Churches from all over the world now pray together annually for the millions of fellow Christians who suffer harassment, torture, imprisonment or even death simply because of their beliefs. And sixteen years on, we’ve seen some amazing answers to prayer as a result of IDOP. This year, it’s being marked in the UK on 3 November. Join us to pray for the global Church!

Throughout this week please:

Please Pray

• Pray for children caught up in religious conflict; pray for their strength, protection and growth; • Pray for those who have fled religious persecution; for refugees who have had to flee their home nation, and for internally displaced people (IDPs) who have fled inside their own borders; • Thank God for the work of CSW in advocating for freedom of religion or belief; pray that he extends this work for his glory; • Pray for all church leaders across the world that work in difficult circumstances; pray for their families too; • Pray for the global Church; ask God to bring comfort to the parts of his Church facing oppression because of their faith; • Pray for reconciliation initiatives such as interfaith dialogues between religious communities; ask God to bring his supernatural peace into these relationships; • Take a psalm and use it to guide your prayer for those facing persecution for their faith. A good example is Psalm 23. Read each verse and use that to inspire a prayer for those facing persecution.

Use the IDOP pack (downloadable from csw.org.uk/idop) to inspire further prayer in your small group and congregation.



upholding the right to

Prayer Diary





10-16 November



The landlocked south-east Asian nation of Laos doesn’t get a lot of attention in the international media. Nevertheless, Laos is home to a small but growing number of Christians. About 150,000 worship at state-recognised churches belonging to the Roman Catholic Church or the Lao Evangelical Church, with at least 100,000 more Protestants attending unregistered churches. Most of the majority-Buddhist population is tolerant of other religions, but some local officials see Christianity as a ‘foreign religion’ and a threat. Christian converts have suffered forced eviction, confiscation of land and livestock, harassment and discrimination. CSW has also received reports of new converts being forced to take part in animist rituals in order to make them abandon their faith. In extreme cases, Christians have been known to ‘disappear’.

This week please:

Please Pray

• Pray for the safety of Christians who have ‘disappeared’;

• Give thanks for the release of three pastors who were detained earlier this year for making copies of a Christian DVD; • Pray for courage and comfort for Christian converts under pressure to give up their new faith; • Give thanks for the release of two Christians from Khammouan Province who were detained in 2012 for holding a Christmas celebration; • Pray for Catholics in the northern part of the country whose legitimate religious activities are still restricted; • Give thanks that some parts of the country have seen a drop in the number of enforced disappearances; • Pray for Christians in remote areas who are being pressured to leave their homes; pray for pastors to be able to visit them safely and encourage them.


17-23 November


upholding the right to


Shahin Lahouti was arrested, along with seven other Christians, during a raid on a prayer meeting in October 2012. False political charges were brought against them to cover up for the fact that they were really arrested because of their conversion to Christianity. They were sentenced to 18 months in prison; but while the others were released on bail, and their appeals are pending, Shahin is still in prison. Shahin is a talented musician and well known for his generous heart – he’s played concerts for autistic children, and regularly performs for charity. So despite the dangers he knew he faced after becoming a Christian last year, he decided to stay in Iran so he could continue helping people through his music. Please join us in prayer for him.

Throughout this week please:

Please Pray

• Pray for Christian converts in Iran, as they are particularly vulnerable to arrest and detention for their faith; • Pray for Shahin Lahouti as he serves his unjust sentence; • Ask God to sustain Shahin’s family at this difficult time; • Pray for successful appeals for the seven other Christians charged with anti-state activities; • Pray for the international community to hold Iran to account for the violations of the rights of religious minorities; • Pray that the government ends its policy of imprisoning Christians and other religious minorities on false political charges; • Pray for CSW as we continue to highlight the issue of conversion at the international level.

make sure your church has access to Connect & Encourage (downloadable at www.csw.org.uk/ConnectandEncourage) and to this Prayer Diary- they include some practical advent activities you can do together as part of your church life!






24-30 November


Mexico Violations of freedom of religion or belief are regular occurrences in some parts of Mexico. This is mostly due to the government’s reluctance to involve itself in religious disputes or situations of religious intolerance, even when these result in violations of fundamental human rights protected in the Mexican Constitution. These violations range from exclusion from school, to violence and forced displacement. Recent years have seen a worrying rise in the number of violations of freedom of religion or belief across the country, specifically threats against and attacks on religious leaders by criminal networks.

Get ready for advent: make sure your church has access to Connect & Encourage and to this Prayer Diary- they include some practical advent activities you can do together as part of your church life! (downloadable at www.csw.org.uk/ ConnectandEncourage)


Throughout this week please:

Please Pray

• Ask God to protect religious leaders who have been threatened by criminal networks; • Pray for indigenous communities who have been displaced by violence; • Pray for children whose education has been hampered as they have been excluded from school; • Pray for the international community to hold Mexico to the international agreements it has signed up to; • Pray for CSW as we continue to document and highlight the religious freedom violations and lobby key policy-makers; • Pray for religious leaders who have spoken out about the religious freedom violations they face, often risking arrest; • Pray that the Mexican Government would actively protect religious freedom.


1-7 December


Over the years China has been infamous for its persecution of Christians. Many will remember the work of all the ‘uncles’ of the Chinese Church as they served with endurance. But the situation today is much more complex. Depending on which part of the vast country they live in, Christians may live in relative freedom or face gruelling oppression. Many Christians in major cities like Beijing are able to buy Christian literature and participate in low profile evangelism, generally with little opposition from the authorities. In other parts of China where political control intersects with religion, minority faiths such as Christianity face oppression and hardship. There are things to thank God for; however, much more needs to be improved.

This week please:

Please Pray

• Pray for the efforts of Christians in China who are working to have a positive impact on their communities through social and charity work; • In particular pray for Christian lawyers, whose faith inspires them to stand up for the rights of others; • Thank God for the ‘uncles’ of the faith, and all those who have tirelessly prayed and continued to work for freedom in China; • Pray for religious minorities in Xinjiang, Tibet and Inner Mongolia as they continue to practise their faith despite the resistance they face from government officials; • Thank God for the relative freedom enjoyed by many Christians in major cities like Beijing; • Pray for CSW’s work in China as we continue to bring the truth about religious freedom in all of China to light; • Pray that the international community will continue to hold China to account when incidents of religious freedom violations are reported.


upholding the right to

Prayer Diary





8-14 December



Since South Sudan became independent in 2011, the situation for Sudan’s religious minorities has become increasingly difficult. President Omar al-Bashir, who has been indicted for war crimes by the International Criminal Court, vowed that the country’s new constitution would be based on Shari’a law alone, making Christians even more vulnerable. Christians face harassment, surveillance and arrest. The government has expelled around 100 foreign workers, closed several Christianaffiliated schools and training centres, and earlier this year announced that no new church licences would be issued. It has bombed civilians in Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile States, obstructs aid to these areas, and has undermined efforts to monitor fighting in Darfur and to protect and provide for civilians there.

This week please:

Please Pray

• Pray for encouragement for Christians in Sudan, that they would receive peace, strength and boldness; • Pray for church leaders as they steer their congregations through great uncertainty; • Pray for Christian students who are frequently arrested and monitored in Sudan; • Ask God to protect Christian converts who are increasingly under pressure; • Pray that the government of Sudan would hold wider consultations as it drafts a new constitution, and that the document would reflect the nation’s ethnic and religious diversity; • Pray for an end to repression of civil society and for freedom of expression and opinion to be respected; • Pray for peace in the troubled areas of South Kordofan (particularly the Nuba Mountains), Darfur, and Blue Nile; and for a peaceful future for the disputed Abyei region.



15-21 December


upholding the right to


John* is an Eritrean Christian refugee. He was completing his compulsory military service when he was found worshipping in the desert along with eight others. He was arrested, sentenced to six months in a military prison, and finally released. The military police told him they would only let him live if he left his faith. He was also warned not to sing, gather with other Christians, or read the Bible, and asked to sign a letter attesting to this. But John refused to do so. He then endured years in underground prisons, facing unspeakable torture and harassment. Over the years CSW has recorded many testimonies from refugees like John, ensuring that the Eritrean Government’s violations of the right to freedom of religion and belief are addressed by the international community. *Names have been changed for security reasons

Please stand with us in prayer:

Please Pray

• Pray for healing and safety for Eritreans like John who have suffered appalling mistreatment on account of their faith; • Ask God to comfort and provide for the families of Christians and thousands of others unjustly imprisoned in Eritrea; • Pray for God to bring comfort to those whose family members and friends in unknown locations; • Pray for the work of the UN Special Rapporteur on Eritrea, that she will keep receiving international support as she continues to highlight Eritrea’s terrible human rights record; • On 18 December, in solidarity with the Operation 18 campaign, pray together with your small group or family for people like John who have suffered for refusing to renounce their faith; • Pray for CSW’s Africa and Middle East Team as they work to bring cases like John’s to the attention of governments; • Pray for governments across the world which, like Eritrea, are complicit in violations of human rights of their citizens.

Find out more about the Operation 18 campaign - call us on 0845 456 5464 to receive a campaign guide outlining the issues around religious conversion.





22-28 December


Iran recently elected a new president, Hassan Rouhani. He is seen to be more progressive and reformist than his predecessor, and has expressed a wish to improve the country’s international image. While there are grounds for being cautiously optimistic that the dire situation for religious minorities may improve, power to bring about change still lies in the hands of Iran’s Supreme Leader. Political charges have increasingly been used against Christians, and a fatwa was issued by Ayatollah Khamenei describing the Baha’i movement as a “deviant and misleading sect”. In August, Ataollah Rezvani, a prominent member of the Baha’i community, was murdered in what could be the first religiously-motivated killing of an Iranian Baha’i in fifteen years.

Over your Christmas break, please consider writing to Iranian prisoners using our Connect & Encourage booklet. Call us on 0845 456 5464 to receive a free copy.


Throughout this week please:

Week Please Pray

• Pray that President Hassan Rouhani will prove to be more moderate than his predecessor; • Pray that the change of president translates into freedom and justice for religious minorities; • Pray for Christians, Baha’is and Sufi dervishes who are imprisoned in Iran, and for peace and comfort for their families; • Pray that the killers of Ataollah Rezvani are brought to justice; • Pray for the seven Baha’i leaders who have been in prison for five years for their beliefs; • Ask God to give wisdom to the international community as it commences the process of easing economic sanctions while still holding Iran to account for its human rights record; • Pray that the plight of prisoners of conscience is not forgotten as the international community seeks to make progress on the nuclear question and other important international issues.


29 December-4 January


Indonesia is the world’s largest Muslim nation and has a history of tolerance of other faiths. But in recent years militant Islamists have pushed through a number of measures which could have serious, longterm implications for religious freedom and minority rights. CSW has visited Indonesia and in particular a number of Christian communities and Shia Muslim groups who have been attacked, often having to flee their homes. We also met Alex Aan, an atheist who was imprisoned because of his beliefs.

Please Pray

Join us in prayer this week for Indonesia: • Pray for church leaders such as Palti Panjaitan, whose congregation has been forced from their places of worship. Ask God to give them strength and wisdom;

• Pray for Ahmadi Muslims who face increasing pressure from other Muslim groups and the authorities; • Ask God to guide Indonesia’s leaders to rule for the good of all Indonesians, regardless of their religious beliefs; • Pray for Alex Aan, an atheist imprisoned after expressing his beliefs on Facebook; • Pray for Christians who are living in the midst of hostile communities, such as in East Java. Ask God to give them strength to show love to their neighbours despite the circumstances; • Pray for Shia Muslims who have been attacked by Sunni Muslims in East Java; • Continue to pray for CSW’s work in Indonesia and the upcoming launch of our new Indonesia report.






5-11 January



upholding the right to


The right to enthuse others peacefully about your beliefs is regularly violated in Cuba, despite government statements guaranteeing freedom of religion for all. At the end of February 2013, the Full Gospel Church in Havana Province was forcibly closed. Cuban authorities closed the church and confiscated everything inside it, leaving more than 200 people without a place of worship.

Please Pray

• Pray for peace and protection for Coptic Orthodox Christians as they hold their Christmas celebrations this week, and for protection for Pope Tawadros; • Pray that the interim government would rule justly during this transitional period, upholding the rights of all citizens, including its opponents; • Pray for an end to the continuous violence, which has seen around 1,000 people killed and many more injured in clashes between Muslim Brotherhood supporters and security forces; • Pray for effective protection for Christian communities, many of which have suffered attacks and extortion by Muslim Brotherhood supporters; • Ask God to give courage to Christians, enabling them to rebuild their lives after over 130 churches and homes, businesses and establishments were attacked and destroyed; • Pray for peace in the troubled Sinai region amidst the rise of extremist Islamist groups; • Pray for wisdom for the international community as it considers its role in helping Egypt towards a peaceful future characterised by equality of citizenship.


12-18 January


Egypt continues its turbulent journey to democracy following the fall of President Hosni Mubarak in 2011, after 30 years in office. Since then, widespread protests and harsh crackdowns by successive regimes have left thousands dead or injured. Christians and other religious minorities have experienced increasing harassment and violence at the hands of Islamist extremists, particularly following the removal of President Morsi. An interim government is currently in the process of drafting a new constitution to lay the foundations for a united, peaceful future for all Egyptians, whatever their religion, beliefs or gender.

Throughout this week please:


Pastor Jesus Hernandez appealed to the authorities to resolve the matter, and was informed that there was a dispute regarding the ownership of the church. However, it’s believed that the church was targeted because of Pastor Hernandez’s friendship with leaders of the Apostolic Movement, a rapidly growing church movement that the government has openly and aggressively worked to eliminate in recent years.

Please stand with us in prayer:

Please Pray

• Thank God for Cuban Christians who hold onto their faith despite the challenges they face; • Pray for strong relationships between different denominations in the Church in Cuba; • Pray for the Full Gospel Church in Havana, as they try to find another place to worship; • Pray that Christians in Cuba would be allowed to enthuse others peacefully about their faith, without fear of attack; • Ask God to give wisdom to Christian leaders as they work with the authorities and lead their congregations; • Pray for favour for CSW’s Latin America team as they work to bring to light cases of religious freedom violations; • Remember to pray on the 18th for those around the world facing harassment as they exercise their right to peacefully share their faith.

Thanks for praying on the 18th. in your new 2014 diary, please mark the 18th of each month for prayer for the operation 18 campaign.



Advent Prayer Guide

As part of your Advent prayers this year, use the world map to pray for a different region each week.


Pray for



In latin america Use the scripture on the back cover to reflect on the power of God’s love. On the first days of Advent, as we celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, pray for those CSW works with in Latin America. Pray for Christians across the region, that they would know the power of God’s love made known through Christ Jesus despite the challenges they are facing.



Pray for


Peace In africa and the middle east

“Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favour rests.” Luke 2:14 In this second week of Advent, pray for Africa and the Middle East. Ask God for his peace in the region over the holy advent season. Pray in particular for countries that have experienced war and civil unrest, that God’s peace would be known.


Pray for



In south asia But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.” Luke 2:10 Pray for the people CSW works for and with in South Asia. Meditate on the scripture above and ask God to take away fear and fill them with his joy. In particular, pray for relationships between the different faith groups across the region.


Pray for


Hope In east asia

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him.” Romans 15:13 In this last week of Advent, pray for those CSW works with in East Asia. Ask God to bring hope for those who have been worn with disappointment. In particular pray for Christians in the region, that they would know the reality of the hope we share in Christ.








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Christian Solidarity Worldwide is an organisation working for religious freedom through advocacy and human rights, in the pursuit of justice. PO Box 99, New Malden, Surrey, KT3 3YF, United Kingdom T: +44 (0)845 456 5464 F: +44 (0)20 8942 8821 E: admin@csw.org.uk www.csw.org.uk Registered Charity No. 281836



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