BRS Industry Expert Spotlight - David Connelly

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The retail industry is an ever-evolving sector that requires a deep understanding of consumer behavior, market trends, and strategic planning to succeed. David Connelly, the Director of Purchasing for Five Below, is among the most impressive retail industry experts.

He is an expert in the retail industry with a unique blend of knowledge, experience, and skills. David's ability to adapt to changing market conditions, lead teams effectively, and stay ahead of the competition makes him a valuable asset in the retail landscape.

After completing his college education, David began his career in retail by joining national retailers’ managerial training programs. He acquired valuable experience in-store and corporate roles. As time passed, he continued to grow within the industry and earned more retail store operations responsibilities, further honing his skills and expertise.

“At the heart of Five Below's growth strategy is its focus on increasing its number of stores. In the third quarter of fiscal 2023, the company opened 74 locations. With plans to inaugurate more than 200 stores in fiscal 2024 and 2025.”
Yahoo Finance

David, the Director of Purchasing at Five Below since 2016, believes that



whichisakeyconcepttohissuccess.WhenhejoinedFive Below,herealizeditwasmorethanjustaretailchain.The companyempowersindividualstobetheirbestandgrowdaily. Priortojoining,DavidreadanarticleaboutFiveBelow,whichhas beenheadquarteredinPhiladelphiasinceitsfoundingin2003,in anewspaperandknewhebelongedthereandcouldaddvalue.

Davidleadsaninnovativeteamofprocurementprofessionals adeptatanalyzingdata,identifyinggrowthopportunities, innovatingstrategiestoimproveprocesses,andstreamliningFive Below'shyper-aggressivenewstoreandremodelingprogram.

Whentaskedwithmanagingarobustnewstoreandremodelingplan whilereducingthecostsoftheirsuppliesprogram,Davidhadthe foresighttochooseapartnerthatwouldbetherightpartnerforthe future.Hesaid,“Weknewweneededapartnerthatwouldgrowwithus andstrategicallyalignwithustoplanforthestoresweareopeningin 2030,notjustthisyear.”

David’sabilitytoadapttochangingmarketconditionswasevidentinhis storyaboutovercomingthechallengethatthepandemiccausedthe retailindustry.Whenitbecameinevitablethattheworldofretailwould changeinMarch2020,DavidwrotetohispartnersatBRSandstated, “Wearedowntoday,anditisokaytofeelthatrightnow,buttomorrow, wewillcontinuetomoveforward,wearedownbutnotout.”

Davidledbyexamplethroughoutthattime,andFiveBelowcontinuedto moveforwardandkeeptheirassociatesassafeaspossiblewhile continuingtoinnovatetheirstoresandservetheircustomers.

Five Below Corporate Headquarters “WOWTOWN located in Philadelphia, PA

FiveBelowCorporateHeadquarters “WOWTOWNlocatedinPhiladelphia,PA

Those around him recognize his leadership skills. He has an innate ability to quickly process and analyze large amounts of data, making him an analytical decisionmaker. His charisma and self-awareness inspire others whilecreatingastrongsenseofteamwork.

For example, he manages two teams: one dedicated to thestoregrowthprogram,newstores,remodels,etc.,and a separate team that supports the existing store supply replenishment program. These two teams are crosstrained to support all responsibilities of the department andacrossmuchofFiveBelow.

David led his team and its partners, and together, they completed almost 700 projects in 2023 while supporting more than 1,500 stores. One of their remarkable achievements this year has been 21 stores in a single day.However,hehumorouslypointsoutthatraisingtwins hashonedhisskillsinmanagingchaos.

David takes immense pride in Five Below's corporate headquarters in Philadelphia. From which he develops ways to support the greater community in Philadelphia and surrounding areas.


The retail industry is demanding. Bunzl’s Industry Spotlight is our way of sharing best practices and tips from our flagship customers so that all our program partners can benefit from lessons learned. We take our responsibility as a chosen partner to today’s top retailers seriously and remain committed to standing behind the work we do in every program.

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