7 minute read



‘A Republic if you can keep it” was the famous response from Benjamin Franklin, when asked what kind of government was established. My questions are…Have we kept the Republic? Are we transitioning into a true Democracy? Contrary to popular misinformation, we are not, nor were we founded as a democracy. Repeat after me…WE ARE NOT A DEMOCRACY. These United States of America are a constitutional


republic that utilizes the democratic method by which to elect our Representatives. This is a fundamental distinction that is often missed or glossed over. Understanding the difference is crucial.


“Democracy will soon degenerate into an anarchy, such an anarchy that every man will do what is right in his own eyes, and no man’s life or property or reputation or liberty will be secure and every one of these will soon mold itself into a system of subordination of all the moral virtues, and intellectual abilities, all the powers of wealth, beauty, wit, and science, to the wanton pleasures, the capricious will, and the execrable cruelty of one or a

very few. ” - JOHN ADAMS, 2ND U.S. PRESIDENT

The Republican is the only form of government which is not eternally at open or secret war with the rights of mankind. ”


John Adams’ words are almost prophetic. Democracy has frequently been described as a massive but beautiful sailboat with giant sails and… no rudder. Being a republic provides that rudder. What we see played out before us is the devolving into mob rule or pure democracy. Think of Adams’ words and now remember the Kavanaugh hearings, the mobs in the streets, the bullying in restaurants. Democrats want the abolishment of the Electoral College in favor of the popular vote.

Why? Bush and Trump were elected by the Electoral College despite not winning the popular vote. The Electoral College may seem antiquated, the sole purpose is to protect the rights of smaller states. Suppose you abolish the Electoral College; most states will not matter in elections. If candidates do not visit most states, your state’s opinions will not be heard. Some states will be ignored altogether, more so than what happens now. Often, only about ten to thirteen states matter in any given presidential general election. This protection exists for the same reason we have a bicameral legislature. The Electoral College is built-in protection against mob rule.


My more significant concern is that the process, in both parties has devolved into mob rule. If you read one of my previous articles, it sounds like I am playing both sides. To be clear, Smash-Mouth Politics was written in the face of those who would attempt to bully and intimidate conservatives. I stand by that. I will not be bullied or intimidated. That article should not be interpreted as a new way of engaging the other side or an excuse to commit violence. As we have seen, this intimidation effort continues; the mobs are winning the streets.

Even if the other side won’t…we must strive to elevate the debate. Not as easily done as said. We have all become so caught up in the attack, emotion, blame, and the mob. We are better than this. I once asked the following question: What if Trump had an epiphany and made every effort to be the leader liberals would want in his rhetoric? Would any of my liberal friends think better of him, or would they still reject him out of hand? Would they place policy conditions on such a reversal? To the Trump supporters, would you have believed the liberals if they did? Would you still have supported the President? Honestly, I wonder? Thoughts?

Nothing President Trump might have said would have allowed any of the respondents to change their minds one way or the other. I was surprised by this, again from educated and thoughtful people. I have spent time thinking about how this could be such. Too many people are caught up in the emotion of it all. Too many are responding viscerally on both sides. The emotion is getting out of hand. I am not suggesting that people should not care or express how they feel; instead, just do that respectfully.

Many want to blame President Trump for this development. Let’s explore that a bit. Yes, President Trump did/does say some cringe-worthy things, words I wish would not have come out of his mouth. Like all politicians, he has said some things that either he wished or wanted to be true/accurate. Yet, this is why people had elected him. The average person is tired of political doublespeak and elected officials not answering their questions. Even one you do not like, a plain-spoken direct answer is better than a bunch of words with no meaning. Not to mention the words of Democrat leaders like Schumer, who said: “at any cost. ” The Democrats have proven that sad point repeatedly.

(Official White House Photo by Tia Dufour)


I will ask again. Are we still the Republic, our founders gave us? Yes, but I fear we are transitioning into a true democracy. Mob rule, a rudderless ship careening around the ocean. Blown by the winds of opinion because the rudder that a republic provides is missing. In such an environment, the rights of the minority, no matter the issue, cannot be protected. If you really want to know what makes America great? Our built-in processes, protections to understand that the rights of the minority on any issue need to be protected. This does not always happen, sadly.

I am constantly amazed that the left believes in labeling conservative policies fascist. It is not conservatives taking to the streets and threatening others just because we disagree. That did not even happen during the Tea Party rallies. Conservatives do not bully people in restaurants. Conservatives do not try to control; your thoughts by challenging what words you can use. Conservatives do not try to eliminate history, even if it is uncomfortable. You get the point here.

Look at the history of Hitler’s brown shirts...they are not more akin to modern conservatives but today ’s liberals. Of course, the January 6th event will be cited. One tragic event was committed by the misguided, as opposed to the hundreds of violent events on the radical left.

President Trump rightly has said on the campaign trail: “Jobs not Mobs!” To my liberal friends, I do get it. You are afraid of the Republican policies. You care about education, open borders, accessible healthcare. Honestly, truly, I am glad you care. I may disagree with you on some of those things and how to achieve others. Many people seem to forget that the crucible of the disagreement, the debate, and the compromise is what often enables the protection of the minority at any given time. Of course, there are times that a compromise is a poor option. More often than not, in open and honest discourse, compromise becomes the best option for …most. Our Republic is in peril; make no mistake. Efforts to democratize every aspect will wither the rights of the minority, make(Official White House Photo by Tia Dufour) more groups less secure, and ultimately create more strife in our streets. Reread the words of John Adams. He has predicted our present state. Our shared Republic is being molded into a democracy that glorified mob rule, the unbridled power of the majority over all else. No matter your party affiliation, preserving that sacred Republic is worth the effort. Inevitably, one party or the other will, at some time, be that minority and long for the protection of the Republic. May the Lord guide and protect our Republic.


Christian times magazine EnDORSES

Shelly Akerly

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