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Anil Anwar CEO / Editor In Chief Editorial Member Charles Lingerfelt Raven Youngblood David Clarke Contributors Matthew Snape Charles Lingerfelt Christopher Grahn Howard David A. Colbert KrisAnne Hall, JD Christienah Robertson Travis Wayne Groover Nikoo Amini Pastor Robert Summers




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Issue 26 | January 2019


Bush's Legacy By Matthew Snape

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TRUMP AND SYRIA: Did President Trump Make the Right Decision ? By Charles Lingerfelt

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Iran’s 2018 Protests Indicate Change In 2019 By Nikoo Amini

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The War on Christmas? By Wayne Groover

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A Conservative View On Foreign Policy And The Terroristic Spirit By David A. Colbert

Issue 26 | January 2019


A Message for Valentine’s Day By Christopher Grahn Howard

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What We Need To Know About Term Limits By KrisAnne Hall, JD

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CHOOSE WISELY IN 2019 By Pastor Robert Summers

Photo Source: Politico

Bush's Legacy Like his father, history will be

By Matthew Snape

kinder to George W. Bush

When George H.W. Bush passed away in 2018, he received an outpouring of grief from his family, former presidents, former world leaders and current heads of state. He was condemned in the early 90s for breaking his campaign promise of freezing taxes. Yet the man’s contribution to the global stage was remarkable. He presided over the collapse of the Berlin Wall in November 1989 and liberated Kuwait in 1991 during the Gulf War. This ushered in a peaceful

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and prosperous period during the 1990s. Capitalism had triumphed over communism and democracy was universally accepted as the best system. Francis Fukuyama exclaimed that the world had witnessed the end of history. Of course, that did not stop trashy British newspaper The Guardian from writing articles downplaying George H.W. Bush’s legacy moments after his death. But he helped America establish itself as a global superpower.

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George H.W. Bush deserves to be remembered fondly. Not only was he an outstanding foreign leader, but he fought for his country during the Second World War as a pilot, served as a member of the House of Representatives and then as a CIA director. He was also a man who adored his family. He was a true patriot.

FILE - In this May 11, 2008 file photo, former President George H.W. Bush arrives on the South Lawn of White House in Washington. Bush died at the age of 94 on Friday, Nov. 30, 2018, about eight months after the death of his wife, Barbara Bush. (AP Photo/Lawrence Jackson, File)

The Bush family have returned to prominence following Donald Trump’s victory. George W. Bush became an internet meme after he failed to put his poncho on properly at Trump’s inauguration. Bush Junior has become an outspoken critic of the President too. Following the deaths of his parents and Senator McCain last year, we have seen more of Bush Junior towards the end of this decade than at the beginning. The former president made eulogies that were well-documented at his Page 8

father’s and Senator McCain’s funerals. He became an internet sensation when he gave Michelle Obama candy at the former senator’s funeral. It seems like the media is becoming fonder of him. Nostalgia hits us every twenty years. During the 2010s, we have become obsessed with the 90s. And as this decade ends, I am beginning to be hit with 2000s nostalgia. I confess I am starting to miss George W. Bush as president, like the

media are. Perhaps I will become nostalgic for other aspects of the 2000s later, like Motorola flip phones, the Britney and Justin look and other trends that still made that decade cool despite what was going on globally. But right now, I miss Bush Junior’s presidency the most. January 2019 will mark a decade since he stood down as president. And as time progresses, I believe history will be kinder to Bush Junior as it was with his father. Although Bush lost the popular vote during . Christian Times Magazine

the 2000 election, the US should be grateful it has the Electoral College. If Al Gore had won on the popular vote alone, he would have been a terrible president. He would have continued with Clinton’s policies that contributed to the 2008 Recession. Without Clinton’s charisma, a Gore presidency would have received worse criticism than Bush’s did. Clinton was a reluctant commander-in-chief. He had four chances to kill bin Laden following the four attacks on America by alQaeda during his presidency. It would have been impossible for Gore, another reluctant commander-in-chief, to resist pressure to go to war with Afghanistan And then Iraq following 9/11. Because those two wars drained away the 90s surplus, he would have presided over the same deficits Bush did.

For those who claim Gore should have won in 2000 and served a second term, you would have been bitterly disappointed and disillusioned with American politics more so than you were under Bush. Gore would have been elected during the bubble. It would have been difficult for him to resist support to cut taxes and provide relief for American families considering recessions trigger a spending squeeze. The 2000 recession would have probably continued longer under the Democrats if Gore instead implemented environmental taxes and the same tax hikes Clinton did. Increasing taxes is the worst policy any politician can implement during a recession. We all know Clinton and Gore loved to do that. Page 9

Tax cuts increase supply and demand and without Bush’s tax cuts in 2001 and 2003, his administration would not have presided over 56 months of economic growth and job creation. People forget Bush was elected during a recession and there was a period of prosperity following his cuts. Obama, a Democrat, continued with his tax cuts in 2009. Trump cut taxes further than Reagan and Bush in 2017 and America is now an economic superpower like it was pre-2008. Bush presided over record low inflation and small deficits. In fact, his economic record was better than Clinton’s in many ways. Some condemn Bush for blowing his predecessor’s surplus, but the size of these deficits increased under Obama. For those who only remember a presidency that ‘crashed’ the economy in 2008,remind yourselves it was Clinton and Gore that enforced policies that would later bankrupt millions of families. Now there’s an inconvenient truth for Mr. Gore.

Disenchantment with the Democrats would have reached an all-time low by 2008 if the recession happened under a Gore presidency. As I have argued in previous articles, it was a Clinton-Gore administration that forced Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to pressure banks into lending mortgages to vulnerable families. They also designed terrible policies to ensure banks have targets to lend to people with an awful financial history. Clinton halted background checks on an

individual’s ability to pay back their sub-prime mortgages. On the positive side, if Gore had presided over two terms, the electorate would have finally seen through the Democrats for what they are after living through 16 years of Democrat rule by 2008- a party that wants to trap Americans in poverty to generate votes for their big government policies. To be fair, no one knows how Gore would have dealt with Hurricane Katrina in 2005, another tragedy that tarnished Bush’s reputation. But for those who believe Gore would have been any better had he won in 2000, he wouldn’t have. He would’ve been worse. At least Bush tried to stop Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac’s controversial activities but was thwarted at every opportunity by Democrats. Bush still failed to stop them, yet it is impossible to see Gore ending a policy he initially supported. Contrary to current popular opinion, I believe Bush Junior was a great president and that he did a sterling job clearing up the mess Clinton left him.

9/11 wouldn’t have happened had the latter assassinated or captured bin Laden earlier. Yet the way Bush dealt with this event was his finest hour. He was decisive and inspirational. Invading Afghanistan and ending Taliban rule was the right decision. Afghanistan now has the potential to return to an era of prosperity it once enjoyed prior to the Soviet invasion of 1979 because of Bush. He rallied an entire nation behind him and deserved to win the largest share of the popular vote in American history.The Patriot Act which was legislated following 9/11 has also Christian Times Magazine

prevented another terrorist attack like that from taking place again.Neither Obama nor Trump said they would scrap it. Some would say the 2003 Iraq War and Hurricane Katrina in 2005 were not Bush’s best moments.

AFP Photo/Stephen JAFFE (Photo credit should read STEPHEN JAFFE/AFP/Getty Images)

Yet Saddam Hussein earnt an international reputation for using chemical weapons against his own people and he continued to murder them. Bush promised to build an international coalition against Iraq during the 2000 election, something

Photo Source: The Ecologist

Clinton failed to achieve. Whilst the media painted Britain out to be the only supporter of the Iraq invasion, America had the support of Turkey, Poland, Italy, Spain and Australia to name a few. Bush would have gained more respect by having Germany’s support. However, we all know Chancellor Schroeder betrayed the president to win an election. France and Russia would never Page 10

have intervened in Iraq because they benefited from oil supplies there. By 2009, GDP was 90 per cent higher than it had ever been under Saddam. Now that ISIS has almost been wiped out from Iraq, this nation has a chance to embrace democracy as Bush originally intended. Although no weapons of mass distraction were found in Iraq, the former president had every reason to believe Saddam had them considering he used them before. Many will also blame the former president for the rise of ISIS and that he committed America to withdrawing troops from Iraq too early in 2011. Despite this, ISIS gained their inspiration from the Arab Rising of 2011, not the 2003 conflict. Saddam was a menace. Whilst it remains a mystery as to why he wasn’t ousted in the 90s, it would have been impossible, regardless of who was president in 2000, and with or without the events of 9/11 when America was under threat, for any president to resist pressure to oust the then Iraqi dictator. The Iraq War had other positive consequences, like Colonel Gaddafi placing his nuclear weapons in a museum. When Hurricane Katrina hit Louisiana in 2005, Bush Junior was condemned for failing to land his plane and meet the victims. As Laura Bush argued in her memoirs, that would have only distracted the relief effort. He still intervened as much as he could have, and he still met and hugged many of Katrina’s survivors. The former president also ensured there was as much relief for families as there could have been. He was also tough, but fair, with Louisiana’s leaders at the time.

What I admire most about Bush Junior was that he was a man of conviction and principle, much like Ronald Reagan. In 2006, he was pressured by Senator Mitch McConnell to withdraw troops from Iraq to prevent a Republican defeat during the mid-terms that year. But Bush stuck to his principles and refused to do so, even though it led to a Republican defeat that year and in the 2008 presidential election. Ignoring Senator McConnell also meant he could not implement his social security and immigration reforms as a result of losing control of both Houses of Congress to the Democrats. Bush’s social security reforms would have led to millions of families reducing their dependency on the state and they would have paid for his 2001 and 2003 tax cuts and budget

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deficits in the long-term by privatizing large segments of the welfare state. His immigration reforms would have curbed this controversial issue sooner. Yet it was the price Bush paid for his foreign policy convictions. However, the former president was not absent of domestic and other foreign policy wins. His Medicare reforms were substantial. They cut the price of prescription drugs dramatically and provided cover for millions of families. They also allowed the private sector to compete in the health industry. No Child Left Behind was a significant education reform that ensured poorer children received assistance in return for improved academic performance.

When analyzing the Bush legacy, historians must remember that, despite withdrawing from the Kyoto Protocol, the former president helped the environment by preserving marine life through his maritime legislation. In Africa, he is hailed as a hero for helping wipe out AIDS for millions. His final foreign policy achievement was keeping Putin under a leash for most of his presidency. Putin became a threat under Obama’s administration. He failed to deploy American troops during Russia’s 2014 invasion of the Ukraine. Bush stood up to Putin and supported NATO’s expansion whilst being cordial to him. As we approach the ten-year anniversary of the end of Bush Junior’s presidency and the twenty-year anniversary of his historical victory against Gore in 2020, remember a president who did his best to deal with a bad hand left to him by his predecessor. Remember a president who made us laugh with his ‘Bushisms.’ Most importantly, remember that he was a decent president after all.

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Christian Times Magazine

CHRISTIAN TIMES MAGAZINE CTM was established in 2016 as a must-read title with key figures in American government, journalism, policy making, business, entertainment and fashion. American people turn to CTM for the ideas and trends behind the headlines and for a contrarian view of topics. Its depth sets it apart.

Each issue brings together the sharpest minds on the news events and ideas that define the modern world. What results is an entertaining, informative and open minded magazine that mixes compelling argument and clear headed analysis with elegance and vitality in design. Since 2016, readers have relied on CTM as a trusted source of progressive news and analysis.


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TRUMP AND SYRIA Did President Trump Make the Right Decision ?

By Charles Lingerfelt

A U.S. soldier sits on his armored vehicle on a road leading to the tense front line with Turkish-backed fighters, in Manbij, north Syria. Photo: One America News Network

The recent decision by President Trump to pull U S Troops out of Northern Syria was met with surprise all over the nation, and in many parts of the world. In some parts there was a range of mixed emotions such as shock and dismay, and in some cases anger. My own personal response was at first one of sadness – due mainly to my love for The Kurds and of the dear friends I have there in the Middle East. I just couldn’t believe that we were about to “forsake our friends” – The Kurdish Peshmerga, after they had helped us so delicately, decisively and persistently in our fight to eradicate ISIS from the face of the globe. It was a decision, however, that President Trump felt necessary because he felt that ISIS was nearly defeated and that things were about to get “heated up” in Northern Syria. The authoritarian leader of Turkey, Page 13

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, was vigorously speaking forth his threatening remarks against the Kurds. Erdogan was blatantly saying he was “going to bury the Kurds in the ground of Northern Syria.” It had been reported that Trump and Erdogan had a conversation over the phone, which was in somewhat of a heated manner, and Erdogan had said to President Trump: “Why are you and your Troops even there? The country is decimated, and ISIS is 99% defeated.” When Erdogan began his repeated threats against the Kurds, and he reportedly told President Trump that he, “didn’t want our Troops in the way,” Trump said to Erdogan, it was reported, “Alright it’s yours!” That’s when Trump announced publicly that he was going to “pull our troops out!”

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His decision did not bode well with Secretary of Defense James Mattis and Mattis announced that he would resign. His resignation was announced over “policy differences” with the president. It is not the first time in our history as a nation that Generals and Presidents have had their differences parlayed out in the public.

trying to say and will listen to me earnestly and honestly.” A lady then took my call and I told her who I was and why I was calling. She listened to me intently, and she agreed with me on most of my points. The phone call lasted for about 5 to 6 minutes – something unheard of when one calls The White House these days. She thanked me for calling and gave me some sound advice about getting my e-mail into the hands of President Trump. Later, I responded with my e-mail. I’ve done much reading over the past few weeks; I’ve called and talked with many of my friends: both Kurds and citizens here in the USA. I’ve wanted to “get the feel” of others who are both in the military and of those who are not.

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After World War II was over, General Douglas MacArthur was in charge of the occupation of Japan. When North Korea invaded South Korea in June 1950, starting the Korean War, he was designated commander of the United Nations forces defending South Korea. He conceived and executed the amphibious assault at Inchon on 15 September 1950, for which he was hailed as a military genius. However, when he followed up his victory with a full-scale invasion of North Korea on Truman's orders, China intervened in the war and inflicted a series of defeats, compelling MacArthur and his troops to withdraw from North Korea. By April 1951, the military situation had stabilized, but MacArthur's public statements became increasingly irritating to Truman, and he relieved MacArthur of his commands. The Senate Armed Services Committee and the Senate Foreign Relations Committee held a joint inquiry into the military situation and the circumstances surrounding MacArthur's relieve, and they concluded that "the removal of General MacArthur was within the constitutional powers of the President but the circumstances were a shock to our national pride.” When it became well-known that Trump would be pulling our troops out of Northern Syria, and I began to see the reactions of all my friends in Kurdistan, I made two different calls to The White House in the same week. During the first call, it became apparent to me that it was just a “normal run-of-the-mill” call to register my opinion on the president’s decision. But with the second call that week, I was on hold for a few minutes and as I listened to the playing of the music, I felt led to say a prayer. I prayed, “God give me someone to speak with who understands what I’m Page 14

I’ve done a lot of listening; and I have wanted to be at peace within myself of how I honestly and personally feel about the overall decision of President Trump. Early on, when his decision was made, my gut-feeling was that there was more to this decision that prompted his making of it than what meets with the normal eye. Today, as I write this – and I promise you that it has taken me days to come to this conclusion, I have found peace with my conclusion. And it is, I believe for the safety of our troops and their lives, it was necessary for President Trump to make that decision verbally, and publicly. And, it was made more honest to me in agreement with my own personal convictions when Senator Lindsey Graham exited from The White House and made his public statements before the microphones. In essence, he said that the president had shared with him more information that helped him to clarify in his own mind why it was expedient for the USA to gradually “pull out” our troops from Northern Syria and ‘bring them home.’ What we Americans must understand, and come to the conclusion of, is that we have been at war for more than 17 years in Afghanistan and it has cost us trillions of dollars to have been therefor so long – and much of our nation’s precious treasure – the shed blood of many has even been more costly. It is now evident to many in the nation that we just might need to step back and take a strong hard look at our involvement there – and see if it’s the time to “draw down the war” and bring the troops home to protect our own borders here at home. It’s a difficult decision to make, and certainly very trying upon the mind of many presidents. But we must do so with clear, mature thinking and we must do so with the involvement and wisdom of our generals, admirals, and our mighty men of valor.

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And with that wisdom, none of us want to forsake the commitments we have made with our partners and friends who stand along the side of us in The Middle East – especially the Israelis and The Kurds. May God help us as we sincerely pray for our President and his administration, and for our leaders we have elected. We pray that God will be with all those who will be teachable. May God truly bless America! Sincerely, Charles Lingerfelt, Senior Correspondent & Associate Publisher CHRISTIAN TIMES MAGAZINE

Christian Times Magazine Readership

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Christian Times Magazine

CHRISTIAN TIMES MAGAZINE CTM was established in 2016 as a must-read title with key figures in American government, journalism, policy making, business, entertainment and fashion. American people turn to CTM for the ideas and trends behind the headlines and for a contrarian view of topics. Its depth sets it apart.

Each issue brings together the sharpest minds on the news events and ideas that define the modern world. What results is an entertaining, informative and open minded magazine that mixes compelling argument and clear headed analysis with elegance and vitality in design. Since 2016, readers have relied on CTM as a trusted source of progressive news and analysis.


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Iran’s 2018

Protests Indicate Change In 2019

By Nikoo Amini

Iran: Protests confirm we need to push for transparency in Iran now - Transparency: Photo Source: Article 19

On December 28, 2017, the massive demonstrations that rocked Mashhad, quickly spread from the north east province of Khorasan to 142 cities in Iran. The demonstration, initially in protest to high prices, quickly changed course in as little as 24 hours with protesters directly targeting the whole Iranian regime in its entirety. Angry protesters all over Iran chanted against the leader of the Islamic Republic, Ali Khamenei and its president, Rouhani, demanding regime change. Despite the ensuing waves of suppression and the arrest of activists and protesters and the increased Page 17

number of the execution of prisoners, the protests continued the whole year round indicating that the regime had failed to contain the fury of Iranians. Contrary to 2017, when only a few cities witnessed protests, it is now difficult to find a city in Iran that has not erupted in protests this year. Various sectors of Iran’s society including workers, teachers, students, bazaar merchants, truck drivers, pensioners, employees and depositors who lost their deposits to government affiliated credit institutions, rallied on an almost daily basis in 2018. Although their demands vary by their sector, they all agreed that the regime was incompetent in meeting their minimum economic

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needs and that corruption, embezzlement and looting was intertwined with the government. Disenchanted Iranians have lost all hope, no longer trust the system and believe that the regime must go.

Economic woes turn to major rallies The social and economic protests held by different sectors of the society are held on the basis of specific demands that require a specific response and certain measures by relevant government institutions. Overall, they are protesting months of unpaid salaries, the privatization of factories that were once public, their stolen credit, lack of urban infrastructure, water scarcity, rising exchange rates, high inflation, unemployment, and the arrest of activists and protesters. But the situation in Iran has changed and the Iranian regime has no answer to the problems in the social and economic arena. Iran can no longer fix the currency which has lost 70 percent of its value. As a result, the regime is at best trying to silence protesters by making promises that it does not have the power to keep. 2018 has shown that the people’s only response to the corruption, looting, embezzlement and the inefficiency of the regime in dealing with these issues is regime change.

Iranian officials concerned over future developments In an unprecedented statement on December 12, Khamenei expressed his fear of escalating popular protests and said in comments carried by the Tasnim state-run News Agency that the US was planning to “create dispute, and civil war with the help of sanctions and counter security measures” and wanted “to drag people on the streets” to protest in Iran. The Islamic Republic’s Supreme Leader cited both the MEK and the US as enemies of the regime adding that they could “create tumult in 2018, but have schemes for 2019.” Why is Khamenei so frightened and concerned about next year and the regime’s internal crises? The concerns stem from the fact that 2018 was marked with widespread protests, strikes, and rallies in all Iranians cities against the regime. As always, Khamenei is attempting to link the protests to his presumed enemy, the United States, in an effort to erase the real problem and the regime’s real enemy, the people of Iran. Last August, Rouhani admitted during a speech that the regime’s internal and international problems had skyrocketed since the December/January uprising. “The sedition … gave a message to foreigners that by

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exerting pressure, they could have a greater impact,” he said. Rouhani was right in his discovery that the regime’s plethora of domestic and international dilemmas stemmed from the January uprising, with the regime’s utter instability being exposed.

Iran’s failed options Although the confrontation between the majority of Iranians and the regime has been ongoing for the past 39 years, President Trump’s arrival at the White House and the withdrawal from the nuclear deal has led to heightening tensions. The policy of appeasement, which was one of the only reasons that the regime was able to survive so long, ended with Obama’s departure, which saw the commencement of strong sanctions against Iran. Since that time, the Iranian regime has tried in vain to evade sanctions with the help of European governments. Iran’s policy of clinging to the East and turning to Russia and China was also ineffective with China recently withdrawing from Iran’s South Pars gas fields. The regime is out of options as all the paths ahead are suicidal. But that does not stop it from turning to its only natural course of action; Terrorism abroad, missile tests and domestic suppression. In comments carried by Iranian media, a pro-Rouhani political expert recently cited the new waves of protests and warned that the regime would fall. “There is something happening. The voice of the unity of the protests can be heard. If serious economic decisions are not made, there will be very difficult consequences,” Fayaz Zahed said. “I am telling you that these waves will unite and will lead to thunderous demands,” he added. “Due to inefficiencies in terms of the economy and international pressure, the political system will witness two things; it will either collapse from within or it will bow down to external pressure,” the reformist political expert said. Undeniably, the force that will bring the system to its knees will be the massive wave of popular protests and the organized uprising of the Iranian people. Iran’s protests have become more widespread, unified and have reached new depths as protesters’ intend to bring down the regime.

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Daily Express

The War on Christmas? By Wayne Groover

In the U.S. in recent years there has been a trend of anger and vocal opposition among many professing Christians regarding Christmas. Some Christians argue that Christmas is a pagan holiday that’s been Christianized and celebrating it mixes the profane with the Holy. I do not hold that position and will not be addressing that argument in this article. The arguments and debates I’m referring to have to do with indignation regarding a cultural shift away from celebrating Christmas in a religious sense and towardfurther secularization of the holiday. There is even a shift toward refraining to use phrases like “Merry Christmas” and replacing thatphrase with “Happy Holidays” or “Season’s Greetings”. There have been calls for boycotts by sensational talking heads or various Christian leagues when business like Starbucks, the Gap and Best Buy refused to use the word “Christmas” in their marketing. On top of that we have seen many court rulings about the removal of Nativity scenes and the banning of singing carols in the pagan Public School system (why would anyone be deluded enough to believe that a system that indoctrinates children with secular humanism would be for any other religion?). The majority of Christian conservatives in the U.S. will heartily agree - “There is a war on Christmas!”

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If I were to poll Christians and ask them what they disliked about the continued shift in the culture against the Christian aspects of Christmas I’m sure I’d hear things like, “This is an attack on our traditions and the American way of life!” or “This is an attack against Christians!” or “These Liberals are a bunch of Godhating snowflakes!” I am equally as certain if I were to ask the same folks what we should do about it, I’d hear things like, “Put Christ back in Christmas!” or “All we can do is pray…” or “America needs to turn back to Jesus!” I’d definitely agree that we need to pray and that America needs to turn to Jesus Christ in repentance, but I’d argue that this “War on Christmas” has much deeper roots and we should stop superficially treating symptoms with pragmatic powerless garbage. The problem is NOT that a heathen nation is not giving lip service to God on a certain holiday. The problem is not that God-hating business owners refuses to say “Merry Christmas” in their marketing. Saying that the culture refusing to celebrate Christ at Christmas is the problem and that putting “Christ back in Christmas” is the solution is not very discerning, and the remedy would prove just as useless as the diagnosis. What if Christians boycotted Starbucks and then if Starbucks gave in and printed “MERRY CHRISTMAS” on every

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single cup? This would be akin to a Doctor seeing a patient whose arm is rotting off and just wrapping the rot in a bandage. It looks like it’s been doctored – but really it’s still just a rotting, untreated arm wrapped up in a nice clean bandage. Some readers may be asking themselves, “So Mr. Knowit-all… what is the problem?” The root issue is that as a Nation we are (for the most part) heathen and faithless in almost every way and in nearly every practice – from the practices of the individual, to the family, to the civil realm and yes, even within our church assemblies. The greatest problem(and the only solution) lies within the Church. Would to God that we would repent. When a Nation falls to this level of depravity while simultaneously boasting 70% of her population as professing Christians – we immediately see where the problem lies. The Church is to be salt and light,to discern good from evil, and to disciple the Nation to obey whatsoever things Jesus commands and we should be active in influencing the culture and calling all men in all institutions and in every place to repent toward Christ and to obey His commands. We areclinging to the notion that we are a Christian Nation.We point to heathens and liberals and pagans as if they are the problem. They are doing what the natural man does! They are being true to their nature and to their profession! The problem is the Bride of Christ NOT doing as she should! We frantically identify superficial symptoms – the natural out workings of a humanist society – but we never clean the wounds and apply the balm of Gilead to the actual rot. We seem to hate God’s Law more than the heathen! We seem to believe that the Gospel is powerless, just like the heathen. We spend our time, effort and energy on ourselves but then much of what we give to God is effort on secondary superficial things and we avoid the major problems. Imagine a man having a heart attack and a Doctor rushing to remove a splinter in his finger?? We heal the wounds of the people lightly, saying “Peace, Peace” when there is no peace! Think about this as an example: If you were to arrive on the shores of a continent where the natives routinely killed their children in veneration of gods of their own fashioning, you would want to bring the Gospel into conflict with their evil ways so their souls might be saved and their children might be saved from murder, right? Imagine seeing toddlers being dismembered and burnt with poisons… You would begin to work toward getting their laws changed so that their lower laws might reflect God’s Higher Law so that righteous justice could be established. You would not only disciple

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individuals and families, but you would seek to disciple that continent through their civil laws to obey whatsoever things Christ commands. Any Christian would agree that would be tantamount – extremely high on the list of priorities. Yet right here in our Nation we have butchered well over 60 million of our own children – we are literally in the midst of a holocaust. The NUMBER ONE cause of death in our Nation is parents murdering their own children! If you were to walk into any church assembly on any given Sunday you would never even know that we were in the midst of one of the bloodiest holocausts the world has ever known. In fact, you’d be much MORE likely to hear about the “War on Christmas” and how liberals are forcing everyone to say “Happy Holidays”. You would be much more likely to see many hours spent on Christmas plays and pageants than confronting the evil of child sacrifice. You would be much more likely to “bless needy children” by giving them toys and frivolities than ever even once blessing an orphan being carried to the slaughter by pleading with her parents at an abortion mill or by distributing literature in the culture in order to be her voice. Could you imagine going to the continent previously described and causing a massive ruckus about their businesses not acknowledging Christ at Christmas while simultaneously remaining silent and inactive in regards to the murder of children happening all around you? How deluded and sin hardened you would have to be to strain at the gnat of heathens not celebrating Christmas while swallowing the camel of child sacrifice! And the judgement would be much greater for you because you KNOW what God says about murder and about pure and undefiled religion in regards to orphans… Yet here we are. Almost every Christian holds a moral opinion in regards child sacrifice, but in what ways does this moral opinion work itself out practically on a day to day basis? How can there be church buildings within blocks and miles of abortion clinics and yet a miniscule or zero presence at the place of murder in their midst? How can there be a church building on nearly every street corner and yet we rarely (if ever) hear messages being thundered from the pulpits that decry baby murder? How can we have so much time for picnics and signings and never have time for tactical discussions or events as to how we are going to oppose child sacrifice or how we are going to seek to save children or how we will apply the Gospel to the situation? Here’s another example. Walk into any church assembly on any given Sunday and you might hear Christians bemoan the fact that prayers can’t be made in Public Schools or that Christmas Carols or the Nativity has been banned from their State Schools. You

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will see a great raging at the superficial symptoms and a deep desire to see prayer and Bible brought into State Schools. What you will most likely NEVER hear is that the State Schools ARE the problem! You will never hear teachers within the church telling people that it is commanded that the family should raise their children in the Way. No Christian would send their children to be disciple by Muslims or Buddhists – yet we overlook the religion of our culture – humanism – and we play along with the idea that our State Schools are religiously “neutral”. Jesus DESTROYED the myth of neutrality in Luke 1::23 when He said “He who is not with me is against me…” Neutrality is a myth – there are very real ethics being taught to children in State Schools and these ethics are humanistic in foundation. Why are all of these businesses no longer celebrating Christ at Christmas? Is George Soros funding some super-secret plot? Maybe it’s because the church has not taught people or equipped them to raise their children in the Way. One of the greatest ministries a church can do is help children out of the hands of Caesar. Christians should OWN education – no other worldview compares. Our Nation hasbeen one of the greatest powers in the world and this success is greatly founded upon the Puritan and Christian education and universities and the ideology they seasoned the culture within our early development. This Biblical education influenced our civil, family and individual realms of governance. Only now after generations of State Schools are we seeing the destruction of the family, church and civil realms of society. God’s Word is a framework for knowledge, if you don’t have a Biblical epistemology you are on quicksand in regards to perceiving reality… And yethere we are in 2018. The majority of Christians have given their children over to the State to be discipled. The Church no longer offers alternatives and places of learning where the children of the community can be discipled. Coloring Noah’s Ark for 45 minutes on Sunday morning doesn’t count when the children have spent 50 hours of seat time being discipled by the State and by their godless peers. Christians gladly pay our property taxes and demand that the money stolen from us by the State be used to pay for massive institutions that will indoctrinate our children with a heathen mindset that will relieve us of our DUTY to raise our children according to God’s Word and Way. We don’t even try to compete with Caesar or his statist humanist indoctrination centers. God Himself tells us the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge and yet in our churches we are more likely to offer free backpacks and school supplies to community children and send them and our own children off to Caesar to be discipled… then we scratch our heads when we have generations of Godless

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Romans on our hands. Is there a war on Christmas? I think a better question to ask is, “Which battles am I spending my time fighting and are they of any real consequence?” Why would I spend time to demand printing “In God we Trust” on fiat currency in a culture where theft and plunder by the State is the norm and where our economic system is increasingly pagan socialism? Wouldn’t I rather seek to DO something about the greater evil before I seek to cover it with lip service and false peace? Why would I demand that children who are being discipled with humanism and statism be forced to sing Christmas Carols? Shouldn’t I be more vocal and active to seek to rescue them from that system and to warn others? Shouldn’t I seek change in the civil realm to abolish that system and deny Caesar’s dominion over our children and negate his influence of future generations? Why would I actively boycott businesses that don’t write “Merry Christmas” on a coffee cup when I have actively avoided the raging abortion holocaust – why would I swallow the camel while straining the gnat? Why are we so quick to harp on the superficial secondary symptoms of a sin sick society and so apathetic to DO anything about the root and the GREATER issues? There is definitely a war in the culture! We have limited time and resources. We should engage in battles that God cares about and those battles should be in proportion to the level of evil. Do you think that God will be happy to know His Church demanded “Merry Christmas” on business windows while doing and saying almost nothing about child sacrifice?

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By Christienah Robertson Travis Getty

By Wayne Groover

President Trump has taken on the most long standing, the most pressing issues of law and ignited the emotions of the people by finally doing something about it. Not just talking about it. The United States southern border is one of the most important issues the nation is facing. The arguments reached a pinnacle between the democrats and Trump that leave Americans wondering if the Democrats really care about America at all. Both sides have feelings, but the facts have to take precedence here. America needs a border wall.

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"The crisis of security at our southern border is real. Is real. Over the past year, customs and border protection records apprehensions and interdictions at our southern border are literally, Mr. President, staggering. Staggering." - Senator Mitch McConnell

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Daily Express

Historically, for all nations, borders are a necessary part of defining a country. Enforcing the borders are naturally essential, because if you don't enforce your borders then you are open to invasion. Even when you have a secure border, you have to be aware of Trojan Horse's that distract from the mission, allow dangerous loopholes and overwhelm the system. Yes, America is known for being a country of immigrants from the beginning, but we are far from the beginning now. Circumstances are not the same. The economic opportunity, for one is not the same as it was in the frontier days or the Gold Rush. We aren't there anymore. Have you seen California's homeless rate to start? Have you seen how poorly we are able to care for our own veterans? The very people who put their lives on the line for the rights of others around the world. The same people who have family members fight in every single American scuffle since the beginning. We can't take care of those brave Americans. To add salt to the wound, a migrant caravan actually demanded $50,000 dollars a piece if they weren't let in. That is more than a lot of Americans make in three years working a full time job while paying taxes. Once referred to as an invasion by an army, the question comes to mind. Why aren't they making those demands from their presidents? Don't they realize how many there are of them in numbers that can make a difference if they just focus their anxiety where it belongs? Change can be uncomfortable, but it is necessary and that is exactly what everyone needs right now. Change. December 2018 had unbelievable tanks in the stock market. Underground social media is going crazy warning us that more is to come and soon. They aren't talking recession. They are talking about complete economic collapse. When you consider the extreme climate conditions that continue to decimate crops and interrupt delivery of product over a long period of time, it is a sure indicator that finances are in trouble unless something changes. Sir David Attenborough gave a speech at the COP24 Summit December 2018. He stated that, "

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Our greatest threat in thousands of years. Climate change. If we don't take action, the collapse of our civilizations and the extinction of much of the natural world is on the horizon." The world may be approaching a time when there may be little help left to go around. Creative agriculture and farming are becoming more and more important. It isn't just America. It's everywhere. Food recalls, empty shelves, late deliveries are all cause for concern enough to trigger many who have never gardened before to start. These are facts. Many Americans have even turned to tiny houses, tiny apartments and RV's, because the truth is they know they can no longer afford or endure the cost of having more. No matter what it is. America is getting down to the raw necessities. Now turn your attention to the growing threat of terrorism globally. It's global. America fights terrorism right? While we fight against these enemies we have our borders wide open. That isn't smart. The sad fact is that terrorist's figured that much out a while ago. They are traveling into countries south of America's border and just walking right in. Where is the love for the American people? Where is the concern for our safety? Where is the concern for our country? Not to mention that America fights for the security of borders for other nations, yet for some reason, Nancy By Wayne Pelosi thinks or feels that a southern borderGroover wall is "immoral". Pelosi and her constituents have been quick to point fingers and wrongfully accuse the nation of racism to belittle the validity of the needs and desires of the people, but the people have decided to speak in a way that I have never seen before. Instead of waiting for the government to battle this out in a long drawn out and unnecessary process, a brilliant Florida veteran named Brian Kolfage, started a Gofundme page to help build the wall. The response has been overwhelming. By December 27, 2018 the fundraiser had already raised $17.5 million dollars from donations by the American people. That is more than startling. It's a statement. It is just as bold and brave as The Boston Tea Party. It is true to the spirit on which this great nation was founded. "We the People of the United States." People that are always willing to take a creative approach to being heard when all other viable channels are inaccessible. When it comes to price comparison shopping, American's have already been paying the cost. For years. A $5 billion dollar wall is definitely more cost effective. Safety is priceless. Countries have made the mistake in recent years of opening their borders and the crime rate shot through the roof. Sick and violent crimes against humanity were

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committed while the citizens paid for it. Now some of these same countries can't afford to run their own country. Civil unrest is running rampant, because they are trying to curb the loss with over taxation. The problem with that is you crumble the foundation on which the empire stands. America must see this as a threat for them too. It doesn't mean America is racist or hateful. If anything, America has always been known for its humanitarian efforts abroad and will always do what it can to help, but America doesn't own a magic wand. Right now, for once, more effort and focus needs to be turned back to the welfare of the nation as a whole so that America can continue to be a powerful force for humanity. Some can argue that immigrants in United States custody are not being processed fast enough, but Diamond and Silk had something very interesting to tweet about that. "Under Title 8 U.S. Code § 1324 (Immigration & Nationality laws) it is Illegal to aid & abet Illegal Aliens. Question: Are Sanctuary Cities aiding & abetting Illegals? If so, is Congress breaking it's own laws by approving funding for Sanctuary Cities & using Tax Dollars to do so?" In another tweet Diamond and Silk cheerfully announced that President Trump has done away with

in government took a paid vacation for the holidays. The real issue for America is our divided country. Can America survive the internal issues? Feelings have taken over all reason and logic. The difference between feelings and facts are that feelings can change. Nancy Pelosi is very deep in her feelings. It is good to have feelings and to be passionate about what you do, but has she forgotten what she originally signed up for? When Pelosi was elected the first female speaker in 2007, she accepted her position and said with the sweetest smile, "I accept this gavel in the spirit of partnership, not partisanship." That's what we need right now. Partnership. This arguing is not what the American's or the rest of the world should even be seeing right now. This bickering. The persistent slander. It has got to stop! We need to start this new year out with the right foot forward. How are we supposed to promote peace in other countries and publically bash each other? This nation needs healing. America deserves healing and it has to start right here at home. The American's asking for this wall go to work every day also and they don't always like who they are working with, but they put that all aside to do their job right. Put aside the anger and the corrosive resentment and let's By Wayne move forward together. American's want toGroover see that too.

Lynnette Hardaway and Rochelle Richardson, otherwise known as Diamond and Silk, on the campaign trail for Donald Trump at a Florida rally in 2016. Johnny Louis/Getty Images

the Catch and Release of illegal immigrants into the country. What I want to know is why we had money for sanctuary cities and no votes for a border wall? It is a question that needs to be answered. But we all know this isn't really about the Border Wall. It is really about the emotional walls between Democrats and Trump. Americans want the wall bottom line. It did not go unnoticed how many citizens, that were affected personally by the government shutdown, still courageously went to work anyway while certain others

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JOURNEY INTO FAITH AND PATRIOTISM By Charles Lingerfelt A common, ordinary Man born in Tennessee, Becomes a Texan in 1969, and as a Teacher / Principal/Coach


Helps Organize a School in Northern Iraq (Kurdistan) Because He Wants to Make a Difference With His Life. And, Now He is Senior Columnist and Associate Publisher at Christian Times Magazine Christian Times Magazine.

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A Conservative View On Foreign Policy And The Terroristic Spirit By David A. Colbert

Photo: Charles Krupa, AP

I wonder what country Elizabeth Warren is from, can somebody tell me. Is she still a US Senator? The Liberal left and those in the Democratic Party seem to be talking about a different country than I live in. They ignore the progress made by the Trump Administration, and pretend that nothing has been done while acting like the Obama Administration was the greatest ever. I was born in this country without question, and I truly wonder what country Elizabeth Warren is talking about in her recent article entitled “ A Foreign Policy for All” Strengthening Democracy-at Home and Abroad. What the heck is she talking about?

simply take their investment and their jobs elsewhere in the world. President Trump’s policies and trade agreements are seeking, and are bringing good paying jobs back to the U.S., but the majority of the Mainstream Media seems to be devoid of understanding regarding the purpose for recent policies regarding China and other nations. President Trump is trying to force investment in U.S. companies and bring jobs back to the U.S.. We need to stop depending on other countries and turn America back into producers rather than consumers. Our Commander and Chief is trying to fulfill his commitment to the American people, and all the Democrats are doing is trying to avoid really working as they often do, by diverting attention from themselves by creating frivolous lawsuits against a sitting President. I wish that for once they would take their focus off themselves, and truly do something for the American people. I hope we are not going to have to put up with the sludge they use to clog the arteries of progress for the next two years. It is laughable to me how the Democratic Party act like they are so poor. The Democrats are wealthy as well as some Republicans, and they have the backing of the wealthy as well. The wealthy liberals of course wanting to support non-Christian values. Oh, by the way according to CNN Business Elizabeth Warren’s Net Worth as of 2015 was between 3.7 Million to 10 Million Dollars. I don’t know about you, but that does not sound like a middle-class citizen to me. We as the African American public need to stop blindly supporting the Democratic Party. To keep us enslaved with government programs that keep us from accomplishing what we were meant by God to accomplish. The Democratic Party have for many years foster a belief in my people that we need government support to help us to become something in this world. We need to wake up as African Americans and think for ourselves, and realize that business is about supply and demand. If the Democratic Party appeals to my peoples “victim mentally” they will get the votes. The supply is for voters the demand is for votes. My people, the Democratic Party holds the worst kind of politicians. A lot of them are racially prejudiced, but they will not

If those who are wealthy are attacked by the U.S., they Page 26

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tell you that because they want your votes. Note: This is a direct attack on a U.S. Citizen’s Family. We often forget that Mr. Trump is a U.S. Citizen first and a President second. This is a direct quote from Elizabeth Warren’s Article“ A Foreign Policy for All” Strengthening Democracy-at Home and Abroad Quote: This president may have campaigned on a promise to put “America first,” but his policies have put the Trump family first and middle-class American families last. We as the American public can’t allow assaults like this on our President’s family or any other U.S. Citizen. I consider her statement to be pure conjecture and just liberal HOG WASH. The Trump Organization is an American, as well as an International Employer. We tend to forget that, here in America sometimes. They employ over 22,450 people worldwide. The “Victim Mentality” is what fuels terrorism. Terrorists believe strongly they are being mistreated. Unfortunately, this victim mentally leads to a lot of violence even here in U.S. as well. A terrorist has an inflated since of being victimized. Does this sound like any group you know here in America? These statements were in an article in 2016 “Trumps New Normal” by Eli Stokols and Nolan D. McCaskill “The rise of ISIS is the direct result of policy decisions made by President Obama and Secretary Clinton Let’s look back at the Middle East at the very beginning of 2009, before the Obama-Clinton Administration took over. Libya was stable. Syria was under control. Egypt was ruled by a secular President and an ally of the United States. Iraq was experiencing a reduction in violence. The group that would become what we now call ISIS was close to being extinguished. Iran was being choked off by economic sanctions. Fast-forward to today. What have the decisions of Obama-Clinton produced? Libya is in ruins, our ambassador and three other brave Americans are dead, and ISIS has gained a new base of operations. Syria is in the midst of a disastrous civil war. ISIS controls large portions of territory. A refugee crisis now threatens Europe and the United States. In Egypt, terrorists have gained a foothold in the Sinai desert, near the Suez Canal, one of the most essential waterways in the world. Iraq is in chaos, and ISIS is on the loose. ISIS has spread across the Middle East, and into the West. In 2014, ISIS was operating in some 7 nations. Today they are fully operational in 18 countries with aspiring branches in 6 more, for a total of 24 – and many believe it is even more than that. The situation is likely worse than the public knows: a new Congressional report reveals that the Administration has downplayed the growth of ISIS,

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with 40% of analysts saying they had experienced efforts to manipulate their findings.” I hope that something gets done in the H.O.R. when the Democratic Party gains the majority control in the H.O.R.. When that woman name Nancy Pelosi takes over as Speaker of the H.O.R. in January 2019. Nancy Pelosi is already posturing for delays in the

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H.O.R.. It is believed that she will not even acknowledge the President’s Bill on the Border Wall Construction. The Democratic Party once again will become the constipation in the bowels of the U.S. Government. An obstruction to all that moves our country from stoppage to release. Stop believing the Democratic Party’s Hype. The

majority of the party are Lawyers looking for fees, known as higher taxes. I work hard for my money, I believe in salary caps in both houses and the ability to vote to impeach representatives or senators that do not represent it constituents. Delaying votes to obtain legal fees, better known as taxes. I don’t know about you, but I am getting tired of the same old politics from the Democratic Party. They keep some minorities in slavery

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to their politics of dependency on government help, known as entitlements. I believe in an America that is not based solely on free rides. We need to work for our food. When we work we are satisfied and can rest knowing our work has provided for our sustenance. The politicians we elect to office the Republicans, Democrats,Tea Party or Independents alike are our representatives. We are their Bosses. I believe that the role of the American people in our government is not big enough; because ultimately all policy affects us. I feel sometimes our elected officials blatantly ignore their constituents, leaving us with no real representation. We should be able to elect to impeach those misrepresenting us in the US Senate and the H.O.R. I hope our representatives have the guts, someday to create a bill giving the American People this Right.

Advertisement A common, ordinary Man born in Tennessee, Becomes a Texan in 1969, and as a Teacher / Principal/Coach Helps Organize a School in Northern Iraq (Kurdistan) Because He Wants to Make a Difference With His Life. And, Now He is Senior Columnist and Associate Publisher at Christian Times Magazine Christian Times Magazine.

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A Message for Valentine’s Day By Christopher Grahn Howard As you may be fully aware, I usually write on politics. Usually. I thought I would try something a bit different, so bear with me. This summer I am approaching my 30th wedding anniversary and have spent time thinking about my marriage and the things I have learned. Many of which I wish I had learned much sooner. To be very clear, I have made many mistakes, had many let downs and worst of all I have failed my wife many times. Hence the learning part. This comes as both a reflection on my love for my wife and as advice for the readers. While all of this will apply to both wives and husbands, I am directing this to the husbands or future husbands. First, I do not regret being married and most of all, I am so grateful that she is the woman she is. As proverbs state – “Who can find a wife of noble character? She is

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far more precious than rubies.” “Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband praises her as well.” This and so much more applicable to my wife. I am a blessed man. Like many, I forget to be thankful every day, but I am. One of the most liberating and loving things I have learned is this, I truly, only need to worry about the opinion of one woman. Not my mother, my mother-in-law, daughter, female friends or especially strangers. Only one woman has my ear, and my primary concern and most of all have to live with. Wrap your head around that gentlemen. Only one. Think about how freeing that can be. The one you chose. The only one. Some advice for the young men and women who may read this. Choose a spouse who is strong, emotionally and spiritually. Here is the thing, at some

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point and at some time man or woman you will fall, fail, flail and need help to get up, propped up. If your spouse is not capable of picking, propping or helping you up…well, you get the idea. The simple and sad truth is this. It is always going to be the two of you and the Lord against all. Yes, all. Your family, their family, jobs, people, the world I general and Satan in specific. Find a spouse that is stubborn. Yep, stubborn. Stubborn will get you a spouse that cannot give up. Our greatest success over 30 years has been we refused to give up. No matter the relationship there always comes a time when one or both thinks about giving up. Never give up! Find a spouse that is kind, kindness comes from understanding. True kindness comes from knowing the difficulties of life and not giving in to bitterness. Trust me this is a very important quality. One area where I have the most regret, not listening to the counsel of my wife. Early on in our marriage, we had so many choices to make, and I was so very sure I was making the right decision for both of us. Looking back she saw the battlefield more clearly than I did. Our lives would have been easier if I had taken her advice more often. I was not always wrong but did make some long-term unforced errors. A wise man listens to the counsel of his wife. Which brings me to listening. There was a study done that found that over time a man stops hearing his wife’s voice. I believe this to be true and yet, I wish it was just the opposite. Listening, as opposed to hearing, is an active skill. One of the many things I have learned is that often times if I will just listen to my wife and her problems…I just have to listen. More often than not, no other action is required. Just validate that in fact, it is an issue and time to move on. Many times I think husbands think that when presented with a problem, it is our duty to fix that problem. Clearly, there are times when that is exactly what they expect. Not always. Here is another tip to husbands, learn to cook several good meals. If you can cook well for a girl…you can keep her. I enjoy cooking and I think she enjoys it more when I cook. My wife is a good cook and has never served me a bad meal. She just does not enjoy cooking as I do. I enjoy serving her dinner most nights. Yes, I serve her and first…even before the children. Not to mention as husbands we should find ways to serve our wives. Not to suggest we should be servants but to be the servant leaders God has called us to be. I still need to work on this. To the young men and women, I want to say this. I know that in today’s world it may seem ok to hang out, play video games and just party. Modern public education does not teach what it used to. Learn how to truly take care of yourself. If you cannot take care of

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yourself, how do you expect to be able to take care of your spouse when she needs it or even your children? I already mentioned the benefit of knowing how to cook a good meal. Learn how to change a tire, tie a tie, balance a checkbook, pay bills…on time, do laundry and iron a crisp shirt, most of all learn how to learn. Build something from wood, grow food, and learn to be resourceful. One day you will be very glad you learned these things or truly regret not. Details matter. Especially to women. Never underestimate the importance of the little things. Grand gestures are nice and you should do those type of things every so often. However, it is the daily attention to details in your life that will add up. The little things you do for her or him will add up exponentially. Fill up her car with gas for her (my wife really appreciates this one), ask her what she needs from the store, cover her up on a cold night with a blanket, and most of all…be affectionate with just a simple hand hold, kiss on the forehead or back scratch. These little things will show her more about how you love her than a dozen roses. Although, they like that too. No doubt there are trying times. Times you are very unhappy with your spouse. Remember this….you chose your spouse. You made a conscious and deliberate decision to become one entity and share a life together. You stood before God, Family, and friends and made that choice. You do not get to choose your parents even your kids (only to have them, not who they will become). Every time you are faced with siding with or against your spouse…remember that you chose them. Own that decision. A couple of general rules I like to follow. 1. Just because you can does not mean you should. 2. Just because you can’t does not mean you should not try. 3. Never yell…ever. Unless there is an imminent danger. 4. Humor is just as important as love. 5. Pick your battles, not every hill is worth dying on. 6. Most of all show the Love you feel Early philosophers spent time defining Love. Here is mine. Love, the act of loving, to Love is to dare to make a person, animal activity a part of who you are, how you define yourself. Tell me who you are and I will know what you Love. Do you love the Lord? If so, he will be a part of who you are. God said, Husbands, love your wife as Jesus loved the church. Notice the word is must/shall and not should. Remember Jesus died for the church, sacrificed everything. Yes, I fall short of the glory of God and have fallen short in the eyes of my wife. But know this….I Love her and she is an inseparable part of who I am. Can you say the same for your spouse?

Christian Times Magazine

What We Need To Know About Term Limits By KrisAnne Hall, JD “We need term limits,” that’s the cry we hear so often today. Before we act we must ask the question: Is that the right solution to our lifetime politicians or is that simply the easy solution that will eventually backfire? It is a question we can answer without a crystal ball Patrick Henry said,

“I have but one lamp by which my feat are guided and that this the lamp of experience. I know no way to judge the future but by the past.” Page 32

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Many enjoy studying the Constitution, yet the more critical thing is to study the Constitutional WITH history and intent of the founders. Our founders had specific conversations about these things and incorporated safeguards in the Constitution that we have either ignored or unknowingly destroyed along the way. The term limits designed by our founders were of two classe: 1. Elections and 2. Automatic recall and they were in the Constitution. We do not need to establish new term limits; we need to restore the ones we had when the founders created this great nation. Our founders gave us the weapons we need to guard the Liberty given to us by our Creator and we have been derelict in our duties. John Adams said, “If we are to have a free Republican Government we must have an attachment to the Constitution and a Conscientious determination to support it.”

Daniel Webster said, “God grants Liberty only to those who love it and are always ready to guard and protect it.”

Photo Source: Wikipedia

George Washington said, “the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake”. Page 33

Thomas Jefferson, repeated this admonition, “the price of Liberty is eternal vigilance.”

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We live in perilous times and we must be armed with the weapons that will bring victory. One of those weapons is TRUTH and truth is sheathed in HISTORY. Let us unsheathe TRUTH and cut through the confusion. The term limits we have that are still active are called elections. Each elected representative is only guaranteed one term. The fact that they serve more than one term is done by the choice of the people. If the American people actually paid attention to elections, took them seriously and educated themselves on the candidates, voting principles instead of party or personality, there would be no way a corrupt or poor functioning representative could serve more than one term. Founding Mother and political advisor Mercy Otis Warren was very upset when she learned from the newly drafted Constitution, members of Congress would be allowed to serve for a 2 year term, rather than submit to annual elections. In her argument against biennial elections, we see how many founders felt about the power of elections as the most effective term limits available. Mercy writes in her Observations on the new Constitution, and on the Federal and State Conventions (1788):

“Man is not immediately corrupted, but power without limitation, or amenability, may endanger the brightest virtue — whereas frequent return to the bar of their Constituents [frequent elections] is the strongest check against the corruptions to which men are liable, either from the intrigues of others of more subtle genius, or the propensities of their own hearts…” Mercy continued in her opposition of biennial elections for House members to say the not only is it necessary to liberty and freedom to have “annual elections” but also points out that anything but annual elections is absurd and has been proven over time to be a bad idea: “…nor has any one ever defended Biennial, Triennial or Septennial Elections, either in the British House of Commons, or in the debates of Provincial assemblies, on general and free principles…the best political writers have supported the principles of annual elections with a precision, that cannot be confuted…” Finally Mercy tells us that the only reason we would agree to biennial elections is because we have succumb to a deception whose only design is the undermine the walls of protection for freedom: “To though they may be darkened, by the sophistical arguments that have been thrown out with design, to undermine all the barriers of freedom.”

Mrs.James Warren (Mercy Otis), 1763 by John Singleton Copley. Neoclassicism. portrait

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What do we learn from Mercy and the founders who agreed with her? The strongest guard against politicians giving in to corruption is knowing they will be “frequently” forced to submit to the approval of their constituents. Elections are the most complete term limits.

Christian Times Magazine

Mercy pleaded that moving from yearly elections to biennial elections would have an opposite and detrimental effect on the character of politicians and the liberty of the people. Term limits would bring the conclusion with even more drastic results. When the people know their politician can only serve a specific time, history proves this “security” will cause the people to slip into an even greater apathy toward elections and provide politicians the motivation they need to quickly surrender to “the corruptions to which men are liable, either from the intrigues of others of more subtle genius, or the propensities of their own hearts” to ensure their “profits” are collected before they are forced out of office. The second mechanism for term limits our founders gave were actually stripped away by the 17th Amendment in 1913, when this country fell for a “pernicious design to subvert liberty.” Not my words, but words of our founding fathers. The government was originally designed to have our US Senators appointed by the state legislatures. This was intended to protect each state’s power by having direct representation in Congress. By direct, our founders meant that each Senator that was appointed was subject to automatic recall by the Legislature if the Senator was not performing his duties appropriately. Since Senators were appointed by the state legislatures, they would carefully watch the Senators and we the people would carefully watch the State legislatures. Our founders knew that government governed best when it governed least and governed at home (and it is much easier to show up en masse to our state capitols than to D.C. – and the politicians know that). James Madison, Father of the Constitution and 4th President explains: “An individual, who is observed to be inconsistent with his plans, or perhaps to carry on his affairs without any plan at all, is marked at once by all prudent people, as a speedy victim to his own unsteadiness and folly.” Federalist 62.

Senate to be constantly checking with the people for proper direction and movement of the government. The Federal Farmer states what we know all too well; “It is a disagreeable truth, that power perverts men’s views in greater degree, than public employments inform their understandings – they become hardened in certain maxims and more lost to fellow feelings.” Have we not seen that very truth play out in our own Congress? They seem to be more concerned about reelections, special interests, and self-exaltation than the good of the nation. He continues in his very accurate assessment: “Men may always be too cautions to commit alarming and glaring iniquities: but they, as well as systems are liable to be corrupted by slow degrees…we are not only to guard against what men will do, but even against what they may do.” America didn’t get into this mess overnight. Many have said that they “woke up” one morning and realized they no longer recognized the country that we are living in. That’s because it has been corrupted by slow degrees and its leaders have become unresponsive. “Men in high public offices are in stations where they gradually lose sight of the people, and do not often think of attending to them, except when necessary to answer private purposes.” Our Congressmen have become so comfortable in their stations that they no longer think of attending to the people except for election time. The founders’ intention with this principle of automatic recall is clearly stated : “members of Congress must return home, and share in the burdens they may impose and, therefore, private motives will induce them to make mild laws, to support liberty, and ease the burdens of the people.”

In 1913 that all changed. Under the false argument that vacancies created by the automatic recall were a great Their intent was to keep Senators attentive to the people and inconvenience to the efficient function of government, the to keep the people attentive to the Senators. The Letters 17th Amendment was proposed, by a group called the from a Federal Farmer XI, the author (probably Richard Progressives of 1912- led by former president Teddy Henry Lee) explains: Roosevelt. This amendment removed the recall and the appointment process of the Senators by their State “…it is interested combinations and factions we are legislatures and put it to a popular vote of the people on a 6 particularly to guard against in the federal government, and year cycle. The proponents of this amendment championed all the rational means that can be put into the hands of the this as “truly putting the choice of the Senators in the hands people to prevent them, ought to be provided and furnished of the people.” Only through time can we see that the exact for them. Where there is a power to recall, trusty sentinels opposite has happened and the fears of the Federal Farmer among the people, or in the state legislatures, will have a fair and our Founders have come to fruition. The 17th opportunity to become useful…Further the circumstance of Amendment did not give more power to the people, it took such a power being lodged in the constituents, will tend to power away. Now our Senators seem completely unaware keep up their watchfulness, as well as the attention and that their purpose is to represent and protect the interests of dependence of the federal senators and representatives.” their State. Today, most our Senators act like they are just another representative for the people or worse The founders knew that immediate recall would have two representatives of the federal government! Can we ask results: it would force the people to be “eternally vigilant” in ourselves a simple logical question? Why do we have a their watchfulness of the Senate and it would cause the bifurcated Congress if both Houses represent the exact same thing? What could be a greater power than the people spotting corruption and immediately putting an end to it? We hear much talk about term limits today. Why is that? Because we understand exactly what the Federal Page 35 Christian Times Farmer Magazine

stated; men are corrupted by slow degrees and when they sit in DC too long they no longer think of attending to the people. The irony is that we had the ultimate term limits to begin with. I am not opposed to term limits, just to term limits as they are represented in our day. My objections are derived from the results that we have already seen. We have lost that eternal vigilant spirit of the people. Remember, the Federal Farmer stated that the principle behind automatic recall was to keep the people watching DC and DC listening to the people; when the 17th Amendment was ratified, that principle was defeated; the people stopped watching and DC stopped caring about the people. The people were able to fall asleep for 5 years and the Senators were able to not often think of attending to the people, except when necessary to answer private purposes, ie. elections. If experience is the oracle of truth as Alexander Hamilton notes, we should understand that implementing term limits that give people a limit of two terms or more, will allow the American people to sleep for a minimum of 11 years instead of just 5. Politicians will then know they will be out of a job after 12 years. They will have 11 years of unwatched political power to make whatever gains they can, regardless of their responsibility to the people or the Constitution. They will pocket money and form partnerships with lobbyists so they can leave with as much as possible and a guaranteed new political career at the end of 12 years. Never once will they consider their true duty. Finally, term limits are not an example of Liberty, to the contrary they seem to be a kind of “throw the baby out with the bathwater” type of solution. What if a Representative or Senator is truly and exceptionally fulfilling their duty? Term limits say that the people are forbidden to keep that person in their position. They are ultimately removed from office, outside the will of the people, when they have committed no misconduct and have been true defenders of Constitution and Liberty. If we truly want term limits, why wouldn’t we want the term limits that our founders intended; effective elections and recall. We have to stop bouncing around like blind mice trying to find our way. Our founders were such prolific writers, their arguments (on both sides) were so well formulated and plainly discussed. They had such an intimate knowledge of their history that they could give direct warnings that are relevant to any time. Yet, we continue to ignore their warnings and barrel right into the destruction they believed we could avoid. The term limits we were given in this brilliant plan our founders labored over and developed using over 700 years of historical experience are exactly what we need today. Very simply stated we need to: 1. Repeal the 17th Amendment and reinstate automatic recall through the state legislatures – and 2. Become an educated and involved constituency that will refuse to re-elect every politician that is abusing or failing to fulfill their responsibilities, regardless of their party or personalities—or who their opponent may be. Then we have all the TERM LIMITS we need! The liberty solutions are not always the easy solution. But it is always the only solution that will guarantee our children will be free.

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Christian Times Magazine

CHOOSE WISELY IN 2019 By Robert Summers

choices. This New Year will bring opportunities for great breakthrough, as well as ruin and disaster. To avoid the “poor choice” you should follow this proven formula for choosing wisely. It is a handy acrostic on the cautionary word HALT. It is not original with me. But I humbly confess I have learned some painful lessons because I failed to follow the wisdom herein. This HALT rule will help you wisely decide issues in 2019.

You have never been this way before…consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things for you. Joshua 3:4,5 NIV Choices have consequences. Even small, hasty choices may have eternal consequences. In the crucial game of life, man is given picks and options which determine whether he wins or loses. You may not even be aware that your freedom to “do things my way” has a once and for all outcome. But it does. Such a final result is strikingly dramatized in the classic film “Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade. ” The film’s persistent villain rushes into the cavern dwelling of an ancient priest. The bad guy is eager to possess the mystic Holy Grail, the fabled Eucharist cup of Jesus’ Last Supper. This chalice is reputed to hold miraculous powers. Brushing aside the old priest, the Nazi character rushes toward a display of various communion cups. He gleefully spies an ornate, bejeweled cup sitting amid common earthenware vessels. He picks the jeweled one. The instant he imbibes from this shiny chalice, he is smitten. Right before the viewer’s eyes, the drinker begins to decompose in a horrible scene of nuclear style meltdown. Poetic justice! He failed to appreciate the simplicity of Christ. The old priest offers a succinct comment, “He chose poorly.” Indeed he did. Poor choices have poor outcomes.

H stands for Hurry. Never make an important decision when hurried. I’ve learned to tell those who press me, “If you must have an answer today, the answer is No!” Remember Esau. He was hungry. He hurriedly traded away his birthright for soup. He would forever regret it. (Genesis 25:33) A is for Angry. Absolutely do not make a key choice when you are angry! Never! Remember Moses. Ponder his poor decision to strike the rock for water when the Lord instructed him just to speak to the rock. (Numbers 20:11) The rock that followed them has a foreshadowing and a type of Christ, the Rock of Ages. So when angry, halt. Calm down, then pray about it. L is for Lonely. A lonely heart is a candidate for deception. Stay in fellowship. Press into friendships for counsel. Read the story of Samson. His loneliness for companionship, particularly Philistine women, became his downfall. (Judges 16:4) T is for Tired. When we get too tired, we can make dopey decisions. Unfortunately, those choices have a permanent effect. Pray about the matter. Rest on it. Never, never decide big choices when tired. Remember Elijah? He wanted to resign, to give up and die. (1 Kings 19:4) Actually he was just wore out. If Elijah had quit, there never would have been an Elisha who performed many miracles and ministered to kings. The New Year 2019 will bring great opportunities. So be ready. Carefully consider your choices. Choose life so that you and your children may live and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to His voice and hold fast to him. For the Lord is your life… Deuteronomy 30:19 NIV

This serves as a warning about pride and self-serving

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