Christian Times Magazine Issue 28

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ISSN 2639-7714 (PRINT)

ISSUE 28| MARCH 2019

ISSN: 2639-7730 (ONLINE)

Christian Times Magzine

Featured Stories

Fact V Fiction THE MICHAEL COHEN TESTIMONY By Joann H. Buchanan






Support the second amendment

Anil Anwar CEO / Editor In Chief


Charles Lingerfelt managing editor & Senior Associate Publisher Martha Boneta Associate Publisher Editorial Member Raven Youngblood David Clarke

Contributors Anthony Colandro Charles Lingerfelt Christopher Grahn Howard LOGAN WHITTAKER David A. Colbert Christienah Robertson Travis Ken Gosnell Joann H. Buchanan Paul McCabe David A. Colbert




Published in United States of America Copyright Š 2019 by Christian Times Magazine (CTM) All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, For permission requests, 972 - 533- 3804

























By Ken Gosnell








CTM | ISSUE 28 | PAGE 07



B oy, am I going to get it. It’s going to be all over my social media pages once this gets out. I can hear them even now, the anti-Constitutionalism, the godless socialist zealots, the fashionable fascists and the snooty elitists all crying out, “There were no guns in your Garden of Eden. There were no guns in your book.” To this I respond wholeheartedly with the words of our Father, from the Book of Proverbs, chapter 18, verse 15, “The heart of the prudent getteth knowledge; and the ear of the wise seeketh knowledge.”

Our story begins at the very beginning and is as old as time itself, because our story is time itself. Generations ago, God created man using His own image, and He endowed us with sovereignty over everything we surveyed. He has given us free will, and unconditionally loves us. Even though sometimes we stray from His teachings, there exists a perennial road to salvation for those willing to follow Our Father’s words. Fundamental morality and ethics, have been sewn into the fabric of our society by the laws that stand as a testament to the Judeo-Christian beliefs which have helped us persevere over our adversaries, So that we can live as free men. In the Book of First Peter, chapter 2 verses 15-17 God said, “For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men: As free, and not using your liberty


for a cloak of maliciousness, but as the servants of God. Honor all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king.”

We know that God’s design isn’t just to hand us everything, we lost that privilege way back in the garden… and we also know that God wants us to be productive members of a righteous society with rules and laws that protect our ethics and our morality. To paraphrase, “we ARE our brother’s keeper.” The tenets of The Bible are so prolific, that many men have sought to simplify and incorporate them into the books of law used by secular societies. Despite the corruption of the paradise that God gave us, by our own hands, providentially, the God-fearing men and women of this world can rest assured that God’s plan is infallible. They can take solace in the fact that the election of Donald Trump to the highest rank in the United States Military, will invariably bring about a new type of revolution in America, one that melds with our predestined salvation and eventually, the liberation from evil for the entire world.

CTM | ISSUE 28 | PAGE 08 God’s enduring love for His children is why he

privately owned business is known as Gun For

has always provided, and continues to provide,

Hire at the Woodland Park Range. It is where I

us with an inherent understanding of the tools

provide a welcoming environment to teach safe and responsible gun ownership to my customers,

we can use to flourish, in this world, and the

and we train hundreds of students each and every

next. Long ago, we learned about agriculture,

year to be better at safety, and at shooting. I teach

hunting and fishing, so that we would be able to

people how to get involved and instill in them the

sustain ourselves during different seasons and

necessity to participate in the process of policy

climates. We learned from God how stay alive

making, so they can become their own Second

in a world that seemingly seeks to destroy our

Amendment advocates. My facility is safe-haven

physical vessels, and why it’s so important to

of diverse people, from all walks of life, and every day we forge the tip of the spear for 2A, dispelling

proliferate His message. To assist us on this

the narrative that, “firearms are not for everyone.”

journey, sharp chunks of rock were shaped,

I host many diversity shoots and women’s

conjoined with wood, and turned into tools. For

programs at my range and I enjoy inviting

generations, we have used tools for prosperity,

politicians from both sides of the aisle to visit with

as well as for security. These implements were

us and further help our cause. It’s not your

honed into purposeful blades, which turned into

average shooting range; it’s the best. What are you doing to protect your rights? This is a rhetorical

complicated mechanical armaments, which turned into electronic mobile projectiles, and today this lineage represents thousands of years of human ingenuity cultivating beautiful,

question of course. Maybe someday you and I can sit down over a Padron cigar and discuss that, but for now, do you know what I’m doing? I’m running on petition for an NRA Board of Directors seat, on behalf of millions of law-abiding American gun owners. Both the New Jersey and New York State associations have endorsed me, and just last year I was presented with the

symbolic, ritualistic and purposeful weaponry.

“NRA Trainer of Distinction Award” as well as the “Second Amendment Activist of the Year

Not because God made guns and knives so that

Award.” I am a strong right to carry advocate, and I am also an avid shooter and firearms

we could intimidate each other for life-saving

collector. I am dedicated to the message of the NRA to all Americans, and I think that the

resources, but because God gave us the

precedents set by the Constitution of the United States of America, should be implemented in

knowledge and the wisdom to persevere over adversarial circumstances in His name, by any means necessary.He lives in our hearts and our minds, and when we devote our deeds to His glory, we are blessed with the wisdom of the ages. He does not take lightly to those trespasses against Him and His children.

He has cursed our enemies, so we must be prepared to fight for our lives when the time comes, and as the season of preterition grows ever nearer.

Hundreds of years ago, the European political elite came to decide somehow that their compatriots in the West would live solely to serve them at their behest. Do not speak boorishly of the men that sacrificed their families, their property and their lives for righteousness, lest we be temporarily smitten by political correctness or demagogic machinations of redemption through subjugation of our inalienable rights.

The men and women that served in the Revolutionary War did so to preserve everything that they held dear. They fought with the stateof-the art weaponry afforded to them at the time; muskets with bayonets. Had they access to the firearms we have today, they would have stopped at nothing to obtain them. They were after all rebels. The good news is that now, more than ever, the shooting sports and firearms safety courses are at the forefront of discussion in America and abroad. My

every country, throughout the world.

CTM | ISSUE 28 | PAGE 09

of-the-art means of combat to wrangle the lifeblood of this country from the vampiric intentions of the British Imperialists and their hegemonic agenda, is

INDUSTRY > an insult to his military expertise and a proverbial smack in the face of the people that took up arms with him. The fact of the matter is that our civil

rights are being slowly dismantled, in courtrooms in every city, county and state, and in back door Senate hearings in Washington. Soon, it will be too late to reverse the process. The only inoculation we have to protect us from the disease of socialism is The United States Constitution. All of the leaps and bounds we have made as a cognizant society within the civil rights movement of the 20th century will have been for naught.The Constitution of The United States of America is not a “living document” any more than The Bible is a novel written by different authors.The principles set forth in both of these revered incantations are the indestructible foundation and specific instructions for the preservation of our

I currently sit on three NRA committees for Education & Training, Range Development, and Clubs & Associations. I’m the Executive Vice-President of the Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs, which is the New Jersey State NRA affiliate, and I’ve hosted three

God-given rights, in a world that seeks to deny us our connection to our holy sovereignty, and dissuade us from the imminence of

consecutive, record-breaking Friends of the NRA dinners in New Jersey. I’m an NRA Certified Master Training Counselor and I’m a Benefactor Life Member of the NRA. I am also a member of NRA Ring of Freedom, Heritage Society and a Whittington Center Trailblazer #353. I’m an NRA Election Volunteer coordinator and I also support NRA competitions,

our salvation

Women on Target, and Eddie Eagle programs at my range. There isn’t anyone that is more representative of the intended protection that the Second Amendment provides for Americans, or more dedicated to preserving our natural right to bear arms, that speaks louder or more often about American civil liberties, than me. In my personal time, I have chosen to fight the

through the return

progressive socialist policy agenda with an inexorable presence and inescapable voice that

of God’s only

refuses to be assailed by the mainstream media droning of an obviously, anti-American narrative. I host the nationally acclaimed Gun For Hire Radio podcast, and have grown to

begotten son.

become the visage of millions of honest Americans. We are tired of compromising without reaping any benefits. We refuse to stare into the inevitable abyss of redundant policies and inane statues drafted by the very political oppressors that seek to disarm American Citizens, in the futile attempt at trampling on our inalienable rights, whether we are fighting for those rights on our property, or in our courts of law.

Moreover, the Second Amendment of the Constitution of The United States of America is not

I have been an aggressive outspoken Second Amendment defender for over thirty-five years on the tough New Jersey political battleground and I have helped defeat many legislative attacks. I have made numerous television, radio, and Statehouse appearances. I am a no nonsense, straight-to-the-point type of person that has been proudly accused of having “no filter.” I will fight for our 2A rights for as long as I am on this planet. However, it is with a heavy heart that I confess that the modern-day weapons afforded to civilians, like the Armalite Rifle 15 or the Glock 26 pistol, may be no match against the terrible people that circumvent the system and cause harm to others every day. The truth is that our police departments are militarizing their vehicles, but this is not to protect the citizens. Our politicians are flanked by armed guards but this is not to protect the citizens. Our ammunition, our food, our water, even our air, will eventually be rationed, but this is not to protect the citizens. It’s a plot to subjugate us, and I will not comply.When we wake up every day, we like to believe that tyranny doesn’t exist in

merely a suggestion or a trivial pursuit of whimsical nomenclature, poetically designed to romanticize our hard-fought existence; it is The Law of The Land. A Law handed down to us by the forefathers of this great country. It doesn’t say anything about ammunition rations or gunstocks. The Constitution doesn’t say anything about the differentiation between your intentions to kill an animal while hunting it for food or while attempting to protect your family or property from would-be villains. It simply says, “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

America, and that somehow we are immune to the travesties occurring all over the globe. It’s all very romantic how Americans can live their lives unaware of the atrocities being committed twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, all over the globe. The heartbreaking truth, a truth you can only know through the grace of the Lord, the very sad truth of our existence, is that Americans are just one riot away from the imminent destruction of our society as we know it. Will you be prepared? Now, I’m not asking if you’ll be prepared to accept your immortal fate,

Don’t let politicians and anti-gun groups confuse you on the 2A issue because it’s very simple. Just because you don’t have guns doesn’t mean that no one has guns. Just because you are the responsible owner of firearms and had to comply with numerous

I’m asking if you will be prepared to fight for your life and those of your loved ones. Will you

fees and paperwork filings, doesn’t mean that

be prepared when the stores have no food and the hungry come to take what you have? Will

criminals won’t get a hold of illegal firearms. If it’s

you be prepared when the street criminals come to take your dignity? Will you be prepared

okay for a police officer, armed guard, soldier or rich

when the fascists come to take your property or your guns away? To imply that George

guy to carry a gun, then it should be okay for each of

Washington and the Revolutionaries of these United States wouldn’t have used the most lethal

us, too.

and state-

CTM | ISSUE 28 | PAGE 10

Special Interview with Sid Miller Charles: Thank You Mr. Miller for your time for this Interview

Charles: What did you Do before you ran for office? 2.) When did you first run for Office and for which office?

Sid Miller: I’ve been a farmer, rancher and small businessman most of my life, while also serving as an vocational ag teacher. Before I first ran for Texas Agriculture Commissioner in 2014, I served in the Texas House of Representatives for several terms.

Charles: Are you a native Texan?

Sid Miller:Yes, I am native Texan. I was born in a little town called De Leon, Texas west of Stephenville.

Charles: How long have you been a Rancher in Texas?

Sid Miller: I’ve been involved in either farming or ranching my entire life. As a matter of fact, I’m an eighth-generation farmer and rancher. My family were already farmers when they first came to Texas in the 1800’s.

Charles: How does being a Rancher help you in the current position you hold?

Sid Miller: I have found that in my role as a lawmaker in the Texas House and now as Agriculture Commissioner, my background as a farmer and rancher gives me a grounding in reality that is useful in making policy decisions. I’ve turned the dirt. I’ve run cattle and horses. So I know firsthand the challenges our ag producers face every day. Whether its low commodity prices or bad weather, these challenges make farm families tough and resolute. The last thing they need is government making things worse, so my goal is to always keep that in mind when making decisions. That’s the kind of understanding that comes with being an 8th generation farmer and rancher. Others might call it common sense, but I call it “cowboy logic!”

CTM | ISSUE 28 | PAGE 11 Charles: How many years have you served the people of Texas

Charles: If you had a message to get out now to All Texans, what

and in what capacities?

would that message be?

Sid Miller: In terms of public service, I have been in elected

Sid Miller: Be proud to be a Texan. No matter where you come

office since 2000 when I was first elected to the Texas House of

from, we welcome you here and once you get here, learn our

Representatives for District 59.

history and help celebrate our heritage. Texas is a the last great place on earth and I always strive to keep it that way. So I’d

Charles: Are you a Christian? How long have you been a

want to remind all Texans that this is a special place because of


our history and our people and they can do their part to keep

Sid Miller:Yes I am a Christian. I have been an elder in the Erath County Cowboy Church for some time now.

Texas great. And I’d remind them that at some point in their life, they may need a good doctor or a good lawyer, God forbid! But I’d also remind them that every day, three times a

Charles: How does being a Christian help you in your current Position in Texas?

day, they’re gonna need a farmer. So thank a farmer, because Texas Agriculture Matters!

Sid Miller: Being a brother in Christ is the foundation for

Charles: If You had a message you wanted to get to All

everything I do and believe. So it not only helps me as a public

Americans - What would it be?

servant, but as a husband, father and grandfather. I ask for Sid Miller: If you need to see what the promise of freedom and

God’s guidance in all things, especially making decisions that hope can deliver, then look to Texas. Texas is a beacon for

will affect others. As a side note, as Texas Ag Commissioner, I liberty, freedom, respect for life, free enterprise and rugged

do a lot of interviews. TV, radio and everything in between. individualism. The rest of the nation can learn a lot from the

Before every interview I pause to ask for God to guide my Lone Star State.

thoughts and words to bring glory to him. Sometimes its more successful than others! I always speak from the heart but sometimes my mouth gets in the way!

Charles: Have you ever served in the U S Military? If so, what Branch?

Charles: Are You a Pro Life Advocate? Have you ever wavered?

Sid Miller: I have not served in the military.

Sid Miller: Never wavered. As a Christian and a Republican, I

Charles: What do your duties entail as Commissioner of

have always been staunchly pro-life. A member of the Texas


House I passed the state sonogram bill requiring expectant mothers to conduct a sonogram before choosing abortion. I was vilified by the left and the media. But that law is the one legislative accomplishment of which I am most proud. It will enlighten and empower mothers considering the tragic act of abortion and consequently protect the unborn. As a matter of fact, as a House member, I was named Pro-Life Legislator of the Year by Texas Right to Life.

Sid Miller: I have not served in the military.

Charles: As Texas Commissioner of Agriculture, I wear many hats. I serve as the chief regulator and advocate for the Texas agriculture industry, including farmer and ranching. I am also the consumer protection chief for Texas, including the oversight and regulation of pesticides and weights and measurements. This responsibility gives us authority to regulate devices used to sell anything by weight, volume or other

Charles: Are You a believer in The Second Amendment? Do

measurement. That’s why the Texas Department of Agriculture

You believe in 'The Right to Carry?'

has responsibility for grocery scales and fuel pumps, to name a few. As Ag Commissioner, I also have a responsibility to help

Sid Miller: Lifelong believer in the Second

open markets here at home and around the world for products

Amendment. Because of my strong Second Amendment voting

made or grown in Texas. Texas produces the best stuff on earth,

record I’ve always had an A+ rating with the National Rifle

so one of the great aspects of this job is my role as advocate for

Association and the Texas State Rifle Association.

those products. Finally, as Agriculture Commissioner, one of

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The biggest responsibilities is to oversee the school nutrition

Charles: Are you for the Building of The Border Wall?

programs here in Texas. The Texas Department of Agriculture's Food and Nutrition Division administers 12 federal child and

Sid Miller: I am not only for building the wall, I am for finishing

special nutrition programs for the State of Texas.

the wall. Texas already has hundreds of miles of border fencing, walls and other barriers. We just need to finish the job because

Charles: How long have you served in this capacity?

Sid Miller: I was first elected Texas Agriculture Commissioner in 2014.

not having a wall is immoral. The moral thing to do is to direct anyone wishing to enter the United States through legal ports of entry rather than have them dying of thirst in the desert. A wall will do just that. Take away the option from the coyotes of

Charles: What advice can you give to others who want to run for Office?

crossing through the unpopulated, harsh desert areas by building a wall, leaving only legal ports of entry

Sid Miller: You’d better have a tough hide. Running for office can be a tough business, especially for pro-life, Christian

Charles: Are you compatible with President Trump's agenda? Do

conservative Republicans. The media is always on the attack

You Support President Trump?

and that doesn’t go away once you win. If you win and hope to change things for the better, you’re going to face criticism. But

Sid Miller: I was one of the earliest and loudest supporters of

stick to your guns, remember your principles and ignore the

President Trump here in Texas. He and I both share a dislike and

personal attacks. As David Crockett said, “be sure you’re right,

distrust of the liberal media and a love for social media as a tool

then go ahead . . .”

to take away their power. When everyone was counting on Hillary to win, I was the one on Fox and Friends saying that

Charles: Which political party do You claim? Why?

Trump was going to win big, in Texas and across the nation. Everyone thought I was some crazy guy in a white cowboy hat

Sid Miller: I am and always will be a Republican. The Republican party is still the only party that believes in economic

when I said that Trump would win Texas with double digits. I was right.

freedom, the protection of the unborn and American exceptionalism.

I was honored to be considered by President Trump for a possible cabinet position as U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, which

Charles: How does your position in Texas correlate with The

later went to Sonny Perdue – who’d doing a great job. I

Lieutenant Governor? The Governor?

continue to advise President Trump from time to time on agriculture and trade issues.

Sid Miller: We are all elected statewide. In Texas, the Agriculture Commissioner is elected statewide just like Governor, Lt.Governor, Comptroller, Attorney General, Land Commissioner and Railroad Commissioners.

Charles: What is your position on Border Security in Texas?

Sid Miller: Texas, perhaps more than anywhere else in the country, understands the need for strong border security. Our southern border with Mexico is the longest international border of any state and must be kept strong. Without strong border security, our national sovereignty is at risk. As a side note, Texas farmers and ranchers are also big supporters of strong border security. With some of our largest farms and ranches along the southern border, they understand that we need a strong border and a common sense legal immigration system.

CTM | ISSUE 28 | PAGE 13

Fact V Fiction The Michael Cohen Testimony By Joann H. Buchanan

playbook. They called President Reagan a racist, as well as both Bush’s.

Then Democrats tried to bring up the way the professional prostitute was paid off. Cohen admitted to setting up a fake LLC , which he then took out a loan against and used his own money to pay off the porn star. When asked if there was an email, document or anything that had proof of President Trump’s involvement, the answer was no.

At one point in the inquisition, Cohen alluded to the idea that President Trump might have an illegitimate child and that there was supposedly a video of him striking The First Lady Melania in an elevator. Which he then backtracked and said several times to make the record “straight” that there wasn’t a tape showing that and that he couldn’t see President Trump doing anything like that.

Amid the accusations, Cohen insisted that he received the position he always wanted. A fact that was publicly disputed by Eric Trump on Twitter stating, “Michael was lobbying

Michael Cohen testifies Feb. 27, 2019. (Photo: Alex Brandon/AP)

EVERYONE to be “Chief of Staff.” It was the biggest joke in the campaign and around the office. Did he just perjure himself again?” It was evident from the start of the hearing this

The Feb 27th leading up to the second

hopes of impeachment on had to do with

was a total witch hunt that has now reached

public testimony before Congress was

the so called Russian collusion. That fell

epic proportions and become reminisces of the


word McCarthyism. When a Democratic

filled with lots of drama surrounding the name Michael Cohen. From images of his household being raided by FBI, to the live hearings by Congress. The story of

Congresswoman asked for “Names, yes please

short when he was asked directly about

give us names.”

President Trump’s involvement. Cohen admitted several times he had zero

Michael Cohen was supposed to be the

evidence when it came to collusion. His

smoking gun for the Democratic party to

constant fall back was the phrase “He

hang the term IMPEACHMENT on.

(President Trump) speaks in code.”

Cohen then admitted he used to be a registered democrat but was “forced to switch parties for

Michael Cohen, a known liar who is going to be serving a minimal 3 year

Apparently, telling your own personal

the optics.” Before this admission of being a

attorney you are not guilty of something

stooge for the democratic party, Cohen

is code for lie to the American people.

sentence for charges including hiding money from the IRS, paying off a known

admitted to conferring with the leaders of the party prior to testimony. When it finally came

During the testimony Congressman

down to it, Cohen feigned remorse and admitted he had a book/tv deal in the works. “I

porn star and loan fraud. This man is on

Michael Connelly compared President

the record as a liar and a thief but he

Trump to a modern day crime boss. The

expects to be the hero of the Democratic

obvious inflammatory statement was

more than another way to defame our President

meant to paint President Trump in a

and get a little publicity to sell a bunch of “tell

negative light. It didn’t have the desired

all books.” What’s a little 3 year sentence when

effect. In fact the chatrooms were full of

millions are waiting for you when you get out?

party. This almost makes sense when the latest history of the Democratic party has been filled with liars, thieves, cheats and murderers.

support for President Trump. Most Americans who voted for him realize this is part of the normal Democratic

The part they were hanging their

turned one deal down. The payment was going to be 750K, but I refused it.” This was nothing

CTM | ISSUE 28 | PAGE 14

This was supposed to be the smoking gun; instead it turned into yet another circus and a waste of tax payer money because when it came to the actual evidence all the American people were given was the word of a known liar and a lot of hot air. We as Americans should be used to this by now because the party of the left continually have held steady to one sandy platform—antiTrump, anti-American, anti-God at any cost.

The thing is, America is waking up and we are no longer just going to go along to get along if they continue to go against the values we in the Midwest like to call a way of life.Â

As for Cohen, he made his bed and the only real reason he has had this so called change of heart is because he

Photo: Yana Paskova/Getty Images

got caught in the web of lies he created all on his own. Otherwise most of what he alluded to would have come out long before Donald Trump became President Trump.

By Joann H. Buchanan

CTM | ISSUE 28 | PAGE 15



AP Photo/Susan Walsh

AP Photo/ Evan Vucci

President Donald Trump's motorcade travels through Hanoi after meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in Thursday, Feb. 28, 2019, in Hanoi. Trump and Kim cut short their second summit Thursday without reaching an agreement, a stunning collapse of talks that caused both leaders to leave their Vietnam meeting early and cancel a planned signing ceremony. (AP Photo/Minh Hoang)

AP Photo/ Evan Vucci

While the United States buzzed about the revelations that would come from the Cohen testimony on 27th Feb 2019, President Trump was at a summit in Vietnam working on peace negotiations with North Korea. Pictures of the summit showed both President Trump and Kim Jong-un in great spirits with smiles on their faces at a round table. There were images of them laughing, sitting side by side in a press conference and even a few showing the two walking around discussing things in a polite manner.

As reported by every news outlet, the talks ended abruptly and with little fanfare. “I’d rather do it right than do it fast,” President Trump stated. What started off as a meeting of leaders ended with a handshake showing one another respect and a possible future friendship for the United States.

The deal itself hinged on sanctions leveled against N. Korea and denuclearization of the peninsula. The fact remains that Kim Jung-un wanted something for nothing and our President wasn’t willing to budge on it.

Though the abrupt end of the summit created a stir among those in the media, it didn’t cause President Trump to destroy the delicate progress that was made. He said he trusts Kim’s promise that he would not resume nuclear and missile testing, but that the current sanctions will stay in place.

Though it appeared no ground was actually made in that there wasn’t a formal signing, the two leaders did seem to develop a small semblance of trust; proving it is better to part as friends without a deal than as enemies with a bad one.


CTM | ISSUE 28 | PAGE 16



For many people, the annual Grammy's Awards is a fairytale like night complete with stars strutting the red carpet. It isn't a simple walk. It signals with fireworks the beginning of a grand night through the apparel each entertainer don's. One by one they step from their limousines into a party waiting just for them. Slowly they make their way through the camera's making sure to have their best poses ready for a night above all meant to enchant the masses. They want you to know that they have arrived.

Surely, the designers behind the arrays of attire are in high and hopeful spirits. So proud, they must be, to have the honor and recognition of their creation presented for everyone who is anyone to see after all of their hard work. Meanwhile, there are the one's behind the camera eager to collect and spill details about every color, sequence and ruffle. The reporter behind the microphone is just itching to get a comment. Everyone is feeling euphoric, because this night is about honoring musical accomplishments by the big names fans adore.

Naturally for the celebrity, the clothing they wear is more of a costume. It must draw attention. It must be relatable to the inspiration the wearer wishes to project. Comfort is not a requirement, nor is the ability to sit. The costumes vary from plain to truly bizarre. There were some women that decided to keep it classier. Jennifer Lopez went with a simple, but elegant dress by Ralph & Russo that touched the floor accented with a small matching white clutch and hat. Jorja Smith wore a golden gown, designed by Balmain that flowed around her feet. H.E.R. wore an awe inspiring two piece by Coach that was both beautiful and eye catching. Camila Cabello went with a gown by Armani Priva that let the color take center stage.

Most blue collar American's would not be interested in wearing the oversized shoulders on Heidi Klum or the leggy, orange top that



Jennifer Lopez – 61st Annual Grammy Awards in Los Angeles 02/10/2019

Camila Cabello Photo: Getty Images

Jorja Smith

Photo Source :

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Toni Braxton Photo Source: Hennessy Carolina strutted, but the world was watching anyway. Watching many of these naturally beautiful women offer a sacred part of themselves for all to see. Their body. Already talented and loved by many, these role models are not only sending a subliminal message to dress like this, but sadly they themselves have forgotten their true worth. Forgotten what true beauty really is. Beauty is like a flower. It blooms from the inside out.

In this way, the garments chosen by some of these Grammy attendees have distracted from their truth gifts. The highlight is instead on the superficial rather than the true essence of the natural ability, which is why everyone is there to begin with. Worse, subconsciously emotionally vulnerable followers can be led to believe that in order to be noticed for your talent then you must strip yourself of all dignity and self respect.

Every unique and expensive costume should never be anything in comparison to the gem that you are inside. Whether you are a musician, an archaeologist, a physician or clergy, you are a unique and precious individual. When we honor an achievement for skills involving a type of genius then we want those qualities to stand out. Instead, viewers minds and eyes are diverted to overly plunging necklines and sheer lingerie.

Whether these legends know it or not, people talk and wonder why someone with all of this money, fame and grace would demean themselves publicly? Do they really understand how valuable they really are and have they completely lost all memory of something called 'mystery'? There is a lot more that comes with leaving the best for the imagination. Besides, you don't want to objectify yourself. You want others to see the grace that you have. The achievements that you are capable of. You want others to see that you respect yourself, because chances are if you don't, they won't either.

At the 2019 Grammy's Awards, Toni Braxton was the among the boldest of the celebrities. While the dress touched her manicured toes and the arms were covered from shoulder to wrist, the majority of the gown was completely sheer. Even the slightest places it covered just simply did not suffice. She wore light make up and no necklace to ensure that the eye has no choice, but to drop below her neckline. While she is in great shape for a 51 year old, it would have been nicer to see a more mature approach to her selection of Emperor's Clothes.

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Janelle Monae waltzed down the red carpet in an amusing dress by Jean Paul Gaultier. The completely unnecessary shoulders took a

Photo Source:

plunge dive below her bustline. Again no necklace, but the simple straight line of the hat seemed to focus the symmetry of the outfit back onto the chest area. Even the black shoes were quiet enough to keep the focus where it was intended to be. Later, there would be a jaw dropping performance on stage that featured her and her dancers in something resembling garter hose while singing about sex. The dancing was less of a presentation of athletics and genius and more burlesque.

Miley Cyrus has certainly been known for her indiscreet ensembles over the years in what has appeared to be a move for the empowerment of women. She turned up in a black two piece by Mugler that had adorable black trousers, a matching stylish jacket open to the navel and absolutely no shirt. No necklace to draw any attention away from the chest. It is clear that the choice of the color black was meant to shadow against her pale skin to be a type of insurance toward the desired visual.

Jeannie Mai had on a suit that can only be described as robotic at first glance. Then the warmer, flesh tone color begins to draw the eye to sheer all throughout the piece. It features an unnecessary view of sensual parts of the body in a covert way. Jeannie Mai was not the only clandestine offender on the cat walk.

Jeannie Mai – 61st Annual Grammy Awards in Los Angeles 02/10/2019

Photo Source: Getty Images

Miley Cyrus

Katy Perry

(Photo by Axelle/BauerGriffin/FilmMagic)

Mimi Saballa

Getty Images

Cardi B

Steve Granitz/WireImage

Image Credit: AFP Lady Gaga

CTM | ISSUE 28 | PAGE 21

Katy Perry was quite the eye full with a dress by Balmain that

will love her just the way God made her, so if everyone is busy

appeared to be strangling her chest. It is a struggle to find anything

trying to blend in then you have just defeated the true purpose of

nice about the skirt, but it does cover. It does not; however, draw

love. You have traded the rare for the common. You are not only

enough attention away from the bright silvery stripe across the top

veiling your true light when you draw attention to the superficial,

that is keeping her armpits propped up with what should be in front.

but you silently advertise to others that you are not worthy of

There is, above all, nothing about the dress that really highlights her

respect. Your body will age. Your light should get brighter. That is

natural beauty. There's a lot of the unnecessary going on here.

what you need to shine forth. The true you. That is empowerment.

Cardi B started the night off in the right direction by incorporating

So common sense should tell you that if you really want to be

the artistic side of her work with her line of fashion. She had an

noticed by the right people in your life? Then you are going to have

array of costumes to adorn for the night. The first being a rendition

to stop thinking common. You are going to have to be yourself. If

of a pearl. It was regal. Well thought out as well. Later;

you are looking to sustain a relationship at some point in your life,

nevertheless, she performed in an outfit that employed a harness to

then we first need to admit that marriage success rates are in the

keep a large coat attached to the back of her waist. It was when she

toilet. There is reason to believe that the way women dressed in the

took the coat off that a form fitting, spandex like outfit was

past has influenced marriage stability since the 1960's. It was a

uncloaked. This slight wardrobe change revealed strong undertones

period of sexual revolution, drug experimentation and women's

of animalistic patterns that sent the unmistakable vibe of a wild

movements. Prior to the 1960's the hemline was around the knee's

jungle. All of this while she danced provocatively and sang about

and marriages lasted. After the 1960's we saw one broken home

her love of money.

after another. Son's and daughters were raised without father's, but more importantly divorce became customary. By the start of the new

Mimi Saballa took a more bejeweled approach to her nightwear. She

millennium younger men and older women felt compelled to find

also decided to make sure the clothing matched her skin tone giving

comfort with one another. The older men had long disappeared with

her an overall fleshy look that tricks the eye. It is apparent that great

the younger women with the higher skirt in the 1980's.

measures were taken to make the piece as close to her natural shape

as humanly possible.

Now families are in a complete state of confusion. This confusion has spread like a plague to minds everywhere making them forget

Lady Gaga began the night with a bright silver dress by Celine, but

they are capable of so much more. Making them forget true love.

her ensemble onstage could be likened to something Elvis would

Even though they desire it, they will never find it, because they have

have worn complete with high heels typically seen on an exotic

forgotten who they are. Forgotten to show it. What replaces this

dancer. Again, as though she is carefully following the crowd, the

vital emotion is an unfillable black hole of lust, betrayal, bitterness

typically unique Lady Gaga decided to bare her cleavage while

and disease. In recent years, report after medical report has been

singing words like "far from the shallow now".

released announcing that Sexually Transmitted Diseases have mutated into super STD's and cannot be treated with antibiotics

Kylie Jenner wanted to give off more of a refined look akin to

more and more.

Jackie Kennedy. She definitely almost pinned it. The colors were

pleasing to the eye. The overuse of fabric calls into question the

Moreover, disease and sexual immorality are signs of the times. Last

need for even a diamond size shape view of her mid-rift. If you're

days filled with every conceivable danger unto death. Why?

going to go classy. Go all the way. It doesn't need to be cheapened.

2 Timothy in the New Testament states well the reality of the many

Class is better than all that.

who are lovers of pleasure, but the book of Titus spoke of a distinct people who would present themselves as anything but common.

It is unfortunate that these highly successful women can send such

They are a rare holy people that deny ungodliness and worldly lusts

silent, but predatory message that implies that nothing is more

that we might be redeemed from iniquity and be a purified people.

important than the ability to lure through sexual temptation. Not

Peculiar because of the rarity. Rarity holds worth. Is there really a

your intelligence, not your sense of humor and certainly not your

dollar amount that can buy that? Maybe to some, but how about

soul. The important thing to remember here is that every woman is


unique and wonderfully made. For every woman there is a man that

CTM | ISSUE 28 | PAGE 22

AP Photo / Carolyn Kaster


The 2020 presidential campaign is in full swing, and Donald Trump came to CPAC prepared and in full form. In an age of short attention spans and sound bites, President trump held in the palm of his hand a

"It was just like having a conversation with a friend," one of the attendees at the Conservative Political Action Conference exclaimed after listening to President Donald Trump for two hours. The electricity at the event was intense, and there was a stronger feel to the relationship between the conservative movement and the President than ever

crowd of thousands for just over two hours. An amazing feat in itself but when it is understood that over half of the attendees were of college range, that feat moves from amazing to spectacular. He didn't intrigue the listeners with lies or narcissistic statements about himself, but rather with authentic comments and reasonable solutions about real issues that are impacting every American. Every person in the audience felt like they had a personal one on one conversation with just the President.

before. Conservatives love this president, and the President stated that he loves this movement.

Every American should be encouraged that young people desire to want to learn truths and solutions and are willing to stay engaged in a twohour political speech. In two hours Donald Trump discussed vital aspects that are deeply cared about by Conservatives.

CTM | ISSUE 28 | PAGE 23 He discussed the value of Americanism. In contrast to the

In his two hour conversation, he resonated in the heart of

liberals in Congress and those running for President who

every conservative by communicating the message of rights

promote giveaways using Government money, President

and freedoms. Conservatives and conservative Christians

Trump highlighted the importance of putting America first.

have experienced what Donald Trump is currently

He helped the audience to understand that when America is

experiencing. Conservatives relate to Donald Trump because

strong, the American people are strong. He communicated the

they are Donald Trump.

importance of making sound financial decisions.His message was simple, but it resonated strongly.Americanism is about

They have faced unfair and biases attacks for their faith and

making decisions that benefit the American people. It is

their beliefs in colleges, universities, and workplaces for

about putting the American people first in every decision.

generations. So indeed, President Donald Trump is one of a

Conservative Americans practice the biblical principle of

kind President for a one of a kind time.

considering others more important than they consider themselves.

He is authentic, and he is real. He is a strong and bold leader who has a bold and robust message that resonates with

President Trump spent time discussing the economics of

staunch conservatives who will rise to the occasion and

America. His extensive grasp of the details and key

communicate that message at the ballot box in 2020.

components of tariffs and trade were on full display. He mentioned specific laws and even explained the great tariff debate of 1888. In his speech, he taught college students more about economics and history than they learn in the four years that they receive in their higher education experiences.

He discussed Bullying and Free Speech. Perhaps, his strongest point during the two hours was a reveal of true candor in addressing the personal attacks on his leadership and the democracy of the United States. He stated facts about Robert Mueller and how Mueller had a bad situation with Trump in the past. He then showed the audience how what is happening to him, is happening to conservative college students across the country. He called up on stage Hayden Williams who was recently punched in the face because of his beliefs and his views. He then announced that he would sign an executive order requiring colleges to support free speech if they want to receive government funding.This solution was met with cheers and applause and revealed how the American Conservative movement had endured decades of silence and lack of support from government and societal leaders.

President Trump continued to resonate with the audience as he spent time discussing the value of every life. He reminded attendees about the new law in New York about infanticide and the statements of the governor of Virginia about murdering the baby after the baby has been born. His message was clear. He differentiated the conservative common sense agenda versus the radical lousy ideas that are neither common sense or built on common American values.

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CTM | ISSUE 28 | PAGE 24


Two Crucial Phone Calls

In late October 1960 civil rights leader Dr. M.L. King was arrested in an Atlanta area protest. Overruling his own campaign staff, Presidential candidate John Kennedy called the Georgia governor early in the morning of October 26 to ask for his help in releasing King from jail. Both King and Kennedy had wives who were pregnant with their third child. Kennedy also called Mrs. King to sympathize and this news trickled out. Following a tradition established in 1856, King, Jackie Robinson, and other black leaders all supported the Republican candidate. The next morning, October 27, the Georgia state judge announced the release of the prisoner on a $2,000 bond.

Arriving at Atlanta airport the same day, King said to the press “Senator Kennedy served as a great force in making the release possible. For him to be that courageous shows that he is really acting upon principle and not expediency.” Kennedy’s participation, he said, was “morally wise” and added “I hold Senator Kennedy in very high esteem.” On Sunday October 30, his father, the famous pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, was more direct and straightforward. He gave a stem-winding raise-the-roof sermon in which he called upon his large congregation to vote for Kennedy. Word spread quickly among black churches nationwide that the Reverend “Daddy King” had urged them strongly to change from their historical pattern of voting Republican to Kennedy.

Election Day was nine days later. Black turnout was 17% higher than in 1956. Kennedy won nationally by the extremely narrow margin of 118, 574 votes. In Illinois, 250,000 blacks voted for JFK, who won by 9,000 votes. In Michigan, 250,000 blacks voted for him and he carried the state by 67,000 votes. In South Carolina, JFK won by 10,000 votes with 40,000 blacks casting ballots for him. In other states too, the black vote made the difference in JFK’s very slim victory (New Jersey, South Carolina, Texas, Delaware, Maryland, Missouri, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Nevada) with a total of 169 electoral votes out of 270. The young Senator from Massachusetts, author of the 1957 Pulitzer Prize-winning history book Profiles in Courage, had himself demonstrated that rare quality – out of synch with his own party’s long record -- thereby winning the White House.

CTM | ISSUE 28 | PAGE 25 Recently the Democratic Party has called

little-known railroad lawyer from Illinois

voted against the 13th amendment. Not a

itself the party of “economic opportunity,

named Lincoln, who minced no words in

single Democrat voted to approve the

social justice, and racial equality”. It is a

saying that slavery was the theft of life,

14th and 15th amendments. In light of

Big Lie, as Josef Goebbels would say.

freedom, and the fruits of labor. As soon

these new Constitutional amendments,

The origins of the D party go back to the

as Lincoln was elected, southern states

blacks ran for and won public offices in

bitter split in Thomas Jefferson’s (anti-

started seceding to form the Confederacy.

southern states on the Republican ticket.

Federalist) Democratic-Republican Party.

By the time the new President was

In several southern states, blacks had a

By the time slave owner Andrew Jackson

inaugurated four months later, the Deep

voting majority under the new laws.

was elected in 1828, the D party was

South cotton states of Mississippi, South

Former Confederate general N.B. Forrest

racist through and through. Moreover, his

Carolina, Alabama, Florida,

and other former Confederate soldiers

time in the White House marked the

Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas had

were founding or early members of the

beginning of the “spoils system” in which

seceded by the votes of their

Ku Klux Klan -- which got started in

supporters, friends, and relatives were

(Democratic) state legislatures. Just after

1867 Pulaski, Tennessee, another

given public offices and government jobs

the war began, other Democratic states

Democratic state. Forrest himself was a

as a reward for victory and as an

joined: Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee,

delegate to the Democratic convention of

incentive to keep working for the party.

and North Carolina. Four years of brutal

1868, whose candidate lost badly to

battles followed, where 655,000 were

former Union General U.S. Grant. The

Party leaders like slave owner John C.

killed and 419,000 wounded. These

Klan led the reaction to the new black

Calhoun, Vice President and later Senator

terrible scars haunt us still.

political power in the southern states,

(D-SC), favored expansion of slavery into

killing 3000 blacks and another 1000

the new states and territories as the

In his second Inaugural speech, full of

(white) Republicans. It was both the

country expanded west. He also supported

Biblical references, our first Republican

militant and the military arm of the D

states' rights and nullification, through

President memorably said:

party. At the same time D-dominated

which states could declare federal laws null and void. These were among the

state legislatures in the south passed a “Fondly do we hope, fervently do we

series of “Jim Crow” laws restricting the

principal seeds of the Civil War. Though

pray, that this mighty scourge of war

rights of blacks at the state and local

a northerner, Senator Stephen Douglas

may speedily pass away. Yet, if God

levels, for example barring blacks from

(D-Illinois) said that each of the states

wills that it continue until all the

owning guns, or requiring payment of a

should decide separately on the slavery

wealth piled by the bondsman's two

poll tax. A few generations later in 1919,

issue and that slavery was a good system

hundred and fifty years of unrequited

most Democrats voted against the 19th

that we should spread to other countries.

toil shall be sunk, and until every drop

amendment (women’s right to vote).

of blood drawn with the lash shall be

Instead the Republicans in both houses

Party leaders like slave owner John C.

paid by another drawn with the sword,

got it approved. The Klan had a revival

Calhoun, Vice President and later Senator

as was said three thousand years ago,

during the administration of President

(D-SC), favored expansion of slavery into

so still it must be said "the judgments

Wilson. He arranged for the first movie

the new states and territories as the

of the Lord are true and righteous

ever to be screened in the White House,

country expanded west. He also supported


the racist Birth of a Nation -- in which

states' rights and nullification, through

Klan members are heroes. By this time

which states could declare federal laws

With malice toward none, with charity

the D party was well-entrenched as

null and void. These were among the

for all, with firmness in the right as

inimical to black interests. Wilson, a

principal seeds of the Civil War. Though

God gives us to see the right, let us

Virginian by birth and upbringing, was

a northerner, Senator Stephen Douglas

strive on to finish the work we are in,

the son of slaveholders and instituted

(D-Illinois) said that each of the states

to bind up the nation's wounds, to care

segregation policies across the US

should decide separately on the slavery

for him who shall have borne the battle


issue and that slavery was a good system

and for his widow and his orphan, to do

that we should spread to other countries.

all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves

In 1856, the abolitionist Senator Charles

and with all nations.”

Sumner (R-Mass.) was severely beaten on the Senate floor by Congressman Preston

During Lincoln’s two terms and just after,

Brooks (D-SC) in an unprecedented

the Civil Rights Act was passed, along

violent attack. Not a single member of the

with the 13th (outlawing slavery) the 14th

new Republican Party owned a slave; all

(enshrining due process of law) and the

slaves were owned by Democrats. The

15th amendments (all races can vote).

Republican candidate in 1860 was an

Fully 77% of Democrats in the Congress

Klan members attending the Democratic national convention in NY City’s Madison Square Garden, 1924

CTM | ISSUE 28 | PAGE 26

The D party often has used, and continues to manipulate, black

abortion for black women is far higher than among white women.

support to its own political advantage. In recent times, using

While black women make up only 6% of the U.S. population, they

classic propaganda techniques, the party has tried to twist the

account for 35% of abortions reported. The organization spread

narrative away from the unmistakable facts given above. It is rare in the 20th century to hear the real history of the D party’s long support of slavery and racism in the economy, in the society, and in law. When the facts are stated, the D party denies it and tries to shift the blame to others (usually to Republicans), sometimes with great success. In the last century, various complex factors caused voting patterns to shift. FDR’s promises of the New Deal attracted many black votes. But in 1937, the same FDR appointed Alabaman Hugo

overseas starting in 1952. The revised and modernized Democratic con game follows leftist methods detailed by Chicagoan Saul Alinsky, a union organizer for the CIO. His university thesis focused on the tactics and accomplishments of Al Capone’s gang, to which he was introduced by Capone’s famous criminal lieutenant Frank Nitti. He dedicated his book Rules for Radicals to “Lucifer, the first rebel”. Some of Alinsky’s Rules include: Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon;” “Keep the pressure on. Never let up;” “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it,” and others along these lines. We only need to look at

Black to the Supreme Court. Until 1925, he was a member of

the propaganda of the D party and the media during the past three

the Ku Klux Klan. During his Senate career, Black consistently

years to recognize his subversive ideas. In 1969, a political science

opposed the passage of anti-lynching legislation, as did all of

major at Wellesley College named Hillary Rodham wrote her own

the white southern Democrats. Later, in the 1960s and 1970s

thesis on Alinsky's work. Later the same book greatly influenced

due to rising prosperity and near-full employment, D votes

an obscure Chicago “community organizer” named Barack Obama.

among southern whites shifted to the Republican Party. At the

The so-called Obamacare was sold politically on the basis of a

same time many black votes fled to the D party because of LBJ’s new “Great Society” legislation of civil rights, voting rights, huge welfare payments, and other subsidies to the urban poor. It was a new “Great Scam” worth hundreds of billions. Aboard Air Force 1 in 1965, President Johnson himself said

series of Big Lies: lower premiums, you can keep your doctor, the rich are rich because they steal from you, and insurance companies are the enemy. The real purpose was the government takeover (nationalization) of the vast health-care sector, about 17% of the entire US economy. In summary the D party has a

privately to southern officials that “I’ll have those n**gers

long and camouflaged

voting Democratic for the next 200 years” according to Ronald

despicable history, but it is no

Kessler’s 1995 book, Inside the White House. This was the

mystery. Its policies of slavery

President being candid, showing a very different side of him

and segregation have led to

than the one displayed in the inspiring rhetoric of his tailored

untold suffering for much of

public statements written by his liberal speechwriters. At the

the life of this republic. It is

start of this “Great Scam”, Democrats moved to solidify

the anti-growth party of

support of the blacks and immigrants who had migrated to the

“progressive” taxation, anti-

big northern cities to work in the auto and other industries. The new plantation system was called the ghetto, the slum, and the

capitalist over-regulation, theft, corruption, and subjugation – all of whose roots go deep. When caught out, the D party always

barrio, and it was not limited to the north. The D party gave

shrieks and blames others: the country, the South, the Republicans.

power to new overseers: gangs, unions, and big city bosses like

But the Democrats are responsible, just like the small boy who

mayor Daley of Chicago. At the same time the Democrats

falsely exclaims to his mother, “I didn’t do it! Johnny did it!” The

promoted “progressive social engineering” (meaning control)

latest example of this duplicitous deceit is the Democratic torrent

whereby bureaucrats and “experts” would be in charge. For

of lies and vituperation since 2016 accusing President Trump of

example, Margaret Sanger started Planned Parenthood in 1921

“Russian collusion”. We all know that the collusion actually took

in Brooklyn NY with explicit theories of eugenics later

place atop the D party and among various senior Obama

endorsed by Hitler and his new Nazi party. Her purpose was "assist the race toward the elimination of the unfit." She was a proponent of negative eugenics, which aimed to improve human hereditary traits through social intervention by reducing

administration officials. That story is far from over, with Federal indictments expected this year of D party and ex-government high officials from the FBI, the Justice Department, and others. The coup d’état attempted by the D party did not work. We are still free and we still have a President who won the election fair and

the reproduction of those who were considered unfit. Sanger was a member of the Socialist Party and supported the Communist IWW. When she was indicted in 1914, she fled to England. After she met Stalin, another fan of the fake science

square. It was more than 100 years ago that Bismarck said “God has a special Providence for fools, drunkards, and the United States of America.” He was right. God Bless America, our home sweet home.

of eugenics, in 1934, Sanger published a book praising him and the Soviet Union. The majority of Planned Parenthood clinics now are in black neighborhoods, a trend that started with its

For greater detail on these important subjects, please see

first clinic in Harlem in 1930. The group now receives over

Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party, a

$500 million a year in Federal grants and performed 332,757

2016 documentary by Dinesh D’Souza.

abortions in 2018 in the US. According to the CDC, the rate of

CTM | ISSUE 28 | PAGE 27



President Clinton’s involvement in the Northern Ireland Peace


Process helped British and Irish leaders sign the Good Friday Agreement, which created a power-sharing relationship between

Irish politics has always been important to the United States, as the links between Ireland and America are significant. Following the Potato Famine that affected Ireland in 1845, leaving the country impoverished, millions of Irishmen migrated to the United States in hope of a better life. That continued even after the Irish left the United Kingdom in 1922, and the Commonwealth in 1948, to become the Republic of Ireland. Nothing encapsulated that struggle better than the 1999 film Angela’s Ashes, which explores the desperation many Irishmen felt to escape to America.

Photo Source:

Document Photo Source: BBC

Every year, the White House celebrates St. Patrick’s Day to

nationalists and unionists. The latter believe Northern Ireland

retain the historical links between their two countries. But it was

should remain in the United Kingdom. Senator George Mitchell

the 1990s that saw the United States expand their influence in

was also invited to aid the peace process and he produced the

Ireland, and it all started in 1994 when President Bill Clinton

1996 Mitchell Report that recommended the IRA decommission

provided Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams with a passport to travel

their weapons alongside peace talks.

to America. Sinn Fein were the political wing of the Provisional Irish Republican Army (IRA), both of whom want Northern

Although British Prime Minister John Major ignored the

Ireland to join the Republic of Ireland. The IRA attempted to

Mitchell Report and said the IRA had to decommission their

achieve this aim through violence atrocities.

weapons before peace talks, it was American involvement that

CTM | ISSUE 28 | PAGE 28 was pivotal to the entire peace process compared to the collapse

equivalent of an attorney. One of the Enniskillen victims was a

of the Sunning dale Agreement of 1973, when the Nixon

sister to two US citizens and another two were the parents of

administration did not involve themselves. When Tony Blair

another. The source said they complained to the PSNI that KRW

took over from Major in 1997, he admitted the Mitchell Report

had sent a paralegal to the meeting who did not have a practising

was significant in bringing about peace and the US senator

certificate. After the incident, KRW’s request for a new inquest

continued to ensure the IRA decommissioned their weapons

into British state involvement in the Enniskillen killings was

throughout the peace process. The historical and political links

rejected by the Northern Irish Attorney General. But this

between Ireland and America are still alive now, and that is why

represents the sheer scale of what is going on- a law firm

many Irish Americans reading this should be alarmed at what is

reinforcing a conspiracy theory that successive British

happening in Northern Ireland.

governments were involved in staging Irish atrocities to frame the IRA.

There is something dark and sinister going on in this country that does not receive the attention it deserves in British or Irish

Furthermore, the source revealed this unqualified ‘solicitor’ was

publications and news channels. And those who have reported on

promising victims that if they allowed KRW to represent them,

what is going on have found themselves threatened with

he could sue the Chief Constable of the PSNI, and they would

defamation in the United Kingdom and fearful of reporting on it

win lots of money for them. Many victims also received cold

again. Only The Sun newspaper has retained its investigative

calls. The paralegal used to work in an agency called Victim

piece exposing what is happening. It was reported by The Sun

Support himself and it is difficult to see how he could have

that Irish law firms like Madden & Finnucane and KRW were

contacted the families of victims without unlawfully accessing

the largest recipients of legal aid in Northern Ireland, totalling

their data. He also worked as an intern for KRW before moving

£12 million between them. Both organisations have represented

into Victim Support. This all sounds very suspicious, and almost

the families of IRA men and civilians killed during the Troubles.

staged itself, which is ironic given KRW is accusing the British

The Sun revealed all 302 killings by British forces were being

government of staging past incidents.

probed by the Police Service of Northern Ireland. Madden & Finnucane’s first client when the company was founded in 1979

One lady who knows the source well said that, against her better judgement, she met with the paralegal and Kevin Winters, the head of KRW, who promised to sue the British government and the Chief Constable. Winters refused to say he would sue the IRA. The lady was already aware of who killed her sister, as that information was in the public domain, but realising what she had done by meeting KRW, she withdrew from them. Although this law firm continued to promise victims compensation, PSNI were informed and they refused to prosecute anybody.

Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher Dies at 87 Photo Source: Spiegel

KRW have represented families in several atrocities, including the Birmingham bombings of 1974, the Kingsmill massacre of

was Bobby Sands, who died during the 1981 Hunger Strikes

1976, the Claudy bombing of 1972, and Enniskillen in 1987. One

among IRA prisoners when British Prime Minister Margaret

individual represented in the Claudy inquiry received a

Thatcher refused to appease them.

substantial amount of money. The UK Attorney General decreed KRW could not represent IRA families as justice is devolved,

One source, who agreed to remain anonymous, provided me with

and KRW is not a law firm located in Great Britain. Matt Jury

an insight into KRW’s activities. They said during a meeting of

from the well-respected McCue Partners had to open an office in

victims of the Enniskillen bombings in 1987, whereby the IRA

Northern Ireland to represent families affected by the 1998

bombed a Remembrance Sunday event that year, one KRW

Omagh bombings. The source revealed that once KRW

representative was pretending to be a solicitor, although he was

complained they could not represent IRA families in Great

not mentioned on their website because he did not have an

Britain, the Attorney General retreated. The source also said

official certificate to practise law as a solicitor- the UK and Irish

KRW represent families whose data was retrieved by the

CTM | ISSUE 28 | PAGE 29 allegedly ‘fake’ solicitor. A couple of ladies claim that they paid

British state and Brigadier Kitson for negligence in 2015. Many

this unlicensed lawyer £3000 and received nothing in return.

people who claimed Kitson and the security services were in

KRW have also requested a new inquest into the 1974 Guildford

some way complicit with the Birmingham pub bombings,

bombing, insinuating that the British state was to blame for an

protested with placards at the 2018 Conservative Party

IRA atrocity. It has also been revealed that a few disgruntled

Conference in Birmingham- not far from the site of the IRA

former RUC officers are providing KRW with conspiracy

atrocity. This is evidence of the sort of blame culture Irish law

theories about the British state. These include a retired

firms are creating in Northern Ireland, whereby responsibility for

superintendent providing them with information about the RUC Special Branch and a former investigator who works for KRW as

terrorist outrages is deflected back at the law enforcement and security forces trying to stop them.

a consultant, but he is not mentioned on their website. The efforts of Irish law firms to sue the British state and retired

The Belfast Newsletter was one publication that used to run stories on KRW, but they have refused to do so since they threatened to sue them. Niall Murphy, a senior KRW partner, is also an advisor to a republican pressure group called Relatives for Justice. Their chairman, Mark Thompson, regularly visits the United States to drum up support. Thompson’s IRA brother was shot dead by British soldiers some years ago as he committed an armed robbery. Relatives for Justice’s board is stuffed with senior republicans. The Committee on the Administration of Justice claims to be a human rights organisation, but the source reveals they only represent republicans and are regularly advised by KRW.

Winters is representing families of the Malaya Emergency of 1948, who were affected by the British, which involved a 12year Communist campaign against Britain. He is also representing families involved in Operation Blue Star, which removed militant religious leader Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale from the buildings of the Harmandir Sahib complex in Amritsar, Punjab, in 1984. Again, the KRW head is suing the British government for their supposed involvement in this Indian Army operation.

Another senior Northern Irish law firm called O’Muirrigh Solicitors has a senior partner called Paddy Murray, who is the son of Sean ‘Spike’ Murray, a former IRA leader in Belfast. Coincidentally, a recent case against Spike for his involvement in the Florida gun-running incident of the late 1990s, whereby the IRA bought weapons from Americans, was dropped.

Another source was taunted by a couple of people on social media who believed counter-insurgency expert Brigadier Frank Kitson used a loyalist paramilitary group called the Ulster Defence Association, who believe Northern Ireland should remain in the United Kingdom, in 1973 to kill Eugene ‘Paddy’ Heenan, a Catholic minibus driver. His widow tried to sue the

members of the military and law enforcement will only serve to undermine the Northern Ireland Peace Process the American, British and Irish governments have worked hard to maintain over the years, only sowing the seeds for future hatred and division. The peace process was always fragile, and these actions suing the British for past atrocities committed by dishonest people could undermine everything by promising a dishonest narrative that makes reconciliation more difficult by seeding long-term bitterness. That is why the actions of Irish law firms deserve to be exposed in the press.

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The Future of Municipal Policing By Christopher Grahn Howard

Community policing is defined as involving three key components: developing community partnerships, engaging in

Municipal or local policing has become a major focus in many

problem solving, and implementing community policing

regions across the United States. Despite a number of negative

organizational features. (

issues reported in the press around the country; most local and municipal police departments are well respected and well run. Most are outstanding local and municipal police departments, yet there is still a perception of authoritarian and abusive police. This image is often reinforced in modern media and movies. Most people in most places fall into two groups regarding the police. Either you support them, or you fear them. Sadly, this tends to be a zero-sum game. In American cities with racial divides this perception is even greater.

Ballwin, Missouri is one of the safest municipalities in the state of Missouri and is a suburb of St. Louis City. St. Louis is often dubbed the murder capital of the United States. While Ballwin has always been relatively safe and peaceful community, innovative change was on the horizon. You may be aware that most police departments are highly structured, hierarchical, compartmentalized para-military organizations. Police departments have been that way for decades.

Unfortunately, sometimes slow to adapt and mostly reactive, some policing philosophy has not changed at the rate of most urban culture. Please understand, this is not an indictment of police or the departments. To be clear, I am more of a law and order type person. Often, I feel that our society has become too tolerant of crime and those who commit those crimes. However, there is little doubt that there have been some bad actors and departmental structures that cause as many problems as they solve.

Modern policing has begun to engage with programs on

Photo Source: community policing. These programs usually have a few dedicated officers working and engaging with people in the Traditional American policing has not changed much in the last several decades. As our cities grew, so did crime and the sophistication; and violence of the criminals; causing a more militaristic approach to policing. New York is one such example. They use what I call the standing army model. A model that

community. Despite my comments above, I do believe that a shift in policing is needed to build relationships in communities of all sizes and demographics. Honestly, I believe this is not a completely new approach. What is happening is a variation on returning to community policing of a bygone era.

believes no matter the crime or conflict; the NYPD can simply bring more resources to bear on the problem. In any given location in the city, an army presence can be deployed. With the rise in dangerous interactions with police in some cities, and the desire for mass consolidation of police forces in others‌is there a modern alternative ?

Communities fifty years ago had a basic community policing model. People knew the officers in their community and had positive relationships with them. The chief was known to everyone, he was a fixture at community events, schools and was accessible. When there was a problem, one could go to your local police and seek help. Policing somehow morphed into.

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what I call the Judge Dredd model, “I am the Law!” heavy hammer that assumed everyone was guilty until proven innocent.

In the St. Louis region, in a post Ferguson world, the concept of community policing is long overdue. St. Louis County has over 80 municipalities and over fifty police departments. The

Enter Police Chief Kevin Scott, a 23-year veteran of the Ballwin

Ferguson protests and riots had a profound effect on our entire

Police Department, he became the official chief in April of 2016.

region. Ballwin, while far removed from the violence of that

As the new chief he started to change the culture and operations

period, had already begun a new model of policing.

of the department. To begin with, community policing became the operational philosophy, not a program of the Ballwin Police Department. Tragically, this was tested right out of the gate when a Ballwin Officer was ambushed from behind on a traffic stop. This officer almost died and suffered life altering injuries.

How does one transform a police department? Like most complex organizations…very carefully. How does one “flatten” out the organization in order to make it more responsive and even proactive? Chief Scott has taken a team approach. A cross trained, interdependent team of officers led by a sergeant.

These teams are independent, within the scope of the law and the mission of the department. The teams represent the whole department, including being fully trained in CIT, crime scene investigations, and all other aspects of policing. Most police departments are compartmentalized into units that are specialized. Ballwin PD’s “teams” are not predicated on any given situation, as they can function independently, yet given the need, multiple teams can be assigned to one incident. Teams are focused on ownership of the situation and people. The influx of millennials into the profession can make these transitions easier.

Police Chief Kevin Scott, Photo Source:West Newsmagazine

A large municipal or regional department may be more successful in the traditional model. However, smaller to medium

Chief Scott felt that modern policing needed to change, become more efficient, flexible and proactive. The Chief flattened the hierarchy into a more lateral model with more flexibility. He started to change the culture within the department by referring to citizens as his/the departments customer base and by building his “business” by building relationships. This element is what

size police departments would be considerably more flexible and available to the public/customer base in this model. Scott’s model encourages a greater engagement and not just having officers secluded in police cars. “We have an interest in our community and to see it grow” Chief Scott said when I asked about the non-police benefits of this model. Having the police have this type of philosophy in addition to the standard policing

fascinates me the most, as many urban police departments philosophy is, I believe, perfect.

struggle with the changing culture and how to gain cooperation. Too many times and in too many communities the police are This model projects a total community development and

perceived to be the enemy and not a valued part of the cooperation attitude that has, in this case, permeated the entire

community. city. Remember the tragic event I mentioned? That affair put pressure on Chief Scott to communicate with a city that

This is especially true in many of the municipalities around St. desperately wanted to be updated on what was being done, how

Louis City. The police, to enforce the law (a good thing) struggle the officer was doing and what that meant for the community.

to gain the trust of these in the community; either due to racial In keeping with Chief Scott’s emerging philosophy, he went

tensions or a heavy-handed approach to law enforcement. Often directly to social media to communicate with the city. Facebook

there can be a disconnect between the local governmental video updates became something concerned citizens looked

structure and the police departments; only exacerbating these forward to and counted on for updated information. Chief Scott

complications. brought the city together in this way. While that particular

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situation has passed, social media is still used to communicate with the citizens. Most notable a “Weekly Round Up” that is a light-hearted review of the calls, responses and arrests of the week. I can tell you that the people look forward to this posting. They have almost 25,000 followers on FB.

I strongly believe that what is happening here in Ballwin, Missouri in terms of municipal policing can be a model followed by many and with great success. Police have a serious, dangerous and challenging job/duty to perform. Having been in academy classes, ride-a-longs, shoot/no shoot training; the job is not an easy one and I respect those who can do this job every day. I am proud to say that I live in Ballwin and that my police chief is leading by example. I hope you can say the same.

Christopher Grahn Howard

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“Coming Across the Border in The House of Representatives Where the Democratic Party Has Built A Wall” By David A. Colbert

I was watching the Representatives from both parties talking

I woke up and saw that the Republican Party which we all were

about President Trump’s Executive Order Declaring a state of

complaining about were people in businesses enjoying their

National Emergency. I agree with President Trump and I know

wealth and seeking to allow us to keep more of what we earned

who should build it. I believe the Democratic Party are the best

instead of taxing us to death like the opposition Democratic

ones to build the wall. They are very good at building them.

Party. I watched both sides in the recent debate on the House

They have built walls in the Senate and they have built walls in

floor about the mainly Democratic Party’s resolution to stop the

the House.

President’s Declaration of a Nation Emergency to build a barrier on this countries border. The Democratic Party essentially

President Trump came to the Democratic Party wall trying to

ignored the Border Patrol Agents and their leadership

take it down. I know you tried Mr. President, but you and me

disagreeing with their professional opinion. Agents have been

both know that it was a losing battle trying to get them to do

killed trying to guard our borders. They are We the People as

anything that you presented. The Democratic Party especially


one set of politicians there in the House are what we use to call crybabies. If they don’t get their way, not the peoples’ way they

I was listening to each member of the Democratic Party speak on

throw up a wall. They did it to the second President Bush and I

their resolution, the majority of which were African American.

do not see the Border Patrol Agent of the House of

They spoke against the declaration being against the constitution.

Representative Nancy Pelosi back to let anyone across the aisle

If I remember correctly, the last Democratic President “Obama”,

or what I am calling the H.O.R. Wall. I pray one day the

preach hate against this country’s way of life. (. i.e. Capitalism).

madness will stop.

He also spoke of and signed into law and took actions to secure our borders. The Republicans has come across the H.O.R. Wall

I have watched this government for years and I have no idea who

just to be escorted back. The Republicans thought we found

the Democratic Party represents, because it is sure not many

something we could agree on and they opposed it. I know our

people. It is time for this countries’ African American people to

President’s thinking, just like with the talks with North Korea he

stop blindly accepting the Democratic Party who does not

wanted to give the Democratic Party an opportunity to chime in,

represent all the people. The policies they have pushed through

in the interest of meeting at that wall and trying to bridge the

for the most part have kept our race enslaved to Government


Assistance. Generations of our people have lived and died under government hand outs and subsidies, instead of going out and

President Trump tried and tried even when members of his party

working or creating businesses for ourselves and our

told him declare a National Emergency, he waited and tried to


continue negotiating. I heard certain Democratic Party members say he is just trying to keep his campaign promises, something

I was a Democratic Party supporter at one time through family

that is foreign to them mind you. What is wrong with a politician

tradition, until I found out that most of them were lawyers with

trying to keep their campaign promises. I wish someone would

fee-based thinking. They always vote to raise our taxes and take

tell me. The Democratic Party is the party of business as usual.

money from us and give us a little back at the end of the year,

They reject anything that brings joy to the American people. I

how preposterous. I fell for their garbage for years until

was listening to their comments on the House floor and the

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Democratic Party members had to be constantly told to refrain

I would like to thank the Leadership and Staff at Christian Times

from personal verbal attacks on the President. I will say it again,

Magazine for all their hard work and for affording me the

I hear people saying the President is a racist, I even heard it

opportunity to use my talents in writing.

alluded to on the House floor. I grew up in an African American neighborhood and can tell you sincerely, I saw more prejudice there then I saw in the world at large. Racism exists in this world

I especially want to thanks our C.E.O Anil Anwar. Email us with any comments you may have about this article. Thanks.

over all ethnicities, not just black and white people. The present legislation in this country of the United of America does very little to combat it. I myself have been discriminated against for employment, once for race, sex being a man and then for the religion “Christianity” and now for my age. I thought I was dreaming when I discovered these incidences.

I believe that President Trump is a people just try to stand by his promises, that is what makes him different. He is not a politician, although he is learning the game. He is a successful businessman. Don’t get angry with him, he used his God given talents to amass great wealth that God gave him the power to get.

(Deuteronomy 8:18 KJV but thou shalt remember the LORD thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he swore unto thy fathers, as it is this day.)

I did not mean to offend anyone by my statements, but the truth is the truth. The more I watch the Democratic Party politicians, I find that the means nothing them if they cannot get their way. I have a out and out lie, nothing new with the Democratic Party. They act like President Trump’s policies has not brought more jobs to Americans when is clear that things have changed and more Americans are working.

I was watching the Democratic Party trying to get support in the H.O.R. I was surprise that several of them did not have a good command of the English language. I was very upset to see and hear this, because many of them were African American like me. I hope you enjoyed reading this article. I apologize if any of my statements were not completely correct. I am one of the people in this country of We the People. I needed Jesus to help me when I begin this article and I still need him now just like you. We all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

David A. Colber

Angels are all around us, they get drunk off espresso, wear clothes like normal human beings and yes even have families like the rest of human society.These were just a few of the things Elizabeth was about to learn.Photographer and graphic artist, Elizabeth is out in the middle of the country taking pictures of a cloudy sky when she witnesses an angel descend through rays of light. Shocked, she passes out. Upon awakening, Elizabeth sees Samuel kneeling next to her calling her name with a voice so pure she's sure it isn't real.Samuel pops in and out of her life, confusing her as to what's real and what isn't. The two of them fall in love, sending Elizabeth on the adventure of a lifetime. Will their love be strong enough to fight against the darkness that surrounds them? "Captivating. That's how I felt about this book.� --Alexandria Weis



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National Republican Congressional Committee PRESS RELEASE MARCH 11, 2019

Per the Palo Pinto Democratic Party, failed Texas Agriculture Commissioner Kim Olson is throwing her hat in the ring for the Democrat nomination in TX-24, setting up a primary with perennial losing candidate Jan McDowell. And McDowell is already throwing punches at her fellow Democrat saying, “But she lives in Mineral Wells...nowhere even close to our District! And no, quickly getting an apartment in the district while maintaining actual residence outside doesn't really count.” It's going to be quite a contest to see whether Democrats decide to go with McDowell, a two-time loser who lives in the district or Olson, who’s only been rejected by voters once, but who lives elsewhere!

NRCC Comment: “What is it about Texas Democrats’ love affair with losing candidates? Whether Democrats nominate failed statewide candidate Kim Olson or failed congressional candidate Jan McDowell, their nominee will be an extreme liberal who will once again be rejected by Texans.” – NRCC Spokesman Bob Salera

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‘Preserving and Protecting Our God-given Rights!’ By Charles Lingerfelt Our nation, the United States of America was founded by

meet together to discuss ideas and decide if these ideas

godly men more than 240 years ago. It was a nation

(bills) should become laws. There are 435

founded upon godly principles and soon became a nation

Representatives. The number of representatives each state

“of the people, by the people and for the people.” It was

gets is determined by its population. Some states have just

in principle, and for all practical purposes, the most

2 representatives. Others have as many as 40. Both

unique founding of a nation ever in the history of

senators and representatives are elected by the eligible


voters in their states.

The United States has stood as a bastion of Liberty and

3. The Judicial part of our federal government includes

freedom all those years for all to clearly see the “bright

the Supreme Court, which consists of 9 Justices. They

lights” of freedom – and have enjoyed the peace which

are special judges who interpret laws according to the

radiates from the strength we have produced in the more

Constitution. These justices only hear cases that pertain to

than two centuries.

issues related to the Constitution. They are the highest court in our country. The federal judicial system also has

Our Founders were creative designers of at first 13

lower courts located in each state to hear cases involving

Original colonies from the Old Great Britain Empire, but

federal issues. All three parts of our federal government

soon broke away from Britain – and had to fight the

have their main headquarters in the city of Washington

Revolutionary War, and win to do so. Those founders


were distinctly led by God in the drafting of two founding documents which have been the “saving glue” for this

All elected officials of these united States of America

nation throughout our history. The documents, the

have been sworn and empowered to “protect and defend

Constitution of the U S and the Declaration of

the Constitution of the United States of America against

Independence were, and are yet, historic in nature and

all enemies, foreign and domestic.”

profound in essence. They both clarify in truth and in principle, materially just who we are as a nation and a

But none of us – Not a single one of us should ever leave


it up to our elected “Officials” to defend totally our ‘Godgiven fights.’ Our rights, guaranteed to us by The

In the founding of our nation and its governing powers,

Constitution of the U S, and given to us by God Himself

the framers designed three equal branches of government

should be revered, honored, protected and preserved by

to guide, protect and defend our citizenry here in

all citizens of this great nation.

America. Those branches are: The Executive Branch, The Legislative Branch and The Judicial Branch.

And, if there is ANY elected official who makes a compromise to do differently should be removed from

1. President of the United States :

office immediately and cast away as a disgrace to our

administers the Executive Branch of our government.

nation and its posterity.

The President enforces the laws that the Legislative Branch (Congress) makes. The President is elected by

If Congress doesn’t police its own in protecting our Bill

United States citizens, 18 years of age and older, who

of Rights, and preserving it – the people should “Rise

vote in the presidential elections in their states. These

Up” in unanimous consent and agreement and Demand

votes are tallied by states and form the Electoral College

the “offensive ones” be removed; and if they’re not

system. States have the number of electoral votes which

removed, their constituents should Do a recall of their

equal the number of The Senators and Congressional

election and remove them from office.

Representatives they have. It is possible to have the most popular votes throughout the nation and NOT win the

If that doesn’t work, when their term expires and they are

electoral vote of the Electoral College.

up for re-election – Vote them Out of Office! We Do Not Need ANYONE in office who Will Not

2. The Legislative part of our government is called

comply with his/her Oath of Office….Period!!!

Congress. Congress makes our laws. The U S Congress is

Our God-given Rights Should Be ‘Preserved and

divided into 2 parts: One part is called the Senate. There

Protected’ – By All Means, regardless of the costs!

are 100 Senators--2 from each of our states. Another part is called the House of Representatives. Representatives

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