CLC CONNtext, November 2008

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Connecticut Library Consortium

The Newsletter of the Connecticut Library Consortium

November 2008 VOLUME 6 y ISSUE 5

Highlights y Roundtable News page 4

y WALDO Databases page 5

CONN text

New InfoAnytime Advertising Campaign Gets Real Results


nfoAnytime is proud to announce the launch of its latest public education campaign, "Toooooooooo Many Results?" The campaign message focuses on the hit-or-miss nature of search engine results when looking for reliable and trustworthy information. It emphasizes InfoAnytime’s point of difference—its staff of professional librarians whose expertise helps guide the user to dependable sources of information.

y CLC Discounts, News and Much More page 6

y Order Your Demco "Green" Tote Bags page 6

y Library Super- Programmers page 7

y Going Green Workshop page 8

In Every Issue y Library Happenings & Member News pages 2 and 3

y November Calendar page 3

Contact Us 860.344.8777 (Middletown) 860.344.9199 (Middletown Fax) 860.465.5001 (Willimantic) 860.465.5004 (Willimantic Fax) 860.529.2938 (Donohue Group)

Toll-Free Numbers 800.304.5403 (Middletown) 800.260.5427 (Willimantic)

As useful as search engines can be, they are no match for a librarian’s expert searching skills—a resource that can save patrons time and frustration. Professional reference librarians do a great job of getting to the core of questions because they have years of experience honing their analytical skills. InfoAnytime’s access to “live librarians” 24 hours a day, 7 days a week is one of the compelling user benefits behind its success. The number of InfoAnytime users who are online at all hours of the day and night continues to increase because it meets the public’s demand for instant information. Tapping into an online reference service couldn't be easier. InfoAnytime is a web-based program that employs chat— an Internet protocol that is very familiar to teens and techies. InfoAnytime’s instant, real-time access reaches answers quickly and includes great source materials as back up. InfoAnytime remains affordable thanks to state funding and help from

Another great feature of InfoAnytime is its availability in Spanish for libraries serving Spanish-speaking populations. With a strong marketing campaign and great promotional materials, a lower price tag and more libraries joining the InfoAnytime family every day, 2009 promises to be a great year for Connecticut's number one virtual reference service. School Media Specialists: Going to the CT Association of School Librarians (CASL) conference? Be sure to stop by the InfoAnytime booth for give-aways galore.

Annual InfoAnytime Pricing for CLC Members y Public libraries, serving a population of less than 50,000—contribute $50 y Public libraries serving a population of more than 50,000—contribute $75 y Academic Institutions—contribute $100 Visit infoanytime.html for details.


November 2008

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Library Happenings and Member News The Oliver Wolcott Library (Litchfield) will kick off the holiday season with its annual Festival of Trees Gala on Saturday, November 29 from 5 - 8:30 pm. There will be a silent auction featuring a large selection of items, including the popular tree and wreath section. A fabulous array of hors d'oeuvres and desserts will be served. The library relies on this event and the annual fund drive to raise more than half of its operating budget. For more details, or to purchase tickets visit Congratulations to the Silas Bronson Library's (Waterbury) Children's Services Division for receiving a string of honors and awards over the past six months, including: CLA's Faith Hektoen Award for "Outstanding and Creative Program," first place in Quassy Amusement Park's 2008 Ready to Read summer reading program (for the second year in a row), and most recently, the City Service Government Award from the Waterbury Neighborhood Council, along with an official citation from the Mayor and Connecticut General Assembly. A drawing for a much sought-after 2008 Toyota Prius Hybrid was held at Kent Memorial Library on October 26. This annual car raffle helps fund the library's operating budget. The winner was a resident of Bonita Springs, Florida, whose daughter resides in town. Right: Library vice president and board member, Rudy Molho, pulls out the winning ticket for the car raffle with the help of a young friend. The State Judicial Department is offering CLC members a free Jury Administration Outreach program that provides information about one of our most important civic responsibilities—jury duty. The presentations cover the history of jury duty as well as the jury today. The program has two components: a school-based program for high school students and a community program which focuses on adults who may have already been summoned, or could be in the future. For more information contact Community Outreach Coordinator Bonnie Gallagher at, or call her at 860.263.2710, ext. 3005.

The Saxton B. Little Free Library (Columbia) celebrated Banned Books Week by creating a display of banned and challenged books wrapped in plain brown paper with ribbon made from yellow caution tape. The library challenged patrons to check one (or more) out, sight unseen, to unwrap and read at home. The goal was to encourage patrons to form their own opinion of a book and think critically about what it means to ban or challenge a book. The display received a lot of attention and many patrons took home a banned book to read. After winning a raffle at a CLA conference 25 years ago, Avon Free Public Library's Children's Librarian, Karen McNulty, finally cashed in her prize this past summer. Karen was the recipient of two fishing expedition tickets in 1982 that said in scribbled handwriting: "Good Until Used." She kept the tickets safely in an old jewelry box until she gave them to her dad on Father's Day. After validating that the tickets were still good, Karen and her father enjoyed a wonderful day on an 85-foot fishing boat that has served the sound for 60 years. The value of the tickets had doubled! ALA has selected three Connecticut librarians for its Emerging Leaders (EL) program: Lisa Thomas (Yale), Jaime Hammond (Naugatuck Valley CC), and Jennifer Hadley (Wesleyan). The EL program enables more than 100 librarians from across the country to participate in project planning workgroups, network with peers, gain an inside look into ALA structure, and have an opportunity to serve the profession in a leadership capacity. Recognize anyone? Carl Antonucci, Kirsten Kilbourn, Deb Zulick, and Amy "Grabbing the Fin" Terlaga were out catching sharks in Monterey on a break from the Internet Librarian conference.


November 2008

Happenings and Member News Stafford Library Director Ann Davis with the library's display of voting information for the national and state elections.

Mark your calendar for May 28-31, 2009 to attend BookExpo America at the Javits Convention Center in NYC. Make your reservation at the Holiday Inn Midtown on 57th for $259/night, the special librarian rate. To receive the $20 discount, enter the priority code EL1 when prompted upon registering. If you have questions about the special librarians' rate, contact Paula Beck of Travel Technology Group at 312.527.7321, or email For up-tothe-minute information, or to register, go to Wethersfield Public Library Director Laurel Goodgion and Assistant Director Liz Kirkpatrick congratulate Greg Curtain on being selected Library Trustee of the Year by the Association of Connecticut Library Boards.

Portland Public Library's Janet Nocek, one of Connecticut's John Does, is featured in the new book, We Will Be Heard: Voices in the Struggle for Constitutional Rights Past and Present, by Bud and Ruth Schultz (and for you sixties radicals out there, a foreword by Howard Zinn!). On Sunday, November 23 at 2 pm, author Bill Berloni returns to the Trumbull Library to speak about his new book, Broadway Tails: Heartfelt Stories of Rescued Dogs Who Became Showbiz Stars! Meet Chico and Chloe, two of the dogs featured in the Broadway production of Legally Blonde, The Musical. Broadway Tails is a remarkable tale of a man who rescues shelter dogs and turns them into the toast of Broadway. Reserve your seat for this free event by calling 203.452.5197. To celebrate November Storytellers Month, the Connecticut Forum is featuring "Storytellers & the Stories They Tell" at the Bushnell in Hartford on Friday, November 21. Panelists include Tony Kushner (Angels in America), David Simon (Creator of HBO's The Wire) and Suzan-Lori Parks (Topdog/ Underdog). The event will be moderated by Bob Edwards. For more information call 860.509.0909, ext. 14.

Comings and Goings . . . Send Us Your Latest Library Happenings & News! Send your library’s and staff members’ news, ideas, photos, etc. to CONNtext editor Kathy Charbonneau at The deadline is the 20th of each month.

Hartford Public Library Director Louise Blalock receives flowers and best wishes from Anwar Ahmad at a reception in honor of her retirement after 15 years in Hartford.

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November 2008 Calendar of Events FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7 Business Services Roundtable West Hartford PL, 9:30 Southwest Audio Swap Wilton Library, 10:00

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10 Children's Librarians' Roundtable: Capitol Region, Windsor Locks PL, 9:30

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11 CLC offices closed for Veterans Day

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13 Open Source Speaker's Series: Marshall Breeding, Russell Library, Middletown, 9:30 - noon

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17 Children's Librarians' Roundtable: South, Cheshire PL, 9:30 CLA Young Adult Section presents author Alex Flinn, West Hartford PL, 9:30

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18 CLC/OCLC Direct Workshop: Serials Cataloging, Farmington Library, 9:00 coffee/9:30-3:30 Children's Librarians' Roundtable: Southeast, Cragin Memorial Library Colchester, 2:30

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19 Southeast DVD Swap, East Lyme PL, 9:00 Public Library Directors’ Roundtable: Northwest, Burlington PL, 9:30 Northeast CD, DVD, Cassette Swap Willimantic Service Center, 9:30

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20 Northwest DVD Swap Harwinton Town Hall, 9:00 Interlibrary Loan Roundtable: West Housatonic CC Library, 9:30 CLC Board of Directors Meeting Russell Library, Middletown, 2:00

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21 Southwest DVD Swap, Southbury PL, 9:30

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27 CLC offices closed for Thanksgiving

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28 CLC offices closed

TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2 Interlibrary Loan Roundtable: East Hall Memorial Library, Ellington, 9:30


November 2008

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November Roundtable Highlights CLC's roundtables are a wonderful opportunity for people from different libraries but with similar responsibilities and interests to come together to share knowledge and ideas about a variety of professional topics. These roundtables are open to all member library staff regardless of geographic location or job title. Be sure to register online in advance at

Children's Librarians’ Roundtable: Capitol Region

Children's Librarians' Roundtable: Southeast

Chair: Kristin Raiche (Windsor Locks Public Library)

Chair: Nadine Lipman (Waterford Public Library)

Bring your favorite programming ideas to share when CLRCR meets next on Monday, November 10 at the Canton Public Library. Roundtable starts with coffee and networking at 9 am and the meeting at 9:30 am.

Meet your colleagues on Tuesday, November 18 at 2:30 pm at the Cragin Memorial Library in Colchester (note the date change from the normal 2nd Tuesday). This meeting will focus on budget-related topics, such as vendors, programming and finding money to enhance diminishing or small budgets; bring information to share about the good, the bad and the ugly. Also, bring lists of local authors and illustrators to share.

Joint Reference and Technology Roundtables Reference Co-chairs: Linda Sousa (Russell Library, Middletown) and Patricia Watson (New Britain Public Library) Technology Co-chairs: Nancy Haag (North Haven Memorial Library) and Julie Lee (Russell Library, Middletown)

On Thursday, November 13 at 9:30 am at the Russell Library in Middletown, the Reference Roundtable will team up with the Technology Roundtable to co-sponsor the first in a new Open Source Speaker's Series. November's featured speaker will be Marshall Breeding, Director for Innovative Technologies and Research for the Jean and Alexander Heard Library at Vanderbilt University. In addition to his work at the library, Breeding maintains the lib-web-cats and Library Technology Guides Websites; writes the monthly Systems Librarian column in Computers in Libraries published by Information Today; and for the last six years has written the annual Automated System Marketplace feature for Library Journal, among many other accomplishments and pursuits.

Public Library Directors Roundtable: Northwest Chair: Linda Senkus (Beardsley & Memorial Library, Winsted)

On Wednesday, November 19 at the Burlington Public Library, PLDR-NW hosts Stan Siegel of the Association of Connecticut Library Boards. Stan has seen all sides of running a library. He has experience as a library board member, as a member of the Friends of the Library, and as a library director. Stan serves as President of the Association of Connecticut Library Boards, and he is available as a speaker for library board meetings. Stan will speak to the group about how to best work with library boards. This meeting will be limited to library staff only. Coffee begins at 9:30 am, with the meeting following from 10 am to noon.

Interlibrary Loan Roundtable: West Chair: Mark Gore (Housatonic Community College) and Liz Pisaretz (Norwalk Community College)

Children's Librarians' Roundtable: South Chair: Sue Hartley (Cheshire Public Library)

Stress getting in the way? Join your colleagues on Monday, November 17 at the Cheshire Public Library for The Stress Management Show—a stress management workshop with mime artist Robert Rivest that takes a humorous look at the many ways people stress themselves out. Through comedy, insight, and interaction, Robert Rivest ( shares his tried and true methods of stress reduction. This series of mime stories offers both comic relief and practical stress relieving techniques. Robert Rivest has the audience entertained and enthralled as he explores how to build concentration, calm the body and quiet the mind. Coffee and networking begin at 9:30 am with the workshop starting at 10 am.

ILL-W meets on Thursday, November 20 at Housatonic Community College Library with registration and networking at 9:30 am, program from 10:00 to noon.

Library Development Workshop Thanks to the Goldstone Foundation and Chris Nolan, Director of the Ridgefield Library, librarians were treated to an all-day workshop delving into the ins-and-outs of library development. Left to right: Kerri Glass (Goldstone Family Foundation), Rebecca Bryan, CFRE (R. Bryan Associates, LLC) and Chris Nolan (Director, Ridgefield Library).


November 2008

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What’s Available from WALDO What Databases are Available at a Discount from WALDO for CLC's Public and Academic Libraries?


ver 50 CLC member libraries already subscribe to databases and services from WALDO. Up to an 80% discount can be available on over 1,600 products and services. There are no annual dues or membership fees for CLC members; WALDO's 5% administrative fee is included in the price you are quoted.

WALDO has partnerships with over 50 vendors. This month there are new Ejournal offers available from Sage Publishing, Oxford University Press, and Taylor & Francis. Check out the Fall Specials available at SpecialsFall08.pdf. While these WALDO database discounts are available only for public and academic libraries, we have partnered with OCLC Eastern for all of our school libraries' database and other eContent needs. Visit services/databases.html for more information on both WALDO and OCLC Eastern.

WALDO Database Vendors 2008/2009 ACM Alexander Street Press ACLS AMS Berkeley Press Bernan Books24X7 Cambridge University Press Cengage Learning/Gale Charleston Advisor CLCD Columbia University Press Computing Reviews ContentScan CountryWatch CQ Press CRC Press Credo Reference CSA Dekker Docutek ebrary ExamMaster Gallup Greenwood Press H.W. Wilson Hoovers

HRAF IGI Global LexisNexis LibLime McGraw Hill Mergent Morningstar Natural Medicines Naxos Newsbank Noodletools OCLC Ovid Oxford University Press Paratext Polling the Nations Project Muse ProQuest PsychiatryOnline Routledge Sage Serials Solutions Springer STAT-USA TeachingBooks Turnitin

Business Database Showcase On October 31 at Middlesex Community College, CLC's Database Committee and WALDO sponsored a "showcase" of business databases featuring vendor presentations from Stat USA, Mergent, Hoovers, D&B, ProQuest and Morningstar. The Business Services Roundtable plans to follow up to determine which databases to buy for which patron requests. Photos, clockwise from top: Happy Halloween from the participants on their way to lunch; Bridgeport Public Library's Collection Development Manager Tina Geoffino with NVCC's Alison Wang; The US Coast Guard Academy's Pat Daragan, CLC Business RT co-chair Jennifer Keohane of Simsbury Public Library, and the State Library's Eric Hansen of iCONN.

Get More Info On WALDO Offers For discounted pricing and order information on products, contact Joanne Montgomery, Senior Electronic Resources Specialist, at 800.326.6495, ext. 2, or email Send faxes to 617.327.5516. Visit

November 2008


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CLC Discounts, News and More Demco "Green" Tote Bags CLC is offering two types of "green" tote bags through Demco: Custom-imprinted totes and stock totes without customization. y Custom-imprinted totes (order direct from Demco): Demco is offering Custom Imprinted Non-woven Recyclable Tote Bags at $269.10 for 100 bags through December 15, 2008. Minimum order is 100. Bags are 12"H x 16"W x 6" with gusset. Price includes custom text (additional fee for logos) on one side. All bags must be the same color. For larger quantities or other imprinting options (logos, two colors) contact Margie Meinzer at or 866.558.9068. Refer to Quotation Number M8C005 to get this discount. Orders must be received by December 15. y Stock totes (purchase via CLC): CLC is coordinating a bulk purchase of Demco's Go Green Recyclable Tote Bag. Bag measures 12"H x 16"W x 6"D. The cost is $1 per bag including shipping. Send orders to

Rand McNally Classroom Rand McNally is offering their award-winning online service, Rand McNally Classroom, through CLC at a considerably discounted price through the end of December 2008! Rand McNally Classroom helps integrate geographic instruction into curriculum and provide homework help and reference content needed to supplement your expensive maps, globes, and atlases. For more information, including pricing, visit and select "Rand McNally Classroom" from the list of news items. Visit to sign up for a free trial through December 31. Log in using Name: CLCmaps and Password: geography.

FY 2009-2010 CLC Dues for Budgeting Purposes: y Maximum increases to $675 y Minimum increases to $150

Don't Miss World Book's 2009 Pre-Pub Specials y World Book 2009 print pre-pub special—$869 y World Book Discovery Encyclopedia—$359 y World Book's Living Green—$279 Buy any two sets and save 10%. Buy all 3 sets and save 15%. Pricing includes shipping and handling. Contact World Book Representative Susan Cartledge at 877.245.5508, or email Offer expires December 12, 2008.

Linworth Publishing Workshops Linworth Publishing is offering an exciting expanded array of professional development workshops in its Fall 2008 Linworth @ The Forefront Webinar Series. These popular live, web-delivered professional training sessions offer an excellent and affordable opportunity to see and hear about the latest in library and education practices from Linworth's esteemed authors and education practice innovators. Reserve your spot today— — space is limited! For more information call 800.786.5017.

October CCALD Meeting Mike Simonds and Amy Terlaga of Bibliomation, John Stromquist of WALDO, and Mary Dixey of Renssellaer at Hartford attended the October CCALD (CT Council of Academic Library Directors) meeting, where the topic was Open Source. Mike and Amy discussed Bibliomation's project with public and school libraries, and John discussed WALDO's project with academic libraries. Both projects are using Koha Zoom, supported by LibLime, for their consortial ILS.

y Everything else stays the same Questions? Call Pattie Noren at 860.465.5001.

For more info go to 2008_06_01_archive.html, or


November 2008

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Connecticut Library Super-Programmers!


very month, this page spotlights new performers available through CLC's online programming catalog. But how do you decide which performers to choose? This is the second installment of our special feature on Library Super-Programmers to help provide you with precious feedback from those colleagues whose rolodexes you'd love to steal. The ones fortunate enough to have the budget, support, and space to offer programs, coupled with an uncanny ability to ferret out the best talent available. Spotlight on…Carol Brown Adult Programming Librarian New Haven Free Public Library

Like many of Connecticut's libraries, New Haven Free Public Library is facing some challenging times and a shrinking budget. But you would never guess it by looking at the library's programming calendar, teeming with great events! Despite a modest budget, NHFPL’s Carol Brown continues to provide fantastic educational and cultural events. By partnering with neighboring organizations and non-profits, Carol stretches her programming dollars by creating her own spin on the Grimm Brothers' Stone Soup. "We don't really have much of a programming budget, and that's where the collaboration pays off," says Carol.

Carol sits on numerous community committees, including: Big Read for Greater New Haven, the Chamber of Commerce Steering Committee, Literacy Volunteers, the Community Loan Fund and many more. Almost every non-profit administrator in the greater New Haven Area knows Carol Brown as a tremendously valuable resource. She takes every opportunity to distribute flyers for NHFPL's upcoming events and workshops, and talks up the library's resources and services. Carol's outreach pays dividends by raising the library's profile in the community, increasing attendance at events and developing additional opportunities for programs. Her relationship with local non-profit and community organizations is symbiotic, and each group adds something to the soup. "Developing the audience is the key to successful programming. We need to let our communities know what we offer. Constantly. We need to tell them why they want to go. And we need to deliver that information directly to them—through regular meetings, friendly visits, emails, blogging and follow-up." Check out Carol's blog at

Here are some of Carol's picks for low-cost, no-cost, or "definitely worth the money" programs. Visit CLC's Library Resource Online Catalog (LROC) at for more information about these and other programs. y Civilian Conservation Corps Camps in CT: Marty Podskoch—Local history, folksy, brought old-timers with him. y How To Get Published: Lucy Hedrick—Practical and well-connected. y Maria Poirier Brandriff —Chocolate @ Your Library. Good quality program, excellent discussion and samples and good feedback from audience. 203.288.1015. y QuickBooks: Phoebe Browning—Knowledgable, personable, and reasonable. 203.887.8485.

y The Life of William Webb—Kevin Johnson. Great program. 860.757.6589. y Sally Matson as Susan B. Anthony—The Invincible!— Really excellent program that appeals to all ages. y Bamboo: Whitney Adams—Our Program Room never looked so lovely! 860.572.5229. y Nonprofit workshops offering legal overview on variety of subjects—Attorney/presenter Priya Morganstern is lively and on target for what non-profits need and want to know.

New Additions to CLC’s Library Resource Online Catalog Marina Forbes—Traditional Russian Artist & Educator • Italy, A Cultural Journey, with Ashley Turney • CT Bar Association • Laurie Stolarz—YA Author • Butterfly Chinese Dance Troupe • Dr. Jonathan Spinner—Real Fundraising Rona Leventhal—Storyteller • Theaterworks • Laura Jacques—Children's Book Illustrator and Naturalist

Connecticut Library Consortium CONNtext • November 2008 Board of Directors

Registration Now Open!

Roslyn Rubinstein, Chair Waterford Public Library

Admission is FREE! Attendance is Limited. Sign Up Today to Secure Your Spot.

Carl Antonucci Capital Community College

Thursday, December 4, 2008 • 9 am - 6 pm

Randi Ashton-Pritting University of Hartford Libraries

Connecticut Legislative Office Building located in Hartford

Bernadette Baldino Easton Public Library

Anita Barney The Brookfield Library

Candice Brown New Britain Public Library

Susan Burke Griswold High School

Charles Marlor CCSU

The Fourth Library Journal Design Institute Moves to Connecticut for a One-Day Think Tank on Green Design Leading architects, designers, librarians, and vendors will come together to hone in on the challenges and solutions we face in making libraries sustainable. Join us for a day-long series of green-themed presentations, panels, and breakout sessions, and learn the latest developments, options, costs and strategies being adopted. Limited to 100 attendees, this free seminar is for those considering a new building project or renovation, in the fundraising, or pre-bond stage, or in the early building process.

Register online via

Arthur Meyers Russell Library

Questions? Contact

Amy Plympton

Mark Your Calendar for This Event!


Sandra Ruoff Guilford Free Library

Keith Stetson Fairfield University

Amy Terlaga Bibliomation Janet Woycik Cyrenius H. Booth Library

Christine Bradley, Exec. Dir. Connecticut Library Consortium


Connecticut Library Consortium

234 Court Street Middletown, CT 06457

Presorted First-Class Mail U.S. Postage Paid New Britain, CT 06050 Permit No. 20

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