CLC CONNtext, July 2008

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Connecticut Library Consortium

The Newsletter of the Connecticut Library Consortium

July 2008 VOLUME 6 y ISSUE 1

Highlights y Roundtable Highlights page 4

y InfoAnytime Pricing Update page 4

y WALDO Vendor List page 5

y CLC Discounts, News and More page 6

y LROC Spotlight page 7

y Library Safety and Security Program page 8

In Every Issue

CONN text

CLC’s 5th Annual Meeting


LC's 5th Annual Meeting was held at Leon's on the waterfront in New Haven. It was all good—the weather, the food, the guests, the awards, and even the business.

Treasurer Anita Barney moved to accept CLC's three year dues schedule, calling CLC the best bargain ever. (Dues remain the same for FY 2008-2009, but will be increased by $25 in each category for 2009-2010.) Nominations chair Mary Etter moved that Amy Plympton of LIMRA and Charles "Chip" Marlor of CCSU be elected to the CLC board for three year terms. CLC staffer Kirsten Kilbourn distributed USB hubs as a thank-you to all of the Roundtable Chairs.

Carl Antonucci announced the InfoAnytime May Madness challenge winners—Groton PL, Wethersfield PL and Henry Carter Hull Library in Clinton. In the evening's most endearing moment, CLC Board chair Randi Ashton-Pritting presented the Jan Gluz Cooperative Spirit Award to Bernadette Baldino. Leslie Burger entertained us all with stories from her travels during her three years as ALA president. Finally, the CLC Board Baskets were raffled off by the annual meeting chairs from Easton, Bernadette and Carol Weinshel. A new addition for 2008, the Wii raffle, was won by Lisa Forman, also of Easton!

Pics from the Party Meeting!

y Library Happenings & Member News pages 2 and 3

y July Calendar page 3

Contact Us 860.344.8777 (Middletown) 860.344.9199 (Middletown Fax) 860.465.5001 (Willimantic) 860.465.5004 (Willimantic Fax) 860.529.2938 (Donohue Group)

Toll-Free Numbers 800.304.5403 (Middletown) 800.260.5427 (Willimantic)

Top row, l to r: The gang from Clinton who won the InfoAnytime May Madness challenge—Lynn Hidek, David Boudinot, and Maribeth Breen (who also won Chris' Cosmos in the Board Basket raffle); Leslie Burger and Chris Bradley with Jan Gluz Cooperative Spirit Award winner Bernadette Baldino; Bridgeport's Mike Bielawa with the Yankee basket, (even though he is a rabid Mets' fan); CLC 2007-2008 Chair Randi Ashton-Pritting. Center row, l to r: Betsy Bray, director at Cora Belden Library in Rocky Hill will be retiring to Cape Cod this summer; Mike Moran who is leaving Connecticut for a post retirement job as Library Director at Bay Path College in Springfield; Lisa Forman of Easton PL who walked way with the Wii!

Above: Leslie Burger, Tom Geoffino (now of New Rochelle PL, formerly of Fairfield PL), and Jay Johnston of Farmington enjoy dinner at Leon's after the meeting. Visit for more great meeting pics!


July 2008

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Library Happenings and Member News During the months of July and August the Wethersfield Library is giving patrons the option to pay fines with donations for the Wethersfield Food Bank instead of money. Fines for any overdue item returned in good condition may be paid with a different kind of "hard" currency: tuna fish, cereal, juice and cleaning supplies are particularly needed, but peanut butter, jelly, canned fruit or vegetables, toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, bar soap, toilet paper, or Kleenex are some of the other items suggested for "payment."

Visitors to the Henry Carter Hull Library (Clinton) were treated to authentic Mexican food in late June at a Mexican cooking program held by New Haven's Mezcal Restaurant. Owner Ricardo Trejo demonstrated cooking techniques, explained recipes, and shared samples of Mexican cuisine which his mother taught him to cook. Over 40 people attended the program.

CLC partnered with News Channel 8 and MyTV9 to promote the OneThing Contest for Kids. Children in grades k-12 were challenged to come up with an idea for conserving energy and saving the planet for a chance to win a $50 certificate and be in an on-air TV spot. An impressive 46 CLC libraries signed up to participate in and promote the contest. Thanks to a suggestion by Jane Ash of E.C. Scranton Libraries, WTNH will also air the Catch the Reading Bug PSA which promotes summer reading. You can see the PSA at

Local mystery writer Rosemary Harris spoke to the FLAG Annual Meeting in Fairfield in July. She mentioned two projects of interest to us all—a community library in Tanzania that could use our help, and two mystery writers speakers' bureaus whose help we could use. Info about the Chalula Community Library is on her website If anyone has any books that they'd like to ship, the address is Chalula Community Library, Chalula Primary School, PO Box 993, Dodoma, Tanzania. Rosemary says, "The librarian's name is Aaron Chomolo and his English is very good if anyone would like to include a note. Shipping is costly, but sending materials book rate takes the number down quite a bit. If anyone wants to send pen pal letters to children at the school they'd be thrilled to receive them. They especially like pictures of American students. Their English is quite basic and ages range from 6-14. There is no regular mail delivery so it is a village event when mail does arrive!" Also, of note: Speakers' bureaus for linking mystery writers with libraries and librarians are and (Click on Speaker's Bureau or Library Outreach for information on how they work with libraries.)

The Meriden Library staff went through PLA's Public library planning process with their new library director Karen Roessler and CLC's Director Chris Bradley (right) at their annual staff retreat in the rotunda of the old library's beautiful white marble building, now known as the Augusta Curtis Cultural Center on Main Street in Meriden. Photos of some of the Meriden staff: (l to r) Jan Wilks, Cathy Hergott, Jerry Maust, Becky Starr, and Michelle Baker. (Left, clockwise around front table) Kathie Matsil (blue blouse), Melissa Hendrick, Letty Harduby, April Ferron, Alexis Burgess, and Sherry Breton. (Back table) June Van Linter, Laura Hartwig, Janie Burgess, and Mike Kasper.

The entire Children's Department staff of the Willimantic Library helped to create a “Choose Your Adventure” Summer Reading Temple. Lisa Clymer, who is the techie in the department, designed the temple based on the golden rectangle. The staff is working up a PowerPoint presentation complete with sound effects as a documentary of the progress. One of the teen patrons designed a book cart that looks like a chariot. Carolyn A. Siedzik, a longtime children's librarian at the Hagaman Memorial Library, passed away recently after a brief illness. She worked as a page at the library when she was in high school and returned as children's librarian in the early '80s.


July 2008

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Happenings and Member News Norwalk Public Library has chosen Mark Twain's The Adventures of Tom Sawyer for its 2009 Big Read initiative. Over the last three months, 2008 Big Read events have coincided with local reading and discussion of Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451, including screenings of the movie version and a performance by a New York theater troupe, which acted out scenes based on people's thoughts of the book. The library distributed close to 900 copies of "Fahrenheit 451." A half-dozen independent book discussion groups also formed around the novel. Norwalk resident Allicia Clark participated in the Big Read this year for a second time. Clark, an avid voracious reader, said the program inspired her to pick up books she normally wouldn't read. For the Fall 2008 semester Capital Community College in Hartford is offering courses as part of its Library Technical Assistant Program. Courses can be taken for professional development as well as enrolling in the certificate or degree program. Visit for detailed course descriptions and information. Classes begin on August 27, 2008. Returning students can register online. For registration information, please call the Registrar’s office at 860.906.5120. If you need course and program information, please contact Karen DeLoatch, LTA Program Coordinator, at 860.906.5022, or email Karen at

Send Us Your Latest Library Happenings & News! Send your library’s and staff members’ news, ideas, photos, etc., to CONNtext editor Kathy Charbonneau at The deadline is the 20th of each month.

Comings and Goings . . . Faculty and staff at Northwestern Connecticut Community College celebrated the upcoming retirements of Anne Dodge, Director of Library Services, and Diane Hagymasi, Library Associate/ Technical Services, at a luncheon on May 28. Anne and Diane will officially leave on August 1, having worked a combined 48 years at the college (Anne, 29 years and Diane, 19 years). (l to r) Pam Bellows, Diane Hagymasi, Anne Dodge and Andrea Dombrowski. Easton PL welcomes new Assistant Director and Children's Librarian, Lisa Forman, new Children's/Young Adult Librarian, Lynn Zaffino, and new Part Time Children's Programmer, Cathlin McKissick. Sharon Daniel is the new Head of Circulation for Norwalk Public Library system. Gayle Bogel, former Easton PL Assistant Director and Children's Librarian, will be teaching three courses at SCSU in the Masters of Library Science program in autumn 2008. Richard Conroy is moving from Stratford Library Association to become the new library director at Essex Library Association. Eileen Caulfield is the new head of Children's Services at Wilton Library Association. Alan Benkert will retire as Director of Groton PL on June 27. Assistant Director Ann Osbon and Head of Reference Carol Schwartz are leaving Bridgeport PL. Eileen Sheridan, Head of Children's Services is retiring. Judy Rossa, Bridgeport PL North Branch, will be going into the Bridgeport School System.

July 2008 Calendar of Events THURSDAY, JULY 17 Public Library Directors' Roundtable Northwest Southington Library & Museum 9:30

THURSDAY, JULY 24 Northwest DVD Swap Harwinton Town Hall 9:00 CLC Board of Directors Russell Library, Middletown 2:00

FRIDAY, JULY 25 Southwest DVD Swap Southbury Public Library 9:30

THURSDAY, JULY 31 Library Safety & Security Workshop Wallingford Public Library 9:30-3:30

August 2008 THURSDAY, AUGUST 7 Northwest and Southwest Audio Swap (joint meeting) Southbury Public Library 10:00

THURSDAY, AUGUST 28 Northwest DVD Swap Harwinton Public Library 9:00

FRIDAY, AUGUST 29 Southwest DVD Swap Southbury Public Library 9:30


July 2008

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Roundtable Highlights For more information about upcoming roundtables, or to register, go to

Highlights from the June Adult Programming Roundtable in Fairfield


ome tips from the distinguished panel of How to Craft and Sustain an Effective Publicity/Media Plan for Your Library, planned by co-chairs Karen Ronald and Cynde Lahey: :y Use email; no attachments except jpegs with photos of

Snapshots from the Roundtable

the author/speaker and/or book jackets; use 12 pt. Times Roman; left justify; block paragraphs with a space in-between. y Make clear in the subject heading that the item is local. y For big events like author visits, email the newspapers 3-4 weeks in advance, then call to follow up, leaving a voice mail of no longer than 15 seconds. y Story must have news value, like a celebrity, author, or a new capability like WiFi. y The press is overworked and understaffed, so make your press release a finished document which they can use without much editing. (See the NY Times Guide to Style and Usage.) y Put together your media list on an Excel spreadsheet; constantly update who are the right people at each media outlet to receive your press releases.

Some of the CLC members who attended the Adult Programming Roundtable:

y Send items separately to the calendar editor and to the features editor.

(Clockwise from top left)

y Optimize your website so people find you when searching Google.

Susan Lohr and Teresa Neville from Stratford;

y Paste your email recipients in the BCC line; editors shouldn't see everyone to whom you are sending your release.

The Programming Ladies from Darien: Barbara Thomas, author Rosemary Harris, Jennifer Dayton and Erica Bess;

y Have contact info at the bottom of the release.

Maria Brandriff from Cheshire with Linda Avellar from Ferguson;

y Know your reporters' deadlines; call dailies in the morning, never in the afternoon when they are on deadline.

Panelist Joe Meyers of the Connecticut Post with Cynde Lahey of New Canaan.

July Roundtable 2008-2009 InfoAnytime Update After much deliberation, CLC has renewed with as the InfoAnytime provider for 2008-2009 with the following pricing for CLC members: Public Library (< 50,000)


Public Library (> 50,000)


Academic Library


Public Library Directors Roundtable: Northwest Chair: Linda Senkus, Beardsley & Memorial Library, Winsted

Join your colleagues on Thursday, July 17 at 9:30 at the Southington Library & Museum for the next meeting of the PLDR-NW. Have an idea, suggestion for a meeting topic? Please email them to Linda Senkus. Ideas can range from problems you are having, solutions you want to share, or the general "how do others do this" type of questions. Help make these meetings useful by guiding their content!


July 2008

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WALDO and Its Vendor Partners


or our public and academic library members, CLC partners with WALDO, the Westchester Academic Library Directors Organization. WALDO is a not-for-profit multi-type library consortium—its primary mission is to support the procurement and administration of electronic information services for its members. CLC shares in WALDO's consortial contracts to receive deep discounts on databases. Public and academic member libraries procure databases directly from WALDO, with invoicing handled through CLC.

WALDO 2008/09 Vendor Partners •




Alexander Street Press







Greenwood Press

Oxford University Press

Berkeley Press

H.W. Wilson




Polling the Nations



Project Muse


IGI Global


Cambridge University Press



Cengage Learning/Gale



Charleston Advisor

McGraw Hill




Serials Solutions

Columbia University Press



Computing Reviews

Natural Medicines








CQ Press

CRC Press

Credo Reference



at 800.326.6495, ext. 2, or email


Send faxes to 617.327.5516. Visit

Get More Information About WALDO Databases For discounted pricing and order information on products, contact Joanne Montgomery, Senior Electronic Resources Specialist,


July 2008

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CLC Discounts, News and More Eventkeeper Products

PrepMe Library SAT Course

EventKeeper is a web-based calendar solution intended to help patrons remain informed and current regarding events at the library. Featuring built-in email, event reminders, support for RSS feeds, and much more. Product pricing is as follows:

More than 50 Connecticut libraries and more than 1,000 students used the PrepMe Library SAT course through their public library to study for their SAT and/or ACT tests this past school year. PrepMe is hoping that even more libraries will join the program this coming year. They have started the renewal program for the second year of the program which will begin on July 1, 2008.

EventKeeper Standard Service for $275 per year.

EKRegistration Basic for $125 per year, or Advanced for $375 per year.

EKRooms is a room and equipment management software that enables libraries to manage their rooms and equipment reservations online for $250 per year. TixKeeper enables library patrons to reserve museum passes online, and via a series of built-in reports, libraries can track which passes are used most frequently. TixKeeper is available for $225 per year. Patron Authentication is available as an option for $175 per year. Complete product and pricing information is available at The CLC discount of 10% applies to every order. For further information, please contact Jim Stewart at 508.942.4209, or

The Latest Vendor Updates Personnel Change at Baker & Taylor The new CFS (Credit Financial Services) department representative for Connecticut libraries is Luecreasey Heath. Luecreasey can be reached at 800.340.5370, ext. 3409, or CLC's B & T sales manager Eric Throndson has been working with Luecreasey to bring her up to speed on the needs and circumstances of Connecticut libraries. Eric also is happy to respond to any library that needs his assistance, and he is eager to help in any way possible. If you wish to speak to Eric call 860.462.6823, or email Shelving and Furniture Discount Vendors The following vendors were awarded the shelving and furniture portion of the CLC bid: Brodart, Dupont Systems, East Coast Storage Solutions, F.E. Hale Manufacturing, Gaylord Bros. Inc., Insalco Corp., Salka Office FurnitureSystematics Inc., Tucker Library Interiors, and Vernon Library Supplies Inc. Visit for the specific discounts and info for each vendor, or contact Pattie Noren at 860.465.5001, or 800.260.5427.

No library that signed up with PrepMe since the program began is seeing a price increase in this first renewal year, and a few will have lower prices. The 2008-09 Library Price List, which displays both CLC discount prices and list prices, is available at PrepMe is continuing the policy of letting libraries try the program for free for two full months. Because the last SAT of the year was in June, free trials are currently available from now until August 31, 2008. Please contact Rick Bolton at or 203-375-3432 if you have any questions on any part of the program.

A Note from a Departing Member of the CLC Board Dear Members of CLC: It has been my extreme honor to serve on the Board of CLC for the past 6 years. While I was on the planning committee and set goals and long-term plans for the new organization, I must say that the dreams we had certainly came true. CLC has evolved into an organization that meets the needs of its member libraries and for that I am so proud. My term on the Board has been exciting, energizing, enlightening and educational. I worked with, and dialogued with, intelligent, caring and devoted librarians from all over the state and from varied walks of life. They were always respectful, made decisions with an open mind and tried to accommodate the needs of all of the member libraries. As a school librarian, my orientation was different and my timeframe was different yet the Board made me feel as if my opinion was valued. I was treated as a professional and respected for who I was and what I brought to the meetings. I thank you for the opportunity to serve and consider it an honor to have worked with such a prestigious group of people. — Carol Weinshel, Director, Learning Resources and Technology, Helen Keller Middle School


July 2008

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July LROC Performer Spotlight Kim Larkin

Chris Merwin

Creativity Workshops— incorporate art, music and movement, stories, and song to offer a fresh approach to learning. Kim marks her ninth year of teaching in 2008.

Chris Merwin offers children's shows that are all fully interactive, highly educational (adults usually learn as much as kids), and fun. He offers two multi-cultural shows, one solo, one duo, a Japanese show with a dancer/singer/story teller from Japan, and a Hawaiian show with the east coast's best hula dancer.

Some of her popular program topics include: The Rainforest, History of Flight, Wizard Workshop, Take Me Out to the Ballgame, The Caboose is Loose, and many more! Programs can also be tailored according to your theme. The Business of Gourmet Chocolate— Kim Larkin and Kelley Ferreira, owners of Klassic Kreations, are commercial chocolatiers located in Connecticut. In this unique seminar, they will cover the trends, techniques, and tastes in the chocolate industry today. Highlights include health benefits, pairing of wine and chocolate, history, and types of chocolate. They also demonstrate and sample— the best part!

This Month’s New Performers y y y y y y y y y y y y

Eric Berlin—Author, Puzzler Douglas Malan—Author, Journalist, "Muzzy Field" Debbie McGill—Royal Princess Reader MUSICal stARTS with Kenneth Quesnel Junior Jam—with singer/songwriter Jeff Eisenberg Big Ideas! with Patricia Shih Christiana Drapkin Jazz Group Jeffrey Engel—speaker Steve Porcaro—Life Coach Carol LaRow —Google Teacher Judy Bernstein—One Woman Historical Drama Patricia Carr—historical and literary speaker

Find these performers, and many others in CLC's Library Resource Online Catalog (LROC) at

Summer Reading Booklists


LC's "Catch the Reading Bug" booklists for children and teens have been posted on CLC's home page at This project is now complete— download and copy away! Some of the lists have extra space on the back; feel free to place your own library's information there. Thanks to all of the CLC members who contributed their expertise and reviews this year.

For adults Chris has a solo show that is the only one of its kind anywhere that features vintage instruments from Japan and America, and an eclectic mix of musical styles. He also plays in a world music fusion band which is offered as a duo. Chris teaches a guitar workshop for beginners that serves as an intro to the guitar and is appropriate for ages 8 and up. He has taught this class in over 50 Long Island libraries.

Great Ideas Carol Brown, Adult Programming, New Haven Free Public Library, wrote the following note to Chris Bradley about a program offered by CLC: I would like to tell you about my day at St. Joseph's College recently, courtesy of CLC and One Day University! The morning started with Wendy Schiller (Brown) providing an engrossing overview of Carol Brown the 2008 Presidential campaign to date. Then Shawn Achor (Harvard) discussed changes in previously accepted ideas about brain development. Fascinating stuff! After a delicious boxed lunch and a walk around the lovely St. Joseph's campus, it was back to afternoon classes with Hasia Diner (NYU) highlighting a century of immigration and how it transformed America, and Joseph McVeigh (Smith) taking a look at how U.S. government agencies tried to use American popular culture to "re-educate" post WWII Germany. I am so glad that CLC has partnered with One Day University to offer a significant tuition discount to members. I fully intend to take advantage of the $50 off to attend many more of these excellent learning adventures! To learn more about this program, email Chris Bradley at

Connecticut Library Consortium CONNtext • July 2008

Mark Your Calendar for This Event!

Board of Directors

Co-sponsored by CLC and CSL

Roslyn Rubinstein, Chair Waterford Public Library

Library Safety & Security Thursday, July 31 • 9:30 to 3:30 pm • Wallingford Public Library Fee: $15 (breakfast and lunch included)

Carl Antonucci Capital Community College

Randi Ashton-Pritting University of Hartford Libraries

Bernadette Baldino Easton Public Library

Anita Barney The Brookfield Library

Candice Brown

While providing services in an inclusive public library setting, workers encounter a broad range of patrons—some of whom may have behavioral or mental health issues. No matter what department you work in—frontline staff, manager, facilities—you'll be sure to take away tips from this all-day program. How to design/foster a safe public environment • How to understand and recognize common mental health issues • How to identify and distinguish between behaviors which are merely challenging, and those which may present a threat to library staff and other library patrons • Techniques to de-escalate a situation • What to do in case of an emergency

New Britain Public Library

Susan Burke Griswold High School

Charles Marlor

The morning panel will feature professionals from the mental health, security, and social service fields. In the afternoon, a panel of library professionals will discuss strategies/policies that have worked successfully in their libraries. Q&A and conversation with the panelists will follow.


Visit for more information on presenters and time schedule.

Arthur Meyers Russell Library

Register online at, or CSL's calendar of events

Amy Plympton LIMRA

Sandra Ruoff Guilford Free Library

Keith Stetson Fairfield University

Amy Terlaga Bibliomation Alison Wang Naugatuck Community College

Janet Woycik Cyrenius H. Booth Library

Christine Bradley, Exec. Dir. Connecticut Library Consortium


Connecticut Library Consortium

234 Court Street Middletown, CT 06457

Presorted First-Class Mail U.S. Postage Paid New Britain, CT 06050 Permit No. 20

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