1 minute read


Christian Times Magazine issue 65 | Monthly Magazine page 38

By Zernalyn Palmares


In a world that is full of strife, where brother turns against the other and the narrative of what is biblically wrong becomes acceptable, we as Christians look to our leaders to guide and teach us the path to govern ourselves justly with a sense of order. The other day, after watching a documentary about the Ukrainian/Russian conflict I became saddened to hear about young unwilling Russian boys sent to the front to fight. It made me ask myself if I was to look to the Bible for an example of leadership whose life would be a good basis that would epitomize Christian leadership. Yes, there were the known kings of old - King David and King Solomon, but there is the story of King Josiah.

When his father was assassinated, he became King at 8 years of age. He is credited with instituting religious reform, and he brought his people closer to God by mandating that all his people worship the one true God. If only our leaders pointed us to the righteous path, how beautiful our world would be. This king guided his people toward God; and he was resolute and focused on this endeavor. He succeeded in eradicating the worship of idols and false Gods.

Distinct prayers for our Leaders are So very Important!

Herewith, I offer this Prayer for our Leaders:

God, this country was built on the belief that all men are created equal. Because of that we offer to you our Leaders. We offer them up to You, Lord. Guide and touch their hearts and minds. May they govern with compassion, may they be inspired by truth and justice; and May they practice tolerance and exercise fidelity to your words and teachings. May they listen with patience to the cries of the people and make choices that will show respect for self, others and everything around them. In The Name of Jesus We Pray. Amen.

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