1 minute read
People thrive in cycling cities
Foreword by Robyn Jankel, Chair of York Cycling Campaign
People often say to me “I’d love to cycle in York, but it just feels far too dangerous”. Lack of safe, accessible, direct routes, and no segregated cycle lanes all make cycling in our city a daunting prospect. But it really shouldn’t be.
We all know about the health benefits of cycling, but its impact on the quality of life within our communities is also measurable. Cycling directly addresses so many of the ills we face today, from congestion and pollution in our beautiful city, to an overwhelmed NHS and the climate crisis.
42 Ways to Transform York is about making cycling in York safe, convenient, and accessible for everyone. You can dip into it or read it sequentially and we do hope it will inspire you to further action and to join our campaign. These suggestions will lead to a healthier, happier, more equitable environment, not just for cyclists but for everyone here to live and to thrive. This is York Cycle Campaign’s manifesto for a better city.