Big Bike Revival programme guide

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Programme Guide




A call to action


Our Vision, Mission, Aims and Objectives


Our approach to behaviour change


Our events model


How Big Bike Revival is delivered


Who delivers Big Bike Revival


Who benefits from Big Bike Revival


Benefits for delivery partners


What we expect from delivery partners

Contact us to apply To apply or find out more, please email:


A call to action If you are interested in delivering the Big Bike Revival, we would be delighted to hear from you. We partner with such a wide spectrum of not-for-profit groups, volunteer-led organisations and local initiatives, the reasons for expressing an interest to deliver the programme are broad and varied.

We ensure Big Bike Revival delivery partners benefit from taking part, here’s how: • • • • • • • • •

Learn how to apply behaviour change techniques and address barriers Access grant funding Access professional training opportunities Support to try out new activities or expand existing services Invited to our local and national networking events Meet like-minded partners Network with wider stakeholders Advice on solving issues and challenges Guidance on developing and sustaining regular activity


Our vision

Making cycling accessible to everyone

Our mission

To deliver free events that enable a community to start cycling, through fixing bikes, teaching skills and leading rides.

Our aims and objectives

The Big Bike Revival is funded by the Department for Transport and together we address a clear set of aims and objectives: • • • • •

encourage people who don’t cycle to cycle encourage people to cycle more often increase short cycling trips improve the perception of cycle safety improve people’s confidence to cycle

An overview of the Big Bike Revival programme The Big Bike Revival is a behaviour change programme that aims to inspire people who don’t currently cycle to get back into cycling or begin for the first time. The intervention is rolled out nationally by Cycling UK, through a programme of events that are delivered locally by community-led groups and organisations. People are offered FREE events to unlock their potential to cycle. All events have a common focus to deliver fun, social and inclusive activities and services that present cycling as a practical, normalised and everyday behaviour. Delivery partners are encouraged to offer follow-up activities to sustain journeys into regular cycling.


Our behaviour change approach To instigate a change in behaviour and increase cycling levels, we deliver a focused intervention that begins in the Spring, lasts throughout the whole Summer and ends in the Autumn. Cycling activities and services are offered for FREE at events. People who do not currently cycle are inspired to take the first steps towards change and people who cycle on a less regular basis are inspired to cycle more often. All participants are encouraged to join our local network of community groups and clubs to sustain regular cycling.

Spring - Summer - Autumn Intervention: FREE events are offered to inspire and instigate first steps towards change for people who do not currently cycle on a regular basis

The theory behind our behaviour change approach: The Big Bike Revival encourages people to get into cycling by providing solutions to perceived barriers and guides people towards regular cycling. Understanding behaviour is complex and we evaluate our programme to know which solutions work. The solutions we apply at events to enable change are aligned with theoretical models. It is the theory that provides us with confidence we are applying relevant solutions to encourage people to get into cycling. In other words, the Big Bike Revival’s approach to change is a structured and rigorous process.

The approach is guided by the COM-B model: a comprehensive theory of three interactive behavioural elements: Capability, Opportunity and Motivation. The Big Bike Revival events programme provides solutions to ensure:


People have the Capability to change


People have the Opportunity to change


People have the Motivation to change


Our FIX - LEARN - RIDE model Our FIX - LEARN - RIDE model provides solutions to perceived barriers, enables behaviour to change and cycling levels to increase through elements of: • Learning to increase knowledge and skills to ensure people have the Capability to cycle. • Fixing bikes and embedding delivery locally to ensure people have the Opportunity to cycle. • Rides that are social and normalise cycling to ensure people have the Motivation to cycle. Partners are encouraged to offer events that fit the model and the following examples are the types of events that work well.





Provide basic services to repair broken bikes and essential checks to ensure bikes are safe to ride.

Provide instruction, training or skills for people to learn to maintain their bike and cycle with confidence.

Provide led rides for people to practice cycling locally and learn new routes in a social environment.

Fixing bikes at: • Dr Bikes • Free bike checks • Basic Service

Teaching skills with: • Bike maintenance • Puncture repair • ‘M’ checks • Learn to ride • Cycle skills coaching

Leading rides that are: • beginner rides • low mileage rides • On local routes • To boost confidence • To improve safety perceptions

How the Big Bike Revival is delivered Delivery partners MUST deliver events within the Spring – Summer - Autumn intervention period and focus on reaching people who are returning or beginning to cycle. Delivery partners are encouraged to become a Community Cycle Club and offer subsequent activities and services to sustain cycling behaviour. For information on our current roll out and how to apply, visit our website: www.cyclinguk/ bigbikerevival Interested partners are able to apply for grant funding to support the delivery of events and approved applications can expect support from Cycling UK. Grant applicants must align the delivery with the aims and objectives of the programme and all applications are subject to a review process.

Spring - Summer - Autumn

Partners must deliver this

Intervention events capture peoples cycling behaviour as they begin a journey towards change

Delivery partners are encouraged to join our sustainable cycling programme: the Community Cycle Club network We support partners to develop their activities and services for the local need. Beyond delivering the Big Bike Revival, partners have an option to join our Community Cycle Club network. Focusing on sustainability, cycling activities and services are offered all year round across our community network.

Bike Bike Revival: Spring-Summer-Autumn

Community Cycle Clubs: All year round

Offer people starting or returning to cycling the first steps to cycle regularly

Offer cycling activities all year round to sustain changes and new habits in cycling




Who delivers Big Bike Revival

Community Cycle Clubs

Bicycle Recycling Centres

Community Interest Companies

The Big Bike Revival is delivered in partnership by a network of volunteer-led groups and not-for-profit organisations which are rooted in local communities and working to tackle a range of needs and challenges. The lived experience and expertise of community led groups enables the Big Bike Revival to successfully reach the target audience by breaking down barriers, helping people cope with challenges and offering a sympathetic and non-judgmental approach to delivering cycling activities.

Social Enterprises



Volunteer-led groups

Youth projects

Wellbeing groups

Community Hubs

Who benefits The Big Bike Revival not only targets people reviving a love of cycling or beginning for the first time, it engages with people in need, in terms of social, economic and health deprivation. Delivery partners are experts in addressing social inequalities and breaking down barriers, by reaching people from diverse backgrounds and facing multiple challenges.

Like: Martin who became a bike mechanic and overcame unemployment and homelessness

Big Bike Revival engages a wide range of people identifying as: • • • • • • • • • • •

On low incomes Suffering poor mental health Not meeting physical activity guidelines Homeless Lacking confidence Unemployed Military Veterans Experiencing substance misuse Ethnically diverse Refugee and asylum seekers Experiencing transport poverty

Like: Caitlin who is addressing inequalities and the gender gap

Like: Joan who learnt to cycle again aged 80


Benefits for delivery partners Delivery partners can expect to receive dedicated support and benefits from taking part in the programme.

Access to professional training qualifications and upskilling opportunities

Expert knowledge on how to inspire behaviour change and sustain regular cycling

Partnering with the national cycling charity

Support from one of dedicated cycling development officers 10

Grant funding to support the delivery of events during the intervention period

FREE branded marketing materials to promote your events locally

Invited to local and national networking events

Advice to promote and market events

Opportunity to join our Community Cycle Club network

Participate in behaviour change workshops and learn about toolkits that address barriers to cycling

Our expectation Delivery partners enter a Grant funding contact and are expected to fulfill a number of tasks.

MUST collect minimal beneficiary personal data (name, email and consent)

Ensure that beneficiary personal data is returned to Cycling UK 48 hours after each event

Ask beneficiaries to consent to Cycling UK contacting them post event

MUST deliver events within the Spring-Summer-Autumn period and dates as specified by Cycling UK

MUST target an audience of returner or beginner cyclists

Agree to deliver a set number of events and ensure they are FREE to beneficiaries

Design events around the FIX – LEARN – RIDE model

Keep in regular contact with a Cycling Development Officer

Meet the aims and objectives of the Big Bike Revival

Ability and skills to use online software to return data and documents


Contact us to apply To apply or find out more, please email: Or go to our website;

Cycling UK is a trading name of the Cyclists’ Touring Club (CTC) a company limited by guarantee, registered in England no: 25185. Registered as a charity in England and Wales charity no: 1147607 and in Scotland charity no: SCO42541. Registered toffice: Parklands, Railton Road, Guildford, Surrey GU2 9JX

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