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24 Plan better for cycles during roadworks
Even minor roadworks involve a lot of signage. Quite often this is thoughtlessly placed, blocking cycle paths and forcing cyclists out into the main road. When works happen on major roads, diversions are put in place that allow motorists to continue their journeys. The only thing which changes is the length. But for cyclists, no such luxury. Diversions often include steps, barriers, requests to dismount, or point towards a major road shared with motorised vehicles. This is especially dangerous and disastrous when the route in question is an off-road path and therefore popular with the most vulnerable users. Roadworks are inevitable but such substandard treatment is not. Alternative, high-quality routes must be included as standard when roadworks are planned, and if this requires shutting a length of main road to allow for separated cycling during the works, then so be it. The diversion must be as safe as the route experiencing the works.