11 minute read


Christian Times Magazine issue 65 | Monthly Magazine page 32

By Katherine Daigle


“Gender Affirmation” The Justification of Billions of Children`s Mutilation.

If you look up the term Euphemism in Wikipedia, you will find that it is “an innocuous word or expression used in place of one that is deemed offensive or suggests something unpleasant.” People have always been using euphemisms to feel more confident about the three most “awkward and uncomfortable” topics: Death, and Sex, associated with Children.

Psychologists usually agree that the mental maturity of a person can, in many ways, be defined by the number of euphemisms they use in their speech. Logically, the more mature you are, the more aware and comfortable you become with the human body natural processes and life circle, but not as it relates to the innocence of children. You may ask why we started with a lecture on linguistics and psychology? Because today we want to talk about the true nature of some unbearable heartbreaking trends that happen in our society by parents, doctors, and the push from government. The problem with those concepts is that they touch our children while promoted by people, a whole society, which seem not to be mature enough even to talk about their own ideology openly. Yet they have the power, opportunity, and the right to involve everyone in the turmoil of confusing terms, aggressive imposition, and even legalized physical assault and experimentation on those that we are supposed to be protecting, our children.

But let`s take it in order. The term “transgender” was introduced in 1965 by Psychiatrist John F. Oliven of Columbia University, who has claimed in his work “Sexual Hygiene and Pathology” that the previously common term “transsexual” is misleading as the idea of transgenderism hardly has anything to do with sex. The so-called “gender Ideology” activists widely manipulate this idea, implementing that gender and sex are two different things,

Christian Times Magazine issue 65 | Monthly Magazine and your 4-year-old boy who got curious about a sparkly princess doll in the store is a girl! And that is how what was originally a topic for discussion and argument at medical seminars has suddenly turned into a mainstream cultural barbaric phenomenon, a part of official healthcare policy and, frankly, the state ideology. And that is how several major U.S. healthcare organizations have adopted a popular euphemism, “genderaffirming care,” which, in fact, is an innocuous expression for plain mutilation and medical experiments that Joseph Mengele himself would gladly adopt and welcome in his labs.

Mastectomies, vaginoplasties, and hysterectomies are widely used within the “gender affirmation program” on children as young as 3 years old all over the country. It has turned into an enormous industry that gets funds comparable to the budgets of small countries and accumulates power and influence we don`t entirely recognize yet.

Today it is already dangerous to confidently call someone “man” or “woman” or assume that such natural processes like childbirth, menstruation, or pregnancy are the attributes of a particular gender. It can cost you a job, your social life and status, your friends,

page 33 and even your own children are forced to disavow you. History already knows such examples from Stalin when dissent was considered the most dangerous crime and could cost any person their life. During that period in the 30s and 40s the internal workings of the communist party used ruthless methods to surprise political rivals with tight centralization and secret police to enforce their power. The stakes are not that high today… yet. But imagine what will happen when today children, those who have been mutilated physically and mentally, brainwashed by people who simply race for funds and influence, become the leading electoral power. What federal “secret police” will be enacted against families, moms, and dads, or under the eyes of those who are committing the sin on a child to “push” the child to the brink of Suicide?

This is what happens when all the crucial branches of government, such as the Department of Justice, Medical Association, and Department of Education, are politicized by corporations who are funding these departments to change the narrative beginning with our children for years. Instead of doing their job, protecting our children from trafficking, sexual exploitation, and now using children to depopulate the United States. The experimentation on our

Christian Times Magazine issue 65 | Monthly Magazine children by removing organs is irreversible and will leave these kids that will face barriers to having biological children, they eventually become tools in the arms of people with agenda that is anything but “ideology” or “human rights movement.” So, don`t be fooled next time you hear about “gender-affirming care.” It is all about chemical castration and physical mutilation of the most vulnerable people, our children. Butchering - chopping off perfectly healthy body parts while normalizing violence, harassment, and disruption in society rather than educating children about their bodies and the journeys it takes on the way to maturity.

The so-called treatments gender professionals recommend for children are hideous and barbaric: disrupt normal adolescent development with pubertyblocking drugs, inject anabolic steroids (cross-sex hormones), and finally, butcher healthy body parts—genital removal for boys and mastectomies for girls and just like that these children are can never have children of their own. Much of the damage is irreversible and all of it is unnecessary.

And this is what Biden`s America looks like today – while trafficking children from around the globe through our borders these ignorant giggling slobs who

page 34 are more concerned about the presence and condition of someone`s genitalia and will dip your head in the toilet if you don`t dress, talk or behave the way they consider right. Yes, your school bullies grew up, and you let them take control over the whole country, instead of just a school yard. Today gender ideology is taught in schools promoted on social media, and even featured in kids’ TV shows. Children are groomed to believe they could be in the wrong body and that it is perfectly acceptable to reject the biological reality of your sex and seek surgery to change it.

The transgender indoctrination starts young. Trans-affirming curriculum and storybooks plant seeds of gender confusion in children (aka “grooming”) as early as kindergarten by pushing the bogus idea that children can choose their gender. Many school policies require aiding and abetting children who think they may be the opposite sex. As in California, teacher associations, teachers, and school boards are all-in. Willing counselors quickly diagnose young people with “gender dysphoria” and start (push) them down the disastrous path of erasing their identity. California’s SB107, parental rights groups say they “have several grave concerns” with SB 107, which would allow California to take “temporary emergency jurisdiction” of a

Christian Times Magazine issue 65 | Monthly Magazine child that came to California for transgender operations or drugs, effectively stripping parents of their authority over their children. “SB 107 blatantly violates the fundamental right of every parent in every state to direct the upbringing and care of their child,” the letter said, (“Out- of-state parents say California bill ignores their rights when kids ...”) “This legislation allows the ‘taking of a child’ to California without parental knowledge or consent) to obtain gender transition procedures – including puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and irreversible surgeries - and impermissibly gives California courts the power to strip custody from lawful and well-intentioned parents (regardless of where they live) who may have legitimate concerns for their child’s mental and physical health.”

Parents also say the law “violates parental rights by denying parents access to their child’s medical information related to gender identity medications and procedures in California.” The National School Board Association sent to the DOJ this time last year, pleading for Garland to deploy the FBI against parents who protested radically progressive curricula and Covid-19 restrictions at school-board meetings. Like the medical groups’ letter, the NSBA’s letter cited episodes of “threats” to justify its request

page 35 for federal intervention. A few days after Garland received the letter, he issued a memo mobilizing the FBI, in collaboration with U.S. attorneys and local law-enforcement agencies, to probe and potentially prosecute parents found guilty of threatening school administrators. "It’s vital as parents to stand up for parental rights, to question indoctrination in schools, and to protect children." (“Psaki: Teachers should talk with kindergartners about if they a girl or a boy...”) We will see examples of courageous people saying “enough,” fighting back and winning. But first, a look back in time when communists have been doing this years ago at how transgender identity activists employ cultural Marxist strategies.

Three top medical groups have called on Biden’s justice department to investigate and prosecute activists and journalists who report on hospitals that perform irreversible gender surgeries on children. The American Medical Association (AMA), American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and Children’s Hospital Association (CHA) asked Attorney General Merrick Garland to launch an investigation. In a letter saying the backlash against children’s hospitals that perform gender surgeries amounted to “attacks.”

Christian Times Magazine issue 65 | Monthly Magazine “Children’s hospitals, academic health systems, and physicians are being targeted and threatened for providing evidence-based health care,” the letter read. The letter claims that hospitals and medical staff who came under fire this summer for operating children’s gender clinics have faced harassment on social media and threats of violence in the form of emails, phone calls, and protestors. U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland and the Department of Justice (DOJ) last week insisting that “disinformation” about transgender medical treatments must be blocked and people who spread it should be prosecuted. Is this Garland

page 36

Planned Parenthood Role

Planned Parenthood offers “gender affirming hormone therapy”, they took some condemnation on social media last week for promoting a cartoon that encouraged children to take hormone blockers if they’re feeling confused about their gender. The organization has since pulled the cartoon, which was produced by “It’s Pronounced Metrosexual,” an LGBT activist group. Critics argue that the cartoon, titled “Genderbread Person,” is inappropriate for children and could lead them to make hasty decisions about their gender identity. In the cartoon, it explain the difference between sex and gender. It also describes different types of gender identities, such as transgender, cisgender and agender. At one point, the video says: “If you feel like you’re not sure if you’re cisgender or transgender, that’s OK! You don’t have to figure it all out at once.” (“Individual Elements — You don’t have to figure it all out at once. Just...”) The cartoon then suggests that children who are “questioning” their gender identity should talk to a doctor about taking hormone blockers. Hormone blockers, also known as puberty blockers, are a type of medication that can be taken by children and adolescents who are experiencing gender dysphoria. The medication temporarily stops the production of

Christian Times Magazine issue 65| Monthly Magazine

page 37 hormones, such as testosterone and estrogen. Side effects of hormone blockers include bone loss, hot flashes, weight gain and mood swings. Puberty blockers are not considered to be a permanent solution for gender dysphoria. They are typically used as a way to buy time while a person decides whether or not to transition to the opposite gender. Planned Parenthood’s decision to promote the cartoon was met with criticism from social media users, including parents and conservative activists. Some argue that the cartoon is inappropriate for children and could lead them to make hasty decisions about their gender identity. Others argue that Planned Parenthood is trying to push a “transgender agenda” on children. In response to the criticism, Planned Parenthood issued a statement saying that the organization does not endorse the use of hormone blockers for children. The statement also said: “We recognize that there is a wide range of opinions on this topic, and we respect everyone’s opinion. We regret any confusion that the video may have caused.”

The organization has since pulled the cartoon from its website and YouTube channel, I found many offered on YouTube. Apparently, these types of videos are NOY considered misinformation for the corporations funding Planned Parenthood for butchering your kids. Similarly, Sacramento, California has become the epicenter for a horror show of child sacrifice and organ harvesting. As California is now the Sanctuary for this transgender activism they have permeated every aspect of our education system, our health care system,powerful governmental bureaucracies and nearly the entire media. How bad is it? Since our public education system has been defined by progressivism since its inception, it carries the sexual revolutionary torch for the indoctrination of our youngest children. “Transgender agenda push elementary schools,” today trans activists using California state power and educational organizations like the NEA to advance their cause, e.g., in California, Illinois, and Massachusetts. Don’t doubt that there is a wellorchestrated campaign to use our schools for indoctrination, it’s happening everywhere. These are crimes and should be considered extermination and it is being perpetrated by the same type of people who ran the Nazi concentration camps and killed millions of Jews - globalists who believe that some people are more fit to live than others.

The World Economic Forum (WEF) is behind this attempt at selective depopulation, as they see overpopulation as a major threat to their plans for world power and control. In order to reduce the population, they are targeting specific groups - such as children - for extermination. This must be stopped. We cannot allow these monsters to get away with murder.

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