Christian Times Magazine Issue 54

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Issue 54| DEC 2021


Person of the year

MARCUS LAMB October 7, 1957 - November 30, 2021

Charles Lingerfelt Editor In Chief CEO - President Anil Anwar Publisher CTM Graphic & Interior Design Anil Anwar

PAGE 06 Special thanks and appreciation to Pastor Shaji and Shiney Daniel


Issue 54|december 2021 Published in the United States of America

Copyright © 2021 by Christian Times Magazine

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, For permission requests, 214-256-4293 214-850-1541

ISSN 2639-7714 (PRINT) ISSN: 2639-7730 (ONLINE)



EDITOR'S NOTE At Christian Times Magazine, our mission is to distinguish ourselves from those who are providing the world with fake news.














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Marcus Lamb October 7, 1957 - November 30, 2021


‘IN HONOR OF MARCUS LAMB!’ OCTOBER 7, 1957 - NOVEMBER 30, 2021 Marcus Lamb, a co-founder of Daystar Television Network, a Texas-based Christian television network Ministry died on Tuesday, 30 November 2021. He was 64. His wife, Joni Lamb, confirmed his death on “Ministry Now,” the show that she and Mr. Lamb had hosted together. Daystar is based in Bedford, Texas, in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Reportedly, it was confirmed that Mr. Lamb passed away due to his contraction of COVID-19. Daystar Television Network, which the Lambs co-founded in 1997, had become one of the world's largest Christian television networks and today reaches millions of people around the world. The network was actually a “dream come true” for Mr. Lamb and his ministry. As the network’s chief executive, Mr. Lamb hosted his own broadcast as well as the show with his wife. His children regularly appear on the network, which says it consistently reaches more than 100 million people, mostly through cable TV providers. Mr. Lamb leaves behind his wife, Joni, and their three children and their spouses and grandchildren. According to Joni, the ministry will continue as set forth in the desires of Marcus himself; and Joni and her family will continue the ministry of reaching people around the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is our desire at Christian Times Magazine and the recognition of Marcus as the ‘PERSON OF THE YEAR’ 2021 to recognize him fully for his complete dedication to the gospel and to his ministry of reaching people with love, compassion, and ministry. We ask that you remember Mrs. Lamb and her family, and the entire ministry in your prayers. May God continue to bless Daystar Television! Sincerely, Charles Lingerfelt Editor-in-Chief, Christian Times Magazine


‘Our Sincere Appreciation!’

We pause here to give our sincere thanks and appreciation to Pastor Shaji and Shiney Daniel of Sunnyvale, Texas. They pastor the Agape Church in Sunnyvale, a growing, thriving church that ministers to people in many nations. Pastor Shaji and his wife Shiney have graciously sponsored this month’s issue of Christian Times magazine. They have generously sponsored the front cover coverage of Marcus Lamb and our memorial to him and his ministry inside this issue. Thank you very much, Pastor Shaji and Shiney, for sponsoring this issue 54 of Christian Times Magazine. And thank you as well for your advertisement on the back cover! We bless you in the name of the Lord and we offer our sincerest and most gracious thanks to you both! God Bless You!


The Greatest Generation Still Has a Lesson to Teach Us

By Victor Medina

America recently mourned the passing of World War II heroes Bob Dole and Edward Shames, and with it comes the opportunity to reflect on the “Greatest Generation” and the impact it had upon the world. It also affords us the opportunity to look in the mirror and assess whether we are acting as the proper stewards of their patriotic legacy. Dole, of course, is known for his decades of service in Congress, and for his highly-decorated service in World War II, where he overcame near-fatal combat injuries to earn election to both the U.S. House and Senate. He died December 5 in his Washington, D.C. home from lung cancer. He was 98. In April of 1945, while in combat in Bologna, Italy, Dole took a direct hit to the back from a German mortar shell. His fellow soldiers did not expect him to make it off of the battlefield alive, but dogged determination kept him going despite being paralyzed from the neck down. After







despondency, Dole regained the ability to walk again, and taught himself to write left-handed, having lost the use of his right arm. He was elected to Congress Photo Source: By Unknown author - Robert J. Dole (R-KS), Public Domain, curid=71868868

in 1960 and served there until 1996, when he ran an unsuccessful campaign for President. He also served as Senate Majority Leader and the 1976 Republican nominee for Vice President.


According to his obituary, Shames "demanded the highest of standards from himself and his fellow soldiers." It is a characteristic that often separates the Greatest Generation from our current one. America was built on the efforts and principles of its statesmen, citizens who defined themselves by selflessly putting the country ahead of personal gain. In the internet age, however, Americans are defining themselves by their narcissism and materialism. It is a mindset that has even permeated our military, judicial, and political classes. Rather than live a life of service, they seek





enrichment, and measure achievement in tweets and photo opps. Photo Source: By PumpkinSky - US Airborne, Public Domain, curid=34794616

While Democrats lead the way in our current culture of selfishness, we are lying to ourselves if we don’t see the same behavior among our

Shames may not be a household name, but you

Republican leaders. Too many are unwilling to

certainly know his story. He was the last surviving


officer of the famed “Band of Brothers,” members of

groundwork of reaching across the aisle to earn a

“Easy Company” of the 101st Airborne Division

legislative achievement. Like Alexandria Ocasio-

whose exploits were immortalized in Stephen E.

Cortez, they consider a sarcastic tweet a political

Ambrose’s bestselling book and the HBO miniseries

victory. This self-serving mindset has only

“Band of Brothers.”

deepened the political divide, a lesson Dole







learned himself and corrected while in Congress. Shames died at his home on December 3 at the age of

Early in his political career, Dole was a

99 after a distinguished military career that included


some of the definitive battles of World War II,

politically. He later observed that a lack of


bipartisanship was not only doing political





Market Garden, and the Battle of the Bulge.






damage to conservatism, it was harming the country. He began working more with Democrats

He was one of the first Americans to storm Hitler’s

on common goals, including passing legislation

famed “Eagle’s Nest,” where he took the dictator’s

to guarantee disabled rights and establishing the

personal stash of cognac, which he later used at a

WIC program, which assisted poor women and

toast for his oldest son’s Bar Mitzvah. He would go

children. In the 1960s, he led the Republican

on to serve as an expert on Middle East affairs with

support of John F. Kennedy’s Civil Rights Act

the National Security Agency. He later served in the

and Voting Rights Act, which was largely

US Army Reserve Division and retired as a colonel.

opposed by Democrats and Southern politicians.


In the 1990s, as Senate majority leader, he and








Newt Gingrich worked together to pass the

Republican leaders who are restoring principled

“Contract with America,” and even worked with

conservatism to Congress. As we saw after World

President Bill Clinton to end the 1995 government

War II, these leaders are coming from the military.


Former Navy SEAL and Afghanistan war veteran Dan Crenshaw was elected to the House of

Dole was often criticized by fellow Republicans as

Representatives in 2018, representing Texas after

being too “soft” on Democrats, but his efforts at

an IED took his right eye and ended his military

bipartisanship had a surprising effect. The political

career. Like Dole, he brings integrity to Capitol

victories strengthened the GOP, and led to the

Hill, unafraid to take unpopular stances if he

1994 wave of Republicans elected to Congress,

thinks it is best for the country. And he does it

despite having Clinton in the White House.

with a sense of humor.

Even today, as a lack of bipartisanship has led to a

Restoring the values of the Greatest Generation is



not an impossible task, nor does it require the hard

Republicans and Democrats spend more time

experience of self-sacrifice that men like Dole and

trying to get the best sound bite or tweet on the

Shames had to endure. It does, however, require us

evening news. They seem unwilling to heed the

to emulate the principles they stood for, and act

words Dole stated later in his career: "In politics,

upon those principles, even if it means earning the

honorable compromise is no sin. It is what protects

ire of social media or a news pundit.






us from absolutism and intolerance.” The lives of Bob Dole and Edward Shames are not Rather than the crude and often profane arguments

history lessons to be analyzed. They are blueprints

politicians make these days, Dole used his wit and

to making America great again.

sense of humor to wage political battle, often using sharp-tongued commentary to make a point. Even in his farewell letter, read at his funeral, Dole took a clever dig at Democrats. In it, he wondered if he would be able to vote after he died…in the Democratic stronghold of Chicago. The joke went over the heads of many, but not those in politics and the media. If Republicans continue to embrace a superficial approach to politics, and ignore the example of The Greatest Generation, we will not only continue to shrink our party, we will continue to alienate the “center,” that growing group of American voters who have grown so tired of partisan politics that they no longer affiliate with either major party.

Article by Victor Medina

Vic is a former association executive who now works as an editor and writer for a number of websites. His past work includes The Dallas Morning News, Sports Illustrated, and Yahoo News.

He is the founder and editor of several websites, including,,, and


THE GATE OF HEAVEN A CHRISTMAS MIRACLE – TRUE STORY FROM WORLD WAR II By Robert Summers Sergeant James Dunn was awakened early in the

As James lay still on his cot, a wave of despair

morning by a loud voice calling his name. “James,

swept over him. He feared never seeing

wake up! Don’t you know what today is?” his

home, mother and his sweetheart again. In the heat

warrant officer friend was sticking his head in

of battle, he had just about lost all hope

James’ small tent. James stirred in his cot and

and faith. Christmas lights and love were a million

managed a disinterested reply. “I have no idea,”

miles from his war-ravaged island of Arawe.

he answered. He remembered he had prayed as a boy in Sunday “It’s Christmas!” his soldier friend persisted.

school. James prayed quietly this morning. “God,

“Christmas, James.” Christmas! James really had

if you really are real, if you’re still Lord, still love

not thought about it. He actually had lost track of

me, then somehow show me.” James thought he

the date. He did not jump right up. In fact, he lay

heard singing. Yes, he did hear voices singing a

there for a moment thinking of Christmas back

familiar tune. “Jesus loves me this I know for the

home in East Texas. Mother would have the table

Bible tells me so. Little ones to Him belong. They



are weak, but He is strong.” “What the …….!” he


exclaimed as he jumped into his Army trousers

basically without address, always on the move

and rain boots. He ran outside and discovered a

with the front lines.

band of island natives carrying gardening tools











and singing. “Yes, Jesus loves me…” In December of 1944, James was stationed in the Admiralty Islands of the South Pacific with the

James ran to stop them. “Where did you learn that

US Army 1 st Cavalry Division. The unit had

song?” he queried, looking for one who spoke

moved in and taken the island from its Japanese

English. Several of the singers replied in broken

Imperial Army occupiers in a month-long bloody


battle. The US Army Corps of Engineers had

Missionaries come to our island. They tell us

recently improvised a bulldozed jungle landing

about Jesus and teach us songs.” “Where are the

strip. James’ tent was at the runway’s end because

missionaries?” James shot back “They gone,”

he kept a complete log of the manifests of flown-

came the reply of the islander who appeared to be

in war supplies and the dead and wounded flown

in charge. He had tears in his eyes. “Soldiers come

out from the airstrip.

to take them away,” he explained.





“Japanese say this island now Japanese island. No missionaries! They take away. We had church. Japanese says they will burn it. We take it down and hide in the sand at the beach. We go today to dig it up for Christmas. We are happy people. We sing!” James ran to the mess tent to tell his company officer. The commander was moved by this report. “Let’s get the wench truck and the bulldozer and help them,” he announced. “James, get a patrol of men to help you. Tell them I said so. Tell them Merry Christmas”. Every GI on the island wanted to help. They soon had excavated all the little chapel’s pieces. By noon, the building was erected and nailed back together. The company Chaplain called for a Christmas day dedication. Every soldier who owned a camera took photographs. The little chapel was known by its Biblical name, The Gate of Heaven. According to James, many of the GI’s had tears in their eyes as the Chaplain prayed. All seemed to have their hopes renewed that peace would come soon and that they could go home to the ones they loved. They had experienced a Christmas miracle. They had stood at the Gate of Heaven. Postlog: James came home after the war and married Yvonne Lundsford, his sweetheart. In the early 1950’s he taught junior boys Sunday school class. He told his story every Christmas. I was in that class. Over the years my wife JoAn and I visited the Dunns. James lived to be 99. I ministered to the Dunn funerals. His grandson, Adam Dunn was a well-known baseball pitcher for several National League ball teams. James wanted me to have the original snapshot of the native church “The Gate of Heaven.” That name is taken from Jacob’s encounter with God at Bethel: “This is none other than the house of God and this is the gate of heaven” Genesis 28:17


GOD WARRIOR By Katherine Daigle

"He, who plants wind will harvest the storm" – when crimes against humanity become the State ideology. We are in a holy week of Advent, these are the four

generation away from vanishing completely. The strength

Sundays preceding Christmas, which is when

and character that come from an unshakeable faith in God

Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, are recognized for four virtues. These candles on the Advent wreath symbolize hope, love, joy, and peace. The “coming" or "arrival" of our Savior. The Christian meaning for prepare and celebrate of the coming of Jesus Christ, His birth at Christmas, and the anticipation of our Savior returning to us.

are crucial to reclaiming and preserving these values, and freedom of religion is fundamental in nurturing that vital faith. Religious liberty and the afforded protections under the Constitution that many have fought and died for are to be commemorated for their courage and tenacity in standing up for these rights, and theirs should be an example to every remaining state in the Union: If you allow God to be forsaken, only woe and ruin can await the nation.

As we worship during the Advent of Christmas and Hannukah season and seek God in one’s own heart is among the most fundamental of humanity, and it is nothing less than an assault on a person’s soul to deny or infringe upon this basic liberty. This country would neither have been born nor survived its infancy without strong faith and freedom, and now that it has not only endured but grown into a

Some two and one-half centuries ago, the United States of America was founded on ideals of liberty, with the most cherished among these the freedom from government intrusion upon the people’s faith and free will. The framers of our Constitution were fleeing lands in which kings and their citizens decided by fiat what was the “appropriate”







punishments for those not obeying these spiritual decrees.

powerful nation, it is vital that we continue to

Those who chose to seek God in a unique way were

protect this cherished American principle.

sanctioned and persecuted, their rights as people born free disregarded by a cold, distant aristocracy that imposed

In fact, the point is especially salient now. The United States has lost its way in so many important moral pursuits that an alarming array of the values that originally made it great seem always a mere

conformity upon the commoners and peasant classes. People revolted, very much like today and the United States exists today because of those people who stood up and demanded their birthright to freedom and autonomy.


Therefore, it is so encouraging that many states

“He will head up a new one-world government that

have recognized America’s freedoms under the

holds captive the entire world. This headship is the

Constitution, a collection of Constitutional laws

same ruling position that Satan offered to Jesus

that embody the rules and regulations which govern

when he tempted him (Lk 4:5-7)”.

the country and the rights of the individuals who reside in it. Constitutional laws regulate the

These brave Christian warriors are "setting an

federal, state, and local governments in the United

example" among those who have the courage and

States. Government must explain and justify any

integrity to speak out, stand up against deceitful,

restrictions upon our independence afforded to us

corrupt, Machiavellian opportunists that claim

by the Constitution.

what is righteously ours as Americans. These attacks on our Judeo-Christian values - we are at

This is important, because these amendments

the battleground in the United States for the world,

guarantee essential rights and civil liberties, such

good v. evil and if we lose here - then all of

as the freedom of religion, the right to free speech,

humanity goes down.

the right to bear arms, trial by jury, and more, as well as reserving rights to the people and the

In the country where "black is white when Party


discipline demands this," a contradiction of plain facts Americans who righteously believe that their

Unfortunately, today in America, the great patriot

rights and liberties come directly from God, not a

warrior a prognosticator of our future is being

collection of bureaucrats, are being publicly




disgraced "to set an example" or secretly forced to



spread fear and cast doubt in our society. Today it

imprisoned "to set an example among other

is clearer than anyone would have ever imagined.

nonconformists – the patriots breaking the rules

Our country is under a tyrannical government a

and disobeying this evil Marxist government.”

group of ideological and philosophical beliefs



domestic by


terrorist, FBI,


based on a Philistine God, the “Tempter.” On November 17, 2021, Jacob Chanseley, one of the living symbols of the "01/06" event, was

When people are being prosecuted and charged for

sentenced to 41 months in prison with this exact

publicly praying, dissenting, and declaring that

official wording from Justice Department. The

there was a “Great Lie” a stolen election in

message was clear disobedience by any patriots


will be met with severe consequences, reminiscent

Democracy, and all America's noble ideals. The

of the gulags (political camps) of the World War 2

evil forces that are occupying the “people’s house”

era - patriots and loyalists to President Trump

today are trying to desecrate it, turn it into a

would pay a heavy price for freedom and liberty.

headquarters of illegitimate leaders and false

That is what happens when a country falls into the

prophets, a sacrificial altar for ungodly acts.






clutches of evil oppressive persecutors who follow the orders of an antichrist. These immoral despots

"…Then the world, under the leadership of the

have been prophesied by the Bible to oppose

Tempter seducing humans into falsehoods an anti-

Christians and substitute themselves in Christ's

Christian government,

place before the Second Coming.


and anti-Christian religion – the dragon, the beast,

“shows Himself mighty against His foes”: “His

and the false prophet – … God's children,

eyes are like a flame of fire, and on his head are

oppressed on every side, crying for help…"– a

many diadems, and he has a name written that no

quote from Christian scholar William Hendriksen.

one knows but himself. He is clothed in a robe

When a gathering of patriots praying for a lawful

dipped in blood, and the name by which he is

rightful vote that united all people of all religions

called is The Word of God…From his mouth

and beliefs is called a violent riot in a vengeful

comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the

Media when supporters of the legitimate President

nations, and he will rule them with a rod of iron.

are called domestic terrorists, the country that once

"He will tread the winepress of the fury of the

was the hallmark of freedom and justice becomes a


pathetic impression of Orwell's "1984" universe.

Revelation 19:15 mean? |”) (“What

But it is also a sign of how frightened those

does Revelation 19:15 mean? |”) On

political predators are in the face of those they

his robe and on his thigh, he has a name written,

cannot bend.

King of Kings and Lord of lords.”

Would a rightful government have to lie and invert

Like pagans or barbaric rulers, these tyrants try to

reality to explain to the rest of the world the

scrape the very image of the messenger our

current events that simply cannot be swept under

President Donald J. Trump from history, because

the carpet? Would it have to prosecute initiative-

they fear pain and completely powerless to what he

taking parents standing for their children’s rights,

represents to America and the world’s free people?

selfless patriots, and even young children, setting

To the point of absurdity, they spend money and

their bloodthirsty beasts on them? Would it have to

effort into erasing him from one of the classic

invent a disease to control the population and then

Christmas movies, block on every possible social

use it as an excuse to deprive people of their

media and invert every word, act, or intention

liberties one by one?

because "Party discipline demands it."

The Lord goes out like a mighty man, like a man of

But "he, who plants wind will harvest the storm."

war; he stirs up his zeal; he cries out, he shouts

Let us say that for them, they did "set an example"

aloud, he shows himself mighty against his foes.

this time. An example that shows how frightened

(Isaiah 42:13 ESV)

they are. An example of an ultimate hysteria, a







panic in the face of righteous fury and moral When you see pictures of Jesus, do they often

outrage from the people who have built this

depict Him as a warrior? Do they ever show Him

country grounded in faith in God and showed that

defeating his enemies?

they are ready to protect its independence, principles, and ideals. So why is Donald Trump the

“He is longingly gazing heavenward, holding a

King a messenger for the people, a warrior, a

child or a lamb. (“Our God Is a Warrior | Daily

soldier with the weight of the world on his

Devotionals”) (“Our God Is a Warrior | Daily

shoulders? Why has the world reached out in

Devotionals”) He is a warrior. In fact, Revelation

protests and prayer carrying his words in mantras,

19:12-16 reveals what He will look like when He

have they had enough? They are not going to take it anymore!





strongly supports all those things, and more and

marginalized silent majority conservative camp has

has amassed enough popularity not only to catch

been waiting for. He is diamond-strong on national

leadership’s attention, but potentially to steal the



nomination as they are forced to sit powerlessly by

businessman who understands how capitalism

and watch. This is what comes of having taken

works and how he can use it to revitalize the


economy - once again and continue to keep the

Republicans’ chickens are coming home to roost,

United States safe from unending wars. Perhaps

and they are led by a straight-talking Manhattan

and most importantly, he is by no stretch of the

business mogul.














imagination afraid to tell it like it is, countries around the world respect the man for his word it is

As Christmas approaches, we as Americans are

powerful, and people trust him. After being forced

encouraged especially during the middle of the

for years to ingest the likes of many incompetent

Advent season, the Christmas story was the plan of

RINO’s such as cowardly Mitt Romney, Lindsay

God and faith in God includes faith in His timing.

Graham, Chris Christie, and Mitch McConnell,

God told his people to expect a warrior and a

who grudgingly paid them reluctant lip service


when they weren’t flagrantly embracing liberal Marxist policies, conservatives at last have a strong conservative President Donald J. Trump who genuinely believes in the same principles they do, because he isn’t playing the game of politics. He is not being quiet and diplomatic – about anything. He says what he likes, completely heedless of the fact that much of it should be killing him. Yet his popularity continually grows year over year, not suffers, with each outrageous, unconscionable, and refreshingly conservative word that comes out of his mouth. President Trump is the winner of the 2020 election, he knows it and WE THE PEOPLE know it. And it has not gone unnoticed. The Republican RINO establishment is terrified of Trump much like the fake





reasons, they have been slowly but surely moving their party to the left for several election cycles. They no longer believe in a secure border, they routinely






government, and they have lost faith in the power of free enterprise. Now comes Trump, who

Katherine Daigle


Urgent Appeal to Our Father in Heaven

By Lainie Sloane

This morning, as I read today’s headlines, I’m reminded of Billy Graham’s signature hymn, “Just As I Am.”

Just as I am, without one plea But that Thy blood was shed for me And that thou bid’st me come to Thee Oh, Lamb of God, I come, I come

Just as I am, though tossed about With many a conflict, many a doubt Fighting and fears within without Oh, Lamb of God, I come, I come

Just as I am, Thou wilt receive Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse and relieve Because Thy promise I believe Oh, Lamb of God, I come, I come

It still gives me “Jesus bumps” as my mother-in-law called them.


While I’m writing and praying for the Holy Spirit to give me the words to explain that God loves us no matter what, I’m reminded, “Just as I am, though tossed about, with many a conflict, many a doubt, fighting and fears within without, Oh, Lamb of God, I come.” In today’s world, surrounded by violence, politicians and newscasters lying and spewing their evil propaganda to purposely misinform the public, and millions of people following them like sheep, I’m pleading with God to quickly intervene to stop this madness and praying for Him to give His Believers, in the midst of all of this mess, His peace “…which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:7, ESV). It’s a time to focus on God’s unrelenting love for us and understand that He is already taking care of “this madness.” As we can see in Bible history, He has a plan and a timetable in which to accomplish that plan. While those with the gift of prophecy or the gift of knowledge might be privy to a glimpse of what He’s doing and why, we are to trust Him by studying His word and allow the Holy Spirit to give us peace and confidence that in the end. We win, no matter what. I firmly believe that what we are experiencing this holiday season with threats of wars, weather catastrophes, many church doctrines being perverted (2 Timothy 4:3-4), the absence of common sense and the glorification of those things God calls an abomination (Proverbs 6:16-19), and actions being called good, while good is being called evil (Isaiah 5:20), is totally demonic induced and the beginning of the Last Days. While this might seem frightening, our Lord Himself warned that we would experience such times as this and comforted us by saying, “Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.” Then

He spoke to them a parable: “Look at the fig tree, and all the trees. When they are already budding, you see and know for yourselves that summer is now near” (Luke 21:28-39, NKJV). The fig tree represents Israel, which up until 1948, had not existed for 2,500 years and, therefore, the End Times could not have come. End Times prophecy revolves around the nation of Israel when the whole world comes against Jerusalem (Zechariah 12:3). Sound familiar? We are in that time now! While others around us are scratching their heads and wringing their hands wondering what’s going on, we have the glorious hope that began 2,000 years ago with the birth of Christ. He is God from the beginning of time, comedown to us in order to provide us with a means of salvation and give us hope for His coming return that will deliver us from all the insanity we are experiencing today. As we urgently appeal to our Father in Heaven to help us make sense of what we are now going through, we can be comforted to know our redemption draws neigh. As we celebrate this Christmas, we are able to take comfort in the knowledge that the greatest gift that we could ever receive is the gift from God of Himself, and His “present” of hope—so look up knowing that we will soon be delivered, Merry Christmas!


Faith: In Principals and not People By Chris Grahn Howard

I am often reminded of what I believe and why as

this love does not require us to lay aside our beliefs

we approach Christmas. As Christians, we need to


reflect on this often. Today, it has become too easy

consideration to those who see the world differently

to become personality-driven and forget to be

is the expectation of God for all of us. I love the

principle-driven. We look to politicians and other

often-cited meme that says, “Don’t hate me because

“leaders” to guide us. Our Christian faith reminds us

I sin differently than you.” We all sin, we all fall

that people are sinful and fallen. We must look at

short of the glory of God, and as Christians, we all

the principles of our Christian faith and not for

have had Grace bestowed on us, despite being

some perfect human leader to guide us. Jesus is our

undeserving. That is the elegance of the true

excellent leader. Spiritual guidance can be tricky

Christian faith. Even though we are all undeserving,

and lead us astray if we are not careful. Therefore

God, through Christ, loves each of us enough to

we are to pray without ceasing. This is not to say

show us, Grace. How is it then, we have such a hard

that our pastors and others cannot lead us. Instead,

time showing each other such Grace?






it is a warning that even they are fallible. I might suggest an affine line between respect, love, and

If you have read any of my previous articles, you

willingness to follow and hero-worship, idolatry,

know I am very politically minded. Every day I am

and the cult of personality.

challenged to show Grace to those who disagree with me, attack me for my beliefs, and not show me

The same holds true for our politics. How should

Grace. Honestly, I am not that good at doing that. I

our faith reflect in our political principles? Too

do try and make an effort. We, as Christians, must

often, people confuse politics and religion. They

try to set the example, the standard by which others

will often be contradictory. We must watch for

know us and our faith by our actions. While we all

these conflicts within our own personal philosophy

know that good works do not get us into Heaven,

and seek to find the path to resolve them. I promise

our good results and efforts may set others on the

you it will not often be an easy task. Our faith in

path to accept Jesus and gain access themselves.

God requires it, though. Having often said that

Politics often works the same way. How we treat

while the bible says we should render unto Caesar

those who disagree with us will say a lot about our

what is Caesar’s, we get to pick our Caesar in



Which is usually a curse as well as a


Often, I am asked how I will look at a potential candidate for office and what I look for. Should we

It is increasingly hard to show love towards one

look for Godliness, proven results, willingness to

another in the current political climate. We are

fight for party principles, and electability? Yes…to

commanded to this, show brotherly love. Showing

all of those is my answer. I would add to this


prominent list.

As we approach a major election

others? We should ask these questions when looking

cycle, many candidates run and primary fields fill

to give our support, time, talent, and treasure. Who

up, the decisions mount as to whom to support to

does the candidate have around them? Who have

become the standard-bearer for your party. The

they appointed, and how has that person/people

easiest trap to fall into is, “well, I like them.” Well,

done in the job? Knowing this may be one of the

let me ask you, How well do you actually know


them? Or is it just your perception that you like

performance. Do not choose a candidate for a


speech, picture, or say. I am often reminded of the






old joke of campaigning vs. governing. I am reminded of a chance meeting I had with Joe Theismann. I was never much of a fan of him as a

A man dies and is met at the pearly gates by St.

player, he was a great QB, but I just didn’t get into

Peter and Satan. Satan says, give me a chance to

him much. As a TV game announcer, I found him a

show that hell is not what you think it is and that

bit arrogant and not likable. One day, in Wal-Mart, I

neither is Heaven. St. Peter takes the man and

turned a corner near the front checkout and walked

shows him around, people worshiping, walking on

right into him. I apologized, as I would to anyone I

streets of gold lined by many mansions. Then the

walked into, and we started talking. I expected that

man goes with Satan and sees several of his old

demeanor I had seen on TV; I was wrong. Joe was

friends drinking, gambling, and feasting, among

very gracious, friendly, and happy to chat. He was

other things. Back at the gates, he is offered a

not at all the person I thought he was. I still have

choice, having earned his place in Heaven; believed

his autograph on the back of a Wal-Mart receipt I

what he saw in hell and thought he would be having

picked up off the floor.

more fun there. However, once in hell, having made his decision. Satan opens the gates of hell, and the

We all have had these types of experiences, not to

man sees nothing but agony, desolation, and

mention the ones that work the other way; a person

anguish. With tears in his eyes, he asks Satan why?

we thought we liked only then to find out the


opposite. In looking at who to support for an office,

campaigning and governing.







choosing your Caesar, be careful of this mistake. Look to the principles they adhere to, the people

The point, beware of the image presented to you. In

they have around them, and most of all, the shared

politics, as in much of life, existence is a function

Christian faith. One of the many questions I will ask

of perception. Consultants know this, use this and

a potential candidate is – “Do you believe that

count on you buying the package. I have been taken

people are basically good?” How one answers this

in before and no doubt will be again. I have learned

question can tell you a great deal about a person’s

to observe, study, and, most all, pray.

worldview and how they will manage the many challenges of leadership. If a candidate has served in some capacity, how have they carried out the office? How have they maintained their principles? How have they treated


The Christmas Message FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD By Dr. J.P. Sloane This time of year, millions of Christians around the

how God could actually relate to us. He’s never been

world get excited when we see the various Christmas

subjected to all the worries, ills, and problems that we

decorations displayed in all the stores and throughout

humans endure. Imagine how wonderful it would be

our neighborhoods.

Sadly, we don’t see as many

if we could actually know that God truly did

homes decked out these days like we used to see in

understand what it is like to be one of us and

days gone by due to the shift from European migration

experience all the things we must go through as

to the influx of non-European immigrates; most of


them are not of the Christian faith.


intellectually being sympathetic to our problems, but

many of us still proudly deck the halls with boughs of

how can it be possible for God, who is a spiritual

holly and other Christmas adornments.

being, to fully relate to the feelings and pain many of

That’s not to say God isn’t capable of

us must suffer here in a real and physical world? For those of us who are Christians, let’s pause for a moment to reflect on just what Christmas means and

The good news is God does know what it is like to be

why it lays at the heart of the gospel. The word

a human because God so loved the WORLD—that

“Christmas” is composed of two words: “Crist”

means you and me— that He gave His one and only

(meaning “anointed”) comes from the Greek word

unique Son to us (John 3:16a). Notice we did not say

χριστός (chrīstós) and “mas” is from the Old English

“begotten” Son, which is a poor translation of the

word “mass,” which is derived from Middle Latin

Greek. To understand this passage better, let’s look at

missa (“celebration of the Eucharist”). Therefore,

the Greek word and what it really says. The word

Christmas is a celebration of the Messiah or God’s

“μονογενῆ” (monogene, Eng.) means “mono” or “a

anointed One!

one and only” while genos is a “class” or “kind of thing” (i.e., a one and only unique type of its kind).

To begin with, gospel means “good news,” but by now you might be scratching your head asking, “I don’t

For those of you who might not be familiar with other

understand what any of this has to do with Christmas

languages, you might find it interesting to learn how

and God’s love?” The “good news” to mankind begins

precise the Greek language is compared to our own

with the Christmas story which is that God truly loves


the whole world, and everyone in it—form Adam and

similar subject into one word while the Greeks are

Eve—to us and our descendants.

more specific. Before we tackle the word “begotten,”

In English, we combine many types of a

let us look at an example that shows how the Greek Throughout history, people have worshiped many

language works. To do this, we will use the word

gods, and like the pagans, some Christians also felt a


little disconnected from God because they wondered


In English the word “love” can be used to refer to

pause to challenge—inaccurately—the concept of the

many kinds of love and relationships, both toward

Christian Trinity by putting words into Jesus’ mouth:

humans or things (e.g., “I love my car”). The Greeks are more specific regarding the types of love that

“And when Allah saith: ‘O Jesus, son of Mary! Didst

exists. For example, the word Philo = brotherly love,

thou say unto mankind: Take me and my mother for

Eros = romantic love, Philautia = self-love, Agape =

two gods beside Allah [and thus making up the

love for everyone, Platonic (named after the Greek

Trinity]?’ he [Jesus] saith: ‘Be glorified [Allah]! It

philosopher, Plato) = a close relationship, but not a

was not mine to utter that to which I had no right’

non-romantic type of love, etc. So when a Greek is

”(Sûrah 5:116a, Pickthall, clarification mine.)

describing his or her love, we don’t have to guess what type of love to which they are referring. There

To be fair, understanding the Trinity is not simple. In

are at least seven words for seven different types of

some of our books, we go into great detail about the

love in Greek.

Trinity to help clairify it. For now, allow me assure you that it is not mathematically adding the Father,

Another word to review is the controversial word

Son, and Holy spirit together because by doing so it

translated from the Greek as “begotten” in the John

would create three Gods; in other words, it’s not 1 + 1

3:16 passage. Unfortunately, when the Bible was

+ 1 = 3. It’s one God multiplied in three persons 1 X 1


X 1 = 1.








Saint Patrick used the example of the

publication of the King James Bible in 1611, the word

common three-leaf clover, which is simply one plant

translators chose for “unique/one-of-a-kind” was

that manifests itself with three leaves, yet each leaf is

“begotten” which infers a cause, or an act that

joined and nourished by the same single stem.

precedes the existence of something by bringing it into being.

The reason it is important to know that Jesus is part of the Godhead we know as the Trinity is that He has

When we read in the Bible about God having

always existed and, therefore, we can be comforted to

“begotten” or caused a Son to come into existence,

know the good news (gospel) is that God really did

that has given rise to many cults arguing that when the

pour Himself out of the Godhead into the body of a

Bible says, “Jesus is God’s only “begotten” Son,” that

human and by doing so, He was able to experience all

proves Jesus did not exist before Mary gave birth to

the same things that everyone has or will experience,


including temptations and death (Philippians 2:7).

Of course, it is understandable how many people

Reflect on that kind of love for a moment. Jesus sat on

became confused by the term “begotten” because if

a heavenly throne in glory and was worshiped by the

Jesus preexisted His own birth as a human, that would

angels, yet He willingly humbled Himself to become a

imply the concept of God the Father and God the Son,

lowly man. While on earth, He preached about love

along with God the Holy Spirit having always existed

and the Kingdom of God. He healed the sick and

simultaneously; and that would suggest three different

raised the dead, only to be betrayed by a close friend.

Gods and not one as the Bible teaches (Deuteronomy

Because of that betrayal, Jesus suffered humiliation,

6:4). Don’t feel badly if this is confusing because it

beatings and being nailed to a cross which resulted in

even confused Allah and Muhammad which gave them

His ultimate and painful death! Yet while Jesus was


on that cross, He loved us all so much that He willing took upon Himself all the sins of mankind, even the sins of the ones who betrayed, brutally tortured and killed Him! What greater love is there than being willing to lay down your life for a friend (John 15:13)? While it is true that Jesus had many enemies who sought His destruction and finally killed Him, He was never an enemy to them; He was always, unbeknown to them, their friend. Therefore, Christmas is the beginning of a beautiful and loving relationship with God who came to earth not only to love us, but to let us identify with a God who does know how it feels to be one of us, and what it feels like to live in a fallen world. He is always by our side, no matter what! Christmas is the manifestation of God’s magnificent love throughout the ages because He so loved the world that He gave His one and only unique Son for us! Could you put your children into the hands of those who would torture and kill them? I couldn’t. Therefore, ask yourself, “What greater love could there possibly be than God’s love for you and me?” This Christmas—singout with all your heart— “JOY TO THE WORLD THE LORD HAS COME!”


‘The Greatest Gift of All’

By Charles lingerfelt Editor in chief, Christian Times magazine

Christians all around the world will be celebrating

7. Then Herod, when he had privily called the

Christmas. Families will join together for great

wise men, enquired of them diligently what time


the star appeared.






fellowship and the sharing of gifts.It is always a loving occasion when families get together for

8. And he sent them to Bethlehem, and said, Go

these sweet times. In our family, we all celebrate

and search diligently for the young child; and

the Birth of Jesus by reading Holy Scripture and

when ye have found him, bring me word again,

talking with one another of that miraculous birth.

that I may come and worship him also.

1. Saint Matthew describes His birth in this

9. When they had heard the king, they departed;

manner: “Now when Jesus was born in

and, lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went

Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the

before them, till it came and stood over where the

king, behold, there came wise men from the

young child was.

east to Jerusalem, 2. Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east,

10. When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.

and are come to worship him. 3. When Herod the king had heard these things,

11. And when they were come into the house,

he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him.

they saw the young child with Mary his mother,

4. And when he had gathered all the chief priests

and fell down, and worshipped him: and when

and scribes of the people together, he

they had opened their treasures, they presented

demanded of them where Christ should be

unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense, and



5. And they said unto him, In Bethlehem of Judaea: for thus it is written by the prophet, 6. And thou Bethlehem, in the land of Juda, art not the least among the princes of Juda: for out of thee shall come a Governor, that shall rule my people Israel.

Matthew was a Jew and wrote his Gospel to the mind of the Jew to prove his lineage and deity. (Matthew 1:1-17)


Saint Luke was a Physician and wrote his Gospel

1.) His Birth Was Prophesied –

to style his message around the miracles of The Christ – Jesus, The Savior of the world. He had

(Isaiah 7:14) - "Therefore the Lord Himself will

such a literary style and a range of vocabulary

giveyou a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive

which clearly mark Luke as an educated man.

and bear a Son, and shall call His name

And he was impressed with what he saw in the

Immanuel.” Here we are once again in the midst

ministry of Jesus. Actually, there is proof in

of the Christmas season celebrating the miracle of

Scripture that he was of a particular type of

Christ's birth on earth. In this message, I want to

Jewish Christian, those who strictly observed the

draw our attention to the remarkable season that it

rituals of Judaism. No support, therefore, is

is. This is a season that God has given as a sign to

offered to the view that Luke was a Gentile. His


intimate knowledge of the Old Testament (the

generation, but every generation that has come

Hebrew Bible) and the focus of interest in his

and gone since the birth of Jesus Christ. For many

writings favor, on balance, the view that he was a

Christians this is a time when we actually get

Jewish Christian who followed a Greek lifestyle

distracted from the true worship of Christ and we

and was comparatively lax in ritual observances.

seem to get caught up in the hustle and bustle that

Therefore, the reader of his work will clearly see

has resulted from the way the world has chosen to

that he devoutly followed Jesus, The Christ.

commercialize and market this yearly event. On






the other hand, millions upon millions of people So, what we have recorded for us in the first four

from every tribe and nation in the world are being

books of The New Testament is a “record” of the

reminded once again of the miracle of Christ's

words and ministry of the life of Jesus.

birth. This is the sign that was given to the world by God Himself - to bring mankind into salvation

And, if we believe that the words of the Holy

and a relationship with their God. It is a sign to

Scriptures were indelibly inspired by The Holy

all generations!

spirit – and I Do, then we believe that Jesus was the Son of God and “The Greatest Gift of All” to

2.) It Is a Sign To All Generations –

mankind. “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof,

In the midst of Santa Claus and all of the other

for correction, for instruction in righteousness:”

secular trappings that come with Christmas each

(2 Timothy 3:16)

year, we find traces of this miraculous sign everywhere we go: The manger scenes glorifying

Jesus clearly was the Most Profound individual to

God for the whole community to be reminded of

have ever entered this universe. He came through

this miraculous sign, Singing Christmas trees,

the most conclusive process of natural birth, but

drive through nativity scenes that feature the life

his birth was most conclusively a divine miracle

of Christ from His Birth to Ascension, multitudes

from God the Father in heaven.

of T.V. specials that pay homage to Christ's birth and millions of Christmas cards that are sent to friends and relatives with the message of


Christ's birth. These are just a few of the events

Signs come in all kinds of shapes, colors and

around our communities which are duplicated

designs and give to us specific directions or

in many forms throughout the world to honor the

instructions as to what to do in given situations

birth of Christ.

and they change from generation to generation. But the sign of the Birth of Christ has been a

This season also brings forth an abundance of

consistent sign throughout the generations of

Christmas carols and pageants that lift up the

mankind that has continually pointed us in one

name of Jesus as a sign to this unbelieving world

direction – to the Father and eternal life through

of God's grace and majesty, and the miracle of the

Jesus Christ, His Son.

Christ child that was to be a sign to all generations. Today, throughout the world, there

John 14:6) - Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the


truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father







attending church services, maybe for the first

except through Me.”

time this year all because a sign was given. John 17:3) - "And this is eternal life, that they In every generation there are heroes and villains

may know You, the only true God, and Jesus

that are worshipped and then forgotten. But the

Christ whom You have sent.” Many false

name of Christ is a name that has been

prophets and teachers have come and gone; the



name of Christ is the only name that has been

because He was given as a sign for mankind to

accepted throughout the generations since His

find God and eternal life in the midst of societies

birth. He is the sign that the Father has given to

and generations that have been polluted with sin.

us that we may know Him and have eternal life.

(Psalms 33:11) – “The counsel of the LORD

Acts 4:12 "Nor is there salvation in any other, for

stands forever, The plans of His heart to all

there is no other name under heaven given among


men by which we must be saved."

(Psalms 45:17) – “I will make Your name to be

3.) The Miracle of Christ’s Birth -




remembered in all generations; Therefore, the people shall praise You forever and ever.”

Let's take a look at the birth of Christ in detail and see what was so special about it that has

(Luke 1:46-50) - And Mary said: "My soul

caused it to be a sign throughout the generations.

magnifies the Lord and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior. For He has regarded the lowly

1. The Word Became Flesh. John 1:1 “In the

state of His maidservant; for behold, henceforth

beginning was the Word, and the Word was

all generations will call me blessed. For He who

with God, and the Word was God.” (John

is mighty has done great things for me, and holy

1:14) “And the Word became flesh and dwelt

is His name. And His mercy is on those who fear

among us, and we beheld His glory,

Him from generation to generation.”


the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,

He was born of a virgin: Isaiah 7:14

full of grace and truth.” (Matthew 1:23) "Behold,

"Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a

a virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and

sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and

they shall call His name Immanuel," which is


translated, "God with us."

Immanuel.” Matthew 1:18 “Now the birth of








Jesus Christ was as follows: After His mother 2. Christ's Birth Was The Fulfillment Of Many

Mary was betrothed to Joseph, before they

Prophecies. He was to descend from the tribe of

came together, she was found with child of

Judah. Genesis 49:10 The scepter shall not depart

the Holy Spirit.”

from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh comes; and to Him shall be the

These are just a few of the many prophecies that

obedience of the people.

were fulfilled by the coming of Christ and His birth and mission on earth. There are approximately 40

3. Luke 3:33 ...the son of Aminadab, the son of

prophecies that Christ fulfilled throughout His 33 1/2

Ram, the son of Hezron, the son of Perez, the son

years as the Son of God. These prophecies were

of Judah.. He was to be the Heir of David's Throne.

spoken and recorded between 700 - 4000 years

Isaiah 9:7 Of the increase of His government

and spokesmen for God. This is truly a miracle. The

and peace there will be no end, upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, to order it and establish it with judgment and justice from that time forward, even forever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this. Luke 1:32-33 "He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Highest; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David. "And He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of His kingdom there will be no end." He fulfilled the prophecy concerning time of His birth. Daniel 9:25 "Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the command to restore and build Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince, there shall be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks; the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublesome times. Luke 2:1-2 “And it came to pass in those days that a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered. This census first took place while Quirinius was governing Syria.”

before the birth of Christ by many different prophets mathematical probability of this occurring is almost impossible, but yet it happened. 3. Mary Was Impregnated By The Holy Spirit. Luke 1:35 “And the angel answered and said to her, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God.” Matthew 1:18 “Now the birth of Jesus Christ was as follows: After His mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph, before they came together, she was found to be with child of The Holy spirit.” There is So much more that can be said of this miracle of God’s love to humanity; but I share these here with you, so that you all might Truly believe that the Gift of God’s love is truly ‘The Greatest Gift of All.’ God Bless You abundantly with His love and His greatest gift: The Gift of His Love through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior. Merry CHRISTmas to all!!!



Mother and Daddy called my older brother and me to a high-level conference in their bedroom. This in itself was highly unusual because we had been admonished time and again about "being somewhere that we didn't have business being" and that included our parent's bedroom. We timidly approached them, wondering what kind of trouble we were in now! And, because it was only 5 days until Christmas, would it jeopardize our Christmas presents from Santa? But Mother and Daddy were very calm and relaxed, definitely not in a "spanking" mood. Daddy said, " What would you two think about us asking Santa to come a day early?". After processing this question Gordon and I both shrieked with utter joy and cries of "Do you really mean it?". It had already been at least a million days from December 1 and even one day closer to Christmas would be to us sheer delight. Shouting "Yes, Yes, of course" we danced around the living room with our two younger brothers Kenny and Gary, who were only 4 and 3 respectively. At nine years of age, I was and had always been in full "Santa" mode but I found out a little later that Gordon, 3 1/2 years older than me, probably knew "Santa" better than I did. Our little brothers didn't understand the chaos but felt the excitement from us and joined in. But at this moment we both were almost delirious with happiness that Christmas would be 24 hours closer than it normally would have been. A few minutes later, having calmed somewhat from our excitement, the plans were explained to us that we would be leaving on Christmas morning immediately after opening our gifts. Our disappointment at not getting to play with our Christmas presents was tempered with being told that we would be heading to our Grandparents' houses in Alabama. What! Nothing could be better than this! Christmas a day early AND going to Mama and Papa Wyatt's and MawMaw and Granddaddy Nichols' houses for the holidays! Since school was already out for Christmas break we spent the next 3 days planning on what we would do with our presents, looking forward to seeing the various Christmas decorations on the trip through the big city of Atlanta on our way to Alabama, and then a week with our two sets of Grandparents and seemingly hundreds of cousins, inlaws, and outlaws! At that time the journey from our little East Georgia town of Washington to our destination in Alabama took about 8 hours or thereabouts {Remember: no interstates in 1952!) so we woke up extra early on Christmas Eve (Christmas for us!) and ran from our bedroom to the living room, tore into our presents, and began snacking on the cake that we had left for Santa but that he had apparently forgotten to eat! Mother hastily prepared fresh hot biscuits that we slathered with jam for our breakfast and as quickly as possible we all piled into Daddy's black 1941 Ford that he had purchased 3 years before when we had lived in Tennessee. We had only lived a short while in a very small Tennessee mountain town where Daddy had bought the car and we all wondered so many times why we would always be stopped by the local police or sheriff's deputies while out driving and found out too late that the previous owner had been the resident moonshiner and that the authorities were always on the lookout for his car! But, that's another story. We stopped about halfway to gas


up and make a quick restroom visit and then were surprised with an announcement from Daddy that since this was our Christmas we would stop and get hamburgers at a place that he said had the very best in West Georgia! What a treat for us! "Eating out" was something that rich people did! We felt like royalty when asked what we would have and afterward most certainly agreed with Daddy that these were the VERY best hamburgers we had ever eaten! We also noticed that Daddy carefully left a quarter on the table beside his coffee cup and explained to us later that it was the polite thing to leave a "tip" for the friendly waitress who served us. I did notice that Mother silently elbowed Daddy in the ribs when he grinned as he told us this. Through the years I have wondered if the ecstatic feelings that we have had as children about such things as Christmas and trips to Grandma's house are reflected in our feelings about going to heaven. The overwhelming things that God has in store for His children are too BIG for our human finite minds. 12 Gates of solid pearl, walls of all kinds of precious stones, and streets of gold! Who can fathom these glorious things? And to top it off, all eternity amidst the love of Jesus, The Holy Spirit, and God the Father! Man cannot grasp even just a little smidgen of God's plans for us and yet statistics show that there is a huge reduction in the numbers of people committing to Christ due to a concerted effort throughout the world to completely eradicate wipe it from all memory....and not leave a single trace of it anywhere. Is there hope for the future of mankind and, closer to home, hope for America to return to the principles upon which this nation was founded? Our God-fearing forefathers wrote a beautiful and well-constructed document called The Constitution based on Judeo-Christian principles and intended that the peoples of America honor and serve God as our only Deity. History revisionists would change and eliminate these truths and blatantly proclaim that we are NOT a Christian nation and, furthermore, that we have never been a Christian nation! Don't listen or buy into this crapola! It is NEVER too late for God to act and once again bless this land...BUT we must act first. We must once again humble ourselves, ask forgiveness for our sins, and turn from our wicked ways. Then and only then will God consider a re-blessing of America. We loved all our Aunts, Uncles, and cousins but were closer to some than others. Mother was the 11th of 12 children in her family so naturally, we were more familiar with the younger of her siblings. One of our favorite Uncles was Uncle Jim, who was a career sailor in the Navy. As such, we didn't see him for long periods of time as he was deployed all over the world and this would be the case on this particular trip. We visited with our cousins and other assorted aunts and uncles but a little piece of excitement was missing because Jim wasn't present. We whooped and hollered all week in Big Sandy and Moundville with cousins from both sides of our huge extended family ate enormous amounts of food (both Grandmas loved to cook and feed us!) and played catch with our new baseball gloves that Santa had brought. Gordon had a very up-to-date Alvin Dark model but Santa had disappointed me a little bit with an old-fashioned Lou Boudreau model with the five fingers not laced together (Look these old Major League ballplayers up on Google!). I still was able to participate in the games of catch with my new but old-fashioned glove even though cousin Jack had a real first baseman's mitt and cousin George even had a catcher's mitt. At 9 years of age, I was utterly convinced that one day I would be in the Big Leagues! To say that this entire week was one of my very best memories ever would be an understatement. Great country cooking food (and plenty of it!), exploring the farmlands that our Granddaddies worked, playing from sunup to sundown each day: it don't get any better than that! Well, as


all good things eventually come to an end, the day arrived when we would leave for Georgia and be home the next day. As we said our goodbyes to everyone, sadness began to envelop us. One last supper and then bedtime before leaving early the next morning. As we prepared for bed headlights appeared in the dirt driveway of my Grandparents' house and Mama Wyatt said, "Lawsy me, who could this be at this late hour?:. Hearing voices outside we peered around the curtain.....Uncle Jim! In his sailor suit! All of us rushed outside with Mama Wyatt in the lead. Uncle Jim swung his little mother around and boomed out, "Am I too late for Christmas?". We boys gleefully hugged his legs while the grownups hugged and shook hands with him all at the same time. He told us that he had hitchhiked from Norfolk, Va., caught a ride with a man going to Birmingham, and then on to Tuscaloosa and Big Sandy with a feed truck. As I look back on that happy occasion, I think that that was the perfect ending to a perfect week at a perfect time.


‘CHRISTIAN TIMES MAGAZINE ENDORSES SID MILLER’ It is with delight and sincere happiness that we tell you we are herewith. Endorsing Sid Miller in his bid for reelection. Not very often have we endorsed candidates before Republican primaries; but we have been so impressed with Mr. Miller‘s service to Texas as a State representative in the past, and in his current position as Texas Agriculture Commissioner. Sid Miller is a principled person with character and integrity and has been a farmer/rancher in Texas for many years. So, it is with esteemed Pride and dignity that we endorse The Honorable Sid Miller for reelection as the Texas Agriculture Commissioner! We currently have a readership of over 600,000 in every state in the USA. The state of Texas usually leads the nation in the total amount of readers; California, New York and Florida usually compete very tightly for the #2 position. In Texas, we now have readers in every county in the state of Texas, for a total readership of nearly 300,000 persons. This is the reason candidates usually love to advertise with us - because we can reach so many Conservative and Independent voters for them! Our magazine is Pro America, Pro-Life, Pro Constitution and undeniably Christian. We are developing, and have now established with us a great group of conservative, Biblically-strong, sound writers. You may recognize them, or some of them: JP Sloane, Lainie Sloane, Robert Summers, Katherine Daigle, Chris Grahn-Howard, Businessman Mickey Nichols, to name a few. And we are consistently looking for others who are conservative, principled writers to associate with us and the magazine. If you are interested please contact me at my inbox or otherwise and I will contact you. Again, let me be specific: We are herewith endorsing Sid Miller in his bid for reelection as Texas Agriculture Commissioner! God bless you, Sid; and we wish you much success! Charles Lingerfelt Editor-in-Chief CTM P. O. Box 360722 Dallas, TX 75336

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