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Christian Times Magazine issue 65 | Monthly Magazine page 26



By Mickey NicholsPUNISHMENT?

In an egregiously flawed decision handed down by the Supreme Court of the United States in the case of Roe vs. Wade in January of 1973, our country set itself up for retribution from the Lord. It is the opinion of this writer, for example, that the attacks by terrorists in September of 2001 in New York City and Washington, D.C., were a direct result of the Court’s 7-2 verdict in favor of allowing abortion on demand throughout our nation. The state of New York, being one of the most vocal supporters of forcibly removing a living child from women’s wombs simply because pregnancies might not be convenient, was the initial target chosen by the terrorists and in order for them to receive the most bang for their buck on 9/11/2001, they selected the World Trade Center and the two tallest towers to attack. Aided by a cadre of new workers ostensibly hired to upgrade the elevator systems in the preceding months leading to the attack but who were in reality working in consort with the Muslim terrorists and had in fact devised a plan of bombing the internal support systems of the Towers immediately prior to and during the plane attacks, the radical Muslims succeeded in bringing the Towers down. They secondarily chose the Pentagon in D.C. as a target because it represented the military forces of the USA and were able to successfully crash a plane into the largest office complex in the world. The number of lives lost at these two tragedies, along with the plane crash into a Pennsylvania pastureland, was the largest number ever lost on American soil in one day since the Civil War. The Lord had given

Christian Times Magazine issue 65 | Monthly Magazine

the American people twenty eight years since the passage of Roe v Wade, ample time for America to cry out to the Lord and ask forgiveness for the sin of allowing murder to become commonplace and routine, especially murder of our most precious gifts from God. Looking back on the year 1973 and the few years leading up to that time has shown us that there was not a concerted, heartfelt outcry against abortion from even the Christian community and very few pulpits were used to spread God’s admonition against this horrendous, barbarian act. As a person who lived in that era this writer, a very regular church attender, recalls no (or, very few) sermons preached against the evil of abortion. It seemed almost as if it was a foregone conclusion that it would be ruled legal and, therefore, pastors shouldn’t preach contrary to the laws of the country. But God has perfect memory.

The Old Testament Jonah was told by God to go preach to the people of Nineveh about their sins, warning them that unless they repented their city would be destroyed. At the time Nineveh was a wicked city with a population of approximately 120,000 and, when Jonah finally heeded the Lord’s call to go preach to them, paid heed to the Words of God

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and repented of their sins. The Lord honored the city by allowing it to go unpunished for a period of one hundred years before He passed final judgment on them by completely destroying the city because they had fallen back into their sinful ways. America in 2022 could once again be testing God’s patience by continuing to sin openly and has actually chosen to literally spit in God’s face by committing such perverted types of sin. It has been just over twenty one years since 9/11/2001 and new, obscene sins have been invented to pervert the minds and bodies of our children. Mutilation of tiny genitals and breasts is being fostered upon thousands of our youth in the name of Transgenderism, an act right out of the pits of hell. Crossdressers and Drag Queens are brought into schools as entertainment and are portrayed as “fun” people to emulate. Our kids are taught that the Founding Fathers of our country were evil and that the Constitution is a “racist” document. They are now being taught to use “correct pronouns” at the expense of learning correct English. In some areas of the nation children are taught that the police are “bad” and that they do not have the best interests of all citizens at heart. They are taught that old white men have been “racists” all their

Christian Times Magazine issue 65 | Monthly Magazine page 28

lives and must be forced to apologize for their skin color. So many evils are being concocted and thrust upon children through the public school systems that are inundated with fierce, angry advocates of the aforementioned actions.

How long will God allow us to continue? I believe that the last straws are being broken by harming our children as we currently are doing. God warns us in His Word by telling us that “it would be better for one to have a millstone tied around their neck and tossed into the water rather than the fate that is to come if we harm little children.” God will not be mocked. America is in the belly of the whale and absolutely must decide to repent, ask forgiveness of our sins, and change our direction or God will change our directions for us. The USA is in the midst of rocky economic times and the future looks as if things are going to get worse before they get better. Famine for many is closer than we think. Will we get a reprieve from the Lord? Will he give us another one hundred years before final destruction? Or will we be the Sodom and Gomorrah of modern times and suffer the wrath of God and simply cease to exist as a nation?

God is a God of love and mercy IF one obeys Him. Anyone who calls out to Him for salvation will be rewarded with an eternity in heaven with Him. “Eye hath not seen nor has the mind conceived what God has planned for the ones who follow Him.” Will you individually cry out to God for forgiveness of sin? If so, He will forgive you and give you eternal life with Him. If not, an eternity in hell is waiting. And will you encourage others to do the same, because only by repenting as a nation will we remain a nation. It is decision time, folks.

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