Our intent and purpose for being here is to present the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ through this medium around the world. Our goal is to reach as many people and nations as possible with this “Good News.”
As Christians, we are never ashamed to reach into cultures, political persuasions and nations in the sharing of this Gospel message. We absolutely believe that we are placed here on the earth in this position to have an effect upon today’s society. And we will never be ashamed of this great message and purpose.
Because of the hour and day in which we live, some may choose to wonder If God’s people will one day truly be victorious! I have never wondered; but some may choose to...
As chapter 11 of Revelation draws to a close, the voices in heaven begin to rumor the good and long-awaited news concerning the Kingdom of God. Cautiously but joyfully – the ultimate outcome of the cosmic holy war is now clear: The Evil one is defeated, the guilty are punished in mercy, the righteous are vindicated and exulted. Just as was the case with the ending of Daniel’s vision ("…the saints of the Highest One will receive the kingdom and take possession of the kingdom forever, for all ages to come" (Dan.7:18) In Revelation too, the verdict is clear and uncontested: “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ; and He will reign forever and ever.” (Revelation 11:15)
A large number of great voices proclaim, “the kingdom of the world is become the kingdom of our Lord, and of His Christ”(Rev. 11:15). It signifies the millennial reign of Christ merging into the eternal bliss of the new creation (Revelation 20 through 22). No longer is it said that He ‘is to come,’ for He ‘has come.’ “Thou hast taken to Thee Thy great power, and hast reigned.” (verse 17) The eternal reign has begun and that there has commenced a new exercise of the sovereignty of God over man, a sovereignty which at no time in history had been abandoned but which, in His wisdom, had been voluntarily limited. The song of Thanksgiving (verses 17, 18) marks an ordered progress of thought which is observed later in the book: God has begun His eternal rule, in essence, the millennial kingdom (Revelation 20:4-6); the nations were angry, rising in rebellion (Chapter 20:8, 9); God’s wrath has manifested itself in judgment (Revelation 20:9); The dead were
Dan Patrick was first elected Lt. Governor of Texas in 2014 and re-elected in 2018. A preeminent voice for principled conservative policies both in Texas and across the nation, Lt. Gov. Patrick is leading the fight for life and liberty in Texas including securing the border, reducing property and business taxes, standing up for the Second Amendment and addressing Texas’ infrastructure challenges to assure that our state continues to flourish economically.
Lt. Governor Patrick presided over what have been called the most conservative and productive sessions of the State Senate in Texas history. Focusing on strategies
to keep Texas families and communities safe and the state economy strong, under his leadership, the Senate passed legislation to dramatically increase support for border security and reduced the franchise tax by 25% on a pathway to eliminating it all together.
Lt. Governor Patrick has championed property tax relief over several legislative sessions and continued the education reforms he began as Chair of the Senate Education Committee, tackling the problems of failing schools and giving parents more choices for their children. He initiated a faith-based collaboration across
the state that has resulted in hundreds more families volunteering to provide fostercare for children in the state system. He is an outspoken supporter of law enforcement and, among other things, initiated a program that ensures that every police officer on patrol in Texas has a bullet proof vest that is capable of withstanding a high caliber rifle shot. He is an out-spoken supporter of life and religious liberty.
I have known Dan Patrick personally for about 20 years; and we endorse him without hesitation whatsoever!
It might be necessary for a time of campaigns filled with falsehoods, hyperbole, and accusations, as my wife would say…remember where we come from Where did the GOP come from? Despite the many allegations, Republicans foundational principle is Freedom. Ending the national sin of slavery was at the core of the GOP. Enabling Freedom and Liberty still is. I cannot separate my Faith from politics, as they are wed at the heart of my beliefs. I know that not all Republicans are Christians, and that is ok. I do believe that most are. This word is for those who are.
While I am in no position to speak for all Republicans, I believe many share my view. Why am I sharing this with you?
Republicans are not racist, do not want continued poverty, and do not want to see the destruction of the family. Republicans want posterity for all, safety for all, fairness for all, and most of all, to have the American Liberty to enjoy the fruits of their labor as they see best. I believe in the American Constitutional Republic and Truth with a capital T and Right vs. Wrong. We must have the courage to say so and not give in to the lie that everyone has their own Truth. They may have their reality and perspective but not a separate truth; this cannot be stated strongly enough. Political correctness is nothing more than the fascism of language, an attempt to control your thoughts by limiting your words and attempting to change how you think. While some words/phrases may be offensive, the first amendment right is that you get to use them no matter what you think.
The American founding fathers knew that people are sinful - not good. We know those good intentions cannot suffice for a legal standard of behavior. Well-intentioned is not the basis for law. Sadly human nature is the same as it has been since the beginning of humankind. The U.S. Constitution was
developed with checks and balances on power for that very reason. To assume that people are good provides tyranny the ultimate breeding ground. Republicans believe in the Rule of Law, not good intentions. The belief in checks and balances and the rule of law are central to the Republican platform.
Modern Humanism, which assumes humanity goodness, is a religion complete with theology, liturgy, and its version of heaven and hell. The tenets of this religion are evolution, climate change, social engineering, globalism, Gender identity, and the elimination of religion. Imagine no religion, no governments… you get the idea. This idea of a liberal democracy that would emerge as some international dialectic has proven false. I believe in God and that our founding fathers believed in a real God who ordained our new Government. Brought together (not by coincidence, as some would suggest) by the situations, political realities, histories – personal and general, and the people who formed this nation. There was not some historical coincidence that led to our founding. Rather a deliberate and directed effort. I believe the founders knew building a great Christian Nation was why they
were brought together in that time and place. To be clear, when I speak of a Christian nation, I am not advocating for a religious denominational form of Government. Our founders did not advocate for a Christian or denominational theocracy. The success of that endeavor would depend on maintaining Judeo-Christian heritage and the people Christian culture. This heritage is not to be confused with all Americans being Christians or how one defines being a Christian.
All people would/will benefit from this Godly Republic, whether Christian or not. That our Constitution provides Freedom of religion and from a forced one; that it also provides a codified Law for an honest and tangible Christian Liberty, whether Christian or not. Without that Judeo-Christian heritage laying that foundation, all would never have been or would now be lost. That same tradition currently perpetuates the principles of our Republic. Republicans are for preserving our Republic. Democrats are about pure democracy. Remember that a pure democracy is nothing more than mob rule. We have seen this clearly enough in the last decade.
That the ability of this Republic to be Just relies on the morality and ethics of the citizenry, whether Christian or not, and must be based on the rule of law. One cannot talk of natural Justice, authentic Liberty, Total Freedom, and
real Prosperity without those who serve to be just and moral. The Christian tradition provides the best example. Remember, when I speak of Christianity, I am not speaking of any denomination but rather the Way as outlined in the Bible.
In God-given liberty name, people have the right to define themselves as they choose, regardless of others perceptions. That the role of Government should be limited to the common defense, reasonable regulation, the maintaining of civil order, the protection of our property, and the pursuit of granting more Constitutional Liberty to all citizens.
The pursuit of happiness is not about feeling good about yourself or your country, preferably the right to enjoy the fruits of your labor, as God intended, and that any taxation, just or unjust, of the people is taking a portion of that
very happiness. The American dream can be anything you want. It is personal, sometimes private, and a part of who you are and want to be. Your pursuit of happiness defines you. As discussed, when our founding fathers agreed to the language of the Pursuit of Happiness. They were referring to the right of citizens to own property which would enable a citizen to enjoy or keep the fruits of their labor.
Republicans believe in the Capitalist free market economy. It is called a free market for a reason. When we use the Government to fix economic problems, we ask Government to make decisions about our happiness and regulate the American dream. Where is the Constitutional Liberty in that? If Government is the chosen answer, that will preclude any other option from being presented. Nothing can compete with the Government. Every time the Government supplies a product or service, that denies an individual/s from providing that service, and that always denies happiness. This is not to say that there should be no regulation. The Free market does not support nor would it survive under economic chaos.
Understand from the Judeo-Christian
tradition, the family is the basis of Government. The family is the first form of Government ordained by God, established for the children well-being and the essential building block of society. Republicans believe in the strength and sanctity of the family. That Government should not be the Father and parents have the absolute right to determine what is best for their children. Whether it is schooling, health care, or other matters.
In contemplating the Christian tradition role in building this Constitutional Republic, it is crucial to understand the family biblical and social function. Sadly, the State has taken on the family governance. We have replaced Faith in God with Faith in man and Government. This is the basis for the Government replacing God from governing the family, being compassionate or benevolent. The first form of Government ordained by God is the family.
I love the Lord, and I love being an American. Not out of some sense of superiority or even righteousness. I love the opportunity and grace that reside in both. I was born an American, and I
became a Christian. Through time I will become better at both. It may seem complicated for those reading this not from The United States. The parallel between Christian Liberty and American Liberty is real. There is nothing in the original U.S. Constitution that is not based on biblical principles. There is nothing in the Bible that is not for your benefit. What not to love about that? I believe that Republicans, at least ones who are Christians, believe this.
The night before I wrote this, I attended a dinner where the guest speaker was LT. Gov. Winsome sears of Virginia. She pointed out something I knew, but it was a good reminder. The United States is not yet what it can become, but it is not what it was. There are many ways to interpret this statement. Her point was our country is not perfect, just as we are not perfect. We, our country, are in a state of continuous transition.
Sometimes moving forward and sometimes backsliding. I wish to leave you with the famous sermon from Johnathon Winthrop. This sermon is the origin of the Shining City on the Hill reference to what would become our Republic. This is in the original old English spelling, and I have highlighted
some parts. If you are unaware of this sermon, I strongly suggest looking up the story behind it. Read the warning in this sermon closely. If it were a map, it would say…you are approaching here. Winthrop describes the elements of the Christian faith necessary for our Republic and the capitalist society to function correctly. Now the only way to avoided this shipwrecked and to provide for our posterity is to follower the Counsel of Micah, to do Justly, to love mercy, to walk humbly with our God, for this end, we must be knit together in this work as one man, we must entertain each other in brotherly Affection, we must be willing to abridge our selves of our superfluities, for the supply of others necessities, we must uphold a familiar Commerce together in all meekness, gentleness, patience and liberality, wee must delight in each other, make others Conditions our owned rejoice together, Mourne together, labor, and suffer together, always having before our eyes our Commission and Community in the work, our Community as members of the same body, so shall wee keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace, the Lord will be our God and delight to dwell among us, as his own people and
will command a blessing upon us in all our ways', so that we shall see much more of his wisdom power goodness and truth then formerly wee have been acquainted with, wee shall find that the God of Israel is among us, when ten of us shall be able to resist a thousand of our enemies, when he shall make us a praise and glory, that men shall say of succeeding plantations: the lord make it like that of New England:
for wee must Consider that wee shall be as a City upon a Hill, the eyes of all people are upon us; so that if wee shall deal falsely with our god in this work wee have undertaken and so cause him to withdrawers his present help from us, wee shall be made a story and a byword through the world,
wee shall open the mouth of enemies to speak evil of the ways' of god and all professors for Gods sake; we shall shame the faces of many of gods worthy servants, and cause their prayers to be turned into Curses' upon us till wee be consumed out of the good land whether we are going: And to shut up this discourse with that exhortation of Moses that faithful servant of the Lord in his last farewell to Israel Deut. 30.
Beloved there is now sett before us life, and good, dearth and evil in that we are Commanded this day to love the Lord our God, and to love one another to walk in his ways' and to keep his Commandments and his Ordinance, and his laws, and the Articles of our Covenant with him that we may live and be multiplied, and that the Lord our God may blesse us in the land whether wee go to possesses it: But if our heart shall turn away so that wee will not obey, but shall be seduced and worship other Gods our pleasures, and profits, and serve them, it is propounded unto us this day, wee shall surely perishes out of the good Land whether wee passes over this vast Sea to possesses it;
Therefore let us choose life, that wee, and our Seeded, may live; by obeying his voice, and cleaving to him, for he is our life, and our prosperity.
They will be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the Lord for the display of His glory. Isaiah 61:36 NIV
About ten years ago the Chief Arborist of the City of Dallas, Phil Erwin, awarded us a lovely Texas Live Oak sapling. This was in recognition of our care for the forested park setting on Prayer Mountain. It is now a hardy oak near twenty feet tall. This tree has a rich history. Here’s the story. It was grown, of course, from a small acorn. The acorn was produced by the famous old Texas Treaty Oak, an ancient 500 year old oak growing in downtown Austin, the capitol of Texas. The tree was once a part of a great Mott of fourteen huge, revered live oaks that shaded an area quite close to where the clear Colorado River (of Texas) issues forth from the Texas Hill Country. The various indigenous tribes of the region considered this long Mott to be their peace park, their holy ground. There they often met to conduct their powwows and work through their differences and disputes. The Comanches and the Tonkawa's considered these shady boughs to be sacred, a place of many covenants.
It was here that the founding father of Anglo Texas, Stephen F. Austin, met in 1836 with the Tonkawa's Chief Place do to work out a peace pact. This pact assured the neutrality of the Tonkawa's in Texas’ revolutionary war with the Mexican dictator Generalissimo Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana. With Texas’ victory at San Jacinto, Austin returned to bargain for that site as his choice for the future Capitol of the Texas Republic.
Over the years as the capitol of Texas grew into a city, that lovely oak park was diminished down to one remaining oak. Citizens rallied to protect it as a city park, called the Treaty Oak. Then in 1989 a bizarre, near fatal vandalism took place. A drugged scofflaw named Paul Cullen poured out five gallons of the deadly hardwood herbicide, Velpar, around the tree. The historic old oak began to wither and die. Texans were outraged. The culprit who had bragged to his buddies in a bar that he had “cast a spell” on the tree was arrested. He was convicted on a felony, criminal mischief charge. He served nine years in prison. Many predicted the old tree was finished, but arborists from around the state especially A&M Texas University and Stephen F. Austin University rallied to save the beleaguered tree. They removed
all the poisoned soil. They dumped sugar over its roots. They then supplied fresh fertile loam and lots of water. They also expertly pruned away its dead limbs. The old tree survived! Remarkably, that ancient tree in 1997 produced its first crop of acorns in almost ten years! City park workers gathered them up. The City of Austin distributed them to the various arboriculture schools that helped save the tree. Our sapling was grown by that school at Texas A&M University.
We planted that offspring of the Texas Treaty Oak in the circle water-feature garden beyond our sanctuary’s front walk. It serves as a symbol of our own enduring survival. Occasionally someone who tried to wrest control over this work of the Lord tries their best to poison us with evil words. By God’s grace we still thrive and grow. We’ve had pruning's. We continue to produce a lively harvest. We forgive. We forebear. We have had the sweet balm of the Lord poured over our roots. Our choir still sings the Psalm of the Lord, “Thou O Lord are a shield for me, My glory and lifter of my head.”
Psalm 3:3
In an egregiously flawed decision handed down by the Supreme Court of the United States in the case of Roe vs. Wade in January of 1973, our country set itself up for retribution from the Lord. It is the opinion of this writer, for example, that the attacks by terrorists in September of 2001 in New York City and Washington, D.C., were a
direct result of the Court’s 7-2 verdict in favor of allowing abortion on demand throughout our nation. The state of New York, being one of the most vocal supporters of forcibly removing a living child from women’s wombs simply because pregnancies might not be convenient, was the initial target chosen by the terrorists and in order for them to receive the most bang for their buck on 9/11/2001, they selected the World Trade Center and the two tallest towers to attack. Aided by a cadre of new workers ostensibly hired to upgrade the elevator systems in the preceding months leading to the attack but who were in reality working in consort with the Muslim terrorists and had in fact devised a plan of bombing the internal support systems of the Towers immediately prior to and during the plane attacks, the radical Muslims succeeded in bringing the Towers down. They secondarily chose the Pentagon in D.C. as a target because it represented the military forces of the USA and were able to successfully crash a plane into the largest office complex in the world. The number of lives lost at these two tragedies, along with the plane crash into a Pennsylvania pastureland, was the largest number ever lost on American soil in one day since the Civil War. The Lord had given
the American people twenty eight years since the passage of Roe v Wade, ample time for America to cry out to the Lord and ask forgiveness for the sin of allowing murder to become commonplace and routine, especially murder of our most precious gifts from God. Looking back on the year 1973 and the few years leading up to that time has shown us that there was not a concerted, heartfelt outcry against abortion from even the Christian community and very few pulpits were used to spread God’s admonition against this horrendous, barbarian act. As a person who lived in that era this writer, a very regular church attender, recalls no (or, very few) sermons preached against the evil of abortion. It seemed almost as if it was a foregone conclusion that it would be ruled legal and, therefore, pastors shouldn’t preach contrary to the laws of the country. But God has perfect memory.
The Old Testament Jonah was told by God to go preach to the people of Nineveh about their sins, warning them that unless they repented their city would be destroyed. At the time Nineveh was a wicked city with a population of approximately 120,000 and, when Jonah finally heeded the Lord’s call to go preach to them, paid heed to the Words of God
and repented of their sins. The Lord honored the city by allowing it to go unpunished for a period of one hundred years before He passed final judgment on them by completely destroying the city because they had fallen back into their sinful ways. America in 2022 could once again be testing God’s patience by continuing to sin openly and has actually chosen to literally spit in God’s face by committing such perverted types of sin. It has been just over twenty one years since 9/11/2001 and new, obscene sins have been invented to pervert the minds and bodies of our children. Mutilation of tiny genitals and breasts is being fostered upon thousands of our youth in the name of Transgenderism, an act right out of the pits of hell. Crossdressers and Drag Queens are brought into schools as entertainment and are portrayed as “fun” people to emulate. Our kids are taught that the Founding Fathers of our country were evil and that the Constitution is a “racist” document. They are now being taught to use “correct pronouns” at the expense of learning correct English. In some areas of the nation children are taught that the police are “bad” and that they do not have the best interests of all citizens at heart. They are taught that old white men have been “racists” all their
Christianlives and must be forced to apologize for their skin color. So many evils are being concocted and thrust upon children through the public school systems that are inundated with fierce, angry advocates of the aforementioned actions.
How long will God allow us to continue? I believe that the last straws are being broken by harming our children as we currently are doing. God warns us in His Word by telling us that “it would be better for one to have a millstone tied around their neck and tossed into the water rather than the fate that is to come if we harm little children.” God will not be mocked. America is in the belly of the whale and absolutely must decide to repent, ask forgiveness of our sins, and change our direction or God will change our directions for us. The USA is in the midst of rocky economic times and the future looks as if things are going to get worse before they get better. Famine for many is closer than we think. Will we get a reprieve from the Lord? Will he give us another one hundred years before final destruction? Or will we be the Sodom and Gomorrah of modern times and suffer the wrath of God and simply cease to exist as a nation?
God is a God of love and mercy IF one obeys Him. Anyone who calls out to Him for salvation will be rewarded with an eternity in heaven with Him. “Eye hath not seen nor has the mind conceived what God has planned for the ones who follow Him.” Will you individually cry out to God for forgiveness of sin? If so, He will forgive you and give you eternal life with Him. If not, an eternity in hell is waiting. And will you encourage others to do the same, because only by repenting as a nation will we remain a nation. It
It’s November 2022, the Democrat Party along with, unfortunately a group of previously elected FLR, Far Left Republicans have taken the once “United” States of America, divided us up, then dragging us down a road toward completely terminating our Constitution, destroying Religious Freedom, and breaking the Moral Compass that has always kept the Nation on course, a Moral Compass which without its repair, we will not right this ship. The decision NOW before the voters is if the Greatest Country, Greatest Nation to exist will continue. Will this Nation survive, or will we allow the Present Form of Democrat Party to write the final chapter of what will be our, “Once Upon A Time Story” with THE END…. in bold type on the last page. I use the term “Present Form of Democrat Party” because just like former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii sadly came to know, this is not the Democrat Party most of you who still
hold out hope for, knew. Not the Democrat Party remembering the working woman and man, supporting with pride Traditional Family Values. The Biden Assassination Democrat/Pelosi Party has made it almost impossible to support a Democrat Candidate without covering your eyes and holding your nose. As a true believer of a Strong Two-Party System, I don’t want to see either party cease to exist, yet this month, this November 2022 election cycle will set in motion either Hope of righting the ship, getting our Nation back on course or will we stand back, instead of stepping up, watching the Biden Assassination version of the Democrat Party drive the final spike in the coffin holding our nation. If you the voter have any doubt, just look at and consider what has taken place in the less than two years since the Biden Assassination began. Not only are we not Energy Independent, the Oil Reserve has been depleted,
mismanaged, used as a political tool to lower the price of gas ahead of your going to the poles to vote. Basically, trying to buy votes with lower fuel costs.
The Biden Assassination is betting on you the consumer forgetting the “National Average” price of a gallon of regular gas when the Biden Assassination was sworn in January 2021. Just to remind you of that price, $2.15 cents a gallon for regular. The National average price for a gallon of gas per AAA January 2022, $3.28 cents per gallon of regular. The National Average price for a gallon of gas as I write today, October the 15th 2022.
Countries, which during the Trump Administration lost its stranglehold on the United States. From the beginning of Trumps four years in office, the administration was dedicated to returning the United States to leading the World in the production of Oil, Gas and work toward bring back jobs mining our plentiful natural resources such as Coal. In the short time of long suffering found in this Biden Assassination, we have not only lost our Energy Independence, Hope for better, for turning around and grabbing hold of what’s left of what we had, is getting farther and farther out of reach. Back to the name we hadn’t heard in a while thanks to the Trump Administration, OPEC, let’s look at exactly who the members are. In alphabetical order.
Oil prices are guaranteed to rise after the November election due wholly to the Biden Assassination decision to take the United Sates away from Energy Independence, which they inherited upon taking office. Away from Independence to being totally Dependent on the World Oil Market controlled by OPEC. The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting
Algeria, Angola, Equatorial, Guinea, Gabon, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, The Republic of the Congo, Saudi Arabia, The United Arab Emirates,Venezuela
Look at the names listed. Do you think Venezuela wants the United States of America to be Energy Independent? How about Iraq or Iran? How about Libya…. think they are promoting what’s best for us? Saudi Arabia, decided to cut oil production which in turn increases the price of a barrel of crude. That increase is
then felt at the pump where you and I pay the price for decisions made by the Biden Assassination. Should the New Democrat Party continue to control the Senate, House of Representatives along with the White House, there is no recovery of our not so long ago Energy Independence. This being one decision made by the Biden Assassination, that has contributed to the larger issue.
Inflation, tied to Higher Interest Rates, unprecedented loss in 401k monies, higher Food prices, and in every area of life for especially the middle class, Over the past 12 months the all items index increased 8.2 percent. We as a Nation are without question suffering financially, and physically unlike any time in history as more and more people cross a wide open border that the New Democrat Party under the direction of the Biden Assassination team have announced as open, come one come all! November 2022 will prove to the World who we are as a people, as a Nation. History written about who we were. Why we were considered the Hope to those seeking Freedom, Opportunity, Education, Human and Religious Rights and A Life Better Than Anywhere Else In The World. Where Will We Be…. Where Will the Road To The Future Of This Nation Lead
In 2023… After The Votes Are Counted. The Names Announced As Chosen To Lead! I absolutely know what will lead, guide, direct and decide my vote!
Do You! Will it be a unwavering commitment to a Party that in most people’s Heart For America knows decisions made has forced them to accept the party left them awhile ago, yet they would rather die, rather take a chance of watching our Nation fail, than cross over and vote to try and save what’s left, before the Biden Assassination team finishes what they have started. I didn’t mention the Social and Sexual Experiment the Biden Assassination team is forcing down the Moral Throats of America. The Environmental Disaster, War and threats of More to come…. Why should I, you already know! It all comes down to What You and I Will Do with That Knowing. Please Pray about it, I definitely am praying about this season we are in and for our ability to Do the Right Thing for The United States of America, as One Nation Under God, Indivisible.
“Gender Affirmation” The Justification of Billions of Children`s Mutilation.
If you look up the term Euphemism in Wikipedia, you will find that it is “an innocuous word or expression used in place of one that is deemed offensive or suggests something unpleasant.”
People have always been using euphemisms to feel more confident about the three most “awkward and uncomfortable” topics: Death, and Sex, associated with Children.
Psychologists usually agree that the mental maturity of a person can, in many ways, be defined by the number of euphemisms they use in their speech. Logically, the more mature you are, the more aware and comfortable you become with the human body natural processes and life circle, but not as it relates to the innocence of children. You may ask why we started with a lecture on linguistics and psychology? Because today we want to talk about the true nature of some unbearable heartbreaking trends that happen in our society by parents, doctors, and the push from government. The problem with those concepts is that they touch our children while promoted by people, a whole society, which seem not to be mature enough even to talk about their own ideology openly. Yet they have the power, opportunity, and the right to involve everyone in the turmoil of confusing terms, aggressive imposition, and even legalized physical assault and experimentation on those that we are supposed to be protecting, our children. But let`s take it in order. The term “transgender” was introduced in 1965 by Psychiatrist John F. Oliven of Columbia University, who has claimed in his work “Sexual Hygiene and Pathology” that the previously common
term “transsexual” is misleading as the idea of transgenderism hardly has anything to do with sex. The so-called “gender Ideology” activists widely manipulate this idea, implementing that gender and sex are two different things,
and your 4-year-old boy who got curious about a sparkly princess doll in the store is a girl! And that is how what was originally a topic for discussion and argument at medical seminars has suddenly turned into a mainstream cultural barbaric phenomenon, a part of official healthcare policy and, frankly, the state ideology. And that is how several major U.S. healthcare organizations have adopted a popular euphemism, “genderaffirming care,” which, in fact, is an innocuous expression for plain mutilation and medical experiments that Joseph Mengele himself would gladly adopt and welcome in his labs.
Mastectomies, vaginoplasties, and hysterectomies are widely used within the “gender affirmation program” on children as young as 3 years old all over the country. It has turned into an enormous industry that gets funds comparable to the budgets of small countries and accumulates power and influence we don`t entirely recognize yet.
Today it is already dangerous to confidently call someone “man” or “woman” or assume that such natural processes like childbirth, menstruation, or pregnancy are the attributes of a particular gender. It can cost you a job, your social life and status, your friends,
and even your own children are forced to disavow you. History already knows such examples from Stalin when dissent was considered the most dangerous crime and could cost any person their life. During that period in the 30s and 40s the internal workings of the communist party used ruthless methods to surprise political rivals with tight centralization and secret police to enforce their power. The stakes are not that high today… yet. But imagine what will happen when today children, those who have been mutilated physically and mentally, brainwashed by people who simply race for funds and influence, become the leading electoral power. What federal “secret police” will be enacted against families, moms, and dads, or under the eyes of those who are committing the sin on a child to “push” the child to the brink of Suicide?
This is what happens when all the crucial branches of government, such as the Department of Justice, Medical Association, and Department of Education, are politicized by corporations who are funding these departments to change the narrative beginning with our children for years. Instead of doing their job, protecting our children from trafficking, sexual exploitation, and now using children to depopulate the United States. The experimentation on our
children by removing organs is irreversible and will leave these kids that will face barriers to having biological children, they eventually become tools in the arms of people with agenda that is anything but “ideology” or “human rights movement.” So, don`t be fooled next time you hear about “gender-affirming care.”
It is all about chemical castration and physical mutilation of the most vulnerable people, our children. Butchering - chopping off perfectly healthy body parts while normalizing violence, harassment, and disruption in society rather than educating children about their bodies and the journeys it takes on the way to maturity.
The so-called treatments gender professionals recommend for children are hideous and barbaric: disrupt normal adolescent development with pubertyblocking drugs, inject anabolic steroids (cross-sex hormones), and finally, butcher healthy body parts—genital removal for boys and mastectomies for girls and just like that these children are can never have children of their own. Much of the damage is irreversible and all of it is unnecessary.
And this is what Biden`s America looks like today – while trafficking children from around the globe through our borders these ignorant giggling slobs who
are more concerned about the presence and condition of someone`s genitalia and will dip your head in the toilet if you don`t dress, talk or behave the way they consider right. Yes, your school bullies grew up, and you let them take control over the whole country, instead of just a school yard. Today gender ideology is taught in schools promoted on social media, and even featured in kids’ TV shows. Children are groomed to believe they could be in the wrong body and that it is perfectly acceptable to reject the biological reality of your sex and seek surgery to change it.
The transgender indoctrination starts young. Trans-affirming curriculum and storybooks plant seeds of gender confusion in children (aka “grooming”) as early as kindergarten by pushing the bogus idea that children can choose their gender. Many school policies require aiding and abetting children who think they may be the opposite sex. As in California, teacher associations, teachers, and school boards are all-in. Willing counselors quickly diagnose young people with “gender dysphoria” and start (push) them down the disastrous path of erasing their identity. California’s SB107, parental rights groups say they “have several grave concerns” with SB 107, which would allow California to take “temporary emergency jurisdiction” of a
child that came to California for transgender operations or drugs, effectively stripping parents of their authority over their children. “SB 107 blatantly violates the fundamental right of every parent in every state to direct the upbringing and care of their child,” the letter said, (“Out- of-state parents say California bill ignores their rights when kids ...”) “This legislation allows the ‘taking of a child’ to California without parental knowledge or consent) to obtain gender transition procedures – including puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and irreversible surgeries - and impermissibly gives California courts the power to strip custody from lawful and well-intentioned parents (regardless of where they live) who may have legitimate concerns for their child’s mental and physical health.”
Parents also say the law “violates parental rights by denying parents access to their child’s medical information related to gender identity medications and procedures in California.” The National School Board Association sent to the DOJ this time last year, pleading for Garland to deploy the FBI against parents who protested radically progressive curricula and Covid-19 restrictions at school-board meetings. Like the medical groups’ letter, the NSBA’s letter cited episodes of “threats” to justify its request
35 for federal intervention. A few days after Garland received the letter, he issued a memo mobilizing the FBI, in collaboration with U.S. attorneys and local law-enforcement agencies, to probe and potentially prosecute parents found guilty of threatening school administrators. "It’s vital as parents to stand up for parental rights, to question indoctrination in schools, and to protect children." (“Psaki: Teachers should talk with kindergartners about if they a girl or a boy...”) We will see examples of courageous people saying “enough,” fighting back and winning. But first, a look back in time when communists have been doing this years ago at how transgender identity activists employ cultural Marxist strategies.
Three top medical groups have called on Biden’s justice department to investigate and prosecute activists and journalists who report on hospitals that perform irreversible gender surgeries on children. The American Medical Association (AMA), American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and Children’s Hospital Association (CHA) asked Attorney General Merrick Garland to launch an investigation. In a letter saying the backlash against children’s hospitals that perform gender surgeries amounted to “attacks.”
“Children’s hospitals, academic health systems, and physicians are being targeted and threatened for providing evidence-based health care,” the letter read. The letter claims that hospitals and medical staff who came under fire this summer for operating children’s gender clinics have faced harassment on social media and threats of violence in the form of emails, phone calls, and protestors. U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland and the Department of Justice (DOJ) last week insisting that “disinformation” about transgender medical treatments must be blocked and people who spread it should be prosecuted. Is this Garland
Planned Parenthood offers “gender affirming hormone therapy”, they took some condemnation on social media last week for promoting a cartoon that encouraged children to take hormone blockers if they’re feeling confused about their gender. The organization has since pulled the cartoon, which was produced by “It’s Pronounced Metrosexual,” an LGBT activist group. Critics argue that the cartoon, titled “Genderbread Person,” is inappropriate for children and could lead them to make hasty decisions about their gender identity. In the cartoon, it explain the difference between sex and gender. It also describes different types of gender
identities, such as transgender, cisgender and agender. At one point, the video says: “If you feel like you’re not sure if you’re cisgender or transgender, that’s OK! You don’t have to figure it all out at once.” (“Individual Elements — You don’t have to figure it all out at once. Just...”) The cartoon then suggests that children who are “questioning” their gender identity should talk to a doctor about taking hormone blockers. Hormone blockers, also known as puberty blockers, are a type of medication that can be taken by children and adolescents who are experiencing gender dysphoria. The medication temporarily stops the production of
hormones, such as testosterone and estrogen. Side effects of hormone blockers include bone loss, hot flashes, weight gain and mood swings. Puberty blockers are not considered to be a permanent solution for gender dysphoria. They are typically used as a way to buy time while a person decides whether or not to transition to the opposite gender. Planned Parenthood’s decision to promote the cartoon was met with criticism from social media users, including parents and conservative activists.
Some argue that the cartoon is inappropriate for children and could lead them to make hasty decisions about their gender identity. Others argue that Planned Parenthood is trying to push a “transgender agenda” on children. In response to the criticism, Planned Parenthood issued a statement saying that the organization does not endorse the use of hormone blockers for children. The statement also said: “We recognize that there is a wide range of opinions on this topic, and we respect everyone’s opinion. We regret any confusion that the video may have caused.”
The organization has since pulled the cartoon from its website and YouTube channel, I found many offered on YouTube. Apparently, these types of videos are NOY considered misinformation for the corporations funding Planned Parenthood for butchering your kids. Similarly, Sacramento, California has become the epicenter for a horror show of child sacrifice and organ harvesting. As California is now the Sanctuary for this
transgender activism they have permeated every aspect of our education system, our health care system,powerful governmental bureaucracies and nearly the entire media. How bad is it? Since our public education system has been defined by progressivism since its inception, it carries the sexual revolutionary torch for the indoctrination of our youngest children. “Transgender agenda push elementary schools,” today trans activists using California state power and educational organizations like the NEA to advance their cause, e.g., in California, Illinois, and Massachusetts. Don’t doubt that there is a wellorchestrated campaign to use our schools for indoctrination, it’s happening everywhere. These are crimes and should be considered extermination and it is being perpetrated by the same type of people who ran the Nazi concentration camps and killed millions of Jews - globalists who believe that some people are more fit to live than others.
The World Economic Forum (WEF) is behind this attempt at selective depopulation, as they see overpopulation as a major threat to their plans for world power and control. In order to reduce the population, they are targeting specific groups - such as children - for extermination. This must be stopped. We cannot allow these monsters to get away with murder.
In a world that is full of strife, where brother turns against the other and the narrative of what is biblically wrong becomes acceptable, we as Christians look to our leaders to guide and teach us the path to govern ourselves justly with a sense of order. The other day, after watching a documentary about the Ukrainian/Russian conflict I became saddened to hear about young unwilling Russian boys sent to the front to fight. It made me ask myself if I was to look to the Bible for an example of leadership whose life would be a good basis that would epitomize Christian leadership. Yes, there were the known kings of old - King David and King Solomon, but there is the story of King Josiah.
When his father was assassinated, he became King at 8 years of age. He is credited with instituting religious reform, and he brought his people closer to God by mandating that all his people worship the one true God. If only our leaders pointed us to the righteous path, how beautiful our world would be. This king guided his people toward God; and he was resolute and focused on this endeavor. He succeeded in eradicating the worship of idols and false Gods.
Distinct prayers for our Leaders are So very Important!
God, this country was built on the belief that all men are created equal. Because of that we offer to you our Leaders. We offer them up to You, Lord. Guide and touch their hearts and minds. May they govern with compassion, may they be inspired by truth and justice; and May they practice tolerance and exercise fidelity to your words and teachings. May they listen with patience to the cries of the people and make choices that will show respect for self, others and everything around them. In The Name of Jesus We Pray. Amen.
In this place, in this time we are living in and thru, where do you, where do we, where should we see our place being? Where are we as Children Of God supposed to be found? Are we supposed to just work with what we have, being accepting of the decisions made for us, in our name by staying silent and trying to fit in? Is it our destiny to live masked up, blinders on, keeping what we know to ourselves, staying
comfortably quiet, not standing up for fear of standing out? I honestly do not believe for one minute the majority of us do. Yet…. We have been A Part, when we should have been Apart and vice versa. The season was summer transitioning into Fall as I was driving South on the Interstate headed home after a week away working. South by Interstate definition yet geographically, absolutely due West. My knowing this to be 100% geographically correct because the afternoon Sun was located about one-foot above hood high and blinding to the naked eye. Once the highway relocated the Sun to a more manageable location, for whatever reason my mind chose, I could visibly see letters forming words. Ten letters in all, four A’s, two P’s, two R’s and two T’s. Below is an exact representation of what I was seeing that day.
Exactly like that! All caps, the “A” standing alone, then right about three typewriter spaces, (I am 68 years old and typewriter spacing is still relevant in my world) then the letters “PART” standing side by side. Below that about midway down this imaginary page, the same letters as above yet the “A” fixed tightly against the other letters forming…. APART thus producing a definitive difference in the meaning of the same letters once placed together. My mind began dissecting the difference right before my mind’s eye, “A” space…. space “PART” separated, broken, yet the accepted meaning is Together, to be Included…. Being A Part Of! Then the letters A P A R T….. pulled tightly together…. APART actually meaning Separated… Broken APART From.
The entire trip home I couldn’t get past the fact being the word A PART which is separated means Together and the word APART which is together means Separated. I have surely came across a flaw in Mr. Webster's definition of the American English language. Maybe this was actually the decision of one less known to have assisted Mr. Webster in the Americanized English language spelling, because Benjamin Franklin was known to be one who enjoyed a intellectual witticism with the best of them. Upon arriving home, I went directly to the dining room table, pen and paper in hand and wrote the words exactly as seen.
and immediately became aware that not only are they grammatically correct…. they became visually correct once adding a underscore.
I immediately knew why the space between the A and PART was not just important, it was required. You see the only way we will ever be included in anything, anywhere, anyway…. There has to be a Space Available. Room for us to fit in…. Thus the space between the A and PART is where we find opportunity to be included, our available space right there between the A and P. No space available in APART…. Letters so tightly placed one beside the other…. No Room for us or anyone else, forcing us always to be APART FROM…..!
Then I began to realize how flexible, how mobile the letter “A” is required to be in the process of being A_____PART. When we, anyone, everyone enters that imaginary space between the “A” and “PART” in a relationship, it doesn’t require much space for us to fit in. We don’t bring very much with us to a First Date, yet the longer we are A____ PART of another’s life, included in another’s world, we require more room, more space. So, the letter “A” begins to adjust itself, it’s position affording us our needed room. As time passes, and the relationship grows, the letter “A” moves farther and farther away from its “PART-ner” letters to the point that by the time a couple may decide to make their relationship permanently fixed in place, we have taken up so much space, requiring so much room, the “A” is so far away by then it isn’t even visible anymore. We even begin to drop it from our communication. We say things like “We Are Part Of Each Other’s Life!” No need for the “A” in PART anymore. Yet the “A” is still there, and if we are not careful it will begin to move back to the right in the direction of “PART”. That begins to occur when we become complacent, inconsiderate to the others wants, let alone needs. We don’t listen like we once did or care as much and if we are not careful, we awake one morning to find the “A” has not only returned, it has placed itself firmly against the “P” and we know for the first time everything has fallen apart. Then just like with the story of Humpty Dumpty, All the Kings Horses and All The Kings Men Can Never Pull The “A” away the “Part” ever again. And the relationship is over. All due to the effects found in not paying attention
to and/or mismanagement of the space between “A” and “PART”. We are always one or the other, A___PART of or APART from. Many times, we find ourselves being a combination of both.
Jesus is most assuredly the greatest example of being both. Jesus came to be A____PART of this World, a World created by God, the Father who sent him. Yet the same World he would always be APART from. Well APART from until his return. With the crucification of Christ, came the establishment of Salvation by the shedding of the blood of Jesus, which once we accept the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior… our Work begins. We as born-again Christians are A___PART of the Kingdom of God, which also requires us to set ourselves aside, away and APART from the Sins of a Lost and Dying World. A ____PART of while at the same time being APART from. Imagine for a moment one by one filling the space between the letter “A” and the word “PART” with a picture of those who actually fit in that space. How quickly the “A” moves to the left affording the needed available space.
Each and every picture representative of someone, somewhere who is now or has been A_____PART of our lives, A_____PART of who we are and why. It’s really easier than we may think because we have them saved, remembered, physically and emotionally saved, housed in a space that until now we hadn’t even considered existed. A place of acceptance, being A____PART.
We are always one or the other, A____PART of or APART from. Not only in life here, in our decision made for Eternity. We will be A____PART of the place prepared just for us, be it Heaven or Hell. We will also be APART from one of the two for that same reason, it is our Choice.
November is a time we as citizens of the United States have designated as a time to choose, a time to vote, vote to elect those whose thinking, whose values, whose character and consideration we see ourselves as being included in, being A_____PART. Individuals representing A____PART of who we are, standing up and speaking out from different levels of government for Morals and Values, Faith, Hope, Truth, Justice, and Grace for All.
Just as I previously ask you to consider placing the pictures of those past and present in your life in the imaginary space between the “A” and “PART”, I now ask you to do the same with the Name and/or Photographs of those asking for your Vote this November.
Are they someone who fits in that space between the “A” and “PART”? Or do you find no matter how hard you try; they just don’t fit.
They are and will always be APART from you and I, what we know and believe. This is one of the most important times of our lives. A Time of Setting Ourselves APART From the Politics Which Is Destroying Our Nation.
A Time Of Being A____PART of Saving Our Nation From Those Who Are and unfortunately appear Will Always Be APART from Who God Intended Us and Wants This Nation To Be. God Bless You My Friends and May God Save The United States of America.
At one time in my life, I posted every fruit of the Spirit on my mirror because my desire was to examine myself to see what level of love, what amount of joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control I had in my life. I would look at the mirror and, running through each fruit of the spirit, ask myself questions about how I measured up the day before and how I would increase in each fruit that very day.
Self-examination is an important activity if we really want to gain ground in His kingdom and please the Lord. That is my greatest desire! The Book of James, Chapter 1, verse 25, warns us that “if we only listen to the Word without obeying it and being a doer of it, we are like men who look carefully at our own natural faces in a mirror, then walk off forgetting what we were like.” But James 1:25 goes on to say that “if we look carefully into the faultless law and are faithful to it, we are not heedless listeners who forget but active doers and will be blessed in our lives of obedience.” As the Lord assures us in
James 1:22, we are to be doers of the Word and not just hearers, deceiving our very own selves. I used to tell my Bible students how important it is to read the Bible every day because you never know what might come back at you out of the mirror. The Word is a mirror that speaks; it is truly alive; it is Jesus, and He may have something He wants to say to you that day, something so important that it may save your lives.
I know that from experience! One morning, as I was reading the Word, a proverb from the Book of Proverbs rose up into the air. The proverb actually flew off the page into the air; it was a
rebuke from the Lord, and I knew exactly what He was saying to me. He was telling me I needed to be kinder to a very trying child. Will I ever forget that experience? Never! At this time in history, I want to add to my mirror this question: “What is the condition of my heart?” There is good reason why Proverbs 4: 23 says, “Keep and guard your heart with all vigilance and above all that you guard, for out of it flow the springs of life.” Just consider how important this commandment from the Lord is: He says to obey this imperative above all that you guard!
What are some of the things you guard? Very possibly, you guard your money, your home (even with a dog), your most precious possessions, and your family. I could go on and on, but what about your heart?
The Lord says it is more important to guard your heart than any of these things. He is considering our individual salvation in connection with our hearts. Each individual, He says, is responsible for his or her own heart, and if his heart is not in the right condition, he might be like the wicked servant who said to himself his master was delayed for a long time, so he began to beat his fellow
servants and eat and drink with the drunken (Matthew 24:49). Jesus warns that “the master will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour of which he is not aware” and will punish him and put him with the pretenders where there is weeping and grinding of teeth (Matthew 24:50-51). If that servant had guarded his heart in spite of the Lord’s delay, he would have reaped the reward of being set over all the master’s possessions (Matthew 24:47).
What might the servant have allowed to enter into his heart? Certainly, there was doubt and unbelief that the master would ever return. Then, there was the attitude that he could get away with loose living—eating and drinking with the drunken. He obviously did not believe that everything is revealed to God (Luke 12:2), and that every word we speak is a word for which we are accountable (Matthew 12:36).
He began to beat his fellow servants; he had become violent in his heart, and he was acting out the violence that he had allowed to enter his heart. You see Matthew 12:34 tells us that “out of the fullness of the heart the mouth speaks.” If we watch movies with foul language,
we may allow those words to enter our hearts. God says, “Let no foul communication come out of your heart…. (Ephesians 4: 29); therefore, we should avoid movies with bad language. The springs of life that should flow out of our hearts might become springs of death once we have allowed our hearts to overflow with what God calls evil. What exactly are springs of life? How can we shower others with life-giving water? Might we speak kind words to someone who is hurting?
Can we help rebuild the house of a widow who is lacking the funds? May we counsel others with God’s good Word so that they will receive salvation for eternity?
Certainly, we become a spring of life when we develop God’s character in our lives (listed in Galatians 5:22-23)---by demonstrating the love we need to show to others, joy even in a hard time, peace that comes from God, patience that makes us stronger, kindness and goodness by giving ourselves to others, faithfulness to the very end, and selfcontrol that keeps our hearts from letting evil enter our hearts in the first place.
David said in Psalm 51:10, “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a
right, persevering, and steadfast spirit within me.” We are living in times where there are many opportunities to lapse into a degenerative, corrupt condition, but we must hold fast to the very end because as the Lord says in Matthew 24:13, “…he who endures to the end will be saved.” His priorities and values must be our values, so we must read the Word, obey the Word, and be ready for the coming of the Lord. Above all, as He says, we must guard our hearts to keep out evil and to let flow out of us springs of life that are good and clean and life-giving.
The world looks very dark right now, but that is the time when our lights shine brightest. If our hearts are in good, even excellent, condition, others will see that we look and act like Jesus; the Lord will arise upon us, and His glory shall be seen on us, and nations will come to our light, and kings to the brightness of our rising (Isaiah 60:2-3).
Shalom my Friends:
"Then came the Feast of Dedication at Jerusalem (Yerushalayim). It was winter, and Jesus [Yeshua] was in the Temple area walking in Solomon’s Colonnade." (John 10:22–23)
Some years ago, a group of Jewish visitors to the Temple Mount reported seeing ancient beams dated to the First and Second Temple periods being used as firewood by the Arab community. The beams were used in the construction of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and became visible to the public in the 1930s while the building was being refurbished. These beams may have originally been part of the Holy Temple's roof structure. Byzantine-era designs were also discovered etched on some of these beams.
“It appears that this is part of the systematic attempts by Arabs to destroy all connections between the Jewish people and the Temple Mount,” a spokesperson from one of the groups trying to secure Jewish rights on the Temple Mount said (Arutz Sheva). Arabs still deny that any Jewish Temples ever existed on the Mount and continue unauthorized excavations that destroy evidence of such a Jewish presence on the Mount. They even forbid Jews to pray there.
Nevertheless, many Jews and Christians are planning to build a Third Jewish Temple on this holiest site in the world. In fact, the instruments, furnishings, and vessels for Temple worship have already been created and are on display at the Treasures of the Temple exhibition in Jerusalem.
"They shall make for me a sanctuary, and I will dwell among them." (Exodus 25:8)
Just beyond the courtyard of the Western Wall in the Old City of Jerusalem is Misgav Ladach Street, a sheltered cobblestone road that leads Israelis and tourists to the Temple Institute (Machon HaMikdash). There, visitors can view Temple treasures that have not been seen in over 2,000 years. The Temple Institute also offers group tours that can be organized ahead of time and given in Hebrew, English or other languages so that anyone can take in the well-documented history of the Jewish Temple. A gift shop with Temple-themed books, videos, puzzles, games, computer software, and replicas await visitors.
However, these items pale in comparison to the 25 years of research and craftmanship that the Institute has invested in creating the Temple treasures. These are no mere models or replicas. They have been created for use in the Third Temple, which could possibly be constructed within our lifetime on the Temple Mount above the Western Wall plaza. Every dazzling piece in the Institute’s collection is made of pure gold, silver, copper, and other authentic materials. They have been crafted only after lengthy research into the designs and practices of the original Temple, as required in the Torah (first five books of the Hebrew Bible) and Talmud (oral law).
Researchers also studied images on ancient coins and other artifacts that survived the Second Temple era. The silver vessel for the Wine Libation Ceremony: wine was poured out twice daily, once in the morning and once in the evening during the daily service.
The Institute relied on rabbis, scholars, scientists and other experts, who contributed their talents to recreate the Temple vessels. According to its website, one of the Temple Institute’s mandates is to raise awareness “of the importance of the Holy Temple in the life of all mankind, both Israel and the nations of the world.”
So, in addition to the vessels and furnishings, a variety of paintings, which were commissioned by the Temple Institute, cover the exhibit walls. Each one provides a rich context for understanding the various utensils, golden bowls, jugs for sanctified oil, the Golden Altar, Showbread Table, and other tools used for cleaning or preparing sacrifices that line the rooms.
The clothing and breastplate of the Kohen Gadol (High Priest) are on display along with instruments specific to prayer, sacred assembly, and musical worship. This includes silver-plated shofars (ram’s horns) for fast days and gold-plated shofars for blowing on Rosh HaShanah (literally, Head of the Year, the Jewish New Year). “On the first day of the seventh month you are to have a day of Sabbath rest, a sacred assembly commemorated with trumpet [shofar] blasts.” (Leviticus 23:24)
Silver trumpets used for public prayer and multiple lyres also line the walls. The lyres have 10 strings based upon verses in the Psalms. “Praise the LORD with the harp; make music to Him on the ten-stringed lyre.” (Psalm 33:2–3; see also Psalms 71:22, 81:2 and 144:9)
Indeed, music played an important role in worship.
“Every day, the Levites would play a special song for that day of the week, that could be heard from afar,” an exhibit states.
“All the Levites who were musicians—Asaph, Heman, Jeduthun and their sons and relatives—stood on the east side of the altar, dressed in fine linen and playing cymbals, harps and lyres. They were accompanied by 120 priests sounding trumpets.” (2 Chronicles 5:12)
“Every morning and evening they present burnt offerings and fragrant incense to the LORD. They set out the bread on the ceremonially clean table and light the lamps on the gold lampstand every evening.” (2 Chronicles 13:11)
The Institute also highlights three pieces from the Holy Sanctuary that are symbolically linked:
(1) the Menorah (Exodus 25:31–40), signifying spiritual blessing; (2) the Shulkan (Exodus 25:30), which held the Lechem HaPanim (Showbread), signifying physical blessing; and (3) the Golden Altar (Exodus 30:1–9) between them, on which the Ketores (Incense Offering) burned as a physical element that was “transformed into spiritual.”
“These three vessels of the Sanctuary thus signify the correct balance of life; a mixture of the spiritual and physical worlds that bring the human soul to wholeness,” an exhibit sign explains.
The Menorah played a central role in Temple times because it is a sign of God’s Shekhinah (Divine Presence) among B’nai Yisrael (Children of Israel) and is symbolic of spiritual illumination. It was, therefore, the first sacred vessel to be recreated since the Second Temple was destroyed in AD 70.
Although the Menorah sits outside the Temple Institute, the Menorah’s two-litre oil pitcher, used to replenish oil in the jug that feeds the golden menorah, is on display inside the Institute. Along with the Menorah, this was the vessel involved in the miracle of Hanukkah.
After defeating the Greek invaders, the Hasmonean priests found such a pitcher, which was sealed to protect the purity of its oil.
The Table of the Showbread -
Exodus 25 provides instructions for the design of the Table of the Showbread, which stood within the Sanctuary in Jerusalem. Twelve loaves of bread called Lechem HaPanim (Bread of the Presence) were to be on this table to stand before God at all times.
“This bread is to be set out before the LORD regularly, Sabbath after Sabbath, on behalf of the Israelites, as a lasting covenant.” (Leviticus 24:8, see also Exodus 25:30; Numbers 4:7; 2 Chronicles 2:4; 1 Kings 7:48; Hebrews 9:2)
Leviticus 24 describes how these loaves were to be made and placed on the Golden Altar. “Take fine flour and bake twelve loaves of bread, using two-tenths of an ephah for each loaf. Set them in two rows, six in each row, on the table of pure gold before the Lord. Along each row put some pure incense as a memorial portion ....” (Leviticus 24:5–7)
The Talmud (oral tradition) states that these loaves miraculously remained fresh and hot all week—just like freshly baked bread, and that this was taken as a confirmation of the Divine Presence (Shekhinah).
The bread symbolized, among other things, God’s providence and physical provision.
Like the light of the Menorah shining forth from the Temple windows, the incense offering also had a palpable presence during Temple times. It is believed that its aroma would travel 25 miles beyond the Temple itself, connecting the greater community with this offering of worship.
“Once the coals were on the Golden Altar [Mizbach HaZahav], one priest would pour the incense spice mixture from the chalice into the second priest’s hand. The second priest would then sprinkle the incense over the coals and a wonderful aroma would fill the sanctuary.”
This incense was sacred, and its formulation was a closely guarded secret, passed down through the generations. Exodus 30:34 identifies four of the 11 ingredients: balsam, onycha, galbanum, and pure frankincense. The Bible does not identify the herb that caused the smoke to rise in a straight column, which is called Ma’aleh Ashan, or the other spices.
The Torah makes it plain why this formulation was guarded:
“Whoever makes perfume like it and whoever puts it on anyone other than a priest must be cut off from his people." (Exodus 30:33) For that reason, even though the priest offered it on the Golden Altar, according to the Talmud (oral tradition), only one family—the Avtinas—knew the identity of the spices, as well as the exact amounts and the manner they were prepared.
“My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations.” (Isaiah 56:7)
The Temple Institute is entirely dedicated to rebuilding the Temple on the Temple Mount. A major obstacle to the realization of that goal is the presence of two Islamic structures now occupying part of the Temple Mount: the Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqsa Mosque. While Jews look forward to the building of the Temple as a beacon of hope and spiritual reconciliation for the entire world, Believers in Yeshua and the Brit Chadashah understand another reality for the Temple and the world. In the Last Days, the “man of lawlessness” will “oppose and exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God.”(2 Thessalonians 2:4)
Who could this man of lawlessness be? How will we know when he has arrived?
Daniel gives us some clues: "He will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven.’ In the middle of the ‘seven’ he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And at the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him." (Daniel 9:27) Some translations don't use the word "Temple," but the idea is similar: the man of lawlessness will do what is detestable to the Lord, and according to the Brit Chadashah (New Testament), he will clearly do it in the Temple for all the world to see. My Friends, the Last Days are here and two things remain for the AntiMessiah (Anti Christ) to arrive on the scene: the building of the Temple and the confirming of a covenant with Israel. Those two events are in sight. But before that happens, the bride of Christ(the Church) and the Holy Spirit must be lifted up (raptured) out of the way, and then that “man of lawlessness will be revealed.”
If you wish, You may help us supply Bibles to the Middle East so Israel and other nations may understand these revelations found in God’s Word.
"I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, 'My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.'" (Isaiah 46:10)
To God be all glory and may our lives be filled with Thanksgiving.