CLC CONNtext, April 2009

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Connecticut Library Consortium

The Newsletter of the Connecticut Library Consortium

April 2009 VOLUME 6 y ISSUE 10

Highlights y Roundtable News page 4

y WALDO page 5

y The Latest CLC News and Discounts page 6

y New Additions to the Museum Pass Program page 7

y Performer Spotlight page 7

y Darien Library Summit page 7

In Every Issue y Library Happenings & Member News pages 2 and 3

y April Calendar page 3

Contact Us 860.344.8777 (Middletown) 860.344.9199 (Middletown Fax) 860.465.5001 (Willimantic) 860.465.5004 (Willimantic Fax) 860.529.2938 (Donohue Group)

Toll-Free Numbers 800.304.5403 (Middletown) 800.260.5427 (Willimantic)

CONN text

Favorite Poem Project Kick Off


onnecticut’s Favorite Poem Project, co-sponsored by CLC, CLA, and the International Festival of Arts and Ideas, is kicking off with former U. S. Poet Laureate and founder of the Favorite Poem Project, Robert Pinsky, on Wednesday, April 29 at 10:15 am at the CLA conference in New Haven. For those of you who might like to participate, go to the Favorite Poem Project on CLC’s website and/or the Festival's website at view_page.php?id=69. All of the following documents are available for download to help you get your planning started: • Favorite Poem Submission Form The official form that can be used to submit favorite poems to the Festival. • 30 Ways to Celebrate Poetry 30 suggested programming ideas for any library or organization. • How to Host a Favorite Poem Community Reading A step-by-step guide to planning your own Favorite Poem Community Reading. • How to Read a Poem: A Discussion Guide for Book Clubs A two-page guide to help you host a discussion about poetry with your book club or group. • Calendar Submission Form Email this form to to have your event posted on the Festival's online event calendar.

Some of the librarians at the Favorite Poem Project organizational meeting on March 13: (l to r) Patty Baldwin (Guilford Free Library), Jessica Hodorski (Torrington PL), Marcia Lewis (West Hartford PL's Faxon branch), Carol Brown (NHFPL), Melissa Canham-Clyne (NHFPL's Wilson branch), Sarah Shepherd (Bethany PL), and Edith Evangeliste (Cheshire PL).

Tell Us About Your Plans to Participate Since we would like to acknowledge all Favorite Poem Partners, if your organization is committed to being a partner (by hosting events, collecting submission cards, or publicizing the project), send the following info to Deb Zulick at Organization Name, Address, Phone Number, Contact Person, and a Brief Description of your plans for participation in FPP.

Would You Like to be Interviewed by The New York Times? The New York Times is interested in writing a piece on the Favorite Poem Project in Connecticut and how different communities throughout the state are participating. Let us know immediately if you would like to be contacted to be interviewed. Email Andria Matthews at if you want to be a part of the Favorite Poem Project, or if you have any questions at all!


April 2009

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Library Happenings and Member News

Congratulations to the following libraries, recipients of star awards in the Library Journal Index of Public Library Service: Darien Library, Greenwich Library, David M. Hunt Library (Canaan), Norfolk Library, Acton Public Library (Old Saybrook) and Westport Public Library. Library Journal's new national rating of public libraries identifies 256 "star" libraries out of 7,115 public libraries reviewed. The top libraries in each operating expenditure category get five, four, or three Michelin guide-like stars. Scores are based on per capita figures for circulation, visits, program attendance, and internet terminal uses. All included libraries, stars or not, can use their scores to learn from their peers and improve service to their communities. For the complete list go to Maura Deedy (left), Information services librarian at Ferguson Library in Stamford (and chair of the technology sandbox at the CLA conference), with Kathy Leeds of Wilton Library (and president of CLA), at the March FLAG program at Danbury Public Library on social networking (FaceBook, Twitter, etc.). Below: The Waterford Rotary Club donated $500 to the Waterford Public Library to enhance its collection of "Easy Readers." Pictured are members of the Rotary Club and Roz Rubinstein, Library Director and Rotarian.

Ruth Gaffey, Amy Humphries, Bobbie Borne, and Leslie Scherer led Wallingford Public Library's staff in the PLA Planning process, Strategic Planning for Results, an exercise in determining the community's vision as a basis for a vision for the library. This process usually involves community stakeholders, but several libraries have recently gone through the process with library staff, most of whom reside in their library’s community. The Whittemore Library in Naugatuck is doing a month-long salute to America's favorite pastime—baseball. On Tuesday, April 21, newspaperman Don Harrison will discuss his book, Connecticut Baseball: The Best of the Nutmeg State at 6:30 pm. On Wednesday, April 29, author Allen Barra will talk about his new book, Yogi Berra: Eternal Yankee Talk at 6:30 pm. Raffles of items donated from several local baseball teams are also planned, including: two tickets to a future game at the new Yankee Stadium, a signed baseball from Red Sox First baseman Kevin Youkilis, and tickets to the CT Defenders and Bridgeport Bluefish. Thanks to Canton Public Library's Head of Children's Services, Heather Baker (who is also the CT Nutmeg Book Award Co-Chair) for writing the following recap of the recent CLC Bus Trip to the Eric Carle Museum in Amherst, MA: Twenty-two CT librarians traveled to the Eric Carle Museum on Tuesday, March 24. The Museum staff loaded us down with free goodies and lovely refreshments, and we heard two tremendous speakers: Barbara Ellhman, curator for the Virginia Lee Burton Exhibit currently on display in the gallery; and the infamous Jim Trelease. (I was quite star-struck, his books were a HUGE influence on my career path twenty years ago.) And, as always, the "finds" in the picture book library and gift store were wonderful. The much-esteemed Meghan Lambert recommended (from her own story time experiences): Puzzlehead by James Lang, Yours Truly Louisa by Simon Puttock, A Penguin Story by Antoinette Portis, and Willoughby and the Lion by Greg Foley.


April 2009

Happenings and Member News In celebration of National Library Week (April 12-18), you can take a moment to share how you have benefited from using the library. Just visit, click on the "Love Your Library?" link and fill out the online form to tell your library story. The campaign is an initiative of the South Carolina State Library and the Association of Public Library Administrators.

City of Thieves by David Benioff has been selected as the 2009 One Book Eastern Connecticut. Plans are underway for Benioff to attend the kick-off in May and return for the program finale in September. City of Thieves is a novel about the siege of Leningrad and does include some "objectionable" language and difficult scenes of violence, so schools will be urged to read the book and decide its suitability for their students. The committee plans to find companion books for the middle school and elementary readers. If you have any suggestions, please email Groton Public Library Director Betty Anne Reiter at Amber Lansing, Library Specialist at Avon Free Public Library, has been awarded the 2009 scholarship from the Caroline Hewins Scholarship Fund administered by Hartford Public Library. The scholarship is awarded to those planning to specialize in library work with children and who are participating in a graduate library school program.

Submit Your Happenings & News! Send your library’s news, ideas, photos, etc. to CONNtext editor Kathy Charbonneau at The deadline is the 20th of each month.

L to R: Elizabeth Abbe, Cynthia Harbeson, and Jennifer Pike at the CT Historical Society's week of discussions focusing on customer service.

Comings and Goings . . . Betty Anne Reiter has been appointed the Director of the Groton Public Library. Beverly Lambert has retired as Director of Bloomfield's Prosser Library. Prosser's Children's Librarian Roberta LaMonaca has been named as director. Mario Gonzalez, the former director at Greenwich Public Library is now the Library Director at Passaic Public Library in New Jersey. Michele Capozzella (right) is now Assistant Director at Danbury PL. She was formerly with the public library in Chappaqua, NY. Jenny Benedict and Matt Poland are the Interim Directors of the Hartford Public Library. Left: The Mayor of Norwalk both roasting and giving Norwalk Public Library Director Les Kozerowitz a proclamation on his retirement at the end of April. Frank Ferro will move up from Assistant Director to Director. A big thanks to all of the libraries that submitted their news for CLC CONNtext this month!

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April 2009 Calendar of Events WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15 Northeast DVD Swap Willimantic Service Center, 9:30

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22 Southeast DVD Swap East Lyme PL, 9:00 PlayAway Shoreline Swap East Lyme PL, 9:00 Technology Roundtable Farmington Library, 9:30

THURSDAY, APRIL 23 Northwest DVD Swap Harwinton Town Hall, 9:00 CLC Board of Directors Meeting Russell Library, Middletown, 2:00

FRIDAY, APRIL 24 Southwest DVD Swap Southbury PL, 9:30

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29 CLA Conference: Day 1 Omni Hotel, New Haven, All day

THURSDAY, APRIL 30 CLA Conference: Day 2 Omni Hotel, New Haven, All day Adult Programming Roundtable New Haven Free PL, 2:15

May 2009 FRIDAY, MAY 1 CLA Conference: Day 3 Omni Hotel, New Haven, All day

MONDAY, MAY 4 Children's Librarians' Roundtable: Northwest , Beardsley & Memorial Library, Winsted, 9:30

TUESDAY, MAY 5 CLC/OCLC Direct Workshop: Strategic Planning Easton PL, 9:00

WEDNESDAY, MAY 6 Northwest Audio Swap Bethlehem PL, 10:00


April 2009

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April Roundtable Highlights and Other Events Please Join Us These roundtables are open to all member library staff regardless of geographic location or job title. Be sure to register online in advance at

Technology Roundtable Chairs: Nancy Haag (North Haven Memorial Library) and Julie Lee (Russell Library, Middletown)

The next Technology Roundtable meeting will take place on Wednesday, April 22 at the Farmington Library. Coffee will be offered at 9:30 with the meeting following from 10:00 to noon. In addition to seeing the library, we will be able to see CASSIE and SPOT in action. CASSIE is a public computer time and print management system, and SPOT is the wireless network authentication and printing module. See more information at

YuFind Demo Many thanks to Alison Wang of Naugatuck Valley Community College and Daniel Lovins and Jeff Barnett of Yale for arranging a YuFind demo for CLC members on Tuesday, April 21 from 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm at Sterling Memorial Library lecture hall ( This is a perfect opportunity to see this open source search software first developed at Villanova University. (Some of you may have seen the VuFind demo given by Villanova's Joe Lucia at Trendspotting in January at UHartford.) There is no charge for this program, but you must register online at Registration will be limited to 30 people. Some of the questions to be addressed are: • Why Yale chose VuFind and not other open source tools • What functions YuFind adds to Yale's ILS • The major challenges during implementation

Adult Programming Roundtable Chairs: Karen Ronald (Fairfield Public Library) and Cynde Lahey (New Canaan Public Library)

On Thursday, April 30 at 2:15 pop over to the New Haven Free Public Library while you're attending the CLA conference in New Haven—it's less than a quarter mile walk across the New Haven Green from the Omni! We'll have an Open Forum on programming with Cynde Lahey, New Canaan Library, and Karen Ronald, Fairfield PL.

• What tools/open source programs were used in the implementation • What requirements are for ILS, server space, technology skill level • What the feedback has been from library users • How YuFind works now and the road map to YuFind Contact Alison Wang ( if you have questions about the demo. For travel/parking directions go to

Upcoming Greening Our Valley Events The Middlesex County Libraries continue to help their patrons "go green” this spring, and invite you and your patrons to two big Green events: EcoFest on Sunday, May 17 at Middlesex Community College: As part of the Greening Our Valley Grant, funded by the Middlesex County Community Foundation, Middlesex County Libraries are hosting an EcoFest. Libraries will be on hand with green activities and displays, ArtFarm will perform their Circus for a Fragile Planet, the Middletuners will provide music, and there will be many other eco-friendly activities, food and fun! Author Elizabeth Royte on Thursday, June 4 at Clinton Town Hall: Elizabeth Royte is the author of Bottlemania: How Water Went on Sale and Why We Bought It. Her previous books, Garbage Land: On the Secret Trail of Trash and The Tapir's Morning Bath, were named New York Times Notable Books of the Year.

Visit for more information or to see other upcoming green events.


April 2009

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Specials from WALDO McGraw-Hill

LexisNexis Academic

The AccessEngineering site is now the official new site of McGraw-Hill, replacing Digital Engineering Library. AccessEngineeringoffers a dynamic online resource of world-renowned engineering content.

LexisNexis Academic pricing is now available for 2009-2010.

Major changes and improvements have been made to the navigation, interface and search engine. The site offers a lot of the same content but is now a very different product.

New orders/renewals can be placed at any time. All renewal orders must be submitted by April 30, 2009 in order for access to continue starting July 1, 2009. If you would like to switch your renewal to WALDO, please place an order by the deadline.

New content areas have been added for a total of 14: biomedical, chemical, civil, communications, construction, electrical, energy, environmental, green/sustainable, industrial, material science, mechanical, nanotechnology, and optical. Cover images are now included with each of the books.

LexisNexis Academic provides access to full-text news, business, and legal publications, using a variety of flexible search options. One of the most heavily used databases in higher education, LexisNexis Academic is available at over 1,500 libraries serving over 8 million students and faculty. It is a standard element in many research and information literacy programs.

McGraw-Hill expects to add 5 new books per month and hopes to add 10 titles per month by the end of the year and introducing other types of media as well.

For more information about LexisNexis Academic visit their website at academic-overview.aspx.

Columbia University Press


Columbia University Press regretfully announces that Columbia Earthscape will cease operations on June 30, 2009.

Ebrary has recently launched a new Small Library program that offers deeper discounts for small academics and community colleges with an FTE of less than 2500.

Subscriptions to the site can no longer support the rising costs of day-to-day operations. CUP is pleased to have been able to bring this valuable resource to students, scholars, and the library community. Current subscribers to Columbia Earthscape will continue to receive access until June 30.

Alexander Street Press Alexander Street Press has announced that the new streaming video collection, American History in Video is now live and ASP is offering free access for 30 days. American History in Video contains 420 hours of newsreels, History Channel documentaries, biographies, and more. Pricing is available by logging into the WALDO website. For more information about this new resource, visit http:// Free Trial Access is available at

Included in this new program is lower pricing for Academic Complete (more than 42,000 titles), Community College Complete (more than 19,000 titles) as well as 16 Subject Specific Collections. For a complete list of all Ebrary titles, please visit http:// Contact WALDO for pricing information.

Get More Information on WALDO Offers For discounted pricing and order information on products, contact Joanne Montgomery, Senior Electronic Resources Specialist at 800.326.6495, ext. 2, or email Send faxes to 617.327.5516.


April 2009


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The Latest CLC News and Discounts Healthy Messages

Vendor Specials


• Audio Editions is offering Playaways at a 20% discount and free shipping, no minimums. To order call 800.231.4261 or go to

he American Heart Association, CLA, CLC and the Department of Health have teamed up to offer a series of Healthy Messages @ Your Library. Healthy Messages for April include: • National Start Walking Day on April 8th • National Public Health Week • National Donate Life Month • Cancer Control Month • National Infant Immunization Month Watch for deliveries from CCar, with posters, flyers and other health materials for your library and patrons.

No Child Left Inside


his month, the Department of Environmental Protection will be distributing Park Passes to CT libraries as part of their No Child Left Inside program.Watch your CCar deliveries for your pass.

• Discovery Education has a special offer and free trial (through May 1st) for schools. Products include Discovery Education Streaming, an online video library with over 7,700 full-length titles segmented into 80,000 contentspecific clips; as well as DE Science (K-8 science resources in a flexible online format); DE Health (a comprehensive health and prevention online library); DE MediaShare (a web-based content sharing system); and more. • Savin Engineers, P.C., in partnership with CREC, is offering discounted pricing on capital needs assessments via their The Capital Replacement Program, a tool to help you plan for capital needs over a 5 year period. For more info contact John Chardavoyne at 203.546.3493 or email • CLC is looking into a permanent site license for “In English,” a series of video lessons for English learners. If enough libraries participate the cost could be $100-$200 per library. Email for more info.

Competition is Good! Hill Donnelly Directories


he following Hill Donnelly Directories will be available in May: Bristol, Enfield-Windsor Locks, Hartford, Manchester, Middletown, Milford, New Britain, New London-Groton, and Norwich. The cost is $261 for the Hartford directory and $183 each for all other titles, plus $15 shipping (a savings of up to $62 off the list price).

Britannica Print Products


LC Members can currently purchase any Britannica print products at discounted CLC member pricing. Visit for pricing details. CLC members may also take advantage of Britannica's volume discount price schedule. Britannica will combine the total number of print orders received from CLC members and then apply the multiple-set discount of 5%, 10% or 15%. We will collect the total number of orders and determine the final price. See Britannica's new online catalog at


LC member libraries have two offers of discounts from W.T. Cox and from EBSCO for periodical subscription services. Send each vendor your list and see who gives you the best deal!

Visit for discount details. For specific pricing information for your library contact: W.T. Cox Shannon Caison at 800.571.9554, ext 222 or email, or fax toll free to 877.755.6274 in order to receive a quote/service proposal. EBSCO If a member library is interested in EBSCO Information Services, Inc., the library will need to send them a list of titles to which they subscribe to receive a quote. Call Michael Murphy at 800.526.2337 or 978-314-4766, or fax 978.392.3687, or email to receive a customized proposal.


April 2009

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New Additions to the Museum Pass Program

Scenes from the Latest Library Events

EcoTarium—A Museum of Science & Nature

The 2nd Annual Authors Showcase hosted by CLC's Children's Librarians' Roundtable, brought in authors from around southern New England. Thanks to Nadine Lipman, Chair of CLRT-SE for her work on this showcase. Participating authors included: Nancy Elizabeth Wallace, Dana Rau, Jenny Tripp, Eric Berlin, Gordon Morrison, Jarrett Krosoczka. Visit CLC's Online Catalog for more info about these and other authors.

EcoTarium is a unique indoor-outdoor museum that features hands-on exhibits, live animals, interpretive nature trails, a digital planetarium, the region's only treetop walkway (open seasonally), and a narrow-gauge train. The museum is located in Worcester, MA. For details, visit

Author Showcase

Slater Memorial Museum Located on the campus of Norwich Free Academy, the Slater Museum displays and interprets the best examples of fine and decorative art, representing a broad range of world cultures of the Americas, Asia, Europe, and Africa. For details visit Bush-Holley Historic Site From the early 1890s until the 1920s, the Holley House was the gathering place for a group of artists and writers who were members of what became known as the Cos Cob Art Colony, the first Impressionist art colony in Connecticut. For details visit or

Performer Spotlight: Judy Handler & Mark Levesque Audiences respond with enthusiasm to the extraordinary sound and uplifting spirit of the music of Handler and Levesque. This husband and wife duo craft inspiring arrangements of music from around the world by blending Brazilian, Latin American, swing, gypsy, classical and folk music influences. They have performed over 1,000 concerts and recorded three critically acclaimed CDs. They are eligible for partial funding through the Arts Presentation Grant program. Find sound samples and more info at Contact them at 860.871.1815 or "Listening to your rich, beautiful music is like going on vacation. I think you transported people to countries all over the world. I love your CDs. Thank you for an unforgettable performance." —Suzanne Elliot, Adult Programming, Russell Library, Middletown Be sure to visit CLC's Online Catalog for more info about these and other great performers.

Photos, l to r: Authors Nancy Elizabeth Wallace, Dana Rau, and Eric Berlin.

Darien Library Summit What a day we all had in Darien discussing the future of libraries! Speaker John Berry of Library Journal (and husband of Louise!) started the day off with a scholarly paper including Ben Franklin's library, the 1852 formation of Boston PL and Michael Stephens' re-write of Ranganathan's five laws (now four) — Library resources are for use, and for all; every resource has its user; save the time of the user; and the library is a living organism.

Photos, top row, left to right: Femmes de Farmington: Tinker Murphy, Kathy Lescoe, Barbara Knibbs; Stephen Francoeur of Baruch College and Lisa Carlucci-Thomas of Yale; Stratford Staffers: Lucretia Duwel and Cathy Coda. Photo, second row: Sarah Morgan of Farmington, Lauren McLaughlin of Wilton, and Maribeth Breen of Clinton. Photo left: Darien Library Director Louise Berry and Assistant Director of Innovation and User Experience John Blyberg.

Connecticut Library Consortium CONNtext • April 2009

Connecticut Library Association 118th Annual Conference

Board of Directors

April 29 - May 1, 2009 • Omni New Haven Hotel

A Menu for Success Conference Highlights Here are Some of the Programs to Look Forward to…

Roslyn Rubinstein, Chair Waterford Public Library Capital Community College

Technology giants Dave Lankes, Marshall Breeding and David Pogue will inspire with talks about green libraries, social networking, open source solutions and so much more. Author lunch talks by Da Chen, Nora Raleigh Baskin, and Stephen Carter will entertain, and breakfasts with publishers will remind us of our love for books!

Randi Ashton-Pritting

• Generation 4.0—Wednesday at 11 am

Carl Antonucci

University of Hartford Libraries

Bernadette Baldino Easton Public Library

Explore the four generations currently in the workforce—challenges, work styles, assumptions about each other and our future relationships.

• Meet John Adams —A Revolutionary Conversation with America's Second President Wednesday at 3:30 pm

Anita Barney

The historical figure of John Adams, portrayed by George Baker, will present his views of the nation, history and family life in an informative and humorous speech.

The Brookfield Library

Gayle Bogel SCSU

• How Do They Do That? Award-Winning Public Library Service Thursday at 11 am

Candice Brown

What makes an award-winning library? Find out from the winners of the 2009 CT Excellence in Public Library Service Awards.

New Britain Public Library

Susan Burke Griswold High School

• Kids, Science and Libraries? With PBS' FETCH? - Yes!—Friday at 9 am Draw elementary age kids into your library and increase circulation by offering hands-on science activities inspired by the PBS program, FETCH.

Charles Marlor

• Lunch with Best-selling Author Da Chen—Friday at 12:15 pm


Da Chen is the author of Colors of the Mountain: A Memoir and several other award-winning books.

Arthur Meyers Russell Library

Be sure to stop by the CLC Booth for the latest news and great give-aways! See you there!

Amy Plympton LIMRA

Sandra Ruoff Guilford Free Library

Keith Stetson Fairfield University

Amy Terlaga Bibliomation Janet Woycik Cyrenius H. Booth Library

Christine Bradley, Exec. Dir. Connecticut Library Consortium


Connecticut Library Consortium

234 Court Street Middletown, CT 06457

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