1 minute read
i Cycling is good for York
Imagine a city which is designed for people. A city which is accessible, friendly, clean and pollution-free. Isn’t that the place you’d like to live in? So why have we stuffed our city full of dangerous and toxic vehicles?
1 Become a city of people, not vehicles
We seem to have lost sight of why we need to travel. Years of disastrous traffic planning focussing on vehicles and traffic flow has ensured that the only way to do so is by car – such that most trips in York are now driven by a single person on a short journey. We all need to travel across York at times, but far too often we’re doing it in the wrong way. We should emphasise the movement of people, not vehicles! By making it easier to walk and cycle, we’ll be refocusing York’s priorities towards a better quality of life for everyone who lives here.