CSW Response Newsletter and Prayer Diary Spring 2014

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Response The newsletter of Christian Solidarity Worldwide

Over the years, Iranian Christians and other religious minorities have been systematically targeted in waves of arrests, physical and psychological torture, false convictions, and regular raids on church services. Converts from Islam in particular are singled out. Last June, Iran elected a new president, Hassan Rouhani, to a chorus of international acclaim. Seemingly, the most moderate of the presidential candidates, he appeared to be saying all the right things: promising to release unjustly detained political prisoners, repeal unfair laws, and ensure greater freedom for minorities. But almost a year on, and just after hearing of another wave of arrests, has anything really changed? Continued on page


Iran: Hope for change? See inside:

Iran: Hope For Change

Turkey: Behind the scenes in this holiday hotspot

Inspiring churches to take action

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THE EDITORIAL by mervyn thomas chief executive

“Your prayer is a beautiful gift” I first met Firouz in London in 2012 and I’ve been strengthened in my own faith by his unwavering trust in God. Firouz is an Iranian church leader who’s been forced into exile because of the persecution in his country. When we last heard from him, he told us once again how persecution strengthens faith. He shared many stories of the power of prayer, telling us that as we pray we should know that God hears our prayers, and that they encourage the people we pray for even if we’ll never meet those people. He asked us to pray for the Iranian Church: they don’t want just to withstand the pressure and persecution, but to be “more than conquerors” in spite of everything. He also asked us to remember the wives of imprisoned church leaders in our prayers – they are expected to present a strong ‘front’ to their communities, even when they’re struggling to cope. At Easter we celebrate all things new: the death and resurrection of Jesus giving us a fresh start with a life washed clean of sin. Firouz encouraged us that even in countries like Iran where nothing seems to be changing, our new life in Jesus gives us hope every day.


Iran: Hope for change? Prisoners set free... Let’s start with the positives. Political prisoners have indeed been released, including Shahin Lahouti, a Christian musician you prayed and campaigned for last year. This was an incredible answer to prayer – thank you so much! We were also relieved to get the news that Pastor Behnam Irani has finally been given medical treatment, after years of severe ill health while in jail on political charges. At Christmas, Farshid Fathi Malayeri sent a moving letter from prison, saying “we are celebrating with unexplainable joy in Christ.” Although Behnam and Farshid are still in prison, we know that your prayers encourage and bless them.

...against a bleak reality But sadly, despite President Rouhani’s speeches, the reality is that little has changed for religious minorities in Iran. Christmas was a tense time, as we have come to expect, marked by a continuation of the yearly ritual of arrests and harassment nicknamed the government’s “Christmas present”, designed to intimidate the Christian community. Five Christian converts were arrested as they celebrated Christmas in a house in Tehran, the capital, according to Mohabat News; and another convert in the city of Karaj was sentenced to one year in prison on evangelism-related charges, and another four were arrested while celebrating new year. We’ve also seen no slowdown of executions, in fact, they have spiked. In a recent statement UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said President Rouhani has failed to fulfil campaign promises to allow greater freedom of expression.

Happy Easter!

P.s. I’m so thankful for your commitment to CSW. Please turn to p7 to find out how you can further CSW’s work in Iran and bring new hope to persecuted people this E aster.

Accuracy in numbers Why is it so hard to get accurate numbers for Christian martyrs?

We’re often asked how many Christians are killed worldwide for their faith. But what exactly does this mean – and why is it so hard to find an answer? There are two main reasons: firstly, the different definitions of martyr that are used, and secondly the lack of comprehensive research on the issue.



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Country in focus


CSW working to see words turned into action

Name: outi Shahin Lah : We accurately document the religious freedom Occupation usician situation in Iran – no easy task in a country so closed Christian m to the outside world. As the world watches President .5 years Sentence: 2 rges Rouhani for actions backing up his promises, it’s political cha e ls Fa Name: s: e Charg increasingly important for us to continue holding Iran the fact he p u r e v F co arshi Fath used to i to account over its treatment of religious minorities. se of his u ca e b d e M alayeri was arrest y. it n This year we facilitated a visit by a key church leader ia to Christ Occupati conversion on: to the UK to brief parliamentarians and foreign office Assembli officials, and will be providing a religious es of God church Sentence freedom briefing at an event on : 6 years religious minorities under President Charges: Farshid w as charge with bein Rouhani hosted by an MEP. As part of d g the chie f agent of foreign org lobbying international decision-makers, anisation s in Iran a of adminis we will be submitting a report to the nd Name: trating fu n ds for fore o i UN as part of the review of Iran’s human rg an Ir a n am is n a ign eh ti B ons. He w as initially a rights record and will continue briefings rr e s te : d over Chri Occupation stmas 20 during raid at the EU and UN on religious freedom. ader 10 le an Ir of s that targ ch Chur e te n d u m a large ber of Ch ars ristians, m Sentence: 6 ye With God nothing is whom we any of e th t re later re ion agains leased aft making e impossible Charges: “Act e er th t x ns orbitant b ai ag n io ct “a d ail payme an state” t nts. It might seem disheartening that things are l verdict agains order.” The tria at th xt te much the same, if not worse, for religious cludes Pastor Irani in and ethnic minority groups and civil society or Irani as an st describes Pa since President Rouhani’s election promises reiterates that apostate and of respect for human rights. But we know be killed. apostates can that there is always hope – particularly when we look at past successes like the release of Pastor Nadarkhani and Shahin Lahouti. As your generous support continues to make our advocacy work possible, fighting for a better future for Iran’s religious minorities, please continue to uphold Behnam, Farshid and other prisoners of conscience in prayer. We believe this combination of advocacy and prayer is unbeatable.




watch an iranian church leader share the iranian church’s prayer needs at www.csw.org.uk/iran

What do we mean by ‘Christian martyr’? In the Christian context, a martyr (literally, ‘witness’) is someone who is killed because of their faith. But the term has come to mean slightly different things to different people. At CSW, we would consider martyrs as those who are killed either because they’re Christian or because of actions their faith compels them to take. (See 2 Timothy 3:12)

So why can’t we give an exact figure?


10,000 97,000

Exact figures on Christian martyrs are hard to come by, in part because there hasn’t yet been a comprehensive global study, but also due to the differing definitions of exactly what constitutes martyrdom.

programme discovered, the 100,000 figure is greatly inflated, mainly due to the inclusion of the thousands who have died in the civil war in the Democratic Republic of Congo, but not necessarily on account of their faith.

One estimate claims that 100,000 Christians are killed every year on account of their faith. As the researchers on a BBC statistics

In spite of the lack of exact figures, Christians in over 100 countries face a very real threat and are in need of our support and prayers.

Read the full article at www.csw.org.uk/stats

6827,99 22,986

132,000 46,000



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S E N E C S E H T D N I H E B : Y E K TUR t o p s t o h y a d i in this hol urkey is still T , ls a v a e h p u political hotspots Despite recent one of the world’s holiday be any of them m t a h w t u b , considered to s r lations f holidaymake for millions o e daily religious freedom vio h don’t see are t w the surface. which lurk belo s of government

In term ches face restrictions, chur lty in getting enormous difficu n, and an official registratio any time. n be shut down at ca ch ur ch ed er st stating their unregi didn’t to carry an ID card s it d ha n en a tiz ay ci id ish ol rk ions Every Tu rkey on h ly recognised relig I’ve been to Tu ecution… rs ever, only official pe w h Ho n. uc gnised io m co s lig re a re w un e n, so look like ther the religion colum in d re te en be oi n ca at the ve no ch ce ha’is or Alevis ha ay! And it’s true th Ba lid as ho a ch r fo su e es ac iti pl minor s em open to It’s a lovely blank – leaving th aren’t very obviou n m om lu ed co fre e th us e io av lig n. There’s but to le e violations of re ent and educatio is that most of th m th oy pl tru e em Th . in er n rv io ’, discriminat to the casual obse lting Turkishness rictions from attitudes, not rest ic law against ‘insu at al m et le ci so ob on pr in n a w lie so s do al p problem rkey last year to n misused to clam When I visited Tu in practice is ofte ch n hi ai g religious w m e sin th es the government. pr of e including ex ity faiths, on n, or sio in es m pr of ex rs of be freedom interview mem ed they had Islam. was how accustom e m ck ru st st fir at beliefs other than th At y. et ci things so in ed in of s of being sidel ked on is the case become to decade issues we’ve wor d the problems or ne aj tio m en e s m th ee of en oy e ev On empl barely d in April 2007, three the people I met atya murders. In ues are so ingraine al iss M e e es th red and th e rtu us to e ca house wer g in they faced, be ish bl pu n tia of a Chris . The five men daily life. ya, eastern Turkey murdered in Malat ly been released ders have recent m ur m do e th ee of fr d s se ou cu ac doesn’t look e religi s to the law, so it ge So what are th an ch r de un il on ba re. It’s a n in the near futu sio lu nc problems? co a e se so like we’ll es of the victims, a population time for the famili lar state, but with g cu in se ak a re ly tb al ar ci he offi Turkey is very much in the in your prayers. , other faiths are se do keep them ea pl be to at th that’s 98% Muslim n rceptio also a common pe es? minority. There’s ress these issu vernment claims dd a go e to Th g . in lim us do M W be What is CS Turkish means to rights, but ements in human ov pr rt and set of im e ad m s for Turkish that it ha mprehensive repo co om a ed ed fre uc d od se pr ea cr ve We’ n in Turkey, ted to in e current situatio situation, th this hasn’t transla al on ic lit ns po tio e da til en la m of recom e current vo m to brief Members citizens. And in th g to disappear fro using in meetings in re th e’ st w fir s, e ch er hi th ak w n m te nof human rights are r high-level decisio rliament and othe Pa . so contributed da en ag al ic take action. We al the polit to em th g in ag ur d enco y an ’s human rights ssment of Turkey s are within societ m se le as r ob la pr gu n re ai ’s m e UN to the easingly So, as I said, th tian convert who – which is an incr ris s Ch es a oc et pr m R I s. UP et e e’re record – th community minds between try to account. W g a football match of holding a coun in ay ch w at nt w Turkey t e rta ou , ag po id ab ur im sa e other told m will enco s Muslim grandm ational pressure hi rn d te an , in ey at s. rk th en Tu ng tiz d n ci pi ho all its Christia Ukraine an ious freedom for Ukraine, they’re a lig g re e tin or tru e pp te su an be ut to guar “You should !” and she said “B ied “But I’m Turkish pl re He .” try un co g.uk/turkey you’re Christian!”

cy Officer iddle East Advoca M ’s W CS ith w We caught up more about what who told us a little sit vi nt ce re a r afte tourist image. enes of Turkey’s sc e th nd hi be goes on

r ey www.csw.o k r u t o t it is v nt ed on our rece n e p p a h t a h w see




of the moment, a word A foolish word in the heat . We often regret words said out of anger or spite other people… spoken out of turn about

redouble their efforts next time. As more and more people show these expressions of m Tea a religious hatred – ’s East Asi One Sunday, Ben Rogers, CSW g nin ate d by a thre whether they’re being Leader, found himself surrounde , preached forcefully ians get out!” He taught from school textbooks rist “Ch g, utin sho e wer o wh b mo shamelessly in onesia and was at religious gatherings or spoken was on a fact-finding visit in Ind and hostility is red the street, an atmosphere of hat ’s attempt to hold joining HKBP Filadelfia Church can erupt… created. It’s then that violence congregation being a Sunday service. He saw the ip service by a radical rnational attention prevented from holding a worsh en the situation explodes, inte Wh w gre e her osp atm The , but the spotlight Islamist mob and local police. can easily focus on the trigger “Christians g utin sho b mo the h wit se, these conditions are increasingly ten needs to be thrown onto how ab jilb a ring wea not one any d to interrupt this get out!” and “Catch created in the first place: we nee n!” dow m the t hun momentum. [headscarf] and if necessary vicious cycle before it gathers

ch more sinister when But careless words become mu ted, intended to they’re malicious and premedita happened to HKBP provoke violence. This is what .. Filadelfia Church in Indonesia.


Why? had fulfilled the Because although the church had agreement from government’s requirements and m to gather to worship local people, that allowed the slim hardliners freely and to build a church, Mu their agreement forced local people to cancel to cancel the licence and forced the village leader to build.

hatred’ (to give When ‘expressions of religious ts name) like this them their proper human righ up communities stir are deliberately designed to against religious and provoke a violent response ulation, we must sit minorities from the majority pop up and take notice. in our minds that Alarm bells should be ringing worse if nothe situation could grow much le that, if left one intervenes. It’s a vicious circ of control. unchallenged, often spirals out hallenged, those When religious hatred goes unc are likely to responsible are not deterred and

this cyc We believe that breaking is possible!

r the initial malicious A vital step is for us to counte to encourage positive words with the opposite spirit, s. words and to love our neighbour tner organisations CSW is working with local par the opposite spirit. In who are meeting hatred with porting Michelle Pakistan, for example, we’re sup that the children Chaudhry in her work to ensure year don’t grow who were victims of attacks last ours or carrying a up hating their Muslim neighb entality. victim m

BUT that’s not enough!

to stand up and take Now is the time for the Church us by countering action, living out our faith in Jes , breaking the cycle hatred with positive messages can help encourage before violence sparks. And you s to do that by taking our senior global church leader of Operation 18. part in RETUNE, the next phase

0845 456 5464 to order RETUNE Email admin@csw.org.uk or call your church to take action. campaign postcards to encourage 5

Join us this year to bake up a storm for religious freedom! Last year hundreds of people stirred, cooked and baked as part of Food For Freedom, raising money for the millions worldwide who aren’t free to choose their beliefs. Claire from Hampshire told us, “Food for Freedom was a wonderful opportunity to get together with friends and family, raise awareness of critical issues around religious freedom, and sample a range of delectable delights from across the world! ”

Now it’s your chance to get involved!





Bake up a storm, invite your friends, family & church and sell your cakes to raise funds! Or if you’re a fan of the Great British Bake Off, why not have a go at some friendly competition? Sign up now at www.csw.org.uk/fff for your exclusive event pack containing all you need to host your event. There’ll be a guide to hosting an event, a poster to advertise it, and much more!

When? Food For Freedom week is 6-12 October. But if

you can’t make it in that week, you’re welcome to host your event at a time that’s convenient for you.”

“THROUGH THEIR WORK people going through That’s what one church leader told us about how CSW’s visit to his church has challenged and encouraged his congregation. We know that it’s difficult to get your church motivated about religious freedom – sometimes if something isn’t happening here it’s easy to think it isn’t happening. But in over 145 countries every day Christians face harassment or intimidation of some kind for their faith. And we can help you inspire and challenge your church to do something to help them.

People were really moved and asked lots of questions. They were shocked by what they heard but keen to respond. Issues that seem so far away were brought to life and people are now hungry for information. When a CSW speaker visits a church, it’s a chance to get an insider insight into the truth of religious persecution around the world today.

Latest News Sudan: Sudanese authorities demolished and confiscated a Sudanese Church of Christ building in Omdurman, Sudan’s largest city, on 17 February. The building housed a congregation of 300 and was demolished without prior notice to church authorities. Nigeria: Attacks on rural

Sign up now at www.csw.org.uk/fff or call 0845 456 5464, to get your Food For Freedom fundraising pack. 6

areas in Adamawa and Borno State by Boko Haram are occurring almost daily. According to the UN, so far nearly 300,000 people have been displaced by this

violence. Assaults by armed Fulani herders in Plateau, Kaduna and Benue States are also increasing in frequency.

North Korea: On 17 February, CSW welcomed the report of the United Nations Commission of Inquiry on human rights in North Korea, which concluded that the regime in North Korea is committing crimes against humanity and recommended its referral to the International Criminal Court.



K CSW COULD connect us with real gh real hardship for their faith” We’re happy to be flexible – we can send a speaker to lead the whole service, or just for a short slot. We’ll bring resources so people can find out more, and there’ll be an opportunity for them to get involved in a practical way. Our speakers have often travelled to meet victims of persecution so can tell you from personal experience what’s really going on in the world.

CSW’s visit clearly impacted members of the church who were motivated to respond in practical ways. Andy Perryman, Slough Baptist Church Andy Perryman, Associate Minister at Slough Baptist Church, told us, “The visit from CSW was a great encouragement and challenge to us as a church. All too often in our freedom we forget the plight of marginalised Christians around the world and the biblical mandate to pray and speak out for them.

CSW helped remind us of this in a thoroughly biblical way and through their work could connect us with real people going through real hardship for their faith.”

We’ve got lots of speakers available, and it’s really easy to book. Just email admin@csw.org.uk or call 0845 456 5464, and we’ll be in touch to sort out a few practical details. Churches around the UK were moved when they heard Reverend Yunusa Namdu from CSW-Nigeria speak about terrorist violence targeting largely Christian areas.

What’s been happening around the world… Pakistan: Several key

people involved in the case against four militants accused of assassinating Shahbaz Bhatti, Pakistan’s Federal Minister for Minorities Affairs, have received death threats from militant Islamist groups. Paul Bhatti, Shahbaz Bhatti’s brother, received a letter warning him that he would suffer the same fate as his brother if he did not stop pursuing justice. Other lawyers and eyewitnesses involved in the case have also received death threats.

CAR: Pastor Kongbo, treasurer

of the Union des Eglises Baptistes (UEB), was killed on 28 January along with his son at their home by Seleka forces as violence erupted in the northern suburbs of the Central African Republic’s capital city Bangui. The day before, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights called for greater peacekeeping efforts in the country as a matter of urgency.

Did you know...

...that if just 200 people gave £7 per month, it would fund our work on Iran for one year? You’ll have seen from our cover story how much there is to do to ensure that President Rouhani’s promises of greater respect for religious freedom are turned into action. At CSW, we’re determined to ensure greater freedom for the people of Iran. With your help, this is possible. Your gift of £7 per month will fund our Middle East Advocacy Officer role and the vital work of meeting victims of persecution, analysing trends and briefing senior officials at the EU, UN, and in the UK and US governments on the latest developments and clear recommendations. Please prayerfully consider if you can commit to just £7 per month and use the form enclosed to set up your gift. We are truly grateful for your support.



prayer is a beautiful

GIFT to your

brothers & sisters IN IRAN An Iranian Christian living in exile

Christian Solidarity Worldwide is an organisation working for religious freedom through advocacy and human rights, in the pursuit of justice. PO Box 99, New Malden, Surrey, KT3 3YF, United Kingdom T: +44 (0)845 456 5464 F: +44 (0)20 8942 8821 E: admin@csw.org.uk www.csw.org.uk Registered Charity No. 281836



Prayer Diary SPRING 2014

Get the Prayer Diary by email! Sign up for your weekly prayer email and get urgent prayer news, reflections and weekly prayer diary delivered weekly to your inbox! Sign up at www.csw.org.uk/prayerdiary




Prayer Diary SPRING

Happy Easter!

He Has Risen! The extraordinary true story of Jesus’ death and resurrection reminds us that there’s always hope for new life, even in the darkest situations. You’re going to read about difficult and sometimes distressing situations in this Prayer Diary. For example, although we’d hoped that Iran’s new president would uphold human rights, so far we haven’t seen many signs of this. Christian converts are still arbitrarily imprisoned because of their faith. (See week 9.) But as you pray for people around the world who suffer for their faith, remember the hope of Easter, and that with God, nothing is impossible (Luke 1:37). Thank you so much for your p rayers!

Vickie Mbogo Prayer Coordinator P.S. To get your prayer diary and urgent prayer news by email, please visit www.csw.org.uk/ prayerdiary to sign up for our weekly prayer a lert.




20-26 April


Countless terrorist attacks in Nigeria’s central and northern states, often on largely Christian areas, have resulted in a situation where Christians live in almost daily fear of violence. The increasing effectiveness of the state of emergency in Borno and Yobe has forced Boko Haram to adopt new tactics, focusing on soft targets such as rural communities, highways and schools. Early 2014 saw a surge in attacks both by Boko Haram and Fulani herders, and by mid March the death toll in these combined attacks was approaching the 1,000 mark.

Over the Easter period, please:

Please Pray

• Pray that churches in Nigeria’s central and northern states may be able to celebrate Easter free from the fear of violence; • Pray that the villagers who have fled Boko Haram’s attacks would be able to return to their homes; • Pray for protection for all those in northern Nigeria who have been targeted by Boko Haram; • Ask God to give wisdom to federal and state governments in Nigeria as they work to contain the group; • Thank God that the US government designated Boko Haram and Ansaru as terrorist groups, and pray Nigeria receives all possible assistance to tackle terrorism from the international community, and particularly from neighbouring countries; • Pray for a change of heart for the members of Boko Haram and Ansaru, that they would stop attacking innocent citizens. Pray also for an end to violence from ’Fulani herders’; • Pray for the families of those killed during terrorist attacks this year.

We are planning a week of prayer for Nigeria - please email admin@csw.org.uk for more information


Prayer Diary SPRING



27 April-3 May

Turkey 18 April marks the seven-year anniversary of the Malatya murders, when three Christians were killed at a publishing house in Malatya, eastern Turkey.

This week, please:

Please Pray

• Pray for the victims’ families following the release on bail of the five accused men; • Pray for wisdom for the victims’ families, that they would know how to respond to this news;

Turkish citizens Necati Aydin and Ugur Yuksel, and Tillman Geske, a German citizen, were tortured and killed at the offices of Zirve Publishing House, a Christian business, by five young Muslims.

• Ask God to enable justice to be served in the Malatya murder case;

The trial of the five alleged murderers began on 22 November 2007 at the Third Criminal Court in Malatya. However the five men accused of the murders have been freed on bail following changes to the law. It’s a heartbreaking time for the families of the victims, so please keep them in your prayers.

• Thank God for the small steps the Turkish government has taken to uphold religious freedom, including returning confiscated church property;

• Pray that the allegations of a wider conspiracy would be thoroughly investigated;

• Pray for CSW’s work on Turkey, revealing the truth of religious freedom violations which are often go unreported; • Pray for churches in Turkey as the changing political situation affects their religious freedom.

watch our video to see what happened on our recent fact finding visit to turkey at www.csw.org.uk/turkey




4-10 May


This May, the 1.2 billion citizens of the world’s largest democracy will go to the polls for a general election. India is often praised for its economic developments, yet inequality and marginalisation are still common. Communal violence such as the attacks on the Christian community in Odisha State (formerly Orissa) in 2008 and more recently in Muzaffanagar have caused massive displacement of minority faith communities. Many victims of violence are still waiting for justice. Even more concerning is the fact that civil society activists working on these issues are experiencing increasing harassment and intimidation.

This week please:

Please Pray

• Thank God for the opportunity the upcoming election represents for a new start for India; • Pray that the election would take place peacefully, and that religious minorities would not be targeted; • Pray that the new Indian government will govern justly for all India’s citizens; • Ask God to comfort and strengthen the families of victims of communal violence, as they wait for justice; • Pray for grassroots activists working for human rights, that they would be strengthened in the face of opposition; • Ask God to change the hearts of extremist groups who target vulnerable communities; • Ask God to bless and encourage CSW’s South Asia team, particularly as new members of staff join the team.


Prayer Diary SPRING



11-17 May

Sri Lanka The second half of 2013 saw an increase in attacks against Muslims and Christians by radical Buddhist groups. Over Christmas, church services were disrupted and Christians were accused of meeting illegally, and religious leaders of both Muslim and Christian communities faced threats and harassment. Much of the violence is also linked with the Bodu Bala Sena (BBS), or Buddhist Force, an extremist group established in July 2012. The wider population is also continuing to struggle with the after effects of the decades-long civil war which ended in 2009.

Throughout this week please: • Pray for an end to the antiChristian and anti-Muslim violence;

• Thank God for Sri Lanka’s ethnic and religious diversity; • Pray for a national reconciliation process that protects and promotes diversity; • Pray that the BBS would cease their hostilities towards minorities; • Ask God to increase the effectiveness of Buddhists who are questioning the work of the BBS; • Ask God to strengthen human rights activists who are under immense pressure for the work they do; • Pray for church leaders facing threats of violence and church closure, especially those in remote areas.


Please Pray



18-24 May


Since Eritrea gained independence from Ethiopia in 1991, its government has grown increasingly ruthless. In May 2002 the government of Eritrea banned all Christian denominations except Orthodox, Roman Catholic and Lutheran, and ended all other religious practices apart from Sunni Islam. Approximately 3,000 Christians are imprisoned for their faith. As well as ruling the nation with fear and intimidation, the government requires all citizens to serve a disproportionately long military service, akin to forced labour. The government also requires each citizen living outside the country to pay a 2% ‘diaspora tax’; not paying the tax results in pressure on family members within Eritrea.

This week, please:

Please Pray

• Thank God for milestones like the appointment of the UN Special Rapporteur, tasked with investigating human rights in Eritrea; • Pray that the government of Eritrea would stop oppressing its own people and allow them to live in peace and freedom; • Ask God to strengthen and comfort the families of those who are held incommunicado; • Ask God to protect those held in Eritrea’s huge network of inhumane prisons; • Pray that churches in Eritrea would be able to meet without fear or intimidation; • Ask God to protect Eritrean refugees who flee the country; • Pray for the international community to hold Eritrea to its international human rights obligations and end the suffering of millions.


Prayer Diary SPRING



25 May – 7 June


Reverend Mario Félix Lleonart Barroso is a Cuban church leader and human rights activist whose faith compels him to speak up for religious freedom. He’s been repeatedly arrested and harrased by the Cuban government. This is his message to you...

Apart from the darkness that prevails in Cuba with regard to religious freedom, thanks to the mercy of God and the solidarity of our brothers and sisters in organisations like CSW, we can say that we are doing well. This is because we are sure that it is for our uncompromising testimony that we are so detested by the current regime. The Bible is our principal source of encouragement. In the Old Testament, Esther and Jeremiah - the subject of a number of my church sermons alert us to how we can influence politics and how it is our duty to do so, especially where we find it difficult. In the New Testament Jesus serves as our unsurpassed example. The letters of Paul, written whilst fleeing persecution, motivate us to go on with our work; verses such as 2 Timothy 1:7 are a call to accept suffering in the service of Christ. But 1 John 2:8c is where you find our mantra: “…the darkness is passing and the true light is already shining” (NIV). Our most important prayer request is for our daughters: Rocio, 13, and Rachel, five. They are our weak point, our Achilles’ heel. The worst thing is that the regime knows this and in all their cruelty and spite they attack us where it hurts most. There is no other explanation for the violent nature of my arrest and detention on 25 January in the presence of my daughters, beyond doubt their main target. Pray also that my wife Yoaxis continues to support me as she has been doing. Churches in Cuba need those in the United Kingdom to pray for them in order to give them the strength not to play the regime at its own dirty game. Pray that we don’t become complicit like the German Church in the time of Bonhoeffer. Pray that we preach the same gospel he preached, so that we might be freed “from all tyranny and oppression.


25-31 May - this week please:

Please Pray

• Thank God for Reverend Mario Félix Lleonart Barroso and his wife Yoaxis, for all they do to speak up for human rights and religious freedom in Cuba; • Pray for protection for Mario Félix, Yoaxis and their two daughters, Rocío and Rachel; • Ask God to give wisdom to Mario Félix on the issues he should speak up about publicly; • Give thanks for others in Cuba, like the Ladies in White, whose faith compels them to speak up for human rights; • Pray for wisdom for CSW’s Latin America Advocacy Officer as they raise religious freedom issues at the EU, UN and with the UK and US Government; • Thank God that CSW was able to host a delegation of Cuban church leaders, including Mario Félix and Yoaxis, in Washington last year, who were able to tell the truth of religious freedom there; • Pray that the EU would insist on measurable progress in the area of human rights and protection for civil society before entering into any new bilateral agreement with Cuba.

1-7 June - this week please:

• Pray that the dialogue between Cuba and the EU would lead to a significant improvement in human rights and not be an effort just to change Cuba’s standing with the EU without concrete actions; • Pray that the Cuban government would make real advancements in religious freedom for all; • Thank God that U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry raised concerns about religious freedom in Cuba in his discussion with the Secretary of State of the Holy See earlier this year; • Pray for churches of all denominations who have all been targeted in the past year; • Pray for leaders of the Apostolic Movement, a Cuban protestant network, and other denominations which the government refuses to register; • Pray for the Roman Catholic Church, which experienced the highest number of religious freedom violations during 2013; • Pray for members of all denominations, including the Roman Catholic Church, who have been arrested or preventing from attending church services or activities.


Prayer Diary SPRING



8-14 June


Although the Vietnamese Communist government claims to respect religious freedom, many officials continue to harass and persecute Christians, especially among the ethnic minorities. At the time of writing, Catholic priest Father Nguyen Van Ly remains in detention, serving an eight-year prison term despite having suffered several strokes; and Decree 92, which monitors and controls religious life, is still in place. CSW continues to receive reports of violations, including violent attacks, against Protestant and Catholic Christians, Hoa Hao Buddhists, and other religious minorities. But this year could see the realisation of a longpostponed visit to the country by the UN Special Rapporteur for freedom of religion or belief, which CSW’s Operation 18 campaign called for last year – this could be an important step forward in improving religious freedom for the Vietnamese people.


This week, please:

Please Pray

• Pray for an improvement in Father Ly’s health, and for him to be released from prison; • Give thanks for Vietnam’s decision to sign the UN Convention against Torture, and pray that this reflects a genuine commitment to end the practice of torture; • Pray for Christians who have been forced to flee to other countries in the face of violence and threats; • Give thanks for new initiatives by courageous religious leaders inside Vietnam, drawing attention to human rights abuses; • Pray for the families of religious prisoners of conscience, who often face financial and social difficulties; • Pray for new converts to Christianity facing pressure from hostile neighbours to leave their homes; • Give thanks that the UN Special Rapporteur may finally be able to visit Vietnam, and pray that this visit does indeed go ahead and that positive change results.



15-21 June


We initially saw some promising signs following the election of President Hassan Rouhani last year. Eighty political prisoners were released, including Shahin Lahouti, a Christian musician imprisoned on false political charges, who was released just before Christmas. Pastor Behnam Irani, also imprisoned on false political charges, has finally received some medical treatment. But the situation remains difficult for religious and ethnic minorities, political activists and members of civil society. Christian converts are at particular risk of being arbitrarily arrested and detained on false political charges, and over the years many have fled persecution because of their faith.

This week, please:

Please Pray

• Pray for Christians in Iran as they face increasing persecution; • Ask God to enable Christians to take part fully in Iranian society despite the persecution they face; • Pray that God will strengthen all those in prison because of their faith; • Pray for God’s wisdom and provision for the wives and families of arrested church leaders; • Pray that God would change the hearts and minds of those who persecute religious and ethnic minorities; • Ask God to give wisdom to the international community in holding Iran to account on its treatment of religious and ethnic minorities; • Pray for political, religious and judicial leaders in Iran, that they would act justly and uphold the law for the good of all citizens.

watch an iranian church leader share the iranian church’s prayer needs at www.csw.org.uk/iran


Prayer Diary SPRING



22-28 June


This week we remember World Refugee Sunday, a time where churches gather together to pray and remember those who have been forced to flee their countries because of persecution, war or violence. At CSW we work with many people who have had to flee their homes due to war and religious persecution, and those who have been forced to flee to other regions within their own countries because of violence and threats on account of their faith.

As you remember refugees this week, please:

Please Pray

• Pray for Syrians who have fled the war in their country, and especially for those who remain in Syria and are seeking refuge; • Pray for God’s protection over refugees from Eritrea, who are often mistreated when they flee to Israel, Libya, Egypt and Italy; • Pray for protection for internally displaced poeople in Darfur, the Nuba Mountains as they continue to face attacks from Sudanese armed forces and its allied groups; • Pray for protection and provision for people displaced during the fighting between the Government of South Sudan and its opponents; • Ask God to protect converts to Christianity who are often forced to move to another part of their country in order to live in safety; • Pray for Christian and Muslim communities in the Central African Republic, where over 10% of the population has been internally displaced and thousands have fled to neighbouring countries; • Thank God for the strong community that Iranian refugees have built outside Iran.




29 June – 5 July


Since the overthrow of President Mubarak in 2011, Egypt has been in turmoil. The situation for Christians and other religious minorities has been extremely difficult, with attacks and arrests a common occurrence, particularly during the M orsi era. The political situation is changing, but in January 2014 Egyptians voted overwhelmingly in favour of a new constitution, and the country will soon be voting for a new president. It’s now important to pray for Egypt’s future.

This week please:

Please Pray

• Thank God for the adoption of a constitution and to pray for the emergence of a government that will heal divisions and get the nation on its feet economically; • Pray for protection for Christians and other religious minorities during this turbulent time; • Ask God to give wisdom to Egypt’s political leaders; • Pray for an expansion of religious protection to include all religious minorities and for the implementation of clauses that outlaw discrimination; • Pray for the release of those detained for protesting peacefully, and for the government to accommodate non-violent dissenting opinions; • Ask God to grant all Egypt’s citizens a future of freedom and peace; • Pray for wisdom for CSW’s Middle East advocacy team as they respond to the changing landscape in Egypt in their religious freedom advocacy.


Prayer Diary SPRING



6-12 July


Three years ago the world celebrated the birth of its youngest nation, South Sudan, which gained independence from Sudan. However, the situation for religious freedom in Sudan seems to be getting worse. In November 2013 Nahmia Ibrahim Omer Shaloka, a Sudanese lawyer and religious freedom advocate, fled the country after enduring months of pressure and harassment from the authorities. Churches continue to experience difficulties in obtaining permits to build new facilities, and confiscated church properties have not been returned. The Comprehensive Peace Agreement, which was signed in 2005 and would solve many of these problems, has not yet been fully implemented.


This week, please:

Please Pray

• Thank God for the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement; • Pray that the Agreement would be implemented quickly; • Pray for protection over Christians such as Mr Shaloka who have been forced to flee persecution; • Ask God to protect Christians still in Sudan, who are facing increasing surveillance, harassment and detention; • Pray for wisdom and strength for church leaders leading their congregations through difficult times; • Pray that the government of Sudan would respect freedom of religion and freedom of expression; • Pray for peace in particularly troubled areas such as South Kordofan, Darfur, and the disputed Abyei region, as well as in South Sudan.



13-19 July

fundraising team CSW’s fundraising team plays a vital role within the organisation, ensuring that we have the necessary funds so that we can continue to support our work for religious freedom.

Throughout this week, please:

Please Pray

• Thank God for the thousands of supporters who give sacrificially for the cause of religious freedom; • Thank God for the runners raising funds by participating in the Windsor half marathon in September; • Ask God for divine opportunities as the fundraising team seeks to work with a wider range of churches; • Thank God for the all the gifts made to CSW every year – we are grateful for every penny; • Pray that more people would be moved to give regularly, so that we can plan our work more effectively; • Ask God for wisdom for the fundraising team in their work every day; • Thank God that over the years He has always provided for CSW through the faithfulness and generosity of our supporters.

sign up to host your food for freedom fundraiser at www.csw.org.uk/fff



prayer is a


GIFT to your

brothers & sisters

IN IRAN An Iranian Christian living in exile

Christian Solidarity Worldwide is an organisation working for religious freedom through advocacy and human rights, in the pursuit of justice. PO Box 99, New Malden, Surrey, KT3 3YF, United Kingdom T: +44 (0)845 456 5464 F: +44 (0)20 8942 8821 E: admin@csw.org.uk www.csw.org.uk Registered Charity No. 281836



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