8 minute read
TRUMP By Katherine Daigle
The principles under which this country was founded are beautiful, morally right, and some might even say divinely inspired. But they are not that hard to understand; in fact, they are pretty darn simple. Everyone is free to believe what they wish, to speak their mind, and crucially, to cast a vote that will help determine who wins the privilege and honor of representing the people in public office. The counting of these votes is sacred to American democracy because it is their preponderance that decides a winner: If you get the most votes, you win; those with fewer votes have had their chance and have failed. Simple.
Somehow, these basic ideas that underpin our political system are under attack even before the upcoming presidential campaign in 2024, and the 2022 primaries. In both the Republican and Democrat primaries, vast support is rallying behind candidates who may very well not walk away with their presidential party ’s nomination. However, the primaries in November 2022, is showing a landslide for new #MAGA conservatives with President Trump’s endorsement playing out as a guide to his voter base.
Now, I was not a supporter of the selfdescribed “Democratic Socialist” Joe Biden, a WEF and a self-proclaimed Great Reset President who was not “Duly Elected” , and whose policies would be every bit as bad (and possibly even worse) for this country as those of Hillary Clinton, but I’ll acknowledge that his leftist supporters are many, yet frustrated by the fact that even when he wrongly and improperly won or so they say today, he often believes he is far better than Clinton.
Today after we closed with a one-year dismal economy, destructive jobs report, even more deaths from C19, and ten pages of the pharma’s side effects related to this plan-demic, along with gas prices exceeding $8.00 a gallon in California.
Then we have the Republican Party, which is present during a bona fide political revolution. Something that never should have been able to happen has happened:
An outsider candidate, owing no loyalty (and no money) to the party ’s establishment and espousing political positions which they cannot abide, is strongly positioned as the frontrunner and is virtually certain to enter the GOP convention in 2024 with the most delegates, after his return in 2023. Donald Trump is the result of the RINO’s Republican Party elite’s selfcentered attitude and flagrant disregard for their voter base over years, if not decades. The conservatives members of the GOP are tired of being taken for granted, forced to swallow liberal candidates barely better than the Democrat alternatives, and feeling more and more alienated from a party that cares little to nothing for them or their struggles. They are massing in support of Trump, and their message is
clear: They want a candidate who puts America first, something the party has failed to do for far too long.
There is no denying the fact that the Republicans won in 2016 because of Donald “clarion” Trump. His overwhelming popularity among the masses and the resonance that his opinions found amongst his supporters were two factors that are still unmatched by any other amongst his own party fellows. It is important that the GOP brings to its cognizance the reality that its success is undeniably twined with Trumpism – the latter cannot be tossed out because of 2020’s results.
Trump’s authority cannot be dismissed as a mere ephemeral existence or a passing phenomenon. The work for the American people was unprecedented https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/t rump-administration-accomplishments/
Donald J Trump’s success largely revolves around his ideological position in the Centre in terms of Republican affiliation. He is accepted, therefore, by alike on either side of the same spectrum. Owing to this, any nomination within the party is likely to go in favour of him. Deliberate attempts in the GOP to overrule this possibility would only make the party fall flat with mockery. It would be a devastating miscalculation of popular inclinations. If the Republican party weighs its chances and decides that it would receive the votes with another candidate in place for the 2024 run, getting back in power seems bleak IF there is a 2024 election.
Donald J. Trump won the presidential election with overwhelming Christian evangelical support.
(Official White House Photo by Tia Dufour)
Commentators and pundits have struggled to explain how a president who THEY seem to think seems to scorn traditional Christian values has garnered the devotion of most evangelicals for the last seven years.
Evangelicalism has been a significant force in American politics since at least the nineteenth century. However, the direction of this political force, as well as the media and scholarly attention it receives, has ebbed, and flowed since the RINOs have split the party. In recent history, several critical turns and factors have led most evangelicals to move towards the modern TRUMP conservative Republican party.
The fervour with which Trump puts his points across and gathers support is something that others (particularly those celebrated as ‘leaders’) in his party lack. People wish to see leaders who are like them – the lines between the public and the political powerhouses should be as close as blurred. Any hint of unreal obliqueness would result in disillusionment. The conservatives and middle-class America see a part of themselves in.
Trump – and likewise too. This relatability and rawness with which he presents himself before Americans are part of the reason why he was elected twice as our President. This is also evident in the number of contributions that the party gained during these electoral campaigns even today he is unmatched There isn’t much to support the opposing side here.
The accessibility that Donald Trump made himself is held in terms of his approach to the people. He is very open, and friendly and is much needed if the conservative of the GOP is to come back in governance. Trump is known to America in his many manifestations – all images that stood out clear. This is precisely why, despite not having political experience prior to 2016, he still managed to become a President of and for the people. There were no big-weight political names to back his projectile. But still, he was able to get over the remarkable glitz attached to the Clinton name standing opposite to the GOP establishment, however, during the 2020 election Clinton could not even get her own party to nominate her.
Contrary to the Republican Party ’s belief that Trump has done more harm than good to its regard, the President gave the party a new bright future and an image to start over NEW. This image was far from bad for the party –it came to power, what more does one
(Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)
need to prove the good? Trying to stall the support that Trump gets is not going to give the GOP “Republicans in Name Only ” establishment an upper hand in any way. If the concern is that the party itself is getting an idolized popularity, then the real question being posed before the Republican RINOS should be about the leaders who feel a selfish urge to rise above this ‘name’ .
SHOCKER … Mhm-mmm quite so, and the news is not all that good… Let’s not lose sight of this very important black cloud hanging over our heads… Our National Debt according to the U.S. Debt Clock is at $30.29 Trillion Dollars as of February 2022, around 2.39 trillion more than a year earlier! A first in U.S. History! Sad, isn’t it? Well, what does it all mean? The U.S National Debt moved above $30 Trillion dollars as of January 31, 2022. Scared? You should be!! I am… It appears to grow day-byday and with the Labor Force’s trajectory, it doesn’t bode well for us!
Yes, the job market is growing but it is growing slower than what we can keep up with…our demand. Let me show you in layman’s term: The gross federal debt of the United States has surpassed $30,000,000,000,000 dollars. Although the debt affects each and every one of us, it may be difficult to put such a huge number into perspective to fully understand its implications. This debt includes debts held by the public as well as debts held by federal trust funds and ‘other’ government accounts. It can be thought of as a “debt that the government owes to others plus a debt that it owes to itself. ” Just an example: $231,000 per household or $91,000 per person in America. If every U.S. Household pitched in and gave $1,000/month towards paying off the national debt, it would take over 19 years to pay it off. Plus, $30 trillion dollars is enough to cover a four-year degree for every graduating U.S. high school student for 71 years. Lastly, we are not investing enough in our future…but we are spending ‘over’ $900 million/day on interest payments alone on this debt. (Mind blowing isn’t it…)
You may be asking, “Why is our debt
so high?”