Connecticut Library Consortium
The Newsletter of the Connecticut Library Consortium
August 2009 VOLUME 7 y ISSUE 2
Highlights y Internet Librarian 2009 Conference page 2
y Roundtable News page 4
CONN text
Job Now: Fired Up! Ready to Go
pologies to the Obama campaign, but their winning slogan so well described the mood on July 22 when over fifty librarians met in Farmington to learn more about JobNow, a new online resource which will complement all that Connecticut's libraries are already doing to assist residents in their job searches.
Powered by Brainfuse, JobNow is an online chat resource that helps people review their resumes and cover letters and practice interviewing online. In addition to live, interactive online help from 3 to 11 pm, 7 days a week, a variety of online resources guide patrons through the necessary tasks to get a job.
y WALDO page 5
y The Latest CLC News and Discounts page 6
y CT Librarians at ALA page 7
y Leadership Institute page 8
In Every Issue y Library Happenings & Member News pages 2 and 3
y August Calendar page 3
Contact Us 860.344.8777 (Middletown) 860.344.9199 (Middletown Fax) 860.465.5001 (Willimantic) 860.465.5004 (Willimantic Fax) 860.529.2938 (Donohue Group)
Toll-Free Numbers 800.304.5403 (Middletown) 800.260.5427 (Willimantic)
JobNow is available to CLC member public libraries for just $50 or $100 (depending on size) for FY 2009-2010. David Boudinot, of Henry Carter Hull Library (Clinton), is working with the CLC staff and Brainfuse to implement JobNow this summer. David is batching each library's information (IP addresses for in-house use and patron bar code ranges for remote access) to Brainfuse's technical staff in the order in which he receives it, so contact David at, and bear with us while we try to get all the libraries up and running as soon as possible. There was lively discussion at the Farmington meeting, not only about JobNow, but about all the resources that libraries are making available to unemployed patrons. CLC's Business Roundtable, chaired by Jennifer Keohane of Simsbury PL and Linda Panovich-Sachs of Trumbull PL will make jobs the focus of their fall activities so that CT librarians can coordinate and even centralize job information for patrons throughout the state. For more info, or to help with the roundtable's efforts, contact Jennifer at Laura Hartwig of Meriden PL shared the results of the survey she just completed about libraries' assisting people with job searches. Email for a copy of the results. Faces at the JobNow Workshop, counterclockwise from top: Deborah Fleet from Voluntown PL, Nancy Haag from North Haven PL, David Boudinot, and Deb Zulick of CLC; Jackie Hemond of Salem PL, Jennifer Keohane of Simsbury PL, and Sylvia Schulman of Westport PL; Suzanne Maryeski of Farmington PL, Lauren McLaughlin and Mary Ann Franco, both of Wilton PL; Lois Meltzer of Cromwell Belden library and Ursula Pendleton of Berlin Peck Library
August 2009
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Library Happenings and Member News For this year's summer reading program, Be Creative @ the Burlington Public Library, kids of all ages joined artist Karen Rossi to brainstorm ideas for a mobile that she was creating to hang in the children's room. Karen chatted with the kids about how they would be involved in the creation, and the message that the piece would communicate. The kids were asked to draw pictures inspired by their favorite books. Rossi utilized the sketches made by the kids in her mobile design. The mobile was unveiled June 30, as part of the library's Summer Reading Program kickoff.
Swoop, a 6'7" basketball player on the Harlem Wizards team performed at the Woodbridge Recreation Department Summer Camp on July 7. The program was funded by the Friends of the Woodbridge Town Library, Woodbridge Youth Services, and the Recreation Dept. Head of Children's Services Judy Rabin says, "I could not do it without the cooperative funding, and would encourage other libraries to pursue similar options. Working together is a great way to bring top notch performers to those libraries that otherwise could not afford the rates."
On Tuesday, August 18 at 1:30 pm in the Griffin Room of Meriden Public Library, come and meet Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Krauss, the authors of the Nanny Diaries, as they introduce their newest book for teens, The Real Real. McLaughlin and Krauss will discuss their book and their experiences as writers. Both authors will sign copies of their books at the end of the event. Books will be available for purchase. Contact the Community Services Department at 203.630.6349 or if you would like to reserve a seat for this event.
Shelley Strohm, Director of Library Services at Housatonic Community College in Bridgeport shared her knowledge about turning discarded books into art with CLC members recently. She said there are two ways discarded books can be turned into art. The first is called "Altered Books." These books have the pages changed with paint, drawings, captions, beads, rubber stamps, and more to turn the book into a collage, but it is still recognizable as a book. Books like New Directions in Altered Books by Gabe Cyr and Altered Books Workshop by Bev Brazelton explain the process. "Book Art" is using the books as raw materials for art, usually sculpture, which may look nothing like a book. People are often surprised that such a sculpture starts life as a book.
Jeff Stoecker of WVIT-NBC30 recently interviewed CLA President, Randi Ashton-Pritting and Russell Library Director, Arthur Meyers about the Governor's proposed cuts to libraries. To see the clip go to ?aid=34819464&vid=30523969. The Fundraisers' Roundtable met this summer at Wilton Library to discuss "Building a Culture of Philanthropy." Photo, l to r: Susan La Perla of New Canaan Public Library, Rebecca Bryan of R. Bryan Associates in West Hartford, Kathy Rieger of Blackstone Library in Branford, and Mary Rindfleisch of Ridgefield PL.
Internet Librarian 2009 Conference Registration Discount Discount pricing is available on the registration fee for attending the Internet Librarian 2009 conference, October 26-28 in Monterey, California. The rate is $279 for the three-day event and $169 for the Internet@Schools Conference (Oct. 26-27). (No discounts apply to the pre- or post-conference seminars and workshops.) This price is for registration only—you must arrange for travel and hotel on your own. Payment or purchase order is due to CLC by September 4. For more details, see For a registration form, contact Pattie Noren at Important: to receive your registration discount, you must request a registration form from CLC. Do NOT use the online registration form.
August 2009
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Happenings and Member News Join Us for a JobNow Webinar on August 24! Join us for a JobNow Webinar on August 24 from 10-11 am! This special online demo for librarians, presented by Brainfuse, will show you the power of JobNow. Learn how to post your resume to the Resume Lab (and see how resumes are critiqued), view an interactive demo of the "Ace the Interview" chat feature, and interact with the professionals behind this timely service. Register online at After registering you will receive a confirmation email with information about joining the Webinar. Congratulations to Norwalk Community College's Everett I.L. Baker Library, the only library in New England to receive the grant to host a new traveling exhibit entitled, "Lincoln: The Constitution and the Civil War." The ALA, in collaboration with the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia, selected 25 U.S. libraries to host the exhibit, which is funded by a major grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities.
The Wintonbury Branch of Bloomfield's Prosser Public Library, Middletown's Russell Library, the Voluntown Public Library, and the Brainerd Memorial Library have all been awarded grants from Family Caregiving 101, funded by the National Family Caregivers Association and the National Alliance for Caregiving. The grants fund a series of 3-4 programs targeted at urban, low income African American and/or hard-to-reach rural family caregivers, demonstrating the family caregiving resources available on the Internet and providing training on how to access the information.
August 2009 Calendar of Events FRIDAY, AUGUST 14 Take Me To Your Leader: The CLA/CLC CT Leadership Institute Harry Jack Gray Center, University of Hartford, 8:30-5:30
MONDAY, AUGUST 24 JobNow Webinar, 10:00
THURSDAY, AUGUST 27 Northwest DVD Circuit Harwinton PL, 9:00
Comings and Goings . . . Leila Karimian, formerly a CLC intern, is the newest Children's Librarian at the New Britain Public Library. CLC welcomes its newest member, the Wood Memorial Library in South Windsor. Wood is a non-profit library and museum featuring historic archives, Audubon and Native American collections. It also serves as a cultural arts center. Wood has a staff of four, including Director John Wadhams and Program Manager Jan Grace.
Southwest DVD Circuit Southbury PL, 9:30
September 2009 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 7 CLC Offices Closed for Labor Day
MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 Children's Librarians' Roundtable: Northwest, Sherman Library, 9:30
TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 Services to Older Adults (SOAR) Roundtable Fairfield PL, 9:30 coffee
Send Us the Latest Happenings & News Going On at Your Library! Submit your library’s news, ideas, photos, etc. to CONNtext editor Kathy Charbonneau at The deadline for submissions is the 20th of each month.
Tell Us About Your Favorite Summer Reading Performers
Library "Newbie" Roundtable New Britain PL, 9:00
We want to know about the best and brightest Summer Reading Program performers across the state so we can share them with your colleagues.
Send us the names of your favorites along with your comments and photos and we will feature them in the next issue of CLC CONNtext.
Email your submissions to Deb Zulick at by August 20.
OCLC's New Training Portal and Central Support Update Wilton Library, 9:30 Adult Programming Roundtable Henry Carter Hull Library, Clinton, 9:30 Northwest DVD Circuit Harwinton Town Hall, 9:00 Technology Roundtable Wallingford PL, 9:30 CLC Board of Directors Meeting Russell Library, Middletown, 2:00
August 2009
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Fall Roundtable Schedule and Updates Children's Librarians—Northwest
Adult Programming Roundtable
Chair Marla Martin, Woodbury Public Library
Co-chairs Karen Ronald, Farifield PL and Cynde Lahey, New Canaan PL
The next meeting takes place on Monday, September 14 at Sherman Public Library. Coffee and networking at 9:30 and meeting from 10 am - noon. Heather Baker of Canton PL will give an encore presentation of Musical Storytimes, which she originally presented at the CLA Conference. The meeting will also include a Summer Reading Show and Tell. Bring some of your SRP materials and ideas to share with the group. For more information email
The next meeting takes place on Wednesday, September 23 at Henry Carter Hull Library in Clinton. Coffee and networking at 9:30 and meeting from 10 - noon. The topic of discussion is Sharing Fall Program Schedules in the Midst of Budget Cuts. For more information email, or
Technology Roundtable Services to Older Adults Roundtable (SOAR) Co-chairs Doug Lord, Connecticut State Library and Susan Hansen, West Hartford Public Library
The next meeting takes place on Tuesday, September 15 at Fairfield Public Library. Coffee and networking at 9:30 and meeting from 10 am - noon. Christina Crain, Director of Programs for the Southwestern Connecticut Agency on Aging will speak about the CHOICES program and how libraries can help reach Medicare beneficiaries to help them understand the Medicare program and all the plan options available to them. (CHOICES is Connecticut's program for health insurance assistance, outreach, information and referral, counseling and eligibility screening.) For more information email, or
NEW Library "Newbie" Roundtable
Co-chairs Nancy Haag, North Haven Memorial Library and Julie Lee, Russell Library, Middletown
The next meeting takes place on Thursday, September 24, at Wallingford Public Library. Coffee and networking at 9:30 and meeting from 10 - noon. The topic of discussion will be the ALPS - Print Management System. For more information email, or
ILL—East Co-chairs Kim Farrington, Elihu Burritt Library, and Gail Avino, Hall Memorial Library
The next meeting takes place on Tuesday, September 29, at Tolland Public Library. Coffee and networking at 9:30 and meeting from 10 - noon. For more information email, or
Chair Leila Karimian, New Britain Public Library
The first meeting of the Library Newbie Roundtable will be held on Tuesday, September 22 at New Britain Public Library. Coffee and networking at 9:00 and meeting from 9:30 - 11 am. Created for current MLS students, recent graduates, and those new to the field, the roundtable's focus will be on issues, trends and concerns faced by those entering the library field. If you have any ideas or suggestions that you would like to have discussed please contact Leila Karimian at See you in September!
Please Join Us for a CLC Roundtable CLC roundtables are open to all member library staff regardless of geographic location or job title. Be sure to register online in advance at
The Latest Roundable News • The Library Managers’ Roundtable is looking for new chairs. If you are interested contact
• New to the profession? Join the New "Newbies" Roundtable at
• Some young adult librarians in the southern part of the state are exploring a new Young Adult Librarians’ Roundtable—South. Contact if you are interested.
• Welcome and thanks to CLC's new Roundtable Chairs: Susan Hansen, Branch Manager for the Bishop's Corner branch of West Hartford Public Library joins Doug Lord as co-chair of SOAR (Services to Older Adults Roundtable). Nicole Scherer from Fairfield Public Library will join Margaret Walsh of Greenwich Library as co-chair of the Young Adult Librarians Roundrable—West.
August 2009
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Specials from WALDO What's New at Project MUSE
Oxford University Press
• Article Summaries—MUSE articles now display summaries
New Titles Now Available from Oxford University Press:
(abstracts). Look for the summary link on the journal’s tables of contents and in search results.
• Search This Journal Function—now it is possible to search all issues of a MUSE journal.
• "More Like This" Enhanced Search Feature—MUSE now automatically finds articles similar in subject to the article you are reading.
• "More By" an Author, New Feature—Look for the link, “More By” on each article, and for each author listed as contributing to the article. Click the linked author name to find additional articles in MUSE by the author. Then, click the links for Google Scholar and OCLC WorldCat (labeled, “Find in a library”) to go outside MUSE and find more works by the author(s).
• Custom Print—Custom Print, a service from Sheridan Press, allows you to click on a link from MUSE and purchase an article or groups of articles for the purpose of creating a custom publication.
• New Titles Coming in 2010—American Book Review, Black Camera, Black Music Research Journal, Canadian Theatre Review, Collaborative Anthropologies, Hispania, Native South, Journal of Modern Periodical Studies, Journal of Sport History, Pennsylvania History: A Journal of Mid-Atlantic Studies, Qui Parle: Critical Humanities and Social Sciences, Studies in American Fiction, World Policy Journal. Additional titles to be announced late summer.
Serials Solutions Serials Solutions has announced Single Sign-On (SSO) access control for the Serials Solutions 360 Link OpenURL link resolver service and 360 Core E-Journal Portal A-to-Z list. The SSO authentication capability ensures that librarians can serve their remote users with the same level of consideration and access as they do local users.
Electronic Enlightenment offers unrivalled access to the web of correspondence between the greatest thinkers and writers of the 18th century and their families and friends, bankers and booksellers, patrons and publishers. AMA Manual of Style Online is a must-have guide for those seeking to publish research findings and anyone involved in medical or scientific publishing. Oxford Biblical Studies Online provides unrivalled access to six essential Oxford editions of the Bible. Coming soon: The ESC Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine Also offered through WALDO: Oxford English Dictionary, African-American Studies Center, American National Biography (ANB), Dictionary of National Biography (DNB), Encyclopedia of Popular Music Online, Islamic Studies Center Online, Oxford Language Dictionaries Online, Oxford Reference Premium Collections, Who's Who, Who's Who & Who Was Who, Grover Art Online, Grove Music Online and Oxford Scholarship Online. For pricing contact WALDO. For more information on Oxford University Press, visit their website at us/?view=usa.
Faulkner Information Services The following databases are available through WALDO: Faulkner Advisory for Information Technology Studies—the premier information technology reference library designed exclusively for the academic community. Security Management Practices—a monthly information service devoted to establishing best practices for secure operations across an entire organization. Library & Consortia Resource Collection includes the following: American Library Directory—the acclaimed reference guide.
Get More Information on WALDO Offers For discounted pricing and order information on products, contact Joanne Montgomery, Senior Electronic Resources Specialist at 800.326.6495, ext. 2, or email Send faxes to 617.327.5516.
Fulltext Sources Online—a directory of over 42,000 full-text newspapers, journals, magazines, newsletters, and transcripts from 30 aggregators and content providers. Literary Market Place—the world's largest, most complete database of the book publishing industry for more than 50 years. LMP is the directory of American and Canadian book publishing.
August 2009
Page 6
The Latest CLC Discounts Ingram Contract Update
Hill Donnelly Directories
Ingram's current book and media contract states “free shipping from your primary warehouse.” Please note that libraries will incur a shipping charge for books and media sent from their secondary warehouse.
The following Hill Donnelly directories will be available in September and November. If you have a “standing order,” you will automatically be placed on the order. To place orders or to verify standing order status email The total price listed below includes $15 for shipping.
Books and media not available at your primary or secondary warehouse will be back ordered through your primary warehouse. To avoid shipping charges, libraries can set up accounts to shop at “primary warehouse only.” Call Account Services (Option 1) at Ingram at 800.937.5300 to set this up for your library.
$204 $204 $233
$219 $219 $248
NOV 09 NOV 09
$184 $233
$199 $248
Behavioral Health Services in Connecticut Directory
The Connecticut Clearinghouse recently published the 20092010 edition of Behavioral Health Services in Connecticut, a comprehensive listing of over 500 substance abuse and mental health treatment and prevention programs in Connecticut. features ratings and recommendations on thousands of products and services in categories including appliances, cars, electronics and computers, home and garden, health and fitness, babies and kids, food, personal finance, and travel.
This new edition describes each program including address, telephone number, services provided, admission procedures, clients served, and payment information. Behavioral Health Services in Connecticut is a valuable resource for counselors, health care providers, and human service workers. It can also be used by individuals and families experiencing a substance abuse or mental health problem and needing information about treatment options.
Each product includes an overview and a ratings report card, as well as tester reviews & recommendations. Additional information includes brand reliability and user reviews, plus news, blogs, forums and video content.
The cost of the directory is $40. The $4 shipping and handling fee will be waived for CLC members. Go to to download an order form.
The EBSCOhost database breaks down topics further, allowing library patrons to explore the product reviews, ratings, news and comparisons.
Important Reminder: CLC Dues Are Due Send dues to Pattie Noren at CLC - Willimantic 83 Windham Street, ECSU, 100B Winthrop Hall Willimantic CT 06226 POs can be faxed to 860-465-5004.
EBSCO has arranged for a 30 day trial for CLC member public libraries. Contact Pattie Noren at for access info. If your library is interested in being included in the consortium subscription, please send population served (including branches) to for pricing information. As of July 28, CLC had enough libraries committed to reach the 5% discount level on quoted prices!
August 2009
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Library Event and Program News Movie Licensing USA
or libraries showing movies, CLC has a 15% discount with Movie Licensing USA. If you would like a quote please send the number of active card holders (used within the last year) to Movie Licensing USA represents the major Hollywood Studios. The Federal Copyright Act (Title 17 of the U.S. Code) governs how copyrighted materials, such as movies, may be used. Neither the rental nor the purchase of a movie carries with it the right to show the movie publicly outside the home, unless the site where the movie is used is properly licensed for public exhibition.
Connecticut Librarians at the American Library Association Conference
he 2009 ALA Annual Conference took place in Chicago from July 9- July 15. The Connecticut librarians in attendance took advantage of educational programs covering a variety of hot topics, exhibits, keynote speakers, and more to bring back the latest news and ideas to their CT colleagues.
This legal copyright compliance requirement applies to public libraries, schools, daycare facilities, recreation departments, summer camps, churches, private clubs, businesses, etc. To avoid embarrassing publicity and fines, it is important to comply with U.S. Copyright Law when using movies publicly. Movie Licensing USA can enhance and develop your library's programming, using major entertainment movies without copyright infringement. Long-standing, exclusive licensing agreements with prominent Hollywood movie studios ensure a copyright-compliant, worry-free and liability-free movie experience. For more information go to Photos, top row, l to r:
Soul of a People Program Series
iddlesex Community College's Jean Burr Smith Library and Russell Library in Middletown invite you to travel back to the 1930s with "Soul of a People: Writing America's Story," a series of programs running from September through November about the Federal Writers' Project, a small endeavor that created an enormous cultural legacy for the nation. These exciting educational programs are free and open to the public, and all event locations are handicapped accessible. For more info call 860.343.5830 or visit the website
ALA Emerging Leaders from CT: Jaime Hammond of NVCC and Lisa CarlucciThomas of Yale with Carl Antonucci of Capital CC; Queensborough Public Library’s Tom Gallante, a keynote speaker at the upcoming CLA/CLC Leadership Institute this month, accepting the award for Library Journal's Library of the Year. Second row, l to r: Louise Berry and Alan Gray of Darien; Susan Smayda of Southington and Alice Knapp of New Canaan.
Soul of a People is produced by Spark Media, Washington, D.C., and broadcast on the Smithsonian Channel HD.
Third row: Carl Antonucci talking with Jamieson Chandler of TextaLibrarian; stay tuned for more info about this new service that CLC is investigating to complement InfoAnytime.
Soul of a People programs in libraries are sponsored by the American Library Association Public Programs Office with the support of the National Endowment for the Humanities: great ideas brought to life.
Fourth row: ALA Past president (and foundress of the ALA Emerging Leaders program) Leslie Burger of Princeton PL with CT Emerging Leaders Tracy Sutherland of ECSU and Jennifer Hadley of Wesleyan.
Connecticut Library Consortium CONNtext • August 2009 Board of Directors Janet Woycik, Chair
Take Me To Your Leader: The CLA/CLC Connecticut Leadership Institute Friday, August 14
• 8:30 am - 5:30 pm • University of Hartford
Cyrenius H. Booth Library
Gray Conference Center
Randi Ashton-Pritting
Don't miss the first annual Connecticut Library Leadership Institute in August. CLA and CLC have put together a full day of education, inspiration, and collegiality designed for library staff at all levels. The only requirement is that you be a card-carrying member of the Connecticut Library Association (which you can take care of now at
University of Hartford Libraries
Anita Barney The Brookfield Library
Gayle Bogel SCSU
Maribeth Breen Henry Carter Hull Library, Clinton Charles Marlor CCSU
Kevin McCarthy Perrot Memorial Library, Old Greenwich
The Curriculum y 21st Century Communications y Managing People y Getting to "Yes" with an Intergenerational Work Force y Budget Management y Advocating for the Library, the Profession, the Program or Yourself The Faculty John Blyberg, Thomas W. Galante, Walter Harrison, R. David Lankes, Lisa Lazarek, Bernard A. Margolis, Annette Rogers, Joseph Swetcky and Sharon Weiner. Go to to read all about these esteemed instructors.
Arthur Meyers Russell Library
Clara Ogbaa Gateway Community College Library
Ed O'Hara
Registration Details • The fee for the program is $30, which covers all refreshments, lunch, and a wine and cheese reception. • Attendees must register online no later than August 10, 2009. An essay of up to 250 words and submission of a resume/CV is required.
Ruth A. Haas Library, WCSU
For more information and to register, go to today!
Amy Plympton LIMRA
Roslyn Rubinstein Waterford Public Library
Sandra Ruoff Guilford Free Library
Amy Terlaga Bibliomation Carol Weinshel Helen Keller Middle School, Easton Christine Bradley, Exec. Dir. Connecticut Library Consortium
Connecticut Library Consortium
234 Court Street Middletown, CT 06457
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