An Invitation CSW HOmeTour Hi I am writing to personally invite you to consider being part of a HomeTour Gathering in 2017? Inspired by the hospitality of the traditional Scottish ceilidh (not the dancing type), we have been gathering in small groups in people’s homes, over cheese and wine, or tea, coffee and cake – to discuss how we can stand up for the rights of others as we go about our daily lives. A HomeTour gathering is really simple to host. All you need to do is: • Find a date when you can invite a few friends to your home • Provide hospitality such as cheese and wine, or coffee and cake South Queensferry We’ve had some really encouraging feedback from the places we have toured so far: the Isle of Skye, Edinburgh, Stirling, South Queensferry and Inverness. The conversation has been different each night as people bring their own fascinating, inspiring and thought-provoking thoughts to the table – plus it has been a brilliant opportunity for me to get to know you all personally. These gatherings allow people to connect and converse over community, faith and hospitality and we can’t wait to hold more.
• Ask me to come along and share some thoughts to start the conversation • Encourage your friends to consider giving £10 each to the work of CSW.
Isle of SKye
It’s perfect for a church home group or social too. So if you would like to host a HomeTour gathering with your friends or home group, don’t hesitate to ask me – no distance is too far to come! Please email me at or call 07880 668 068 if you have any questions. Looking forward to seeing you for an evening of conversation and company! Ruth Donaldson Regional Development Coordinator, Scotland
PTO to see the HomeTour Poster >>
Join us for an evening of
conversation & company! You’re invited to an evening of hospitality and storytelling, discussion and community.
Recreating the traditional Scottish ceilidh, we’ll be sharing stories and enjoying hospitality. But that’s not all – you’ll also find out how you can stand up for the rights of others as you go about your daily lives. You’ll hear inspiring stories of people around the world whose faith puts them in the line of fire. You’ll enjoy an evening of generous hospitality combined with thought-provoking
discussion. And you’ll be encouraged to make a difference to these people’s lives – by making a change in your own life. In the coming months we’ll be meeting in people’s homes across Scotland as part of our Home Tours. We’d love you to join us! Suggested donation: £10
To find a Home Tour near you, or enquire about hosting one yourself, email Ruth Donaldson on #CSWHomeTour Christian Solidarity Worldwide is an organisation working for religious freedom through advocacy and human rights, in the pursuit of justice. PO Box 99, New Malden, Surrey, KT3 3YF, United Kingdom T: +44 (0)845 456 5464 F: +44 (0)20 8942 8821 E: @csw_uk /cswuk Registered Charity No. 281836