Christian Times Magazine Issue 52

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By Chris Grahn Howard











Issue 52 | Page 02

Christian Times Magazine

Introducing Charles Lingerfelt "Born a Tennessean and Educated there" Born a Tennessean and educated there, Charles Lingerfelt received his formal training at Lee University in Cleveland, Tennessee, where he also met his wife - the former Miss Carolyn McAvoy. After dating and an engagement period, Charles and Carolyn became husband and wife on August 30, 1964. From this marriage came three sons and three daughters, and today after all children are married. Charles and Carolyn have 14 beautiful grandchildren and three Greatgrandchildren. Three of their children were born in Texas after Charles and Carolyn made Texas their home in 1969. Charles has successfully served in many capacities in his lifetime - all of which consistently involve serving people. After having been taught by his parents to love people. Charles has served as a Teacher, a Coach of Football, Basketball, and Baseball, Assistant Principal, and Principal. Many times while serving as a Coach, he was forced to raise his own funds to buy sporting equipment,

jerseys and pads, pants and shoes, helmets and shoulder pads, in order for his students to play the Games safely and successfully. Charles has never wavered in asking people to participate financially for a worthy cause. In 1972, Charles and Carolyn founded a work in Central Texas and incorporated it as a Non-profit corporation to help reach youth and young adults from the pitfalls of drug addiction, alcoholism, gang-related activities and others who were troubled with breaking the law. He has never viewed any case whatsoever as hopeless and lost forever. His lifetime desire has always been to reach the least, the last, and the lost. Charles and Carolyn have always devoted themselves to just loving people no matter who, or where.

Since 1972, Charles has been devoted to work in the grassroots helping people at various levels become elected to different positions ~ from Judges to Justices, and from Mayors to Presidents ~ from Senators and Congressmen to Governors and other high-level personnel. He has Marched throughout Texas with his American flag in pro-Constitutional rallies, ‘I Love America’ Rallies, Pro-family and antiabortion campaigns, and many Support-theTroops rallies throughout America. He has worked the phone banks in Texas and in many other states to help get the Voters out to the polls to vote. He has been the Organizer in many of these Conservative and Republican campaigns which have attracted thousands,

Issue 52 | Page 03

or hundred, and has even marched alone to represent the American values and the American way of life. He has served the Republican Party as Precinct Chair, Delegate to a number of conventions, Chairman of Senatorial Districts and committees within the party and districts. In 2006, Charles and Don English went to Kurdistan in Northern Iraq and established the Kurdish American School in the city of Dohuk, teaching collegelevel and young Kurds, Assyrians, and Izzedi adults in American English, Government, and democratic principles. Charles has traveled back to Kurdistan on sixteen different occasions since to perform these duties as Teacher/Director and Founder of the School there in Northern Iraq. Since 2006, Charles has returned to Kurdistan 18 times to teach American English, Government, and the Constitution as it relates to the Constitutional Republic. Charles has continued to build relationships with the KRG(Kurdish Regional Government), the University of Dohuk, and the Department of Education and is yet today in ‘Good standing’ with all. While in Kurdistan recently, Charles visited two Izzedi Camps for IDP(Internally Displaced Persons) and two Syrian Refugee Camps. Charles returned recently to attend a WKFA(World Kurdish Friendship Association) Board of Directors meeting in the city of Erbil, and while there, he once again visited some schools in the area and Camps around the city of Dohuk for a few days.

Christian Times Magazine

Charles has accepted the New position with CTM magazine as Editor-in-Chief and will seek to improve the magazine in all areas. His personal goal is to reach 1 million readers by the Spring of 2022. He says, “We currently have a readership I’ve nearly 560,000 in the United States and Canada; and more than 250,000 in the state of Texas. We currently have a readership in the state of Texas in every county!” Mr. Lingerfelt further said, “We can improve upon this - and We Will!!!” Charles Lingerfelt and his wife reside in Dallas, Texas where the official CTM magazine headquarters are located.

Freedom is Hard, scary, but so very live in fear. From a Christian perspective, we are to fear not. God does not want his children living in fear. The Issue 52 | Page 06 Christian Times Magazine “They who would give worth the

By Chrisof Grahn Howard main benefit of our Christian Liberty is not living in fear. However, it is not a license to be stupid, The purpose our form of government is to effort. Freedom has become a create as much freedom as possible. That act foolishly, and not disregard the safety of others. As a good friend of mine likes to say, “I have philosophical topic and not the way concept has been turned on its head, and now faith that God will help me walk across a busy highway if I need to, but not if I try it with my eyes of life our founding fathers our government closed.” has become just the opposite. To be very clear, I am not talking about anarchy intended. This conversation will or that government has no proper in role in never seen before. The Pandemic has created The battle over the balance is waging realms start a bit intellectual but will be governing people. A very distinct difference several false narratives about that very balance. Before I go too deeply into those false narratives, about the need to have the freedom exists between these extremes. let us discuss the conditions that have led us here. The COVID pandemic has kept a large portion to live. Fear is the enemy of liberty. of this country, and the rest of the world locked up for a year. People on both sides are True understandably freedom frustrated, in society depressed, does require and even the rightfully angry at this disease, and its effects God has commanded us not to be consent have devastated so many lives and in so many ways. No matter your views on politics or how to of the governed and thus suggests a afraid but to walk in faith, Christian certain degree of agreement on behaviors and handle this Pandemic, you are negatively impacted. liberty. Contrary to what many minimal limits on liberties. Finding the proper believe, God does not want people balance between boundaries and liberty is a Go back to the beginning of 2020. No matter your opinion of him, Donald Trump was perceived to constant debate in our Republic; this is a debate be the odds on favorite to win re-election in November of 2020. Democrats were in a panic. to up an essential liberty for that we will cound never not finish. The American people Democrats imagine a world in which Trump served a second term. COVID hits the temporary security deserve neither should be appreciative of this fact. The balance world and gives Democrats an opening to exploit. mentioned liberty nor security.” above is equal to perfection, which -Benjamin Franklin we can never accomplish.

Why is Freedom so Frightening?

Issue 52 | Page 07 This loss is natural for all of us. Pandemics can Howard not be controlled, especially in the modern By Christian Times Magazine Chris Grahn

world. By Biden has hyper to politicizing find a path the Pandemic, democrats created forward the wedge out issue of the they anger. needed. No No matter the outcome of the easy task. Blaming Pandemic, politically Trump speaking, will the election result is now in not work. There is not likely to question. This politicized Pandemic now becomes a very sharp be someone to blame. I pray the double-edged sword for the Democrats. opportunity will arise for a spiritual revival. Revival may be Biden is now President and has the backside of that sword our only hope. swinging at him. The Politically fear in many, mostly democrats, is real. speaking, the GOP will take People are terrified of COVID. The fear is real. Too many people control of both houses in 2022, have artificially been separated from family and friends. Too most likely. We are died at least a loneliness and isolation. The many people have from decade out from understanding anxiety caused by potential contact is driving people into this the actual effects of the isolation. I predict that we are now only seeing the beginning of Pandemic. The in political fallout issues that will stem from the the explosion mental health will happen much sooner. COVID effect. People are losing friends over the debates related to COVID. Sad. COVID is not to be ignored or taken lightly; the risks are real. People are and have died. I am digressing a bit here. Would you please take the vaccine? Remember, the vaccine was developed under Trump, no matter the objections from Democrats on that point. Be proud to take the Trump vaccine. I have been fully vaccinated with no issues, side effects, or other problems. Like many other vaccines, there is a risk, and for this reason, I am against any mandate to force people to take one. Biden might like to take credit but he can not. No matter that, most who have contracted this disease will and have recovered. No matter that the massive shutdowns were not necessary. No matter the trillions in lost productivity and economic activity, not to mention the trillions in unnecessary spending. The effects are now just appearing in terms of identifiable and quantitative data. Biden now has to contend with the fear he stoked to win the White House. The train wreck that is the economy, the inflation, the job markets, and the loss of small businesses are all now a consequence Biden has to confront. Fear drove our loneliness, our economy, and our deficits. Unnecessary fear has created divisions in our society. Worst of all, fear has gnawed at our freedoms. I have no idea if we can recover our freedoms and our economy. Can we recover our social connections? How will we combat the effects of various mental illnesses? The suicides, anger issues, the fear are real. The fears are real for many people. People are angry. For many, 2020 was a whole year lost. Lost time with children, parents, grandparents, and the many events that make life fun are the drivers of anger and resentment.

body controlling all nations globally under their Issue 52 | Page 08 The post-plandemic era is a great point to take Christian Times Magazine By Katherine Daigle pivots, try government one-world out new methods of the of few recovery, privileged and experiment. The faults in our economy have elites. There is a serious and deliberate attempt been produce to exposed structural when everything changes came in to thea standstill and our way of life has been changed organization of global capitalism, the initiative permanently. necessary has This many is the factors chance including to reflect and the take stock and furtherance of audit this our plan-demic way of life. and Do we its decide that we should make it better and adapt devastating effects on global society. The keeping all possibilities of a halt in mind or does unfolding technological revolution and the America decide that we are not complying with consequences of their narrative to climate the corruption and decay introduced by the rot change. from the global and national political swamp? Consequently, as a result of our lack of America’s during attention founding the pandemic, fathers established we have been our country under Christian doctrine—that we are a bamboozled by the deep state political “Christian nation”. American Conservatism was operatives willing to remove the Constitution. built by strong Republicans based on our Our commitment to God and our faith are being founding fathers that God and country and the tested. The deception from the World Economic Christian (WEF) Forum principles and have the resulted World in Health the greatest country to have ever existed. Organization (WHO) has shifted American values of individualism, freedom, faith in God, self-reliance, equality, opportunity, and hard Democratic Socialism, based on godless work which have given us abundant wealth and Marxism has resulted in catastrophic failure healthcare we as Americans value. We fell with over 100 million people murdered by their asleep for a moment, and they managed to bring governments in the 20th century alone, with us to the precipice of the greatest scheme ever millions more living in poverty and misery to be launched by the biggest global network of whenever and wherever it’s been tried. billionaires with a blueprint called “The Great Reset.” Professor Klaus (Schwab This story is not about the Schwab plan-demic or the Foundation), Founder American people and and our Executive economic Chairman recovery. of World Economic and The Great It's the more about the great Forum reset movement with Reset, the global economy - the act of one exclusive

Did President Trump plan for The Not So Great Reset this Great Reset?

has been at the center of global affairs for over four decades. His projects to battle the erosion of What effectively Issue 52 | Page 09 these respond nefarious to political this crisis degenerates that will Christian Times Magazine maintain civil needed was this pandemic to renew interest in society their in a global world privileged increasingly leadership, ruled by “would-be dictators have positioned the WEF in an emerging their may I remind you who is in the White House – criminal system power of "discretionary grab, along governance," with the in which these unrestricted political players are shrewdly positioning themselves in “shall we play a game” like chess pieces on a board strategizing Schwab an incompetent puppet minion. In all honesty, Foundation to have full control of how to entice the global influencers and top leaders to garner significant sway over the people. A #America the real TRUTH First and behind then the the "Great world. Reset" Every is powerful country, from the United States to China, must being told “exclusive by the hundreds trust as the of thousands WEF has no offormal mandate to implement this strategic position that they participate, digital Warriors have and hinted and every the to industry, conspiracy by re-imagining from theorists oil and a world-wide, all-encompassing grand plan." However, money and power is the controlling factor that is the inducement for bad actors to do bad things. gas that to have technology, a powerful must viral be rallying transformed. cry run Yes, by the Great powerful patriots Reset all is over a challenging the world. Look – and at extremely these protests dangerous - this theory, secret it faction is not isa It is perhaps with this grand intent and overly enthusiastic sensationalism that the WEF funded by sustainable recovery or a green solution as it is broadcasting the plan around the world, just private and government donors, with investments from Germany, Japan, and Norway, and at the top, marketed “Wake Up” The 2030 prediction describes the by like these elites. There is no clear benefactors the British Royal Family, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and George Soros, the roadmap either with specific plans that can be completion of a world where everyone will be globalists came forth with the idea of a Great Reset of Capitalism. The campaign has been heavily rolled accepted out to immediately the year 2030. to We the will masses, not own the dependent on influencers, such as Rockefellers, and the powerful political Clintons, Obama’s, Bush's, taxpayers anything. You’ll who own will be nothing satisfying and you’ll the one be and even Al Gore who have taken up this cause. The WEF was not the first to moot this – there were government rule “One World Order” appetite – happy, and that everyone will rent everything some isolated thoughts thrown about into the political discourse many years ago. It is, at the same it is secretly emerging into a totalitarian world they need says, Klaus Schwab Founder of the time, rather bewildering to note that the Great Reset received very little formal or informal government. Remember that the masses will be World Economic Forum (WEF). "The demands endorsement from economists. But, because everyone is keen on looking at all routes for recovery, heavily for the WEF to reform are as old as capitalism taxed, food will by be “globalists” and is “the ultimate final battle” that is this Great Reset healthcare is both the and latest attempt rationed, itself; we and also it know will be that as the if the dominant pandemic capital has openly dictatorial and characterized by the suppression of political tyrants and the murder of our 1st turned tends to into resist a change. competition What is for different the global this Amendment-Free Speech, and our 4th Amendment-Patriot Act that we willingly gave up during the leadership time is the vocal support for the principles of of the aristocratic elitists. No need 9/11 “theory”. The media is working overtime for the socialists in government and only conveys their for stakeholder more elections, capitalism just from the the controlling global messages from the now DEFUNCT DC Corporation. privileged elites, you know the ones that “know industry. In the US, progressives want Joe best” for you. It will be the countries that most Biden’s, “Build Back Better” which is a slogan

from "Over In President Issue 52 | Page 10 1896, one the of Ingersoll has last the become 16+ Rockefeller’s Lockwood months, the focus since Foundations, of the renewed formal and Christian Times Magazine

attention the beginning was Build a 19th-century Back online of the Better following pandemic American plan that the lockdown, comes Capitol straight melee the from the Great Reset’s playbook”. combined lawyer, (Red Flag) writer, wealth on January and of 713 novelist 6, because U.S. billionaires 1900 – The has surged whose Last President by works $1.8 closing were trillion, obscure pages a gain describe of almost a similar 60 present. until event. The they The story won total follows combined renewed a president wealth from of New U.S. Going back into time you will find many quotes billionaires attention York and even mentions a "Fifth Avenue Hotel" in increased 2017 because from of$2.9 trillion on by the globalist and socialist-communist party, March his books' apparent similarities in the 18, city 2020, near to where $4.7 trillion Trump on July Tower 9, 2021. now many of whom seem to have been planning for U.S. Billionaire wealth increased 19-fold over the to stands. Fifth Avenue was a famous address even Trump" this "President with purchases of current farmland to create food last events. then. 31 Ingersoll years, from Lockwood's inflation-adjusted shortages, to control supply chains, and $240 even billion novel 1900, or, The Last 1990 to trillion in 2021. By not paying in farmers to $4.7 burn their crops to control focusing on with these issues and saying that we'll the world the principle of a one-world start with everything from scratch and the have government. America, global power is in not’s precariously from the limb in the descending, with dangle feckless, weak RINO trees, while the haves still hanging on to their bureaucrats, and liberal left Socialists no longer treasures and multiplying – thus expecting the public servants that we elected- the frauda miraculous change in the social landscape – we has taken root. Nonetheless, they are the will be walking towards a perilous path. current and former majority in power today. They have constructed an allegiance for a coup d’état in the United States – the PLAN which is Not believing in threatening planned chaos, a to revise or remove our Constitution, remove diabolic evil plot of great suffering and injustice the second amendment and open the borders to during a cataclysmic free-fall decline. flood the nation Malevolent evil with characters illegal immigrants will battle who the would choose a collapse; environmental socialist using progressive technological for the foreseeable future. control by government oppression will challenge us to think differently about current social climates, of and in some Are we and now political at the Precipice- a dystopian instances will which even motivate action on a global society in the oppressive societal scale with other foreign influences to target influence, the illusion of a “perfect society” is these foolish narcissistic elites – just think maintained through a corporate, bureaucratic, about these reckless diversions. technological, corrupt, democratic control? The political machine, George Soros and his Open Society network perceive a world where freedom, democracy, and human rights is a threat of their future; taxes, and financial crises such as in the global economic #Evergrande real estate markets; they are eyeing the unsustainable inequalities of the wealth of the commoners, and only the political authoritarian autocrat's power across the globe should and will exist.

These past few years we have witnessed the “Occupy movement, Me To Movement, and Black Lives Matter, many countless climate crisis groups”, less than ten years ago people weren’t being persecuted for something along the lines of thought crimes. Let me leave this conversation with something to ponder:

Did Trump and his fellow allies discover the Democrat's pernicious efforts to poison the system from within? Was THEIR insurrection and transformation into a oneworld government thwarted?

“1900, Issue 52 | Page 11 or The Last President, by INGERSOLL LOCKWOOD, is a surrealistic 1896 novel, where Christian Times Magazine Katherine Daigle

Americans are protesting a corrupt election process while the president's hometown of New York City is fearing the collapse of the republic after the transition of presidential power. This near-future political satire about the election of a new president argues that socialism and populism will eventually give rise to chaos and disaster.”

Have Faith in the PLAN, I believe that nothing can stop what is coming– CHECKMATE!

Outsiders With this decision making ability Solomon of all How Issue 52 | Page 14 does attempting this message to influence from our God's government. word Strangers to our land seeking to change our Christian Times Magazine By Mickey Nichols

Foreign invaders in our midst

correlate laws, people our should to governing us have in America become systems, today? the and, greatest worst Let's take of of all all, a our religions. Sound familiar? Is this the United States of America in 2021? Well, yes it is, but I am actually referring to the nation of Israel in the Kings in Israel. Sad to say, Solomon's kingdom short history lesson. Founded in 1776 upon early days of the reign of King Solomon. After becoming King of Israel following the 40 year rule was eventually reduced to only a small portion Judeo-Christian principles as set forth in the of his Father, King David, Solomon ascended to the throne and initially so pleased the Lord with of Israel and when he died he was replaced by Bible, the United States of America has been his God-honoring life that God granted him his wish of wisdom, allowing him to become the wisest the son of one of his servants. What happened blessed by God as no other nation before it. The man who ever lived. to "the wisest man who ever lived"? Was Israel early framers of our constitutional government defeated by a stronger enemy? No, it happened were for the most part believers in God and so because Solomon disobeyed God concerning ordered that almost all our laws and ordinances His command were based on biblical that Israel precepts. remain The pure economic and unsullied by not mixing and intermarrying with and social growth of our country is certainly heathen. When God gave His children the land unparalleled in the history of the world and the of Israel of He welfare Americans commanded is far them above to any utterly other destroy the inhabitants residing there. In Deut. people groups. But despite our great national 7:1-11 God our strength, gave natural explicit resources, instructions and to His our people to, again. collective knowledge "utterly this destroy" nation, the the nations great living there. United States And of America, in Deut. is 7:3 crumbling God strictly from forbade An within. marriage entitlement with attitude any of in the our "-ites"! society, Solomon's disobedience of these warnings and socialism, once creeping but now galloping commandments towards us, and of God paganism was so only egregious one short the he actually invited haters of God into the land generation away! How, for goodness sakes, and into his own throne room by bringing in could this have happened? How have we gotten "strange so far off women" the path who we once worshipped trod? Well, idols. the We old know that Solomon had 700 wives and 300 adage about "those who do not study history are concubines from many foreign lands, many of bound to repeat it" has happened. We need only them back look from to former the 1940's enemy to countries. see a very 1 Kings clear 11:1-10 tells picture of the how change Solomon's in America. heart was According "turnedto away" from the one true God and how he even the Billy Graham School of Missions, went so far as to worship other gods. Solomon Evangelism, and Church Growth about 60% of died in his disobedience. Americans born before 1946, the "builders", had made a commitment to Christ. The generation

ways Christian Times Magazine that Issue 52 | Page 15 followed, THEN will known I hear as their the prayers "baby boomers", and heal

born land". their between God 1946 will and not 1964, and cannot has seen bless about sin and disobedience. 35% make a commitment We need to to Christ. confess And our next sin and pray come the "baby for forgiveness. busters", born We need between to 1965 stop calling evil good and good evil! Churches need and 1976, where only 15% commit to Christ. to fulfill their come role as places of worship and The "bridgers" afterward, those between preachers of the Word. Pulpits need to properly 1977 and 1994, and it is projected that a paltry explain the difference between heaven and hell 4% of this generation will become Christians. I and exactly what it takes to make sure that one haven't seen any statistical followup to this knows how to make the right choice. Families study but if we extrapolate the numbers we are need to at eat together again, uphold that and looking a dismal outlook! Is to it possible encourage one another, to have the Bible in the this one time "Christian" nation will totally turn home, and to attend church regularly together. its back on God? And if we do, will we continue Politicians need to make their priority the to exist as a free nation? Or exist at all? And for welfare sake, of their and decline not their Pete's what constituents caused the rapid in reelection campaign! Children should be Christianity in America? The answers to taught these that the world does not owe them anything and questions are, of course, both simple and that they should be grateful for everything. complex at the same time. We can certainly look Dads need to understand that his first priority at a few "watershed" moments that aided and is his wife, then his children. Moms need to abetted this decline. In 1962 the Supreme Court understand that and her Bible first reading priority in is public her ruled that prayer husband, would then no her longer children. People in general schools be mandatory. I don't need to take personal responsibility and that think that it is a coincidence that both SAT and there Scores is no such thing a free lunch. We all ACT began and as continued to decline need 1964 to onward understand that scores actions have from until the could be consequences and that we are responsible for manipulated by subjective rather than objective our actions. scoring standards. In 1980 the Supreme Court, in its infinite wisdom, removed the 10 Commandments from public schools. Is it new no I realize that I haven't proposed anything wonder that crime rates, especially or revolutionary. I simply know that the violent truths crimes, have skyrocketed? And in its most from the Word of God have been sufficient for a egregious ruling ever, in and, the infamous Roe v. couple thousand years when properly Wade ruling, the Supreme Court in 1973 gave applied, ALWAYS work! I love the Lord. I love my permission women to murder unborn family. and for I love America. If we their all keep our babies at will. Now, some 48 years and priorities in that order we can have this country approximately 65 million murdered babies later, back on track in a very short period of time. we arrive in gimmees, 2021 and meaning face anarchy the There are no that it in is not streets, in our high children, places, easy but unfettered the world corruption we leave for never before matched governmental overreach, our grandchildren and our GGKids (Great a country without protected borders, and a Grandchildren!) will be worth it. Prayerfully and society that refuses to even acknowledge God. Thankfully yours, Is there hope? Can America once again become the Christian nation that it once was? The short answer is YES WE CAN!! But......and this is, this is absolutely necessary.....we simply MUST once again turn to God. "If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and turn from their wicked

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