Prayer Diary: January-April 2024

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Your daily prayer guide

prayer diary January-April 2024

Angelina with her 'Hope for the future' artwork, Mexico


Your prayers are needed for Pakistan.

Your prayers are an act of love

An Easter service in Shanghai, 2021 Photo: REUTERS/Aly Song

Week 1: 28 January-3 February

‘Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.’ (1 John 4:11-12) This month in my quiet times, I’ve been studying the book of 1 John. One of the things that stood out to me was in chapter four, where John encourages us to love one another as an outpouring of the love we receive from God. Amazingly, John goes on to say that this is actually one of the ways that God reveals himself to the world. Through his people loving one another, the world catches a glimpse of his selfless love.

I want to encourage you: your prayers are an act of love. And contrary to a last resort or something reserved for moments of desperation, prayer is one of the foremost ways we can support those who are under pressure for what they believe. When I started as an intern at CSW, much of my time was spent learning about the cases and countries we work on. I read about people like Pastor Wang Yi and Early Rain

Covenant Church in China, and was deeply moved to pray. I can feel powerless, and grieve when I see that this tremendous injustice is still ongoing; Pastor Wang is still serving a nine-year sentence, and church members continue to face harassment, as you’ll read on p.5. But the stories of success we hear along the way are a powerful reminder of how good our God is – and how we can trust him to be working in the unresolved cases too. As we read through this Prayer Diary together, my prayer is that our hearts will grow in love, care and concern for those facing injustice. And may that love move us to intercede in prayer, trusting that the Lord is faithful to answer. Jonathan CSW Intern

All images by CSW unless otherwise stated. Unless otherwise stated, Scripture quotations taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version® NIV® Copyright © 1973 1978 1984 2011 by Biblica, Inc. TM. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.


Samreen Aftab is a Christian girl from Jaranwala, Faisalabad. In August 2023 she was abducted, forcibly converted to Islam, and forced to marry her abductor, Muhammad Amir. Despite the legal age for marriage being either 16 or 18 (depending on the province), 15-year-old Samreen’s ‘conversion’ meant that Sharia law was applied in court, which allows marriage at a much younger age. We are increasingly concerned by the rate of abduction, forced conversion and forced marriage in Pakistan, targeting Christians and Hindus in particular. Find out more at

Sunday 28 January Psalm 139 reveals the tender care of God our Maker, who knows all about us and is with us wherever we go. Pray the encouragement of this psalm over Samreen, and pray that legal proceedings to rescue her will be swift and successful.

Monday 29 January Samreen’s family have faced harassment and hostility from several local groups of Muslim extremists. They are also living in extreme poverty. Ask God to strengthen, shield and provide for them as they pursue justice for their daughter.

Aftermath of attacks in Jaranwala. Photos: Cecil and Iris Chaudhry Foundation.

communities. For example, Shia Muslims are experiencing increased discrimination, while the Ahmadiyya community continues to face widespread hate speech, which contributes to inciting violence against them.

Thursday 1 February In August 2023, over 21 churches were set on fire and hundreds of houses were destroyed in the Christian colony of Jaranwala. Pray for all who are still living in difficult conditions because of the attack, which was fuelled by an unjust allegation of blasphemy.

Tuesday 30 January

Friday 2 February

The family of Muhammad Amir (Samreen’s ‘husband’) has filed a counter-lawsuit against Samreen’s father, accusing him of attempting to abduct his own daughter. Perpetrators use this tactic to deter families from taking legal action to rescue their child. Pray that the courts will see through these false claims and bring the real perpetrators to justice.

Some people, including children, developed skin diseases after the mob attack in Jaranwala. This was due to the chemicals used to set the fires. Pray for complete healing, and that no one would be denied access to proper healthcare because of their religion or belief.

Wednesday 31 January World Interfaith Harmony Week begins tomorrow. Pray for peace between all religious groups in Pakistan, and an end to the targeting of religious minority

Saturday 3 February Samreen’s abductor, Muhammad Amir, is wanted by the police for his alleged involvement in the burning of churches in Jaranwala. Pray that he would not escape justice for this crime, as well as for the abduction of Samreen. 3

Pray for Nicaragua.

This week please pray for China.

Week 2: 4-10 February

Week 3: 11-17 February

Bishop Rolando Álvarez Lagos was sentenced to more than 26 years in prison. He has a history of being targeted by the government because he has been a vocal critic of human rights abuses committed under the government of President Daniel Ortega.

Zhang Zhan is a Christian journalist and human rights defender who is imprisoned in China. Her four-year sentence is due to end in May 2024. Having reported on the outbreak of COVID-19 from Wuhan in 2020, she was arrested and charged with ‘picking quarrels and provoking trouble’. This language illustrates the Chinese government’s practice of quashing dissent through vague and false accusations.

On 14 January 2024, we received news that Bishop Álvarez Lagos had been freed! However, the bishop and 18 other Roman Catholic leaders and seminarians were expelled to the Vatican. Among the group was Bishop Isidoro del Carmen Mora Ortega, who was arrested on 20 December 2023 after telling his congregation that Nicaragua's bishops were ‘united in prayer’ for Bishop Álvarez Lagos. Find out more at

Sunday 4 February Give thanks that Bishop Álvarez Lagos is no longer in prison. However, the bishop was stripped of his nationality and his civil rights for life, and forced to leave Nicaragua. Pray for the restoration of his citizenship, and all others who have been stripped of their nationality – which violates international law.

Monday 5 February Twelve Roman Catholic priests were released from prison and forced into exile in October 2023. Pray for an end to the crackdown on religious leaders and independent voices – that no others would be unjustly imprisoned, nor expelled from the country.

Tuesday 6 February Pray for all those who have been threatened, harassed or prevented from attending religious services because of their religious beliefs. May God grant them peace and encouragement, and change their circumstances.

Wednesday 7 February ‘But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.’ (Isaiah 4

After her sentencing trial, she said to her lawyer: ‘I will continue to fight in a Christian way, even at the cost of my life. I will make [the Chinese authorities] repent, and I will continue to pray for God’s great love to guide me.’ Find out more at

Zhang Zhan

Bishop Álvarez Lagos Photo: Carlos Herrera/DIVERGENTES

40:31) Pray that God would renew the strength of Nicaraguan citizens, especially Christians who may be fearful of the authorities.

Thursday 8 February Pray for President Daniel Ortega; his wife and Vice-President, Rosario Murillo; and their inner circle. May the Lord open their eyes to the injustices they have committed and soften their hearts, that they might relinquish control and their desire for power.

Friday 9 February Today marks one year since 222 political prisoners – including several religious leaders – were sent into exile in the US and stripped of their citizenship. Ask God to be with them as they continue to adjust to life in a new country, and bring comfort to the loved ones they were forced to leave behind.

Saturday 10 February Father God, we lift up Bishop Álvarez Lagos, who was unjustly sentenced to over 26 years in prison on this day last year. Today we praise you that he is no longer serving that sentence, and ask that you continue to work justice in his life. May he experience a tangible sense of your presence and be strengthened as he adjusts to life in exile. Amen.

Sunday 11 February Zhang Zhan’s health has deteriorated in prison, especially after she began a hunger strike to protest her arbitrary detention. The authorities interrupted this by force feeding her. Pray for her recovery and perseverance as she approaches the end of her sentence.

Monday 12 February Many citizen journalists, like Zhang Zhan, have been jailed for reporting. Give thanks for these brave individuals who seek to share the truth with organisations like CSW; for the ears that are ready to hear; and for those who take action in response. Pray protection over all who carry out this work, and for their families.

Tuesday 13 February Pray for the church leaders and workers who have been detained or imprisoned for collecting offerings. Ask God to provide for their churches, and cause the seeds they have sown to bear lasting fruit (John 15:16). May he bless those who have generously given.

Wednesday 14 February Pray for the lawyers who continue to play a profound role in seeking to uphold the rights of citizens, despite facing grave risks for this work. We think especially of Gao Zhisheng, missing since 2017. We also remember Xu Zhiyong and Ding Jiaxi who suffered at least

two years of torture before being sentenced to 14 and 12 years respectively in 2023. Pray for their emotional wellbeing and practical needs.

Thursday 15 February The cases mentioned in this Prayer Diary were raised by CSW in high-level forums during 2023, including the UN and the EU. Give thanks for these opportunities and pray that our advocacy would continue to be effective.

Friday 16 February In 2024, CSW will have several opportunities to confront the Chinese government on its human rights violations. One of these will be in consultations ahead of the human rights dialogue between the European Union and China, taking place in the first half of the year. Pray for wisdom for our advocates who will share information and recommendations.

Saturday 17 February Members of Early Rain Covenant Church faced various illegal tactics to prevent them from joining a prayer meeting on 9 December. These included power cuts, police outside their homes, door-to-door threats, and being taken to police stations. The online prayer gathering marked five years since over 100 members were arrested, including Pastor Wang Yi. Pray for an end to the crackdown on the church. 5

Your prayers are needed for Nigeria.

This week please pray for India.

Week 4: 18-24 February As you’ll read in January’s Response, the CSW Nigeria team has been training journalists from crisis-prone states, giving them a deeper understanding of freedom of religion or belief. The workshops were a great success. One facilitator said they were ‘deeply optimistic’ that the awareness raised will have a positive impact across Nigeria, as journalists use the skills acquired during the training to report more often and more accurately on freedom of religion or belief issues. We are delighted that more training is due to take place in the year ahead. It is essential, occurring at a time when violations – including violence and abduction for ransom – are rife, and church leaders are particularly at risk. Meanwhile, blasphemy allegations, and their often-deadly repercussions, continue to impact the lives of people from a variety of religions and beliefs. Find out more at

Sunday 18 February Ask the Father of compassion to comfort those who have experienced the devastation surrounding blasphemy accusations in Nigeria. We think of the family of Deborah Emmanuel, a Christian student who was brutally murdered in May 2022 following an unproven allegation, and others who still await justice for the killings of their loved ones.

Monday 19 February Yahaya Sharif-Aminu, a member of the Tijjaniyya Sufi order of Islam, was detained in March 2020 for alleged blasphemy. He was later handed a death sentence by a Shari’a Court, which was overturned in January 2021, but a retrial was ordered. His lawyers have now taken the case to the Federal Supreme Court, where they are challenging Nigeria’s Blasphemy Law and the constitutionality of Kano State’s Shari’a Penal Code. Pray for justice.

Tuesday 20 February Mubarak Bala, President of the Nigerian Humanist Society, is currently serving an astounding 24-year sentence for alleged blasphemy. Pray for an urgent review of this unjust sentence.

Wednesday 21 February Give thanks for all who attended an awareness and fundraising dinner held by CSW Nigeria in Abuja. Pray that what they heard would remain 6

in their hearts and minds, and would continue stirring support for the team’s vital work.

Thursday 22 February ‘We put our hope in the Lord. He is our help and our shield.’ (Psalm 33:20 NLT) Pray that the Lord would protect and deliver clergy, who are increasingly being targeted for abduction for ransom. Some are still murdered even after payments are made.

Friday 23 February Terrorists operating in northwest Nigeria are increasingly targeting students, especially female undergraduates – 29 of whom were abducted from hostels between 22 September and 4 October 2023. Pray for the freedom of those still in captivity; for the recovery of those who have been released; and for effective strategies to protect students.

Saturday 24 February Lord God, we thank you for the workshops delivered in 2023, and for the opportunity to train more journalists in 2024. Use these seeds to grow a deeper understanding of freedom of religion or belief, which in turn strengthens the media’s ability to inform the public, and drive change. Amen.

Week 5: 25 February-2 March The verses below paint a vivid picture of the power of words – for better and for worse. We have seen evidence of this India, where hate speech by far-right Hindu nationalist groups fuels hostility towards people of a lower caste and religious minorities, such as Dalits, Christians and Muslims. The implications can be serious; in extreme cases, it has provoked vigilantism and sectarian violence. Just a few months ago, a leader of India’s ruling party was charged with hate speech against Muslims for the eighth time. T Raja Singh made the comments in Telangana state, but there have been similar incidents in Rajasthan and Chhattisgarh. Communal violence on the basis of religion or belief is particularly concerning around election season. India will be holding its general elections in 2024. Find out more at Reflect on the verses below and pray that hate speech would have no place in Indian politics and society. Pray especially that no hostility would be stirred up against religious minorities in the run-up to the elections. May God bring harmony, peace and understanding across the nation.

Sunday 25 February ‘The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences.’ (Proverbs 18:21 NLT)

Monday 26 February ‘Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark.’ (James 3:5)

Tuesday 27 February ‘Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.’ (Ephesians 4:29)

Wednesday 28 February

tamed by mankind, but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.’ (James 3:7-8)

Thursday 29 February ‘Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.’ (Proverbs 16:24)

Friday 1 March ‘[Speak] to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.’ (Ephesians 5:19-20)

Saturday 2 March ‘Wise words satisfy like a good meal; the right words bring satisfaction.’ (Proverbs 18:20 NLT)

‘All kinds of animals, birds, reptiles and sea creatures are being tamed and have been 7

Celebrating International Women's Day.

This week please pray for Cuba.

Week 6: 3-9 March

Week 7: 10-16 March

As this week marks International Women’s Day (8 March), let us take a moment to remember the women around the world who are targeted because of their beliefs. Women and girls from religious minorities face violations such as forced marriage, sexual violence, and lack of access to education and jobs.

‘Yes, I am afraid for my life. But God is in control. God is stronger than the [Department of State Security]. God is the King of Kings.’

We remember, too, the advocacy and activism of women around the world who champion the cause of justice. Many risk their own freedom to stand up for the freedoms of others.

This is what 20-year-old Iván Daniel Calás Navarro shared on social media after Cuban State Security interrogated him in September 2023.

Iván Daniel teaching on freedom of religion or belief

It was his first official summons, but Iván Daniel believes he became a target when he started sharing his faith on YouTube at the age of 14 and began working as a youth leader a few years later. Surveillance of him increased after the 2021 peaceful protests, when new social media regulations were introduced. Read the full story in our blog:

Maria Francisca (l), Angelina (r), and their mother (c) creating ‘Hope for the future artwork'

Maria Francisca & Angelina Martínez Hernández Maria Francisca and Angelina live in an indigenous community in the state of Hidalgo, Mexico. Protestant families in their community have been under pressure since 2007, and the situation worsened in 2019. After the sisters and their husbands refused to sign an agreement renouncing their religious beliefs, the local authorities removed their access to water and other services for over a year. During this time, Maria Francisca and Angelina suffered the physical toll of collecting water from the river, and also underwent significant medical procedures. The removal of water services has a disproportionate impact on women, who tend to be responsible for household tasks that rely on water, such as cooking and washing.

Michelle Chaudhry, President of the Cecil and Iris Chaudhry Foundation

Michelle Chaudhry Michelle is President of the Cecil and Iris Chaudhry Foundation; one of our partners in Pakistan. She is pictured below among the rubble in Jaranwala, comforting families after a mob attack in August. Many were left without homes and jobs. Pray for Michelle and her team as they continue to support this community, and many others who are vulnerable because of their beliefs. She has previously told us: ‘We in Pakistan live under very trying circumstances, religious persecution, and intolerance at every level... It is at that time that we feel so encouraged and strengthened to know that we have wonderful people out there who care and are praying for us.’

Thursday 14 March

Iván Daniel was asked to sign a document agreeing not to criticise the authorities or post ‘counter-revolutionary’ ideas on social media – but he bravely refused. Pray that he and other independent communicators would be protected from further harassment and pressure.

Luis Eugenio Maldonado Calvo and Pastor Alejandro Hernandez Cepero are two pastors who were temporarily detained ahead of November’s roundtables. It was a targeted act of intimidation to stop them from attending these important discussions.

Monday 11 March Incredibly, Iván Daniel asked if he could pray for his interrogators, their families, and for Cuba. Let us follow his example and ask God to move in the hearts of Cuban State Security. May they turn from injustice and work to uphold fundamental freedoms for all.

Tuesday 12 March Pray for the release of all who are unjustly imprisoned following the peaceful protests of 11 July 2021. Among the religious leaders are Pastor Lorenzo Rosales Fajardo, Donaida Pérez Paseiro and her husband Loreto Hernández García.

Wednesday 13 March

Despite having reached an agreement with the local authorities, Maria Francisca and Angelina continue to be pressured to participate in the religious traditions of the majority. Please pray for an end to this harassment and for peace in the community. 8

Sunday 10 March

Give thanks that ‘roundtable’ discussions on freedom of religion or belief could take place across Cuba in November. It was encouraging to see leaders from a wide range of religious groups coming together to call for change – despite huge pressure from State Security. Michelle visiting affected families in Jaranwala, 2023

Pastor Alejandro Hernandez Cepero

Give thanks for their courage and pray against any further targeting.

Friday 15 March At the start of 2023, all our documenters had been forced to flee Cuba. We asked you to pray for new contacts to step into the role of researching violations of freedom of religion or belief. Praise God that this prayer was answered! Continue to pray for the safety of all CSW’s documenters and advocates working on Cuba.

Saturday 16 March Father, thank you that you are still present amid the injustice faced by so many across Cuba. You see and care about every person. Strengthen every religious leader and human rights defender who works tirelessly to amplify the voices of those being targeted for their beliefs. Amen. 9

Pray with us during Holy Week.

Pray for Sudan. Photo: Omid Armin/Unsplash

Week 8: 17-23 March

Week 9: 24-30 March

‘The land is valuable, and it will be easier to seize it if the buildings have been destroyed by war.’

As Christians, we reflect on the meaning of the cross throughout the year, but Holy Week is a special opportunity to meditate on the unfathomable love of Christ. He freely handed over his life, that he might bring freedom to the entire world; there is no greater love.

As Sudan remains caught in a conflict between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), it is the country’s civilians who suffer most. In December, the United States formally determined that both parties had committed war crimes, and that members of the RSF and allied militias had also committed crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing.

The unfathomable love of Christ

Find out more at

Sunday 17 March In November, the SAF shelled the largest church in the city of Omdurman. Pray for those who have been left without a place to worship. Pray also for the nuns and children who were injured in a similar attack in Khartoum just two days later, when a building belonging to the Comboni Catholic missionary order was bombed.

Monday 18 March Over 9,000 people have been killed, around 12,000 injured, and more than five million displaced in what the UN Humanitarian and Emergency Relief Chief has described as one of the ‘worst humanitarian nightmares in recent history.’ Pray for an immediate and lasting ceasefire.

Tuesday 19 March In October the UN established an independent fact-finding mission (FFM) for Sudan. Give thanks for the FFM, which will strengthen the international community’s ability to hold warring parties to account. Pray that it would be effective in ensuring accountability.

Wednesday 20 March Pray for the safety of humanitarian workers. In December, the Red Cross announced that two of its staff had been killed and seven injured in a 'deliberate attack’ as they attempted to evacuate over 100 people, including priests, nuns, children and the elderly, who have been trapped in the Catholic Church’s compound in al-Shajara, Khartoum for eight months.


Here are three verses to guide your prayers: The Episcopal/Evangelical church in Omdurman

Thursday 21 March Pray for comfort, protection and refuge for civilians in Darfur, where violations are particularly severe. In early November, over 1,000 members of the indigenous Masalit tribe were murdered by the RSF over a three-day period in Ardamata, West Darfur, after the SAF left them without protection.

Friday 22 March According to the World Health Organization, more than four million women and girls are currently at risk of sexual violence, committed primarily by the RSF. Pray for protection, recovery, healing, and access to medical and psychological support.

Saturday 23 March Lord God, we know that you have not forgotten or forsaken the people of Sudan. In your mighty name, we ask that you deliver this nation from conflict and crisis. Move Sudan towards a future of peace, justice and accountability. Amen.

‘My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me.’ (Matthew 26:36-38) Jesus knew the pain he would endure before the victory of Easter morning. In Gethsemane, he asked his close disciples to be near him in this moment of deep sorrow. Stand in prayer with those in overwhelming situations of injustice and sorrow. Pray for the release of Iran’s prisoners of conscience, and for an end to the harassment, threats and violence against religious and ethnic minorities.

This week, let us remember those around the world who are unable to mark Holy Week freely and safely. Iran is one country where Christians are at risk of intimidation, violence or imprisonment all year round – and even more so at Easter. Find out more at

‘Having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end.’ ( John 13:1) Pray that people will be refreshed in the knowledge of Christ’s immeasurable love for them. We think especially of Pastor Matthias Haghnejad (at time of writing, imprisoned on charges of which he was acquitted in 2014), Pastor Yousef Nadarkhani, and other church leaders who have been targeted by the Iranian authorities for so many years.

Ask God to provide for those who have been forced to flee Iran. ‘Since he himself has gone through suffering and testing, he is able to help us when we are being tested.’ (Hebrews 2:18 NLT) It is comforting to remember that Jesus is familiar with our human nature and is able to help in times of trouble. Pray that the Lord would comfort and help vulnerable religious communities in Iran. Pray especially for financial provision for the families of imprisoned church leaders.

Pastor Haghnejad

Pastor Nadarkhani


Our manifesto #13

We believe in the power of prayer to bring change.

CSW is a human rights organisation advocating for freedom of religion or belief. As Christians we stand with everyone facing injustice because of their religion or belief.

E T +44 (0)20 8329 0010 @CSW_UK /CSWUK

PO Box 99 New Malden Surrey, KT3 3YF United Kingdom Registered Charity No. 281836

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