7 minute read
Well, each year, there is a mismatch between spending and revenues… When our federal government spends more than it takes in, we have to borrow money to cover that annual deficit. And each year the deficit adds to our growing National Debt. Our deficits are caused mainly by our aging baby-boom generation, rising healthcare costs, and a tax system that does not bring in enough money to pay for what the government has promised its citizens… Checkout the ratio, Revenues vs. Spending:
Total Revenues $3.42 Trillion Total Spending $6.55 Trillion.
SOOO…you may have been asking yourself, “ why is this happening in America?” We are a nation full of rich minerals, mining, agriculture, dairy, forestry, etc. to name a few…
America is so much richer than other rich nations especially when it comes to minerals and agriculture and other commodities. After all, America feeds the world! America benefits greatly from its fertile soils, plentiful freshwater, oil and mineral deposits, and forests. It is a land with vast natural resources including: coal, copper, lead, uranium, molybdenum, nickel, phosphates, silver, rare earth elements, gold, iron, tungsten, petroleum and natural gas, among others. For example: the mining industry in the U.S. is one of the most technologically advanced industries. It provides some of the safest and best technological options available. It not only strengthens the country ’s economy, but it provides numerous well-paid job opportunities. Did you know that every state in the USA is actively involved in the mining sector? The total direct and indirect value of U.S. mining is $1.9 trillion dollars.
American agricultural products exported around the world, sells more food and fiber to world markets, and in 2020, the top ten agriculture-producing States in terms of cash receipts were California, Iowa, Nebraska, Texas, Kansas, Minnesota, Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana and North Carolina. Also in 2020, the U.S. produced farm commodities such as cattle, corn, soybeans, dairy products, miscellaneous crops, broilers, hogs, wheat, chicken eggs, and hay… The ERS (Economic Research Service) forecasts retail food price inflation is on the horizon, and President Biden stated as much on a trip overseas
towards the end of March. President Biden’s slogan “Build Back Better” would not be considered a blessing for America. America is already feeling the pinch all over!!! Many middle income and low income households would inevitably bear the brunt of Biden’s tax hikes in the form of lower wages and higher prices for consumer goods and services, which reverses the Biden’s firm promise to not raise taxes on any American who earns less than $400,000/year. As Veronique de Rugy wrote:
“The best explanation I’ve seen on this comes from a 2004 quote by economist Stephen Entin, who wrote, ‘The economic burden of a tax frequently does not rest with the person or business who has the statutory liability for paying the tax to the government. ’ That is because taxes are ultimately “ONLY PAID BY PEOPLE. ”
“Right now would be the worst time possible to be considering tax hikes as we saw from recent jobs numbers that drastically underperformed expectations. Now is the worst time to be talking about making it harder for companies to recover and hire workers for higher wages. ” [Matthew D. Dickerson] The new slogan for this administration is better fitted with: “Disarray, Disassemble, Disappear, ” and not Build Back Better!!! “Most Economists will see Biden’s spending plan adding to inflation of the already enormous National Debt. ” Under former President Trump, we had a ‘bonanza’ four years. — [K.T. Cooper].
America has been and still is being blessed by its generosity --to feed the world and support Nations who need assistance-- but such as this is a good thing, it is also a two-edged sword. America is now seeing its own downgrade, in the stores and at the pump!! Empty shelves are appearing just like in Russia, Venezuela and Cuba. And the kicker, the Biden Administration is looking to purchase gas from Venezuela. Since when does America depend on a Communist, nonbelieving country, a country that does not put God first? We don’t have to depend on them because our country is rich in agriculture and minerals and farming. -- America should never be depended on a Communist country to get its gas when we have an abundance of it right here in the U.S. In 1961, Nikita Khrushchev, then Premier of the
Soviet Union, forewarned and made the following prediction with a veritable paroxysm of uncontained furor and stated:
“We do not have to destroy America with missiles; America will destroy itself from within. ” Pretty accurate though, right?! It’s happening… Right now, folks! It began with Bernie Sanders, an avowed Socialist who honeymooned in Moscow and who did very well in the polls in 2016. Promising to pay off college debt and promising free tuition, free medical, free this, free that, a true Communist declaration. The Democrats are working hard to accomplish this change in America, reminiscent of many a downfall of some very Great Empires … The Persian Empire, The Ottoman Empire, The Roman Empire, The Mongol Empire, etc. Just like Solomon’s many wives and concubines. Solomon had seven hundred wives and three hundred concubines, and his wives led him astray. As Solomon grew old, his wives turned his heart after “OTHER” gods, and his heart was not fully devoted to the Lord his God, as the heart of David his father had been. [1 Kings 11] Now, let’s take a peek behind the proverbial Democratic Curtain. -- Here are the various factions within the Democratic Party, also known as the: “Moderate Democrat wing, Liberal Democrat wing, Super Progressive wing, Progressive New Guard wing, Modern liberal wing, Democratic Socialist wing, Conservative Democrat wing, [Joe Manchin and John Bel Edwards, only 2]. ” We know how God dealt with Solomon. What about the Democrats who and if they are able to convince Americans to vote for a New World Order or Socialism what will happen to America? We, no doubt, will go the way of the Great Empires of the world!! Bernie polled strong in 2020 and had a huge following it grew exponentially from 2016. He has a strong following even with the aid of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. It is time, now, that America must choose wisely in 2022 and 2024. The vast majority of Americans approve that addressing our National Debt should be a priority. In ten years, our interest will nearly triple from where it is today. And interest will become the fastest growing part of the Federal Budget. Let’s face it, this is all about our future and that is why the National Debt matters. What makes America strong?? It’s our willingness
to build and leave a future better for the next generation. Our ‘growing’ debt is doing the exact opposite, unfortunately!
To address all these challenges, we will need significant resources. By being irresponsible with our budget, it is simply unfair to our children and our grandchildren and their children who will, no doubt, inherit this debt. We all have a stake in our future… Here is what we can do, let [y]our lawmakers know that you care about managing our high and rising National Debt. And to make it a priority!! Together we can climb out of this swamp. This cannot continue to go on; we simply will not survive this ‘Debacle of a Debt’! Make your vote count in 2022 and in 2024.
Lest we forget: “During Germany ’s hyper-inflation, it took a wheelbarrow full of worthless paper (money) to buy a loaf of bread, we may very well be there in the not too distant future if the Democrats continue on this ‘reckless’ spending path! (Or are we too big to fail, Ha??)”