Connecticut Library Consortium
The Newsletter of the Connecticut Library Consortium
May 2009 VOLUME 6 y ISSUE 11
Highlights y Roundtable News page 4
y WALDO page 5
y The Latest CLC News and Discounts page 6
y Photo Highlights from the CLA Conference page 7
y Performer Spotlight page 7
y CLC’s Annual Meeting page 8
In Every Issue y Library Happenings & Member News pages 2 and 3
CONN text
Embracing Today’s Technology
LC strives to bring our members the latest in technology to help Connecticut’s libraries better serve patrons’ changing and evolving needs. We are excited to update you on some of the great electronic resources we currently have available to help keep your library on the cutting edge. . . New Public Awareness Campaign to Promote InfoAnytime InfoAnytime showcased its new public relations campaign, "Too Many Results," at the recent 2009 CLA Conference. Libraries participating in the InfoAnytime program were invited to pick up their shiny new posters and bookmarks at the CLC trade show booth. In the coming weeks, CLC will distribute posters and approximately 350,000 bookmarks to libraries in support of the new campaign. The campaign was delayed while we awaited the outcome of the Connecticut Legislature's budget cuts.
y May Calendar page 3
Contact Us 860.344.8777 (Middletown) 860.344.9199 (Middletown Fax) 860.465.5001 (Willimantic) 860.465.5004 (Willimantic Fax) 860.529.2938 (Donohue Group)
Toll-Free Numbers 800.304.5403 (Middletown) 800.260.5427 (Willimantic)
We are extremely grateful to our state representatives who partially restored the InfoAnytime budget thanks to an amazing display of solidarity by CLC members, support from other organizations, and a significant price reduction from the InfoAnytime vendor. A big shout out to everyone who spoke up about the positive benefits of InfoAnytime and helped bring this great program back. We're also thrilled to announce that GALE, through the iCONN portal, will be including a link to InfoAnytime on their screens when a user's search results are listed as well as when there are no hits. Having a professional librarian a click away will be invaluable to those new to, or unfamiliar with, search techniques.
JobNow: An Online Job Search Resource To complement all that Connecticut's libraries are already doing to assist residents in their job searches, CLC will launch JobNow statewide on July 1, 2009.
This online chat resource will help people review their resumes and cover letters and practice interviewing online. Public libraries will be asked for a $100 contribution if they want to offer JobNow on their website. Stay tuned for more details... CONNtext Goes Completely Electronic May, 2009 is the next-to-last print issue of CONNtext. The CLC board voted at their April meeting to move to an e-newsletter format, due to concerns both budgetary and environmental. Beginning in July, CLC will deliver CONNtext via email, so remember to sign up for the CLClist ( so you can continue to stay informed about CLC’s discounts, events, and Connecticut library news. All staff, Friends, and trustees of CLC member libraries are eligible and encouraged to sign up to receive CLC CONNtext through email delivery.
May 2009
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Library Happenings and Member News Greening Our Valley Events The following two free events are part of Greening Our Valley, an initiative funded by the Middlesex County Community Foundation to promote environmental programs at libraries throughout Middlesex County. For more information visit On Sunday, May 17, seventeen Middlesex County libraries, in partnership with CLC, will present Green Fest—a celebration of going green in our community. The festival is the highlight of the libraries' county-wide "Greening Our Valley" initiative. It will take place from 1 to 4 pm at Middlesex Community College, Chapman Hall, 100 Training Hill Road in Middletown. All ages are invited to this free event featuring educational materials, giveaways and games sponsored by libraries and other organizations. For more information about this and other environmental programs at libraries across Middlesex County, visit Environmental author Elizabeth Royte will speak about her book Bottlemania: How Water Went on Sale and Why We Bought It , at Andrews Memorial Town Hall in Clinton on Thursday, June 4 at 7 pm. Bottlemania is a book that looks beyond the environmental consequences of making, filling, transporting and landfilling billions of bottles, and examines the state of tap water today and the social impact of multinational companies sinking ever more pumps into tiny rural towns. Congratulations to children's librarian Gayle Byrne of Killingworth Library on her upcoming book, Sometimes It's Grandmas and Grandpas, due to be released by Abbeville Press in September. Gayle's book shares a child's experience living with, and being cared for, by grandparents through the eyes of a cheerful and delightful little girl. Uplifting watercolor illustrations give extra warmth to this caring and loving story, with which a growing number of children can identify—over 4.5 million children in the United States are primarily cared for by a grandparent.
The Henry Carter Hull Library (Clinton) hosted a Scotch whisky seminar on April 8, and some patrons called it "the best library program ever!" Pictured are Simon Brooking, Master Ambassador of Laphroaig and Ardmore Distilleries in Scotland, and HCH Adult Programming Librarian David Boudinot. Peter Chase, Director of Plainville Public Library, reads to preschoolers at the Plainville Family Resource Center while their parents participate in a focus group for PPL's community needs assessment. "retro : works" by Hartford native Chet Kempczynski is the inaugural exhibition at Hartford Public Library's "ArtWalk," Hartford's newest art gallery. ArtWalk offers "one of the largest and most stunning exhibition spaces in greater Hartford.” The exhibit runs through July 30. Visit Wethersfield Library board member Paul Courchain (who is a culinary historian) created Colonial desserts with some help from members of the Friends of the Library. The desserts were prepared from recipes from the novel, The Witch of Blackbird Pond , by author Elizabeth George Speare. The Woodbridge Rotary Club recently donated $500 to the Woodbridge Town Library to strengthen the kindergarten and first grade beginning reader collection. Pictured are members of the Rotary Club, Jan Vaill Day, Library Director and Rotarian, and Judy Rabin, Children's Librarian.
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Happenings and Member News The Magic Fluke, a ukulele manufacturerer in New Hartford, supplied the Licia & Mason Beekley Community Library (new Hartford) with four brightly-colored ukuleles to lend to patrons. The ukuleles were an instant hit. The Magic Fluke also supplied the library with some instructional DVDs and books, and books of ukulele music to help patrons learn to play. The Career Express Bus is the Department of Labor's mobile One-Stop Career Center, providing the latest workforce and job skills development services to individuals and employers across Connecticut. It is equipped with eight computer workstations with Internet access, the latest audio-visual systems including a plasma TV with SMARTBoard technology, and a hydraulic wheelchair lift
to make it fully accessible to persons with disabilities. The Career Express Team can be found throughout the state at libraries, job fairs, and other career development events. For additional information visit the Career Express website at d95nn9, or contact Karen Quesnel at 860.263.6018, or
Send Us Your Happenings & News!
Librarians Unbound is the title of a chapter in Standing Up To the Madness: Ordinary Heroes in Extraordinary Times by Amy Goodman and David Goodman, awardwinning journalists who devoted an entire chapter to describing the story of four courageous CT librarians—Barbara Bailey (Welles-Turner Memorial Library), Peter Chase (Plainville Public Library), George Christian (Library Connection), and Janet Nocek (Portland Library). These four braved very difficult circumstances related to the Patriot Act and the unexpected delivery of a national security letter. Although most of you are probably by now familiar with the story, this particular version is perhaps the most complete and in-depth narrative published to date. Over 100 children and adults attended The New York Wolf Conservation Center's presentation at the James Blackstone Memorial Library in Branford. The program featured a live Arctic Wolf named Atka. The Stratford Library Board of Trustees’ sixth annual “Broadway Comes to Stratford" was a gala evening of musical vignettes, fine hors d’ouevres and beverages, and delectable desserts. The stellar event saw nearly 200 in attendance and raised over $10,000. All proceeds benefited the library’s book collection.
Comings and Goings . . .
Submit your library’s news, ideas, photos, etc. to CONNtext editor Kathy Charbonneau at
Liz Kirkpatrick will be retiring as assistant director of Wethersfield Public Library on June 30.
The deadline is the 20th of each month.
Frank Ferro takes over this month as the director of Norwalk Public Library.
May 2009 Calendar of Events TUESDAY, MAY 19 Services to Older Adults Roundtable (SOAR), Lucy Robbins Welles Library Newington, 9:30 AM
WEDNESDAY, MAY 20 Young Adult Librarians' Roundtable: West, Stratford Library, 9:30 Northeast CD, DVD, Cassette Swap Willimantic Service Center, 9:30
MONDAY, MAY 25 CLC Offices closed, Memorial Day
WEDNESDAY, MAY 27 Southeast DVD Swap East Lyme PL, 9:00 Young Adult Librarians' Roundtable: Capitol Region, Scranton Memorial Library, Madison, 9:30 Going Commando? A Discussion About OCLC Records Milford PL, 10:00-noon
THURSDAY, MAY 28 Northwest DVD Swap Harwinton PL, 9:00
FRIDAY, MAY 29 BookExpo America - CLC Bus, various departure points to NYC Southwest DVD Swap Southbury PL, 9:30 AM Children's Librarians' Roundtable: Northeast, Willimantic Service Center, 12:30 - 3:30
SATURDAY, MAY 30 BookExpo America - CLC Bus, various departure points to NYC
June 2009 TUESDAY, JUNE 9 CLC/OCLC Direct Workshop: OCLC Connexion Client, Manchester CC, 9:00 CLC/OCLC Direct Workshop: OCLC Searching for Catalogers Manchester CC, 1:00-3:30
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May Roundtable Highlights and Other Events Services to Older Adults Roundtable (SOAR)
Children's Librarians' Roundtable: Northeast
Chair: Doug Lord, Connecticut State Library
Chairs: Ginny Brousseau (Tolland Public Library) and Jennifer Needham (Booth & Dimock Memorial Library, Coventry)
The next SOAR meeting will take place on Tuesday, May 19 at the Lucy Robbins Welles Library, Newington. Coffee and refreshments will be available beginning at 9:30, with the meeting following from 10 to noon. Agenda as follows: Jeanette Mercure, Head of Collection Management at the Lucy Robbins Welles Library, on the library's nascent books-by-mail program; and a general roundtable discussion.
Young Adult Librarians' Roundtable: Western CT
The next, and last, roundtable meeting for the year will take place on Friday, May 29 at the Willimantic Library Service Center from 12:30 - 3:30 pm. Coffee and brown-bag lunch at 12:30; meeting starts at 1 pm. The topic for the meeting will be "Last Minute and Low Cost Ideas for Your Summer Programs." If your budget is pinched or non-existent, come and pick up some great ideas for last-minute, no-cost programming. Bring your ideas with contact information and price to share.
Chairs: Margaret Walsh (Greenwich Library) and Geri Diorio (Ridgefield Library)
NEW! Library Newbie Roundtable
The next meeting will take place on Wednesday, May 20 at the Stratford Library. Coffee will be available at 9:30, with the meeting from 10 to noon. The YART will discuss summer reading as well as marketing ourselves and our services—how do we do it? Geri Diorio is stepping down as YALR-W co-chair after this meeting—thanks to Geri for her dedication and tireless work on behalf of the roundtable…Geri, you will be missed. Nicole Scherer of Fairfield Library has graciously agreed to fill those shoes.
The first meeting of this new roundtable will be held Tuesday, September 22 from 9-11am at the New Britain Public Library. Created for current MLS students, recent graduates, and those new to the field, the focus will be on issues, trends and concerns faced by those entering the library field. If you have any ideas or suggestions that you would like to have discussed please contact Leila Karimian ( See you in September!
Young Adult Librarians' Roundtable: Capitol Region Chairs: Ann Marie Naples (West Hartford Public Library) and Chris Angeli (Scranton Memorial Library, Madison)
Summer is right around the corner and the YALR-CR is meeting next on Wednesday, May 27 at the lovely Scranton Memorial Library in Madison for an old fashioned free-for-all roundtable discussion. The meeting begins promptly at 9:30.
Business Services Roundtable Chairs: Jennifer Keohane (Simsbury Public Library) and Linda Panovich-Sachs (Trumbull Library)
The final Business Roundtable program for FY 20082009, entitled "Steal That Program!", will take place at the New Haven Free Public Library in early summer. (The previously-announced May 29 date has been changed due to interest in BookExpo America.) Please come with ideas or contacts for all kinds of business-related programs that you've done, gone to, or heard of, and be ready to "Steal ... That ... Program!" Check the CLC website or the Business Roundtable Google Group for the confirmed date soon.
Chair: Leila Karimian (New Britain Public Library)
Adult Programming Roundtable Meets During CLA The Adult Programming Roundtable held their quarterly meeting during the CLA conference at New Haven PL. They will continue to share programming ideas through their Google group, so sign up with either of the co-chairs to keep the discussion going. Photo top: Co-chairs Cynde Lahey of New Canaan PL, Karen Ronald of Fairfield PL, and Carol Brown of New Haven PL. Photo left: Seth Levine of New Haven PL, Maria Livoti of New Canaan PL, Vicki Livoti of Perrot Memorial Library (yes, they are mother and daughter!) and Kevin McCarthy of Perrot.
Please Join Us These roundtables are open to all member library staff regardless of geographic location or job title. Be sure to register online in advance at
May 2009
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Specials from WALDO Alexander Street Press
Books 24x7 Spring Promotion
A special pricing offer from Alexander Street Press for their new video service, American History in Video, is available for WALDO two- and four-year academic institutions. This offer is valid through July 31, 2009. Contact WALDO for pricing.
Renew or place an order by July 31 and receive one additional collection at no additional charge!
A landmark collection—the largest of its kind—-American History in Video will enrich any history program and will see wide use across the curriculum. At completion, this online collection will include more than 2,000 hours of streaming video—more than 5,000 titles in all. For more information visit the ASP website at products/ahiv.htm.
Any institution that renews an existing contract at the same or higher level, or establishes a new contract for at least one of the Books24x7 collections by July 31 will receive one of the following valuable Books24x7 collections for the term of your license at no additional charge. • ExecBlueprints Need-to-read best practices providing insight and guidance on pressing strategic issues. • ExecSummaries High level overviews of the best business books by preeminent authors and thought leaders.
Ebrary Now's a great time to look at Ebrary’s Academic Complete! With more than 43,400 titles, Academic Complete includes all of Ebrary's subject databases and a rich selection of reference works and maps that are not available in the individual subject sets. More than 350 leading academic, STM, and professional publishers contribute to Academic Complete including McGraw-Hill, Elsevier, Yale University Press, Cambridge University Press, Wiley, MIT press, Springer, and many others.
• FinancePro
Ebrary offer for Academic Sites with over 2,500 FTE
• OfficeEssentials
Subscriptions with a July 1, 2009 Start Date: Subscribe by May 1 and get 14 months for the price of 12; Subscribe by June 1 and get 13 months for the price of 12. Subscriptions with a August 1, 2009 Start Date: Subscribe by May 1 and get 15 months for the price of 12; subscribe by June 1 and get 14 months for the price of 12; suscribe by July 1 and get 13 months for the price of 12. For Academic sites with more than 2,500 FTE, contact WALDO for the new pricing model.
Get More Information on WALDO Offers For discounted pricing and order information on products, contact Joanne Montgomery, Senior Electronic Resources Specialist at 800.326.6495, ext. 2, or email Send faxes to 617.327.5516.
A trusted resource for reliable, relevant and current financial and accounting information. • GovEssentials A one-stop information resource on government-related issues unique to public affairs, public administration or government studies. The latest in general computing and a wide range of desktop applications and graphic programs employed in today's business and academic environments [Note: Titles in OfficeEssentials are also included in the ITPro collection]. • Well-BeingEssentials Comprehensive collection of books from best selling authors addressing topics that are key to personal development and self-enrichment. Announcing "Books24x7 Complete" and "Books24x7 LibraryPro" for a limited time. Books24x7 Complete for Libraries—Library Complete offers all 9 available library collections for the current price of four collections. This all-inclusive bundle aggregates over 18,000 titles from the best names in book publishing. Patrons are afforded an opportunity to access a vast database containing thousands of IT/computer science, engineering, business, financial, government, and wellness/productivity books, as well as executive summaries and vital best practice reports authored by C-level industry experts and university administrators.
May 2009
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The Latest CLC Discounts and News This Month’s Vendor Specials Visit for all the details on the following CLC Discounts in May: • Muzzy Multilingual Materials: Libraries will receive 25% off the newly updated, re-mastered, MUZZY Multilingual Anniversary Editions for orders placed by June 1. Email to place an order. Invoicing after July 1 is also an option. Please note that MUZZY now comes in smaller Library packaging of standard, multi-leaf DVD Cases. For more information on specific packages available at this price, visit • Facts On File—New to CLC members: Facts On File, an award-winning publisher of print and online reference materials, is now offering its collection of online resources to CLC members at a special discount. Get a free preview from May 11 - June 30 by visiting, Username: clcspring09, Password: clcspring09. Orders placed by July 15, 2009 will receive an additional 5% discount apart from CLC's member pricing. • Value Line: Value Line is offering a discount on their product. The price will depend on how many libraries are take advantage of the offer. If you are interested, email by May 22. For free trial information visit, Username: istrial4, Password: home.
Save the Dates for These Informative Programs Going Commando? A Discussion About OCLC Records Wednesday, May 27 • 10 to Noon • Milford Library
Agenda 10:00 Introductions—Nancy Abbey 10:30 B&T alternatives—Eric Throndson 11:00 What's out there for free?—Brendan Gallagher 11:30 Group discussion 12:00 Adjournment There will be no cost for this discussion, but you should register online at
E-Book Vendor Day
• IN ENGLISH ESL Learning Series: CLC is pleased to offer the In English ESL learning series from VideoLanguage for the low price of $190 for the complete set of 20 DVDs. To order email by May 31. The option of invoicing after July 1 is available.
CLC Partners with The Sun CLC will partner with The Connecticut Sun to promote literacy through the Fast Break To Reading program, sponsored by Pitney Bowes. Participants in the program will be required to pledge to read at least 10 hours during the WNBA season, record the time they spend reading in a Fast Break To Reading worksheet, attend a WNBA game, and attend one Reading Time Out. There will alos be an opportunities for libraries to host several Reading Time Outs throughout the summer. Sun players will be on hand at each event. Participants will receive gift bags and complimentary tickets to an upcoming Sun game. For more information about how your library can participate in the program contact CLC's Deb Zulick at
Friday, June 12 • 9:30 to 3 pm Fairfield University • Nyselius Library
Agenda 9:30
10:00 Angela Carreno, NYU's Head of Collections will share her experience with e-book projects. 11:00 ebrary Vendor Presentation 12:00 Lunch on Campus 1:00
Credo Reference Vendor Presentation
Vendor TBA
The cost is $25 for the first attendee from a member library/$15 for additional attendees ($40 for non-members) to cover coffee and lunch.
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BookExpo America
Favorite Poem Project
BookExpo America will take place May 28-31 at the Javits Convention Center, in New York City. Ride one of the CLC buses to BookExpo America on Friday, May 29 or Saturday, May 30. CLC is running four buses—two on Friday and two on Saturday—with two stops each, so there's sure to be a convenient location for you. The cost is only $10 per person. Sign up online at
The 39th Poet Laureate of the United States, Robert Pinsky, officially launched Connecticut’s Favorite Poem Project at the CLA Conference. The Favorite Poem Project is presented this spring by the International Festival of Arts & Ideas and CLC. Right: Robert Pinsky and CLC’s Deb Zulick at the CLA Conference.
BEA Registration—Register online at the special discounted rate for librarians—$70 for all 3 days (regularly $90), or $45 for 1 day (regularly $55).
People across Connecticut are invited to submit their favorite published poems to the Festival. From these, the Festival will select readers from across the state to share their poems in a Favorite Poem Community Reading hosted by Robert Pinsky on June 13. Submissions may also be used to create an anthology and video documentaries. Libraries, bookstores, schools, and community groups are encouraged to host their own Favorite Poem events, collect submissions, and create Favorite Poem videos to be posted on the Festival’s website.
Lodging —Make your reservation at the Holiday Inn Midtown on 57th for $259/night, the special librarian rate. To receive the $20 discount, enter the priority code EL1 when prompted upon registering. If you have questions about the special librarians' rate, contact Paula Beck of Travel Technology Group at 312.527.7321, or email pbeck (at) For more information go to Visit for info about the buses, the link to the CLC discount on BEA registration, and other BEA news, events and special offers. And many, many thanks to our volunteer Bus Captains! See you in NYC . . .
LROC Performer Spotlight: Science Sense-ations
So what’s your favorite poem? Visit or to learn more about CT’s Favorite Poem Project, submit your favorite poem, upload a video, obtain resources to help you host an FPP community reading, and more. To join the Favorite Poem Project contact Deb Zulick at or .
Faces at the CLA Conference
If you haven't had Science Sense-ations at your library lately, now is a great time! This fun-filled musical science program geared for grades 1 - 3 has been entertaining audiences for more that 5 years, and it is still a great price. Explore food chemistry, light, and sound in a creative way with music and unique hands-on experiments. To book your program call 860.399.2499 , or visit today! Here’s what some Connecticut libraries have been saying about the Science Sense-ations program and performer Cheryl Blum: Karen McNulty, Avon Public Library—”Ready for something different? Have Cheryl visit and sing kids into the program, literally. Not for toddlers, best for ages 5 and up. Variety: great!” Barbaranne Warner, Sprague Public Library— “Cheryl visited our library and our patrons are still raving about her. She was warm and engaging, and everyone got to participate!
Photos, clockwise from top left: Maria Miranda (website designer, including CLC's) with Betty Anne Reiter of Groton PL and chair of the CLA Publicity Committee; FLAG (Fairfield Library Administrators Group) scholarship chair Sandy Ruoff of Guilford PL with the 2009 winners Marissa Antosh of Wilton PL and Luis Rodriguez of Bridgeport PL; Planners of the 2009 CLA/CLC Leadership Institute Carl Antonucci of Capital CC, Debbie Herman of CCSU, Jay Johnston of Farmington PL, Randi Ashton-Pritting of University of Hartford and Alison Wang of Naugatuck Valley CC; Steve Rosato of BookExpo America with Janet Swift of UConn Waterbury.
A Special Invitation
Connecticut Library Consortium CONNtext • May 2009
You Are Invited to CLC's 6th Annual Meeting Board of Directors
Tuesday, June 16
• 4 to 6 pm • Gouveia Vineyards in Wallingford
Roslyn Rubinstein, Chair Waterford Public Library
Carl Antonucci Capital Community College
Randi Ashton-Pritting University of Hartford Libraries
Bernadette Baldino Easton Public Library
Anita Barney The Brookfield Library
4:00: Hot and cold hors d'oeuvres and cash wine tasting.
Gayle Bogel
4:30: Brief business meeting; recognition of CLC board members and roundtable chairs.
Candice Brown New Britain Public Library
Susan Burke
5:00: Awarding of the Jan Gluz Cooperative Spirit Award to the Greening Our Valley Libraries. 5:30: Raffle of the CLC Board Baskets. 6:00: Adjournment
Griswold High School
Charles Marlor CCSU
Arthur Meyers Russell Library
Details • Sign up for the CLC Annual Meeting at by June 15. • Cost is $25 for the first guest from a member library/$15 for each subsequent guest. • Check out beautiful Gouveia Vineyards at and the Greening Our Valley project at
Visit to sign up today!
Amy Plympton LIMRA
Sandra Ruoff Guilford Free Library
Keith Stetson Fairfield University
Amy Terlaga Bibliomation Janet Woycik Cyrenius H. Booth Library
Christine Bradley, Exec. Dir. Connecticut Library Consortium
Connecticut Library Consortium
234 Court Street Middletown, CT 06457
Presorted First-Class Mail U.S. Postage Paid New Britain, CT 06050 Permit No. 20